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1] Modified 24-APR-2010 Type FAQ Status PUBLISHED

In this Document Purpose Questions and Answers What is an RX report ? What makes RX reports a Variable Format Report ? What is a RXi Attribute Set ? Where to get documentation about RXi Reports ? How to Locate Oracle Financials RXi Administration Tool User Guide in Metalink ? What patches need to be installed to use the RXi Reports ? For what is used the Responsability 'Report eXchange Designer' ? How to add a RXi report to an existing responsability ? How To Find The Source Code Of An RXi Report ? How is the RXi report output generated ? How the RX Reports works in the Applications Release 11.0.3 ? How to control the content and the layout of the RXi Reports ? How to purge interface data from the RXi temporary table ? How to gather / collect debug information from an erroring RXi Report ? How to know the package body responsible for extracting data for a specific RX report ? How to activate the 'Debug' parameter for the RXi reports ? How the activate the SUBMIT_DEBUG and/or the PUBLISH_DEBUG flag(s) ? How to find out the version of a package ? Most of RXi reports have a parameter called 'Drill Down' - what it is used for ? Running the RXi: Tax Reconciliation By Taxable Account (JGRXTXBL, RXJGTXBL) output shows a 'No data found' message - Why ? The RXi: Asset Details Extract (JGRXFAAX, RXJGFAAX) does not produce any output - Why ? The RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report (RXJGFARP) output shows several lines for a same asset number and so, the report total is wrong; How to solve ? How to get a trace file from a RXi report ? Some existing Notes reporting RXi problems ?

Applies to: Financials Common Country - Version: 11.5.1 to - Release: 11.5 to 11.5 Information in this document applies to any platform. EXECUTABLE:JGRXPIR - RXi: Payables Invoice Register EXECUTABLE:JGRXPIRD - RXi: Payables Invoice Register by Detail EXECUTABLE:JGRXTXBL - Publish Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account EXECUTABLE:RXJGFAAX - RXi: Asset Details Extract EXECUTABLE:RXJGFAMX - RXi: Fixed Asset Register Extract ConcurrentProgram:RXJGFARP - RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report ConcurrentProgram:RXJGFARX - RXi: Retirement Details Extract ConcurrentProgram:RXJGPIR - RX-only: Payables Invoice Register ConcurrentProgram:RXJGPIRD - RX-only: Payables Invoice Register by Detail ConcurrentProgram:RXJGRTPB - General Ledger Reconciled Transactions Report EXECUTABLE:RXJGRTXX - RX-only: General Ledger Reconciled Transactions Report ConcurrentProgram:RXJGTXBL - RX-only: Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account ConcurrentProgram:RXJGUTPB - General Ledger Unreconciled Transactions Report EXECUTABLE:RXJGUTXX - RX-only: General Ledger Unreconciled Transactions ReportConcurrentProgram:FARXAC - RXi: Asset Cost Balance Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXAD - RXi: Accum Deprn Balance Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXADD - RXi: Additions by Date-Placed-in-Service Report

