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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly.

By Tapan Sarkar

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Introduction In this book I will show you top 48 ways, using which you can increase your ability to learn new things easily and quickly. The increment will be truly awesome. Here I will discuss what I have learned in my course of being a student. And I still have to learn new things everyday as an IT professional. In our life everyday we need to learn new things. This is even more true now in the age of Internet as volume of information around us is mind boggling. Now think this e-book as your friend or secret guide. This book will help you to deal with the information explosion all around you. Not only that. It will in fact increase your power of learning new things. Just think of the benefit you will get with your new found ability. Plan ahead what you will do with it. If you follow the techniques I'll show you, youll really be benefited. Some of the techniques that I will tell you may appear illogical or eccentric. In such case I will request you don't be too concerned with the appearance. I have used each and every
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

technique that I am going to show you. And they have worked for me and still work today beautifully. These methods will work for you no matter what subject you want to learn. It may be Chemistry or Economics or German grammar or anything else. These methods will work wonders no matter what is your sex, religion or nationality. These techniques contain power. If used properly your whole life will change. So let us start.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 1 Have you ever wondered what time of day is best for studying? Some people say it is better to study in the early morning. And some say you should study at night before retiring. I can tell you from my experience that if you require memorizing a subject you should study at night before retiring. Because in that case your brain will get rest after learning a new subject and recall will be better. But when you are stuck suppose with a mathematical problem. You should try to solve it in the early morning. Because then your brain will be fresh from sound sleep. And throw new ideas your way. But you should note that having sound sleep the night before is very important here.

Tip 2 Do not take heavy meal before study. Taking heavy meal makes you feel sleepy (not an ideal state to
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

continue study). Because then blood circulates more towards your stomach than your brain.

Tip 3 Reading while you stand on your feet makes your reading faster. You can use this technique when time is short.

Tip 4 After studying or learning something involving physical activity go directly to bed and sleep do not do anything in-between.

Tip 5 If possible, at times read aloud. Reading aloud makes your reading speed slower. But you benefit from it because more area of your brain gets involved when you read aloud. While reading aloud you hear
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

yourself and the part of your brain assigned with task of hearing gets activated. And records what you read.

Tip 6 Using multimedia in your study will also help you to utilize more of your brain. You can use recorded audio. You can get some video based course on your subject. Students of some subjects can even play some games which will increase their efficiency. For example there are certain games which if played by medical surgeons (or any body for that matter) make their hand-eye coordination better, which is very important for precision surgery. These days highway drivers, pilots get trained using simulators to minimize the loss of life and property. Computer network engineers use affordable software to analyze, model, debug computer networks. So, possibilities are endless and very much affordable (specially if two three student or enthusiasts join together). You should just be aware of the possibilities of using multiple media (i.e. multimedia) that your subject offers.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 7 If possible you should take training of public speaking. It will destroy your tense feeling before a group. And it will also teach you to think promptly and on your feet. A worth checking course

Tip 8 Take time for relaxing. Do not keep reading for hours together. Take 15 -20 minutes break every hour. Take break when you feel stuck with your topic. When you read again after relaxing, you will find new insight and be able to move on.

Tip 9 Do some kind of exercise regularly. It need not be something heavy, even light exercise for 20 minutes will do. You require this because a healthy mind needs a healthy body to live.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

You can join some dance class. Age is no bar here. Beauty of dance is it is a good form of exercise and at the same time a pure source of joy. Do love yourself and accept yourself. Doing something good (even as simple as getting good grade) may be very tough if you do not love and accept yourself. But here I do not mean that you should be blind to your negative qualities. You should just be aware of the negatives and try to get rid of those (wherever possible) but you should not despise or hate yourself for that. We are all human beings; coexistence of negative with positive is the norm of our society.

Tip 10 Read the lesson to be covered in class beforehand, even if you do not understand everything. You will be able to ask better questions to understand the subject fully. And believe me you will be way ahead of anybody else.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 11 If you need to present some topic related to your subject (or any subject for that matter) before your class or any other forum first prepare your presentation then practice delivering it before a mirror. It will make your actual presentation lively.

