r5310302 Hydraulic Machinery and Systems

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Code No: R5310302

III B.Tech I Semester(R05) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY AND SYSTEMS (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. A rectangular plate weighing 60N is suspended vertically by a hinge on the top horizontal edge. The center of gravity of the plate is 110mm from the hinge. A horizontal jet of water 200mm diameter whose axis is 140mm below the hinge impinges normally on the plate with a velocity of 5m/s. Find the horizontal force applied at the center of gravity to maintain the plate in the vertical position. Find the alternation of the velocity of the jet, if the plate is deected through 300 and the same force continues to act at the center of gravity of the plate. [16] 2. An outward ow reaction turbine has internal and external diameters of the runner as 0.6m and 1.2 m respectively. The guide blade angle is 150o and velocity of ow through the runner is constant and equal to 4m/s. If the speed of the turbine is 200 r.p.m., head on the turbine is 10 m and discharge at outlet is radial, determine (a) The runner vane angles at inlet and outlet (b) Work done by the water on the runner per second (c) Hydraulic eciency (d) The degree of reaction. [16]

3. Dene the terms unit head, suction specic speed, unit power, unit speed and unit discharge with reference to a hydraulic turbine. Also derive expressions for these terms. [16] 4. (a) Dene slip, negative slip and coecient of discharge of a reciprocating pump. (b) A single acting reciprocating pump has a plunger diameter of 25cm and stroke of 35 cm. If the speed of the pump is 6 rpm and it delivers 16.5 liters per second of water, nd the theoretical discharge, coecient of discharge, the slip and the percentage slip of the pump. [8+8] 5. (a) Under what headings, the centrifugal pumps are classied. (b) Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well under a total head of 156 m. Also the pumps are identical and are running at 1000 r.p.m. The specic speed of each pump is given as 20 while the rated capacity of each pump is 150 litres/s. [6+10] 6. A one-fth scale model of pump was tested in a laboratory at 1000 r.p.m. the head developed and power input at the best eciency point were found to be 8 m and 30 kW respectively. If the prototype pump has to work against a head of 25 m, determine its working speed, the power required to drive it and the ratio of the ow rates handled by the two pumps. [16] 7. (a) The diameters of xed ram and xed cylinder of an intensier are 8 cm and 20 cm respectively. If the pressure of the water supplied to the xed cylinder is 300 N/ cm2 , nd the pressure of the water owing through the xed ram. (b) An accumulator has a ram diameter of 250 mm a lift of 8 m. the total weight on accumulator is 70 kN. The packing friction is 5% of the load on the ram. Find the power delivered to the machine if ram falls through the full height in 100 sec and at the same time the pumps are delivering 0.028 m3 /s through the accumulator. [6+10] 8. (a) A pipe line of length 2000 m is used for power transmission. If 110.3625 kW power is to be transmitted through the pipe in which water having a pressure of 490.5 N/ cm2 at inlet is owing. Find the diameter of the pipe and eciency of transmission if the pressure drop over the length of pipe is 98.1 N/ cm2 . take f = 0.0065. (b) Find the maximum power transmitted by a jet of water discharging freely out of nozzle tted to a pipe of 300 m long and 100 mm diameter with co-ecient of friction as 0.01. The available head at the nozzle is 90 m. [10+6]

Code No: R5310302 III B.Tech I Semester(R05) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY AND SYSTEMS (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

Max Marks: 80

1. A metal plate 20cm 20cm and 1cm thick is hung so that it can swing freely about upper horizontal edge. A horizontal jet of water 2 cm in diameter strikes with its axis perpendicular and 5 cm below the edge of hinge and keeps it steadily inclined at 300 to the vertical. Find the velocity of jet required. Take specic weight of plate as 75.54kN/m3 . [16]

2. (a) Draw a neat diagram of a reaction turbine and explain its working. State the equations for power produced and eciency. (b) Explain any two types of draft tubes with neat diagrams. [8+8]

3. What are the characteristic curves of a hydraulic turbine? How are they useful to a practical engineer? How are small scale models useful in obtaining these curves for a proposed turbine of a hydroelectric installation? [16] 4. (a) Explain in brief, how and when separation of ow takes place in a reciprocating pump. Discuss the preventive measures usually adopted for eective reduction of separation in such a pump. (b) Why a reciprocating pump is called positive displacement pump. [8+8]

5. (a) What do you mean by manometric eciency, mechanical eciency and overall eciency of a centrifugal pump. (b) A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118 m3 /s at a speed of 1450 r.p.m against a head of 25 m. The impeller diameter is 250 mm, its width at outlet is 50 mm and manometric eciency is 75%. Determine the vane angles at the outer periphery of the impeller. [8+8]

6. (a) Why are centrifugal pumps used sometimes in parallel and sometimes in series? Draw the following characteristic curves for a centrifugal pump: Head, power and eciency versus discharge with constant speed. (b) Dene cavitation? What are the eects of cavitation? Give the necessary precautions against cavitation. [10+6] 7. The diameter of ram of a jigger of the crane is 30 cm and velocity ratio of the crane is 5 : 1. the length of supply pipe from accumulator = 150 m and its diameter is 5 cm. the pressure in the accumulator = 54 bar. Friction on ram and pulley is equivalent to a pressure of 4.9 bar. Take f = 0.01. Find the relation between the load W (kN) lifted and speed of lifting V (m/s). Find V when W = 50 kN. [16]

8. (a) The rate of ow of water through a pipe of length 1500 m and of diameter 800 mm is 2 m3 /s. At the end of the pipe, a nozzle of outside diameter 200 mm is tted. Find the power transmitted through the nozzle if the head of water at the inlet of the pipe is 180 m and f = 0.01 for pipe. (b) The pressure at the inlet of a pipe is 7 MN/m2 . The length of the pipe line is 15 km. Find the diameter of the pipe required if 74 kW power is to be transmitted. Find the of transmission also. [8+8]

