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Eloa - Canto I

Alfred de Vigny Eloa, or sister of the Angels Mystery FIRST SONG Birth

This is the snake, she said, I listened and he deceived me. Genesis.

He was born an angel on earth, in time Where the Ombudsman was saving his inhabitants. With its dark and as a result banished him, Jesus had left the walls of Bethany; Throughout the campaign he fled with a slow, Sometimes stopped praying and consoling Sitting on the edge of a field took to the symbol, Or telling the parable of the Samaritan, The lost sheep, or bad pastor Or the white tomb like the impostor; And from there, continuing his peaceful conquest, The Canaanite woman listened to the request, In teaching his daughter without a guide paths, Then the little children he laid his hands. The man born blind saw, without being able to understand The lepers and the deaf hear and touch, And all, devoting tears for goodbye They left the desert where God banished. Son of man and about the evils of birth, He started all the greater, the absence

Abandoning his city and experiencing the Edict, To accomplish all that had been predicted. However, during those times, his friends in Judea Saw that he had come to an end delay: Lazarus, whom he loved and no longer visits, Came to die, his days are all gone. But friendship with God Is not life? He went into the night, his walk was followed By two young sisters of the patient expired Who in his own home he had retired. They were Martha and Mary, Mary was the gold Who poured perfume and was blaming his zeal. All grieving, Jesus said in vain: "He sleeps. " And himself, on seeing the shroud and the death He wept. - Tear holy friendship given Oh! you do point to the winds dropped smart! Seraphim examined the urn diamond Invisible to mortals, you received weakly, And as a wonder in Heaven even surprising, At the feet of the Lord brought you radiant. Eye always open a complacent gaze Moved and was now shining the ineffable; And the Holy Spirit pouring on her power, Gave life and soul to the divine essence. As the incense burning rays of the sun Turns into a pure fire, glowing and ruddy, We then saw the urn in the dazzling Rise and form a white and growing A voice is heard saying: "Eloa! " And the angel appearing said, "Here I am. " All dressed in the eyes of Heaven who contemplates, She walks towards God as a wife in the Temple; His handsome face is serene and pure as a lily, And a veil of blue it raises the hair;

Her hair, like sheaves shared blondes Vapors in air lose their soft waves, As can be seen wandering the comet in the heavens Melt in the night its graceful rays; A pink glow of dawn morning Did not his complexion reddening virginal; And the moon, illuminating the thick woods, On one of his eyes does not soft sweetness. Its wings are silver in a pale dress Its white foot in turn shows up and steals away, And her bosom stirred, but scarcely seen, Raises the contours of the celestial fabric. She is a woman too, is a charming angel; For the people of spirits, this loving family, Who, for us, near us, and pray always watch, Unit in its purest essence of holy love: Archangel Raphael, when he came to Earth, Under the cradle of Eden told that sweet mystery. But none of these sisters that God created for them Brings more joy in heaven of the Blessed. The Cherubim hot qu'enveloppent six wings The tender Seraphim, gods of love faithful Thrones, Virtues, Princes, the fervor, Dominions, the Guardians, the Splendor, Dreams and pious, and holy praise, And all the angels pure, and all the great Archangels And all that heaven contains people, All of their golden wings veiled at the same time Lowered their foreheads to her feet of snow, Virgin and her sisters, joining in the procession, As around the moon we see the lights of evening, Held by the hand, ran to see. Harps of gold hanging from their chastity belt; And flowers that heaven was only germinate nature Flowers not seen in the Summer of human As a large rainfall in their hands.

"Blessed, then singing voice incomparable Happy the world offered its not rescue! When she has spent among the poor, The consoling spirit will spread over them. What world awaits you? What century demand? He will be born in other lands so that she order? " One day ... (How dare name the day name What did not leak and does not return? Human languages defying poverty, Eternity is veiled to our intelligence And for us to hear one of those brief moments We must look for them a name among the time.) One day, the inhabitants of the immortal empire Careless once united to instruct. "Eloa, they said, oh! sure of course you: An angel can fall, the most beautiful of all of us No longer here: Yet in his first virtue They called him the one who carries the light; For it was love and life everywhere, He wore the stars all the commands of God; Land devoted his matchless beauty, Lucifer the morning star appellant, Diamond radiant vermilion on his forehead, Among her golden hair posed the sun. But they say that now there is no tiara He groaned, he is alone, nobody loves That the blackness of a crime weighs down his eyes, He does not know to speak the language of Heaven; Death is in the words uttered by his mouth; He burns what he sees, it withers what it touches; He can not feel the harm or benefits; He is without joy in the misfortunes he has made. The sky becomes cloudy he lived in his memory, No angel you dare tell his story, No angel would dare say his name once. "

