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Think sucess

Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:15 PM

As the saying goes, If its not a big deal, then please do it now. Stop making excuses to put things off until later.

being creative, having integrity, thinking critically, possessing a love for learning, and working very hard.

When a man does not know what harbor he is sailing for, no wind is the right wind.

Zig Ziglar, a present-day motivational guru, has noted that the happiest people he knows are those who are working toward a vision, whereas the most bored and miserable people are drifting along with no worthwhile objectives in mind. They sail with any wind.

GOD does not have power, HIS is power. HE does not have love, HE is LOVE.

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03 January 2012 18:26

No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success untill he begins to look in a mirror for the real
cause of all his mistakes. God will use every imaginable means to communicate with you. Determine to make the word a priority in your life. It is allowing God to direct your steps daily, knowing that God is bigger than you, trusting God to fulfil that plan. There's nothing that you can't overcome with ...

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27 January 2012 01:09

Positive minds produce positive Lives. God is not limited by economy, family strife, doctor's reports or any other challenge you face. Expect God to intervene with miracles. There is no pit so deep that God cannot reach down in it and lift you out. You don't have a problem that God can't solve. If you want a change in your life, you have to make a change. Changing your words is the best place to start. What you say day in and day out is what will come to pass in your life. Speak words that are of God and have the confidence that your words will come to pass. No matter how you started, make today a day of change! God loves you. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart! (Psalm 37:4) Walk by faith! Don't be moved by what you see. But by what you believe(2Cor 5:7). If you desire to achieve extra ordinary results again and again you have to believe it is possible. Don't settle for less than God's best for you. When faced with challenging situations that seem to be impossible don't throw away your confidence. Stay faithful even when you face tough obstacles or disappointments. Anytime we are expecting something specific from God, we have to be open to seeing it happen in a way we didn't plan. You have to trust in God's goodness and mercy. When the power of God comes on the scene in your life, it can calm any storm you face. Begin to see yourself as God sees you, a prosperous person. Recognize that God is with you. God's word is forever settled in Heaven! If God says it, He will bring it to pass! Victory is closer than you think!(psalm 118:89) The key to receiving the answers you need from the unlimited God is to seek His kingdom first (Matthew 6:31:33) Everything in the scriptures is done by faith. "The will of God will never take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us". No matter what kind of obstacles you may be facing or barriers you are confronted with or walls that may be standing between you and victory. Climb up to that higher level in God where all things are possible. When we are obedient to God, we give Him the freedom to overwhelm our natural circumstances with His supernatural power. Whenever God gives you something, He's not just meeting your need, He's expressing His love for you. You 're a winner! The tests of life are not meant to break you, but to make you. There's no-one that's beyond God's reach, your life can be restored. Be strong & courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (JOSHUA 1:9) We should be seeking God for who He is, not what He can do for us. There is no circumstances or situation in your life you can't overcome!. Do you realize how much God believes in you?. God has something better for you. If you will program your mind in a positive way, you won't have to drag through the week. This week, dare to believe God for something big! You're not going to overwhelm with your requests and you're