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hl hh


U0I H0Cy LdI. - 3
|0SSllSLdIS JldIy - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b
H0CS d0 YlOIdlS. - b
0dIZO Y0S /000d YlOIdl - - - - . - . - - - - - - . - 11
YlOIdlSO H0C 0ll0OIS ..................... 1Z
YOdlS |I0B YlOIdlS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - 1b
ldCl YdlC .. - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - 1U
|IOCl00S d0 Od0l0l 0OS. - ZU
H0C d0 YlOIdl U00llOS - - - - - . - - - - .. - - . - - - . - - . - Z4
|lIO00I H0CS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zb
Ow H0CS |I0B Ul0 - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - 3U
H0CS 1d dO - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - - - - - . 34
d0OII000 |dlIyld0S - - - - - . - . - - - - - . - - - . . - - - 3b
LdI YdS bIOd 0IO00SO - - - - - - . - - . - - - . - - - 3b
ldC b0l00dl d0 Ull - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - . - - 4Z
H0CS |I0B U0 0 1lS H0Il0. . . 44
O d H0C d000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - . - - - 41
U|LN L0hl hh UU|

OCKSD O8fy D 8fD D8S K O fCOfO S
lODg DlSOfy. L8fD WDf O lD0 8flCUl8f fOCKS 8DU
y PllC lCD N8flD 8DO fD8 NOffS 8fKf
llUSf8O Dy 8yRODO flR8D, OR UDDlDgOD, 8DO ORfS
WCStCtn |ublShnQ LOmny, lnC. HCnC, WSCOnSn
|llUS\f3\lOHS OH 3O 4 fOR 1mL LP11m
P L1LP1 1L1LmL1L COyflH\ 1U41, 1UU Dy m3fOf 1OW UDlSHOfS, |HC.
WHOlO Of IH 3f\ lH 3Hy OfR. fIH\OO IH 1.. P.
Lur Kocky arth
bis Oi_ 08ttb Ol OUts is Ohi0By tOOK.
POOV0 Wh8t W0 O8l its sUtl8O0 th0t0 is 8
O8nK0t Ol 8it, OUt it is tbin OOmQ8t0O
Witb tb0 _t08t tOOKy O8 it sUttOUnOs.
NOt0 tb8n tWO-tbitOs Ol th0 08tths sUt-
l8O0 is OOV0t0O Witb W8t0t, OUt tb0 O00Q-
0st O00Q Oltb0 s08 m08sUt0s Ony 8OOUt
s0V0n mi0s, Wbi0 tb0 08ttb m08sUt0s
n08ty R, mi0s in O0Qtb ltOm s08
0V0 tO tb0 O0nt0t.
L8y in 8nO O8y OUt, yOU m8y nOt s00
mUOb 0ViO0nO0 tb8t tb0 08ttb is OUit
mOsty OltOOk. LlOOUts0, ilyOU iV0 in 8
t0_iOn Ol bi_b mOUnt8ins, yOU 8t0 8mOst
sUt0 tO s00 _t08t tOOKy OiBs 8nO Q08Ks.
n m8ny t0_iOns, bOW0V0t, l8tms, B0Os,
lOt0sts, tO8Os, Oiti0s, 8nO tOWns OOV0t tb0
tOOks O0n08tb tb0m. UUt yOU m8y O0
sUtc tbut, nO muttct wb0t0 _OU 8t0 On
tb0 08ttb, yOU wOUO OOm0 tO sOiO tOOk
il yOU OOUO Oi_ OOWn l8t 0nOU_b.
tOO8Oy tb0 Oi__in_ WOUO t8K0 yOU
Btst tbtOU_b 8 8y0t Ol tb0 OtOK0n-UQ
tOOK W0 O8 sOi. b0n yOU mi_bt OOm0
tO 8y0t 8H0t 8y0t Ol tOOK Ol OiB0t0nt
KinOs, lOt tb0 tOOK OUt OlWbiOb tb0 08ttb
is OUit is nOt 8 tb0 s8m0. h0t0 8t0
OO20ns OlOiB0t0nt tOOKs. bOm0 tOOKs 8t0
t0O, sOm0 _t00n, sOm0 _t8y, sOm0 OtOWn,
sOm0 O8OK, sOm0 Wbit0, 8nO sOm0 8
miXtUt0 Ol OOOts. bOm0 tOOKs 8t0 OU,
Otb0ts _Ossy. bOm0 l00 smOOtb, Otb0ts
8t0 tOU_b tO tb0 tOUOb. bOm0 OtUmO0
08siy, Otb0ts 8t0 V0t_ b8tO.
N8ny Q0OQ0 Ol 8nOi0nt Lt00O0 O0-
i0V0O tb8t 8 _t08t _i8nt, Pt8s, b0O tb0
08ttb 8nO sKy On bis sbOUO0ts. M0 b8O
tO OO tbis 8s QUnisbm0nt lOt b8Vin_ Ois-
OO0y0O th0 _OOs. P _i8nt WOUO b8V0 tO
O0 V0ty QOW0tlU inO00O tO bOO UQ tb0
w0i_bt Ol tb0 c8Fh!
b0 W0i_bt Ol 8 tb0 08ttbs tOOK is
butO tO imu_inc. Ll OOUtsc, tbc c8ttb
O8nnOt O0 w0i_bcO On 8 Ou8nOc. bOicn-
tists b8V0, bOW0V0t, O00n 8O0 tO B_Ut0
wbut it W i_bs. s yOU O8n s0c ltOm tb0
QiOtUt0, it W0i_bs miiOns Ol miiOns Ol
miiOns OltOns.
b0t0 8t0 stOti0s Ol ttiQs tO tb0 O0nt0t
Ol tb0 08ttb, OUt tb0t0 b8V0 n0V0t t08y
O00n 8ny sUOb ttiQs. n l8Ot, nO On0 b8s
0V0t O00n 8O0 tO _O mOt0 tb8n 8 tiny
Q8tt Ol tb0 W8y tO tb0 08ttbs O0nt0t. P
tb8t is knOWn 8OOUt tb0 insiO0 Ol tb0
08ttb b8s OOm0 ltOm tb0 Us0 Ol insttU-
m0nts OlV8tiOUs KinOs. bOi0ntists QiOtUt0
8t tb0 O0nt0t 8 sOiO, int0ns0y bOt inn0t
OOt0 m8O0 mOsty Ol niOK0 8nO itOn. t is
8 itt0 bi__ct tb8n tbc mOOn. Jbc innct
OOt0 is sUttOUnO0O Oy 8 iQUiO OUt0t OOt0
tb8t is nOt QUit0 sO bOt. b0 OUt0t OOt0 is
in tUtn sUttOUnO0O Oy 8 tbiOk, t0O-bOt
8y0t Ol sOiO tOOk O8l0O tb0 m8nt0.
bUttOUnOin_ tb0 m8nt0 is tb0 08ttbs
OtUst, Ot OUI0t 8y0t.
0uler c0re
b0 08ttb s OtUst is V0ty tbin OOmQ8t0O
Witb tb0 m8nt0 8nO th0 OOt0s. l tb0
08ttb OOUO O0 sQU0020O OOWn tO !b0 si20
Ol8 Q08Ob, tb0 OtUstWOUO O0 nO tbiOk0t
tb8n 8 Q08Obs tbin skin. n sOm0 Q8O0s,
tb0 OtUst is Ony tbt00 mi0s tbiOk, 8nO
nOWb0t0, sO l8t 8s W0 knOW, is it mOt0
tbun lOtty mi0s. P tb0 tOOk sQcOm0ns
QiOtUt0O in tbis OOOk, 0XO0Qt tbOs0 ltOm
tb0 mOOn 8nO OUt0t sQ8O0, 8t0 Oits Oltb0
Otust Ol tbc c8ttb.
J0 OiViOn_ in0 O0tW00n tb0 08ttb s
OtUst 8nO tb0 m8nt0 is O80O tb0 NObO.
t W8s n8m0O 8H0t tb0 _0OO_ist PnOti] 8
NObOtOViOiO. Vb0n stUOyin_ 08ttbQU8K0
W8V0s in VV, b0 OO8t0O tb0 8OtUQt
Ob8n_0 O0tW00n tb0 tOOks Ol tb0 OtUst
*= M
8nO tbOs0 O0OW. bOi0ntists WOUO iK0
V0ty mU0b tO 0X8min0 tb0 tOOKs O0OW
tb0 NObO. LOin_ sO WOUO t0V08 m8ny
Ol tb0 s0Ot0ts nOW biOO0n in tb0 08ttb.
POt On_ 8_O, 8n 8tt0mQt W8s m8O0 tO
Oti OOWn lOt s8mQ0s Ol m8nt0 tOOK.
b0 8tt0mQt W8s

O80O tO]0Ot NObO0.

LV0n tbOU_b 8 Q8O0 W8s ObOs0n in tb0
8OiBO LO08n Wb0t0 tb0 OtUst is Ony 8
l0W mi0s O00Q, tb0 QtO] 0Ot b8O tO O0
_iV0n UQ. Ltiin_ OOWn 0V0n 8 l0W mi0s
0 l8t tOO 0XQ0nsiV0.
b0 08ttb isV0ty OO-8OOUt R7t OiiOn
y08ts OO, sOi0ntists O0i0V0. n tb8t On_,
On_ stt0tOb Ol tim0, _t08t Ob8n_0s b8V0
t8K0n Q8O0. NOst Ol Wb8t sOi0ntists
KnOW 8OOUt tbOs0 Ob8n_0s b8s OOm0
ltOm stUOyin_ tb0 tOOKs Ol thc 08ttbs
OtUst. V0 O8n tbinK Oltb0 tOOKs 8s 8 sOtt
Ol Oi8Q tb0 08tth h8s K0Qt tO t0OOtO th0
m8ny Oh8n_0s tb8t h8V0 _On0 On. b0t0
b8V0 O00n Q0OQ0 On tb0 08ttb lOt Ony 8
sbOtt tim0, 8s tim0 _O0s in tb0 08ttbs
On_ bistOty, 8nO tb0 tim0 OUtin_ WbiOb
Q0OQ0 b8V0 K0Qt Wtitt0n t0OOtOs is Ony
u l0W !bOUs8nO y08ts. bO W0 mUst t08O
mOst Ol tb0 08ttbs s!Ot_ ltOm its tOOks.
b0 QiOtUt0 O0OW sU__0sts sOm0 Ol
tb0 W8ys tb0 08ttb b8s Ob8n_0O sinO0 it
W8s yOUn_. Ot miiOns 8nO miiOns Ol
y08ts, tb0 _iV0-8nO-t8K0 b8s O00n _Oin_
On O0tW00n 8nO 8nO s08. V8t0t b8s
OtOK0n UQ tOOKs 8nO O8Hi0O tb0 Qi0O0s
tO tb0 s08. VbO0 mOUnt8in t8n_0s b8V0
O00n WOH OOWn. Pt tb0 s8m0 tim0, n0W
8nO b8s O00n m8O0 ltOm tb0 tOOK t0lUs0
OUmQ0O intO tb0 s08. POtiO0 tb8t sOm0
Ol tb0 Qi0O0s Ol tOOK in th0 QiOtUt0 8t0
mUOb 8t_0t tb8n Otb0ts. h0 sm80t
Qi0O0s th0 stt08m O8tti0s Wilb it 8s it
tUsh0s 8On_ s0tV0 0B0Oti0 in Ot08Kin_
UQ 8t_0t Qi0O0s. Pt th0 88m0 tim0, lh0
sh8tQ 0O_0s Ol th0 sm80t Qi0O0s 8t0
WOtn OB, 8nO tb0 Qi0O0s O0OOm0 0V0n
sm80t, smOOtb, 8nO tOUnO0O-Q0OO0s.
HOOKs 8sO t0 stOti0s Ol Ob8n_0s

OtOU_bt 8OOUt Oy WinO 8nO W8V0s,

08tthQU8K0s, 8nO VOO8niO 0tUQtiOns. Ln0
Ol tb0 mOst int0t0stin_ stOti0s tb0y t0 is
tb0 stOty Oltb0 iVin_ tbin_s OlQ8st 8_0s.
b0 tt8O0s OliVin_ tbin_s lOUnO in tOOKs
8t0 O80O lOssis. V0 WOUO KnOW nOtb-
in_ 8OOUt tb0 OinOs8Uts Ot m8stOOOns
Ot bU_0 Bsb-i28tOs Ot lOX-t0tti0t-si20O
bOts0s il it W0t0 nOt lOt lOssis lOUnO in
tb0 tOOKs.
Lunl Yullure
re Y0lf
o8s8Larlhs ary
bOm0 tWO milliOn y08ts 8_O, 8 tim0
O8ll0O th0 O0 P_0 O0_8n. PmOn_ its
8nim8ls W0t0 _i8nt VUltUt0s, m8mmOths,
s8D0ttOOths, 8nO Oit0 WOlV0s. P tb0s0
8nim8ls h8V0 Ois8QQ08t0O, OUt W0 KnOW
8OOUt th0m 8nO Otb0ts Ol th0 tim0 ltOm
lOssis tb8t b8V0 O00n lOUnO.
bOm0 Ol tb0 O0st O0 P_0 lOssis OOm0
lIOm tb0 H8nObO L8 BI08 t8I Qits in LOs
Pn_0l0s. M0t0 stiOKy t8I OO20O UQ lIOm

O0lOW 8nO lOtm0O QOOls. PH0t t8ins,

W8t0t OOV0t0O th0 t8t. Pnim8ls W8O0O
OUt tO OtinK, 8nO th0 h08Vi0t

On0s O0_8n
tO sink. bUOh m08t 08t0ts 8s th0 Oit0 WOl
8nO th0 s8O0ttOOth O8m0 tO l00st On th0
tt8QQ0O 8nim8ls, 8nO th0y in tUtn W0t0
O8U_bt. LI8OU8y tb0 OOOi0s Ol 8 tb0
tI8QQ0O 8nim8s W0t0 OUti0O in tb0 t8t.
Jb0 sOH Q8Its O0O8y0O, 8nO Ony tb0
OOn0s 8nO t00tb W0I0 0lt. bOUs8nOs Ol
y08ts 8t0t, m0n Oi__in_ inlO lh0 t8t,
WhiOh h8O On_ sinO0 h8tO0n0O, lOUnO 8
tt08sUt0-bOUs0 Ol lOssi OOn0s 8nO t00th.
b0 lOssi ins0Ot QiOtUt0O W8s tt8QQ0O
in mUOb tb0 s8m0 W8y. t W8s stUOK in
th0 _Um Ol 8n 8nOi0nt 0V0t_t00n tt00,
8nO th0 _Um h8tO0n0O tO 8mO0t.
h0 Q0ttiB0O WOOO shOWn OOKs iK0
lb0 8OlU8 ttUnK Ol 8 tt00, OUt th0t0 is
t08y nO WOOO 8t 8 in it. Ps th0 tt00
ttUnK 8y OUti0O in mUO 8nO

8nO th8t in
tim0 tUtn0O tO sOiO tOOK, W8t0t mOVin_
thtOU_h Ot8OKs 8nO QOt0s in th0 tOOK
_t8OU8y tOOK 8W8y th0 WOOO, Q8ttiO0
Oy Q8tliO0, 8nO 0H min0t8ls in its Q8O0.
Pt 8st nO WOOO t0m8in0O; th0 tt00 ttUnK
O O00n Q0ttiB0O-Oh8n_0O tO stOn0.
N8ny lOssi OOn0s 8nO sh0s 8sO 8t0
Q0ttiB0O. Llt0n th0 Oti_in8l h0tO Q8tt Ol
th0 OOn0 is sti Qt0s0nl, Wilh Ony th0
sOll0t Q8tt t0Q8O0O.
h0 ttiOOil0 lO8si is 8 O8st. P ltiOOit0
Oi0O 8nO W8s OOV0t0O With mUO 8t th0
OOttOm Ol th0 s08. ts OOOy O0O8y0O,
l08Vin_ ]Ust its sh8Q0 8s 8 O8Vily, Ot
mOO. bOH mUO lOUnO its W0y intO lh0
O8Vity. UOtb th8t mUO 8nO mUO tOUnO
8OOUt h8tO0n0O mtO tOOK. Vh0n th0
tOOK W8s Ot8OK0O OQ0n On_ 8H0tW8tO,
th0 O8st Ol th0 ttiOOit0 W8s lOUnO.
L8y0ts Ol im0stOn0 8t0 _OOO hUntin_
_tOUnOs lOt lOssis. bOm0 im0stOn0 is
m8O0 8lmOst 0ntit0y Ol sh0s O0m0nt0O
lO_0th0t. YOU O8n s00 s0V0t8 lOssis Ol
sb0s in tb0 im0stOn0 QiOtUt0O.
pelrheU w00U
Vh0n 8 08l is OUti0O in mUO, it UsU-
8y Ois8QQ08ts OOmQ0t0y. UUt in sOm0
O8s0s, th0 O8tOOn in it is 0H in th0 sQ8O0
Wh0t0 th0 08lOnO0 W8s, lOtmin_ 8 lOssi.
tV0n thOU_h miiOns 8nO miiOns Ol
lOssis h8V0 O00n lOUnO, th0t0 8t0 sti
m8ny _8Qs in th0 stOty Ol 8BOi0nt il0.
NOst Ol th0 Q8nts 8nO 8nim8s Ol th0
Q8st Oi0U WithOUt l08Vin_ 8ny tt8O0s O0-
binO th0m. bOi0ntists 8t0 8W8ys W8tOh-
in_ lOt lOssis tb8t Wi B tb0 _8Qs.
u ern
f088l 1r0ble
f088l n8ecl n umber
f088l 8hel8
nk elU8pur
Kocks and
HOCKS 3Ic m3Uc O mIncI3S. NOSl
cI3S, 3 cW O Onq Onc. hc COmmOn
IOCK _I3uIlc IS m3Uc O lhIcc. n lhc
_I3nIlc SQcCImcn QICluIcU, Il IS c3Sq lO
lc lhc mIncI3S 3Q3II. hc lhIcc 3Ic
Qu3IlZ, QInk !cUSQ3I, 3nU D30k mIC3.
HOCK S3l IS 3 Onc-mIncI3 IOCK. hc
mIncI3 IS h3Ilc. hc 0OmmOn IOCKS
ImcSlOnc 3nU S3nUSlOnc, lOO, 3Ic 3I_cq
Onc-mIncI3 IOCKS. hc mIncI3 O Imc-
SlOnc IS C3CIlc, 3nU lh3l O S3nUSlOnc IS
Qu3IlZ. b3nUSlOnc IS OImcU O _I3InS O
S3nd CcmcnlCd lO_clhcI. l lhc _I3InS 3Ic
Sm3 DIlS O Qu3Il2, 3S lhcq uSu3q 3Ic,
3nU I lhc Ccmcul hOUIn_ lhcm lO_clhcI
IS Qu3Il2, dS Il m3y Dc, lhc S3uUSlOnc IS
culIIcy Qu3Il2. hc S3nU m3q, hOWcVcI,
Dc hcU lO_clhcI Dy SOmc OlhcI mIncI3.
LVCu lhc _IdIuS O S3nU m3y uOl 3 Dc

