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When a product is new the organization objective will be to inform the target audience of its entry. Television, radio, magazine, coupons etc. may be used to push the product through the introduction stage of the lifecycle. Push and Pull Strategies will be used at this crucial stage. It became obvious that retailers working in the local food community are very aware of food issues, engaged in the local food politics, work hard to further educate themselves about issues associated with food and adapt their mission based on their evolving understanding. Growth As the product becomes accepted by the target market the organization at this stage of the lifecycle the organization works on the strategy of further increasing brand awareness to encourage loyalty. Maturity At this stage with increased competition the organization take persuasive tactics to encourage the consumers to purchase their product over their rivals. Any differential advantage will be clearly communicated to the target audience to inform of their benefit over their competitors. Decline As the product reaches the decline stage the organization will use the strategy of reminding people of the product to slow the inevitable

Figure 1.1

Internet Promotion The development of the World Wide Web has changed the business environment forever. Dot com fever has taken the industry and stock markets by storm. The e-commerce revolution promises to deliver a more efficient way of conducting business. Shoppers can now purchase from the comfort of their home 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Owning a website is a now a crucial ingredient to the marketing mix strategy of an organisation. Consumers can now obtain instant information on products or services to aid them in their crucial purchase decision. Sony Japan took pre-orders of their popular Playstaion 2 console over the net, which topped a 1 million after a few days, European football stars are now issuing press releases over the web with the sites registered under their own names. Hit rates are phenomenal. Advertisers have now moved their money over to the internet as customers are on average spending more time online then watching TV. Popular ways to advertise seem to be with banners and pop ups. To learn more about internet marketing please


This study is necessary to predict the awareness level among the retailers about the SVS products so that the company can develop the existing or adopt new strategies accordingly to succeed in the market. And this study is important to know the perception of SVS products so that they can correct the negative views if any present, to overcome the competitions.

To find the retailers awareness and perception about SVS product in Madurai City

SECONDARY OBJECTIVE To predict the awareness level of retailers and implement more innovative marketing strategies to promote the products To analysis the market share of the SVS products in the market. To predict the retailers need in this segment that makes them buy and market the products. To predict the satisfaction level of the retailers with SVS products.


RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

Descriptive Research Design Descriptive research design includes survey and fact-finding enquiries of Different kinds. The major purpose descriptive research is description of the state of affairs, as it exists at present. The main characteristic of ex-post facto method is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened. Understand the characteristics of a group in a given situation Think systematically about aspects in a given situation Offer ideas for further probe and research and/or Helps to make certain simple decisions.

SAMPLING METHODOLOGY Sampling Element The sampling element in this research is the Retailer shops and the respondents are the shopkeepers.

Population The population of the research is based upon area sampling and is limited to Madurai.

Sample Size The sample size includes 100 retail shops in Madurai

METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION Primary Data The primary source of data was collected through questionnaires from the Retail Shop Keepers.

Secondary Data The secondary data was collected through the company website, journals and other information from the company Questionnaire Design The primary data is obtained through the questionnaire and surveys taken among the Retail shop keepers. Questions 5 to 11 and 14 to 18,are multiple choice questions. Question 12 is ranking scale. Questions 5 and 13 are dichotomous question and question 19 is open ended question. Statistical Tool used The role of statistics is to function as a tool in designing research, analyzing its data and drawing conclusions there from. The important statistical tools used in this analysis are; Percentage analysis.


INRODUCTION India can become the food supplier of the world. It has the cultivable land, all the seasons for production of all varieties of fruits and vegetables, an agribusiness system that works although it needs to be vastly improved. The single most important problem facing the Indian agricultural industry is the highly inefficient supply chain. Because of lack of cold chain infrastructure and also a food processing industry about 20 per cent of all foods produced in India (Rs. 500 b) are wasted. By building an efficient and effective supply chain using state of the art techniques it is possible to serve the population with value added food while simultaneously ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers. The surplus of cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk, fish, meat and poultry can be processed as value added food products and marketed aggressively both locally and internationally. Investments in cold chain infrastructure, applied research in post harvest technologies, installation of food processing plants in various sectors and development of food retailing sector are mandatory for achieving gains in this sector. Strategic growth plans for achieving both national and international competitiveness of the food industry are essential. CURRENT STATE OF INDIAN AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY In India, 52% of total land is cultivable as against 11% in the world. All 15 major climates of the world, snow bound Himalayas to hot humid southern peninsula; Thar Desert to heavy rain areas all exist in India. There are 20 agro-climatic regions and nearly 46 out of 60 soil types in the country. Sunshine hours and day length are ideally suited for round the year cultivation of crops. India is the centre for biodiversity in plants, animals, insects, micro-organism and accounts for 17% animal, 12% plants and 10% fish genetic resources of the globe. In the live stock sector, India has 16% of cattle, 57% of buffalo, 17% of goats and 5 % of sheep population of the world. Agriculture contributes 24.2% to GDP, 15.2% of total exports and provides employment to 58.4% of countrys work force. As mentioned in the FICCI report of October 2004 India is the