ConcurrentProgram:FARXADP - RXi: Additions by Period Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXADR - RXi: Additions By Responsibility Report EXECUTABLE:FARXAL - RXi: Asset Listing by Period EXECUTABLE:FARXBK - RXi: Fixed Assets Book ConcurrentProgram:FARXCAJ - RXi: Cost Adjustments Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXCAP - RXi: Capitalizations Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXCC - RXi: CIP Cost Balance Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXCCR - RXi: Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXCHGP - RXi: Mass Change Preview Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXCHGR - RXi: Mass Change Review Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXGA - RXi: Group Asset Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXHWD - RXi: Hypothetical What-If Depreciation Analysis ConcurrentProgram:FARXMAD - RXi: Mass Additions Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXMT - RXi: Asset Maintenance Report EXECUTABLE:FARXPBSH - Publish RX Reports ConcurrentProgram:FARXPIC - RXi: Physical Inventory Comparison Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXPIM - RXi: Physical Inventory Missing Assets Report REPORT:FARXPRG.RDF - Purge RX Interface Data ConcurrentProgram:FARXRCL - RXi: Reclass Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXRCLP - RXi: Mass Reclassification Preview Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXRCLR - RXi: Mass Reclassification Review Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXRET - RXi: Retirements Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXRL - RXi: Reserve Ledger Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXRR - RXi: Reval Reserve Balance Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXTFR - RXi: Transfers Report ConcurrentProgram:FARXWD - RXi: What-If Depreciation Analysis ConcurrentProgram:RXJGFARX - RXi: Retirement Details Extract EXECUTABLE:RXFAAC - RX-only: Asset Cost Balance Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAAD - RX-only: Accum Deprn Balance Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAADD - RX-only: Additions by Date-Placed-in-Service Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAADP - RX-only: Additions by Period Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAADR - RX-only: Additions by Responsibility Report ConcurrentProgram:RXFAAL - RX-only: Asset Listing by Period ConcurrentProgram:RXFABK - RX-only: Fixed Assets Book EXECUTABLE:RXFACAJ - RX-only: Cost Adjustments Report EXECUTABLE:RXFACAP - RX-only: Capitalizations Report EXECUTABLE:RXFACC - RX-only: CIP Cost Balance Report EXECUTABLE:RXFACCR - RX-only: Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report ConcurrentProgram:RXFADPTX - Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Reports EXECUTABLE:RXFAGA - RX: Group Asset Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAHWD - RX-only: Hypothetical What-If Depreciation Analysis EXECUTABLE:RXFAMAD - RX-only: Mass Additions Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAMCHP - RX: Mass Change Preview Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAMCHR - RX: Mass Change Review Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAMT - RX-only: Asset Maintenance Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAPIC - RX-only: Physical Inventory Comparison Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAPIM - RX-only: Physical Inventory Missing Assets Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAPTAX - RX-only: Property Tax Report EXECUTABLE:RXFARCL - RX-only: Reclass Report EXECUTABLE:RXFARCLP - RX-only: Mass Reclassification Preview Report EXECUTABLE:RXFARCLR - RX-only: Mass Reclassification Review Report EXECUTABLE:RXFARET - RX-only: Retirements Report EXECUTABLE:RXFARL - RX-only: Reserve Ledger Report EXECUTABLE:RXFARR - RX-only: Reval Reserve Balance Report EXECUTABLE:RXFATFR - RX-only: Transfers Report EXECUTABLE:RXFAWD - RX-only: What-If Depreciation Analysis EXECUTABLE:APRXPYAC - Publish Actual Payment EXECUTABLE:APRXPYRG - Publish Payment Register EXECUTABLE:APRXWHTX - AP Withholding Tax Extract

ConcurrentProgram:FAPRXTAX - RXi: Property Tax Report ConcurrentProgram:RXAPPYAC - RX-only: Actual Payment ConcurrentProgram:RXAPWHTP - AP Withholding Tax Report ConcurrentProgram:RXAPWHTX - AP Withholding Tax Extract ConcurrentProgram:RXARACRC - RX-only: Actual Receipt EXECUTABLE:ARRXACRC - Publish Actual Receipt ConcurrentProgram:RXARADJR - RX-only: Adjustment Register ConcurrentProgram:ARRXARPB - Adjustment Register ConcurrentProgram:RXARARRG - RX-only: Applied Receipts Register EXECUTABLE:ARRXARRG - Applied Receipts Register ConcurrentProgram:RXARBRBS - RX-only: Bills Receivable by Status Report EXECUTABLE:ARRXBRBS - Bills Receivable by Status Report EXECUTABLE:ARRXBRSS - Bills Receivable Summary Report ConcurrentProgram:RXARBRSS - RX-only: Bills Receivable Summary Report ConcurrentProgram:RXARINVC - RX-only: Transaction Check EXECUTABLE:ARRXINVC - Publish Transaction Check ConcurrentProgram:RXARINVR - RX-only: Transaction Register EXECUTABLE:ARRXINVR - Transaction Register EXECUTABLE:RXARMTRG - RX-only: Miscellaneous Receipts Register ConcurrentProgram:ARRXMTRG - Miscellaneous Receipts Register ConcurrentProgram:RXARPFTR - Financial Tax Register EXECUTABLE:ARRXRCRG - Receipt Register ConcurrentProgram:RXARPTEX - RX-only: Financial Tax Register ConcurrentProgram:RXARRCFR - RX-only: Receipt Forecast EXECUTABLE:ARRXRCFR - Publish Receipt Forecast ConcurrentProgram:RXARSLRG - RX-only: Sales Register EXECUTABLE:ARRXSLRG - Publish Sales Register Purpose This FAQ document intends to provide technical and functional information about all the existing: Financials Common Country module RXi reports (JGRX / RXJG) Assets module RXi reports (FARX / RAXFA) Payables RXi reports (APRX / RXAP) Receivables RXi reports (ARRX / RXAR)