Qu3IlZ. n SOmc S3nUSlOncS, 3l c3Sl Q3Il
O lhc _I3InS O S3nU 3Ic cUSQ3I.
n m3nq C3ScS, Il IS nOl c3Sq lO Scc lhc
UIHcIcnl mIncI3S In 3 IOCk. hc DIlS O
lhc V3IIOuS mIncI3S m3q Dc SO Sm3 3nU
SO Wc mIXcU lh3l lhc IO0k OOkS lO Dc
m3Uc O 3 SIn_c mIncI3. hc IOCk S3lc,
OI IuSl3nCc, uSu3q UOcS nOl ShOW lh3l
Il IS 3 mIXluIc O mIncI3S.
Ikc 3 m3lcII3S On lhc c3Ilh, mIncI-
3S 3Ic m3Uc O Onc OI mOIc O lhc
ChcmIC3 ccmcnlS. hcIc 3Ic 3 cW mOIc
lh3n 3 huuUIcU ccmculS. bOmc 3Ic
COmmOn, OlhcIS I3Ic. PS 3 8hOIl W3y Ol
lcIn_ Wh3l lhIn_S 3Ic m3Uc O, SCIcnlISlS
uSc SqmDOS lO Sl3nU OI lhc ccmcnlS. M,
OI cX3mQc, Sl3nUS OI lhc Sm3cSl QdI-
lICc, OI 3lOm, O hyUIO_cn, WhIc L
Sl3nUS OI lhc Sm3cSl Q3IlICc, OI 3lOm,
O OXy_cu. NIncI3S 3Ic cIlhcI SIn_c
ccmcnlS [_OU, OI InSldnUc, IS mdUc O
Ony Onc KInU O dlOm) OI UOmQOunUS
lhdl IS, mdUc O mOIc lhdn ODc KInU O
dlOm, OI clcmcnl, ]OIncU lO_clhcI. P
UOmQOunU hdS d OImud. Dc OImud
OI WdlcI, Onc O lhc UOmmOncSl UOm-
QOunUS, IS M_L. hc OImuld lcS uS
lhdl In WdlcI lhcIc dIc lWIUc dS mdny
dlOmS O hyUIO_cn dS O OXy_cn. LVcIy
mIncId hdS IlS OImud.
LVcIy mIncIdl QIUluIcU In lhIS DOOK IS
m3Uc O Onc OI mOIc O lhc lWcnly-nInc
ccmcnlS ISlcU DcOW. hc ccmcnlS
m3IKcU WIlh 3n 3SlcIISK 3Ic lhc cI_hl
mOSl UOmmOn In lhc c3IlhS IOUKy UIuSl.
0mc ym

O 0mc ym

PlumIuum Pl NdugducSc Nu
dIIum d NcIUuIy Mg
cIyllIu c LXygcn L
LdlUIum L8 1OldSSIum
LhlOIIuc L bIVcI Pg
LDIOmIum LI bOUIum d
LOQQcI Lu buuI b
luOIIuc IlduIu I
LOlU Pu uugSlcu
MyUIOgcu M \IduIum
IOn c ZIn0 Zn
NdgucSIum Ng
yOu lOOK dl SOmc _IdInS O ldDc Sdl
lhIOu_h d md_nIyIn_ _dSS, yOu WI Scc
lhdl lhcy dIc lIny UuDcS. hc UuDcS dIc
UIySldS. hcy dIc IKc lhc hdlIlc UIySld
QIUluIcU. dDc Sdl IS d QuIc OIm O lhc
mIncId hdIlc. NOSl mIncIdS OUUuI dS
UIySl3S. hc UQSldS lhcy lOIm dIc Dy nO
mc3nS dl UuDcS, dS lhc QIUluIcS ShOW.
hc ShdQc O d UIySld IS d Uuc dS lO
Whdl mIncId Il IS. ul OI lhc Uuc lO Dc
O muUh hcQ, yOu hdVc lO KnOW Whdl
ShdQcS UIHcIcnl mIncIdS ldKc dS UIySldS.
(r0Ck 8ull)
KeU Lurnel
L0mm0n 0b[ec!8 lhul cun be u8eU
l0 le8l hurUne88 0f mnerul8
U8ng u 8lreuk plule
NIucIdS UIHcI _cdly Iu hdIUucSS. P
mIucIdS hdIUucSS, lhcIcOIc, IS d hcQ Iu
IUculIyIu_ Il. Dc NODS SUdlc IduKS lcu
mIucIdS Iu h3IUucSS. umDcI l Iu lhc
SUdc IS ldU. umDcI Z IS _yQSum.
LjQSum IS h3IUcI lhdu ldU Dul uOl 3S
hdIU dS UdUIlc, uumDcI J Iu lhc dUUcI.
uOIIlc Iu luD IS hdIUcI lhdu UdUIlc,
duU SO Ou lO UIdmOuU, lhc hdIUcSl O d
NIucId UcSUIIQlIOuS dlWdyS lc hdIU-
ucSS. yOu IcdU lhdl d mIucId h3S 3
hdIUucSS O !, yOu KuOW lhdl Il IS
hdIUcI lhdu QudIl2 Dul uOl dS hdIU dS
lOQd2. IlS h3IUucSS IS Z, Il IS DclWccu
_yQSum duU 3UIlc.
Puy mIucI3l WI SUIdlUh duOlhcI O
lDc Sumc Ol cSScI hdIUucSS. Ilh SQcUI-
mcuS O lhc mIucIdS Iu lhc NOhS SUdc,
yOu U3u lcSl lhc h3IUucSS O 3 mIucId
lh3l yOu W3ul lO IUculIy. hc QIUluIcS

L0runUum-V. ~

N0H9 H0tU099 t00
ShOW SOmc UOmmOu dIlIUcS lhdl dIc O-
lcu uScU IuSlc3U. P Du_cIudI hdS d hdIU-
ucSS O Z:, d Qcuuy d h3IUucSS O J. hc
D3IUucSS O lhc DdUc O 3 QOUKclKuIc IS
3DOul J, 3uU lhdl O 3 _OOU Slcc Dc IS
O, uOl QuIlc lh3l O Qu3Il2.
buQQOSc yOu DdVc Wh3l, IOm IlS Duc
_Iccu UOlOI, yOu lhIuK m3y Dc luIQuOISc.
XOu DuU, IOm d l3Dc OI 3 mIucI3 Uc-
SUIIQlIOu, lDdl luIQuOISc I3lcS O Iu D3IU-
ucSS. yOuI SQcUImcu Udu Dc SUI8lUDcU
WIlD d Qcuuy,qOu KuOW yOu 3Ic WIOu_.
hc SlIcdK 3 mIucI c3VcS Whcu
IuDDcU Ou uu_l32cU QOIUc3Iu IS 3uOlhcI
hcQ Iu IUculIyIu_ mIucI3S. (hc uuUcI-
SIUc O d _d2cU DdlDlOOm lIc OI lc3 lIc
WI UO.) hc SlIcdK m3y uOl Dc lhc
S3mc UOOI 3S lhc mIucI3 IlSc. I3SSy
qcOW Uh3UOQyIIlc, OI InSl3uCc, c3VcS 3
_IccuISh D3UkSlIc3k. hcSlIc3kO_Iccn-
ISh D3Uk hOIuDcnUc IS 3 COOIcSS Onc.
|uarfzfhe Nosl bundanf Nnera
Lt5l0lllne w00tfz
Kock LQlu
tOO8Oy yOU h8V0 h08tO, m8ny tm0s
O0lOt0, Ol mOst Ol th0 0_ht OOmmOn0st
00m0nts n th0 08tths OtUst-thOs0 Wth
8n 8st0tsk n th0 st On Q8_0 V. Ln0,
hOW0V0t, 0V0n thOU_h t s th0 s0OOnO
mCst OO
mOn On0, m8y O0 n0W tO yOU.
t s sOOn. YOU O8n O0 sUt0 th8t yOU
h8V0 n0V0t s00n t, lOt sOOn s nOt
lOUnO Oy ts0l. t s 8W8ys n d OOm-
QOUnO. Ln0 t08sOn sOOn s sO Q0ntlU
s th8t t s 8 Q8tt OlQU8tt2, th0 OOmmOn-
0st mn0t8 n th0 08tth s Otust. h0
lOtmU8 lOt QU8tt2 s bL_, shOWn_ th8t
QU8tt2 8sO OOnt8ns OXy_0n, th0 Ony
00m0nt mOt0 OOmmOn th8n sOOn n
th0 08tths OtUst.
L8Ch Olth0 sQ0Om0ns QOtUt0O On ths
Q8_0 s QU8tt2. Ps yOU s00, QU8tt2 OO0s
nOt 8W8ys OOk th0 s8m0. n m8ny Ol
th0 sQ0Om0ns, sOm0 OOOtn_ m8tt0t h8s
lOUnO ts W8y ntO th0 QU8tt2.
bOm0 Ol th0 sQ0Om0ns shOW 8t_0
s0Q8t8t0 Otyst8s. n sOm0 th0 Otyst8s
shOW O08ty OUt 8t0 OtOWO0O tO_0th0t.
n lOUt sQ0Om0ns, th0 Otyst8s 8t0 tOO
sm8 tO Oc sccn. Jhcsc sQcCmcns 8Ic
O80O OtyQtOOtyst8nc (`hOO0n Otys-
t8) QU8tt2.
QU8tt2, yOu t0m0mO0t, s On0 Ol th0
mn0t8s n OOth _t8nt0 8nO s8nOstOn0.
t s 8 Q8tt Ol m8ny Oth0t tOOks, tOO.
bue uurlz
Nky uurlz
MUUen Lt5f0l w00tfz
U0O8Us0 t s sO h8tO, tny Otyst8s Ol t
8Ic cH Whcn mc IOOk s bIOk0n tO Ots
Oy WnO 8nO W8V0s 8nO tUnnn_ W8t0t.
h0 tny QU8tt2 Otyst8s 0H 8t0 s8nO.
hnkn_ Ol 8 th0 s8nO m th0 08tths
O0s0tts 8nO On ts s08shOt0s Wlh0lQ yOU
tO t0820 hOW OOmmOn ths mn0t8l s.
l l
Nnera8lhe Kock buder8
JUst 8s Ony 0_ht 00m0nts 8t0 th0
Oh0l OUOn_ OOOKs Ol mn0t8s, sO 8t0
Ony 8 OO20n Ot sO mn0t8s th0 Oh0l
OUOn_ OOOKs Ol tOOKs. Ln0, Ol OOUts0,
s QU8tt2. h0 QOtUt0s On th0 n0Xt tht00
Q8_0s shOW sOm0 Oth0ts.
NO8 8nO l0OsQ8t yOU 8t08Oy KnOW
8s mn0t8s th8t h0Q tO m8K0 UQ _t8nt0.
h0 n8m0s Ol th0s0 mn0t8s 8t0 t08y
thOs0 Ol mn0t8 _tOU
s, Ot l8m0s,
t8th0t th8n Ol sn_0 mn0t8s. h0 mO8
n th0 _t8nt0 QOtUt0O 08t0t s OOtt0.
h0 l0OsQ8t s OtthOO8s0.
UOtt0 s OH0n O80O O8OK mO8, 8nO
mUsOOVt0 s O80O Wht0 mO8. Y08ts
8_O, Wh0n m8ny Q0OQ0 h08t0O th0t
hOUs0s Wth OO8 stOV0s, Wht0

mO8 W8s
Us0O lOt tt0 WnOOWs n th0 stOV0
OOOts, 8OWn_ th0 _OW Ol th0 OUtnn_
OO8 tO shn0 thtOU_h. NUsOOVt0 OOUO
O0 Us0O n ths W8y nOt Only O0O8Us0 t
l Z
O8n st8nO sUOh h08t OUt 8sO O0O8Us0 t s
08sy sQt ntO V0ty thn sh00ts.
LK0 mUsOOVt0, 8 mO8s O8n O0 sQt
ntO thn sh00ts. h0y 8t0 sOH 0nOU_h tO
O0 sOt8tOh0O Wth 8 Bn_0tn8. POn0
08V0s 8 OOOt0O stt08K. YOU shOUO O0
8O0, WthOUt 8ny OmOUlty, tO QOK OUt
sQ0Om0ns OlmO8 n 8 tOOK 8nO mn0t8
h0 mO8s OOnt8n sOOn 8nO OXy_0n,
Ust 8s QU8tt2 OO0s, OUt th0y OOnt8n
8UmnUm, 8s W0. h0 l0OsQ8ts OOnt8n
th0 s8m0 tht00 00m0nts. Ps Wth th0
mO8s, nOn0 08V0s 8 OOlOt0O stt08K On
Un_820O QOtO08n.
h0 l0OsQ8ts 8t0 sO mUOh 8k0 th8t
sOm0 _0OO_sts OOnsO0t th0m On0 mn-
0t8. Vh0n thOU_ht Ol 8s Ust 8 sn_0
mn0t8, l0OsQ8t s mUOh th0 OOmmOn0st
On0 n th0 08tths OtUst-l8t mOt0 OOm-
mOn 0V0n th8n QU8tt2. l 8 th0 l0OsQ8t
n th0 08tths OtUst shOUO sUOO0ny Os-
8QQ08t, mUOh Ol th0 OtUst WOUO Os8Q-
Q08t Wth t.
LtthOO8s0 s nUmO0t O n th0 NOhs
h8tOn0ss sO80. bOm0thn_ Wth th0 h8tO-
n0ss Ol 8 st00 h0 Ot 8 Q0O0 Ol QU8tt2 s
n00O0O tO sOt8tOh t.
PUmO0t J n th0 sO80 s O8Ot0. Ps
yOU knOW, m0stOn0 s m8d0 Ol O8Ot0.
JUst thnKn_ Ol 8 th0 m0stOn0 n th0
08tths OtUst h0Qs yOU s00 Why O8Ot0
t8nks h_h 8s 8 tOOK OUO0t. h0 mn0t-
8s lOtmU8 s L8LL_. t t0s yOU th8t
O8Ot0 OOnt8ns th0 00m0nts O8OUm,
O8tOOn, 8nO O\_0n.
Ltyst8s OlO8Ot0 8t0 OOmmOn 8nO 8t0
Ol s0V0t8 OB0t0nt sh8Q0s. n 8 V8t0ty
O80O OO_tOOth sQ8t, 08Oh OQst8 OOm0s
tO 8 sh8tQ QOnt. h0 O8Ot0 QOtUt0O s 8
V8t0ty O80O O08nO sQ8t. Vh0n yOU
OOK 8t 8n OO0Ot thtOU_h O08nO sQ8t,
yOU s00 tWO Ol th0 OO0Ot.
L8Ot0 B220s m 8OO. bnO0 t OO0s,
QUttn_ 8 OtOQ Ol 8OO On 8 Qi0O0 OltOOK
s 8 OOmmOn W8y Ol s00n_ Wh0th0t th0
tOOK s m0stOn0.
LyQsUm, tOO, OOnt8ns O8OUm 8nO
OXy_0n, OUt n Q8O0 Ol O8tOOn, t h8s
sUlUt. PUmO0t Z On th0 h8tOn0ss sO80,
_yQsUm s 08sy sOt8tOh0O Wth th0
LyQsUm s OOth 8 mn0t8 8nO 8 tOOk.
U0Os Olt lOtm Wh0n n8nO s08s Oty UQ.
Ln0 O08UtlU V8t0ty Ol _yQsUm, O80O
88O8st0t, h8s On_ O00n Us0O lOt O8tV0O
V8s0s 8nO Oth0t OH8m0nts.
LOOmt0, tOO, s OOth 8 mn0t8 8nO 8
tOOK. t h8s m8_n0sUm n t, 8s W0 8s
( bluck Ncu)
(Yhle Ncu)


