The Stanford Daily T: New Hospital To Model Future Care

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T Stanford Daily The

TUESDAY May 22, 2012

An Independent Publication

Volume 241 Issue 65

New hospital to model future care

$1 billion campaign for Stanford Hospital to set global example of top patient care

With a new, 823,000-squarefoot Stanford Hospital, which will be partially funded by a recently announced $1 billion fundraising campaign, Stanford Medicine aims to connect science and humanity in a caring and dignified manner, according to School of Medicine Dean Philip Pizzo. President John Hennessy announced the Campaign for Stanford Medicine two weeks ago as part of an initiative to build the new hospital and invest in medical teachings and research. Stating that the the new hospital is not just about technology, Pizzo said that the specific needs for the fundraising campaign range from meeting state building codes to pioneering patient care. The reasons for building the

hospital are multiple, Pizzo said. It begins with the need for it to follow seismic regulations, but more importantly, it is for the benefit of the community. Providing the most advanced health care possible to people locally, nationally and globally will be one of the great challenges of this century, Hennessey said in his campaign launch speech on May 7. The Campaign for Stanford Medicine draws upon our particular strengths the proximity of the University to its hospitals and clinics to focus on this issue and better serve the public. It will allow us to seek solutions to some of medicines most daunting problems, and it will begin in our own community with the new Stanford Hospital. Pizzo said that the $1 billion campaign does not reflect the total cost of the hospital which

Rendering by Rafael Vinoly Architects

The Campaign for Stanford Medicine, a $1 billion fundraising campaign to create a new Stanford Hospital and School of Medicine, is underway. The campaign seeks to create a model of patient care for the future.
could amount to more than $2 or $3 billion but just the goal of the present fundraising campaign. Half the amount the campaign hopes to acquire has already been raised through both corporate and private donations. To date, the University has received corporate donations from Apple, HewlettPackard, eBay, Oracle, Intuit, Nvidia and Intel. In total, these companies have pledged over $175 million under the Stanford Hospital Corporate Partners Program. Additionally, three families the Tashia and John Morgridge family, the Anne Bass M.A. 07 and Robert Bass MBA 74 family, and the Christopher Redlich 72 family have each contributed $50 million. Stanford Medicine intends for the new hospital to become a pioneer in the medical field by incorporating state-of-the-art technology, such as integrated medical facilities, advanced imaging, genome sequencing and more effective emergency care. Pizzo highlighted the adapt-

Please see HOSPITAL, page 2

Multifaith melodies


Tubbs receives donation from Oprah Winfrey

Senior is third political candidate ever to receive funds from Winfrey

MEHMET INONU/The Stanford Daily

Stanfords Raagapella a capella group performed in the Old Union courtyard Monday evening as part of the Multifaith Concert. The concert, a capstone event to the Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge, also featured Testimony, STAMP and others.


Researchers use DNA as digital data storage


Stanford researchers have developed a way to use DNA as rewritable digital data storage. Keeping data in cells could have widespread applications in future studies, according to the team, which was led by post-doctoral researcher Jerome Bonnet and Drew Endy, an assistant professor of bioengineering. Its a tool to study processes where you need to track history of cells, Bonnet said. Most of the questions in biology are

questions about history, said Ton Subsoontorn, a graduate student who worked on the research team. You ask, Why does this cell become a cancer cell? and Why does this cell stay a normal cell? Just as a computer chip stores data by flipping an electrical bit or magnetic field on or off, the DNA system flips the orientation of a section of DNA to indicate an on-or-off bit. The teams research involved establishing precise control over two enzymes integrase and excisionase that work in opposition to manipulate proteins within bacterial cells. The team built on previous

research that showed how to irreversibly flip a stretch of DNA about 500 base pairs in length. We needed to reliably flip the sequence back and forth, over and over, in order to create a fully reusable binary data register, Bonnet said. So we needed something different. The team had lots of early success flipping the sequence in either direction independently, but struggled to make both systems work within the same cell to create re-writable data. Endy said that the chal-

Please see DNA, page 2


Gates Foundation CEO to serve on Board of Trustees

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF The Board of Trustees elected Jeffrey Raikes 80, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to be its newest member,

the University announced Friday. Raikes will begin his five-year term on June 1. After receiving an undergraduate degree from Stanford in engineering-economic systems, Raikes worked at Apple Computer and, later, Microsoft Corp. He became CEO of the Gates Foundation in 2008. Raikes has remained a part of the Stanford community both by serving on University committees in particular, the School of Engineerings Strategic Council and the Major Gifts Regional Committee

of The Stanford Challenge and by establishing a scholarship fund with his wife for Stanford students from rural and inner-city schools. Jeff is a dedicated Stanford alum who has been involved in and supportive of many areas of the University, said Leslie Hume, chair of the Board of Trustees, to the Stanford Report. With a remarkable career in both the corporate and not-for-prof-

