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Cover art by Paul Van Dan Elzen Dear reader, the first three chapters has many Bible

verses but the rest has only a few. If you don't like reading lots of Bible verses, begin with chapter 4, where the main story begins.

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Contents Cover Contents The Truth about Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 1. Creation Chapter 2. Fall Chapter 3. Cain Chapter 4. Enoch Chapter 5. The sons of God Chapter 6. Weddings Chapter 7. Ashtoreth Chapter 8. Qophs Chapter 9. Tubal Cain Chapter 10. Gibbor Chapter 11. Lamech Chapter 12. Goat p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 5 p. 15 p. 26 p. 40 p. 55 p. 72 p. 90 p. 116 p. 151 p. 187 p. 206 p. 246

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The Truth about Enoch and the sons of God

Since I was a child, I have read the Bible and wondered who were these people and what was their lives like. The Bible tells us very little about them so I made up these stories based very loosely on the Bible, the questionable Book of Enoch, Jewish folklore, {Greek, Egyptian, and Phoenician myths} and my imagination. So what parts of these stories do I personally believe? Keep in mind, that personally believe does not mean solid evidence. You may personally believe something just because you feel it in your heart. 1. A personal almighty God created the heavens and the earth. 2. God created the first people in God's image although I personally believe that they lived a lot more than 6,000 years ago. 3. Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Seth were real people. 4. Tubal-Cain, Naamah, and their father Lamech were real people although they may have been radically different than the way I have portrayed them. 5. Enoch was a real man who strongly followed God after the birth of his son. 6. (Very speculative) The sons of God are otherworldly beings. 7. (Very speculative) One of the sons of God is the one we now call Satan. 8. (Very speculative) Some of the ancient pagan gods and goddesses are based loosely on the sons of God, their wives, and their children. 9. Enoch had some kind of dealings with the sons of God. 10. God took Enoch away from this world without him experiencing death. p. 3

So what parts of these stories is just me guessing

1. What any of the characters actually looked like or what clothes they actually wore? If the sons of God actually rode on flying discs? That is loosely based on the cherubims in Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10. 2. What the marriage of Adam and Eve was really like and or what kind of parents they really were? Who Cain's father really was? 3. What Cain's wife name was, and what kind of parents they really were? 4. If Enoch lived during an ice age or if there really was a holy cave? 5. What Enoch's family life was like other than he had at least one son. What his wife's name was and or what she was really like? 6. If Tubal-Cain and Enoch were friends? If they even lived at the same time? If Tubal-Cain ever worked for the sons of God? 7. Why Tubal-Cain's father killed a young man? What religion he actually believed in? 8. If Ashtoreth was a real woman and what religions actually existed during this time? 9. The names and personalities of the sons of God are based very loosely on the questionable Book of Enoch which doen't even name the wives. What their children were really like? 10. What Methuselah's wife name was and or what she was really like? What his son Lamech and or his wive(s) were really like? Sincerely, Paul Van Dan Elzen p. 4

Enoch and the sons of God

By Paul Van Dan Elzen

Chapter 1. Creation
Warning-the following are fictionalize stories based loosely on Genesis 1- 9, other parts of the Bible, The Book of Enoch, Jewish folklore, {Greek, Egyptian, and Phoenicain myths} and my imagination. A lot of this is not in the Bible! The creation story is loosely based on Genesis 1+2 and Isaiah 42:5. Words in ( ) are Bible verses, ( * ) are partial Bible verses. All Bible verses used are from the King James version of the Bible. Introduction The Lord has granted me clear memories of my life thus far. I still remember my grandfather telling me ancient stories about creation, the fall, and more recent stories about his father, a great man of God. I was a troubled twelve year old then but my grandfather inspired me to follow God despite all that had happened. As my father worked endlessly in their vineyards in the steaming grounds and my sick mother rested at home, my grandfather took me out to the hot springs where I went swimming. His very wrinkled face is brown and his long beard is grayish white. He is dressed in long brown furs and uses his long wooden staff to walk around. He wears an old silly fur cap on his balding head. He carries around a lot of extra furs on his back. It's snowing lightly on this warm day. The hot springs is surrounded by snow covered hills. I sit with him on a very large rock at the edge of the hot springs. I unstrapped the heavy furs around my feet. I remove my wooden p. 5

sandals. I take off my long hooded gray furs. I hand them to my grandpa. I lay my small toy boat into the waters as I step into the soothingly hot waters of the hot springs. I'm wearing only a small gray animal hide around my waist. My grandfather holds his staff in his aging hands as he carefully watches me swim in the steaming waters. I play with my little wooden toy boat. It's crude, little more than a block of wood. My greenish brown eyes look at my misty reflection in the bubbling waters. My youthful brown face smiles as I happily splash a lot of water around, soaking my long dark brown hair. Then something pulls my toy boat under the bubbling water as the rising steam surrounds me. I'm scared. I see nothing! I barely can cry out before what felt like a huge clawed hand pulls me under the steaming waters. Despite his age, my grandpa quickly jumps into the hot springs as something drags me farther under the very hot waters. My grandpa desperately holds out his staff to me. I fearfully grab it with all my might. He grabs me and forcefully pulls me out of the hot springs. Then he sits me on top of that very large rock. I back somewhat away from rock and sit down again. He climbs out and sits down next to me. Grandpa asks me frantically, "What was that? Chilling, I say gasping for air, "I don't know... It felt like a claw grabbed my ankle! Grandpa, what grabbed me?" We look down at my bruise and bleeding ankle. Then my grandpa wraps some animal hide straps around my ankle to stop the bleeding. Then he wraps me up with some of his extra furs to stop me from shivering so much. I brush my wet long dark brown hair out of my eyes. Grandpa says as I shiver, "I didn't see anything but something clawed you! I better take you home now..." We stare at the steaming hot waters but we see nothing. Grandpa pulls my hood over my still wet head. I says still shivering, "Please grandpa, I don't want to go home yet..." Grandpa says playfully, "Well, you're not going back into those waters! Would you like me to tell you some true stories?" I gently rub his soaking wet long grayish white beard. I smile wide, my greenish brown eyes shine as I say, "Yes Grandpa, tell me some stories..." Grandpa puts his gentle arm around my shivering shoulders as he slowly says, "My father told me what God had told him before he left... Listen carefully, and maybe someday you will be telling these stories to your grandchildren.. I ask curiously, "Where did God come from?" Grandpa's kind brown eyes sparkle as he smiles and says, "God p. 6

always everywhere is..." I frown, saying, "I don't understand..." Grandpa says in an almost silly manner, "God is beyond understanding... God is!" Still cold, I holds the furs closely around me as I asks curiously, "What did God do?" Grandpa adjusts the silly fur cap over his long wet grayish white hair as he says, ("In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was apon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters...Genesis 1:1, 2) My grandpa says, (Thus says God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out;...-*Isaiah 42:5) I imagine a small dark cloud appearing in utter darkness. I imagine the spirit of God stretching the dark cloud out infinitely. The dark cloud becomes many gigantic chaotic black clouds that begins to spiral out. Lots of dark chaotic clouds form spirals within spirals within spirals and chaotic clouds within other dark chaotic clouds. I imagine that within one small spiral within a spiral within a spiral, a very tiny cloud becomes earth as grandpa says, (And God said, "Let there be light,..."-*Genesis 1:3) I imagine a great colorful greenish white light flashes so brightly that the chaotic clouds can't be seen for a few moments. I imagine the earth in silhouette as a spiraling shadow condensing into a hot molten cloudy ball. The great flashing light shines on the very chaotic earth as my grandpa says, (God saw the light, that it was good...-*Genesis 1:4) (...And the evening, and the morning were the first day."-*Genesis 1:5) I imagine God looking into chaotic earth's brownish smoky clouds as my grandpa says, ("Let there be a firmament in the mist of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."-Genesis 1:6) The heavy dark smoke begins to clear, revealing a horizon of boiling water and a very smoggy orange sky as a great greenish white light shines through the heavy smoggy clouds. My Grandpa says, (And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening, and the morning were the second day.-Genesis 1:8) I imagine the orange sky and smoggy brown clouds darkening as my grandpa says, (God said, "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear:..."-*Genesis 1:9) p. 7

I imagine the dark sea becoming very stormy as a giant tidal wave forms and crashes over the whole endless sea. The great greenish white light begins to shine through the thick clouds as the giant wave passes by. A dark mountain range is revealed in a dim silhouette as the great waters goes down. I imagine the great light shining ever brighter as sea calms down and a gentle mist rises from the sea and covers the mountain ranges. Shallow streams of water bubble up from the ground. I imagine the gentle waves crashing on some small rocks on a beach. In the gentle mist, a greenish glow appears. Then tiny greenish things appear on the rock and begins to grow as my grandpa says to me, (God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass,..."-*Genesis 1:11) The mist rolls all over the land, the greenish glow shines over the whole ground and grass begins to sprout. My grandpa says, ("...the herb yielding seed..."-*Genesis 1:11) The greenish glow in the mist covers the ground as some other plants begins to sprout. My Grandpa says, ("...and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind..."-*Genesis 1:11) The greenish glow in the mist shines on the whole ground as fruit trees quickly sprout, grow and bear fruit. The whole mountain range and the sea shore is quickly covered with thick plant life except for some sharp mountain peaks. The greenish glows fades away. The thick brownish smoggy clouds slowly, very slowly become cloudy white and the great greenish white light shines ever brighter through them as grandpa says, (...And God saw it was good....-*Genesis 1:12) (-And the evening and the morning were the third day.-Genesis 1:13) I imagine the sky is filled with thick clouds as the sky darkens. The great greenish white light fades away as grandpa says, (And God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;..." -*Genesis 1:14) I imagine the heavy clouds thinning so I can begin to see behind the clouds. Behind the clouds is a softy glowing reddish orange spiral that fills the whole dark sky. A much smaller dimmer bluish spiral is off to the right. The great glowing spiral that fills the whole night sky quickly condenses. As this spiral condenses into a ball, it's glow turns bright yellow. The ball glows brighter and brighter until it's yellowish light is absolutely blinding. It's lights dims a little and I see it's the sun. The smaller bluish spiral also condenses and becomes the pale moon as my grandpa says, p. 8

(...And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years:....*Genesis 1:14) (...and God saw it was good....-*Genesis 1:18) (And the evening and the morning were the forth day.-Genesis 1:19) I imagine colorful clouds forming as the sun sets in the misty horizon. The sky becomes dark and the stars begin to shine. A mist covers everything again. The green glow shines over the water's surface and then descends far below the waves of dark foamy waters as my grandpa says, (And God said, "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,..."*Genesis 1:20) The glow shines on the rocky bottom as swarms of tiny, tiny creatures form from it. The green glow brightens and shines across the rocky bottoms of the sea. Sponges, jellyfish, tube worms, etc form out of the sand in large numbers. Then clams, cenobytes, sea scorpions, crabs, sea slugs, sea snails, cutter fish, squids, octopuses form from the sea's bottom. Then jawless fishes, seahorses, stingrays, sharks, and many other fishes form. The green glow moves towards the increasingly misty land where shallow streams of water begin to bubble up from below. The green glow shines on the bubbling muddy shore. Then salamanders, frogs, toads, etc form under the mist and move around. The warm sun's first rays of light begins to rise behind the mountaintops as even more mist rises from the sea. My grandpa says, (...and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.-*Genesis 1:20) The green glow shines in the mist as various flying insects, huge dragonflies, butterflies, moths, fleas, flies, mesquites, etc form from the mud. The green glow shines on the bubbling muddy grounds again as a couple of primitive scaly birds forms out of the mud. The muddy pair of birds stands up. The thickening mist washes them clean and the two greenish birds flies away. The green glow in the mist shines all across the muddy lands. Birds of all kinds and flying dragons form from the mud, and are washed clean by the moist mist. Then the flying creatures fly up into the skies in large numbers. My grandpa says, (And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their own kind...-*Genesis 1:21) (...and God saw it was good.-Genesis 1:21) I image the green glow in the mist moving towards the sandy shore, shining on the calm waters, and descending, shining on the p. 9

sandy bottom as giant finned sea serpents, plesiosaurs, huge turtles, whales, and dolphins, begin to form and swim in the sea. Giant long neck plesiosaus's heads rises above the waters to look at the many flying things flying by the mountains as the sun shines though lots of beautiful pinkish purple clouds. My grandpa says, ("And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth...-Genesis 1:22) (And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.-Genesis 1:23) I imagine the sun turning reddish as it sets behind the purplish pink clouds. The beautiful sky becomes very dark as the stars begins to shine. The first purplish rays of the golden sun about to rise appears over the lightly cloudy horizon. My grandpa says to me, (And God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creatures after his kind, cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after his kind:...."-*Genesis 1:24) The green glow appears over the mist covered, muddy grounds again. Ants, grasshoppers, other insects, spiders, centipedes, etc. form as the green glow shines down on the dark bubbling muddy grounds. Then various huge reptilian monsters, alligators, and many different kinds of lizards form from the dark mud as the green glow shines through the thick mist. As the green glow shines on the bubbling grounds, many different kinds of mammals begin to form from the mud under the thickening mist. As a green glow shines all over, shews, rats, skunks, beavers, squirrels, rabbits, dears, cattle, rams, goats, wild hogs, camels, dire wolves, foxes, saber tooth tigers, mastodons, hippopotamus, rhinos, horses, giraffes, armadillos, porcupines, pandas, giant sloths, bears, bats, lemurs, kangaroos, monkeys, apes, and even chimps form from the mud under the rolling mists. The heavy mist cleans the mud off all of them. Then the mists lightens and the greenish glow slowly fade away as the sun's gorgeous yellow rays shines down though swirling white clouds, shining on a land full of amazing animals including giant flying dragons. I imagine God looking down from the sky at all the plants and animals on the mountains, lands, and shores. I image that even the giant animals look like tiny ants from high in the sky. My grandpa says, (....And God saw that it was good."*Genesis 1:25) And God said, ("Let us make man in our image, after our p. 10

likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."-Genesis 1:26) I imagine a muddy patch of ground being covered lightly by the whitish mist as the green glow shines down brightly on it.. Shallow streams of water bubble up from below the ground as the green glows brightens even more. My grampa says, (And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.-Genesis 2:7) From this muddy patch, mud slowly begins to form into a man as a mighty wind blows. The man's thick nostrils open. An incredibly bright white light flash on him as the man gasps for his first breath. He tries to sit up quickly but he falls back, breathing heavily. The wind passes and the green glow fades away as the man sits up and tries to open his eyes. A heavy moist mist washes all the mud off him and vanishes. His dark brown eyes open wide. He looks around curiously. Then he looks down at his nearly hairless brown body. The man is stout, he has a sloped forehead, a pug nosed, and his jaws sticks out a little. A thick greenish white fog covers him. Still sitting, the man floats off the ground as the fog takes him away to a beautiful misty garden where there is many beautiful fruit trees including the tree of life, and the very beautiful tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Inside the thick greenish white fog, the man is gently placed on his feet as the fog vanishes. He wobbles a bit but manages to stand. His short black hair on his sloped forehead has grown out a little and he now has a short black beard. Surrounded by a gentle mist, the man looks in awe at the beautiful colorful garden. (And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:"-Genesis 2:16) I image the man grabbing some delicious fruit. He starts eating some. The man walks to a very beautiful fruit tree and is about to grab it's fruit. The Lord God says, ("But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die."-Genesis 2:17) The man fearfully stops and retreats away from this very beautiful fruit tree. The man's stout brownish body is a little hairy now. I imagine the man looking up at a near by tree and seeing a couple of cute brown and white squirrels. The male squirrel is sharing some nuts with his pretty mate. The man looks around the beautiful, colorful garden but he p. 11

looks sad. The man looks sad. (And the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him an help meet for him."-Genesis 2:18) I imagine lots of animals flocking to him including giant reptiles and dragons as my grandpa says, (...And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him.-Genesis 2:20) A big black bull with long horns bows before him. Adam says curiously, Bull... Strong... A colorful green and orange parrot lands on his shoulder and say, Adam... Adam. Adam says amused, "Parrot..." Several red ants craws up his feet. Adam bows down and brushes the ants off as he says irritated, Ants... A dull green alligator and his mate craws by. Adam points at the large scaled beasts and says nervously, "Alligators..." He looks down nervously at a black cockroach on the ground as Adam says, Cockroach crawling... He feeds a big brown bear some fruit as Adam says happily, "Big Bear..." Then a female bear craws by and the big brown bear chases her. Adam see a couple of light green frogs jump out of a small pond and then jump away. Adam jumps up and says, Frogs... Jump.. Near the edge of the pond he sees a long earthworm crawling in the mud. He bends down and picks the slimy light pink earthworm up with his hand as it wiggles around. Adams says curiously, What is this? A worm... Then he puts the wiggling worm back on the ground as he looks down at the same pond and sees a couple of big golden fishes gracefully swimming around each other. Adam waves at the fishes and says, Fishes, pretty... He looks up and sees a cream colored slug with dark spots crawling up a tree. Adam says with a shutter, Slug... Then he see a large black spider crawling down the same tree. He looks at his arms and back at the spider. Adam says curiously, Spider... Many arms... A pinkish ostrich with dark feather puts her head in the ground near him. Adam looks down at her and says, "Ostrich, funny..." Adam picks up a small yellowish green turtle and says, "Turtle, funny too." He puts the turtle down next to another smaller turtle. Adam picks up a small gray monkey with a long tail and says playfully, "Monkey... Cute!" The monkey sees a girl monkey on a near by tree and jumps away and goes to her. They hug. A couple of purple humming birds flies around together eating nectar from some flowers. Adam says smiling, "Humming birds. Strange..." A truly p. 12

gigantic long neck bluish reptile with a tail much larger than most trees stomps behind him. Adam looks way up at it and says in awe, "Wow! Behemoth..." The Behemoth's paler blue mate stomps up next to him and they wrap their very long necks together. A huge orange and cream colored saber tooth tiger jumps up into a tree next to him and yawns. Adam stares up at her incredibly long fangs as he says, Long tooth Cat... Her long tooth mate jumps up after her and they lay together on a large branch. A friendly gray dire wolf comes up to him and licks his face. Adam says with a little laugh, "Canine... Me like..." Two huge scaled red and yellow bird like reptiles with very long colorful wings flies down together and lands near him. Adam looks up at them and says a little scared, "Dragons... Ah..." Then some baaing white sheep comes up to him. He is surround by the many animals. As he begins petting the sheep, he looks around at the many cute animals snuggling with their pretty mates. He looks very sad. His black hair has grown out onto his shoulders and he now has a long beard. Adam says as he yawns, "Sheep... Sheep. Sheep..." My grandpa says, (And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof:-Genesis 2:21) Adam lays down as the many animals leave him. I image Adam smiling sadly, falling asleep as the whitish mist thickens around him. Adam rolls restlessly around and moans as the greenish glow shines through the mist onto him, and becomes yellowish. He moans loudly as an increadibly bright white light flashes on him. He rolls around moaning on his side, holding his ribs where there is now a really big scar. My grampa says happily, (And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.Genesis 2:22) (So God created man in his image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.-Genesis 1:27) I imagine the misty shadow of a woman creeping across Adam as he wakes up. He looks up at the woman but his vision is blurred. He leaps up onto his feet. Adam passionately hugs her as his dark brown eyes try to focus on her. She is a cute, short, slightly plump, curvy brown woman. Her long hair and her lovely eyes are brown too. She is shocked by his embrace. He stops hugging her as she timidly steps back. She looks around curiously, then smiles and then hugs him very tightly. He step back and they look at each other. p. 13

And Adam says, (This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman because for she was taken out of Man.-*Genesis 2:23) (And God blessed them and God said unto them, "Be fruitful and multiply; and replenish the earth and subdue it...."-*Genesis 1:28) I imagine the couple standing together in the beautiful misty garden. They begin to kiss and hug each other passionately. They lay down together in some tall grass. A gentle wind blows through the grass and colorful fruit trees. And God says, (...and have dominion over the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth apon the earth.-*Genesis 1:28) I imagine Adam and the woman sitting up in the tall grass and looking happily around together at the misty garden with it's many strange but beautiful creatures. (And God said, ...Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is apon the face of all the earth and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.-Genesis 1:29) I imagine Adam putting his muscular right arm around the woman's well tone shoulders. They smile at each other and look around at the various animals eating many different kinds of fruit from the various fruit trees including animals that you would think would eat each other. Then they look up in awe at the beautiful sky that is filled with lots of colorful birds, flying reptiles, and other strange flying things. They kiss. My grandpa says joyfully, (And God saw every thing he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening, and the morning were the sixth day.-Genesis 1:31) My grandpa concludes the creation story, saying to me as we look out at the beautiful hot springs, "The sun sets beautifully behind the misty dark mountains, behind the pretty pink clouds as twinkling stars and the full moon shines brightly... After the night, the first golden rays of the glorious orange sun shines over the calm misty morning seas. (And God bless the seven day and sanctified it, because that in it he had rested from all his work which God had created and made."-Genesis 2:3) As I sit next to my grandpa, I looks up at the gray sky and says, Wow, sounds great! Grandpa looks up as he says softly, It was... We smile.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 2. Fall

Introduction Warmly wrapped in several layers of furs, I have finally dried off. My grandpa and me are sitting near but not too near to the hot springs. He still holds his wooden staff in his aging hand as he puts his right arm over my shoulders. I smiles at him puzzled, then I frown as I ask angrily, "If God made everything good, what happened?" My grandpa adjusts his silly fur cap, sighs, and says sadly, "God made everything good but not all of God's creatures remembered to be thankful... Some of them became envious of God's authority, even bitter..." I looks up at him and asks nervously, "Grandpa, who are them?" Grandpa rubs his long grayish white beard as he thinks about it. He looks sadly down at me. My grandpa says, "Any who forget to be thankful and lets envy and bitterness grow in them like the serpent... Still puzzled, I ask him, Grandpa, what serpent? He stares down at me sadly. My Grandpa says dramatically, About eighteen years after God created Adam and Eve, a very large fiery colored serpent is lured into a dark damp cave by a bitter hateful voice... The scaly serpent crawls down inside the large misty cave on his four short skinny legs. Behind him, little beams of golden sunlight shine into the dark, damp cave's misty entrance. The serpent's crystal pink eyes reflect a soft blue light that begins to glow from deep, deep within the cave... The serpent hisses.... As I listen intently to my grandpa's story, I imagine hearing an arrogant voice saying slowly, "God is vulnerable..." The serpent coils it's long scaly p. 15

tail as he asks with a hiss, "In what way?" The voice says with disgust, "God loves them far too much! If we succeed, to destroy us, God must destroy them... God shall not do that!" The serpent hisses fearfully, saying, "God shall be very angry! Why should I try?" The voice says forcefully, "Thou shall be worshiped as a god! But only if ye remain loyal!" As my grandpa continues his story, I imagine that the garden is foggy. As Adam and Eve walk near, they see the very beautiful tree of the knowledge of good and evil appear in the light fog. The tree is full of colorful ripe fruit. Adam points to the tree, looks sincerely into Eve's lovely brown eyes and holds her gentle hand as he says sadly, Eve, God said, in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die. Adam puts his muscular arm around her bare shoulders. They look deeply into each others eyes as they begin to walk away. Distracted, she accidentally steps on the serpent's neck as he was crawling by her. The serpent looks up shocked at her with his crystal pink eyes. He hisses painfully at her. Adam and Eve are quite startled too. Eve looks down at him and says sadly, "Forgive me..." Adam looks curiously down at the fiery colored serpent. The serpent says to her, "I shall forgive you if thou wilt pick some fruit from this tree for me." Eve's smooth brown face sadly frowns as she says fearfully, "No! God said thou shall not eat thereof.. The serpent stands up on his back legs, wobbling around as he walks to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He turns towards her and points to it's beautiful ripe fruit. The serpent asks mockingly, ("Yea, hast God said, "You shall not eat of every tree in the garden?"-*Genesis 3:1) Adam stands silently as she walks right up to the wobbling serpent. She looks around at the other fruit trees. Eve says, (..."We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the mist of the garden, God hast said, "Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it lest ye die:"-*Genesis 3:2,3) Adam looks annoyed as he crosses his muscular arms. The serpent grabs one of the forbidden tree's fruit and licks it with his long red tong. Eve gasps in horror, yelling, Now, ye shall die! They wait for a while but nothing happens to the serpent. Then she looks back hungrily at the beautiful ripe fruit. Adam looks worried. The serpent stares at her. p. 16

The serpent says unto her, (...Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day when ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."-*Genesis 3:4, 5) She begins to reach for the beautiful ripe fruit. Adam nervously walks up behind her. Eve grabs the beautiful ripe fruit and moves the fruit close to her lovely lips. Adam looks scared as he says, Eve... She looks hungrily at the fruit as the serpent softly hisses to her, ("...and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."-*Genesis 3:5) She quickly takes a bite of the delicious fruit as he fearfully grabs her. Adam shouts with tears in his dark brown eyes, "Eve! How couldest thou? God said thou wilt die!" She faints as he holds her tight. Her skin briefly glows reddish. The serpent quietly crawls away. Eve wakes up. He nervously lets go of her. He looks down carefully at her slightly altered but still beautiful face. Her face now has some small wrinkles and a wart on her right cheek. Eve says warmly, "I didst not die, I became wise... Eat some, my love." Adam says sternly, "No..." She puts her arms around his tense shoulders as she begins to kiss him. She caresses his long black beard. Eve smiles at him and says seductively, "Adam, fear not... Take a bite and I shall be thy goddess." Adams says very nervously, "God said..." Eve pushes him away as she says even more seductively, "Adam, if thou lovest me, ye shall eat the fruit with me!" Adam stares at her silently as she turns away from him. She starts to walk away. Adam stares longingly at Eve as she looks back over her bare shoulder and says angrily, "Ye lovest me not!" Adam walks after her and says, "No. Eve, I lovest thee truly!" She hands him the partially eaten fruit. He stares nervously but longingly at his curvy mate. He closes his eyes and slowly takes a bite. He briefly glows reddish and becomes very sick. He faints. I imagine Eve looking down at Adam lying on the grassy ground. Adam opens his fearful bloodshot eyes and looks up at her. His face has small wrinkles and his teeth are now crooked. She holds her arms in front of her, acting kind of sick. Eve says with a gasp, "O-o-Adam, I doth feel ill!" Adam asks irritated, "Woman, what ails thee?" Eve says bitterly, "Adam, thou knoweth... Ye should of saved me from eating this cursed fruit!" He leaps up angrily but still feels sick. Adam says angrily, "I tried!" Eve says p. 17

more bitterly, "If only thou had spoken up earlier?" He points at her, saying very angrily, "Woman, how dare thou blame me! Tis all thy fault!" Eve yells in a rage, "My fault? Dost thou remember the serpent??? Doth thou love me?" Adam yells desperately, "Woman, I loved thee so much I sinned against God!" She points angrily at him. Eve says coldly, "Then thou art a fool. A fool!" Adam yells, I hate thee! Eve yells, "Not as much as I hate thee! Ye blame me for everything, thou fool!" Then they both bend over like their stomach are hurting them a lot. They both briefly glow reddish. She's bends over a bit and covers herself with her arms. Eve says blushing, "Look thou not at me! I'm ugly... I'm,-I'm-m nak-ed... Naked!" She turns away from him in a panic. He looks down at himself nervously ashamed. He covers himself with his arms. He turns away from her. Then he sees the fig tree behind him. Adam grabs some fig vines and begins stringing them together. Eve still blushing, sees him stringing fig tree vines together and does likewise. They make some flimsy aprons out of the fig leaves and puts them on. A whispering wind blows. Embarrassed, Adam and Eve hide themselves behind some leafy trees as they try to avoid looking at each other. A bright spotlight shines down around the trees. The Lord God calls unto Adam, and says unto him, ("Where art thou?"-*Genesis 3:9) Adam and Eve slowly, fearfully comes out from behind the trees as the spotlight moves to and shines on him. Adam says so guilty, ("...I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."-*Genesis 3:10) The whispering wind blows again. The Lord God asks, ("Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?"-*Genesis 3:11) Adam says breathing heavily, sweating and trembling, ("The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."-*Genesis 3:12) With furious tears in her eyes, Eve frowns at him with disgust and crosses her well tone arms. The very bright spotlight moves towards her. The whispering wind blows threw her long hair as the bright spotlight shines down on her and hurts her tearful eyes. The Lord God asks, ("What is this that thou have done?..."-*Genesis 3:13) She fearfully puts her hands above her eyes to protect her eyes from the blinding spotlight. Eve says fearfully trembling, ("...The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat."-*Genesis 3:13) I imagine God's judgment. p. 18

The whispering wind blowing so mightily that Adam and Eve grab onto a near-by tree to keep them from being blown away. The whispering wind blows the large fiery colored serpent over to them and drops him down in front of them. The serpent wildly hisses in horror. The spotlight moves to the serpent, shining in his crystal pink eyes. The Lord God says, ("...Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; apon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shall thou eat all the days of thy life."-*Genesis 3:14) The serpent screams as a blinding flash of light strikes him, causing his legs and arms to fall off. His little stumps bleed as the serpent moans in agony. Adam and Eve stare in horror at the legless serpent. Then they look upwards. The Lord God says, ("...And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."-*Genesis 3:15) Eve angrily jumps up and down. She stares furiously at the serpent. The serpent angrily stares back and hisses very angrily at her. The spotlight moves back to Eve and shines brightly down on her. She falls down on her knees as the Lord God says, ("I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception, in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children..."-*Genesis 3:16) She bows her head as she is hit by a blinding flash of light. She bends over and holds her stomach in agony. The Lord God says, ("...and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."-*Genesis 3:16) Adam cowers in fear, nervously looking at her. She looks back at him utterly disgusted. She stands up and angrily walks to Adam. The spotlight follows her and now shines brightly down on both of them. The moaning hissing serpent stares at them. They both falls down shivering on their knees as the Lord God says, ("Because thou hast hearken to the voice of thy wife and hast eaten from of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, Thou shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life..."-*Genesis 3:17) A blinding flash of light hits them. Adam and Eve moans and sweats in great agony. The Lord God says, (...Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shall eat the herbs of the field; In the sweat of thy face thou shall eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art and to dust shalt thou return."*Genesis 3:18, 19) Another blinding flash of light hits them that is so bright p. 19

that Adam and Eve's skeletons are seen through their skin during this flash. They collapses unconscious. They look dead until a couple of cute lambs come to them and wakes them up by their baaing. Adam and Eve weakly stand up next to the lambs and looks at each other. Adams says, breathing heavily, "Au-gh-h, that wast bad........ Eve, let us make love..." Eve says angrily, "Don't mock me and thou shall not touch me!" He points angrily at her. Adam says, "Here I forgive thee and ye say that!" She points angrily back at him. Eve says furiously, "Forgive me? Ye betrayed me, thou coward!" A mighty, loud, howling wind blows through the trees as they stare at the baaing sheep. They grab a near by tree to stop themselves from being blown away. Their fig leave aprons are blown off their naked bodies. Then the two lambs begin to float off the ground. There is a terrible buzzing sound. The lambs scream as blinding flashes of light hit them. The horrible screams stops as the buzzing continues! Adam and Eve hold unto the tree for dear life. The flashing lights, the horrible buzzing, and the howling wind suddenly stops. They look horrified, even sicken. Then they let go of the tree. Two bloody sheepskin coats are thrown at them. Scared to death, they catch the coats and put them on their naked bodies. They look quite ill. An idea occurs to Adam as he says, "Eve, what if we eat from the tree of life, then ye could still live forever!" Eve hugs him saying, "Adam!" They run towards the tree of life. The Lord God says, ("Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil, and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever."*Genesis 3:22) As they get near the tree, they reach out their grasping hands but the mighty howling wind blows them down unto the ground. Adam tries with all his might to get up and grab the some fruit from the tree of life. There are blinding flashes and a horrible buzzing sound. Eve is paralyzed as she watches the blinding lights flash on Adam. She hears the horribly loud buzzing sounds as an unseen force picks Adam up and throws him behind her. He fall hard on his rear as the blinding fashing lights comes after them. The horribly, painfully loud buzzing gets louder. Adam jumps up. They put their hands over their ears as they frantically run for their lives out of the Garden of Eden. Then the wind, the buzzing, and the flashing p. 20

stops. They stop running. Breathing heavily, Eve asks, Tis gone... I shall return to mine garden... Adam stares at her in unbelief as he says, Eve, ye can not.. Eve angrily walks back as Adam timidly walks behind her. They see in the distance a strange red lion like winged creature slowly spinning, standing upright, floating on a fiery shiny gray disc as a long flaming spinning rod flies all around in front of it, making a high pitched wooshing sound. The red lion creature has lots of small glowing green eyes all over it that look more sad than threatening. Adam fearfully stops. Eve walks up near it, frowning, staring at it's abstractly thin lion like faces. It's head has one face in front, one face on each side and one face in back. The red lion creature says sadly, The Lord God commands thee to leave! Eve brushes back her long brown hair out of her eyes as she asks angrily, Why, tis my place? Let me pass... The spinning flaming rod flies between them, making it's high pitched wooshing sound. The creature's many green glowing eyes stare at her as it says sadly, Even if I would, the flaming rod would slay thee... Ye shall die! Eve walks forward and shakes her right clinch fist at the creature as the quickly spinning flaming rod barely touches her fist, searing the back of her hand. Eve grabs her injured hand, screams, and yells painfully Tis my place... Mine!!! She runs away. Adam runs after her. After running a while, they stop exhausted. Breathing heavily, Adam looks over at her holding her injured hand, asking, Eve, how badly is thy hand hurt? Eve says out of breath, Shut thy mouth! Then Eve asks in great sorrow, "Adam, why didst we not eat from the tree of life first?" Adam says, "Eve, thou shouldest!" Eve slaps his frowning long black bearded face as she says angrily, "Thou blames me again! I hate thee more than the serpent! At least he didn't blame anyone..." Adam asks hurt, "Is that what thou art going to tell our children?" Eve shakes her fist as she shouts, "I shall not bear thy children... I abandon thee!" Adam says arrogantly angry, "No! God said that I shall rule over thee!" Eve crosses her arms, frowns and cries out, saying, "So thou art my punishment, not mine lover!" Adam says feeling very hurt, "But I love thee truly..." Eve shouts, "Thou loves me not. Liar!!" Adam asks in tears, "Why art thou so hateful to me?" She spits in his sad face. Adam shakes his fists as he shouts, "I hate thee! Eve, I command thou to flee!" Eve says, "Good!" She hatefully stomps off into the woods. p. 21

The Separation As grandpa tells me about their separation, I imagine Adam looking very angry as he begins to walk through the forest. He walks by a large black bear that growls at him. Adam asks angrily, "What ails thee, bear?" The bears turns towards him as it growls fiercely at him. The black bear charges at him. Scared, Adam quickly runs and quickly climbs up a very large tree. The angry bear growls angrily from below. Adam tries to lay down on one of the tree's long leafy branches when he hears some thunder. Dark clouds quickly block out the sun as some wind blows strongly. Lightning flashes as it begins to rain hard. He and his sheepskin coat get soaked. Meanwhile, Eve struggles to walk though some muddy ground as it rains heavily on her. The storm's strong howling winds blows her dripping wet long brown hair around her face. Her sheep skin coat is being absolutely soaked by the cold rain. She's miserable, staring angrily, trying to get her wet hair out of her eyes. Eve sees a cave in the distance and walks to it's damp entrance. She quickly stomps into the cave where the large fiery colored serpent hisses in front of her. Eve says, "Thou angereth me!" The serpent tries to strike her but she kicks the large serpent's head. Eve shouts, "Flee thou!" The serpent's crystal pink eyes stare at her stunned as she grabs it's throat with both her hands, drags it to the entrance of the cave and throws the serpent out. I imagine they try to grow food. Latter, Adam is on his hands and knees sweating, wearing his filthy sheep hide coat as he tries to clear some ground of thorny vines. Adam hurts his hand on the thorns, gets mad, and grabs a near-by sharp rock. A small gray abandoned wolf cub crawls up to him and yelps. Adam ignores the cub and hits the vine with the rock, cutting it. He holds up the rock and says, "Tool!" The wolf cub looks up to him and begins to licks his hurt hand. He pets the cub. Adam says smiling, "Thou Keleb, friend..." Meanwhile Eve is on her hands and knees wearing her filthy sheep skin coat, sweating, trying to clear some ground of thorny vines. The fiery colored serpent slithers behind her and bites her foot. She hits the serpent repeatedly as he slithers away down a small hole. She sits, holds her foot up and says, "O-ouch! I hate thee more than Adam!" Three new moons latter, p. 22

Adam is in the field that he has cleared. Adam picks some of the grains he has grown as a somewhat larger Keleb jumps up and down around him. Adam eats some grain as Keleb happily howls a little. Adam shares some grains with him. Meanwhile, Eve is in the field that she cleared and has grown some grains. She eats some, looking nervously around. Six new moons after that, Adam sits shivering with Keleb who now is a full grown wolf sitting next to him in a snow storm. Adam holds Keleb tight saying, "So-o cold!" Keleb begins to sadly howl as the freezing wind blows. Meanwhile back in Eve's cave, she sleeps in her coat lying on some hay. The large shivering serpent snuggles next to Eve without waking her. Grandpa tells me that several years latter, Adam is still wearing his filthy, aging sheep hide coat. I imagine Adam sitting with Keleb who licks his face but he doesn't notice. Adam sadly remembers the first time he and Eve made love. Adam says longingly, "I want Eve!" Meanwhile, Eve is in her cave wearing her old faded sheep skin coat. The large serpent crawls behind her, hiding from her as she sits on some hay, eating some grains. There are tears in her sad brown eyes as she remembers when Adam first hugged her. She whines, saying, "I doth miss him... But why doth he blame me for everything?" Adam entering her cave wearing a new brown fur coat, saying, "Eve, forgive me! I desireth thee! I promise not to blame thee ever again for anything!" She gets up and runs to hug him. God's words echo in her mind, ("...and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee."*Genesis 3:16) When she hugs him, he vanishes. Then she wakes up for it was only a dream. Then Adam, wearing his old filthy sheep hide coat, walks in for real with Keleb jumping up and down excitedly around him. Eve is a little scared of Keleb. Adam nervously walks up to her, saying, "Eve, cometh back! I desireth thee, -----despite all the terrible things thou didst to me." She walks up next to him pointing her finger angrily at him and Eve shouts at him, "Thou stinketh and thou blamest me still! I hate thee!" Keleb growls at her as she looks scared. Adam says, pleading, "But God said, I shall rule over thee." Eve shouts at him, "Thou commanded me to flee! I obeyed!" Keleb savagely growls at her as she pushes Adam out of the cave. Adam says crying, "Eve, Eve, Eve!" Eve watches Adam weep as he leaves the cave. p. 23

Adam whines, saying, Keleb, let us flee... She loveth me not! Keleb runs after him and begins to sadly howl. Eve looks angry and then very sad as she watches him walk away. Grandpa tells me that many, many, years later, Eve's brownish face has become more wrinkled. I imagine her once long brown hair is now mostly gray. She looks angry and depressed. Her very old sheep skin is full of holes which she has tried to patch with various leaves but is about to fall apart. She sits on some hay near her cave's entrance. She sadly bows her head as she hears a strange rumbling sound. A warm orange light begins to shine on her from inside the cave.. She is scared as a low but gentle voice asks, "Eve, art thou never going to forgive Adam?" With her head still sadly bowed, Eve shouts, "Never!... Who art thou?" She looks up scared, looking at the strangest creature she has ever seen, an abstractly eagle-like, fiery dark angel with many large fiery red eyes all over it's wings and it's body. It slowly spins around, standing on a fiery, softly rumbling, floating shiny gray disc. The dark angel has four eagle like faces, one face in front, one face on each side and one face in back. The dark angel has four large flapping wings with a black human shaped arm under each wing. The angel says loudly, "Fear not! I am a messenger of God... Adam still loves thee!" Eve's brownish face frowns as she says, "He loveth me, not!" The angel says gently, "He's lonely.. He hurts.. Doth thou love him? Thou never told him." Eve shouts angrily at the angel, "I never told Adam I love him... This can not be! I-II..." The angel's many large fiery red eyes look kindly at her as he says comfortingly, "Eve, put thy faith in God! Return to Adam... Thou loveth him! He misses thee... Very much time has passed!" Eve frowns angrily, shouting, "I shall never return as long as he blames me! I canst stand it!" The dark angel asks, "If Adam didst not blame thee? Would thou return?" Eve says tearfully as she shakes her head, "I doth not believe that shall ever happen! The dark angel asks softy, "What if?" Eve sadly smiles, saying, "I would return but Adam forever blames me.." The dark angel says cheerfully, "It is possible with God!" The dark angel vanishes and the rumbling sound fades away. p. 24

A little later, Adam sits with his head bowed low, crying over Keleb who has just died in his arms. Tears run down Adam's long tangle gray beard. Keleb is just skin and bones, very old, gray, and withered. Adam hugs Keleb for the last time as he cries out, "O-Keleb, thou wast a great friend! O-Keleb! Now, I am truly alone!" He hears a strange rumbling sound as a warm orange light shines on him. A low gentle voice says, "Adam... I am a messenger of God... Doth thou desire Eve?" Adam looks up at the slowly rotating, fiery dark angel with four eagle like faces and many large fiery red eyes. Adam says in teary sorrow, "Keleb died and Eve hateth me!!! Whence art thou? Hast I not named all God's creatures but I remember thee not..." The dark angel says calmly, "God hast made many more creatures than thou can imagine but thou and Eve alone art made in God's image." Adam looks up at the very strange creature and slowly asks, "Wouldst not a messenger of God be made in God's image?" The dark fiery angel sadly says, "As close to God as I am, thou hast a small part of God's heart in thee that is not in me... If thou and Eve die without children, no creature shalt ever be made in God's image again!" Adam says depressed, "I already told Eve to return... What more canst I do?" The dark angel says sternly, "Accept that thy life was ruin because of thy sin, not hers!" Adam beats his chest as he shouts, "Thou liest! Eve seduced me... I sinned because I loveth Eve so!" The angel says more sternly, "No! Ye sinned because thou wanted her to be thy goddess! Worship thou God and never blame Eve again or it's over!" Adams says defensively, "But....." The rumbling sound fades and the fiery dark angel vanishes as Adam hears a familiar howl and tearfully smiles for a while. Then he gets up and walks a long way to Eve's cave. Adam humbly walks into her cave. Eve stands up in her very old leaf patch sheepskins and stares angrily at him. Adam says, pleading, "Eve, return thou... I promise thee, I shall never blame thee ever again... I loveth thee! I loveth thee!!!" Eve's wrinkled brown face frowns as she says, "Adam, thou mayest be too late...." She crosses her arms as her lovely brown eyes stares angrily at him for a while. He humbly bows his head with tears in his eyes. She walks over to him. She rubs her fingers over Adam's long gray beard and then hugs him like the first time as Eve says excitedly, "Then again..... I loveth and desireth thee!" He smiles at her with joyful tears in his aging dark brown eyes. p. 25

Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 3. Cain

Intoduction Grandpa says as he stands up using his wooden staff, "Grandson, we better start walking back to your father's igloo. Me, still wrapped in furs from my head to my feet, stands up with his help. I starts walking with my grandpa in the shallow snow. I look up at him as I say, "I guess so... So Adam and Eve got back together..." Grandpa looks back at me as he says with a laugh, "And they had lots and lots of children..." I pull back my fur hood and brush my dark brown hair back as I say smiling, "And they were happy after that..." Grandpa looks down at me and says sadly, "They were happy sometimes... But they had terrible tragedies too... Out in the misty woods, Adam and Eve are dressed in their new cream colored sheepskins. Their long hair has turn mostly gray and their once smooth brown skin is now rather wrinkled... Eve is sitting on a large fallen tree trunk. They kiss. She's very much with child and they are very excited... After the next new moon, inside their deep damp cave, Eve is reclining on some hay and her body is mostly covered with warm furs. Adam is by her side, on his knees as she holds up her crying newborn baby... She looks up at her son with great love in her lovely sparkling brown eyes. Eve hopes that her first son will be the one prophesied to bruise the serpent's head but no...." As my grandpa's continues telling his story, I imagine Adam looking down nervously at Eve and her pinkish baby. Eve says gently smiling, ("I have gotten a man from the Lord."-*Genesis 4:1) Adam nervously bends over her and looks closer at the pinkish baby with a roundish bald head. The baby looks up at him with his bluish gray eyes. Eve says smiling quietly, p. 26

Thou shall be called Cain..." Adam says frowning, "Eve, he looks scrawny..." Cain begins to cry. Eve says angrily, "Adam, what troubles thee? Cain is thy son!" Adam put his hands on her bare shoulder. His dark eyes stares at her angrily as he asks, "Is he?" Grandpa tells me that three years later, in their cave, Adam is sitting next to his wife who is reclining on some hay. Her body is mostly covered by some furs as she holds up her new baby. Her little brownish baby has cute brown eyes and a little fuzzy brown hair on top of his sloped head. Eve hands their baby to Adam. He holds his son up with great pride as they both smile. Cain, a pale toddler with fuzzy light brown hair on his rounded head walks wobbly up to them. Adam says joyfully, "Behold Abel... Thou art loved, my son! Oh Eve!" Eve hugs Adam as he holds their baby. Eve says with a warm glow on her face, "O-yes, Abel thou art precious!" Cain looks up longingly at them. Being ignored, he walks over to his mother and tries to hug her only to be push aside by her. Grandpa tells me that three years after that, back at their cave. Adam holds the cute three year old Abel tightly in his arms. Abel coos and smiles at his adoring father. Adam says happily, "Behold Abel, thou hast a sister..." Eve, reclining on some hay, covered by several warm furs holds up her first daughter. Eve says joyfully, "Adam, behold our daughter... Is she not beautiful?" Adam laughs happily, and Abel looks down at his brownish newborn sister. He sees that she has a sloped forehead and has a little fuzzy reddish brown hair on her cute little head. Adam looks deeply into his daughter's light brown eyes as he says, "Eve, thy daughter art beautiful as a lilly... And Lilly shall her name be..." Cain who is now six years old, walks up to them and stares at Lilly happily. Cain's pale pinkish face smiles as he asks, "Mother, may I hold her?" Eve says nervously, "No Cain... She's tender... Thou mayest drop her." Cain continues to look in awe at his little baby sister. I imagine that eight years latter, on a hot sweaty day, a fourteen year old Cain, clears a patch of rocky ground of thorns and thistles. He's wearing an p. 27

old rugged off colored sheep skin. He's on his hand and knees sweating a lot as he pulls the unruly plants out with his aching bare hands. Ants are crawling everywhere, including on him. His long stringy, light brown hair is dripping with sweat. His sore shoulders, arms and legs are somewhat sunburn. Adam is standing behind him, frowning with his arms cross. Adam wearing a nice clean white sheep hide, says harshly, "Cain, why art thou not done? Thou must also break up the ground and plant thy seeds." Cain says angrily, "My hands hurt... I had enough of this!" Adam says angrily, "Complain not! God commands thee to work hard... Tis our punishment..." Cain looks up at him and says irritated, "I didn't eat the forbidden fruit! Thou do this work!" Adam grabs Cain, sits down, puts him over his knees and spanks him. Adam frowns at him, saying, "Speak not! If thou work hard, thou shall not be so scrawny." Adam walks away disgusted as Cain cries bitterly. I imagine that Latter, Adam and an eleven year old Abel are out in some pasture wearing their good sheep hides.. Several sheep are around them baaing. Adam holds up a large branch. One lamb seems to like Abel and comes up to him saying, "Baa, baaa" Abel gently hugs that lamb. Abel says in a goofy, happy way, "Me like sheep!" Adam gently prods the lamb with his branch as he says, "Abel, let thy lamb go..." Abel obeys his father. Cain walks up to them. Abel says, "Yea father... Me like sheep!" Adam says a little concerned, "Good, because I shall teach thee how to tend sheep and to milk them." Cain says impatiently, "I like sheep too... Teach me!" Adam points to Cain saying, "No Cain, thou shall till the ground..." Cain asks irritated, "Why not I tend sheep and Abel till ground?" Adam looks down at him and says, "Thou art scrawny... Thou need hard work!" Abel has a goofy smile but Cain looks angry and hurt. I imagine that later, Eve and a skinny eight year old Lilly are cleaning their cave. She has long reddish brown hair. She's wearing a nice tan sheep hide like her mother. Their cave is full of wet leaves. Eve says forcefully, "That terrible storm blew many damp leaves into mime cave... Ye shall clean!" Lilly grabs leaves by the hand full and takes them outside. Lilly p. 28

says frowning, "Wet leaves art yucky wet! I shall leave..." Eve says harshly, "No Lilly, thou shall clean cave... Complain not!" Abel comes in, holding a stone bowl of milk. He hands the stone bowl to his adoring mother. Abel cutely says, "Mother, me get milk." Eve drinks some milk and says, "H-mm, milk good! I Thank thee... Would thou help us clean mime cave?" Abel looks playfully around. Abel says smiling, "Yea mother, me clean cave..." Abel begins picking up wet leaves and carrying them outside. He walks back to Eve who hugs him saying, "Abel, thou art such a good boy... I love thee a lot!" Lilly continues to half heartedly to pick up messy leaves. Lilly frowns, saying, "Leaves art yucky! I shall leave..." Eve says frowning, "Complain not, work!" Cain tiredly walks into their damp cave. He is sweating a lot. Abel starts picking up leaves again. Eve says irritated, "Cain, thou must help clean cave..." Cain crosses his aching arms and says harshly, "No! I hast worked hard... I am tired!" Lilly has a fit yelling, "Leaves art yucky. Leave art yucky! Leaves art yucky!" Very irritated, Eve asks him, "Cain, would thou take thy sister out?" Cain smiles widely saying, "Yea, mother..." Lilly throws down some leaves as she runs to Cain wearing her little tan sheep hide. She hugs him tightly as she says, "Thanks, big brother..." Eve says nervously, "Cain, I trust thee... Thou shall not do anything dangerous! Thy sister shall not climb trees!" Cain says half heartedly, "Yea, mother..." Cain and Lilly run outside while Abel continues to happily pick up wet leaves on the cave's floor. I imagine Cain and Lilly running out into the woods. Lilly points up. She says excitedly, "Behold, a bird's nest up high in that tree... Brother, let us climb tree!" Cain says, "...Yeah. Lilly..." He picks her up next to the tree. Cain says, "Sister, cling thou to the tree tightly and secure thy feet until thou feel secure... Then reach for and grab thou the next branch." Cain and Lilly climb up and sit on the branch close to a bird's nest. Lilly says excitedly, "Behold, pretty blue eggs." She reaches for the eggs but Cain pulls her back saying, "No Lilly, that art dangerous... Might anger mother... Let us climb down." At the bottom of the tree Abel looks up at them. Lilly irritated, says angrily, "Abel spieth on us... How dare he!" Cain looks down shocked. Abel yells, "Lilly climb tree... Me tell mother!" Cain holds onto Lilly as they p. 29

climbs down. Abel yells at him saying, Me tell mother! Cain pleads with him as he loses his grip on the tree, shouting, "Abel, thou shall not tell thy mother!" Cain and Lilly fall down right before they get to the ground.. Lilly scratches her knee, saying, Ouch! Ouch! Abel smiles as he runs away. Cain begins to run after him as Lilly shouts, "Cain, leave me not! My knee hurts." Cain stops, gently picks up his sister and carries her in his strong arms. I imagine that a little latter Abel's cute face smiles as he says to his worried mother, "Brother, sister climb high tree... Lilly fell, got hurt!" Cain and Lilly run next to Eve. Eve shouts as she grabs her rather skinny daughter and looks at her knee, "Lilly, art thou hurt? Lilly frowns saying, No mother, Abel lies! Cain is speechless. Eve shouts angrily at him, Cain, how could thou? Thou shall stay away from Lilly lest she be injured again! Work harder as thy father commandeth thee!" Cain frowns, looking hurt and very upset. Lilly says angrily, "No! Tis Abel's fault, I fell..." Eve says angrily, "Blame not Abel! Cain faileth thee..." She grabs Cain, puts him over her knees and spanks him. Eve says harshly, Cain, obey thy mother!" I imagine that latter, Cain and Abel are sitting together on a fallen tree. They are out in the woods with their father. Abel has a goofy smile on his brown face as Cain's pale face frowns. Adam looks serious as he says, "My sons, me and thy mother sinned against God! We deserve to die at that moment but God wast merciful and slayeth two lambs instead of us to show us how bad sin is... And because of mime sin ye shall die but not for a very long time." Abel asks curiously, "Me not eat that fruit... Why me die?" Adam says tearfully, "I know not, Abel... I know not." Cain says frowning slightly, "Abel, tis not fair... Nothing's fair!" Adam says sadly, "Forgive me, my sons! Anyway, thou must give back to God to show our thanks for God's blessings." Cain asks mockingly, "What blessings?" Abel says happily, "Sheep.... Me like sheep." Adam says loving to him, "Yes Abel, thank God for sheep and thy family and beautiful days... Cain, thou hast many blessings! Thou must look for them..." Cain says sarcastically, "Yea..." Adam says sadly, "Abel, thou must sacrifice a young lamb to God on a large p. 30

stone along with it's milk." Abel says frowning, "Me not slay cute lamb!" Adam says sadly, "Son, if God had not spare me and thy mother, thou would of never of been born... Thou must!" Abel says tearfully, "Yea, father..." Adam says forcefully, "Cain, thou shall sacrifice some of thy fruit to God on a stone." Cain says angrily, "I worketh hard to grow that fruit... God needs it not!" Adam says gently, "Tis not about what God needs... Humble yourself before God and be thou thankful!" Cain stands up angrily saying, "Thankful, for painful labor... Thankful, that I am commanded to stay away from my sister and the fool Abel gets everything!" Abel looks hurt at his big brother. Adam says angrily, "How dare thou insult thy brother! Abel tis a far better son than thee... Cain, sacrifice thy fruit to God and be thou thankful... Then God shall bless thee!" Cain looks disgusted. I imagine that latter, Abel is carrying the dead little lamb and a bowl of it's milk to a large nearly flat stone. He places the dead lamb on top of the rock. Then he pours the lamb's milk over the dead lamb. Abel sadly looks down as tears run down from his cute brown eyes. Abel looks up and says sadly, "Me feel bad about slaying lamb but me obey God! Me thank God for sparing mother and father so me be born... Me life good! Thank God! Cain is hiding behind a tree, spying on him. A bright warm greenish yellow spotlight from the sky shines on Abel. His offering burst into mighty flames. Angelic music is heard as a gentle breeze blows threw his long dark brown hair. He looks up and smiles hugely. Cain frowns angrily and grunts. Then Cain walks over to another large rock and places some good looking fruit on the top of it. Cain stands behind the rock, looking all around. Cain looks up into the sky as he says proudly, "God, I worked hard for mime fruit... But I make this great sacrifice unto thee, so ye shall bless me! Bless me, Lord!!!" Crickets chirp. He waits a while. Crickets chirp. Cain says angrily, "Thou shall bless me like thou blessed Abel... Lord, bless me!" He look down at his fruit. Cricket chirp. He's very frustrated as a voice whispers, saying, Thy offering is rejected as thou art... Cain, startled, looks all around but sees nobody. Cain ask fearfully, Who art thou? After a long silence, he shakes his head angrily. Frustrated, Cain shouts, Lord bless me! He waits nervously but nothing happens. Furious, he kicks the rock, hurting his own p. 31

foot. Cain says in pain, "Ouch, bless me Lord! Thou blessed Abel!" A hateful voice whispers sarcastically, saying, God loves Abel, hates thee... None shall love thee, not even Lilly! Cain jumps up and down and has a fit, screaming, No! No!!! No! Who said that... He hits the stone with his fists until they are bloody. He then looks around all paranoid. He begins to walk away looking downcast with bitter tears in his blueish gray eyes. Cain hears the Lord asking, ("Why art thou wroth? And why is thy countenance fallen? If thou does well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou does not well, sin lieth at the door, and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shall rule over him."-*Genesis 4:6, 7) Cain looks up, breathes heavily and grunts. I imagine that latter, Cain is dressed in his brown sheepskins. He watches Abel tending his sheep from a distance. Abel is dressed in his white sheepskins, holding a long branch in his right hand. A hateful voice whispers to Cain, None loveth thee, not thy father, nor mother, nor God! The fool keeps thee from thy sister! Cain grunts angrily, his bluish gray teary eyes become bloodshot. He runs out and greets his brother in the field, and says bitterly, Abel, let us talk. Abel says cheerfully, Me talk, brother. They slowly walk through the field as the sheep follow Abel. Abel asks with a goofy smile, "Cain, how thy sacrifice go?" Cain grunts angrily as he hears an incredibly hateful, sarcastic voice whispers to him, The fool mocketh thee! Because of the fool, none loves thee, not even Lilly! The sheep makes irritating baah sounds as Cain clinches his fist tightly and grinds his teeth in a rage as he asks hatefully, Tell me how thy sacrifice went! Abel says sadly, "Me felt bad about slaying cute lamb.... Then Abel says with a big goofy smile, ..but me felt God pleased with me... Me felt warm and good!" Cain leaps towards and punches Abel's cute face in a horrible rage. Abel is shocked as he drops his branch and falls down to the ground. Cain sits on top of him and brutally punches his face as Abel cries. Cain yells, "Who's scrawny now? Fool! How good does ye feel?" Cain stops hitting him. Abel's face is all bloodied and swollen. Abel looks up at Cain with his dark swollen eyes, and coughs up some blood, as he painfully pleads with him, saying, Stop bro--ther, me hurt! Me hurt! Me hurt... Cain starts hitting him furiously again as Abel moans and dies. A lamb come over and nudges p. 32