l J
O8OiUm, O8tOOn, 8nO OXy_0n. LOOmit0
B220s On
8 itt0 in 8OiO. ts stt08k is
Whit0, iK0 thOs0 Ol_yQsUm 8nO O8Oit0.
n sOm0 V8ti0ti0s Ol _t8nit0 th0 O8tk
sQ0Ok0s 8t0 hOtnO0nO0 inst08O Ol O8Ok
miO8. MOtnOl0nO0 is th0 OOmmOn0st Ol
th0 min0
88in th0 min0t8 l8miy O80O
8mQhiO0s. 8ity 8t_0 Otyst8s Ol
hOHO0nO0 8t0 Olt0n lOUnO. his min-
0t8 is UsU8y O8tk _t00n Ot O8Ok. h0
O0nO0 in its n8m0 OOm0s ltOm 8
L0tm8n WOtO lOt `O0O0iV0. MODO0nO0
OOks 8 Itt0 ik0 th0 min0t8 _80n8, 8
sOUtO0 Ol 08O, WhiOh is 8 m0t8. MOH-
O0nO0 is nOt 8 sOUtO0 Ol08O.
bOm0 V8ti0ti0s Olth0 Oth0t tWO 8mQhi-
OO0s QiOtUt0O 8t0 m8O0 Ol thin BO0ts
m8tt0O tO_0th0t. h0y 8t0 Us0O 8s 8sO0s-
tOs. PnOth0t V8ti0ty, n0Qhtit0, is 8 lOtm
Ol8O0 8nO is O8tV0O intO OH8m0nts.
Lik0 QU8tt2 8nO th0 miO8s 8nO l0O-
sQ8ts, th0 8mQhiOO0s OOnt8in siiOOn 8nO
OXy_0n. bO dO th0 min0t8s Ol th0 Oth0t
l8miy QiOtUt0d h0t0, th0 QytOX0n0s.
PU_It0 is th0 mOst OOmmOn QytOX0n0.
0tl0Ot Otyst8s Ol it 8t0 OH0n lOUnO 8t
VOO8nO0s in t8y 8nO M8W8ii. hc n8m0
Ol thi8 min0t8 OOm0s ltOm 8 Lt00K
WOtO lOt `Ust0t. PU_it0 is 8W8ys O8tk,
Olt0n O8OK. bO is 0nst8tit0. LiOQsiO0, On
th0 Oth0t h8nO, is sOm0tim0s Whit0. N8-
ti0ti0s Ol 8nOth0t QytOX0n0, sQOOUm0n0,
8t0 O08UtilU _0mstOn0s. bOm0 8O0 is
8O0it0, stil 8nOth0t Qti20O QytOX0n0.
h0 stOty Ol min0t8s OOnt8inin_ sii-
OOn OOntinU0s With th0 20Oit0s. POn0 Ol
th0 20Oit0s is its0l V0ty imQOtt8nt, 8nO
nOWh0t0 8t0 th0t0 _t08t 8mOUnts Ol
th0m. UUt th0 JU Ot sO min0t8s in th0
Oi_ l8miy 8t0 sO8tt0t0O l8t 8nO WiO0.
Z0Oit0 min0t8s 8t0 UsU8y lOUnd d
Otyst8s. hOs0 shOWn 8t0 8 Q08ty
Whit0, OUt stiOit0 Otyst8s 8t0 OH0n 8
s8mOn OOOt Ot t0O, 8nO Oh8O82it0 is
sOm0tim0s Qink Ot y0OW. P8ttOit0 is

O80O n00O0 20Oit0 O0O8Us0 Ol its

s0nO0t Otyst8s sQt08O OUt k0 8 l8n.
Vh0n 8 20Oit0 is h08t0O, W8t0t OUO-
O0s UQ ltOm it. `Z0Oit0 OOm0s ltOm
Lt00k WOtOs th8t m08n OOiin_ stOn0.
iV0 Olth0 Oth0t siX min0t8s QiOtUt0O

t0 t0 mOt0 Ol th0 sii

On stOty. h0
Ony On0 th8t is nOt Q8tty 8iiOOn is i-
mOnit0. n it itOn, inst08O Ol siiOOn, is
OOmOin0O With OXy_0n. LimOnit0 diB0ts
ltOm 8 th0 Oth0ts QiOtUt0O On th0s0 tWO
curVeU b00kenU
YerU nlque L0mm0n berpenlne
Q8_0s in 8nOth0t W8y, tOO. t s th0 Ony
On0 th8t 08V0s 8 OOOt0O stt08K. h0
stt08K is th0 s8m0 OOOt 8s th0 min-
0t8-y0OWish OtOWn. LimOnit0 _0ts its
OOOt ltOm th0 itOn in t. NUOh sOil
_0ts ts OOOt ltOm mOnt0.
L!Vin0, 8s yOU OOUO _U0ss, _0ts its
n8m0 ltOm ts OOOt. t UsUuy is OiV0
_t00n. L08t V8)i0ti0s Ol this h8tO min-
0t8 [bt-) 8t0 U80O 8s _0ms.
LhOtit0, tOO, W8s n8m0O lOt its OOOt.
h0 n8m0 OhOtt0 m08ns _t00n. N8ny
_t00nish tOOKs OW0 th0it OOOt tO OhOtit0,
WhOh is sOH 0nOU_h tO O0 sOt8tOh0O Wth
8 Bn_0H8i. LiK0 miO8, OhOtit0 Otyst8l8
O8n O0 sQit intO thn sh00ts.
h0 tOUtm8in0 QiOtUt0O OOKs 8 itt0
iK0 hOtnO0nO0. Ut nOt 8 tOUtm8in0
s O8tK. bOm0 is Whit0, sOm0 _t00n, sOm0
QnK, 8nO sOm0 t0O. P sin_0 Otyst8 Ol
W8t0tm0On tOUtm8in0 m8y h8V0 8 t0O
OOt0 sUttOUnO0O Oy 8 Wht0 2On0, WhiOh
n tUtn s sUttOUnO0O Oy _t00n. Ps yOU
WOUO 0XQ0Ot, tOUtm8in0 Otyst8s 8t0
OH0n OUt 8s _0ms.
K8Oin is 8 n8m0 lOt 8 sm8 _tOUQ Ol
mn0t8s mQOssiO0 tO t0 8Q8tt in 8ny

OtOn8ty W8y. P OOnt8n siOOn, OXy-

_0n, 8nO 8UmnUm, 8nO 8l 8t0 Whit0
Wh0n QUt0. mQUt0 K8On is OOmmOn
8tOUnO th0 WOtO. NOst Q0OQ0 KnOW it
8s O8y. h0 min0t8 m8K0s UQ th0
_t08t0t Q8tt Ol sO. t is nOt sUtQtsn_
th8t t h8s 8n 08tthy sm0.
b0tQ0ntn0 s 8 V0ty OOmmOn mn0t8,
Wth 8 _t08sy l00. bOm0 V8t0tI0s O8n O0
O8tV0O 8nO QOlish0O 08siy. Oish0O s0t-
Q0ntn0 OOKs mUOb K0 QOsb0O m8tOl0.
UUt nOt 8 s0tQ0ntn0 O8n O0 O8tV0O 8nO
QOish0O. P V8ti0ty O80O OhtysOt0 OO-
OUts n On_ BO0ts. t sUQQi0s Us Wth
mOst Ol th0 8sO0stOs Us0O lOt nsU8tin_
8nO Bt0QtOOBn_.
NetalS rom NneralS
N0t8s h8V0 Q8y0O 8 V0ty imQOtt8nt
Q8tt n th0 stOty Ol OVii28tiOn. tyin_ tO
im8_in0 OUiOn_ 8 Oty WithOUt Usn_
8ny m0t8s Wi h0Q yOU s00 hOW mUOh
W0 O0Q0nO On th0m. PnO 8 th0 m0t8s
Vit8 tO Us O8n O0 tt8O0O tO th0 08tths
OtU8t. Pny min0t8 th8t OOnt8ins 8 m0t8
in 8t_0 0nOU_h 8mOUnts tO O0 WOtth
minin_ is O80O 8n Ot0.
LOQQ0t is On0 Ol th0 mst m0t8s m0n
Kn0W. tOO8Oy th0 08t0st OOQQ0t Us0O
W88 n8tiV0 OOQQ0t-OOQQ0t nOt ]Oin0O
With 8ny Oth0t 00m0nt. OO8y mOst Ol
OUt OOQQ0t OOm0s ltOm min0t8s th8t 8t0
OOmQOUnds OlOOQQ0t. h0 QiOtUt0 shOWs
siX OOQQ0t Ot0s O0siO0 8 8O0 Ol mOt0n
OOQQ0t. P siX min0t8s 08V0 8 OOOt0O
stt08k. N8ny Ot0 mn0t8s OO.
h0 QiOtUt0s On th0 n0Xt Q8_0 shOW
BV0 Oth0t m0t88 8nd th0it Ohi0l Ot0s.
h0s0 BV0 8t0 Ony 8 s8mQ0 Ol 8 th0
m0t8s W0 _0t ltOm th0 08tth. PiOK0,
OOO8t, tin, m8n_8n0s0, OhtOmiUm, Ut8-
nUm, m8_n0siUm, 8nO tUn_st0n 8t0
8mOn_ th0 m8ny Oth0ts.
Ll 8 th0 m0t8s in th0 08tth s OtUst,
8UminUm s Oy l8t th0 mOst OOmmOn. t
is mOt0 OOmmOn 0V0n th8n itOn.
btt8n_0y 0nOU_h, lOt 8 m0t8 nOW sO
W0 KnOWn, it W8s nOt Unti 8OOUt lJU
y08ts 8_O th8t 8nyOn0 h8O 0V0t s00n
8UminUm. t is V0ty W0 hiOO0n in th0
min0t8s OlWhiOh it is 8 Q8tt. LnO0 Ois-
OOV0t0O, it QtOV0O tO O0 V0ty dmOUt tO
_0t ltOm ts Ot0s. Pt Btst, 8UmnUm OOst
OV0t $JUU 8 QOUnO. POW, With th0 Us0 Ol
00OttOity, it O8n O0 OOt8in0O t8th0t
Oh08Qy. hOU_h m8ny mn0t8s OOnt8in
8UminUm, th0 sOUtO0 Ol Qt8OtiO8y 8
W0 Us0 is O8UXit0.
LOld, liK0 OOQQ0t, h88 O00n KnOWn lOt
thOU88nd8 Ol y08I8. t W88 088y tO di8OOV-
0t, lOt mO8t Ol th0 08tth8 _Old i8 n8tiV0
_Old t8th0t th8n 8 Q8tt Ol OOmQOUnd8.
h0 Bt8t _Od lOUnd W8s On Ot n08t th0
08tth8 8Utl8O0. Od8y mO8t _Od OOm08
ltOm d00Q min08-8Om0 88 mUOh 88 tWO
mi08 d00Q.
LOd m8y OOOUt in tOUnd0d UmQs, Ot
nU__0t8. PUstt8i8s l8mOUs V0OOm0
btt8n_0t nU__0t W0i_h0d 8OOUt ZUU
QOUnd8. NO8t nU__0t8 8I0 mUOh 8m80t.
n Ot0, th0 _Old is UsU8y sO8tt0t0d
8mOn_ th0 Oth0t min0t8l8 in Oits tOO
8m8l tO O0 s00n WithOUt 8 miOtO8OOQ0. t
m8y t8K0 thOU88nds Ol th0s0 Oit8 tO O0
WOtth On0 O0nt.
P8 l8t O8OK 88 histOQ _O08, _Od h8s
8W8ys O00n Qti20d lOt] 0w0ty 8nd OOins.
t is nOt h8td tO Und0t8t8nO Why _Od is
V8U8O0. t is V0ty O08UtilU. t O8n O0
8h8Q0d Ot WOtK0d 088ily-lOt inst8nO0,
_Od O8n O0 QOUnd0d OUt intO sh00t8 8O
thin th8t it WOUld t8K0 JJU,UU tO m8K0 8
8t8OK 8n inOh hi_h. LOd i8 l88tin_. h0
m0t8l O8n O0 t0WOtK0d tim0 8H0t tim0.
h0 _Old in 8 tin_ Ol tOd8y m8y OnO0
h8V0 O00n 8 Q8tt Ol 8n OD8m0nt ltOm
8n 8nOi0nt Qh8t8Oh8 tOmO.
bOm0 _Old i8 lOUnd in th0 _t8V0 Ol
8tt08m O0ds. h0 QtO8Q0OtOt 8OOOQs UQ 8
g0lU n
Q8nlU OlW8t0t 8nd _t8V0l 8nd 8Wi8h08 it
8tOUnd. LOld i8 h08Vy, 8O 8ny _Old in
th0 _t8V0l Will 8inK tO th0 OOttOm Ol th0
Q8n. Vh0n 8l th0 Q8ItiOl0s 0XO0Qt th0
_Od 8t0 W8sh0d 8W8y, th0 QtOsQ0OtOt
_8th0ts th0 B0OKs Ol _Od, Ot _Od dUst.
biV0t, tOO, i 8 Qt0OiOUs m0t8. Ot
C0ntUti0s it h8s O00n QOQUl8t lOt0W0ty,
Otn8m0nt8, 8nd OOin8. LOd 8nd siV0t
OH0n OOCUt tO_0th0t in tOOKs.
bOm0 8ilV0t OOOUt8 8s n8tiV0 8ilV0t 8nd
OH0n lOtm8 int0t08tin_ 8h8Q0s. bOm0 is
in nU__0ts. biV0t nU__0ts Ol OV0t 8 tOn
h8V0 O00n lOUnO. h0 siV0t Ot0 8t_0ntit0
is 8 OOmQCUnd Ol siV0t 8nO sUUt.
U08id0s th0it U80 in Otn8m0nts, OOth
_Od 8nO siV0t h8V0 dOWn-tO-08tth Us08.
LOd, lOt inst8nO0, is mUOh Us0d lOt
Bin_s in t00th, 8nd 8 8t_0 Q8tt Ol th0
8iV0t min0d _O08 intO m8Kin_ QhOtO-
_t8QhiO Bm 8nd Q8Q0t.
r0peclng f0r golU
back-Lghl Nagc
n sUn_ht, m88Oht0, On0 Ol th0 OOQ-
Q0t Ot0s, s _t00n. t s _00n O0O8Us0 t
t0B0Ots th0 _t00n Ol th0 sUni_ht th8t
sttk0s t. bUn_ht, 8s yOU QtOO8Oy
knOW, s m8O0 UQ Ol th0 t8nOOW
OOOts-VO0t, nOI_O, OU0, _t00n, y0OW,
Ot8n_0, 8nO t0
. h0 t0O _ht W8V0s 8t0
th0 On_0st, th0 VO0t W8V0s th0 shOtt0st.
POn_ Wth th0 W8V0s Ol th0 t8nOOW
OOOts OOm0 8sO, 8mOn_ Oth0ts, Utt8V-
O0t W8V0s. Ltt8VO0t W8V0s 8t0 OH0n
O80O O8Ok _ht, O0O8Us0 th0y 8t0 tOO
shOtt tO O0 s00n. P sQ0O8 knO Ol 8mQ
s Us0O tO QtOOUO0 th0 O8Ok _ht.
bUtQtisin_ thin_s h8QQ0n Wh0n Utt8V-
O0t W8V0s sttik0 O0ttuin min0t8s. Jh0
mn0t8s uOsOtD thOs0 WuV0s 8nO s0nO
Out WuV0s OlsOm0 OOOt. n sUn_ht, th0
Ohun_0 is nOt nOtiO0uO0. UUt ilu mn0t8
sQ0Oim0n s QUt On u OuOk O8Ok_tOUnO
n 8 OOX, 8nO lUst O8Ok _ht s thtOWn
On t, t m8y _OW Wth OOOt.
Nn0t8s th8t _OW n O8Ok _ht 8t0
s8O tO O0
UOt0sO0nt. h0 WOtO OOm0s
ltOm th0 n8m0 O th0 mn0t8 BUOtt0,
th0 Btst mn0t8 lOu
O tO 8Ot in ths W8y.
n O8Ok _ht 8 mn0t8 m8y O0 8 OO-
Ot QUt0 OB0t0nt ltOm ts sUn_ht OO-
Ots. L8Oit0, lOt nst8nO0, m8y O0 Ot_ht
t0O. h0 s8m0 knO Ol mn0t8, mOt0-
OV0t, m8y nOt 8W8ys _V0 OB th0 s8m0
OOOt UnO0t O8Ok _ht. n m8ny O8s0s
imQUtt0s n th0 mn0t8s 0XQ8n Why
ths h8QQ0ns.
uOI0sOcnO0 s OHcn us0d us u h0\Q tn
min0t8 iO0nthOutiOn. t is us0lU, tOO, n
s08tOhn_ lOt sOm0 Ot0s. bOh00t0, 8 V8U-
8O0 tUn_st0n Ot0, s O0t0Ot0O Oy ts Ou0
tO Wht0 BUOt0sO0nO0. Lt8nUm Ot0s OH0n
BUOt0sO0 y0OW _t00n.
l V
Lreul blur 0f
Afrcu um0nU
uncul Uum0nU
Nope umonU
Lrl0 umonU
Precous and beaullu btone8
L8mOnO, 0m0t8O, tUOy, 8nO s8QQht0
8t0 th0 sO-O80O Qt0OOUs stOn0s. N8ny
O0ntUt0s 8_O, Q0OQ0 O0_8n tO tt08sUt0
th0m. h0y 8t0 Qt20O lOt th0 s8m0 t08-
sOns _OO s-th0y 8t0 O08UtlU, On_
8stn_, 8nO sO8tO0.
L8mOnO, th0 h8tO0st Ol 8 mn0t8s,
s O8tOOn n Otyst8 lOtm. L8mOnO
m08ns nVnOO0. UOth tUOy 8nO s8Q-
Qht0 8t0 V8t0t0s OlOOtUnOUm, 8nOth0t
V0ty h8tO mn0t8. Lm0t8O s 8 V8t0ty
Ol O0tyl, 8 mn0t8 nOt 8s h8tO 8s OOtUn-
OUm OUt h8tOct th8n QU8tt2.
t t8k0s sklU OUttn_ tO Otn_ OUt th0
Ot8nO0 Ol 8 _0mstOn0. LnOUt, lOt n-
st8nO0, 8 O8mOnO m8y OOk k0 8 UmQ
OlOtOn8ty _8ss.
bOm0 _0ms 8t0 l8mOUs 8nO h8V0 On_
hstOt0s. Ll th0 WOtOs O0st-knOWn
O8mOnOs, th0 On0 Wth th0 On_0st hs-
tOty s th0 KOh--nOOt. ts n8m0 m08ns
mOUnt8n Ol _ht. hs _0m W8s 8-
t08Oy l8mOUs sOm0 sX O0ntUt0s 8_O
Wh0n ts OWn0t, 8n nO8n t88h, W8s
O8QtUt0O 8nO th0 stOn0 W8s t8k0n ltOm
hm. Otth0 n0Xt 4JU y08ts, t W0nt ltOm
OWn0t tO OWn0t. LH0n th0 t8kn_ m08nt
O0uth lOt th0 lOtmct OWn0t. n 1JU,
th0 KOh--nOOt W8s _V0n tO QU00n NO-
tOt8 Ol Ln_8nO. t W8s t0OUt tO m8k0 t
mOt0 Ot8nt, 8nO It h8s O00n On0 Olth0
Uttsh OtOWncWcs cVct snO0.
L8mOnOs 8nO Oth0t Qt0OOUs stOn0s
8t0 W0_h0O n O8tuts. h0 KOh--nOOt
W0_hs l UV Cut8ts. (14Z Cututs 1 OUnO0)
h0 8t_0st O8mOnO On t0OOtO W8s
th0 LUn8n O8mOnO, lOUnO n PltO8
n 1VUJ. LnOUt, t W0_h0O J, l U O8t8ts
-mOt0 th8n 8 QOUnO 8nO 8 QU8tt0t.
tOm itW8s OUt, 8On_With m8nysm80t
stOn0s, th0 Lt08t bt8t OlPltiO8. his _0m
is th0 WOtOs 8t_0st OUt Oi8mOnO. t
W0i_hs JJU O8t8ts 8nO is s0t in th0 tOy8
sO0Qt0t Ol th0 tU0t Ol Ln_8nO.
h0 LIOB Oi8mOnO, 8 l VU-O8t8t
stOn0, W8s OnO0, 8OOOtOin_ tO 0_0nO, th0
0y0 Ol 8 st8tU0 Ol 8 MinOU _OO in nOi8.
t W8s stO0n ltOm th0 st8tU0 8nO, 8H0t
y08ts OlW8nO0tin_,W8s Bn8y OOU_htlOt
L8th0tin0 th0 Lt08t Ol HUssi8. bh0 h8O
it s0t in th0 imQ0ti8 sO0Qt0t.
NOst l8mOUs Oi8mOnOs 8t0 OOOt0ss.
h0 MOQ0 Oi8mOnO is O00Q OU0. t is
sUQQOs0O tO h8V0 O00n OUt ltOm 8 8I_0t
OU0 Oi8mOnO OnO0 OWn0O Oy Kin_
LOUis 7N Ol t8nO0. his] 0W0 s00m0O
tO Otin_ O8O UOK tO 0V0IyOn0 WhO
OWn0O it. t is nOW in th0 bmithsOni8n
nstitUtiOn in V8shin_tOn, L. L. , Wh0I0
lur upphre
0V0ty y08t it is s00H Oy sOm0 thtcc mi-
iOH Q0OQc.
LHO0I O8Ok i_h! mOs! OiumOnOs _OW
OUc. Jhc MOQc OiumOHO _OWs IcO.
hc O8ys Ol thc hnOin_ Ol Oi_ Oi8-
mOnOs 8t0 nOt OV0t. n l VZ 8 V0ty 8t_0
Oi8mOnO-th0 bt8t Ol bi0tt8 L0On0-W8s
lOUnO in PltiO8. LnOUt, it W8s th0 si20 Ol
8 h0ns 0__ 8nO W0i_h0O VU O8t8ts. Lny
tWO 8t_0t Oi8mOnOs Ol_0m QU8ity h8V0
0V0t Oc0n lOUnO-thc LUin8n Oi8mOnO,
ltOm WhiOh th0 Lt08t bt8t Ol PltiO8 W8s
OUt, 8nO 8 Oi8mOnO n8m0O LXO0siOt.
h0 LXO0siOt, WhiOh W0i_h0O VVJ O8t8ts
UHOUt, W8s lOUnO in PltiO8 in 1VUJ.
5OU!h lIIOu Is thc cudIH_ dIumOHd
QIOOUOcI In !hc WOIO. McIc, OiumOHOs
8I0 lOUHO IH u IOOk O8cd kimOcti!c, OI
OUc _tOUnO. Jhis IOOk Is lOuHO H OI
OOsc tO cX!inOt VOOuHOcs, Whctc I! b
min0O hUHOtcOs Ol lcct OcOW_IOUnO.
Z l
bOm0 l8mOUs Oi8mOHOs h8V0 OtOQQ0O
OUt Olsi_ht OOmQ0t0y. LV0ty OnO0 iH 8
Whi0, 8 l8mOUs OH0 t08QQ08ts, 8H0t
y08ts Ol hiOin_, 8nO is OB0t0O lOt s80.
h0 U-O8t8t OOs Ly0 is 8H 0X8mQ0.
his Oi8mOHO W8s s0i20O ltOm 8 0tsi8H
QtinO0 in lbU. POthin_ W8s h08tO Ol it
ti it 8QQ08t0O iH l VU 8s th0 QtOQ0tty Ol
th0 bUt8n OlUtK0y. PH0t mOt0 8OV0H-
tUt0s, it W8s sOO 8t 8 P0W YOtK 8UOtiOH
in th0 l VbUs. h0 m8H WhO OOU_ht it
OB0tcO it lOt s8c 8tct 8t 8 QtiOc Ol l
miiOn OO8ts.
0tl0Ot tUOi0s 8HO 0m0t8Os 8t0 iK0y