not going to bankrupt Heaven. We have to trust in God's goodness, knowing that His ways are so much higher. You don't have to settle for an unhappy life. Cast all your anxiety in him because he cares for you ( 1 PETER 5:7). My prayer for you is that your heart would be filled with gratitude for the goodness of God in your life. Father God, keep us through our time of storm. Be a fence of protection and blanket of comfort. I stand in faith with you for restoration, peace, provision, wisdom and abundance in every area of your life. I release the peace of God to guard your heart and mind!. I call forth every resource needed to achieve your divine purpose in the earth. "Every power that has accepted evil assignments against your life, O LORD, appoint them to the sword, to famine and to captivity in Jesus name. Receive the anointing for supernatural breakthrough in all your endeavours: "Receive the power to get wealth in the name of Jesus. LORD, I thank you for you are our source, therefore our abundance is assured in Jesus' name. Nothing is too difficult for God. What a great promise! You can't live your life based just on what everyone else thinks. If you try to live up to others expectations you will never discover God's unique purpose for your life. He has given you a unique personality and gifting. Once you accept your own value with God, you will be able to value others. The reason there is so much loneliness, depression, drug addict, sex abuse, insecurity and even suicide, is because people do not value themselves. If you're going to succeed at being yourself, you're going to have to focus on your potential: What God has created you to be not your limitations. You possess creative power and just like God, you create your world with your words. (GENESIS 1:26) . Plant your dream like a mustard seed, so it can grow up and become greater than the impossibilities in your life. Today, set yourself up for success by focusing on pleasing God. Do you know what pleases Him? your faith in Him!(HEBREWS 11:6) Times may be tough, but there are rewards for staying in faith. Keep moving ahead with God's help. When the situation looks hopeless, don't get discouraged! Expect God to turn things around and work it out for your good!. We may feel angry, frustrated, discouraged or depressed, but we do not have to let any of those feelings control us. God's presence and favour in your life will cause you to prosper regardless of the location or position you are in. Too many times God works in our lives, but we don't recognize His goodness. Don't take it for granted. Be a faith helper? Encourage others to believe for the miracle they need from God. Never give up!. Don't give the devil any credit today: Just remind him that Jesus already won, and you have the victory! Do all that is in your power to do and trust God to do what only He can do. God will use the obstacles in your path, the stumbling blocks that would hold you back, as stepping stones instead. He will use them to take you to a higher level. Every time you see a problem around you. know that God wants to bless you, because problems are a catalyst for creativity. God wants to set you free from the bondage of the past and every limitation. Whatever you have gone through in your past, He has sent His word and healed them all. Receive His grace and mercy today and allow Him to complete His perfect work in your life. God has a specific plan for your life- a plan for good and not for evil .(Jeremiah 29:11). Faith is the only thing that can get you out of a situation you can't get yourself out of. "When you realize you 're blessed to be a blessing, life gets really beautiful. When life gets difficult, don't jump to the conclusion that God is not on the job. When one door closes, God will open a bigger and better door for you. He may even be trying to stir you out of a situation that is not good for you. Trust in His goodness and faithfulness today!. If we learn to be amazed at what God has done and is doing in our lives, we will never be without hope. Faith filled words release the creative power and glory of God within you. When circumstances try to keep you down, remember God always cause you to triumph His mercy is bigger than any mistake

