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How Freemasons Work

by Stephanie Watson

Inside This Article

Introduction to How Freemasons Work

Modern Freemasonry

The Question of Religion and the Brotherhood

Masonic Traditions

Anti-Masonic Fervor

Lots More Information

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George Washington was one. So were Benjamin
Franklin, Paul Revere and Henry Ford. All of these
illustrious and influential men were Freemasons (or
Masons) -- privileged members of the world’s oldest
and largest fraternity.
Though it boasts 5 million members worldwide, the
Freemasons are an enigmatic society. Freemasons say
they are nothing more than a brotherhood of like-
minded individuals who meet regularly for spiritual and
intellectual enlightenment. Conspiracy theorists see
them as a secretive underground movement bent on
world domination.
In this article, we’ll take a look inside the world of the Photo courtesy of College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences, University of Florida
Freemasons. We’ll discover where they originated,
George Washington in
separate the truth from the conspiracy theories and
traditional Masonic dress.
find out what really goes on during their rituals.
Legends of Knights and Kings
Ask five different people for the origins of the Freemasons and you may get five
different explanations. Some say they descended from the ancient Druids. Others link
them to the Isis-Osiris cult in ancient Egypt. Still others claim they were an order of
Jewish monks called the Essenes, who formed in the 2nd century B.C.
According to some Masonic scholars, the Freemasons trace their roots to the building
of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem in 967 B.C., an event which was described in
the biblical Book of Kings. In the story, the builders of the temple were the original
stonemasons, and the forefathers of today’s Freemasons. The legend centers on the
master builder—a man named Hiram Abiff—who claimed to know the secret of the
temple. One day, three men kidnapped Abiff and threatened to kill him if he didn’t
reveal that secret. When he refused to talk, Abiff was murdered. After learning of the
killing, King Solomon ordered a group of Masons to search for Abiff’s body and bring
back the secret of the temple. The men were
unsuccessful, so the King established a new
Masonic secret. His secret is believed to be the
word “Mahabone,” meaning “the Grand Lodge
door opened,” which is now the password used
to enter the third degree of Masonry.
The Freemasons also have been connected with a
mysterious order called the Knights Templar. These
knights were monks who took up arms in 1118 A.D.
in order to protect Christian pilgrims traveling from
Jaffa (a port city in Israel) to Jerusalem. According
to legend, the Knights Templar discovered the
greatest treasure in history buried in the ruins of
King Solomon’s temple. The Knights became rich
—so rich, in fact, that they were the targets of envy
and suspicion. In 1307, King Philip IV of France
had all of the Knights Templar arrested so that he
could take possession of their great wealth. What
happened to the Knights after their imprisonment Photo courtesy of The Roman Breviary

remains a mystery, but some say they went into King Solomon
hiding and continued their work in secret, only to
reemerge in Europe during the 1700s as the modern
Freemasons. (There is even a theory that the Knights, in

Public Domain
A Knight Templar
their desire to seek vengeance on King Philip IV, had a hand in starting the French
These stories lend a dramatic flair to the Freemasons’ history, but a more credible
explanation for the brotherhood’s birth can be found in the Middle Ages. At that time, Masons
were stone workers hired by kings and churches in England, Scotland and France to build
great castles and cathedrals. Two kinds of Masons existed at the time—those who worked
with ordinary stone were called “rough masons.” Those who carved more intricate designs
into softer stone, called “freestone,” were named “freestone masons” or “free masons” (the
two words were later combined to form the title, “Freemason”). The Freemasons enjoyed a
monopoly of sorts because of their special skill, and wanted to keep it that way. They
established trade guilds to discuss their craft and fair wages. They founded lodges where
they would eat and keep their tools. And they developed secret handshakes, code words and
other signs to distinguish one another from the rough masons.

Modern Freemasonry
By the 1700s, the Freemasons had evolved from a trade guild into an organization of men
with a very distinct philosophy. They favored religious tolerance over the strict dictates of the
Catholic Church, and they enjoyed intellectual discourse with their brothers. Freemasonry
was becoming highly fashionable, and its membership was changing. While at first only
“operative,” or working Masons could join the organization, aristocrats and artists, called
“speculative” Freemasons, were starting to gain entry. They were turning the Freemasons
into something of a gentleman’s club.