Michael Tubbs 12, currently running to serve as a council member in his hometown of Stockton, Calif., after graduation, received a significant boost to his campaign when he became the third political candidate ever to receive a donation from renowned talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Twenty-one-yearold Tubbs, a Democrat, is campaigning to oust 52-year-old Republican incumbent Dale Fritchen for the District 6 city council seat. Including the donation from Winfrey, Tubbs has raised over $30,000 from over 225 donors, who have ranged Courtesy of Michael Tubbs from five-dollar do- Michael Tubbs 12 is a nations to Winfreys candidate for city coun$10,000 donation, according to Tubbs. cil in his hometown of Fritchens most Stockton, Calif. Winfrey recent campaign fi- gave $10,000 to his nancial disclosure campaign. states he has raised $36,372, according to Stocktons The Record. Its very encouraging to have someone like Oprah understand the need to re-invent Stockton, to go back and to bring Stanford resources and knowledge back home and really affect change, Tubbs said. I have a responsibility to use the resources and opportunities Ive been given at Stanford back home in a place that really needs it. The other two campaigns to receive financial support from Winfrey were both successful: Cory Bookers 2006 campaign for mayor of Newark, N.J., and Barack Obamas 2008 campaign for U.S. President. Tubbs said he is running for the seat because Stockton is currently facing major problems he wants to help address. According to Tubbs, the city broke its record for homicides last year and is on pace to break that record again this year. Forbes magazine ranked Stockton seventh on its 2011 list of the most dangerous cities in the United States, and the city has been consistently near the top of those rankings for the last decade. The city has high rates of violent crime and low rates of education, in additional to significant financial woes and widespread foreclosures. All of these are issues, but I think theyre

Please see BRIEFS, page 2

Please see TUBBS, page 2

Index Features/3 Opinions/4 Sports/5 Classifieds/6

Recycle Me

2 N Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Stanford Daily

working at a hospital for the final two years of their degree, will also be able to take advantage of the new hospitals resources. According to Luz Silverio, a fourth-year medical student, future students will appreciate the work environment in the new hospital. Medical students are essentially trapped in the basement for 80 to 90 hours a week, Silverio said. Its nice to rest your eyes on a beautiful painting or look outside. I think the University has done a great job overall rejuvenating the facilities for med students. Im really jealous I wont be around when [the new hospital] opens. Contact Natasha Weaser at


Continued from front page

able nature of the new hospital, which he said will have the best technology, but will also enable the introduction of new technology in the years and decades to come. He emphasized that while the new hospital will be a leader in medical technology, it will also lead the way in patient care. Features to improve the quality of life for patients, such as healing gardens and private rooms for visiting families, will be incorporated into the facility, which will begin construction in 2013 and be completed in 2018.

We want to be able to deliver the absolute best care to that next patient who walks through our door, said Amir Dan Rubin, president and CEO of Stanford Hospital and Clinics, to the San Jose Mercury News. We need to deliver care that leverages innovation and technology, but that is also patient- and family-oriented. Even though the new hospital will directly benefit the local community, Pizzo said it will also serve as a model for hospitals worldwide. When something has impact at Stanford, it will travel in the nation and the world, he said. Our advancements will cross boundaries. Medical students, who spend a significant portion of their time


Continued from front page

it worlds, he brings to the Board a broad global perspective and a deep knowledge of the education sector that will serve the University well. We are very fortunate to welcome Jeff to the Board. The Board of Trustees consists of 35 members, including business leaders, such as the CEO of J.C. Penney and the president of the Keystone Group, as well as the University President, who serves as an ex officio member. The boards responsibilities range from managing the endowment and setting the budget to setting University policies.
Kurt Chirbas

Researchers demo first invisible photodetector

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF A team of Stanford and University of Pennsylvania engineers carried out the first experimental demonstration of a plasmonic cloaking sensor, a device that manipulates scattered light to render itself invisible across much of the visible light spectrum. The device, a photodetector, is made up of semiconductors covered by a thin layer of metal. The experiment used silicon nanowires coated in gold, but researchers state that aluminum and copper could be substituted for gold to the same effect. Adjusting the ratio of silicon to metal creates the cloaking effect. When light interacts with the metallic nanostructure, tiny electrical currents produce scattered light waves that separate charges in both materials. Carefully engineering the metal coat to create an equal but opposite electric charge to the silicons charge allows the charges to cancel each other out, creating invisibility. The charges must align perfectly for cloaking to occur, which requires meticulous balancing of the amount of materials in the device.The cloaking effect, however, works regardless of shape and placement of the semiconductor and metal, as well as regardless of the angle of light. These structures can find application in broadband, chip-scale nanodevices that naturally interface with the outside world and as building blocks for transmissive metamaterials, the paper reads. For example, the device can be used in digital cameras for sharper images. The researchers described the device as part of a new class of chip-scale devices that combine the geometrical properties of a device with its materials selection to achieve both electric and optical functions. The experiments results were published on May 20 in the journal Nature Photonics. Materials science and engineering doctoral candidate Pengyu Fan served as lead author, and Mark Brongersma, Keck Faculty Scholar in the School of Engineering was the senior author. Linyou Cao Ph.D. 09 and materials science and engineering doctoral candidate Farzaneh Afshinmanesh contributed to the research.
Marwa Farag

WebLogin phishing scam targets Stanford users

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF A particularly disturbing email phishing scam has recently targeted the Stanford community, according to Matt Riley, director of information technology in the School of Humanities and Science Deans Office. The email entices individuals to give away personal information by directing them to an Internet site that appears to be the Stanford WebLogin page. Riley warned administrators in an email Monday to always double-check that you are squarely on a Stanford URL (web address) before typing in your information. He also advised anyone who feels they might have entered their information into this site to file a HelpSU ticket. Nic Dahlquist 14, a residential computer consultant (RCC) in Crothers, also sent an email Sunday to warn his houses residents about the scam. Some of you may have received an email like the one below, with a link that directs to a fake Stanford WebLogin that will steal your password, Dahlquist wrote. Do NOT enter your credentials into the phishing site. As a reminder, it is good practice to verify a sites URL before entering any information, he added.
Kurt Chirbas

Rendering by Rafael Vinoly Architects

The new Stanford Hospital will offer state-of-the-art imaging equipment. The facilities have been designed to accommodate future techonological changes, while maintaining a comfortable, humanistic environment.