Abel's swollen bloody face and cries. Cain yells, "Thou fool! If thou tell anyone, I shall slay thee!" Cain looks down at Abel's dead body. Cain grabs Abel and tries to wake him, tearfully saying, "Awake thou Abel! Awake thou... Oh Abel, forgive me and wake up... Wake up! O, Abel! A-b-e-l-l!" Cain hugs his dead brother tightly and cries for a long time. Then Cain lays Abel's body on the ground and craws away a little with Abel's still warm blood smeared all over him, especially his painfully bruised fists. The sheep gather around them and cry. Cain chases the sheep away. Cain breathes heavily as he whines pitifully, saying, "O-no, Ab-el! They loveth thee! They shall kill me!!! H-m-m-m, if thou vanished, if they never knew..." Cain digs a hole frantically with his bare bloody hands. I imagine that Adam, Eve, and Lilly are in their cave eating some fruit together. Eve suddenly bends over and becomes ill. Adam quickly hugs her. Lilly asks her sadly, "Mother, what's ails thee?" Eve says breathlessly fearful, "Abel... Adam find Abel!" Then Eve faints. Adam says in a panic as he hold her tight, "O Lord, help me find my son Abel!" He gently lays his wife down on some furs and runs out of the cave in a great hurry. I imagine that Cain finishes burying Abel. He stands up and looks down at the ground where he buried Abel. Cain is very dirty, sweaty and bloody. A bright spotlight shines on top of him as he looks up. The Lord asks, ("Where is Abel, thy brother?"-*Genesis 4:9) Cain hears the ghostly sounds of Abel moaning softy. Cain says very nervously, ("I know not... Am I my brother's keeper?"-*Genesis 4:9) The Lord says, ("What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground..."-*Genesis 4:10) Shivering with fear, Cain hears Abel's moans become loud cries. The Lord says to him, ("And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. When thou tilleth the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth."-*Genesis 4:11, 12) Cain falls to his knees, bows his sweating head down, and hides his deathly pale face behind his shaking blood stained hands. Abel's tormenting cries become softer. Cain tearfully whines, saying, ("My punishment is greater than I can p. 33

bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth;, and from thy face shall I be hid: and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth: that every one that findeth me shall slay me."-*Genesis 4:13, 14) Suddenly, a crazed, sorrowful Adam leaps out from behind a large tree as his long whitish gray hair swings wildly. Spittle runs down Adam's long frizzled whitish gray beard as he attacks Cain like an enraged bear crying a long most horrible scream. Then he grabs Cain by his throat and begins to squeeze as he stares murderously at him. Adam's face frowns into brownish wrinkle death mask. Adam's bloodshot eyes of burning vengeance hurts Cain more than the angry hands squeezing his throat closed. Adam breathes very heavily as he screams, "Thou slew Abel, my only son! Oh, Abel, I shall avenge thee! Die, Satan!" A mighty wind howls and the spotlight shines brightly on both of them as they stare upward. As Adam chokes him, the Lord sears a mark into Cain's forehead, two words, Vengeance sevenfold. The Lord says, ("Therefore whosoever slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold..."-*Genesis 4:15) Adam very slowly releases his death grip on Cain's neck as he screams and wails. Adam cries out in utter despair, "Why Lord, why Lord, why Lord, didst thou not save my son Abel? And Lord, why art thou saving the slayer? Strike him dead!" He knocks Cain out with one angry punch to his face and continues to cry out bitterly as he picks up Cain and carries him over his tense painfully aching shoulders. I imagine Adam carrying Cain to their cave's entrance. Lilly runs out of the cave to greet her father. Her long reddish brown hair blows in the warm breeze. Eve fearfully follows close to her. Lilly looks up at her father carrying Cain as she asks, "Father, what hast happened to Cain?" Eve worried tearful brown eyes stares. Adam abruptly drops Cain on the ground in front of them. Lilly runs over to her brother as her light brown eyes look troubled. Lilly quickly asks, "Cain, what ails thee?" Adam angrily pushes her away from her brother. Cain wakes up. Eve walks up to Adam as he bitterly cries out, "Oh Eve, our son is dead! Cain slew Abel!" Eve screams horribly as tears fill her eyes, "No!!! Abel, my precious little son, my son! Abel, I shall die and go to thee!" Cain looks up scared, crying, saying, "Moth-er, mother..." Eve screams, grabs a large jagged stone and insanely p. 34

attacks Cain as Adam tries to hold her back. Eve screams, yelling, I hast no son! Cain must die, die, die!" Cain glances up at his cute skinny sister. Lilly cries and pleads, saying, "Moth-er, hurt not Cain, mime brother!" Adam struggles to stop Eve from beating Cain to death with the jagged rock she's holding. Cain curls up in a fetal position. Eve shouts tearfully at Lilly, "Abel, Abel, was thy brother! Cain slew Abel, thine brother! Lilly, thou hast no brother!" Lilly cries a lot. Adam disgustedly says, "Eve, slay him not!" Eve hatefully yells, "Slay him! My Abel must be avenged!" Cain looks up very scared, with the mark clearly burn into his forehead. Adams says angrily as he points to Cain's mark, "Behold God's mark on his forehead... (The Lord said unto him, "Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken sevenfold..."-*Genesis 4:15) Eve spits on Cain, then stares disgustedly at the mark that reads, Vengeance sevenfold. Eve cries, still swinging the stone, yelling, "Oh Abel, let God curse me! I shall die! Die bastard!" Lilly asks with frighten tears in her light brown eyes, "Cain, thou didst not slay Abel, did thou?" Cain looks at her speechless. He hides his swollen face from her. Eve calms down a little and puts the jagged rock down. Eve shouts hatefully, "Lilly, get thee away from that cursed slayer lest he slay thee! Oh, Abel, O-my Abel!" Lilly says very nervously, "No mother, Cain's sorry! Eve calms down a little more and hugs Lilly tight. Adam walks over to her and shouts angrily, "Hearken to thy mother, Lilly... Stay thou away from the cursed slayer, I command thee!" Lilly looks up shyly and says regretfully, "Yea, father..." Eve cries uncontrollably on Adam's shoulder. Adam screams hatefully with bitter tears in his dark brown eyes as he kicks Cain in the stomach once, "Stay thou away from Lilly or I shall slay thee still! Flee Cain!!! Flee! O my son is dead, Abel! A-bel! A-b--e-l!" Adam and Eve cry on each other's shoulders. Feeling utterly hated, Cain gets up and runs away in utter disgrace. Lilly waves at him as she says with tear in her light brown eyes, "Brother, take care..." Grandpa tells me that the next morning, Adam, Eve, and Lilly are standing around the ground that Cain buried Abel in. Their sheep hides are all very clean. Adam carries a very large stone and put it down by Abel's little grave. He falls to his knees, weeping. Lilly is carrying some lillies. Eve tries to p. 35

comfort Adam as she cries uncontrollably. They all stand tearfully around. They look down at the stone as Lilly lays the lillies on top of the stone. Lilly says sadly, "Abel... I miss thee..." Adam weeps so much that he can't speak so Eve says very sorrowfully, "My good son Abel.. If thou can hearest me, we all loved thee! The slayer tried to hid thee in the ground but thou shall never be hidden from us... Instead this ground shall be thy monument.. Precious Abel, all shall know that thou was a good son and that we shall loved thee forever.. O--Lord why? Why? Why?" Eve breaks down and cries as Adam and Lilly try to comfort her. A little ways away, Cain tearfully watches them from behind some bushy trees where he's hiding.. Grandpa tells me that One year latter, back at their cave, Eve is reclining on some hay, covered up to her chest with several furs. Eve holds up her new baby boy with Adam and Lilly by her side. The little tan baby has a little patch of dark brown hair on his sloped forehead, and sparkling dark brown eyes. Eve says joyfully, "Son, thou shall be known as Seth for..." Then Eve says in tears, ("For God, ...hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew."-*Genesis 4:25) Then Adam grabs his new beloved son, stares lovingly down at him and breathes heavily as he says fearfully, "Oh mime son Seth... I swear, I shall die before I let any harm thee! As grandpa continues telling his story, I imagine that ten years latter, a twenty five year old Cain is being drenched in heavy rain. His long light brown hair and long frazzled beard are dripping wet. He's paler than normal, shivering from the cold, looking all around paranoid, breathing heavily. He's wearing some brownish gray animal furs. Despite the thunder and the sounds of the pouring rain, he hears footsteps coming closer to him, then stops. He's scared, ready to run for his miserable life. Then there's a flash of lightening and his nineteen year old sister jumps out at him from behind a near-by tree. She's soaking wet. She's still thin but much more curvy now, wearing her tight sheep hide. He breathes very heavily as Cain says out of breath, "Thou must not do that, sister!" Lilly says smiling seductively, "Brother, tis me, Lilly... Besides, Adam and Eve do not desire to slay thee as much since mother hast borne Seth and her three other sons and three more daughters." p. 36

Cain says shivering fearfully, They would is they knew about us! Lilly says smiling, "Cain, I loveth thee.." She hugs him and they kiss. Lilly says, "Let us start thy family!" Cain backs away from her, saying, "But Lilly, I slew Abel, my little brother... I am cursed to be alone!" Lightening flashes as he jumps around scared. Lilly's dripping wet long reddish brown hair blows over her face. Thunder roars. Lilly wipes her hair out of her face as she says mockingly bitter, "Thou art not alone... Thy father and thy mother's sins hast cursed us or is that God! Lightening flashes and thunder roars as the cold rain falls down harder on them. Lilly shivers, as she says mockingly, Slaying Abel wast bad but he wast annoying.... Me like sheep.. Me like sheep.. Me like--- Cain!" The rain intensifies as Cain shivers asking angrily, "How dare thou mock Abel?" Lilly says mockingly, "At least, I didst not slay him!" Cain looks downcast. Lightening flashes and thunder roars as the rain dies down a little. Lilly shivers but says cheerfully, "Take me as thy wife! Who else wilt have thee? One of my younger sisters? I love thee, I alone love thee!" Cain says tearfully, "But thy father and mother would curse thee!" Lilly hugs him tight, her brown face smiles passionately at him. Lilly says hatefully, "I carest not about those hypocrites! Why should thou?" They kiss passionately as the heavy rain falls on their shivering bodies. Lightening flashes and the thunder roars again. Grandpa tells me that a year latter, in a small cave, a very pregnant Lilly is laying on some sheep hides with other sheep hides covering her. The cave has a bunch of leaves laying about. Cain walks in carrying some fruit in his arms. Lilly stares at him and yells, "Cain, where hast thou been? Clean up thy cave at once!" He hands her some fruit saying, "I have been gathering fruit for thee..." Lilly eats some and throws the rest at him, asking hatefully, "And what else? Tell me!" He takes out some small branches and wraps them together with a vine. Cain says excitedly, "Behold, we can wrap vines around tree branches and build nests, like birds do..." Lilly asks mockingly, "And why would thou do that?" Cain says irritated, "I hate damp caves! We shall live in a huge nest instead..." Lilly yells bitterly, "I shall soon bare thy child and thou wastes thy time like this!" Cain pleads, saying, "I shall not hast my children growing up in a dark, damp cave like we didst! I shall build p. 37

a comfortable nest for thee. Lilly shouts angrily, Thou art mad! Nests art too small for us..." Cain says with a sly smile, "Thy nest shalt be larger than thy cave!" Lilly says interested, "Could be nice... Except for all the crawling things in the trees that shall bite us! Tis madness, thou art mad! Cain proudly says, I hast notice that certain herbs repeleth crawling things... I shall use them in thy nest to repel all the nasty crawling things. Lilly says, Cain, thou art wise... Now cleaneth thy cave!" He starts picking up wet leaves. I imagine that the cave is now clean. Cain sleeps next to his very pregnant wife. She sits up, shakes him harshly, and wakes him. He sits up very tiredly. She grabs his shoulder tight as Lilly says forcefully, "Soon I shall bare thy child... Thou must work harder, and obey whatever I tell thee!" Cain frowns at her, saying grumpily, "Thou shall not tell me what to do! God said husbands shall rule." She claws his shoulder with her nails and then releases her tight grip. Cain cries out angrily in pain. Lilly's light brown eyes stares at him as she says very hatefully, "God shall not rule over me! Why should thou? Wilt thou slay me, as thou slew thy little brother?" Cain says fearfully, tearfully, "No Lilly, never!" Lilly says cruelly, "Hearken unto me Cain, thou shall obey me and I shall continue to love and encourage ye or thou shall be a cursed wanderer alone..." Cain asks very fearfully, "Lilly, thou would not leave me? Wouldest thou? Ah, what would happen to mine child?" Lilly says with a most wicked smile, "Thou doth not want to know!" Cain acts horribly shocked as his face becomes deathly pale. Cain fearfully says, "Yes dear, whatever thou sayest..." Lilly hugs him and says, "I love thee Cain... Thou art wise..." As grandpa concludes his story, I imagine that eight years latter, Cain walks with his tan skinned, blond hair son under several of his large tree nests. They are both dressed in brownish animal hides. Cain proudly points up at several large tree nests he built on several large trees and says, "Behold Enoch, I hast build more nests..." His son looks up in awe at all the huge nests his father has built. Enoch asks curiously, "Father, why didst thou build more nests? Cain says smiling down at his son, Enoch, many shall live p. 38

here peaceably... This shall be known as a city. Enoch looks up at his father and asks curiously, "A city? Where shall all the people come from?" Cain says slowly, "Well, me, thy mother, thou, thy brothers, thy sisters and ye shall all have children... Maybe some of my brothers and sisters shall come to thy city when they hear how great it is..." Enoch frowns as he says sadly, "But they all hate us so much!" Cain walks to a near-by huge tree with some large markings carved into it. Cain says comfortingly, Be not afraid, son, Behold..." Enoch's big blue eyes sparkle as he looks at the tree's markings. Excited, Enoch says smiling, "Enoch, tis my name!" Cain says smiling down at his beloved son, "Tis the name of thy city also... They hateth me but they shall like Enoch City." Lilly yells from their high nest, "Cain, clean thou thy nest now!" He acts very irritated. Cain says disturbed, "Yes, dear..." Lilly looks down angrily from their huge nest. Lilly shouts very angrily, "Thy nest is a mess! Clean thy nest!" Cain says in despair, "Yes, dear." Cain lovingly picks up his son in his aching arms. Enoch says sadly, "Mother, works thee hard as she lies around much." Cain says sadly, "She art fragile..." Enoch says downcast, "Sometimes, I dost not think mother likes me much..." Cain rubs his light brown beard and then asks, "O Enoch, how canst thou say that? Trust me, Lilly likes thee a far more than my mother likes me and thou hast something that we hast always desired." Enoch asks with a big smile, "What's that, father?" Cain holds his son tight as he says lovingly, "A father whom loveth thee very much and whom shall...." Lilly yells angrily, interrupting them, "Make haste! Make haste! Clean thy nest! Clean thy nest! Thy nest is a mess!" Cain frowns, acting very irritated. Then Cain says lovingly to his son, "...and whom shall do anything to help thee have a better life than mine!" Cain begins to climb up their tree with Enoch holding tightly onto him. Enoch looks over Cain's shoulder as he says, "I love thee, father!"

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 4. Enoch

Introduction As it snows lightly, me and my middle age mother are quite cold, dressed in our hooded brown furs. Our wooden sandals are wrapped in thick hides around our freezing, nearly numb feet. My mother uses a thick branch as a walking stick. Her thin yellowish tan face gently smiles as her squinted dark eyes look down lovingly at me. We walk to my grandpa's small stone house, and pull open his fur curtain as we walk in. Grandpa's gentle brown face smiles at us as he reclines on a big stack of furs. He is dressed in his tan ankle length furs. His old silly fur cap partly covers his balding head. As the fire crackles in his fire pit, he reaches over and puts some more sticks into the fire. I'm tired but I yell excitedly, "Grandpa!" I takes off my outer furs. Underneath I'm wearing a long gray fur coat. I runs over and hug my grandpa tightly. My frail mother pulls back her hood and wipes a little snow off of her long black hair as she says tiredly, "Grandpa, take care of my son for a while... My husband needs my help in the vineyard..." Grandpa sits up angrily as he says, "Tukkiy, I forbid you from working in the vineyard by the hot springs! Maybe your son should help out..." My mother's dark eyes squint nervously as Tukkiy says, "He already has! He's exhausted... But they are still working my husband so hard! I feel guilty... Grandpa says forcefully as he nervously touches his long whitish gray beard, "My son loves you! If you get deathly sick again after all this, it will kill him!!! Go home and rest..." My mother's frail yellowish tan face frowns guiltily. Tukkiy says angrily, "But.... Maybe you are right... See you latter, son." She slowly waves at me as I say sadly, tiredly, "Take care mother.. I love you!" She p. 40

looks down at me lovingly with her fragile dark brown eyes. Then she stares at grandpa, saying, "Grandpa, just be careful what stories you tell him... Then Tukkiy gently smiles at me as she says, See you latter, my son." Grandpa's wrinkled brown face frowns a little as my mother turns around. She slowly walks out into the bitter cold holding her large branch which she uses for her walking stick. I become perfectly still. I look around and listen carefully. Then after a while, I touch my grandpa's long whitish beard as I say to him, "Mother's gone... Now grandpa, tell me about your father and the sons of God..." Grandpa puts his hand lightly on my shoulder as he says nervously, "I don't think your mother would approve... You're a little young to hear about all that." My youthful brown face frowns angrily as I shout, "Their king stole my sister away! I heard that your father, the great holy man was all friendly to them... Why?" Grandpa looks sad, and holds me close. I slowly calm down. Grandpa says as bitter tears run down his very wrinkled face, "Yownah is my granddaughter and like you, I miss her so very much!!! O-God help her!!! Very well grandson, I shall tell you.... What Cain did was considered unspeakable but as many, many generations passed, many people killed their brothers and sisters... People fought in savage tribes. People turn away from the true God and worship anything but God! Rich people married many husbands and wives but still cheated on them... Some say, as people's hearts grew cold, so did the world,--- became very cold... People did many bad things before they came!" My greenish brown eyes stare at grandpa as I say impatiently, "Get to the good stuff!" Grandpa says slowly, "Be patient... Before my father was born, there were rumors about lonely women meeting a handsome, beardless stranger that only they saw... The women called him Jeqon... I believe he is one of them." My boyish face frowns as I say angrily, "Tell me about the great holy man!" Grandpa says mockingly, "O-you mean my father..." I say, "Yup..." Grandpa's old very wrinkled face smiles at me as he says, Enoch, son of Jared, was not always a godly man... It's not that he was ever a bad man.. Everybody like him because he was so friendly and generous... He was proud to be a direct descendant of the righteous Seth. But he was not a godly man, especially with my mother to be, Mehetabel, who he had been with him for over twenty five years... Then one day, his father Jared invited many neighbors to celebrate the coming of spring around p. 41

a huge camp fire. It's still freezing cold, snowing hard and the snow is very deep... Everyone here wears their thickest furs and covers the lower part of their faces so they can breathe without freezing their lungs... Enoch and Mehetabel stand around the huge flickering, roaring fire as they hear the eerie howls of the dire wolves... Mehetabel is a slightly plump, dark beauty who is a little taller than him. She is dressed in her heavy hooded orangish brown furs. He is dressed in his good yellowish tan furs. On top of his sloped, balding forehead, he is wearing his silly looking fur cap... Several shivering neighbors throw more large branches into the huge fire to keep it going. Standing next to his father Jared, Enoch's mother Pur'ah stares at her very nervous son as the distant dire wolves continue their eerie howls. Enoch lowers the fur around the lower part of his gentle tan face. His big cheeked face smiles at her as the chilling, howling winds blows through his very long brown hair and his long brown beard... Mehetabel is standing very close to him. She lowers her furs from around her mouth. She slyly smiles at him as they try to ignore his intensely curious parents who are staring strait at them....." As my grandpa tells me more about them, I imagine Mehetabel laying her primitive furry glove covered hand on Enoch's wide shoulders. She holds him very close to her as she whispers something into his ear... He looks very uncomfortable, his wide cheeks droops as his dark brown eyes look around very nervously. Then his right hand rubs his thick brown beard as he smiles wide revealing his rather large yellowish teeth. He blushes a lot as he looks embarrassed at his prying parents. Then he looks lovingly at Mehetabel. Enoch says slowly with his silly squeaky voice, "This, good time to get married..." A few new moons latter, Enoch is walking through the snow, wrapped in his heavy hooded furs, making sure to cover his mouth and his large pug nose to protect his lungs from the deadly cold. He's wearing his wood sandals that he carved to fit his rather large feet. He has wrapped his sandals tightly with thick furs and straps of animal hides. He carries a big bundle of sticks tied on his back with straps of animal hides. The freezing wind blows strongly p. 42

against him as he slowly walks through the deep snow using a large branch as a staff. He sees his rather large igloo in the middle of a frozen waste, and begins to run through the snow to it's inviting entrance. He pulls back on the igloo's fur curtain and enters, feeling the wonderful warmth inside. He starts laying some small sticks on a small fire in the pit that is in great danger of going out. He exposes his reddish numb face. A pale midwife dress in whitish furs grabs my father, asking, Why did you take so long? What if the fire went out, your wife and child might die! Still chilling from the cold, he turns towards her, and takes out two small flint rocks. Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, Then me start new fire with my flints... You say wife and--- child? The midwife shakes her head in disbelief, then smiles and points to his wife who is laying on some thick furs with others furs covering her. She holds her newborn baby, wrapped tightly in a small brown fur. As my grandfather tells me about his birth, he begins referring to Enoch as my father and Mehetabel as my mother. Enoch, my father takes off his large bundle of sticks and his outer furs. He puts more sticks into our little fire pit to keep us warm. Mehetabel, my mother says joyously as the midwife stands behind her, "Enoch, we have a son... What shall we call him?" My father walks over and knells by my mother's side, smiles warmly at her and looks down at me awe-struck... He sees me begins to glow brighter and brighter till he has to covers his eyes. He hears angelic music. He squints his eyes because of the brightness of the light. He sees me shine like the glaring sun. The brightness becomes a vision of me quickly becoming an old warrior wrapped in heavy gray furs, holding up a long sharp spear. My feet are wrapped in thick gray furs. I'm an old warrior standing in the middle of an arctic wasteland. My father hears demonic music. Then he sees a huge fiery serpent appears and attacks me. I heroically fight the monster with my mighty spear. Then he sees me gets hit from behind by the long golden horns of a demonic white goat, that knocks me down onto the hard ice. Helpless, I look up at the fiery serpent and the white goat cruelly staring down at me, about to strike. The goat laughs so hatefully as his pale blue eyes glow like the full moon... I scream as they attack me. Still, lying on my back, I try to use my spear to defend myself but I'm just too old... My father hears me cry out, shouting, "Father, help me! Pray!" He hears angelic music. The vision p. 43

ends with a bright light protecting me. The light fades and I look just like his little baby boy again. Enoch almost faints as he says obsessively, "Our son shall be called Methuselah, a man of spear... Dedicate our lives to God now! And pray God delivers us from the Serpent and the Goat!" As a baby, I begin to cry. The midwife looks scared, puts on her outer furs and slowly walks out of our igloo... My mother struggles to sits up as her dark chubby face frowns. Troubled, Mehetabel asks, "Enoch, what's wrong with you? Are you mad?" Enoch asks scared, "Mehetabel, you not see God's light shining from our son?" Mehetabel asks nervously, "What light? I saw no light!!!" Enoch says passionately, "Me saw God's light! Our son becomes an old warrior, and fights a huge fiery serpent... Then he was attack from behind by a huge white goat that has long golden horns and pale blue eyes that glow!" Mehetabel says fearfully, "You're scaring me... Stop talking like that!" Enoch says sadly, "Me sound mad but Methuselah needs us to pray! Future depends on people turning back to God... Me tell everyone to repent! Mehetabel, me love you! Please love me!" Still on his knees, he leans over her as she slowly hands me, her baby to him as I stop crying. She hugs us tearfully. Mehetabel says very nervously, "Silly, don't you know that I love you and our son! But if you get any weirder, I shall take him and go! Let's pray that God helps us!" They stare at each other and me. Then my grandpa's smiles widely as he says to me, "During the next year, Enoch sought God with all his heart... He talk to all the holy men. He even went to the holy cave before he began preaching.... My father walks up the base of the great ice covered mountain through the heavy snow during a numbingly cold blizzard. He is dressed in his very heavy hooded furs with a big bundle on his aching back. He uses his large branch as a staff. Thick furs are tightly wrapped around his wooden sandals and his aching cold feet, tied tightly with straps of animal hides. He keeps his nose and mouth covered so that the extremely painfully cold air doesn't kill him when he breathes. He sees a herd of woolly mammoths marching in the distance... I imagine Enoch trying to watch the herd of gray woolly giants marching endlessly but the blinding blizzard makes it very hard to see them. He stumbles into the warm cave's ice covered mouth, he gets up, walks by many p. 44

human skeletons as he slowly, fearfully walks forward. He hears coughing, and some desperate voices asking, "Who are you? Are you here to look at the holy paintings like the rest? Will ye help us? Please help us! We're so hungry!" He see a small flickering campfire inside. Lots of sick hungry people including children are sitting huddle up together casting dark shadows on the cave's cool walls. A thin woman with long dark stringy hair, wrapped in heavy spotted furs stands up. She walks to him, saying tearfully, "My mother is.. Very ill, please give her something to eat before she dies! Enoch removes his hood and exposes his nearly numb face. He takes a deep breath of the wonderfully cool air and looks around sadly as he opens the heavy bundle on his back and takes out some food, mainly nuts and berries. He hands the desperate woman some food. Voices cry out, saying, "We are hungry too! Give us something, anything to eat... We're so hungry!" The woman's yellowish tan face smiles at him as she says, "O-Bless you!" She walks back to her sick starving mother who's coughing a lot. There is a smell of death in the cave. Her mother is pale sickly yellow and her stringy hair is gray. She says to her mother, "Mother. I got something for you to eat. Mother says coughing, "A-a-a, g, Vash-ti dear, you.. eat. cough, cough..." Vashti puts the food to her mother's cracked lips. She eats some. Enoch asks, "What are you all doing here? Me thought holy cave be empty except for maybe a holy man." He walks towards her. Vashti's dark squinted eyes tear up as she says, "We all came here so that we and or our love ones could dies in this holy place... That's the very best we can do! As for the holy man, he died a few new moons ago... I bless you, we owe you so very much!" She hugs him tightly, even passionately. Enoch gently pushes her away saying nervously, "Back off! Me married... Came here to look at the holy paintings... But now God sent me to help people here!" Many others come to him as he hands them the rest of his food. Vashti's pale mother starts coughing uncontrollably. Enoch asks sadly, "What's your mother's name? Vashti says tearfully, "Her name is Mara." Enoch bows near Mara, closes his worried eyes and prays, saying, "O--God, me beg you, heal Mara! Heal Mara!" Mara coughs a lot for a long while. She stops and holds her bony chest. Then Mara takes a slow easy breath and smiles. Mara says, "Tell me, your name. So --I can --bless it. Enoch says happily, "Enoch... Praise p. 45

God, Lord healed you!" Vashti hugs him even more passionately, saying, "Enoch, you are so wonderful... I love you!" My father blushes as he pushes her away, saying, "Me married, remember... Mehetabel, me wife!" He looks around at the cave walls which are full of pictures painted onto the stone walls. The hungry people around him, come up to him and thank him but some say things like, "God has forsaken us... Most people will be happy if would we all died! We are all just a burden to everyone... We should all just die!" Enoch gets angry, points to the walls, and says in his silly squeaky voice, "Demons say these words! Repent! This not what the paintings say? Does anyone study them?" Mara looks around at them as she says weakly, "I have... I studied them with the holy man before he died." Enoch smiles, baring his large yellowish teeth, saying, "That good... Me get food for all of you! Me come back!" Mara asks, frowning curiously, "Enoch, don't you want to study the holy cave's paintings." Enoch says tearfully, "After me get food for people!" He covers his lower face with his fur coat and covers his long brown hair with his thick hood as he walks out into the bitter cold. Then my father walks home through the deep freezing snow. The next day is somewhat warmer. We all dress in very our heavy furs and our wood sandals are covered by heavy furs strapped to our feet. My mother holds me tight in my brown fur blanket that cover me except for my cute little brown eyes. We walk to the marketplace, trying to collect food for the hungry people living in the holy cave. An old woman in the crowd asks with frosted breath, "What do you want, Enoch?" Enoch lowers the fur around his mouth and says sadly, "Just come from holy cave... Full of hungry desperate people... God demands us feed them... They all just waiting to die!" A man in the crowd says as he chills, "Maybe it's God's will for them to die or maybe they are just lazy... Besides, most of us are hungry and we have to take care of our own families first." A woman in the crowd says, "We don't have enough food, feed us... We are hungry and you want us to give what little we have to bums and tramps that we have never even met." My father's gentle dark brown eyes stare at her as Enoch says sternly, "Children and old people dying! If you have nothing to give, you are truly poor in God's sight... Is there no one here with enough food to help them?" A pale blond young man p. 46

limps forward. Two pale blond sexy, giggling girls are on each side of him, dressed in long light colored furs. The young man's right cheek is horribly scarred, marring his long blondish goatee beard. He leans on top of his fancy copper walking stick that has the molten image of a fierce dire wolf's head on top. He limps forward. His fancy purple robes and the golden turban on his head looks very extravagant. He slowly lifts up his hand and stares with his cold blue eyes as he says half mockingly with frosted breath, "I could help... We just come from a feast and I have a lot of food left over... Unlike these peasants, I have an abundance!!! I think it would be amusing for these starving people to owe their lives to me, the great metal wizard, Tubal-Cain!" The crowd murmurs, staring angrily at him. Enoch wide cheeks droop as he frowns angrily, saying, "Tubal, your pride is ungodly! You insult the Lord when you mock the hungry... You better repent!" Tubal says proudly, "Calm down, don't be so self righteous! I'm not insulting the Lord... I am helping the Lord by feeding all those starving people unless you are too proud to accept my help..." His sexy girls giggle a lot. My mother looks disturbed and covers her lower part of her face with her furs as Enoch says with mixed emotions, "Praise the Lord, help coming, I guess?" The next day, we, Tubal and a couple of his servants get in three large sledges full of delicious food. A blizzard rages as we go up the base of the great mountain. The sledges are pulled by Tubal's savage wolf-dogs. We are all dressed in heavy hooded furs. We cover our noses and mouths with our fur coats to keep the freezing wind out of our aching lungs. My parents wear their wood sandals on their feet which are covered by heavy furs and straps of animal hides. My mother holds me as we ride in the first sledge with Enoch and Tubal. We ride into the cave's slippery icy mouth. Vashti sees us coming from inside the holy cave. Enoch and Tubal's servants get down from their sledges. Vashti's yellowish tan face smiles as she runs out to greet him. Vashti says excited, "Enoch, I have been praying for your safe return!" All the hungry people come to us. We hands out huge amounts of delicious food to everyone, including the starving children. Vashti asks curiously, "Enoch, where did you get all this great food? It's a miracle! O-Enoch, you are so wonderful!" Mehetabel steps down from the sledge, still holding me, p. 47

her little baby. She quickly walks in between my father and Vashti. Mehetabel lowers the fur around her mouth and angrily asks, "Who is this woman? And why is she calling you wonderful?" I start crying. Enoch blushes as he says embarrassed, "Mehetabel, this is Vashti.. She takes care of her sick mother, Mara..." Mehetabel holds me close, saying, "Don't cry, my son... Mother is here!" I stop crying. Mara slowly walks over. Vashti's squinted dark eyes sparkle as she says, "So you are Mehetabel... Enoch said something about you." My mother frowns angrily. Mara says joyfully, "Mehetabel, I see God has already bless Enoch... You must be so proud to be married to such a godly man..." Mehetabel's dark face frowns as she says mockingly, "I'm thrilled..." Tubal steps down using his walking stick. He limps towards Vashti. Tubal's scarred pale face smiles as he says playfully, "Hello Vashti, how do you like my little gift?" Vashti's dark eyes squint happily as she asks curiously, "Your gift?" Tubal says mockingly, "Well, Enoch needed a little help... So I gave a little..." Vashti says nervously, "You brought all this wonderful food!!! Wait, I know who you are... You're the young mad metal wizard, Tubal." Tubal says proudly, "The great TubalCain, a proud member of Cain's family." Everyone stops and stares hatefully at him. Vashti's squinted eyes open wide as she asks, "Why? Cain was a very bad man?" Tubal says proudly, "No, he wasn't... He was brilliant... Cain invented home building. If it was not for Cain, we all might still be living in caves... Oh, I guess you still are, ha, ha, ha..." Vashti frowns angrily, saying, "Do not mock us!" Mara slowly walks over to them smiling as she says slyly, "Now Vashti, do not be so rude... Look at all the good he's doing... Tubal is a very successful man." Mara quietly walks away. Tubal's cold blue eyes stare lustfully at her as he says smiling, "Your mother is very wise... You should come to my place." Vashti embarrassed, asks, "But what about my mother?" Tubal pauses for a moment, he rubs his long blond goatee beard as he slowly says, "She's invited..." Vashti hugs him tightly, saying, "Tubal, I'm sorry for those things I said about you... You are so wonderful!" She kisses him as Tubal says with a big smile on his scarred face, "I should help the hungry more often... Ha, ha, ha." After everybody eats, Enoch studies the cave paintings with Mara. She p. 48

holds a burning branch below one painting. It's a worn painting of a serpent with legs in a cave bowing down before a winged goat that stands like a man. Enoch stares intensely at it as he asks, "What this painting about?" Mara says slowly, "That is the serpent before it tempted Eve, talking to the goat thing..." He stares back at the strange painting. Enoch says curiously with his silly squeaky voice, "Me heard about Adam and Eve and the serpent but me not remember any goat thing..." Mara's wrinkled yellowish tan face smiles at him as she says, "You must of heard a shorten version... You probably never heard of Lilly either." Puzzled, Enoch asks, "The flower?" Mara points to some of the other cave paintings as she says rather disturbed, "No, Adam and Eve's first daughter... Those paintings over there are about Cain, Abel, and Lilly... Lilly married Cain... Then Adam and Eve cursed her name! Enoch asks nervously, "What's the goat thing?" He can't help but stare at the scary winged goat in the painting. Mara says nervously, "I believe it is the corruptor... The goat thing is found in only two other holy cave paintings... In one painting, it is behind Cain when he gets angry... In the other painting, a hateful goat head is behind Cain when he kills Abel!" My mother walks over to them still holding me. Mehetabel says irritated, "Enoch, would you stop looking at that and hold your son for a while... I'm tired." Enoch looks down at me, saying happily, "Hand son over... Me love wife!" He takes me in his gentle arms. I am wrapped in a thick brown fur. He looks down fondly at me and holds me close. Enoch smiles at me, asking, "How are you, son?" Tubal leans on his walking stick, and interrupts us saying, "Enoch... It's time to leave!" We cover our heads with our thick hoods and cover our noses and mouths with the top of our furs before we leave the icy cave in the sledges that is pulled by Tubal's wolf dogs. Tubal and Vashti ride in one sledge. He smiles at her as she puts her arm around his shoulders. Enoch holds me close as my mother sleeps with her head on his shoulder. Mara sits a little too comfortably next to a male servant as he is driving the growling wolf dogs. Mara just smiles dreamily at the driver. A few days latter, during a warm day, my father is wearing in his good yellowish tan furs and his silly fur cap. He walks around the markets where there are various idols and their worshipers. It's warm enough so he doesn't p. 49

need to wrap furs around his pug nose and his mouth. He comes across a huge rock covered with frozen algae on a colorful altar. An old wrinkled woman with pale skin is wearing a long green heavy robe. Her dark hair which that is just beginning to gray is seen under her green hood as she walks with her algae covered staff. Her many followers all wear thick green hooded robes. Her deep gray eyes look around as she preaches to her followers, saying, "At first, there was the endless sea and the Algae... The Algae multiply greatly in the endless sea... Yet the Algae was still one ever greater god! Some of the algae magically became other plants. Then Algae change some of the other plants into animals... Then the Algae turn some of the animals magically into people... The great truth is we are all part of the Algae... Algae becomes greater!" The Algae worshipers chant, shouting, "Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater!" Enoch says to her curiously, "Me Enoch... Who are you? She says with a nice smile, I am a priestess of the Algae... My name is Calach... Enoch asks curiously, Calach, how should people live?" Calach says passionately, "Worship the Algae! Unite with Algae worshipers in every way! Multiply like the Algae! And become greater like the Algae!" Enoch asks nervously, "May me tell you what me believe?" Calach says with a little laugh, "The Algae is not scared of your beliefs... You may tell us." Enoch says nervously, "God created algae! God created everything... God created man in God's image... God is Lord!!! Lord commands us to love God and neighbor! We should not worship algae... We should worship God alone!" The Algae worshipers all laugh at him. Calach asks with a smirk, "H-h-mm... What does your God look like?" Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, "God is invisible and God is everywhere..." The Algae worshipers laugh a lot. Calach says mockingly, "Ha! You don't believe that! That's ridiculous!" Enoch sincerely says, "Me believe what me tell you!" They laugh at him. Everybody becomes silent as the algae worshipers grab their huge rock and leave quickly. Someone says fearfully, "The Serpent's worshipers are coming..." Everyone bows down or leaves fast. A teenage girl leads two male warriors in ankle length red hooded robes. She is wearing a long tight fitting, long sleeved, fiery colored, snake-skin robe with a sleek hood over p. 50

her head. Their feet are wrapped in crude snake skins boots. She holds a long wooden pole. The top third of her pole is carved in the shape of a beautifully robed, hooded woman with the face of a snake whose jaws are wide open. The hooded warriors following her each hold a spear in one hand and a snake skin bag in the other. People start putting nuts or jewels in the bags. My father looks over at them. One of the warriors hits him over the head with his spear. He forces him to bow before her. She is a very beautiful teenager. Her face is pale, her eyes cold blue and her long blond hair protrudes from her fiery hood. She says arrogantly, "Foolish pagan, hear the Serpent! The chaos formed the Serpent and the great goddess Ashtoreth... They are eternal lovers! She gave birth to the earth, the gods and all living things and the Serpent is the Father... Ashtoreth has come to destroy all the Serpent's enemies!" She moves her pole's serpent jaws close to his twitching face. Enoch asks fearfully, "Are you Ashtoreth?" She smiles down at him wickedly as she says, "No, but I am one of her twelve... My name is Naamah... The fangs on my Ashtoreth pole are coated with poisonous snake venom... Worship the Serpent or else!" A hooded serpent warrior is still forcing him to bow. Enoch looks up at her and asks curiously, "Would Ashtoreth happen to be a goat? Naaman says shocked and offended, "What kind of pervert would think of the goddess as a goat? She has been an alluring mermaid, a colorful parrot, and even a beautiful pythoness... But a brutish goat, never! Now worship the Serpent or I shall strike you dead!" Enoch says very nervously, "Me worship true God! You worship demons..." She strikes him once with her Ashtoreth pole, cutting his forehead open. Naaman spits on him as she shouts, "Blasphemy!" He shakes as he falls to the ground slowly dying. Naaman turns her back to him and leaves with her two male warriors. Soon my father hears his beloved Mehetabel's voice, shouting, "O--God please, don't let him die! Enoch come back! Silly, don't you know I love you! Don't leave me! Enoch! O-God, plea--se!" He is lying on the shallow snow on his side. My mother turns him over onto his back. His face is badly swollen and discolored. She pulls out his stone knife from his furs and cuts his swollen face open and tries to suck out the poison and spits it out onto the snow. Then Mehetabel hits his chest furiously over and over as she cries, "E--noch!!! God help me! Enoch! God help me!" p. 51

People just walk by, ignoring them. He revives and coughs up some blood. Enoch says painfully, "A-a-ugh, Stop hit-ting me... Me--a-live! Praise God... Me-het-a-bel, stop hit, that real---ly, real-ly hurts! Me love you..." She kisses his swollen face and she hugs him tightly. A few new moons latter, it's dark, snowing very early in the morning as my father watches the warm sun rises behind the cold mountain peaks. Enoch is walking to a slave market that is near the great awesome mountain. He walks though the deep snow and stony ground wrapped in thick furs from his head to his feet. Only his worried eyes are not cover by thick furs. His wood sandals are covered tightly by thick furs that are strapped around his aching feet. My mother secretly follows him from a distance covered from head to foot in dark furs. There is a big rowdy crowd around the markets. A well dress old man is holding a timid very young girl with strips of animal hides. She's shivering, dress only in a light gray fur but she has no hood or cap over her long brown hair. My father sees this poor little girl is shivering uncontrollably. The old man says to the lustful crowd, "Like them young! Buy her today, love her tonight!" Enoch pulls back his hood and yells at him, "Stop! It's ungodly to sell children! Repent or the Lord shall judge you!" The angry crowd around him shouts at him, "How dare you judge us!! It is legal... It is right! Get out!" The crowd starts grabbing snow, making icy snowballs and throwing them at him. As an icy hard snowballs hit his sore face, he hears a strange soft rumbling sound echoing in the distance. My father holds up his arms to protext his face from the icy snowballs hitting him. Then he looks up and sees in the distance, many very strange men floating down the great icy mountain, standing on their fiery discs. Enoch points up to the sky shouting, ("...Behold, the Lord is cometh with ten thousands of his saints. To execute judgment apon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them......"-*Jude:14, 15) The rumbling sounds gets louder as the angry crowd shouts, "Shut up, you old fool! Shut up and run--or die!" The brutal crowd is knocking him down with the many snowballs that they are throwing at him as my mother rushes to his side, pulls back her hood and yells, "Stop! He's a good man... He's just telling you to do what's right!" The angry crowd shouts, "Shut up or die!" Enoch screams angrily, p. 52

"Mehetabel why you here? Run!!! Run! The Lord curse anyone who hurts me wife!" As the brutal crowd throws more icy hard snowballs at them that are bruising them with each painful hit, strange colorful beams of light hits the angry crowd causing them to faint. Many very strange men are floating up in the cold cloudy gray sky on their fiery rumbling silver discs. These strange men have long beautiful hair on their heads but they have no beards and no hair on their bodies. They wear glowing golden halo crowns on top of their heads. Their shiny white pearl-colored clothes seem somewhat birdlike. They wear sleek skirts from their hips to their ankles but their skirts curve up a little between their feet. They are all bare-chested but they wear matching, stiff, cape-like collars that are much broader than their shoulders. Their collars have glowing brightly colored trim and a fist-sized glowing jewel of the same color in the collar's lower front. My bruised parents struggle to stand up in the deep snow. They hold each other tightly as they look up in amazement. Four of the flying men float strait down by them as the crowd wakes up and runs away. One looks like royalty, having yellowish tan skin, brown squinted eyes and long shiny black hair. His collar's large jewel and trim glows yellow. One is a handsome blue-eyed blond. His collar's jewel and trim glows blue. One looks rugged. He has reddish tan skin and long dark brown hair. His collar's jewel and trim glow green and there is a stout, very dark one that has long braided black hair and dark red eyes. His collar's jewel and trim glow orange. They are all quite tall. They're bare chested but they don't seem cold. They have no belly buttons. The very dark one floats close to my parents. Shivering, Mehetabel asks worried, "My lords, are you not freezing dress that way?" The dark one says to her, Fear not, the cold doesn't harm us... Enoch asks very timidly with his silly squeaky voice, "Has God's wrath come?" The dark one smiles widely with his large chubby cheeks as he says happily, "No! We are here to help bring people back to God to avoid God's wrath..." Mehetabel looks up at him as she asks in utter wonder, "Lords, who are you?" The dark one says, "We are powerful beings created individually by God... You may call us the sons of God... While we are not literally God's sons, we do have a very close relationship with God..." He points to the one who looks like royalty as he says, "He is Semjaza, the great healer, the leader of our group here..." p. 53

Semjaza smiles, raises his right hand and slowly puts his hand down. The blond one raises his hand and says, "I am Semjaza's best friend, Azazel, the mighty researcher..." Then he put his hand down. The rugged reddish tan one raises his hand saying, "I am Remiel, the just warrior... Close friend of Uriel..." Then he lowered his hand. The stout, very dark one raises his hand, and says, "And I am Uriel, the righteous counselor and negotiator..." Mehetabel dreamily glances up at them, noticing how very handsome they all are. Enoch says in nervous awe, "My Lords, me Enoch... If me found favor with you, eat today in my igloo." Semjaza's squinted brown eyes sparkle as he says with a little smile, "Enoch, we would be honored..." Chilling, my parents cover their lower part of their faces with their furs. They cover their heads with their hoods. My parents walk to our igloo. The four guests float behind them and land their discs near our igloo. They step off their discs barefooted and their silver discs float up and attach themselves to their backs. Then they open our curtain and walk into our igloo. My parents pull back their hoods and stand close to the very warm fire in their pit. Then they remove their outer furs. My mother serves them diner. They don't really like the meal but they are very polite. I was about a year old then. I begin to cry. My mother picks me up and holds me next to my father. Uriel asks as his dark red eyes stare fondly at me, "And who is this?" Enoch says proudly, "That's my son, Methuselah!" My parents latter told me that their four guests all stare in awe at me as I stop crying and started giggling.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 5. Sons of God

Introduction Grandpa pauses as I his grandson looks curiously up at him. I ask, "Why did the sons of God stare at you?" Grandpa says as he rubs his long whitish gray beard, "My father said that they stare at me because they had never seen a baby like me before..." I ask confused, "But you were a normal baby... How could that be?" Grandpa says as he puts his arm around my little shoulders, "I don't know.... Anyway, Uriel latter told me about how the sons of God tried to bring people back to God... How they went to all the savage tribes in groups of four.... On one bitterly cold but snow-less early dawn, Semjaza, Azazel, Remiel, and Uriel fly strait forward on their fiery rumbling discs towards the camp of the Bear tribe. The whole Bear tribe comes out of their many igloos and fearfully looks up at them, seeing their colorful glowing jewels, and trims shine in the grayish early morning sky. Their mighty chief is tall, dark and very muscular. He has a long dark gray beard. He wears a white polar bear fur with the bear head covering his own head. He points his long wooden spear at them... All his many fierce warriors are also dressed in thick bear furs, holding their long spears with flint rock points up in a very threatening manner. Their great chief stares angrily upward as the rumbling sounds becomes louder. Standing on their fiery discs, Semjaza, Azazel, Remiel and Uriel slowly descend and approaches the mighty chief. He demands that they leave now... The Bear tribe's fierce warriors scream their war cries and throws their long wooden spears at them but the deadly spears break like twigs hitting some invisible walls. Their spears fall p. 55

harmlessly down on the hard icy ground. Uriel floats just off the ground in front of the mighty chief, dressed in his sleek whitish pearl colored, ankle length skirt and his very broad collar with it's fist sized glowing orange jewel and trim. His piercing dark red eyes stare at their chief from below his glowing golden halo crown. All the Bear's tribe's fierce but troubled warriors bravely, tightly surround their beloved chief, ready to fight and even die for him...." As Grandpa continues telling me his story, I imagine Uriel smiling slightly as he says calmly, "Peace to all! Honored leader, we need not fight... We are the sons of God... God wants to bless you and your people... Obey God and prosper!" The mighty chief hits his huge chest hard, and snarls, shouting, "I chief Dowb, am the Bear's tribe's God!" Uriel's big dark checks droop as he says sadly, "Then heal Towb Dobe, your son! He's dying..." Dowb asks angrily, "How do you know about my son? No god can heal him... I have prayed to all the gods! They've all failed!" Uriel's very dark face looks kindly at him as he says gently, "Chief Dowb, God will heal your son if you obey..." Angry but desperate, the mighty chief frowns up at him. There's a long pause. Dowb says with tears in his dark eyes, "If your God heals my son, chief Dowb will obey!" A couple of his warriors walk back into a nearby igloo and bring out a young boy out on a stretcher made of wood and animal hides. He is covered by thick polar bear furs. The young boy is foaming at the mouth, his eyes roll back as he is shaking horribly. The warriors bring him to his father. Uriel backs off a little as Semjaza floats near the boy and lands his disc on the icy ground. He puts his right hand on the boy's shaking chest. Then he puts his hand on the boy's heavily sweating forehead and holds it firmly, saying "Have faith in God!" Slowly, very, very slowly the boy begins to shake less. He slowly falls asleep. Semjaza covers the boy's head with one of thick furs covering him. Dowb hits his huge chest, screaming angrily, "Demon, did you kill my son?" Semjaza silently, sadly smiles at him. Uriel floats over to the mighty chief and says comfortingly to him, "No chief Dowb, Towb Dobe is very much alive! Your son is sleeping peacefully and will fully recover in about two weeks." Dowb looks down tenderly at his boy sleeping peacefully, slowly breathing beneath the thick p. 56

white furs. Dowb asks stoically, "Towb Dobe lives! What does your God want?" Uriel's dark face smiles widely as he says gently, "God commands you to stop worshiping yourself and vain idols! Stop slaughtering other tribes! Feed your hungry! Be faithful to your wives! Obey God and prosper!" Dowb, the mighty chief slowly but forcefully says, "I Chief Dowb, obey God!" Grandpa continues, saying with a wicked smile, "Most tribes quickly made peace with the sons of God... Some tribes ran far away... A few savage tribes fought the sons of God but couldn't so much as hurt one of them.. If a chief continued fighting the sons of God, that chief would vanish, never to be seen again! The sons of God would then appoint that tribe a new chief... " I imagine that six new moons latter, it's snowing a lot and the snow on the icy ground is deep as a man is tall. A big crowd dressed in heavy furs, stands around a huge blazing bond fire, warming themselves. Tubal, Vashti, and Mara are standing together by the fire. The bright intense flickering fire warms them as Tubal and Vashti kiss. At one end, a little away from the huge flickering bond fire lighting the crowd, stands my father carrying a scared little white lamb in his arms. He is dressed in his heavy yellowish tan furs with his silly fur cap pulled down to his large eyebrows. Mehetabel is standing next to him, dressed in her long very heavy orangish brown furs. She's holding me in a heavy brown fur that covers me up except for my little brown eyes. I'm a big baby now. Floating just off the ground behind us is Semjaza, Azazel, Remiel, and Uriel standing on their softly rumbling discs. Enoch lays the squirming little white lamb down on the wooden altar that he built. He ties the lamb's legs up with strips of animal hides. He holds the little lamb by the back of it's small head. Tearful, Enoch lifts up his stone knife over the beating little white lamb's throat. Everyone there stares silently at the lamb as Enoch says very solemnly, O Lord God, me sacrifice lamb to you! All belongs to you and we live by your mercy... The lamb screams horribly as my father cuts it's throat. The lamb's blood rushes out of it's neck onto the altar as the poor little lamb quickly dies. My father sets the altar on fire with a burning branch. The crowd stares at him very much disturbed. My mother still holding me, fearfully watching this sacrifice. He p. 57

begins to preach nervously to the crowd. He holds up his bloody knife as he says sadly shivering with his silly squeaky voice, "God will punish the wicked and God will reward the righteous! So---be-------right-eous?" He lowers his stone knife that is still dripping with the lamb's blood. Semjaza, Azazel, Uriel and Remiel listen quietly behind us. The adoring crowd chants happily, shouting, Enoch, Enoch, Enoch, Enoch, Enoch... My mother gently smiles at my father, looking very much pleased. Latter that night, during a cold blizzard, we and two of Tubal's servants ride home in one of his sledges being pull by his wolf-dogs. We are all wearing very heavy furs with our fur coats pull up to cover our mouths and noses. A sledge hidden behind a large snow hill, appears near-by that is also being drawn by wolf dogs. In this sledge, three serpent warriors dressed in red hooded robes catches up with us. Two serpent warriors jump onto our sledge. I cried. My mother drives the sledge as the servants fight them. The serpent warriors knock the guards off the sledge with their spears. My father clumsily tries to fight them with his wooden staff. Enoch shouts, "Get away from my family! God will..." The serpent warriors knocks him out of the sledge onto the freezing snow and jump off after him. Mehetabel lowers her fur from her dark chubby face and shouts out to him, "Enoch, I have have to protect our son!" My mother zooms away with me as I cry loudly. Latter, two serpent warriors unroll a large animal hide that my father is wrap up in. He rolls out onto the floor. They grab him, lift him to his feet and hold his arms behind his back. He moans. Naamah walks in dressed in her fiery colored snake skin hooded robe. She is holding a small fancy stone bowl filled with a smoking liquid. Enoch wakes up and asks distressed, "Why? Why me taken?" Naamah places the bowl right under his face as one serpent warrior holds his head down. Enoch's vision gets fuzzy as the curling smoke surrounds him. Her pale girlish face frowns at him as his vision gets fuzzier. Enoch says slurred, "You--what's your name? God--mad--at---..." He's drugged, and slowly faints. He wakes up, very dazed and feeling drunk. It's very, very warm and behind him is beautiful vines and flowers. He sees five hooded woman looking down at him when he realizes that he is naked. p. 58

He falls down and rolls on the smooth white stone floor. He stands up wobbling. Enoch acts real embarrass, saying, "Me nak--ed, woman see..." He falls to his knees, looking up at them. Enoch's vision is still fuzzy but his vision clears up as he see the older woman's tan legs. Two large serpents are slithering by her wrinkled legs. She is wearing a short light green and pink scaled pattern robe with long feathered sleeves that look like a colorful bird's wings. Her face is hidden beneath her robe's cobra like hood. She is sitting on a white throne made of sea shells that is carried by four other women, two on each side. The four woman are dress in short thigh length red snake skin hooded robes. Enoch tries to stand. As he looks around, he sees lots of ashtoreth poles standing, evenly place behind them. Enoch says drunkenly, "So what's your name? Try--kill--me--again... Naa--poo, ha, ha... You not Naa-poo-poo.." The older lady is sitting on her exalted white throne as the four women slowly puts her throne down. Their red snake-skin hoods hide their faces in shadows. Beautiful vines, flowers and ashtoreth poles are all around them. The old lady slowly says, "Naamah is one of my twelve... So you survive... The Serpent blesses you!" Enoch wobbles, saying drunkenly, "That silly --Naa-mooo said she of fowl god-dess Asht-or--eth's twelve, ha, ha..." Ashtoreth says seductively behind her hood, "Your heart's most secret desires are not hidden from me... Enjoy!" She gestures with her hands. The four woman around her step away from her throne as my father looks drunkenly around. The women farthest to the left pulls back her hood to show that she is a beautiful woman with smooth yellowish tan skin. The woman next to her pulls back her hood to show that she is a beautiful dark woman. The next woman pulls back her hood to show that she is a beautiful blond. The woman on the right pulls back her hood to show that she is a beautiful woman with freckled brown skin. The four women walk seductively towards him. The woman begin to touch his shoulders. Enoch says drunkenly, "Pret-ty, pretty, girls..." Then he closes his eyes and lowers his head like he has a headache and gently pushes the women back. Enoch says drunkenly, "Oooo-oo, me married... Love Me-he-ta-bel.... Sorry girls-s." The woman begin to grab him. Ashtoreth says seductively, "Ladies, back off... The gentleman is not ready..." The women turn back and sadly walk a little away from him. Ashtoreth pulls her cobra like hood back to p. 59

reveal her magical crystal pink eyes and her somewhat wrinkled tan face. She is a very old but she is a beautiful woman for her age, with a slopped forehead and a large lower jawed somewhat like his. Her short reddish brown curly hair hangs slightly over her magical eyes. Her wrinkled face smiles wickedly. Enoch stares at her crystal pink eyes as they glisten. The woman with yellowish tan skin looks seductively back at Enoch as she exposes her bare shoulders. She moans. The dark woman moans as she looks seductively back at him and she exposes her bare shoulders. Ashtoreth's magical crystal pink eyes watch intently. The blond woman looks seductively back at him as she exposes her bare shoulders and moans. Then the woman with brown freckled skin moans and seductively looks back at my father as she exposes her bare shoulders. Enoch has a big goofy smile on his face as he says lustfully, "Girls pretty! Me want.. Girls!" The women walk back to him and start touching him as they are about to slip out of their robes. Ashtoreth tears up as a bright light begins to shine on her crystal pink eyes. Enoch stops and closes his wondering eyes shut. He has a vision of my mother dressed in her orangish brown furs with her hood pulled back, her chubby cheek smiling, holding me up next to her kind dark face. In the vision, Mehetabel says, Silly, don't you remember us... They both begin to shine like the sun and dissolve into the glaring light. Enoch pushes the beautiful women back, shakes his head as he says, "God help me... No, girls! No girls! Me luv-v-- wife!" He faints. Ashtoreth's closes her eyes as an ever brighter light shines on her eyes till she cries. She tries to block the mysterious light with her arms. Then the light fades away. Unconscious, Enoch sees a vision of demonic white goat laughing at him. The great ice covered mountain is in the background. My father tries to wakes up, finding himself sitting in a very fancy ivory chair carved in serpent patterns and is covered in fiery serpent skins. He is now wearing his good yellowish furs and his silly fur cap. His wood sandals wrapped in heavy fur are back on his rather large feet. He stares up at Ashtoreth dress in a long hooded white fur. They are in this hot sweaty cave by themselves. Enoch dark brown eyes open wide as he asks startled, "----Ashteroth! What happened? Me nak--ed, girls. What happened?" Ashtoreth says tearfully, p. 60