The modern Freemasons were born in 1717, when four Freemason lodges in London,
England combined to form the first Grand Lodge, which had authority over all other lodges in
that country. Grand Lodges soon followed in Ireland, Scotland and Italy, and by the 1730s
they had popped up throughout Europe. In 1723, a Scottish Freemason named Dr. James
Anderson wrote the “Constitutions of the Freemasons,” the first official set of bylaws and
rituals for the group. Some men believed that the Freemason rituals held the secrets of the
universe, passed down directly from God.

Public Photo courtesy

Domain Plymouth Lodge - A.F & A.M.
Masonic Lodge in Aylesbury, Old Masonic Grand Lodge,
England. Boston 1895.
Although the Freemasons were very pleased with the society they had created, not everyone
shared their enthusiasm. Both the government and the church were suspicious of the
organization’s secrecy and liberal religious beliefs. In 1737, King Louis XV banned the
Freemasons in France. A year later, Pope Clement XII forbade Catholics from becoming
Freemasons on penalty of excommunication, and the Portuguese government made
Freemasonry punishable by death.
Freemasons Arrive in the New World
With all of the controversy surrounding the Freemasons in Europe, it was no surprise that
they would want to seek out friendlier shores. In the 1700s, the Freemasons came to
America and set up lodges in Boston and Philadelphia (although they remained under the
control of an English Provincial Grand Master). In 1731, Benjamin Franklin joined the
Philadelphia lodge, and he became its Master three years later. George Washington was
initiated as a Freemason in 1752.
As the fledgling nation was preparing to throw off the shackles of British rule, the
Freemasons were reportedly stirring the fire of revolt. A story exists that Freemasons were
among the dozens of men who, dressed as Native Americans, boarded three British ships in
Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773 and dumped hundreds of crates of tea into the water,
setting off the American Revolution. Whether Freemasons actually were involved in the
Boston Tea Party is a matter of some speculation, but there is no doubt that they were
among the signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the United States

Photo courtesy of The Digital Cultures Project: A University of California Multi-Campus

Research Group
The Boston Tea Party

After the Revolution, the American Freemason lodges broke from their British forebears and
reorganized under state Grand Lodges. Although these lodges were never centralized under
any formal authority, they recognized each other as mutual fraternities. Two different forms of
Masonry came to exist in America—the Scottish Rite (following English traditions), and the
York Rite (following French traditions).
The Shriners
In 1870, a new organization formed out of the Freemasons, which
was called “The Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine,”
or the “Shriners.” The Shriners are the highest order of Freemasons.
To become a Shriner, a man must reach the 33rd degree in the
Scottish Rite order, or the 13th degree (also called the Knights
Templar degree) in the York Rite order. The Shriners are known for
• signature red fezzes - a tribute to the organization’s Arabic heritage
• fun attitude - they are often clowns in circuses and parades
• great philanthropy - Shriners hospitals around the country provide
free care to children

Photo courtesy of Posen Chamber of Commerce

A Shriner rides in a parade.

At the turn of the 20th century, the Freemasons were 860,000 members strong. By the
1930s, there were more than two million Masons in the United States, and their numbers
continued to grow.
The Question of Religion and the
Many people wonder whether the Freemasons are a religious organization. Although they
claim to be no more religious than any Rotary Club or other social organization, their rituals
do have strong spiritual overtones.

Photo courtesy of York Rite

The Book of Sacred Law on display.

People of all religions are free to join the Freemasons, and religion is never overtly
discussed during meetings. However, every member must profess a belief in a universal
Supreme Being, whom the Freemasons refer to as the “Great Architect of the Universe.” As
is the case with most religions, Masons are expected to be morally upright individuals.
Members swear oaths to the Book of the Sacred Law, which, depending on the Lodge, can
be the Jewish Old Testament, the Christian New Testament or even the Islamic Koran.

Freemasons and the Church

Despite their belief in a Supreme Being and their staunch morals,
the Freemasons have never held favor with the Catholic Church,
most likely because they rejected Catholic teachings. A number of
Popes condemned the practice and excommunicated any Catholic
who entered the brotherhood. In 1884, Pope Leo XII referred to
Freemasonry as the “kingdom of Satan.”

