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1. Which of the following countries is a land locked country in south America? a. Ecuador b. Peru c. Uruguay d. Bolivia Ans : d 2.

Canary Islands belongs to a. Norway b. Spain c. New Zealand d. Portugal Ans : b 3. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet a. Mercury b. Venus c. Saturn d. Neptune Ans : c 4. Which of the following planets rotates clock wise? a. Pluto b. Jupiter c. Venus d. Mercury Ans : c 5. A difference of 1 degree in longitude at the Equator is equivalent to nearly a. 101 km b. 111 km c. 121 km d. 125 km Ans : b 6. The earliest known Indian script is a. Mori b. Devanagari c. Brahmi d. Kharosti Ans : c 7. How many times the preamble was amended a. once b. twice c. thrice d. four times Ans : a 8. The term socialist was added in the Preamble by the...amendment a. 40th b. 42nd c. 44th d. 49th Ans : b 9. The state with the lowest population in India is a. Goa b. Tripura

c. Mizoram d. Sikkim Ans : d 10. Which person or organisation received the Nobel Prize three times so far? a. Medame Curie b. Linus Pauling c. Alexender Flemming d. International Committee of the Redcross Ans : d 11. The Finance Commission is appointed for every... year a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 Ans : c 12. Under which five year plan did agriculture show a negative growth? a. 1st plan b. 2nd plan c. 3rd plan d. 4th plan Ans : c 13. Who is the founder of the Capital city of Agra? a. Akbar b. Babar c. Sikinder Lodi d. Mubarak Shah Sayyad Ans: c 14. The first tide generated electricity project was established at a. Vizhinjam, Kerala b. Mangalore, Karnataka c. Paradeep, Orissa d. Vishakapattanam Ans : a 15. National Institute of Oceanography is located in : a. Calcutta b. Chennai c. Mangalore d. Panaji Ans : d 16. The 2004 Olympics were held in : a. Bangkok b. Rome c. Athens d. Nagasaki Ans : c 17. Who headed the committee appointed on Kargil War ? a. Gen. V. P. Malik b. Gen. S. K. Sinha c. K. Subramanyam d. K. C. Panth

Ans : c 18. The C. K. Nayudu Trophy is related to the sport of a. cricket b. Hockey c. Football d. Chess Ans : a 19. New York is situated on the river a. Hudson b. Thames c. Danube d. Tigris Ans : a 20. "The Woman of the Millennium" selected by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a. Margaret Thacher b. Hillary Clinton c. Chandrika Kumaratunga d. Indira Gandhi Ans : d 21. The General Assembly of United Nations meets a. Once a year b. twice a year c. thrice a year d. Once in five years Ans : a 22. The "Common Wealth Games 2002" will be held in a. Toranto b. Manchester c. Tokyo d. Canberra Ans : b 23. All India Radio commenced operations in a. 1926 b. 1936 c. 1945 d. 1947 Ans : b 24. The "Killer Instinct" is written by a. Sulakshan Mohan b. M.K.Santanam c. O.P.Sabharwal d. Subash Jain Ans : c 25. The Secretary-General of UN is appointed by the a. Security Council b. Trusteeship Council c. General Assembly d. World Bank Ans : c 26. Postal Voting is other wise called: a. external voting

b. secret voting c. plural voting d. proxy voting Ans : d 27. The Common Wealth of Independent states (CIS) consists of....republica? a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13 Ans : c 28. Which of the following harbours is considered as the world's finest natural harbour? a. Sydney harbour b. Toronto harbour c. New Jersy harbour d. Singapore harbour Ans : a 29. Who invented Radar? a. Henrey Backquerel b. Max Planck c. Robert Watson Watt d. Humphrey Davy Ans : c 30. Sandal Wood trees are mostly found in... a. Trophical Evergreen Forests b. Tropical most Decidous c. Alpine forests d. Trophical Thorn Forests Ans : d 31. The first country to legalise medically assisted suicide is a. Switzerland b. New Zealand c. USA d. Netherlands Ans : d 31. India's newsprint industry is mainly located in a. Indore b. Dehradun c. Nepanagar d. Nagpur Ans : c 32. The tomb of Babur is at a. Kabul b. Lahore c. Multan d. Larkhana Ans : a 33. The joint session of the two houses is presided by a. the speaker b. the president c. chairman of Rajyasabha d. none of these