"Enoch, forgive me! I used sorcery and four beautiful women to seduce you... Yet your God kept you faithful!" Enoch stands up as he asks very nervously, "You mocking me? Ashtoreth says solemnly, "No!" She knells before him. Enoch says angrily, "Me never felt such ungodly lust! You no goddess but demons serve you!" Her teary pink eyes stare up at him. Ashtoreth says sadly, "You are right... Truly, the Serpent deceived me---until I saw your love for your God and your family! I was going to use you as a hostage... God forgive me!" Enoch sits down again as he says sadly, "Me want to believe you but..." Then she stands up and looks at him. Ashtoreth says timidly, "Enoch, you are free! I have sent a messenger to the sons of God saying that we will serve the true God now." Enoch says in disbelief, "May God grant you true repentance but God not mocked..." Tears roll down her wrinkled tan cheeks. Then Naamah walks in sadly bowing her hood covered head. Naamah says very sadly, "O--Ashtoreth, they have arrived!" Ashtoreth says smiling sadly at her, "Naamah my lovely, humble yourself before God! Go to the temple and wash yourself with the rest of my twelve." Naamah slowly walks away. Enoch stands up and says, "Let greet friends..." My father and Ashtoreth come out of the entrance of the Serpent worshiper's huge cave. They cover their mouth and noses with their fur coats. It's very cold and storming outside. They hear a soft rumbling sound, getting louder. Her army of over a hundred warriors stands at attention in the deep snow. They all hold their long wooden spears. My father and her look up. They see Semjaza, Azazel, Remiel, and Uriel flying high in the sky as their fiery discs rumble like distant thunder. They land in front of Enoch as their disc's rumbling fades. Ashtoreth's army throws their spears down on the snowy ground and kneels before them, saying in unison, "Peace!" Uriel says firmly, "Let Enoch go!" Ashtoreth knells, looks up, and lowers her white fur coat just enough to says with frosted breath, "Yes, sons of God! Forgive us for we are now your servants..." Then she covers her face below her crystal pink eyes with her white fur. Enoch walks over to Semjaza who puts his hand on his shoulder, asking, "Enoch, did they harm you?" Enoch lowers the fur around his mouth and says shyly with frosted breath, "No Semjaza but me p. 61

humiliated..." Semjaza says angrily, "Now, God has humbled them!" He stares angrily at Ashtoreth as his long sleek black hair blows in the icy wind. Her teary crystal pink eyes stare back at him. He stares blankly. Azazel floats over to my father, looking concerned as he says, "Enoch, we must get you some guards to protect you and your family!" Enoch says shivering from the cold, "Azazel, me trust God to protect us!" Azazel backs up and Remiel floats to Enoch. Remiel's rugged face is a little redder than normal as he says angrily, "Ashteroth was smart to surrender... After kidnapping you, I would of utterly defeated them all!" Enoch says jokingly with frosted breath, "First you would of rescued me, then defeated them!" Remiel wipes some snow off his dark brown hair as he laughs loudly and says, "With God's help, I would..." Enoch smiles as Uriel briefly hugs him and says gladly, "Praise God you are safe! Thank God that our worst enemy has surrendered." Enoch says nervously cold, "Uriel, be careful..." Uriel looks happily down at him and says, "Sure Enoch..." Ashtoreth lowers the fur around her lips again, stands up and says, "I humbly invite you all to enter the Serpent's temple." Uriel's dark red eyes look angrily at her as he says harshly, "Your temple is an abomination to God!" Ashtoreth says loudly, "Then destroy it!" They enter the hot and humid temple which has a huge stone idol of a winged serpent with large crystal pink eyes. There is a flower garden with lots of real serpents crawling around. The garden is surround by a small moat where six handsome men and six beautiful woman including Naamah are taking a bath. Naamah and a hansom man are neck deep in the moat. Naamah says loudly, "Ashtoreth, we have purified ourselves as you commanded..." Ashtoreth says almost in agony, "My twelve, the Serpent has lied to us... Therefore we worship the Serpent no more! Worship God and kneel before the sons of God!" The twelve step out of the moat and kneel before them naked. Enoch has his hand over his eyes and turns away. Semjaza looks lustfully around. Ashtoreth winks at him. Semjaza smiles. Azazel looks around. He looks at the one at the left and looks over to the one on the right. Then he looks strait at Naamah. She winks at him. Azazel glances lustfully at her with his light blue eyes. Remiel looks around lustfully. He looks at the one on the right and then the one on the left. Then he closes his brown eyes and bows his head. Enoch still has with his hands over his eyes. My father struggles hard p. 62

to not look at them. Uriel looks disgusted at the winged serpent idol. Uriel asks angrily, "Semjaza, shall we destroy this abomination?" Ashtoreth's magical crystal pink eyes wink at Semjaza. He stops staring at her. Semjaza says in a lackluster way, "Uriel, Azazel, and Remiel, let us destroy this what ever it is...." Then, they rise up on their fiery rumbling discs. They fly around the huge stone serpent and shoot beams of colored light and bright energy balls out of their hands that causes the idol to explode in many pieces. Enoch looks up at them, then quickly puts his hands over his eyes again. Grandpa smiles at me. My boyish brown face frowns as I ask in disbelief, "The sons of God were good?" Grandpa winkled brown face looks sad as he says, "Yes, many of these sons of God were good... Some still are... But some corrupted themselves a very long time ago." Very disturbed, I ask, "Grandpa, what happened to them?" Grandpa's dark brown eyes look kindly at me as he pauses. Then grandpa says, "The sons of God brought peace, taught people how to grow crops, and treated many sick people with their medicines. But many women flirted with them... More and more sons of God lusted after our women and departed from God! I am disturbed, I grabs my grandfather by his brown furs. My greenish brown eyes stare deeply into his aging eyes as I ask, Grandpa, how could they turn against God? Didn't they know God? Grandpa sadly says, They knew God well but their lust slowly corrupted them till they didn't want to know God anymore. I say, shaking my head, I'd never do that! I want to know God! Grandpa says as he briefly hugs me, I hope so... Anyway, when I was about seven years old, my family took me to the holy cave... There, my father carve pictures on a lot of small logs... Grandpa tells me about his father carving pictures onto small logs in the holy cave, being lit by a small camp fire. There are many small logs near him. We are all dress in our various furs. My mother passes out food to the hungry people there. She is very much with child. I walk to my father and ask him, "Father, are you done?" Enoch kindly says to me, "No son, must copy all holy paintings..." He carves a picture of Eve attacking Cain with a rock and Adam holding her back. I ask, "Why? The holy cave already has p. 63

them?" Enoch says, smiling sadly, "Not everyone can come to the holy cave but everyone needs to see the sacred history!" I asks curiously, "Father, who painted the holy paintings?" Enoch smile at me as he says somberly, "An ancient holy man to whom God revealed the beginnings to... Some think they were painted by the righteous Seth or even Enoch, the son of Cain..." I says in disbelief, "That can't be! The children of Cain were wicked!" Enoch says thoughtfully, "Most were! But in the holy cave's last painting, Enoch saw how much his father Cain had suffered for his wickedness! Then he sought God! Truth is, only God knows who painted the holy paintings." I asked nervously looking around at all the paintings on the walls, "Then how do we know that they are true?" Enoch says happily with his silly squeaky voice, "Because God told me!" I look up at my father in wonder saying, "A-a-ah!" Meanwhile, my mother is trying to comfort a ten year old boy named Letaah and his seven year old sister named Raanan as they cry. Mehetabel says tenderly, looking at Letaah's sad yellowish tan face, "Letaah, calm down... God has not abandon you!" Letaah jumps up and down screaming, "You lie! God took my father away! Aa-gh!" Raanan says sadly as her somewhat squinted, shiny dark eyes are full of tears, "We have no one! Father is gone and we are alone... No one cares about us!" Mehetabel places her hand on Raaman's shoulders, her dark face sadly smiles wide as she says, "Raanan, God cares about you and so do I!" Letaah attacks her, saying, "If God cared, my father would still be alive! First, mother dies before I really knew her... Then this! I hate God!" He stops attacking my mother as she hugs him tightly. Raanan shyly walks to Letaah saying, "Letaah, don't say that! God will curse us..." Mehetabel holds them tightly saying, "Letaah and Raanan, you are not cursed! God loves you so much that he sent Enoch and me here to take you home with us..." Letaah and Raanan looks up in disbelief at her. Raanan frowns, asking nervously, "Do you mean it?" My father and I walks quickly towards them. Enoch asks, looking very nervously around, "Mehetabel, what did you say?" Mehetabel says somewhat embarrass, "I said God sent us to take them home with us." I says excitedly, "O boy, our family just got bigger!" Enoch is shocked. Mehetabel fearfully asks, "Enoch, can we take them home?" His dark brown eyes stares blankly. Letaah walks up to him, saying angrily, "You hate us! Mehetabel didn't mean it! She knew p. 64

you would say no!" Mehetabel nervously runs her fingers through her shoulder length black hair as she asks very nervously, "Honey, did I mean it? We all stare at my father who stands motionless, not even breathing. He just stares silently for a very long time. Latter, my father is still staring blankly. He has his fur coat uncomfortably covering his large pugged nose and his large jawed mouth. A servant drives one of Tubal's sledges that we are all riding in. The sledges is being pulled by several of his savage wolf dogs. We are all dressed in very heavy furs. Mehetabel covers her long black hair with her thick fur hood as she asks, also staring blankly, "What have I done?" I am very concerned. Letaah and Raanan are in the back of the sledge dressed in some extra hooded furs. We all cover the lower parts of our happy faces as Letaah and Raanan just stare at our parents. We finally get to our large igloo. We get out into the deep snow. Then we all walk inside though our fur curtain. A little after the next new moon, my father, me, Letaah, and Raaman are taken to Tubal's metal shop by one of his servants in one of his sledges. We all are dressed in layers of heavy furs because even though it's not snowing, it's numbingly cold and the bone chilling wind is still quite strong. Our feet are numb even wearing our wood sandals wrapped in layers of heavy furs. My face is wrapped uncomfortably with my fur coat so I lower the fur around my boyish face a little. I take a little breath of the painfully cold air. Ah, that hurts when the cruel freezing air enters my young lungs. I quickly cover my lower face and avoid doing that ever again. Inside the metal shop, coals are being shovel into a stone furnace. It's flames blazing. Heavy glove covered hands using hooks to pull out a clay tray with molten bronze in it and he places it on a large flat rock. We enter the large jagged stone building, pushing it's woolly mammoth fur curtain open as we feel the wonderful warmth inside. Enoch is carrying a lot of small logs. We hang up our outer furs on a well carved wooden rack. Our chilling bodies slowly soak in the healing warmth as we look at all the metal items hanging everywhere inside. Tubal greets us, leaning on his copper walking stick with the molded image on a dire wolf's head on top. He is dressed in some heavy work clothes made p. 65

of animal hides. Tubal says with a little sadness, "Welcome to the Metal shop... See the wonder of metal!!! Enoch, has your wife had her baby yet and who are these children?" Enoch says worriedly, "Mehetabel hasn't given birth yet... Me worried but here is my ever growing family so far... You met Methuselah." I holds up my hand. Letaah who is dressed in some brown furs crosses his arms. Raanan wear dark brown furs. She bows her head down. Letaah says proudly, "I'm Letaah, I've got a new father now!" Raanan lifts up her head but remains silent. My father puts his logs down on a work table. Then Enoch puts his hand on her shoulder, saying, "Here's my new daughter, Raanan... Say something child." Raanan stares at Tubal's pale scarred face as she asks, "Tubal, what happened to your face?" He touches the scars on his right cheek and rubs his finger over his marred long blond goatee beard. Tubal says defensively, "Well, Raanan... As a boy, I broke up some strange rocks and put them in a fiery oven... Something melted off the rocks which I named copper... Metal working, I invented it, ha!" Raanan's squinted dark eyes stare at him as she shyly says, "That's nice but what happened to your face?" Tubal says embarrassed, "Well, I also put something else in the oven that went boom! My face, my arms, my legs, and some other parts got burnt badly... My mother work hard to save my life... I'm careful now!" Letaah sneers as he asks, "How are you doing with Vashti?" Tubal looks down, looking sad. Enoch pulls Letaah towards him, saying "Letaah, how rude!" Tubal says sadly, "Vashti, left me! I thought we had a great relationship..." Letaah asks curiously, "Did you ask her to marry you?" Tubal says mockingly, "Why would I? We had a great relationship, he, he, he..." Enoch says self righteously, "You were together for over five years... God says men should marry the woman they love!" Tubal's cold blue eyes sparkle as he smiles wickedly and asks mockingly, "Enoch, how long were you with Mehetabel before you married her?" Enoch blushes bright red as he says, "Ah,---- Twenty--six-- years..." We all giggle as we stare at him. Enoch says nervously, "Should of married her twenty years earlier..." Tubal limps back to his work table asking, "Are these the logs you carve the sacred pictures onto?" Enoch says as he nods in agreement, "The first twenty logs." Tubal asks, "How many logs in all?" Enoch says, "About two hundred..." Tubal says happily, "Enoch, thank you for letting me make copper copies of p. 66

them... I have made you the large copper pot that you wanted." Enoch says smiling, "Thank Tubal. Me thank you for letting my family use your sledge and your wolf dogs." Tubal walks over to a large copper pots which he hands to Enoch. His store is full of metal pots, plates, knives, ornaments, chains, etc. I looks around, asking, "Tubal, can I look around your shop?" Tubal says excitedly, "Sure, just stay away from the oven and don't touch... Metal can be very sharp!" I say happily, "Wow! Thanks." I runs through the store looking at all his stuff. Letaah and Raanan follow me. Enoch says nervously, "Not a good idea." Tubal says with confidence, "They will be fine... O Enoch, good news, my sister is getting married." Enoch asks nervously, "Your sister Naamah?" Tubal says irritated, "Yes, Naamah..." Enoch asks shocked, "Who would marry that snake?" Tubal strikes his walking stick hard against his stone floor as he says angrily, tearfully, "My sister is not a snake!!! Our rotten father named her after Ashtoreth. Naamah is another name for Ashtoreth. He gave her to Ashtoreth when was just she six years old... Our poor mother cried her eyes out!!! I'm glad that my father is in prison... Too bad about the foolish young man who told him that Ashtoreth had surrendered, oo-ooo!!!" Enoch says sadly, "Me sorry that I called Naamah a snake. Who is the..." He looks shocked and drops the pot. Me and Letaah look at a small metal statue. Behind us, Raanan has climb up a work bench and is trying to pull off a large fancy copper sun ornament from the wall. Tubal and my father runs towards her with his arms wide open. Enoch yells, "Raanan!" She falls backward from the table. Tubal catches her in his arms, just in time. Tubal hands Raanan to Enoch. I says excitedly, "O-boy, she is in trouble now!" Enoch says gratefully, "God bless you, Tubal for catching my daughter.." Tubal says mockingly, "Well, I must protect my customers, ha, ha.." Enoch says sadly, "Raanan, Tubal told you not to touch his stuff and you almost drop that large ornament on you... You could of been hurt! Now I spank you!" Raanan looks up at him with her squinted innocent eyes and pleads, "Father, don't spank me! I'm sorry! I won't do it again. Honest!" Letaah says angrily frowning, "Don't spank my sister or I'll..." Enoch says calmly, "Or you get spanked too... Listen Raanan, you must obey God and people's rules... If you don't, you get hurt! If not now, then latter." He sits down on the floor, puts her over his knees firmly and hits p. 67

her rear with his hand three times. She cries a lot. Letaah shouts angrily, "You wouldn't spank Methuselah!" I says fearfully, "Yes he would! I have been spank... I have been spanked." Raanan runs to her brother who hugs her as she cries. Letaah stares at Enoch and asks angrily, "What if people's rules are against God?" Enoch says as he thinks about it, "If rule is against God, obey God but you still get punished..." Raanan stops crying as she says angrily, "That doesn't sound fair! You obey God and you still get punished for breaking bad rules." Enoch says sadly, "Life not fair but God blesses those who obey God... Let's go." We put on our outer furs, pulling them up to cover our noses and we pull our hoods over our heads. Enoch picks up his copper pot and we begins to leave. Tubal waves as he says, "Come back soon..." We ride on Tubal's wolf dogs driven sledge as a terrible blizzard begins. Even cover by our thick furs our hands and our feet are numb but hurting. We are chilled to the bone by the time we arrive at our igloo. We get out of the sledge and march through the deep icy snow to our large igloo's entrance. We open the heavy fur curtain and rush into the wonderful warmth inside. We hurriedly remove our outer furs from around our faces and we take a deep warm breath. The servant leaves and drives the sledge away. My mother is lying on some heavy furs covered by some more furs. She moans loudly. Her pale midwife sits by her side wearing her long white hooded furs. Enoch walks to her side and kneels. Enoch looks down very worried at my mother and asks the midwife, "How me wife doing? How about baby? The midwife says, "Her labor is hard! You better pray for them both..." We all are upset. I ask, teary eyed, "Is mother going to die?" Letaah says squinting angrily, "Oh no, I'm going to lose another mother! I hate God!" Raanan closes her squinted eyes and cries, O-mother!" Mehetabel screams and moans. The midwife looks down at her in distress. Enoch says tearfully, forcefully, "Me love wife! Methuselah, down on your knees and pray! Letaah, don't hate God! Without God, there be no Mehetabel... Raanan, pray, pray for a miracle!" We all get on our knees except for Letaah who says angrily, "God didn't listen to my prayers for my parents! Why would God listen now? If Mehetabel dies, it proves that God doesn't care!" Enoch p. 68

looks up at Letaah saying, "Even if she and baby dies, God blessed us with their lives and me thank the Lord for that! Now join us or leave us alone..." My mother is just screaming. Then we all pray. Enoch prays trembling, "Lord, you bless me with your presence, with Mehetabel, and my children... Lord, don't take her from me now! And O-Lord, ple--ase grant new baby life! God, bless them with life!" We pray silently for a while. Then we hear Semjaza's voice, saying, "Enoch, may we come in?" Enoch gets up and walks to the heavy fur curtain, pulls back the curtain and sees Semjaza and Azazel. Along with them is a friendly looking son of God and a thin fierce dark one. They have landed their fiery discs and step off their discs. Their discs float up, turn sideways and attaches to the backs of their collars. Enoch says tearfully as they walk into our igloo, "O Semjaza, Mehetabel is in hard labor! I'm scared for both of them..." The midwife holds my mother down as she moans loudly. Semjaza says calmly, "We know... Have faith, Enoch! God is with you and so are we..." Enoch looks worried as Semjaza hugs him. Azazel puts his hand on his shoulder saying, "Don't worry, we know what to do... They will be fine." Then Semjaza and him walk over towards the midwife. The midwife reclines by my mother's side. Enoch and Semjaza sit down next to them. Semjaza puts his hand on my mother's stomach. Then he places his hand on her head saying, "Mehetabel, have faith! God is with you... Your daughter will be fine!" The midwife asks, "Lords, what are you doing?" Semjaza's handsome yellowish tan face calmly smiles as he says, "I am relieving her pain... Assist me." The midwife says, "Yes lord." Mehetabel slowly stops moaning and falls asleep. Enoch stares at him as he asks, "She give birth now?" Semjaza says calmly, "Not today... You better get some sleep." Ranaan is holding onto her brother tightly as she cries. I asks nervously, "Will God save my mother and her baby?" The friendly one puts his smooth hand on my shoulders. His light brown face smiles at me as he says, "God will! Just relax... Your mother and her baby will live." Letaah asks angrily, "So you sons of God, will save Mehetabel because of Enoch but you didn't care about my parents!" Raanan's timid face looks worried as she says, "Stop Letaah! Don't mock God's holy messengers!" Letaah growls, waving his fists. The friendly one kindly says, "Letaah and Raanan, put aside your anger... As for your parents dying, I'm sorry, it was their time." Ranaan p. 69

says tearfully, "I miss my old parents!" The friendly one puts his hand on her shoulder saying, "Sure you do! You loved them very much..." Letaah says angrily, "Take your hands off my sister, you creep!" The thin dark one walks up behind him and points at him. He stares angrily at him with his coal black eyes, saying angrily, "Respect us, fool!" Letaah backs off scared. The friendly one says, "Relax Kasdeja, he is just a hurt little boy..." Enoch reclines by my mother's side, next to Semjaza, Azazel, and the midwife. Somewhat disturbed, Enoch looks back at them as he asks, "Semjaza, what happen to Uriel and Remiel?" Semjaza says nervously, "I am busy... Azazel, tell him..." Azazel says sadly, "Our brothers Uriel and Remiel were called away on an important mission... We do not know when they shall return." Enoch stands up and nervously walks over to us. I asks, "How's my mother doing?" Enoch says worried, "She resting... She not have baby tonight but our prayers are answered." We are all relieved. The friendly one comes towards us with the thin dark one following. The friendly one says, "Hello Enoch, nice to meet you... I am Asbeel, the friendly counselor." Enoch asks nervously, "And who is your friend?" Asbeel says cheerfully, "My brother Kasdeja, the fierce guardian." Kasdeja says chillingly, "Be my friend, Enoch!" Enoch says fearfully, "Sure..." The sun sets that night. Latter, my mother moans softly. Semjaza, Azazel and the midwife look concerned. We sleep and morning comes. We recline on our furs and eat some meals in our stone bowls. We all are very worried. Mother moans. The midwife is very sleepy. She asks, "Lord, the baby is stuck... How can she deliver the baby?" Semjaza says comfortingly, "Have faith... Get some sleep. Their daughter will be born tomorrow morning." Enoch comes over asking, "Is baby stuck?" Semjaza smiles and says to him, "Fear not... They will be fine..." We all sit down on our bear rug and eat, but we are still worried. The sun sets and forever latter, it finally rises. Mehetabel slowly wakes up. She fuzzily sees my father holding her tiny baby in a small tan fur blanket. My baby sister is so small that she could fit on top of my hands. The midwife smiles, sitting next to him. Semjaza, Azazel, Asbeel, and Kasdeja stand behind them. We all smile. Enoch looks down loving at his wife as he asks, "O my beloved, we have a daughter... What shall we call her?" She sees her tiny baby starts glowing. My father smiles as he puts my newborn sister into her waiting p. 70

arms. She smiles. Her daughter's tiny dark little face shines like the sun. Then her face returns to normal. Mehetabel sighs as she holds her tiny new daughter close to her and she says with difficultly, "Silly, don't you know that I saw God's light in our baby girl! We have been revived! I name her Chayah!!!" He smiles. I smile. Ranaan says excitedly, "Thank God! I got a little sister now!" Letaah also smiles but he crosses his arms.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 6. Weddings

Genesis 6:1, 2 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Introduction My greenish brown eyes stare widely as I'm sit on my grandpa's knees. I say hesitantly, "They saved your mother and your sister's life... Then they were good!" Grandpa frowns, saying harshly, "Not really... Sometimes, the wicked do good things to fool the simple and sometime the good don't do so well." I feel confused as I say, "I don't understand... They saved Chayah, my favorite great aunt. How could they not be good?" Grandpa says with a sigh, "I don't know but you know king Semjaza!" I'm shocked as I say angrily, "Wait! The creep that took my poor sister, Yownah away! This can't be the same Semjaza! He would be---even--older--than----you!" Grandpa says angrily, "Yup, that's him and he still looks young!!! Anyway, about three new moons after Chayah was born... As the morning light rises over our igloo, we are reclining on some of our thick furs, covered by other furs as we sleep. We're chilling. My mother is hugging little Chayah close to her who has already grown a lot. The not warm enough fire in our fire pit keeps us from freezing to death... Then a loud ram's horn greatly disturbs our sleep, blasting us with that terrible, terrible sound..."

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Grandpa tells me what happened next. After the miserable ram's horn is blown, we hear Asbeel's loud voice saying, "Come to the feast of four weddings of the sons of God... Hurry Enoch, for you and your family are all invited! Many guest have already arrived... Come at once!" Badly startled, we wake up. Letaah sits up sleepily, angrily squinting his eyes and says, "And I was having such a good dream... I hate Asbeel!" Raanan sits up, shyly smiles and asks, "Four weddings? Who's getting married?" I put a fur over my head and tried to go back to sleep. My parents sits up. She's still holding her baby daughter close to her as Mehetabel says softly, "Augh. Chayah, Did you hear that? Four weddings and we are all invited! I wonder who's getting married? Enoch love, go out and find out.." Enoch slowly gets up and says sleepily with his squeaky voice, "Something wrong... Me find out." He puts on his heavy outer furs. He puts on his wood sandals and straps some heavy furs around his feet with animal hides. He puts his silly fur cap on, grabs his staff and opens the fur curtain to walk outside. He sees Asbeel floating just above the ground on his fiery disc still holding the ram's horn. Asbeel's friendly light brown face gently smiles at him as he says cheerfully, "Good, you're up... Get ready and come. We are all waiting for you." Enoch asks with frosted breath, "Sons of God weddings? Asbeel, who's getting married?" Asbeel says excitedly, "Semjaza, Azazel, myself, and Kasdeja." Enoch asks nervously, "Who's the brides?" Asbeel says joyously, "Well, I am marrying Vashti! My brother Kasdeja is taking Yerach as his wife... As for Semjaza and Azazel, let it be a surprise... Just come and see." Enoch says shivering, "Me not like surprises... Where is weddings?" Asbeel says, "In the middle of the near by markets." Enoch says confused, "It's very cold and there is no large shelters there." Asbeel says smiling, "There is now and it's warm." A little later, Tubal's servants pick us up and take us in a sledge pulled by eight of his savage wolf dogs. We are all wearing our thick outer hooded furs. We have thick furs tied around our sandals. We bury our faces into our fur to keep our faces from freezing. I asks somewhat muffed, "Are we there yet?" We arrive at the market square. There is a large crowd around a huge nearly transparent, light purple dome. There are many sons of God floating p. 73

on their softly roaring, fiery discs high above the dome. Our sledge comes to the edge of the beautiful dome. Near-by, Calach, is leading her Algae worshipers in a protest. They are all dress in their heavy long green hooded robes. I watch the Algae worshipers chant, shouting, "The false sons of God are the demons of the infinite sea! They are not of the Algae! They must not marry the Algae's women! They are not of the Algae! They must not marry the Algae's women! They are not of the Algae! They must not marry the Algae's women!" Asbeel and Kasdeja float strait down on their discs and fly towards Calach and her followers. Kasdeja frowns and begins to make a hostile gesture with his right arm. Asbeel grabs Kasdeja's arm, saying, "I will handle this..." Asbeel shouts, "Algae priestess, Calach, be kind... We can all be friends." Calach's pale, somewhat wrinkled face frowns as she pulls out a boomerang from her green hooded robe and raises the boomerang above her head like she's about to throw it. Calach says angrily, "Asbeel, you are not a friend! The Algae knows who you are... You are-the-e.---" I watch Asbeel quickly shoot strange pinkish lights beams out of his palms at the Algae worshipers. Calach, the Algae priestess drops her boomerang. She and the Algae worshipers lose their voices, grab their heads and run away scared to death. Asbeel and Kasdeja float back up with many other sons of God. We get out of the sledge and walk into the incredibly warm dome through one of it's arched entrances. Chayah sleeps as my father holds her in her good brown fur blanket. Only her cute little brown eyes and her dark eyelids are not covered by her fur. Raanan looks up and frowns at my father, asking, "What's wrong with those Algae crazies?" Enoch's large brows lowers as he says, "May not be crazy... Calach senses something wrong here..." We all stares at my father. Mehetabel's dark chubby face frowns as she says nervously, "Don't talk like that! The Algae worshipers are crazy! Don't be crazy, Enoch!" Servants in long white robes come to us and say, "Let us hold your outer furs for you... You do not need them here. We hand them our outer furs. It is so very nice and warm inside that it feels good to take off our outer furs. Underneath his outer furs, Enoch is wearing his good yellowish tan furs. Mehetabel is wearing her orangish brown furs. I am wearing my brown furs. Letaah is wearing his dark gray furs. Since it's so warm, my father opens up my little sister Chayah fur blanket so she will not get too hot. p. 74

Mehetabel looks around in awe, limps about and then looks at her little daughter saying, "Chayah, it's so beautiful here, this must be what heaven is like..." Letaah says boldly, "Wow, this is awesome!" Ranaan just smiles, looking all around. I look in wonder at the inside of the magical dome and ask, "Mother, where did this beautiful dome come from? Mehetabel says curiously, "I don't know son, maybe you can ask one of the sons of God." I smiles as I asks, "Could I?" An older female servant dressed in a long white robe walks over and says, "Enoch, Mehetabel, Methuselah, Letaah, and Raanan... Please follow me to your table." She shows us to one of many long tables with plates filled with bread, nuts, fruits and cups of wine-water. The tables, their chairs, the plates and the cups look somewhat like colored crystals. Enoch asks curiously, "Why is food on fancy stands?" The servant says, "It's nice that way..." We sit down at one of the very long tables. Enoch says to her, Thank you... The servant bows her head and says, You are welcomed... Then we see my grandparents walking towards us. They have very long white hair, sloped foreheads and large lower jaws. They walk towards us as we sit down on the long benches with the many others. My grandparents are wearing light weight hooded light gray furs with their hoods pulled back. Jared rubs his very long white beard. Then Jared waves at us, saying "Son, over here!" My father asks startled, "Father, mother, what are doing here?" Mehetabel says emotionally, "Jared, Pur-ah, I have not seen you two since me and Enoch got married." Pur-ah's wrinkled face smiles as she says excited, "Hi son, you got beautiful children..." Jared says joyously, "We were invited to this glorious weddings feast... Are all these your children?" I run to Jared and hugs him, saying, "Grandpa, I'm Methuselah." Jared hugs me back saying, "Grandson!" Then I hugs my grandmother saying, "Grandma!" Purah says, "Methuselah, I finally get to see you." Enoch says smiling, "My tough boy is Letaah and Raanan is my shy little girl..." Letaah interrupts him saying, "I'm Letaah! Enoch adopted me and my sister cause our old parents died." Raanan just looks down and hugs her brother. Mehetabel says excitedly, "Letaah, Raanan, you both are our children now... And Pur-ah, look at my new daughter Chayah. Isn't she beautiful!" Pur-ah comes over to p. 75

us, her sweet old tan face smiles as she says, "Yes, she is... Enoch, my son, may I hold little Chayah." Enoch hands Chayah over to her and she hugs her adoringly. Pur-ah says in awe, "She's so cute! Son, it has been too long since I have seen you." Chayah coos. Jared walks over to his son and hugs him briefly. Jared says with a big smile, "Come here Letaah and Raanan." Raanan asks fearfully, "Jared, why should we come over to you?" Jared says comfortingly, "Because we are family!" We all hug one another. My parents and my grandparents sit down. We eat the delicious food on this very long crystal like table. Then my father's parents sit up and begin to walk away. Jared says, "See you later, son." Pur-ah waves sadly at us, saying, I so glad I got to see your family... A little later, I see Tubal limping using his fancy dire wolf walking stick to walk towards us. He is dressed in his purple robes and his golden turban. A pale middle age woman wearing a long cream colored hooded fur follows him. Tubal waves at us, saying, "Hey Enoch, the great metal wizard has arrive! I don't believe you have met my mother Zillah yet." Enoch still holding Chayah, asks, "Your mother, Zillah?" Tubal says with a little laugh, "My wonderful mother Zillah who is responsible for me being such a wonderful man!" Zillah says kindly, "Thanks son... Enoch, you freed my daughter from the Serpent worshipers... God bless you!!! And this beauty must be your wife, Mehetabel." My mother limps closer to Zillah. Mehetabel smiles kindly, saying, "That is so kind of you to say. Zillah, what are you doing here?" Zillah says happily, "I'm here for my daughter's wedding... I am so please that my Naamah is marrying the godly Azazel." Enoch looks very disturb but remains silent. Mehetabel says angrily, "Naamah!" Zillah looks down sadly as she says "I know she has done bad things to your husband but... She has turn to God now and she is marrying a godly one." Me, and Letaah whisper to each other. My father still holds Chayah close to him as she sleeps. Enoch says comfortingly, "Zillah, be not sad... I blame Ashtoreth, not Naamah." Letaah's dark eyes squints as he says angrily, "Father, you told us that Naamah almost killed you... She is wicked like Cain!" Zillah frowns angrily, looking down at her. Tubal raises his copper walking stick, waves it angrily and strikes the floor several times as he shouts p. 76

furiously, "I am Tubal-Cain! Letaah, you insult Cain, the first great inventor! And what about your family, ha? Not Enoch, just a bunch of dead bums!" Letaah, Raanan, and me fear that he might actually hit us with his heavy copper walking stick. Letaah stares angrily as Raanan cries, "Mother, father. Awgh." Zillah grabs Tubal by his long goatee blond beard and pulls him aside, saying, "Tubal, apologize! You are acting like your father!" Tubal says sadly ashamed, "No mother, I'm sorry! I'm sorry Letaah and Raanan! Forgive me! I'm not like my father! Enoch, forgive me!" Enoch frowns at him, saying, "Tubal Cain, we talk, privately!" Mehetabel says sadly, "Enoch, he said he was sorry... That is good enough." Enoch says harshly, "No, it not! Methuselah, hold Chayah..." I say obediently, "Yes father." He hands my cute little sister over to me. She wakes up and starts crying. My father grabs Tubal by his right arm and drags him away. Tubal almost cries. They stand off by themselves, talking quietly. I carefully listen to what they are saying. Tubal says embarrass, "God forgive me, it's just Letaah insulted Cain and my beautiful sister." Enoch says calmly, "Letaah get on my nerves too! Me forgive you but these weddings are wrong..." Tubal says timidly, "I'm forgiven? Then are you going to tell me that my sister is a snake again?" Enoch says nervously, "No... Something wrong with the sons of God!" Tubal says sadly, "Vashti left me for Asbeel... Do you think I should ask her to marry me instead." Enoch says slowly with his silly squeaking voice, "Yes... Seven years ago, they came here... All look young, never sick, never tired! They have no belly buttons and even in the coldest blizzards, they wear very light clothing." Tubal asks nervously, "Do they not come from God? Have they not brought peace and much good?" Enoch rubs his long brown beard as he says, "They came from God but they act not godly... The most godly of them, Uriel and Remiel are gone... That very bad sign!" Other wedding guests walk around them as they talk. Tubal asks softly, "Do you feel that the sons of God are becoming corrupt?" Enoch says bluntly, "Me think so!" Tubal whispers fearfully, "Do you think my sister and my Vashti are in danger? If so, I must stop their weddings!" My father nods his head in agreement. Just then, Asbeel floats up behind him. p. 77

His very broad collar's pink jewel and trim glows brightly. Asbeel says, "Enoch, Tubal, please follow me..." They nervously follow Asbeel. Much latter, my father told me what happened to them. How they went to a round mirrored wall in the center of the dome and that an oval entrance appears and opens up as they walk through it. Inside is a large round room with whitish glowing walls. The brides, grooms and Mara are all inside. The groom's whitish, pearl colored clothes have glowing trims and fist sized jewels. Semjazai's jewel is yellow. Azazel's jewel is blue. Asbeel's jewel is pink and Kasdeja's jewel is purple. As always, their glowing golden halo crowns are on top of their heads. The brides wear ankle length, low cut sleeveless gowns with fancy wings spreading from around the small of their backs and matching long cones caps on top their heads. Their matching veils cover their faces below their eyes. Vashti's gown is silver colored. Asbeel floats over to Vashti. Mara is standing next to her dress in a long elegant light gray fur. Wearing her gold colored gown, Naamah stands next to Azazel. Behind them is Kasdeja holding Yerach's hand. Her gown is metallic green. Ashtoreth's gown is a beautiful metallic red. Her reddish brown hair slightly covers her crystal pink eyes that stare behind her red veil. Enoch stares in disbelief. Mara comes over to greet him, saying, "Enoch, I am so glad that you are here for my daughter's wedding." Enoch says disturb, "Mara, she look pretty." Tubal waves, saying loudly, "Vashti, please don't marry Asbeel, I love you!" Mara walks back to Asbeel and Vashti. Vashti stares at Tubal angrily and turns towards her mother. Naamah looks concerned behind her golden veil, saying, "Oh, brother..." Mara says cruelly, "Tubal, leave my pretty daughter alone. You ugly scarred man!" Asbeel says gently, "Mara, don't insult him... Vashti my love, go talk to the poor man." Vashti turns back and says, "I will, Asbeel." She walks towards Tubal. Vashti's yellowish tan face frowns as she says forcefully, "Tubal Cain, I love Asbeel! He wants to marry me..." Tubal pleads, saying, "I want to marry you too!" Vashti says mockingly, "You want me to marry Asbeel and you... One husband is enough for me." Mara says smiling, "That's telling him, Vashti!" Naamah says loudly, "Brother, don't be a fool, ---again!" Tubal pleads like a child, saying, "My Vashti, I don't want you to marry Asbeel. Just me!" p. 78

Vashti says angrily, "I am not your Vashti! Anytime I talk of marriage, you got mad... Fine, you are a creep! I love Asbeel and I shall be his wife!" Vashti turns her back to him and walks towards Asbeel. Mara smiles angrily, saying, "Good!" Tubal limps after her using his fancy coper walking stick, with his arms wide open. Tubal says tearfully, "Please don't marry him! OVashti, please!" Enoch grabs him and pulls him back saying, "Let her go... Let her go!" Tubal almost cries as he says, "My Vashti, o-Vashti, oo-oo" Tubal calms slowly down and hugs my father like a hurt child. Naamah frowns. Vashti and Mara step up on Asbeel's disc. They float up through a hole that opens up in the ceiling and then closes up after they go through it. Tubal and my father watch Kasdeja putting his lean right arm over Yerach's shoulders, holding her tight. She is a very dark beauty with dark green eyes. Her black braided hair is so long that it comes down to her knees. She looks scared, with tears streaming down on her pretty smooth cheeks. Disturbed, Enoch walks up to her and asks, "Yerach, what wrong?" Kasdeja frowns. She looks frighten. Then his coal black eyes looks at her as he smiles. Yerach says tearfully, "It's nothing... I'm just so---happy..." Enoch stares at Kasdeja and asks intensely, "Kasdeja, what wrong with Yerach?" Tubal comes up behind Enoch and taps his shoulder. Kasdeja says chillingly, "She misses her family..." Enoch says a little scared, "May God protect her and her family..." Tubal says nervously, "Let's talk to my sister..." Kasdeja looks darkly annoyed. Enoch watches Yerach step up onto Kasdeja's disc. They float up through a hole that opens in the ceiling and the hole closes up after they leave. They walk over to Naamah. She hugs Tubal tightly. Naamah says sadly, "O-brother, I am so sorry about Vashti..." Tubal hugs her tightly back, saying boastfully, "Sister, I'm fine, ha... I deserve a younger, more beautiful, more obedient woman, anyway." Naamah backs off as she says mockingly, "Sure you do... I want you to meet my groom, Azazel... He is so smart!" Azazel floats over to them on his fiery disc. Azazel says passionately, "Tubal, I love your sister very much!" Tubal asks mockingly, "Why else would you marry one of Ashtoreth's twelve? Compare with them, whores are saints, ha, ha, ha!" Naamah is shocked by her brother's rude behavior. Teary eyed, Naamah asks her brother angrily, "Tubal, why are you p. 79

saying this? Azazel puts his arm over her shoulders saying, "Relax, my love..." Enoch stands nervously by Tubal's side. Tubal asks Azazel, "Should a holy one like you marry a girl who has been so polluted by wickedness? It's not her fault that her father gave her to Ashtoreth when she was just six... Still, the orgies she was in and the human sacrifices would deeply corrupt anyone... Even in prison, our father still brags about it!" Enoch is embarrass but remains silent. Ashtoreth and Semjaza look very annoyed. Hateful tears flow from her cold blue eyes as Naamah yells, Tubal, I will kill you! How dare you ruin my wedding? Azazel looks longingly at Naamah with his light blue eyes as he says sadly, "Tubal, you may be right but she already feels like family to me..." She furiously attacks Tubal and pulls his long blond beard hard. Tubal shrieks in pain. Enoch gets between them saying, "Calm down, Naamah..." Azazel holds her back, saying, "Love, you are upset... Go to your room!" Naamah says angrily, "But..." Then she acts like she has a sudden headache. She walks out through an oval exit that opens in the glowing white wall and closes behind her. Azazel floats closer to Tubal. Azazel hands him a very fancy shiny knife, saying, "I appreciate your honesty... Tubal, this gift is for you." Tubal and Enoch look intently at the gray shiny metal knife. Tubal holds it up and sees his own reflection in the knife as he asks, "What metal is this beautifully crafted knife made of?" Azazel says, "Iron..." Tubal says as he rubs it, "But it's so smooth.. Iron is very brittle." Azazel says proudly smiling, "This knife is not brittle... It is made of steel iron." Tubal boasts, saying, "I am the great young metal wizard... If there was a way to make iron flexible, I would of invented it!" Azazel says as he points to the knife, "Forgive me for humbling you but God taught me how to use metals and God knows a little more about metal than you do... Strike your knife against your walking stick!" Tubal says timidly, "I don't want to break it!" Azazel says forcefully, "Strike it hard! If it breaks... I shall give you another one." Tubal strikes the knife softly against his walking stick's image of the dire wolf. Then he strikes it harder several more times. Then he pulls out a small bronze bar from his robe's pocket. He cuts into the bar with his knife. He is speechless, obsessively staring at it. Tubal says very slowly, dumb founded, "It cuts sol-id bronze!!! Azazel, would you teach me how to make steel iron?" Azazel says slyly, "I would, if p. 80

you apologize to Naamah and bless our wedding!" Tubal says sheepishly, "But I don't think a holy one like you should marry her..." Azazel says arrogantly, "Well, I don't think I should teach you how to make steel iron." Tubal says very nervously, "I'll apologize..." Shocked at Tubal's failure, Enoch yells at him, "Tubal, you are selling out your sister's future... Repent now! Tubal, repent!!!" Semjaza floats over to him on his fiery disc. Ashtoreth follows behind him. Semjaza says angrily, "Enoch, you are my guest but insulting Tubal and Azazel is unacceptable..." Tubal bows his head in shame as Enoch says, "Semjaza, ---Azazel should not marry Naamah but you want Ashtoreth! Naamah was a Serpent worshiper for thirteen years but Ashtoreth has led the Serpent worshipers for centuries!" Ashtoreth looks hurt. Semjaza says angrily, "How dare you insult my bride!" Azazel floats over close to him. His pale face looks a little paler than normal as Azazel says timidly, "Semjaza friend, Ashtoreth is nacah(test) 216." Semjaza's handsome yellowish tan face looks disturbed. Azazel floats towards Tubal. Staring fearfully at Semjaza, Ashtoreth asks nervously, "What did he say about me?" Semjaza nervously wipes back his long sleek black hair, smiles and says to her, "That you are very special woman and I'm very lucky to be marrying you..." Ashtoreth turns towards Enoch, saying tearfully, "Enoch, I---have done bad things but I have repented... Now, I just want a godly marriage!" Enoch says sadly with his silly squeaky voice, "If that true, you marrying wrong husband!" Semjaza's brown eyes quint harshly as he says angrily, "Enoch, I thought we were friends... I delivered your daughter, Chayah... I was going ask you to be our minister!" Enoch says sadly, "We are friends, Semjaza... Me warn you! These weddings not blessed by God..." Semjaza says, sadly smiling, "I love Ashtoreth! Respect our wedding or you will have to leave!" Enoch is very disturbed. An oval exit opens up in the glowing white wall and he walks out though it. My father walks back to us. Zillah asks emotionally, "Where's my son?" Mehetabel asks worried, "What's wrong, honey? Why were you gone so long?" Enoch says softly, "Asbeel invited us to talk with the brides and grooms... Tubal is still with them." Zillah says happily, "Ah, that's wonderful... I was afraid that you would yell at my son too much.... He's p. 81

sensitive." Chayah giggles while I hold her. I walk up to my father asking, "Father, you look unhappy... Why?" Enoch says nervously, "Lord tells me, something wrong with these weddings." Mehetabel says very angrily, "Not this again! We are at the most beautiful weddings I ever seen and you are embarrassing me! Stop it!" Leetah's young yellowish tan face frowns, as he says, "Mother, I feel it too... Father is right!" Raamah says, "Leetah, don't argue... Please everyone, don't argue!" We just kind of stare at each other. Letaah and Raamah hug each other again. We all stare as Tubal limps back towards us saying, "Mother, I was just talking to Naamah..." Zillah walks to him and hugs him tightly. A ram's horn is heard. Then Asbeel's loud voice says, "Guests, the weddings will begin shortly... Follow the servants to the wedding room." The servants, all dressed in white robes lead us there. The veiled brides stand with the grooms on a large half circle, waist high, stage-like crystal platform. The grooms are floating just above the platform on their fiery discs. Behind them are roundish mirrored walls. Spotlights shines on the couples. There is a huge crowd with people from all kinds of tribes. They are all seated in row after row of light blue cushion benches. There are many sons of God floating on their discs around the crowd. We sit next to my grandparents. Chayah is giggling as I hand her to our father. Mother smiles at them. Enoch looks worried. We are somewhat restless. The huge crowd is excited. Asbeel floats to the front edge of the platform. A bright spotlight shines on him. Asbeel says loudly, "Welcome guests... We came here to bring you peace and bring you back to God... But now friends, we have found love among you... My brother Kasdeja found the lovely and kind Yerach." A spotlight shines on Kasdeja and Yerach bowing graciously and then fades. I, Letaah, and Raamah just stare at them. Vashti walks up next to Asbeel. He gently takes her hand and looks longingly at her. The spotlight shines on them as Asbeel says sincerely, I, Asbeel fell in love with the intelligent and lovely Vashti... Azazel courted the gorgeous Naamah." The spotlight moves to Azazel and Naamah who bow graciously. My father's parents smile. Asbeel says in a friendly tone, "And our beloved leader, Semjaza has converted our one time enemy, Ashtoreth into the bride of heaven..." A spotlight shines on Semjaza floating forward as Ashtoreth p. 82

follows him. The other brides and grooms back off and bow their heads. Semjaza says happily, "God bless this most wonderful of all days... All we need is a minister... I asked a certain prophet but he was a little shy... But maybe if we all ask him together, he will agree... Enoch, will you be our minister?" Enoch is shocked, speechless. Mehetabel smiles at him, saying, "O Enoch, I am so proud of you! This is such a great honor... Come on, marry them!" Pur-ah says with a sigh, "O son, don't be shy... Marry them!" Jared says, smiling wide, baring his large brownish teeth, "Son, I had my doubts about your preaching but now.. Marry them, come on!" My father looks down at Raanan who timidly says, "Please father, just marry them..." The crowd begins to chant, "Marry them Enoch. Marry them Enoch... Marry them Enoch... Marry them Enoch!" Enoch says very nervously, "No!" Mehetabel asks angrily, "Why not? Forget it... Just marry them or else!" Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, "Me not marry them because God not bless them!" My mother cries lowers, and shakes her head in shame. Chayah begins to cry loudly. Raanan cries, hugging her brother as I say scared, "Father is in trouble now!" Semjaza is so angry that he can not speak. Ashtoreth frowns sadly. The brides and grooms stare angrily. Asbeel and Kasdeja float away from their brides to the edge of the platform. Asbeel says sadly, "Enoch, you will leave now... Kasdeja escort him out of here." Kasdeja floats down into the angry crowd, moving towards him. Enoch looks nervously around and begins to leave, saying, "We better leave." Mehetabel says angrily as she points at him, "You are the only one leaving! Hand Chayah over and get out!" He hands Chayah to her as Enoch pleads, saying, "Please wife, come with me!" She just frowns intensely at him. The crowd boos. Leetah says angrily squinting his tearful eyes, "Mother, how dare you! He is right... Go with him!" She slaps him. Jared points at him, saying, "Enoch, I am ashamed of you... You are mad!" My father's mother, Pur-ah just cries. Kasdeja floats right behind Enoch as he leaves. Enoch is utterly humiliated. Right behind him, Kasdeja says chillingly, "You are not my friend!" After my father leaves, we sit on our benches miserably. With Ashtoreth by his side, Semjaza asks with false cheerfulness, "Chief Dowb, my good p. 83

friend, will you be our minister?" Dowb, a large powerful man, proudly stands up. His dark face smiles widely. He is wearing his white fur robe and he has a polar bear head fur over his head. His son Towb Dobe is now a young man. His son is dress just like his father. Thrilled, Dowb says, "Chief Dowb is honored to marry friends before God!" Towb Dobe gets up and hugs his happy father. Then Towb Dobe says loudly, "Father, I am so proud of you... Everybody, I am Towb Dobe, Chief Dowb's son!" I try hard to smile but I can't. It's so horrible. Depressed, Leetah asks, "God, how can you allow this?" Chayah giggles as I continue to hold her. Asbeel says, "Dear guests, it will take a little while for Dowb to prepare... Just relax." A little latter, Dowb stands in front of the brides and grooms. He is holding a ram's horn. There is a clear crystal stand in front of him. Behind them are four canopies in a row. One is yellow. One is blue. One is pink and one is purple. The same colors as the groom's glowing jewels. A spot light shines on Dowb as he blows a ram's horn seven times loudly. We are all in tears as Dowb puts the horn down on a stand in front of him. On the stand are four crystal goblets, four fancy silver necklaces and a large wineskin, filled with wine. Chief Dowb's dark face smile proudly as he says loudly, "We are here before God to unite these four couples in wedlock... We are witnesses to their love... As Adam said, ("...Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they will be one flesh..."-*Genesis 2:24) My mother looks sadly at the empty place next to her. Chief Dowb says as he picks up the large wineskin, To symbolize this, I will pour wine into goblets for our couples which only they shall drink from." He pours wine from the large wineskin into these four goblets. One spotlight per couple begins to shine on them. He hands the grooms their goblets. Chief Dowb says, "Semjaza and Ashtoreth. Azazel and Naamah. Asbeel and Vashti. Kasdeja and Yerach. Share this wine, share your lives with God... Drink only if your love is sincere!" Semjaza sips some wine and hands it to Ashtoreth. She lifts her veil just enough to take a sip. Azazel and Naamah do the same. Asbeel and Vashti do likewise. Kasdeja sips some and hands the goblet to Yerach. She hesitates for a while but finally sips some. I bow my head in sorrow and look at my little sister who has mercifully stop p. 84

crying and fallen asleep. Raamah is crying quietly. Letaah is frowning angrily. Chief Dowb says cheerfully, "Ashtoreth, Naamah, Vashti, and Yerack. Circle your groom seven times, showing he is the center of your new life." The brides circle their grooms. The spotlights shines on the grooms as their brides circle them. Chief Dowb hands the grooms their silver necklaces saying, "Put this necklace around your bride's neck. It symbolizes her devotion... Ask her, as God is witness, shall I tighten your necklace? Once tighten, it's on for life! If she says yes, do it!" Semjaza asks Ashtoreth, "Ashtoreth, as God is witness, shall I tighten your necklace?" Ashtoreth says longingly, "Yes, Semjaza." He puts it around her neck and pulls a thread that tightens it snugly around her neck. Azazel asks warmly, "Naamah, as God is witness, shall I tighten your necklace?" Naamah says girlishly, "Yes, Azazel..." He put her necklace around her fair neck and pulls the thread hard enough so she almost chokes. I see a very quick flash. My mother is disturbed. Asbeel gently asks, "Vashti, as God is witness, shall I tighten your necklace?" Vashti dark eyes squint happily as she says sweetly, "Yes, Asbeel..." He gently puts the necklace around her neck and slowly tightens it. Mehetabel smiles sadly. Yerach looks scared. Kasdeja says harshly, "Yerach, as God is witness, shall I tighten your necklace?" Yerach pauses for a while and looks very sadly around. He frowns at her. Yerach says very slowly, sadly, "Y-e-s, Kasdeja..." He puts the necklace around her neck and gently tightens it. Chief Dowb says happily, "Share the rest of the wine in your goblets with your brides... Then throw your goblet on the floor, breaking it. This symbolizes the end of your old life. That you will not share yourselves with anyone else!" Semjaza and Ashtoreth drink the wine in their goblet and he throws it hard against the crystal platform's floor. The goblet shatters. Azazel and Naamah drink the wine in their goblet. He throws it against the floor. It breaks into little pieces. Asbeel and Vashti drink the wine in their goblet and he throws it against the floor. It shatters. Kasdeja and Yerach drink the wine in their goblet. He throw it so hard against the floor that it seems to explode. The crowd cheers. Chief Dowb says joyously, "Semjaza and Ashtoreth, Azazel and Naamah, Asbeel and Vashti, Kasdeja and Yerach. May God bless you all! Enter your canopies as husband and wife!" They run to their canopies and closes their colorful curtains behind p. 85

them. The spotlights fades as the platform dims. The crowd continues to cheer. My mother cries and so do I. After the next new moon, as my father latter told me, he was preaching to several of his followers deep in the holy cave. They are all dressed in thick hooded furs of various colors. A campfire dimly lights them. Tubal limps in with his fancy coper walking stick, limping towards Enoch. He is dressed in his whites robes and has his golden turban on his head. My father is holding a burning torch as he points at a cave painting. It is an image filled with fruit trees and the serpent standing on two legs next to Eve and Adam on it's left. Some strange symbols are to the right of the serpent who is pointing to a beautiful fruit tree to the right of the symbols. Enoch says sadly, "The serpent said, ("Yea, hast God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden."-*Genesis 3:1) Tubal watches him closely as Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, "The first lie, God forbids good things to you... Truth is, sin holds you back from God's good things..." Everyone there listens carefully. Enoch stares angrily at Tubal's sad face for a while. There's an uncomfortable pause. Tubal asks timidly, "Enoch, I brought back some of the log carvings you lent me... I can't believe that your wife kicked you out. How are you doing?" Enoch says angrily, baring his large yellowish teeth at him, "Better than you, Tubal-Cain! Keep the carvings, you need them..." The others stare angrily at Tubal. Enoch gets real sad as tears fill his gentle brown eyes. Tubal asks boastfully, "Are you sure? I am now the official metalworker for the sons of God... I live in their beautiful palace on top of the great mountain..." Enoch yells at him, "You sold your sister's future for ungodly gain! Repent!" Tubal strikes his walking stick down twice as he asks angrily, "If I am so bad for blessing Naamah's wedding? How bad does that make Mehetabel for deserting God's man?" The others grumble. Enoch steps right in front of Tubal and points at him. He says as his eyes fill with tears, "Insult her not, creep! She not understand!!! Me, must pray for family! Me--have faith..." Tubal cold blue eyes stare at his friend. Tubal says boastfully, "I am your best friend, but have you considered that maybe you are a delusional self righteous jerk who humiliated his wife in front of everyone..." The others stare very angrily at Tubal. Enoch shouts, "No! p. 86

Semjaza humiliated her and me! Me told him these weddings not blessed by God but..." He cries and turns away from Tubal. Tubal strikes the floor with his copper walking stick several times, lowers his head sadly and slowly leaves, limping away. Meanwhile, Chayah is sleeping, covered by furs except for her face. She is sleeping on several furs. Raanan sadly begs, saying, "I miss father... Mother, don't you?" Raanan, Letaah, and me recline on some furs in our igloo. We are slowly eating a lot of nuts. I hear Mehetabel saying, "Raanan, I miss him.. But he has become a delusional self righteous jerk! Now children, eat the rest of your nuts." Letaah says squinting angrily, "No, father is a prophet... He tells God's truth!" Mehetabel says sadly, "No, he is mad... Children eat your nuts!" Raanan, Letaah, and me all stop eating. I wipe my long dark brown hair out of my eyes. I asks angrily, "Mother, when you gave birth to Chayah, you saw God's light just like father did! Bring father back!" Mehetabel dark but kind face frowns sadly as she says, "Methuselah, me and Chayah almost died! I was mad... I owe Semjaza both of our lives." Raanan looks up at her disturbed, and says "Mother, I thought God saved your lives." My mother says as she puts her hand on her shoulder, "Well, God used Semjaza to heal Chayah and me. Then Enoch ruin Semjaza's and his friends weddings because he went mad!" Letaah says angrily, "Wrong! Father is a prophet... He tells God's truth!" Mehetabel says harshly, "Just eat your nuts... Almost no one believed he was a prophet until the sons of God acknowledged him... Now he has turn against them. He is mad!" I feel inspired to say, "That's right, the sons of God ack-nowl-edged him! If he is a prophet, they are wrong! If he is mad, they were wrong to ack-nowl-edge him! The sons of God are wrong!" Mehetabel frowns sadly as she say, "No son! He was a prophet but then he went mad." I say with confidence, "Father has not changed! If he is mad, he's been mad for years..." Mehetabel is troubled as she says angrily, "That's mad son, you just don't want to face the truth!" Raanan begs, her shy brown eyes squint sorrowfully, saying, "Bring father home!" Letaah pleads, "Please, mother!" Cheyah wakes up and cries. My mother refuses to say anything more. p. 87

That night, my mother sleeps restlessly next to Chayah. Our igloo is dimly lighted by our small fire in our pit. I put some more sticks into the fire pit before I go asleep because I'm cold and I worry about the fire going out which it must never ever happen. My mother dreams about Semjaza saying, "I asked a certain prophet but he was a little shy... Maybe if we all ask him together, he will agree. Enoch will you be our minister?" She dreams of her husband saying, "Me not marry them because God not bless them!" She dreams of him leaving, saying, "We better leave. Please come with me." And her saying, "You are the only one leaving! Hand over Chayah and get out!" Uriel and Remiel stands by her side as she sleeps fitfully on her furs with other furs covering her. Uriel's chubby dark face looks concerned as his dark red eye stare intently down at her. Remiel's handsomely rugged, warmly reddish tan face frowns a little. He looks down at her, shaking his head, his long dark brown hair swings from side to side. Chayah sleeps peacefully. My mother sits up in bed, and is startled to see them. Mehetabel asks, "Uriel, Remiel?" Uriel says kindly to her, "Mehetabel, be not afraid, return to your husband..." Remiel's brown eyes sadly stare at her as he says, "You need each other." Mehetabel says as her dark cheeks droop, "No... He insulted the great Semjaza at his wedding." They gently takes holds of her hands. Uriel says loudly, "Behold!" Remiel says forcefully, "Behold!" Very bright colorful green and orange lights flashes around her. Then she dreams about Ashtoreth sleeping peacefully on a beautiful red couch with crisp white sheets. She is surrounded by a yellow canopy. Semjaza stands over her and kisses her cheek. Semjaza says tenderly, "Ashtoreth, sleeping so peacefully... I love you so much!" He looks down lovingly at her. Then a beautiful young girl wearing a sexy night gown appears and hugs him from behind. He turns towards her and hugs and kisses her passionately. The girl asks, "Joqon, do you love me?" Semjaza says with a little smile, "What a silly question? I love all my pets." Ashtoreth sleeps quietly as many girls in sexy night gowns appear and surrounds Semjaza. They all hug and kiss him. Ashtoreth's crystal pink eyes open wide and fills with angry tears as she cries out with rage, yelling, "You are my husband, a holy one! I demand faithfulness! Obey your God!" He and his girls continue to hug and kiss. Semjaza says tenderly as he spread his arms open, "Ashtoreth, I love you but... She p. 88

screams and cries wildly. Behind her, a giant fiery serpent rises it's fierce head above her. It hisses as it's angry pink eyes stare down at her. My mother wakes up suddenly, sits up, breathes heavily and sweats a lot. She grabs Chayah who wakes up and cries. Mehetabel says panting, "God forgive me! My poor silly husband..." The next morning, my father is sleeping, snoring, wrapped in his furs. My mother kneels over him, and kisses him saying, "Enoch, my husband come home with me!" He begins to wake up mumbling, saying, "Me have good dream... Wife back. Me love wife!" He falls back asleep. Chayah begins to cry. Mehetabel shakes him, saying, "Forgive me, love... I didn't understand." The others in the cave wake up and get up behind them. They say in unison, "Our prayers have been answered... Praise the Lord! I hold Chayah who is wrapped in a thick fur. I walks over to my father. Cheyah stops crying. I help him slowly get up and hand him his staff but he is still half asleep. Chayah giggles when she sees her father. I says longingly, "Father, I miss you! Chayah misses you too!" His hand gently touches Chayah's cute smiling face. Enoch is dazed, looking around, asking humbly, "Methuselah, Mehetabel, children, you all really here?" Mehetabel stands up next to him. Raanan and Letaah hug him. Mehetabel says humbly, "We are all here..." Raanan says happily, "God bless you, father!" Letaah says forcefully, "I told mother that you were right!" Mehetabel says mockingly, "Letaah, don't remind him!" We all hug my father for a while as Enoch says joyfully with his silly squeaky voice, "Me love wife! Love Methuselah, love Chayah, love Letaah, and love Raanan. Me love you all! Praise God! Me love you all! Praise the Lord! Praise God!" My parents begin to walk together as we follow. Mehetabel says smiling softly, Silly, don't you know what I want? Enoch asks, What? Mehetabel whispers something into my father's ear as he becomes real excited, wide eyed and smiles a crooked goofy smile. He turns around to the others and happily jumps up and down like a little child. They all cheer loudly and shake his hand. Enoch looks longingly at Mehetabel. Then she kisses him passionately. We all smile.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 7. Ashtoreth