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you. When circumstances try to keep you down, remember God always cause you to triumph His mercy is bigger than any mistake we could ever make. "All things are possible to him who believes"(Mark 9:23) The greatest discovery in life is the discovery of self, that is knowing who you are and what you 're here on earth for. God has a way of leading us through certain path and situations in life that we don't understand. You 're more than your feelings , make a decision to enjoy every single day of your life. You may not understand why you are going through difficult times, but don't try to figure it out. Keep trusting God. He knows how to bless you in unexpected ways. You don't have a problem that God can't solve. Believe in God and in what He says. Your impossible will soon turn to possible. When the enemy tells you are a grasshopper in the land of giants, remind him that you've already been given all of the good land. The power of God in you is greater than the power that is coming against me. Your healing was Accomplished 2,000 years ago. Allow your faith to bring your miracle into reality today! Thank you, Jesus!. Stretch your heart toward Jesus in faith & his healing power will flow into you just as it flowed into the woman with the issue of blood. Today, I join in faith with all who are believing for healing by His stripes you are healed!. Heavenly father, you know my current circumstances. You know my past, present and future. I choose to receive you as my healer and the one who desires for me to live long and in divine health. I take hold of your promises and your love for me right now in Jesus name. Lord, it is written that anything I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ, that will you do. I now ask for your healing virtue to flow into my life in Jesus' name. Everyday that the sunrises in the Eastern sky testifies to the faithfulness of God! what He begins, He does not abandon. No matter a countries current situation, God can work a miracle in government!. No matter what obstacles you may be facing, His power in you is greater. I declare today that no weapon formed against you shall prosper because you set your hope in God. If you will trust God and get up everyday expecting God's favour, you will see God do amazing things will overcome every obstacle. You will defeat every enemy. You will see every dream, every promise God has put in your heart come to pass. God is your refuge and strength and a very present help in trouble . He is with you right now!. The Bible says God is perfecting that which concerns you (Psalm 138:8) BE DETERMINED: "People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours". Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up". They were so close to it, but because of one or two challenges, they gave up. Many give up too soon just at the next step to their breakthrough! Declare now," I won't quit. "You can't change your life until you take responsibility for it! Responsibility is the price for true greatness. Nothing happens in your life until you make it happen. Nothing works until you work it out. God said to Joshua, "Be strong and of a good courage"( Joshua 1:6). Every time you take a decision to succeed and there are challenges, it's an indication that you must not give up. Just because things are getting rough does not mean God is not on your side. Just keeps the momentum going, and tell yourself "No matter how rough and how tough the challenges, God is on my side. Challenges are stepping stones to a miracle. Don't allow any obstacle to stop or discourage you, because out of every obstacle, there is a potential miracle. HEAR ME: don't try to follow the path where there's no resistance for every Canaan, there are giants. That's why the river has a long course it doesn't want any trouble, so it keeps dodging. If you want your life to be full, don't try to walk the path where there's no resistance, because before any great thing, you are bound to