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FILE NAME/ DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM 1.cpp Program to find all the combinations that you can make with one word example: abc > 9 combinations 2.cpp Program adds two numbers in binary using class and object. 3.cpp Program to perform updation of a data file for manipulating an address book 4.cpp Program using structure to define a Bank A/c System 5.cpp Program to conduct binary search for any alphabet [a-z] out of an array. 6.cpp Program to print prime factorization 7.cpp This C++ program displays the month of any year and also has controls to view the previous & the Next months. 8.cpp Program to display all prime fibonacci series within the range of 1 to 10000. 9.cpp Program to print the corresponding ASCII character 10.cpp Program to get the day the month starts on, and the number of days in the month to output a calendar. 11.cpp Program to define a class point and implement operations 12.cpp Program to input any string upto 500 characters and convert the same into binary 13.cpp Program to depict the usage of Binary Search Technique. It is assumed that the list of numbers in an array is stored in ascending order. 14.cpp Declaration of a Class and manipulation of member function. Display of the result of students with computed grade of marks. 15.cpp Program to display Fibonaccis Heap 16.cpp Program to Calculate Polynoms

17.cpp Program for : Matrices : To implement cell value of a defined matrix Input: Row & Col. and Output : Cell element of the points Row, Col. 18.cpp Program to demonstrate reversing of an input text using a function with string arguments. 19.cpp Program to create a data file and read it as well. 20.cpp Program implementing File Operations Assuming the class student, 21.cpp Program to create a data file to store any ten rollnumbers and total marks and arrange the list in ascending order of marks. Read the file and print the new list obtained. 22.cpp Program to modify a record after creation in a data file. 23.cpp Program to add and reduce two given fractions 24.cpp Program to implement leap year checking using functions 25.cpp Program to implement sum of two input times. 26.cpp Program to add any two given angles. 27.cpp Program to compute the lcm and hcf using class. 28.cpp Project Programme for Hospital Database Queue array. 29.cpp Program that reads numbers (until -1 entered or more then 1000) into in array and sorts them in descending order. 30.cpp Program to extract maximum prime digit from a number 31.cpp Program to extract the position of any alphabet in the alphabetical series 32.cpp Array sorting: Using Bubble Sorting Technique. 33.cpp Program to compute the sum of all numbers divisible by 10 out of a given list. 34.cpp Program implements de-queues using circular arrays. De-queues are queues in which elements can be inserted/ deleted from either end. 35.cpp Adding elements of two given arrays into the third array. 36.cpp Program to print the sum of the following series: 1 + (1+2)+(1+2+3)+......N where N is the input.

37.cpp Program to convert binary to decimal using a function. 38.cpp Program to convert any entered decimal number into binary. 39.cpp Program to create two arrays of 3x4 and compute their sum in a new array. Display the new array so obtained. 40.cpp Program to assign names of any four subjects and check if it is present using double dimensional arrays. 41.cpp Program to count the number of words within an entered string and also print the string in reverse. 42.cpp Program to count the number of words within an entered string and also print the string in reverse. 43.cpp Program which calculates the day of the week for any given date & month of the year 2002. 44.cpp Program to Identify the day on a particular date 45.cpp Program to create a doubly linked list, to add an item(in front,in middle or in end), to delete an element(in front,in middle or in end) and to display to elements in the nodes. 46.cpp Program to compute the determinant of the matrix. 47.cpp Program implementing File Streaming : Storing array of numbers in a data file 48.cpp Program to implement Calculator functions for : +, -, *, /, ^ 49.cpp Program to compute surface area of cone, cylinder, vol. of cone etc. 50.cpp Program for computation of: 1). Natural Log (Ln) 2). Log with Base 10(Log10) 3).Log of your desired Base (LogA^x) 51.cpp Program to implement calculation on any entered two numbers. 52.cpp Program will ask the user for a starting number and an ending number and compute the sum of the numbers in between. 53.cpp Program implementing all four types of sorting of a string. 54.cpp

Program implementing Bubble Sort for an entered range of numbers. Using passing of array for sorting through functions. 55.cpp Program to conduct: Array sorting: Using Insertion Sorting Technique. Program to input any five numbers and print them in descending order. 56.cpp Program to display Fibonacci numbers which are prime. 57.cpp Adding two angles. 58.cpp Searching element in an array using binary search 59.cpp Program to implement Function Overloading 60.cpp Program to implement bubble sort for a multi-dimensional array[10][20] The array is stored through random generation of numbers between the defined range 1 to 500 61.cpp Program for Data File Manipulation of data entry/storage of employees Writing Structures in a data file. 62.cpp Program to accept a number x. Count number of digits in x and store it in n, form y that has the number of digits n at tens place and the most significant digit of x at ones place. Display y. sample input: x= 16833, y = 51, since no.of digits of x is 5 and 1 is the msd of x. 63.cpp Program to implement Linked List. 64.cpp Program to combine two arrays and sort them in order in one. 65.cpp Lottery Game 66.cpp Program to depict the process of linear search 67.cpp Program to return the inverse of any entered number. 68.cpp Program to input a number and check if it is a Magic Number 69.cpp This program creates a magic square box of order n x n. The speciality of a magic square box is that the sum of elements of any row or any column is always equal. 70.cpp Program to insert comma at appropriate position in an entered (max-15) digit number as per the mathematical theory. 71.cpp Program to display Consonants and Vowels output from an entered string 72.cpp Program to perform: Matricies-add,subtract & more.

73.cpp Program for reading, writing and multiplication of the matrices. 74.cpp Program to perform MergeSort 75.cpp Program in C++ to create a 3 by 3 array and extract the maximum and the maximum alongwith the original matrix. 76.cpp Program to convert any numeric entry into Words. 77.cpp Program to perform Magic Courtesy : ENRICO X THE MAGICIAN : Enrico Lorenzo Source: Internet 78.cpp Program to design a Five Function Calculator using Switch/Case 79.cpp Conversion program using Fucntions. 80.cpp Program to display all prime fibonacci series within the range of 1 to 10000. 81.cpp Program to display a Triangle of numbers called the Pascals Triangle, when provided with the number of rows. 82.cpp Program to input any string and print the number of spaces stored within the string at prime positions. 83.cpp Program for Pig Latin Converter 84.cpp The program calculates the value of a polynomial 85.cpp Program to assign string in a double dimensional array and display the contents. 86.cpp Program to print the product of two matrices 87.cpp Program for converting an int variable to floating point 88.cpp Program to play a puzzle 89.cpp Program to print out a checkered board of size n. 90.cpp Program to Print out a diamond of any size less than 12 91.cpp Program to implement a Recursive Function 92.cpp Program to delete the first common word in two strings and display the strings without the first common words. 93.cpp

Program to input any string and print the number of words. 94.cpp Rotates a word This program prints all the rotation of a word. Say if the input word is space, then it prints space paces acesp cespa espac 95.cpp This function allows the user to enter a number and than rounds it off, correct to the nearest integer. 96.cpp Using Selection Sorting Technique. Program to input any ten numbers and print them in ascending order. 97.cpp Program to input any string and print the number of 'the'. 98.cpp Program to input a string and a character. Print the frequency of the character within the string. 99.cpp Program to sort the given strings in Ascending order. 100.cpp Program to output:- Number of upper case alphabets (A, B, C, ....) Number of lower case alphabets (a, b, c, ......) Number of Special Characters (., + - / etc.)

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// Program to find all the combinations that you can make with // one word example: "abc" -> 9 combinations -> abc - acb - bac // - bca - etc... #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> // Program to display the all available // unique combinations of a given string of any length. #include <iomanip.h> #include<conio.h> typedef char string[80]; long fac(int getal) // { long faculteit = 1; for (; getal>1; getal--) faculteit*=getal; return faculteit; } // long fac(int getal) void swapchars(string tekst, int char1, int char2) // { char hulp; hulp=tekst[char2]; tekst[char2]=tekst[char1]; tekst[char1]=hulp; } // int findcombo(string tekst, int positie) { int teller = 1; int nulpos = positie; long faculteit; string oldtekst; faculteit = fac(strlen(tekst)-positie); while (teller<=faculteit) { if (positie<strlen(tekst)-1) positie++; if (faculteit>2) { strcpy(oldtekst,tekst); teller+=findcombo(tekst,nulpos+1); strcpy(tekst,oldtekst); swapchars(tekst,nulpos,positie); } else { teller++; swapchars(tekst,nulpos,positie);

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cout << tekst << "\n"; } } return faculteit; } // int main(void) { clrscr(); string tekst; cout << "The entered words is : "; cin >> tekst; cout << endl<<"Word: " << tekst << "\n"; cout << "Obtained combination: " << fac(strlen(tekst)) << " "; findcombo(tekst,0); getch(); return 0; }

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// Program adds two numbers in binary using class and object. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> //using namespace std; class adder{ public: int number1[8]; int number2[8]; int carry[8]; int sum[8]; int number_bits; char choice;

void input(){ cout<<"Input the number of bits you want to enter\n"; cout<<"For the first number \n"; cin>>number_bits; if(number_bits<0||number_bits>8){ cout<<"Error, the number of bits cannot be allowed to be \n"; cout<<"greater than 8 or less than 0\n"; cout<<"Please,Input the number correct entry\n"; cout<<"For the first number \n"; cin>>number_bits; } if(number_bits<8){ for(int k=1;k<=(8-number_bits);k++){ number1[k]=0; } } cout<<"Enter the bits as 1 or 0 from the most significant bit\n"; for(int i=(9-number_bits);i<=8;i++){ cout<<"Enter bit "<<i-(8-number_bits)<<" : "; cin>>number1[i]; } cout<<"Input the number of bits you want to enter\n"; cout<<"For the second number \n"; cin>>number_bits; if(number_bits<0||number_bits>8){ cout<<"Error, the number of bits cannot be allowed to be \n"; cout<<"greater than 8 or less than 0\n"; cout<<"Please,Input the number correct entryr\n"; cout<<"For the second number \n";

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cin>>number_bits; } if(number_bits<8){ for(int k=1;k<=(8-number_bits);k++){ number2[k]=0; } } cout<<"Enter the bits as 1 or 0 from the most significant bit\n"; for(i=(9-number_bits);i<=8;i++){ cout<<"Enter bit "<<i-(8-number_bits)<<" : "; cin>>number2[i]; } cout<<"THE FIRST NUMBER YOU HAVE ENTERED \n"; cout<<"NUMBER ONE: "; for(int l=1;l<=8;l++){ cout<<number1[l]; cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"THE SECOND NUMBER YOU HAVE ENTERED \n"; cout<<"NUMBER TWO: "; for(l=1;l<=8;l++){ cout<<number2[l]; cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; } void check(int array[],int size){ for(int b=1;b<=size;b++){ array[b]; } for(b=1;b<=size;b++){ if((array[b]!=0)&&(array[b]!=1)){ cout<<"One of the entry is not 1 0r 0\n"; cout<<"please update it, go back to A on the menu\n"; break; } else{ cout<<"The entries are in binary, ok\n"; break; } } } char uppercase(char ch){ switch(ch){
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case'a':return'A';break; case'b':return 'B';break; case'c':return 'C';break; case'd':return 'D';break; case'e':return 'E';break; case'f':return 'F';break; case'g':return 'G';break; case'h':return 'H';break; case'i':return 'I';break; case'j':return 'J';break; case'k':return 'K';break; case'l':return 'L';break; case'm':return 'M';break; case'n':return 'N';break; case'o':return 'O';break; case'p':return 'P';break; case'q':return 'Q';break; case'r':return 'R';break; case's':return 'S';break; case't':return 'T';break; case'u':return 'U';break; case'v':return 'V';break; case'w':return 'W';break; case'x':return 'X';break; case'y':return 'Y';break; default:return ch;break; } } void adding(int x[],int j,int y[],int k){ carry[8]=0; for(int g=8;g>=1;g--){ if((x[g]+y[g]+carry[g])==0){ sum[g]=0; carry[g-1]=0; } if((x[g]+y[g]+carry[g])==1){ sum[g]=1; carry[g-1]=0; } if((x[g]+y[g]+carry[g])==2){ sum[g]=0; carry[g-1]=1; } if((x[g]+y[g]+carry[g])==3){ sum[g]=1; carry[g-1]=1; } } cout<<"THE SUM OF NUMBERS ENTERED IS \n";
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for(int r=1;r<=8;r++){ cout<<sum[r]; cout<<" "; } if(carry[1]==1){ cout<<"over flow of "; cout<<carry[1]; cout<<endl; } } }; int main(){ clrscr(); adder sum; sum.choice='Y'; while(sum.choice=='Y'){ cout<<"\n"; cout<<" Choose from the following \n"; cout<<" A: Input of two numbers in binary \n "; cout<<"B: Check the entry of numbers \n"; cout<<" C: Adding the two numbers \n"; cout<<" "; cin>>sum.choice; sum.choice=sum.uppercase(sum.choice); switch(sum.choice) { case 'A': sum.input(); break; case 'B': cout<<"Checking the first number\n"; sum.check(sum.number1,8); cout<<"Checking the second number\n"; sum.check(sum.number2,8); break; case 'C': sum.adding(sum.number1,8,sum.number2,8); break; default: cout<<"Sorry, your selection is not right \a\n";break; } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Do you want to experiment some more [Y/N] ?\n"; cin>>sum.choice; cout<<"\n";
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sum.choice=sum.uppercase(sum.choice); if(sum.choice=='N'){ cout<<"END.......\n"; cout<<endl; } clrscr(); } return 0; }

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//Program to perform updation of a data file // for mainipulating an address book #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #define ENTER 13 #define BACK 8 struct student { char name[30]; char proff[40]; char address[20]; char country[20]; char tel[20]; char fax[20]; char mobile[20]; char email[50]; }; class data { private: student std; int j,count; char sname[50],pass[10],c; public: struct student getData(); void showData(struct student); void saveData(); int readData(); void delet(); void modify(); void searchData(); void emergency(); void password(); int checkpass(); void modpass(); char* takepass(); int checkvalidity(char []); }; student data::getData() { cout<<"Name : "; gets(; cout<<"Proffession : "; gets(std.proff); cout<<"Address : ";

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gets(std.address); cout<<"Country : "; gets(; cout<<"Telephone : "; gets(; cout<<"Fax : "; gets(std.fax); cout<<"Mobile : "; gets(; cout<<"E.mail : "; gets(; } void data:: showData(student str) { clrscr(); cout<<"\nName : "<<; cout<<"\nProffession : "<<str.proff; cout<<"\nAddress : "<<str.address; cout<<"\nCountry : "<<; cout<<"\nTelephone : "<<; cout<<"\nFax : "<<str.fax; cout<<"\nMobile : "<<; cout<<"\nE.mail : "<<; getch(); } void data::modify() { char dname[30]; int l; int coutn=0,choice; int k=0; l=checkpass(); if(l==1) { cout<<"\nPlease mention the name to be modified : "; cin>>dname; fstream infile;"tata.Dat",ios::in|ios::out); infile.seekg(0); if(infile) { while( *)&std,sizeof(student))) { coutn++; char ans='y'; if(stricmp(,dname)==0) { k=1; while(ans=='y'||ans=='Y') { clrscr(); cout<<"What do you want to modify\n1.Name\n2.Proffession\n3.Address "; cout<<"\n4.Country\n5.Telephone Number\n6.Fax Number\n7.Mobile"; cout<<"\n8.E-mail\t";
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cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"Name : "; cin>>; break; case 2: cout<<"Proffession : "; cin>>std.proff; break; case 3: cout<<"Address : "; cin>>std.address; break; case 4: cout<<"Country : "; cin>>; break; case 5: cout<<"Telephone : "; cin>>; break; case 6: cout<<"Fax : "; cin>>std.fax; break; case 7: cout<<"Mobile : "; cin>>; break; case 8: cout<<"E-mail : "; cin>>; break; default: cout<<"Wrong choice "; break; } cout<<"\nAnything More to modify "; cin>>ans; } infile.seekp((coutn-1)*sizeof(student)); infile.write((char *)&std,sizeof(student)); } } if(k!=1) cout<<"The name doesn't exist "; else cout<<"The name has been successfully modified "; } } else cout<<"access denied ";
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getch(); } void data::delet() { char dname[30]; int coutn=0; int k=0; if(checkpass()==1) { cout<<"\n\nPlease mention the name to be deleted : "; gets(dname); fstream infile;"tata.Dat",ios::in|ios::out); infile.seekg(0); if(infile) { while( *)&std,sizeof(student))) { coutn++; if(stricmp(,dname)==0) { k=1; strcpy(," "); strcpy(std.proff," "); strcpy(std.address," "); strcpy(," "); strcpy(," "); strcpy(std.fax," "); strcpy(," "); strcpy(," "); infile.seekp((coutn-1)*sizeof(student)); infile.write((char *)&std,sizeof(student)); break; } } if(k!=1) cout<<"The name doesn't exist "; else cout<<"The name has been successfully deleted "; } } else cout<<"\n\nAccess Denied "; getch(); } void data:: saveData() { ofstream outfile;"tata.Dat",ios::app); outfile.write( (char *)&std,sizeof(student)); } int data::readData() {
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count=0; ifstream infile;"tata.Dat",ios::app); if(infile) { while( *)&std,sizeof(student))) { if(strcmp(," ")!=0) showData(std); count++; } } else cout<<"no file"; return(count); } void data::emergency() { char emer[30]; int j=0; cout<<"Please type the name to be searched: "; gets(emer); ifstream infile;"tata.Dat",ios::nocreate); while( *)&std,sizeof(student))) { if(stricmp(emer,std.proff)==0) { j=1; showData(std); } } if(j==0) cout<<"Sorry the name doesn't exist"; getch(); } void data::searchData() { j=0; cout<<"Please type the name to be searched: "; gets(sname); ifstream infile;"tata.Dat",ios::nocreate); while( *)&std,sizeof(student))) { if(stricmp(sname, { j=1; showData(std); } } if(j==0) cout<<"Sorry the name doesn't exist"; }
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void data::password() { char fre[20]; int pd; clrscr(); cout<<endl<<endl<<"Password "; strcpy(fre,takepass()); pd=checkvalidity(fre); clrscr(); if(pd==1) cout<<"This password already exist Please try for new password "; else { strcpy(pass,fre); ofstream passfile;"pass.dat",ios::app); passfile.write(pass,sizeof(pass)); cout<<"Passwords are sensitive do not lend it "; } } int data::checkvalidity(char fre[]) { int idm=0; ifstream passfile;"pass.dat",ios::app); while(,sizeof(pass))) { if(stricmp(fre,pass)==0) { idm=1; break; } } return idm; } void data::modpass() { char d[20],npass[20]; clrscr(); int me=0,in=0; cout<<endl<<endl<<"Old Password "; strcpy(d,takepass()); fstream infile;"pass.dat",ios::out|ios::in); { while(,sizeof(pass))) { me++; if(strcmp(d,pass)==0) { in=1;
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cout<<"\nOK the password exist "; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<endl<<endl<<"New password "; strcpy(pass,takepass()); infile.seekp((me-1)*sizeof(pass)); infile.write(pass,sizeof(pass)); } } } if(in==0) cout<<"\nThe password doesn't exist "; else cout<<"\nThe password has been successfully modified "; getch(); } int data::checkpass() { char da[20]; int z=0,to=0,u=0; clrscr(); ifstream passfile;"pass.dat",ios::app); while(to<1&&z!=1) { to++; cout<<endl<<endl<<"Your password "; strcpy(da,takepass()); passfile.seekg(0); while(,sizeof(pass))) { clrscr(); if(strcmp(da,pass)==0) { z=1; break; } } } return z; } char* data::takepass() { char ma[20],pa[20]; int q=0,row=30,col=3; int i=0; gotoxy(30,3); while((c=getch())!=ENTER) { if(c==BACK) {
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gotoxy((row-1),col); cout<<" "; row--; i--; } else { ma[i]=c; i++; gotoxy(row,col); cout<<"*"; row++; } } ma[i]='\0'; strcpy(pa,ma); clrscr(); return pa; } void main() { clrscr();//Clearing the screen. int ch,i,k,a; char choice,sm[20]; data s; srand(time(NULL)); a=1+(rand()%100); textcolor(WHITE); while(1) { clrscr(); cout<<"Your Choices"; cout<<"\n1.Enter datas\n2.Read From File\n3.Search data\n4.ModifyData\n5.DeleteData\n6.View Emergency Contacts\t"; cout<<"\n7.Create New Password\n8.Modify Password\n9.Exit\t"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<"How many datas do u want to feed " ; cin>>i; for(k=0;k<i;k++) { s.getData( ); s.saveData(); } break; case 2: s.readData(); getch(); break; case 3: s.searchData(); getch();
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break; case 4: s.modify(); break; case 5: s.delet(); break; case 9: exit(0); case 7: cout<<"Please mention Your institution "; cin>>sm; if((strcmpi(sm,"spsl")==0)&&(a%4==0)) s.password(); else if((strcmpi(sm,"spsl")==0)&&(a%4!=0)) { clrscr(); textcolor(LIGHTRED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"Sorry the system is busy"; } else { clrscr(); gotoxy(25,10); textcolor(LIGHTRED+BLINK); cout<<"\nYOU ARE NOT THE LEGAL PERSON "; } getch(); textcolor(WHITE); break; case 8: s.modpass(); break; case 6: s.emergency(); break; default: cout<<"\nWrong Choice "; getch(); } } getch(); }