Second highest fruit and vegetable producer in the world (134.5 million tones) with cold storage facilities available only for 10% of the produce. Second highest producer of milk with a cold storage capacity of 70,000 tonne. Fifth largest producer of eggs. Investments in cold chain required to store 20% of surplus of meat and poultry products during 10th plan requires Rs 500 Crore (US$ 100M) Sixth largest producer of fish with harvesting volumes of 5.2 million tones. Investment required is estimated to be Rs 350 Crore (US$ 70M) In spite of the vast natural resources and abundant agricultural produce India ranks below 10th in the export of food products. Conservative estimates put processing levels in the fruits and vegetables sector at 2%, meat and poultry at 2%, milk by way of modern dairies at 14%, fish at 4%, bulk meat de-boning is to the tune of 21%. Currently, the food processing sector, though in the nascent stage, constitutes 14% of manufacturing GDP amounting to products value of Rs.2, 80,000 Crores. It employs 130 lakh persons and is supposed to increase at an annual rate of 7%. THE INDIAN FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY The Food processing industry has an important role to play in linking the farmers to the final consumers in the domestic as well as the international markets. Food processing combined with marketing has the potential of solving the basic problems of agricultural surpluses, wastages, rural jobs, and better remuneration to the growers. In the next ten years, food production is expected to double. These produces, if processed and marketed smartly, can make India a leading food supplier of the world. India with a population of 1.08 billion (growing at about 1.7 % per annum) provides a large and growing market for food products. Food products are the single largest component of private consumption expenditure, accounting for as much as 49% of the total spending. Furthermore, the upward mobility of income classes and increasing needfor convenience and hygiene is driving demand for (a) perishables and non food staples and (b) processed foods. Also, eating out is a booming practice in urban India and processed foods are accepted as alternative to the home cooked food because of the convenience it offers. Also, with the globalization of trade and availability of high speed

logistics, food retailers in developed countries are sourcing an year-round supply of fruits and vegetables from developing countries. Thus, both for local consumption as well for export there is a year round opportunity for fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry products and ready to eat processed foods. The processed food industry should introduce innovative new products of high quality at low cost in small package sizes in ready to eat format to cash on this booming opportunity. HLL, ITC, MTR and others have introduced some innovative heat and eat dishes with reasonably good packaging. But there is lots of manual handling and hence food hygiene and quality are suspect. Multinational companies have entered the food value chain in India, Cargill and Conagra in agri-inputs, Tropicana in food processing and Metro in wholesaling. Local companies like Daur, MTR, ITC, Godrej, and Amul are aggressive across the value chain. Multiple restaurant chains such as McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Coffee day, Qwikys and Saravana Bhavan, and Sagar Chains are growing rapidly. However, the pace is slow in the food sector compared to the other sectors such as IT and Pharma. There are no billion dollar players in India in the food industry where as China and Philippines have several large players with sales exceeding US $ 1 billion. THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN India has a huge opportunity to become a leading global food supplier if only it has the right marketing strategies and of course agile, adaptive and efficient supply chain. India has diversity in terms of its population with several religious groups with different food habits and culture. This diversity should be used to advantage to become the Halal Food Hub, the Organic food hub, the Vegetarian food hub the Sea food hub among others.

The food supply chain is complex with perishable goods and numerous small stake holders. In India, the infrastructure connecting these partners is very weak. Each stake holder: farmers, wholesalers, food manufacturers, retailers all work in silos. Also, demand forecasting is totally absent and the farmers try to push what they produce in to the market. Data integration, financial flow management, supply-demand matching,

collaborative forecasting, information sharing, goods movement synchronization through efficient transport scheduling, are very well practiced in high technology industries with immense benefits. These best practices should find their way in to the food supply chains. Cold chain logistics supply chains should take advantage of technology improvements in data capture and processing, product tracking and tracing, synchronized freight transport transit times for time compression along the supply chain and supply demand matching.. Also, the supply chain need to be designed and built as a whole in an integrated manner with the processes of new product development, procurement and order to delivery processes well designed and well supported using IT tools and software.

The food supply chain can be subdivided into a number of sectors. Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and aquaculture are the primary producers, the manufacturers who process the food for ready to eat or cook format together with the packaging companies are in the intermediate stage, and the retailers, wholesalers and caterers are in the last stage of the supply chain. At each stage value is added by the new ownership such as processors, distributors, packers, etc. and the cost and profits are part of the business. The food items can go to the final consumer from any of the three stages: from farmers in the form of fresh produce, to the caterers directly from the manufacturer, and finally from the retailer (small or big) to the consumer. The movement of goods from one stake holder to another is facilitated by the in house or third party logistics service provider. The information management is done by the all the stake holders and their information systems are all interconnected seamlessly. What we described above is the state of food chain in the advanced countries. In India and other developing countries, the state of food chain is more fragmented and primitive we have dealt with it in the earlier sections. 5. FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN CLUSTER Food chain clusters (See Figure1) are formed with the participation of all stake holders such as farmers, seed growers, merchants, transporters, wholesalers, retailers, financial institutions, and insurance companies. Information sharing is essential for generating the efficiencies. The Internet and mobile communications are used to enable information and financial transfer between the stake holders. Also, recent advances in RFID technology


will have tremendous impact in the management of the food chain particularly for source identification and tracking and also in providing supply chain visibility. In advanced countries, the retailers (Walmart, Tesco, etc) have become the Channel Masters of food supply chain taking over from the food manufacturers. In India, with no superstores, no economies of scale, too many intermediaries, there is a vacuum, meaning there is no real channel master managing the supply demand situation and coordinating the supply chain and managing the logistical activities. This provides a tremendous opportunity for smart players to enter a growing market with a high potential of retail FDI. But one needs to remember that the infrastructure capital outlays are high and the returns are long term. Also there are various risks associated with owning a cold chain. some of these include country risk, monsoon risk, crop or raw material supply failures due to pests, diseases, etc., partner risk, and numerous others. Figure 2.1: The Food Supply chain cluster