O0 0V0H mOt0 0XQ0HsiV0 th8H Q0tl0Ot

Oi8mOHOs Ol th0 s8m0 siZc. L8t_0 tUOics
8t0 th0 t8t0st Ol _0ms, With 8t_0 0m0t-
8Os 8mOst 8s t8t0. HUOi0s 8nO 0m0t8Os
WCUO OOst 0V0H mOt0 il th0y W0t0 iH 8s
mUOh O0m8HO 8s Oi8mOHOs.
NOst s8QQhit0s 8t0 OU0, OUt sOm0 8t0
y0OW, _t00H, Ot QUtQ0. 0th8Qs th0
mOst iHt0t0stiH_ s8QQhiI0s 8t0 thOs0 With
st8ts. h0 st8t Ol 8 st8t s8QQhit0 is
O8Us0O Oy BO0ts Ol 8HOth0t miH0t8. bt8t
s8QQhit0s 8t0 OUt tO m8K0 th0 st8t shOW
UQ O08ty. h0t0 8t0 st8t tUOi0s 8HO
Oth0t st8t _0mstOH0s, tOO.
PthOU_h HOt sO sO8tO0 8HO 0XQ0HsiV0
8s tUOi0s, Oi8mOnOs, 0m0t8Os, 8HO s8Q-
Qhit0s, O08UtilU _0ms 8t0 OUt ltOm 8
th0 miH0t8s QiOtUt0O OH this Q8_0. bUOh
_0mstOH0s 8t0 WithiH th0 t08Oh Ol m8Hy

Q0 WhO O8HHOt 8BOtO th0 Qt0OiOUs

stOH0s. h0t0 is, 8s yOU O8H s00, 8 _t08t
V8ti0ty iH OOOt. bOm0 Ol th0s0 s0miQtc-
OiOUs stOH0s 8tc lOUHO iH Oth0t OOOts 8s
W0. bQiH0, lOt iHst8HO0, m8y 8sO Oc
OUc OI ycOWish, uHdtOQuZOUcOI QiHk.
P th0 _0ms shOWH OH th0 OQQOsitc
Q8_c 8tc QU8I!Z. bOmc, us yOU O8H c8siy
s00, 8t0 OUt ltOm ut_c QU8ttZ Otyst8s.
LthcIs, thc 8_8tc IIH_ scttiH_, lOt OHc,
8t0 OUt ltOm OtyQtOOtyst8iH0, Ot hiOO0H
Otyst8, QU8tt2.
h0t0 8t0 Oth0t _0m min0t8s iH 8OOi-
tiOH tO thOs0 QiOtUt0O, sUOh 8s 8Oc, _8t-
H0t, tUtQUOis0, 8HO tOUtm8iH0.
LOH_ 8_O th0t0 O0V0OQ0O sUQ0tsti-
tiOHs 8OOUt _0ms. bOm0 W0t0 thOU_ht tO
W8tO OB i_htniH_, Oth0ts tO _U8tO
8_8iHst Bt0. bti Oth0ts W0t0 Ot0Oit0O
With OtiH_iH_ _OOO h08th 8HO _OOO lOt-
tUH0 tO th0it W08t0ts. tOm sUOh sUQ0t-
stitiOHs O8m0 th0 iO08 Ol OitthstOH0s.
Q0tsOH WOt0 th0 OitthstOH0 lOt th0 mOHth
iH WhiOh h0 W8s OOtH, O0i0ViH_ h0
WOUO OtiH_ hims0l _OOO lOttUH0.
PthOU_h th0 iO08 th8t W08tiH_ 8 O0t-
t8iH KiHO Ol _0m O8H OtiH_ h08th 8nO
moky uurlz
. .

8hupe0 8eclon8 pohe0
W08th h8s O00n _iV0n UQ Oy mOst Q0O-
Q0, m8ny sti W08t th0it OitthstOn0s.
h0t0 8t0 s0V0t8 OiB0t0nt ists Ol Oitth-
stOn0s. hIs is 8 OOmmOny Us0O On0.
JuuuuIq LuIDcl Ju!q HuDq
cDIuuIq PmclDqSl Pu_uSl buIdOuq8
NuI0D !OOdSlOuc bc[lcmDcI bu[[DIIc
P[II! IumODd L0lODcI L[u!
Nuq mcIu!d OVcmDcI O[u
Juuc cuI! c0cmDcI uIQuOISc
N8ny Q0OQ0 8t0 int0t0st0O in m8Kin_
_0ms. YOU O8nnOt 0XQ0Ot tO OO 8ny OUt-
tin_ Ol _0ms ltOm Otyst8s. N8Kin_ 8
m8ny-l8O0t0O _0m-On0 With s0V0t8 B8t
sUtl8O0s tO t0B0Ot i_ht-O8s lOt _t08t
sKi 8nO 8 KnOW0O_0 Ol Otyst8s. U0-
siO0s, yOU n00O V8U8O0 _0mstOn0s tO
st8tt With. N8Kin_ _0ms ltOm 8 min0t8
sUOh 8s 8_8t0, hOW0V0t, is Within 8ny-
On0s 8Oiity.
Kock and Nnera Lddfes
becuue of l br^^
l0w coor, lh H
0melme mlu
gol0. oo go0,
e 50fle5l mnet0
1he mnerul lulc 8 o
0l lhul l ue0 n
buby On0 fucum pow-
0er. Tou cun eOy
crulch u pece 0 lulc
wfh y0ur hngernul.
Ury cr055e5
hee perecl croe ure oun0 nuluruly un0
ure mu0e o lhe mneru luurole. Accor0ng
lo legen0, lhey ure lhe leur he0 by ure
upon heurng 0 lhe cruchxon.
L@lWe@l t0ck5
umce lhe ghlef rock
known. T0u c0u0 euy l
u urge pece. 1h Vocunc
rock w eVen oul 0n wuler.
V0c0nc D0mD5
hen O Volcun0 erupl, pece 0 uVu
orm leur-hupe0 rock lhul co0l un0 bec0me
e5eH f05e
1h `roe` mu0e o lhe mneru burle. |l orm l
roe hupe ony n un0.
be0re lhey hl lhe groun0.

L0tD0~De00f0 0O 0@
1he 0umon0 un0 gruphle ure bolh pure curbon1
umon0 ure lhe hur0el known 8ublunce, un0
gruphle one o lhe oler mnerul. umon0 ure
prze0 or lher beuuly. Lruphle ue0 n nucleur
power plunl un0 hu muny olher mporlunl ue.
Net0 f055l5
No ugule look lke ol plunl, bul lhey ure nol.
A mungunee mnerul wll omelme orm beuulul
plunllke Uegn.
M0ll0W t0ck5
Leo0e ure roun0, hoow rock. hen geo0e ure
broken open, beuulul crylul, ponlng lowur0 lhe
cenler, ure reVeule0.
M0l0t0l m0@e5
1he m1nerul mugne!le, or loUe-
lone, u nulurul mugnel. n lhe
0uy o ulng hp, l wu ue0
u u cru0e compu.
c1! G
Lne knU o culcle,
celunU 8pur, cleur enough
lo ee lhrough. hen you look lhrough
u pece o celun0 pur, you ee lwo muge.
FelteU l@lnn@
hen ghlnng lrke u un0 beuch, lhe un0
mell un0 orm u holow lube cule0 u ugerle.
re-born Kock8
h0 hUnOt0Os Ol min0t8s Ol th0
08tths OtUst lOtm 8 _t08t m8ny OiB0t0nt
KinOs Ol tOOKs. P th0s0 tOCKs O8n O0
OiViO0O intO tht00 Oi_ _tOUQs . i_n0OUs,
s0Oim0nt8ty, 8nO m0t8mOtQhiO. L8Oh
_tOUQ h8s 8 OiB0t0nt Q8tt tO t0 Ol th0
08tth s stOty.
_n0OUs OOm0s ltOm 8 L8tin WOtO
m08nin_ Bt0. _n0OUs tOOKs 8t0 lOtm0O
ltOm tOOK m8t0ti8s sO hCt th8t th0y 8t0
mOt0n. NOO8nO0s Q8y 8n imQOtt8nt
Q8tt in th0it lOtm8tiOn. NOO8nO0s h8V0
nOt, hOW0V0t, h8O 8 Q8tt in lOtmin_ 8
i_n0Ous tOOK. N8ny h8V0 lOtm0O UnO0t-
_tOUnO, ltOm mOt0n tOOK th8t n0V0t
t08Oh0O th0 sUtl8O0.
Pt tim0s mOt0n tOOK ltOm O00Q OOWn
in th0 08tth is QUsh0O UQW8tO. Ps lOn_
8s th0 mOt0n tOOK is UnO0t_tOUnO it is
O8l0O m8_m8. Pny th8t QOUts OUt OntO
th0 sUtl8O0 Ol th0 _tOUnO is O80O 8V8.
_n0OUs tOOKs Ol OiB0t0nt KinOs lOtm 8s
m8_m8 8nO 8V8 OOO.
N8ny Ol th0 WOtOs l8mOUs mOUn-
t8ins 8t0 VOO8nO0s. P Ol th0m OUit
th0ms0V0s. h0 Oi8_t8m t0s th0 stOty
Ol hOW sOm0 VOO8nO0s O8m0 tO O0 _t08t
mOUnt8ins. h0 stOty is this . N8_m8
O0_8n tO mOV0 UQ thtOU_h 8 QiQ0iK0
OQ0nin_ in th0 tOOKs 8OOV0. Ps th0
m8_m8 n08t0O th0 sUtl8O0, _8s in it O0-
_8n tO 0XQOO0. n th0 0XQOsiOns, sOm0
Ol th0 hOt tOOK W8s OOWn hi_h intO th0
8it. t OOO0O QUiOKy 8nO h8tO0n0O iutO
OinO0ts 8nO sm8l0t Q8ttiO0s O80O 8sh.
h0 OinO0ts 8nO 8sh l0 tO th0 _tOUnO
8tOUnO th0 OQ0nin_ 8nO m8O0 8 sm8l
OOn0-sh8Q0O hi. h0n lOt 8 tim0, th0
mO!0n tOOK QOUt0O OUt Ol th0 OQ0nin_
8nO t8n OOWn OV0t th0 sm8 hi. Ps this
mOt0n tOOK, Ot 8V8, OOO0O, it h8tO0n0O.
LV0t 8nO OVct, th0 s8m0 thin_s h8QQ0n0O
-VOO8niO 0tUQtiOns th8t OUit UQ 8y0ts
Ol OinO0ts 8nO 8sh W0t0 lOOW0O Oy th0
QOUtin_ OUt Ol 8V8. h0 OOn0-sh8Q0O
hi O0O8m0 8 mOUnt8in.
P VOO8nO th8t h8s nOt 0tUQt0O lOt
m8ny y08ts is s8iO tO O0 0XtinOt, Ot O08O.
UUt O08O VOO8nO0s O8nnOt O0 O0-
Q0nO0O On lO st8y O08O. h0 l8mOUs
0tUQtiOn Ol N0sUViUs, sOm0 lV O0ntUtics
8_O, O8m0 8H0t th0 VOO8nO h8O O00n
QUi0t lOt sO On_ th8t Oiti0s h8O _tOWn
UQ On its sOQ0s. bUOh _OOO sOi h8O
lOtm0O ltOm its 8V8s th8t B0Os 8nO
VIn0y8tOs W0t0 thtiVin_. Vh0n 8 VOO8nO
nO On_0t 0tUQts, th0 m8_m8 in th0 QiQ0
OOOs 8nO O0OOm0s sOiO tOCK.
n th0 OW0t 0lt Q8tt Ol th0
8V8 is QOUtin_ OUt Ol 8 O00Q
BssUt0. MOW l8t !h0 8V8 Wi sQt08O O0-
Q0nOs On hOW l8s! i! OOOs 8nO !Utns !O
sOiO tOOK.
h0 m8_m8 0H in th0 QiQ0 Ol 8 VO-
O8nO is nO! th0 Ony m8_m8 !h8! n0V0t
t08Oh0s th0 sUtl8O0. Ln its W8y UQW8tO,
m8_m8 m8y sQt08O OUt O0tW00n 8y0ts
Ol tOOK. l 8 _t08! 8mOUnt Ol m8_m8 is
lOtO0O O0!W00n !h0 8y0ts, th0 tOOK
8OOV0 m8y O0 QUsh0O UQ intO 8 hi. n
!im0 th0 m8_m8 O0OOm0s sOiO tOOK. h0
UnO0t_tOUnO hi i! lOtms is O80O 8 8O-
OOi!h. P si is iK0 8 8OOOi!h, OU! i! is
nO! !hiOK0nOU_h !O QUsh !h0 tOOKs 8OOV0
in!O 8 hi. P OiK0 s iK0 8 si, 0XO0Q! !h8!
m8_m8 is QUsh0O in!O Ot8OKs in tOOKs
ins!08O Olin O0!W00n 8y0ts OltOOK.
h0 W8!0t Ol hO! sQtin_s 8nO _0ys0ts
OW0s its h08! !O m8_m8 O0OW. h0 hO!
W8t0t OissOV0s min0t8s ltOm UnO0t-
_IOUnO IOOks ! mOVcs !htOU_h 8HO, 8s i!
0V8QOt8t0s 8! !h0 sUtl8O0, 08V0s !h0
min0t8s On !h0 _tOUnO.
Um8tO0s, !OO, 8t0 si_ns Olm8_m8 in
!h0 8I08. Um8tO0s lOtm Wh0t0 !h0t0
8t0 Ot8OKs Ot hO0s in !h0 sUtl8O0 ltOm
WhiOh s!08m Ot _8ss0s O8n 0sO8Q0. K8t-
m8i, 8n P8sK8n VOO8nO !hOU_h! tO O0
0X!inO!, 0tUQ!0O sO ViO0n!y in l Vl Z !h8!
i! O0W OB its tOQ. P08t Oy is 8 t0_iOn
Wh0t0 th0t0 W0t0 sO m8ny lUm8tO0s 8l-
t0t th0 0XQOsiOn th8t it is KnOWn 8s th0
N80y Ol0n hOUs8nO bmOK0s.
NOlt0n tOOK shO! hi_h intO th0 8it
OOOs l8st. h0 8V8 !h8! QOUts OU! On tOQ
Olth0 _tOUnO, mOt0OV0t, OOOs mUOh l8st-
0t th8n m8_m8 OOOin_ UnO0t_tOUnO.
Vh8! KinO Ol tOOK lOtms ltOm mOt0n
tOOK O0Q0nOs Q8t!y On hOW l8s! Ot hOW
sOWy i! OOOs.
YOU O8nnOt s00 Otyst8s Ol s0Q8t8t0
min0t8ls in 8ny Ol th0 tOOKs QiOtUt0O
8OOV0. h0 hOt tOOK OOO0O sO l8st th8t
th0 min0t8s in it OiO nOt h8V0 tim0 tO
lOtm Otyst8s 8t_0 0nOU_h tO O0 s00n.
Ll th0s0 tOOKs, O8s8t is Oy l8t th0
mOst OOmmOn. t is 8 O8tK tOOK, OH0n
O8OK. n 8 Oi_ 8V8 BOW, mUOh Ol th0
8V8 is iK0y tO lOtm O8s8t. h0 ltOth On
th0 sUtl8O0 Ol sUOh 8 .BOW h8tO0ns intO
sOOti8. h0 sQ8O0s in WhiOh th0t0 W0t0
OnO0 OUOO0s Ol _8s sti shOW.
UmiO0 is 8nOth0t tOOK lOtm0O ltOm
ltOth. UmiOC is i_ht in OOOt 8s W0 8s