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// Program using structure to define a Bank A/c System #include "iostream.h" #include "conio.h" #include "stdio.h" struct account { int no[10]; char name[20]; long int d,b,a; long double t; }; void main() { clrscr(); window(27,2,53,4); textbackground(3); clrscr(); textcolor(0); cprintf(" \n BANK ACCOUNT SYSTEM"); /*menu*/ window(20,5,60,25); textbackground(13); clrscr(); gotoxy(2,3); textcolor(10); cprintf("G"); gotoxy(3,3); textcolor(14); cprintf("ive The Account No."); /*name of the account holder*/ textcolor(10); gotoxy(2,5); cprintf("E"); textcolor(14); gotoxy(3,5); cprintf("nter The Name "); /*balance*/ textcolor(10); gotoxy(2,7); cprintf("A"); textcolor(14); gotoxy(3,7); cprintf("mount"); /*amount*/ account i; /*input*/ gotoxy(22,3); cin>>[10]; gotoxy(22,5); cin>>; gotoxy(22,7); cin>>i.a;

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gotoxy(3,14);textcolor(11); cout<<"Name: "<<; /*runtime calculations*/ /*******************************for deposit*******************************/ i.d=i.a+5; gotoxy(3,16); cout <<"The Deposite Is: "<<i.d; /****************************Tax Deduction ***********************************/ i.t=700.8/i.d*100; gotoxy(3,18); cout <<"The deduced Tax is :"<<i.t; gotoxy(15,35); cout <<"%"; /***************************For Balance**********************************/ i.b=i.d-i.t; /********** object of the struct account********************/ if (i.b>0 && i.a<=i.b) { gotoxy(3,20); cout <<"WITHDRAW THE BALANCE :"<<i.b; } else { gotoxy(3,20);textcolor(11); cprintf("Can't Withdraw Your Balance!!!");} getch(); }

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// Program to conduct binary search // for any alphabet [a-z] out of an array. #include <ctype.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> #define max 26 char array[max] = "\0"; void initialise() { for(int i=0; i<max; i++) { array[i] = (char)(65+i); } } int binsearch(int low, int high, int &num) { int mid = (high+low)/2; if( array[mid] == num ) { return mid; } else if( low >= high ) { return -1; } else if( num > array[mid] ) { return binsearch(mid+1, high, num); } else if( num < array[mid] ) { return binsearch(low, mid-1, num); } else return -2; } void main() { char alpha; int number; int result; clrscr(); initialise(); cout << "Enter the alphabet to search [lower case]: "; cin >> alpha;

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number = (int)toupper(alpha); result = binsearch(0, max, number); if( result >= 0 ) { cout << "Found at index # : " << result+1; } else if( result == -1 ) { cout << "Not Found"; } else cout << "Unspecified Error"; getch(); }

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// Program to print prime factorization #include<conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream.h> main() { clrscr(); char line[512]; /* input string */ short ii; /* number to be factored */ short j; /* divisors */ short p; /* powers of j in ii */ cout<<"Please enter the number to be factored: "; cin.getline(line, 512); ii = atoi(line); cout<<"The prime divisors of "<< ii<< " are/ is "; for (j = 2; ii != 1; j = j + 1) { if (ii % j == 0) { for (p = 0; ii % j == 0; p = p + 1) ii = ii / j; cout<< j<<" "; } } cout<<endl; getch(); }

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// This C++ program displays the month // of any year and also has controls to view the // previous & the Next months. # include <iostream.h> # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int b1,b2,o; cout<<" ENTER THE MONTH : "; cin>>b1; cout<<" ENTER THE YEAR : "; cin>>b2; a:cout<<"\n"; o = b1-1; int i,j,k=0,l=0,m=0,n=0,b3,c=0,c1,c2,c3,a[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30 ,31,30,31}; int ab[12] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; char *z[12] = {"JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC"}; char choice; for (o=0;o<=11;o++) { if (b1 == ab[o]) { cout<<"\n "<<z[o]; cout<<" "<<b2; } } if(b2%4==0) a[1] = 29; else a[1] = 28; if(b2>=2000) b3=b2-2000; else { b3=2000-b2; b3*=2; } if(b1==12) n=12; if(b1==1) { k=11; l=1; for(i=0;i<=k;i++) m+=a[i]; } for(i=0;i<(b1-1);i++) c+=a[i];

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c2=(c+b3)%7; textcolor(10); cout<<"\n\n\n\n"; cout<<" SU MO TU WE TH FR SA\n\n"; for(j=0;j<c2;j++) cout<<" "; for(j=1;j<=a[b1-1];j++) { if(j<10) cout<<" "<<j; else cout<<" "<<j; if((j+c2)%7==0) cout<<"\n\n"; } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n\n Use these arrow keys to display the Sequential Year or Month : \n"; cout<<"**************************************************************\n"; cout<<" | Up = Next Year | Down = Previous Year | \n"; cout<<" | Right = Next Month | Left = Next Month | \n"; cout<<"************************************************************** \n"; choice = getch(); if (choice==0) { choice = getch(); switch(choice) { case 80 : {b2-=1; goto a; break;} case 72 : {b2+=1;goto a; break;} case 75 : { if (b1!=1) b1-=1; else {b1=12; b2-=1;} goto a; break;} case 77 : { if (b1!=12) b1+=1; else {b1 = 1; b2+=1;} goto a; break;} } } getch(); }

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// Program to input a string and print the character with the // maximum frequency in the string. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { clrscr(); char name[40],ans; int l=0,count=0,max=0; cout<<"Enter any word "<<endl; gets(name); l = strlen(name); cout<<endl; for(int a=0;a<l;a++) { for (int b=0;b<l;b++) { if (name[a]==name[b] && name[a]!=' ') count = count+1; } if (max<count) { max=count; ans=name[a]; } count=0;} cout<<endl<<"The character with maximum frequency is "; cout<<ans<<" with occurring "<<max<<endl; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to print the corresponding ASCII character #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); char line[512]; /* input string */ char sym; /* ASCII code number */ cout<<"Please enter the number to be factored: "; cin.getline(line, 512); sym = atoi(line); cout<<int(sym)<<" is the ASCII code for "; if (sym == 0) cout<<"null\n"; else if (sym == ' ') cout<<"blank\n"; else if (sym == 127) cout<<"del\n"; else if (sym >= 1 && sym <= 31) cout<<"CONTROL-\n"<< sym + 64; else if (sym >= '0' && sym <= '9') cout<<"digit \n"<< sym; else if (sym >= 'A' && sym <= 'Z') cout<<"UPPERCASE \n"<< sym; else if (sym >= 'a' && sym <= 'z') cout<<"lowercase \n"<< sym; else cout<<"punctuation mark \n"<< sym; getch(); }

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// Program to get the day the month starts on, and //the number of days in the month to output a calendar. //-------------------Includes -------------------#include <iostream.h> #include<conio.h> //--------------FunctionPrototypes ------------int ShowDateLine(int day, int EndDay, int BoxWidth); void ShowRestOfBox(int BoxWidth, int BoxHeight); void ShowDates(int BoxWidth); void Divider(int BoxWidth); //---------------------Main---------------------int main() { int StartDay, EndDay, day, counter, weeks; const int BoxWidth = 8, BoxHeight = 3; char end; cout << "1. Sun 2. Mon 3. Tue 4. Wed " << endl; cout << "5. Thu 6. Fri 7. Sat" << endl << endl; do { cout << "Enter the starting day: "; cin >> StartDay; if ((StartDay < 1) || (StartDay > 7)) { cout << "\aError, must be between 1 and 7.\n"; } } while ((StartDay < 1) || (StartDay > 7)); /* Error checking */ day = StartDay * -1 + 2; cout << "Enter the amount of days in the month: "; cin >> EndDay; cout << endl; weeks = (EndDay + StartDay - 2) / 7; weeks++; //----------------Draw Calendar ----------------ShowDates(BoxWidth); Divider(BoxWidth); for (counter = 0; counter < weeks; counter++) { day = ShowDateLine(day, EndDay, BoxWidth); ShowRestOfBox(BoxWidth, BoxHeight); Divider(BoxWidth); } cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); } //------------------Functions -------------------int ShowDateLine(int day, int EndDay, int BoxWidth) /* Outputs a '*' then it outputs the days till it reaches the 'EndWeek' value.

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If day reaches the EndDay value, then it will output a space instead of a day. After each date it will output a '*', then proceed 'BoxWidth' spaces ahead. */ { int counter, EndWeek; cout.setf(ios::right); cout << "*"; EndWeek = day + 7; for (counter = 0; counter < 7; counter++, day++) { cout.width(BoxWidth - 1); if ((day < 1) || (day > EndDay)) { cout << " "; } else { cout << day; } cout << "*"; } cout << endl; return day; } //----------------------------------------------void ShowRestOfBox(int BoxWidth, int BoxHeight) /* Outputs a '*' every 'BoxWidth' length, for a total of 8 '*'. It does that 'BoxHeight' times. */ { int countera, counterb; cout.setf(ios::right); for (countera = 1; countera < BoxHeight + 0; countera++) { cout << "*"; for (counterb = 0; counterb < 7; counterb++) { cout.width(BoxWidth); cout << "*"; } cout << endl; } } //----------------------------------------------void ShowDates(int BoxWidth) /* Outputs the all 7 days of the week. It takes the 'BoxWidth' and outputs the day in the middle of where the box will be. */ { cout.setf(ios::right); cout.width(BoxWidth / 2 + 2); cout << "Sun"; cout.width(BoxWidth); cout << "Mon"; cout.width(BoxWidth);
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cout << "Tue"; cout.width(BoxWidth); cout << "Wed"; cout.width(BoxWidth); cout << "Thu"; cout.width(BoxWidth); cout << "Fri"; cout.width(BoxWidth); cout << "Sat" << endl; } //----------------------------------------------void Divider(int BoxWidth) //Outputs a bar of '*' 'BoxWidth' * 7 + 1 { int length, counter; length = BoxWidth * 7 + 1; for (counter = 0; counter < length; counter++) { cout << "*"; } cout << endl; }

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// Program to define a class point and implement operations #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> class Point{ public: Point(); void setPoint(float,float); void printPoint(); float getx(); float gety(); private: float x; float y; }; Point::Point(){x=0.0;y=0.0;} void Point::setPoint(float a,float b) {x=a;y=b;} void Point::printPoint() { cout<<'('<<x<<","<<y<<')'; } float Point::getx(){return x;} float Point::gety(){return y ;} void main() { clrscr(); Point p1,p2; char ch; cout<<"Initially,the points are :"; p1.printPoint(); cout<<","; p2.printPoint(); cout<<endl; p1.setPoint(3.5,4.5); p2.setPoint(7.5,9.5); cout<<"After setting the points are:"; p1.printPoint(); cout<<","; p2.printPoint(); cout<<endl; float d=0.0; d=sqrt((p2.getx()-p1.getx())*(p2.getx()-p1.getx())+(p2.gety()-p1.gety())*(p2.gety()-p1.gety())); cout<<"d="<<d<<endl;

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cout<<"Enter any key to continue"; getch(); }

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// Program to input any string upto 500 characters // and convert the same into binary #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> char *entry, letter, choice[2]; int ascii, len, binary[8], total; void prog(); int main() { clrscr(); prog(); return 0; } void prog() { entry = new char[501]; cout<<"Enter string to convert (up to 500 chars): "; cin.getline(entry, 500); len = strlen(entry); /* get the number of characters in entry. */ for(int i = 0; i<len; i++) { total = 0; letter = entry[i]; /* store the first letter */ ascii = letter; /* put that letter into an int, so we can see its ASCII number */ while(ascii>0) /* This while loop converts the ASCII # into binary, stores it backwards into the binary array. */ { if((ascii%2)==0) { binary[total] = 0; ascii = ascii/2; total++; /* increasing by one each time will yeild the number of numbers in the array. */ } else { binary[total] = 1; ascii = ascii/2; total++; } } total--; while(total>=0) { cout<<binary[total]; total--; }

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} delete[] entry; /* free up the memory used by entry */ cout<<endl<<"Do again(1 = yes, 2= no)?: "; cin.getline(choice,3); if(choice[0] == '1') prog(); else exit(0); /* quits the program */ }

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// Program to depict the usage of Binary Search Technique. // It is assumed that the list of numbers in an array is // stored in ascending order. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int num[10],m,min,max,mid,pp; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any ten numbers as elements ofan array in"; cout<<" ascending order "<<endl; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { cin>>num[i]; } cout<<endl<<"Enter number to search "; cin>>m; cout<<endl; min = 0; max = 9; pp = -1; while ((min<= max)&&(pp == -1)) { mid = (min+max)/2; if (num[mid] == m) pp = mid; else if (num[mid]<m) min = mid + 1; else max = mid - 1; } if (pp>-1) cout<<"The element "<<m<<" lies in the array"<<" at "<<pp+1<<" position"; else cout<<"The element does not lie in the array"; cout<<endl; cout<<"Program any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; }

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// Declaration of a Class and manipulation of member function. // Display of the result of students with computed grade of marks. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> class result // Declaration of the Class { private: int serialno; int rollnum; int total; int percent; public: void inputdata(int ser,int rol,int tot,int per) { serialno = ser; rollnum = rol; total = tot; percent = per; } void display(void) { clrscr(); gotoxy(30,5); cout<<"R E S U L T "; cout<<endl; // Music creation through sound command for(double d=0;d<=800;d++) {sound (d); delay(5); } nosound(); // Sound command de-activated char grade[20]; cout<<endl<<"The serial number is "<<serialno; cout<<endl<<"The roll number is "<<rollnum; cout<<endl<<"The total marks is "<<total; cout<<endl<<"The percent marks is "<<percent; if (percent<40) strcpy(grade,"Fail"); if (percent>=40 && percent<60) strcpy(grade,"Pass"); if (percent>=60 && percent<80) strcpy(grade,"First"); if (percent>=80) strcpy(grade,"Excellent"); cout<<endl<<"The grade obtained is "<<grade; cout<<endl; } }; main() { result studrecord; int ser; int rol; int tot;

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int per; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter the serial number"<<endl; cin>>ser; cout<<"Enter the rollnumber"<<endl; cin>>rol; cout<<"Enter the total"<<endl; cin>>tot; per=tot/5; clrscr(); studrecord.inputdata(ser,rol,tot,per); studrecord.display(); cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to return "; getch(); clrscr();// Screen cleared for the next program output. return 0; }

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// Program to display Fibonaccis Heap #include <iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); unsigned int to,a,n,n1,n2,sum; cout << "Enter the limit: n="; cin >> to; to--; n1=n2=1; a=2; sum=2; cout << "Fibonacci's numbers: " << endl; cout << "1 1 "; while(a<=to) { n=n1+n2; cout << n << " "; n1=n2; n2=n; sum=sum+n; a++; } cout << endl << endl ; cout << "Sum of all numbers= "<< sum << endl; getch(); }

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// Program to Calculate Polynoms //Loading the libraries #include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> #include<conio.h> //Defining variables int result=0; //here will be stored the result int *arr; //here will be stored the numbers int power; //this is the maximum power int x; //the value for "x" //Beginning the main function void main() { cout << "What s the maximum power in the polynom? : "; cin >> power; cout << endl; arr=new int[power]; //creates an array with "power" cells //Asking the user to enter the values... for(int n=0;n<power+1;n++) { cout <<"A"<<power-n<<" = "; cin >> arr[power-n]; } cout << "The polynom is: "; //Prints the polynom on the screen for(int go=power; go >-1; go--) { if(go > 0) cout <<arr[go]<<"*x^"<<go<<" + "; else cout <<arr[go]<<"*x^"<<go; } cout <<endl; cout <<"Enter value for X : "; cin >> x; //Calculating the polynom for(int cal=0; cal < power+1; cal++) { result=result+(arr[cal]*(pow(x,cal))); } cout <<" Y(x)= "<< result<<endl; // showing the result getch(); }

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// Program for : Matrices : To implement cell value of a defined matrix // Input: Row & Col. and Output : Cell element of the points Row, Col. #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { clrscr(); int x, y; // Loop Counter int x1, y1, repeat; // x, y Think like that if you input x = 1, y = 3 // You will output "69", that how a matrix works int matrix[4][4] = { 12, 4, 23, 6, 45, 78, 3, 57, 69, 23, 9, 2, 34, 11, 5, 99 }; cout<<"My Matrix: "<< endl << endl; for( x = 0; x < 4; x++) { for( y = 0; y < 4; y++) { cout<< matrix[x][y] << " "; } cout<<endl; } cout<< endl <<"Both x and y have a max point of 3" << endl; do { cout<< endl <<"Enter in x and y points[ x <space> y ]: "; cin>> x1 >> y1; cout<<"Point ("<< x1 <<", " << y1 <<") = " << matrix[x1][y1] << endl << endl; cout<<"Would You like Output new points (0 to quit)? "; cin>> repeat; }while( repeat != 0); cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to demonstrate reversing of an input text // using a function with string arguments. #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h> #include<conio.h> /* strlen - return length of string s */ int strlen(char s[]) { int i; for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i); return (i); } /* reverse - reverses order of characters in a string */ void reverse(char s[]) { char t; short i, j; for (i = 0, j = strlen(s) - 1; i < j; ++i, --j) t = s[i], s[i] = s[j], s[j] = t; } main() { char line[BUFSIZ]; /* the line of input text */ cout<<endl; cout<<"Input String to obtain in reverse"); cin.getline(line,BUFSIZ); reverse(line); cout<<endl; cout<<line; getch(); }

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// Example program to create a data file and read it as well. #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); ofstream fat("student.dat"); char name[20]; char hobby[40]; int age; int i; for (i=1;i<6;i++) { cout<<"Enter the details of record "<<i; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter name:"; cin>>name; cout<<endl<<"Enter the hobby"; cin>>hobby; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter the age"; cin>>age; cout<<endl; fat<<name<<hobby<<age; cout<<endl; } fat.close(); // opening of the file in input mode ifstream fit ("student.dat"); for(i=1;i<6;i++) { fit>>name; fit>>hobby; fit>>age; cout<<"The record number is "<<i; cout<<endl<<"The name is "<<name; cout<<endl<<"The hobby is "<<hobby; cout<<endl<<"The age is "<<age; cout<<endl; } fit.close(); getch(); return 0; }

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// Program implementing File Operations // Assuming the class student, write functions to implement the following : //(i). Store the objects of student in a binary file. //(ii). Read the object of student from binary file and print the same on the screen. //The class student has the following format : #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> class student { int rollno; char name[20]; public: void getval() { cin>>rollno; gets(name); } void putval() { cout<<rollno; cout<<endl<<name; } }; main() { student ward; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter roll number and name of the record"<<endl; ward.getval(); ofstream fout;"a.dat",ios::binary); fout.write((char*)&ward,sizeof(ward)); fout.close(); ifstream fin;"a.dat",ios::in|ios::binary);*)&ward,sizeof(ward)); cout<<endl; cout<<"The record read is "<<endl; ward.putval(); cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to create a data file to store any ten rollnumbers // and total marks and arrange the list in ascending order of marks // Read the file and print the new list obtained. #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> main() { clrscr(); // writing records in the data file ofstream ftt("student.dat"); int marks,roll,i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { cout<<"Enter the details of record "<<i+1; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter roll.number "; cin>>roll; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter the marks"; cin>>marks; cout<<endl; ftt<<roll<<"\n"<<marks<<"\n"; } ftt.close(); // opening of the file in input mode // for reading the records ifstream fit ("student.dat"); int rno[10],mark[10]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { fit>>roll; fit>>marks; rno[i]=roll; mark[i]=marks; cout<<endl<<"The record number is "<<i+1; cout<<endl<<"The roll number is "; cout<<roll; cout<<endl<<"The marks are "<<marks; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Press any key to sort the data "; getch(); clrscr(); // sorting according to the marks. int rnum,mar; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<3;j++) { if (mark[i]<mark[j])

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{ mar=mark[i]; mark[i]=mark[j]; mark[j]=mar; roll=rno[i]; rno[i]=rno[j]; rno[j]=roll; }}} fit.close(); // writing sorted records. ofstream fft("student.dat"); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { fft<<rno[i]<<"\n"<<mark[i]<<"\n"; } fft.close(); cout<<endl; cout<<"Records re-written in the file. Press any key to continue"; getch(); clrscr(); // reading sorted records. cout<<"The content of the list as read from the data file is : "; cout<<endl<<"(In descending order of marks )"; cout<<endl; ifstream fet ("student.dat"); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { fet>>rno[i]; fet>>mark[i]; cout<<endl<<"The record number is "<<i+1; cout<<endl<<"The roll number is "; cout<<rno[i]; cout<<endl<<"The marks are "<<mark[i]; cout<<endl; } fet.close(); cout<<"Press any key to continue "; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to modify a record after creation in a data file. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> class stu { protected: char na[20]; int p; public : void input(int n) { int i; remove("s1.dat"); ofstream g2;"s1.dat"); stu s; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"enter name and percentage :"; cin>>>>s.p; if (i>n) break; else { g2.write((char*)&s,sizeof(s)); } } g2.close(); } void modify() { char x[20],flag; stu a; ifstream g1;"s1.dat"); ofstream g2;"s2.dat"); cout<<"\n\n enter the name of the person "; cin>>x; while(!g1.eof()) {*)&a,sizeof(a)); if(strcmp(x, { flag='y'; cout<<"\n enter the new percentage "; cin>>a.p;