Code No: R5310302

III B.Tech I Semester(R05) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY AND SYSTEMS (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. A water jet when strikes a symmetrical moving blade which is moving with a velocity of 15 m/sec is deected through an angle of 1500 . The quantity of water issued through a nozzle of 25 cm2 is 0.1m3 /sec. Find the power developed and velocity of water leaving the blade. [16] 2. An inward ow reaction turbine discharges radially and the velocity of ow is constant and equal to the velocity 1 of discharge from the turbine. Show that the hydraulic eciency is given by h = . (with ususal 1 tan2


2 1 tan tan


3. Explain how the best performance curve can be obtained with the help of characteristic curves of a reaction turbine. If the turbine has to work at a given head and develop given power at maximum eciency, how this curve can be used to determine the running speed, gate opening, discharge and eciency. [16] 4. The length and diameter of a delivery pipe of a single acting reciprocating pump are 30 m and 10 cm respectively and water is delivered by the pump to a tank which is 20 m above the centre of the pump. The pump has a plunger of diameter 15 cm and a stroke length of 35 cm. The atmospheric pressure head is 10.3 m of water and pump is running at 35 r.p.m. Determine (a) Pressure head due to acceleration at the beginning of the delivery stroke. (b) Pressure head in the cylinder at the beginning of the suction stroke. (c) Pressure head in the cylinder at the beginning of the delivery stroke. 5. (a) Under what headings, the centrifugal pumps are classied. (b) Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well under a total head of 156 m. Also the pumps are identical and are running at 1000 r.p.m. The specic speed of each pump is given as 20 while the rated capacity of each pump is 150 litres/s. [6+10] 6. The diameter of a centrifugal pump, which is discharging 0.03 m3 /s of water against a total head of 20 m is 0.40 m. The pump is running at 1500 r.p.m. Find the head, discharge and ratio of powers of geometrically similar pump of diameter 0.25 m when it is running at 3000 r.p.m. [16] 7. (a) A hydraulic lift is required to lift a load of 98.1kN through a height of 12 m, once in every 100 seconds. The speed of the lift is 600 mm/s. Determine: i. power required to drive the lift, ii. working period of lift in seconds, and iii. idle period of the lift in seconds. (b) What is hydraulic intensier? Explain its principle and working. [10+6] [16]

8. (a) A nozzle is tted to a pipe 120 mm in diameter and 250 m long, with co-ecient of friction as 0.01. If the available head at the nozzle is 100 m nd the diameter of the nozzle and the maximum power transmitted by a jet of water discharging freely out of a nozzle. (b) Derive an expression for the power transmission through the pipes. Find also the condition for maximum transmission of power and corresponding eciency of transmission. [8+8]

Code No: R5310302

III B.Tech I Semester(R05) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY AND SYSTEMS (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A stationary vane having an inlet angle of zero degree and an outlet angle of 250 receives water at a velocity of 40m/s. Determine the components of force acting on it in the direction of jet velocity and normal to it. Also nd the resultant force in magnitude and direction. (b) If the vane stated above is moving with a velocity of 18m/sec in the direction of jet, calculate the force components in the direction of the vane velocity and across it, also the resultant force in magnitude and direction. Calculate the work done and horse power developed. [8+8] 2. (a) Draw a neat sketch of a Propeller turbine and how does it dier from that of a Kaplan turbine. What is the necessity of the stay vanes in a spiral casing? (b) What is a Surge tank? With the help of a illustrative sketch, explain the working of the surge tank following a sudden change in load on turbine shaft. [8+8] 3. Dene cavitation. What factors aect occurrence of cavitation in turbines. What measures are to be taken to prevent it? If cavitation were to occur, at what locations the cavitation damage is likely to take place. [16] 4. Explain indicator diagram, considering the eect of acceleration and friction in suction and delivery pipes along with necessary diagrams. Derive an expression for the work done per second in case of single acting reciprocating pump. [16] 5. A three stage centrifugal pump has impeller 40 cm in diameter and 2.5 cm wide at outlet. The vanes are curved back at the outlet at 30o and reduce the circumferential area by 15%. The manometric eciency is 85% and overall eciency is 75%. Determine the head generated by the pump when running at 12000 r.p.m and discharging 0.06 m3 /s. Find the shaft power also. [16] 6. (a) What do you understand by characteristic curves of a pump? What is the signicance of the characteristic curves. (b) Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well under a total head of 89 m. All the pumps are identical and are running at 800 r.p.m. the specic speed of each pump is given as 25 while the rated capacity of each pump is 0.16 m3 /s. [8+8] 7. (a) The water is supplied at the rate of 3000 liters per minute from a height of 4 m to a hydraulic ram, which raises 300 liters/minute to a height of 30 m from the ram. The length and diameter of the delivery pipe is 100 m and 70 mm respectively. Calculate the eciency of the hydraulic ram if the co-ecient of friction f= 0.009. (b) The pressure intensity of water supplied to an intensier is 20 N/cm2 while the pressure intensity of water leaving the intensier is 100 N/cm2 . The external diameter of the sliding cylinder is 20 cm. Find the diameter of the xed ram of the intensier. [10+6] 8. (a) A nozzle is tted to a pipe 120 mm in diameter and 250 m long, with co-ecient of friction as 0.01. If the available head at the nozzle is 100 m nd the diameter of the nozzle and the maximum power transmitted by a jet of water discharging freely out of a nozzle. (b) Derive an expression for the power transmission through the pipes. Find also the condition for maximum transmission of power and corresponding eciency of transmission. [8+8]

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