Continued from front page

lenge took 750 trials over three years before the team succeeded. We now have enzymes which can bind to the sequence, cut it, flip it and paste it in the new orientation, Bonnet said. The enzyme system that Bonnets team produced was adapted from the behavior of a virus, according to Subsoontorn. Certain viruses attack bacteria by splicing their own DNA into the genome of the bacteria. The research teams work used enzymes from those viruses for its manipulations. According to Subsoontorn, the DNA region being flipped is a promoter, meaning it signals for the expression of another genetic region. In one example, Subsoontorn said the team placed a gene that makes the bacteria glow pink and another that make the bacteria glow blue on either side of the promoter. Flipping the promoter then allowed the team to change the bacterias color. Long-term applications for the idea are far more practical than just color change, the team said.

For example, if the system is expanded to have more bits, a cell could record data about its own life cycle, which would be crucial for research on aging and cancerous cells. [A cell] can detect arsenic, heavy metals and stuff like that, Bonnet said. So you can make basically sensors with memory. Subsoontorn likened cells to computing systems. He said that inputs such as light, sugars and other factors determine a cells behavior in predictable ways. You can think of a cell as an information processing unit, Subsoontorn said. You take some input, and it does some kind of logical computation, and it spits out some output. He said that keeping data could help bioengineers in particular because they could use the data to learn the behaviors of cells in a system. The DNA system also represents an advance because silicon computer chips are not yet small enough to fit within cells to take data. However, Bonnet said the DNA system still has advantages in the long term. This idea is not trying to compete with silicon memory, Subsoontorn said. This is data storage that can operate inside a liv-

ing cell. He said that some cells grow and divide so rapidly that silicon chips would not function, anyway. DNA, however, can grow and multiply along with its cell. The team said it next hopes to expand the capability of the data storage to a multi-bit system, progressing toward a scale where it can store practical amounts of data for real use. Contact Matt Bettonville at


Continued from front page

awesome opportunities to roll up my sleeves to get to work to bring great change, Tubbs said. Tubbs met Winfrey at a luncheon when she visited campus last month. Tubbs said Winfrey took immediate interest when someone at the luncheon mentioned his candidacy. She was really excited, Tubbs said. She kept coming back to Stockton asking, Do you think you could win? Finally she asked, Where can I send my check? he added. Tubbs attributed Winfreys interest in his campaign to his pas-

sion for addressing the challenges facing the city. I think shes more inspired by the fact that there wasnt a lack of hope, Tubbs said. For all the stuff thats happening [in Stockton], we can change it; we have to change it; we will change it. I think thats very in line with her and her own personal story . . . and I think thats really captivated her. Tubbs and Fritchen will face off in Stocktons June 5 primary. Regardless of the outcome of that vote, the two will both advance to the general election on November 6. Tubbs will be the first challenger to Fritchens seat since he took office in 2008. Contact Matt Bettonville at

The Stanford Daily

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 N 3




M.J MA/ The Stanford Daily

we were able to fully initiate ourselves with an inaugural fountain hop as a substitute for showering after our camping trip. Our SPOT leader, veteran fountain hopper Charlie Johnson 12, had the brilliant idea of going fountain hopping instead of just sitting in the hot dust of the Eucalyptus Grove while waiting in line for the showers. expanse of the Quad that last evening, it was as if we could see the next four years of our lives stretched before us, with our first fountain-hopping experience serving as a mark of its beginning. Taking part in a Stanford tradition with the small group of friends that I had grown so close to in just a few days gave me a glimpse of what the next few weeks, months and years had in store for me. At one point or another, fountain hopping plays a part in most students collections of Im the luckiest person in the world to be at Stanford moments. This years freshmen from all over campus list their first fountainhopping experience as one that helped shape their first year on campus. It was one of the first things that we did as a dorm, and it was a very formative bonding experience, said Noam Rosenthal 15. We had a boom box blasting, and when we got back to the dorm, we were all wet and we just had a dance party in the hallway. I felt initiated into the Stanford experience, said Atticus Christensen 15, of his freshman dorms NSO fountainhopping excursion. While fountain hopping plays a key role in so many Stanford students experiences, theres always the student who still has not gone fountain hopping, perhaps because he or she is not interested in dealing with chlorine-infused hair or running around with wet clothes, supposedly looking foolish in front of tourists. Caitlin Byrnes 15 said the reason she has yet to fountain hop is because she didnt have the right sassy bathing suit for most of the year. Fortunately for her and the fountain-hopping tradition she recently acquired one. As my freshman year finishes up, I can look back at my first fountain-hopping experience or down at the scar on my elbow and remember the quintessential Stanford tradition with fondness as the first time I felt I belonged on campus. Contact Nicole Kofman at nkofman@