In India, there are very few large food manufacturers. Amul, Ruchi Soya, Nestle, MTR, ITC, Dabur, Britannia, HLLs food and beverages section, beverage companies such as Coke and Pepsi are some of the big names. In poultry Godrej Agrovet, Suguna, Pioneer andVenkateswara hatcheries are some of the companies integrating operation s end to end from breeding to ready to eat chicken foods. High taxes on processed food, high import duties, nascent contract forming, make the profitability a big issue in India. There are


several regulatory changes that need to be made all along the supply chain so that they are consistent and mutually reinforcing The Cold Chain Cold chain is a logistic system that provides a series of facilities for maintaining ideal storage conditions for perishables from the point of origin to the point of consumption in the food supply chain. The chain needs to start at the farm level (e.g. harvest methods, pre-cooling) and cover up to the consumer level or at least to the retail level. A wellorganized cold chain reduces spoilage, retains the quality of the harvested products and guarantees a cost efficient delivery to the consumer given adequate attention for customer service. The main feature of the chain is that if any of the links is missing or is weak, the whole system fails. The Cold chain logistics infrastructure generally consists of Pre-cooling facilities Cold Storages Refrigerated Carriers Packaging Warehouse and Information Management systems Traceability Financial and Insurance Institutions The temperature controlled supply chains or cold chains are a significant proportion of the retail food market. Fast foods, ready meals and frozen products have increased market share in recent years. There are several food temperature levels to suit different types of products. Frozen, cold chill, medium chill, and exotic chill are some of the frequently nomenclatures with identified temperature ranges. The range of temperatures is dependent on the products whether it is meat or ice cream or potatoes or bananas. Failure to maintain appropriate temperature regimes through out the product life cycle may shorten the product life or adversely affect its fitness for consumption. Cold chain management involves maintaining appropriate temperature regime when the product travels from the farm in Himachal Pradesh to the consumer in London or New York City. That is why the logistics challenge is formidable in food chains, which is cost conscious industry. There


are several governmental regulations in all countries and the responsibility to maintain hygiene and standards falls on the food retailer or manufacturer. The recent developments in electronic tagging could be useful for monitoring the temperatures and also the shelf life of the product. Supply chain expertise There is a need to embrace the concept of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) which was introduced in the United States in the 1990s and is now followed world wide in grocery supply chains. ECR refers to a set of strategies that aims to get companies across a supply chain to work closely to serve their customers better and at lower cost. Consumers benefit from improved product availability and choice, while distributors and suppliers derive better efficiency and cost savings. Also collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment is another area that has yielded substantial savings for retailers. Relationship between the stake holders in the supply chain is of paramount importance for ECR, CPFR and other relationship paradigms to work. Food Packaging Dairy products, edible oils, farm products, sugar, fruit juices, concentrates, preserves, hot and cold beverages, breakfast foods, biscuits and confectionery, atta, are some major foods of daily necessities where packaging will have excellent potential and growth areas. Package has become the competitive tool to reach the consumer and the task assumes increasing responsibility with more and more of competitive and substitute products being introduced. This has opened the sector for introduction of modern technology for processing and packaging and entry of host of new organizations from all sectors of the economy both domestic and overseas. Cost of packaging ranges anywhere from 10 to 64% of production costs and efforts should be made to reduce these costs through use of manufacturing automation and economies of scale. Standards


Standardization is a powerful tool for improving supply chain efficiency. There are two kinds of standards in the food supply chain. The first one is the food standard that concerns itself about the content and the manufacturing process and the packaging etc. There are several such standards for dairy, poultry etc. the second standard concerns regarding the logistics and IT systems like standardization of cartons, pallets and IT software so that seamless transfer of goods and information is possible. Standards enable partners across the supply chain to enjoy increased productivity and economies of scale due to better compatibility and interoperability of their systems and processes.

Food Safety and hygiene Food safety is a growing concern across the world. There is increasing need to provide greater assurance about the safety and quality of food to consumers. The increase in world food trade and the advent of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement under the World Trade Organization (WTO) have lead to increasing recognition and adoption of food safety measures. The capacity of India to penetrate world markets depends on its ability to meet increasingly stringent food safety standards imposed in developed countries. Food standards are expected to acquire greater importance given increasing concerns on food safety on the back of breakout of diseases such as BSE, Avian Influenza, Bird Flu etc on the one hand, and growing consumer demand for products which are healthy on the other. Compliance with international food standards is a prerequisite to gain a higher share of world trade.

Training The food supply chain is going through a period of great change and needs to be supported through new organizational forms manned by specialists. Training, coaching, counseling and mentoring have to be extended to all the parties in the supply chain. For example, it is important to conduct courses and training sessions on cold chain management to raise the knowledge and awareness on the importance of implementing


the cold chain management to ensure that there is no breakdown in maintaining the required temperature throughout the supply chain. In this way a pool of skilled workforce with good knowledge of cold chain management to meet the needs of the industry to be a cold chain will be generated. The same applies to other areas in the food supply chain such as procurement, retailing etc. Business model: retail, e-retail, local use, export The food processing industry supply chain starts at the farm and ends with the consumer. The local consumer could be served though home delivery or through a retailer or a neighborhoodkirana store. An international consumer could be served through food malls. Thus the products need to be manufactured for local as well for export. It is important to forecast the demand for each of the channels and serve the customer with in the expected lead time. The service levels and the pricing will determine if the customer returns for his or her next purchase. Government Policies Food and Agriculture are important national activities and affect the well being of its population of every country. In formulating the policies of farming, production, processing, distribution and retailing and also in financing these activities the Governments play leading role. This becomes all the more important in view of the globalization of the food industry. Allowing foreign operators for food production, distribution and retailing is a decision of national importance. The decisions need to be consistent all along the supply chain and mutually reinforcing and not contradictory. There are several regulatory measures handled by multitude of departments divided between State and Central governments. While some of this is inevitable but streamlining by looking at the supply chain would be extremely productive. Further, research should be initiated to develop indigenous packaging materials, machines, laboratories for developing new food products and more importantly protocols for storage and processing food raw materials. 6. GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES TO PROMOTE FOOD EXPORTS