And we thought the curse ELO, but not The terror altered by point his peaceful face, And it was heaven for an alarming sign. His first impulse was not to shudder, But rather to approach as to aid; Sadness appeared on his lip ice As soon as a disaster presented itself to his mind; She learned to dream, and her innocent face This condition unknown blushed lowered; A tear glistened with his eyelid. Blessed are those whose heart and poured the first! An angel had these problems that trouble as today And continue the great courses in the pump; But, in banquets, among the multitude, A man who moans is loneliness; The noise of nations, the noise made by kings, Nothing extinguish in his heart a greater voice. Harps of Heaven, you were no miracles! Tanks alive whose eyes were shining with prestige! Armor of God, the holy place flags, Stars falling from the fingers of the shepherds of God Censers sapphires, gold dome of heaven, Delights of nebel, scents of cinnamon, Your consonant sounds, your splendor, your perfume To become an angel saddened unwelcome; The sacred hymns disturbed his reverie, Because nothing met his tender soul And even when God is calling the spirits Unveiled its grandeur to their looks surprised And showed in the heavens, home birth, The depths of his three unnamed power, Either when the cherubim represented them Or acts of Christ or those blessed And repeated at each new mystery Heaven Who in the same time on earth was happening,

The nursery offered to foreign eyes of the Magi, The family in the desert, the shepherds hello, Eloa, deviating from this divine sight, Away from crowds and far from brilliant tabernacle Looked around in the dark cloud where It could at least dream of freedom. The angels have nights like the night man. It is in Heaven even a pure fountain; A bright water ran there on a red sand; When an angel then he sleeps, but a sleep As the most beloved of lovers of the earth Do not want to leave the solitary charm, Not even for sleeping with him again The beauty whose head has his arm for support. But in vain Eloa drank in its wave His grief was deeper concern; And always in a dream the night he showed An angel by far the unfortunates who implored. The blank sometimes, for a sentencing hearing, Forming a prayer unheard and vain, The surrounding, and taking such care that hurt, Wondered what treasures he had to offer, And what price would be her eternal life, If the happiness of heaven little flattered his desire; And why his eyes not looking at last The eyes of an archangel or those of a seraph. Eloa answer a single word: "None of them need the one console. They say he is a ... But turning their steps Virgins fled and did not name. However, only one day, their shy companion Look around the celestial campaign Extends the wing and smiled, flies, and in the air Seeking his land or friend of the stars deserts.

Thus in the forests of Louisiana, Cradled in the bamboo and the long vine, Having broken the golden egg matured by the sun, Leaves its bed of flowers in bright Colibri; An emerald green crowned his head, Wings on his back the purple is ready, The armor azure packed his young heart, Struggles for air by the bird as a winner ... He walks in the area surrounding the light Its feathers are afraid of coral dust; Under its shelter the amazing wild pigeon, The bold traveler visits the palm. The plain perfume is first neglected; It happens, ambitious, hard maple with hollyhock, And all its festivities believes finding the primers On the front of the palm or arm of the cypress; But the woods are too big for his fledgling wings. And flowers of the cradle of these places are missing; On the green savannah it down the search; The snake-bird-catchers that they could hide The startle far less than the dry forests. He goes by the waters of Florida jasmine, The nonpareil at the bottom of her chaste prisons Perfumed strawberry and turf in the middle. Thus Elo, strong from birth, Its silver wings trying the power From the road where white lights immortal Burn the feet of God as a cluster of shrines, Sometimes balancing himself on two young planets, Sometimes putting his feet on the front of comets, To discover beings born elsewhere, Arrived alone at the bottom of the lower heavens. The Ether has its degrees, an immense size, Until the eternal darkness where chaos begins.

