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Provide short answers to each of the following questions: Identify the functions of a CSU/DSU.

. How are they used in a corporate environment?

CSU/DSU is a device that connects a router to a digital circuit line (layer 1 in OSI model). CSU/DSU convert data frames used in a LAN into frames for WAN and vice versa. CSU alone receives and transmits signals in and out the WAN while providing a barrier for electrical interference while DSU manages line control and converts input/output for different types of frames (RS-232C, RS-449, V.XX) from LANs it also manages timing for less error and regenerates signals. CSU/DSU is used in a corporate environment because it is faster than modems & they are required when using a dedicated circuit to access the network. It is important when there is a connection outside of the country (E.G. US & India) to have a CSU/DSU device because it will reserve the bandwidth necessary to have a good connection.

Integrated services digital networks (ISDN) are sometimes used in locations that do not support DSL or cable modem connections. Your choices may be analog modems or an ISDN connection in those remote locations. Describe three benefits ISDNs have over regular dial-up modem connections. 1. ISDN has two different channels, in one you can use it to connect to the internet and the second one it can be used for telephone line, you can also combine both lines to get internet connection three times faster over a dial up connection. 2. The connection is digital which will improve clear sound in phone usage, less problems in networking speeds, and faster response. 3. Connects to the internet in 1 to 3 seconds where dial up takes about 30 seconds to do so.

Compare and contrast packet and circuit switching. Which is more commonly used? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Packet switching breaks down data into small blocks called packets. When the blocks are sent they are initially broken into several pieces and reassembled in the same sequence once received in the other end. Advantages for packet switching are security, availability because it does not have to wait for direct connection, and bandwidth can be used to full potential. Some disadvantages data packets can get lost, is not reliable for real time video streaming, and there can be delay if used heavily. Circuit switching involves a dedicated connection between two devices such as a telephone call. Some advantages of circuit switching is that once the connection is

made it is fast and error free, it can also be highly reliable. Some disadvantages are that it involves a lot of bandwidth usage and the channel takes longer to set up. The most commonly type of switching used is packet, packet switching can be used for VoIP which replaces the old circuit switching call method, it is also used with email, and text messages. Describe the three main types of firewalls. Explain how each type protects the network. Determine which firewall is the most efficient and why.

Packet filtering firewall is the type of firewall which inspects each packet header that is trying to pass the network and it decides to let it through or not. Stateful inspection firewall works almost like packet filter firewall but this one will inspect the packets more in detail, it will inspect all content from the packet and not only the header. Application Level gateway firewall can allow traffic to a set of rules specified by the administrator which will only permit data with certain commands, limits access to certain types of files, and authentication rules according to users. The most efficient type of firewall will be the application level gateway firewall because it has the most sophisticated capabilities and settings even though it is the most complex to set up. This firewall will protect the network if the person setting it up is well trained and knowledgeable on this.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Networks Q4

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