The Government of India (GOI) has accorded high priority to the establishment of cold chains and encourages major initiatives in this sector. Foreign equity participation of 51% is permitted for cold chain projects. There is no restriction on import of cold storage equipment or establishing cold storages in India. National Horticulture Board (NHB) operates a capital investment subsidy scheme (CISS) which provides 25% (maximum Rs.50 lakhs) subsidies to the promoter. Furthermore, to handle the expected higher agricultural production during the Tenth Plan Period, the Inter Ministerial Task force on Agricultural Marketing Reforms constituted by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has recommended the creation of additional cold chain facilities at an investment cost of Rs. 2500 crore of which Rs. 625 crore are to be provided as subsidy and the rest has to come as private investment. They have also suggested modernization of existing facilities with an investment cost of Rs. 2100 crore of which Rs. 525 crore are to be subsidy and the balance to come as private investment. The state governments also have initiatives in the food processing and cold chain sectors. For example the Gujarat government has accorded priority to agro processing and horticulture, in view of the high export potential for fruits like mango, banana and chikoo. The government supports the sector by providing assistance to farmers for agricultural inputs, developing systems like drip irrigation and encouraging development of infrastructure facilities like warehousing, cold chain, etc for better pre-harvest and postharvest crop management. Gujarat also has good logistical infrastructure such as airport, seaport and extensive road & railway network. Other states such as Maharastra , Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Punjab have similar schemes in place. Agri Export Zones (AEZs):The concept of the Agri Export Zone [19, 20]attempts to take a comprehensive look at a particular produce/products located in a contiguous area for the purpose of developing and sourcing the raw materials, their processing and packaging, finally exporting them. Thus, the entire effort is centered on a cluster approach of identifying the potential products, the geographical region in which these are grown and adopting an end to end approach of integrating the entire process, right from the stage


of production till it reaches the market. The government helps in sourcing for raw materials, the setting up of processing facilities, providing finance at low interest rates and even matching with international buyers. The export zones mooted by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) to increase international trade in agri-commodities are an attempt to take a holistic approach to encouraging trade in specific commodities located in contiguous areas.

For instance, in Tamil Nadu, the AEZs would focus on grapes, mangoes and chikkoo, in Kerala -- vegetables, in Punjab and Haryana -- kino, wheat and rice, Karnataka -vegetables and flowers, Maharashtra -- mangoes, grapes and flower, Gujarat -- bananas, mango, castor and garlic, and in Uttaranchal -- litchi and medicinal plants. CONCLUSION India is all set to become the food supplier of the world. It has the cultivable land, all the seasons for production of all varieties of fruits and vegetables, well developed agribusiness system that works in its own way. The business system is tuned to food habits (cooking at home) and convenience (kirana stores) of rural and urban folks of the previous generation. Factors such as rapid growth in the economy, the technological innovations in home appliances such as refrigerators microwave ovens, rise of families with dual incomes and the changing food habits of the population all point to the increasing need for healthy processed food. The supply chain sector is very weak with no process owner and this can spell disaster. The food supply chain needs the attention of the academics, the industry and the Government.



S.V.S spells out Suvai, Virundhu&Sakthi. Quality and Purity are our Success mantra. S.V.S entered into manufacturing of flour products in the year 1934, now successfully in its 77th Year.Our founder S.V.SankaralingaNadar was more concerned towards selling food products processed as flour products to the society fulfilling their needs with more ease & making their work easy and gaining 100% customer satisfaction. Our products are most preferred by the traditional Housewives. S.V.S is the leading wholesale manufacturers and distributors of Flours in Madurai. We are one of the renowned company blended with tradition and culture.In 1960s, Shri.S.V.Sankaralinga Nadars son Shri.S.V.S.Sundaramurti took charge of the organization. He is one of the famous business personality who was the Patron & President for Tamilnadu Chamber of Commerce & Industry and President in TamilnaduFoodgrains Merchants Association. He was also an Active Member in Productivity Council and Sales Tax Committee. He was more considered in giving flour products at low price and spread out the market in wholesale to hotels, sweet stalls and wholesale customers.In 1980s, Shri.S.V.S.Sundaramurti Son Shri.S.V.S.S.Velshankar entered into the administration of the organization. His innovation and bold moves gave an improvement in the products and its market. He entered into retail marketing in giving products in Kg and 1 Kg pouches. This improved the sales and increased customers preference towards S.V.S products. He was able to expand our market to South Tamilnadu and yearly Export orders are also undertaken in countries like United States, Maldives, and Sri Lanka etc. He also worked hard to improve the Quality of the products thereby receiving AGMARK Certification for Gram Flour and Wheat Flour.Mr.Velshankars effort improved the market share up to 30% in his period of administration in 30 years. Our Administrators Shri.S.V.S.Sundaramurti and Shri.S.V.S.S.Velshankar have received VanigarSri Award for their dedication in Trade. This year Shri.S.V.S.S.Velshankars son Mr.S.V.SurajSundara Shankar (4th Generation Administrator) enters into marketing with


wide stretch, increasing the market to the whole of Tamilnadu and concentrating more on Quality certifications and more food products in the market. Now, our organization has the latest and superior semi-Automatic and fully-Automatic machines for manufacturing, processing and packing. Our specialty is, we select Raw materials from its traditional place with nourished Taste & Aroma. In this Competitive market, we are very much proud to say that we have over 10,000 customers who prefer our brand every year and still increasing. Every year, we sell over 5,000 tonnes of our products to the consumers. We will soon expand our market to the whole of India and export to other countries establishing our Brand all over the world. Our Vision is to give 100% Customer Satisfaction and fulfill the needs of the consumers in food sector.

Buy S.V.S for Suvai Virundhu Sakthi (Taste) (Feast) (Health)




Introduction India is the world's second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The total food production in India is likely to double in the next ten years and there is an opportunity for large investments in food and food processing technologies, skills and equipment, especially in areas of Canning, Dairy and Food Processing, Specialty Processing, Packaging, Frozen Food/Refrigeration and Thermo Processing. Fruits & Vegetables, Fisheries, Milk & Milk Products, Meat & Poultry, Packaged/Convenience Foods, Alcoholic Beverages & Soft Drinks and Grains are important sub-sectors of the food processing industry. A health food and health food supplement is another rapidly rising segment of this industry which is gaining vast popularity amongst the health conscious.