Tip 12 In your residence if you need to study in a group see that group is not having more than three members. Preferably you should study alone in a distraction free, well lit and well ventilated room.

Tip 13 Do not study when you are tired. When you're tired your brain will not work properly. In that case you may have difficulty in understanding your subject and this way you may form a wrong idea about the difficulty level of the topic. Plan and manage your time properly. If you read this book fully and apply
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the principles laid out you will never require studying when you are tired!

Tip 14 If you use computer for your study or project work make sure your posture is correct. Take regular backup of your files if you keep your notes, reference materials etc in your computers Disk. You should be overly cautious if you depend on your computer for your study because computer failure before exam can prove costly.

Tip 15 When you read or write, position yourself in such a way that light comes over your left shoulder. This way when you write your writing hands shadow will not annoy you. (Here it has been assumed that you are right hander. If you are not you should make appropriate change).

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 16 Avoid reading in moving vehicle. Your eyes will find it difficult to focus and will get tired fast. If you really want to utilize your travel time think of recording your lesson. You can do it using your own voice. Or you can use various software available in the market like TextAloudMP3 or ReadPleasePLUS. Then you can use any portable MP3 player and carry the sound around.

Tip 17 To master a flowing writing style, just copy for 10 minutes daily, a masterpiece of a good modern writer in your notebook. Note if you read the masterpiece you are not going to improve your style of writing. You must copy the work of a good writer in your notebook for acquiring good writing style.

Tip 18 Revise regularly.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

When you learn something, new neural connections are created. But these connections or pathways are not permanent. Revision makes these pathways strong and helps you to retain the learned subject for years in your memory. Tip 19 Keep a notebook and write salient points while you study. Research shows you will retain more of the material studied if you do this (even if you do not touch the notebook again).

Tip 20 Practice building vocabulary. A rich vocabulary will also facilitate speed reading. Keep good dictionaries of various subjects in your collection (like dictionary of computer terms, dictionary of geological terms etc). If you can spare some time every week reading these topical dictionaries your vocabulary will grow with your general knowledge.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 21 Remember paying close attention to the subject is not enough. You should make logical association with your existing knowledge base and experience.

Tip 22 Before reading a book, read the contents section first. And after that read the detailed content section and start reading the book only after that. In this way you will form a general idea of the matter that is covered in the book. This will improve your comprehension of the subject matter.

Tip 23 When writing examinations make sure lines are having enough space in between. This simple thing will make your written answers more legible even if your handwriting is still the same. And more legible answer means better grade.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 24 Use a method of notebook numbering which will facilitate management of notebooks. Frequently it has been seen that notebooks have a tendency to misplace themselves so follow a system to keep notebooks organized. Tip 25 Memory can be divided into two general categories. Short-term memory and long-term memory. Here I explain for you how this affects your study. As you commit something to your memory for future recall you need to have certain ideas about memory functioning. When you first learn something it gets recorded in your short-term memory. And unless you revise the lesson with a short period of time (usually around 1520 days) it goes out of your memory. If you try to revise after that period of time everything will appear almost new to you. But if you revise that within 15 20 days it gets recorded to your long-term memory. Once recorded in your long-term memory it stays there for years.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 26 For good outcome of your study efforts make the first impression very carefully. Here I explain what does that mean. If your first impression is wrong then no amount of revision will help you. Revisions will strengthen the wrong conception. To avoid this you should keep in touch with your teacher or some expert of your subject. And if your subject provides opportunity of application of learned principles (if you study Physics you can solve problems, if you are learning computer programming you can write a program and run it) by all means take it.

Tip 27 If you're working with material which you need to retain for a long time just write everything after reading. Writing makes you rethink the subject. And more neural pathways are created as writing requires coordinated action of many part of your body.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

If you can not write without opening the book write with your book open in front of you.

Tip 28 How you distribute your revision exercise is also important. You should schedule your 1st revision within 3 weeks and 2nd revision within 3months.