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} if(!g1.eof()) { g2.write((char*)&a,sizeof(a)); } else break; } if(flag!='y') cout<<"\n sorry no such record present "; g1.close(); g2.close(); remove("s1.dat"); rename("s2.dat" ,"s1.dat"); } void display() { stu a; ifstream g3;"s1.dat"); while(!g3.eof()) {*)&a,sizeof(a)); if(!g3.eof()) { cout<<"\n name is "<<; cout<<"\n percent is "<<a.p; } else break; } g3.close(); } }; void main() { int n; clrscr(); stu s,a; cout<<"enter the number of records "; cin>>n; s.input(n); s.modify(); s.display(); getch(); }

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// Program to add and reduce two given fractions #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h>// for clrscr() and getch() void ReadFraction(int &Num, int &Denom, int &Num2, int &Denom2) /* This function will allow the user to enter two fraction. */ { cout << "Enter the numerator for the first fraction: "; cin >> Num; cout << "Enter the denominator for the first fraction: "; cin >> Denom; cout << endl; cout << "Enter the numerator for the second fraction: "; cin >> Num2; cout << "Enter the denominator for the second fraction: "; cin >> Denom2; cout << endl; }

void Reduce(int &Num, int &Denom, int &Num2, int &Denom2) /* This function is called after ReadFraction(). This function will reduce the two fractions. Pre: Two Fractions Post: Two reduced fractions */ { int a, b, c, d, i, j = 0; a= b= c= d= Denom; Num; Denom2; Num2;

for (i = a * b; i > 1; i--) { if ((a % i == 0) && (b % i == 0)) { a /= i; b /= i; } } for (j = 50; j > 1; j--) { if ((c % j == 0) && (d % j == 0)) { c /= j;

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d /= j; } } Denom = a; Num = b; Denom2 = c; Num2 = d; }

void Reduce(int &Num, int &Denom) /* This function is called from AddFraction(). The fraction added in AddFraction() is reduced here. Pre: One fraction added from two Post: A reduced fraction */ { int a = 0; int b = 0; int i = 0; a = Denom; b = Num; for (i = 50; i > 1; i--) { if ((a % i == 0) && (b % i == 0)) { a /= i; b /= i; } } Denom = a; Num = b; }

void AddFraction(int &Num, int &Denom, int &Num2, int &Denom2) /* This function is called after Reduce. This function adds the two fractions Reduce() reduced Pre: Two Fractions Post: One reduced fraction */ { if (Denom != Denom2) {

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Num = Num * Denom2; Num2 = Num2 * Denom; Denom = Denom * Denom2; Denom2 = Denom2 * Denom; Num = Num + Num2; } else { Num = Num + Num2; } Reduce(Num, Denom); } void DisplayFraction(int &Num, int &Denom) /* This function displays the reduced and added fraction. This function is called after AddFraction() Post: Prints fraction */ { cout << "The reduced and added fraction is " << Num << "/" << Denom << endl; }

int main() { clrscr(); char an; do { int Num, Denom, Num2, Denom2 = 0; ReadFraction(Num, Denom,Num2,Denom2); Reduce(Num, Denom, Num2, Denom2); AddFraction(Num, Denom, Num2, Denom2); DisplayFraction(Num, Denom); cout << endl; cout <<"Would you like to do another fraction? "; cin >> an; cout << endl; } while ((an == 'y') || (an == 'Y')); cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); return(0); }

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// Program to implement leap year checking using functions #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void d(int ,int ,int ); //prototype of a funtion void main() { clrscr(); int x,y,z; cout<<"Enter day : "; cin>>x; cout<<"Enter month : ";cin>>y; cout<<"Enter year : ";cin>>z; d(x,y,z); getch(); } { switch (y) { case (1):cout<<"junuary";break; case (2):cout<<"fabruary";break; case (3): cout<<"march";break; case (4):cout<<"april";break; case (5):cout<<"may";break; case (6):cout<<"June";break; case (7):cout<<"july";break; case (8):cout<<"August";break; case (9):cout<<"september";break; case (10):cout<<"October";break; case (11):cout<<"november";break; case (12):cout<<"december";break; default:cout<<"Invalid month instruction"; } if (x>=32||x<=0) //Important point for day instruction cout<<"Invalid day instruction"; else cout<<x<<","; if (z<=0) cout<<"invalid year input"<<endl; else cout<<z<<endl; //function calling

void d(int x,int y,int z)

//funtion definition

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if(z%4==0) cout<<z<<"is a leap year"<<endl; else cout<<z<<"is not a leap year"<<endl; }

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// Program to implement sum of two input times. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> struct time { int hrs; int mins; }; time sumtime(time,time); main() { clrscr(); time a,b,c; cout<<"enter first time in hrs:"; cin>>a.hrs; cout<<"enter first time in mins:"; cin>>a.mins; cout<<"enter second time in hrs:"; cin>>b.hrs; cout<<"enter second time in mins:"; cin>> b.mins; c = sumtime(a,b); cout<<"the time in hrs:"; cout<< c.hrs; cout<<"the time in mins:"; cout<<c.mins; getch(); return 0; } time sumtime(time a1,time a2) { time a3; a3.hrs = a1.hrs+a2.hrs; a3.mins= a1.mins+a2.mins; if (a3.mins==60) { a3.hrs=a3.hrs+1; a3.mins=0; } if (a3.mins>60) { int h=a3.mins/60; a3.hrs=a3.hrs+h; a3.mins=a3.mins-60; } return a3; }

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// Program to add any two given angles. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> struct angle { int degree; int mins; }; angle sumangle(angle,angle); main() { clrscr(); angle a,b,c; cout<<"enter first angle in degree:"; cin>>; cout<<"enter first angle in mins:"; cin>>a.mins; cout<<"enter second angle in degree:"; cin>>; cout<<"enter second angle in mins:"; cin>>b.mins; c = sumangle(a,b); cout<<"the angle in degree:"; cout<<; cout<<"the angle in mins:"; cout<<c.mins; getch(); return 0; } angle sumangle(angle a1,angle a2) { angle a3; =; a3.mins =a1.mins+a2.mins; if (a3.mins==60) {; a3.mins=0;} if (a3.mins>60) { int m=a3.mins/60;; a3.mins=a3.mins-60; } return a3; }

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// Program to compute the lcm and hcf using class. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class work { private: int a,b; public: work() { a = 0; b = 0; } ~work() {} compute() { cout<<"Enter any two numbers"; cin>>a>>b; int p,hcf,i,lcm; p=a*b; for(i=1;i<=p;i++) { if(a%i==0 && b%i==0) hcf =i; } lcm=p/hcf; cout<<"The lcm is "<<lcm; cout<<endl; cout<<"The hcf is "<<hcf; } }; main() { clrscr(); work amit; amit.compute(); getch(); return 0; }

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// Project Programme for Hospital Database Queue array. #include #include #include #include <iostream.h> <conio.h> <string.h> <stdlib.h>

// define maximum number of patients in a queue #define MAXPATIENTS 100 // define structure for patient data struct patient { char FirstName[50]; char LastName[50]; char ID[20]; }; // define class for queue class queue { public: queue (void); int AddPatientAtEnd (patient p); int AddPatientAtBeginning (patient p); patient GetNextPatient (void); int RemoveDeadPatient (patient * p); void OutputList (void); char DepartmentName[50]; private: int NumberOfPatients; patient List[MAXPATIENTS]; }; // declare member functions for queue queue::queue () { // constructor NumberOfPatients = 0;} int queue::AddPatientAtEnd (patient p) { // adds a normal patient to the end of the queue. // returns 1 if successful, 0 if queue is full. if (NumberOfPatients >= MAXPATIENTS) { // queue is full return 0;} // put in new patient List[NumberOfPatients] = p; NumberOfPatients++; return 1;}

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int queue::AddPatientAtBeginning (patient p) { // adds a critically ill patient to the beginning of the queue. // returns 1 if successful, 0 if queue is full. int i; if (NumberOfPatients >= MAXPATIENTS) { // queue is full return 0;} // move all patients one position back in queue for (i = NumberOfPatients-1; i >= 0; i--) { List[i+1] = List[i];} // put in new patient List[0] = p; NumberOfPatients++; return 1;} patient queue::GetNextPatient (void) { // gets the patient that is first in the queue. // returns patient with no ID if queue is empty int i; patient p; if (NumberOfPatients == 0) { // queue is empty strcpy(p.ID,""); return p;} // get first patient p = List[0]; // move all remaining patients one position forward in queue NumberOfPatients--; for (i=0; i<NumberOfPatients; i++) { List[i] = List[i+1];} // return patient return p;} int queue::RemoveDeadPatient (patient * p) { // removes a patient from queue. // returns 1 if successful, 0 if patient not found int i, j, found = 0; // search for patient for (i=0; i<NumberOfPatients; i++) { if (stricmp(List[i].ID, p->ID) == 0) { // patient found in queue *p = List[i]; found = 1; // move all following patients one position forward in queue NumberOfPatients--; for (j=i; j<NumberOfPatients; j++) { List[j] = List[j+1];}}} return found;} void queue::OutputList (void) { // lists entire queue on screen int i; if (NumberOfPatients == 0) {
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cout << "\nQueue is empty";} else { for (i=0; i<NumberOfPatients; i++) { cout << "\n" << List[i].FirstName; cout << " " << List[i].LastName; cout << " " << List[i].ID;}}} // declare functions used by main: patient InputPatient (void) { // this function asks user for patient data. patient p; cout << "\n\nPlease enter data for new patient\nFirst name: "; cin.getline(p.FirstName, sizeof(p.FirstName)); cout << "\nLast name: "; cin.getline(p.LastName, sizeof(p.LastName)); cout << "\nSocial security number: "; cin.getline(p.ID, sizeof(p.ID)); // check if data valid if (p.FirstName[0]==0 || p.LastName[0]==0 || p.ID[0]==0) { // rejected strcpy(p.ID,""); cout << "\n\nError: Data not valid. Operation cancelled."; getch();} return p;} void OutputPatient (patient * p) { // this function outputs patient data to the screen if (p == NULL || p->ID[0]==0) { cout << "\nNo patient"; return;} cout << "\n\nPatient data:"; cout << "\n\nFirst name: " << p->FirstName; cout << "\n\nLast name: " << p->LastName; cout << "\n\nSocial security number: " << p->ID;} int ReadNumber() { // this function reads an integer number from the keyboard. // it is used because input with cin >> doesn't work properly! char buffer[20]; cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return atoi(buffer);} void DepartmentMenu (queue * q) { // this function defines the user interface with menu for one department int choise = 0, success; patient p; while (choise != 6) { // clear screen clrscr();
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// print menu cout << "\n\n\nWelcome to department: " << q->DepartmentName; cout << "\n\nPlease enter your choise:"; cout << "\n\n1: Add normal patient"; cout << "\n2: Add critically ill patient"; cout << "\n3: Take out patient for operation"; cout << "\n4: Remove dead patient from queue"; cout << "\n5: List queue"; cout << "\n6: Change department or exit\n"; // get user choise choise = ReadNumber(); // do indicated action switch (choise) { case 1: // Add normal patient p = InputPatient(); if (p.ID[0]) { success = q->AddPatientAtEnd(p); clrscr(); if (success) { cout << "\nPatient added:\n\n";} else { // error cout << "\n\nError: The queue is full. Cannot add patient:";} OutputPatient(&p); cout << "\n\nPress any key"; getch();} break; case 2: // Add critically ill patient p = InputPatient(); if (p.ID[0]) { success = q->AddPatientAtBeginning(p); clrscr(); if (success) { cout << "\nPatient added:\n\n";} else { // error cout << "\n\nError: The queue is full. Cannot add patient:";} OutputPatient(&p); cout << "\n\nPress any key"; getch();} break; case 3: // Take out patient for operation p = q->GetNextPatient(); clrscr(); if (p.ID[0]) { cout << "\nPatient to operate:\n\n"; OutputPatient(&p);} else { cout << "\nThere is no patient to operate.";} cout << "\n\nPress any key"; getch(); break;
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case 4: // Remove dead patient from queue p = InputPatient(); if (p.ID[0]) { success = q->RemoveDeadPatient(&p); clrscr(); if (success) { cout << "\nPatient removed:\n\n";} else { // error cout << "\n\nError: Cannot find patient:\n\n";} OutputPatient(&p); cout << "\n\nPress any key"; getch();} break; case 5: // List queue clrscr(); q->OutputList(); cout << "\n\nPress any key"; getch(); break; }}} // main function defining queues and main menu void main () { int i, MenuChoise = 0; // define three queues queue departments[3]; // set department names strcpy (departments[0].DepartmentName, "Heart clinic"); strcpy (departments[1].DepartmentName, "Lung clinic"); strcpy (departments[2].DepartmentName, "Plastic surgery"); while (MenuChoise != 4) { // clear screen clrscr(); // print menu cout << "\n\n\nWelcome to Software City Hospital"; cout << "\n\nPlease enter your choise:\n"; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // write menu item for department i cout << "\n" << (i+1) << ": " << departments[i].DepartmentName;} cout << "\n4: Exit\n"; // get user choise MenuChoise = ReadNumber(); // is it a department name? if (MenuChoise >= 1 && MenuChoise <= 3) { // call submenu for department // (using pointer arithmetics here:) DepartmentMenu (departments + (MenuChoise-1));}}}

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// Program that reads numbers (until -1 entered or more then 1000) // into in array and sorts them in descending order. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef char String[80]; int leesgetal(String info) { int returnvalue, getal; do { cout << info; returnvalue=cscanf("%d", &getal); getch(); cout << "\n"; } while (!returnvalue); return getal; } int sort(const void *s, const void *t) { return (*(int*)s - *(int*)t); } int main(void) { clrscr(); const int aantal=1000; int getallenrij[aantal]; int teller = 0; int linepos; while (teller<1000 && getallenrij[teller-1]!=-1) { getallenrij[teller]=leesgetal("Enter array element [-1 to quit]"); teller++; } qsort(getallenrij, teller, sizeof(int), sort); linepos = teller % 23; for (teller--; teller>0; teller--) { cout << getallenrij[teller] << "\n"; if (teller % 23 == linepos) { cout << "*******"; }

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} cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); return 0; }

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// to extract maximum prime digit from a number #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int mprime(int); main() { int a,b; cout<<"enter a number:"; cin>>a; b=mprime(a); cout<<b; getch(); return 0; } int mprime(int c) { int n,big=0,d,count=0,i; do{ n=c%10; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(n%i==0) count=count+1; if(c==2) { if(big<n) big=n; count=0; } d=d/10; } } while(c!=0); cout<<big<<"is the maximum digit number"; return big; }

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// Program to extract the position of any alphabet in the alphabetical series #include <ctype.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> #define max 26 char array[max] = "\0"; void initialise() { for(int i=0; i<max; i++) { array[i] = (char)(65+i); } } int binsearch(int low, int high, int &num) { int mid = (high+low)/2; if( array[mid] == num ) { return mid; } else if( low >= high ) { return -1; } else if( num > array[mid] ) { return binsearch(mid+1, high, num); } else if( num < array[mid] ) { return binsearch(low, mid-1, num); } else return -2; } void main() { char alpha; int number; int result; clrscr(); initialise(); cout << "Enter the alphabet to search : "; cin >> alpha;

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number = (int)toupper(alpha); result = binsearch(0, max, number); if( result >= 0 ) { cout << "Found at index # : " << result+1; } else if( result == -1 ) { cout << "Not Found"; } else cout << "Unspecified Error"; getch(); }

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// Array sorting // Using Bubble Sorting Technique. // Program to input any ten numbers and print them in ascending order. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int number[10],a,b,c,d; clrscr(); // clear the screen cout<<"Enter the elements of the array"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter number for cell "<<i<<endl; cin>>number[i]; } cout<<endl<<"Thank You ! The data entry is over"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); cout<<"\a\a"; clrscr(); // sorting of data for(int j=0;j<10;j++) { for(int k=0;k<9;k++) { if (number[k]>number[k+1]) { a=number[k]; number[k]=number[k+1]; number[k+1]=a; } } } cout<<"The list in ascending order is "; cout<<endl; for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<number[i]<<"\t"; cout<<endl<<"Press any key to return to the editor"; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program displays the month of any year // and also has controls to view the // previous & the Next months. # include <iostream.h> # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int b1,b2,o; cout<<" ENTER THE MONTH : "; cin>>b1; cout<<" ENTER THE YEAR : "; cin>>b2; a:cout<<"\n"; o = b1-1; int i,j,k=0,l=0,m=0,n=0,b3,c=0,c1,c2,c3,a[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30 ,31,30,31}; int ab[12] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; char *z[12] ={"JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC"};char choice; for (o=0;o<=11;o++) { if (b1 == ab[o]) { cout<<"\n "<<z[o]; cout<<" "<<b2; } } if(b2%4==0) a[1] = 29; else a[1] = 28; if(b2>=2000) b3=b2-2000; else { b3=2000-b2; b3*=2; } if(b1==12) n=12; if(b1==1) { k=11; l=1; for(i=0;i<=k;i++) m+=a[i]; } for(i=0;i<(b1-1);i++) c+=a[i]; c2=(c+b3)%7;

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textcolor(10); cout<<"\n\n\n\n"; cout<<" SU MO TU WE TH FR SA\n\n"; for(j=0;j<c2;j++) cout<<" "; for(j=1;j<=a[b1-1];j++) { if(j<10) cout<<" "<<j; else cout<<" "<<j; if((j+c2)%7==0) cout<<"\n\n"; } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n\n Use these arrow keys to display the Sequential Year or Month : \n"; cout<<"**************************************************************\n"; cout<<" | Up = Next Year | Down = Previous Year | \n"; cout<<" | Right = Next Month | Left = Next Month | \n"; cout<<"************************************************************** \n"; choice = getch(); if (choice==0) { choice = getch(); switch(choice) { case 80 : {b2-=1; goto a; break;} case 72 : {b2+=1;goto a; break;} case 75 : { if (b1!=1) b1-=1; else {b1=12; b2-=1;} goto a; break;} case 77 : { if (b1!=12) b1+=1; else {b1 = 1; b2+=1;} goto a; break;} } } getch(); }

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//program implements dequeues using circular arrays. //Dequeues are queues in which elements can be //inserted/deleted from either end. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <alloc.h> #define MAXSIZE 30 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /*---------------------STRUCTUREDECLARATION -----------------------------*/ struct queue { int front,rear; int data[MAXSIZE]; }; struct queue *q; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------FUNCTIONDECLARATION -------------------------------*/ void insert(int); int remove(int); int empty(); void display(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------GLOBAL VARIABLES -----------------------------------*/ int flag,x, count=0; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------MAIN-------------------------------------------*/ main() { q=(struct queue *)malloc(sizeof (struct queue)); int ch,z,i; clrscr(); q->front=0; q->rear=0; for (i=0; i<MAXSIZE; i++) q->data[i]=-1; do { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n 1. Insert an element to the left."; cout<<"\n 2. Insert an element to the right."; cout<<"\n 3. Delete an element from the left."; cout<<"\n 4. Delete an element from the right."; cout<<"\n 5. Display current status of the dequeue."; cout<<"\n 6. Exit."; cout<<"\n Enter choice:";

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cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1 : insert(1); display(); break; case 2 : insert(2); display(); break; case 3 : z=remove(1); cout<<"\n The element deleted is: "<< z; display(); break; case 4 : z=remove(2); cout<<"\n The element deleted is:"<< z; display(); break; case 5 : display(); break; case 6 : exit(1); } }while (ch!=7); getch(); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------INSERT ELEMENT -----------------------------------*/ void insert(int flag) { int value; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the element to be inserted into the queue:"); scanf("%d", &value); count++; if (flag==1) { if (count==1) { q->front==0; q->rear=0; } else if (q->front==0 && count>1 && q->data[MAXSIZE-1]==-1) q->front=MAXSIZE-1; else if (q->front==0 && q->data[MAXSIZE-1]!=-1) { printf("\n Queue full."); getch(); return; } else q->front--; q->data[q->front]=value; return;
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} else if (flag==2) { if (count==1) { q->rear=0; q->front=0; } else if (q->rear==MAXSIZE-1 && q->data[0]==-1) q->rear=0; else if (q->rear==MAXSIZE-1 && q->data[0]!=-1) { printf("\n Queue full."); getch(); return; } else q->rear++; q->data[q->rear]=value; return; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------DELETE ELEMENT ---------------------------------*/ int remove (int flag) { if (empty()) { printf("\n Sorry, queue is empty."); getch(); return(0); } if (flag==1) { if (count==1) { x=q->data[q->front]; q->data[q->front]=-1; q->front=q->rear; count--; return(x); } if (q->front==MAXSIZE-1) { x=q->data[q->front]; q->data[q->front]=-1; q->front=0; count--; return(x); } x=q->data[q->front]; q->data[q->front]=-1; q->front++;
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count--; return(x); } else if (flag==2) { if (count==1) { x=q->data[q->rear]; q->data[q->rear]=-1; q->front=q->rear; count--; return(x); } if (q->rear==0) { x=q->data[q->rear]; q->data[q->rear]=-1; q->rear=MAXSIZE-1; count--; return(x); } x=q->data[(q->rear)]; q->data[q->rear]=-1; q->rear--; count--; return(x); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------EMPTY QUEUE------------------------------------*/ int empty() { if (q->front==q->rear && q->data[q->front]==-1) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------DISPLAYQUEUE---------------------------------*/ void display() { int i,fl=0; printf("\n Total number of elements in queue = %d",count); if (count==0) return; else { printf("\n The queue is:"); { if (count==1) { printf(" %d ",q->data[q->front]);
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return; } i=q->front; while ( i<=MAXSIZE-1) { fl=0; if (i==q->rear) { printf (" %d ", q->data[q->rear]); fl=1; break; } if (q->data[i]!=-1) { printf(" %d ",q->data[i]); } i++; } if (fl==0) { i=0; while (i<=q->rear) { if (q->data[i]!=-1) { printf(" %d ",q->data[i]); } i++; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); } } } }