encounter some challenges. (Deuteronomy 2:24). Today, don't focus on what your circumstances have to offer, focus on what God has to offer! His mercies are new every morning!.You may think you've blown God's plan for your life so badly that there's no way to recover, but God can turn anything around!.The Lord didn't choose you for failure but success!. Prayers clears the heavens , but determination that takes you to success. Just be determined, God has given you all it takes. As you take the next step, it will lead to your miracle, in Jesus name!. REACT AGAINST FAILURE. Friend, it's time for you to react against every circumstance that is militating against your success in life. If you want to come out of failure, you must forget your past failures. I' d like you to know that God has no remembrance of your past failures. Philippians 3.13-14 .One thing you must do forget your past failures, why are you recounting them? Stop now!. Failure is an event, so let it pass away like other events. That you failed in an event : don't allow it keep you on the floor. The past is gone: learn from it , live in the present and look forward to the future. Whatever , be the circumstances that have kept you down, begin to react against them now. It is reaction that gives birth to revolution. Every revolution is a product of a conscious reaction. No reaction ,No revolution! Get angry with that situation! Refuse to be intimidated by it .Tell it, I'm bigger than you". Until you address that situation, you cannot arrest it. Until you address failure, you cannot arrest it. Go now and address that thing that is challenging you face it! Every test of life is to be passed. There's no test that you can't pass. For that test to come to you, it means you 're bigger than it. 1 Corinthians 10.13 Before that temptation came, God already made a way of escape for you. So rise up and react against it you 're bigger than it. Satan may bring you down, but refuse to be down (Proverbs 24.16) So if anything knocks you down, get up and knock it down. You are bigger than that circumstances , so react against it ( 1 John 4:4). Worry is like a rocking chair. It is always in motion, but not going anywhere. God will never give up on you, never forget that. Whatever challenges you are facing, confess the word of God because it is the controlling factor in this earth!. A situation might seem difficult, but remember today that nothing can stand against our God. God loves you and He has a special plan for your life. You are created in His image, and you never have to compare yourself with anyone else. Your circumstances are temporary: God's word is eternal. Favour is when people say no and circumstances say no but your God is saying yes. God will reward us for having confidence in Him. We must maintain intimacy with Him to experience His results in our lives ( Hebrews 10:39) SELF-DISCIPLINE: Listen, no matter how talented you are, if you lack self-discipline, you will still fail. When you 're not selfdisciplined you can't make a mark. Do you want to conquer the world? Now, between conquering the world and conquering yourself, which one takes precedence with you read Titus 2:6 Do you know what God is saying to you here? Conquer yourself before thinking of conquering the world!. David, for instance, was able to conquer Goliath (1samuel 17), but he was not able to conquer himself. Adultery got the better of him! Samson conquered the Philistines but couldn't conquer himself, so Delilah finished him (Judges 15_16). If you conquer the world without first conquering yourself, you 'll will still fail -it's only a question of time. Jesus conquered Himself before He conquered the world. That's why He could boldly say, "the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me" John 14:30. You can conquer the world and still be a problem. You must conquer yourself?.If you are a quitter, you 'll end up failing! You refused to conquer yourself. Character is what you are in the dark. That is the real you. So, the