Ans : a 34. The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the a. Greeks b. Shakas c. persians d. Kushans Ans : a 35. The Simon Commission was appointed in a. 1927 b. 1928 c. 1929 d. 1930 Ans : c 36. Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union, in the year ? a. 1972 b. 1973 c. 1974 d. 1975 Ans : d 37. Who is the founder of Mahabalipuram ? a. Rajaraja Chola b. Mahendra Varman c. Narsimha Varman d. Narsimha Chola Ans : c 38. The 189th member of United Nations is a. Palau b. Tuvalu c. Soloman Islands d. Nauru Ans : b 39. When was Burma separated from India a. 1947 b. 1942 c. 1937 c. 1932 Ans : c 40. Which of the following country has more than 55,000 lakes? a. Poland b. Denmark c. Finland d. Norway Ans : c 1. High pressure subtropical calm belts known as Horse Latitudes lies between (a) 00 and 150 (b) 200 and 250 (c) 300 and 350 (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) 300 and 350 2. Zimbobwe was formerly known as (a) Rhodesia

(b) Mali (c) Namibia (d) Zanzibar Ans: ( a ) Rhodesia 3. Which of the following pairs is correct ? (a) Bonn Danube (b) Baghdad Tigris (c) Rome Seice (d) Paris Tiber Ans: ( b ) Baghdad Tigris 4. The canal joining Baltic Sea to North Sea is (a) Kiel Canal (b) Suez Canal (c) Panama Canal (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) Kiel Canal 5. Which of the following rivers does not form any delta at its mouth ? (a) Cauvery (b) Mahanadi (c) Godavari (d) Tapti Ans: ( d ) Tapti 6. Srinagar is situated on the bank of the river (a) Ravi (b) Sutlej (c) Jhelum (d) Chenab Ans: ( c ) Jhelum 7. The Shompens are the tribal people of (a) Andaman (b) Nicobar (c) Lakshadweep (d) None of these Ans: ( b ) Nicobar 8. Match the following A. Manas I. Hangul B. Dachigam II. Elephant C. Mudumalai III. Tiger D. Kaziranga IV. Rhinoceros ABCD (a) I II III IV (b) III I II IV (c) II IV III I (d) I III IV II Ans: ( b ) III I II IV 9. In India, Plan holiday was after (a) China-India war of 1962 (b) Draught of 1966 (c) Pakistan war of 1971 (d) Pakistan war of 1965 Ans: ( b ) Draught of 1966

10. Which of the following is not a ?Free Trade Zone? ? (a) Kandla (b) Mumbai (c) Visakhapatnam (d) Trivandrum Ans: ( d ) Trivandrum 11. The least perfect square number which is divisible by 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 is (a) 900 (b) 1600 (c) 2500 (d) 3600 Ans: ( d ) 3600 12. A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes are equal. What is the total number of notes ? (a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 75 (d) 45 Ans: ( b ) 90 13. In an organization, 40% of the employees are matriculates, 50% of the remaining are graduates and remaining 180 are post-graduates. How many employees are graduates ? (a) 360 (b) 240 (c) 180 (d) 300 Ans: ( c ) 180 14. Which of the following writs may be issued to enforce a Fundamental Right ? (a) Habeas Corpus (b) Mandamus (c) Prohibition (d) Certiorari Ans: ( a ) Habeas Corpus 15. A common High Court for two or more States and/or Union Territories may be established by the (a) President (b) Parliament by making law (c) Governor of State (d) Chief Justice of India Ans: ( b ) Parliament by making law 16. Who among the following was the Constitutional adviser to the Constituent Assembly of India ? (a) M. C. Setalvad (b) K. M. Munshi (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) B. N. Rau Ans: ( d ) B. N. Rau 17. During the period of Renaissance, the new style of architecture first developed in (a) Italy (b) France (c) England (d) Germany