This FAQ will also contains information to help to debug and investigate the RXi Reports problems that Users may face handling it. Questions and Answers What is an RX report ? The RX reports are not designed with Oracle Reports; There is no RDF file for the RX Report; The RX report is generated by the database packages.

The RXi was developed by FA development team. In spite of that, the JG module (or the report respective module) must has status ' installed' so that the JG RX reports works. The same rule is valid for AP RX, AR RX or FA RX reports. You may run the following statement in a SQL*plus session (user = APPS) to determine the present status of each of your Modules: -select t.application_name , t.application_id , i.patch_level

, decode(i.status,'I','Fully Installed', 'N','Not Installed','S','Shared','Undetermined') status from fnd_product_installations i , fnd_application_vl t where i.application_id = t.application_id order by t.application_id; -What makes RX reports a Variable Format Report ? The RX report is generated by the database packages. The database packages prepare data inside the interim tables called Interface Tables. At the end this data can be presented in text, html, CSV (Comma-Separated Values), and tab-delimited formats. User can define which columns should be shown at the final output of the RX report. This output type is usually possible to select via report parameters "Output Format" OR if there isn't any, via System Administrator; Concurrent Program Define; Query it and you will see a field called "Output Format"; just changed it as you wish. What is a RXi Attribute Set ? User can define which columns should be shown at the final output of the RX report. The set of columns is called Attribute Set Attribute Set is a subset of all columns available for the report.

Where to get documentation about RXi Reports ? The functional documentation about the RXi Reports is spread all over several User Guides. This will be better explained in one of the below topics but mainly it's because there are RXI Reports that belongs to JG, AR, AP, GL and FA modules. The technical documentation about RXi Reports can be found in Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide Release 11i. This manual is available via Metalink as part of the Release 11i Related Documentation. You may also visit and study more about RXi , accessing RXi Home Page There are also AR RXi Brown bags AR Transfers Of Information Docs (TOI)

How to Locate Oracle Financials RXi Administration Tool User Guide in Metalink ? Login to Metalink; Click on E-Bussiness 11i; Click on Documentation; Scroll down to Financials, and choose General Ledger; Click on Oracle Financial Applications Related Documentation Release 11i; Click on Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide Release 11i.

What patches need to be installed to use the RXi Reports ? The RXi Reports will be automatically installed when installing Applications embeded within their Modules (AP, GL, AR, JG and FA). So this means that the objects, forms and reports for this functionality are already available.