ho knew that a desire to find an environmentally friendly alternative to the red plastic cup a beer pong staple on Stanfords campus could spawn an entire store devoted to selling sustainable products? The ASSU Green Store was founded to serve this exact purpose, but since then, has expanded to sell a variety of sustainable goods, in addition to providing green education outreach. Through these efforts, this entirely studentrun organization hopes to make it easier for Stanford students to live more environmentally sustainable lifestyles. In 2008, Susie Choi 12 started the Green Store with three other students, Elaine Albertson 11 M.S.12, Jeffrey Sweet12 M.S.12 and Eric Knudson12 M.S.12, through the ASSU Green Cabinet. According to Choi, one of the teams first projects was finding a more sustainable alternative to the ubiquitous red plastic Solo cup. Our first challenge was finding a replacement for those red plastic cups that everyone uses on the weekends and at parties, Choi said. The problem is that Stanford Recycling does not have the ability to recycle the plastic [used to make] Solo cups. If people are going to be using cups anyway, why dont we introduce more sustainable cups that students can [recycle]? The team introduced recyclable cups in December 2008. The Green Store is currently run entirely online, and products sold include compostable plates and utensils, once-used paper, eco-friendly laundry detergent and Smart Strips power strips that shut off power to an electronic device when it is not in use to prevent electricity leakage. For all compostable [items], we work with Stanford Dining and were able to get a wholesale contract so we get all the products for cheaper, said Allison Fink 12, a current Green Store team member. We stock up on these products and sell them for as cheap as possible. The Green Store makes no sales profits and receives funding from the student services division of the ASSU. This money is used to stock up on sustainable products and subsidize costs for large orders. Our prices are pretty competitive with [other] prices out there, especially because you order online and we deliver it right to you, Choi said. Obviously, buying nonsustainable red cups is cheaper, but when we compare with other sustainable options, our prices are great. While the Green Store website provides an explanation of how their environmentally friendly products can be used most effectively, the team said students sometimes are not aware of the information. For instance, Choi stated that very often, students dont realize that the recyclable

Please see GREEN, page 6

he fountain, previously masked by construction work, where the Terman Engineering Center stood, combined with 77-degree weather in recent weeks, has given rise to an increase in fountain-hopping talk around campus. Have you seen that fountain? Its like it was made for fountain hopping! students exclaim, referring to the poollength fountain located across the street from Roble, with tall, sloping grass hills clearly made with student sunbathing needs in mind. My first experience was everything that fountain hopping is supposed to be, or at least what I thought it was supposed to be based on the endless hours of Stanford stalking I partook in during the last, lonely three weeks of summer when all my friends had already begun their college adventures. Like many of my other freshman peers itching to get to campus, I read every bit of literature ever published about Stanford before arriving in late September, which both whetted my appetite for school and increased my fluency in Stanford abbreviations. I was in a group of seven in a minivan on the way back from Hoover Wilderness after a Stanford Pre-Orientation Trip (SPOT), and after six days of bonding over summer sausage, hiking and sleep deprivation, we had regressed to acting like 7-year-olds, stuffing muddy handkerchiefs in our mouths and sticking sweaty socks in each others faces. Our SPOT leader tried to get us all to simmer down and act our age, but, in the end, the only thing that could satiate us was a much-needed nap. Luckily, the painful, five-hour car ride made our arrival to Stanford even sweeter than it would have been otherwise. We woke up to the staggering site of the million or so palm trees leading straight into the heart of campus, hushing us as our designations as Stanford students hit us for the first time. Immediately following our arrival,


It was one of the first things that we did as a dorm, and it was a very formative bonding experience.
Fully prepared in river sandals, we started sprinting for the red fountain in front of Green Library. After stubbing our toes on the lights at the bottom of the fountain, we ran to our next destination, the small fountain in front of Old Union, where we made a whirlpool and tried to scramble up onto its top, the rough surface cutting up our elbows, and in my case, leaving a scar. Instead of moving onto the Claw, which was closed for renovations, we finished our fountain-hopping course in the small fountain outside the Bing Wing of Green Library, piling into it until it overflowed. By then we were exhausted from sprinting, so we sat out on the grass in the Quad to enjoy each others company for what would be one of our last times as a SPOT group before New Student Orientation (NSO) began. I remember distinctly the golden light filtering through the palm fronds above us and illuminating the campus as we dried off and relaxed under the afternoon sun. As we gazed through the glowing archway into the barren


NICK SALAZAR/The Stanford Daily

The Stanford Community and Educational Farms provide a one-acre plot of land on campus where students and community members can learn and practice agricultural methods.

Students get their hands dirty at Stanford Community and Educational Farms

n the heart of Silicon Valley, less than two miles from the Stanford National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) and state-of-the-art computer science buildings, is the Stanford Farm. With irises, roses and lettuce all spilling into one another, the farm is totally insulated from the fastpaced, high-stress world that surrounds it (it doesnt even have Wi-Fi), making it a campus rarity in more ways than one. Its kind of ironic that people call Stanford The Farm and this is as much of a farm as we have, said Amanda Martinez 14, head volunteer on the farm, the small, one-acre plot. The farm is made up of two distinct parts: the Community Farm and the Educational Farm. The Community Farm is made up of small individual plots managed by professors, graduate students and other affiliates of the Stanford community. The Community Farm was first chartered in 1996 when Brian Halweil 97 requested a small plot of land near the golf course and equestrian center to be dedicated to giving students and community members a place to learn and practice agricultural methods. The Educational Farm is a small strip of land at the edge of the farm area technically the Earth Systems Programs plot on the Community Farm. The plot hosts melons, tomatoes, peas, beans, leafy greens, cucumbers and squash, as well as herbs and other plants.

