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Rich Appearance Maker

Quick start guide

Armprime Industry

1- Icon list You can navigate between icons with W-A-S-D keys. 2- Empty icon Use right button of your mouse to use the default icon of the PS3. 3- Background board You can with this board navigate between your static and dynamic backgrounds. 4- Open software menu.

5- Theme menu You can change the information of the theme, font, color, sounds, and web cursors. You can load a project. Save icon : With right button you can save as and left button overwrite. Compile icon : Right button for compile type and left button for compile the theme.

Compiler settings Compile a theme requires a P3T compiler. Compile a dynamic theme requires a DDS to GTF converter, and a RAF compiler. All of this is provided by the Sonys PS3 SDK.

4- Country information Information about the theme depending on the country specified on the PS3. There is the theme name, the URL of the website, the author, type and version of the theme.

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1- Preview image Image which show you how is the theme before install it on the PS3. 2- Theme icon Icon of the theme. 3- Author icon Icon of the author.

Cursors Click for change picture. Text box allow you to choose the pointer location of the picture.

Color and font Choose the font type and the color of your theme. Color Changing will change with time.

Sounds Double click on a line for play/stop sound. Right click for remove sound.

Compilation results Allow you to choose if you want get a theme or/and a coldboot.

Animation editor Animation editor is the interface which will allow you to make dynamic backgrounds. There is a Camera, two Lights, 3D Objects (DAE), Textures (DDS/JPG), Actors (Entities) and a Script.

Camera Camera is the point of view of your dynamic background in the space. You can change its parameters, its position and its direction. Its name is Camera (useful for script use).

Ambient light You can change the name of the ambient light and its color. For not use it, uncheck the check box.

Point light PS3 theme allows the use of one only point light. You can change its name, color, intensity, position and direction. For not use it, uncheck the check box.

Script For program your dynamic theme, you have to use the PSJS programming language, a fusion of JavaScript and PS3 libraries. Right click allow you to compile your script and check if your script is right or wrong. This is not powerful because a part of that is made by the PSJS compiler.

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