However, when there isn't already a country-specific functionality enabled, then you need to license/activate the JG module first through the License Manager in Oracle Applications Manager. With the following SQL, it can be checked whether your Modules were already been licensed: -SELECT tl.application_name, t.application_id, i.patch_level , decode(i.status,'I','Licensed', 'N','Not Licensed','S','Shared','Undetermined') status FROM fnd_product_installations i, fnd_application t, fnd_application_tl tl WHERE i.application_id = t.application_id AND tl.application_id = t.application_id AND i.application_id = 7003 AND tl.language = 'US'; -Note: At various times throughout the life cycle of an Oracle Applications release, you may decide to license additional products, or begin using additional country-specific functionalities (localized products) or languages. If you do, you can record the status of newly active products and components by registering them in your system. Registration ensures that utilities (like AutoPatch) recognize them as active during patching or other maintenance processes. You register active products, country-specific functionalities, or languages with the OAM License Manager. For what is used the Responsibility 'Report eXchange Designer' ? This responsibility allows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose the columns to include in the report; Order and group selected data; Format selected columns; Edit report and column headings; Manage page size and other printing controls.

How to add a RXi report to an existing responsibility ? 1. 2. 3. 4. Assign RXi report to that responsibility request group; Assign request group to the responsibility; Assign the Publish RX Reports concurrent program to the responsibility; Above tasks can be performed as the System Administrator responsibility level.

How To Find The Source Code Of An RXi Report ? RXi reports build the queries dynamically during execution time. RXi reports are made up of one or more PL/SQL files that should be located under the product top of each module. Usually the latest version is under: $<Product>_TOP/patch/115/sql The RXi engine makes the call to the different PL/SQL files as needed. Making changes to the PL/SQL files is not supported and requires a lot of maintenance everytime a new patch is applied. The easiest way to modify RXi reports is through the RXi Reports Administration tool. Information on this tool can be found in the Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide

Release 11i.

How is the RXi report output generated ? Every time we launch a RXi report, two requests are launched: an RXi.... request - the parent request an RX-Only.... request - the child request

The RXi... request call the child request immediately. The RX-Only... is responsible for retrieving (extracting) data for the RX report. It calls the database package. It populates the Interface Table according to the parameters specifed at the moment of running. At that stage there is no difference which Attribute Set will be used for presenting the report. In Interface Table all available columns are populated. Then the RXi... request is responsible for publishing the data according to the chosen Attribute Set and the output Format; based on the data in the interface table. The RXi...combines retrieving and publishing request together in one step; it includes the Publish RX Reports program parameters and the parameters specific to given RX report. The RXi.... comes up for release 11i only.

How the RX Reports works in the Applications Release 11.0.3 ? In Release 11.0.3 there was not RXi... request. The report called is directly the RX-Only... and then, when it finish, if we want to publish the data we have to use ADI - it is the only way of publishing RX report in release 11.0.3 The RX report were very limited in release 11.0.3... Possibility of using Themes (kind of template for Excel or Web with some color, size, font, logos, background pics); Possibility of defining new Attribute Sets; No page dimension output is treated as one big single page (lines never wrap; page break never occur); No Report Heading; No Summary at all assumption that you can do any summaries in Excel.

In Release 11i , the RXi...combines retrieving and publishing request together in one step; it includes the Publish RX Reports program parameters and the parameters specific to given RX report.

How to control the content and the layout of the RXi Reports? The Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool lets you design the content and layout of your RXi reports. With the Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool, you can print the same report using different layouts, and you can control the data items included in your report. RXi lets you tailor your reports to meet statutory and other reporting requirements, and to create reports for your own internal use. The Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool gives you great flexibility in managing your reporting requirements. Use the Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool to: Choose the columns to include in the report Format selected columns Order and group selected data

Edit report and column headings Manage page size and other printing controls Generate reports in text, html, CSV (Comma-Separated Values), and tab-delimited formats

All formatting and column information is defined and maintained in attribute sets. Each RXi report comes with one or more attribute sets. Use the Attribute Set window to view default attribute sets that come standard with RXi. You can create user-defined attribute sets based on default attribute sets with the format and data that your company needs. You can further modify your user-defined attribute sets to meet additional company requirements. Then assign the attribute set to a report when you print the report using the Standard Request Submission forms.