Its really important for students . . . to have access to something like [the farm] where they can grow their own goods and meet other students who are also interested in food issues and where they can get dirty, Martinez said. Patrick Archie, a professor of earth systems who also holds the title of farm educator, agreed that it is important for students to engage in hands-on learning on the farm. The farm is a place where people can get experiential education that I think is the fundamental ingredient that ties everything together, Archie said. Archie currently teaches two classes, one in the winter called Food Matters, about representations of food and agriculture in film, and another called Practices and Principles of Sustainable Agriculture. In the latter, according to Archie, students learn the basics of everything that you need to do to take a little patch of earth and grow food for yourself . . . they also have the confidence to be able to understand at a fundamental level the ecological principles behind sustainable agriculture. There are six classes using the farms facilities this quarter, including a couple of student-initiated courses. Martinez co-teaches one of these courses, Grow it, Cook it, Eat It, with Jenny Rempel 12, a Daily columnist. Martinez cites her own course as an excellent example of the strong relationship between the farm and Stanford Dining. Stanford Dining is completely in support of my class and the whole farm program out here, Martinez said.

Cynthia Liu, administrative program manager of Stanford Dining, said in an email to The Daily that the Stanford Farm Project, a student group that supports farm initiatives, and the Stanford Educational Farm regularly work with Matt Rothe, the Stanford Dining sustainable food program manager, to help student groups interact more with Stanford Dining. Rothe also manages a plot of land on the Community Farm. I would say [Stanford Dining] is at the cutting edge of food movements among universities around the country,Archie said.Theyve really been thinking about meals that they serve as an educational opportunity. Although the farm does not currently have enough land to supply Stanford Dining with produce, Archie said they hope to be able to grow food that will be eaten in dining halls when they move to a new two-acre plot of land in about a year. In addition to connections with studentinitiated courses and Stanford Dining, the farm also has connections to classes in several disciplines. The devices on the farm that look like theyd be more at home in an engineering lab than on an organic farm are the product of classes such as Design and Construction for Sustainability in Extreme Environments, a class offered by the Civil Engineering Department that tests out products on the farm. Among the projects being tested on the Educational Farm are pumps for low-cost irrigation for farmers in Myanmar, solar panels that electrify fences for farmers in India and underground seed storage tech-

niques that could protect seeds in the case of a natural disaster. Martinez added that in the past there have been groups making use of the farm from other engineering departments, the Graduate School of Business and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( No matter what theyre doing, whether theyre in graduate school or if theyre undergraduates, theres just so many fields that connect to food and to farming that everybody can find something that interests them, Archie said, commenting on the expansion of student involvement on the farm beyond the Earth Systems Program. Leaders of the farm have noticed an increased level of community interest. In the past, the Community Farm has experienced problems with careless visitors trampling their plants, leading certain community members to be more wary of publicity. The Educational Farm, on the other hand, welcomes their increasing visibility. There are more and more food related groups popping up on campus, which is very promising for the Stanford food movement, Martinez said. She added that the Educational Farm had a few large groups of at least 50 Prospective Freshmen (ProFros) come tour the space over Admit Weekend. It was really great to have that much exposure with new students at the farm, Martinez said. Contact Mary Harrison at maryhari@stanford. edu.

4 N Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The Stanford Daily

When health becomes unhealthy

Established 1892 Board of Directors Margaret Rawson President and Editor in Chief Anna Schuessler Chief Operating Officer Sam Svoboda Vice President of Advertising Theodore L. Glasser

Managing Editors Brendan OByrne Deputy Editor Kurt Chirbas & Billy Gallagher Managing Editors of News Jack Blanchat Managing Editor of Sports Marwa Farag Managing Editor of Features Sasha Arijanto Managing Editor of Intermission Mehmet Inonu Managing Editor of Photography Amanda Ach Columns Editor Willa Brock Head Copy Editor Serenity Nguyen Head Graphics Editor Alex Alifimoff Web and Multimedia Editor Nate Adams Multimedia Director MollyVorwerck & Zach Zimmerman Staff Development

The Stanford Daily

Incorporated 1973 Tonights Desk Editors Matt Bettonville News Editor Molly Vorwerck Features Editor Jacob Jaffe Sports Editor Mehmet Inonu Photo Editor Willa Brock Copy Editor

hen we speak about gym visits, kale smoothies, Dish jogs and the merits of homemade granola, my friends and I couch our discussions in terms of health. When these discussions expand to include eightminute abs, overeating, weight concerns and commitments to eat more responsibly (God forbid we acknowledge theyre actually diets), we still hide behind the word health. If Im just trying to be healthy, what could be wrong? Perhaps the fact that there are periods when, internally, I obsess over it. I publicly condemn the emphasis on body image, but somehow I justify obsessing over it in private. This type of public-private doublethink reveals just how unhealthy conversations about health can become. I dont have an eating disorder, but I do have body image concerns. I know this thanks to the free Eating Disorders Screening offered through the Stanford Healthy Body Image Program. While my concerns have never manifested themselves in an eating disorder, fully 6 percent of the Stanford population suffers from anorexia. Thats huge. In fact, its at least six times greater than the background rate in the United States. This high percentage is typical on elite college campuses, but its prevalence doesnt make it acceptable. Though its harder to measure, Stanford also has a huge number of students with sub-clinical disordered eating behaviors. There are some innate behaviors that predispose high-achieving individuals to obsess over body image and compete for a perfectionist ideal, albeit an unrealistic one. However, there are also factors specific to Stanford and elite academic environments that foster disordered eating. High-stress environments correlate strongly with eating disorders. In a competitive environment where driven students are constantly striving for improvement, its easy to add body image to a list of existing things were working on improving (which might include everything from this quarters grades to the world). At Stanford, we also live in a rare bubble in which the vast majority of the population is physically fit. This is a symptom as well as a driver. Fitness is obviously an important part of California culture, and the labels active and foodie describe the ideal Bay Area resident. Stanford students also have a tendency to compartmentalize and smile too much. Yes, we smile too much. Sometimes its important to admit that youre struggling. For food and diet, we shouldnt publicly deny the societal importance of body image but privately obsess over the size of our thighs or the chocolate cake at dinner or the spin classes at Arrillaga. The tendencies that lead to disordered eating and poor body image are innate to some Stanford