in W0i_ht. t is m8O0 Ol QU8tt2, l0OsQ8t,
8nO O8OK miO8 Ot hOtnO0nO0, ]Ust 8s
_t8nit0 is. HhyOit0 8nO OOsiOi8n, tOO, 8t0
m8O0 Ol thOs0 s8m0 min0t8s. LOsiOi8n
is OH0H O80O VOO8niO _8ss.
PnO0sit0 is h8tO tO t0 ltOm thyOit0,
OUt it is UsU8ly O8tK0t. t OOnt8ins litt0
Ot nO QU8tt2. h0 tOOK is n8m0O lOt th0
PnO0s NOUnt8ins, Wh0t0 8 _t08t O08 Ol
it is lOUnO.
LH0n in th0 tOOK Ol 8V8 BOWs, hO0s
0H Oy _8s OUOO0s 8t0 8t0t in0O Ot
B0O With min0t8s. h0 tOOK th0n is
O80O 8my_O8OiO.
K0ck5 H0f L00eU UnUergr0unU
er0olle orle
Lrunle Ke0 Lrunle
n i_n0OUs tOOKs th8t lOtm UnO0t-
_tOUnO, th0 Otyst8s Ol th0 OiB0t0nt min-
0t8s 8t0 8t_0 0nOU_h tO O0 s00H 08siy.
h0 sOW0t th0 tOOK OOOs, th0 8t_0t th0
Otyst8s Wi O0.
Lt8nit0 s Oy l8t th0 O0st knOWH Olth0
i_n0OUs tOOKs. t is sO h8tO 8nO O8n st8nO
th0 OUB0tin_ Ol WinO 8nO W8V0s 8nO iO0
sO W0 th8t it is OH0n O80O th0 tOOK
0V0t8stin_. 0_m8tit0 h8s OQst8s Ol th0
s8m0 min0t8s _t8nit0 h8s, OUt th0 Otys-
t8s 8t0 mUOh 8t_0t. n it th0t0 8t0 OH0n
_i8nt Otyst8s W0i_hin_ m8ny tOns. h0
min0t8s is UsU8y th0 KnO Ol l0OsQ8t
O80O 8Ot8OOtit0, WhiOh is OlU0. LiOtit0
is mOt0 iK0y tO O0 _t00nish, O0O8Us0
On0 Ol its min0t8s is hOtnO0nO0, WhiOh
m8y O0 _t00n. h0 _t08t Oi8mOnO min0s
Ol PHiO8 mO th0it Oi8mOnOs mOsty in
On0 V8ti0ty Ol th0 O8tK tOOK Q0tiOOtit0,
WhiOh OOOUts in Wh8t W0t0 th0 QiQ0s Ol
OO VOO8nO0s, On_ sinO0 WOtn OOWn tO
th0 sUtl8O0 Olth0 _tOUnO.
Vhy, yOU m8y WOnO0t, il _t8nit0 8nO
th0 Oth0t tOOKs QiOtUt0O in th0 _tOUQ
With it 8t0 lOtm0d UnO0t_tOUnO, OO W0
L00e0 pug 0 mugmu
n0 un0 wu!er w0re
uwuy 0!er r0ck.
tOOK is nOt n08ty 8s OOmmOn 8s _t8nit0.
t is lOUnO mOsty in OiK0s 8nO sis.
L0mstOn0s-tUO0s, 0m0t8Os, s8QQhit0s,
8nO _8tn0ts-8t0 lOUnO in it ltOm tim0 tO
tim0. h0 tOOK O80O sy0nit0 OOKs iK0
_t8nit0, OUt it h8s nO QU8tt2.
OtQhyty is 8 tOOK in WhiOh 8t_0 Otys-
t8s 8t0 0mO0OO0O in 8 m8ss Ol sm80t
Otys!us. U0lOt0 ! OOO0d OOmQ0!0y, !h0
tOOK W8s lOtO0O tO th0 sUtl8O0, Wh0t0 th0
OOOin_ W8s l8st0t.
LiOtit0 8nO _8OOtO 8t0 mUOh 8iK0.
h0y 8t0 OOth O8tK tOOKs. L8OOtO m8y
h8V0 8 OUish OOK, O0O8Us0 On0 Ol it
hpr0ck-un exp0e0
V0cunc pug
s00 th0m 8OOV0_tOUnO7 h0 Oi8_t8ms
h0Q tO 0XQ8in. bhiQtOOK, 8 stt8n_0 tOOK
lOtm8liOn in P0W N0XiOO, is th0 t0m-
n8nt Ol 8n 8nOi0nt VOO8nO th8t O0O8m0
0XtinOt 8_0s 8_O. h0 m8_m8 in its QiQ0
h8tO0n0O intO sCiO tOOK. h0 tOOK W8s
0V0n h8tO0t th8n th0 tOOK Ol th0 OOn0
8tOUnO it. O0 8nO WinO 8nO W8t0t _t8O-
U8y WOt0 !h0 mOUH!8H dOWH. P! 8s!
nOthin_ W8s 0H OUt Q8tt Ol th0 QU_
lOtm0O in th0 QiQ0. Lth0t tOOKs OOO0O
UnO0t_tOUnO OOm0 intO Vi0W in th0 s8m0
W8y-8QQ08tin_ 8s th0 tOOKs th8t OnO0
hiO th0m Ois8QQ08t.
New Kocks rom Ld
n th0 08tths On_ histOty th0t0 h8V0
O00n m8ny Oh8n_0s in 8nO 8nO s08.
bOm0 Q8tts Olth0 08tth th8t8t0 nOW Oty
8nO W0t0 UnO0t th0 s08 lOt miiOns Ol
y08ts. n th0 s8m0 W8y, sOm0 8t08s th8t
W0t0 OnO0 Oty 8nO 8t0 nOW 8t th0 OOt-
tOm Olth0 s08. h0 tOOKs mOst imQOtt8nt
in t0in_ 8OOUt Oh8n_0s in 8nO 8nO s08
8t0 th0 s0Oim0nt8ty, Ot W8t0t-m8O0,
tOOKs. NOst Ol th0m 8t0 lOtm0O UnO0t-
W8t0t ltOm s0Oim0nt-Oits 8nO Qi0O0s Ol
m8t0ti8 th8t s8nK OOWn thtOU_h th0
W8t0t 8nO OO0Ot0O 8t th0 OO!tOm Ol u
8k0 OI s08.
N8ny Olth0 s0Oim0nts th8t lOtm s0Oi-
m0nt8ty tOOks OOm0 ltOm th0 Ot08kin_
UQ OlOd0I IOOks. Jh0y muy O0 QI0O0s Ol
i_n0OUs 8nO m0t8mOtQhiO IOOks. LiV0n
0nOU_h tim0, 0V0H th0 h8IO0st i_n0OUs
tOOK O8n O0 OtOk0H iHtO Oits. N8ny OOm0
inst08O ltOm OOct s0Oim0Ht8ty tOOks.
bOOim0Ht8ty IOOks Oun O0 m8O0 OV0t,
!Im0 8H0I !Im0.
h0 QiOtUt0 t0s mUOh Ol th0 stOty Ol
s0Oim0nt8ty tOOKs. V8V0s O08t On tOOky
OiBs 8On_ th0 shOt0s Ol 8K0s 8nO s08s.
h0y O8n Ot0uK UQ tOOKs t8th0t l8st Oy
QiOKin_ UQ OhUnKs Ol tOOK 8t08Oy OtO-
K0n OB`8nO hUtin_ th0m 8t
th0 OIBs. Ln
O08Oh0s, th0y W8sh Qi0O0s Ol OtOK0n-OB
tOOK O8OK 8nO lOtth, 8 th0 tim0 m8Kin_
th0m sm80t.
VinO, tOO, Us0s tOOK 8t08Oy OtOK0n
OB tO Ot08K UQ mOt0 tOOk. Lh0miO8s in
th0 8it m8y Otin_ 8OOUt Ch8n_0s th8t
O8Us0 tOOks tO OtUmO0. L8Oi0ts, 8s th0y
mOV0 OV0t tOOK, _tinO sOm0 Ol it intO
QOWO0t-Bn0 Q8ttiO0s.
V8t0t th8t tUns intO Ot8Oks in tOOks
uHd lt00Z0s Ol!0n QII0s OBOhUnks OlIOOk
8s It 0XQ8nOs n O0OOmin_ iO0. 8nts
_tOWin_ in Ot8Oks in tOOks m8y Qty OB
OhUnks n th0 s8m0 W8y. L8t_0 Qi0O0s Ol
tOOk th8t 8I0 OtOk0H OBhI_h On 8 mOUn-
t8iH sOQ0 OH0H OOm0 hUttIH_ OOWn th0
mOUH!8IHsO0, OI08kIH_ OBQ0O0s OltOOK
8 8On_ th0 W8y. NUOh Olth0 tOOK OtO-
K0n intO Oits On 8nO O0OOm0s sOi.
btt08ms 8nO tiV0ts W08t 8W8y th0it
O8nKs. LiK0 W8V0s 8nO WinO, tUnnin_
W8t0t Ot08Ks UQ tOOK l8st0t il it h8s
Qi0O0s OltOOK lO Us0 8s tOOs.
HiV0ts Q8y 8nOth0t imQOtt8nt Q8tt in
th0 stOty Ol s0Oim0nt8ty tOOKs-th0y
O8tQ 8 _t08t O08 Ol OtOK0n-UQ tOOK tO
8K0s 8nO s08s. OO8y th0 NississiQQi
HiV0t O8tti0s s0V0t8 hUnOt0O miiOn
tOns Ol s0Oim0nt tO th0 LUl Ol N0XiOO
0V0ty y08t. t is nO WOnO0t th8t thiOK
8y0ts Ol s0Oim0nt8ty tOOKs h8V0 O00n
OUil UQ On th0 BOOts Ol 8K0s 8nO s08s.
Vh0n 8 tiV0t t08Oh0s 8 8K0 Ot s08, its
BOW is sOW0O, 8nO th0 tiV0t O0_ins OtOQ-
Qin_ its O8O. itst th0 h08Vi0t Qi0O0s
sinK. 0Xt th0 s8nO s0tt0s. h0 Bn0 sit
8nO O8y Q8ttiO0s m8y O0 O8tti0O OU!
8 On_ W8y O0lOt0 th0y, tOO, s0tt0.
Ot 8 th0 s0Oim0nls th8t l8 tO th0
BOOts Ol 8k0s 8nO s08s 8t0 OtOK0n-UQ
tOOK. bOm0 8t0 lOtm0O ltOm min0t8s
th8t W0t0 OissOV0O in th0 W8t0t. h0s0
OissOV0O min0t8s 0V0ntU8y s0tt0 tO
th0 OOttOm in V0ty tiny Oits. h0 OOm-
mOn0st s0Oim0nt thUs lOtm0O is O8Oit0.
N8ny sm8 W8t0t 8nim8s OUiO sh0s
Ot Oth0t tyQ0s Ol hOUs0s lOt th0ms0V0s
OUt Ol Oh0miO8s OissOV0O in th0 W8t0t.
bO OO sOm0 tiny Q8nts. Vh0n th0 iVin_
thin_s th8t OUiO th0m Oi0, th0 hOUs0s
O0OOm0 8 Q8tt Ol th0 8y0ts Ol s0Oim0nt
On th0 BOOts Olth0 8K0s 8nO s08s. N8ny
is8nOs in W8tm s08s 8t0 sUttOUnO0O Oy
OOt8 t00ls OUit Oy tiny W8t0t 8nim8s.
n tim0 th0 O0Os Ol s0Oim0nt OUit UQ
8t th0 OOttOm Ol 8K0s 8nO s08s O0OOm0
sOiO tOOK. h0 tOOK Q8ttiO0s in 8 8y0t
Ol s0Oim0nt 8t0 O0m0nt0O tO_0th0t Oy
min0t8s ltOm th0 W8t0t. h0 Oh8n_0 tO
sOiO tOOK is h0Q0O Oy th0 _t08t W0i_ht
Ol n0W0t s0Oim0nts 8s th0y s0tt0. Vh8t
KinO OltOOk 8 8y0t Ols0Oim0nt O0OOm0s
O0Q0nOs On Wh8t th0 s0Oim0nt W8s.
h0 mOst OOmmOn s0Oim0nt8ty tOOKs
8t0 im0stOn0, s8nOstOn0, sh80, 8nO OOn-
_Om0t8t0. h0t0 8t0 OiB0t0nt V8ti0ti0s
Ol08Oh. LOmmOn0st Ol8 8t0 th0 sh80s.
J l
0Um0f0Q K0tk9
ne unUlone
Lryfune Lmelone
LolIc Lmelone
he Lmelone
t is 08sy tO s00 th8t OOn_lOm0t8t0 is 8
m8O0-OV0t tOOK. 0OOl0s Ol lh0 OO0t
tOOK Ot tOOKs it O8m0 ltOm shOW Ol08tly.
h0 tOOKy m8ss in WhiOh th0 Q0OOl0s 8t0
0mO0OO0O is OH0n QU8tt2 Ot O8lOit0.
b8nOstOn0, 8s its n8m0 t0lls, is m8O0 Ol
s8nO. t O8n O0 tOlO Q8ttly Oy its l00l-th0
_t8ins Ol s8nO _iV0 it th0 l00l Ol s8nOQ8-
Q0t. lth0 s8nO _t8ins 8t0 sm8ll, th0 tOOK
is O8ll0O Bn0 s8nOstOn0. n OO8ts0 s8nO-
stOn0 th0 _t8ins, 8s yOU WOUlO 0XQ0Ot,
8t0 mUOh l8t_0t. hOU_h mOst s8nO is
QU8tt2, nOt 8l Olit is. n 8tKOs0, sOm0 Ol
th0 s8nO _t8ins 8t0 l0lOsQ8t.
h0 OOlOt Ol s8nOstOn0 UsU8!ly O0-
Q0nOs On Wh8t hOlOs th0 _t8ins tO_0th0t.
l th0 s8nO is QU8tl2 8nO lh0 O0m0nl
hOlOin_ th0 _t8ins tO_0th0t is 8lsO QU8tt2,
th0 tOOK m8y O0 8lmOst OOlOtl0ss. bUOh
s8nOstOn0 st8nOs UQ W0ll 8_8inst WinO
8nO W08th0t. bOm0 s8nOslOn0s On th0
Oth0t h8nO, OtUmO0 08siy. Y0OW 8nO
hue howng runUrop murk
t0O s8nOstOn0s OW0 th0it OOOts tO itOn
in th0 h0m8tit0 Ot imOnit0 O0m0nt th8t
hOOs th0 _t8ins Ol s8nO lO_0lh0t. LH0n
in s8nOstOn0 th0 O0m0nl is O8lOil0. bOm0-
tim0s il is O8y.
Lim0stOn0 is m0O0 mOsly Ot 0ntit0y
Ol O8Oit0. n CQst8in0 im0stOn0, lh0
O8Oil0 Otqst8s h8V0 t0OQst8li20O in 8
8t_0t si20. LOiliO im0slOn0 is m8O0 Ol
OOit0s O0m0nt0O lO_0th0t. P OOil0 is 8
tiny O8 lOtm0O Ol 8y0ts Ol min0t8
8tOUnO 8 Oit OlsOm0 Olh0ttOOK m8l0ti8.
n sh0l im0slOn0, 0s yOU O8n s00 ltOm
th0 sQ0Oim0n, sh0s 8t0 O0m0nl0O lO-
_0th0t. Ul8 is 8 QOtOUs KinO Ol im0-
stOn0 th8t lOHs in sQtin_s.
Lh8K 8nO OOt8 8t0 Oth0t im0stOn0s.
Lh8K is lOtm0O ltOm th0 hOUs0s Ol
On0-O0l0O W8l0t Q0nls 8nO 8nim0s, 0nO
OOt8, 8s yOU KnOW, is OUit Oy OOt8 8ni-
m8s. binO0 il is