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quitter, you 'll end up failing! You refused to conquer yourself. Character is what you are in the dark. That is the real you. So, the first person you must lead is yourself, before you lead any other person .(Proverbs 11:3) Indiscipline people are always procrastinating. Procrastination is the thief of time. Do you know it takes discipline to do the right thing when nobody is watching you?. To effectively lead others you must hear the voice of God and have His mind, His vision, His purpose & His goal for your life first. Your past life is too small to fit you as you grow into the fullness of all you were meant to be. To hold on to it is an expression of your constant need to see all things from the small perspective of a previous experience. Don't be moved by what you see. Be moved by what you believe in. God is willing to reverse natural laws on our behalf, if we will just believe Him. God wants you to show the extent of your faithfulness and trust in Him even in the midst of going through a challenge. Set your mind, that no matter what is going on in your life you will have a good attitude. Happy new month! The month your highest expectations will be fulfilled. May the lord give you a grace and wisdom to fulfil your purpose. You will rise above every challenge and God's glory will be seen in your life. Blessings will overtake you, doors will be opened to you and the promises of God will not fail in your life in the name of Jesus. Receive the mantle of God to overcome every obstacle in your life in the name of Jesus. No weapon formed against you shall prosper in the name of Jesus ! The Lord will deliver you and order your foot steps. Lord, let the zeal for your presence and glory consume us, in the name of Jesus. Receive fresh fire from heaven, refuse to be intimidated in the name of Jesus. You are destined for super success. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed in your life. Victory over circumstances is God's plan for you!. Do you need God to make a way out of no way? The swiftness and surety of your deliverance starts with how you respond to hard times and difficult situations. No matter what comes your way, you have to believe you will see God's goodness again. It is not just enough to thank God and honour Him only when you've received a blessing. God wants you to show the extent of your faithfulness and trust in Him even in the midst of going through a challenge. The power of your praise will determine the magnitude of your breakthrough. Every genuine promotion comes from God. Stop looking up to Man. Just have the faith that says, "Lord, I'm coming to you" and He will not disappoint you. Hear this, The purpose of faith is not always to keep us from having challenges but often times to carry us through challenges (Isaiah 43:2). Regardless of the challenges you face. You will walk out of them as a victor. When you understand what God wants to do, a new life and new meaning will come. God's word is like a mirror, each time you look at it you admire it, and you want to go back to it ( 2 Corinthians 3:18) God is faithful to keep His word, so we should keep our faith in Him. I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, Just as your soul prospers .(3 John 1:2) No matter what you are facing, keep trusting God .Let God fill your hope today as you trust in Him."No matter what sin you have committed, or how terrible, dirty or shameful it may be, God loves you. God's love is unconditional, unchanging and unfailing. Don't allow the enemy to bombard you with guilt and condemnation. You can't just believe in God's love -you must know God's love. I pray that your weekend is filled with wonderful moments that make incredible memories. The most powerful prayer comes from the heart of a person who knows that God loves Him or Her enough to answer the request they have made. You are more than a conqueror! Through Christ, you win!. I pray that the Lord will meet your needs as you walk with Him daily. God bless you! YOUR ENVIRONMENT. In God, there is always a place of new beginnings. It is never too late to begin again!. There are certain factors that affect our thinking positively or negatively. These are the major facts that have caused set-back for many people. The environment you live in affects your thinking pattern. Every man is a product of the environment in which he finds himself. Two people can live in the same environment and still have two different thought patterns. For instance, if you're in an environment where everybody talks negatively, before you know it, you have been affected. Your thought is a product of what you were exposed to in your environment. Every act is a product of a thought. You always think it before you act it. Whether you like or not. Your thought life can be affected by the kind of people you walk with (1 Corinthians 15.33). Every relationship you enter into either breaks you or builds you. It never leaves you the same (Proverbs 13:20). Every great achievement in life is a product of possibility thinking mind (Mark 9:23) Transformation begins in the mind. You can't change a man until you changed his mind. You will never experience any change in your life until your mind is renewed(Matthew 12:34). Anytime a negative thought comes into your mind, use the word of God and stop it. God desires that you should be great, successful, and a pace setter. God has a plan for you. Are you sure you 're fulfilling that plan?. One of the greatest days in your life is the day you discover the purpose for which God created you. If you can discover your potentials, that's the beginning of your success ( John3:6). No matter where you are in life, it's never too late to dream big!. I want you to know that no matter what your situation is, or how serious it looks that situation can change. If you will hear what God says about it, and put His promise in your heart. Without a personal relationship with God, it's impossible for it impact to be powerful. Start each day listening to the Lord and He will show you which paths to take. God is making a way of escape for you. God's gift to you is your potential. Develop the image of God's riches in glory insides you. Are you facing something that seems impossible? Remember, with God all things are possible. Stretch your faith and watch Him do it. You don't have to settle for an unhappy life . God has better things in store. Learn how to rejoice in Him. We need to enlarge our capacity to receive what the Lord is trying to provide for us!. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart! (Psalm 37:4). GRACE: Grace is an exclusive reserve of God . He does not give grace on merit. Grace is divine help. It is divine "link up". That is God taking over from you where your human strength stops. No matter the challenges the grace of God will keep you moving and succeeding. When you are saved by grace, it can carry you right down from the pit to the palace. Grace carried Joseph from the prison to the palace. Grace carried Moses from keeping sheep to leading men. Grace carried David from the sheepfold to becoming a king. Grace is taking you right now from where you are to where should be in the name of Jesus. Grace will change your story now. If you believe this shout a loud Amen! Grace took Jesus from the grave to the throne. (Romans 8:11).Grace lifted Him and brought him out of the grave. The Grace Of God will turn every obstacle before you now into a miracle. The grace of God has located you. All your heart desire presented before God shall be fulfilled before this year is over. The grace of God will make you outstanding and also make you a wonder to your world.