How to purge interface data from the RXi temporary table? Using the Purge RX Interface Data program - it is available only for release 11i Available under Report eXchange Designer responsibility (request group: RX Reports Oracle Assets) Deletes records from Interface Table older than specified number of days for one or for all reports. Another secure way to erase everything (!) from that interface table that also works for Release 11i or 11.0.3 is truncating that table, using the SQL*plus command: truncate table <table_name>; commit;

How to gather / collect debug information from an erroring RXi Report? Note that the FA:Print Debug profile has little influence on the debug messages in logs of RX extract requests. Run the RXi Report Data Collection Test This Collection script shows the setup of Attribute Sets for given report. It is available only for release 11i Determine whether the problem is with Extracting program (RX-only) or Publishing Engine Verify with RXi and ADI Data in Interface table is correct or not ? Some RXi reports only works via TRL engine code - check if it's name is listed inside the Note 292163.1 - 11.5: Recommended Patches for VAT Reporting in EMEA and Asia/Pacific; if it is listed then ALL those patches MUST be APPLIED to avoid known bugs and data corruptions problems; Activate the 'Debug' parameter; Activate the 'Request Type' parameter to SUBMIT_DEBUG and/or the PUBLISH_DEBUG flag(s); There is possibility to define a new Debug argument as a last one (using System Administrator responsibility); Put own debug messages in package body responsible for extracting data for RX report. The following procedures are available: o fa_rx_util_pkg.enable_debug; o rx_util_pkg.debug('....');

How to know the package body responsible for extracting data for a specific RX report ? 1. System Administrator: Concurrent -> Program -> Define 2. Query for your RX-Only... report request;

3. 4. 5. 6.

Take note of the 'Executable Name' System Administrator: Concurrent -> Program -> Executable Query for 'Short Name' = executable name you find out in the earlier step Take note of the executable file name - thats your package body name !

How to activate the 'Debug' parameter for the RXi reports ? All RXi reports that have a parameter field called debug may be debugged using this method. (Navigate: System Administrator: Concurrent -> Program -> Define; Query for your RXi report and press on Parameters button) If your RXi report does not have a 'Debug' parameter, try activating the next debug method below. 1. Go the sysadmin responsibility 2. Navigate through System Administrator: Concurrent - Program - Define to the concurrent 3. program define window 4. Press the F11 button or choose in the menu View - Query by example - Enter 5. In the Short Name field you enter your RX-Only... request short name 6. 1.5. Press the ctrl+F11 buttons or choose in the menu View - Query by example - Run 7. Click on the button Parameters 8. Scroll trough the parameters and at the end you will find first, parameter 'DEBUG' 9. Change the Default value from N to Y and enable the check box 10. Display for this parameter at bottom of the screen. 11. Next parameter to search is 'SQL TRACE' (if there is one called as that; if not, skip this step) 12. Check that the Default value is N

How the activate the SUBMIT_DEBUG and/or the PUBLISH_DEBUG flag(s)? Not all RXi reports has a parameter field 'Debug' so, this other method. Usually, if one is not possible, the other debug method it is. This 'debug' is activated for the RXi child request always. When getting this 'debug' for Request Sets, remember that you have to repeat all these steps for all launched RX-Only (child) requests ! As example, I picked RXi: Physical Inventory Comparison Report to show you how to activate this debug method. 1. Go to the System Administrator Responsibility. - Navigate to: Concurrent/Program/Define - Query Short Name = RXFAPIC (RX-Only: Physical Inventory Comparison Report) - Click on the Parameters button 2. Check the Request Type parameter. If the default value of the Request Type parameter = SUBMIT - then change it to SUBMIT_DEBUG or if it is PUBLISH - then change it to PUBLISH_DEBUG (this change is done in the 'Default Value' field ) 3. Save the changes 4. Rerun the report and upload the log files of both the parent and the child request. (The RXi: Physical Inventory Comparison Report is one example where the 'Debug' debug option is not possible but it is possible this debug method !)