Introduction Wearing his long tan furs and his silly fur cap on top of his head, grandpa is reclining on a stack of furs. I'm sitting on my grandpa's lap, wearing my gray furs. I smile mischievously as I says excitedly, "Mother is away! Tell me all the good stuff..." Grandpa's dark brown eyes sparkle as he says smiling, "About eight new moons after my parents made up... Tubal works in the crystal palace on top of the great ice covered mountain... I looks doubtfully at him, asking, Wait, how would you know what Tubal was doing then? Grandpa pauses a little and calmly says, Because Tubal told us about it latter... If you doubt me, ask him!" As grandpa tells me more, I imagine a terrible blizzard howling. The sky is full of dark gray clouds twirling around the crystal palace of top of the great ice covered mountain. Inside, at the end of a long hall, Tubal stands in front of a large gray stone furnace that uses a primitive ventilation system using a huge fan and some vents. He's wearing thick, soiled, off white work clothes, heavy gloves, and a full headed gas mask with large blue goggles. A huge primitive anvil and a life-size faceless metal statue that looks like a son of God stands by his side. He vigorously pumps a very large bellow by hand. The hot fire inside the furnace rages. He grabs a long metal shovel and pulls out a glowing orange oval metal sheet that looks roughly like a human face. He lays it down on the huge anvil and grabs some primitive over sized pliers p. 90

with his left glove-covered hand. He uses the pliers to grabs the glowing metal face. He grabs one of his many small metal hammers with his right hand. He hits the metal face over and over with various hammers. Then he puts the steel oval back into the furnace with his shovel. Tubal pumps the bellows. Then he takes it out with his shovel. He holds it with his pliers and hits it with some chisels as it begins to look more like Semjaza's face. Naamah is a ways behind him, standing behind a nearly transparent wall, dressed in her tight ankle length yellow gown with matching long cone headdress. Naamah calls out to him, asking, "Brother, can we talk, soon?" Tubal yells impatiently, "Not now! The wizard is working! I will be done soon..." Naamah pleads with him, saying, "You said that early this morning... My husband will be back soon... Tubal, Please!" Tubal yells as he angrily hits the anvil with his sharp chisel, "Very well! Sister, this better be important!" He lays the molten metal face down. He grabs his dire wolf headed walking stick that makes a soft thump as he uses it to limps towards his beautiful sister. She backs away from the nearly transparent wall opening up into an oval exit as he walk out. Then the exit closes back into the wall behind him. He removes his gas mask and holds it by his side. His scarred, bearded face is covered in sweat. His stench is overpowering. Naamah pale but girlish face frowns intensely as she says gasping, "O-ooo brother, you stink... " Tubal says mockingly, "What did you expect, sister, ha, ha?" Naamah says sadly as her tearful cold blues eyes look humbly down, "I can't seem to do anything right... I try to be a good wife but I fail, over and over again! I fail!" Great drops of sweat pours down his scarred face and drips off his long blond goatee beard. Tubal says irritated, "You're a good wife! Azazel is lucky to have you..." She tries to ignore his stench but his smell still bothers her. Naamah shakes her head as she says, "He says that I am always starting arguments, that I can't clean things right, and that I am feeble minded, always forgetting important things..." She acts shocked as Azazel silently floats up behind him on his disc. Tubal shouts angrily, "Naamah, that's a lie! He argues... Sister, you treat him better than a cheif!" He turns around nervously and sees Azazel's light blue eyes staring down at him. Azazel says smugly, "Tubal, I am just teaching her to do things right... Naamah, come!" Naamah follows him as he begins to leave. Tubal stops p. 91

them as he says timidly, "Please Azazel, be kinder to her... She's already had a hard life and she is so beautiful..." Azazel gently touches her cheek as he says, "I know... Naamah is the most beautiful woman in the world... I will accept nothing less!" Then Azazel floats away as Naamah obeys him without speaking back. Tubal grabs his fancy copper walking stick and limps after them. He sees several other sons of God with their new wives. Kasdeja is standing on his floating disc, holding some long furs. His disc float just above the shiny light purple floor. Tubal backs away and spies on him. Yerach comes out of doorway dressed in a long light green gown. Yerach turns back and says very sadly, "Vashti, I have to go... Kasdeja waits." Tubal hears Vashti's voice say cheerfully, "Very well, thank you for teaching me how to bake bread." Yerach walks very timidly towards Kasdeja. He drapes her in the long brown furs and put a heavy fur cap on top of her very long black braided hair. Kasdeja's dark narrow face frowns sadly as he says, "It is Summer... I will take you!" Yerach's beautiful dark gentle face smiles nervously at him as she asks hopefully, "Am I really going to see my family?" Kasdeja smiles sadly and nods. He holds up three bony fingers as he stares at her with his coal black eyes. Kasdeja says harshly, "Three new moons!" Yerach says as her dark green eyes water, "Then you come and take me back with you.." Kasdeja says chillingly, "Or...." Yerach says fearfully, "No or! I'll be ready..." Tubal watches her as she steps up on Kasdeja's floating disc. They float out an oval entrance that opens in the wall and closes behind them. Tubal turns back. Two days latter, just before sunrise, it is snowing lightly. Yerach is dressed in her long furs and heavy fur cap. Her lower face is covered by her thick brown furs. She rushes through the snow to our igloo. She has very well crafted tan leather boots on her feet. Yerach yells painfully, "Enoch, I must talk with you!" Mehetabel comes out of their igloo, dressed in her long hooded orangish brown furs, and asks angrily, "Who are you and what do you want with my husband? It's too early, my husband and my children are still sleeping." Yerach takes off her fur cap as she says very nervously with p. 92

frosted breath, "I am Yerach... I have to talk with someone who knows God... I am in so much pain!" Mehetabel shivers a little as she says sadly, "You're one of the wives of the sons of God... What's wrong?" Yerach says weeping, "My ---hus-band, Kas-de-ja is a, is a..." My mother then feels sorry for her. Mehetabel says comfortingly, "Yerach, I will get Enoch..." They enters our igloo. Yerach's frowns painfully, her dark green eyes weep as tears stream down her dark youthful face. My father is dressed in his long yellowish tan furs. His silly fur cap is on top of his long brown hair. Enoch says sensitively, "Yerach, me listen..." Yerach asks nervously, "Can we talk privately?" My mother's dark rounded face looks jealously at them. Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, "Me not talk to woman alone... Me not keep secrets from wife!" Yerach's looks downcast as she pushes back her very long braided hair. Tears roll down her lovely dark face as Yerach says, "Before----I mar-ried, ---I lived in a large igloo on top of a rocky hill with my beloved widowed mother, Giylath and my older sister, Bosmath... I had a lover whom I loved very much! Then one cold day, --it saw me... It gave me flowers, --said how beautiful I was... Day after day, I told it to go away! Then one evening, as I was dancing with my lover in our igloo, it came...." She tells us how her lover was a tall, dark, and handsome man with short braided hair and a long black beard. How she was dressed in long gray furs and he was dressed in his dark brown furs. Her mother and older sister were dancing with them when the dark sickly thin Kasdeja walks in on them. Her lover step towards him and asks angrily, "Who are you? How dare you come in uninvited?" Kasdeja back slaps him once so hard that her lover is thrown against the icy wall. Her lover is knocked unconscious. She hears Kasdeja shouts forcefully, "Yerach, be my wife!" Her fragile mother Giylath cowers before the deadly intruder. Giylath pleads, shouting, "O-Lord, please don't harm my daughters!" Her older daughter Bosmath runs out the entrance, screaming like murder. Kasdeja calmly walks towards her as Yerach says very angrily, "I would rather die!" Kasdeja stared at her with his coal black eyes as he says coldly, "You are pregnant..." Yerach asked fearfully, "How did you know? Yes, I am carrying my lover's child." Kasdeja's makes an open palm gesture as a bright purplish beam of light shoots out of his right p. 93

hand and hits her stomach. There is a glaring, purplish flash. She screams horribly as she collapses. Kasdeja crosses his arms as he says chillingly, "You were..." Giylath screams uncontrollably, O God, no-ooo! No... OGod! A-augh... Kasdeja's dark skull like face frowns at her, saying, "Sleep..." Giylath faints, dropping down hard on the icy floor. Yerach's boyfriend wakes up and charges madly towards Kasdeja who makes an open palm gesture at him. Yerach craws up on Kasdeja's knees, weeping, as she yells, "Ple--ase---stop! Don't---kill my lover! I---will--mar-ry---yo-ou-u, aa-ah, oo-oowl!" Then she faints. Her lover screams furiously at him, "Murderer! Murderer! God curse you damn murderer!" Her lover tries to punch Kasdeja but his fist smashes against an invisible wall that's between them. As her lover stares down at his aching injured fist, Kasdeja angrily says to him, "Sleep..." Her lover falls asleep on his feet and drops down hard onto the icy floor. Then Asbeel walks in, bowing his head. His gentle light brown face looks around disgusted. Yerach wakes up, crying in bitter agony. Utterly shocked, Asbeel stares at Kasdeja as he asks angrily, "Brother, what have you done?" Kasdeja says coldly, "Not your business!" Asbeel asks sorrowfully, "Brother, how could you? You disgrace me!" Asbeel tries to slap him but Kasdeja's thin but mighty arm grabs his arm and stops him. Kasdeja stares back at him, saying, "Asbeel, you need me!" Yerach painfully crawls away and looks silently in utter horror at them. Asbeel's gentle brown eyes looks down at her as he says sadly, "This poor girl may die of sorrow if she can't see her family often... Let her return to her family every summer or I will kill her now!" Asbeel aims his open palm at her as his palm begins to glow brightly pink. Yerach looks up at him with bitter tears streaming down her pretty face as she cries out loud, "O-help me! Help---me!!! I don't want-to die!" She sees that Kasdeja looks scared and sad as he says fearfully, "Agreed..." As Yerach concludes her story, my parents are sicken by what she said. Yerach says very bitterly to them, "Kasdeja killed my baby! My baby... They're all monsters!" They all hug each other as they weep together. Soon after Yerach leaves, Asbeel and Vashti float strait down near our igloo on his fiery softly rumbling disc. Vashti is dressed in her long gray hooded fur. Vashti says kindly to Asbeel, "Stay here..." Vashti walks to our p. 94

entrance, saying loudly, "Enoch, we need to talk..." Enoch says from within, "Who is there?" Vashti shouts plainly, "Asbeel and Vashti." My parents walk out in their heavy furs. Mehetabel says angrily, "Why are you two here?" Enoch says nicely, "Welcome, Vashti." Vashti's dark brown eyes squint tightly as she says harshly, "Don't talk, just listen! We know what Yerach just told you but my husband is not a monster!" Mehetabel says very angrily, "If her story is true... Asbeel is a monster!" Enoch interrupts her, saying, "Be quiet, love!" Vashti says sadly as Asbeel slowly floats up behind her, "Asbeel knew that Yerach would kill herself if she didn't get to see her family often... And that Kasdeja would then kill her family, along with her lover so my husband threaten to kill her in order to save them... If you hate us, I understand." Mehetabel's dark face frowns intensely but silently. Enoch says comfortingly to them, "Me not hate you or your husband... Seek God and live!" They just stare sadly at him. Soon they leave. The next day, in the crystal palace, the forged steel face that resembles Semjaza is now part of a life sized metal statue floating on a disc in a light blue court with a man sized crystal platform in the middle. Tubal dressed in his purple robes and his golden turban, limps along using his fancy copper walking stick. Tubal says happily smug, "Forward... Slowly rise and land softy on the platform..." The disc obeys his every command. It floats up the man sized crystal platform and rests the heavy steel statue on top of it. Then bright lights shine on the statue. Semjaza, Azazel, Asbeel, and Kasdeja float into the court on their discs. Tubal bows down briefly before them. They look at his shiny steel iron statue. Semjaza smiles, his brown eyes squint happily as he says, "Tubal-Cain, I am impressed..." Kasdeja crosses his arms as he says coldly, "I like it..." Asbeel admires the statue as he says , "Fine work, Tubal... I would like you to make a statue of me..." Tubal says as he bows his head, "Lords, it is an honor to serve the sons of God." They study the forged steel statue. Azazel says critically, "It is primitive..." Semjaza points to it as he says, "That is it's charm, Azazel.. It's expressive..." Asbeel and Kasdeja silently listen as Semjaza stares strait at his blond friend. Semjaza says forcefully, "I want Ashtoreth to bear me a son!" Azazel says timidly, "Semjaza, I told you that she is barren!" Semjaza put his strong hand p. 95

on his friend's shoulder as he says very forcefully, "Azazel, friend, you are the mighty researcher... Find a way to make her unbarren!" Tubal is troubled by Semjaza's statement. Three new moons latter, back at our igloo, Raanan sleeps with her head on my mother's lap as she grasps an empty stone bowl. She wakes up from a bad dream, terrified, as she sits up yelling, "Mother, a huge fiery serpent with many heads attacked our family! We are dead!" Mehetabel hugs her tenderly as she says, "No, Raanan, it was just a bad dream... The Lord will protect us... Trust God!" Raanan calms down a little as she is still holding onto her bowl tightly. Raaman's smooth yellowish tan face frowns sadly as she says, "Mother, I'm so hungry!" Mehetabel looks painfully down at her, saying, "Raanan, we are all out of nuts and the markets will not trade with us... We just have to wait out the storm." I sit by myself sulking. My father holds my baby sister who is a lot bigger than she was eight new moons ago. Letaah beats his chest as he says angrily, "I am hungry too! Semjaza commanded the markets not to trade with us." Raanan's brown eyes squint sadly as she says shyly, "Brother, he wouldn't do that!" Letaah says forcefully, "I will go out and find some nuts for us to eat! I'll also get some more branches for our dwindling fire... The fire must not die or we die!" Mehetabel says scared, "No, the branches will last if we use them sparingly! It may be storming outside but it's very warm... The heat is actually beginning to melt the snow... That's bad! If it refreezes, it will be a icy slick death trap outside!" Enoch holds Chayah as she says, "Ga, Ga, Fa, thr." He smiles proudly, bearing his large yellowish teeth as he says joyfully, "O-Mehetabel, Chayah just said father again!" My mother looks annoyed. Raanan sadly frowns saying, "I'm hungry... I want nuts. I want nuts!" Letaah says bravely, "I must bravely go out and get us nuts and branches!" Mehetabel says as her wide cheeks droop, "Enoch, tell Letaah he can't go out!" My father gently hands my baby sister back to her. Enoch frowns, saying forcefully, "Letaah right! We need food! Our suffering neighbors need food and branches too... Letaah, Methuselah, put on your furs and tie your feet straps tight... We go out!" Mehetabel holds Chayah distressed as she says, "No, it is too dangerous! Our sons are too young... Enoch, If only you were still on good p. 96

terms with Tubal, he would send his servants with his wolf dogs to get us supplies..." Enoch says sadly, "Tubal worships metal! We not depend on him..." I say timidly, "Maybe, mother is right this time." We all hug as Enoch says, "Trust God! We must go! Wife pray!" We get dress in our heavy hooded furs, and strapped heavy furs around our wooden sandals before we go out into this really warm but very dangerous weather. Me and Letaah march through the slushy snow, pulling our sledge that Tubal gave us a while back. It is sleeting. The sleet covers everything with a thin sheet of ice. We pass by a few very large ice coated trees with about half their branches broken off by the ever increasing weight of the ice. My father rides in his sledge that we are pulling. He is wearing his light tan furs and his silly fur cap. The sledge is cover with furs. Me and Letaah pull the sledge by a large tree with lots of nuts. Despite the warmth, our feet are freezing because we are so slushy wet. There is a large snow drift near this tree. First, we all pick up lots of broken icy branches that have fallen off this large tree and place them on our sledge. Then, my father takes a long branch off his sledge. Enoch says smiling, "Me knock nuts down... Sons, gather them!" He starts hitting the higher branches with his long branch. Many nuts on these branches start falling on the slushy ice covered snow. Letaah grabs a fur bag as he holds up the fur bag, saying, "Knock those nuts down, father... I am ready!" I also pick up a fur bag as I timidly say, "Yes, father." We pick up nuts and put them into our large fur bags as our cold wet feet start going numb. Enoch thrusts his branch up. He knocks lots of nuts off the ice covered branches. Our fur gloves covered hands grabs nuts and drop them into our furry bags. We fill both bags full of nuts. I hear the strange noise of ice cracking. I ask, "What is that sound?" Letaah runs up to my father who quickly lowers his long branch. Enoch looks around nervously, saying, "Us go now!" The snow drift behind us begins to move. Enoch holds his branch up as he leaps into the seat of his sledge. We throw our large bags of nuts into the sledge, attach it's harnesses to us and we quickly begin running, pulling our sledge as a huge tan furry beast come up out of the large snow drift. Enoch yells frantically, "Run, boys, run!" The furry beast stands on it's hind legs. It's more than twice as tall as us as it waves it's giant claws. p. 97

This giant sloth runs slowly after us as we leave. Enoch yells quickly, "Run, boys, run!" He opens one of the bags of nuts and throws the bag at the massively furry giant following us. The sloth grabs the bag that Enoch threw. The massive beast's over-sized claws tears the bag open as it munches down on the nuts. Then Letaah says boastfully, "It's was only a giant sloth... No big deal." We pull the sledge away as fast as we can run on this deep slushy snow. I look back at it following us. I say fearfully, "Looks big to me!" We speed away as the furry giant happily devours the whole bag of nuts. Our bodies painfully ache as we pull the sledge to our igloo. We get out and Letaah carries our one remaining bag of nuts that we collected. Enoch smiles widely, yelling, "We are home and we got nuts!" As I get close to our fur curtain, I smell something really tasty, like fresh bread. I say excitedly, "I smell something-----good." Letaah says puzzled, "I smell fresh bread... How can that be?" We pull open our fur curtain and run into the warm igloo as my father follows, carrying some of the branches we collected. He puts them near our fire pit to dry them out. We sees Asbeel and Vashti are inside. Vashti hands Raanah some fresh flat bread. Raanah says gratefully smiling, "Thank you." She takes a delicious bite of the wonderful bread. Asbeel hands me some fresh bread. Mehetabel holds my baby sister Chayah as she eats some fresh bread too. Vashti holds some more flat bread on a silver plate as she asks, "Enoch, Methuselah, Letaah, would you like some home made bread?" He looks shocked. I smile, and say, "Sure, thank you..." She hands me some tasty flat bread which I quickly devour. Then I unwrap the wet furs around my numb feet. I rub my numb feet with my warm hands until some feeling come back into them. Letaah angrily stares at Asbeel, crosses his arms and asks angrily, "What are you two doing here?" Asbeel says kindly, "To apologize..." Mehetabel says smiling, "Letaah, be nice... Vashti brought us some really delicious home made bread... Try some." Letaah says as he angrily grabs some nuts from his bag, "I went out for nuts... I eat nuts!" He cracks the nuts between his hands and eats some. Enoch asks, "Asbeel, you here to apologize? Asbeel says humbly, "To you and your family... We are sorry for everything that happened." Vashti says humbly, "We told Semjaza how wrong he has treated you... We are sorry. So I made some p. 98

flat bread for your family... Here, have some." Enoch says sadly as he puts his hands on their shoulders, "Vashti, Asbeel, friends... Me pray for you but prayers not save you if you follow Semjaza instead of God! Unless he repents, he is doomed... The same is true for you all." Ten years latter on an unusually warm day, Tubal and a young woman look up at a huge shiny steel iron statue of Tubal holding a large hammer up to the heavens with some white clouds in the sky behind it. There is a little snow on his statue. He leans on his dire wolf headed, copper walking stick, dressed in his white and purple robes. He is wearing a golden turban on top of his long blond hair with a few light gray streaks. The young woman is a tan, hazel-eyed beauty with curly brown hair. She is dressed in a tight, kneelength light gray fur dress with long sleeves. She wears a gray fur cap on top her curly brown hair. They slowly look around at the circle of giant steel iron statues, two to three times taller than life sized. Statues of Semjaza, Ashtoreth, Azazel, Naamah, Asbeel, Vashti, Kasdeja, Yerach, and finally back to Tubal's statue. She takes his hand excitedly, saying, "O-wow TubalCain, I can't believe you actually completed your monuments... I have watch you and your skilled workers work on them since we met two years ago." Tubal's long hair and beard are beginning to turn a little gray and his scarred face has become a little wrinkled. Tubal says as he smiles proudly, "It took ten years for me and my loyal team of twelve skilled metal workers to create my monuments... I am the great young metal wizard, he, he!" She says with a smirk, "Yes, you are." They kiss passionately, standing in the middle of the nine statues that form a huge circle around them. Enoch walks into the circle of statues, walking towards them. He is dress in his good yellowish tan furs. He has his silly fur cap on top of his long grayish brown hair. His beard is beginning to turn gray too. Tubal points at him saying, "Look 'Aqqow, there's Enoch." Enoch walks over to them and asks curiously, "Tubal, who is this girl?" She says excitedly youthful, "So you are Enoch... I am 'Aqqow, Tubal's wife!" Enoch smiles nervously as he asks, "Congratulations, 'Aqqow! How old are you?" 'Aqqow says childishly, "I'm almost twenty..." Enoch looks up and around and then stares back at them frowning, asking angrily, "Tubal-Cain, how could you?" Tubal says blushing, "What? Ha, I'm p. 99

just thirty eight..." Enoch says harshly, "Not talk about that... You insult God by building idols? Even built an idol of yourself?" He quickly looks proudly at his monuments. Semjaza'a monument is to his right and Yerach's monument is to his left. Tubal says nervously, "I would never do that! These are not idols, they're monuments!" 'Aqqow's hazel eyes stare angrily as she says childishly, "How dare you accuse my husband... My Tubal has made lots of copies of your holy log carvings and told many people about God." Enoch says timidly, "Looks like idols.." Then a bunch of sexy women dressed in beautiful furs, rush towards them and dance in front of Semjaza's monument saying, "O great lover! O great Semjaza, we offer our humble bodies to your glory." Tubal angrily hits his walking stick against the snowy ground several times and shakes it angrily at the woman, yelling, "Stop profaning my monuments!" He chases them away. Enoch just stares at him. 'Aqqow comforts Tubal as he puts his hands over his eyes, shaking his head in shame. A few days latter, it is not snowing but there is a lot of snow on the ground next to our igloo. Chayah who just became eleven, smiles brightly. She is dress in light brown furs. She has a fur cap over her black curly hair. Her dark very childish face smiles as she says joyfully, "I'm eleven, hurrah!" Our whole family dances outside, next to our igloo. We are all dressed warmly in our light weight furs. We all have wood sandals on our feet, wrapped with some furs. Mehetabel dances in circles with my little sister saying, "Happy birthday, my darling Chayah..." My mother is plumper and looks somewhat older with gray streaks in her dark hair. Our father bows down and picks up some snow. Enoch says happily, "Look Chayah, this how you make snow balls..." She watches her father carefully. She picks up some snow and makes a small snowball. Chayah says as her dark eyes sparkle happily, "Like this father.. I love snow!" My little sister throws her snowball at him, knocking his silly fur cap off, showing off his graying brown hair and his balding forehead. Mehetabel says surprised, "Now Chayah, that is not very lady like." Enoch says cheerfully with his silly squeaky voice, "Me glad it's so warm... Thank God!" As a young man, I now have a full black beard. I throws a snowball that hits Letaah's shoulder. p. 100

He is a young men too. Letaah has a short stringy black beard. Letaah says smiling aggressively, "Methuselah, take this." Letaah grabs some snow, makes a snowball and throws it hard at me. The cool snowball hits me in the face. Raanan leans against our igloo, looking sad. She is now about nineteen years old. Chayah makes another snowball and runs over to our snowball fight saying, "It's my birthday... Let me play too!" Raanan looks very disturbed. Mehetabel comes to her and asks, "Raanan, are you disturbed about something?" Raanan's yellowish tan face looks somewhat paler. Raaman says shyly, "Mother, I want a husband!" Mehetabel says comfortingly, "Don't worry, you are still young... What brought this on?" Raanan squints her eyes fearfully as she says, "I had that dream again..." Mehetabel smiles comforting at her, saying, "The one where a giant red snake with many heads attacks our family." She nods. Raanan says scared, "Get father to find me a husband from a good family before I die!" Two years latter, we are in the holy cave with a flickering camp fire lighting the cave. Raanan has a gray fur cap over her head and a green veil, made of small vines below her dark eyes. Raaman is dressed in long gray furs dress with long fur sleeves. Enoch, dressed in his good yellowish tan furs looks gently at her and her very young groom who's skin is yellowish tan like hers and who dark eyes gently squints. He is very handsome with a short black hair but he is a little shorter than her. Her groom is dress in a long white fur coat and has a white turban on his head. Behind them, is a tan animal hide canopy. Raanan says very excitedly, "Thanks father, for finding me such a handsome husband... Chokmah is like a dream!" I look around at my mother, Letaah, Chayah, Jared, Pu'ah, Tubal, 'Aqqow, Zillah, Mara, Vashti, Asbeel, Chokmah, and his father Chen. We brought lot of nuts to pass out among the poor desperate people who live in the holy cave as a refuge. Chen is the middle age man standing is next to his son Chokmah. He is dressed in light gray fur coat and has a gray turban on top of his head. My mother stands next to my father, dressed in her hooded orangish brown furs. Enoch smiles widely, bearing his large yellowish teeth, saying to Chokmah, "Chen's boy good and smart... Be good husband... Better be good husband!" He stares intently at Chokmah who looks a little embarrass as he says, "On p. 101

my honor, I shall take good care of Raanan." Chen says comfortingly, "Relax son, fathers are like this when you marry their daughter." Mehetabel comes over and hugs Raanan, saying tearfully, "May God richly bless you, Raanan, my little girl... God bless you too, Chokmah." Then she backs off. Raanan smiles sweetly, saying, "Thanks mother, I was scared that I would never get married but now I am..." Letaah comes over and hugs her. A line forms behind Leetah with my little sister jumping up and down behind him. I am behind my little sister Chayah. Behind me are my father's parents, Mara, Vashti and Asbeel, Zillah, 'Aqqow, and Tubal. Letaah says as he hugs her, "Sister, I love God when I see that you are so happy... Hey Chokmah, it would be wise to be good to my sister!" Chokmah's smooth young yellowish tan face smiles graciously as he says, "On my honor, I shall be good to her.." Cheyah says smiling excitedly, "Wow Raanan, Chokmah is so handsome! So--yeah!" Raanan blushes as she says, "I know..." I say sincerely, "God bless you, sister!" They just smiles at me as I walk away. Next in line is my father's parents, Jared and Pur-ah. Raanan says, "Jared and Pur-ah, thanks so much for coming! I know you had to travel a very long way to get here." Jared walks slowly forward and hugs both Raanan and Chokmah. Jared says warmly, "Raanan, only death would keep us away from your wedding!" Purah says, "Granddaughter, I had to see this handsome young boy for myself... I mean man..." Chokmah shakes their hands as he says politely, "I am honored to meet you, Jared and Pur-ah." Pur-ah hugs Raanan and Jared bear hugs Chokmah till he can't breathe. Jared says excitely, "Chokmah, welcome to our family!" Then they walk back. Mara walks up to them. Raanan shyly smiles at her, saying, "Mara!" Mara says weakly, "God bless you, Raanan and Chokmah. I Praise God I lived to see this day." Chokmah says gently, "Mara, I am honored." She hugs them and then slowly walks back. Asbeel and Vashti walk forward. Raanan sweetly squints her joyous dark brown eyes, smiling, saying, "Vashti, Asbeel, thanks for coming." Asbeel says nervously, "I was not sure I would be welcomed..." Chokmah says humbly, "I have never met any of the sons of God before... Asbeel, we are sincerely honored to have you at our wedding." Asbeel says smiling, "The honor is mime, Chokmah." Vashti puts her hand on her shoulder and says sweetly, "Raanan, I love your entire family and if you and Chokmah ever need help... p. 102

We will help you!" Raanan says shyly, "Vashti, I know, you will." Chokmah says thankfully, "Vashti, I greatly appreciate your support." Asbeel and Vashti step back. Zillah, 'Aqqow, and Tubal walk forward. Raanan says kindly, "Zillah, I haven't seen you in a long time... Are you alright?" Zillah says with an aging smile, "I am well... Be a good wife! Chokmah, please be a very good husband for her... She deserves one." Chokmah bows his head smiling and says, "I will be, on my honor." Tubal limps forward on his fancy copper walking stick with 'Aqqow by his side. She drools, and stares lustfully at Chokmah. Her hazel eyes continue to look dreamily at him. Tubal angrily waves his copper walking stick in front of her, hits the floor of the cave making a loud thump and says very annoyed, " 'Aqqow, behave or else! Chokmah is Raanan's husband... I am yours!" 'Aqqow blushes as she looks fearfully at him, saying, "Sorry, great, young metal wizard." Then she quickly kisses Tubal. Raanan stares at 'Aqqow, shyly asking, "Tubal, is this your wife? Isn't she a little young for you?" I come up to him and say playfully to him, Yes, she is! He adopted her.. Tubal strikes his dire wolf headed walking stick against the cave floor making loud thumps as he arrogantly says to us, "No, she's not too young... Congratulations Raanan, I'm sure Chokmah will be a fine husband when he grows up... Ha!" Raanan and Chokmah look very embarrassed as we prepare for the wedding. Enoch says to our small crowd, "In this holy cave, me marry my sweet Raanan to Chen's boy Chokmah... We ready?" Everyone cheers. He picks up a ram's horn and blows it seven times. Raanan's and Chokmah sweetly smile at each other. Enoch says happily with his squeaky voice, "To witness their love, we come before God to marry Chokmah and Raanan... Adam said, ("...Therefore shall a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."-*Genesis 2:24) He picks up a clay jar and hands it to the couple. Mehetabel hands him a wineskin, saying, "Here is the wine." He pours some wine into the clay jar as he says, "Only Chokmah and Raanan shall ever drink wine from this jar... Share wine, share your love with God's blessings!" He hands them the jar. Chokmah drinks from the jar. He hands the jar to her and she drinks a lot. She puts the jar down by her feet. Enoch smiles tearfully as he says, p. 103

Raanan, circle Chokmah seven times to show your devotion to him but God is center of all." Raaman joyously circles Chokmah seven times. When she finishes, she is kind of dizzy. My mother hands my father the sacred necklace. He hands the necklace to Chokmah as Enoch says seriously, "Chokmah, take necklace, put it on Raanan. Ask her, shall I tighten your necklace... Raanan, if you say yes, never take it off until one of you dies... Once married, always married!" Chokmah looks deep into his beloved brown eyes and asks nervously, "Raanan, shall I tighten your necklace?" Raanan says with a sigh, "O-oo, yes, tighten my neck-lace!" He smiles. He gently pulls the string that tightens the necklace around her delicate throat. Enoch says with a goofy smile, "Share the rest of the wine with each other... Then Chokmah, smash jar! You shall not share yourselves with anyone else!" They drink the rest of their wine. Then Chokmah happily throws the jar hard against the cave's floor. The Jar shatters. Mehetabel cries by my father's side. Enoch says tenderly with some tears in his own dark brown eyes, "Your old lives gone, the Lord bless your new life! Chokmah and Raanan, enter your canopy as husband and wife! Me hope he good to her..." Mehetabel says with a little laugh, Silly, don't you know... You chose him for her! Chokmah and Raanan rush to their tan canopy. They open it's curtain, rush in and closes it quickly behind them. They hug and kiss. My parents and the rest of us dance joyously as we sing happy holy songs. Afterward, we go out into a blizzard as night is not too far away. We are all dressed in our heavy outer hooded furs. We pull our fur coats over our noses to protect us from the awful numbing cold. I and Letaah pull our sledge which my parents and my sister ride to our igloo. We are exhausted by the time we get to our igloo. Then out of nowhere, Asbeel quickly flies strait towards us, just above the deep snow on his rumbling, fiery disc. We are all shocked but we still get out of the sledge. Enoch asks disturbed, "Asbeel, Why you here?" Asbeel says smoothly, "Enoch, please come with me... Ashtoreth demands your presence at the crystal palace." My mother and Letaah frown. Chilling, Mehetabel shouts angrily, "Tell her to leave us alone!" Letaah shakes his fist and yells, "Tell her to go to h..." My little sister interrupts him, saying joyfully with frosted breath, "How rude, Letaah? p. 104

This is great! The queen of heaven has invited our father to the palace... I want to go!" Enoch says worried, "Chayah, not good idea!" Chayah frowns sadly chilling, saying, "I want to see the great crystal palace!" Letaah squints his dark eyes as he frowns. Enoch asks angrily with frosted breath, "What happens if me not go?" Asbeel says sadly, "If you don't go with me, Kasdeja shall take you!" Letaah says boastfully, "I'm not afraid of him!" Enoch says forcefully, "Letaah, Chayah, go inside, no talk back!" Letaah acts angrily, kicks some snow up into the air and goes inside our igloo. Chayah and me slowly follow them. Chilling, Enoch says those most frightening words, "Methuselah, comes with me!" Shivering, I say, "Father, me don't want to go!" I walks over to my mother and hug her tightly. Mehetabel pleads, saying, "Don't make our little boy go... He's scared." Enoch says comfortingly, "Methuselah is a man! Trust the Lord, trust me too." I very, very slowly walks over to my father. We cover our the lower part of our faces with our fur coats as we step aboard Asbeel's fiery, softly rumbling disc and hold onto him tight as we fly high, strait up in the icy sky. We're chilling as we fly up to the great ice-covered mountain, up to the magical crystal palace. Coming from the huge crystal palace, weird colorful spotlights circle around the heavens. An oval entrance opens up for us in it's walls as we float through it into a very warm long hall that ends in a wall where a servant is dressed in his long white robe. He says, "I'll take your furs." We look around. We take off our outer furs and caps and hand them to the servant. Enoch says, "Thanks..." Underneath, my father is wearing his yellowish tan fur. Without his silly fur cap, he is bald except around the sides of his head. His beard and hair are graying. I am dressed in a long brown fur. I'm a tall, dark and very handsome young man with a full dark beard. I asks curiously, "Asbeel, why is Kasdeja your partner? He's bad!" Enoch says sternly, "Son, speak not unless you are asked!" Asbeel says warmly, "Methuselah, my brother Kasdeja is a great guardian... He is my protector!" I ask even more curious, "What does he protect you from?" Asbeel says nervously, "I am not allowed to say... Follow your father's command, especially in front of Ashtoreth!" I frown silently. An oval entrance opens up in the wall. Asbeel says, "Step down and enter..." My p. 105

father and me step down from Asbeel's disc. We walk forward. As we walk through the entrance, we feel how hot and humid it is inside. There is a red path to where Ashtoreth is sitting on her huge white throne. Close-by to her throne is a smaller golden throne. Both thrones back's are shaped like a giant scallop shells. Ashtoreth hasn't aged but she has become a little plump. She is dressed in her knee lenght, low cut, sparkling pink gown. She has a long sparkling pink cone cap on top of her short curly reddish brown hair. There is no floor except for the red path with a circular area around the two thrones. About a hands lenght below the path is a huge aquarium with lots of colorful fish and sea creatures. The walls are covered with beautiful flowers. The ceiling is transparent so we can see the sky. We walk before Ashtoreth with our heads bowed. Ashtoreth sits angrily with her legs and arms crossed. There are a couple of large serpents crawling by her shapely wrinkled leggs. Ashtoreth's tan wrinkled face frowns as she asks, "Enoch, why did you bring your son here?" Enoch says humbly, "Great queen, me afraid to bring wife... My son respects authority... Please accept his presence." Ashtoreth says with a laugh, "You're afraid that I would seduce you... Listen, I have been a loving, loyal, and devoted wife! Semjaza has been disgraceful! I have follow your God and I want a godly husband... You shall convince him to repent of his immorality!" Enoch says fearfully, "Great queen, me wish it so but Semjaza not listen to God... Why would he listen to me?" She leans forward on her throne, staring at him with her crystal pink eyes. Ashtoreth says angrily, "He respects you! We will confront him together... Make him repent or..." Enoch says timidly, "Great queen, me can't repent for him..." Her fists hits her glorious throne's armrests in a rage. We look nervously around as Ashtoreth stares at me with her crystal pink eyes and asks, "Young man, what do you want to say? Go on!" I says fearfully, "Great queen, my father told you not to marry Semjaza... If you had listen, you could of married a godly man..." My father looks scared. Ashtoreth crystal pink eyes burst into tears. She covers her eyes and straiten her short curly reddish brown hair. Ashtoreth asks sadly, "Uu-ch, young man, is there something else you want to ask me?" I fearfully look up at her. She's hard not to look at. I feel her crystal pink eyes looking strait into the depths of my soul. I ask nervously, "Great queen, is the golden throne Semjaza's?" Ashtoreth says p. 106

sadly smiling, "No... The golden throne is for my dear friend Naamah... Azazel is bad to her... The throne cheers her up..." We are so nervous and it is so warm that we begin to sweat profusely. An entrance opens up in the wall. Semjaza and Azazel enters on their rumbling fiery discs. They pass by us and float near her. Semjaza squints his brown eyes, asking, "Why are they here?" Ashtoreth sits proudly on her great throne, saying, "I summoned them!" Azazel is annoyed. Semjaza frowns slightly, asking irritated, "Ashtoreth, why?" Ashtoreth points at him saying, "Because you are not listening to me... You shall listen to Enoch, the man of God!" We just stare silently at them. I just felt this horrible dread come over me. Azazel says angrily, "How dare you say that to king Semjaza!" Semjaza says calmly, "Azazel, be quiet! I will talk with him... Enoch, I am sorry about this." We squirm nervously. Enoch says bravely, "King Semjaza, you demand leaders be faithful to wives... Have you been faithful?" Semjaza looks embarrassed as he says, "I have not left her... I love Ashtoreth! She's just jealous..." Enoch's gentle dark brown eyes look strait at him as he says, "You not been with other women..." Semjaza says guiltily, "I have not loved other women... Just played with them." Enoch blushes as he asks, "King Semjaza, does wife play?" Semjaza looks lustfully at Ashtoreth as he says boastfully, "I play with her all the time!" Enoch sadly asks, "King Semjaza, why other women?" Ashtoreth sits angrily on her throne with Semjaza next to her. Semjaza says slowly, sadly, "Ashtoreth is barren..." There is a long pause. Then Ashtoreth says loudly, "All the sons of God are sterile! After thirteen years, not one of us have been with child." Semjaza's brown eyes squints lustfully at her as he says, "Wrong!" She looks very disturbed. Enoch asks forcefully, "King Semjaza, if queen bore you children, would you be faithful?" Semjaza says angrily upset, "Enough questions!" I am really scared as Enoch says boldly, "King Semjaza, the Lord loves you but your wickedness is great... Repent now or face God's wrath!" My heart pounds loudly within me. I am horrified as I gasps for air, asking, "Father, are you mad?" Semjaza points at us, yelling, "Treason!" Ashtoreth sits up and stands, furiously shaking her fists. Semjaza turns towards her. Ashtoreth yells furiously, "Semjaza, If you will not obey your p. 107

God, then you will serve mine!!! Build the Serpent a glorious new idol or every girl you touch shall die!" Semjaza threatens to slap her. She mightily waves her arms at him and Azazel. Two large flying serpent spirits come out of her hands and knocks Semjaza and Azazel down into the waters of the huge aquarium, making mighty splashes. The serpent spirits look like long nearly transparent anacondas with fiery, pinkish outlines. We quietly try to walk away. Enoch whispers a quick prayer, "This bad... God, get us out!" I am so scared that I can't breathe and we both are sweating profusely. Semjaza floats up out of the waters struggling with the serpent spirit that is wrapped around him. Azazel also floats up out of the waters. His left hand holds the serpent's spirit's throat in an iron grip as its thick body wraps tightly around him. His pale face scowls. Azazel quickly shouts a very powerful incantation in an incredibly hateful, shrilled voice, "Safety, nacah, two, one, six!" Ashtoreth falls down as bright bluish pulses seemed to flash from inside of her body. Her sparkling pink long cone falls off her head into the waters. She whimpers as she painfully curls into a fetus position. I ask my father, "What did Azazel do to her?" Enoch grabs me and drags me away. Semjaza and Azazel float above the waters on their discs as the pinkish serpent spirits just vanish. Azazel and Semjaza float strait towards Ashtoreth. She whimpers as the bright bluish pulses continue to overwhelm her. Azazel scornfully looks down at her, saying coldly, "She will be a very useful specimen." Semjaza squints angrily, and says forcefully, "Azazel, I command you to stop this!" Azazel says harshly, "No friend, she's too dangerous! Get a new wife, get a thousand..." Semjaza says with tears in his squinted brown eyes, "Please friend, I love her!" Azazel's scowl softens as he says slowly, "Very well.." Then he shouts loudly in a shrilled voice, "Code Lilly!" The torturous pulses stop and Ashtoreth begins to recover. Semjaza hugs her as he tries to comfort her. We bang on the wall, trying to leave. The wall opens up into an oval exit. Asbeel and the servant are on the other side. Asbeel says quickly, "Hurry! I shall take you home..." We leave through the exit and and jump on Asbeel's fiery disc. The servant hands us our furs which we quickly put on. The exit closes behind us. We begin to fly through the hall as the fiery disc rumbles loudly. We fly strait out an oval exit that opens up in the wall to the horrible cold outside. We shiver p. 108

uncontrollably as we quickly fly strait down the mountain as the freezing wind and snow blows against us. Asbeel says nervously to us, Enoch, take your family far away... Hide!" Shivering, Enoch asks with frosted breath, "Why hide?" Asbeel's brown eyes water up as he says very sadly, "Ashtoreth is mad!" I say puzzled, "Azazel defeated her so what harm can she do?" Asbeel kind light brown face looks sad as he asks, "Did he? Semjaza will do anything for Ashtoreth, ---except be faithful... Her followers would gladly kill you all!" We fly strait to our igloo. Me and my father jump off the disc. Then we race inside our warm igloo and tell our family what happened. Latter, Tubal told me that the next day, he and 'Aqqow walk in the gentle snow to the large stone house where his mother lives. Tubal is dressed in his white and purple robes and his golden turban on his head. 'Aqqow is dressed in her fancy cream colored long fur coat and cap. Aqqow says cheerfully, I like visiting your mother... She reminds me of my grandmother... Tubal looks up and see Kasdeja slowly floating down toward them on his fiery rumbling disc. Kasdeja floats right in front of them. He points at her saying coldly, "She stays... He waits for you!" She backs off fearfully. Tubal asks angrily, "Who waits?" Kasdeja grabs Tubal by his fancy collar as he says chillingly, "Sleep..." There's a purple flash as Tubal falls dead asleep. Inside the large stone house, a fat, red hooded figure watches Tubal sleep on the shiny stone floor. Tubal wakes up and looks up, still lying on the floor as he hears a voice that terrifies him, say, "Greetings son..." Tubal gets up using his fancy copper walking stick but he can't stand to look at the fat old man, dressed in his red hooded robe that is covered with large white serpent patterns. His father pulls back his hood as his long white hair falls back over his shoulders. Tubal asks fearfully with his head lowered, "Father, how did you get out of prison?" Tubal's Father says proudly, "I was pardoned..." Tubal says timidly, "You murdered that poor young man who told you that Ashtoreth had surrendered!" Tubal's father says self righteously, "He wounded me!" Tubal says angrily, "After you broke his nose!" Tubal's father arrogantly, boastfully says, "Peasants have no right to strike back... As I told Zillah and my other wife, (if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly...p. 109

*Genesis 4:24), I shall be avenged (...seventy seven fold.-*Genesis 4:24) Yet she testified against me. Tubal hits his chest but refuses to look at his father as he says furiously, "You are a disgrace to the house of Cain! Who would pardon you?" Tubal's father proudly says, "The goddess who's honor I defended... Ashtoreth has appointed me as the new high priest of the Serpent!" Tubal looks very scared as he asks, "Father, where is mother?" Tubal's Father says mockingly, "Look, behind you..." Some ways behind him Kasdeja is holding Zillah with his right hand over her mouth as she struggles and cries. He floats forward, out of the shadows, holding her tight. Tubal very angrily yells, "Kasdeja, let my mother go or I'll tell king Semjaza!" Kasdeja's coal black eyes stare down at him as he says chillingly, "He knows and approves." Tubal screams, "I don't believe you!" Tubal's father says happily, "Ashtoreth wants you to build a glorious new idol for the Serpent... Make it of bronze!" Tubal says self righteously, "I believe in the one true God. I will never build an idol!" Tubal's father asks with a cruel laugh, "What about the idols you built for the sons of God and yourself?" Tubal says guiltily, "They're not idols! They're monuments." Tubal's father says mockingly, "Then build the Serpent a glorious monument and we will all be happy!" Tubal's pale face becomes a little red as he screams, "No! I hate the Serpent and I hate you!" Tubal's father says harshly, "Son, I'm hurt! You shall build the Serpent a glorious monument or I will cut your mother's heart out for testifying against me!" Tubal hits himself as he cries a lot. Two new moons latter, Tubal and his team of twelve assistants are wearing their thick off white work clothes. They are wearing full headed gas masks with large blue goggles. His team struggles to lift a huge red hot bronze metal piece out of the huge stone furnace with long, thick steel iron hooks. They carry the huge bronze piece towards Tubal and lay it on top of the huge anvil. Tubal furiously strikes the red hot bronze piece many times with a very large hammer. His team turns it around with their large long hooks. It is clearly seen that it is a huge, fancy serpent's head. Tubal angrily throws his hammer down to the ground, bends over and grabs his fancy copper walking stick. He straitens himself up and strikes the serpent's head several times with his walking stick. He limps away. An entrance opens up p. 110

in the transparent wall as he and his team walks out of it. He takes off his gas mask. He is covered in sweat and his eyes are redden with many tears. He is just dripping with sweat which he wipes off his face with his sleeve. He frowns as he cries out in much pain, "O-o-o God! What did I suppose to do?" His team stands silently around him as they begins to remove their gas masks as he stares back hatefully at the serpent's head which he made. Late that night, there is another horrible blizzard as the dire wolves howl. Inside our igloo, our fire is blazing bright in our fire pit. We are wearing our furs and our outer furs but we still are shivering because it's so numbingly cold. Me, Letaah and Chayah are eating some nuts, walking around trying to get warm. I am shivering, eating nuts, saying, "And--that's what happened? I'm so---cold." Chayah eats some nuts and says with frosted breath, "Wow, the crystal palace sounds great! What an adventure!" Letaah shivers, eating nuts as he says, "I just knew Ashtoreth and Semjaza were bad... O-God, this is bad!" My father gets down on his knees with my mother praying silently. Then Enoch prays fearfully, "Lord, me praise you! Me had good life but the wicked comes... Me not ready for family to die! Please save them! What me do, God?" Mehetabel says comfortingly as they look deeply into each other's eyes, "Silly, don't you know that I believe in God and I believe in you... God shall protect our children!" We all hug as we hear other strange sounds outside. A truly hateful voice shouts, "Enoch, you pagan cult leader, come out now or we shall kill your whole family!" Enoch quickly straps on his wood sandals, straps them with heavy furs, gets up, adjusts his silly fur cap, grabs his staff and says, "Get back, me love you Mehetabel... Children, me love you all!" Leetah squints angrily saying, "Let's fight!" Enoch shakes his head, saying, "No fight! Stay..." He opens our fur curtain as he goes out into the howling icy blizzard. We hears the eerie howls of the dire wolves as four serpent warriors grab my father and drag him in front of a very fat old man, dressed in a red hooded robe with white serpent symbols all over it. Enoch shivers, and yells with frosted breath, "Me came out... Don't hurt family! Who are you?" The hooded fat man's long white hair protrudes from his hood and is being blown by the bone chilling winds. As the wind and the dire wolves howls, he shouts hatefully, "Tubal's father... You turn my son p. 111

against the glorious Serpent!" He knocks off my father's fur cap and punches him in the nose, making it bleed. My father moans shivering, his face and his nearly bald head is going numb from the cold as Tubal's father shouts with frosted breath, "Serpent warriors, kill his family!" About twenty serpent warriors dressed in red hooded robes attack our igloo with their long spears as the freezing blizzard rages on. Shivering, Enoch screams as his chap lips split open, his eyes tightly shut as he shouts, "Why, me came out? Lord help!" Green flashes, very strange sounds, screams, as Tubal's Father cries out, "The light! The light! The light! I can't see! I can't see!" The dire wolves stop their eerie howling. Enoch slowly opens his dark brown eyes as a strangely familiar voice shouts, "Leave the just in peace! Leave your spears behind and your sight shall return!" Tubal's father crawls blindly away on his hands and knees as heavy snow falls all around him. The serpent warriors get up, drop their spears and struggle to walk blindly away into the deep snow. Enoch looks up as he grabs his bloody nose. Still chilling, Enoch asks with his silly squeaky voice, "Lord, what's this? Who's there?" Then he pull his fur coat up over his numb mouth and his pugged nose. Up in the stormy, snowy sky, two figures on their fiery rumbling discs, fly strait down towards him. Their colorful orange and green trims glows brightly through the very heavy snowfall. As they fly closer, he can see that they are Uriel and Remiel. The howling wind blows Uriel's long black braided hair wildly around. His dark chubby face smiles widely as he says, "Fear not Enoch, God heard your prayers and we are back!" Enoch says joyously, "Uriel, Remiel, thank God! Family saved! Let's go inside, get warm..." He hugs Uriel tightly, then he hugs Remiel. The freezing wind blows through Remiel's long dark brown hair as his rugged but noble reddish tan face looks warmly at him. Remiel says lovingly, "Enoch, I will always watch over your family!" Uriel and Remiel step off their discs and their disc float up and attach to their backs. Inside our igloo, Leetah and me are clutching our staffs. Mehetabel and my sister are hugging fearfully. We are ready to fight or at least die trying. We hear Enoch's voice, "The Lord saved us! Uriel and Remiel blinded serpent warriors!" We put down our staffs. I say happily, "Ahh, thank God we don't have to fight!" Leetah says angrily, "I guess so... I would of killed p. 112

them!" Enoch quickly opens the fur curtain and runs in. Mehetabel hugs him emotionally, saying, "Praise God, I was so worried! I thought we were all going to die! Enoch, you're hurt! What happened to your nose?" Enoch says hurt, "Tubal's father hit me..." My parents hug and kiss passionately. Uriel and Remiel enter our igloo. My young sister runs to Uriel and Remiel. She greets them joyously. I and Leetah also walk over to them. Chayah hugs Uriel as she says, "Wow! I actually get to meet two good sons of God! Tell me how you blinded the serpent warriors?" Uriel says with a little hesitation, "Glad to meet you too, Chayah... Actually, my friend Remiel blinded them." My sister stop hugging him. Then she hugs Remiel as she asks excitedly, "Remiel, tell me how you blinded the serpent warriors?" His rugged reddish tan face blushes. Remiel smiles at her, saying righteously, "Not warriors, thugs! I blinded the serpent thugs by shooting bright lights out of my hands... I was merciful to them this time." Chayah kisses him on the cheek and says smiling excitedly, "My hero!" I walk up to Uriel and asks, "Uriel, how long have you been gone?" Uriel says sadly, "H-m-mm, you were about seven years old when we were expelled so that would be about fourteen years ago." Leetah says shocked, "Expelled, Azazel said that you and Remiel were called away on an important mission." Uriel says angrily as his dark red eyes water, "He is a liar!" Leetah's yellowish tan face frowns as he asks angrily, "I knew it, he's as bad as Ashtoreth! Tell us what really happened..." Remiel says sadly, We came here to bring people back to God... After a few years, I notice how several of us had become involved with your very beautiful women... I tried to tell Uriel but he didn't believe it until... Fourteen years ago, Uriel and Remiel fly near the top of the ice covered mountain near the huge beautiful crystal palace. Remiel looks embarrassed as he looks all around, saying, "Uriel, have you notice how beautiful some of the savage's women are?" Uriel says smiling wide, "Sure... God has made the women very beautiful for the savages!" Remiel reddish tan face blushes bright red as he says, These savage women are always flirting with me... I envy the savages!" Uriel's dark red eyes looks concerned as he says, "My God, Remiel you are really tempted! I shall ask Semjaza to send you back

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before you do something foolish." Remiel says slowly, "Uriel my friend, I have heard rumors that many of us have already given into this temptation... Some say Semjaza came here about eighty years ago and did some..." Uriel's dark brows frown, his wide cheeks droop as he says shocked and offended, "How dare you accuse Semjaza! Still, if you are tempted, others are too!" Latter, on that very dark cloudy night, strange beams of light come from the crystal palace. Uriel, Remiel and many other sons of God fly strait into the crystal palace on their fiery rumbling discs. Inside a gigantic room near the top of the palace, they form a huge circle, all floating at the same level with one another. Semjaza's fist sized yellow jewel and trim shine brightly. He has Azazel by his side. Uriel has Remiel by his side. Semjaza says as he floats up a little, "I Semjaza, bring this meeting to order... Uriel has asked to share his concerns... Brother, what is bothering you?" They all watch Uriel floats up to Semjaza's level. Uriel's big dark cheeks droop as he says sincerely, "Fellow sons of God, we came here to bring the savages back to God but now we are becoming savages... Those involved with the savage women must leave! Even our good brother Remiel needs to go! Some may be even be teaching the savages things they could use to destroy themselves... Semjaza, please correct these problems or we should all leave!" Uriel floats down to the other's level. Asbeel raises his hand. He has flowing black hair and friendly brown eyes. His collar's fist sized jewel and trim glow pink. At his side, is the dark, thin but muscular Kasdeja who has the blackest eyes. His collar's fist sized jewel and trim glow purple. Semjaza squints his brown eyes as he says, "Asbeel, you may respond..." Asbeel floats up. Asbeel's kindly brown eyes look all around as he smoothly says, "Brothers, I respectfully disagree with Uriel... We are not savages!!! We should all take a wife and have children by them... By so doing, we will enlighten them and improve their breed." He floats down to the other's level. Semjaza says timidly, "I agree with Asbeel... We should all take a wife and have children." Uriel's big dark cheeks droop, his mouth falls open in disbelief. Uriel floats up as he says shocked, "Semjazi, what are you saying? Asbeel is horribly wrong!" Semjaza turns towards him, squints his eyes angrily, and says forcefully, "Enough! You had your say... I am the leader here but I will not p. 114

act alone. Who else supports our plan?" A pale one with smooth brown hair lifts his left hand. His collar's fist sized jewel and trim glows red. He holds a small white tablet with his right hand. His left hand's index finger touches it and it glows whitish. He pauses for a moment, his stately brown eyes look calmly up as he says, I Penemue, the dedicated scribe, believe in Semjaza's wisdom... Tis best for everyone... Azazel raises his hand and says confidently, "Why not? As long as we remain loyal?" Asbeel raises his right arm. He smiles and says loudly, "Let all who support Semjaza take the unbreakable oath to follow our plan!" Kasdeja, who is thin but muscular raises his right hand besides him and says, "Yes!" Remiel looks down at his collar's fist sized green jewel. Then he floats up next to Uriel, puts his hand on his shoulder and say discouraged, "I told you, Uriel!" The vast majority raise their hands in support. Uriel's dark red eyes overflow with tears as he shouts desperately, "Don't do it! This is against God!" Penemue coolly says, "Uriel and Remiel, lower yourselves and apologize to our leader!" Uriel angrily asks, "And who would that be, Peneme? God is my leader!" Uriel and Remiel slowly lower themselves. Semjaza's yellowish tan face frowns angrily as he says, "Silence Uriel! If you feel that the savages are corrupting you, then leave! Take anyone who refuses to take the oath with you!" Uriel stares sorrowfully at them all and says desperately, You heard Semjaza, if you love God, leave with us! Uriel and Remiel leave with their faces downcast. They fly up out of the palace through an oval exit the opens up in the ceiling and they float up towards one of the beams of light as several sons of God follow them. Remiel completes his story saying sadly as he looks around at us, Only about a fourth of our brothers, left with us... Uriel sadly shakes his downcast head. We listen intently. Then Chayah's dark face frowns, she crosses her arms and she says angrily, Semjaza, and his followers are a disgrace!

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 8. Qophs

Intoduction My greenish brown eyes sparkles as I say excitedly, "Wow, Uriel and Remiel saved you... Grandpa, did you actually see them?" Grandpa says as his dark wrinkled eyes sparkle back, "I saw them several times... Maybe if you are good, you will get to see them someday." My youthful brown face lights up as I say, "I sure hope so... That would be great!" I hugs grandpa as grandma Qoph sneaks up behind us. She's real fat and pinkish white. She is dressed in her ankle length brown hooded furs. Her hood is pulled back. She has has long pure white hair. She sits down behind us. Grandpa looks back and is startled to see her. Me and grandpa sit up on the furs as we all turn towards each other. She picks a dark hair off of my gray fur coat and drops it in a near-by stone jar. Her bloated wrinkle face frowns slightly as grandma Qoph asks, "Grandpa, do you really think it's good to tell him all these wild stories?" I looks lovingly at her light green eyes, as I say, "Grandma Qoph, I begged grandpa to tell me about what happened..." Grandpa asks nervously, "Grandma Qoph, how long have you been listening? I thought you were asleep... She stares disapprovingly at him. Then she turns to me. Grandma Qoph says worriedly, "Grandson, don't believe everything he tells you... Sometime, grandpa adds wild stories to what happened." Disturb, I looks up at grandpa, and ask him, "Grandpa, did you lie to me?" Grandpa looks embarrassed as he lowers his balding head, barely cover by his silly fur cap. Grandma Qoph smiles slightly as she says, "Some of grandpa's stories are p. 116

true... The sons of God still rule the world and his father did had conflicts with them but do you really believe that Asbeel took them up to the crystal palace where they saw Azazel defeat Ashtoreth with magic words? Or how about Remiel blinding two dozen attacking serpent warriors with magic lights? Do you really believe that?" As a young boy, I frowns painfully, shyly asking, "Why would Grandpa lie to me?" Grandpa smiles angrily as he says boldly, "Now grandma Qoph, everything I told him is true to the best I can remember it!" Teary eyed, I stares deeply into his dark brown eyes, asking, "Then why did grandma Qoph say you lied?" Grandpa says with a mischievous smile on his brown wrinkled face, "Grandma Qoph, is worried about what I might tell you about her..." My grandma looks stressed, almost scared as she briefly hugs me. Then grandma Qoph says very nervously, "That's ridiculous! Grandson, don't believe him if he tells you that I have a..... Grandpa, haven't you told him enough wild stories." I tearfully plead, "But grandma Qoph, I still haven't found out what happened to Enoch... Please grandma Qoph, let grandpa tell me some more." Grandma Qoph bows her head, covers her eyes briefly with her right hand, takes a long breath and says not at all thrilled, "Fine, tell our grandson some more stories." Grandpa says slowly as we recline a bit on the many mostly gray furs on their icy floor and we snuggle together, "With Uriel and Remiel protecting Enoch and his family, Enoch preached boldly to anyone who would listen to serve the true God and not worship the sons of God which more and more people did... The sons of God made it more difficult for the people who didn't worship them to grow food and or to trade so many people become very hungry... More than ten years latter, Mara, the mother of Vashti died in her sleep... My father conducted her funeral..." Grandpa tells me about Mara's funeral. A crowd stands by her freshly dug grave with the grave stones, the icy dirt and some snow covering them. Me, my mother, Letaah and my younger sister stand together dressed in our dark heavy hooded furs. We are older, cold, and teary eyed. Mehetabel's hair is now gray and she's a little plumper. Raanan and Chomah also look older standing with their two teenage daughters and their young son. Tubal, 'Aqqow, and Zillah look older too. Even 'Aqqow's once youthful, smooth tan p. 117

face has some little wrinkles. Semjaza, Azazel, Asbeel, and Kasdeja float just above the ground on their softly rumbling discs with their wives standing with them. The wives are a little cold, wearing fancy light weight furs. Ashtoreth is somewhat plumper but she and Naamah have not aged. Vashti and Yerach look noticeable older with some wrinkles on their faces and gray streaks in their hair. Uriel and Remiel are floating on their discs behind my father, quietly watching. Vashti steps down from Asbeel's disc and walks over towards my father who is standing by Mara's gravestones, dressed in his good yellowish tan furs with his silly fur cap on his nearly bald head. Vashti straitens out her shoulder length mostly black hair with gray streaks. Her tears run down her slightly wrinkled yellowish tan cheeks. Vashti emotionally says, "I know my mother was old but... Just yesterday, she seem well... I went to wake her up but she didn't wake up!" She bows her head. Enoch's wide cheeks droop as he says sadly, "Me sorry, Vashti." Vashti says crying, "Enoch, thanks... If you hadn't pray for her those many years ago, she would have died way back then... If only I had a baby for her to hold before she died... She so wanted a grandchild!! Enoch, say some words for us to remember her by." She backs away as Enoch closes his eyes tightly and says, "Yes, Vashti." Me, Mehetabel, Letaah, and Chayah watch tearfully. As do Raanan, Chokmah, and their three children. Enoch stands before everyone and lifts up his arms to waves to everyone. Enoch looks up and says sadly, "We come together to thank God for Mara... Mara read sacred carvings in holy cave... Mara taught Vashti wisdom. God bless many by her... God took Mara away... We sad! But God is not only creator but Lord... Lord gave Mara... Lord took Mara... Bless God who is the Lord!! Bye Mara..." He waves bye and bows his head. His silly fur cap falls down to the icy ground, revealing his nearly bald head with his long gray hair flowing down all along his broad shoulders. Then he slowly walks back to us. Slowly, everybody gets in line one by one to pay their respects at her gravestone and they sadly bows their heads. Raanan's brown eyes squint happily as she says, "Father, it's been so long... Look, me and Chokmah's children are growing up so fast." Enoch says sighing deeply, "My Raanan... Ah, the years go... I love you!" They hug. Chokmah is now a full grown man. He comes up to my father, saying, "Enoch, it is an honor to see p. 118

you again." Enoch hugs him and says, "Me too, Chokmah. How's Chen?" Chokmah's still youthful yellowish tan face looks down as he sadly says, "A saber tooth tiger attack our village about two years ago... My father died defending us..." Enoch looks downcast, remembering Chen as he says, "He good man, me sorry!" Then Raanan's children run up and hug my parents. Mehetabel smiles broadly, saying, Ah, my beautiful grandchildren... I'm so glad to finally see you all. Enoch is speechless. Uriel and Remiel smile. Mehetabel hugs her grandchildren again and again as she smiles at Raanan, saying joyfully, "They're so wonderful! My little girl is a mother... How did your children grow up so fast?" Chayah says mockingly, "I'll wait a while till I have some of my own... Mother, can I go now? Funerals are depressing?" Mehetabel says irritated, "Ask your Father." Enoch points his index finger at her and says solemnly, "Chayah, it important to respect dead!" Chayah jumps up and down, saying, "Please father, please father, please, please!" Enoch says annoyed, "Go..." My sister quickly runs away. Raanan standing near-by, grabs my father's shoulders and says scared, "Father, I had another bad dream..." Enoch looks kindly at her gentle yellowish tan face. Enoch sadly asks, "Big red serpent with many heads again?" Raanan's brown eyes open wide as she says, "The serpent went away but now a skeleton follows you and everyone is scared!" Enoch big wrinkled cheeks droop as he says, "Mara's death bothers you... Raaman, don't be afraid, trust God!" He hugs Raanan, Chokmah, and all their children tightly. Raaman's children take turns hugging Leetah as he says, "I can't wait to have children of my own... They are so feisty." Raanan's children hug me and I feel uncomfortable. Mehetabel looks at me concerned as she asks, "Son, when are you going to find a wife?" I says embarrassed, "It's hard to find a wife when most women's fathers are scared of my father." Enoch frowns. Mehetabel hugs me close as she says nervously, "Maybe... Maybe, your father should find you a wife for you like he found a husband for Raanan." I says more nervously, "I want to find my own wife." Mehetabel's dark wrinkled face looks sad as she says urgently, "Then hurry up... You are not as young as you used to be." I says frowning, "Mother, this is a funeral!" Mehetabel's wide cheeks droop as she says solemnly, "I know! Funerals tells us we don't p. 119

have forever to find love." Her words haunt me. Grandpa tells me what happened next. Latter that day, after the rest of us walk back to our igloo, my sister Chayah pulls back on our fur curtains and enters as I put more sticks into our fire pit to keep our precious warm fire alive. She is really excited as she pulls back her hood. Her dark, girlish face smiles mischievously back at me, her dark brown eyes shine with sheer excitement as she says, Father, mother, guess where I have been and what I saw! We all stare at her, waiting for her to tell us whatever it is. Mehetabel looks worried as she asks, Chayah, could you have been by Tubal's monuments? Chayah asks, How did you know? It's been years since any of us have gone there. Mehetabel says boastfully, I'm your mother... I know.. Letaah says frowning, That's a bad place! A circle of wicked idols... Father says so! Chayah smiles mischievously and says, Father's right but it gotten even worst! You cannot believe what's there now. Enoch asks with his silly squeaky voice, Got worst? How? Chayah rubs her hands together in glee, saying, A monument to the Serpent in the middle of those idols! I ask shocked, What the...? Enoch shouts, O Lord, no! We all wrap our sandals in furs and tied them with straps of animal hides. We put on our heaviest furs and cover our mouths and noses to protect us from the bitter cold. Our family rides in our sledge. Me and Leetah pull the sledge as fast as we can towards the circle of Tubal's huge idols. After a while, we slow down. It's a rather long walk pulling our sledge as it snows lightly. As we approach the huge unholy circle of idols, we see a huge bronze thing with huge wings in the middle. As we pull our sledge to the edge of the circle, we see that behind the huge iron steel statues of Semjaza and Tubal, is the sickening bronze abomination. On top of a huge egg shaped silver colored pool, there is a huge very long coiled bronze serpent with two very large crystal pink jewels for eyes. It's long outstretched dragon wings is posed like it's about to fly up into the heavens. The serpent's mighty jaws are opened wide, baring it's long sharp fangs. Although the bronze serpent is quite a bit shorter than the other idols, it is by far the largest because of it's length and its wide outstretched dragon wings. The egg shaped silver pool has lots of life size statues of mermaids, p. 120

parrots and pythons. Mehetabel looks up at it, saying, Tubal made this! The Serpent.. It horrible! Leetah shouts angrily, It's ungodly! Chayah says with girlish glee, Wow, Tubal has really outdone himself! Enoch stands up in the sledge, shakes his staff angrily as his tan wrinkled face turns somewhat reddish. Enoch shouts, Tubal-Cain, how could you? O Lord, what an abomination! Next summer, it snows lightly. It's a beautiful warm day. Me, my parents, Leetah and Zemorah, who is a pretty dark woman holding Leetah's hand walk in the shallow snow. She is dressed in her ankle length heavy black furs. My father's legs are somewhat weaker, he now needs his staff to walk securely. He is dressed in his yellowish tan furs. He is wearing his silly fur cap on his nearly bald head. My mother is dressed in her orangish brown thick hooded furs. I am dressed in my tan furs. Letaah is dressed in his dark brown furs. Me and Letaah are both middle aged and we look it. Zemorah adjusts her shoulder length black braided hair under her fur hood. She looks over and lovingly smiles at Letaah, saying, "Thanks, Leetah for taking me with your family." Letaah smiles back at her saying, "Zemorah, this good time for you to get to know my family." My parents look back and smiles at her. Mehetabel looks around nervously, asking, "Chayah, where are you? Did anyone see where she went?" Enoch says irritated, "Not again." We all look around but we don't see her. Letaah wipes his long mostly black hair with a just little gray back out of his angrily squinting eyes, saying, "I'm not waiting for her! Let's go..." Mehetabel shakes her fist at him and asks, "How can you say that? Chayah's out there somewhere and we have enemies." Letaah says mockingly, "If our enemies have as hard a time finding her as we do, she will be fine.." I walks next to my mother, saying, "Don't worry mother, Chayah will be fine..." Enoch quickly prays, "H-h-mmm, Lord protect Chayah! Keep her safe. We go..." Mehetabel says angrily, "What? We should look for her." Enoch say, "Mehetabel! Chayah, grown woman... Trust God, we go..." We walk to a large igloo on the top of a rocky hill. Enoch shouts loudly, "Yerach, we here!" Yerach says loudly from within, "Enoch, come on in with your family... We been waiting for you." We enter their rather large igloo. Yerach is wearing her p. 121