Tip 29 Do not avoid practical aspects. If your subject gives you an option of practical by all means do all the practical. If you read history go to various places of historic importance (preferably related to your syllabus). You get the point.

Tip 30 If you study physics or chemistry solve various numeric problems of the subject other than regular
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

lab work. If you study electronics do solve various circuit problems on paper in addition to lab projects. Being a student of Electronics I can not overemphasize this. Solving practical problems on paper is very important.

Tip 31 Having difficulty in recalling something? Deep Breathing may come to your rescue. Here I discuss why & how. Deep breathing helps by supplying extra oxygen to your brain and body tissues. Deep breathing relaxes your whole being. It is a very simple process and produces almost instantaneous result. All you have to do is taking 20 slow and deep breaths to feel the magic. Whenever you feel tense, overpowered by situation use it. When you find difficulty in recalling something use it. For example you are speaking to a gathering and you never have done so before you will almost certainly be tense and forget your lines. Using this technique will see you through in such situation. Many people have successfully used this technique before a difficult examination.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 32 In this tip I give you a super power strategy to handle difficult to comprehend subject. First go through the study material. Just don't try to understand anything. After finishing that, read the material attentively. When I came to know about this small technique from one of our teacher I tried this on the very same day and it worked like magic. It works best when used with 2 to 3 paragraphs at a time. First read two or three paragraphs without concentrating on the details at all. The less you concentrate the better. Then read the paragraphs with concentration. You will have almost no difficulty to understand the material. Though others may find the same paragraphs difficult to understand. After finishing with the 1st set of paragraphs you can read other paragraphs of your book employing same technique. See you need nothing more than your book (whatever be your subject) to test this technique. Why dont you do it right now?

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 33 Learn speed reading. You will be doing more reading within much less time (we all can increase our reading speed). And at the same time your power of comprehension will grow. Because while speed reading you will automatically ignore various small distractions. Speed reading enhances your memory. So your benefit is manifold. Following speed reading courses are worth checking.

Tip 34 If I was asked to give you simply one secret in this book I'll give you the following sentence. Consider, think a certain task is easy and it becomes easy. Read the above sentence as many times as you can because if you can commit it to your memory and do as it says it will change your life. Start applying it from this very moment as nothing more is required to use it than your desire.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 35 When studying or working on an assignment try to be in a happy mindset. You are more intelligent and effective when you're happy. Yes! You better believe it.

Tip 36 Learning to simulate happy mindset will help you in your effort to learn new things. Here I give you the techniques for simulating happy mindset whenever you need. Think of a time from your past when you were really happy. It can be any thing like your birthday party of last year or your latest visit to local zoo. Picture those happy moments and you will be filled with joy and happiness. Your task is to practice reliving those happy moments and be happy. After you practice it for few weeks you will not require the elaborate process. Then you can be in happy mindset whenever you require, bypassing conscious thought about past happy moments. When you reach this state, use this happy mindset before starting your study session.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Try this and you will get some truly amazing result.

Tip 37 A small creative visualization session before starting your study can help you a lot. Here I explain what visualization is and how to use it for your benefit. You can use creative visualization to get whatever you want and that includes better grade in school and college, super learning power for learning new things for your business or professional life. Or whatever your heart desires. Visualization is a technique which is nowadays being used by top athletes, professional managers and medical practitioners. It helps one to utilize full power of his or her mind. How this technique works nobody knows fully but it is fact that if it is used, it works. Before going farther I will ask you to open your mind and throw away your disbeliefs.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

How visualization works is a real mystery. But doing it and getting result is very simple even a four-yearold can do it. The process can be summed up in just two words Relax and Picture. Thats it. By Relax I mean to do visualization you have to relax your body and mind. And by Picture I mean in your minds eye you need to see the picture of your future as you like it to be. You require to do this in your relaxed state. For example if you want to lose weight you can view yourself in your minds eye to have normal body weight. You can imagine yourself taking part in various sporting activity which requires physical fitness. If you want to increase your learning ability, you can visualize yourself doing very good in your class, in your business or in your professional life. You can visualize that you are being praised by your peers. Others are coming to you for your suggestion for your guidance etc.
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I think you get the point. In context of doing visualization, I would like to give you some tips. One. Though there is so right or wrong time for doing visualization. You will get better result if you visualize before going to bed at night. Two. Cast away your doubts. Do this ritual every night before going to bed. And you will see the difference. Three. Do not think over how it works. Because nobody knows exactly how it works. All I can tell you it does work. If you want to know more there are various good books and courses which you may find useful.