Ans: ( a ) Italy 18. The Barrah dacoity was the first major venture of the revolutionary terrorists of the freedom movement in (a) The Madras Presidency (b) Punjab (c) Bombay-Karnataka (d) East Bengal Ans: ( d ) East Bengal 19. Who among the following were popularly known as Red Shirts ? (a) Congress Socialists (b) Members of Azad Hind Fauj (c) Khudai Khidmatgars (d) People led by Rani Gaidinliu Ans: ( c ) Khudai Khidmatgars 20. The State in India having dry season for only 3 to 4 months every year is (a) West Bengal (b) Kerala (c) Mizoram (d) Himachal Pradesh Ans: ( c ) Mizoram 21. Which of the following is correctly matched ? (a) Gulbarga Karnataka (b) Midnapur Gujarat (c) Wardha Madhya Pradesh (d) Cochin Tamil Nadu Ans: ( a ) Gulbarga Karnataka 22. U Thant Award is given for (a) Contribution to east-west understanding (b) Community leadership (c) Social service (d) Journalism Ans: ( c ) Social service 23. Bishop Desmond Tutu is the native of (a) South Africa (b) Cuba (c) Tanzania (d) Zambia Ans: ( a ) South Africa 24. The first electric railway was opened in (a) 1853 (b) 1885 (c) 1905 (d) 1925 Ans: ( d ) 1925 25. Machael Ferreira is associated with which of the following games ? (a) Chess (b) Snooker (c) Golf (d) None of these Ans: ( b ) Snooker 26. The Lord of Rings : The Return of the King? won Oscar award in how many categories ?

(a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 12 Ans: ( c ) 11 27. As per Census 2001, which of the following States has the lowest density of population ? (a) Manipur (b) Meghalaya (c) Nagaland (d) Mizoram Ans: ( d ) Mizoram 28. Which of the following is the latest Tank ? (a) Akash (b) Prithvi (c) Arjun (d) Bhim Ans: ( c ) Arjun 29. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched ? (a) Encephalitis Brain (b) Colitis Colon (c) Hepatitis Liver (d) Jaundice Throat Ans: ( d ) Jaundice Throat 30. Which of the following type of clothes is manufactured by using petroleum products ? (a) Rayan Silk (b) Terelyne (c) Nylon (d) Cotton Ans: ( c ) Nylon 31. The function of haemoglobin in the body is (a) Transport of oxygen (b) Destruction of bacteria (c) Prevention of anemia (d) Utilization of iron Ans: ( a ) Transport of oxygen 32. Which disease is more common among agricultural workers as compared to urban population ? (a) Lung?s disease (b) Cirrhasis of liver (c) Hookworm infection (d) Cancer Ans: ( c ) Hookworm infection 33. Biological fixation of nitrogen occurs most commonly in which of the following crops ? (a) Pulses (b) Rice (c) Wheat (d) None of these Ans: ( d ) None of these 34. Which one of the following grows under the tree ? (a) Cabbage (b) Bengal gram (c) Peanuts (d) Castor

Ans: ( c ) Peanuts 35. Which of the following is an example of a plant that bears seeds but not fruits ? (a) Cotton Plant (b) Peepal tree (c) Eucalyptus tree (d) Pine tree Ans: ( c ) Eucalyptus tree 36. Radioactive element which has been found to have large reserves in India is (a) Uranium (b) Thorium (c) Radium (d) Plutonium Ans: ( b ) Thorium 37. The image formed on the retina of a human eye is (a) Real and upright (b) Real and inverted (c) Imaginary and upright (d) Imaginary and inverted Ans: ( b ) Real and inverted 38. In increasing sequence, the major elements present in the human body are (a) Calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus (b) Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur (c) Calcium, iron, sodium, sulphur (d) Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron Ans: ( a ) Calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus 39. A light sensitive compound used in photography is (a) Silver chloride (b) Silver sulphide (c) Silver bromide (d) Silver oxide Ans: ( c ) Silver bromide 40. Protective foods in our diet are (a) Fats and vitamins (b) Carbohydrates and minerals (c) Vitamins and minerals (d) Proteins and carbohydrates Ans: ( d ) Proteins and carbohydrates 41. The ancient name of Bengal was (a) Kamrupa (b) Vasta (c) Gauda (d) Vallabhi Ans: ( c ) Gauda 42. Ahilyabai was the queen of (a) Gwaliar (b) Malwa (c) Jaipur (d) Bijapur Ans: ( a ) Gwaliar 43. Morish traveler, Ibn Batutah, came to India during the time of (a) Ala-ud-din Khalji