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// Adding elements of two given arrays into the third array. # include<iostream.h> # include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int a[10],b[10],c[10],s,i; cout<<"enter the 10 numbers"; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } // creating second array cout<<"enter the 10 numbers"; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { cin>>b[i]; } //adding the sum of two arrays into a new array for(i=0;i<10;i++) { s = a[i] + b[i]; c[i] = s; } //printing of an array cout<<endl; cout<<"Printing array A"<<endl; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Printing array B"<<endl; for ( i= 0;i<10;i++ ) { cout<<b[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Printing array C"<<endl; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<c[i]<<" "; } getch(); }

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// Program to print the sum of the following series: // 1 + (1+2)+(1+2+3)+......N where N is the input. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int series(int); main() { clrscr(); int term, sum =0; cout<<"Enter the value of N"<<endl; cin>>term; sum=series(term); cout<<"The sum of the series of "<<term<<" terms is "<<sum<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); return 0; } int series(int num) { int s=0,ss=0, i,j; for(i=1;i<=num;i++) { ss=0; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) ss=ss+j; s=s+ss; } return s; }

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// Program to convert binary to decimal using a function. #include <math.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream.h> int binary[16] = {0}; //Store binary digits //GET BINARY INPUT FROM USERS void get_input(int binary[], int &counter) { char digit[2] = {'\0'}; //Store single digits cout << "Enter binary number: "; //Take inputs until the user does not press enter key while( digit[0] != '\r' ) { digit[0] = getche(); //Store the digit to binary number only if it is not enter key if( digit[0] != '\r' ) { binary[counter] = atoi(digit); counter++; } } } //CONVERT THE ENTERED BINARY NUMBER TO DECIMAL void convert_BtoD(int binary[], int &counter) { unsigned int decimal = 0; //Stores the decimal equivalent double power = 0; //The power to raise 2 //Start with the last digit entered, move left and increase power for(int n=(counter-1); n>=0; n--) { decimal += (binary[n]*pow(2,power)); power++; } cout << endl << decimal; } void main() { int counter = 0; clrscr(); get_input(binary, counter);

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convert_BtoD(binary, counter); cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); }

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// Program to convert any entered decimal number into binary. #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream.h> void convert_DtoB(int); void show_answer(int[],int); //FUNCTION THAT CONVERTS DECIMAL NUMBER TO BINARY void convert_DtoB(int decimal) { int remainder = 0; int int counter = 0; binary[16] = {0}; //array to store the binary equivalent

while( decimal != 1 ) { remainder = decimal % 2; //calculate the remainder decimal = (int)(decimal / 2); //calculate the leftover number binary[counter] = remainder; counter++; } binary[counter] = decimal; show_answer(binary,counter); } //FUNCTION THAT DISPLAYS THE BINARY NUMBER void show_answer(int answer[], int counter) { //traverses the array backwards for(int n=counter; n>=0; n--) { cout << answer[n]; } } void main() { int number = 0; clrscr(); cout << "Enter a Decimal number please....: "; cin >> number; number = abs(number); //To avoid negative entries cout<<endl; cout<<"The binaray equivalent is "; convert_DtoB(number); getch(); //store remainder as binary digit

//store the left over number as binary digit //display the binary number

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// Program to create two arrays of 3x4 and compute their sum in a // new array. Display the new array so obtained. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a[3][4],b[3][4],c[3][4],i,j; // creation of the array for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { cout<<"enter a number for the array a and b "; cin>>a[i][j]>>b[i][j]; } } // print the array a for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { cout<<a[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<"\n"; } //print array b for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { cout<<b[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<"\n"; } // get the sum in a new array for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { c[i][j]=a[i][j]+b[i][j]; } } // display array c cout<<"The array c is "<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { cout<<c[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; }

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getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to assign names of any four subjects and check if it is present // using double dimensional arrays. #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> //Global varibales char str[][20]={"english","physics","chemistry","history"}; void find(char *);//find function void main() { clrscr(); char st[20]; cout<<"Enter the name of any subject to find here;"<<endl; cin>>st; find(st); } void find(char *s) { int i,flag=0; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if(strcmp(s,str[i])==0) { flag=1; cout<<"FOUND"; getch(); } } if(flag==0) {cout<<"NOTFOUND"; cout<<"\ You are the Trespasser";} getch(); }

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// Program to count the number of words within an entered string // and also print the string in reverse. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { clrscr(); int s=0; char a[25]; cout<<"enter a string"; gets(a); int l=strlen(a); for(int i=l;i>=0;i--) { cout<<a[i]; } for(int j=0;j<l;j++) {if(a[j]==' ') {s=s+1; } } cout<<"number of words"<<s+1; getch(); }

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// Program to implement calculation for +, -, * and / // Input two numbers with operator in between to obtain the computation #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> float result,a,b; // declare result a and b char c; // declare c char yn; // declare yn int sum() { textcolor(RED); // change the text color red cprintf("Enter Operation eg. 8+5 : "); //output statement for color cin >> a >> c >> b; // gets a b and c in one if (c == '+') { result = a + b; } if (c == '-') { result = a - b; } if (c == '*') { result = a * b; } if (c == '/') { result = a / b; } textcolor(GREEN); // guess cprintf("Answer: "); cout << result; // same as textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); // guess again cprintf("\n\rDo You Wan't To Do Another Sum?Y/N "); cin >> yn; if (yn != 'y') // if yn is different from y... { return 0; // exit the program } else; clrscr(); // clears the screen

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sum(); //restarts itself } int main() { clrscr(); sum(); }

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// Program which calculates the day of the week for any // given date & month of the year 2002. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> void main() { clrscr(); int opt,date,day; char b; cout<<"****A program to find out the day of the week for any date of the year 2002****\n\n"; cout<<"1.January\n2.February\n3.March\n4.April\n5.May\n6.June\n7.july\n8.August\n9.September\n10.October\n11.N ovember\n12.December\n"; a: cout<<"\nEnter the value of the month:"; cin>>opt; cout<<"\nEnter the date of the month:"; cin>>date; switch(opt) { case 1: if(date<=31) {day=(8+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information january has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 2: if(date<=28) {day=(11+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information february has only 28 days.\n"; break; case 3: if(date<=31) {day=(11+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information march has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 4: if(date<=30) {day=(7+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information april has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 5: if(date<=31) {day=(9+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information may has only 31 days.\n"; break;

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case 6: if(date<=30) {day=(12+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information june has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 7: if(date<=31) {day=(7+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information july has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 8: if(date<=31) {day=(10+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information august has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 9: if(date<=30) {day=(6+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information september has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 10: if(date<=31) {day=(8+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information october has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 11: if(date<=30) {day=(11+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information november has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 12: if(date<=31) {day=(6+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information december has only 31 days.\n"; break; } if(day==0) {cout<<"\nIts SUNDAY.\n";} if(day==1) {cout<<"\nIts MONDAY.\n";} if(day==2) {cout<<"\nIts TUESDAY.\n";} if(day==3)
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{cout<<"\nIts WEDNESDAY.\n";} if(day==4) {cout<<"\nIts THURSDAY.\n";} if(day==5) {cout<<"\nIts FRIDAY.\n";} if(day==6) {cout<<"\nIts SATURDAY.\n";} cout<<"\n****************************************************\n"; cout<<"\nWould u like to continue?[y/n]:"; cin>>b; if(b=='y'||b== 'Y') goto a; else getch(); }

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// Program to Identify the day on a particular date #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define STD_DD 1 #define STD_MM 1 #define STD_YYYY 0001 #define STD_DAY "Sunday" #define LEAP_YR 366 #define NOT_LEAP 365 unsigned int dd, mm, yyyy, y; void input(void); unsigned int select_days(unsigned int); void printday(unsigned int); void main(void) { unsigned int daylimit, day = 1, d, m; clrscr(); cout<<" This program tells you the day of the date typed in.\n"; input(); for (y = STD_YYYY; y <= yyyy; y++) { for (m = 1; m <= 12; m++) { daylimit = select_days(m); for (d = 1; d <= daylimit; d++) { if (day == 8) day = 1; if ((d == dd) && (m == mm) && (y == yyyy)) break; ++day; } if ((d == dd) && (m == mm) && (y == yyyy)) break; } if ((d == dd) && (m == mm) && (y == yyyy)) break; }

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cout<<endl; cout<<"The day on the date "<<mm<<" "<< dd<<" "<<yyyy<<" is "; printday(day); getche(); } void input(void) { cout<<"\n Type in the date (mm dd yyyy) : "; cin>>mm; cin>>dd; cin>>yyyy; if ((mm <= 0) || (mm > 12)) { do { printf(" Type in the month again : "); scanf("%d",&mm); } while ((mm <= 0) || (mm > 12)); } if ((dd <= 0) || (dd > 31)) { do { printf(" Type in the day date again : "); scanf("%d",&dd); } while ((dd <= 0) || (dd > 31)); } if ((mm == 4) || (mm == 6) || (mm == 9) || (mm == 11) && (dd == 31)) { printf(" Date can't be greater than 30 for this month!\n"); do { printf(" Type in the day date again : "); scanf("%d",&dd); } while ((dd > 30) || (dd <= 0)); } else if ((mm == 2) && (dd > 29)) { printf(" Date can't be greater than 29 for this month!\n"); do { printf(" Type in the day date again : "); scanf("%d", &dd); }
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while ((dd > 29) || (dd <= 0)); } if ((yyyy % 4 != 0) && (mm == 2) && (dd == 29)) { printf(" Date of 29 in the month 2 is only possible in the leap years!\n"); do { printf(" Type in the day date again : "); scanf("%d", &dd); } while ((dd > 28) || (dd <= 0)); } if (yyyy <= 0) { do { printf(" Type in the year : "); scanf("%d",&yyyy); } while (yyyy <= 0); } } unsigned int select_days(unsigned int m) { switch (m) { case 2: if (y % 4 != 0) return(28); else return(29); case 1 : case 3 : case 5 : case 7 : case 8 : case 10: case 12: return(31); default: return(30); } } void printday(unsigned int day) { switch (day) {
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case 1: printf("Sunday.\n"); break; case 2: printf("Monday.\n"); break; case 3: printf("Tuesday.\n"); break; case 4: printf("Wednesday.\n"); break; case 5: printf("Thursday.\n"); break; case 6: printf("Friday.\n"); break; case 7: printf("Saturday.\n"); break; } }

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// Program to create a doubly linked list, // to add an item(in front,in middle or in end), // to delete an element(in front,in middle or in end) // and to display to elements in the nodes. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> class dlink { struct link { int data; link *prev; link *next; }*head,*trav,*tptr; int p,flag,a,p1,b; public: void creation(int); void additem(int); void deletion(); void display(); dlink() { head=NULL; } }; void dlink::creation(int i) { link *newlink=new(link); if(head==NULL) { newlink->data=i; newlink->prev=NULL; newlink->next=NULL; head=newlink; } else { trav=head; while(trav->next!=NULL) { trav=trav->next; } newlink->prev=trav; trav->next=newlink; newlink->data=i; newlink->next=NULL; }

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} void dlink::additem(int i) { if(head==NULL) cout<<"\n DOUBLEY LINKED LIST NOT CREATED"; else { cout<<" 1.Front, 2.Middle, 3.End \n"; cout<<" Your option : "; cin>>p; link *newlink=new(link); switch(p) { case 1: newlink->data=i; newlink->next=head; head->prev=newlink; newlink->prev=NULL; head=newlink; break; case 2: cout<<"\nEnter the no. after which to be added : "; cin>>a; trav=head; tptr=head; while(trav->data!=a) { tptr=trav->next->next; trav=trav->next; } newlink =new(link); newlink->prev=trav; newlink->next=tptr; newlink->data=i; tptr->prev=newlink; trav->next=newlink; break; case 3: trav=head; while(trav->next!=NULL) { trav=trav->next; } trav->next=newlink; newlink->prev=trav; newlink->data=i; newlink->next=NULL; break; } } } void dlink::deletion()
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{ if(head==NULL) cout<<"\n DOUBLEY LINKED LIST NOT CREATED "; else { cout<<" 1. Deletion in front, 2. Middle, 3.End \n"; cout<<"option : "; cin>>p1; switch(p1) { case 1: if(head!=NULL) { trav=head; trav=trav->next; trav->prev=NULL; head=trav; } else cout<<"\n doubley linked list not created "; break; case 2: if(head!=NULL) { cout<<"enter the element to be deleted : "; cin>>b; trav=head; while(trav->data!=b) { tptr=trav; trav=trav->next; } tptr->next=trav->next; trav->next->prev=tptr; } else cout<<"\n doubley linked list not created "; break; case 3: trav=head; while(trav->next!=NULL) { tptr=trav; trav=trav->next; } tptr->next=NULL; trav=tptr; break; } } } void dlink::display()
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{ if(head==NULL) cout<<"\n NO ELEMENTS IN THE DOUBLEY LINKED LIST "; else { cout<<" \n\n\t ELEMENTS IN THE DOUBLEY LINKED LIST ARE GIVEN BELOW : \n\n\n\n\t "; trav=head; while(trav->next!=NULL) { cout<<trav->data<<" <==> "; trav=trav->next; } cout<<trav->data<<" <==> NULL"; } } void main() { dlink d; int ch,x,y; do { clrscr(); cout<<" \n\n\t\t PROGRAM FOR DOUBLEY LINKED LIST "; cout<<"\n\n\t Menu \n\n"; cout<<"\n\t\t 1. Creation "; cout<<"\n\t\t 2. Adding an element "; cout<<"\n\t\t 3. Deleting an element "; cout<<"\n\t\t 4. Display"; cout<<"\n\t\t 5. Exit \t"; cout<<"Opion : "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: do { cout<<"\nEnter a +ve no. enter -ve no. to stop the creation : "; cin>>x; if(x>0) d.creation(x); } while(x>0); break; case 2: cout<<"\n\nEnter the element : "; cin>>y; d.additem(y); getch(); break; case 3:
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d.deletion(); getch(); break; case 4: d.display(); getch(); break; case 5: exit(0); break; default: cout<<"\n Enter the option between 1 and 5 :"; break; } } while(ch!=5); }

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// PROGRAM Inputting NINE INPUTS AND TREATS THE // INPUTS AS COMPONENTS OF THREE DIMENSIONAL MATRIX AND CALCULATES THE // // DETERMINANT OF THE MATRIX. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> // HEADER FILES #include <iostream.h> void main() { clrscr(); int matrix[4][4]; // DECLARATION OF ARRAY AND VARIABLES. int count,count1,result; int x,y; for (count1=1;count1<=3;count1++) // NESTED FOR LOOPS TO TAKE INPUTS // FROM THE USER. { for (count=1;count<=3;count++) { clrscr(); gotoxy(21,13); cout << "PLEASE ENTER A INTEGER : "; cin >> matrix[count][count1]; // INPUT IS STORED IN DIFFERENT // ADDRESSES OF THE ARRAY. } } // THE FOLLOWING STEPS PERFORM DIFFERENT CALCULATIONS TO CALCULATE THE // DETERMINANT count = matrix[1][1]*((matrix[2][2]*matrix[3][3])-(matrix[3][2]*matrix[2][3])); count1 = matrix[2][2]*((matrix[1][2]*matrix[3][3])-(matrix[3][2]*matrix[1][3])); result = matrix[3][3]*((matrix[1][2]*matrix[2][3])-(matrix[2][2]*matrix[1][3])); result = count - count1+result; gotoxy(21,15); cout << "THE DETERMINANT OF MATRIX IS :"<<result; // SHOWS THE DETERMINANT getch(); } // END OF FUNCTION

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// Program implementing File Streaming : // Storing array of numbers in a data file #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> int main() { ifstream fin; ofstream fout;

// File Pointers

int array[4] = { 3, 76, 5, 12 }; // Array of data to be saved int x; // Loop Counter"fstream.txt"); // Create file for( x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) { fout << array[x] << endl; // Write array data to file } cout<<"Data Has Been Writen..." << endl; // fstream.txt can be found // @ C: getch(); fout.close(); // Closes file return 0; }

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// Program to implement Calculator functions for : +, -, *, /, ^ #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> float inputOne, inputTwo, answer; char operator_, yn; int main() { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); while (yn != 'n') { clrscr(); cout << "First number + - / * ^ second number\n"; cin >> inputOne >> operator_ >> inputTwo; if (operator_ == '+') answer = inputOne + inputTwo; if (operator_ == '-') answer = inputOne - inputTwo; if (operator_ == '*') answer = inputOne * inputTwo; if (operator_ == '/') { if (inputTwo == 0) { cout << "Cannot divide by 0"; } else answer = inputOne / inputTwo; } if (operator_ == '^') { answer = inputOne; for (int i=2; i<=inputTwo; i++) answer = answer * inputOne; } cout << endl; cout << inputOne << " " << operator_ << " "; cout << inputTwo << " = " << answer; cout << "\n\nSolve another? <yn> "; cin >> yn; cout << "\n"; } return 0;

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// Program to compute surface area of cone, cylinder, vol. of cone etc. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void SAofcone(); void SAofCylinder(); void Volumeofcone(); void beginning(); void SAofCone() { clrscr(); cout<<"This program calculates the SA of a cone. it uses 3.14 for pi."<<endl; float pi; pi= 3.14; float r; cout<< "Enter the radius of the base of the cone?"<<endl; cin>> r; float basearea; basearea= (r*r*pi); float height; cout<<"Enter the height of the cone?"<<endl; cin>> height; float SA; SA= (basearea)+(pi*r*height); cout<<endl; cout<<"The answer is:"; cout<< SA; system("pause"); beginning(); } void SAofCylinder() { cout<<"This program calculates the surface area of a cylinder,"<<endl; cout<<"it uses 3.14 for pi."<<endl; float r; cout<<"Enter the radius of the base?"<<endl; cin>> r; float pi; pi= 3.14; float height; cout<<"Enter the height of the circle?"<<endl; cin>>height; float circumfrence; circumfrence= r*2*pi; float SA; SA= 2*(3.14)*(r*r)+2*(3.14)*(r)*(height); cout<<"The compute result is approximately:"; cout<< SA; cout<<""<<endl; system("pause"); beginning();

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} void Volumeofcone() { cout<<"This program calculates the volume of a cone. it used 3.14 for pi."<<endl; cout<<""<<endl; float r; cout<<" Enter the radius of the base?"<<endl; cin>> r; float pi; pi= 3.14; float height; cout<<"Enter the height of the cone?"<<endl; cin>> height; float pirsq; pirsq= pi*r; float volume; volume= (.333333)*(pi)*(r*r)*(height); cout<<"Enter the volume of the cone is approxmately:"; cout<< volume; cout<<""<<endl; system("pause"); beginning(); } int main(void) { clrscr(); beginning(); } void beginning() { cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"------------------------------------\n"; cout<<"----**OPTIONS**--------------------\n"; cout<<"------1. find the SA of a cone------\n"; cout<<"------2. find the SA of a cylinder--\n"; cout<<"------3. find the volume of a cone--\n"; cout<<"------------------------------------\n"; cout<<"----- 4. Exit- ----------------------"<<endl; int choice = 0; cin>> choice; if (choice == 1) SAofCylinder(); if (choice == 2) SAofCone(); if (choice == 3) Volumeofcone(); if (choice == 4) exit(0);
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// Program for computation of: //1). Natural Log (Ln) //2). Log with Base 10(Log10) //3).Log of your desired Base (LogA^x) #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class logarithem { protected: long ans; public: logarithem():ans(0) { /* cout<<"Enter the value of 'X':"; cin>>ans; */ } double loga(double); double ln(double x); double checking(double); }; double logarithem::loga(double b) { double LOG10=0,c; c=ln(b); LOG10=c/2.30258509299404; return LOG10; } double logarithem:: ln(double x) { double lnX=0.000001,check; do{ lnX=lnX-(exp(lnX)-x)/exp(lnX); check=checking(lnX); }while(check!=0); return lnX; } double logarithem::checking(double x)

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{ static double x1=0; double x2; if(x1==0) { x1=x; return 1; } else { x2=x1-x; if(x2<0) x2*=-1; x1=x; return x2; } } void main() { clrscr(); logarithem a; double b=0,k=0; int opt1; char ch; clrscr(); highvideo(); textcolor(BLACK); textbackground(3); one: cout<<"\n1. For Natural Log (ln) "; cout<<"\n2. For Log of Base 10"; cout<<"\n3. For Log of x with Base a, Log a^x = Logx/Loga"; cout<<"\n4. For Exit"; cout<<"\n "; cout<<"\n\n\n\tEnter Your Option:- "; cin>>opt1; switch(opt1) { case 2: cout<<"\n\nEnter the value of X : "; cin>>b; cout<<"\n\n\t( Log_10^"<<b<< " is "<<a.loga(b)<<" )"; cout<<endl<<"\n\tPress any key to go back...."; ch=getch();
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if(ch=='\r') clrscr(); goto one; case 1: cout<<"\n\nEnter the value of X"<<"\t"; cin>>b; cout<<"\n\n\t( Ln "<<b<<" : "<<a.ln(b)<<" )"; cout<<endl<<"\n\tPress any key to go back...."; ch=getch(); if(ch=='\r') clrscr(); goto one; case 3: cout<<"\n\nEnter the value of a :"<<"\t"; cin>>b; cout<<"\nEnter the value of x :"<<"\t"; cin>>k; cout<<"\n\n\t( Log a^x = Logx/Loga "<<b<<" : "<<a.ln(k)/a.ln(b)<<" )"; cout<<endl<<"\n\tPress any key to go back...."; ch=getch(); if(ch=='\r') clrscr(); goto one; case 4: delay(100); exit(0); default: cout<<"\n\n\tPlease! Enter the options shown above ..."; cout<<endl<<"\n\tPress any key to go back...."; ch=getch(); if(ch=='\r') clrscr(); goto one; } }