Jenny Rempel

Michael Londgren Robert Michitarian Nate Adams Tenzin Seldon Rich Jaroslovsky

Six percent of the Stanford population suffers from anorexia.

students before they set foot on campus, but theres also something about this environment that exacerbates these existing tendencies. Its hard to decry the determination, drive and dedication that enable academic success as well as eating disorders, but it is possible to change the norms and ideals that transform these positive attributes into disordered eating behaviors. I live in one of the most accepting cooperative communities on campus and am friends with incredibly compassionate, encouraging individuals who rarely engage in the type of fat talk found elsewhere in this state and country. But it can still slip in. Fat talk denotes the everyday statements that further a societal thin ideal. At Stanford, fat talk does not always fall into the more easily identified negative genre (i.e., Do I look fat in this? and I need to lose ten pounds.). As socially conscious students, we know this discourse is harmful and cloak our fat talk in more insidious jargon. Think: Those Lululemon pants look great on you! Have you been working out? and Lets go to the gym so I can have death by chocolate for dessert in Ricker Dining Hall. So how can we change this campus culture and foster a healthier body image? Its important to be open about these issues. The Stanford Healthy Body Image Program is attempting to create a space for dialogue about body image through student groups and workshops. They also provide a series of online assessments and resources directing individuals and friends to professionals at Vaden, CAPS and elsewhere on and off campus. We should all work to eliminate fat talk. Delta Delta Delta is promoting the fat talk free pledge, whereby individuals promise to strive not for a thin ideal but for a healthy ideal. This is a worthwhile goal, but we should also be careful to ensure the healthy ideal doesnt just substitute for the thin ideal. Jenny would love to start this dialogue with you at

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Christianity and LGBT: An addendum

of sexual identity and to encourage all people, regardless of how they personally view LGBT issues, to act and respond out of love and compassion. And its true that there are many people who disagree with homosexuality who still engage with the community in an unconditionally loving and considerate way. But there are also people who act out of anger and resentment to dishonor others and disguise it as a warped sense of religious or moral love, and those people were the targets of my criticisms. With that said, I also did not state whether I think, from a Christian perspective, that homosexuality is right or wrong, primarily because I feel that that is a horrible way to frame the discussion. Homosexuality is wrong. What does that even mean? That heterosexuality is right? I can point to a lot of counter-examples in my life alone that would dispute that claim. Maybe the Christian God is less

Chase Ishii
concerned with etching the line between right and wrong in order to distribute points, and more concerned with rescuing people of all sexual orientations and identities through grace and for goodness. Ive been accused of distorting Christianity, an accusation to which I would reply, Ya, youre probably right. Every Christian is. Im not under any false assumption that my word is infallible and that my views may not be incorrect. To be otherwise would distort and reject the fundamental premise and principle of Christianity. I am confident, however, that Christianity is not defined by the views one may hold in regards to the question of homosexuality. Just because an issue might be influenced by religious views doesnt mean that it is an issue that constitutes the religion itself. The Old Testament is riddled with examples of people trying to love and serve God but missing the point because they focus on the secondary rather than the primary. To which I would ask, have we not done the same? Sure, Jesus speaks of sexual immorality, but he also speaks of hypocrisy. Even if it is your personal belief that Jesus was including homosexuality as we understand it today when he spoke against sexual immorality, shouldnt the first step be to confront the sexual immorality in your own life rather than announcing and condemning it in the lives of others? Further, sexual immorality would also include things like prostitution and human trafficking, and I would assume Jesus would be more outraged with the global systematic rape and enslavement of women and children for economic gain than what the United States legally constitutes as marriage. So maybe we are missing the point. Im not trying to dismiss the tension between Christianity and LGBT lifestyles. Im just trying to put it into perspective. Your opinions are your opinions. But the consequences of your words and actions are not yours alone. Regardless of your personal views, there exists real pain around the issue of sexual identity and orientation, inflicted by society or by ones self. All people, and Christians especially, need to address this pain, not with their heads, but with their hearts. Tell Chase whats in your heart at

ast week I wrote a column titled Let this be the end. Let all be forgiven. Toward the end, it briefly touched on the intersection of Christianity and the LGBT community. From what I could tell, it received a good amount of support and a small but impassioned amount of criticism. Judging by the amount of emails and questions Ive received in the past week, I felt it appropriate to write an addendum to last weeks article. Especially at a place like Stanford, it can be difficult to vocally express disagreement, especially around the issue of LGBT, for fear of being labeled a bigot. I know there are those who disagreed with what I wrote, often for religious reasons, and those are the people I would like to address. I first want to apologize to the community that may have felt offended by my broad-strokes language.The goal of the article was to make clear the very real pain and frustration of living in the secrecy