India is one of the worlds major food producers but accounts for less than 1.5 per cent of international food trade. This indicates vast scope for both investors and exporters. Food exports in 1998 stood at US $5.8 billion whereas the world total was US $438 billion. The Indian food industries sales turnover is Rs 140,000 crore (1 crore = 10 million) annually as at the start of year 2000. The industry has the highest number of plants approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) outside the USA.

India's food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc. We cover an exhaustive database of an array of suppliers, manufacturers, exporters and importers widely dealing in sectors like the -Food Industry, Dairy processing, Indian beverage industry etc. We also cover sectors like dairy plants, canning, bottling plants, packaging industries, process machinery etc. The most promising sub-sectors includes -Soft-drink bottling, Confectionery


manufacture, Fishing, aquaculture, Grain-milling and grain-based products, Meat and poultry processing, Alcoholic beverages, Milk processing, Tomato paste, Fast-food, Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, Food additives, flavors etc. Literature Review The environmental ethic that gained worldwide prominence with Earth Day 1990 placed emphasis on individual responsibility (for personal health) and social action (on environmental quality and animal welfare) (MacEachern 1990; Jolly, 1991). Personal responsibilities include making informed consumer choices. This, in turn, requires consumer knowledge and awareness about competing products. Knowledge and awareness have other direct and indirect effects on attitudes toward consumer products, and the willingness to pay a price premium. Because organic products are credence goods, consumers (unlike producers who are aware that their products are organic) may not know whether a product is produced using organic or conventional methods, not even after repeated purchase and consumption, unless they are told so (Giannakas, 2002). Thus, awareness and knowledge about organically produced foods are critical in the consumer purchase decisions. If an individual cannot clearly differentiate between two alternative products, a price premium on the organic product can confuse and/or affect the individuals purchasing decision, in favor of the cheaper product. Most studies on consumer knowledge about organic products reflect a conceptual belief that is true and justified. Consequently, studies typically use measurement methods that essentially rely on correctness to answers on survey questionnaire (Hunt, 2003). Correct (or incorrect) responses imply that the respondent has knowledge (or does not have knowledge) about organic foods and products. Hunt (2003) has noted some limitations associated with such a narrow definition of consumer knowledge, and proposed a wider definition and measurement that captures other important, but often neglected, dimensions of knowledge. Studies that investigated the level of consumer awareness and knowledge about organic foods include Jolly et al. (1989), Ekelund (1990), Akgngr et al. (1997), Hutchins and Greenhalgh (1997), Wang et al. (1997), Compagnoni et al. (2000), Environics (2001), ystein et al. (2001), Kenanolu and Karahan (2002), Cunningham (2002), Demeritt (2002), Hill and Lynchehaun (2002). A critical review of these studies suggests that,


overall, there is some consumer awareness about organic foods around the world. This awareness is high especially in Western Europe, where the organic market is relatively well developed, compared to other regions of the world. Consumer awareness of organic products in North America compares reasonably well with that of Western Europe. Although there is general consumer awareness around the world, the literature also suggests that consumers have inconsistent interpretations about what is organic. For example, in a survey of consumers in three California counties, Jolly et al. (1989) found that respondents associated organic produce with no pesticides, no artificial fertilizer, no growth regulators, and residue-free products. Similarly, survey respondents in the UK perceived organic farming to imply absence of chemicals, absence of growth hormones, and not intensively grown or products grown naturally (Hutchins and Greenhalgh, 1997). In a more recent study for the UK, respondents described organically produced food as one that is more natural and healthy, compared to conventional food (Hill and Lynchehaun, 2002). Furthermore, there was no difference in the UK consumers understanding of organic among organic and non-organic food buyers. In other words, both buyers of organic and non-organic products felt that organic alternatives have no pesticides and/or use no chemical fertilizers, and are natural and healthy. In contrast, Jolly (1991) reported a substantial difference in how US buyers and non-buyers rated organic product quality, compared to conventionally grown products. Consumer knowledge and awareness will continue to be important in the organic food market in two respects. First, there is still a segment of the potential market that is not yet informed about organic foods. For example, in a US study which reported that knowledge and awareness was considered the number one reason why consumers do not buy organic food, 59% respondents indicated that they never considered organic products because they did not know about them (Demeritt, 2002). A second dimension to the knowledge and awareness puzzle is the possibility that those who do not consider organic products may have a general knowledge about them, but do not have enough detailed information to clearly differentiate the unique attributes of organic from conventionally grown alternatives. In summary, knowledge and awareness about organic products can affect attitudes and perceptions about the product and, ultimately, buying decisions. If the skepticism about organic products stemming, in part, from reported cases of mislabeling and fraud are


assuaged, perceptions about the appeal and inherent characteristics of organic may translate into actual demand. Consumers' actions regarding organic food stem from attitudes that in turn, are linked to a complex set of ideas, motivations and experiences. Beliefs and perceptions are highly subjective notions (Fishbein and Ajzein, 1975), because they reflect opinions about the objective state of the world. Although in reality such perceptions may or may not be true, the individual who holds the perception thinks that it is true. Given Lancaster's (1966) notion that consumers demand bundles of product characteristics, perceptions about particular (desirable) characteristics of organic food can influence a buyer's choice. Studies on consumer perceptions about organic versus conventionally produced food therefore attempt to determine what consumers think is true. By comparison, consumer attitudes are likes and dislikes. That is, the positive and negative orientations toward organic or conventionally grown food. Weistberg et al. (1996) argued that consumer preference for a particular product is based on attitudes toward available alternatives. Thus if consumers are asked to indicate their preferences regarding organically versus conventionally produced food, such respondents typically compare their attitudes toward the methods of purchasing the goods, and/or the product characteristics under consideration, before stating their preferences. Although particular attitudes are often assumed to lead to specific behaviors, the food and nutrition science and socialpsychological literature provide limited evidence to support the assumption (Goldman and Clancy, 1991; Sims, 1980). Overall, the scholarly literature suggests that various consumer attitudes work in contrasting ways- for and against purchasing organic products. Several consumer studies have been undertaken in North America and Europe to assess consumer perceptions about organic foods (e.g., Hay, 1989; Ott, 1990; Huang et al, 1990, Huang et al, 1993; Misra et al, 1991; Jolly et al, 1989; Jolly, 1991; Goldman and Clancy, 1991; Ekelund, 1990; Baker and Crosbie, 1993; Swanson and Lewis, 1993; Groff et al, 1993; Sylvander, 1993; Buzby and Kees, 1994; Byrne et al, 1994; Fricke and von Alvensleben, 1997; Hack, 1997; Hutchins and Greenlagh, 1997; The Packer, 1998; Thompson and Kidwell, 1998; ystein et al, 2001, ODonovan and McCarthy, 2002; Jolly, 2001; The Packer, 2001; Demeritt, 2002; Wolf, 2002; Cunningham, 2002). The key findings from selected studies on consumers attitudes and preferences about organic