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// Program to implement calculation on any entered two numbers. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> float a; float b; float result; int op; int option; int main() { do { cout << "Enter First Number \n"; cin >> a; // Input cout << "Enter Second Number \n"; cin >> b; cout << "Please enter an Option..\n"; cout << "[1] Add \n"; cout << "[2] Substract \n"; cout << "[3] Multiply \n"; cout << "[4] Devide \n "; cin >> op; // The keybord input is passed to variable 'op' switch (op)// switch is similar to Select Case in VB { case 1 : // Case Addition result=a+b; break; case 2 : //Case Substraction result=a-b; break; case 3 : // Case multiplication result=a*b; break; case 4 : // Case Division result=a/b; } cout <<"The Result is..= " << result << "\n\n"; //Display Result and Skipping two Lines cout << "Enter an Option..\n"; cout << "[0] Exit.\n"; cout << "[1] Continue. \n"; cin >> option; // Do While loop Ends Here } while (option==1); // If option is 1 ie 'Continue' the above code is Looped else ( option<>1 ) it is Escaped from Loop return 0;// the ' main' function returns value 0 }

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//Program will ask the user for a starting number //and an ending number and compute the sum of the numbers in between. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { char Answer; do{ int Number1, Number2; long Total = 0; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,11); cout<<"Enter starting number: "; cin>>Number1; gotoxy(25,12); cout<<"Enter ending number: "; cin>>Number2; for(int i = Number1;i <= Number2; i++) { Total += i; } clrscr(); gotoxy(25,11); cout<<"The sum of the integers from "<<Number1<<" to " <<Number2<<" is "<<Total<<"."; gotoxy(25,12); cout<<"Repeat Y/N?: "; cin>>Answer; }while( Answer =='Y' || Answer == 'y'); clrscr(); gotoxy(25,11); cout<<"-press enter to quit-"; getch(); }

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// Program implementing all four types of sorting of a string. #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> void MinSort(char*, int); void BubbleSort(char*, int); void InsertionSort(char*, int); void ShellSort(char*, int); int main() { clrscr(); char cr[] = "skdmrsrjsrkpmnoprkseef"; cout << "Data before sorting is "<<cr << endl; ShellSort(cr, strlen(cr)); cout <<"Now the change is "<< cr << endl; getch(); return 0; } // Complexity: n^2 void MinSort(char* array, int n) { int i, j, temp_index; char min; for (i=0; i < n-1; ++i) { temp_index = i; min = array[i]; for (j = i+1; j < n; ++j) { if (array[j] < min) { temp_index = j; min = array[j]; } } array[temp_index] = array[i]; array[i] = min; } } // Complexity: n^2 void BubbleSort(char* array, int n) {

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int i, j; char temp; for (i = 0; i < n-1; ++i) for (j = i+1; j > 0; --j) if (array[j] < array[j-1]) { temp = array[j]; array[j] = array[j-1]; array[j-1] = temp; } } // Complexity: n^2 void InsertionSort(char* array, int n) { int i, j; char temp; for (i=1; i < n; ++i) { temp = array[i]; j = i-1; while ((j >= 0) && (temp < array[j])) { array[j+1] = array[j]; j--; } array[j+1] = temp; } } // Complexity: n^1.2 void ShellSort(char* array, int n) { int i, j, k, s, gap_cnt; char temp; int gaps[5]; gaps[0] = 9; gaps[1] = 5; gaps[2] = 3; gaps[3] = 2; gaps[4] = 1; for (gap_cnt = 0; gap_cnt < 5; gap_cnt++) { k = gaps[gap_cnt]; s = -k; for (i = k; i < n; ++i)

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{ temp = array[i]; j = i-k; if (s == 0) { s = -k; s++; array[s] = temp; } while (temp < array[j] && j >= 0 && j <= n) // + Bound checking { array[j+k] = array[j]; j = j-k; } array[j+k] = temp; } } }

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// Program implementing Bubble Sort for an entered range of numbers. // Using passing of array for sorting through functions. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int bubbleInput(int n); double bubbleSort(double a[], int n); double bubblePass(double a[], int n); double bubbleSwap(double& i, double& j); double bubbleOutput(double a[], int n); int main () { int n; clrscr(); cout<<"Please do not exceed above 100."<<endl; cout<<"How many numbers would you like to sort: "; cin>>n; bubbleInput(n); cout<<endl; return 0; } int bubbleInput(int n) { double a[100]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { cout<<"Please enter a number to sort: "; cin>>a[i]; } bubbleSort(a, n); bubbleOutput(a, n); return 0; } double bubbleSort(double a[], int n) { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) bubblePass(a,n); return 0; } double bubblePass(double a[], int n) { for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) if (a[i] > a[i+1]) bubbleSwap(a[i], a[i+1]);

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return 0; } double bubbleSwap(double& i, double& j) { double temp = i; i = j; j = temp; return 0; } double bubbleOutput(double a[], int n) { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { cout << a[i] << " "; } cout<<" "<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to conduct: Array sorting // Using Insertion Sorting Technique. // Program to input any five numbers and print them in descending order. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); int number[5],j=0,a=0; clrscr(); // clear the screen cout<<"Enter the elements of the array"<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) { cout<<"Enter number "<<endl; cin>>number[i]; } cout<<"The original list is "; for(i=1;i<=5;i++) { cout<<number[i]<<"\t"; } cout<<endl; cout<<endl<<"Thank You ! The data entry is over"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); cout<<"\a\a"; // sorting of data for(int k=2;k<=5;k++) { a=number[k]; j=k-1; while(a<number[j] && j>0) { number[j+1]=number[j]; j=j-1; } number[j+1]=a; } cout<<endl; cout<<"The list in ascending order is "; cout<<endl; for(i=1;i<=5;i++) cout<<number[i]<<"\t"; cout<<endl<<"Press any key to return to the editor"; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to display Fibonacci numbers which are prime. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> // Declaration of the function int isprime(int); main() { clrscr(); int p,a=1,b=2,c=0; p=isprime(a);// calling function if (p==1) cout<<a<<" "; p=isprime(b);// calling function if (p==1) cout<<b<<" "; while(c<=10000) { c=a+b; p=isprime(c); if((p==1) && (c<=10000)) cout<<c<<" "; a=b; b=c; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; } // Defining the function int isprime(int x) { int i; if (x==1) return 0; else { int pop=1; for(i=2;i<x;i++) { if((x%i==0)) pop=2; } return pop; } }

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// Adding two angles. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> // Definition of the structure angle struct angle { // two member variables int degrees; int minutes; }; angle sumangle(angle, angle); // function with structure as arguments and returning structures. main() { clrscr(); angle pangle[3]; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { cout<<"Enter angle in degrees and minutes"; cin>>pangle[i].degrees; cin>>pangle[i].minutes; } // Data entered in two array cells pangle[2]=sumangle(pangle[0],pangle[1]); cout<<"The sum of two angles is "; cout<<endl; cout<<pangle[2].degrees<<"Degrees and "; cout<<pangle[2].minutes<<"Minutes"; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; } // Defining the function angle sumangle(angle x, angle y) { angle z; z.degrees=x.degrees+y.degrees; z.minutes=x.minutes+y.minutes; if(z.minutes>=60) { z.minutes=z.minutes-60; z.degrees=z.degrees+1; } return z; }

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// Searching element in an array using binary search #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> main() { clrscr(); int marks[100],x=0,i=0,n=0,middle=0,pos=0,first=0; cout<<"Enter the number of elements required for storage"; cout<<endl; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"Enter value "; cin>>marks[i]; } char op='y'; while ((op=='y') || (op=='Y')) { int last = n-1; pos=-1; cout<<"Enter the element to be searched"; cout<<endl; cin>>x; while((pos==-1)&&(first<=last)) { // Application of binary search middle=(first+last)/2; if (marks[middle]==x) { pos=middle; } if(marks[middle]<x) first=middle+1; else last=middle-1; } if (pos==-1) cout<<"Sorry not present in the list"<<endl; else cout<<"The element lies in the array at position"<<pos+1; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter option y/n"; cin>>op; } getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to implement Function Overloading #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> // declaration of overloaded functions void rectangle(int,char); void rectangle(int,int,char); main() { clrscr(); rectangle(2,5,'@'); rectangle(1,'a'); rectangle(2,'b'); rectangle(3,'c'); rectangle(4,'d'); cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; } void rectangle(int n,char ch) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { cout<<ch; } cout<<endl; } } void rectangle(int l,int b, char ch) { for(int m=0;m<l;m++) { for(int n=0;n<b;n++) { cout<<ch; } cout<<endl; } }

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// Program to implement bubble sort for a multi-dimensional array[10][20] // The array is stored through random generation of numbers // between the defined range 1 to 500 #include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <process.h> #include <conio.h> #define MAX 500 //Highest possible value that #define MIN 1 //Lowest possible value that #define ORDER < //How you want the list sorted. void main() { clrscr(); int i, j, l, array[10][20]; int row, col, x, y=0, z; int temp, moves=0; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); x=101; for(row = 0; row < 10; row++) { for(col = 0; col < 20; col++) { x = rand() % MAX + MIN; array[row][col] = x; } } for(row = 0; row < 10; row++) //displays the //unsorted array { for(col = 0; col < 20; col++) { cout<<setw(3)<<array[row][col]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout<<"This is the original array"<<endl; cout<<"Enter any key"<<endl; cin>>l;

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system("cls"); //Clears the screen of the //unsorted array for(i = 0; i < 200; i++) { z=1; for(j = 0; j < 199; j++) { if(array[y][z] ORDER array[y][z - 1]) { temp = array[y][z]; array[y][z] = array[y][z - 1]; array[y][z - 1]=temp; moves++; } z++; } } for(row = 0; row < 10; row++) //displays the //sorted array { for(col = 0; col < 20; col++) { cout<<setw(3)<<array[row][col]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout<<moves<<" moves where made to sort this list"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); }

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// Program for Data File Manipulation of data entry/storage of employees // Writing Structures in a data file. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #include<fstream.h> // Definition of the structure struct employee { int empcode; char name[20]; int hrworked; float rate; }; main() { clrscr(); int n; employee emp[100]; ofstream file1;"employee.dat"); cout<<"Enter number of employees "; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"Enter employee code"; cin>>emp[i].empcode; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter employee name"; cin>>emp[i].name; cout<<"Enter hours worked"; cin>>emp[i].hrworked; cout<<endl<<"Enter rate"; cin>>emp[i].rate; file1.write((char *) & emp[i],sizeof(employee)); } file1.close(); ifstream file2;"employee.dat"); i=1; //file1.seekg(0); while(file2) {*) &emp[i],sizeof(employee)); cout<<"Wage is "<<emp[i].hrworked*emp[i].rate; } file2.close(); cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0;

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// Program to accept a number x. // Count number of digits in x and store it in n, form y that // has the number of digits n at ten's place and the most // significant digit of x at one's place. // Display y. sample input: x= 16833, y = 51, // since no.of digits of x is 5 and 1 is the msd of x. #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> main() { clrscr(); int x,y,z,i,n=0,num, msd, digit; cout<<"Enter any number as x"<<endl; cin>>x; // computing number of digits. num=x; while(num>0) { digit=num%10; n=n+1; num=num/10; } msd=digit; y=n*10+msd; cout<<"The value of Y is "<<y; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to implement Linked List. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> struct node { node* ptr; int data; }; class list { node* lastptr; public: list(); ~list(); void add(int); void remove(int); void display(); node* searchnode(int); void releasenode(); }; list::list() { lastptr='\0'; } list::~list() { while (lastptr) { node* thisptr=lastptr; lastptr=lastptr->ptr; delete thisptr; } } void list::add(int value) { node* thisptr=new(node); thisptr->data=value; thisptr->ptr=lastptr; lastptr=thisptr; } node* list::searchnode(int value) { node* thisptr=lastptr; while (thisptr) { if (thisptr->data==value)

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break; thisptr=thisptr->ptr; } return thisptr; } void list::remove(int value) { node* thisptr=searchnode(value); if (!thisptr) return; while (thisptr->ptr) { node* pptr=thisptr->ptr; thisptr->data=pptr->data; thisptr=thisptr->ptr; } releasenode(); } void list::releasenode() { node* thisptr=lastptr; node* previousptr; while (thisptr->ptr) { previousptr=thisptr; thisptr=thisptr->ptr; } if (thisptr==lastptr) lastptr='\0'; else previousptr->ptr='\0'; delete thisptr; } void list::display() { node* thisptr=lastptr; //Loop until this pointer equal to NULL. while (thisptr) { cout<<"Data : "<<thisptr->data<<"\n"; cout<<"Address : "<<thisptr->ptr<<"\n"; thisptr=thisptr->ptr; } } void main() { list linklist; //add number(1 until 7) into link list. linklist.add(1); linklist.add(2);
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linklist.add(3); linklist.add(4); linklist.add(5); linklist.add(6); linklist.add(7); getch(); //remove number 4 from the list. linklist.remove(4); //display the number in descending order. linklist.display(); cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); }

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// Program to combine two arrays and sort them in order in one. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #define NMAX 10 void printIntArray(int a[], int n); void merge(int c[], int *nc, int a[], int na, int b[], int nb); int main(void) { int x[NMAX] = {1,3,5,6,7}; /* The first sorted sequence */ int y[NMAX] = {2,3,4}; /* The second sorted sequence */ int z[NMAX+NMAX]; /* The merge sequence */ int nz; merge(z,&nz,x,5,y,3); printIntArray(z,nz); getch(); } void printIntArray(int a[], int n) /* n is the number of elements in the array a. * These values are printed out, five per line. */ { int i; for (i=0; i<n; ){ printf("\t%d ", a[i++]); if (i%5==0) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } void merge(int c[], int *nc, int a[], int na, int b[], int nb){ int cursora, cursorb, cursorc; cursora=cursorb=cursorc=0; while((cursora<na)&&(cursorb<nb)) if (a[cursora]<=b[cursorb]) c[cursorc++]=a[cursora++]; else c[cursorc++]=b[cursorb++]; while(cursora<na) c[cursorc++]=a[cursora++]; while(cursorb<nb) c[cursorb++]=b[cursorb++]; *nc = cursorc;

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// Lottery Game #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <conio.h> int fivemillion_winner() { ofstream fout; char name[50]; char date[9];"c:/windows/desktop/Lottery Jackpot Winners.txt", ios::out | ios::app); cout << "Congratulations. Enter the name you want in the high score book "; cout << "\n\nEnter your Highscore name: "; cin >> name; cout << "\nEnter the date(dd/mm/yy): "; cin >> date; fout << date << " - " << name << endl; cout << "\nThankyou!"; fout.close(); return 0; } int main() { clrscr(); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); int player_num = 1; int p1guess = 0; int p2guess = 0; char over = 'y'; int winner = rand() % 100 +1; cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << "Welcome to the Lottery Game!!!! The game where you can win prizes!!!. " << endl; "Here are the Prizes\n\n"; " 1. $5,000,000 - Number Bang On" << endl; " 2. $2,500,000 - Number One Off" << endl; " 3. $1,000,000 - Number Two Off" << endl; " 4. $500,000 - Number Three Off" << endl; " 5. $250,000 - Number Four Off" << endl << endl; "If you are more that five numbers off you win nothing...\n\n";

while (over != 'n') { tryagain:; cout << "Enter the number of Players(1 or 2): "; cin >> player_num; if (player_num > 2) { cout << "\nI SAID 1 OR 2!! NOT " << player_num << "!!!\n";

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goto tryagain; } if (player_num == 1) { cout << "\nOne Player it is!!"; cout << "\n\nEnter what you think the number is. Between 1 and 100: "; cin >> p1guess; if (p1guess == winner) { cout << "\nTHATS THE EXACT NUMBER!! YOU WIN $5,000,000!!\n\n"; fivemillion_winner(); } else if ((p1guess == winner + 1) || (p1guess == winner - 1)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $2,500,000. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p1guess == winner + 2) || (p1guess == winner - 2)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $1,000,000. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p1guess == winner + 3) || (p1guess == winner - 3)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $500,000. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p1guess == winner + 4) || (p1guess == winner - 4)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $250,000. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else cout << "Sorry. You don't win anything. The Winning Number was: " <<winner << "\n\n"; } if (player_num == 2) { cout << "\nTwo Player it is!!"; cout << "\n\nPlayer 1: Enter what you think the number is. Between 1 and 100: "; cin >> p1guess; cout << "\n\nPlayer 2: Enter what you think the number is. Between 1 and 100: "; cin >> p2guess; if (p1guess == winner) { cout << "\nTHATS THE EXACT NUMBER PLAYER 1!! YOU WIN $5,000,000!!\n"; fivemillion_winner(); } else if ((p1guess == winner + 1) || (p1guess == winner - 1)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $2,500,000 PLAYER 1. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p1guess == winner + 2) || (p1guess == winner - 2)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $1,000,000 PLAYER 1. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p1guess == winner + 3) || (p1guess == winner - 3)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $500,000 PLAYER 1. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p1guess == winner + 4) || (p1guess == winner - 4)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $250,000 PLAYER 1. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else cout << "Sorry. You don't win anything player 1. The Winning Number was: " <<winner << "\n\n"; if (p2guess == winner) { cout << "\nTHATS THE EXACT NUMBER PLAYER 2!! YOU WIN $5,000,000!!\n"; fivemillion_winner(); } else if ((p2guess == winner + 1) || (p2guess == winner - 1)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $2,500,000 PLAYER 2. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p2guess == winner + 2) || (p2guess == winner - 2)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $1,000,000 PLAYER 2. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p2guess == winner + 3) || (p2guess == winner - 3))
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cout << "\nYOU WIN $500,000 PLAYER 2. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else if ((p2guess == winner + 4) || (p2guess == winner - 4)) cout << "\nYOU WIN $250,000 PLAYER 2. The First Place Winner was: " << winner << "\n\n"; else cout << "Sorry. You don't win anything player 2. The Winning Number was: " <<winner << "\n\n"; } cout << "Would you like to try again(y/n)?? "; cin >> over; system("cls"); } getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to depict the process of linear search #include<iostream.h> #include<process.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); int num[10],m; cout<<"Enter any ten numbers as elements of an array"<<endl; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { cin>>num[i]; } cout<<endl<<"Enter any number "; cin>>m; cout<<endl; for (int j=0;j<10;j++) { if (num[j] == m) {cout<<m<<" is present in the array"<<endl; getch(); exit(0);} } getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to return the inverse of any entered number. # include <iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int function(int g); int main() { int n, exit; cout <<"this program will give the inverse of any number:"<<"\t"; cin>>n; function(n); cout<<"\n"<<"print exit to quit this program:"<<"\t"; getch(); return 0; } int function(int g) { int p=1, f, i; while (p!=0) { p=g/10; f=p*10; i=g-f; g=p; cout<<i; } return i; }

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// Program to input a number and check if it is a Magic Number #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); int num,num1,i,j,k,flag=0,n,sum=0,c=0; cout<<"enter any no."; cin>>num; num1=num; while(flag==0) { while(num!=0) { n=num%10; sum=sum+n; num=num/10; c=c+1; } if (c==1) { if (sum==1) cout<<num1<<" is a magic number"; else cout<<num1<<" is not a magic number"; flag=1;} num=sum; sum=0; c=0; } getch(); }

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//This program creates a magic square box of order n x n. // The speciality of a magic square box is that the // sum of elements of any row or any column is always equal. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <alloc.h> int arr[10][10], n, a,b,i; void magic(int , int , int, int); void main() { int j,x,k; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter size of matrix (n X n, where n is odd):"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("\n Enter 1st element of the %d sequential elements:",n*n); scanf("%d", &x); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { for (k=0; k<n; k++) { arr[i][k]=-1; } } arr[0][n/2]=x; magic(0,n/2, x, n); printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { for (k=0; k<n; k++) { printf(" %3d ", arr[i][k]); } printf("\n"); } getch(); } void magic( int a, int b, int x, int n) { int c; c=1; for (x=x+1,i=2; i<=n*n; i++,c++,x++) { if(c<n) { a=a-1; b=b-1;

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if (a==-1) a=n-1; if (b==-1) b=n-1; } else { a=a+1; c=0; } arr[a][b]=x; } }

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// Program to insert comma at appropriate position in an entered (max-15) // digit number as per the mathematical theory. #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> void AddCommas( char * In, char * Out ); int main() { clrscr(); char Input[17]; char Output[21]; printf("Please enter a number (max 15 char) "); cin.get(Input,16); AddCommas(Input, Output); cout<<Output<<endl; system("pause"); getch(); return 0; } void AddCommas( char * In, char * Out ) { int nLength = strlen(In); int incr; int nCount; int nPosition = 0; if( (nLength % 3) == 0 ) nCount = 0; else { if( ((nLength % 3) == 1) && (In[0] == '-') ) nCount = -1; else nCount = 3 - (nLength % 3); } for ( incr = 0; incr < nLength; incr++) { if( nCount == 3 ) { Out[nPosition] = ','; nPosition++;