(b) Firuz Shah Tughluq (c) Balban (d) Muhammed-bin-Tughluq Ans: ( d ) Muhammed-bin-Tughluq 44. The relics of Indus Valley Civilisation indicates that the main occupation of the people was (a) Agriculture (b) Cattle rearing (c) Commerce (d) Hunting Ans: ( c ) Commerce 45. The Mahabalipuram temples were built by the king of Dynasty (a) Gupta (b) Chola (c) Pallava (d) Kushana Ans: ( c ) Pallava 46. The first telegraph line between Calcutta and Agra was opened in (a) 1852 (b) 1853 (c) 1854 (d) 1855 Ans: ( b ) 1853 47. The first discourse of Buddha in Sarnath is called (a) Mahabhiniskraman (b) Mahaparinirvana (c) Mahamastakabhisheka (d) Dharmachakrapravartan Ans: ( d ) Dharmachakrapravartan 48. The political and cultural center of the Pandyas was (a) Vengi (b) Madurai (c) Kanchipuram (d) Mahabalipuram Ans: ( b ) Madurai 49. What is the correct chronological order of the dynasties in which they invaded India ? 1. Huns 2. Kushanas 3. Aryans 4. Greeks (a) 4, 3, 2, 1 (b) 3, 4, 2, 1 (c) 4, 2, 3, 1 (d) 3, 4, 1, 2 Ans: ( b ) 3, 4, 2, 1 50. Who wrote Mitakshara, a book on Hindu law ? (a) Nayachandra (b) Amoghvarsa (c) Vijnaneswara (d) Kumban Ans: ( c ) Vijnaneswara 61. The black hole theory was discovered by (a) S. Chandrasekhar (b) Har Gobind Khorana

(c) C.V. Raman (d) S. Ramanujan Ans: ( a ) S. Chandrasekhar 62. The main contribution of the Chola dynasty in the field of administration lies in (a) Systematic provincial administration (b) A well planned revenue system (c) A well organized central government (d) An organized local self government Ans: ( d ) An organized local self government 63. Who founded the philosophy of Pustimarga ? (a) Chaitanya (b) Nanak (c) Surdas (d) Ballabhacharya Ans: ( d ) Ballabhacharya 64. Which of the following battles changed the destiny of a Mughal ruler of India ? (a) Haldighati (b) Panipat II (c) Khanua (d) Chausa Ans: ( b ) Panipat II 65. The Vedas contain all the truth? was interpreted by (a) Swami Vivekanand (b) Swami Dayanand (c) Swami Shraddhanand (d) S. Radhakrishnan Ans: ( b ) Swami Dayanand 66. Babur entered India for the first time from the west through (a) Kashmir (b) Sind (c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan Ans: ( b ) Sind 67. Which was the first among the following ? (a) Doctrine of Lapse (b) Subsidiary Alliance (c) Permanent Settlement (d) Double Government Ans: ( d ) Double Government 68. The name of Lord Cornwallis is associated with the (a) Dual government (b) Maratha wars (c) System of subsidiary (d) Permanent settlement Ans: ( d ) Permanent settlement 69. Sir Charles Wood?s Despatch of 1854 delat with (a) Administrative reforms (b) Social reforms (c) Economic reforms (d) Educational reforms Ans: ( d ) Educational reforms

70. The sea route to India was discovered by the (a) Dutch (b) English (c) Portuguese (d) French Ans: ( c ) Portuguese 71. Which of the following pairs is correct ? (a) Ashvaghosa Vikramaditya (b) Banabhatta Harshvardhan (c) Harisena Kanishka (d) Kalidasa Samudragupta Ans: ( b ) Banabhatta Harshvardhan 72. 4th July, 1776 is important in world history because (a) Battle of Plassey started (b) Sea route to India was discovered (c) English King Charles II was executed (d) American Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence Ans: ( d ) American Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence 73. Rowlatt Act was passed in the year (a) 1917 (b) 1919 (c) 192 (d) 1923 Ans: ( b ) 1919 74. Communal electorate in India was introduced through which of the following acts ? (a) 1909 (b) 1919 (c) 1935 (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) 1909 75. Abhinav Bharat was organized by (a) Bhai Parmanand (b) Khudiram Bose (c) Vir Savarkar (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Vir Savarkar 76. On 22nd December, which of the following places has the largest day and shortest night ? (a) Melbourne (b) Moscow (c) Madrid (d) Chennai Ans: ( a ) Melbourne

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