long green dress, reclining on a large white fur rug with her rather skinny mother, her older but still pretty sister, and Vashti. They are reclining close together. Her mother is wearing a very nice long gray dress and a dark fur cap. Her sister wears a long pretty brown dress and light fur cap. Vashti wears her silver gown. There are wooden plates on her white fur rug, loaded with fresh bread, nuts, and some fruits. There are also wooden cups and a wineskin. Yerach's dark eyes squint cheerfully as she says, "Welcome to my mother's home... Sit down and eat with us." We all sit down on the rug with them. I sit down next to my mother. Mehetabel sadly smiles as she asks, "Is this your mother and older sister you told us about." Yerach says as she points to her mother and sister, "Mehetabel, this is my family! My mother Giylath and my sister Bosmath... You already know my good friend Vashti." Giylath wipes back her long gray braided hair, and says, "I am Giylath. My daughter has told me how lucky you are to be the wife of Enoch, the great man of God." Mehetabel says mockingly, "I'm thrilled." Bosmath looks longingly at me as she says to my mother, "I'm Bosmath, your son is kind of hansom." Mehetabel smiles slyly as she says, "You think so." I'm a little embarrassed. I quickly ask, "Vashti, where's Asbeel?" Yerach's dark face frowns intensely. Vashti says embarrassed, "He is not welcomed here..." Giylath and Bosmath cross their arms and frowns angrily. Yerach says tearfully, angrily, "Don't mention them! I don't know what I would of done without Vashti's friendship... Vashti, you're very wise except for marrying that monster! I had no choice but you did!" Then they hug briefly as Vashti says calmly, "Methuselah didn't mean to disturb you..." Yerach says as she smiles shyly at Letaah, "I sorry, I'm not being a good host... Letaah, who's the pretty woman with you?" Letaah who is reclining next to Zemorah, says brashly, "My new woman..." She smiles angrily as she grabs his shoulder and squeezes it till it hurts. Zemorah says, "What Letaah means to say is that I am his future wife... My name is Zemorah." Giyath laughs a little, saying, "Zemorah, is it... I see." Bosmath looks curiously at my father, as she asks, "Enoch, how often will you preach in our village? Many of our people want to hear the great Enoch preach... And will Methuselah be there?" Enoch says as he yawns, "Only five times a week... Me p. 122

need rest..." Mehetabel says excitedly, "And yes, Methuselah will be there!" That makes me nervous. We began eating and drinking. Mehetabel asks panic stricken, "Why hasn't Chayah come yet? What if something has happen to her?" I say, "Don't worry mother. I'll go out to find her now that I have eaten a great meal." I get up, put on my wood sandals, wrapped thick furs around them with animal hide straps, put on my outer hooded furs, grabs my staff and then I go out to look for my sister. I look all around in the near-by slushy woods. I hear some dire wolves howling in the distance but I don't see any. I see lots of icicles hanging from trees dripping lots of drops of water. It's that warm. I walk with my staff through the slushy snow. I say amazed, "Wow, what a warm day! The snow is actually melting..." I hear a strange sound behind me in the distance, like something running and then stopping. I turns back but I don't quite see it. I walk faster, getting somewhat nervous. I turn nervously around. Behind me in the distance, out of the corner of my eye, I just barely see something for a moment. Something strange, thin, pinkish white, dressed in gray with very short, furry bright white hair. I hear a little sneeze as I nervously look around. I see it again, just a blur running from one tree to another. I walk much faster. I'm spooked as I hear a louder sneeze. I looks all around, calling out, asking, "Chayah, is that you? Come on out!" I begin to run. I stumbles on a large icy rock. I feel myself breathe harder as I fall down on the slushy snow. My graying dark brown beard is moisten by the slush that I fell on. I feel like someone is watching me as I get up in a hurry with my staff. I swing my staff wildly in a threatening manner. I hear some sniffing sounds as I ask loudly, panicking, "Who's there?" I run. I hear another sneeze. I look behind me. I see her in the distance, looking at me from behind a large tree with lots of dripping icicles. She's sniffling and sneezing. She runs after me barefooted through the slush and slowly catches up to me. I stop as I swing my staff around in a threatening manner. She stops in front of me. She's shivering and sneezes again. Snot is running out of her little nose. She's thin, her skin whitish pink, her very short hair is bright white and stands on it's ends. She stares at me with her teary light green eyes. She's wearing a thin, long sleeved, knee length gray robe with a large white seven p. 123

imprinted by her chest. She wipe most of the snot off her nose with her long sleeve. She shivers and sniffles, saying painfully, "I'm---cold!" There's a slight bluish flash within her as she bends over in terrible pain. I stop swinging my staff. I lowers it as we stare at each other. She sneezes again as some more snot flies out her little nose. She turns around in a panic. I yell, "Don't run! Tell me who you are!" Still shivering, she run away very quickly. I look around this warm forest for her but she's gone. Latter, I walk wearily with my staff though the slush. I yells, "Chayah, Chay--ah, where are you? Chay--ah, Chayah, Chayah!" I hear my sister's distant voice, "Brother, be quiet! It might come back..." I turns back to look at a tall icy tree behind me. I slowly look up to see my sister sitting on a slushy branch with lots of dripping icicles high up on the tree. My sister is dressed in some light weight brown furs. She looks down at me and waves. I asks loudly, "What are you doing up there?" Chayah says very softly, fearfully, "Staying safely away from it..." I ask irritated, "What are you talking about?" Chayah sits squirming as she says nervously, softy, "Be quiet! I saw several bizarre animals running away from a big, snarling, three headed dire wolf..." Her dark youthful face looks scare as she nervously looks down at me. I shout up to hers with a little laugh, So you saw a dire wolf? Scared? Irritated, Chayah calls down to me saying loudly, One with three heads! I shouts angrily, "What? Sister, come down at once! Our mother is worried about you!" She begins to climbs down. Chayah says, "Be Quiet! And brother don't treat me like a little girl.." I look up at her, saying, "Then don't make up such wild stories!" She slides to the bottom of the icy tree. We begin walking away. She frowns childishly. I asks curiously, "Did you see a whitish pink woman with short white hair?" Chayah sticks out her tongue at me and says angrily, "No. I saw a three headed dire wolf!" I was about to respond when we hear terrible echoing growls that scares me. Chayah says with a mischievous smile on her dark girlish face, "It was scary!" The next morning at Yerach's igloo. I am sleeping on some furs when I hear Yerach's voice saying, "I'm afraid I am out of goat's milk. I better go p. 124

to the markets..." This wakes me up but I shut my eyes tight and pretend to still be asleep. I hear them talk. Mehetabel says, "Do not trouble yourself. I'm sure Letaah would be glad to go get some..." Then Letaah says, "Sure mother, I will go at once!" Zemorah says fearfully, "No Letaah, Chayah said that there are scary monsters out there!" Letaah says boastfully, "I'm not scared!" Zemorah says fearfully, "But I am! Letaah, don't endanger yourself! I love you!" Mehetabel says, "Forget it, Letaah... Methuselah, I know you are awake... Get some goat's milk for Yerach." I slowly rub my eyes, sits up and frowns as I ask angrily, "What? Mother, why don't you go? Or how about Chayah?" Chayah and Enoch are still asleep. Mehetabel looks down at me saying frailly, "I'm getting old... My legs hurt... I have problems walking. Chayah is still asleep and I don't want to wake her. Now son, get up and go!" I get up as I asks tiredly, "I guess so, mother... What shall I bring to trade for the goat's milk?" Mehetabel says, "Vashti is already baking some fresh flat bread... I'm sure that you can take some bread and trade it at the markets." I sluggishly put on my wood sandals, wrap them with thick furs, grab my staff and leave. It's not quite as warm as I walk through the slushy, snowy woods again using my staff. I hear a sneeze and strange sounds like quick foot steps. I look around nervously at all the icy trees as a cool wind blows. Something runs from one tree to another. I turn back but don't see anyone. I hear some soft sniffling as I ask loudly, "Are you the girl I saw yesterday?" I hear soft footsteps. I look all around but all I see is more icy trees. I turns forward quickly, but nothing. I shout quickly, "You are the girl, are you not?" My eyes open wide as I asks, "Chayah, are you following me?" Shivering with snot running down her small nose, the strange thin girl comes up behind me and touches my shoulder. I turn around. She sneezes twice, spraying snot on me. She shivers as we stare motionless at each other for a while. Then, we hear the very scary echoing growls. She snivels and runs away fast towards the markets. I run after her but she gets away so I walk to the markets. The markets has a small crowd and traders standing around a few carts with various goods in them. I hears some goats beating. Then I'm startled. I see a strange thin woman wearing a gray cap around her very short p. 125

bright white hair, milking a fat speckled brown and white goat. She is dressed in a long gray furs. She turns towards me. She looks just like the strange girl I saw earlier. I walk up to her as I stare at her curiously. She frowns at me, looking offended. She angrily asks, "What do you want?" She stops milking her goat and stands up. I say, still staring at her, "Some goat's milk." She asks, "What do you have to trade with?" I say as I take out some flat bread out from my heavy fur pouch, "Fresh bread..." She takes a good look at the flat bread, holds it up, smells it, nods her head and smiles. She says, "That will do." I says as I sheepishly smile at her, "I saw you out in the woods... Why did you run away from me?" Her whitish pink face frowns angrily, her light green eyes glare at me as she says hurt, "Stop mocking me! That's very rude... I know I look strange but you shouldn't make up wild stories about me!" I say sincerely, "I'm Sorry!!! How much bread for a jar of goat's milk? We traded and I left. Latter, I walk though the icy snow with my staff. I look over my shoulder, sensing that someone is watching me. Someone runs after me and hides behind a tree near me. I turn towards that tree, holding up my staff in a defensive manner. I shout nervously, "Who's there? I mean you no harm, honest." I am in the middle of several tall ice-covered trees dripping little drops of water all around as a warm wind blows. Hiding behind a tree, she slowly walks out from behind the tree and stands shivering in front of me with snot running down her reddish little nose.. She acts scared, still dressed in the same gray robe with a big seven printed on it. She sneezes. I ask smiling kindly at her, "Are you the girl at the market? My name is Methuselah... I didn't get your name." She sneezes twice and holds up five fingers on one hand and two fingers on the other. She smiles shyly. I ask excitedly, "Seven? Is your name Seven?" Sniffling, her whitish pink face nods in agreement. She sneezes and more snot comes out of her nose. It begins to snow lightly. I look deeply into her light green eyes and ask, "Why don't you speak to me? Are you still mad at me?" She shakes her head, and smiles hugely, as her light green eyes sparkle. She wipes the snot off her face with her sleeve and points at me, then she slowly touches my furs around my chest with her thin index finger. She sniffles and sneezes again. p. 126

Then she touches my forehead with her index finger, just under my hood. Then she quickly touches me in several other places around my face and chest. I asks, "Seven, why are you touching me?" She hugs me so tightly that I become embarrassed. She sneezes twice more. Then, we hear the very scary growling again. She quickly run away towards the markets again. I run after her but she vanishes. I run back to the woman at the market who looks disturbed at my return. I run towards her and stop in front of her. I ask her, "Seven, what were you running from?" She frowns bitterly at me and asks, "How dare you mock me again! Father come, here's the creep!" A large pale bald man with a very long black beard comes and grabs me by my throat, yelling, "Leave my poor daughter alone or else!" I say scared, "I'm sorry, but she ran away so quickly..." Her father squeezes my throat tightly as he says harshly, "My daughter can barely walk, you creep! My name is Ya'al, now leave! He stands right in front of me, looking down at me in a hostile manner. I say nervously, "No, Seven runs really fast!" Ya'al shouts at me in tearful, angry manner, "Her name is not Seven! And she has never ran a day in her life. Get out now!" I ask him fearfully, "Does she have a twin sister?" Ya'al says sadly, "No, Qadash is my only daughter!" He slowly lets go of my throat and I run away. I walk back to Yerach's large igloo. I hear the very scary echoing growls. Growls like several hungry dire wolves but somehow quite different. Then Seven runs barefoot shivering towards me and hides behind me. I can't believe it but a dark gray snarling, three headed nightmare, charges towards us. I see the twisted source of these unnatural growls. I swing my wooden staff with all my might at this fierce monster. Shivering and sneezing, Seven is terrified, jumping up and down behind me. I hit all three of it's large ugly heads as it's narrow snouts viciously snaps at us. I shout fearfully, "Get away from her! Help, someone help me!" With snot running down her face, Seven jumps up and down wildly behind me. Letaah quickly rushes out of with his staff and hits it fiercely, asking, "O--my, what the h...?" Zemorah comes out, screaming, "Letaah, oh--no! You're going to die!" p. 127

She runs back in scared. Chayah also come out and watches smiling.. Chayah points towards it as she says excitedly, "See brother, I told you it was scary!" This dire wolf's three sets of huge sharp fangs snap at everything in sight. It's six dark yellow eyes stared at us in utter fury. I'm terrified as one of it's brutal jaws snaps the end of my staff off like a frozen twig. Sniffling, Seven keeps jumping up and down behind me. Letaah bashes one head hard with his staff on one side of it and my staff hits another head wildly on it's other side. Chilling, Seven wipes the snot off her very pale face with her sleeve and wraps her thin arms tightly around herself to get less cold. She looks up high in the sky and sees fiery discs flying very quickly towards us. It's Uriel and Remiel. They come to a quick stop floating above us. Uriel stretches out his right hand towards the beast. His right hand shoots a thick stream of blinding orange flames right next to the dark three headed monster, singing it's dark gray fur. Even though the stream of blinding flames lasts only for a few moments, we feel the flame's intense heat as this snarling nightmare runs away like a scared puppy. Our furs are slightly singed and the snow near-by is melted. Zemorah comes out and hugs Letaah very passionately. We all look up at Uriel and Remiel in awe. I shout happily, "Uriel! Remiel! Thank God!" Letaah says proudly, "That wasn't necessary... I would of defeated the beast!" Zemorah breathing heavily, says to him, "Letaah, Thank God Uriel saved your life or I'd be a widow before I became a bride!" Letaah frowns silently at her as she kisses him. Uriel and Remiel float down near us. We all walk over to them. Chayah says in awe, "Uriel, I thought you didn't fight..." Uriel looks heroic as he says heroically, "Just because I hate fighting, doesn't mean that I can't..." Chayah hugs Uriel for a while and says, "Uriel, ---my hero!" Remiel's reddish tan face looks irritated as he says, "Show off..." My parents slowly come out of Yerach's igloo using their staffs. Confused, Enoch asks, "What happened? Who's the girl?" Still shivering, she sneezes several times in a row. I say, "I believe her name is Seven... A three headed dire wolf attack us but Uriel and Remiel saved us!" Mehetabel asks mockingly with a laugh, "A three headed dire wolf, like in Chayah's silly story?" Letaah says forcefully, "Mother, I fought this monster! It's not a silly story..." Remiel frowns, saying, "Letaah tells the truth but this p. 128

dire wolf is not natural..." Mehetabel says as she begins to stare at Seven who has snot running down to her pale lips, "Thank God Uriel, for saving my son! But who's that creepy girl?" I say somewhat embarrassed,"A girl I met..." They all stare intensely at the strange girl who is still shivering and sniffling.. She wipes the snot off her cute whitish pink face as she jumps around very nervously. Enoch walks to her and kindly asks, "Seven, you well? Where's your family?" She sniffles and looks extremely confused. She tries to run but Remiel grabs her and says, "Seven, do not fear!" Uriel grabs her form behind as everyone gathers around to watch. Uriel says comfortingly to her, Fear not! You shall be free from it... Remiel lays his right hand on her shivering chest. His hand glows brightly green. Seven shakes violently, breathes heavily and starts screaming horribly. She is bathed in greenish light as a small, ghostly pale blue thing with many long stringy arms slithers out of her chest and wraps itself around Remiel's mighty hand. Seven screams and faints. Remiel angrily shakes his head, swinging his long dark brown hair all around. Disgusted, Remiel stares at the slimy pale blue thing as he shouts, "Modified energy parasite!" He lifts his hand up above his head as the squirming thing with many thin stringy arms makes a strange screeching sound. His hand glows bright green as it squirms wildly around his fingers. He greatly tightens his mighty grip. It explodes like a blueish lightening bolt but his hand is unharmed. I ask fearfully, "What was that?" Remiel's rugged, reddish tan face frowns deeply as he says to me, "Something bad!" Uriel gently lays Seven down into my waiting arms. She still sniffling as I stares at her peacefully sleeping for a long while. My family gathers around us. Uriel and Remiel fly away on their fiery, softly rumbling discs. I carry her to Yerach's very warm igloo. I open the fur curtain and take the shivering girl inside. Latter, Seven is asleep, lying on some nice thick furs. She is no longer shivering. She wakes up and opens her light green eyes. She still sniffling a little. She doesn't try to sit up. She tries to focus her eyes on me, as Yerach, and Vashti sit around her. Vashti's yellowish tan face kindly smiles at her. Vashti says softly, "Look, she's waking up." Seven begins to see us clearly. We all are very tired as I asks her, "Seven, are you alright?" She p. 129

yawns and sneezes. Yerach's lovely dark face looks down at her with concern. Yerach says as Seven slowly sits up, "I'm Yerach, welcome to my home... Have some goat's milk." Yerach hands her a wood jar of goat's milk. She slowly sips some milk as her whitish pink face smiles. She stares at me as I smile back at her. Then she looks around and stares intently on a very small twig lying on the white fur on the other side of the igloo. She looks horrified, breathing heavily, making a quick shriek. She jumps up, runs past me, Yerach, and Vashti, and grabs the tiny broken twig. She stares at it and looks around scared. We stand up and walk towards her. She sneezes twice. Seeing how very disturbed she is, I ask, "Seven, what's wrong?" Sniffling, Seven says frantically, "Floor filthy! Cleanliness is life!" Shocked that she spoke, she acts like she is about to be tortured. She's surprised that nothing bad happens to her. Seven asks in disbelief, "Lords, am I allowed to speak?" I say happily, "Yes!" She hugs me tightly, asking fearfully, "But... how? Only---Lord can do that! And I ran away from him..." I say, "Remiel, a son of God freed you... You're free to speak!" Seven says breathlessly, "I can speak? O-bless Remiel! O-Remiel!" Yerach wrinkled eyes squint angrily as she asks her, "Who is this Lord?" Seven says very fearfully, "Lord is Lord! I never go back!" Seven sneezes. Yerach gently asks her, "Seven, how's your father and mother? Are they well?" With a puzzled look on her face, Seven asks, "What's father? What's mother?" I am disturbed by her response. Vashti says sadly, "You must never have known your parents... Do you have any family?" Seven looks around at us and asks puzzled, "What's family?" Vashti says lovingly, "Brothers, sisters, people like you..." Seven says excitedly, "Qophs, we all looked alike... One, Two, Four, Five, Six, me, Eight, Nine and Ten... We clean Sheol for Lord!" Seven wipes a little snot from her nose with her sleeve. Yerach asks worried, "Seven, how are your sisters?" Seven bows her head and weeps bitterly, as she says, "They, a-a-u-gh! Aa-uugh." I asks gently, "Seven, please tell us about you and your sisters." Seven sneezes again. Seven's whitish pink face tearfully frowns as she says sadly, "Since we were very little, we qophs clean Sheol for Lord... Must clean every speak of blood or..." p. 130

I listen intently as Seven tells us about how when she and her eight sisters were just four years old, all nine of them stood at attention, scared. How they all look just like each other except for the large white number printed on the chest area of their long gray, long sleeved robes. They all have very short white hair, whitish pink skin and light green eyes. They all wear white gloves on their little hands and white slippers on their little feet. They lived in Sheol where all the walls glow white. Their androgynous trainer whose head is always covered by a mirrored ball walks towards them. Their trainer is dressed in long flowing silver colored, long sleeved robes and silver gloves. Trainer's androgynous voice says sternly, "Qophs, lower your heads! Lord is coming... Never look at Lord or die!" Little Seven and the other qophs see themselves reflected in the mirrored ball that hides their trainer's face. They say in unison, "Yes, trainer!" They all stare down at their little white slippers, trembling as a soft bluish light begins to shine on them. Lord's voice says harshly, "I am Lord! You exist to clean Sheol perfectly... Repeat after me, cleanliness is life!" Little four year old Seven says in unison with the other qophs, "Cleanliness is life!" The soft bluish light goes away but none of them dare raises their little heads because they are so afraid. Trainer says loudly, "Repeat!" They say, "Cleanliness is life!", over and over again. A few days latter, Seven cleans some blood stains on one of the glowing white walls. Her two little glove covered hands holds a silver colored cleaning device that slowly removes the splattered blood from the wall as she floats near the white ceiling on a disc, on her hands and knees. She slowly cleans the glowing white wall. Behind her, there is a large nearly transparent circular cage. Inside the cage, a huge, extremely hairy brown primate sits. Seven floats down near the white floor. She puts down the silver colored cleaning device, one of six cleaning devices on her floating disc. She picks up the gray cleaning device. She begins to clean the bloody floor. This device begins to suck blood off the smooth white floor. She is very tired. Seven floats up to the nearly transparent cage. She is about to put the gray cleaning device down when the big hairy brown primate startles her by violently beating against it's nearly transparent cage in front of her. Bluish p. 131

lights pulses from inside the beast as the huge upright standing primate falls down unconscious. Startled, Seven grabs the white cleaning device and almost begins cleaning some bloodstains on the nearly transparent cage. As she is about to clean the cage, trainer says harshly, "Stop!" She jerks back the white device as she feels great pain. Bluish lights pulses from inside her. Trainer walks over to her. The mirror ball reflects Seven writhing in agony as trainer's androgynous voice shouts, "Foolish Seven, you almost use the floor cleaner on a cage! Code shib'ah(seven)." The pulses stop. Seven looks up and says, "Forgive me, trainer! Cleanliness is life!" Trainer's arms cross rigidly. Trainer's androgynous voice says loudly as trainer looks down at her, "Listen, silver quwr cleaner for walls, gray qarqa' cleaner for floors, light blue cohar cleaner for cages, white machashabah cleaner for devices, tan chay cleaner for living things and black maveth cleaners for dead things. Everything in Sheol must be clean with the right device or Lord will be mad and you will be processed!" Seven still on her hands and knees looks up at her reflection in the mirrored ball, asking fearfully, "Trainer, what is processed?" Trainer says sadly, "Your dead body will be used for a beauty treatment for Lord's wife." Trembling, Seven closes her terrified eyes tightly, cries, and whines, saying, "a-a-u-u-gh! Cleanliness is life!" Seven tells us about how when it was time for them to eat, they put on fresh white gloves on their little hands. The nine, four year old qophs would sit on the white floor in a circle. Seven would hold a bowl with one hand and put a glass cup on a thick colorless glass coaster on the floor in front of her. She eats some kernels from her colorless glass bowl and then she puts the bowl down. She picks up the glass cup and slowly drinks water from it. When they finished eating and drinking, they take off their gloves and lay them neatly in front of them with their bowls, cups, and coasters. Trainer would stands at the edge of the circle, saying, "Seven clean..." She gets up and neatly stacks the bowls, cups, coaster, and gloves. She picks up the bowls and cups and walks outside the circle of qophs. She walks back and picks up the coaster and gloves and takes them away. Then she walks back and sits with the other qophs on the floor. Trainer says, "Qophs, you have clean Sheol well and quickly." Trainer reaches into a pocket and pulls out p. 132

a small white ball. Seven curiously watches trainer bounce the ball on the floor. The little ball flashes pretty colors when it hits the floor. Trainer says, "Here's a gift." Trainer tosses the little ball to them. Six catches the ball as it flashes red, "Pretty ball, for Six!" A very large circular, nearly transparent cage comes down from the ceiling and surrounds them. Ten grabs the ball away from Six as it flashes green, saying, "Ball belongs to Ten!" Six says, "Liar, pretty ball mine!" They all try to get the ball and often run into the sides of the nearly transparent cage. Four grabs the ball away from Ten as it flashes bright blue. Four says, "Four's Ball!" Six and Ten say at the exact same time, "Ball mine!" They look at each other and say, "No it's not!" Seven and Nine are running near each other. Seven says to Nine, "Nine, we take ball away from Four and we both play with it" Nine says, "Yes, Seven! We share pretty ball." They aggressively take the ball away from Four as it flashes red. The others qophs say in unison, "Seven and Nine cheated!" Seven and Nine playfully toss the ball to each other. The others try to take it away from them, saying angrily, "Cheaters!" Nine looks at Seven and says, "If Seven and Nine share ball? Why can't all share ball?" Seven thinks about it for a several moments and says, "We share!!! Qophs share ball!" They toss the colorful flashing ball to the others. All the qophs begin happily tossing the flashing ball to each other and bouncing it around the cage. Trainer comes forward and raises one arm in front of the cage. They stop playing as their cage slowly lifts up into the ceiling. The qophs line up in a strait line before trainer, saying in unison, "Yes, trainer." Trainer's androgynous voice says, "Toss gift back... Lord is coming! One qoph tosses the little colorful flashing ball back to Trainer who catches it with one hand and puts the ball back in a pocket. One with a big one printed on her robe, bows her head fearfully, looking down at the floor and her little white slippers. Two does the same fearfully. Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and finally Ten do the same. A soft bluish light begins to shine on them. Trainer's androgynous voice says, "Lord, we are honored..." Seven and the other qophs say in unison, "Cleanliness is life!" Lord's harsh voice says, "Four is the filthiest! Process Four..." Four cries out bitterly scared. Trainer androgynous voice says, "But lord... Lord's harsh voice says, "Remain loyal!" All the qophs begin crying, p. 133

still looking down at the their little white slippers. Four looks up, begging, "Please, Lord!" There is a harsh buzzing sound as an intense pulsating blue light flashes. Four whines horribly as she dies. The blue light goes out. Trainer walks over as the qophs sob together for their dead sister. A floating disc comes over to trainer who picks up Four's lifeless body and places it on the disc. Seven sobs, still looking down, and says, "Four, a-a-gh..." Seven looks up to see their trainer raises one arm and then lowers it. Trainer's androgynous voice says sadly, softly, "Four, forgive me!" The cage comes down around Seven and the surviving qophs as their trainer and the floating disc with Four's lifeless body leaves. Seven tells us how that over twenty years latter, she and the other three surviving full grown qophs lay on the hard shiny white floor surrounded by their huge circular nearly transparent cage. Seven is lying on her belly, still playing with the little white ball that no longer flashes, bouncing it against the floor in front of her. She stops bouncing the ball and looks at the other three qophs sleeping fitfully. She sits up and looks out through their cage at an ape man trapped in another large circular nearly transparent cage next to them. The ape man sits on the floor with his arms crossed, looking around angrily. Seven looks around and sees several smaller cages with various little freaky animals in them. There's also another large circular nearly transparent cage with a huge, dark gray, three-headed dire wolf sleeping soundly. Seven looks back at the other three qophs sleeping, laying on their sides. The numbers printed on their gray robes are One, Six, and Nine. Seven smiles sadly as she starts bouncing the old ball again. Then she hears strange sounds like a huge creaky door being open and several sets of footsteps. She hears lord's harsh voice says, "I am Lord, here!" A woman's angry mocking voice says, "Well Lord, I want a baby! Cure my barrenness or I shall destroy Sheol!" Lord's harsh voice shouts, "Safety, nacha(test), two, one, six!" The woman's angry voice says, "The Serpent has free me from your curse! High priest, avenge me! A hateful old man's voice, shouts, Serpent warriors, destroy Sheol!" The other qophs wake up shocked as they all jump up. One asks puzzled, "Seven, what's happening?" Seven says very excited, "One, someone is arguing with p. 134

Lord!" Six says in utter disbelief, "Impossible! Even I, don't argue with Lord!" Nine says with a laugh, "Six, some woman is!" They hear Lord screams hatefully, yelling, "Die!!! A-a-a-ugh---augh!" Lord and the mysterious woman scream incoherently at each other. Sounds of warriors fighting, explosions, power beam blasts and the cries of the dying. An intense blue laser beam hits the side of their cage and cuts a hole in it's upper side just big enough for a thin qoph to crawl out through. They stare at the hole. Nine says excitedly, "Look, a way out!" One, Six, and Seven says in unison, "No Nine, Lord will process you!" Nine climbs up to the hole in the cage and squeezes out, falling down head first on the other side. She stands up and holds her head, as she says in pain, "Ah, Lord is going to process us all... Qophs, come with me!" Seven, One, and Six say cowardly, "Nine, please stay!" Seven nervously walks up to the hole, saying, "Nine, don't go!" Sounds of intense fighting, screaming, power blasts, etc, continue. Nine says sadly, tearfully, "Seven, I will not live here anymore!" She passes by the three headed dire wolf growling as it's cage raises into the ceiling. It six dark yellow eyes stare hungrily at her. Horrified, she runs for her life. Panicking, Seven speedily climbs up and barely squeezes through the hole. She falls on her side on the floor and tries to rescue her beloved sister Nine. The monster wolf, snarls at, leaps on and attacks Nine. She screams. Seven throws the little white ball with all her might at the dire wolf as she cries out, "Nine!" The small ball bounces off one of the it's vicious, snarling heads. One and Six hug each other tightly crying, saying in unison, "Nine is gone! Come back Seven..." Sickened, and horrified she runs for her life. She can barely breathe as she runs madly through the many halls and finally comes to a large silver door. She tries desperately with all her might to open the locked door. She pulls its metallic handle frantically but to no avail. The monster wolf is quickly stalking her down. It leaps towards her, it's six dark yellow shiny eyes hungrily fixated on her. She bangs the silver door with her fists till they bleed, pleading, "Help me!!! Help me! O-Nine, we're dead!" She hears the creaking sounds of the large door being unlocked. The door quickly opens just before the snarling beast's three sets of deadly jaws reach her. Seven dashes out the heavy door into the chilling cold and very quickly slams the door shut with all her might as the p. 135

monster crashes into it. Seven breathes heavily, looking around nervously chilling, whining, saying, "O-thank you, thank you, thank you! Where are you? I'm so cold... Where are you?" She wraps her arms tightly around herself, trying to warm herself. She looks all around but no one is there. Then a sickening odor that smells like burnt human flesh hits her. Shivering, Seven says gasping, "O-o-the stench! The stench!" She stands all alone in front of a very wide angular windowless white stone building with several large stone fiery furnaces around. She's all alone in a hard barren snowless desert. Seven tells us that she never found out who opened the door that saved her life. We sit amazed in front of her. Me and Yerach are very disturbed by what she told us. Vashti says calmly, "Do not be afraid Seven, we will protect you from this Lord!" Seven sniffles as she says very nervously, "You will.. But I was bad! Nine died! I left One and Six behind! Lord might of process them just because of me... I'm bad! I'm bad! I'm bad!" Yerach hugs her briefly and says soothingly, "No, Seven... You're not bad! It's not your fault... You did good to get out!" Seven says tearfully, "But I was bad! I deserted my other qophs! I'm so bad! So bad!" I say angrily, "This Lord is bad! Not you..." Seven stares at me amazed at what I just said. Seven says very emotionally, "I'm not bad? I'm not bad... I'm not bad... Lord bad.. Lord bad... Lord Bad!!!" I say, "Yeah!" Seven says sadly, "Nine died and I so miss One and Six... I might never see them again." Seven sneezes. I say comfortingly, "Seven, I saw a woman at the markets who looks just like you." Seven says happily, "Another qoph. Let's go see her!" I says, "Tomorrow." She hugs me tightly for a long time. The next morning, I, my parents, my sister, my adopted brother and his woman walk with Seven though the snow covered woods as it lightly snows. We are dressed in our light weight furs. Our sandals are wrapped in thin furs because it's not very cold. My father is wearing his silly fur cap. Zemorah grabs Leetah's shoulder as she says tiredly, "Leetah, did we really need to go with Seven to see if there really is another woman who looks as strange as her?" Letaah smiles at her and says, "Zemorah! I'm really curious." Chayah says excitedly, "I'm curious too.. I wonder if the woman p. 136

at the market is part of her family... Maybe she knows who their parents are?" Mehetabel's cheeks droop as she asks my father, "Do you think our boy is a little too friendly with Seven?" Enoch walks slowly, leaning on his staff as he says, "Me glad Seven likes him... She cute." Mehetabel limps, leaning a little on him as she says, "But she's so pale... She's whiter than Tubal." Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, "She's light pink... Maybe God brought her to us." Seven sniffles a little as she walks timidly behind me. She nervously says to me, "Thanks for taking me to see her but what if that horrible dire wolf comes back..." I dreamily look back at her and point high up into the sky at Uriel and Remiel floating on their fiery discs. I say, "Seven, do not be afraid... Look up!" She looks up and smiles at them. They wave back at her. We walk very close together, smiling at each other. Seven says with a big smile, "Uriel and Remiel are with us... We're safe!" We go to the markets. There is a small crowd with traders standing by their wooden carts with various goods in them. Some of them have goats. We walk through the markets as I point to Qadash, saying, "There she is!" We walk over to her. She is dressed in a modest long gray fur with long sleeves and a gray fur cap around her very short white hair. Zemorah's dark eyes stare wide eyed at Qadash. Zemorah nervously says to Leetah, "Oh--my, there really is another one of her.." Irritated, Letaah squints his brown eyes as he says, "Zemorah, be quiet!" Chayah smiles widely as she compares Seven to Qadash. Chayah says excitedly, "Wow, they must be twins!" Qadash yells angrily, "Ya'al, come at once... The creep is back!" That makes me nervous. Seven says cheerfully to her, "Wow, you're a qoph too!" Qadash says angrily, "My name is Qadash, not Qoph!" Her big bald father with the long black beard rushes in angrily, dressed in his dark brown furs. Then he just stares silently at Seven who looks at Qadash who she stares back at her. Qadash's whitish pink face looks shocked and disturbed. Qadash asks her pale father timidly, "Father, how can she look like me? I am an only child! Or am I?" Qadash looks worried at him. Ya'al says embarrassed, "Daughter, there's something I must tell you but I must also speak to these kind people..." Enoch walks forward as he says to him, "Me Enoch... Forgive us! My son met Seven who looks like your daughter... Any idea why?" Ya'al gently rubs his long p. 137

black beard as he says slowly, "Maybe..." Qadash asks her father loudly, "Father, tell me!" They hug as Ya'al says to her, "I will tell what I know... Maybe those kind people can tell you some more." Ya'al turns towards us and says sadly, "My wife is barren... We prayed for children for many years.. Then one night I had a dream about a baby crying in the Foul Desert where it never snows... I woke up and felt compelled to go there at once, where it smells like burning dead bodies...." Ya'al tells us about when he was younger, when he had long black hair on his head. He has dark thick furs wrapped tightly around his wood sandals. He is dressed in his heavy dark brown furs with a hood over his head but his long black hair still dangles across his massive shoulders. He covers his lower part of his face with his fur because of the deadly numbing cold. He smells a stench like burnt flesh and follows the foul smell to a wide angular three story tall stone white building with large furnaces all around burning things. The top story is small and each story under it is much wider than the one above it. He sees a large heavy silver door at the front of this white building that slowly opens. He hides behind one of the fiery stone furnaces. A figure with a mirrored ball for a head walks out, dress in long flowing silver robes carrying a crying baby wrapped in a strange white blanket. Ya'al can't tell if the figure is male or female. The shiny figure carries the baby on it's left arm and holds a large needle with the right silver glove covered hand. The figure lowers it's head sadly, about to stab the whitish pink baby with the needle. Ya'al boldly comes out of hiding and yells at the figure, "Stop, demon!" The figure calmly moves the needle away from the small baby. The figure says with an androgynous voice, "Her right leg is deformed..." The strange figure again raises the needle to stab the crying baby. Ya'al bravely walks towards the figure and yells angrily at it, "Let her live!" The scary figure puts down the needle and walks angrily, quickly towards him. All of a sudden, Ya'al is horrified as he stares at his own distorted reflection in the rapidly approaching figure's mirror ball head. Ya'al's heart races as he thinks to himself, I angered the silver demon. Now I die! He wants to run but he's paralyzed. The baby cries louder as the figure drops the baby into his trembling arms. The scary figure calmly turns around and walks back as p. 138

the large silver door slowly opens by itself. The figure goes inside as the door closes on it's own. Ya'al nervously looks down at the very light pink baby he rescued. She looks up at him with her light green eyes and stops crying as he smiles at her. As he ends his story, Qadash asks her father, "Father, why didn't you tell me?" Ya'al says tearfully, "Qadash, I didn't want to disturb you, my daughter.." Qadash frowns as she says, "Ya'al, I am disturb now!! Seven, are we sisters?" Then she stares at Seven who says curiously, "Look at your right hand. Is there a number?" Qadash looks at her hand and sees a little three branded on her right hand. Seven holds up her hand and points to a little seven branded on her right hand. Seven says as she hugs her tightly, "You're Three, the missing one." Seven sneezes. Qadash asks very curiously, "Seven do I have any other family?" Seven stops hugging her. Seven says sadly, "One and Six were still alive when I left.. Lord Bad killed...." Seven breaks down and cries. Qadash asks frantically, "Lord Bad? Is he the figure?" Seven says tearfully, "No! The figure is trainer, the nice one." Qadash asks fearfully, "What does Lord Bad look like?" Seven says disturbed, "I would of died if I had looked at him!" Qadash looks deeply into her light green eyes and asks eagerly, "What about our parents?" Seven says puzzled, "I sorry, I don't know anything about parents." They hug and cry as everyone listens to them at the markets. At the end of that summer, almost everyone from Yerach's village comes to hear Enoch preach. It's snows lightly as we and the crowd sit on a hillside with a large bond fire roaring. Lots of people sit on small furs around us. We sit on some furs. Seven is to my right. She's wearing some light weight gray furs and a gray fur cap on her head. Bosmath and her mother Giylath are to my left. Everyone is wearing their nicest furs as it lightly snows. I and Seven smile at each other. We see Vashti dressed in her long silver gown, plus a gray fur around her shoulders and her long cone cap. Yerach is dressed in her long metallic green gown, plus a brown fur around her shoulders and her long cone cap on top of her very long braided hair. My parents, plus Letaah, Chayah, Zemorah, Vashti and Yerach hands out flat bread and nuts to the crowd that includes many poor hungry people sitting directly on the snow. Uriel and Remiel are floating above us. Remiel looks p. 139

down curiously at three beautiful women dressed in pretty hooded furs. The three woman look up, pull their hoods back and smile a lot at him. The woman point up at him and sigh. One of the women excitedly says, Look, there's Remiel! He's so handsome! Another women say, Remiel, I want you! The third woman says moaning, Ah Remiel, ah-h, ah-ah, you're so ah!!! Uriel frowns at Remiel who is blushing. Remiel looks up and then looks away. Then they look down at us and wave. We wave back at them and smile at each other. Bosmath frowns at me as she asks, "Methuselah, why do you ignore me?" I asks, "Bosmath, what did you say? Bosmath says as she stares jealously at Seven, "You ignore me, a beautiful available woman and chat with that ghoulish girl.." Seven bows her head, looking sad. I say, "Stop that! You hurt her feelings, again..." Giylath turns to Bosmath and says, "Bosmath, apologize to them." Bosmath says half heartedly, "I'm sorry Methuselah, but don't you get tired of Seven saying how filthy we are?" Seven frowns. I look down and says softly, "Yeah..." Seven looks angry as she says, "But you are all filthy! I just want things to be clean..." Me and Bosmath bow our heads in shame. Giylath smiles and nods her head in agreement. Giylath says, "I like clean... Bosmath, maybe Seven could teach you how to be clean." Bosmath frowns angrily. Seven smiles, saying, "Giylath, I love you!" She hugs Giylath. Meanwhile, Enoch hands out some bread to a young dark man, his dark wife, his two preteen daughters and his toddler son as they sit on the snow. They are dressed in dark furs. His one daughter is thin and his other daughter is not thin. Enoch says to him, "God bless your family... Have some bread." His family is all snuggling together as he says sincerely, "I am Partam... I bless you, not only for the food but for telling us about God." Enoch says happily, "Partam, me glad to... As for food, thank Yerach and Vashti." Partam's family looks disturbed. Partam says angrily, "They're wives of the sons of God... We, who do not worship them never have enough food! Are they starving us on purpose?" Enoch says sadly, "Me not know..." Partam's wife says, "Be thankful that our children get to eat today!" Qadash and her parents walk over to Enoch who points to her mother and asks, "Qadash, is this your mother?" Her mother is an elderly pale woman wearing dark furs and a dark fur cap. Qadash says lovingly, "This is p. 140

Na'vah, my mother... She's excited to see you" Enoch kindly says, "Na'vah, God bless you for coming... You have good daughter." Na'vah sadly asks, "Enoch, what about her real parents? Surely, Seven must know something?" Enoch says humbly, "Me not know... You ask her?" Her mother bows her head sadly as Qadash asks excitedly, "Where is my sister?" Enoch points to her as he says, "Over there with my son..." She and her parents walk over to Seven who's sitting with me, Bosmath, and Giylath. We wave as Seven stands up and hugs Qadash. Seven says overly friendly, "Qoph, I mean sister... How are you?" Qadash says sadly, "I'm good... My mother Na'vah wants to ask you something." Na'vah asks intently, "You must know something about her parents? Please, anything?" Seven nervously says, "Sorry, but all I know is that we had eight other sisters... Six of them are dead! We were raised by trainer and Lord Bad but they're not our parents!" Na'vah stares at her and asks curiously, "How do you know?" Seven says tearfully, "Because Lord Bad is so bad! I'm not so bad, therefore Lord can't be my father!" Na'vah walks over to her and hugs Seven saying, "There, there, I sure that he's not your father... But you are like another daughter to us!" Ya'al says joyfully, "Yes, you are! Seven, if you like, you could stay with us for a while." Qadash says smiling, "Seven, please stay with us! I've always wanted a sister." Seven says as she slowly thinks about it, "Maybe..." Then Asbeel floats down on his fiery disc with Tubal and 'Aqqow riding with him. Asbeel floats down near Vashti and Yerach. Tubal and 'Aqqow step off his disc. Tubal limps a lot with his copper walking stick. 'Aqqow assists him in limping towards us. Tubal turns back to him and says, "Thanks for the ride, Asbeel." Yerach frowns at them as Vashti says lovingly, "Asbeel, I missed you!" Vashti steps up on Asbeel's disc. Asbeel gently takes hold of her hand as he says, "Vashti, my love..." Yerach weeps. Vashti asks, "Asbeel, where's Kasdeja?" Asbeel says, "We saw a strange beast and he went after it..." I, Seven, Bosmath, and Giylath watch them. Then Seven jumps up and stares in horror. She sees Kasdeja float down on his fiery disc holding the three headed dire wolf by it's middle throat. Uriel and Remiel look down and frown as they cross their arms. Chayah's dark girlish face smiles as she says, "O-o-o, scary..." The dark gray dire wolf's middle head snarls as it p. 141

bears it's many large fangs. It's other two heads bite Kasdeja but it doesn't even scratch him. Kasdeja says gently, "Sleep, fierce one." A purple light flashes and this ravening beast falls instantly asleep. Glowing purple collars appear on all three of it's thick furry throats. Seven fearfully stares at them as he drops this monster on the snowy ground. She looks scared. I asks, "Is Kasdeja Lord Bad?" Seven says nervously, "Could be but Lord's voice seemed more hateful..." Yerach walks to Kasdeja very sadly. Yerach says depressed, "I am ready... Let's leave before anyone gets hurt." His narrow dark face stares at her coldly. Kasdeja says, "Let's hear this fool's sermon." Asbeel floats near them. Asbeel asks disturbed, "Why do you want to hear Enoch?" Kasdeja asks, "Why not?" Asbeel stares into his coal black eyes as he says, "Brother, though he speak against us, don't harm Enoch!" Kasdeja's long black braided hair waves in the breeze. He frowns. His coal black eyes stare back at him as Kasdeja says angrily, "Agreed.." Meanwhile, my mother hugs my father as he prepares to preach. He wears his good yellowish tan furs. His silly fur cap covers the very large bald spot on his head. Mehetabel lets go of him as he slowly walks with his wooden staff to the top of the snowy hill. The crowd is sitting in front of him on the slope of the hill. Between them is the huge roaring bond fire. Behind him, Uriel and Remiel are floating a little above him. The three beautiful woman wave at Remiel and Uriel. Enoch stands before a primitive wood altar, waiting for Ya'al to brings a young white lamb to him. Ya'al arrives with the little white lamb. He hands the baaing lamb to Enoch who is leaning on his staff. He grabs the lamb's head with his left hand. He hands his staff to Ya'al who takes hold of it. Enoch says tearfully, Me thankful, you all come!!! O Lord God, me sacrifice lamb! All life is yours... Have mercy on us all! He ties up the lamb's legs with strips of animal hides. He wobbles a bit as he struggles to lift the scare little lamb and places it on the wooden altar. He takes out his stone knife with his right hand and lifts it above the poor lamb's head. The lamb screams as he cuts the lamb's throat. Lots of blood gushes out of it's neck. The lamb jerks around and dies. Enoch grabs a branch, puts it's end into the roaring fire before him. Then he p. 142

uses it to set the altar with the dead lamb on top of it on fire. Ya'al hands back my father's staff. Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice as he holds up his bloody stone knife before the crowd, God will reward the righteous... but God will punish the wicked.... So be righteous!" Just then a large family of Algae worshipers walk up the hill towards him, dressed in green hooded robes. Their priestess, a tan skinned woman angrily holds up her long algae covered walking stick. Her long black hair protrudes from the sides of her hood. Her light hazel eyes stare as she asks very loudly, sarcastically, "I am 'Emunah, daughter of Calech! Enoch, you who rejects the Algae, what do you call righteous? What do you call wicked?" Enoch kindly says, "Righteous, be thankful, love God, love others, help people! Wicked, not thankful, not love, hurt people!" 'Emunah, screams at him, "Oneness with the Algae is righteous! Wicked are you and the sons of God. The Algae knows that are but the demons of the infinite sea!" The young man Partam stands up and yells, "Enoch, what should we be thankful for? We and our families are so hungry!" Enoch sadly smiles, saying, "Your family... Your friends. God made everything good! Be thankful!" Partam with pain in his dark eyes, asks, shouting, "Then should we blame God for everything bad? Why is there so much bad?" His loyal family stands up with him including his little son. Enoch lifts his staff up and sadly looks at them as he says, "God not to blame... God gave us beautiful world to rule for God's glory.... But Serpent told us we could be gods... We followed the Serpent who followed the Goat in selfishness, envy, and bitterness.. We gave God's world to demons! That's why we suffer!" Partam angrily shakes his fist, asking, "Why doesn't God just take the world back and destroy demons?" Enoch wide wrinkled cheeks droop as he says, "God said to Adam and Eve, (...have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth apon the earth.-*Genesis 1:28) God said we rule world... If God just takes world back, God lied. God not lie! For God to take world back, people cannot follow demons..... Unless, everyone died so no one was left to follow demons." 'Emunah the Algae priestess waves her algae covered staff as she screams loudly, "That's utter garbage! People are basically good, for we are all part of the Algae... Suffering comes from the demons of the infinite sea! They are the dead who reject the Algae like p. 143

Enoch who blindly follows the sons of God!" Irritated, Enoch says loudly, "Me follow Lord God! Me not marry the sons of God... Me tell all not to worship sons of God!" 'Emunah yells, "You lie! You worship these demons! The Algae will not let you spread these lies! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater!" The Algae worshipers all start chanting very loudly including their small children, "Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater!!! Enoch looks nervous. Asbeel floats next to their priestess, saying loudly, "Please let Enoch speak or!" Kasdeja stares very angrily at them. The Algae worshiper chant louder, "Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater!" My father tries to say something but their chants are so loud, they drown his voice out. Asbeel yells at them, "You must leave now or...." Kasdeja floats next to Yerach. Kasdeja raises his dark bony fist and shouts angrily, "Quiet fools!" Yerach's yellowish tan face frowns painfully as she begins to weep. The Algae worshipers chant softer. 'Emunah boasts loudly, "The Algae protects us! I, 'Emunah, priestess of the Algae, am not scare of you, Kasdeja! You demons can do nothing to us! Everyone chant louder! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater!" My father is so scared, dreading what might happen. 'Emunah reaches into her robe for something. Kasdeja shouts hatefully, "Fools!" He angrily waves his right arm at them as his pulsating purplish light beam shoots out of his palm and hits all of them. 'Emunah, and all her Algae worshipers with all their children drop dead. Everyone there is shocked. Asbeel asks Kasdeja in utter horror, "Brother, what have you done??? Why? Why? Why?" Crying hysterically, Yerach runs over to the dead children, stoops down and checks the little bodies, one by one to see if any are alive. Vashti joins her in checking out all the bodies. Yerach screams, "Kasdeja! Murderer, they all dead! Even the small children!" Enoch cries tearfully, "Oh Lord, no!" Mehetabel screams, shaking her head as she shouts, N-ooo! No! No! Uriel and Remiel weep, mournfully shaking their heads. The three beautiful woman stare at Uriel and Remiel, shaking their heads. One of them screams out at them, Remiel, why didn't you save them! Seven and I stare in horror. Bosmath and Giylath gasps in utter horror. Qadash and her parents look away. Letaah sitting with Zemorah, holds her tightly as she cries, p. 144

"Kasdeja is a monster! Yerach is right!" Letaah's brown eyes angrily squint as he says, trying to calm her, "Zemorah, be strong!" 'Aqqow holds Tubal fearfully, acting very scared as he just stares blankly ahead. Partam and his family stands up as they shout, "Murderer! Murderer!" The angry crowd starts murmuring against Kasdeja, whispering, "Murderer... Murderer..." Kasdeja glances down at his monster dire wolf as he says, "Awake!" His three headed dire wolf wakes up and snarls savagely at the crowd. Vashti runs between his monster and the angry crowd. Angrily disgusted at Kasdeja's senseless violence, Asbeel follows his wife on his floating disc. Kasdeja's pet growls furiously but acts scared of Asbeel, whimpering back away from him. Then Vashti holds up a strange weapon, a boomerang. Tearfully, Vashti shouts, "Everyone listen! Look at this! A poison tipped boomerang held by this Algae cultist who was about to kill Enoch!" The angry crowd hushes as they listen to her. Vashti squints her dark eyes, and shouts, "Kasdeja the fierce guardian has just saved Enoch's life!!! It is regrettable that children died because Algae cultist tried to kill our good friend, Enoch!" She walks over to Kasdeja saying, "Thank you Kasdeja!" Kasdeja glances down at his pet's three pairs of dark yellow eyes. His dire wolf fiercely growls as Kasdeja acts nervous, and confused, saying, "Pet... Sleep..." The snarling monster falls down asleep on the shallow snow. The crowd calms. Partam and his family walks over to him. Partam says regretfully with mixed feelings, "I'm sorry, Kasdeja! I didn't know..." Kasdeja looks around, utterly confused in the midst of a mostly friendly crowd. My parents weep together. Uriel and Remiel float down to comfort them. Mehetabel frowns at them and asks, "Uriel, Remiel, why didn't you protect Enoch?" Uriel, teary eyed, says, "We did... But we were not sent to protect Algae worshipers." Mehetabel says very angrily, "Well, you failed! Of all the sons of God, Kasdeja saved my beloved husband's life!" Tears run down Remiel's rugged reddish tan face as he says sorrowfully, "You don't understand..." Uriel grabs Remiel's arm. Uriel says, Remiel, be silent! Remiel weeps. Very disturbed, Enoch looks up at Uriel and asks, Did Algae worshipers try to kill me? Uriel's dark red eyes stares sadly down at him. Restraining his tears, Uriel says, "I'm sorry..." Enoch asks loudly, angrily, did they? Remiel says sadly, "Enoch, just trust God p. 145

and us!" They say nothing more as I wonder why. They float up into the gray sky and fly away. Enoch tries his best to calm down. Then he dismisses the crowd. After the crowd leaves, Seven talks with Qadash and her parents. They all cry. Me, my parents, Letaah, Zemorah, Chayah, Bosmath, Giylath stand together as Seven, Qadash and her parents stand to our left. Mehetabel's dark chubby face looks sad as she says sarcastically to me, "Say bye to the creepy girl, son." My father frowns at my mother. I walks past Chayah, towards Seven. Chayah says giggling, "My brother likes her... They're so cute!" I frown at my sister. Leetah says boldly to me, Methuselah, that's your woman! I say embarrassed, Leetah, that's enough.. Me and Seven meet between our families as she says sadly, "Methuselah, I'm going to stay with Qadash and her family... I would kind of like to live near you... But Qadash and her parents are my family now." I says as I look deeply into her pretty light green eyes, "Seven, we could be your family." Seven smiles as she says, "Maybe someday... Come back next summer!" We hug briefly. I hold her hand and say, "I promise!" Then I walk back to my family. Seven walks back to Qadash who hugs her tightly. Giylath shouts, "Seven, please visit us often... It's lonely when Yerach leaves. Besides, you need to teach Bosmath some cleanliness!" Bosmath's dark face frowns painfully. Seven says happily, "Sure, Giylath... Cleanliness is life!" Bosmath looks scared. Qadash smiles at Seven as she says, "Welcome to our family, Seven... I've always wanted to have a sister. Turns out, I always had one." She backs off and her parents walk over. Na'vah hugs Seven as she says, "Welcome, daughter..." Seven says emotionally, "I never had a mother before, wow!" Ya'al puts his arm over his wife's shoulders. Ya'al smiles sweetly as he says, "Seven, I'll teach you how to care of goats... That's what fathers do." Seven says sadly, "Really... If only qophs One and Six could come here?" Ya'al says with sad smile, "Maybe someday they will..." Then me and my family start our long journey back to our igloo. Seven new moons latter, during a cold blizzard, me and my father come p. 146

back from gathering nuts and roots for food and lots of heavy branches for our life sustaining fire. We wear thick heavy furs from the top of our heads down to the soles of our sandaled feet but our feet and hands are still freezing, hurting because it's so cold. We pull up our furs over our mouths and noses because of the intense deadly cold. I pull the sledge my father is sitting on through the deep icy snow. I really wish that we had Tubal's wolf dogs to pull the sledge like we use to. It's snowing so hard that we can barely see anything in front of us. Even with the thick furs around our hands and feet, they still hurt. We finally find our igloo as it becomes dark. Chayah, dressed in some heavy brown furs, greet us, standing in our entrance. Our sledge has several fur bags, filled with nuts, roots and branches. We shiver uncontrollably as we both grabs a fur bag and walks to our entrance. Chayah jumps up and down, hugs us and says excitedly, Father, brother, you're back! Great, now I can go out? Enoch lowers the furs around his large mouth and asks in disbelief, What? Our breaths are clearly seen in this cold as Chayah says, Mother said I couldn't go until you two got back. She's so protective since Letaah moved away with Zemorah. Enoch says, sadly shivering, Me miss them since they marry and move away... But a man should leave father and mother and cleave to wife. Chayah's dark eyes shine eagerly as she asks, Can I go, now? Enoch says worried, It real cold! Snow deep... Why would you want to go out? We had to, go get food and keep fire going! Chayah says girlishly, It's exciting! I lower the fur around my mouth and says mockingly, Father, let her go or she will bothers us all night. Enoch's dark brown eyes stare at his beloved daughter with great concern as he says, Chayah, please don't stay out long! Keep your nose covered! It cold and me love you! Chayah says cheerfully, Bye, father. She rushes away in the freezing winds and deep snow. I say excitedly, In just three more new moons, and I can see Seven again. Enoch says, Not so loud son! She cute but your mother not like her... Then we hear my mother say loudly from within, Enoch, Methuselah, come on in... Don't be silly! Don't you know that I hear every word you're saying. We push open the fur curtain and walk into the wonderful warmth inside. We see her on her knees, cleaning one of fur rugs with a wooden comb. We huddle around the warm fire in our fire pit to warm ourselves. p. 147

Enoch says as he holds up his bag briefly, We got lots of nuts! Mehetabel stands up, saying sternly, Son, we need to talk about creepy gir-lI mean Seven. Enoch moans. I says emotionally, I can't stop dreaming of her and she loves me too. Mehetabel frowns, crosses her arms, and says sadly, I know she's nice but she's not like us... We were raised in loving families... She was raised by cleanliness obsessed monsters! Enoch steps back a bit as I say,That's not her fault... Besides she's leaning about loving families from Qadash and her parents. Mehetabel shouts loudly, Cleanliness is Life! Do you want to hear that for the rest of your life! Filthy! Filthy! Filthy! I says nervously, She's not that bad and she will change... Enoch stands somewhat behind me, saying nervously, No son, she not change! Mother's right. I say shyly, But.. I'm rather clean. Mehetabel says with a sly little smile, You are clean compared to your father but you're not in love with someone like me who can live with sloppiness... Enoch says happily, God blessed me, wife not too clean... My mother looks irritated. We're embarrassed. Mehetabel says sadly but forcefully, To Seven, every twig, ever stain, every speck of dust is horribly painful! A little romance is one thing but living with someone everyday is another! I say, I know! But I really love her! Mehetabel says angrily, No, you don't know! If you love her, you must learn to be really obsessively clean or you will hate each other! I ask slowly, How can I learn to be that clean? Mehetabel's dark wrinkled face smiles cruelly as she says harshly, Despite, what your father said... I know how to be clean! I'm going to make you clean everything perfectly! Cleanliness is life! If you can't stand being that clean, then find someone less creepy to marry... My mother's words make me shutter. Over the next three new moons, my mother teaches me just how painful cleaning can be. During one bone chilling snowstorm, I struggle to walk to our igloo, dressed in my heavy hooded furs with only my eyes not covered. As I am hurrying to enter our wonderful warm entrance, Mehetabel opens the fur curtain and says sternly, Unwrap your sandals and take them off! Shake their furs off thoroughly before you enter! With frosted breath, I ask in disbelief, What? It's cold out here! Mehetabel says cruelly mocking me, No track in dirt and snow... Filthy! Filthy! Shivering, I p. 148

stoop down to unwrap the heavy furs around my wooden sandals from my freezing, hurting feet. I then shake the snow off my their furs as my aching feet go numb in the freezing snow. I clean my sandals and lay them just inside our igloo as I says shivering, My feet are freezing! I pull back the fur curtain to walk into our igloo. There's a big copper bowl on the floor next to me. Some steam comes out of the bowl. Mehetabel says harshly, Wash stinky feet! She throws an animal hide to me and I catch it. I stick one foot into the bowl and I wash my feet thoroughly. Then she hands me some fur wraps to strap around on my feet. A little latter, my mother holds large stone bowl, saying with a little smile, Take dung bowl outside, and clean it right. I say in shocked disbelief, But it's a dung bowl, it suppose to be filthy! Mehetabel's dark face frowns as she shouts fiercely, Nothing is suppose to be filthy! Cleanliness is life! I am shocked, saying timidly, But-- that's... Mehetabel smiles wickedly, saying, What? Ridiculous? I've heard that Bosmath isn't too clean... She would love to dine with you... After I go out in the painfully cold winds, I clean the dung bowl with my animal hides. My aching fingers hurt. Chilled to the bone I finally get to enter our wonderful warm igloo. I get on my hands and knees to clean our furs with a wooden comb. I remove hairs from the furs on icy floor and put it into a little stone bowl. Mehetabel shouts, Furs, filthy, filthy, filthy, hurry up, get it clean so we can clean the rest of this filthy place! After that, she stands over me as I am on my knee as I wash a stack of cups and dishes. I boil some water in a copper pot which is held by a base over our fire. I hold a wooden dish with a wooden hook, dip it halfway into the boiling water, pulls it out and I rubs it with a small animal hide. I dips a cup into the boiling water with a wooden hook. Mehetabel says hurriedly, Hurry up, clean them perfectly! We need to clean up the rest of this filthy, filthy place. I am so irritated that I fail to realize how far I am dipping the next dish into the boiling water. My hand touches the boiling water and it really hurts a lot. I pulls it up and shakes my hand. A little later, Mehetabel whines, saying, It's time to clean stinky clothes! Now my hands rub animal hide in a bowl full of water with flowers in it. I am barechested, wearing only a fur around my waist, wringing out the water from my other furs. I ask, What's the flowers for? Mehetabel says smiling, p. 149

Flowers smell good... No stinky! I hang up the clothes up on poles as she watches over me. When that's done, I ask exhausted, Are we done? Mehetabel says frowning, Son, you stink! Time to bathe. I asks, Mother, with you here... That's embarrassing! Mehetabel says cruelly smiling, I'll make sure you clean yourself perfectly... Cleanliness is life! As I finished bathing, I thought I heard my father's shivering voice, saying, Me go in when cleaning stops! A little latter, Enoch come in acting very cold.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 9. Tubal-Cain