0 Ot mOsly O8Oit0,
im0slOn0 B220s in 8OiO.
PnOth0t n8m0 lOt sh80 is mUOstOn0.
Vh0n mOist0n0O, sh80 sm0s iK0 mUO.
t is 8 Bn0-_t8in0O tOOK lOtm0O Ohi0By Ol
sit 8nO O8y. n O8O8t0OUs sh80 th0t0 is
sOm0 O8Oit0, 8nO s8nOy sh80 is Q8tty
s8HO. bh80 m8y O0 _t00n, _t8y, O8OK,
t0O, OtOWn, Ot y0OW.
t is nOt 08sy tO s00 hOW 8nythin_ 8s
lt8_i0 8s O0nts m8O0 in mUO Oy t8in-
OtOQs OOUO O0 Qt0s0tV0O u tOOK. Ut
tiQQ0 m8tKs, mUO Ot8OKs, 8nO t0inOtOQ
O0nls, m8O0 miliOns Ol y08ts 8_O, 8I0
sOm0tim0s lOUnO. LOO8siOn8ly, imQt0s-
siOns Olt8inOtOQs l8in_ On smOOlh mUO
s0Oim0nts 0XQOs0O 8t OW liO0 h8QQ0n0O
tO O0 Qt0s0tV0O, mUOh 8s sOm0 OinOs8Ut
lOOtQtints W0t0.
h0 QiOlUt0s On this Q8_0 shOW OUl-
OtOQs Ol s0Oim0nt8Q tOOKs. h0s0 8t0 8
si_n th8t th0 t0_iOn W8s UnO0D8t0t lOt 8
V0ty On_ tim0.
Kock8 1hal Lhange
heul unU
0eul nU
P8 yOU h8V0 lOUnO, i_n0OU8 tOOK8 8nO
thO80 O8ll0O m0t8mOtQhiO O8n O0 OtOK0n
UQ 8nO m8O0 intO 80Oim0nt8Q tOOK8,
8nO 80Oim0nl8ty tOOK8 O8n O0 OtOK0n UQ
tO O0 m8O0 intO n0W On0s. h0 Oh8It
8OOV0 t0ll8 8nOth0t Oh8Qt0t in th0 8tOQ.
Oth i_n0OU8 8nO 80Oim0nt8ty tOOK8 O8n
O0 Oh8n_0O tO m0t8mOtQhiO tOOKs. [h0
n8m0 OOm0s ltOm th0 WOtO m0t8mOt-
QhO8i8, WhiOh m08n8 Oh8n_0 Ol lOtm. )
h0 Oh8n_in_ Ol tOOKs i8 OtOU_ht 8OOUt
Oy h08t 8nO Qt088Ut0. h0 tOOK8 OO nOt
h8V0 tO O0 BI8t OtOK0n intO Qi0O0s.
h0t0 i8 tt0m0nOOU8 Qt0ssUt0 On mUOh
Olth0 tOOK in th0 08tth s OtUst. 8tt Olit
OOm0s ltOm th0 W0i_ht Ol tOOK8 8OOV0.
h0t0 i8 8lsO 8 _t08t O08l Ol 8iO0W8ys
Qt088Ut0. bUtl8O0 tOOK8 m8y O0 QUsh0O
UQ intO _t08t lOlO8 th8t in tim0 O0OOm0
mOUnt8in8. h0t0 i8 8l8O Qt088Ut0 ltOm
tOOK8 8liOin_ 8lOn_ _t08t Ot8OKs.
h0 h0ut thut h0Qs tO m8K0 m0t8-
mOtQbiO IOOks OOm0s ltOm bOt m8_mu.
Vh0n0V0t m8_m8 lOtO08 its W8y UQ tO
th0 8Utl8O0 Ot O0tW00n l8y0t8 Ol tOOK Ot
intO Ot8OKs, 8ll th0 tOOK n08tOy i8 h08t0O.
t i8 nOt 8UtQti8in_ th8t m0t8mOtQhiO
tOOKs 8t0 lOUnO uIOUnO OiK0s, sis, 8O-
OOlith8, 8nO th0 QiQ08 OlVOlO8nO08.
P m0t8mOtQhiO tOOK m8y nOt OOK
V0ty OiB0I0nt ltOm th0 tOOK it Oum0
ltOm. b8t0 i8 m8O0 ltOm sh80. t V8ti0s
in OOlOt, ]Ust 88 sh8l0 OO0s. t h8s th0
88m0 mUOOy sm0l th8t sh80 h8s. b8t0
is, hOW0V0t, muOh h8tO0t th8n sh80, 8nO
it is in sb00ts th8t sQit uQ8tt 0usiy.
N8tOl0 is lOtm0O ltOm lim0stOn0. t is
mUOh liK0 Oty8t8lin0 lim0stOn0 OUt h8s
mOt0 8Q8tK0. N8tOl0 ltOm QUt0 Whit0
lim0stOn0 i8 Whit0. NOst m8tOl0, hOW0V-
0t, is 8tt08K0O Ot mOtt0O Oy imQUtiti08
_Ust 88 th0 O8K0 n8m0O lOt it-m8tOl0
OuK0-shOWs stI0uKs Ol i_ht 8nO O8tK).
N8tO0 muy 0V0n O0 OuOK. N8IO0 is
h8tO, mUOh h8tO0t th8n lim0stOn0, 8nO
sO sOiO th8t it t8K0s 8 hi_h QOish. t
B220s in 8OiO, ]Ust 8s im0stOn0 OO0s.
QU8tt2it0 OOm0s ltOm 88nO8tOn0. t
8til h8s 8 s8nO8tOn0 lOOK. UUt QU8tt2it0
is n0V0t OIUmOly, 8s sOm0 s8nOstOn0 is.
QU8tt2it0 is 8 ttUly sOiO IOOK, lOt QU8tt2
h8s Bl0O 8ll th0 QOt0s in th0 88nOstOn0 it
O8m0 ltOm. l yOU OtOK0 UQ 8 Qi0O0 Ol
88nOstOn0 With 8 h8mm0t, th0 Dt08Ks
WOUO _O 8IOUnO th0 _t8ins Ol s8nO, unO
yOU WOUO _0t 8 Qi0 Ol IOUnO0O _tuins.
lyOU OIOK0 UQ 8 Qi0O0 OlQU8tt2it0, yOU
WOUO _0I sh8IQ-0O_0O Oits Ol IOOK. h0
OI0uKs WOUO _O ti_ht thIOU_h tb0 _tuins.
LH0n th0 8tOty Ol sh80 OO0s nOt 0nO
With th0 lOtmin_ Ol 8l8t0. bl8t0, in tUtn,
m8y O0 Oh8n_0O Oy h08t 8nO Qt0ssUt0
intO 8nOth0t m0t8mOtQhiO tOOK, Qhyit0.
n Qhyit0 sOm0 t0OIyst8i28tiOn h8s
_On0 On sOth8t th0 min0t8ls 8t0 in l8t_0t
_t8ins. hyit0 h8s 8 shini0t OOK th8n
s8t0. hyit0 m8y O0 Oh8n_0O tO 8 sOhist,
WbiOb is 8 sti shini0t tOOk.
h0t0 8t0 m8ny OiB0t0nt 8Ohists. Pny
KinO OltOOK m8y 0nO UQ 8s 8 sOhist. h0
Nel0m0tgc K0ck5
Lfuy ule
buck Nufbe
Lurnel-mcu ch8l
Nu8c0Vfe Lne88
Ke0 ule
Otyst8s Ol th0 min0t8s in 8 sOhist h8V0
O00n QUsh0O intO thin 8y0ts. Vh0n 8
Qi0O0 Ol sOhist is OtOK0n, th0 Ot08K UsU-
8y OOm0s O0tW00n 8y0t.
h0 miO8 8nO th0 OhOtit0 in miO8
SOhist 8nO OhOtit0 sOhist m8K0 th0m
shiny. UOth tOOKs 8sO OOnt0in QU8tt2.
Yhfe NufDe
Lfunfe Lne88
L8H0t is OOmmOn in miO8 sOhist. h0t0
8t0 s0V0t8 tiny _8H0ts in th0 sQ0Oim0n
QiOtUt0O. bOm0tim0s th0 _8H0ls 8t0 8t_0
8nO O08t 0nOU_h tO Us0 8s _0ms.
MOtnO0nO0 sOhist is m8O0 m8iny Ol
hOHO0nO0 8nO QU8tt2. t lOtms ltOm
th0 i_n0OUs tOOKs O8s8t 8nO _8OOtO.
QU8tt2 sOhist OOm0s ltOm imQUt0 QU8tt2-
it0, WhiOh OOm0s ltOm s8nOstOn0. "
MOHl0ls is simQy tOOK O8K0O Oy th0
h08t ltOm n08tOy m8_m8. t m8y h8V0
O00n sh0l0 Ot 0ny OlV8HOUs Oth0t tOOKs.
h0t0 8t0 8 nUmO0t Ol_n0iss0s,]Ust 8s
th0t0 8t0 Ol sOhists. Ln0iss0s OO nOt sQit
intO 8y0ts 8s sOhisls OO, OUt th0 min0t8ls
8t0 8tt8n_0O in O8nOs. n l0Ot, _t8nit0
_n0iss Is OH0n O8l0O O8nO0O _t8nil0.
LiK0 _t8nit0, il OOnt8ins QU8tt2, l0OsQ8t,
8nO 0ith0t miO0 Ot hOHOl0nO0. bOm0
_n0iss0s, mUsOOVit0 _n0iss lOt On0, 8t0
n8m0O lOt th0it mOst OOViOUs min0t8l.
im0stOn0 tOOK is V0Q liK0y tO O0
QOtOUs. Vh0n th0 W8l0t Ol 8 hc8Vy t8in
l8s On QOtOUs im0stOn0, it OO0s nOt 8
0V8QOt8t0 Ot tUn OB 8s it OO0s Wh0n it
sttiK0s sUOh 8 tOOK 8s s8t0 Ot QU8tt2it0.
nst08O, sOm0 Olit sinKs in.
Ut0 W8t0t OissOV0s V0ty itt0 tOOK.
V8!0I, 8s i! l8s, hOW0V0I, OissOV0s
_8s0s ltOm lh0 8iI. Ln0 Ol !h0s0 _8s0s is
O8tOOn OiOXiO0. V8t0t OOn!8inin_ O8tOOn
OiOXiO0 O8n OissOlV0 im0stOn0. h0t0-
lOt0, 8s t8inW8t0t sinKs intO 8 8y0t Ol
im0s!On0, it m8y OissOV0 sOm0 Ol th0
im0 8nO m8K0 th0 sQ8O0s O0tW00n th0
Oils Ol min0I8 8t_0t. Ps mOt0 W8t0t
sinKs in y08t 8H0I y08t, 8t_0 sQ8O0s, Ot
O8V0Hs, m8y O0 lOtm0O. Pt Btst th0 O8V-
0Hs 8t0 iK0y tO O0 Bl0O With W8t0t, OUt
8s n0W O8V0Hs, 8nO Q0th8Qs UnO0t-
_tOUnO stt08ms, 8t0 lOtm0O 8t OW0t 0V-
0s, th0 W8t0t m8y Ot8in OUl Ol O8V0Hs
n08t0t lh0 sUIl8O0. bOm0 O8V0tns 8I0
ttUly UnO0t_tOUnO l8ity8nOs.
OtiO0 th8t in th0 QiOtUt0 th0t0 8t0
lOtm8liOns h8n_in_ ltOm th0 O0iin_ Ol
!h0 O8V0tn 8nO Olh0ts tisin_ lIOm !h0
BOOt. hOs0 h8n_in_ OOWn ltOm 8OOV0
8t0 st88Olit0s, Whi0 thOs0 tisin_ ltOm
th0 BOOt 8t0 st88_mit0s. bt88Otit0s 8nO
st8l8_mit0s lOtm in this W8y.
Plt0t 8 O8V0H is Ot8in0O, W8!0t OOn-
tinU0s tO s00Q in!O it. bOm0 Ol i! OtiQs
OOWn ltOm th0 O0ilin_. U0lOt0 it l8lls,
O0O8Us0 OlOOth 0V8QOt8tiOn 8nO th0 lOss
Ol sOm0 Ol its O8tOOn OiOXiO0 tO th0 8it,
th0 W8t0t 08V0s O0hinO sOm0 Ol th0
im0, Ot O8Oit0, it W8s O8ttyin_. his lim0
t0m8ins On th0 O0iin_ 8s tiny min0t8l
iOiO0s. Ps mOt0 W8t0t t08Oh0s th0 O8V0H
8nO OtiQs OOWn, th0 iOiOl0s _IOW l8t_0t.
n tim0, th0y lOOK liK0 th0 st8l8Otit0s in
th0 QiOtUt0.
h0 OtiQQin_ W8t0t th8t t08Oh0s th0
_ BOOt 8lsO OtOQs its lO8O Ol im0. Lt8O-
U8y, UnO0t 8 st8l8Otit0, 8n UQsiO0-OOWn
iOiO0, Ot st8l8_mit0, is OUilt UQ. P st8l8_-
mi!0 8nO 8 st8l8Otit0 m8y m8ly m00t
8nO lOtm 8 Qi8t Ol im0stOn0 ltOm th0
OOt tO thc Ociin_.
h0 OUiOin_ Ol st8l8Otit0s 8nO st88_-
mit0s _O0s On sOWly. Ui_ On0s 8t0 m8ny
thOUs8nOs Oly08ts in th0 m8Kin_.
n th0 s8m0 W8y th8t sUOh OtiQstOn0
lOtm8tiOns 8t0 OUit UQ, OUtt8inliK0
m8ss0s-O8l0O BOWstOn0-lOtm ltOm W8-
t0t ttiOKin_ OOWn O8V0tn W8s. OW-
stOn0 m8y OOK iK0 _i8nt Bn_0ts Ot 8
ltO2cn W8t0tl8.
hc im0stOn0 Ol st88Otit0s, st88_-
mit0s, 8nO BOWstOn0 is O8ll0O tt8V0ttin0.
LH0n, OU0 tO imQUtiti0s, th0 tOOK shOWs
O8nOs OlOiB0t0nt OOOts. U8nO0O tt8V0t-
tin0 is KnOWn 8s OnyX m8tO0. LiK0 ttU0
m8tO0, it is h8tO 0nOU_h tO t8K0 8 QOish.
m8mmOth L8V0 in K0ntUOKy is 8
l8mOUs O8V0H With m8ny tOOms 8nO
Q8ss8_0W8ys. bOm0 J mil0s Ol it h8V0
O00n 0XQOt0O. h0 W8s Ol sOm0 tOOms
8t0 8s hi_h 8s 8 BV0-stOty OUiOin_.
t m8y s00m stt8n_0 th8t 8 O8V0tn sO
Oi_ OOUO O0 lOtm0O in 8 8y0t Ol im0-
stOn0. t is nOt stt8n_0 Wh0n W0 KnOW
th8t, l8t O8OK in th0 08tths histOty, 8 Ol
8 _t08l t0_iOn th8t inOUO0s th0 sit0 Ol
m8mmOth L8V0 W8s UnO0t th0 s08 lOt
sOm0 milliOn y08ts. h0 im0stOn0
8y0t in WhiOh m8mmOth L8V0 W8s
m8O0 is hUnOt0Os Oll00t thiOK.
LnO0 in 8 Whi0, sO mUOh Ol th0 imc-
stOn0 8OOV0 8 O8V0H is OissOV0O th8t th0
O0iin_ Olth0 O8V0H l8s in. n this W8y
8 sinKhOl0 is lOtm0O. bOm0tim0s nOt 8
th0 O0ilIn_ l8lls. h0 Q8tt 0H th0n m8y
lOtm 8 n8tUt8l OtiO_0. h0 Oi8_t8m
shOWs s0V0t8l st8_0s in O8V0tn OUiOin_.
n Ql8O0s yOU s00 th0 V0ty O0_innin_s Ol
O8V0Hs 8nd in Oth0t Q8O0s O8V0Hs th8t
h8V0 O0OOm0 sinKhO0s.
h0t0 8t0 O8V0s in tOOK OiBs 8On_ th0
OO08n shOt0, 8nO th0t0 8t0 O8V0s in 8V8
8nO iO0. UUt Ony thOs0 lOtm0O O0OW-
_tOUnO Oy W8t0t s00Qin_ thtOU_h QOtOUs
tOOK 8t0 O80O O8V0tns. 0OQ0 WhO 0X-
QOt0 O8V0Hs 8nO s08tOh lOt ncW Oncs
8t0 O8l0O sQcUnK0ts. ]ClunKu in L8tin
m08ns O8Vc.
arfhNan s reaf bforehouse
N0!8s 8nO _0ms, yOU h8V0 08tn0O,
OOm0 ltOm th0 08tths tOOKs. Lt08t stOt0s
Ol Oth0t tiOh0s 8t0 th0t0, !OO. Ll th0m
8, !h0 mOs! V8U8O0 Oy l8t is !h0 sOi.
PO On0 OOUO 0V0n _U0ss Wh8t 8 !h0
08tths sOi is WOt!h. m8_in0 iVin_ On
8n 08tth !h8t h8O nO sOi. PO Q8n!s
OOUO _tOW On 8 O8t0 sOiO-tOOK sUtl8O0,
0XO0Qt sUOh V0ty simQl0 On0s 8s iOh0ns.
VithOUt sOi tO hOO th0 Q8nts in Ql8O0
8nO tO lUHish th0m With th0 min0t8s
lh0y n00O, W0 OOUO t8is0 nO OtOQs. ! is
O0tt8iny h8tO !O QiOtUt0 hOW th0 08t!hs
n08ty lOUt OiiOn Q0OQ0 OOUO iV0 On
Ony lOOO ltOm 8K0s, tiV0ts, 8nO s08s.
PnO it WOUlO O0 8 _t08l h8tOshiQ tO h8V0
tO _0t 8On_ Wi!hOut sOm0 Ol!h0 m8!0ti-
8ls W0 _0t ltOm Q8nts-m8t0ti8s sUOh 8s
OOttOn, tUOO0I, UmO0t, 8nO m0OiOin0s.
bOil is m8O0 UQ l8t_0y Ol tOOK Q8tti-
O0s. LV0tyWh0t0 O0OW it, !h0t0 is sOiO
tOOK-O0OtOOK il is O80O. POOV0 th0
O0OtOOK, th0t0 is 8 8y0t O8l0O sUOsOi.
bOm0 Olth0 Qi0O0s OltOOK in i! 8t0 iK0y
lO O0 th0 si20 OlQ0OO0s, Whi0 Oth0ts 8t0
OO8ts0 s8nO. bUOsOi i s nO! tiOh. POOV0
th0 sUOsOi, th0t0 is 8 8y0t Ol !OQsOi.
M0t0 !h0 tOOK Q8t!iO0s 8t0 m0t On0s Ol
s8nO, si!, 8nO O8y. NiX0O in Wi!h th0s0
Q8ttiO0s, !h0t0 is O0O8yin_ Q8n! 8nO
8nim8 m8!0ti8 !h8! h0Qs !O m8K0 !h0
sOi tiOh. h0t0 8t0, O0siO0s, sOm0 V0ty
tiny iVin_ !hin_s !h8! h0Q !h0 sOi tO
QtOOUO0 OtOQs. LOOO sOi is 8 On_ !im0
in th0 m8Kin_. t m8y !8K0 hUnOt0Os Ot
0V0n !hOUs8nOs Oly08ts lOt 8 !hiOK 8y0t
Ol !OQsOi tO lOtm.
n sOm0 Q8O0s, !h0t0 8t0 Oi_ O0QOsi!s
Ol 8mOs! QUt0 O8y. P V0ty On_ !im0
8_O, Q0OQl0 lOUnO lh8! !h0y OOUO m8K0
O8y intO QOlt0ty. Vh0n O8y is mOist-
0n0O, it O0OOm0s OOU_hiK0 8nO O8n O0
mOO0O in!O 8ny sh8Q0 W8n!0O. L8y is
s!i mUOh Us0O in QOt!0ty, 8nO, 8s !b0
QiO!Ut0s On !h0 n0X! Q8_0 shOW, it is Us0O
8sO in th0 m8Kin_ Olm8ny O!h0t !hin_s.
NOst !hin_s m8O0 Ol O8y 8t0 O8KOO in
OV0ns, Ot Bt0O, tO m8K0 !h0 O8y h8tO0t.
LsU8y !h0y 8t0 _l820O tO m8K0 th0m
mOI0 8!!t8O!IV0 8nO W8!0IQIOOl.
b0V0t8 thOUs8nO y08ts 8_O, Q0OQ0 Ol
th0 NiOO0 L8st 08H0O tO m8K0 OtiOKs
Ol O8y 8nO tO OUiO With th0m. Pt Btst
th0y simQy Oti0O th0 OtiOKs in th0 sUn.
L8t0t th0y O8K0O th0m. OO8y, Bt0O
OtiOK is stI muOh Us0O in OUiOin_, 8nO
in W8tm, Oty t0_iOns, th0 sUn-Oti0O OtiOK
knOWn 8s uOOO0 is 8sO 8 V0ty QOQU8t
OUiOiH_ mut0tu.
KeU Luy
Jh0t0 uc OcQOs!s Ol 8mOst QUtc
s8nO, Ust us th0t0 8t0 OlO8y. h0 stOty
s !OO !hu! OH_ u_O, sOmc hOcHOuH
suOts W0tc OOOkIH_ u m08 OH u suHOy
s08shOt0. Jh0y h0O th0it K0tt0 UQ 8OOV0
th0 Bt0 Oy t0stin_ it On OOOks Ol sOO8
nit0t, 8 mHct8 th0it OO8t W8s O8O0O
With. h0 n0Xt mOtnin_, th0 s8iOts
lOUHO th8t thc sOO8 nit0t h8O lUs0O With
s8nO 8nO lOtm0O 8 h8tO, shny sUO-
st8nO0-th0 sUOst8nO0 W0 O8l _8ss. h0
stOty is 8mOst O0tt8iny nOt 8 ttU0 On0.
UUt it is ttU0 th8t _8ss is m8O0 ltOm
s8nO, 8nO th0 s8nO mUst O0 h08t0O in
OOmOin8tiOn With sOm0 sUOh Oh0miO8 8s
sOO8 nit0t. bOm0 s8nO h8s tt8O0s OlOth0t
m8t0ti8s th8t sQOi it lOt _8ssm8Kin_.
LnOtmOUs 8mOUnts Ol s8nO 8nO th0
cuy ppe
Lruy Luy
eec!rcu n8uul0r
8t_0t tOOK lt8_m0nts O80O _t0V0 8t0
Us0O in th0 OUiOin_ Ol tOO8ys Q8V0O
stt00ts 8nO hi_hW8ys. Ln 8 O8s0 Ol_t8V-
0, u uy0t Ol OOnOt0!0, WhiOh OOnsists
8t_0y Ol s8nO, is sQt08O. n th0 OOn-
Ot0t0, th0 _t8ins Ol s8nO 8t0 OOUnO
tO_0!h0t Oy 8 O0m0n! th8! s m8O0 Oy
h08tH_ 8 mX!Ut0 Ol O8y 8nO Bn0y
OtUsh0O m0s!On0.
0me u8e8 0f gruphle
L8t_0 8mOUnls Ol sUllUt 8t0 Us0O in
m8Kin_ tUOO0t _OOOs 8nO sUllUtiO 8OiO.
bUlUtiO 8OiO Q8ys 8n imQOtl8nl Q8tl in
th0 m8Kin_ Ol 8 _t08t m8ny lhin_s,
8mOn_ lh0m l0tlili20ts, OlOlh, 8nO Q8Q0t.
bUllUt is Us0O 8lsO in m0OiOIn0s. LUmQs
OlsUllUt O8n sOm0tim0s O0 QiOK0O UQ On
lh0 _tOUnO 8t lh0 lOQs Ol VOlO8nO08, OUl
mOsl Ol lh0 sUllUt W0 Us0 OOm0s ltOm
O00Q UnO0t_tOUnO.
8lO, nUmO0t On lh0 h8IOn0ss sO8l0
8nO lh0 min0t8l Us0O in m8Kin_ l8lOUm
QOWO0t, is 8lmOst lh0 Only min0t8 in lh0
tOOk sO8QstOn0. bOm0 t8Ol0s 8nO OOUnt-
0t b8V0 sO8Q8tOn0 lOQs.
YOU 8lt08Oy KnOW lh8l lh0 l08O in
l08O Q0nOils is _t8Qhil0. h0 QiOlUt0
sbOW sOm0 Ol tb0 s0V0t8l Om0t w8y W0
Us0 this mn0t8.
n th0 08tly O8ys Ol OUt OOUnlty, Q0O-
Ql0 s08tObin_ lOt s8lt U80O tO Oi_ w0lls in
8ull mne
Nulle (r0ck 8ull)
hOQ0s Ol _0llin_ s8ll W8t0t ltOm th0m.
bOm0lim0s Oil WOUlO OOm0 insl08O, 8nO
lh0 Q0OQl0 WhOW0t0 ltyin_ lO _0l s8ll
W0t0 Ois8QQOinl0O. OW Q0OQl0 Oi_ W0lls
lO _0l Oil 8nO 8t0 Ois8QQOinl0O il th0y
_0l s8ll W8l0t| l is nOl lh8l W0 W8nt s8ll
l0ss lh8n Q0OQl0 Us0O lO W8nl it. l is] Usl
lh8l W0 O0n _0l s8ll mOt0 088ily in Olh0t
W8ys. V0 h8V0 lOUnO lh8l th0t0 8t0 _t08t
O0Os OltOOK 88ll, Ot h0lil0, UnO0t_tOUnO,
8nO lhis s8ll O8n O0 min0O 08sily. b8ll is
mUOh mOt0 lh8n ]Usl 8 s08sOnin_. l is
U0O tO k00Q m08t ltOm sQOilin_ 8nd lO
m8K0 m8ny Oh0miO8ls n00O0O in m0Oi-
Oin0s 8nO in m8nUl8OlUtin_. l lOt sOm0
t08sOn it O0O8m0 imQOssiOl0 lO _0t 8ny
mOt0 s8ll ltOm lh0 08tlhs slOt0hOUs0, 8
_t08t m8ny l8OtOti0s WOUlO h8V0 tO shUt
OOWn OOmQl0t0ly.