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nCount = 0; } Out[nPosition] = In[incr]; nPosition++; nCount++; } Out[nPosition] = 0; //terminating zero }

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// Program to display Consonants and Vowels output from an entered string #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int consonant =0; int vowel =0; int k =0; char response[20]; cout<<"Please enter a word "<<endl; cin>>response; while (k<20 && response[k] != '\0') { switch(response [k]) { case 'a': case 'A': case 'e': case 'E': case 'i': case 'I': case 'o': case 'O': case 'u': case 'U': ++vowel; break; default: ++consonant; break; } ++k; } cout<<"There are "<<vowel<<" vowel(s) in your string"<<endl; cout<<"There are "<<consonant<<" consonant(s)in your string"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"<<endl; getch(); }

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// Program to perform: Matricies-add,subtract & more. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip.h> void menu(); void determan(); void multi(); void add(); void subtract(); void exit(); void suberror1(); void suberror2(); void adderror1(); void adderror2(); void multierror2(); void multierror1(); void equation(); void equationerror1(); void equationerror2();

int main() { cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<setw(40)<<"*************\n"; cout<<setw(40)<<"| MATRACIES |\n"; cout<<setw(40)<<"*************\n"; cout<<setw(41)<<"*************\n\n"; cout<<setw(48)<<"Press any key to continue..."; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); return 0; } void menu() { int todo; //This is the main menu.

cout<<setw(20)<<"Main Menu\n\n"; cout<<"1-Find the dertermanants of a 3*3\n"; cout<<"2-Multiply two 3*3\n"; cout<<"3-Add two 3*3\n"; cout<<"4-Subtract two 3*3\n"; cout<<"5-Solve an equation with 3 variables\n"; cout<<"6-Exit Program\n\n"; cout<<"What do you want to do Today?-";

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cin>>todo; clrscr(); if (todo==1) determan(); if (todo==2) multi(); if (todo==3) add(); if (todo==4) subtract(); if (todo==5) equation(); if (todo==7) exit(); } void determan() //This Figures out Determanants { int back,back2; double a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3,determ; cout<<setw(20)<<"| a1 b1 c1 |\n"; cout<<setw(20)<<"| a2 b2 c2 |\n"; cout<<setw(21)<<"| a3 b3 c3 |\n\n"; cout<<"Enter a1-"; cin>>a1; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter a2-"; cin>>a2; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter a3-"; cin>>a3; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter b1-"; cin>>b1; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter b2-"; cin>>b2; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter b3-"; cin>>b3; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter c1-"; cin>>c1; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter c2-"; cin>>c2; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter c3-"; cin>>c3; cout<<endl; clrscr(); determ=(a1*b2*c3)+(a2*b3*c1)+(a3*b1*c2)-(c1*b2*a3)-(c2*b3*a1)-(c3*b1*a2); if (determ==0)
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cout<<"Impossible to solve, the Determanant of a matrix cannot equal 0"<<endl; cout<<" | "<<a1<<" "<<b1<<" "<<c1<<" |\n"; cout<<"The Determanant of | "<<a2<<" "<<b2<<" "<<c2<<" |="<<determ<<endl; cout<<" | "<<a3<<" "<<b3<<" "<<c3<<" |\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go Back to Main Menu Press 1 Go back to Determanants press 2-"; cin>>back; clrscr(); if (back==1) menu(); if (back==2) determan(); if (back>2) cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2."<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go Back to Main Menu Press 1 Go back to Determanants press 2-"; cin>>back; clrscr(); if (back2==1) menu(); if (back2==2) determan(); if (back2>2) cout<<"Error"; } void multi() //This Multiplies two matriceis { int a,b; double a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,e1,e2,e3,f1,f2,f3,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a1 b1 c1 | | d1 e1 f1 |"<<endl; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a2 b2 c2 | * | d2 e2 f2 |"<<endl; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a3 b3 c3 | | d3 e3 f3 |"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Value for a1- "; cin>>a1; cout<<"Enter Value for a2- "; cin>>a2; cout<<"Enter Value for a3- "; cin>>a3; cout<<"Enter Value for b1- "; cin>>b1; cout<<"Enter Value for b2- "; cin>>b2; cout<<"Enter Value for b3- "; cin>>b3; cout<<"Enter Value for c1- "; cin>>c1; cout<<"Enter Value for c2- "; cin>>c2; cout<<"Enter Value for c3- "; cin>>c3; cout<<"Enter Value for d1- "; cin>>d1;
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cout<<"Enter Value for d2- "; cin>>d2; cout<<"Enter Value for d3- "; cin>>d3; cout<<"Enter Value for e1- "; cin>>e1; cout<<"Enter Value for e2- "; cin>>e2; cout<<"Enter Value for e3- "; cin>>e3; cout<<"Enter Value for f1- "; cin>>f1; cout<<"Enter Value for f2- "; cin>>f2; cout<<"Enter Value for f3- "; cin>>f3; w1=(a1*d1)+(b1*d2)+(c1*d3); w2=(a2*d1)+(b2*d2)+(c2*d3); w3=(a3*d1)+(b3*d2)+(c3*d3); w4=(a1*e1)+(b1*e2)+(c1*e3); w5=(a2*e1)+(b2*e2)+(c2*e3); w6=(a3*e1)+(b3*e2)+(c3*e3); w7=(a1*f1)+(b1*f2)+(c1*f3); w8=(a2*f1)+(b2*f2)+(c2*f3); w9=(a3*f1)+(b3*f2)+(c3*f3); clrscr(); cout<<"| "<<a1<<" "<<b1<<" "<<c1<<" | | "<<d1<<" "<<e1<<" "<<f1<<" | | "<<w1<<" "<<w4<<" "<<w7<<" |"<<endl; cout<<"| "<<a2<<" "<<b2<<" "<<c2<<" | * | "<<d2<<" "<<e2<<" "<<f2<<" |= | "<<w2<<" "<<w5<<" "<<w8<<" |"<<endl; cout<<"| "<<a3<<" "<<b3<<" "<<c3<<" | | "<<d3<<" "<<e3<<" "<<f3<<" | | "<<w3<<" "<<w6<<" "<<w9<<" |"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Multiplication press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>a; clrscr(); if (a==1) multi(); if (a==2) menu(); if (a>2) multierror1(); } void add() //This adds two matriceis { int a,b; double a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,e1,e2,e3,f1,f2,f3,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a1 b1 c1 | | d1 e1 f1 |"<<endl; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a2 b2 c2 | + | d2 e2 f2 |"<<endl; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a3 b3 c3 | | d3 e3 f3 |"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Value for a1- "; cin>>a1;
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cout<<"Enter Value for a2- "; cin>>a2; cout<<"Enter Value for a3- "; cin>>a3; cout<<"Enter Value for b1- "; cin>>b1; cout<<"Enter Value for b2- "; cin>>b2; cout<<"Enter Value for b3- "; cin>>b3; cout<<"Enter Value for c1- "; cin>>c1; cout<<"Enter Value for c2- "; cin>>c2; cout<<"Enter Value for c3- "; cin>>c3; cout<<"Enter Value for d1- "; cin>>d1; cout<<"Enter Value for d2- "; cin>>d2; cout<<"Enter Value for d3- "; cin>>d3; cout<<"Enter Value for e1- "; cin>>e1; cout<<"Enter Value for e2- "; cin>>e2; cout<<"Enter Value for e3- "; cin>>e3; cout<<"Enter Value for f1- "; cin>>f1; cout<<"Enter Value for f2- "; cin>>f2; cout<<"Enter Value for f3- "; cin>>f3; clrscr(); w1=a1+d1; w2=a2+d2; w3=a3+d3; w4=b1+e1; w5=b2+e2; w6=b3+e3; w7=c1+f1; w8=c2+f2; w9=c3+f3; clrscr(); cout<<"| "<<a1<<" "<<b1<<" "<<c1<<" | | "<<d1<<" "<<e1<<" "<<f1<<" | | "<<w1<<" "<<w4<<" "<<w7<<" |"<<endl; cout<<"| "<<a2<<" "<<b2<<" "<<c2<<" | + | "<<d2<<" "<<e2<<" "<<f2<<" |= | "<<w2<<" "<<w5<<" "<<w8<<" |"<<endl; cout<<"| "<<a3<<" "<<b3<<" "<<c3<<" | | "<<d3<<" "<<e3<<" "<<f3<<" | | "<<w3<<" "<<w6<<" "<<w9<<" |"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Addition press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>a;
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clrscr(); if (a==1) add(); if (a==2) menu(); if (a>2) adderror1(); } void subtract() //This Subtracts two matriceis { int a; double a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,e1,e2,e3,f1,f2,f3,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a1 b1 c1 | | d1 e1 f1 |"<<endl; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a2 b2 c2 | - | d2 e2 f2 |"<<endl; cout<<setw(40)<<"| a3 b3 c3 | | d3 e3 f3 |"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Value for a1- "; cin>>a1; cout<<"Enter Value for a2- "; cin>>a2; cout<<"Enter Value for a3- "; cin>>a3; cout<<"Enter Value for b1- "; cin>>b1; cout<<"Enter Value for b2- "; cin>>b2; cout<<"Enter Value for b3- "; cin>>b3; cout<<"Enter Value for c1- "; cin>>c1; cout<<"Enter Value for c2- "; cin>>c2; cout<<"Enter Value for c3- "; cin>>c3; cout<<"Enter Value for d1- "; cin>>d1; cout<<"Enter Value for d2- "; cin>>d2; cout<<"Enter Value for d3- "; cin>>d3; cout<<"Enter Value for e1- "; cin>>e1; cout<<"Enter Value for e2- "; cin>>e2; cout<<"Enter Value for e3- "; cin>>e3; cout<<"Enter Value for f1- "; cin>>f1; cout<<"Enter Value for f2- "; cin>>f2; cout<<"Enter Value for f3- "; cin>>f3; clrscr(); w1=a1-d1;
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w2=a2-d2; w3=a3-d3; w4=b1-e1; w5=b2-e2; w6=b3-e3; w7=c1-f1; w8=c2-f2; w9=c3-f3; clrscr(); cout<<"| "<<a1<<" "<<b1<<" "<<c1<<" | | "<<d1<<" "<<e1<<" "<<f1<<" | | "<<w1<<" "<<w4<<" "<<w7<<" |"<<endl; cout<<"| "<<a2<<" "<<b2<<" "<<c2<<" | - | "<<d2<<" "<<e2<<" "<<f2<<" |= | "<<w2<<" "<<w5<<" "<<w8<<" |"<<endl; cout<<"| "<<a3<<" "<<b3<<" "<<c3<<" | | "<<d3<<" "<<e3<<" "<<f3<<" | | "<<w3<<" "<<w6<<" "<<w9<<" |"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Subtraction press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>a; clrscr(); if (a==1) subtract(); if (a==2) menu(); if (a<2) suberror1(); if (a=='a') suberror1(); } void exit() //This exits the program { char *yes; cout<<"Thank you for usin my Matrix program. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Are you sure you want to quit?(y/n)- "; cin>>yes; clrscr(); if (yes=="n") menu(); } void suberror1() { int c; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2."<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Subtraction press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>c; clrscr(); if (c==1) subtract(); if(c==2) menu(); if (c>2) suberror2(); }
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void suberror2() { int d; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2."<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Subtraction press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>d; clrscr(); if (d==1) subtract(); if(d==2) menu(); if (d>2) suberror1(); } void adderror1() { int c; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2."<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Addition press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>c; clrscr(); if (c==1) add(); if(c==2) menu(); if (c>2) adderror2(); } void adderror2() { int d; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2.\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Addition press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>d; clrscr(); if (d==1) add(); if(d==2) menu(); if (d>2) adderror1(); } void multierror1() { int c; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2.\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Multiplication press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>c; clrscr(); if (c==1)
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multi(); if(c==2) menu(); if (c>2) multierror2(); } void multierror2() { int d; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2.\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"Go back to Multiplication press 1 go back to Main Menu press 2- "; cin>>d; clrscr(); if (d==1) multi(); if(d==2) menu(); if (d>2) multierror1(); } void equation() { double a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,x,y,z,m; cout<<setw(30)<<"A1x+B1y+C1z=D1"<<endl; cout<<setw(30)<<"A2x+B2y+C2z=D2"<<endl; cout<<setw(30)<<"A3x+B3y+C3z=D3"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter the value for A1-"; cin>>a1; cout<<"Enter the value for A2-"; cin>>a2; cout<<"Enter the value for A3-"; cin>>a3; cout<<"Enter the value for B1-"; cin>>b1; cout<<"Enter the value for B2-"; cin>>b2; cout<<"Enter the value for B3-"; cin>>b3; cout<<"Enter the value for C1-"; cin>>c1; cout<<"Enter the value for C2-"; cin>>c2; cout<<"Enter the value for C3-"; cin>>c3; cout<<"Enter the value for D1-"; cin>>d1; cout<<"Enter the value for D2-"; cin>>d2; cout<<"Enter the value for D3-"; cin>>d3;
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clrscr(); x=((d1*b2*c3)+(d2*b3*c1)+(d3*b1*c2)-(c1*b2*d3)-(c2*b3*d1)-(c3*b1*d2))/((a1*b2*c3)+(a2*b3*c1)+(a3*b1*c2)(c1*b2*a3)-(c2*b3*a1)-(c3*b1*a2)); y=((a1*d2*c3)+(a2*d3*c1)+(a3*d1*c2)-(c1*d2*a3)-(c2*d3*a1)-(c3*d1*a2))/((a1*b2*c3)+(a2*b3*c1)+(a3*b1*c2)(c1*b2*a3)-(c2*b3*a1)-(c3*b1*a2)); z=((a1*b2*d3)+(a2*b3*d1)+(a3*b1*d2)-(d1*b2*a3)-(d2*b3*a1)-(d3*b1*a2))/((a1*b2*c3)+(a2*b3*c1)+(a3*b1*c2)(c1*b2*a3)-(c2*b3*a1)-(c3*b1*a2)); cout<<"In the Equations:\n"; cout<<a1<<"x+"<<b1<<"y+"<<c1<<"z="<<d1<<endl; cout<<a2<<"x+"<<b2<<"y+"<<c2<<"z="<<d2<<endl; cout<<a3<<"x+"<<b3<<"y+"<<c3<<"z="<<d3; cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"X="<<x<<", Y="<<y<<", Z="<<z; cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"If you want to solve more equations press 1, if you want to go back\n"; cout<<" to the Main Menu press 2-"; cin>>m; clrscr(); if (m==1) equation(); if (m==2) menu(); if (m>2) equationerror1(); } void equationerror1() { int c; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2.\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"If you want to solve more equations press 1, if you want to go back\n"; cout<<" to the Main Menu press 2-"; cin>>c; clrscr(); if (c==1) equation(); if(c==2) menu(); if (c>2) equationerror2(); } void equationerror2() { int d; cout<<"Error Please only press 1 or 2.\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"If you want to solve more equations press 1, if you want to go back\n"; cout<<" to the Main Menu press 2-"; cin>>d; clrscr(); if (d==1) equation(); if(d==2) menu();
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if (d>2) equationerror1(); }

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// Program for reading, writing and multiplication of the matrices. #include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <conio.h> const int rows = 3; // number of rows in matrix (must be constant) const int columns = 3; // number of columns in matrix (must be constant) void ReadMatrix (float ma[rows][columns]) // this function reads matrix from keyboard { int r, c; cout << "\nPlease enter matrix"; for (r=0; r<rows; r++) { for (c=0; c<columns; c++) { cout << "\nElement A(" << (r+1) << "," << (c+1) << ") "; cin >> ma[r][c]; } } } void WriteMatrix (float ma[rows][columns]) // this function writes matrix on screen { int r, c; cout << "\nMatrix is:"; for (r=0; r<rows; r++) { cout << "\n"; for (c=0; c<columns; c++) { // setw(10) adds space to make all numbers 10 characters wide cout << setw(10) << ma[r][c] << " "; } } } void MultiplyByScalar (float sq[rows][columns], float fac) // this function multiplies a matrix by a scalar { int i, j; for (i=0; i<rows; i++) { for (j=0; j<columns; j++) { sq[i][j] = sq[i][j] * fac; } } } void main () {

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// declare matrix and scalar float A[rows][columns], f; // get matrix from user ReadMatrix(A); // get scalar from user cout << "\n\nEnter factor "; cin >> f; // multiply matrix by scalar MultiplyByScalar (A, f); // output result matrix on screen WriteMatrix(A); // wait for user to press a key getch(); }

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// Program to perform MergeSort #include #include #include #include <stdlib.h> <conio.h> <stdio.h> <iostream.h>

#define uint32 unsigned int typedef int (*CMPFUN)(int, int);

#define INSERTION_SORT_BOUND 8 /* boundary point to use insertion sort */ void ArraySort(int This[], CMPFUN fun_ptr, uint32 the_len) { uint32 span; uint32 lb; uint32 ub; uint32 indx; uint32 indx2; if (the_len <= 1) return; span = INSERTION_SORT_BOUND; /* insertion sort the first pass */ { int prev_val; int cur_val; int temp_val; for (lb = 0; lb < the_len; lb += span) { if ((ub = lb + span) > the_len) ub = the_len; prev_val = This[lb]; for (indx = lb + 1; indx < ub; ++indx) { cur_val = This[indx]; if ((*fun_ptr)(prev_val, cur_val) > 0) { /* out of order: array[indx-1] > array[indx] */ This[indx] = prev_val; /* move up the larger item first */ /* find the insertion point for the smaller item */ for (indx2 = indx - 1; indx2 > lb;) {

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temp_val = This[indx2 - 1]; if ((*fun_ptr)(temp_val, cur_val) > 0) { This[indx2--] = temp_val; /* still out of order, move up 1 slot to make room */ } else break; } This[indx2] = cur_val; /* insert the smaller item right here */ } else { /* in order, advance to next element */ prev_val = cur_val; } } } } /* second pass merge sort */ { uint32 median; int* aux; aux = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * the_len / 2); while (span < the_len) { /* median is the start of second file */ for (median = span; median < the_len;) { indx2 = median - 1; if ((*fun_ptr)(This[indx2], This[median]) > 0) { /* the two files are not yet sorted */ if ((ub = median + span) > the_len) { ub = the_len; } /* skip over the already sorted largest elements */ while ((*fun_ptr)(This[--ub], This[indx2]) >= 0) { } /* copy second file into buffer */ for (indx = 0; indx2 < ub; ++indx) { *(aux + indx) = This[++indx2]; } --indx; indx2 = median - 1; lb = median - span;
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/* merge two files into one */ for (;;) { if ((*fun_ptr)(*(aux + indx), This[indx2]) >= 0) { This[ub--] = *(aux + indx); if (indx > 0) --indx; else { /* second file exhausted */ for (;;) { This[ub--] = This[indx2]; if (indx2 > lb) --indx2; else goto mydone; /* done */ } } } else { This[ub--] = This[indx2]; if (indx2 > lb) --indx2; else { /* first file exhausted */ for (;;) { This[ub--] = *(aux + indx); if (indx > 0) --indx; else goto mydone; /* done */ } } } } } mydone: median += span + span; } span += span; } free(aux); } } #define ARRAY_SIZE 2500 int my_array[ARRAY_SIZE]; uint32 fill_array() { int indx; uint32 sum = 0;

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for (indx=0; indx < ARRAY_SIZE; ++indx) { sum += my_array[indx] = rand(); } return sum; } int cmpfun(int a, int b) { if (a > b) return 1; else if (a < b) return -1; else return 0; } int main() { clrscr(); int indx; uint32 checksum, checksum2; checksum = fill_array(); ArraySort(my_array, cmpfun, ARRAY_SIZE); checksum2 = my_array[0]; for (indx=1; indx < ARRAY_SIZE; ++indx) { checksum2 += my_array[indx]; if (my_array[indx - 1] > my_array[indx]) { printf("bad sort\n"); return(1); } } if (checksum != checksum2) { printf("bad checksum %d %d\n", checksum, checksum2); return(1); } cout<<endl; getch(); return(0); }

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// Program in C++ to create a 3 by 3 array and // extract the maximum and the maximum alongwith // the original matrix. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i,j,a[3][3],max,min; //Creation of matrix A[3][3] cout<<"Enter elements of array A"<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cin>>a[i][j]; } } max = a[0][0]; min = a[0][0]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { if (a[i][j]>max) max = a[i][j]; if (a[i][j]<min) min = a[i][j]; } } //printing of the original matrix for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cout<<a[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout<<endl; cout<<"The maximum element is "<<max; cout<<endl<<"The minimum element is "<<min; getch(); return 0; }

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// Program to convert any numeric entry into Words. #include #include #include #include #include <conio.h> <stdio.h> <stdlib.h> <string.h> <iostream.h>

char * itoenglish(long n, int st); void doit(long n, int st); /*GETS THE NUMBER THAT IS TO BE CHANGED TO NUMBERS*/ void main() { long num = 0; clrscr(); while( num >= 0 ) { cout<<"Enter any number ( a negative number to quit )"<<endl; cin>>num; doit( num, 0 ); }; } /*TURNS THE DIGIT TO WORDS AND ADDS THE VALUE TO IT SUCH AS HUNDRED, THOUSAND*/ void doit(long n, int st) { long z, showed; char str[100], out[100]; if (n != 0) { strcpy(out, ""); showed = 0; if ((n / 1000) != 0) { z = n / 1000; n = n - z * 1000; sprintf(str, "%s thousand ", itoenglish(z, 0)); strcat(out, str); showed = 1000; } if ((n / 100) != 0) { z = n / 100;