As soon as a blue angel fled unlimited Domed sapphire which is filled with the Trinity It is a less pure air, and here the clouds pass, Rotate the fumes, wind storms, As an agile guard, and whose depth Air that God breathes off the heat for us. But after our sun and the atmosphere Where, in their narrow circle, swinging our spheres, The space is empty, sad, dark, and furrowed By a black swirl slowly driven. A pale and doubtful light illuminates the skies in vain, Beneath it is chaos and night unknown And when fire breaks wind in his deep, We guess the impalpable void and without substance. Never mind pure, children of light, Of these three regions reach the last; And never strays no beautiful seraph Of those degrees which confused the Hell is the end. Even the cherubim, so strong and faithful, Fear that dirty air is missing under their wings, And they are forced into this flight hazardous Falling to the depths of dark chaos. That would become the helpless exile? From the inextinguishable laughter of demons offense, Their words, their mocking games, slow and cruel insult, Would lower his eyes would redden his forehead. Risk greatest perhaps he would hear Some song voluptuous abandonment and tender, Some regret of Heaven, a painful tale Said the sweet voice of an angel unhappy. And even, by lending an ear tenderly, He could forget the heavenly homeland, Take pleasure in the night and in a friendship Would have tied them the songs and pity. And how to go back to the blue vault, Offering light bright and golden

Hair whose waves are scattered and tarnished Wings colorless, arms, neck brown, A forehead paler, marked by traces unknown Among the residents of serene skies, Redness of the eyes which shows that they cried, And feet of a fire still black plague? That is why, always careful and always wise, Angels fear of these places the passages. This was, however, on the dark steam, The virgin Eloa rested without fear; She did not disturbed by seeing his power, And the new benefits caused by his presence. Some worlds punished seemed to console; Globes stopped to hear him fly. If it also happened that these new roads She touched one of them the feathers of its wings, Then all the troubles there silent for a moment, The rivals kissed each other with amazement; All daggers fell forgotten by hatred; The prisoner smiled and walked alone without a chain; The criminal returned to the temple of the law; The outlaw sat at the king's palace; The restless insomnia abandoned his prey; The crying stopped everywhere, out cries of joy; And, surprised happiness rare among mortals The separated lovers united at the altar.

Eloa - Chant II
Eloa, or sister of the Angels
Mystery SECOND SONG Seduction

Often among the mountains which dominate the land Opens a natural well, deep and lonely; The water that falls from the sky it keeps, dark mirror Where in the day you see the stars at night. There, when the village was under the rope agile The ballot box at the bottom of the water, plunged the fragile clay She remains idle, and contemplates a long time This magical array of stars shining, Which seems to adorn his forehead, in the wave underground From a band that approxi hair of a queen. That, at the bottom of chaos observed by her beautiful eyes, The Virgin, leaning, seemed to see other skies. Her eyes, dazzled by the innumerable suns, Initially only perceived an abyss and darkness. But she soon saw the blue lights and stray Such as cold rolling lightning swamp; They fled, returned, then escaped again; Every star seemed to pursue a meteor; And the angel smiling at the show abroad Eyes followed their circular flight and light. Soon it seemed that a pure harmony Flame coming out of each other united flame: Such is the shock wave and sound plaintive and clear Crystals suspended in the air passage, For that, in his palace, the young Italian Fall asleep listening to the Aeolian harp. This song became a distant noise supernatural Which appeared to approach the girl of Heaven; And these fires were gathered as the dawn Any day that seemed almost unexpected bloom. In its light pink fragrant cloud Ascended into long detours in a fiery air, Then slowly layer formed his ambrosia Like those where sleeps the soft couches Asia. There, as an angel sitting, young, sad and charming,