Introduction As a disturb boy, I look up frowning at my grandparents as we recline together on their pile of furs. I push back my long dark brown hair out of my somber eyes as I says sourly, Grandma Qoph, maybe grandpa is making up these stories... How could Uriel shoot a stream of flames from his hand? How could Seven have nine identical sisters? And no one could be as bad as Lord Bad! Even Semjaza wouldn't kills little girls for not being clean enough! Grandpa acts embarrassed as he says, But, but.. It is.. True, to the best I can remember it... Grandma Qoph's fat whitish pink face smiles sadly as she says timidly, Actually, grandson, this part of grandpa's story is.. True... Uriel did shoot flames from his hand at the three headed dire wolf and Lord Bad is worse than grandpa said! I looks up at my fat grandma as I ask in disbelief, How would you know??? The way grandpa tell his story, it sounds like he was going to marry Seven... But grandpa didn't marry Seven... Grandpa married you, grandma Qoph! My grandpa smiles hugely. Grandma lays her right hand on my shoulder as she nervously says, You've always known me as grandma Qoph but my name is Seven... I really did have nine identical sisters called Qophs... Grandma Qoph. I say, staring in disbelief into her light green eyes, But grandpa said Seven was thin with short white hair... Grandma Qoph says as she pushes her long white hair back a little, I have white hair... I say, But I thought your hair was white because you're so very old... And your hair is long. She frowns a bit. Then Grandma Qoph smiles as she says, I grew my hair long over the years to look pretty. I say in utter disbelief, You can't be Seven! Grandpa said p. 151

Seven was thin and you are very fat! Grandma Qoph says irritatedly as she holds up her right hand and points to the small seven still branded on it, See, I am Seven! I say shocked, You're---Seven but you're fat! Grandma Qoph says angrily, So---I put on a little weight over the years... I says mockingly, Grandma Qoph, you put on a whole lot of weight! Grandma Qoph frowns angrily as grandpa says tenderly, Now grandson, grandma Qoph is lovably plump... Why don't I tell you the rest of the story? My greenish brown eyes sparkle curiously as I asks, What happen then, grandpa? Grandma Qoph says as she puts her heavy arm around grandpa's shoulders, Yes, grandpa, tell him the rest of the story... Just don't say anything about, you know! Grandpa says nervously, Yes, grandma Qoph... Kasdeja killing the Algae worshipers cause a lot of hatred and unrest... So next summer, Yerach started the first Children's Festival to try to promote good will for her village and beyond... It snows lightly on this rather warm day. I see Partam standing by his wife who is holding his smiling toddler son in her arms. They are all dress in light weight furs with light fur caps on their heads. His son looks up at his mother and says, Mo-ther... Partam's wife plays with their toddler, poking his tiny nose and his little cheeks with her index finger. She says smiling widely, Oh my cute little boy, Mala. He coos. Partam says to her, Batach, I'm so glad we're here. His wife Batach says joyfully, Partam, our children seem so happy... Yerach is such a kind and gentle soul. Partam hugs her as he says, Batach, this festival gives us hope! Me, Seven, Qadash and her parents stand next to them. We all smile. I look over at a snow girl with dark stones for her eyes, nose and mouth. Partam's two preteen daughters stand by their snow girl, wearing their light furs and fur caps. One daughter is thin and the other is not. The thin daughter says playfully, Magen, let's use some thin branches for her hair. The not thin daughter says, Yes, Tiqvah, then she'll be pretty... They happily put some small branches on top the snow girl's head. I look around, seeing lots of young children making snowman and snow woman. I also see a small group of Algae worshipers standing together but there is no children among them. Like always, they are all dress in hooded green robes. Me and Seven smile at each other. Qadash, Ya'al and p. 152

Ne'vah stands next to us. Some boys are building a snowman and several other children making snow girls and even snow animals. We are all on the hill that Giylath's igloo is built on. Asbeel, Kasdeja and his huge three headed dire wolf float down on their fiery, softly rumbling discs. They land near the igloo. As they all land, his dark gray pet leaps onto his disc and affectionately licks his dark face with it's three moist tongues. Kasdeja says tenderly, Down, Chashaq... Chashaq jumps down onto the snowy ground. Kasdeja says tenderly, Sleep! Chashaq's three purple collars blink as Chashaq quickly falls asleep. Yerach walks out of Giylath's igloo, dressed in her beautiful ankle length, long sleeved metallic green gown. She bows her head because her metallic green pointed cap is too long to fit through the entrance. Her very long black but graying braided hair reaches to and drags across the snow. Vashti walks out the same way wearing a beautiful gown and cap just like Yerach's except it's silver colored. Yerach's mother Giylath and her sister Bosmath follows her. Then their guests follow behind them, including Tubal's father, his two wives, one son leading a huge cream colored bison with his staff, another son with pretty girls following him. Also a somewhat older Towb Dobe along with his very fat wife, and even Calach, the aging priestess of the Algae worshipers. Asbeel floats down next to Vashti who steps up onto his softly rumbling disc. They float up about a man's height above the snowy ground so the crowd can see them better. Kasdeja floats next to Yerach who very nervously steps onto his fiery disc. Vashti hugs Asbeel briefly. Then Asbeel shouts happily to the crowd, I am honored to represent the good will of the sons of God to everyone at Yerach's first Children's Festival... But enough of me, let's hear from the founder of the Children's Festival, Yerach! Kasdeja and Yerach floats up next to them. Asbeel and Vashti clap. A teary eyed Giylath and Bosmath clap as they look up proudly at her. The crowd claps wildly except for the Algae worshipers who are silent. Me, Seven, Qadash and her parents look over at Partam holding his toddler son as his wife Batach claps wildly. We look over at Partam's two daughters standing by their pretty snow girl. The thin Tiqvah looks unhappily at her sister, shaking her head as she says, Oh no, boring speeches! The not thin Megan says p. 153

jollily, Let's ignore them... Yerach shyly, nervously looks around. Kasdeja smiles darkly behind her. She tries to speak but doesn't say a thing. Vashti's yellowish tan face smiles gently as she says, Yerach, don't worry, take your time... Yerach takes a deep breath and slowly, nervously begins to say loudly, My friends and neighbors, last year as my good friend Enoch preach... The crowd claps approvingly. Yerach sadly continues, saying, An Algae priestess tried to throw a poison tipped boomerang at Enoch... Then my husband killed them all! Children died! At first, I screamed Murderer at Kasdeja until I found out that he had just save Enoch's life!!! Me, Seven, Qadash, and her parents listen intently. Partam's daughters add finishing touches to their snow girl as Yerack says disturbed, Violence in the name of our religions horrifies me! Before the sons of God came, our children were killed all the time by our tribe's constant fighting! I believe God wants us to live in peace! I have begged several tribal leaders to speak for the children at our first Children's Festival... We look at her guests standing together behind them. Tubal's father is dressed in his hooded red robe with white serpent symbols all over it. His two wives and two of his middle aged sons are behind him. One son has a huge prize cream colored bison by his side. Towb Dowb is dress in his polar bear furs with a bear head over his own head. His really fat wife is by his side holding his hand. Calach is dress in her hooded green robe. Giylath and Bosmath stand somewhat behind them, looking up proudly. Yerach continues, saying, Including the high priest of the Serpent worshipers.. We also have Towb Dobe of the Bear tribe, and even Calach of the Algae worshipers! Yerach and Kasdeja float to the right of Vashti and Asbeel. Yerach spreads her arms out invitingly, saying passionately, I invite all good people to our festival so all children can play together and pass out flat bread and nuts to all... We encourage the children to make snow people representing the future they will build in love, not hate! God bless all the children! Everybody claps loudly excepts for the Algae worshipers. Yerach humbly smiles. Giylath and Bosmath clap proudly for her. The Algae worshipers stand absolutely silent. Yerach turns towards and smiles at Kasdeja as she says, My husband would like to say a few words... Kasdeja's coal black eyes look nervously around as he says uncomfortably, I regret the deaths... Peace brothers! She smiles p. 154

at him. Giylath and Bosmath angrily frown at him. The crowd is silent. A young dark Algae priest leads his followers to whisper loudly, Murderer. Murderer... Murderer... Asbeel says soothingly to the crowd, Here to represent our great Queen Ashtoreth is the high priest of the Serpent worshipers... High priest, please honor us with a few words... We watch Tubal's very fat father limps forward using his Ashtoreth rod as a walking stick. His two wives Adah and Zillah walk slowly behind him with their heads bowed, wearing thick blondish furs. They wear thick blond fur caps on top of their heads. They looks like elderly twin sisters with their long white hair, pale skin and blue eyes. Two of his middle aged sons walk behind them. One son guides a very well behaved huge cream colored bison. The other son has several pretty girls standing around him. Tubal's father's hood covers the top half of his face so we can't really see him except for his mouth and his long thick white beard. He says proudly, The Serpent and Queen Ashtoreth has blessed me with my great wealth and my two wives, Adah and Zillah... They are getting old but I love them, ha, ha, ha... Me and Seven, Qadash and her parents shake our heads as most of the crowd laughs. Tubal's father boasts, saying loudly, My children are the greatest! My son Jabal, the great cattleman, take a bow! Jabal is dress nicely in his hooded brown leather robe. He walks forward holding onto his prized bison with long twisted animal hides. He and his bison bows. Most of the crowd cheers as he walks back. Tubal's father proudly shouts, My son Jubal, the world's greatest musician who also invented the harp... Play some music, son! Jabal walks forward holding a very primitive wood harp. His many girls follow him. He's dressed in black leather robes and has a black leather turban over his long gray hair. He plays a few notes as lots of young girls scream wildly and some girls even faint. Jubal proudly bows, then he and his girls walk back. Tubal's father says sadly but boastfully, Two of my children were unable to attend, Tubal -Cain, the great metal wizard, forger of the great bronze Serpent, id--monument! Most of the crowd claps politely. Tubal's father says lustfully, And my alluring daughter Naamah, wow! Children really are a blessing! Ha, ha, ha... Too bad that my beautiful little girl is not here! He lifts his p. 155

arms up, holding his Ashtoreth pole above his head and points it around at all the children. Tubal's father shouts forcefully, I bless all the children in the name of the Serpent and our great Queen Goddess Ashtoreth! The crowd claps a lot except for Me, Seven, Qadash, Ya'al, Na'vah, Partam, Batach, Megan, Tivah and the Algae worshipers. Then Tubal's father walks back to the other guests. Asbeel says cheerfully, Now let's hear from the leader of the Bear Tribe, cheif Towb Dobe. The crowd claps wildly. Towb Dobe and his very fat wife walk forward. She is covered with polar bear furs including a hood and a cape. They hold hands. Towb Dobe says sadly but loudly, I wished my father chief Dowb was here! He died last winter... But I am honored to celebrate the Yerach's first Children Festival for chief Dowb! I would not be here today if our great King Semjaza had not personally healed me as a boy of a dire sickness that none of the gods could heal!!! Then he points to his wife, saying, I lived to marry my beautiful wife, thanks King Semjaza! Love, take a bow and tell them. Still holding his hand, his very fat wife smiles graciously, bows briefly and says joyfully, I'm with child! Dowb and me will soon have our first child... They hug briefly as the crowd cheers wildly. Dowb says joyously, Love, that's wonderful!!! Let us all support the Children's Festival... Let us not hate each other or hate will destroy our children! Bless the children, bless them all! The crowd claps and cheers loudly except for the Algae worshipers. Towb Dobe walks back with his smiling wife. Asbeel says solemnly, Finally, we have invited Calach, the elder priestess of the Algae worshipers to speak... Calach, you may speak... Calach limps slowly forward using her Algae stick. Her green hood covers her face in shadows. She slowly pulls back her hood so we can see her elderly face clearly. She is a thin, very fragile woman. She's very pale, heavily winkled, almost bald with long stringy white hair. Her cheeks are sunken, her long nose is somewhat crooked, her teary eyes off gray, her brows low, her teeth rotted, almost gone. She looks around for a while. Calach says with a hoarse voice, We are all part of the Algae! Last year, my daughter 'Emunah and several of my grandchildren were killed by Kasdeja! I can't believe my 'Emunah would ever try to kill anyone but I'm not here to dispute what happened... I'm here to stop it from happening again! Struggle and loss are necessary for the Algae to become greater but hate is not! Led p. 156

by the dark Algae priest, the Algae worshipers shout, Your daughter was innocent and you speak for the demons who murdered her! In tears, Calach answers them, saying, No! But to hate others is to hate ourselves! Children are the greatest expression of the Algae... For the Algae is love! Let us love and forgive for we all part of the Algae! The Algae worshipers throw snowballs at her. They shout angrily, You've betrayed the Algae! You betrayed your own daughter 'Emunah to the demons of the infinite sea... Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater... Algae becomes greater! I see Kasdeja staring at his sleeping pet. Kasdeja says nervously, Chashaq, awake! Yerach slaps her husband and cries. Chashaq quickly gets up and leaps towards the Algae worshipers. The Algae worshipers run away but Chashaq quickly catches up to one of them. It's six dark yellow eyes burn with fury as Kasdeja commands, Chashaq, return! Chashaq stops just before it would of viciously sink it's many large fangs into this poor Algae worshiper. It's three purple collars blink. Chashaq turns back and leaps up onto Kasdeja's disc and happily lick his narrow face with it's three tongues. Fearful, Yerach back off to the edge of their fiery disc. She almost falls off but Kasdeja grabs her. Kasdeja angrily points at Chashaq, saying, Down! Chashaq leaps back to it's own disc and sits down obediently. Me and Seven look over at Partam's daughters and their snow girl. Magan says happily, Hooray, Boring speeches over! Tiqvah, the thin daughter, says smiling, True, but the monster chasing the Algae worshipers was nice. Partam, Batach and their toddler son walk over to his daughters. Partam and Batach look down disapprovingly at Tiqvah. Partam frowns angrily and says to her, Tiqvah, don't say that! That monster almost killed one of them... Tiqvah shyly says as she looks down, Sorry, father... I says, smiling at Seven, Partam has such a nice family... I hope someday I will have a family like that. Seven asks curiously, Methuselah, are you trying to tell me something? I quietly says, Yeah... She hugs me tightly and says excitedly, Then you'll talk my adoptive father about betrothing us? I rub my long graying beard nervously as I say, Yeah, Seven. She drags me to her adoptive parents. Qadash smiles hugely as she asks, Is he sister? Seven just smiles. I walk over to Ya'al. I stares silently at his pale p. 157

bald head. He asks me with his arms crossed, Ah, Methuselah, what do you want? Seven pushes me forward, as she says excitedly, Go on, go on... I asks nervously, staring into this black bearded man's eyes, Would you get together with my father Enoch and betroth me to Seven? Qadash says breathlessly, Wow, he actually asked? Ya'al says very slowly, H-h-mmm... As long as Enoch approves, yes... And in two years, you'll marry. I nervously smile. Na'vah says breathlessly, Ah, Seven, this is great! Seven says shocked, Two years, we'll have to wait that long! Ya'al looks down at her, saying somberly, It's our tradition! Trust me, someday, you'll know two years was not too long to wait... Two years latter, we marched up on the side of the great ice covered mountain where the crystal palace rests on top. We all are dressed in our heavy outer furs but we are still shivering. We all wear thick wooden sandals wrapped tightly in layers of heavy furs. We cover our noses and mouths to protect them from the deadly cold. The dark purplish sky is very stormy as another heavy blizzard rages. We see a herd of woolly mammoths marching in the distance. We hear the haunting howls of the dire wolves. There's a flickering light from a small camp fire coming from inside of the holy cave. We feel the beautiful warmth as we enter the nice warm cave and thank God to be away from the bone chillingly cold winds. My fingers, my toes, and my face feels like ice for a little while. As we warm up, we make ready for our wedding. After we take off our outer furs, Seven and me stand in front of our gray fur canopy. She is dress in the best hooded gray furs with a gray veil covering her face below her light green eyes. I am dress in my best yellowish tan furs. I have a matching fur cap on my head. We stare lovingly at each other, holding hands. Her whitish pink face smiles warmly. Seven says breathlessly, O Methuselah, I waited forever for this day! How did we wait so long? My somewhat wrinkled brown face smiles nervously as I straitens out my long graying brown beard with it's growing gray streaks. I say, Yeah... I look over at my mother as she looks worried. She turns towards her daughter Chayah. Mehetabel says nervously, Chayah, even your shy brother found someone to marry... Can't you find a good man to marry? You're getting kind of old... Chayah snuggles in her dark heavy p. 158

furs like she just got a chill, her dark girlish face smiles very nervously as she says, I'm not quite ready, yet... Her mother asks quite worried, Daughter, don't you want to get married? Cheyah says forcefully, Sure I do! Trust me mother, someday God will bring the right boy to me and I will marry him, someday.... My father looks at them and shakes his head. Then he passes out some nuts from a large fur bag to Partam, his family, and a crowd of desperate looking people including the elderly and many young hungry children. Mehetabel, Chayah, Raanan, Chokmah, their three grown children, Qadash, and her parents, Letaah and a pregnant looking Zemorah are all there. Seven asks, smiling, Zemorah, what's it's like to be married to Letaah? Zemorah's dark face smiles nervously as she says slowly, mockingly, It's an adventure and it's just began... Letaah lovingly puts his arm over her shoulders. They walk away. Enoch is dressed in his yellowish tan furs with his silly fur cap on top of his almost bald head. He bends over a little to hand a few nuts each to Partam's three children. Megan the not thin one and Tiqvah the thin one say in unison, Bless you Enoch! Tiqvah says tearfully, Our crops were ruin... Again.. She briefly hugs my father. He hands the last nuts to Partam's son who has grown a lot in the last two years, saying, I'm Mala, give me nuts! The crowd of desperate looking people complain, saying, We need more food. Isn't there more food, at least for our children? Enoch looks at them, frowning sadly, saying, Me sorry, crowd big, nuts gone! An elderly woman asks angrily, How can you have a wedding when we are starving? Enoch's chubby wrinkled bearded cheeks droops as he says, Be patient... Me get more nuts after wedding! I pauses, looking around nervously, asking, Father, where's your parents? Enoch says sadly, Me not know... Seven asks sadly, Where's Vashti and Asbeel? Where's your friend Tubal? My mother comes up behind him. Enoch shakes his head, saying, They not obey the Lord! We not need them... Mehetabel's dark face frowns as she says angrily to him, But they have food, they could feed these hungry people! Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, God gives us life! We not live by nuts alone... Mehetabel says as she looks sadly at the desperate crowd, Silly Enoch, don't you know that they need food, not empty words! Seven says impatiently, Enoch, please married us... Enoch nods in agreement. Mehetabel limps towards my p. 159

father's side holding a wineskin, full of wine. Enoch begins to speak, In this holy cave... Mehetabel tilts the wineskin until it's about to spill some wine out. Seven stares in horror, panicking, her light green watery eyes open wide, glazed over. Seven breathes heavily, whining, shouting, Mehetabel stop, wine about to spill! Mehetabel intentionally spills a few drops of wine out of the wineskin. Seven's eyes stares in utter horror as the wine hits the damp cave floor. I grab Seven, holding her tight to stop her from leaping to clean the floor as she whines hysterically, Floor messy! Must clean floor! Cleanliness is life! Ya'al's pale face frowns as he asks, Mehetabel, how dare you? Na'vah shakes her head. I say frantically, Seven, I'm so sorry... I stare hatefully at my mother, shouting angrily, Mother! Mehetabel says as she holds up the wineskin, I'm sorry son but are you sure you want to marry creepy girl? Enoch frowns at his wife. He looks embarrassed. Raanan and Chokmah walk up to us. Their three grown child watch them. Raanan hugs Seven, saying forcefully, I can't believe mother did that! Don't let it ruin your special day. Just look how happy me and Chokmah are! I smile at them. She stop hugging Seven as she steps back. Chokmah crosses his arms as he smiles and nods his head politely. Seven says, O Raanan, thank you! That's exactly what I needed to hear... Then Seven hugs her tight. 'Aqqow enters the cave, assisting Tubal as he limps forward using his fancy copper, dire wolf headed walking stick. Four servants walk behind him with copper pots full of all kinds of food. His servants are all are dressed in dark heavy furs. Tubal removes his outer furs. Beneath them, Tubal is dressed in his white and purple robes. He has a golden turban on top of his long blondish white hair. 'Aqqow is dress in her long fancy gray furs with a gray fur cap on top of her shoulder length brown hair. He happily strikes his walking stick down onto the cave's floor. Tubal boasts, saying very loudly, The great metal wizard has finally arrived! ...And I have fruit, bread, and wine for all... The desperate crowd including Partam and his family gratefully rushes up to the servants who pass out an abundance of food for them. Several people say, Thank you Tubal! Thank God for you! Partam takes some food and shares it with his family. Partam says with mixed p. 160

emotions, I appreciate this, Tubal... But we wouldn't need your food if the creeps you work for didn't ruin our crops! 'Aqqow frowns at Partam, asking, How dare you? Batach stares at her husband, saying, Partam, this is not the time to anger people who are feeding our hungry children! Enoch frowns, saying, Tubal, you not belong here... The hungry crowd murmurs against Enoch and Partam. Tubal strikes the rocks with his walking stick, smiling angrily as he says, Sure, I do! Enoch, angrily baring his large yellowish brown teeth, says, No! Me seen your big serpent idol in the middle of your ungodly monuments! Tubal and 'Aqqow silently bow their heads in shame. Another servant helps to hold Zillah up as she very slowly, fragilely walks up behind them, dressed in her heavy cream colored furs. One woman asks angrily, What? Is it God's will that we starve because Tubal built a monument you don't like!!! Enoch looks around silently. Zillah stares first at her son, then at my father. Zillah says tearfully, Enoch, you don't understand! Tubal's a good son... He and his team only build that abomination because my murderous husband would of cut my heart out if he didn't... Maybe, he should of let me die but don't blame my son for loving me! Mehetabel limps up behind him, sadly saying, Enoch, he didn't have much of a choice... Forgive him! Tubal and 'Aqqow, humbly lift their heads to look at him. Tubal whines tearfully in shame, I hate that thing but I had to... Enoch sadly says, Me not know... Still, to follow the Lord, you must leave the ungodly sons of God! Tubal says, trying to change the subject, But... Oh Enoch, I brought your parents here along with Asbeel and Vashti. Yerach was unable to come... 'Aqqow says happily, Yes Enoch, we took Jared and Pur-ah here because the blizzard is far too rough for them to travel here by themselves... Two of Tubal's servants carry Jared in a wooden chair and two other servants carry Pur'ah on another wooden chair. They are covered head to foot in heavy outer furs. The servants carefully remove their outer furs. I see that they are both very old and fragile. Asbeel and Vashti float on his disc just behind them. Vashti is covered in very thick gray furs. My parents stare happily as Enoch says, Father! Mother! Jared says hoarsely, Son, we heard about the wedding but we can barely walk and the blizzard is horribly p. 161

cold! Enoch limps to and hugs his aging father, saying, Father, thank God, you here. Me love you! Me afraid you and mother might of died... Pur'ah says comfortingly, Son, we alive... It's very good to see you again. If Tubal not visited us, we would not be here... Enoch hugs his mother who tearfully hugs him back. Enoch says emotionally, Me love you, mother! Pur'ah says longingly, O-son, me love you much! Mehetabel limps after her husband and says warmly, Jared, Pur'ah, thank God you're here... Jared says, "Mehetabel, you're still a beauty... Me want to see pink girl who grandson wants to marry. Pur'ah hugs her and says, Mehetabel, so your boy is finally marrying... God bless you! Then the servants carry Jared and Pur-ah in front of me and Seven. I says tearfully happily, Jared, my grandfather and Pur-ah, my grandmother... I'm so glad you're here! I hugs my grandfather and then my grandmother and points to Seven who shyly smiles at them. I says excitedly, Grandma, grandpa, meet my beautiful bride, Seven! Jared stares nervously at her, and asks, Seven, do you have any idea who your family is? Seven sees a very small twig on his fur coat and quickly grabs it. She takes the twig and holds it tightly, saying, No! But Qadash over there is a qoph! I mean that she is one of my sisters. She points to Qadash and her parents who smile back at them. Qadash waves at us. Pur-ah stares nervously, grabs Seven and hugs her, saying, Bless you child!!! My grandson, after all these years, found wife... Hurry up and have children! I blush and turns away from him. Seven blushes too. Jared says smiling, Now Pur-ah, don't scare pink girl... We better back off. The servants carry Jared and Pur-ah back a little. Vashti and Asbeel float up near us. Vashti is dressed in her ankle length, long sleeved, silver colored gown. She wears her long pointed silver cap on top of her short gray hair. Asbeel smiles as he says kindly, Methuselah, I'm sorry that I and my beloved wife are late... I told Tubal that your grandparents would need help to come here... I shakes his hand as I say, Thanks, Asbeel, my grandparents are so worth waiting for! Seven gets a funny look on her whitish pink face as she asks, Asbeel, do you know anything about my parents, or about my sisters, One and Six? Asbeel's light brown face smiles as he smoothly says, Seven, what a beautiful bride you are! God bless you and Methuselah! Vashti squints her eyes angrily, grabs him and says harshly, Asbeel, answer her question! p. 162

Asbeel says very sadly, Sorry Vashti, I can't tell her! Seven asks angrily, Asbeel, what do you know? Asbeel shakes his head, pushes back his long black hair and says almost in agony, I'm very sorry, Seven... All I can say is that your parents are dead... So Lord is not your father! Seven's face turns reddish as she shouts angrily, Asbeel, tell me more! Who were my parents? Who were they? Asbeel, tell me! Asbeel turns away, floating away from her. Seven tries to grab him and Vashti but it's like she bumps into an invisible wall around them that stops her cold. I grab her to try to stop her from hurting herself. She screams and struggles violently as I say loudly to her, Seven, at least Lord Bad is not your father... Enoch says in his silly squeaky voice, Good time to marry. Ya'al walk up to us as Qadash limps slowly painfully behind him. Na'vah stays back but watches tearfully. Enoch grabs his hand and asks, Ya'al, do you give Seven to my son as wife? He grabs both Seven's hand and my hand as he says tearfully, I give my daughter to your son... Qadash says in awe, Oh sister, you're beautiful. Ya'al walks back to his beloved wife. Enoch says, Great! Let us look at the sacred paintings about the first marriage... He walks by the small campfire, takes a branch, puts it's end the fire and uses it as a torch. He walks over by several cave paintings of Adam and Eve along with some weird symbols. He holds the burning branch below three paintings. The first painting shows Adam sleeping as a large part of his side being remove from him. The second painting shows Adam and Eve looking happily at each other. The third painting shows Adam speaking along with a bunch of weird symbols. Enoch says slowly, (And Adam said, This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.-Genesis 2:23) He moves the branch under more paintings. The fourth painting shows stick figures of a son walking away from a father and mother, walking towards a girl. Enoch says with mixed emotions, (Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and...-*Genesis 2:24) The fifth painting shows the father and mother looking at the boy and girl hugging with a circle around them. Enoch says happily, (...shall cleave unto his wife:-*Genesis 2:24) The sixth painting shows the circle by itself with a curvy line dividing it. Enoch says p. 163

forcefully, (...and they shall be one flesh.-*Genesis 2:24) The seventh painting shows Adam and the woman hugging with a circle around them. He puts down the branch and walks back to us. Enoch says with a little laugh, We ready? I say, Yeah... Seven yells excitedly, Yeah! Everybody cheers. Enoch picks up a large ram's horn and blows it seven times. Mehetabel pours wine into a thin wooden jar. Enoch hands the jar to us, saying, Only Methuselah and Seven shall ever drink from this jar... Then we take turns, sipping wine from our jar. Enoch happily says, Seven, circle my son seven times to show your devotion to him but God is Lord of all... She circles happily around me seven times. My mother looks nervous with tears in her dark brown eyes. Enoch has tears in his eyes too as he holds up the wooden necklace, saying somberly, Methuselah, take necklace, put it on Seven, ask her, shall I tighten your necklace? Seven, if you say yes, you're stuck with him! I take the necklace and puts it around my bride's neck. We stare lovingly but nervously at each other as I asks, Seven, shall I tighten your necklace? Seven says cheerfully, Methuselah, tighten my necklace, already! I slowly tighten the necklace around her pale neck. Mehetabel weeps. Enoch says as his gentle dark brown eyes stare at us, Share the rest of the wine with each other... Then son, smash jar! You shall not share yourselves with anyone else! We sip the rest of the wine. Then I throw the jar hard against the cave's floor. The thin wooden jar breaks into several pieces. With our gray canopy is behind us, Enoch shouts joyfully, Your old lives are gone! God bless your new life! Methuselah and Seven, enter your canopy as husband and wife! We turn around and quickly walk arm in arm to our canopy. We open the gray fur curtains of our canopy and jump in. My parents and all our guest start singing and dancing joyously. More than ten years latter, in the crystal palace on top of the great ice covered mountain. Behind a nearly transparent wall, Naanah watches her brother and a young hunchback boy working together. They are dress in soiled, off white work clothes. They wear full headed, off white gas masks with blue goggles over their heads. Tubal uses his fancy copper walking stick to slowly limp around. The hunchback boy, quickly pumps the very large bellow of the huge stone furnace. It has a huge fan connected to a giant p. 164

ventilation system. Behind the almost transparent wall, Naamah can clearly see her own reflection. She is dressed in a tight ankle length, low cut shiny yellow gown. She wears a long shiny yellow cone cap on top of her long perfectly combed blond hair. She watches Tubal opens the huge oven doors. The fire rages inside. Using his walking stick, he limps with difficulty to close the furnace's doors with his thick glove covered hands. A very large anvil is off to one side with a bunch of hammers, and other tools hanging from the side of the wall. They turn away from the furnace as Naamah yells, Brother, before you get too busy... Would you please come out and talk with me? He signals the boy to follow him as he limps to the wall as an oval entrance opens up for them to exit from. Tubal and the boy remove their gas masks and hold them in front of them. The entrance closes up. The hunchback boy's rather narrow yellowish tan face smiles excitedly as his squinted brownish crimson eyes open wide. He has strait long brown hair but he is too young to have a beard. Tubal's pale scarred face frowns as he says, Ouch, my aching joints! What is it, sister? I'm busy! He looks at her pale childish face which still has no wrinkles. He sees that her face is flawless, her blue eyes are cold, and her body is curvy, perfectly shaped. She frowns as she sniffs and smells their foul odor. Then Naamah smiles sweetly, saying, Tubal, you're always busy... Anyway, my husband has just given me a helper to clean our room since I'm no good at cleaning... Then Naamah stares scornfully at the little hunchback boy, asking, Who is this foul smelling boy? Tubal says gruffly, This is my young apprentice... I'm teaching him how to make steel iron... Young man, introduce yourself. The boy look up dreamily at Naamah as he says politely, My name is Hephaestus... I'm honored to meet you. She ignores him as he steps back against the nearly transparent wall. Tubal asks as he rubs his shoulders, So Naamah, what do you want? O-oo. ouch! Namah says like a childish brat, I want a new mirror, now that I have more time to look at my beautiful body... Make me a full length golden mirror in the shape of a scallop shell with skillfully designed mermaids, colorful parrots, and pythons ornamentations all around it... Make the mermaids beautiful, looking like me... And have a skillfully forged bust of myself on top. Hephaestus stares dreamily, silently at Naamah. They ignore him. Tubal asks mockingly, Is p. 165

that all? Naanah says childishly, Also make a bunch of those magic color light things for their eyes. Blue lights for the mermaids and my bust. Green lights for the parrots and pink lights for the pythons. Tubal says irritated, I'm busy and that would be a lot of hard work! Naamah leans close to him, asking teasingly, Too hard for the metal wizard to make for his most beautiful sister? Tubal straitens his long white hair as he says proudly, You mean the great young metal wizard, Tubal-Cain... Your mirror will be done in three weeks. Somewhat latter, Tubal and Hephaestus work by the furnace with their gas masks covering their heads. Asbeel and Vashti float near-by on his disc. Asbeel yells, Tubal, please come out, now! It's important! Tubal walks out to them. He removes his gas mask. With sweat dripping from his face as Tubal's cold blue eyes stare angrily. Tubal shakes his walking stick as he asks sharply, What is it? My joints, ah... Vashti says very sadly, Forgive us for interrupting you but Zillah, your mother is dying... You better go to her at once. Tubal begins weeping. He bows his head sadly and covers his face with his hands. A little latter, at Zillah's stone house, there is a fire in her stone fireplace. Tubal tearfully looks down at his beloved mother. She is old, very wrinkled and deathly sick. She coughs and wheezes. Her cheeks are sunken, her sunken blue eyes are cloudy, and she's nothing but skin and bones. The light of a flickering fire shines all around her. She is laying on some polar bear furs, covered with a another polar bear fur for a blanket. Zillah looks off to one side and says with difficulty, Son, I---know you---love me... and--I love you so---much! Tubal and 'Aqqow sit up behind her. They weep. His tears roll down his pale, scarred, quite wrinkled face. His long goatee beard and hair are white, not blondish white anymore. He's dress in his purple robes and has a purple turban on top of his head. 'Aqqow's tan skin is somewhat wrinkled. She's dressed in a beautiful gray hooded long fur coat. Her brown hair with gray streaks sticks out from the sides of her hood. Tubal's blue eyes fill with tears as he weeps. He gently takes hold of his mother's hand, and pleads, Mother, don't die! Don't leave us... Me, Seven, Chayah, Enoch and Zillah's twin sister Adah recline silently next to 'Aqqow and Tubal. We all look noticeably older. Seven's whitish pink face is somewhat wrinkle and p. 166

she's not thin anymore. We are all dress in light weight furs. We all sit around Zillah in her large stone house. Even Chayah's childish face is wrinkled. Chayah crosses her arms and very nervously looks all around. Her short black hair has more than a touch of gray. Adah looks just like Zillah if she were healthy for her age. She is dressed in long white furs. Zillah says. wheezing, Tubal son, it's--my time --to die... You--must--leave--the sons-of God--to follow the Lord! Get back--with En-och, he--is your---truest-friend! We all tearfully watch. Tubal and 'Aqqow look over at us. Then 'Aqqow looks lovingly at Zillah with her bright hazel eyes. 'Aqqow says, Zillah, don't talk like that... The doctor will make you better! Zillah wheezing a lot, says, No, 'Aqqow, the doctor--has done all he---can. Be strong! Love--my son! He needs you---now! 'Aqqow and Tubal stare sadly at each other. Zillah has a coughing spell. Then Zillah asks in distress, Where is my daughter---, Naamah? Tubal says, trying to control his great anger, Mother, she didn't come... 'Aqqow shakes her head, looking sad and angry. Zillah desperately asks, Why? She must have a reason! Everybody cringes. Chayah nervously acts like she can't stand sitting anymore. Tubal angrily hits his walking stick, making a thump on the floor but he can't answer her question. 'Aqqow bends over Zillah, saying tearfully, Zillah, I love you! We all do! Zillah smiles at her. 'Aqqow sits back as Adah bends over Zillah crying. Adah says tearsfully, Sister, we have had so many arguments but I love you.. I love you! Zillah coughs a lot and says, Adah, I know... We all watch as Adah tenderly hugs her very fragile sister for a while. Finally she sits back from her. Chayah stands up and nervously asks, Father, can I go now? What can we do here? Enoch says sadly, No Chayah! We be here longer! Chayah angrily sits back down. Tubal asks sadly, Enoch, how's Mehetabel? Me and Seven just tearfully listen. Enoch's wide wrinkled cheeks smile slightly as he says, She been better but she not dying... 'Aqqow asks curiously, Where's Letaah and Zemorah? Enoch says sadly, Letaah and Zemorah moved far away to Chokmah's village. Zillah has another coughing spell. Zillah says with great difficulty, Son, prom-ise me you will---leave--the sons of God! Tubal bends over her and says fearfully, I'm afraid King Semjaza may not let me leave... Zillah says wheezing, You must try!!! God will--help--you! Tubal hugs her tight, p. 167

his blue eyes overflow with tears as he says, Mother... Mother, I love you. I love you! Zillah says, wheezing, Tubal-Cain, follow---the Lord---with your tru-est friend, --Enoch... Leave the sons of God! Leave them... Leave--them! She has another coughing and wheezing fit as he holds his mother tight. Tubal says, heartbroken, Mother! He holds her for a long time as she very slowly dies in his aching arms. Three weeks latter, Tubal is in the crystal palace. He's dressed in shiny violet and silver robes with a silver turban on top of his long white hair. He holds up his dire wolf headed walking stick as Tubal says, Code 5279.. The wall in front of him becomes transparent. He secretly watches Naamah looking at herself in the fancy new mirror he made for her. Full length, shaped like a scallop shell with an incredibly detail design around the large crystal clear mirror. Ornamented by golden waves with sexy gold mermaids that looks like Naamah that have small blue lights for eyes. Large pythons with small pink lights for eyes swim below the mermaids with gold parrots with small green lights for eyes flying right above. Row after row of gold pythons, mermaids and parrots. Naamah softly coos. On top of her mirror is a life sized bust of herself with rather large blue lights for her eyes. As she looks at her own reflection, she removes her long golden cone cap from on top of her long blond hair and lets it drop to the floor. Right behind her is a flat, translucent pearl colored circular cushion floating about a legs height off the floor in the middle of this room. The cushion is about as thick as a large man's hand length, and has a diameter big enough for two tall people to very comfortably lie down together on. It has no sheets but does have several pillows of the same color. Naamah smiles beautifully, looking very please with herself, making soft cooing sounds. Her hands slowly caresses down the sides of her chest and thighs. She is dress in a sleeveless, strapless, low cut, skin tight, ankle length, shiny golden gown. She is wearing golden slippers. She makes soft cooing sounds as her feet slips out of her fancy golden slippers. Then she hears Tubal asks, Azazel, may I come in? Naamah says irritated, You know my husband is out... How long have you been watching me? An oval entrance opens up in the wall. Tubal using his fancy copper walking stick very slowly limps though the entrance into the p. 168

light blue circular room, and sits down on the floating cushion as she walks towards him. He acts embarrassed but doesn't say a thing. Behind the cushion is another woman, turned away from them, cleaning. This woman is very thin and has very short white hair. She is dress in a knee length gray robe. There are many mirrors all around this room. There are also shelves, full of trinkets. The entrance closes up. Tubal looks up at a huge circular mirror in the middle of the room's high ceiling. This mirror is the same sized as the floating cushion. Naamah stands just in front of him. Naamah says as she snaps her fingers, Welcome brother... Tubal's cold blue eyes look up at her lustfully as he asks boastfully, My beautiful sister, just how much do you love your new mirror? Brilliantly crafted, made to your exact specifications, only more brilliant! She hugs him tightly for a few moments and then lets him go. Naamah says happily excited, The great young metal wizard has done it again!!! She steps back a little. Naamah strikes a sexy pose, saying, You have learned a lot from my husband, the mighty researcher... Tubal angrily strikes his walking stick against the floor, and says reluctantly, sadly, Yes, --I--have! He looks back at the white hair woman straitening some stuff on one of the fancy shelves. Naamah points at her and says happily, Tubal, look at this... This is the best present my husband has ever given me! I don't have to clean anymore! The white hair woman turns towards them, looking down at the floor. She looks just like Seven. Her eyes are almost shut. The number one is printed on her gray robe. Tubal stares, shocked and disturb. He raises his walking stick like he's going to strike something but doesn't. Wickedly smiling, Naamah says cruelly, Watch this brother, it's funny... I see a wrinkle on my face... Maybe I need another beauty treatment... One bows down scared, whining, saying, Mistress please, spare my worthless life... Cleanliness is life! Let me clean your room again... Naamah laughs at her, and says mockingly, Then stop whining and clean my room perfectly... It's filthy! Then One rushes back to cleaning. Tubal asks loudly, utterly disgusted with his sister's cruelty, Naamah, how can you be so cruel to her? She is surprise at Tubal's reaction. Irritated, her cold blue eyes stare at him as Naamah asks, What's wrong with you? It's just a qoph... Tubal slowly stands up and angrily says, Naamah, she's human! This is so wrong! Naamah pushes him back on the p. 169

floating cushion, saying hatefully, You want to talk about wrong, you hypocrite! You married a whore young enough to be your daughter... You don't think she loves you, do you? Tubal says very nervously, 'Aqqow loves me... You have become cruel like him. Naamah says viciously, And you have become old! He has made me perfect in beauty... You should beg him to make you young like me... Then maybe you could sleep with a woman who is not a whore! Tubal stands back up and strikes the floor hard with his walking stick, shouting tearfully, 'Aqqow is not a whore! O--God help me! Naamah says childishly, Brother, you did a great job forging the Serpent's glorious idol! Is that the god you hope will help you? Tubal angrily says, No! You know our father force me to forge that abomination! Naamah says mockingly, Or our poor mother would die... Tubal asks in a rage, You knew my mother was dying.. Why didn't you come? She so disparately wanted to see you before she died! Naamah says coldly, Because she made you weak! A true god demands strength! Tubal shouts angrily, Zillah was your mother! The true God demands you repent! I must leave! He stands up angrily and begins to limp away. Shocked, Naamah says, Forgive me brother but you can't leave... That's mad! You have everything here! Then Tubal says disgusted, I don't have a godly friend here! Naamah grabs him, saying, Please brother, don't try to leave... Our king will never let you go! Tubal nervously rubs his long white goatee beard as he says, For the Lord to favor me, I must try! They struggle for a moment, then she slowly lets go of him. Naamah says disturbed, Listen Tubal-Cain, just stay here! The light blue wall opens up into an exit as she storms out of it. A little latter, the light blue wall opens up into an oval entrance as Azazel floats in on his softly rumbling disc. Handsome, muscular, a little taller than Tubal even without his floating disc or the glowing golden haloed crown on top of his long, perfectly combed blond hair. His pearl colored collar is much broader than his shoulders and hangs down somewhat in back and has bright blue glowing trim. His fist sized glowing blue jewel in the lower front of his collar glows brilliantly. Tubal is scared. Azazel comes closer to him saying sadly, Tubal, my beloved wife just told me that you want to leave p. 170

us... Is that true? Tubal says timidly, Yes.. Azazel asks sadly, Why? Have we not greatly honored you? Have I not taught you many wonderful secrets? Tubal says sadly, Yes.... But I don't belong here and I miss my good friend Enoch... Azazel puts his right hand on his shoulder as he says, But Tubal, you do belong here with your sister and me... Semjaza loves your artistry! It would break his heart if you left! Tubal looks up at him with his cold blue eyes, and hands Azazel the fancy steel iron knife which he gave to him so long ago. Tubal says, Here, take your knife back! I promised my mother I would leave before she died... Azazel will not take the knife back as he says kindly, Please, stay! You really do belong here... I'll work to improve our relationship... My greatest regret is that we have not become good friends... Why? Tubal points the shiny steel iron knife at him as he says bitterly, Because you are so cruel to my sister! Take your knife back! Azazel gently takes the mirrored knife out of his hand. The knife vanishes in his hand as Azazel says tenderly, I love Naamah! Please, let us start over and be friends. Tubal looks back at Naamah's mirror. Then Tubal looks strait into his blue eyes, and sneers as he asks, Why would you even want me to be your friend? Azazel smiles down at him. Azazel says almost lovingly, Tubal-Cain, you are a great man, a wonderful example of someone who takes pride in his work.......... And---you appreciate---Cain... Tubal asks mockingly, Why would you care? Azazel points to Naamah's glorious mirror as he says, Look at us in my wife's new mirror... Tubal slowly limps towards her mirror using his copper walking stick as Azazel floats just behind him and puts his right hand on his shoulder. Azazel is head and shoulders above Tubal, smiling down at him. Tubal looks nervously into the mirror at their refection, asking, So? Azazel asks slowly with a most wicked smile on his handsome face, Have you ever wonder why Cain was-----so intelligent? Tubal panics, stares at his hands, then stares at their reflection, very much distressed. He looks again in his sister's mirror at their faces. Azazel's pale face smiles wickedly. Tubal becomes horrified at just how much they look like each other. Tubal looks like Azazel if Azazel were scarred, had wrinkles, white hair and a long white goatee beard. Azazel's eyes are a slightly lighter shade of blue than his but still, they look closely related. Tubal turns away from the mirror, shouting, Cain! No, no, no! p. 171

Cain, it can't be! Cain, no-ooo! Azazel says slowly but harshly, Tubal, if you desert us? If you insist on humiliating yourself before Enoch? Know this, you will never belong with Enoch's family, for you have always been part of mine! Tubal---Cain! Tubal feels sick as he quickly limps away from Azazel who quickly floats up behind him. Azazel says angrily, Then, let's get your wife and go! Tubal asks fearfully, Go where? Azazel says angrily but sadly, To see my best friend, King Semjaza. Tubal limps on Azazel's disc. Tubal asks fearfully, Do we have to take 'Aqqow? Azazel asks cruelly, Do you have to leave? They float to the wall as a large oval entrance opens up for them. Soon, Azazel, Tubal, and 'Aqqow are riding on Azazel's disc floating down a very long shimmering yellow hallway. 'Aqqow is dress in a ankle length, long sleeved, metallic light blue gown and has a blue bonnet over her graying brown hair. Azazel frowns slightly, staring silently strait ahead. 'Aqqow turns towards Tubal asking nervously, Tubal, where are we going? Tubal stares strait ahead as he says nervously, 'Aqqow, we going to see king Semjaza... 'Aqqow asks, scared, Why, great metal wizard? Tubal says slowly, I'm going to ask him for permission to leave... 'Aqqow grabs him and forces him to look into her angry hazel eyes. Her tan face frowns angrily as she says hatefully, We live in the great crystal palace with the sons of God... You have the greatest metal workshop in the world! And you have me and... And you just decided to leave without even asking me! Are you mad? Tubal says softly, I'm sorry, but I know that God wants us to leave! 'Aqqow yells loudly, I don't want to leave!!! Tubal says sadly, These sons of God are not following God anymore... We must follow the Lord! 'Aqqow says, desperately pleading, But here, we have fantastic wealth, honor, scrumptious food, gorgeous clothes... And you have me and... Tubal looks longingly at her, asking, And what? 'Aqqow says emotionally, And we are finally having a baby! I want our child to grow up is this wonderful place and now you tell me, we got to leave! Tubal's blue eyes open wide and he stare blankly for a while. Then he smiles nervously, saying excitedly, A baby, our baby, wow!!! They continue to float down the hall. 'Aqqow says, Yes, great young metal wizard, a baby... I beg you, p. 172

if you love me and our baby, stay here! Tubal says forcefully, 'Aqqow, I love you too much to not seek God's blessing for our baby. We must leave! 'Aqqow starts hitting him as she shouts, You senile old goat, we can't be more blessed than this!!! I hate you! I hate you, you senile old goat! Azazel smiles behind them. Azazel, Tubal, and 'Aqqow come to a dead end. Azazel says loudly, King Semjaza, forgive our intrusion... Tubal wants to talk to you and 'Aqqow is with us. They nervously wait. Tubal sweats as 'Aqqow looks very hatefully at him. From behind the wall, they hear Semjaza say, Friends, just wait a little longer... They look tired and bored as they wait. Finally, the wall opens up into an large oval entrance. Semjaza says, Enter friends. Floating on Azazel's softly rumbling disc, they enter this gigantic room with a large, bright yellow star shaped floating platform slowly turning in the middle of the room. A strange fog covers all the walls and the long green grass on the ground. On the edges, lots and lots of beautiful girls barely dressed in long colorful feathers or in vines and leaves dance around five strange tall vine covered fruit trees or swing from their vines as circling red, yellow, and green lights flash all around them. The five strange fruit trees are evenly spaced around the edges of this gigantic room. 'Aqqow also stares nervously around at the many colorful birds flying around and the peacocks showing off their bright colorful feathers. Azazel, Tubal, and 'Aqqow float towards the slowly turning star shaped platform. On one of the star's points is a very large throne facing inward. Tubal and 'Aqqow stare nervously around. Some girls on the platform eat fruit from baskets and drink wine from crystal goblets and some dance as others play harps. Semjaza is sitting on his glorious, glowing pink crystal throne shaped like Ashtoreth sitting, dressed in her wedding gown and long cone cap, smiling down at them. Semjaza has two very friendly girls on his lap. On each sides of his throne is five life sized golden statues of saber tooth tigers bowing down before them. Azazel, Tubal and 'Aqqow land in the middle of the platform. Azazel says as he bows, Tubal, 'Aqqow, step off and kneel before our great king! They step off and humbly kneel. Azazel then floats a little closer to Semjaza on his disc. Semjaza stands up, pushes the two friendly girls aside as he walks towards Azazel. Semjaza says p. 173

joyously, Azazel, my wonderful friend, you finally did it! I knew you would! Azazel bows his head sadly on Semjaza's shoulder as he hugs him tightly. Semjaza lets go of him as they back up a little. Semjaza's handsome yellowish tan face looks puzzled as he asks, Why, Azazel? Why are you so sad? Azazel says ashamed, Tubal wants to leave us... He back away and bows before him. Semjaza steps backs and sadly sits on his glorious throne. Semjaza frowns, his brown eyes squinting as he says sadly, Tubal-Cain, come forward... Is it true? Tubal slowly limps forward using his fancy copper walking stick. He kneels fearfully before the king. Tubal says slowly, King Semjaza, I'm old and... King Semaza says happily, Tubal, my friend, I can restore your youth... Just ask! Tubal looks up and says fearfully, King Semjaza, I feel God wants me to go my home to serve the Lord there... Semjaza asks angrily, Have I not honored you above all men? What you mean, is that you want to serve my enemy Enoch! Tubal says trembling, King Semjaza, I miss my friend Enoch badly... Please let me go... My young apprentice Hepheaus will serve you well! Semjaza smiles playfully as he points to a couple of beautiful woman on the platform and says, Tubal-Cain, enjoy yourself! The two beautiful woman come over to Tubal and start putting their hands all over him. 'Aqqow jealously frowns at him. Semjaza points at her. 'Aqqow is frighten, bows her head and remains silent. Tubal smiles lustfully at the two woman but says with difficulty, Stop, ---girls! King Semjaza, ---I don't belong here... Semjaza angrily snaps his fingers. The woman frown as they walk away from Tubal. Semjaza says angrily squinting his eyes at him, Tubal-Cain, I can command you to stay or punish you severely! Tubal says tearfully, Yes, King Semjaza, but I beg you not to... Semjaza angrily gets up, walks over to Tubal and grabs his shoulders with both hands. Some yellowish lights flash around Tubal. Tubal moans in pain as he falls down. Semjaza crosses his arms as he says very sadly, My friend, you may go... Tubal gets up and says joyfully, My joint pain is gone! King Semjaza, thank you very much but why? Semjaza backs off and sits down again on his pink crystal throne, saying sadly to him, Tubal, you have serve me well and I hope someday you will return here where you truly do belong... p. 174

The next day, Enoch's igloo is being buried in heavy snow by a ferocious blizzard. Me and Seven hold our staffs, struggling to move through the deep, heavy snow towards the igloo's entrance. We are covered with heavy hooded furs with several layers of furs strapped tightly around our sandals but our feet are still numb as we shiver. We cover our faces up to our eyes because the cold is so painful. Sheets of falling snow are blinding us. We can barely see the large igloo in front of us. Both me and Seven cross our arms in front of us, trying to keep warm. We leave more of a thick trail behind us than tracks. We turn to look at each other. She has also gain some more weight. Seven lowers the furs around her mouth and says with heavily frosted breath, I hope Mehetabel is better... I lower the fur around my mouth and says with equally heavily frosted breath, Me too!!! I looks strait forward and ask loudly, Father, mother, may we enter? Enoch shouts, Son, come in! Chayah opens the fur curtain for us from the inside. She smiles darkly as she says mockingly, Bad time to be out... It's so terribly cold out there that I'm actually here! We rush inside to feel the blessed warmth. We breathe in the warm healing air as our fingers and toes slowly thaw. I look down at my frail mother who looks older. Her hair is mostly white and her wide cheeks are heavily wrinkled. She is reclining on some furs, covered by more furs as my father is reclining next to her. He feeds her nuts, some roots and some wine from a wineskin. Their fire pit is roaring. Next to the pile of sticks, there are little sticks lying on the icy ground along with some nut shells. Mehetabel's frail voice says loudly, Son, creepy girl! I'm glad you're here but isn't it deadly cold out there! Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, Son! Seven... He smiles at us and then pours some wine from his wineskin into a wood jar and holds it up to Mehetabel so she can drink from it. We slowly take off our outer furs and remove our hoods. Seven acts distressed. There is a small nut shell on the frozen floor along with other nuts and twigs. She breathes heavily, shaking, looking nervously all around, saying, Fil-thy! Filthy... Then she bites her pale lips. I rush to quickly pick up all the nuts and sticks off the icy floor and furs. I put them into a wooden bowl before Seven goes mad. We walk near the flickering fire pit. We grab some sticks from the near-by pile and throw them into the fire. Then we walk closer to my parents as Chayah reclines on some furs. I stare deeply into my mother's p. 175

dark brown eyes as I asks very much concerned, Mother, how are you? Mehetabel slowly says, Son, I have been better... My legs don't work anymore but I'll live... I have got to live long enough to see my grandchild... After all these years, why haven't you had a baby yet? Enoch looks embarrassed. I shake my head sadly, looks downcast, and says sadly, That's up to God... Seven's light green eyes tear up uncontrollably as she whines, Trust me, we're trying... We're really trying... My mother looks sadly at us. Later, the blizzard still rages on, as a large sledge being pulled by a team of wolf dogs pushes through the deep heavy snow to my parent's igloo. Four people are riding in it, wearing very heavy furs covering them except for their eyes. The wolf dogs howl as the snow continues to fall in sheets. Two servants steps off the sledge. They assist one who is using his fancy copper walking stick get out of his sledge. Then they assist a woman covered in so many thick furs that she looks like a big fur ball. They all struggle to get to the entrance of the igloo. My parents, Chayah, Me and Seven are laying on many furs on their icy floor. Mehetabel, Chayah and Seven are sleeping. Tubal chilled voice asks, Enoch, it's me, Tubal.. It's cold! I beg you, let us enter? Enoch and me get up. We look at each other. Enoch frowns, baring his large yellowish brown teeth, saying, Lord, what he do here? I say, Father, bring them in... Maybe God brought them here. My father opens the fur curtain. Enoch waves them in, saying grouchily, Come in! They enter being assisted by their two servants. Our guests takes off their outer furs and stands by the flaming fire pit to warm up. 'Aqqow takes off her very heavy gray furs along with a fur cap bigger than her head. 'Aqqow is dressed in an ankle length, long sleeved, metallic light blue gown and has a light blue bonnet over her graying brown hair. Tubal is now dressed in his shiny violet and silver robes. He is wearing a shiny violet turban on top of his head. Tubal and 'Aqqow bow humbly before us. Tubal says excitedly, Enoch, I have missed you and your family so much! Tubal walks up and hugs Enoch who pushes him back. Enoch frowns, asking harshly, Why are you here? Got tired insulting God with your idols? Tubal looks embarrassed. 'Aqqow frowns very angrily. Tubal says timidly, Yes, friend..... I left the sons of p. 176

God! Enoch asks suspiciously, After all these years, why now? Did sons of God kick you out? 'Aqqow shakes her fists, her hazel eyes shine angrily at him as she shouts loudly, Enoch, you self righteous creep, I am finally becoming a mother and my husband and me were living a truly wonderful life with the sons of God! But we had to leave so he could be with his true friend, Enoch... Semjaza is a better friend than you! Tubal, let's go! Tubal says humbly, No, 'Aqqow. These are honest questions... My mother wakes up. Mehetabel says sleepily, 'Aqqow, Tubal, is it true? After all these years, you're going to have a child? 'Aqqow turns sideways to show off her little bump. Tubal puts his arms around her shoulders. 'Aqqow says smiling nervously, I'm with child... Tubal says smiling proudly, That's right! I am a father now! My pretty little 'Aqqow is bearing my child! 'Aqqow blushes as she looks around nervously. Mehetabel says, Tubal, I am so happy for you! Congratulations. My brown eyes sparkle as I says, That's great! Enoch smiles humbly, asking Is that why you left the sons of God? Tubal says as he breaks down in tears, I knew that God wanted me to leave for a long time but when I saw Naamah's cruelty toward her qoph, I felt so rotten!!! I had to leave... My little 'Aqqow told me about our child latter... 'Aqqow looks scared. I'm shocked as I say loudly, Qoph? Seven wakes up suddenly, her light green eyes open wide. Dressed in her light brown furs, she jumps up and leaps towards Tubal. She angrily grabs him by his long white goatee beard. Seven asks very emotionally, Tubal, did you say Naamah's cruelty toward her qoph? Tubal says truly scared, Ouch! Yeah... 'Aqqow shakes her fist as she says disgusted, Seven, take your hands off my husband! As she lets go of his beard, Seven says very forcefully, Describe her! Tubal says trembling, Looks just like you, only thinner... Seven asks very excitedly, Did she have a one printed on her robe? Tubal nods.. After we left, dress in our several thick hooded furs, we struggle to move though the thick snow as the blizzard continues. We keep our lower faces covered. We have to. Our poor numb feet ache as we struggle to walk through the deep snow to our igloo, which is somewhat smaller than my parent's igloo. We open our fur curtain, lower our heads and rush into our p. 177

cold igloo. Still shivering, we lower the furs around our mouths as Seven says with frosted breath, Methuselah, start the fire now... I'm so cold! I takes out my black flint rocks as I says shivering, I hate this blizzard! We put our hoods back over our heads. I walk over to our fire pit. I pick up some sticks by our big pile of sticks. I put some sticks into the pit, grabs some dry straw, and puts it on top of the sticks. I gets on my hands and knees and starts striking the flints together over the straw. The flint rocks starts shooting sparks on the straw for a while but it doesn't start a fire easily. I shiver nervously as I try to start a fire again. Seven holds her shoulders, trying to warm herself, saying Hurry, get the fire started or we will freeze to death! The igloo is too small for Seven to completely stand up strait so she hunches over a little. I shouts, Be patient Seven... It just takes a little time. Shivering, she stares painfully at me. I strike the flints frantically, over and over and over again. Finally the straw begins to smoke. I bends down and carefully blows on it. Very slowly the straw smokes more and more. A little fire begins. Seven shouts with joy, Thank God!!! You got the fire started! Some time latter, we sit in front of our fairly large fire, warming ourselves. We are now dressed in light weight furs. I say, Thank God, we're warm now! Seven says, teary eyed, Tubal said that Azazel gave One to Naamah to clean their room... How did he get her and what happened to Six? I say thoughtfully, Either Azazel bought One from Lord Bad or he is Lord Bad... I do not know about Six. Seven says with a small smile, At least I know One is alive... We got to rescue her! I says frowning and teary eyed, We can't! All we can do is pray... Seven breaks down in tears, saying, Then pray with me! We bow our heads as she prays out loud, crying, O good Lord God, not Lord Bad, save my sister qoph One from Naamah! O Lord, what happened to Six? Thank you Lord that Qadash and me got away... I beg you Lord, free my lost sisters, free One and Six! High above our igloo in the ferocious blizzard Uriel and Remiel float on their fiery discs. They turn towards each other. Uriel's big cheeks droop as he asks, Do you think Semjaza can be convince to free One? Remiel's rugged reddish tan face smiles slightly as he puts his hand on Uriel's shoulders. Remiel says intensely, We must try! May God grant us success... p. 178