Tip 38 Do not avoid any apparent tough topic of your subject. Some area may appear tough if you do not learn the prerequisites. Take care to learn the prerequisites. The tough area will dissolve
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

automatically. If you cannot find the prerequisites yourself consult your teacher or an expert of your subject.

Tip 39 Never bypass lessons or chapters. Habit of bypassing lessons and moving on can be very costly as future lessons may appear very tough. And then you may not have time to come back and read the bypassed lessons. And finding which bypassed topic exactly you need to read and learn may be even more difficult.

Tip 40 Everybody is not alike. There are people who learn better visually and at the same time there are people who learn better through auditory path or tactile path. These are known as modalities. The main modalities are Visual, Auditory and Tactile. Here I discuss how knowing your modality can help you to learn new things.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

If you are made aware about your strongest modality, you will be able to organize your study efforts around your strongest modality. And if you do that your return will be sizeable. Here is a simple test to find out your modality. If now I ask you to remember what you did yesterday morning at around 7 Oclock. You start remembering various things. Just observe how many visual pictures cross your mind. How many sound you can hear. And how many tactile experience your memory consists of. If visual images outweigh other two then you are a visual person and will learn things better using visual stimuli. If your memory is formed mostly with sounds then your auditory modality is strong and you can expect better result if you utilize your strong auditory capability. And so on. If your auditory modality is strong then you will get benefit from recording and listening to your lesson. You will also get good result from discussing your subject with your teacher and fellow students. If you are of visual type then getting a video course (if available) on your subject in addition to reading your text book will give good return. And if your tactile modality outweighs other two you will do better where there is ample scope of doing things hands-on.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 41 Never hesitate to ask for help. Ask for help from your teachers, fellow students. You can get a new understanding of the topic at hand from your discussion with others.

Tip 42 Be fully involved and enjoy the process of learning. You should have clear reason for learning. That reason should be something you desire and not something your parents, neighbors or your spouse want.

Tip 43 Give full attention to the diagrams, figures of the book. Do not ignore them. Many people do this costly mistake and end up with wrong or ill formed idea of the subject matter. At times ignoring an attached diagram can make a topic impossible to understand. Beware of this common mistake.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 44 Whenever possible create your own diagram, flowchart, Venn diagram, pie chart in your scratch pad or note book. This will make your learning process very easy and make you more involved in the process of learning.

Tip 45 Be interested in the subject matter. To generate interest do following things. Approach the subject from various angles not through the text book only. Read other related books, journals etc. Become a member of a society of professionals relating to your subject. Attend meetings, seminars on your topic of interest.

Tip 46 Maintain the practice of learning new things. Do not stop learning after your college days are over. Learning new things regularly will keep your mind sharp.
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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Tip 47 Surround yourself with people who are more successful, more efficient than you. Spend less time with people with lesser abilities than you. It may require great effort on your part but let me tell you the returns will be even greater.

Tip 48 While trying to master a new subject you may face overwhelm at the thought of vastness of the subject. This overwhelm stops many from setting highly achievable goals and working towards it. This specially happens to the people who have left college for 4 5 years or more. The following strategy will certainly help you big way, Just stay with the subject, do not think of its vastness. With time passing familiarity will grow and you will master it at the end. Do not forget the magic mantra Thinking a task to be easy makes it easy.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

Conclusion We have finished our journey of exploring the methods which when followed will bring dramatic change in your life. You only have to start using the magic steps. To that end I will ask you to get this ebook printed. Keep the printed book on your desk. And refer to it once in a week. It will continue to give you ideas to use. All the Best and Happy Learning.

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How to Learn New Things: Easily, Quickly

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