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n = n - z * 100; sprintf(str, "%s hundred ", itoenglish(z, 0)); strcat(out, str); showed = 100; } if (n != 0) { z = n; if (showed == 100) strcat(out, "and"); sprintf(str, "%s", itoenglish(z, st)); strcat(out, str); showed = 10; } printf("%s", out); } else if ( n == 0 ) printf("zero"); printf("\n"); } /*CHANGES THE DIGITS TO WORDS*/ char * itoenglish(long n, int st) { char str[100]; char th[2][3]; strcpy(th[0], ""); strcpy(th[1], "TH"); if (n == 0) strcpy(str, th[st]); else if (n == 1) { if (st == 0) strcpy(str, " one"); } else if (n == 2) { if (st == 0) strcpy(str, " two"); } else if (n == 3) { if (st == 0) strcpy(str, " three");
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} else if (n == 4) sprintf(str, " four%s", th[st]); else if (n == 5) { if (st == 0) strcpy(str, " five"); } else if (n == 6) sprintf(str, " six%s", th[st]); else if (n == 7) sprintf(str, " seven%s", th[st]); else if (n == 8) sprintf(str, " eight%s", th[st]); else if (n == 9) sprintf(str, " nine%s", th[st]); else if (n == 10) sprintf(str, " ten%s", th[st]); else if (n == 11) sprintf(str, " eleven%s", th[st]); else if (n == 12) sprintf(str, " twelve%s", th[st]); else if (n == 13) sprintf(str, " thirteen%s", th[st]); else if (n == 14) sprintf(str, " fourteen%s", th[st]); else if (n == 15) sprintf(str, " fifteen%s", th[st]); else if (n >= 16 && n <= 17) sprintf(str, " %steen%s", itoenglish(n - 10, 0), th[st]); else if (n == 18) sprintf(str, " eighteen%s", th[st]); else if (n == 19) sprintf(str, " nineteen%s", th[st]); else if (n >= 20 && n <= 29) sprintf(str, " twenty%s", itoenglish(n - 20, st)); else if (n >= 30 && n <= 39)
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sprintf(str, " thirty%s", itoenglish(n - 30, st)); else if (n >= 40 && n <= 49) sprintf(str, " fourty%s", itoenglish(n - 40, st)); else if (n >= 50 && n <= 59) sprintf(str, " fifty%s", itoenglish(n - 50, st)); else if (n >= 60 && n <= 79) sprintf(str, " %sty%s", itoenglish(n / 10, 0), itoenglish(n - (n / 10) * 10, st)); else if (n >= 80 && n <= 89) sprintf(str, " eighty%s", itoenglish(n - 80, st)); else if (n >= 90 && n <= 99) sprintf(str, " %sty%s", itoenglish(n / 10, 0), itoenglish(n - (n / 10) * 10, st)); else strcpy(str, ""); if (strstr(str, "tTH") != NULL) strcpy(strstr(str, "tTH"), "TH"); return(strdup(str)); }

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// Program to perform Magic Courtesy : ENRICO X //THE MAGICIAN : Enrico Lorenzo // Source: Internet #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> main() { clrscr(); _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); int x, x2=6, lo, di; int x3=5, x4=3, x5=4; char cho, col, col2, col3; randomize(); clrscr(); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(44,13);cprintf("X"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(44,13);cprintf(" "); textcolor(15); gotoxy(42,13);cprintf("O"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(42,13);cprintf(" "); textcolor(15); gotoxy(41,13);cprintf("C"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(41,13);cprintf(" "); textcolor(15); gotoxy(40,13);cprintf("I"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(40,13);cprintf(" "); textcolor(15); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf("R"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf(" "); textcolor(15); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("N"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf(" "); textcolor(15); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf("E"); delay(100); textcolor(0); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf(" "); delay(100);

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textcolor(15); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf("E"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf("E"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("N"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("N"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf("R"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf("R"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(40,13);cprintf("I"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(40,13);cprintf("I"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(41,13);cprintf("C"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(41,13);cprintf("C"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(42,13);cprintf("O"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(42,13);cprintf("O"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(44,13);cprintf("X"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(44,13);cprintf("X"); sleep(2); clrscr(); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,13);cprintf("T"); delay(100); gotoxy(36,13);cprintf("H"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(35,13);cprintf("T"); delay(100); gotoxy(36,13);cprintf("H"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf("E"); delay(100); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf("M"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf("E"); delay(100); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf("M"); textcolor(15);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(40,13);cprintf("%c", delay(100); gotoxy(41,13);cprintf("G"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(40,13);cprintf("%c", delay(100); gotoxy(41,13);cprintf("G"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(42,13);cprintf("I"); delay(100); gotoxy(43,13);cprintf("C"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(42,13);cprintf("I"); delay(100); gotoxy(43,13);cprintf("C"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(44,13);cprintf("I"); delay(100); gotoxy(45,13);cprintf("%c", textcolor(8); gotoxy(44,13);cprintf("I"); delay(100); gotoxy(45,13);cprintf("%c", textcolor(15); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("N"); delay(100); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("N"); delay(100); gotoxy(35,13);cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); gotoxy(39,13);cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); delay(100); cprintf(" "); sleep(2); clrscr();





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for(x=1; x<=50; x++) { textcolor(8); gotoxy(random(80), random(25));cprintf("%c", x2); delay(10); gotoxy(random(80), random(25));cprintf("%c", x3); delay(10); textcolor(4); gotoxy(random(80), random(25));cprintf("%c", x4); delay(10); gotoxy(random(80), random(25));cprintf("%c", x5); delay(10); } intro: clrscr(); textcolor(8); gotoxy(1,1);cprintf(" nter"); gotoxy(73,25);cprintf(" redits"); gotoxy(68,1);cprintf("THE M%cGICI%cN", x2, x3); gotoxy(1,25);cprintf("Best viewed in maximize window"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(1,1);cprintf("E"); gotoxy(73,25);cprintf("C"); cho=getch(); if(cho=='e' || cho=='E') { clrscr(); for(lo=28; lo<=53; lo++) { textcolor(8); gotoxy(lo,14);cprintf(""); } for(lo=0, di=28; lo<=100; lo+=4, di++) { textcolor(15); gotoxy(28,12);cprintf("initializing trick..."); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("%d%", lo); gotoxy(di,14);cprintf(""); delay(200); } sleep(2); refresh: clrscr(); textcolor(8); gotoxy(35,1);cprintf("THE M%cGICI%cN", x2, x3); textcolor(15); gotoxy(27,2);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,3);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,4);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,5);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,6);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,7);cprintf(" ");
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(27,8);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,9);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,10);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,11);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,12);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,13);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,14);cprintf(""); gotoxy(27,15);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,16);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,17);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(27,18);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,2);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,3);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,4);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,5);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,6);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,7);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,8);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,9);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,10);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,11);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,12);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,14);cprintf(""); gotoxy(37,15);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,16);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,17);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(37,18);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,2);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,3);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,4);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,5);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,6);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,7);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,8);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,9);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,10);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,11);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,12);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,13);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,14);cprintf(""); gotoxy(47,15);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,16);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,17);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(47,18);cprintf(""); textcolor(8); gotoxy(1,25);cprintf(" efresh"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(1,25);cprintf("R"); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Pick a card!"); gotoxy(32,21);cprintf("Enter which column!"); textcolor(7);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(33,17);cprintf("1"); gotoxy(43,17);cprintf("2"); gotoxy(53,17);cprintf("3"); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("5%c", x); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("6%c", x); back: col=getch(); if(col=='1') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3;
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("5%c", x); back2: col2=getch(); if(col2=='1') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("K%c", x);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("5%c", x); back3: col3=getch(); if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("3%c", x); } else if(col3=='3') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("J%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back3; } else if(col2=='2') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("Q%c", x);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("5%c", x); back4: col3=getch(); if(col3=='1') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("K%c", x); } else if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); } else if(col3=='3') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("9%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back4; } else if(col2=='3') {
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("5%c", x); back5: col3=getch(); if(col3=='1') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("4%c", x2); } else if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=3; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a");
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gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("6%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back5; } else if(col2=='r' || col2=='R') goto refresh; else goto back2; } else if(col=='2') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("5%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("9%c", x); back6: col2=getch();

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

if(col2=='1') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("5%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("9%c", x); back7: col3=getch(); if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=5; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("K%c", x); } else if(col3=='3') { clrscr(); x=5;
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("3%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back7; } else if(col2=='2') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("5%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("9%c", x); back8: col3=getch(); if(col3=='1') { clrscr(); x=5;
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("2%c", x); } else if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=5; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is an"); gotoxy(49,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(47,13);cprintf("8%c", x); } else if(col3=='3') { clrscr(); x=5; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("5%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back8; } else if(col2=='3') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("J%c", x);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("5%c", x); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("9%c", x); back9: col3=getch(); if(col3=='1') { clrscr(); x=5; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("J%c", x); } else if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("7%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back9; } else if(col2=='r' || col2=='R') goto refresh; else goto back6; } else if(col=='3') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=3;
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("5%c", x); back10: col2=getch(); if(col2=='1') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("Q%c", x);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("5%c", x); back11: col3=getch(); if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=5; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is an"); gotoxy(49,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(8); gotoxy(47,13);cprintf("A%c", x2); } else if(col3=='3') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("5%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back11; } else if(col2=='2') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("6%c", x);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("5%c", x); back12: col3=getch(); if(col3=='1') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("2%c", x); } else if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("J%c", x); } else if(col3=='3') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("6%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back12; } else if(col2=='3') { textcolor(8); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf("shuffling cards..."); sleep(2); textcolor(15); gotoxy(35,20);cprintf("Where is it?"); gotoxy(33,23);cprintf(" "); textcolor(4); x=3; gotoxy(48,11);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(38,7);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(28,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(38,3);cprintf("6%c", x); gotoxy(48,7);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,13);cprintf("9%c", x); textcolor(4); x=4; gotoxy(48,15);cprintf("7%c", x); gotoxy(48,3);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(28,9);cprintf("9%c", x); gotoxy(28,5);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(38,9);cprintf("Q%c", x); gotoxy(28,15);cprintf("5%c", x); gotoxy(38,5);cprintf("6%c", x); textcolor(8); x=5; gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("A%c", x2); gotoxy(28,3);cprintf("4%c", x2); gotoxy(48,9);cprintf("2%c", x); gotoxy(38,15);cprintf("J%c", x); gotoxy(48,5);cprintf("K%c", x); gotoxy(28,11);cprintf("8%c", x); gotoxy(28,7);cprintf("3%c", x); gotoxy(38,11);cprintf("5%c", x); back13: col3=getch(); if(col3=='1') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!");
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("9%c", x); } else if(col3=='2') { clrscr(); x=4; textcolor(15); gotoxy(31,13);cprintf("Your card is a"); gotoxy(48,13);cprintf("!"); textcolor(4); gotoxy(46,13);cprintf("Q%c", x); } else if(col3=='r' || col3=='R') goto refresh; else goto back13; } else if(col2=='r' || col2=='R') goto refresh; else goto back10; } else if(col=='r' || col=='R') goto refresh; else goto back; sleep(2); clrscr(); textcolor(4); gotoxy(37,13);cprintf("THE END!"); } else if(cho=='c' || cho=='C') { clrscr(); textcolor(8); gotoxy(1,5);cprintf(" nspired by: afael artin's magic"); gotoxy(1,25);cprintf(" ress any key to exit"); textcolor(15); gotoxy(1,1);cprintf("P"); gotoxy(13,1);cprintf("E"); gotoxy(20,1);cprintf("L"); gotoxy(1,3);cprintf("S"); gotoxy(20,3);cprintf("J"); gotoxy(25,3);cprintf("J"); gotoxy(1,5);cprintf("I"); gotoxy(14,5);cprintf("R"); gotoxy(21,5);cprintf("M"); gotoxy(1,25);cprintf("P"); gotoxy(22,25);cprintf("..."); getch(); goto intro; } else
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

goto intro; return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/77.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

// Program to design a Five Function Calculator using Switch/Case #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main () { main: int a,b,c,d,ans; double v1, v2, ans2; char yn; while (yn != 'n') { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\t-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Five Function Calculator _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_\n\n"; cout<<"Select the operation .\n"; cout<<"1. Multipication\n"; cout<<"2. Division\n"; cout<<"3. Subtraction\n"; cout<<"4. Addition\n"; cout<<"5. Power\n"; cout<<"6. Exit\n"; cout<<"Enter a number: [1-6]"; cin>>ans; switch (ans) { case 1: goto multipication; break; case 2: goto division; break; case 3: goto subtraction; break; case 4: goto addition; break; case 5: goto power; break; case 6: cout<<"Thank You\n"; return 0; } multipication: cout<<"\n\t\t==================Multipication===============\n"; cout<<"Enter your First Number: "; cin>>v1; cout<<"Enter your Second Number: "; cin>>v2; ans2=v1 * v2; cout<<"Answer: "<<ans2<<"\n\n"; cout<<"Would like to solve another one <yn>: "; cin>>yn;

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/78.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

goto main; return 0; division: cout<<"\n\t\t==================Division===============\n"; cout<<"Enter your First Number: "; cin>>v1; cout<<"Enter your Second Number: "; cin>>v2; if (v2==0) { cout<<"ERROR!!! You cannot divide anything by 0\n\n"; goto main; } ans2=v1 / v2; cout<<"Answer: "<<ans2<<"\n\n"; cout<<"Would like to solve another one <yn>: "; cin>>yn; goto main; return 0; subtraction: cout<<"\n\t\t==================Subtraction===============\n"; cout<<"Enter your First Number: "; cin>>v1; cout<<"Enter your Second Number: "; cin>>v2; ans2=v1 - v2; cout<<"Answer: "<<ans2<<"\n\n"; cout<<"Would like to solve another one <yn>: "; cin>>yn; goto main; return 0; addition: cout<<"\n\t\t==================Addition===============\n"; cout<<"Enter your First Number: "; cin>>v1; cout<<"Enter your Second Number: "; cin>>v2; ans2=v1 + v2; cout<<"Answer: "<<ans2<<"\n\n"; cout<<"Would like to solve another one <yn>: "; cin>>yn; goto main; return 0; power: cout<<"\n\t\t==================Power===============\n"; cout<<"Enter a number: "; cin>>v1; cout<<"Enter the Power: "; cin>>v2; ans2=v1; for(int i=2; i<=v2; i++) ans2 = ans2 * v1; cout<<"Answer: "<<ans2<<"\n\n";
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/78.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

cout<<"Would like to solve another one <yn>: "; cin>>yn; goto main; return 0; } return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/78.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:36]

// Conversion program using Fucntions. #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> char choosestd; float inch1; float inch2; float foot; float yard; float mile; float millimeter; float centimeter; float meter1; float meter2; float kilometer; int first; float firstfunction(); float secondfunction(); float thirdfunction(); float fourthfunction(); float fifthfunction(); float sixthfunction(); float seventhfunction(); float eigthfunction(); float ninthfunction(); float tenthfunction(); int main() { clrscr(); cout << "*-------------------------------------------------------------*\n"; cout << " \n\n\n"; cout << "To (q)uit any time type enter \"q\"\n\n"; cout << "To convert from Standard Measurments to Metric enter \"1\": \n"; cout << "To convert from Metric to Standard Measurments enter \"2\": \n"; cin >> first; if (first == 1) { int choosestd; cout << "What would you like to convert?\n"; cout << "(1)Inches to Millimeters: \n"; cout << "(2)Inches to Centimeters: \n"; cout << "(3)Feet to Meters: \n"; cout << "(4)Yards to Meters: \n"; cout << "(5)Miles to Kilometers: \n"; cin >> choosestd; if (choosestd == 1) { cout << "\nEnter the number of inches you wish converted: \n";

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/79.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]

cin >> inch1; cout << "You entered " << inch1 ; cout<< " inches, which equals " << firstfunction() << " millimeters.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 2) { cout << "\nEnter the number of inches you wish converted: \n"; cin >> inch2; cout << "You entered " << inch2 << " inches, which equals " << secondfunction() << " centimeters.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 3) { cout << "\nEnter the number of feet you wish converted: \n"; cin >> foot; cout << "You entered " << foot << " feet, which equals " << thirdfunction() << " meters.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 4) { cout << "\nEnter the number of yards you wish converted: \n"; cin >> yard; cout << "You entered " << yard << " yards, which equals " << fourthfunction() << " meters.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 5) { cout << "\nEnter the number of miles you wish converted: \n"; cin >> mile; cout << "You entered " << mile << " miles, which equals " << fifthfunction() << " kilometers.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if ((choosestd != 1) || (choosestd !=2) || (choosestd !=3) || (choosestd !=4) || (choosestd !=5)) { cout<<endl; cout << "\n\nThank you for using this program.\n\n"; cout<<"endl";
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/79.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]

getch(); return 0; } } else if (first == 2) { int choosestd; cout << "What would you like to convert?\n"; cout << "(1)Millimeters to Inches: \n"; cout << "(2)Centimeters to Inches: \n"; cout << "(3)Meters to Feet: \n"; cout << "(4)Meters to Yards: \n"; cout << "(5)Kilometers to Miles: \n"; cin >> choosestd; if (choosestd == 1) { cout << "\nEnter the number of millimeters you wish converted: \n"; cin >> millimeter; cout << "You entered " << millimeter << " millimeters, which equals " << sixthfunction() << " inches.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 2) { cout << "\nEnter the number of centimeters you wish converted: \n"; cin >> centimeter; cout << "You entered " << centimeter << " centimeters, which equals " << seventhfunction() << " inches.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 3) { cout << "\nEnter the number of meters you wish converted: \n"; cin >> meter1; cout << "You entered " << meter1 << " meters, which equals " << eigthfunction() << " feet.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 4) { cout << "\nEnter the number of meters you wish converted: \n"; cin >> meter2; cout << "You entered " << meter2 << " meters, which equals " << ninthfunction() << " yards.\n\n";
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/79.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]

system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if (choosestd == 5) { cout << "\nEnter the number of kilometers you wish converted: \n"; cin >> kilometer; cout << "You entered " << kilometer << " kilometers, which equals " << tenthfunction() << " miles.\n\n"; system("PAUSE"); return main(); } else if ((choosestd != 1) || (choosestd !=2) || (choosestd !=3) || (choosestd !=4) || (choosestd !=5)) { int x; cout << "\n\nThank you for using this program.\n\n"; cin >> x; return 0; } }

else if ((first != 1) || (first != 2)) { int x; cout << "End Program.\n\n\nThis program was brought to you by\n cout << "Thank you\n\n\n"; cin >> x; return 0; } } float firstfunction() { double x; x = (inch1 * 25.4); return x; } float secondfunction() { double x; x = (inch2 * 2.54); return x; } float thirdfunction() { float x; x = (foot * .3048);
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/79.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]\n\n\n";

return x; } float fourthfunction() { float x; x = (yard * .9144); return x; } float fifthfunction() { float x; x = (mile * 1.609); return x; } float sixthfunction() { float x; x = (millimeter / 25.4); return x; } float seventhfunction() { float x; x = (centimeter / 2.54); return x; } float eigthfunction() { float x; x = (meter1 / .3048); return x; } float ninthfunction() { float x; x = (meter2 / .9144); return x; } float tenthfunction() { float x; x = (kilometer / 1.609); return x; }

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// Program to display all prime fibonacci series within the // range of 1 to 10000. #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> int isprime(int); main() { clrscr(); cout<<"All prime fibonacci series in the range of 1 to 10000 are"<<endl; int r; int a=1,b=2,c=0; r=isprime(a); if (r==1) cout<<a<<" "; r=isprime(b); if (r==1) cout<<b<<" "; while (c<=10000) { c=a+b; r=isprime(c); if ((r==1) && (c<=10000)) cout<<c<<" "; a=b; b=c; } getch(); } int isprime(int x) { int i; if (x==1) return 0; else { int p=1; for(i=2;i<x;i++) { if (x%i==0) p=2; } return (p); } }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/80.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]

// Program to display a Triangle of numbers called the // Pascal's Triangle, when provided with // the number of rows. # include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main () { int pal[50][50]; int i,j,k,n; printf("ENTER THE NUMBER OF ROWS : "); scanf("%d",&n); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { pal[i][0]=1; pal[i][i]=1; for (j=1;j<i;j++) { pal[i][j]=pal[i-1][j-1]+pal[i-1][j]; } for (j=1;j<=(n-(i+1));j++) { printf (" "); } for (k=0;k<=i;k++) { printf(" %2d ",pal[i][k]); } printf("\n"); } getch(); }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/81.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]

// Program to input any string and print the number of spaces stored // within the string at prime positions. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char a,name[50]; int f=0, l=0,c=0,k=0; cout<<"Enter any string "<<endl; gets(name); l = strlen(name); cout<<"The length of the string is "<<l; cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<l;i++) { a=name[i]; if (a==' ') // checking if i is prime k=i+1; for(int l=1;l<=k;l++) { if (k%l==0) f=f+1; } if (f==2) c = c + 1; f=0; } cout<<endl<<"The no. of spaces at prime position is "<<c; getch(); return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/82.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:37]

// Program for Pig Latin Converter #include #include #include #include <iostream.h> <string.h> <stdio.h> <conio.h>

int makePhrase(char * word, char phrase[][20]); void main() { clrscr(); char word[30] = {'\0'}; char phrase[20][20]; char convert[30] = {'\0'}; char temp[10] = {'\0'}; int counter =0; int check = 0; int firstvowel = 0; int i; int numcons; cout<<"Please enter a word or phrase up to 30 characters"<<endl; cin.getline(word,30,'\n'); strlwr(word); cout<<"\nYour entry was '"<<word<<"'"<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------"<<endl; i=makePhrase(word,phrase); for (int k=0; k<i; k++) { int size = strlen(phrase[k]); for(int j=0;j<size;j++) { switch(phrase[k][j]) { case 'a': if (j == 0) firstvowel = 1; check = 1; break; case 'e': if (j == 0) firstvowel = 1; check = 1; break; case 'i':