Entering the Brotherhood

Given the clandestine nature of the Freemasons, it’s not surprising that they give careful
consideration before admitting new members. To join, a man must fill out a petition and
obtain two sponsors within the Lodge. He will then be voted in by secret ballot. Potential new
members are asked whether they believe in God, and they must answer “yes” to be
admitted. Although they don’t have to be wealthy, members must have enough money to pay
membership fees and to make the regular charitable donations that are expected of all

Women in the Freemasons

The Freemasons refer to themselves as a “brotherhood,” and for
good reason -- women are not allowed to join. Women were
excluded from the group in the 1700s, in part because the
Freemasons were afraid the fairer sex would distract them from the
tasks at hand and would reveal their secrets. There are a few
incidences in which women were admitted, such as Elizabeth
Aldworth, who in the early 1700s was inducted into a lodge in
England after she was caught eavesdropping on a meeting. Today,
there are a few women’s groups that are connected to the
Freemasons, such as the Order of the Eastern Star.

New Freemasons start out as Entered Apprentices. During the initiation ceremony, the
Freemasons recount the building of King Solomon’s Temple and the murder of Hiram Abiff.
The new member is blindfolded and confronted by three men, who order him to reveal the
Freemasons’ secrets. He swears he will not tell, and then pretends to die and be resurrected
into Masonry.
Freemasons must then rise through two more degrees, Freecraft Mason and Master Mason,
after they have become proficient in the lessons of the previous degree. As a member rises
through the degrees, he becomes privy to more and more of the Freemasons’ secrets.
After completing the Master Mason degree, a member can reach the Supreme Order of the
Holy Royal Arch, at which time the name of the Great Architect of the Universe is finally
revealed to him. The name is reportedly Jahbulon—Jah for Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews;
Bul for Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god who was considered evil for competing with
Jahweh for the Israelites’ allegiance; and On for Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the
Photo courtesy of Jahrundert
Freemason initiation ceremony, 18th century.

Freemasons at each level swear never to reveal the Freemasons’ secrets. The punishments
for doing so become progressively more severe with each successive level. An Apprentice
Mason’s tongue is torn out; a Freecraft Mason’s heart is torn out; a Master Mason’s bowels
are burned; and a Royal Arch has the top of his skull sliced off (many Masons dispute this
claim, however, saying that their rites are nowhere near this sinister).
Although most Freemasons never progress past level three, there are 33 degrees in total
(the York Rite includes only the first 13 of these levels):

33 Degrees of the Freemasons

1. Entered 12. Grand Master 23. Chief of the
Apprentice Architect Tabernacle
2. Fellow 24. Prince of the
13. Royal Arch of Enoch
Craft Tabernacle
3. Master 14. Scottish Knight of 25. King of the Brazen
Mason Perfection Serpent
4. Secret 15. Knight of the Sword,
26. Prince of Mercy
Master or of the East
5. Perfect 27. Commander of the
16. Prince of Jerusalem
Master Temple
6. Intimate 17. Knight of the East
28. Knight of the Sun
Secretary and West
18. Knight of the Pelican
7. Provost and Eagle and Sovereign
29. Knight of St. Andrew
and Judge Prince Rose Croix of
30. Grand Elected Knight
8. Intendant of
19. Grand Pontiff Kadosh, Knight of the
the Building
Black and White Eagle
9. Elect of 20. Venerable Grand 31. Grand Inspector
Nine Master Inquisitor Commander
10. Elect of 32. Sublime Prince of the
21. Patriarch Noachite
Fifteen Royal Secret
11. Sublime 33. Grand Inspector
22. Prince of Libanus
Elect General

Masonic Traditions
The foundations of Freemasonry are the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. Members
are expected to believe in God, engage in morality, practice philanthropy and abide by the
laws of the country in which they live. Although the purpose of their meetings is for
intellectual discussion, any mention of politics or religion is prohibited.

The Freemasons are composed of groups called Lodges, which swear their allegiance to a
Grand Lodge or Grand Orient (there is usually one in each state). Each Lodge must be
officially chartered by the Grand Lodge, and receive a name, number and title. Individual
Lodges maintain their own set of bylaws. Members of each Lodge have their own secret
passwords, handshakes and signs to recognize one another.