The Stanford Daily

EPL is the worlds best league

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 N 5

Tom Taylor


y league is better than your league. Its a fact. First things first. It is a pretty well accepted and obvious truth that the best soccer leagues are in Europe. I mean this as no great disrespect to the progress soccer has made in the United States in recent years, but the MLS doesnt come close. Even Brazil and Argentine, giants of the international game, cannot boast anything to rival the dominance of European club soccer. What speaks volumes is that the best South American talent plies its trade in Europe, just like the worlds best basketball players come here to play in the NBA. But not all European leagues are equal, and even within the continent, talent migrates from country to country. To get some kind of idea how the leagues rate against each other, we should turn to Europes premiere competition: the UEFA Champions League. On an epic night last Saturday in Munich, Chelsea was crowned champion for the first time in the clubs history. Even for impartial soccer fans it was a draining but rewarding experience that was reminiscent, perhaps, of Liverpools improbable win over Milan in Istanbul seven years ago. Somehow Bayern Munich squandered every clear chance that came its way, and when it finally took the lead as regulation time began to run out, Chelseas Didier Drogba responded to tie the game. Drogba then looked like the villain of the show when he gave away a penalty in extra time, but still Bayern couldnt make it count. And to cap it all, we were treated to that rarest of all things: a German team choking on penalties against an English team. There is nothing quite like being in a room full of German soccer fans to make me side with the English squad not because I have anything against the Germans, but because we just have a lot of soccer history, mostly them beating us and so, against my better judgment, I was cheering for Chelsea. When keeper Petr Cech saved a shot to bring the London club level and then Drogba sealed the game with his strike, I was ecstatic. Since the start of the 2000-01 season, seven countries have been represented in the semifinals of the Champions League: England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Though Porto did win the tournament in 2004, the obvious weak links include its home, Portugal, as well as France and Holland, notching up just four appearances between them. Italian teams have won the tournament three times and made the semifinals seven times in this period, but Serie A will no longer be considered one of Europes three biggest leagues next season, being replaced by Germanys Bundesliga, and it will now receive just three tickets into the Champions League. Though the Bundesligas status has been upgraded, in these last 12 years German teams have only won the title once and made the semifinals on five occasions. In comparison, Spains La Liga and Englands Premier League have sent 15 and 17 teams to the semifinals and walked away with four and three titles, respectively. La Liga would probably be many peoples pick, but I feel that misses a crucial point. The Spanish league is dominated by the big two of Real Madrid and Barcelona. The three recent times that Barca won it also simultaneously claimed top spot in La Liga, and though Real Madrid only came third when it won the Champions League in 2002, that was still sufficient to qualify for the tournament the following year. In stark contrast, while Manchester United claimed the double of European and domestic honors in 2008, Liverpool in 2005 and Chelsea this year finished fifth and sixth respectively, outside of the Champions League qualification spots. Liverpools case prompted a change in the rules to allow the defending champions automatic qualification the following year, and this rule caused Tottenham Hotspur to lose its place in favor of Chelsea next season. The hallmark of a great league is that tough competition makes the best teams better. If one or two teams begin to dominate, the chal-

Card qualifies with fourth-place finish

Despite finishing a distant fourth in the NCAA Western Regional, 17 shots behind tournament winner Cal, the Stanford mens golf team qualified for next weeks NCAA Championships. It was a bit disappointing that we didnt contend for the title as I thought we would . . . but we got the job done and we finished fourth, and the top five get to go to nationals, said junior Andrew Yun, who shot a final round 66 to jump into a tie for 15th individually. Playing at home, the Cardinal was in contention early, shooting an opening-round team score of three-under-par 277 to trail Cal by one. Although the team actually shot a better score, 275, on the second day of play, Cal and San Diego State caught fire, shooting a 10under 270 and a 15-under 265, respectively, to pull far into the lead. That sizable deficit proved too difficult to make up, and Stanford fell further behind in the final round as Cal and San Diego State continued to tear up the Stanford Golf Course. Cal, ranked No. 6 nationally by Golfweek, finished with a team score of 25under, and San Diego State, ranked No. 14, finished at 19-under. Freshman Patrick Rodgers, the nations fourth-ranked golfer and a finalist for the Ben Hogan Award, was the Cardinals lowest scorer on the weekend, tying for 10th at fourunder. Yun said that the course played far easier than normal. I dont feel like anybody really played that poorly, but I think it just kind of caught us off guard how easy the course was playing, Yun said. Scores were a lot lower than usual. It was probably some of the best conditions weve played in all year. Team captain Wilson Bowen has said that the team tends to thrive when playing more difficult courses. The teams performance this weekend and sixth-place finish in the Pac-12 Championships at the relatively tame Oregon State golf course seem to validate this claim. However, Stanford should have no further problems with regards to course difficulty starting next week. The NCAA Championships will be held at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles, a tough course that has hosted three major championships and is the site of the PGA Tours annual Northern Trust Open. Junior Steve Kearney said the Riviera course should suit the team well. It is a very long course, which is great because our team is known for power off of the tee, he said. In order to prepare for up to six days of play at this difficult course, the Cardinal played a practice round at Riviera a couple of weeks ago and has been watching film of the

SIMON WARBY/The Stanford Daily

Junior Steve Kearney (above) believes last years poor finish at regionals helped Stanfords performance this year, as the Cardinal qualified for NCAAs by placing fourth over the weekend.
course. It was really cool just to get a sneak preview of the golf course. Not a lot of other teams got that opportunity, said freshman Patrick Grimes, who shot three-over on the weekend. You can just kind of get down there and get a feel for what its like and then remember some of the shots out there, and then that makes your preparation a lot more specific for the upcoming tournament . . . it just adds a layer of comfort that can make our practice for the tournament a lot more productive. Stanford will send five players to nationals: Rodgers, Yun, Grimes, Kearney and sophomore Cameron Wilson. The top five teams in each of six NCAA Regionals qualified for the tournament. After three rounds of stroke play, which starts next Tuesday, the top eight teams in the field of 30 will be placed in a bracket and pitted against each other in a single-elimination match play tournament. In each round of match play, all five golfers