A heavenly form appeared vaguely. Sometimes a child of Clyde frothy, In his travels leaping mountain misty And a deer hunting light that astonished his horn, Glaciers in the mists of Arven Crona, Crosses sparkling rocks, rushes into the abyss, To pass the river with trees swaying, Tomb with a sure-footed, and opens paths Until the snow still untouched by human footsteps; But soon, straying amidst the clouds, It searches the paths obscured by the storms; There, under a rainbow sky crowning the waters, If he has seen in the clouds and waves networks Pass the Scotch plaid light of a wandering And if he hears his voice in the echoes dying He stops delighted because he believes that his eyes Come to see the sister of his ancestors, Who is going to thrill, shadow still in love, Under his transparent fingers harp vaporous; It then looks how the named Ossian, And, standing upon a rock called Evira-Coma. Appeared no less beautiful, but no less uncertain, Dark angel's form still distant Enchantment and no less delicious Occupied the celestial virgin eyes. Like a sleeping swan, which alone, far from shore, Book wing white wave fugitive The unknown young man leaned limply On this bed of vapors under his arm was leaking. Her dress was purple, and pale or flamboyant, Enchanted eyes shades of opal. His hair was black, but pressed a bandage; It was a crown or perhaps a burden: Gold was living as these mystical lights

Which, whirling, burning on the ancient tripods. His wing was bent, and low color In the mist of night imitated pallor. Many of the diamonds shine with grace On his feet a delicate golden circle embraces; Surrounded by rings softly mysterious His arms and all his fingers dazzle the eyes. He waves his hand a golden scepter army Like a king who sees a mountain of his army, And, fearing that his wishes are not fulfilled, On impatiently accused all his steps: His forehead is concerned, but his gaze lowered, Either that, knowing the strength enchanting eyes, He wants to do first show that by degrees Their rays caressing still unsteady, Whether he also fears the involuntary flame Which in a single glance reveals the soul to soul. As in the forest on gentle morning breeze Begins his sighs uncertain by a noise Who wakes up and makes the earth throb wave; Slowly raising his voice soft and deep, And taking an accent like a sad farewell Here are the words he said to the daughter of God: "Where have you been, beautiful Archangel? where are you? which way Follow your wing money in the air spreads? Are you going, you resting in the center of the Sun, Guide the focus of his fiery red circle; Or disturbing the lovers fear ideal Show them in the night the Aurora Borealis; Share the chalices of dew flowers Or bend over the mountains to the seven colors of the scarf? Your care are not they monitor the souls And talk in the evening in the heart of young women; Come as a dream in their hands to ask you, And to provide a son with a kiss?

These are your sweet job, so at least I want to believe Your beauty and your marvelous rays of glory. But you're not an enemy emerging Qu'instruit me hate my rival too powerful? Ah! Perhaps it is you who offended me myself Drive my Pagan under the waters of baptism; Because the enemy always oppose triumphant The look of a virgin or a child's voice. I am an exile that you may be looking for: But it is true, beware the jealous God your master; It is to be loved is to be saved; I am unhappy, I am reproved. Chaste beauty! you come to fight me or absolve me? You come down from heaven who sent me this lightning But so sweet to me, I do not know why You also come from above, beautiful angel, my cons. " Thus spoke the spirit. At his voice caressing Luxury prepared against an innocent soul, At these soft lights, the magical device This sweet angel, like his brothers, The inhabitant of heaven, veiled its wing, Rode backwards on his way starry As you can see the swimmer in the reeds Fleeing a young swimmer she saw beneath the waters. But in vain his feet walking away from the cloud, As far as the dove in two days of travel Can depart from Aleppo and the white tower Hence, the Sultan sent a love letter: Under the flash of an eye his strength was broken; And when he saw his wing under control bend, The enemy continued seductive whisper: "I'm the one you love and you do not know. The man I founded my empire of flame In the desires of the heart, in dreams of the soul,

Links in the body, attractions mysterious In the treasures of the blood in the eyes of the eyes. I am he who talk the wife in his dreams; The girl learns happy happy lies; I give them nights that console days, I am the King of secret secret loves. I unite the hearts, I break the chains rigorous Like a butterfly on her dusty wings Door to the grass tribes moved with flowers, And they made love without danger and without tears. I took her to the Creator weak creature; We have, in spite of himself, shared the Nature: I let him, proud of the noises of the day vermeil Hide the stars of gold under the glare of the Sun; Me, I outline the shadow, and I give the land The pleasure of evenings and property of the mystery. "Are you coming with a few angels of heaven, Admiring the course of my nights delicious? Did you see their treasures? Do you know what wonders Angels accompany the dark watches? "As soon as, thrown under the pale horizon, The red sun has left the turf, Countless spirits, we fly in the shadows Shaking in air our dark hair: The odor then until the morning dew Raining orange, lilac and thyme. Nature, attentive to the laws of my empire, Greets me with love and listen to me breathe; I become his soul, and sweet for my projects From the bottom of the elements I mention my subjects. Guest wont my night feast Each of them singing is about to go there. Towards the starry sky, in the pride of his flight, Rushes The first, the elegant nightingale;