l yOU h8V0 0V0t Us0O Ql8sl0t Ol Q8tis,

yOU h8V0 Us0O _yQsUm. hIs sOH min0t8l
is 8lmOst 8s 08sily QOWO0t0O 8s l8lO is.
LyQsUm QOWO0t is Us0O in m8kin_ Ql8s-
t0t lOt mOOin_, lOt Q8st0tin_ W8ls, 8nO
in m8kin_ Q8st0t O8sts lOt OtOk0n 8tms
8nO 0_s. Ps Wilh s8l, th0t0 8t0 O0Os Ol
_yQsUm th8t W0 min0. t0histOtiO n-
Oi8ns min0O it O00Q in N8mmOth L8V0.
LUt 08ty O8V0m0n 8nO0stOts tOl0O Oi_
stOn0s in ltOnt Ol lh0it O8V0 0ntt8nO0s tO
QtOt0Ot th0ms0V0s ltOm WiO 8nim8s.
NUOh 8t0t, m0n Us0O Oi_ Qi0O0s Ol stOn0
tO OUilO WhO0 OUiOin_s. h0 _t08t
O8th0Ot8s Ol th0 NiOOl0 P_0s shOW hOW
m8_HhOcHt 8 stOHc OUOiH_ O8n Oc.
OO8y W0 sti Us0 D8tUt8 stOn0 lOt sOm0
Ol OUt hn0st OUiOin_s. Lt08t s8Os 8t0
min0O in tOOk QU8tti0s ik0 th0 On0
shOWn h0t0.
Ke0 Lrunle he Lme8l0ne

Lubbr0 br0wn Nurbe
Ke0 ule



gfUhle quUfQ
back odLo aDd L
LO0l 0nO Oil 0I0 lWO mOI0 Ol lh0
m0ny V8lU8Ol0 m8l0ti8ls W0 t8K0 OUt Ol
th0 08tths stOt0hOUs0. PnOth0t n8m0 lOt
Oil lh0l OOmcs lIOm UnOcI_IOUnO is Q0-
lIOl0um. l OOmcs ltOm 0lin WOIds lOt
tOOK 0nO Oi.
LO0l 8nO Q0ltOl0Um 0I0 OOlh Us0lUl,
OUl Why, yOU m0y WOnO0t, shOUlO lh0y
O0 O0ll0O Ol0OK _OlO? hOU_h OOlh 0t0
Ol0OK-OI 0l l08sl V0Iy O0tK-lh0t0 is nO
_OlO in 0ilh0I On0. PnO lh0y 0I0 nOl QI0-
OiOUs, 0s _OlO is. P OUQlUl Ol_OlO dUsl is
WOIlh hUnOt0Os Ol OOll0ts, Whil0 0 OUQ-
lUl Ol Q0ltOl0Um Ot Qi0O0s Ol OO0l is
WOIlh Only Q0nni0s. h0y 8t0 _OO
Only O0O8Us0 w0 t8K0 sUOh _I08l QU8nli-
ti0s Olth0m ltOm th0 08tth. h0 OO8l 8nO
lh0 Oil t8K0n 08Oh y08t 8I0 WOtth m8ny
OilliOns Ol OOll8ts.
LO8l 8nO Q0ttOl0Um 8t0 OH0n O8ll0O
lOssil lU0ls. UOth W0t0 lOtm0O ltOm liV-
in_ thin_s OllOn_ 8_O. LO0l O8m0 mOsty
ltOm 8nOi0nt lOt0sls. NUOh Ol it d8tcs
Qe9 0f 00
O0OK lO lh0 LO0l P_0 Ol milliOn
y00Is 0_O. 0lIOl0Um O8m0 ltOm liny
Ql8nls 8nO 0nim8ls Ol th0 s00. bOm0
O8l0s O0OK tO th0 P_0 Ol tilOOit0s J
miliOn y08ts 8_O.
LO8l OOOUts in 0y0ts lh8l 8I0 s0Q0-
t0t0O Oy 0y0ts Ol sUOh Olh0t tOOKs 0s
s8nOstOn0 8nO sh8l0. his is lh0 stOty Ol
hOW OO8l W8s lOtm0O.
P lOt0st _t0W in 8 sw8mQ. Ps tt00s
di0O, th0y l0l ntO th0 sW8mQ W8t0t. n
tim0 th0 t0_iOn s8nk, sO th8t it W8s Un-
O0t O00Q0t W8t0t. P th0 tt00s Oi0O 8nO
s8nk tO th0 OOttOm. bOOn tb0 8y0t Ol
O08O tt00s W8s OOV0t0O With s8nO 8nd
mUO W8sh0O in ltOm th0 ViOinity. his
s0Oim0nt Bn8ly O0O8m0 h08Vy 0nOU_h tO
sQU0020 th0 Ql8nt m8t0ti8l intO 8 OOm-
Q8Ot l8y0t. L8t0t th0 t0_iOn tOs0, 8nd
OnO0 mOt0 th0t0 W8s 8 sW8mQy lOt0st.
P_8in it s8nk, 8nO th0 OtOWn0O lOt0st
W8s OUti0O Oy s0Oim0nt. h0 sinKin_ 8nO
Hsm_ h8QQ0n0O 8_8in 8nO 8_8in.
htOU_h th0 y08ts, Oh8n_0s tOOK Ql8O0
th8t tUtn0O th0 Q8nt m8t0ti8l intO OO8l
8nO th0 s0Oim0nts intO th0 s8nOstOn0
8nO sh80 th8t W0 knOW.
h0 tht00 Ohi0l kinOs Ol OO8l 8t0 QiO-
tUt0O. Li_nit0 is th0 sOH0st 8nO th0 Btst
tO lOtm. n th0 OOUts0 Ol milliOns Ol
y08ts, it tUtns intO OitUminOUs OO8l,
WhiOh is h8tO0t. n tim0, OitUminOUs OO8l
m8y O0 Oh8n_0O tO th0 mUOh h8tO0t
8ntht8Oit0 OO8l.
O min0 OO8l, sh8Hs m8y O0 OU_ OOWn
tO th0 OO8. Lt, il8 l8y0t is n08t th0 sUt-
l8O0, th0 tOOk 8OOV0 it m8y O0 sttiQQ0d
OB 8nO th0 OO8 simQly sOOOQ0O UQ.
0ttOl0Um is t08Oh0O Oy Otillin_
W0ls-th8t is, Oy QUshin_ lOn_ QiQ0s
OOWn tO Wh0t0 th0 Oil is. 0ttOl0Um tt8V-
0s ltOm Ql8O0 tO Ql8O0 UnO0t_tOUnO
thtOU_h QOtOUs tOOKs. b8lt W8t0t _O0s
8lOn_ With it. 8tUt8l _8s m8y O0 miX0O
With it, tOO. Pt tim0s th0 Oil-W8t0t-_8s
miXtUt0 t08Oh0s 8 Ql8O0 Wh0t0 it is
tt8QQ0O. n th0 Oi8_t8m, th0 lOlOin_ Ol
th0 tOOks h8s m8O0 tWO tt8Qs. M0t0 th0
_8s, Oi, 8nO W8t0t h8V0 s0Q8t8t0O ltOm
On0 8nOth0t. h0 _8s, O0in_ i_ht0st, is
On tOQ. LnO0t it is th0 Oil. h0 W8t0t is
ut thc OOttOm.
PH0t Oi is QUmQ0O OUt Ol 8 W0, it is
OtOk0n UQ intO _8sOin0, k0tOs0n0, Oi0s0
Oil, lUOtiO8tin_ Oil, 8nO 8n 8m82m_
nUmO0t Ol Oth0t QtOOUOts.
h0 08tth is sUOh 8 V8st stOt0hOUs0
th8t Q0OQl0 in th0 Q8st h8V0 nOt stOQQ0d
tO think 8OOUt hOW l8st W0 8I0 0mQtyin_
it. OW m8ny Q0OQl0 l08t th8t, 8ll tOO
sOOn, th0 stOt0hOUs0 OUQOO8tds Will O0
O8t0. n this O0ntUty 8lOn0, W0 h8V0 Us0d
UQ 8 Oi_ Q8tt Ol th0 stOt0s it tOOK mil-
liOns Ol y08ts tO OUilO UQ. 0OQl0 tOd8y
8t0 WOtti0O, tOO, 8OOUt th0 8it 8nd W8t0t
QOUtiOn th8t OOm0s ltOm Usin_ lOssil
lU0s tO sUOh 8 _t08t 0Xt0nt.
wuler hrl,
lhen 0l