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if (j == 0) firstvowel = 1; check = 1; break; case 'o': if (j == 0) firstvowel = 1; check = 1; break; case 'u': if (j == 0) firstvowel = 1; check = 1; break; default: if (check != 1 && firstvowel != 1) counter++; break; } }; if (firstvowel == 1) { strcat(phrase[k],"hay"); cout<<"Word begins with a vowel, no need for movement"<<endl; cout<<"Your word in Pig Latin is\n"<<phrase[k]<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------"<<endl; } else { numcons = counter-1; cout<<"The first vowel is: "<<phrase[k][counter]<<endl; cout<<"The letter(s) to move is:"<<endl; do { cout<<phrase[k][numcons]<<endl; temp[numcons] = phrase[k][numcons];

numcons-=1; }while(numcons !=-1); int leftover = strlen(phrase[k]) - numcons; for(int i=0; i<leftover; i++) { convert[i] = phrase[k][counter]; counter+=1;
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}; strcat(convert, temp); strcat(convert, "ay"); strcpy(phrase[k],convert); cout<<"Your word in Pig Latin is:\n"<<phrase[k]<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------"<<endl; }; numcons=0; counter=0; firstvowel=0; size=0; check = 0; strcpy(temp,"0"); };

cout<<"\n\nYour translated entry:\n"; cout<<"--------------\n"; for(int a=0;a<i;a++) { cout<<phrase[a]<<" "; }; cout<<"\n--------------"<<endl; }; int makePhrase(char * word, char phrase[][20]) { int i=0; char *space = " "; char *breaker; breaker = strtok(word,space); while ( breaker ) { strcpy( phrase[i],breaker ); breaker = strtok( NULL, space ); i++; }; return i; };

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// The program calculates the value of a polynomial #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <process.h> const int MAXDEGREE = 10; // define constant

void main() { float x, y; float coefficients[MAXDEGREE+1]; // coefficients of a polynomial float x_powers[MAXDEGREE+1]; // powers of x int degree, i; cout << "\nCalculation of polynomial"; cout << "\nEnter degree "; cin >> degree; if (degree > MAXDEGREE || degree < 0) { cout << "\nError"; getch(); exit(0); } // read coefficients, highest first: for (i = degree; i >= 0; i--) { cout << "\nEnter coefficient " << i << " "; cin >> coefficients[i]; } // read x: cout << "\nEnter x "; cin >> x; // calculate powers of x x_powers[0] = 1; for (i=1; i <= degree; i++) { x_powers[i] = x_powers[i-1] * x; } // calculate polynomial y = 0; for (i = 0; i <= degree; i++) { y = y + coefficients[i] * x_powers[i]; } // write result cout << "\n\nResult is " << y; // wait for key pressure and exit getch();

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// Program to assign string in a double dimensional array and display // the contents. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> enum {NAMESIZE=20}; // Print out the first n names of a void printNames(char a[][NAMESIZE], int n) { for (int row=0; row<n; row++) { for (int clmn=0; a[row][clmn] != '\0'; clmn++) { cout << a[row][clmn]; } cout << endl; } } // Print out the first n names of a void printNames(char *a[], int n) { for (int k=0; k<n; k++) { cout << a[k] << endl; } } void main(void) { char names1[][NAMESIZE] = {"ankur", "rose", "simran", "gauri"}; char *names2[] = {"lallan", "ballan", "sonal", "monika"}; cout << "The size of names1 is " << sizeof(names1) << endl; cout << "The size of names2 is " << sizeof(names2) << endl; getch(); cout << endl << "Printing out: char names1[][NAMESIZE]" << endl; printNames(names1, 4); cout << endl << "Printing out: char *names[]" << endl; printNames(names2, 4); getch(); cout << endl << "Printing out: names1[row]" << endl; for (int row=0; row < 4; row++) { cout << names1[row] << endl; }

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cout << endl << "Printing out: names2[row]" << endl; for (row=0; row < 4; row++) { cout << names2[row] << endl; } getch();clrscr(); }

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// Program to print the product of two matrices #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); int i,j,a[3][4],b[4][3],c[3][3]; //Creation of matrix A[3][4] cout<<"Enter elements of array A"<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { cin>>a[i][j]; } } cout<<"Enter elements of array B"<<endl; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cin>>b[i][j]; } } // storing product in array C for (i=0;i<3;i++) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) { c[i][j]=0; for(int k=0;k<4;k++) { c[i][j]=a[i][k]*b[k][j]+c[i][j]; } } } cout<<endl<<"The matrix A is "<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { cout<<a[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout<<endl<<"The matrix B is "<<endl; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cout<<b[i][j]<<" "; }

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cout<<endl; } cout<<endl<<"The matrix C is "<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cout<<c[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } getch(); return 0; }

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// Program for converting an int variable to floating point #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> //defines EXIT_SUCCESS etc #include <conio.h> int main( void ) { // declare variables here int x,y; float quotient; cout <<"enter an integer x="; cin >> x; cout <<"enter an integer y="; cin >> y; quotient= x / y; cout<< "x / y is " << quotient << endl; quotient= float(x) / y; cout<< "float(x) / y is " << quotient << endl; getch(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

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//Program to play a puzzle #include<graphics.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> getkey1() {union REGS i,o; while(!kbhit()); i.h.ah=0; int86(22,&i,&o); return(o.h.ah); } void main2() {int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,n=0,m,q=0,v=0,k; char *a[16]={"9","3","2","4","7","6","5","8","1","11" ,"13","12","10","14"," " ,"15"} ,*b[16]={"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10" ,"11","12","13","14","15" ," "},*t; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); setcolor(3); outtextxy(260,100," PUZZLE"); setcolor(4); setcolor(WHITE); delay(2000); for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,a[n]); n++; } do{{ setcolor(3); outtextxy(100,170,"YOU HAVE TO SOLVE IT WITHIN 400 MOVES"); setcolor(8); outtextxy(280,130,"LEVEL: 2 "); setcolor(9); outtextxy(100,150,"YOU HAVE SPENT "); //outtextxy(220,150,v); gotoxy(28,10); cout<<v; outtextxy(240,150," MOVES "); setcolor(2); outtextxy(100,330,"USE ARROW KEYS FOR DIRECTION"); setcolor(4); outtextxy(200,350,"PRESS '* ' TO QUIT AT ANY TIME"); setcolor(5); outtextxy(400,50,"ARRANGE LIKE THIS"); m=0; for(i=425;i<=500;i+=25) for(j=60;j<=135;j+=25)

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{rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,b[m]); m++; } } setcolor(WHITE); if((*a[0]=='1')&&(*a[1]=='2')&&(*a[2]=='3')&&(*a[3]=='4')&&(*a[4]=='5')&&(*a[5]=='6')&&(*a[6]=='7')&&(*a[7]= ='8') && (*a[8]=='9')&&(strcmp(a[9],"10")==0)&&(strcmp(a[10],"11")==0)&&(strcmp(a[11],"12")==0)&&(strcmp(a[12],"13") ==0)&&(strcmp(a[13],"14")==0)&&(strcmp(a[14],"15")==0)) {setcolor(5); outtextxy(200,350,"CONGRATULATION! YOU WIN"); getch(); break; } k=getkey1(); sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); switch(k) {case 75:{clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&(n<=11)&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n+4]; a[n+4]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,a[n]); n++; } q=0; break; } case 77:{clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&(n>3)&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n-4]; a[n-4]=t; q=1;
file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/88.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:39]

v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,a[n]); n++; } q=0;break; } case 80: {clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&((n!=0)&&(n!=4)&&(n!=8)&&(n!=12))&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n-1]; a[n-1]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,a[n]); n++; } q=0;break; } case 72:{clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&(n!=3)&&(n!=7)&&(n!=11)&&(n!=15)&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n+1]; a[n+1]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=250;i<=325;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=275;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,a[n]); n++; }
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q=0; break; } }}while((k!=55)&&(v<=400)); if(v>400) {outtextxy(200,350,"SORRY! YOUR MOVE IS OVER"); getch(); } closegraph(); } //puzz6.cpp ends here.

#include<graphics.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> getkey() {union REGS i,o; while(!kbhit()); i.h.ah=0; int86(22,&i,&o); return(o.h.ah); } void main() {int gd=DETECT,gm,i,j,n=0,m,q=0,v=0,k; char *a[9]={"7","2","5","4","3","6","1"," ","8"} ,*b[9]={"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"," "},*t; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..//bgi"); setcolor(3); outtextxy(260,100," PUZZLE"); setcolor(4); setcolor(WHITE); delay(2000); for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,a[n]); n++; } do{{ setcolor(3); outtextxy(100,170,"YOU HAVE TO SOLVE IT WITHIN 200 MOVES"); setcolor(1); outtextxy(210,130,"LEVEL : 1"); setcolor(9); outtextxy(100,150,"YOU HAVE SPENT "); //outtextxy(220,150,v); gotoxy(28,10); cout<<v;
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outtextxy(240,150," MOVES "); setcolor(2); outtextxy(100,330,"USE ARROW KEYS FOR DIRECTION"); setcolor(4); outtextxy(100,350,"PRESS '* ' TO QUIT AT ANY TIME"); setcolor(5); outtextxy(400,50,"ARRANGE LIKE THIS"); m=0; for(i=425;i<=475;i+=25) for(j=60;j<=110;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+8,j+10,b[m]); m++; } } setcolor(WHITE); if((*a[0]=='1')&&(*a[1]=='2')&&(*a[2]=='3')&&(*a[3]=='4')&&(*a[4]=='5')&&(*a[5]=='6')&&(*a[6]=='7')&&(*a[7]= ='8')) {setcolor(5); outtextxy(180,380,"CONGRATULATION! YOU FINISHED LEVEL 1"); getch(); clearviewport(); main2(); break; } k=getkey(); sound(300); delay(100); nosound(); switch(k) {case 75:{clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&(n<=5)&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n+3]; a[n+3]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+10,j+10,a[n]); n++; }
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q=0; break; } case 77:{clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&(n>=2)&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n-3]; a[n-3]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+10,j+10,a[n]); n++; } q=0;break; } case 80: {clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&((n!=0)&&(n!=3)&&(n!=6))&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n-1]; a[n-1]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+10,j+10,a[n]); n++; } q=0;break; } case 72:{clearviewport(); n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); if ((*a[n]==' ')&&((n!=2)&&(n!=5)&&(n!=8))&&(q==0)) {t=a[n]; a[n]=a[n+1];
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a[n+1]=t; q=1; v++; } n++; } n=0; for(i=200;i<=250;i+=25) for(j=200;j<=250;j+=25) {rectangle(i,j,i+25,j+25); outtextxy(i+10,j+10,a[n]); n++; } q=0; break; } }}while((k!=55)&&(v<=200)); if(v>200) {outtextxy(200,350,"SORRY! YOUR MOVE IS OVER"); delay(2000); getch(); } closegraph(); }

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// Program to print out a checkered board of size n #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> const int cellSize = 4; void printnc(char c, int n){ for(int k = 0; k<n; ++k) cout << c; } void printBWcells(void){ printnc('.', cellSize); printnc(' ', cellSize); } void printWBcells(void){ printnc(' ', cellSize); printnc('.', cellSize); } void printBoard(int n){ printnc('*', 2+2*n*cellSize); cout << endl; for(int k = 0; k<n; ++k){ for(int h = 0; h < cellSize; ++h){ cout << '*'; for(int m=0; m<n; ++m){ if((k%2)==0) printBWcells(); else printWBcells(); } cout << '*' << endl; } } printnc('*', 2+2*n*cellSize); cout << endl; } void main(void){ int n; clrscr(); cout << "Enter size of board: "; cin >> n; clrscr(); printBoard(n); cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); }

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// Program to Print out a diamond of any size less than 12 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> const int Center = 20; void printnc(char c, int n){ for (int lcv=0; lcv < n; lcv++) { cout << c; } } // Print out a triangle of size n void printTriangle(int n){ for (int i=0; i < n; i++){ printnc(' ', Center - i -1); printnc('X', 2*i+1); cout << endl; } } // Print reverse of triangle printed by printTriangle void printRTriangle(int n){ for (int i=0; i < n; i++){ printnc(' ', Center - n + i); printnc('X', 2*n-2*i-1); cout << endl; } } // Get dimension of triangle from user void main(void){ int m; cout << "Enter an integer m [0 < m < 12]: "; endl; cin >> m; while ((m > 0) && (m < 12)){ printTriangle(m); printRTriangle(m-1); cout << "Enter an integer m [0 < m < 12]: "; cin >> m; } }

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// Program to implement a Recursive Function #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> void recurfunc(int start,int stop,char* buff); void main() { clrscr(); cout << "enter how many times to loop: "; char buff[100]; cin >> buff; int num; num = atoi(buff); if(num >= 1) { recurfunc(0,num," this is a recursive function"); } else { cout << "sorry you didnt enter valid data" << endl; return; } getch(); } void recurfunc(int start,int stop,char* buff) { if(start < stop) { start++; cout << "\n" << buff << "\n"; recurfunc(start,stop,buff); } else { return; } }

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// Program to delete the first common word in two strings // and display the strings without the first common words. #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h> char string1[25] = {'\0'}; char string2[25] = {'\0'}; char temp[25] = {'\0'}; int start = -1; int end = -1; int start2 = 0; int end2 = 0; /*GET THE INPUT FOR THE STRINGS*/ void get_input() { cout << "Enter the first string : "; gets(string1); cout << "Enter the second string : "; gets(string2); } /*SET INDEXES FOR ALIAS WORD*/ void extract_word() { while( string2[end2] != ' ' ) end2++; } /*COMPARE THE TWO WORDS*/ int compare() { int n; for(n=start; n<end; n++) { if( string2[n-start] != string1[n] ) { return 0; } } return 1; }

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/*FIND THE ALIAS WORD IN THE STRINGS*/ void find_alias() { int same = 0; while( (same != 1) && (string1[end] != '\0') ) { end++; start = end; while( (string1[end] != ' ') && (string1[end] != '\0') ) end++; same = compare(); } } /*REPLACE THE WORD*/ void replace_alias() { int counter = end; /*find the end of the string*/ while( string1[counter] != '\0' ) counter++; /*copy the remaining string to temp*/ for(int i=end; i<counter; i++) { temp[i-end] = string1[i]; } counter = start; /*nullify the remaining string*/ while( string1[counter] != '\0' ) { string1[counter] = '\0'; counter++; } start2 = end2; counter = start-1; /*replace the alias by the second string*/ while( string2[end2] != '\0' ) { string1[counter] = string2[end2]; end2++; counter++; } int k = 0;
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/*copy the remaining string back from temp*/ while( temp[k] != '\0' ) { string1[counter] = temp[k]; k++; counter++; } } void main() { clrscr(); get_input(); extract_word(); find_alias(); replace_alias(); cout << string1 << '\n'; getch(); }

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// Program to input any string and print the number of words. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char a,name[50]; int l=0,c=0,word=0; cout<<"Enter any string "<<endl; gets(name); l = strlen(name); cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<l;i++) { a=name[i]; if (a==' ') c = c + 1; } word = c + 1; cout<<"The total number of words in the string is "<<word; cout<<endl; getch(); return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/93.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:40]

// Rotates a word //This program prints all the rotation of a word. //Say if the input word is "space", then it prints //space //paces //acesp //cespa //espac #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { char w[50],buf[50],temp[50],buf2[10]; clrscr(); printf("Enter a word to see it's rotation :"); fflush(stdin); gets(w); strcpy(temp,w); printf("All the rotation of the word \"%s\" are :",w); for(int i=0;i<strlen(w);i++) { strcpy(buf,strnset(w,' ',i)); for(int j=0;j<i;j++) buf2[j]=temp[j]; buf2[j]='\0'; strcat(buf,buf2); //To straighten the output gotoxy(strlen(w)-i,4+i); puts(buf); } getch(); }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/94.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:41]

// This function allows the user to enter a number // and than rounds it off, // correct to the nearest integer. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); //HEADER FILES // MAIN FUNCTION // CLEAR THE SCREEN

float input=0,remainder=0; // INITIALIZATION AND DECLARATION OF int whole=0,answer=0; // VARIABLES gotoxy (15,15); // GO TO A PARTICULAR POSITION // MESSAGE

cout << "ENTER A FLOAT NUMBER : "; cin >> input;


whole = input; // THIS LINE STORES THE INTEGER PART OF THE VALUE // INTO A SEPERATE VARIABLE remainder = input - whole; // REMAINDER IS THE VALUE AFTER THE DECIMAL // POINT if (remainder >= 0.5) answer = whole + 1; else // IF REMAINDER IS GREATER THAN 0.5 // ADD 1 TO THE VALUE


answer = whole;

gotoxy (15,16); cout << "Rounded Off Number Is : " << answer; // DISPLAY THE ANSWER getch(); } // WAIT FOR AN INPUT FROM THE USER.


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// Array sorting // Using Selection Sorting Technique. // Program to input any ten numbers and print them in ascending order. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int number[10],a,b,c,d; clrscr(); // clear the screen cout<<"Enter the elements of the array"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter number for cell "<<i<<endl; cin>>number[i]; } cout<<endl<<"Thank You ! The data entry is over"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); clrscr(); // sorting of data for(int j=0;j<9;j++) { for(int k=j+1;k<10;k++) { if (number[j]>number[k]) { a=number[j]; number[j]=number[k]; number[k]=a; } } } cout<<"The list in ascending order is "; cout<<endl; for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<number[i]<<"\t"; cout<<endl<<"Press any key to return to the editor"; getch(); return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/96.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:33]

// Program to input any string and print the number of 'the'. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { clrscr(); char name[50]; int l=0,c=0; cout<<"Enter any string "<<endl; gets(name); l = strlen(name); cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<=l;i++) { if ((name[i]=='t') && (name[i+1]=='h') && ((name[i+2])=='e')) c=c+1;} cout<<endl; cout<<"total the is "<<c; getch(); return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/97.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:45]

// Program to input a string and a character. Print the frequency of // the character within the string. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> main() { clrscr(); char name[40],input; int l=0,count=0; cout<<"Enter any word "<<endl; gets(name); cout<<endl<<"Enter the character to print the frequency"; cin>>input; l = strlen(name); cout<<endl; for (int a=0;a<l;a++) { if (name[a]==input) count = count + 1; } cout<<endl<<"The frequency of "<<input<<" is "<<count<<endl; getch(); return 0; }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/98.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:45]

// Program to sort the given strings in Ascending order. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> void main() { clrscr(); char name[10][20],temp[10][20]; int i,j,n; printf ("\nENTER THE NUMBER OF NAMES TO BE ASCENDED : "); scanf ("%d",&n); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { printf ("ENTER THE %d NAME : ",i+1); scanf ("%s",name[i]); } printf ("\n The ascending order of the names is : \n "); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { for (j=i+1;j<n;j++) { if (strcmp(name[i],name[j])>0) { strcpy (temp[i],name[i]); strcpy (name[i],name[j]); strcpy (name[j],temp[i]); } } printf ("\n%s",name[i]); } getch(); }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/99.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:46]

// Program to define a function and incorporate the array // of structures to input and store any 30 records // with following information of name and marks. // Display the following using functions incorporated through // structure definition viz. display of all entered records, // sort the records according to the marks in descending order // and display of sorted records. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> struct ward { char name[20]; float marks; } stud[5]; void display(); void sort(); void dispsort(); main() { clrscr(); // Data entry clrscr(); cout<<"D A T A : ENTRY PROCESS: Enter 5 Records Initially"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { cout<<"\nEnter name"; cin>>stud[i].name; cout<<"\nEnter marks"; cin>>stud[i].marks; } clrscr(); display(); // Call of Function // to display data entered. cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); clrscr(); sort(); // Call of Function // to sort data clrscr(); cout<<"Press any key to display "; cout<<"the sorted data"; getch(); dispsort(); // Call of Function // to display the sorted data. cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); return 0; } void display() // Definition of the function

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// to display the data values. { clrscr(); cout<<"DATA LIST AS ENTERED"; cout<<endl; for(int k=0;k<5;k++) { cout<<"NAME OF THE STUDENT IS "; cout<<stud[k].name; cout<<endl; cout<<"HIS MARKS IS "; cout<<stud[k].marks; cout<<endl; cout<<"***************************************"; cout<<endl; cout<<"***************************************"; cout<<endl; } } void sort() // Definition of the sort function. { // sorting done according to marks. char nam[20]; int mark=0; for(int r=0;r<4;r++) { for(int s=r+1;s<5;s++) { if (stud[r].marks < stud[s].marks) { strcpy(nam,stud[r].name); strcpy(stud[r].name,stud[s].name); strcpy(stud[s].name,nam); mark=stud[r].marks; stud[r].marks=stud[s].marks; stud[s].marks=mark; } } } } void dispsort() // Definition of the function // to print the sorted data. { clrscr(); cout<<"Display of sorted data according to marks"; cout<<endl; display(); cout<<endl; cout<<"End of data encountered"; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue"; getch(); }

file:///C|/Users/Shahnawaz/abc/100.txt[06-05-2012 AM 10:52:46]

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