Two new moons latter, Seven sleeps with me behind her. We cuddled together on our sides, covered from the neck down by thick furs. Our fire pit has a small fire still burning in it. Seven snores. We hear Uriel say loudly, Methuselah, Seven, please come out... Seven opens her light green eyes. She looks nervously around. She sits up, shakes me and says, Methuselah, get up, someone's here. I am real tired but I slowly get up. I looks briefly at my wife as I asks loudly, Who's out there? Uriel says happily, Uriel... Remiel says eagerly, Remiel and... One says, It's me, One! Seven, are you really in there? Wide eyed, Seven asks in awe, Oh One, can it be? We open our fur curtain and rush out to see Uriel, Remiel and One in front of our igloo. One who is covered from her head to her feet in thick brown furs, stands with Uriel on his disc, floating just above the snow. It's a sunny, snowy morning. One has a furry brown hood over her head. Seven runs to One as One steps down from Uriel's disc. One says joyfully, Seven, you're alive, you're alive! And Remiel freed me from the bad thing inside me so I can talk freely... Thank God! Seven smiles hugely. They meet and grab each others shoulders. Seven says in disbelief, One, One, praise God, you're really here!!! What.. happened to Six? One's whitish, pinkish face turns paler as she says, crying, Lord, processed--- her, soon after--- you escaped! She's dead! They hug each other tightly as they cry on each other's shoulders. I come up quietly behind them. Uriel and Remiel float to the left of them. I says a little chilled, Seven, let's invite our special guest in. Seven lets go of her sister saying, Come on everybody. Let's go in where it's nice and warm. Me, Seven, and One bow down a little to enter our small igloo. Uriel and Remiel step off their discs. Their discs floats up and attaches to the backs of their very broad collars. Uriel and Remiel bow down their heads as they enter our igloo. We are crowded tightly inside our small igloo, sitting down shoulder to shoulder around our small flickering fire pit. One looks around embarrassed, saying, Kind of filthy in here... Seven, how can you stand it? Seven and me look embarrassed. Seven says tenderly, I love my husband! He tries not to be too filthy but...ah... I put my hands over my eyes and shakes my head. One says cheerfully, Seven your hair is so long and you're thicker... Are you with child? Seven and me smiles humorously. Seven says sadly embarrassed, I wish I were... I just been eating a little p. 179

more... Did lord sell you to Azazel? One asks fearfully, Who's Azazel? Remiel says comfortingly, He was your Lord... Your sister rightfully calls him Lord Bad! One jerks her head down in horror, shuts her eyes tightly and whines, Remiel, Seven, don't ever call him that! Lord knows all! Beside, Lord set me free! Remiel's brown eyes look down at her in pity as he says angrily, He does not know all! He is not the Lord! One, he only released you because Semjaza commanded him to... One hugs Uriel in fear. Uriel tenderly puts his arm over her shoulders, tying to comfort her, saying, Fear not, One! God, the true Lord loves you and will protect you and your family... She stops hugging him as he removes his arm from her shoulder. One tearfully asks, If that's true, why didn't God save Six? Remiel, Uriel and One stare at each other. Uriel says with regret, One, I'm sorry, there are questions that even the sons of God don't have the answers to... Seven says comforting, One, have faith... God is much greater than Azazel! I asks, Uriel, Remiel, how did you get One out of there? Uriel slyly smiles as he says a little embarrassed, Two new moons ago, we heard Seven's prayers for her sisters... A few days ago, me and Remiel went to the Children's Festival as Asbeel, Vashti, Kasdeja, and Yerach were just leaving... We asked Asbeel for some help.... Uriel and Remiel tell us all about how they convince him to help them. We float high above Yerach's Children's Festival, as a large crowd chants loudly, Kind Yerach, protector of children... Kind goddess Yerach... We see lots of children play in the shallow snow, building rather large snowman, snow woman, snow animals, and even snow palaces. One snow woman looks just like Yerach. We see Yerach floating with Kasdeja on his disc. She is dressed in her ankle length metallic green, long sleeved gown. Chashaq is riding on it's own disc next to them. Yerach's kind dark face is now more wrinkled, her once black hair has big gray streaks but she's still looks lovely. Yerach says humbly to the crowd, I am no goddess but to care for children is divine! Yerach bows graciously with her long metallic green cone cap on top of her ankle length braided graying hair that moves with the gentle wind. Asbeel and Vashti are floating on their fiery disc to their left. Vashti is dressed just like her except her gown and cap are silver colored. Looking p. 180

down from the sky, we see Partam and Batach with their children in the crowd. They all look noticeably older. Partan asks, Batach, do you feel it? Batach says disapprovingly, That every year the crowds worships her more... Tiqvih, Megan and their son Mala are now adults. Their smiling son Mala says, Mother, it's just a good time. Batach says to him, No, Mala, it's more than that... Megan, the still not thin one says, No, it's just symbolic... Don't worry about it. Tivah, the still thin one says, Relax, it's just for show. Yerach lovingly smiles at her adoring crowd. The crowd shouts loudly, Protector of children! Kind goddess Yerach... Kind Yerach! Partam and Batach look nervous as they watch Yerach say, I have to leave now... I hope to see you and your children, next year! Kasdeja pets Chashaq who is floating on it's own disc. To their left is Asbeel and Vashti floating on his disc. They float up into the skies. We, fly up behind them. Kasdeja and Yerach turn towards us. Kasdeja frowns, and says chillingly, Fools.. Leave us... Yerach's dark wrinkled but lovely face looks worried as she says, Please Kasdeja stay calm... Chashaq whimpers as it's three vicious heads look nervously around. Asbeel and Vashti turn towards us. Asbeel's light brown face smiles as he asks, Uriel, Remiel, what can I do for you? Remiel's rugged reddish tan face frowns at him as he says, Repent and serve God! Uriel says kindly, Asbeel, Naamah mistreats a qoph named One, a sister of Methuselah's wife Seven... Convince Semjaza to release One to us! Shocked, Asbeel asks fearfully, Who do you think I am? I can't do that! Kasdeja angrily crosses his arms. Remiel crosses his arms too as he says harshly, Asbeel, --we know who you are.... Uriel says forcefully, You could ask Semjaza to give us an audience and we will convince him. Asbeel looks briefly but breathlessly at Vashti who looks worried at him. Asbeel says fearfully to us, Please no! Uriel's dark red eyes burn with anger. Uriel asks, Have you told Vashti about Shoshan? Vashti says sadly, Yes he did! Shoshan was my husband's first love from a very long time ago... She was a beautiful woman who broke his heart. Uriel asks harshly, Did he tell you??? Kasdeja angrily hits his sickly thin but muscular chest with both his fists as he yells, Leave Asbeel alone! Chashaq yelps as it's six dark yellow eyes stare at Uriel. Remiel says sternly, Kasdeja, Asbeel is not a child! Yerach pleads with him, Kasdeja, if you love me... Don't p. 181

fight! Vashti stares intently, sadly at him as Asbeel very fearfully asks, Uriel, what are you doing? Uriel says with no hesitation, God wants you to convince Semjaza to free qoph One and bring her to us! Maybe you should ask Ashtoreth to help you convince him? Asbeel looks very embarrassed as Vashti grabs him tightly saying tearfully, Asbeel, talk to me! Uriel and Remiel smile as the flickering fires from their discs warmly lights them. Remiel says happily, Asbeel, convinced Semjaza to release One! Me, Seven, and One listen intently to their story. One asks in wonder, How did Asbeel convince King Semjaza to release me? Uriel's dark red eyes sparkle, his huge dark cheeks smile broadly as he says humorously, Asbeel can be amazingly persuasive when he needs to be... Three new moons latter, Tubal's Metal Shop is being covered by heavy snow from a blizzard. Enoch, Me, Seven, One, and Chayah ride on a large sledge being pulled by a team of eight large wolf dogs harness to this sledge, through these chilly lands as the dire wolves howl. We are driven by two of Tubal's servants, sitting in front of us. The wolf dogs snarls and growl a lot in response to the eerrie howls of the dire wolves. Our sandals are all wrapped with heavy furs. We are all are heavily dress in our hooded furs with our branch staffs by our side. We keep our mouth and noses covered to protect them from the bone chilling cold. Enoch and me ride just behind Tubal's servants. He wears his silly fur cap and I has a brown fur hood over my head. Seven, One, and Chayah sit crowded together. Chayah lowers the fur around her mouth as she says with frosted breath, Wow, 'Aqqow is about to give birth and we been invited over to bless her child! Seven lowers the fur around her mouth, shivers and asks, whining, God blesses even Tubal and 'Aqqow with a baby... O-God, why don't I have a baby? One lowers the fur around her mouth and says cheerfully, Have faith sister, that's what you're always telling me... Have faith that not only will God give you a baby but that filthy Methuselah will finally learn that cleanliness is life! Then they cover their mouths and noses again. I am really irritated, gripping my long grayish beard with my primitive fur glove covered hand, as I shakes my head. We stop in front of Tubal's Metal Shop. We step off the sledge and struggle though the deep snow to the entrance using our staffs. Tubal p. 182

opens his woolly mammoth curtains, holding his fancy copper walking stick with a dire wolf's head on top. We feel the great wonderful warmth inside. Tubal is dressed in his orange robes with a golden turban on top of his long white hair. Tubal says happily, Enoch and everyone, come in! How's Mehetabel? Enoch says sadly, She doing better but it's is too harsh and cold for her to travel here. Tubal turns around and everyone follows him in. I look at the large fancy copper sun ornament that Raaman almost pull down on her those many years ago. This ornament has turn pale green. I see this wall is covered in metal ornaments, many of which have turn colors over the many years. There are tables with lots of pots, pan, etc. on them. Enoch says smiling, baring his large brownish teeth, Tubal, thanks for sending sledge to bring us here... How's 'Aqqow? Me here to bless! Tubal says somewhat concerned, My pretty little 'Aqqow has gone into labor somewhat earlier than we expected. Tubal limps up to him and hugs him, saying, Thank God, you're here! Chayah asks excitedly, Where's 'Aqqow? Has the baby been born yet? Tubal says a little irritated, She's behind the gray fur curtain and the baby has not yet been born. Me and Seven smile at each other. One asks impatiently, When can we see them? Tubal's scarred face smiles as he says happily, Just as soon as my baby is born and our midwife says so. We look around as we take off our outer furs and pull down our hoods. A pale midwife dressed in light hooded white furs, comes out though the gray curtain, saying very nervously, Tubal, ---your wife--has had a--son. He's quite small... I---would keep your guests back here... Tubal, shakes his walking stick happily, saying boastfully, I'm a father! Everybody come and see my son! We walk to a back room through the gray curtain. Tubal's servants follow us. The midwife quickly grabs her outer furs and quickly but quietly leaves. We go behind the gray curtain and see his fireplace roaring with large flames. Then I see 'Aqqow reclining on a pile of gray furs, dressed in some light gray furs that cover her up to her arms. She's holding a tiny crying baby in a small dark gray fur blanket. The blanket covers the baby so I can't quite see him. Tubal uses his walking stick, bows on his knees and then sits down next to his wife. She smiles very nervously. I, Seven, One, and Chayah get p. 183

on our knees and sits down around 'Aqqow. The servants continue to stand in back of everybody. Tubal gently kisses 'Aqqow once. She's looks scared as Tubal says, My little 'Aqqow, I love you and now you've given me a son... The baby looks out of his blanket at us. Enoch stands in front of us using his staff as he says, 'Aqqow, me bless you and baby! May God's good will be done for baby... Tubal pulls the top part of the blanket away from the baby's tiny head. 'Aqqow's hazel eyes look very scared as she says, Great loving metal wizard, we have a son... Tubal smiles, saying, My son! The tiny yellowish tan baby stops crying and looks up, and smiles at Tubal. The tiny bald baby is so skinny and frail. His squinted light hazel eyes are large and bulging. He has goofy wide cheeks and really large ears. The baby looks nothing like Tubal. The baby looks lovingly up at him as Tubal raise his walking stick in a angry threatening manner. Tubal breathes heavily as his pale scarred, wrinkled, long goatee bearded face turns reddish, frowning furiously as his whole body shakes violently. Tubal yells as he gets up, 'Aqqow you filthy whore! That is not my son! You betrayed me! Die whore! 'Aqqow shuts her terrified eyes, holding her baby close. The baby cries, bowing his tiny bald head. Tubal swings his heavy copper walking stick down at 'Aqqow's head as I, Enoch, and Chayah grab him. We struggle to pull him away from her. One turns away frighten. Chayah yells, He's acting like a mad beast! Tubal has a fit, swinging his walking stick wildly, hitting his stone walls, over and over. 'Aqqow holds her baby close to her as she bitterly cries, whining, saying, O God, she was right! She said you would kill me but Tubal, I believe you loved me! Her tiny baby faints, crying no more. I shouts angrily, Stop this! Seven shouts furiously, Tubal-Cain, this is the love of your life! One turns to look at him, puts her hands up, cowering, saying fearfully, He sounds like Lord! I and Chayah restrain him as Enoch stands in front of him. Tubal yells, What are you all doing? That whore must die! God demands justice! Enoch slaps Tubal hard twice across his scarred white bearded face. Chayah angrily asks him, You want to kill your wife? Even Cain didn't kill his wife! Tubal calms down and pauses a little. He looks over to see that the tiny, tiny baby is almost dead. 'Aqqow stares in horror as she lifts up her son and tries to wake him. Enoch frowns. Tubal furiously yells, She betrayed me! I want justice! p. 184

That whore sinned against God! ---What's wrong with her baby? Enoch slaps him hard again and asks angrily, Want justice? Justice, you die for sinning against God! Tubal turns to look back at 'Aqqow and her deadly ill baby. 'Aqqow cries out bitterly as she holds her seemingly dead baby up towards him, screaming hatefully, She was right! You hated my baby and now my baby is dead! You're just like your father! Your father! Damn you, my baby is dead! He becomes silent. She weeps bitterly as she angrily hands him the unmoving baby to show Tubal what a monster he is. Tubal holds the tiny yellowish pale baby up. Tubal is really sicken, disgusted with himself, and weeps uncontrollably. He opens the little dark blanket up, gently touches the frail tiny baby's body with his index fingers, trying to wake the baby up. The baby is not moving. Everyone stares hatefully at him as Tubal cries out, O---God! OGod, O-God, I don't want her baby to --be dead! O-God, this little one smile at me and I, no, no, no-o-o-o-o-o! The baby looks dead. Tubal grabs Enoch desperately, saying, Enoch, pray for baby! God will listen to you! But not me! Enoch bows his almost bald wrinkled head as he prays, Me pray, Lord help baby! Everyone including Tubal's servants bows their heads and silently pray. The pale yellowish tiny baby is not moving. Tubal uncontrollably sobs. Streams of tears flow down his scared face and soak his long white goatee beard. One of his tears falls onto the dead baby's head. The tear seems to glow yellow. The frail baby jerks back to life, and begins wildly wheezing. Tubal holds the baby close to his scarred, wrinkled, sobbing face. Tubal pleads as his cold blue eyes stare at the baby fighting for his life, Oh God, save baby! O-God, baby, you can live, little one, be mighty! Live! Live! Live! The baby struggles to breathe. Slowly, the frail baby wheezes but breathes. 'Aqqow says joyously in disbelief, My baby's not dead! O Lord, can it be? Thank God! Tubal gently holds the tiny baby, shouting really excited, Praise God! Praise the Lord! Little mighty one, you're alive. God makes you mighty! God make you mighty! My son Gibbor, live! Live! Little one, live! Gibbor live! 'Aqqow shouts happily, jumping for joy, My baby alive, thank God!!! Now give me back my son, you monster! Gibbor is not your son! Give my son back to me! Tubal turns towards her angrily and begins to shout, Wha-a-a, 'Aqqow... Everyone stares at him. Then he drops to his knees, bits his lips, p. 185

and hands Gibbor back to his wife. Tubal says sobbing like a baby, Ah,--Gibbor, maybe, you're better off that I'm not your-r father... As the tiny, tiny baby looks over at him, Gibbor continues wheezing but he can breathe. 'Aqqow holds him tight in his dark gray fur.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 10. Gibbor

Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of man, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men of old, men of renown. Introduction I, grandpa and grandma are reclining on some thick gray furs, snuggling together. My young brown face looks puzzled, my greenish brown eyes open wide as I asks, Was Gibbor really a tiny baby who almost die at birth? Grandpa says with a sad wrinkled smile, He was the smallest baby I've ever seen... I brush back my long dark brown hair, and ask in amazement, How can that be? Grandma Qoph says with her arms crossed, Gibbor was born about three new moons too soon... And Tubal-Cain's mad hatred almost killed Gibbor! Grandpa rubs his long whitish gray beard as he says, Grandma, that's not fair to Tubal... You know Gibbor was poisoned... Grandma Qoph's wrinkled whitish pink face frowns as she says angrily, That's one story... And as for Tubal, I don't trust him or the stories he told us! Grandpa looks sharply at her, saying, Tubal didn't say that Gibbor was poisoned. Aqqow said that... I asks boldly, Grandma Qoph, what stories? Grandma Qoph's bloated wrinkled face frowns as she says mockingly, Everything about Tubal's time with the sons of God... Grandpa wasn't there! Tubal-Cain told us these stories... I don't believe that King Semjaza begged him to stay... He kicked him out! When Tubal's mother was dying, begging p. 187

him to leave the sons of God, he never promised to leave! Grandpa frowns, saying, Grandma Qoph, that's enough! If it wasn't for Tubal, you would never have known that One was still alive. Grandma Qoph says angrily, Tubal-Cain would of bash 'Aqqow's skull in if we had not been there... That is true! Grandpa says a little angry, 'Aqqow committed the terrible sin of adultery! She broke her wedding vows not only to Tubal but to God! I'm scared by their little argument. Grandma Qoph's face turns bright red with anger as she asks, What? She deserved to be beaten to death because she was with someone who's not ugly, old, and obnoxious! My grandparent stare angrily at each other for a while. Then, I ask timidly, Grandma Qoph, didn't Tubal help a bunch of people? Didn't he help Enoch? Doesn't Gibbor love Tubal? Grandma Qoph slowly calms down as she sadly says, Yes, but Gibbor is foolish... I look up at them and ask, Who is Gibbor's father? Grandpa says, smiling, I will get to that.. Soon after Gibbor was born, me, Seven and One visited the near by markets when we saw something horrible... Early in in the morning, me, Seven, and One walk out of our small igloo, wearing our heaviest furs with several layers of furs tied around our wooden sandals. Each of us holds our long branch staffs. No snow is falling and things look calm as we walk towards the near-by markets. We see the great mountains off in the distance. There are lots of small carts and various furry animals including furry camels, wolf dogs, and very large flightless birds. We stand before one trader who has several goats, standing behind her small cart. She is dressed head to foot in lots of heavy gray furs. She walks over to her grayish spotted goat and squirts it's milk into a stone jar. She walks back to us. I hand her some nuts and roots in exchange for the goat's milk. We walk away. There are lots of other traders. I, Seven and One look all around, with our heavy fur hoods around our heads. We see one of the trader's carts is full of various foods, furs, wood tools, and pottery. Another trader holds up little wooden idols of Semjaza, Ashtoreth, Azazel, Naamah, Asbeel, Vashti, Kasdeja, Yerack, and the Serpent. Me, and Seven are disgusted by these idols. One says curiously, Wow, people trade lots of weird things... Do people really worship those tiny idols? I says mockingly, Yeah, they p. 188

do... Seven says self righteously, Some people like their gods to be really small. One trader holds up little Algae covered stones, saying, Get your Algae stones! We are all part of the Algae. As we look around, we hear a soft rumbling sound. Seven turns around and sees a huge wooden cart pulled by a small young brownish woolly mammoth. On top of the cart, holding a long animal hide whip is an elegant young looking woman. She has a delicate brown face and short black hair. She is dressed in extravagant long black furs with a large black fancy fur cap on top of her head. Above the cart, a pale son of God is floating on his fiery disc. His trim glows bright red. He holds a small white glowing tablet in his hands. Behind the wooden bars of the huge cart are several small children, mostly little girls dress in tight white hooded robes. The elegant woman hits the poor little woolly mammoth with her long whip, saying, Stop beast! The little mammoth cries out as it stops in it's tracks. The son of God above the woman, floats down next to her. His skin is pale and he has smooth long brown hair. He touches his little white tablet with his index finger, it glows and he looks down at the small crowd. He waves to them as he says loudly but gracefully, Harken to me, all of you! I am Penemue, the dedicated scribe and the elegant lady next to me is my wife Lady Mirsha'ath... She politely bows her head. The crowd listens intently. Me, Seven and One stare at the caged children. Penemue reads from his tablet, shamelessly saying, I proclaim to ye all, that the most honorable King Semjaza hast liberalized the child intimate companion laws... Children held by dangerous cults shall be reassign as intimate child companions to ye who shall exchange valuables for them. Much of the crowd starts to cheer. I, Seven and One are absolutely shocked. One's light green eyes fearfully look up as she asks, What did that weird man just say? I frowns angrily as I says, Child prostitution is legal again! Seven says, disgustedly shocked, No, it can't be! Several people get in line to exchange goats and other valued animals for the little children. Lady Mirsha'ath steps down the ladder on the side of her wooden cart. She opens the cart door, as Mirsha'ath says, One, Two, and Three, come out and bow before our honorable customers... Two little girls and a little boy dressed in tight white hooded robes walk out of the cage and obediently bows next to her before the crowd. Mirsha'ath cheerfully asks, What would you exchange for one of p. 189

these obedient lovable ones? They are all well trained. One cowers as Seven shouts, Have you people no shame? Do you not fear God? The three children just stare. I shout angrily, Treating children like this is against God! Stop at once or face God's wrath! Someone in the crowd says, Shut up! It's legal therefore it's right... Penemue says arrogantly to me, Thou hypocrite, thou married a qoph, tis pink faced freak and thou doth judge us! Depart while thou mayest, qoph lover! The crowd around me, Seven, and One begins murmuring and pushing us away. One cowers as Seven shouts, I'm not a freak... You're the freaks! Mirsha'ath dark eyes twinkle as she says mockingly to the crowd, Look, thy qoph loving judge associates with two pink faced freaks while he demonizes mime honorable enterprise... He shall face God's wrath! The angry crowd begins grabbing at us, shouting, How dare you judge us, you qoph lover!!! We try to run away. I asks fearfully, What's wrong with you people? As the crowd is turning violent, there's a bright green flash behind us that blinds the crowd. We run away as fast as we can in the deep snow to get away. About three new moons after Gibbor was born, Mehetabel is reclining on a big pile of furs as she teaches Tubal how to pray. She is now somewhat fat, her kind dark face is quite wrinkled, her long hair is grayish white. The fire pit's flickering lights dances around her. Mehatebal sadly looks up, saying, Tubal, say the prayer again with more heart.. Tubal stands in their igloo in front of the fire holding his fancy copper walking stick before her. He's dressed in his purple robes and has a purple turban on top of his long white hair. Tubal says quite disturbed, I have so much anger! Maybe I can't be kind, consistently.. Her dark eyes look sadly up at him as her wrinkled cheeks droop. Mehetabel says comfortingly, Kindness comes from the Lord... Pray the prayer I taught you... Tubal prays very nervously, O Lord God, help me to become kind! To be respectful... Mehetabel smiles at him as she says, Even if she doesn't deserve it.. Tubal grits his teeth, saying, Yeah... To be thankful... Mehetabel sadly smiles, saying Even when it's frustrating and hard! Tubal says sincerely, trying hard to smile, To be forgiving.. To be comforting... To be encouraging... He pauses for a while. They stare at each other. Mehetabel says as she points to him, Yes Tubal, p. 190

encouraging and... Tubal says tearfully as the fire's flickering lights dances across his pale scarred wrinkled face, And God, help me be helpful to and love 'Aqqow! Mehetabel says graciously, Begin each day with that prayer and say it anytime you get angry, even if it's not with her! Enoch, Chayah, and 'Aqqow enter though the fur curtain. 'Aqqow holds up a much bigger Gibbor in her tired arms. My father is dress in his yellowish tan furs and his silly fur cap is on his almost bald wrinkled head. Enoch says joyfully, We back! He limps over with his staff, bends down and tenderly hugs my mother who hugs him back. My sister is dressed in dark brown hooded furs. She pulls back her hood as her dark brown face smiles happily at Gibbor. Chayah says excited, What an interesting baby.. Tubal turns towards them. Chayah follows 'Aqqow just behind her, giggling. 'Aqqow wears heavy gray furs. She hands Gibbor to Chayah. Gibbor starts crying. 'Aqqow struggles to takes off her outer furs, under which she is wearing her shiny blue gown and her blue bonnet over her graying brown hair. Then Chayah hands Gibbor back to 'Aqqow who holds Gibbor as he cries and pouts. 'Aqqow stares with a hurt look on her wrinkled but still pretty tan face. Gibbor is no longer skinny or small. He's bald, fat, and big enough that she has troubling holding him up for long. My mother smiles. Tubal says with tears in his worried blue eyes, Forgive me, 'Aqqow! If you allow me to, I promise to forgive you, and love you and your child as much as I love metal working... She walks next to him and drops Gibbor down into his waiting arms. 'Aqqow says excitedly, Tubal, that's the most romantic thing I have ever heard you say! Will you really forgive me? Tubal says sadly, Yes 'Aqqow! I need your forgiveness... Chayah giggles as she asks, I wonder how big Gibbor will get? He looks down curiously at her growing baby. Tubal sees that Gibbor's bald head is a little small but his ears are quite big. Gibbor stops crying as his big bulging, squinted hazel eyes look up at him. His goofy yellowish tan face with really big cheeks smiles at Tubal as this big baby coos. Tubal asks surprised, 'Aqqow, what happen to your tiny baby? 'Aqqow says very nervously, Gibbor, grew... A lot... Ate a lot too! I need help! Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice, 'Aqqow, tell husband! 'Aqqow, nervously looks around, asking Enoch, do I have to? I'm scared... Enoch nods. Mehetabel points at her as she says slowly, Go on 'Aqqow, p. 191

God will help you... We will help too. Tubal nervously smiles. 'Aqqow bows her head as she says very embarrass, I notice that a lot of women seem to be having a good time with... So when he took notice of me... I fell into temptation... Tubal closes his eyes tight in anger. He moans, puts his right hand over his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief. 'Aqqow acts scared as she says slowly to him, Of all the women he been with, none were ever with child... So when I found myself with child, I thought it must be your child... Somehow, Ashtoreth knew! She invited me to have dinner with her and her latest twelve..... 'Aqqow tells us that about two weeks before Tubal and 'Aqqow left the crystal palace, Ashtoreth invited 'Aqqow to dine with her. Ashtoreth's magical crystal pink eyes watch intently as the entrance open up for 'Aqqow. She walks in on the red path above the waters dressed in her metallic blue gown. She wears her blue bonnet over her long graying brown hair. 'Aqqow bows humbly before her, saying, O great Queen Ashtoreth, I am most honored to be invited to dine with you... Ashtoreth is sitting on her huge white scallop shell shaped throne as six young boys and six young girls dressed in short red snake skin hooded robes serve her food and drinks. They all carry wooden Ashtoreth poles with the top third shaped like a hooded woman with a snake's face. Ashtoreth is dressed in her light green and pink scaled patterned, short hooded skirt with long feathered sleeves that look like a colorful bird's wings. She is plumper, borderline fat. Her face is hidden behind her cobra like hood. Next to her throne is a smaller golden throne where Naamah sits, dressed in a tight ankle length, low cut, sleeveless, shiny yellow gown. She wears a long shiny yellow cone cap on top of her beautiful long blond hair. The huge aquarium is just a little below them surrounding the red path. Behind the thrones is a huge bronze winged serpent idol. It's large head, neck and wings sticks out of the water. The idol has big pink jewels for eyes and colorful flowers completely cover the walls behind them. Naamah sits uncomfortably on her golden scallop shaped throne. Her pale girlish face pouts as she arrogantly asks. Why is she... Here? Ashtoreth pulls back her hood exposing her wrinkled, slightly bloated face. She frowns. Just below her short curly reddish brown hair, her magical crystal p. 192

pink eyes glance over at Naamah. Ashtoreth smiles, and says gently, Naamah, your husband has made you insensitive... 'Aqqow is a guest.... My twelve, serve dinner... 'Aqqow is standing as a boy and a girl carries a large thick circular yellow cushion and lays it down before her. Ashtoreth says kindly, Sit down... Let us dine. Four of her twelve brings her gold plates, filled with breads, cakes, colorful peeled fruits, and a crystal goblet filled with red wine. They feed her and hold her goblet so her hands never have to touch them. Four of the twelve do the same for Naamah. 'Aqqow sits down on the yellow cushion as four of the twelve lay golden plates filled with bread and peeled fruits, nuts with their shells removed, and a gold goblet of red wine on the cushion she is sitting on. Then they all walk away. 'Aqqow nervously drinks some wine and eats some fruit. Her hazel eyes looks up at the great queen. 'Aqqow humbly asks, Queen Ashtoreth, may I ask about your twelve? As Naamah is being fed by four of the twelve, she stops eating and says arrogantly, They are her chosen companions honored to serve the Serpent directly under the great goddess Ashtoreth! Ashtoreth quietly smiles. 'Aqqow asks with some hesitation, Are they like King Semjaza's many companions? Ashtoreth furiously looks down at her and then looks over at Naamah. There's an uncomfortable pause. Angry, Naamah almost speaks as Ashtoreth motions with her hands and says, Naamah, remain silent... 'Aqqow, my twelve are nothing like my husband's whores! We commit thirty years to the Serpent and we care for each other! Then I choose another twelve but I remain good friends with all my twelves... 'Aqqow cowering before her, bowing, saying, Forgive me, Queen Ashtoreth! Naamah crosses her legs and smiles as she says proudly, Queen Ashtoreth loves us all but I am her favorite... Ashtoreth's looks fondly over at Naamah. Her wrinkled, slightly bloated tan face smiles. Ashtoreth says, Naamah, don't be so conceited... But it's true. You are my favorite... Naamah smiles smugly as Aqqow looks up nervously at her. After they eat diner, Ashtoreth gently says to her twelve, My twelve, you all served us well... Now leave. 'Aqqow is still sitting on the yellow cushion as four of the twelve pick up the golden goblet and golden plates and walks out of an oval exit that opens up in the wall behind her. They are still p. 193

carrying their Ashtoreth poles. 'Aqqow stands up, and steps off the cushion. Two of the twelve picks up the cushion and walks out of the exit followed by the rest of the twelve. Then the exit closes up. 'Aqqow bows as she says, Queen Ashtoreth, I been honored to dine with you... May I be excused? Sitting on her golden throne Naamah childishly sneers. Ashtoreth says forcefully, We need to talk about your condition... 'Aqqow asks very nervously, Queen Ashtoreth, how did you know about me finally having a child for my husband? Naamah points at her, saying harshly, You don't believe that, you whore! Ashtoreth says sadly, Naamah, be not rude!! 'Aqqow, don't be scared... I know that my husband has played with many girls... Yet you are the first he's impregnated. 'Aqqow blurts out, It's Tubal's child! Sitting very high up on her exalted white throne, Ashtoreth says bitterly, Tubal is more barren than I am! Naamah says sarcastically, 'Aqqow, my husband, the mighty researcher, has conducted endless experiments for decades trying to help his really close friend become a father... I guess, he has made some progress... 'Aqqow sorrowfully says, No, it can't be. Ashtoreth looks down sadly at her and says, 'Aqqow, I feel sorry for you... Like me, you have wanted a child for a very long time! But this tragedy will be cursed by all the gods including the God of Enoch unless... 'Aqqow asks very disturbed, Unless what? Ashtoreth's crystal pink eyes tears up as she says. Unless it ends... Tragic but Tubal will comfort you and he will never have to know... 'Aqqow asks disturbed, End it, how? Ashtoreth's crystal pink eyes gently sparkle beneath her curly reddish brown hair as she says kindly, I have a potion... It's quite safe. 'Aqqow looks down nervously at her belly. 'Aqqow looks up in disgust, saying, You want me to end my baby's life? Ashtoreth says sadly, Listen 'Aqqow, if this tragedy is born, what do you feel your husband will do? Forgive you, love you and it... Naamah, tell her what your brother TubalCain would do! 'Aqqow acts very upset, pushing back her shoulder length grayish brown hair away from her pretty worried face. Naamah adjusts the shiny yellow cone on top of her perfectly combed blond hair and says hatefully with a wicked smile, My brother will smash your stinking skull in! Then he will kill this bastard! 'Aqqow falls down on her knees, breaking down in many tears. 'Aqqow's tears flow down her hazel eyes as she p. 194

shouts, Not true! Tubal loves me... Naamah looks scornfully down at her from her exulted golden throne. Ashtoreth says sadly, even tearfully, 'Aqqow, I care about you! If you don't end this, run far away from Tubal! It's for your own good... 'Aqqow ends her story in tears. I, Seven, Enoch, Chayah, Tubal, and Mehetabel stare teary eyed at her. Gibbor and Tubal are silent as 'Aqqow says, A few days latter, I felt strange, like my baby was dying inside me... I strongly suspect that the food Ashtoreth fed me was poisonous to my baby! 'Aqqow breaks down in tears as she bitterly cries, I believed that Tubal would love me anyway... Tubal still holding Gibbor bows his head in shame. Tubal hugs 'Aqqow tightly as he whines, saying, O-'Aqqow, forgive me for failing you and your son! About two years after Gibbor was born, me and Seven struggle to walk using our staffs, though the deep snow to Enoch's igloo. A blizzard rages around us. We are dress in very heavy brown hooded furs with lots of furs tied around our swollen feet but we're still shaking from the bitter cold. We keep our noses and mouths covered until we come near the igloo's warm entrance. We look up but see nothing but lots of snow falling. Behind our hoods, our faces feel numb from the bitter cold. Seven lowers the fur around her mouth as she says shivering with frosted breath, I wish One was here with us! It's been almost two years since she left us. Shivering, I lower the fur around my mouth and say annoyed, One is better off with Qadash and her parents. We turn towards each other. Seven says annoyed, You're glad she left.. If only you were cleaner? I say, Sorry, Seven!!! Then I shout, Father, we're here! Enoch opens the fur curtain as he says, Son, come in! He is dressed in his light tan furs. We enter though the curtain into his wonderful warm home. The fire in the fire pit roars, warmly lighting up the whole igloo. Reclining on some furs, dress in light furs, my mother says longingly, O son, I'm glad to see you and creepy girl. Chayah, Tubal, 'Aqqow, two of his servants and a much bigger Gibbor all look at us. He is still bald, really chubby, about half as tall as me standing, wobbling on his short bloated legs.. He is dressed in light weight off white furs. Tubal's servants look like they had been in some sort of fight. Chayah dressed in her p. 195

dark furs holds Gibbor's hands as he wobbles around. Her dark face is a little wrinkled and her hair is graying. She smiles down at him. Chayah says with a little laugh, You are such a big baby! You're cute, Gibbor. Tubal, 'Aqqow and his two servants carefully watch him. Tubal is dress in his white and gold robes with his golden turban on top of his long white hair. His robes are somewhat torn. He holds up and looks at his copper dire wolf headed walking stick that is somewhat bent. By his side, 'Aqqow is dress in gray furs with her blue bonnet over her grayish brown hair. Me and Seven pull back our hoods and take off our outer furs. I sadly asks, Mother, how are you doing? Seven asks angrily, What's Tubal doing here? Mehetabel says slowly to us, I've been better, son... Seven, we helping Tubal teach Gibbor to talk. I walk over to her. I get down on my knees and hug her, saying, Ah, mother... I sit down next to her. My wife sits down next to me. My father limps with his staff towards Gibbor who is wobbling near the roaring flickering fire in their small fire pit. Tubal, and 'Aqqow carefully watch him. Chayah hugs our father, saying joyfully, Father, Gibbor's about to say his first word! Enoch smiles at her and looks up saying, Chayah, me pray that God helps Gibbor speak, ... Tubal, 'Aqqow, try again. Tubal says hopefully, Gibbor, say Fa-ther... Gibbor looks confused. 'Aqqow says longingly, Come on son, say, Moth-er... Gibbor looks around confused. Tubal smiles down hopefully at him, saying, Gibbor say Fa-ther... Fa-ther... Fa-ther... 'Aqqow says irritated, No Gibbor, say, moth-er... Moth-er.. Mother... Chayah stands next to our father. Chayah says impatiently, Come on Gibbor, say something! Mehetabel says excitedly, Go on, Gibbor! Say mother --or father... Gibbor tries to talk, saying, Ha, ha, Ta, ga. Tubal and 'Aqqow get on their knees and crowd around Gibbor. Tubal says excitedly, Gibbor say your first word! 'Aqqow says excitedly, He's going to say moth-er Tubal says irritated, Fa-ther... We all watch intently. Gibbor struggles to says, Ha, ha, ta, ga, gi, gib, gib---bor. Ha, Gibbor... He happily claps his large hands together saying, Ha, Gib--bor. Gib. Gib-bor, ha! Seven and me recline next to Mehetabel. My wife's whitish pink face frowns. Seven says mockingly, He sure likes his own name... Mehetabel smiles warmly saying, Gibbor's oh so cute! Seven looks toward her angrily, saying, So I'm creepy girl and this not so little monster is oh sop. 196

o cute.. Tubal and 'Aqqow stare very angrily at my wife. Gibbor shouts excitedly with a big goofy smile, Gib, bor, Ha, Gib-bor! Three years latter, we go to the Children's Festival. We see lots of children playing in the gentle snow as their parents watch them build snow people, snow animals, small igloos, and small snow palaces. It was a warm sunny day. Me and Seven are there walking together dressed in our light furs. One, Qadash and her parents walk towards us. Ya'al and Na'vah are there and they look older. They are dress in their dark furs. Ya'al walks slowly with his staff with his right arm over Na'vah's shoulder. One shouts happily, Look Qadash, there's Seven with her filthy husband... Her light green eyes sparkle as Qadash says loudly, It's really them... Hey, Seven come over here! I look nervous. Seven rushes over to us excitedly smiling, shouting, One, Qadash, great to see you! I love you both! They all hug each other tightly. Their adopted parents, Ya'al and Na'vah walk behind them. Na'vah kind pale face smiles sweetly as she says, The qophs are all back together! Seven, welcome back. Ya'al smiles at them, saying, Our daughters... One excitedly says, Seven, I love you! Now tell us everything. Seven says quickly, Well qophs, there's so much to tell. I walks up next to them but they all ignore me. I look over and see a much bigger Gibbor dressed in his large off white robe, playing in the snow with some other children. He's huge, tall as Tubal and flabby in all directions. His yellowish tan bald head is big, his goofy smile bears his very large white teeth. His ears are really large. He grabs some snow and starts rolling a ball. His long arms are really flabby. A dark young little girl walks over to him. She shyly asks him, Who are you and what are you making? Gibbor says as he points to his chest, Gibbor, make ball... The girl says disappointed, That's all.. Gibbor adds more snow to make snow ball bigger. A yellowish tan boy about twelve years old or so come up behind him saying, You don't suppose to make a ball! You suppose to make snow people, snow animals or igloos, not balls. Gibbor says pouting, Gibbor make ball! The mean boy says, You big eared fool. Gibbor is a big eared fool, a really big eared fool! Gibbor sadly asks, Gibbor fool... What fool? The boy shouts, Big eared fool, knows nothing! Dumb, stupid, fool! Several other children p. 197

gather around them. They taunt Gibbor saying, mockingly, Big ears fool make ball cause he don't know better! The big eared fool make ball. Big eared fool... Big eared fool! The mean boy says, Maybe I knock some sense into you. The mean boy tries to hit Gibbor. Gibbor opens his mouth wide and chumps down on the mean boy's glove. The mean boy barely gets his hand out of Gibbor's mouth before Gibbor swallows his glove like it was a treat. Tubal and 'Aqqow rush there to defend Gibbor. Tubal is dressed in his purple robes and wears his purple turban over his very long white hair. 'Aqqow is dress in a light gray robe. She wears her blue bonnet over her graying brown hair. Shocked, the mean boy quickly backs off scared, crying, Big eared fool almost ate my hand! He's a monster! The boy's father quickly comes over. He shouts at Tubal, Your fool son is dangerous! He's too old to be here! 'Aqqow stares hatefully at him as Tubal shouts angrily, Your son is a dangerous bully! Gibbor is only five ... Gibbor looks over at Tubal as he looks really sad. The mean boy and his father stares at Gibbor scared, wide eyed, and speechless. A little later at the festival, we see Yerach dress in her metallic green gown and cone. Her sister Bosmath stands beside her. They sadly hug as Bosmath teary eyed, says very sadly, Yerach, I can't believe our mother is gone! Yerach says crying, O Bosmath, I don't know what I do without you... Bosmath says, trying to compose herself, You must address the crowd... She was so proud of you, sister. Maybe her spirit is here? Yerach turns to the crowd, and walks forward saying slowly, but depressed with tears in her dark green eyes, Good people, thank you all for coming... I am sad to say that this will be the first year, my mother Giylath will not be here.. My mother died in her sleep a couple new moons ago! Me and my sister Bosmath miss my mother badly but I believe her spirit blesses this Children's festival! Yerach cries a little and then forces herself to say happily, We wish good will to all children! Everyone enjoy yourselves. Then Kasdeja floats down from the bright sky to just behind her on his fiery softly rumbling disc, saying to her, Come... She fearfully steps up onto his disc which floats up to about a man's height above the snow so the crowd can see them better. Chashaq floats on it's disc next to them. The crowd cheers for her. I p. 198

see Gibbor next to his mother, holding a big basket of fruit, swallowing entire fruits at once. They all clap for Vashti. Me, Seven, One, Qadash, and her parents are sitting together on some furs.. My long mostly gray beard is moving gently in the breeze. My somewhat wrinkled brown face frowns as I asks very loudly, Yerach, what about the children being traded as sex slaves? What are you going to do for them? Kasdeja's coal black eyes stare hatefully at me. He angrily crosses his arms, as Chashaq's three fierce furry heads growl angrily. Yerach is very much distressed. She nervously strokes her very long braided graying hair. Her kind, dark wrinkled face looks embarrassed. Yerach says very nervously, Methuselah, this is not the time or place to deal with that... Can't you see I am in grief.. My mother is dead! Me, Seven, One, Qadash and her parents all stare at her. Tubal, 'Aqqow, and Gibbor look nervous. Then the crowd moves apart as Calach slowly limps forward, practically being carried by two young Algae worshipers holding her up on each side. A small group of adult Algae worshipers follow behind her. Skinny Calach's pale shriveled, sunken face with her long crooked nose looks angry below her green hood. Her bloodshot off gray eyes angrily look up as she shouts as loud as she can with her very hoarse voice, Yer-ach, my one----be-loved grand-daughter Yelalah who your hus--band did not kill--have been sold as a slave to a per--vert... I--beg you, bring her---back to me! Yerach says sadly distress, I am sorry but I've been told that this is best for the children... Calach's helpers holds her up as she says with her crackling hoarse voice, What a sick joke!!! You call us Algae worshipers a dangerous cult but wh--at are you, Yer--ach? Chashaq growls fiercely, floating on it's own fiery disc. Yerach almost says something. Then Kasdeja's dark narrow face frowns as his coal black eyes stare intensely. Kasdeja points at Calach, and shouts angrily, Be silent, cultist or!!! Calach says desperately, Yerach, if---you real-ly are a---pro-tect-or of child-ren, bring my grand-daughter back! The Al--gae will--bless you great-ly! Kasdeja calmly says, Chashaq, attack... The huge snarling dark gray three head dire wolf leaps off it's disc. Yerach screams painfully, No Kasdeja, stop Chashaq! I, Seven, One, Qadash and her parents gasp. I grip my staff tight as I run towards Calach, trying to save her. As the beast's six dark yellow eyes stare murderously ahead, it's three huge jaws filled with long sharp fangs snap viciously. I rush p. 199

to get between Chashaq and Calach. I see Tubal and 'Aqqow turn away in horror. Gibbor says with his goofy voice, Gib-bor, help! He wobbles, running fast towards us. Tubal and 'Aqqow gasps in fear as they watch Gibbor run away from them. 'Aqqow runs after her son. The huge monster powerfully leaps towards me as I protect Calach. I yell angrily as I swing my staff down at it with all my might, Stop, you ungodly beast! I hit the beast hard with my staff but Chashaq easily knocks me back onto the snow covered ground as it brutally runs over me. I feel it's sharp claws stab into my chest as it runs past me. I look over to see my wife, One, and Qadash looking scared. Then I see Yerach hitting Kasdeja as she madly screams. The other Algae worshipers run away except for the dark priest who swings his algae stick angrily but doesn't come to Calach's rescue. Calach's two helpers desert her. She drops to her feeble knees. She screams as the powerful beast leaps towards her but Gibbor quickly wobbles in front of Calach at the very last moment. His mother 'Aqqow screams hysterically as this huge, snarling, dark gray three headed dire wolf knocks Gibbor hard on his back. Calach screams horribly. However, Gibbor's large right hand has grabbed the beast's left throat stopping it right before it can rip Calach apart. Calach cries very scared with her frail voice, Algae! Algae, help me! Then Gibbor's rather large left fist shoots up from below the snarling beast, pounding it's middle head upward. The snarling beast claws and bites Gibbor fiercely who is below it, drawing a lot of blood. I see Tubal wildly swinging his copper walking stick but he's too far away to help Gibbor. Tubal shouts fearfully, O God, o-God, help Gibbor!!! Aqqow is screaming as she runs madly towards them. Gibbor hits the beast's left head and rolls on top of the huge furry monster. Gibbor somewhat bloodied, frowns, and says childishly, Ouch! Wolf bad! Gibbor pounds the monster with his over sized fists, knocking out few of Chashaq's long sharp teeth from all three of it's ugly heads. The terrified beast's three pairs of glaring dark yellow eyes look scare. It rolls back on top of Gibbor breaking his mighty grip on it's necks, and then it runs for it's life. Chashaq leaps up on Kasdeja's and Yerach's floating disc. Kasdeja lovingly hugs Chashaq next to him as it painfully whimpers. 'Aqqow grabs her son tightly, crying, O-God, Gibbor, you're bleeding! My baby's bleeding! Gibbor says in pain, Mother... Ouch. p. 200

Calach tries to stand. Gibbor drags his mother over to help Calach get up. Meanwhile, Seven, One, and Qadash come over and helps me up. Seven fearfully looks down at me and asks frantically, Methuselah, are you alright? I opens my eyes, puts my hands over my hooded head and says half conscious, Yeah! Tubal rushes over to Gibbor and his mother. Gibbor's bloodied and bruise face smiles. Calach says hoarsely, out of breath, May-the Al-gae--- bless you so... Mighty one... Gibbor says happily as he claps, Gibbor, help you!!! 'Aqqow weeps as she wipes some blood off Gibbor's face. Calach hugs Gibbor briefly. The dark Algae priest who just stood there, just frowns hatefully at Calach. 'Aqqow says as she tries to drag him away, Son, you got hurt!!! Gibbor was foolish! He slowly follows his mother. Gibbor frowns sadly as he asks, Mother... Gibbor fool??? 'Aqqow says angrily upset, Yes, you fool! Don't get hurt for strangers... As I recover, me, my wife, One, Qadash, and her parents just stare in unbelief. Na'vah, Qadash's adopted mother says, Woo-o, little Gibbor is strong! Kasdeja hugs his whimpering Chashaq. Yerach screams at them. Kasdeja shouts angrily as he shakes his fist, Fool, hurt Chashaq! Just then I see Uriel and Remiel fly quickly towards them on their floating discs. Uriel says sternly to him, Kasdeja, harm not Gibbor! God will be mad! Kasdeja says chillingly, I care not... Remiel shoots a blinding green pulse beam out of his right hand that flashes just in front of Yerach, Kasdeja, and Chashaq. Remiel asks angrily, Do you care that Semjaza will be furious? Kasdeja says irritated, Not for that fool! Remiel says mockingly, If you believe that, you are the fool! Yerach pleads, Please, don't fight! Kasdeja pauses. He looks at her tenderly, and says lovingly, Fine... Yerach, I love you! A few days latter, it's another warm day. My father and sister wear light weight hooded tan furs. They ride in a sledge with two of Tubal's servants. Wolf dogs pull their sledge, leaving deep tracks in the heavy snow. In the distance, there is Tubal's old Metal Shop. Enoch and Chayah smile. Enoch looks over at her, saying, Chayah, you older than Methuselah was when he got married... You ever marry? Chayah's dark, somewhat wrinkled but still girlish face smiles mischievously as she says, Actually, I have found someone.... I will tell you about him latter. Enoch says nervously, Tell me p. 201

now! Chayah says with an odd smile, Trust me... Let's go see Gibbor. One servant says, We have arrived at Tubal's Metal Shop. The wolf dogs pulls the sledge towards the large stone building with a woolly mammoth curtain over it's entrance. Chayah helps her father get out of the sledge. Tubal's two servants follow them. Enoch limps with his staff. They go through the very heavy woolly curtain and enter the shop. Enoch asks, Tubal, why me here? Tubal is dressed in his smelly, heavy off white work clothes. His dire wolf headed walking stick is still somewhat bent. Gibbor, who is now a little taller than Tubal wobbles next to him, dressed in his off white furs. Gibbor looks sad, eating some grains from a large copper bowl. Behind them, the walls are almost covered by various metal pots, tools, and fancy metal, mostly copper but also some brass ornaments. Gibbor says with a goofy voice, Enoch and Chayah good. Tubal says as he pats him on the back, Yes, they are.. Tubal turns to Enoch and says disturbed, Enoch friend, some mean children call Gibbor a big eared fool, make us feel bad... Teach him some godly wisdom. Chayah removes her fur hood. Her long dark graying hair covers her shoulders as she says with a twinkle in her bright brown eyes, Wow Gibbor, you clobber that scary beast Cheshaq! You're a hero! Gibbor smiles shyly at her. Enoch smiles, saying, Tubal, you father... Teach him, what me taught you. Tubal's blue eyes look unsure as he says, But Enoch, you are wise... I've been a fool! Enoch's dark brown eyes look kindly at him as he says, You teach, keep simple... Me help. Chayah says cheerfully, Come on Tubal, teach Gibbor... You can do it! Tubal and Gibbor look sadly at each other. Gibbor says sadly pouting, Gibbor fool... Mother says! Tubal frowns, and says not so humbly, Gibbor, mother is wrong... Son, I am the great metal wizard Tubal-Cain... I invented metal working! Many say I am smarter than anyone... Also, Azazel taught me many great secret things... But wise Enoch taught me three wise things... Gibbor, if you learn these three wise things, you will be wiser than me? Gibbor says nervously, Gibbor be wise... Father, teach me!, as he claps his over sized hands. Chayah jumps up excitedly as Enoch says, Go on! Tubal says slowly, To be wise... Love God! Love others! Do good! Puzzled, Gibbor asks, Love God? Who God? Tubal limps over and grabs a large fancy brass ornament shaped like a stylize dire wolf head from off his p. 202

back stone wall. He shows it to Gibbor, points to it and says, Well, just as I make fancy metal things like this... God, made plants. God made animals! God made us and loves us! Gibbor says, God made us? Loves! Tubal says excitedly, Yes Gibbor, God loves us! Chayah says happily, That's right. God loves us! Confused, Gibbor asks, What love??? Tubal hugs Gibbor tightly as he says lovingly, Love.. Take care of.. Be good to.. Love! Gibbor says in wonder, God... Loves Gibbor! Tubal nods in agreement as he says slowly, Son, to be wise... Love God! Love others! Do good.... Gibbor says very slowly, nervously, Love God... Love others.... Ah??? Tubal gently reminds him, saying, Do good! Gibbor says very excitedly, Love God... Do good! Enoch and my sister clap happily. Gibbor says joyfully, clapping his over sized hands, Gibbor love God! Do good! Gibbor wise! Tubal closes his eyes and shakes his head. Three years latter at my igloo during a terrible blizzard, me and my wife are reclining close to our blazing fire in our fire pit, warming our chilled hands. We are wearing our heavy hooded furs but our hoods are pulled somewhat back. We hear the dire wolves howl in the distance as the strong icy winds howl as well. Seven says smiling in disbelief, Wow, Chayah actually married Partam's son, Mala. Your father actually fainted when he first heard... I thought Tubal was too old for 'Aqqow but he's only eighteen years older than 'Aqqow and Chayah is much older than that! I smiles sadly as I say, Yeah, I know, my little sister is just seven years younger than me... Seven says mockingly, I guess you owe Tubal an apology... Still, Mala is older than 'Aqqow was when she got married. Then we heard a familiar voice asking, Methuselah, it's us, Uriel and Remiel... May we enter? I say in awe, Yes, welcome to our home. Uriel and Remiel enter our igloo. We stand up to greet them.. I say a little nervous, Uriel, Remiel, welcome... Seven asks fearfully, Why are you here? Are we in danger? Uriel's dark chubby faces smiles very widely as he says comfortingly, Don't be afraid, Seven... God has heard your prayers. Seven asks almost in a panic, Which prayers are you talking about? Remiel says with a big smile on his rugged reddish tan face, saying, The ones for a child... Your son will be born in eighth new moons. Seven's light green eyes water, staring awe struck. I p. 203

says in total disbelief, Remiel, we---are too old, to have a child... Seven looks angry at me, saying, Maybe you're too old but... I'm not quite that old. I say very nervously, But it's impossible... Remiel says, forcefully, Not with God! Uriel happily says, Congratulations, Seven! Seven leaps for joy, walks over and hugs Remiel. He acts really nervous as she hugs him. Seven says really excited, Remiel, praise the Lord, I'm going to be a mother!!! I wish I knew my mother... She stops hugging him and starts hugging Uriel, saying joyfully, I'm going to have a baby! Then Uriel calmly says to her, We better go now. I ask, Why, you just got here... Why don't you two spend more time with us? Uriel says very sadly, It's not good for us to be around your kind much... Most of the sons of God who came here were righteous until they were corrupted by people... Even Semjaza was once righteous until he got involved with savage women... Seven says fearfully, But we need you two to protect our family! Remiel happily shakes his head, his long dark brown hair gracefully swings around as he says encouragingly, Seven, be not afraid! When you need us, we will be there... You may not see us but when everything turns out fine, we were there! Then again, maybe you will see us... They turn around, open our fur curtain and walk out. Seven and me sit down in front of our glowing fire. We warmly smile at each other for a long time. Then Seven asks longingly, God, am I really going to have a baby now, after all these many years? I hugs her tightly and we kiss a lot. Eight new moons latter, I am on my knees next to my beloved wife who is reclining on some thick gray furs. I am holding our healthy baby boy who is crying. He is wrapped up in a small dark fur. Our baby's eyes are the same brown color as mine. He has a little fuzzy white hair on top of his little narrow head. Seven is reclining on some furs as I show her our precious little baby. My wife smiles widely as she cries at the same time. She is covered up to her neck in gray furs. I gently hand her our son. She looks down in awe at her newborn son. Seven shouts with utter joy, Lamech, my son, my son!!! I praise the true Lord for giving you to me! I stare with my mouth wide open. I drools, as big drops of saliva drip down my long gray beard. My teary eyes water as I stares. I say nothing. Our precious baby boy p. 204

looks up at me. Seven holds our baby tight. Seven's teary light green eyes look up at our baby boy as she says, Praise the Lord, Methuselah, we have a son!!! How do you feel? I hold my hands like I'm praying. I looks up but I can't say anything. Seven hands our baby back to me. Our baby stops crying as he looks up at me. Seven's whitish pink face looks puzzled as she asks, Methuselah, are you alright? Are you seeing some great vision from God? I'm kneeling besides my wife, holding my little son. I hold our son close to my beating heart. Tears flow down from my eyes as I say in awe, No! All I see is our son... O-God, I'm a father! O-Seven, I love you! Then while I am still holding our baby boy, I hugs Seven for a while. Then I show her our precious little Lamech again. Seven says with tears flowing from her eyes, Lamech, my son, I love you and your father so much! We kiss, look at each other, then stare closely at our precious little son, Lamech. Our little baby's brown eyes looks up at us as he starts crying again.