His sonorous voice, with the wave, the land, bare In my time announces the coming baby; He praises my approach to pale alders, He reiterated the roses still wet; Herald smooth everywhere I proclaim; All birds of the shadow their eyes open flame. The worm shines his forehead diamond Repeat with flowers lights of the firmament, And struggle with the meteor lights Lurking in the waters as a pale dawn. The star of the marsh that separates my hand, Falls and trace in the air a light path. "Ignoring his remorse and sad chimera If left blank the layer from her mother, These natural candles lit under him, And the clear light guide and do not betray. If his lip and just alters nearshore Look like a cut a deep shell, The water boils and sighs, and before his feet bare Throw the sandy shores of the conch Venus. Make it see the spirits of wonderful things Under groves filled with the scent of roses; She sees on the grass, where they hand the lead, These flowers whose beauty only opens at night For whom the dawn will also cruel And whose modest in love as she has. Silence follows, all asleep; The shadow plays a mystery with reverence. The winds of near neighbors, bring ambrosia On the layer of wood that the lover has chosen. Soon two young voices whisper about Groves that animate the rest deaf. Beneath the thick elm whose shelter receives them, The bird sings and sound awakened under the sheet. The anthem of lust startles the air

Trees have their songs, their concerts bushes, And, on the banks of water that flows and moaned, The dove coos languidly night. "There it is before your eyes the work of criminals; This is a villain who is accused Comforter Crying on the slave and the master steals, Saved by the love of the sorrows of his being, And in the common evil itself buried Gives him a little charm and sometimes forgotten. " Three times in these words of the Archangel nascent The blush colored cheek teenager And, fighting three times against a look unclean, Eyelid gold veiled her azure eyes.

loa - singing III

loa, or the sister of the angels
Mystery SONG THIRD Fall

Whence come you, indecent assault, noble fear, o mystery,. That at the time of his childhood has witnessed the birth of the Earth, Flowers of his first days germez among us, Rose of paradise! Indecent assault, whence come you? You can still only replace innocence. But the forbidden tree gave you birth; The charm of virtues your charm is equal, But you are also the first step of evil; Your breast decorates chaste garment: Eve before the snake did not yet;

And, if the pure sailing adorns your maintenance, It is always a veil, and crime was his own; All you disorder, a look hurts your eyelid But the child fears nothing, and is seeking the light. Under this new power, the Virgin dropped, It fell already, as it blushed; Already almost subjected to the yoke of the mind dark, It descends, dates, and descends in the shadows. Such shows Partridge twirl and glide On ears broken that she would like to glean. Because its nest waiting for him; If his flight venture, His eyes cannot escape one who looks... And it is the dog of judgment which, dark supervisor. The following, always follows a fixed and bright look. O of the moments of ineffable love delirium! The heart responds to the heart as the air to the lyre. And a young lover, loved interpreter. Explains the desire itself inspired And against indecent assault helping his beloved, Resulting in his arms his charme weakness. All drunk hope, more than half-winner, Pronounces the oaths in his heart, The prince of spirits, oppresse voice. The shy Virgin explained the thinking. loa, not to mention, said: "I am to you."; And the Dark Angel said any low: "got to me." "Got to me, be my sister, I am yours myself;" Well-deserved you, and as long I love you, Because I have seen you one day. Among the sons of air I down me, veiled as a winter sun. I revis once the ineffable countered, Peoples light Cerulean, homeland And not had one regret leaving these places Where the fear still sits among the gods. You only have appeared me as a young star