Please see GOLF, page 6


Softball ends season with regional loss

The Stanford softball teams season ended on Sunday, as it fell to Louisiana-Lafayette. The Ragin Cajuns advanced past the Cardinal and into the NCAA Super Regionals. The Cardinal started off its double-elimination regional on Friday with a 1-0 win over Baylor thanks to a superb performance from starter Teagan Gerhart. The junior struck out seven to notch her ninth shutout of the year. The win advanced Stanford to take on the other team to win its first game, LouisianaLafayette. On Saturday, the host Ragin Cajuns jumped out to an early lead and cruised to a 9-3 win to bring Stanford one loss from elimination in the double-elimination regional. The Cardinal did not have long to worry about this predicament, though, as the team had to take on Baylor that same evening to decide who would go home. Once again, Stanford proved too much for the Bears, winning 6-2 to stay alive. All eight runs were scored in the fifth inning, with the big blow coming off the bat of freshman centerfielder Cassandra Roulund, as she crushed a grand slam over the left-field fence. Gerhart threw her third complete game in two days to keep the Baylor bats quiet once again. Despite the win, Stanford was still in a tough spot, needing to beat LouisianaLafayette twice on Sunday in Lafayette to advance. The Cardinal could not even get the first win, though, falling 6-2 to end its season. Just as they had on Friday, the Ragin Cajuns jumped out to an early lead, scoring five runs in the first four innings to put the game out of reach. Freshman Nyree White came in for her first career postseason appearance, allowing just one run over three innings, but by then Louisiana-Lafayette had the game well under control. Stanford ends its season at 40-19, marking the 13th time in school history that the team reached 40 wins and the 15th straight time the Cardinal made the postseason.
Jacob Jaffe

MIKE KHEIR/The Stanford Daily

Please see TAYLOR, page 6

Junior pitcher Teagan Gerhart (above) pitched three complete games in two days, but the Stanford softball team did not have enough, falling to Louisiana-Lafayette in its regional to end its season.

6 N Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Stanford Daily


Continued from page 5

from each team will face off against the golfers of another team in 18-hole matches. The school that wins three consecutive contests will be declared NCAA champion on June 3. Kearney said the Cardinal has greatly stepped up the intensity of its preparations with the NCAA championship right around the corner. Not going to NCAAs last year was a huge disappointment, so qualifying this year has motivated us to practice really hard this week, he said. Each guy is spending more than four hours a day on their own time on top of team practice. This is our chance to make a statement, and we are ready to do it. Grimes and Yun expressed confidence in the teams chances

next week. Weve got as much depth as anyone in the country, and if we put it together, we showed in our first tournament of the year that were definitely capable of beating the best teams in the country, Grimes said. Its a really long week, so its just a matter of who shows up with their A game and can put it together for the whole week. That last day [of regionals], we werent looking too good for a little bit. I think for a couple of holes or so we were outside the cut line looking in, Yun said. I think we all . . . played our hearts out on the last nine holes . . . If we can start off with that same sense of urgency and that same focus and motivation, I think we can start off and finish out the tournament really well. The NCAA Championship begins on May 29 in Los Angeles. Contact Austin Block at aeblock@


Continued from page 5

lenge from the competition falls off, and over time, even the best teams will lose their sharpness. That only one English team completed the double in this period where Barcelona netted three joint home and European titles could hint that the combined challenge of toughing it out in both the Premier League and Champions League at the same time is just too much. The Premiership is truly the best league in world soccer. And in case you havent seen where Im going yet, yes, starting in August thisll be the domain of my home club, Reading FC. Tom Taylor is taking every opportunity he can to call the Premier League my league. Ask him how many goals hes scored in his career at


Continued from page 3

cups must be recycled in order to be considered sustainable. Basically, we expect students to understand why theyre buying [these] products, and on our website we explain why our products are good [for the environment], but we realized there was a problem, and we werent sure if people were actually recycling the recyclable cups, Choi said. We offer recycling bags with peoples purchases that they can use, and if its a larger event, [we] lend them a Green Store banner to help promote the [online] store, but we still felt that there was very little that we could do to educate students [about these products], she added. In order to combat misunderstandings about the stores function and proper sustainability practices, Choi founded Green Events Consulting, an institutional service to ensure that a student service is recycling or compositing whatever products they purchased. By [starting Green Events Consulting], we felt like we were educating students and that we could refer them to the Green Store, she said. For the most part, many Green Store purchases are for large events for which organizers also coordinate with Green Events Consulting. Other customers include Row houses and cooperatives. Since the Green Store doesnt have a physical location, much of

M.J MA/The Stanford Daily

its advertisement is done via email or by word of mouth. However, the store has future plans to help increase the exposure and accessibility of eco-friendly products to students. Over the summer, we want to try to work with the Stanford Store so that [our] cups could be sold directly from there, Fink said. Once our cups are available in the Stanford Store, it will be more conducive for purchasing this more sustainable product. In addition to this change, the Green Store hopes to recruit more team members to help maintain and expand their services, including the establishment of a more standardized delivery system. Since the team is small and the deliveries are done personally, the group must schedule deliveries among themselves, which often makes it difficult to deliver their products as close to their expected delivery times as possible. While the team hopes to increase their exposure on campus, their efforts have (and will continue) to spawn sustainable shopping habits among Stanford students that have the potential to carry on in their lives beyond the Farm. Contact Catherine Zaw at czaw13

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