How to find out the version of a package? If you know the name of the package, just run in a SQL*plus session (user APPS): -select text from all_source where name = upper('JG_RX_IR_PKG') and line=2; -otherwise just run the following two instructions and they will return all the relevant report and TRL code versions: ============= Report code level ============= SELECT TEXT FROM ALL_SOURCE WHERE (UPPER(NAME) OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE AND LINE=2;

LIKE 'JG_RX_%' 'AR_RX_%' 'AP_RX_%' 'FA_RX_%' 'JGRX_%' 'ARRX_%' 'FARX_%' 'APRX_%')


Most of RXi reports have a parameter called 'Drill Down' - what it is used for? Choosing YES or choosing NO in the Drill Down parameter has no effect on the output. Data presentation is not different when we choose YES or NO value. It is working as designed for R11i. This parameter utility will be implemented in a future version of Oracle Applications.

Running the RXi: Tax Reconciliation By Taxable Account (JGRXTXBL, RXJGTXBL) output shows a 'No data found' message - Why? The Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account report to report on taxable transactions in Payables, Receivables, and General Ledger in a single report. This report works via TRL engine. This means that if the TRL code is not up to date, the report will surely run into errors or known bug in the output. If it shows a 'No data found', start by checking: 1. Check the current status of the JG module - mentioned in one of the above topics; 2. Check the versions of report and the Tax Reporting Ledger (TRL) code - be sure that all the patches inside the critical Note.292163.1 are applied; 3. Clarify if this problem is happening running for AP, AR and/or GL transactions ? 4. Check if the involved report table JG_ZZ_COVER_TAXABLE_EXTRACT has the expected data inside it, using : select * from JG_ZZ_COVER_TAXABLE_EXTRACT;

The RXi: Asset Details Extract (JGRXFAAX, RXJGFAAX) does not produce any output - Why ? The report was submitted as standalone instead of being called via the RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report. The RXi: Fixed Asset Register Extract concurrent program should not be run on its own, as it is expected to get spawned only when the "RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report" is run. This report is one of the "sub-reports" of the RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report (the other sub-report is the RXi: Retirement Details Extract) and it should not be run in separate. If we want to run it in separate - and after executed it successfully - we must run the 'Publish RX Report' request, so we can publish it's extracted data.

The RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report (RXJGFARP) output shows several lines for a same asset number and so, the report total is wrong; How to solve? RXi report is working as expected - It is a setup issue. Duplicate entries are shown because grouping is not taking place at the asset number level. This is because all the columns in the last level are considered to be leaf level columns and grouping does not take place on them. This is the design of RXi reports. Change the setup accordingly, to move description field to the leaf level, which will show the description twice but the totals would be correct. Steps to do this: 1. Copy 'Italy' attribute set and create a new set; 2. Remove all the leaf level columns, which the customer does not seem to want; 3. Remove 'Description' field from the displayed columns list and add it again; (note: This should now get included at the leaf level. Not on the same level as asset number) 4. Apply 'Sum' and 'Count' in column-level details as per requirements; 5. Save this attribute set; 6. Now run the report using this new attribute set for the Asset Details Extract section. How to get a trace file from a RXi report? As we already mentioned in a earlier topic in this note, a RX report is not a '.RDF' file ; I mean, it is not generated by Oracle Reports but by DB packages. So, RX reports are PL/SQL and so a database trace might not exactly help. Instead, get a database trace with binds and a tkprof'ed version of it . Note 296559.1 (more generic) and note 160124.1 (How to Set SQL Trace on with 10046 Event Trace which Provides the Bind Variables) explain how and where you have to do this. Note 170223.1 also is useful and helps you to understand the process.