That in the vast night pierces the veil; You only published what is sought That man continues in the shadow of his days, The God that happiness is only the mystery, And the Queen expected my solitary throne. Finally, by your presence, able to charm me. It was revealed that I could love. "Is that your eyes veiled for a shade of sadness" Have heard mine constantly seeking Either your origin, as fresh as you, You made a homeland a little more about me, I know, but since time te living rise. In all be created I believed recognize you; I have three times in tears spent in the universe; I look for you everywhere: in a breath of air. Within a RADIUS fell from the disk of the Moon, In the star who flees the sky who accosts him. In the Rainbow, familiar passage to the angels. Or on soft bed of the glacier snow; The fragrance of your flight I snif the trace; In vain I wondering globes of space, The tank of the pure stars I obscured the axles, I voilai their rays to attract your eyes, I osai, emboldened by my new delirium. Touch the fibres of the celestial lyre gold. But you heard nothing, but you do not screw me. I returned to Earth, and I slipped my steps Under the shelter of human where you received birth. I thought you find protecting innocence, Cradle balanced a sleeping child, Refreshing his lip with a friend blast; Or as a curtain developing your wing And keeping against me, timid Sentinel, The sleep of the Virgin Mary along with her sister, Which, dreaming, on its breast the gently press.

But only I returned under my beautiful home I wept there as here, I moan there, until the time Where the sound of your flight touched me, made me tremble, As a priest who feels that his God will speak. He said; and soon as a young Queen. Red pleasure on behalf of sovereign, And to his subjects a graceful gesture, Or their transport gives a look of his eyes. loa, lifting the veil of her head, With a sweet smile to speak to him is about. More drops him, looks, and half-heartedly Looks with pride her lover immortal. Its beautiful breast, as a stream on the shore expiring, For the first time arises and sighs; His arm, as a White Lily on the suspended Lake, Approaching without slowly extended horror; Scented mouth in opening appears to hatch. As the young rose in favor with the Aurora, When the morning pay him a fresh liquor, And what a ray of the day between up to his heart. She speaks, and his voice in a beautiful sound gathering This than the softer sounds would grace together; And the lyre to the flutes in the Woods, And the bird complains for the first time, And the sea when its waves bring on the strike The songs of the night at the feet of the traveller who dreams, And the wind which plays to the bells of the hamlets, Or moan rushes of the escape of the water: "Since you are beautiful, you are good, no doubt;" As soon as skies a soul takes the road, Like a saint garment we see his goodness To give by entering the eternal beauty. But why your speech I inspire fear? Why on your forehead both footprint pain? How were you able to get out of the place Saint?

And how to love me you, if you do not like God? Disorder of the eyes, grace of decency, Accompanying these words, forts such as innocence; They fell from his mouth, also soft, also pure. The snow in winter on the obscure slopes; And as, all fed first gasoline, The Angels were at the heart of the light sources, While she spoke, her wings in areas around, And his breast and his arms spread the day: Thus the diamond shines in shadows. The Archangel is startling, and under his dark hair Seeks a thick refuge in his eyes dazzled; He thinks that at the end of the failed time Similarly, it should be given his master, And that a God look the break may be; He also recalls what he suffered After attempting to Jsus in the desert. He trembles; on his heart where hell again. As a dark coat sheds its huge wing. And wants to flee. Terror woke up all his ills. On the snow of the mountains, Crown hamlets, The Spanish wounded Eagle of Asturias Which flight threatened its White sheepfolds; Bristling, the bird hand and is raining blood, Monte as soon the sky lightning alighting. Look at Sun, an open beak aspires it. Believes revive the flamboyant empire; In a fluid of gold it powerfully, swimming And among the rays to balance a moment; But the man struck him too safe infringement; He feels lead Hunter melt in his injury; The wing remains, and his royal mantle Flies as a duvet is pulling the knife. Dispossessed of the air, its weight the precipitates;

