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User Testing

P7: A list of Errors found during User Testing

Below are seven things the user said about my spread sheet: 1) There is no Data validation on the original worksheet. 2) There is a command button on the main menu, with no function. 3) There are no buttons to navigate the spread sheet on the different worksheets. For example, a button on the revenue page linking to the expenses page. 4) The bar chart and pie chart should be made bigger, so they fill their worksheet. Make it easier for the user to see. 5) There is an extra bar on the bar chart with no label. 6) Correct formula errors on the Original page of the spread sheet.

7) There is no protection on the spread sheet. I was able to edit formulas and values which should be locked.

Proof I fixed the Errors found during User Testing

Below are screenshots of the areas where the tester suggested improvements; a screenshot before any amendments were made and a screenshot after: 1) There is no Data validation on the original worksheet. BEFORE This meant that the original spread sheet we created, before we split them into three separate worksheets, had no data validation for input values, cover prices or authors like the other worksheets:

There is no drop down box to select an author, when an author cell is selected.

Here, there is no input message when a sales value is selected, explaining what values to enter.

Here, there is no drop down menu for the user to change the magazine cover price when the cell is selected.

AFTER Below are the screenshots of the amendments I made to the Original worksheet, after the feedback:

Here you can see a drop-down menu now appears when the user selects the authors cell.

After making changes, an input message now appears when the user selects a sales value, prompting them to enter a valid value.

When the user selects the cover price cell on the original worksheet, a drop-down menu will appear with the new and old cover prices.

2) There is a command button on the main menu with no function. BEFORE The screenshot below shows the button with no function; it was never intended to have a function.

CommandButton1 is the button with no function. AFTER The command button was deleted to avoid further confusion from users:

3) There are no buttons to navigate the spread sheet on the different worksheets. For example, a button on the revenue page linking to the expenses page. BEFORE Here are some screenshots of the different worksheets with NO navigation bars on them; making it difficult for users to move between different worksheets:

AFTER Here are some screenshots after I added a navigation bar to every worksheet; this links the user to every other page and is always in the same location, making the spread sheet a lot easier to navigate for users:

4) The bar chart and pie chart should be made bigger, so they fill their worksheet. Make it easier for the user to see. BEFORE The screenshots below show sizes of the chart and graph before I made any changes:

AFTER Below are screenshots of the enlarge pie and bar chart; this is much easier for the user to see than before:

5) There is an extra bar on the bar chart with no label. BEFORE The screenshot below show the incorrectly labelled bar chart; title A has no value and there is an unlabelled bar which should not be there:

AFTER The screenshot below shows the amended bar chart:

6) Correct formula errors on the Original page of the spread sheet. BEFORE The screenshot below show the errors that the tester referred to before any changes:

These cells with the green marker in the corner are not errors, it is only a warning; the values in the cells are correct. AFTER Here is the same range of cells after I hid the error, so that it would no longer display and confuse users:

7) There is no protection on the spread sheet. I was able to edit formulas and values which should be locked. The screenshot below shows several formulas deleted or edited, showing that there is no protection on the spread sheet:

There is no protection on my spread sheet at this stage, as it still under development and not yet completed. By the time it is being released for use, there will be full protection on all required data. Therefore, protection is disabled at this point.

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