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How to prepare a local area network

Before you begin the practical task of the network, its necessary to have your plan. In your plan you have to prepare the following things: Prepare the layout or the design of your network: Prepare all the equipments you may need. These equipments include: At least two computers The room Network cables HUB/ SWITH RJ-45 connectors The RJ Crimper (RJ-maker) And etc.

Make network cables.

After you have prepared all the equipments and finished planning phase, you need to start the work. to make a local area network from the scratch you, follow these steps: Step1: a client server network needs at least two computers. One is the server and the others are the clients. First you configure the server computer. Start the computer and go my network places on the desk top.

Step 2: write click on my network places and click properties.

You will see the following picture

Step 3: write click on the local area connection icon and click properties. You will see the following picture.

Step 4: on the list of connections move down the scroll and select the internet protocol (TCP/IP).

Step 5: Click properties. The following picture will be displayed.

Here we can see we have two options. Obtain IP address automatically and use the following IP address. If you choose the upper one obtain IP address automatically, you do not need to enter an IP address. There should be a server or a router that automatically gives you the IP address. But if you choose the lower option use the following IP address, you need to configure an IP address to your network. For example in our network here we have given an IP address manually. Here we have three blank boxes. They are the places where we configure the addresses. We need to give three addresses here. 1- IP address: this is the unique number of this computer. Its the number that all the computers on the network can recognize for this computer. In our case it is: The three first digits tell about the type or class of the network but its the last one that tells about the host (the computer) meaning this is the first computer of the network. 2- Subnet mask: the subnet mask tells about the class of the network. The 255.255.255 means that these first three digits are not changing in this network but only the last digit, the 0 will change through this network. 3- Default gateway: this tells the server that this computer connected to. In our case here since this is the server of the network we dont give an address here.

Step 6: click ok and close the other windows that are open. Here we have finished configuring the server of the network. Following we configure the first client computer on the network.

Step7: go to the client computer and follow the same step as above. There are two things we want to change here: Change the last digit of the IP address and give a new number. Say 2 in our case. Write the default gate way. And its the IP address of the server computer.

Step 8: click ok and then close all the other windows that are open.

Here we have finished configuring first client computer of your network. if you need to make more client computers in your network only you change the IP address and give a new number to each and every computer.

And we all finished creating a local area network.

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