0l hrl,
lhen gu

0 un0 gu

Kock8 rom Lul ol 1hs Vord
h0 mOOn i8 lh0 08tlh8 n08t08l n0i_h-
OOt in 8Q8O0. Ot 8_08 Q0OQl0 h0V0 O00n
inl0t08l0d in il. l8 800min_ Oh8n_08 in
8h8Q0, lOt in8l8nO0, _8V0 OUt 08tly 8nO0s-
lOt8 8 W8y Ol m088Utin_ lim0-OUt WOtd
m0nlh OOm08 ltOm lh0 WOtd m00n. h0
inV0nliOn Ol lh0 l0l08OOQ0 m8d0 it QO88i-
Ol0 lOt 8Oi0nli8ls lO Bnd OUl m8ny thin_s
8OOUl lh0 mOOn8 8Utl8O0. h0y OOUld 800
mOUnl8in8 8nd Ql8in8 8nd _t08l hOllOWs
lh8l lOOK0d liK0 lh0 lOQ8, Ot Ot8t0t8, Ol
_i_8nliO VOlO8nO0s. UUl lh0t0 W0t0 sti
m8ny QU08tiOns WhiOh lh0y OOUld nOt
8nsW0t Oy OOkn_ thtOU_h t0l0sOOQ0s.
PmOn_ tb0m w0t0 th0s0.

th0 mOOn7 V8s t 0V0t 8

Q8tt Ol th0 08tIh7 s th0 mOOn m8O0 Ol
th0 s8m0 m8t0t8s 8s th0 08tth7 M8s th0
mOOn 8W8ys O00n 8 d08O WOtd7 s ts
hstOty mUOh k0 th0 08tth s7
bOi0nli8l8 Kn0W lh8l Only lh0 mOOn8
tOOK8 OOUld8n8W0t8UOhQU08liOn8. Utin_-
in_ O8OK tOOKs, th0t0lOt0, W8s On0 Ollh0
Oi_]OOs OlPQOllO mi88iOn8 lO th0 mOOn.
tOm lh0 tOOK 8Q0Oim0ns OtOU_hl
O8OK, sOi0ntisls h8V0 lOUnO th8t th0
mOOn, liK0 lh0 08tlh, i8 8OOUl R7 OilliOn
y08ts Old. h0 tOOKs Ol th0 mOOn 8t0
mUOh liK0 sOm0 Ol lh0 08tlh8. h0 mO8l
OOmmOn 8t0 O888l, 8 tOOK O80d 8nOt-
lhO8il0 m8O0 Ohi0By Ol l0ld8Q8t, 8nO
Ot0OOi8, 8 OOn_Om0t8t0-ik0 tOOk m8O0
Ol sh8tQ-0O_0O tOOk lt8_m0nts O0m0nt0O
lO_0th0t. Ln th0 sUtl8O0 Ih0t0 8t0 m8ny
liny _l8ss O08Os With mUOh th0 s8m0
OOmQOsitiOn 8s O8s8t. h0t0 8t0 nO sUOh
tOOks 8s s8nOstOn0, im0stOn0, 8nO sh80-
thOs0, yOU t0m0mO0t, lOtm0O Wth th0
h0Q OlWnO 8nO W8t0t. h0t0 s nO WnO
Ot W8t0t On th0 mOOn tO h0Q lOtm th0m.
bOm0 ZJ Ol th0 min0t8ls lOUnO in th0
08tths tOOKs h8V0 O00n lOUnO in mOOn
tOOKs. PmOn_ th0m 8t0 QU8tt2, l0lOsQ8t,
8nO 8U_it0. PsO lOUnO in mOOn tOOKs
8t0 sOm0 min0t8ls nOt lOUnO On 08tth.
PlthOU_h th0t0 h8s O00n VOlO8niO 8O-
tiVity On th0 mOOn, mOst Ol th0 Ot8t0ts
On it W0t0 lOtm0O Oy th0 OOmO8tOm0nt
Ol th0 mOOn Oy l8t_0 m0t0Otit0s-OhUnKs
Olm8t0ti8 ltOm OUt0t sQ8O0. h0 sh8tQ-
0O_0OQi0O0sOltOOKinth0 Ot0OOi8s8mQl0s
8t0 thOU_ht tO h8V0 O00n lOtm0O Oy th0
imQ8Ot Ol th0 m0t0Otit0s 8nOin_s.
PlthOU_h th0 08tth 8nO th0 mOOn 8t0
8OOUt th0 s8m0 8_0, th0it histOti0s h8V0
nOt O00n th0 s8m0. Jh0 mOOns

OtUst h8s HOt O00n sh8Q0O Oy _t08t
mOV0m0nts ik0 thOs0 th8t OUiO mOUn-
t8ins 8nO O8Us0 08tthQU8K0s h0t0 On
08tth, 8nO On th0 mOOn th0t0 h8s O00n
nO Un0nOin_ O8tt0 O0tW00n 8nO 8nO
s08. n l8Ol, 8H0t t0ttihO OOmO8tOm0nts
Oy m0tcOtit0s lOt its htst OiiOH y0uts, it-
t0 h8s h8QQ0n0O tO th0 mOOn.
N0t0Otit0s h8V0 nOt Q8y0O n08ty 8s
Oi_ 8 Q8tt in th0 08tths histOty 8s in th0
mOOns, OUt m0t0Otit0s OO l8 On th0
08tth. h0t0 8t0 8 l0W Oi_ Ot8t0ts _OU_0O
OUt Oy sUOh l8lls. h0 L8nyOn Li8OlO
Ot8t0t n08t VinslOW, Pti2On8, is n08ty
8 mi0 WiO0. UUt it is sm8l OOmQ8t0O
With th0 mOOn s Oi__0st Ot8t0ts.
bOm0 Ol th0 m0t0Otit0s th8t t08Oh th0
08tth 8t0 m8O0 OlitOn 8nO niOK0l. Lth-
0ts 8t0 m8O0 Q8ttly Ot WhOlly Ol stOn0.
PmOn_ th0 min0t8ls 8lmOst sUt0 tO O0
lOUnO in stOny m0t0Otit0s 8t0 OliVin0 8nO
n 8OOitiOn tO th0 l0W si28O0 OhUnKs
th8t OOm0 tO Us ltOm OUt Ol this WOtlO
08Oh y08t, th0t0 8t0 miliOns Ol sm8
On0s-mOst Ol th0m nO Oi__0t th8n Q08s.
h0s0 sm8l VisitOts ltOm sQ8O0 O0OOm0
Whit0-hOt 8s th0y l8l thtOU_ th0 8it.
V0 O8l th0m m0t0Ots, Ot shOOtin_ st8ts.
U0lOt0 th0y t08Oh th0 08tth th0y Oh8n_0
tO V8QOt. t OOOls 8nO s0tt0s tO th0
_tOUnO 8s OUst.
bOi0ntists thinK th8t shOOtin_ st8ts 8t0
th0 t0m8ins Ol OOm0ts 8nO th8t m0t0-
Otit0s 8t0 stt8yQi0O0s Ol8st0tOiOs OtOk0n
UQ in OOisiOns With 08Oh Oth0t. Lik0
mOOn tOOks, m0t0Otit0s hOO OU0s tO th0
myst0ty Olth0 08tth s O0_innin_.
Nele0r h0wer

Aler you huVe coecIe0 your rock or mneru, ube
I wlh u number. Ln u cur0 wlh Ihe ume number,
wrle 0own normuIon ubouI Ihe pecmen, u
hown here.
be Kock Hound
0OQl0 WhO OO0Ot tOOKs 8nO min0t8ls
8s 8 hOOOy 8t0 OH0n O80O tOOK hOUnOs.
PmOst 8nyOn0 O8n O0 8 tOOK hOUnO.
LV0n in th0 h08tt Ol 8 Oity, tOOK sQ0Oi-
m0ns O8n O0 lOUnO. Vh0n0V0t 8 n0W
OUiOin_ is QUt UQ Ot 8 n0W siO0W8lK is
8iO Ot 8 hO0 is OU_ lOt 8 n0W s0W0t Ot
_8s QiQ0, th0t0 8t0 iK0y tO O0 Qi0O0s Ol
tOOKs 8nO min0t8ls sO8tt0t0O 8OOUt. P
s0tiOUs tOOK hOUnO, hOW0V0t, W8nts tO _O
l8tth0t 8B0O tO hUnt lOt 8Q0Oim0ns.
U0in_ 8 sUOO0sslUl tOOK hOUnO is m8O0
08si0t in m8ny Oiti0s Oy tOOK OlUOs. HOOK
OUOs Ql8n B0O ttiQs tO Ql8O0s Wh0t0 OO-
0Otin_ is _OOO. h0y h8V0 m00tin_s 8nO
0XhiOits 8HO 0XOh8n_0 sQ0Om0ns.
N8ny mUs0Ums h8V0 _OOO tOOK 8nO
min0t8l OO0OtOns 8nO _OOO OO0OtiOns
Ol lOssis. n 8ny QUOiO iOt8ty, th0t0 8t0
sUt0 tO O0 OOOKs 8nO m8_82in0s 8OOUt
tOOKs 8nO min0t8s. tOm th0m yOU m8y
08tn Wh0t0 8ny tOOK Ot min0t8 yOU 8t0
Ht0t0st0d H O8H O0 lOUHd.
KOOk OO0OtH_ O8s lOt sOm0 0QUQ-
m0nt. P stOUt O8_ is 8 mUst lOt O8ttyin_
th0 tOOK s8mQ0s OO0Ot0O. t shOUO nOt
O0 8t_0, lOt tOOKs n th0 m8n 8t0 h08Vy,
8nO n0W OO0OtOts 8t0 iK0y tO OO0Ot
mOt0 th8n th0y O8n O8tty. P h8mm0t
8nO Ohis0 m

K0 it QOssiOl0 tO Ot08K OB8

sm8 Qi0O0 ltOm 8 l8t_0 tOOK. YOU Will
8lsO W8nt tO t8K0 8lOn_ 8 QOOK0tKnil0, 8
Q0nny, 8nO 8 Qi0O0 Ol QU8tt2 tO t0st lOt
h8tOn0ss, 8nO Q0th8Qs 8 m8_nilyin_
_8ss lOt lOOKin_ OOs0y 8t 8 sQ0Oim0n. P
_UiO0OOOK Wi h0lQ yOU tO iO0ntily th0
tOOKs 8nO min0t8ls yOU BnO.
Pt hOm0 yOU Wi n00O 8 sQ0Oim0n
OOX. Ln0 OiViO0O intO OOmQ8ttm0nts is
_OOO. YOU Will n00O l8O0ls lOt yOUt sQ0O-
im0ns 8nO O8tOs lOt K00Qin_ t0OOtOs.
P OO!0Otin_ ttiQ OH0n m08ns _Oin_
Wh0t0 W8lKin_ is OimOUt. P tOOK hOUnO
n00Os stOUt shO0s. M0 shOUO, mOt0OV0t,
h8V0 h08Vy _OV0s tO QtOt0Ot his h8nOs
8nO _O__0s tO QtOt0Ot his 0y0s.
QU8tti0s 8nO _t8V0 Qits 8t0 _OOO
hUntin_ _tOUnOs lOt tOOK hOUnOs. NOst
8OW Only _tOUQs tO OOm0 OO0Otin_.
Ln0 8OV8nt8_0 in ]Oinin_ 8 tOOK OUO is
th8t yOU h8V0 8 O0tt0t Oh8nO0 tO Visit
sUOh Q8O0s.
h0 QiOtUt0s On th0 n0Xt Q8_0 shOW
sOm0 Oth0t _OOO Q8O0s tO OOK lOt sQ0Oi-
m0ns. PmOst 8ny O08Oh is iK0y tO h8V0
8H 8ssOttm0nt Ol OiB0t0nt Kinds Ol tOOKs
8nO min0t8s. NOsty th0 sQ0Oim0ns Wi
O0 smOOth Q0OOOs. PsO, mOt0 Ol th0
On08 yOu Bnd WIll O0 80mQl08 Ol IOOk8
lh0n 8Q0OIm0n8 Ol 80Q0t0l0 mIn0I0l8.
PnOlh0I _OOd Ql0O0 lO lOOk lOt IOOk8
0nd min0t0l8 I8 0l lh0 l00l Ol 8Om0
mOunl0In 8lOQ08. hI8 I8 08Q0OI0lly lIu0
Ol mOunl0In 8lOQ08 lh0l h0V0 _l0OIcI8.
HOOk8 0nd mIn0t0l8 W08hcd Oul lIOm 0
_l0OI0t OI IO0 B0ld 0I0 mO8lly lIk0ly lO O0
In "lI08h OOndilIOn 0nd nOl W00lh0t0d.
hO80 lh0l Ot00k O ltOm 0 8Id0 Ol 0
mOunl0In Ot OlI 0I0 u8u0lly Wc0lh0I0d
0nd 0t0 nOl OOn8Id0t0d QtI20 8Q0OIm0n8.
Vh0n 0 tO0d I8 Oul lhIOu_h 0 tOOky
hIll Ot InlO lh0 8Id0 Ol 0 mOunl0In, min-
0t0l8 Ot lO88Il8 m0y O0 0XQO80d In lh0
W8l8. h0 lt08h0t th0 Out, lh0 O0tt0tyOUt
Oh0nO08 0t0 lOt BndIn_ _OOd 8Q0Oim0n8.
P8 0 tOOK hOund, yOU m0y d0V0lOQ 0
8Q0Oi8l Inl0t08l In ]U8t On0 Q8tl Ol th0
B0d Ol tOOK8 8nd min0t8l8. YOU m0y
d0Oid0 tO 8Q0nd mO8t Ol yOUt 0n0t_y On
OOl0Otin_ 8Q0Oim0n8 Ol 8UOh 8 min0t8l 88
8_8l0 0nd m8KIn_ th0m IntO ]0W0ty.
YOU muy d0OiO0 tO hUHt Ohi0y lOssils.
Vh8l0V0t dIt0OtiOn yOUt int0t08t 88 8
tOOK hOUnd t8K08, h0t0 8t0 8Om0 thIn_8
lOt yOU tO t0m0mO0t.
P0V0t OO0Ot 8 8Q0Oim0n in 8ny Ql8O0
wh0t0 yOU 8t0 nOt 8Ut0 th8t tOOk OO0Ol-
in_ i8 Q0tmItt0d. LV0n OO0Otin_ 0On_
lh0 8id0 Ol th0 tO8d i8 il0_8 In 8Om0
8t8t08. Ln QtIV0l0 QtOQ0tty, _0t Q0tmI8-
8iOn ltOm lh0 OWn0t.
M0V0 8Om0On0 WIlh yOu Wh0n yOU _O
OO0OtIn_ In 8n 8t08 yOU dO nOt KnOW,
0nd 0W0y8 K00Q 8 l8ndm0tK in 8i_hl lO
8hOW yOU Wh0t0 yOU 0t0. J0 8Om0On0
Wh0t0 yOU 0t0 _Oin_ 8nd Wh0n yOU 0X-
Q0Ol lO O0 O0OK.
LO nOl d0m0_c 0ny QtOQ0tly On 0Ith0t
QtiV8t0 Ot QUOlIO 8nd, 0nd, 88 8n UnWtil-
l0n tUl0 80y8, L08V0 nOlhIn_ O0hind bUl
yOUt lOOlQtInl8.
|| RD 3g. Dy | BD |BD|S DP XC| | Pg XD| | DPS"WDD| | P D
D| Dg| PP| Pg SC| P| S WDD W| SDS D D D| BCUB| RD W| D DU| B|D
BPD | S PBRy P3|V| S.
0| 000 LL N L1H 008
Kb N M NLLb NbUb
U 00 UN1L b11Lb b LNL

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