Photo courtesy of Raleigh Lodge 770-Memphis

An inside look at a Masonic Lodge
Officers of the Lodge include a Master (referred to as “Worshipful Master”), a Senior Warden
(who helps the Master with his duties and takes over when the Master is away), a Junior
Warden (who ensures that visiting Masons have the correct credentials), a Treasurer (who
collects dues and pays the Lodge’s bills), a Secretary (who records meeting minutes and
handles other administrative duties), a Senior Deacon (who guides visitors and new
members into the Lodge), and a Junior Deacon (who serves as messenger of the lodge).
Depending on the Lodge, there also may be an Inner Guard (who guards the door), Chaplain
(who leads prayers), Director of Ceremonies (who ensures that the rituals are being
performed appropriately), and Organist. The Master, who is elected via ballot vote, must
ensure that the Lodge is abiding by its bylaws.
The icons of Freemasonry are highly symbolic. The primary symbol is the square and
compass surrounding the letter “G.” The G represents God (or, alternately the sacred
geometry of the original operative Masons), the square encourages members to square their
actions with all men, and the compass stands for creating boundaries in life. The
Freemasons wear a distinctive apron decorated with these emblems of the organization.

Anti-Masonic Fervor
Given the secretive nature of the Freemasons, it’s no surprise that numerous conspiracy
theories about the group have emerged over the years. Theorists have accused the Masons
of everything from satanic worship to playing a role in the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. Some claim that the lower ranks of the organization are just a front for the highest-
order Freemasons, who they say are involved in plots to control the world’s governments and
financial institutions.

Throughout their history, the Freemasons have been the object of suspicion. They were
thought to have provoked both the French and American Revolutions (in conjunction with the
Illuminati), and were accused of having committed several murders.

Freemasons and the Illuminati

The Freemasons have been confused with many mysterious sects
over the years, from witches to the Rosicrucians (a spiritual group
that arose during the 17th century). But perhaps the strongest
association that has been made was with a secret society called
the Illuminati. Founded by German professor Adam Weishaupt
during the 1700s, the Illuminati believed that both religions and
governments were corrupt. They wanted to abolish both institutions
to create a New World Order. To accomplish this mission,
Weishaupt joined up with the Freemasons in Bavaria. Although the
two groups shared liberal religious views, the Freemasons did not
support Weishaupt’s radical plot. Eventually, the Bavarian
government forced the Illuminati to disband, but members
reportedly carried on as part of other organizations, and some
believe they continue to pursue their mission with the Freemasons
Anti-Masonic fervor reached its peak in the United
States in 1826, when a former Freemason named
William Morgan wrote a book entitled “Freemasonry
Exposed.” The book reportedly revealed many secrets
about the group. In response, three Freemasons
abducted Morgan and took him to the Canadian
border. What happened next is a matter of debate.
One story tells the abductors drowned Morgan in the
Niagara River. Another claims he escaped across the
border to live the remainder of his life in Canada.
Despite the lack of clear evidence in the case, the
event sparked great anger against the Freemasons,
whom many Americans viewed as murderers. A
national anti-Masonic movement took root, complete
with its own newspapers and political party. The
Photo courtesy of Grand Lodge of British Columbia and
Freemasons suffered great membership losses as a Yukon
result. The number of Lodges in New York dropped Willie Morgan, author of "Freemasonry
from 480 in 1825 to 75 just 10 years later. A similar Exposed."
decline in membership echoed throughout the country.
It wasn’t until the nation became preoccupied with the Civil War that the Freemasons once
again began to gain popularity.
In reality, there is no real factual basis to any of the conspiracy theories against the
Freemasons—from the suggestion that the Masons designed the Washington, D.C. street
grid in the shape of a pentagram (a sign of the occult), to the idea that they were somehow
involved with the Jack the Ripper murders in 19th century London. But as long as the
Freemasons continue to cloak themselves in a veil of secrecy, the questions -- and
accusations -- about them will likely continue.
For lots more information on Freemasons and other related topics, check out the links on the
next page.
Famous Freemasons
Some of the most powerful and influential men in history have been
Freemasons. Here are just a few of them:
• George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman,
Ronald Reagan (conferred title of "Honorary Scottish Rite Mason")
- U.S. Presidents
• Benjamin Franklin - United States founding father and inventor
• Paul Revere - American patriot
• Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister
• John Jacob Astor - Financier
• Henry Ford, Walter P. Chrysler, Ransom E. Olds - Car
• James C. Penney - Founder of JC Penney department stores
• David Sarnoff - Radio and TV executive
• Louis B. Meyer, Darryl F. Zanuck - Film studio heads
• W.C. Fields, Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Clark Gable, Oliver Hardy,
John Wayne - Actors
• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, John Philip Sousa, Irving Berlin,
George M. Cohen - Composers
• Harry Houdini - Magician
• Charles Lindbergh - Aviator
• John Glenn - Astronaut

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