Some existing Notes reporting RXi problems? <<456572.1>> RXi: Fixed Assets Register Report (RXJGFARP) Shows Twice The Same Asset NOTE: 274884.1 Rxi Reports End With The Error :ORA-20001: Please Choose Columns For Display To Generate This Report NOTE: 364913.1 All Rxi Report with width less than 180 chars shows ###### in Report Date Printed NOTE: 400166.1 Cannot Modify The Rxi: Fixed Assets Register Report (RXJGFARP) Output NOTE: 375340.1 Arabic Reads In Incorrect Direction In Various RXi Reports NOTE: 277832.1 RXI Only Reports Do Not Utilize Free Space In RX Temp Tables NOTE: 314079.1 RXJGFAMX module: RXi: Fixed Asset Register Extract Errors with PLS-00306 Wrong Number Or Types Of Arguments In Call To 'GET_FORMAT' ORA-06550 NOTE: 246798.1 Unable To Make Changes To The Rxi Report Using Report Exchange Designer Responsibility. NOTE: 357678.1 All Rxi Reports Finishes Successfully but doesnot produce any Output file NOTE: 421707.1 Rxi: CIP Cost balance report Does Not Include Capitalized Asset During Report Period

NOTE: 214399.1 RXi Reports Print Parameters On Every Page NOTE: 266911.1 How to Print Rxi Reports Giving No Data Found NOTE: 352981.1 RXi Report Mis Alignment for Japan Output Character Set - but is ok for US Output Unpublished NOTE: 361015.1 RXi: Asset Cost Balance Report Shows 'No Data Found ' After Code-Fix Instructions for Bug 4860955 NOTE: 374551.1 Rxi Asset Listing By Period RXFAAL is Missing Assets With DPIS Equal to FA_CATEGORY_BOOK_DEFAULTS.START_DPIS NOTE: 402274.1 RXJGTXBL: Not All Adjustments Are Showing On The Report NOTE: 423270.1 DPIS displayed As ##### Instead Of Actual Dates In Rxi: Reserve Ledger Report NOTE: 136297.1 GETTING *** NO DATA FOUND *** IN THE PUBLISHED RXI LEASE REPORTS NOTE: 178514.1 Transaction Register does not have Consolidated Billing Number as a Column NOTE: 200037.1 RXi Lease Options Showing Unclear Messages - RXPNCOLS NOTE: 266863.1 ARXOTHER Other Receipt Applications Report Unable to See Report In LOV Under Setup RXi NOTE: 285187.1 Number signs (#) Printed Instead of Date Time Stamp on RXI Report NOTE: 397210.1 RXJGFAAX (Rxi: Asset Details Extract) Fails With ORA-06502 NOTE: 418114.1 RXi Financial Tax Report Not Correctly Populating Tax1 And Tax2 Codes NOTE: 158416.1 RXi Report Printing Blank Page After Each Valid Print Page 0 Unpublished NOTE: 314057.1 RXJGPIRD Errors With Ora-06502 For Some Months NOTE: 265057.1 Do Oracle Assets standard reports show the Member assets information? NOTE: 274050.1 Report Beginning Balance And Ending Balance For Reserve Reports shows ******** NOTE: 141295.1 ARRXINVR-Transaction Register errors:ORA-06550 PLS-00201 NOTE: 214399.1 RXi Reports Print Parameters On Every Page NOTE: 371041.1 Inflation Accounting - Projection Fails With FRM-41830 List of Values Contains No Entries NOTE: 247667.1 RXi Adjustment Register Prints Entire Parameter List On Each Page NOTE: 398596.1 RXFAAL - RX-only: Asset Listing by Period fails with Value Too Large For Column: FA_ASSET_LISTING_REP_ITF.SERIAL_NUMBER NOTE: 416364.1 RXAROTHR Other Receipt Application Report Error Ora-06512 Null Index Table Key Value Apps.Fa_rx_publish NOTE: 401487.1 Rxi Asset Listing By Period Report Truncates the Serial Number

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