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NAME: Ciubotariu Corina DATE: May 15th 2012 SCHOOL: Colegiul Naional Mircea Cristea, Braov GRADE : 8th Grade LEVEL: Upper Intermediate NO. OF STUDENTS: 26 TIME: 50 minutes TYPE OF LESSON: Teaching Grammar, Speaking and Vocabulary BOOK: Highflyer TOPIC: Unit 12- Revision AIMS: 1. Cognitive: 2. Emotional: To express personal ideas and opinions To encourage conversation and develop fluency To evaluate students work To enrich students vocabulary To lower TTT To encourage more STT To revise knowledge gained during the studied unit

STUDENTS POSSIBLE PROBLEMS / ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: 1. Ss may have problems remembering the Past Perfect Continuous or Past Simple 2. Ss may not know who Odysseus is POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THEM: 1. T will remind the Ss about the tenses mentioned above 2. T will explain who Odysseus is and his place in Mythology

TYPES OF INTERACTIONS: Teacher to Student(s) (T>Ss) Student(s) to Teacher (S(S) >T) Student(s) to Student(s) ( S(S) > S(S))

TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Individual work Group Work Explanation Conversation

MATERIALS: Textbook- Highflyer (Students book) Upper Intermediate level Notebooks Blackboard Chalk

Stage and Time Lead in 5 min -

Teacher The T instructs the Ss to read their homework given in the previous class The T asks questions regarding the homework given and answers possible questions The T asks the Ss to talk about their hobbies and activities they do in their spare time T asks the Ss to open their textbooks to page 52 T asks Ss to read Exercise 10 from page -

Student S(s) read their homework

Aims - To lower TTT - To encourage more STT

Speaking Activity 10 min -

Ss talk about their hobbies and favorite activities Ss open their books to page 52 Ss read the exercise and ask unknown words Ss answer the questions given

To encourage individual work To express personal ideas and opinions - To encourage more STT

52, entitled The wider world and ask if there are unknown words T asks Ss to try to answer the questions given

Pair Work (Speaking) 10 min

Grammar practice 8 min -

The T asks the Ss to read the text of exercise 11 aloud The T asks Ss to form groups of two The T asks the Ss to interview two people instead of 5 T asks Ss to reveal their findings T asks Ss to read exercise 1 from page 52 T asks Ss to rewrite the sentences using an informal register

Ss read one sentence at a time and state the unknown words Ss form groups of two and interview each other Ss reveal their findings

To encourage reading aloud To encourage group work To encourage more STT To encourage pair work

Ss read the exercise Ss rewrite the sentences

- To evaluate students work - To get feedback

Answer check 2 min The T checks the answer to exercise number 1 on page 52 T asks the Ss to read the sentences they wrote T asks Ss to read exercise 2 from page 52 T asks Ss to rewrite the sentences using an informal register

Ss give the correct answer to the T Ss read their sentences

- To evaluate students work - To get feedback

Grammar Practice 8 min

Ss read the exercise Ss rewrite the sentences

To evaluate students work To get feedback

Answer check 2 min The T checks the answer to exercise number 2 on page 52 T asks the Ss to read the sentences they wrote The T asks the Ss to solve exercise 3 from page 52

Ss give the correct answer to the T Ss read their sentences

- To evaluate students work - To get feedback

Homework 5 min

Ss read the instructions of the exercises aloud

To encourage reading aloud To encourage

The T suggests solving exercise number 4 for extra credit The T asks the students to read the instructions of the exercises aloud

individual work

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