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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Clubs Promote During Club Membership Drive

JOIN: Organizations varied from language clubs to service clubs. Officers from their respective organizations set up tables with posters, flyers, props, and treats to draw students to their club. interested so I decided to join, said freshman Kelvin Choi. He continued, Im hoping that Ill learn more about them [the clubs] once I go to the meetings. Organizations varied from language clubs to service clubs. Officers from their respective organizations set up tables with posters, flyers, props, and treats to draw students to their club. We advertized with candy, flyers hanging in classes, and shouting our clubs name as people passed by, stated senior Sharon Im, the vice president of Girls League. Some clubs used other methods to draw people to their table. The Anime club members dressed up as anime characters to express their interest towards their club. Leash Club Advisor Sue Benner brought in her dog to the club membership drive. As IOC Chairperson, I believe that Club Membership Week benefited both the various clubs on campus and

the student body, commented IOC Chairperson senior Jessica Yam. Yam added, This week was not only an experience for the clubs and students, but [also] for myself. Before the Club Membership Emily Hwang Drive started, each club had to Staff Writer schedule a date with the United Student Body in order to have Various Diamond Bar High its own club booth. The sign-up School clubs recruited students sheets were posted inside the as part of the two-week club USB room for clubs to reserve membership drive which was a table. USB assigned tables for held during lunch in the upper each club. Some organizations quad from Tuesday, September such as Key Club and Leo Club 6 to Thursday, September 15. were able to use the whole two The event gave students an weeks while most clubs only opportunity to learn and signhad one week to promote. up for clubs that they were Sophomore Ashley Chung, interested in. the publicist of Best Buddies Clubs only promoted their stated, I expect this year to clubs to students but did not be a year where I can meet collect dues during the first new people, and make new week of Club promotion. happy memories. The Club During the second week, Membership Drive really helped clubs were allowed to collect our club tremendously by being membership dues and continue able to recruit new members Join the fun...Wanda and Jack Tanaka (from left to right) collect Leo Club applications and membership to advertise their clubs. into our club. Some of the clubs got me fee. Xing Yen Quek Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 STORM: A large amount of people have evacuated in preparation. REFLECT: The student was reluctant to share his personal issues with others; only a few understood what he was experiencing. fact, people are recommended to stay off the roads in general. In addition to the flooding, evacuated people are not recommended to return home until roads have been cleared of fallen trees and downed power lines. Property damage is estimated to be extremely high not only from the hurricane but also from the flooding. The complete amount of damage has not been completely accounted for since many areas are still considered unreachable, but the damages are estimated to cost as high as a total of $14 billion. This is an extremely damaging event towards the United States still weak economy, considering the fact that the United States is still in debt. On Saturday, August 27, Obama visited the east coast in order to survey the damage. He spoke to many citizens about his determination to have the government prioritize the efforts for relief. Obama has already requested $1.8 billion for the immediate relief of the victims in the east coast; however, due to financial complications, Congress can only provide $11 billion of relief funds for disaster aid for the whole of next year Despite the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Irene, many officials revealed that they had expected worse from the storm. Many precautions were taken before the hurricane hit the east coast. The east coast was prepared for this disaster and in order to limit the damage, 10 states declared a state of emergency. The precautions included evacuating over two million people and closing down airports and public transit days before the hit. Numerous non-profit organizations have formed for the relief of those who were affected by Hurricane Irene. Hopefully, with the help of many organizations and charitable citizens, the recovery from the destructive aftermath of Hurricane Irene will be soon and successful. that consists of students of all grade-levels. These students have been trained to provide support for anyone who seeks help. The counseling room, room 242, is almost always open during lunch for any students who wish to speak to a peer counselor or the Peer Counseling Advisor Sandra Davis. Peer counselors are trained to recognize the warning signs of suicide and understand the importance of taking any person who is directly or indirectly expressing the desire to take [his or her] own life seriously, explained Davis. Woodward and the Intervention Counselor Lisa Benner are other staff members who are able to alleviate stress and problems students have. Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. Whenever I hear about a young person committing suicide, I often wonder if anyone in his or her life was alerted to [his or her] depression before the incident. I think it is imperative that everyone is educated on this important issue, stated Davis. There are times when students are blinded by the obstacles they face and in these moments, students tend to make impetuous decisions that can hurt more than just themselves. When we struggle and we are in a sad or desperate place, we forget who loves us and who cares about us. We forget that those feelings are temporary and that there can be help to get past them and that is why it is so important to talk about what you are really thinking and feeling, concluded Woodward.

News Bits
A Colorado logger was forced to self-amputate all five toes on his right foot with a pocket knife when a seventon trailer, which he was trying to fix, detached and fell on his foot. Using a shirt to hamper the bleeding, he drove his tractor down a mountain path and dialed 911. A man was arrested at a Miami airport attempting to smuggle seven snakes and three turtles in his pants onto a flight heading to Brazil. Transportation Security Administration caught the hidden reptiles through a body scanner. A mysterious bubble cloud of light appeared over Beijing and Shanghai for approximately 15 minutes. According to pilots, the sphere grew from the size of an Unidentified Flying Object to 100 times the size of the moon. Scientists and citizens are baffled by this unusual spectacle, but experts believe it had been designed by a group of people. The annual Fireball Festival was held in Nejapa, El Salvador where residents hurled fireballs, made of burning rags, at each other. This was a celebration in remembrance of the volcanic eruption in 1922 that destroyed the town and forced the inhabitants to leave. A 19-year-old British students love for the Korean culture led her to surgically lengthen her tongue to help speak the Korean language. She is proud her pronunciation is no longer foreign and can now speak with a native Korean accent. A Florida woman in her early twenties was arrested for biting the arms and face of an elderly man in a wheelchair. According to the man he fell asleep under a restaurant to avoid rain, and woke up to find a young woman biting his arms and lips claiming to be a vampire. When police arrived at the scene, they found the woman nearby bloody, halfnaked, and unaware of what had just taken place.

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