foods are summarized in Table 4. Most of these studies concluded that consumers purchase organic foods because of a perception that such products are safer, healthier, and more environmental friendly than conventionally produced alternatives. Some studies reported health and food safety as the number one quality attribute considered by organic product buyers. Concern for the environment was less important compared to food safety and health concerns, suggesting that such consumers might rank private or personal benefits higher than the social benefits of organic agriculture. There is a large body of research in social psychology that has pointed to the impact that social influence can have on people's behavior (Apanovitch, Hobfoll, and Salovey 2002; Asch 1955; Dolinski, Nawrat, and Rudak 2001). Social information processing theory (Salancik and Pfeffer 1978) addresses mechanisms by which peers influence individuals' behavior and attitudes. According to this theory, social information consists of comments and observations made by people whose views an individual considers relevant. Researchers have shown the effects of social influence in different spheres (see, e.g., Dolinski, Nawrat, and Rudak 2001). Consumer researchers have also investigated the role of social influence and its impact on consumer behavior (Burnkrant and Cousineau 1975; Calder and Burnkrant 1977; Park and Lessig 1977; for recent examples, see Butcher, Sparks, and O'Callaghan 2002; Schlosser and Shavitt 2002). Word-of-mouth communication is one type of social influence that has received extensive attention in the consumer behavior literature, though much focus has been on negative word-of-mouth communication, as opposed to positive word-of-mouth communication (Laczniak, DeCarlo, and Ramaswami 2001; Richins 1982, 1983, 1984; Singh 1990). Researchers have shown that word of mouth communication has an impact on consumer attitudes (Bickart and Schindler 2001); consumer risk-taking (Woodside and Delozier 1976); short-term and long-term product judgments (Bone 1995); purchase decisions and choice behavior (Lau and Ng 2001); and is related to such variables as consumer complaining behavior (Blodgett, Granbois, and Walters 1993). The research on word-of-mouth is particularly relevant in the discourse on consumer use of online product review websites, since the information found on these websites represents electronic word-of-mouth communication.


The Internet has facilitated more connections among consumers and is a forum for the exchange of information among consumers (Armstrong and Hagel 1996; Chatterjee 2001; Hennig-Thurau et al. 2004). Prior research has shown the impact of the Internet as a medium for consumer feedback and information, and its influence on consumer behavior. Bickart and Schndler (2001), for example, investigated how discussions within online communities impacted consumer behavior. Results from their study pointed to the efficacy of online forums in generating product interest. There was more focus, however, on how this information can be used to assist website developers with the development of better websites. Ratchford, Lee, and Talukdar (2003), in a study using data on automobile purchases collected in 1990 and 2000, found that the use of the Internet as an information source limited the amount of search in which consumers engaged. This suggests reliance on the Internet as a source of information. Hanson and Putler (1996) conducted a study on herd behavior and online product popularity in which they manipulated the perceived popularity of programs on a large commercial online system. The download counts of software, defined by them as how many previous users had obtained a copy of the software program, were artificially increased by repeated downloading. Then they recorded subsequent downloads of the programs made by an online service's subscribers, to assess whether a difference in relative download levels would influence future downloads for two products that were essentially the same. They found that the manipulation increased downloads of the treated program. The possible impact of the virtual environment on consumer behavior was further underscored by Dholakia and his colleagues. Dholakia and Soltysinski (2001) provided evidence for the herding bias in online auctions. This herding bias represents the tendency of many buyers to "gravitate toward, and bid for, auction listings with one or more existing bids, ignoring comparable or even more attractive unbid-for auction listings within the same product category and available at the same time" (Dholakia and Soltysinski 2001, p. 226). One factor that increased the herding bias, according to their study, was the difficulty to evaluate quality within a product category. They suggested that consumers in these online auctions observed and used others' behavior as a guide to their own. Dholakia, Basuroy, and Soltysinski (2002) indicated that psychologists have found that the observable behaviors of others exert strong influences on individuals, since


observed behavior may guide goal-directed behaviors by benefiting the informational and social motives of the decision maker (p.117).

Chatterjee (2001) investigated whether negative word-of-mouth information or reviews of online retailers affected evaluations and patronage intentions. In this study, online wordof-mouth information was operationalized as retailer reviews provided by comparison shopping engines, along with purchase information. The study focused on the effects of negative reviews on consumers' decisions to patronize the retailer, given that consumers needed to purchase a particular product. Their results showed that a majority of participants wanted to access product reviews when they were told that these reviews were available. Overall, they found that the effect of negative consumer reviews on consumers' perceptions of the reliability of a retailer and patronage intentions was moderated by the level of familiarity with the retailer.

Chiou and Cheng (2003) manipulated message favorableness, message number, and brand image to assess their impact on online consumers' perceptions and attitudes. They concluded that message favorableness and message number in the online discussion forum impacted consumers' brand evaluations and attitudes toward the Web owner. More recently, Senecal and Nantel (2004) investigated consumers' usage of online recommendation sources and found that those participants in their study who consulted product recommendations selected recommended products twice as often as those who did not consult recommendations, with some differences across recommendation source and productcategory.