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you outstanding and also make you a wonder to your world. There's no limit in God, so don't put a limit on yourself. God brought the Israelites out of bondage in response to their prayer because He saw their afflictions and was moved with compassion towards them. If your heart is open to others compassion will flow through. Compassion is the overwhelming desire to meet the needs of others. It goes beyond sympathy or pity. It's a supernatural desire. I se...e that compassion flowing towards you today. . I command every spiritual & natural resources to be released for your advancement and progress in purpose! I declare fresh Grace be released to you now in the name of Jesus. There is an open door in the realm of the spirit beginning today for the goodness of God. Go ahead & receive it. Your future is bright! Don't let the devil tell you differently. God is always with you, and if you stick with Him, He will reward you and bring to a level in Him that you never thought possible. Compassion touches the untouchable. No matter how impossible it may seem, nothing is too hard for God. Begin to expect God to intervene on your behalf and make you victorious! God has a good plan for you! Keep seeking and trusting Him!. The Lord will grant you great prosperity in every area of your life. Seek Him first and dream big!. The Bible says God is perfecting that which concerns you. (Psalm 138:8) You are made to be courageous and live boldly. Don't allow yourself to be defeated! When circumstances try to keep you down, remember that God lifts the fallen. He gives hope to the hopeless. His mercy is bigger than any mistake we could ever make. The Lord will open doors that no man can close. Remember, it's all about Jesus. Remember that nothing is too difficult for God. What a great promise! Stay in faith and trust Him to make a way. I decree doors of exploits be open to you in the name of Jesus. The prosperity of the Lord at work in us, become a source His love to the world. SKILL & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: It is personal development that determines your level of impact in life. Skill is the ability to do something well. God believes in skill. So you must consciously develop it when Moses was to build the tabernacle in the wilderness . God personally recommend a man with skill to Moses (Exodus 31:1-3) Skill announces people. No matter where you are , skill will announce you. It's your turn to be announced! If excellence is your dream, you must go for skill. Time spent in acquiring skill is time profitably invested."Excellence is the greatest deterrent to racism and sectarianism "Whether you're a man or woman, black or white , Just have the product , people will look for you. Just have the skill!. Many keep looking around for who to blame for their failure. Many blame the devil for their failures: instead of looking inwards to see where they are lacking in expertise. No, "If not that you lack skill..."Because lack of skill is the cheapest way to destroy a destiny. Skill is not a gift , skill is developed. What makes the differences, friend, is skill. Skill will make you a man of impact. Wisdom is knowing what to do next and doing it, but personal development will give you the skill to know how to do it. Greatness remains a dream until you develop yourself. Go to the expert and learn! You don't make an enemy to an expert. You need facts to handle your task. Nothing great happens by Luck! Everything that must happen must be to happen. There's no happenstance. Build on skill to fulfil your mission and assignment on earth. Great is your future, you will not fail. Time spent in acquiring skill is time profitably invested. Whatever has been an obstacle to you is turning into a testimony for you, in the name of Jesus. The presence of God is right where you are . Respond to it and allow it to change your life. Most times when we make mistakes we think our life has come to an end. Please forget any mistakes you have made in the past. Never allow anything, not even the past, to steal your potential (2 Corinthians 5;17) No matter what your past has been, you have an unlimited future with God!. God is making plans for your future, not thinking about your past! Lift up your eyes and seek His plans today!. Stop running from the past. Simply make a decision to face it and receive your healing. God has empowered you to be the best, but you have to accept full responsibility. Those who want to get what they want from life don't blame circumstances. You have the power to be the best. Don't settle for mediocrity. Make your decision to only trust in God. Know that you are not alone. The Lord understands what you 're going through and has promised to be with you in every trial of life. Remember, your destiny is not determined by the economy, or how you were raised, or your education. Your destiny is determined by God!. God can turn around things for good in your life. No matter how impossible it appears to your natural mind . We are not limited by the natural. Everything can turn around in 24hrs, so don't give up .Give it just one more day. This day God will Rewrite your story in Jesus name . Everything that has burdened your life, today, those burdens are lifted in the name of Jesus. Every breakdown in your life is right now converted to a breakthrough! God always performs His word when we believe. (Luke 1:45) Do all that is in your power to do and trust God to do what only He can do. You can overcome any obstacle, any adversity that might come your way, when you put your trust in God, not man. When difficult or frustrating circumstances come my way. I see these bumps in the road as opportunities to believe God. And I love believing God because He never lets us down. He may not answer in the way we expect, but He'll never let us down. "We are not victims in our circumstances but we can be victors. Because of the blessing of God, you can always be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. Don't go by what you feel..go by what you believe. It is time to move up to the next place, there is a magnificent change coming!. Life without purpose and passion is a life not worth living. Your shinning in life is not a function of your struggles: it's a function of your placement. Nothing empowers life like purpose. The greatest tragedy in life is not death: it is to live a life without purpose, to live life here on earth without fulfilling purpose. (Proverbs19:21) God had a plan for you before you were created. God is the best person to consult if you want to know your purpose in life. He's the one that created you, and He knows the exact purpose for which He created you. I dare you to live life to the full, to draw closer to God and discover your specific calling in life. Once you know it stay focused. If you spend all your time criticizing those who have succeeded, you will never realize your dreams. Acknowledge God's love for you. You never have to face anything alone. FEAR; Don't let fear keep you from God's heart. Fear is believing the lies of the devil. Fear comes from meditating on the things of the devil, while faith comes from meditating on the word of God. Faith is the only antidote for fear. Worry, anxiety, and fear about things that may never, happen , are poison to the mind, disease to the body and a waste of precious time and energy. Worry is like

