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OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE If possible, please answer each of the following questions. If a question is not applicable to you, please go on to the next question If likely answers are itemised, please tick the most appropriate answer. In some cases we ask you for numbers only and in others we leave space for you to write an answer.. Should there not be enough space for your answers, please include an additional sheet of paper(email). A. 1. STUDY OF CHEMICAL & PROCESS ENGINEERING (CPE) Please, provide information on your study and training Please indicate the following details Year of starting your Bachelors degree Year of completing your Bachelors degree 2. How important were the following factors for your decision to enrol in CPE ? Please respond to each factor on a five-point scale by placing a tick in the appropriate box ( 1 is for very important and 5 is for not important at all). 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of sponsorship/loan
Availability/quality of accomodation Reputation of CPE Practice oriented study program Admission standards and my prior grades Advice by my parents/relatives/sponsor

If other (specify) 3. (a)

Yes No

If you were to be enrolled for undergraduate studies now, would you opt for engineering? (Put a tick where applicable)

(b) If your answer in (a) above is Yes, which programme would you pursue? Chemical and Process Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering Mechanical and Production Engineering Industrial and Textile Engineering

If other (specify) (c) If your answer in (b) above is Yes, please give reason for your option (d) If your answer in (a) above is No, please indicate what are the reasons by ticking to appropriate choice It is a difficult course(great chance of failing)
Not marketable It takes more years to complete

If other (specify)

General Students/Graduates Questionnaire

B. 5. 1


How do you rate the study provision and study conditions you are experiencing? Please rate each of the applicable options on a 5-point scale ( 1 is for very good and 5 is for very bad). 2 3 4 5 Assistance/advice for your final year project
Academic advice offered Teaching quality of lecturers Structure of the programme Testing/grading system of examinations Provision of supervised practical work experience Contacts with fellow students Chance for students to have an influence on university policies Availability of technical equipment(e.g.PC.,measuring instruments,etc.) Quality of equipment of laboratories/workshops Availabilty of learning material Affordability of relevant books in the bookshop Quality of lecture/seminar rooms Quality of laboratories Quality of workshops Provision of furniture in lecture rooms Availability of relevant text books in the library Availability of relevant text books in the bookshops Accommodation facilities on campus Counselling Services Recreation facilities Private study places Availabiilty of ICT facilities Practical Training(PT) placement Adequacy of duties allocated at PT places PT supervision by academic staff PT supervision by industrial supervisors Adequacy of PT allowance Training Workshops Final Year Project


What were the major problems encountered during PT? (Put a tick where applicable) Poor co-operation from workers
Insufficient PT allowaces Poor working environment Lack of safety gadgets and protective gears Poor supervision from the industry

If other (specify)


Suggest measures on how to improve PT (Put a tick where applicable) Good co-operation from workers
Sufficient PT allowances Good working environment Provision of safety gadgets and protective gears Good supervision from the industry PTs to be combined instead of the 3 PTs

If other (specify) 8. Suggest types of training Workshops to be provided? (Put a tick where applicable) Bench
Welding Electronics Building Machine tools Electrical Carpentry Chemical Plumber

If other (specify) 9. What were the major problems encountered during Training Workshops? Lack of safety gadgets and protective gear
Poor working environment Inadequate materials, tools,equipment and teaching aids Shorter training period per workshop Inadequate number of workshop training teaching staff

If other (specify) 10. Suggest measures on how to improve Training Workshops Improve availability of safety gadgets and protective gears
Good working environment Providing adequate materials,tools,equipment and teaching materials Lengthening training period per workshop Increase number of teaching staff in Training Workshops

If other (specify) 11. What were the major problems encountered during Final Year Project? Insufficient time of doing project
Lack of allowance for project Inadequate laboratory equipment and tools Inefficient supervision

If other (specify)

General Students/Graduates Questionnaire


Suggest measures on how to improve Final Year Project Increasing time of doing final years project by reducing number of other final year courses
Provision of allowance for project Improving accessability of laboratory equipment and tools Improving project supervision

If other (specify) C. SOCIO-BIOGRAPHIC DATA Please provide details about yourself in order to enable us to interpret your work biography as accurately as possible. 13. Year of birth


County of birth/residence/... County of birth

County of residence 15. Sex Male


D. 16.


What kind of contacts do you have with the department and how should these contacts be fostered between the department and its graduates? Multiple responses possible Current Suggested contact contact Newsletter
Graduate meetings Formation of alumnia association Stimulation of professional co-operation Assistance regarding profession Convocation

If other (specify) 17. What is the best way of promoting contacts between the university and the graduates? .Click here to enter text.

18. Feedback and dissemination We are going to conduct a stakeholders workshop to give feed and disseminate the findings of our survey by a way of curriculum development. Would you be interested to attend the workshop?
Yes No N/A

Thank you very much for completing the questionnaire.

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