Prior research has shown that there are a number of individual difference variables that are likely to impact consumers' response to the Internet (Bagozzi and Dholakia 2002; Hennig-Thurau et al. 2004). To date, no study of which we are aware has looked at the extent to which susceptibility to interpersonal influence might impact how consumers respond to websites such as product review websites. Consumer's susceptibility to interpersonal influence (CSII) has been a source of interest for marketing researchers. This construct relates to the extent to which consumers are amenable to influence from different sources of information. Researchers opine that this is a general trait that varies across people (Bearden, Netemeyer, and Teel 1989; McGuire 1968). Bearden, Netemeyer,


and Teel (1989) and Deutsch and Gerard (1955) point to the different dimensions of CSII: (a) normative influence, that is, the tendency to conform to the expectation of others; and (b) informational influence, that is, the tendency to accept information from others as evidence about reality (Deutsch and Gerard 1955, p. 474).

In the current study, the interest was in susceptibility to informational influence, given the nature of product review websites as sources of information for consumers. Park and Lessig (1977) suggest that in the case of informational influence, consumers may search for information from other consumers whom they regard as knowledgeable, or they form their judgments and decisions by observing others. Previous research has also shown an impact of informational influence on consumer behavior (see, e.g., Burnkrant and Cousineau 1975; LaTour and Manrai 1989; Lord, Lee, Choong 2001; Park and Lessig 1977).


Awareness Completely aware Known Little Not aware Total No of Respondents 47 29 24 100 Percentage 47% 29% 24% 100%


INFERENCE It is inferred that 47 % respondents are completely aware about SVS Products,29% respondents are know little and remaining 24% are not aware of SVS Products.



Table 4.2 RESPONSE OF NON-DEALER OF SVS PRODUCT Response Yes No Total No of respondents 14 11 25 Percentage 56% 44% 100%


INFERENCE It is inferred that 56 % of non dealer would deal with SVS Products if sales person approach them and remaining 44 % will not deal with svs product.



Table 4.3 REASON TO DEAL WITH SVS PRODUCTS Reason Well established Good quality Better margin Cutomer demand To deal with all product Total Respondent 12 36 25 20 7 100 Percentage 12% 36% 25% 20% 7% 100%


It is inferred that 12 % of reason are well established brand, 36 % are good quality, 25 % are better margin, 20 % are customer demand and remaining 7 % are to deal with all product.


Table 4.4 HIGH MOVING FLOUR BRAND IN MARKET Brand Respondent Percentage


Aashirvaad SVS Visalatchi Global Total

39 28 23 10 100

39% 28% 23% 10% 100%


It is inferred that 39% of customer prefers aashirvaad , 28% prefers svs , 23% prefers visalatchi and remaining 10% prefers Global.



Table 4.5 RETAILES PREFERENCE ON FLOUR PRODUCT Reason Good service Good quality Exciting offers Preferred by customer Sales person are friendly Total Respondent 39 27 6 20 8 100 Percentage 39% 27% 6% 20% 8% 100%`


It is inferred that retailer prefer due to 39% of Good service, 27% of Good quality , 6 % of exciting offer, 20% of customer preferred and remaining 8% due to friendly sales person.




Period Once in a week Once in a month Once in 3 months Daily Total

Respondent 85 15 0 0 100

Percentage 85%S 15% 0% 0% 100%


It is inferred that 85% of the retailer will place order once in a week and remaining 15% of retailer will place once in a month.


Table 4.7 QUALITY ABOUT SVS PRODUCTS Quality Respondent Percentage


Very good Good Neutral Poor Very poor Total

0 69 27 4 0 100

0% 69% 27% 4% 0% 100%


It is inferred that 0% of retailer feels the quality of the svs products as very good, 69% of retailer feels good,27% of retailer feels Neutral and remaining 4% of retailer feels poor quality.


Table 4.8 COMPANY RESPONSE TO RETAILER Response Timely response Satisfied Respondent 23 64 Percentage 23% 64%


Need to improve Totally unsatisfied Total

13 0 100

13% 0% 100%


It is inferred that 23 % of retailer says that Svs Company will respond in timely manner, 64% are satisfied with the response and remaining 13% of retailer recommends improving the response.



Table 4.9 CUSTOMER PREFERENCE TOWARDS SVS PRODUCTS Majority customer preferred Yes No Total Respondent 27 73 100 Percentage 27% 73% 100%


INFERENCE It is inferred that 27% of customer preferred svs products and remaining 73% do not preferred svs products.



Reason No proper awareness No good quality No offer Price factor No proper advertisement Total

Respondent 32 9 11 7 41 100

Percentage 32% 9% 11% 7% 41% 100%


It is inferred that reason for fewer customers are due to 32% of no proper awareness, 9% of no good quality, 11% of no offer, 7% due to price factor and remaining 41% due to no proper advertisement.


Table 4.11 MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SVS PRODUCTS Marketing strategy Respondent Percentage


Very good Good Neutral Poor Very poor Total

0 0 18 69 13 100

0% 0% 18% 69% 13% 100%


It is inferred that the marketing strategy of svs products are 0% very good, 0% good, 18% neutral, 69% poor and remaining 13 very poor.


Table 4.12 PACKING ON SVS PRODUCT Packing Very good Respondent 7 Percentage 7%


Good Neutral Poor Very poor Total

72 21 0 0 100

72% 21% 0% 0% 100%


It is inferred that the Packing of svs products are 7% very good, 72% good and remaining 21% neutral.


Table 4.13 PRICE FACTOR OF SVS PRODUCT Price factor Very high High Respondent 0 73 Percentage 0% 73%


Neutral Low Very low Total

25 2 0 100

25% 2% 0% 100%


It is inferred that the Pricing of svs products are 0% very good, 73% good, 25% neutral and remaining 2% low.