In the snow of the mountain it is sinking and pulses, And land ice has a sleep weighing Closed this respected powerful eye of the Sun. Such, found at the bottom of his memory, his headaches The cursed Angel reached her black hair, And said, penetrated to a hellish grief: "Sad love of sin!" Dark desires of evil! Pride, the huge knowledge thoughts! How do I know your senseless zeal? Cursed be the moment where I measured God! Simplicity of the heart, to which I said farewell! I Aspen before thee, but yet I love you; I am less criminal because I love you again; But in my wilted breast you reviendras not! From what I was, what! I've done both steps! And myself to me so great is the distance, That I understand more what innocence; I suffer, and my mind, the wrong shot. Cannot back up both of virtue. "What you become, days of peace, heavenly days." When I was going, the first of these modest angels, Pray two kneeling before the ancient law, And never thought beyond the faith? Eternity for me opened as a holiday; And flowers in my hands, rays on my head, I souriais, I was... I would have perhaps liked! The tempter himself was almost charmed; He had forgotten his art and his victim, And rested his heart a time of the crime. He repeated it all down, and the front in his hands: "If I know you, o tears of humans." Ah! If in this moment the Virgin could hear it, If the heavenly hand she had dared him tender

The had seized repentant, docile to go... Who knows? evil may have ceased to exist. But, as soon as she saw on his thoughtful head Hell detected the convulsive pain Surprised and shaking, she raised her eyes; Stronger, it appeared to remember of the heavens. And raised two times silver, wings ENTR' opening to moan her lips enchanted. And a young child, focusing on reeds. Attempts of low Cree smothered under water. The lives prepared to flee the heavens of light. As an awake Tiger leaps in the dust, As soon as himself, and stronger now. Found this spirit which deflects never. This black spirit of evil that irritates the innocence, He blushes to have doubt of its power, He restored peace on radiant brow, Suddenly re-activated the boldness of his eyes, And long time in silence he looks and looks The victim of the sky he for his temple; As for him show it resists in vain, And to harden himself at this divine sight. Without love, without remorse, to the bottom of a heart of ice. Blows it will wear it meditates instead. And, such as the warrior who, quiet design. In the defects of the railway seeks to strike, breast He composed his features on the desires of the Angel; His air, his voice, his gesture and its maintenance, everything changes Without come from his heart, fallacious crying Suddenly appear on the edge of her eyes. The Virgin in heaven had not seen tears, And stops; a sigh increases its alarms. He Weeps bitterly as an exiled man As a widow with his son sacrificed; Her dnous hair are scattered; nothing stops The tears of her breast that raise its head.

loa comes and cries; They speak thus: "That you therefore have I done?". What do you have? Here I am. -Looking to flee me forever perhaps. How much you punished me me know! -I'd rather stay; but the Lord is waiting for me. I speak for you, often it means. -There is nothing on me, never my fate does change, And only you are the God who can save an Angel. -What can I do? Alas! say, should remain? -Yes, descends to me, because I did and then climb. - But what gift do you want? -The most beautiful, it is ourselves. Come! -Into exile me in the sky? -That is, if you love me? Touch my hand. Soon in equal contempt Restless for us and the good and evil. You have never understood what is charms At present his breast to be hide tears. Just, it is a happiness that I only will learn you; You ouvriras me thy soul, and I it will pour it out. As dawn and quietly at sunset Moon Confuse their rays, or as dew In a single bead unit two of his crying For to impress the balm exhaled by the flowers, As a double torch brings together its two flames Not less closely we will join our souls. -I love you and I walk down. But that will tell the heavens? At this time he spent in the air, away from their eyes. One of the celestial choirs, where, among the praise. You heard these words repeated Angels: "Glory in the universe, at the time, that". Which burns ever for the salvation of others. Heaven seemed to speak. It was too much for it. Twice, yet his unfaithful eyelid lifting Walking still unresolved looks. She sought his heavens she saw more.

Chaos Angels would draw worlds. Turning with terror in its deep Plains, While they met the messages of God, They have all seen down a cloud of fire. Complaints of pain, cruel answers, Mingled in the flame to flapping wings. "Where drive me you, beautiful angel." -Always turn. -That your voice is sad, and what dark speech! Is this not loa which raises your chain? I thought have saved you. -No, it's me leads you. -If we are United, little matter to me what place! Appoint me therefore again or your sister or your God! -I remove my slave and I want my victim. -You looked so good! Oh! What have I done? -A crime. -Will you be happier? at least are you happy? -More sad than ever. -Who thus are you? -Satan.

Written in 1823, in the Vosges mountains.

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