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things that may never, happen , are poison to the mind, disease to the body and a waste of precious time and energy. Worry is like a rocking chair. It is always in motion, but not going anywhere. Worry never solved any problems. It just keeps us up at night. Never builds the monsters of fear and and worry into your life, nor allow anybody to do that either. Never give in to fear dwellings on the things that can go wrong, instead of the things that can go right! Fear is seeing Goliath as too big to bring down (2 Timothy 1:7). The moment you start looking at the circumstances around you, fear will come in. What are you looking at? Check your heart. What is in your heart? Fear or faith? Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you are going. Today, Remember God is bigger than any limitation you may face. Each time you fail, you can always try again and at the end of the day, you're bound to be a success. Fear prevents forward progress. God never changes. Happiness is not based on your circumstances , but on a decision you make. Are you facing a challenge? Start thanking God, instead of focusing on the challenge. God is not moved by your problem. He's moved by your praise. It doesn't matter what the day is like, give thanks to God for His word, for His power working in your life. Defeat the devil and decide to be happy, to give God praise today regardless what is going on around you. If you make a decision to praise and give him thanks, no matter what obstacles you may be facing, but don't let that disturb your peace and affect your thoughts and emotions. This will only move you into self-pity and frustration. Instead maintain an attitude of praise. When you are in a situation and there seems to be no way out, open your mouth and praise the Lord. Instead of crying and complaining , give God praise because He has a plan for you that includes deliverance, restoration , healing and peace. Thank Him for His goodness because your praise will stop the enemy and move the hand of God. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord (Psalm 150: 1-2 & 6).God doesn't move in your life when you struggle, He moves when you pray. God will take your mess and turn it into a blessing. No matter what you may be facing-press into God because your reward is coming. The challenges being handed to you are pushing you into your destiny!. Don't speak defeat over your life. Declare God's promise of victory over your life. Become fully persuaded today! what God has begun on the inside of us, He is faithful to complete!. Make the determination to be led by the spirit rather than being led by pressure. If you want to be happy, just believe on God. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength!( Phil 4 :13). The favour of God can turn your circumstances around when it seems impossible. Don't allow yourself to be defeated! No matter where you are in life, it's never too late to dream big!. Never share problems with someone who is unqualified to help you. If you 're facing any trouble in life, never share it with someone who cannot help you. You compound the problem the more. Many dreams die because they're shared with the wrong people. Every problem is an opportunity for a dreamer- the man who can dream the impossible. God has given you a dream! It's time to go after it!. When you step out and dream big, God sized dreams, it's not possible for you to stay the same. Keep off people who never add anything to you, who never tell you anything that will help you. Your future is bright! Don't let the devil tell you differently.

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03 February 2012 16:37

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03 February 2012 19:12

SALES REPRESENTATIVE. The Gray Selection, Milligan, TN (1998-present). For the prestigious Gray Selection, I have become involved in a wide range of sales and technical duties. Handle extensive responsibility for sales and customer service. Design frame and mats for artwork including prints and oils; explain technical details of framing to customers in order to assist customers in making choices among competing styles. Manage the store on Sunday on my own; open and close the store. Accurately account for money and receipts, and operate the cash register. Am known for my poise and tact when dealing with dissatisfied customers and in finding a suitable resolution of their problems. Am involved in making inventory buying decisions, and assist in inventory control.

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03 February 2012 16:38

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03 February 2012 16:37

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08 February 2012 19:41

female teacher, was having a problem with a boy in 3rd grade.

The boy said "M'am, I should b in 4th grade, I'm smarter than my sis & she's in the 4th grade" The teacher had heard enough of his complains & took the boy 2 the Principal's office. She explained everything 2 the Principal who decided 2 test the boy with some questions that a 4th grade should know. ...
Pasted from <>

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Nndc pin
09 February 2012 00:10


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