Table 4.14 DELIVERY OF ORDER IN SVS PRODUCT Delivery of order Very good Good Neutral Respondent 0 65 32 Percentage 0% 65% 32%


Poor Very poor Total

3 0 100

3% 0% 100%


It is inferred that the delivery of order of svs products are 0% very good, 65% good, 32% neutral and remaining 3% poor.



1. The customer awareness on SVS Products reveals that 47 % respondents are

completely aware about SVS Products,29% respondents are know little and remaining 24% are not aware of SVS Products.


2. The response of non-dealer of SVS Product reveals that 56 % of non-dealer would

deal with SVS Products if sales person approach them and remaining 44 % will not deal with svs product.

3. Reason to choose SVS Products reveals that 12 % of reason are well established

brand, 36 % are good quality, 25 % are better margin, 20 % are customer demand and remaining 7 % are to deal with all product.

4. Customer towards flour reveals that 39% of customer prefers aashirvaad , 28%

prefers SVS , 23% prefers visalatchi and remaining 10% prefers Global.

5. Retailers towards flour reveals that retailer prefer due to 39% of Good service,

27% of Good quality , 6 % of exciting offer, 20% of customer preferred and remaining 8% due to friendly sales person.

6. 85% of the retailer will place order once in a week and remaining 15% of retailer will place once in a month.

7. Quality of SVS Product reveals that 0% of retailer feels the quality of the SVS

products as very good, 69% of retailer feels good, 27% of retailer feels Neutral and remaining 4% of retailer feels poor quality.

8. Company response reveals that 23 % of retailer says that SVS Company will respond in timely manner, 64% are satisfied with the response and remaining 13% of retailer recommends improving the response.


9. Customer preference reveals that 27% of customer preferred SVS Products and

remaining 73% do not preferred SVS Products.

10. Reasons for fewer customers are due to 32% of no proper awareness, 9% of no

good quality, 11% of no offer, 7% due to price factor and remaining 41% due to no proper advertisement.

11. The marketing strategy of SVS

Products are 0% very good, 0% good, 18%

neutral, 69% poor and remaining 13 very poor.

12. The Packing of SVS Products are 7% very good, 72% good and remaining 21%


13. The Pricing of SVS Products are 0% very good, 73% good, 25% neutral and

remaining 2% low.

14. The delivery of order of SVS Products are 0% very good, 65% good, 32% neutral

and remaining 3% poor.


This study is targeted only within the retailers. This study covers the retailers within the Madurai district. As the numbers of retailers are too high duration for this study was a main constraint.


The study determines the awareness of SVS Product and preferences are to be limited. The study also gives a clear view of the factors influencing the awareness and preferences of the local retail shop keeper. For smooth functioning the company has to adopt a new marketing strategy to make a proper awareness among public and to create more awareness about their products among retailers and to reach out to more number of retailers in Madurai. The company should focus on the deciding factors like price, quality, delivery and reliability even though they have a good delivery and quality record in the local market, by emphasizing on pricing strategies and maintaining standard products in the market. The company should also give special preference to their loyal customers and increase the supply by providing valuable and good offers to the retail shop keeper in the local market.



Even though more percent of retailers prefer SVS Products, we should take appropriate measures to reach out to more retailers in the local market.

The percent of purchase time is higher among the retailers; therefore we should take adequate steps to transfer only the required amount of goods to the retailers.

As SVS Products are most referred by the retailers, we should give reasonable offers to the retailers for more preference rate.

Although the price is the highest preferring reason for the product, we should make steps to ensure that the price is maintained in the same level and increase at a steady pace according to the market conditions.

Even though the company has a good delivery record, it should increase its performance level for increased supply needs.

The highest percent of the retailers are satisfied with the quality and the delivery rate of SVS Products hence the company should ensure consistency in this regard.

The company should give special preference to retailer to ensure their loyalty and customer retention.



Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, 2008

Ainsworth Anthony Bailey, university of Toledo, Customer awareness and use of product, Journal of interactive advertisement ISSN:1525-2019.

Journal of global markeing,8,no 2 (1994);5,1-74 Symour, Daniel T the pricing decision,Chicago: probus publishing,1989 Cannon ,hugh M., and fred W.morgan.A strategic pricing famework journal of business and industrial marketing,6no.3,4. Cavusgil,s .tamer .pricing for global markets. Columbia journal of world business,31,no.4(1996)




I am M.Thangamuthupandian studying I year MBA in Velammal Institute of Technology and I doing My summer project at SVS FOODS on the title Retailers awareness & Perception about SVS Product. I kindly request you to fill in the below questionnaire which would be a valuable source of data to my project
1. Name 2. Age : :

3. Shop Name : 4. Are you aware of the SVS Products? I am completely aware of SVS products I know very little about SVS products I am not aware of SVS products For Non-dealers 5. If you are approached by SVS sales person would you like to deal with SVS Products? Yes For Dealers 6. Why you deal with SVS products Well established brand name Customer Demand To Deal with all products Good quality Better Margin No


Others if any please mention______________________ 7. Which brand do you order more in case of flour? Aashirvaad Global others SVS visalatchi

8. What is the reason for your choice in :4? Good service Most preferred by customer More offers 9. How often do you place orders for flour based products? Once in a week Once in 3 months once in month Daily Good Quality Reps are friendly to you

10. What do you feel about quality of SVS PRODUCTS? Very good Very poor 11. How is the response from the SVS company side? Timely response Need to improve Satisfied Totally Unsatisfied Good Neutral Poor

12. Rank the SVS Products on the following attributes Quality Price Packing Availability



13. Is SVS product been preferred by majority of customers? Yes 14. If No , Why ? No proper awareness No offers No good quality Price factors No

15. What is your opinion about the marketing strategies for SVS PRODUCTS? Very good Very poor 16. How will you rank the packaging of SVS Products? Very good Very poor 17. What is your opinion about the price at SVS Products? Very high Very low 18. What is your opinion about the delivery of order by SVS Product? Very high Very low 19. Suggestion: High Neutral Low High Neutral Low Good Neutral Poor Good Neutral Poor

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