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 11. Lamech

Introduction My grandpa and grandma look up dreamily, remembering the birth of their son, as we continue to recline on a pile of their thick furs. Grandma Qoph gently closes her eyes, smiles widely, and slowly opens her eyes again as she says, Ah, our baby was so adorable.. And all your grandpa could do was stare... Grandpa says somewhat defensively, I was speechless... My boyish brown face frowns as I stares up at my grandparents. I ask mockingly, My father, was adorable??? Grandma Qoph says smiling, happily excited, Oh yes, our little baby Lamech was absolutely adorable... I asks curiously, Grandpa, what did you think about when my father was born? Grandpa says in awe, Grandson, I felt weird, like my baby boy was the real me and I was just someone here to take care of me... Grandma Qoph asks irritated, Why didn't you say that when our son was born? Grandpa says beginning to weep, It took me many years to find the words.... I guess, I let our son down... Grandma Qoph says also beginning to weep, Grandpa, don't blame yourself! You were a good father... Our son just loves his wife Takkiy too much, that's all. Grandpa says angrily weeping, But our granddaughter Yownah is gone! I angrily shake my little fists, shouting, I hate Semjaza so much!!! Someday, I shall rescue Yownah! My very fat Grandma says tenderly, Grandson, that's enough.... Maybe grandpa should continue his story... Still angry, I shout, Fine! Grandpa wipes the stream of tears off his very wrinkled dark eyelids as he slowly says to me, My mother Mehetabel had wanted a grandchild for a very long time so as soon as p. 206

our little baby Lamech could safely be taken to her, we went... Shivering from the cold, we slowly push our way though some very deep snow holding our walking sticks, dressed in our thick hooded gray furs. Our little baby is strapped to my back. I feel the weight of my somewhat heavier son. We keep our faces covered except for our eyes. Little Lamech is covered completely by thick brown furs except for his cute little brown eyes. He coos a lot. Me and his mother struggle to climb up that last snow covered hill. We see Gibbor wobbling around my parent's igloo, dressed in his off white long furs with his hood pull back away from his yellowish tan bald head. He's taller than their igloo and very fat around his middle. His big ears are reddish from the freezing cold. We struggle through the deep snow to run to him. He is so tall. He's over one and a half times taller than me. I, Methuselah looks up at him worried and ask with frosted breath, Gibbor, how's my mother? Gibbor smiles with his great big cheeks and says loudly, Good... Seven's whitish pink face looks worried as she shouts shivering, Gibbor, your ears must be freezing.. Gibbor says with a goofy smile, Cold, not bother Gibbor... 'Aqqow runs out of the igloo, dressed in her hooded gray furs shouting angrily, Gibbor, cover your ears! Your ears might freeze... Gibbor turns towards her and says embarrassed as he points to his big ears with both his hands, But mother, ears fine... 'Aqqow's tan face frowns as she yells with frosted breath, Son, just obey your mother! Come in! Gibbor turns around and wobbles toward the igloo as we watch. Gibbor craws into the igloo on his hands and knees. 'Aqqow looks happily at us and says with frosted breath, Methuselah, Seven, great to see you! Come on in before you freeze! Seven shouts joyfully, 'Aqqow, we brought our baby! I turn around so 'Aqqow can see our baby Lamech strapped to my back. Our little baby's little eyes looks up at her as he coos and sniffles. 'Aqqow says excitedly, Come on in! Mehetabel really wants to see her grandchild! We walk through the deep snow by the igloo's entrance. Before 'Aqqow enters, she shouts joyfully, They brought the baby! She opens their fur curtain, walks in, and sits down squeezing between Tubal and Gibbor. Tubal is dressed in his purple robes and has his purple turban p. 207

over his very long white hair. She lays her head down on her husband's shoulders. Mehetabel's dark eyes joyously stare at us as we open their fur curtain and walk into the great warmth of this very crowded igloo. I see my mother reclining, dressed in her orangish brown furs. She is somewhat fatter and her long curly hair is now whitish gray. My father gives her a drink from a stone cup as he looks lovingly at his wife, saying gently, Drink, love... Me love wife! My mother looks at us, breathless with utter joy, her dark wrinkled face smiles very widely, her dark eyes just sparkle as Mehetabel shouts at us, O praise God! She brushes back her long curly grayish white hair with her fragile hands. We look around at Chayah who is dressed in her thick dark furs, reclining next to her smiling husband Mala, next to an older grumpy looking Partam, his wife Batach, and their grown daughters Megan and Tiqvah. Everyone there is uncomfortably crowded against the icy walls because Gibbor is so huge. We all warm ourselves by the softly flickering fire. Mala is dressed in his good black furs. Partam and Batach are dressed in their heavy hooded brown furs. Megan is dressed in her thick tan furs and Tiqvah is dressed in her gray hooded fur. Tubal is next to her. Chayah says with a big smile on her dark, still girlish face, Mala, we're finally going to see my brother's baby! Mala's dark boyish bearded face gently smiles as he says, O-wow, Chayah! Gibbor says happily, Ba-by! Tubal, 'Aqqow, Partam, and Batach just smile dreamily. Megan, their not thin daughter has her long black hair protruding out of her tan hood. Tiqvah, their thin daughter looks excitedly around. Megan says curiously, Methuselah, turn around, I want to see your baby? Tiqvah looks around and says excitedly, Let's see the baby! Shivering, I shout joyfully, Mother, father, here's our son! I turn around so everyone can see our baby strapped on my back. Then Seven unstraps Lamech and takes him off my aching back. Gibbor watches excitedly behind her, happily clapping his over-sized hands as he says with a big goofy smile, Ba-by. Chayah says excitedly, Oh, baby Seven carries little Lamech to, kneels by and hands our baby to my mother who tenderly holds him. My father Enoch looks at me, having a big goofy smile on his big sagging cheeks, saying, O, Son, O-oo, me grandpa! My mother holds our baby tightly who is still covered in his little brown furs. She pulls back the fur hood from his head and stares so very closely at him. p. 208

Our healthy brownish baby has brown eyes just like mine, he has a little light colored fuzzy hair on top of his cute little narrow head. He coos and smiles at my adoring mother. Mehetabel looks up at me and asks, Oh son, what's his name? I drop to my knees before her, with Seven smiling behind me. I say proudly, Mother, he's Lamech. Mehetabel overflowing with tears of joy, holds our baby very close to her. Everyone stares at our baby in awe. Mehetabel asks puzzled, Son, why he called Lamech??? Cree... Seven, did you come up with that name? Seven kneels down in front of her. Seven's light greens eyes water as she asks with hurt feelings, You meant creepy girl? Mehetabel says strongly, No, Seven! Now that you have borne my grandson, you're my daughter! Daughter, can I call you something other than Seven??? Seven is a number but you are a part of my family... Seven says shyly, Ah, qoph is what me and my sisters are call... Call me that. Mehetabel asks puzzled, Mother Qoph, why name your son Lamech??? Enoch giggles as he smiles at our baby. There's a pause. Seven says smiling nervously, I don't know, I just did... Baby Lamech coos some more. 'Aqqow smiles with her head on Tubal's shoulders. Gibbor claps happily, saying, Ba-by! Megan and Tivah laugh a little. Megan says puzzled, Your baby's hair looks ...odd. Tivah says slightly angered, No, his hair is cute! Partam has his arm over Batach's shoulder, holding his wife close to him as they stare in awe at baby Lamech. Partam rubs his short graying beard as he says, Ah... Ah-aaa. Batach says as she looks down dreamily at my son, Lamach reminds me of my little baby Mala. Partam looks over at Chayah and Mala's happy goofy smiles. Partam's dark face frowns as he grumpily asks, Batach, why did our son marry Chayah? Batach stares back at him as she asks angrily, Partam, why did you allow him to? She's older than me... Partam bows his head almost in prayer and says embarrassed, God told me to... Seven smiles at me, and hold my hand as we watch Mehetabel joyously holding our baby Lamech close to her face as he coos. Mehetabel's wrinkled face just shines as she says joyously, Praise God, Lamech! I love you so! A little latter, we hear the howls of the wolf dogs pulling a sledge to our igloo. Letaah, Zemorah, Raanan, and Chokmah are sitting in a sledge being p. 209

driven by one of Tubal's servants. A huge fur bag, full of nuts crowds them on the sledge. Shivering, Letaah shouts, Enoch, let us in. Raanan says longingly, We came a long way to see the baby... I says in happy unbelief, Wow! Could they really be here! Seven shouts happily, Letaah, Raanan, It's been so long... Come on in! As my parents recline together, Enoch shouts with his goofy squeaky voice, Come in! Still lovingly holding our giggling baby, Mehetabel asks, How did they all get here? She looks up at the entrance amazed. We all move around so that 'Aqqow can help Tubal stand up using his copper walking stick. His scarred face smiling a little too much as Tubal says, I brought them here for you!!! ...It's too crowded here for them to enter, so I and my family better leave now. Enoch asks worried, Tubal, did you bring my parents here? Tubal says coolly, The weather is just too harsh... I'll bring them here a little latter. They cover themselves with their thickest furs and they all look like huge fur balls. 'Aqqow stands up and helps Tubal limp out through the fur curtain as Gibbor crawls out after them. Afterwards, Chokmah enters, followed by Raanan, Zemorah, and Letaah. They all are covered with thick furs and slowly remove their outer furs and lays them down in a pile around the fire pit. I see that they are all much older and that their hair has grayed. Chokmah is dress in his fine white furs, Raanan is dressed in her good brown furs, Zemorah in is dressed in her black furs, and Letaah is dressed in his dark spotted gray furs. They all get down on their knees and squeeze around Mehetabel. Chokmah's still boyish but wrinkled, yellowish tan face smiles humbly as he says to Seven, Tubal, honored us with news of your miracle baby... Mehetabel holds up baby Lamech for all to see as everyone smiles at our son. Raanan asks shyly, Mother, is that baby Methuselah's son? Mehetabel smiles at her, saying joyfully, Yes Raaman! I and Seven smile as we are still warmly holding each other hands. Letaah says with a silly grin on his wrinkled yellowish tan face as his squinted dark eyes stare at me, Old Methuselah, a father, after all these years! Zemorah's dark face smile sadly as she gently shakes her head, saying, My children are all grown up... But you two are just beginning... Mala, Partam and Batach stands up and greets them. Mala says nervously respectful, Welcome, Chokmah, Raanan, Letaah, and Zemorah... I have heard so much about you all. Partam smiles as he says, I am so please to p. 210

meet you all... Batach says excitedly, Chayah told us a lot about you... Raanan's sweet yellowish tan face smiles as she asks mockingly, Mala, are you Chayah's son? Chayah looks very pleased with herself as Mala says embarrassed, No Raanan, I'm her very handsome husband... Chokmah says politely, Honored to meet you, Mala... Mala says as he shakes his hand, Chokmah, the honor is mine... Zemorah says mockingly, Mala, it's nice to meet you but we came here to see the other baby... Seven is kneeling by my mother's side as she tries to take our baby back. Mehetabel is very hesitate to let go of our baby boy as Seven says forcefully, Hand my baby boy back! Mehetabel sadly looks up at her and asks, Mother Qoph, do I have to? Enoch nods at her. Seven says forcefully, Yes!!! Mehetabel sadly lets go of our son. Seven takes him and holds him as he looks sadly at her. He begins to cry. Seven stands up by the flickering fire pit. Seven says as she kisses him, Don't cry, Lamech... Mother is here... Everyone stands up, moves towards Seven and me, trying to get a better look at our baby. Lamech stops crying and looks around curiously. He looks up at me. With a goofy smile, I say, Son... God loves you! Chayah and Mala smile at baby Lamech. Mala says in awe, Welcome little Lamech... Chayah says girlishly, Lamech, I'm Chayah, your father's younger sister! Our baby coos. Zemorah says cheerfully, Baby, you're special! Letaah says happily, mockingly, Don't be too hard on your parents. Chokmah says respectfully, Lamech, may God grant you lasting joy... Raanan almost says something as she faints. She sees a vision. My little son begins to cries fearfully. Mehetabel asks nervously, Raanan, my daughter, what's wrong? Using his staff, Enoch quickly gets up and limps over to Raaman as she recovers. Chokmah gently helps her sit up. Chokmah asks his wife calmly, Raanan love, did you have another vision? Enoch asks her nervously, Did you? Raanan looks up at them as she says trembling, Under the bright light of the full moon, I saw Semjaza standing proudly on top of a dark mountain... His jewel shined like the sun as the moon turned blood red... I saw a pulsating bluish light come up behind him... I felt that something bad, really bad was coming! I watch Seven tenderly holds our little son. I am very upset as Enoch grabs our son away from Seven. Mother Qoph looks disturbed. Everyone but Mehetabel gathers around Enoch, as he prays very emotionally, p. 211

O Lord God, protect Lamech!!! Enoch pauses and almost faints as he bows his head low. Letaah puts his arm around Zemorah's shoulder fearfully as he says angrily, This sounds bad! Zemorah says trembling with fear, I'm scared for little Lamech! Letaah says forcefully, Yeah! My father almost faints again as he sees Raanan's vision of Semjaza standing on the dark mountain peak bathed in the red light of the full moon. Coming out of the harsh pulsating bluish light behind Semjaza, climbs up besides him a large white goat with long golden horns and glowing blue moon eyes. Semjaza's yellow jewel greatly dims as the Goat's bluish light pulsates all around him. Troubled by this vision, Enoch shouts, Raanan, me see... The Goat! I stares very nervously at my son as Seven asks frantically, Enoch, is my son in danger? Enoch says forcefully to her, Goat threatens Lamech's life! Threatens us all! Us pray! We bows our heads and pray silently as Enoch prays out loud with tears streaming down his aging dark brown eyes, O Lord God, you plan for Lamech! Oh Lord, protect him! He looks back at my fearful mother. Mehetabel's dark sagging cheeks droop as she says trembling, O-God, don't let the Goat hurt my grandson! Enoch hands our crying son back to mother Qoph. Trembling, she holds him very close as we all pray for Lamech's safety. Little Lamech stops crying as his mother kisses him with her pale lips. He begins to smiles and coos at his worried mother. A new moon latter, me and Seven quietly sit, smiling together by my parent's fire pit's warm flickering light. I am dressed in my light weight brown hooded furs and my wife is dress in her light weight gray hooded furs. My parents are reclining together on some thick furs as my mother holds my baby son in a small brown fur. My father has his arm around her shoulders as my grandparents, Jared and Pur-ah opens the fur curtain. They are cover by thick hooded spotted light gray furs except for their eyes. Using their wooden branch walking sticks, they very slowly limp inside the igloo. As they pull back their thick hoods, Enoch looks excitedly at them and says with a huge smile, baring his large brownish teeth, Father, mother! Thank God! Mehetabel is teary eyed as she holds up my little son as she says joyfully, Jared and Pur-ah, welcome to our igloo! Here's little Lamech! Jared and Pur-ah limp around their fire pit using their walking sticks. They carefully sit p. 212

down and recline together next to my mother. Mehetabel hands baby Lamech over to my grandfather Jared. He picks my baby up with some effort to shows him to his beloved aging wife Pur'ah. They look really, really old, both are balding with just some thinning white hairs left around the edges of their heads. Their tan faces are heavily wrinkled. They have fragile cheekbones but their brown eyes still sparkle with joy. Jared says with a somewhat hoarse voice, Enoch my son, you look well... Mehetabel, you're still a beauty... Then he stares at me. Jared says with a fragile laugh, Ah, Methuselah, God had to give us very long lives---to see you become a father! I says dreamily as I look at my giggling son, Yeah, grandfather, that's my son... Me father! Seven says possessively, He's my son too. Pur'ah gently takes baby Lamech from Jared as she says, Ah, he's beautiful... Seven, the Lord has blessed my grandson with you... May the Lord blesses your cute son Lamech. I stand up and hugs my grandmother as I says excitedly happy, Ah, grandmother! I love you... Seven says with a sparkle in her light green eyes, Jared and Pur'ah, I am so happy that you're here! It's been a long time. Jared's extremely wrinkled face smiles as he says, Me happy too! Par-ah says tenderly, We haven't seen your family since your wedding so long ago... Praise the Lord for Lamech! Lamech looks up at her, coos and smiles at her. As Jared looks lovingly at them Pur'ah gently squeezes Lamech close to her. She looks warmly at us as Pur'ah says, Methuselah, Seven, you have done well... What a wonderful baby! Me and Seven joyously smile at her. Jared gently rubs his long white beard as he says, Ah Lamech... Pur-ah looks down at our son and says in awe, I love you, Baby! May God love, bless and protect you all your little life! Lamech coos and giggles. Two years latter..., my tired wife is sleeping peacefully. I am sleeping behind her. We are covered by light colored spotted furs. Seven has gain some more weight and is a little more plump. She hears Lamech giggling saying, Fire! Fur! Fire! Seven sniffs like she smells something that stinks bad. She wakes up shocked, her light green eyes open wide in horror as she shouts, angrily, What's burning? Ono, Lamech! Not again! Dressed in just in some light weight, knee length gray furs, she hastily leaps up, and p. 213

dashes over to our toddler who is dressed in a single spotted light brown fur. He now has whitish hair on top of his narrow head and long light brownish hair around the sides. Lamech throws a another fur into our fire pit. His narrow brownish faces smiles gleefully as he watches it burn. Lamech jumps up and down excitedly shouting, Fur, fi-re! Fur, fire! Seven forcefully grabs Lamech, and holds him up angrily. Her whitish pink face reddens as she shouts tearfully, Lam-ech, cleanliness is... Life! Oh no, you filthy, filthy baby, you just burn my favorite fur! Lamech fearfully, sadly says, Ye---ah, mo-ther Qoph... Seven puts him down as she says angrily, Did you know that we have to kill animals to get furs... Because you burn that fur, another poor animal must die! Lamech sadly cries, Sor-ry! I hear them. I jumps up and yawn. Distressed, I say to her, He's just a baby, mother Qoph! It's alright.. Lamech, we love you... Seven stares at him as she says harshly, But he burn my favorite fur! I would have been killed if Ihaddone, that.. I say as I put my hand tenderly on her thick shoulders, trying to comfort her, I know... But you're not Lord Bad! Most two years old act like this... Seven says irritated, But he's so frustrating! Our toddler son, Lamech looks up at us with his nervous little brown eyes and says, Me sorry... I fondly look down at my son and say sadly, Son, I'm sorry but this hurts mother... No fur in fire! Lamech says in a bratty manner, No spank! I grab him, sit down, put him over my knees and spank him hard once, saying, No fur in fire! Then no spank.... Then he stands up and pouts. He puts his hands on his sore little rear crying. Lamech whines, saying, No spank! No fur fire... Me be good! He pouts and lays down on some of our furs. Seven moves behind me, puts her arm gently on my sore shoulders, and asks me sadly, Am I unreasonable? Motherhood is harder than I thought... I smile kindly as I look back at my wife and say cheerfully, Mother Qoph, it's alright... Have faith, God---will---help us... Maybe we should get my parents care for him for a day or two so we can... Her whitish pink face smiles a little too much as Seven says, Sounds good! Lamech walks to and hugs his mother, asking tearfully, Mother Qoph, don't you love me? Seven looks down at him tenderly and says happily tired, Son, I love you so very much, but mother Qoph needs a little rest... Your grandparents would love to see you! Lamech looks up at her very puzzled p. 214

as he says, I love you! The next day, we walk over to my parent's igloo in the light snow. We are dressed in our good hooded furs. We have several thick furs tied around our sandals as we enter. My parents are reclining together on top of some heavy furs behind their flickering fire pit. The warm light of the fire flickers around us. Enoch says overly excited, Son, back with family... Thank God! He gets up slowly with his walking stick, walks over to a bundle of sticks next to their fire pit and puts some more sticks into his fire. Mehetabel breathlessly says with a big smile on her dark wrinkled face as her dark brown eyes sparkle happily, Methuselah, mother Qoph, thanks for coming... Lamech, I'm so happy! Me, Seven, and Lamech stand in front of the fur curtain by their entrance. Our son's furs are so thick that he looks like a little spotted fur ball. Lamech very fearfully holds onto his mother's side, looking up at her. I asks sheepishly, Father, mother, would you take care of our son for a couple days... Mother Qoph and I... Seven says somewhat tired with bags under her light green eyes, What your son is trying to say is... We need some..., time alone, together... Enoch slowly stands up. My mother is reclining on some heavy furs. Enoch begins to speak, Son, we.... Mehetabel claps her hands together as she joyfully says loudly, We love to!!! Come here, Lamech, Enoch says tiredly, Lord, help me... My mother stares excitedly at our son holding on tightly onto his mother's side. Lamech says scared, Me scared. Mother, no leave me! Seven puts her hand on his shoulder and says comfortingly, Son, I love you very much! Now be brave and have a good time.. Enoch walks closer to our son. Lamech, cries out, saying, Father, no leave. Father, mother. No leave me! I smile down at him saying, Son, don't cry... Enoch grabs Lamech saying, We love you! My son cries a lot. Mehetabel looks hurt as she says, Grandson, It's alright. Please don't cry! My father drags Lamech to her as our son cries bitterly after us, Mother, father, no leave!!! Then we quickly leave through their fur curtain. A little latter, my mother tries to hug her unhappy, unruly grandson. She takes off his really thick hooded fur coat. Beneath, he is wearing a light p. 215

weight full length brown fur. She notices that his hair looks kind of odd, whitish on top and brownish around the sides. Mehetabel says teary eyed, Grandson, I just want to hug you... You cute little boy. He kicks her in her side. She moans in pain. Enoch grabs him, saying, Bad! No hurt wife! Me spank! Enoch grabs him, forces him over his knees, and spanks him hard once with a thud. Lamech cries out in pain, No spank, me be good! Enoch says sadly, Good... Lamech stares at the small flickering fire in their fire pit, and says excitedly, Fire! He grabs a small fur from the floor and rushes to the fire pit to throw it into the fire.. Enoch says forcefully, Put fur down or be spank! Lamech fearfully frowns as he is about to throw it but then he stops in his tracks, looks around and very slowly bows his head, turns around and drops it on top of the other furs. Then he looks up quickly, happily saying, Sticks..., stricks! My parents watch Lamech grab a long stick from their stick pile. He holds it over their fire so that the stick's end catches on fire. He all too happily swings the long lit branch saying, Fire stick!!! Mehetabel says nervously, Be careful grandson... Just drop the stick into the fire pit. Lamech swings the burning branch wildly as Enoch limps up behind him. Lamech's youthful brown face smiles. He giggles as he drops the fiery branch onto the wood pile as Enoch grabs him, saying, Stop! The burning branch begins setting the other sticks on fire. Enoch holds Lamech with one arm and grabs a fur to beat out the fire on the pile with his other arm. Lamech pouts fearfully, No spank! Enoch smiles nervously as he says, No spank, just get away from fire... Mehetabel begs, saying, Come on grandson, play with grandma! Lamech's warm brown eyes sparkle as he says excitedly, Fire, fire.. Enoch shakes his head, saying angrily, No! He grabs Lamech and drags our son off to his grandma. Then Enoch lets him go and he slowly reclines and falls quickly to sleep. Lamech cries, having a little fit, No fire? No fire.. No fire... Mehetabel looks very intently at her beloved grandson as she says, Watch this! She takes out a little stone bowl from by her side and puts it on her knees. The small bowl is filled with dirt. She takes her hand and picks up some dirt and drops it back again into the bowl. She picks up another small stone bowl with water in it. She pours a little water into the dirt and mixes it with her hand. Then she takes her muddy hand and slaps a hand print on the icy wall behind her. Lamech's p. 216

nervous little eyes stares at her in utter disbelief. Lamech says shocked, Filthy, filthy, filthy! Mehetabel smiles slyly, saying playfully, It sure is... Want to try it? Lamech holds up his little hand as he says confused, Mother Qoph says filthy bad! Mehetabel says with wrinkled guilty smile, Not always.. It's good to be very clean around mother Qoph but she's not here... Lamech asks sheepishly, Whoa? Can I??? Mehetabel says with a loving look in her dark brown eyes, Oh grandson... Yes, you can! Lamech curiously, slowly dips his little hand into the muddy bowl, holds up his hand and slaps it happily against the icy wall making a cute little hand print right next to his grandma's hand print. They look happily at their hand prints on the icy wall. Then they look happily at each other's smiling faces. He jumps around happily as he shouts, Filthy! Filthy! Filthy... Then they warmly and tightly hug each other. Next end of summer, at the Children's Festival, I, mother Qoph, and our somewhat bigger son watch lots of children playing in the snow. It's snowing lightly and almost everyone there is dress in light weight furs. The children are building snowman, snow women, snow animals, snow castles, etc. I see Uriel and Remiel floating on their fiery discs high above as they watch everyone there. I notice a small group of three beautiful women looking up at Remiel, sighing, and waving at him. Several women say loudly and emotionally, Ah Remiel, our hero... We love you! Remiel looks dreamily at the woman as Uriel frowns intensely at him. Then Remiel nervously look at Uriel and crosses his arms. I, mother Qoph and our son are sitting together on some furs as we curiously look around. Lamech is jumping up and down as we try to restrain him. We look up towards the hill that Yerach's igloo is built on. Floating a little more than a man's height above the ground on their softly rumbling disc is Asbeel and Vashti. Yerach stands under them with her guests. She is dress in her long sleeved, metallic green gown. She wears her long pointed cap on top of her ankle length graying braided hair. Her guests include Tubal's aging father with his wife Adah and their somewhat old sons Jabal and Jubal along with several of his grandchildren. Tubal's father is dressed in his hooded red robe with white serpent patterns. He leans heavily on his long wooden Ashtoreth pole. Chokmah and Raanan p. 217

are with them along with chief Towb Dobe, his very fat wife and their four children. Chokmah is dressed in his white robe and turban. Raaman is dressed in her best hooded gray furs. Towb Dobe, his wife, his thirty something older son, his two somewhat fat young adult daughters and his ten year old little boy all are dressed in thick white polar bears furs. As the snow gently falls, a graying Chief Towb Dobe steps forward to speaks to the large crowd with his fat wife and his adoring children following by his side. He and his loving family stand very close together. Chief Towb Dobe says with a gentle smile on his dark face, When I came to the first Children's festival my warrior son Dowb was not quite born, my beautiful daughters Banah and Beriy'ah would be in our future and my little boy Chartom would someday be me and my wife's little miracle... My boy Chartom, wants to say something to you all.. Chartom climbs up onto his father's wide shoulders. Chartom happily yells, I love Yerach! I love Yerach... I love Yerach!!! Many in the crowd happily chant with Chartom, I love Yerach! I love Yerach... The crowd cheers wildly. Among the crowd is Gibbor strapped to a large sledge carrying several large stuffed fur sacks along with Tubal and 'Aqqow. Asbeel and Vashti smiles down at Yerach who walks up next to Towb Dobe, takes a bow and grabs his boy's little hand, lifts it up and says, Chartom, I love you too!!! I thank Towb Dobe and all our honored guests for coming... Excuse me, but I need a little rest before--- my----#%*hus--band gets here... We watch the crowd around us cheers wildly. We look over at Gibbor who is pulling Tubal's sledge. Gibbor is over one and half times as tall as a tall man. Being flabby fat, he probably weights as much as seven large men. He's dressed in his light weight off white furs with his bald head and his big ears uncovered. The three beautiful woman we saw earlier, walk over to Gibbor and wave affectionately at him. One of them says with a sigh, Wow Gibbor, you're so big! Gibbor looks down smiling at them as his mother 'Aqqow frowns. Near us is Calech who is nothing but skin and bones. She is very slowly limping with her Algae stick as two follow Algae worshipers assist her, keeping her from falling down in the shallow snow. They are all dressed in green hooded robes. Yerach and her guests slowly walk towards her igloo on top of the hill as Asbeel and Vashti float down to the snowy ground. I, mother Qoph, and our son stand up as Qadash slowly, painfully p. 218

limps toward us. One assists her. Seven and her sisters all look somewhat wrinkled and middle aged. Lamech jumps excitedly by mother Qoph's side. We are all dressed in our light weight furs with furs wrapped around our wooden sandals. Seven says with her arms open wide, Sisters... Look, here's my little boy Lamech! Little Lamech looks up at her. Then he stares at her sisters confused, saying nervously, Mo-ther? Mother? Mother? He stares at Qadash and One. Qadash looks down at him and says, I know Lamech.. We both look like your mother because we're all qophs, sisters... Then One looks down at Lamech. One says a little mockingly, We don't look just like your mother... Qadash is the qoph with a bad leg... I, One am the slim and pretty qoph and your mother is the fat qoph! Lamech looks up from his mother side and says, Ooo-o, that right... Seven frowns a bit, saying, I'm not fat! They have very short hair and I have long pretty hair. Lamech glancing up at his mother says, Oo-ooo... Qadash leans down and takes hold of Lamech's little hand, saying, Lamech, we all love you... We're family! Ya'al and Na'vah dressed in hooded brown furs slowly walk up behind Qadash and One. They look very old. His long beard is pure white as is her long white hair that protrudes out of her hood. Their pale wrinkled faces smiles as they look down fondly at our son. Na'vah asks excitedly, Hey qophs, who do we have here? I says as Seven proudly smiles at her son, Ya'al, Na'vah, that's my boy, Lamech! Lamech shyly bows his head saying, That's me... Ya'al asks with a fragile voice, Lamech, it's good to see you... I bet you enjoy the Children's Festival.. We look around at the many families around us. There's a long pause. They look at me as my son looks around curiously. I rub my long graying beard, as I say, I believe God wants me here to protest children being used as sex slaves... They very nervously listens to my statement. Na'vah says stressed, You mean intimate child companions... Is it really that bad? Are you not afraid that will you just get people killed here again! Ya'al turns toward her sternly saying, Na'vah, you know he's right. She looks fearful as Asbeel proclaims loudly to the crowd, To all the children and their wonderful parents... Our beloved Yerach will soon return. Everyone gathers around the base of the large hill. Uriel and Remiel look down at us concerned as the three beautiful woman wave up at Remiel who looks around rather nervous. p. 219

Partam sits with his wife Batach, his daughters Tivah and Megan, and their husbands and children. Partam looks over at me and asks fearfully, Methuselah, do you really think protesting will do any good? I think about it as I watch Chayah and Mala sitting very affectionately together. I look over at fragile Calach and her two helpers that are sitting right behind them. Under her green shadowy hood, her pale shriveled death mask of a face weeps bitterly. Many tears run down her long crooked nose as her off gray eyes resemble the eyes of the long dead if they wept. Calach whispers, very horsely, very slowly, Yelalah, my granddaughter!!! I, mother Qoph, my son, Qadash, One, Ya'al, Nav'ah are all sitting together. We all stare at Calach's ugly pale gray eyes, staring ahead. Then we look away from her because she's scary. I am disturb. I pause, then say as I look back at Partam, God will bless our efforts... Partam says nervously bowing his head, I hope so... Batach says as she puts her arm around his slumped shoulders, We must do the right thing... Children are being so misused! We feel sad. Soft thumps are heard. The thumps become louder. Seven looks back. She stares in disgust at a brown woolly mammoth pulling a large wooden cart. Near the cart is Penemue who as always holds his small glowing white tablet near him. His very broad collar's large jewel and trim glows brightly red. He's floating on his disc close to his elegant wife Lady Mirsha'ath, dressed in her fine black furs riding on top of the cart that is moving up the hill that Yerach's large igloo is on. Mirsha'ath wears large thick black fur cap on top of her short black curly hair. The woolly mammoth obediently stops it's march when she hits it with her long whip. Mirsha'ath slowly steps down from the tall cart. She and Penemue moves towards the large igloo. He steps off his disc and it floats up and attaches itself to the back of his very broad collar. Penemue says loudly but politely, Lady Yerach, pardon this intrusion... But I Penemue and my elegant wife Lady Mirsha'ath humbly ask permission to enter your home. We watch them standing in front of the large igloo. There is a long silence. Yerach's troubled voice says, Enter... If you must? Penemue and his wife enter. I and Seven then see Lamech excitedly pointing up in the sky, saying, Fire discs! Flying fire discs! Me, mother Qoph, our son, Qadash, One, Ya'al, Nav'ah, Chayah, Mala, Calach and her helpers, along with Partam, Batach, Megan, Tivah their husbands and p. 220

children all stares nervously up. Tivah, the still thin daughter of Partam says mockingly, Kasdeja and the three headed beast!!! I hope they hurt no one this year... Everyone stares angrily at Tivah. Megan, Partam's not thin daughter says, Yeah right! Tivah, Sometimes you are not a nice woman. Tivah looks ashamed. Lamech stares up at Kasdeja flying down on his fiery disc with Chashaq flying on it's disc near him. They float down in front of the crowd where Asbeel and Vashti are floating. Yerach steps up on Kasdeja's disc. Chashaq's six dark yellow eyes glances all around at the crowd. It acts scared. Chashaq stares over at Gibbor who is hooked up to the large sledge that Tubal and 'Aqqow are sitting on. The three beautiful women are still glancing excitedly at Gibbor. Gibbor says, Gibbor, hungry! Tubal hands him a large fur bag, saying, Don't eat all our food! God wants us to share our food with those who are really hungry... One of the beautiful women says, Gibbor maybe if you're still hungry, I could bring you more food. Gibbor's big cheeks smiles looking down at her. Gibbor says happily, Maybe.. 'Aqqow says harshly to them, Don't bother! Gibbor opens his sack, grabs as much roots, and nuts, and grains as his oversized right hand can hold and begins gobbling up the food quickly from the large sack. Gibbor keeps gulping down more and more food from the sack. We watch Chashaq whimpering as it jumps off it's disc onto Kasdeja's and Yerach's disc. He hugs his three headed pet tightly as Yerach acts frighten. The dark gray beast shivers as Kasdeja says comfortingly, Calm Chashaq, I will guard you from that scary monster! We look over as Gibbor burps, then, happily pats his stomach with his over-sized hands saying joyfully, Food good! Gibbor, Tubal and 'Aqqow are happy, looking all around. We all look around puzzled, as our son starts jumping around. Lamech giggles, saying happily, Silly wolf scare... We look down at our son and smile. A little latter, Yerach stands in front of the cheering crowd riding with Kasdeja behind her on his softly rumbling fiery disc. To her right the three headed dire wolf Chashaq floats on it's fiery disc. Yerach looks around at the crowd as her dark, wrinkled, somber face frowns. A gentle wind causes her ankle length graying braided hair to wave. Next to them, Asbeel and Vashti are still floating on their disc. Coming from her igloo, Penemue floats on his p. 221

disc, coming close to her. Yerach tries to smile and says somberly, Friends and families, some of you have expressed concern about the intimate child companions laws... Penemue, --an expert on this and his----pretty wife Lady Mirsha'ath are here to address your concerns... Penemue you may address everyone here... She glances unhappily over at him. He is floating just above the snowy ground in front of the crowd. Mirsha'ath's pretty brown face smiles as she walks over to him with a pale young boy by her side. The boy is wearing a light weight long white robe. He has long well groom black hair. Penemue floats up a bit as the others back off. About half the crowd jeers and boos. I see Calach staring up angrily but silently. About half the crowd murmurs angrily. Penemue nervously looks down at his small glowing white tablet, as he runs his index finger over it in an orderly manner. Then he looks out at the crowd with his stately brown eyes. Penemue calmly but loudly says, Hearken to me! I, Penemue the dedicated scribe, earnestly desire to expose falsehoods about intimate child companions... Intolerant, ignorant people hath equated intimate child companions with sex slaves... Truth is, many children were enslaved by dangerous cults but now they art well cared for... They art not slaves, they art beloved companions! Half the crowd continues to murmur loudly but some cheer. Partam and Batach waves their arms, shouting, Child sex slaves... Sex slaves... Sex slaves... Child sex slaves!!! Much of the crowd joins in with him including Chayah, Mala, Qadash, One, Megan, Tiv'ah, etc. As I stand up with Seven and Lamech, I shouts, Partam, enough chanting! We are not here to riot! He stops and the crowd calms down. Mirsha'ath stands in front of them with the young boy. Her dark eyes stares hatefully as the pale young boy looks dazed. The crowd slowly hushes. I shout angrily, Penemue, how can you promote the molestation of innocent children? Penemue's pale face frowns at me as he says irritated, Thou hypocrite, how could thou marry a subhuman qoph? Art thou ignorant of what a qoph tis? Tis a pink faced freak! Lamech acts very disturbed, staring up at his sorrowful mother who is breaking down into tears. I am speechless. I try to comfort them as the crowd turns against us, many screaming, chanting, Hypocrite... Hypocrite.. Hypocrite! I look over at Calach staring with her bloodshot off gray eyes, who says very horsely, Yalalah! Partam and Batach yell, chanting, Child sex slaves... But the p. 222

others chantings drowns their voices out. I see Kasdeja smiles. His coal black eyes glance over at Yerach who looks very disgusted. Kasdeja then frowns too. Asbeel and Vashti sadly look on. Much of the crowd, still is chanting, Hypocrite! Hypocrite... Penemue brushes back his long smooth brown hair. He smiles. Penemue says calmly, Calm down! If anyone hath intelligent questions concerning intimate child companions, my elegant wife Lady Mirsha'ath will graciously answer them. He slowly floats down right behind his wife and the young boy. I am disgusted as Mirsha'ath puts her arm around the young boy shoulders and kisses him. Partam asks loudly, Mirsha'ath, do you not fear God? How can you exploit this poor boy so openly? Mirsha'ath briefly holds the boy close to her. Then she looks out at the crowd. Her elegant brown face looks hurtfully angry. She smiles and kisses the boy again. Then Mirsha'ath says, Exploit my boy Shagal? Shagal loves me and Penemue... He was a starving member of a crazed cult until we freed him... What you don't understand---is that our relationship with him is perfectly natural... God knows this is true! Shagal smiles blankly, saying in a daze, God knows it's true... Lady Mirsha'ath and Penemue make me so happy. Disgusted, Yerach looks out into the cheering crowd. Then I notice that Calach is vomiting. I hold my wife and child near, still trying to comfort them. Kasdeja looks shocked as Yerach screams bitterly, Penemue, Mirsha'ath, get out of my Children's Festival and never come back! Shagal is a sex slave! The crowd is shock to silence. Shagal says blankly, No, they make me happy! Floating near them, Penemue angrily holds up his small tablet, runs his index finger over it and says harshly, Yerach, how dare thou slander us!!! The honorable King Semjaza will be inform of thy treachery! Kasdeja turns towards Yerach, saying coldly, Apologize Yerach! Yerach yells angrily, I will not! Kill me, Kasdeja! I'm old... I'm going to die soon anyway! Kasdeja grabs her by her throat and says forcefully, Fool, you never die! You're mine! He slowly lets go of her throat as she weeps. Kasdeja says softly, Yerach, forgive me... The crowd murmurs. Pemenue, Mirsha'ath and the boy with the well groomed long black hair steps up onto Pemenue's fiery floating disc and they float away. Chashaq whines. Yerach turns towards Asbeel who looks away from her as she pleads with him, Asbeel, you once convince King Semjaza to release One... Now, convince p. 223

him to end this abomination! Vashti looks disappointed at her husband. Shocked, Asbeel looks first at Vashti, then back at Yerach, bows his head in shame and asks very sadly, Who do you think I am? King Semjaza has many intimate child companions... He will never ever outlaw it! Vashti puts her arm around his slump shoulders comfortingly as she asks him slyly, What if intimate child companions were limited to the sons of God? Asbeel looks very distressed and puzzled. Yerach screams at him, Asbeel, you got to try!!! Distressed, I, mother Qoph and Lamech hugs each other, as we stare up at them. We and Qadash, One, Ya'al, Nav'ah, Chayah and Mala look over at creepy Calach's very wrinkle face strangely smiling, as she says very hoarsely but loudly, Yalalah, Algae becomes greater! We can't help but stare uncomfortably at her. Seven new moons latter, my father is feeding my mother out of a wooden bowl. They are wearing their heavy hooded brown furs as their roaring fire flickers in front of them but they are still shivering. She has a coughing spell and then she recovers. Outside their igloo, I and my family are shivering a lot. As the freezing stormy winds howl, I shout loudly, Father, mother, let us in! Someone wants to see you... Enoch gently shouts, Come on in! I open their fur curtain as my shivering wife and son walk in from the icy storm outside. Some icy snow blows in as we feel the blessed warmth inside. I walk in after them. Me and my wife are holding our walking sticks as everyone chills from the bone chilling winds entering the igloo. We all are wearing our heavy spotted gray hooded furs and several layers of furs tied around our sandals. Our son's furs are so thick he looks like a big fur ball. I look down worried at Mehetabel as I asks fearfully, Mother how are you? Ignoring me, Lamech happily shouts, Grandma! Me feet numb.. He quickly wobbles towards his grandma and they hugs tightly. Mehetabel's dark face smiles beneath her fur hood and she says very warmly, O Lamech, I love you! Watching this, Enoch has a goofy smile on his big cheeked, flabby wrinkled tan face as he bears his over-sized brownish teeth. Me and Seven look at them concerned. Mehetabel's dark, wrinkled face looks up loving at me as she says to me, Son I'm fine..... Enoch, put more p. 224

sticks into our fire! Lamech cutely smiling says, Grandma, I miss you! Enoch slowly stands with his walking stick, limps over to his big piles of sticks and drops some more sticks into their flickering fire. Seven says tiredly, Enoch, please take care of my boy for a couple days... Your son and I need some time alone, together... I says excitedly as I rub off some snow from my long grayish beard, Yeah! Enoch slowly limps over to us and says, Yeah... Me teach grandson to pray... Mehetabel looks over at Seven, gently smiles and says, Sure, mother Qoph! Me and Seven act impatiently. Seven stares into our son's worried brown eyes as she says quickly, See you latter son! Remember, we love you! I say sadly, Son, I love you too... We'll be back! Lamech sadly waves his little hand at us and says, Mother Qoph... Father. Come back soon! Mother Qoph... Come back! I stand staring sadly at my son. Then Seven grabs my hand, pull open the fur curtain and pulls me out the exit into the raging icy storm. A little latter, Enoch is sitting next to Mehetabel who's sleeping quietly behind him. Enoch watches Lamech nervously pacing between the roaring fire pit and them. Lamech's long hair is bright white on top and brown around the sides. He pushes his long odd looking hair back with his little hands. He calms down and turns towards him as his grandfather gently rubs his long white beard. Enoch pulls back his hood and puts on his silly fur cap to cover his almost bald head. Enoch says excitedly with his goofy squeaky voice, Lamech, let's pray to God! With a puzzled expression on his cute brown face, Lamech asks mockingly, Why? God not here... Mehetabel is peacefully sleeping behind them as Enoch says forcefully, God is here! Lamech nervously stares all around as he says honestly, I not see God... Then Enoch blows hard on his frowning little face. Lamech acts like he smells something quite fowl and holds his little nose. Enoch asks as he points to his mouth, You see my breath? Lamech says whining very slowly, No-o-o... Enoch's big wrinkled cheeks smile as says mockingly, So me not blow on you... Lamech says angrily, You blow! Enoch says gently, But you didn't see breath... Did you feel my breath? Lamech says while still holding his little nose, Me smelled it! Enoch says smiling wide, My breath is here and so is God! God always everywhere is... Lamech p. 225

looks around and says unsure, Could be? Enoch says gently, Lamech, Close eyes... Pray.... Lamech closes his puzzled little eyes as he bows his little head. Enoch closes his gentle dark brown eyes, bows his head and says, O great Lord God, thank you for your love and help... Me love you! Lamech prays nervously as he folds his little hands, God, thanks for love... Help me know you are here! Latter, little Lamech is standing by his smiling grandma who is sitting up, and Enoch is now asleep by her side. He snuggles with a bunch of furs as he snores. My mother who is now fat, sits in front of him combing her long curly white hair back neatly. Her dark smiling face is very wrinkled but still playful. She points to their hand prints that they made several new moons ago. They giggle as they look closely at their hand prints. She waves her aging hands playfully. They give each other a quick hug. Mehetabel's dark brown eyes sparkle as she asks temptingly, Lamech, now that your grandfather is asleep... Shall we get our hands filthy? She playfully rubs her hands together. He jumps up and down, waving his hands. Then he bows his head and puts his hands together like he's praying. He pauses and then blurts out, Grandma, make mud filthy! Yeah! She grabs her little stone bowl by her side and puts it on her feeble knees. The bowl is almost full of dirt. She grabs a big handful of dirt and drops it back into her bowl. Then she grabs a small bowl filled with water. She sees my son stare joyously, clapping his little hands. Giggling, Mehetabel says, Pour some water into the dirt and mix it with your right hand. He picks up the water bowl and pours some water into the stone dirt bowl. His cute smiling face lovingly looks up at her. He mixes the mud with his little right hand in the stone bowl. The bowl overflows with mud, with little streaks of mud running off the edges of the bowl. He mixes it a little more. Lamech happily giggles as he says slowly, O-oo, filthy.. Mother Qoph not like this, he, he, he.. Mehetabel sticks up her index finger and then puts her finger in the mud as she says smiling widely, Mother Qoph not here... Lamech asks timidly, Is God here? His narrow little face looks nervously around. Mehetabel says without thinking, Sure, God is everywhere... Lamech asks fearfully, Grandma, does God like this? She acts real embarrassed as his little brown p. 226

eyes stares at her. Mehetabel looks around insecurely, then says, Sure! God made mud and everything God made was very good... They stare at the fire pit's roaring fire as Enoch snores again and almost wakes up. Then he falls back into a deep sleep. As the fire's light flickers on Lamech, he fearfully asks, Grandma, are you sure? Mehetabel says forcefully, Sure! Still sitting, she slowly turns around using her arms, so that she faces the part of the icy wall where their hand prints are. She dips her index finger deeply in the muddy stone bowl. As she is about to draw something on the icy wall with the wet mud, Lamech asks curiously, What you doing? Mehetabel looks fondly over at him as she says, Making pictures with mud... My father taught me this when I was little. Lamech looks back at her confused as he says, You little... They both laugh. She draws a primitive picture of their igloo next to their hand prints. Mehetabel looks lovingly at him and says, This is our igloo.. She dips her fingers back into the bowl and she uses her fingers to draws a stick figure of him. Mehetabel says excitedly, And grandson, this is you... Lamech demands like a brat, Grandma, I want to draw... She grabs his little hand, dips it in the muddy bowl and guides it to the icy wall. Her hand guides his hand in drawing a stick figure of her. Lamech jumps up and says joyfully, I drew you, grandma!!! They turn towards each other and they hug tightly. As they let go of each other, Mehetabel says childishly, You sure did! Then they notice that his muddy hand has got mud over her curly white hair. She frowns briefly. Lamech is upset. He whines with his little head bow, saying, Sorry grandma, no spank me! She smiles widely as she sticks her index finger in the bowl, then moves her finger to Lamech's forehead as Mehetabel says with a little laugh, I love you! Her index finger draws a heart on his forehead. Then she wipes off her muddy finger on the top of his white and brown hair. Lamech's brown eyes bug out as he says quickly startled, Filthy, filthy! Clean is life! Mehetabel puts her muddy hand on his shoulder, saying with a laugh, No Lamech, love is life and love is often fil-thy... Lamech calms down, they both laugh and point to their pictures on the icy wall. Next Children's Festival, mother Qoph and our somewhat bigger son are sitting together on some furs. The white hair on top of my son's head is p. 227

somewhat shorter than his long brown hair around the sides of his head. He is dressed in his light weight gray furs. Me and mother Qoph are dressed in our brown furs. It's such a warm bright sunny day. We all sit down on our furs on top of the soggy snow. Lamech stands up. He looks at me with his cute brown eyes, then he looks over at his mother. Lamech asks tearfully, Mother Qoph, why grandma not come to the Children's Festival? Seven holds him close as she says sadly, Grandma's legs are bad. She can't travel this far! Also some Algae worshipers still blame grandpa!!! It's not safe for them here! Lamech crosses his little arm tightly. Lamech's cute little brown face frowns as he says, Not fair! I love grandma! I gently rubs my long grayish white beard as I says smiling sadly, We all do! Yerach is standing before her mostly adoring crowd. She looks around at several small groups of glum adult Algae worshipers dressed in their green hooded robes, standing with their arms crossed scattered in small groups though out the crowd. I see one very big muscular Algae worshiper carrying Calach in his arms. He sits down here on a fur on the slushy snow. Calach's very pale angry face is greatly wrinkled, sunken, her bloodshot off gray eyes stare murderously ahead. Yerach's dark lovely face smiles at her mostly friendly crowd. She is dressed in her ankle length, metallic green long sleeved gown and her long pointed cone cap is on top of her very long graying hair. Yerach says cheerfully, Give a warm Children's Festival welcome to our good friends Chokmah and his lovely wife Raanan... Yerach politely greets Chokmah and Raanan as they walk up behind her. Chokmah's hair has grayed and his youthful face now has a few wrinkles. He is dressed in his light weight white furs and has his white turban is on top of his head. Raanan's yellowish tan wrinkled face looks noticeably older than his. Raanan is dressed in light gray furs. She give Yerach a brief hug. Me, my wife, and Lamech clap and cheer for them. Next to us, Partam is sitting with his wife Batach, his daughters Megan and Tivah and their husband and children along with his son Mala, and his wife Chayah. Some glum Algae worshipers are standing rigidly in silence. Yerach slowly walk away from Chokmah and Raanan. Chokmah adjusts his white turban on top his long graying hair. Chokmah gently smiles as he says, Honored families and noble friends, although food gathering has greatly increase since the sons of God arrived, many children are still very p. 228

hungry... This should not be! My honored and trusted wife has a few words to say to you. Me, Seven, and our son, Lamech happily shouts, Chok-mah! Raa-nan! Chokmah! Raanan! Raanan's wrinkled yellowish tan face droops as she says tearfully, We have visited many heart breaking places where children still starve... I can't imagine if my children had to grow up like this... We must work together to feed all the children.... She is interrupted by Asbeel's loud but happy voice, shouting, Forgive me Raanan for interrupting you but we have some very important news! Then Raanan's dark squinted eyes briefly frowns, then she quickly concludes, saying, to feed...these precious little ones with all the blessings God has given us! The dark Algae priest leads his worshipers to begin chanting softly, Algae becomes greater... Algae becomes greater... Demons, give our children back! Give our children back! Demons, free child sex slaves now! We watch Asbeel, Vashti and a pale young woman dressed in a long silky white gown float down on his softly rumbling fiery disc. She has smooth shoulder length black hair. Floating, next to him is Pemenue, Lady Misha'ath and their imitate child companion Shagal who is dressed in his long white robe. They float down on Pemenue's disc. Chokmah and Raanan walk back as Yerach walks forward to greet Asbeel and Pemenue. They float near her, just off the ground. The Algae priest leads the increasingly loud Algae worshipers chanting, Algae becomes greater! Demons, give our children back! Calach chants with them in a very harsh voice. Suddenly she stops, her bloodshot eyes recognize the pale young woman on Asbeel's disc, and her cracked grayish lips open very wide. She stares in unbelief at her granddaughter riding on the disc with Asbeel and Vashti. Calach quickly inhales, smiles shocked, and shouts joyfully, Yelalah, granddaughter... Yerach angrily asks, Asbeel, why are you here??? It' not time for me to leave! Asbeel, Penemue and their passengers float closer to her. Asbeels says with a big smile on his gentle light brown face, King Semjaza has made a decree! Yerach asks roughly, What decree? Lady Mirsha'ath says very unhappily as she hugs Shagal from behind, Asbeel, the self righteous hypocrite somehow convince thy king that some honorable customers were abusing their intimate child companions... Penemue holding his small glowing white tablet near to his paler than usual face, says disturbed, Lady Mirsha'ath, thou must respect p. 229

the righteous decrees of thine king... Asbeel, ye may issue the decree... Vashti smiles happily as she says mockingly, Pemenue, you're the expert on this! I'm sure my husband would want you to proclaim the king's decree... Asbeel looks over very affectionately at his wife, then mockingly smiles. Shagal looks fearfully at Penemue and Mirsha'ath, as he asks dazed, Penemue, they're not taking me away from you and Lady Mirsha'ath, are they? Penemue smiles down at him as Lady Mirsha'ath kisses him. Penemue says comfortingly, No Shagal, thou art safe with us. Shagal hugs them both and says still dazed, Thank God, I'm not going home! Pemenue looks uncomfortably down at his glowing white tablet and looks up briefly from time to time as he says painfully humiliated, Honorable people, thy most noble King Semjaza hast decree that henceforth only sons of God may owneth intimate child companions... Thus, thy most noble King Semjaza declareth thy child companions shall return to their families unless thy king states otherwise... The first to returneth is Calach's granddaughter, Yelalah. About half the crowd is cheering and the other half is booing. Calach breaks into tears of joy. Me, Seven, Lamech and Partam and Batach stand up and we hug each other. Batach says joyfully, Partam, we actually did it, the laws have been change! Partam says as he joyfully smiles at her, O-yes.. Praise the Lord! Lamech jumps around, saying happily, My father did good! Seven's whitish pink face just stares for a while. Then Seven shouts, Methuselah, thank God, this is great! I just smile. Half the crowd murmur angrily as the rest of us cheer. Asbeel and Vashti points Calach out to Yelalah who has smooth black hair. Yelalah says longingly, Grandma Calach, are you still alive? Are you really out here? Yerach walks out to them and points to Calach as she says, Yelalah, Calach is right over there! I'm so sorry for all you went though... Yelalah steps off Asbeel's disc. The big Alga worshiper picks up the bone thin Calach and carries her to her granddaughter. Yelalah and Calach tearfully hug. Yelalah shouts joyfully, Grandma Calach!!! Calach breathing heavily with difficulty says hoarsely, Yel-al-ah, I was sure, I would nev-er see you again... Truly, the Algae is love! The Algae---brought you back--to me... Now, I can die in peace, grand-daughter... You're free! The crowd is very strongly divided with cheers and boos. Yelalah says fearfully hugging her very frail grandma, p. 230

Grandma Calach, don't die now! The Algae has finally brought me back to you.... I love you so! Calach, still being carried by the big Algae worshiper says hoarsely but tenderly, Maybe the Algae, will give---me even longer life--now that I have you back! Yel-al-ah, my grand--daughter, you give me a rea-son to live on! They hug tightly again but the dark Algae priest and his Algae worshipers walk angrily away. Tubal latter told us, that two new moons after Semjaza's decree, that he and 'Aqqow, are riding with Asbeel on his fiery disc though heavy snow and rough chilling winds. Tubal and 'Aqqow are dressed in their very thick hooded gray furs. They look sadly at the crystal palace on top of the great ice covered mountain as they approach it. Next to them, Kasdeja floats on his fiery disc and Gibbor who is head and chest taller than him, wobbles on another disc that Kasdeja controls. Gibbor is dressed in his thick off white furs but his large bald head and his big ears are uncovered. He is so fat that there is no room for anyone else on this fiery disc. His very large ears are reddish from the freezing winds that also blows strongly against Kasdeja's long black braided hair. Gibbor wobbles dangerously on this disc, happily shaking his over sized flabby arms, saying with frosted breath, We fly! We fly! Bony thin Kasdeja frowns at him with his coal black eyes. Tubal, and 'Aqqow are shivering even though they are both wearing very heavy hooded gray furs over their fancy clothes. Tubal rigidly holds his copper dire wolf headed walking stick as 'Aqqow holds him close. They fly into the palace's wall as it opens up into a large oval entrance. They enter a large red room where they sees his still very fat but very sick father moans and coughs loudly, laying fitfully on his aching back on a golden bed with fancy red sheets with white serpent symbols knitted all over it. His bloated stomach towers over the rest of him. Everyone there watches him silently. Tubal sees his father's very long stringy white hair is strung over his sore cold blue eyes so he can barely see the top half of his father's sunken wrinkled face. His father's very long white beard covers the lower half of his face excepts for his seriously cracked grayish lips. His father's sad aging wife Adah is hunching over him by his bed side. She is barely able to stand even with her walking stick. She is dressed in her ankle length cream colored long sleeved gown. p. 231

Tubal's father looks up at her and gasps as he painfully asks his timid wife, Where's Naamah? Standing next to her is their two oldest sons Jabal and Jubal along with their wives and all their many children, all looking sad. Jabal is dressed in his hooded brown leather robe. Jubal is dressed in his black leather robes with a black leather turban over his long gray hair. He is holding a primitive wooden harp. Not knowing what to answer, Adah looks down at her dying husband, and says comfortingly, My husband, your youngest son Tubal-Cain is here... As for Naamah, she will not come! Tubal's father tearfully frowns, clinches his fists and angrily asks, My daughter, why??? Jabal's pale wrinkled face looks angry as his cold blue eyes stare down sadly at his father. Jabal asks very concern, Father, Tubal betrayed us! You're not giving him anything, are you? His father coughs, moans, then angrily says as he looks over at Tubal with difficulty, Jabal, my son, that pa-gan shall get noth-ing from me... But we need him! Tubal frowns at him. Jubal smiles tearfully at his father. He plays a lovely melody on his primitive wooden harp. His father enjoys the music, easing his great pain. All his grandchildren stare sadly, silently at him. Jubal plays softer as he asks curiously, Father, what do I get? His dying father tries to smile as he says, Jubal, --my son, I---love your music! I have di-vided ev-ery-thing equal-ly between my two loyal sons... Angrily watching this, Tubal's can be silent no longer as he says loudly, Father I'm here, with my family! Tubal's father smiles, coughs, and angrily frowns at him. Tubal's father says mockingly, Ah, the great Tubal-Cain... Tubal is standing proudly with his wife 'Aqqow, and his adoptive son Gibbor. Luckily for Gibbor, this room has a high ceiling. Still Gibbor has to bend his bald head down a little because he's still a little taller than the ceiling. They slowly move closer to Tubal's father's bedside as the rest of his family backs off a little. Tubal looks coldly down at his father and asks, Father, are you finally dying? I want you to see my family, you bastard! Tubal's father tosses and turns, coughs, moans, and sadly, but angrily says as he spits up some blood, I wish you did---have a family,---in-stead of an aging whore and a fat big eared freak---even if---he is the king's son. Gibbor smiles down at him, towering above them all. 'Aqqow angrily shakes her fists at him as she says very much insulted, I'm no whore, you fat swine! Who are you to complain about my son being fat? p. 232

Jubal raises his fist to her and angrily shouts, Whore, show my father, respect! Tubal's father, painfully yells and coughs, Sil---ence! I can defend my-self.. Gibbor's yellowish tan face smiles as his squinted, sparkling hazel eyes look kindly down at the fat old man. Gibbor says as his over sized cheeks bounce, Gibbor, loves grampa! He claps with his over sized hands. Tubal's father stares up sadly at him as he coughs and moans. He breathes heavily and brushes away his white hair out of his sore eyes with great difficulty. His family stares at him silently. Tubal's father says loudly, angrily in great pain, Lis-ten, Tubal-Cain,---the Ser-pent---showed me two futures... The world---set on fire---or the world--drown in a flood! Few survive! ---All know-ledge lost!!! Ev-ery--thing the Serpent taught us!!! Everything the sons of God---taught us... All gone!!! Tubal cruelly smiling at his father, asks mockingly, So what? His father tries but is unable to sit up. He breathes heavily with great pain. Tubal bends over his bloated father. His father very forcefully says as he coughs up more blood, Tubal-Cain, --you must---build two great pillars with your bro-thers... In-scribe on them as much knowledge as poss--ible... One pillar must sur-vive the fire and the o-ther must sur-vive the flood! His family crowds closer to him. Tubal looks him in his eyes and says, No father! I trust God! Gibbor says happily clapping his hands, Love God, love others, do good, Gibbor wise! Tubal's father has a coughing spell, then yells very upset, Build the pillars!! Build the pil-lars... Build --the pil-lars! Then he passes out. Adah hugs him tightly, saying, Don't leave me! I love you! He wakes up briefly and breathes with great difficulty. Tubal's father looks up at her with his paling blood shot blue eyes as he says peacefully, Adah, my wife, I see a great light... The Serpent is coming for me... Jabal and Jubal crowds around him. Jabal say tearfully, Father, I love you! Jubal plays a beautiful melody on his harp as their father peacefully closes his bloodshot eyes and then he becomes horrified as he screams dying, You're not the Ser--pent! Serpent help me! Ashtoreth help me! You--'re ---not the Serpent!!! Adah help me! Ashtoreth help me! My sons, get it away---from me! Jabal, Jubal, Tubal, get him ---away from --me! Serpent help me! Jabal, Jubal, help! Adah, help! Ash--tor---eth..... Shocked, Adah and their sons backs away from him in utter horror. All his grandchildren look away, frighten to death. Tubal grabs p. 233

his dying father, holds him close to him, and shouts sorrowfully, Father, I'm sorry! O-Lord, please give my father a little more time! Whoever you are, you bastard, get away from my father! God help us!!! Tubal's father screams terrorized, Ser-pent, Adah help! Jabal! Jubal! Ash-tor-eth help--me... Tubal, Adah--help me! Serpent help me!!! Jabal help, Jubal help, Tu-bal! Ash-tor--eth---help------me........ He passes out dead! As Tubal holds onto his father's still warm body, he sees a circular tunnel of flashing lights appears on the red wall behind them. Tubal's pale terrorized face stare over his dead father's right shoulder at the tunnel of light. A hateful voice says, mockingly, Lamech..., and laughs a demonic laugh more hateful than hate itself. Then the tunnel of light fades into the wall. Uncontrollably trembling, Tubal shouts, sobbing, No-oo-ooo!!! Fa--ther! 'Aqqow tries to comfort Tubal by hugging him. Very disturbed, Gibbor grimaces, sobs, cries a streams of tears, and whines, saying, Grandfather, A-aah-aah... Eight years latter, it is snowing lightly this bright sunny day. Tubal, 'Aqqow, Gibbor and a huge fur sack of nuts, are riding on a big sledge being pulled by eight exhausted wolf dogs. The wolf dogs moan from having to pull the giant Gibbor along with Tubal, 'Aqqow and the big, big fur bag of nuts. Gibbor and 'Aqqow are dressed in light weight furs. Tubal is dressed in his white robes. He wears his golden turban over his head. They ride right up next to Enoch's igloo. They get out of the large sledge as the wolf dogs moan in relief. Inside, Lamech is playing with Mehetabel who is fat, old and sickly. Her dark very wrinkled face now has somewhat sunken cheekbones. Her long white hair is thinning on top. She's sitting next to her grandson, wearing her long brown furs with a gray fur blanket over her feeble legs. The light from the small fire from the fire pit dances around them. Lamach is now a skinny eleven years old with strange long white hair on top of his narrow head and longer brown hair around his sides. He is dressed in light weight gray furs. He looks fondly at his grandmother who is sitting before him. Enoch is sleeping next to her, snoring a little. They hear 'Aqqow's voice, saying, Mehetabel, we brought Gibbor over to play with your grandson... Don't worry, we brought a lot of food for him! Mehetabel smiles warmly as she says frailly, Lamech, let's welcome our good friend Gibbor in! His p. 234

warm brown eyes sparkle as Lamech says excitedly, Wow grandma, can Gibbor play with the mud! That would be great! Mehetabel angrily upset, whispers frailly, No Lamech... Gibbor might tell mother Qogh what we were doing! So don't say a word to him about that! Lamech's cute brown face frowns as he asks disturbed, Why, we're not doing anything wrong? Mehetabel looks up at him and says very nervously, I know.., but mother Qoph might not... Trust me! Lamech nods his narrow head in agreement as 'Aqqow voice asks a little irritated, Can Gibbor come in already? Lamech jumps up and stands, saying loudly excited, Sure, Gibbor, come on in! They watch the fur curtain as Gibbor opens it, and slowly craws in, squeezing himself through the entrance. He sits on one side of the flickering fire pit. Then he stick his arm through the fur curtain and drags in a huge tan fur sack that is bigger than Lamech. Gibbor smiles widely, his bulging squinted hazel eyes glance down as he points to Lamech, saying with his deep goofy voice, Gibbor like you!!! He now has a very thin black stringy moustache and beard. Gibbor points down at Mehetabel, joyfully saying, And you! He opens his huge fur sack and begins eating large handfuls of nuts from it. Even sitting, his bald head with his overly big ears is touching the top side of the igloo. Lamech walks over and hugs the flabby giant as Gibbor continues eating nuts from his sack. Lamech looks up at him and says happily, Glad to see you, Gibbor! Mehetabel smiles lovingly as she says a little hoarse, Welcome Gibbor, to my igloo... Lamech stands next to Gibbor who is sitting. Lamech asks curiously, That's a lot of nuts... Where did you get them? Gibbor's chubby yellowish tan face smiles down at him as he says with his deep goofy voice, Tall tree... Nuts on top... Gibbor push tree down... Get nuts! Enoch snores some more, still sleeping next to Mehetabel. Gibbor stares at Enoch sleeping, then asks, Why Enoch sleep? Mehetabel blushes as she says, I tired him out last night... Lamech's warm brown eyes open wide as he asks, Grandma, what did you do with grandpa? Gibbor looks confused. Mehetabel says embarrassed, Never mind... Grandfather is fine... He snores some more. Lamech and Gibbor look puzzled but they smile at her. Lamech says excitedly, Grandma, tell us some more stories from long ago... Mehetabel reclines next to her sleeping husband. Mehetabel says a little out of breath, My parents were rather p. 235

young when they married, maybe too young... My mother soon gave birth to twin daughters and everything seem good. They carefully listen to her story. Gibbor lightly claps his over-sized hands, saying, Story... Mehetabel says slowly, My father herded goats and they had everything they needed by trading goat's milk for everything else... When my mother bore me, she went into hard labor and she... And she died! My father was heartbroken but he did his best to raise me and my two younger sisters. One day when I was about six years old, I ask my father where did I come from??? She tells them about her father that she remembers as a dark, muscular man dressed in heavy brown spotted hooded furs. He leads some of his baaing goats through some deep snow with his long branch staff. He guides some of his unruly goats to a small igloo he built around a small tree. The small tree's branches stick way above the top of their igloo. An igloo he built just for his goats. He ties his goats with strips of animal hides to the tree's truck in the middle of the goat's igloo. Then my father walks to our small igloo's entrance and loudly calls out, shouting, Father's home! Me and my two older twin sisters speedily exit our igloo dressed in our heavy brown furs. We all cry out with frosted breath, Father!!! Father! My older twin sisters jumps into our father's large powerful arms. He's so tall, dark and handsome. His really thick black hair protrudes from his brown hood and his thick black beard is really long. He lovingly holds one of my sisters with his right arm and my other clinging sister with his left arm. Father says joyfully to us, Ah my daughters, I love you all so much! Me his youngest daughter, Mehetabel walks up to him. I grabs his right leg as I looks way up at him in awe, asking curiously, Father, where did I come from??? The daughter he effortlessly holds on his right muscular arm, asks with frosted breath, Father, where did we come from...? My other sister clinging to his left arm, just stares at him, waiting for an answer. Chilling, my father slowly, gently puts the twins down as he says, Daughters, let's go inside. He bows as he walks into our small igloo, we follow him in and pull back our little fur hoods. We sit down on some old rugged furs next to the warm fire in our small fire pit. I look into my father's warm browns eyes and forcefully repeats my little question, Father, where did I come from??? Where did my sisters come from? One p. 236

of my curious sisters stares up at him with her too cute eyes and says to him, Father, tell us! My other twin sister shakes her little fists at him and says excitedly, Tell me now! Our Father says nervously sad, Well, we all came from God but God brought you three into my world though your mother, my lovely wife... O--I miss her! One of my twin sisters asks sheepishly, Through our mother, how did God do that? Our father looks down lovingly at her and says happily nervous, It's hard to explain... My father rubs his long black beard and smiles at us all as he says with a little laugh, I know, we have a mother goat that's about to give birth soon... In a few days, you can see for yourselves... I sadly stare into my father's sad, tearful eyes as I ask him guiltily, Father, are you mad at me for making mother go away? My father, gets on his thick knees, loving scoops me up in his strong muscular arms and says to me, My little Mehetabel, you didn't make mother go away... Don't ever blame yourself for that! God decided that... I sorrowfully hug him for a long time and ask him sobbing, Then why did God take mother away? My older sisters look at him with their sad little brown eyes. Our father shakes his shaggy head as he tearfully says, My daughters, I don't know... Your mother was such a lovable woman... I loved her so! We all break down and cry with him. A few days latter, we get to watch a very pregnant brown spotted goat squatting. Our father stands behind the goat, caring for it. My sisters and me stare happily at the mother goat. We see the tiny gooey brown baby goat slide out of her mother's behind. My father so gently catches the new baby in his crude fur gloves. My father holds the baby near her mother who begins licking off the dripping goo from her cute baby with her pink tongue. Then our father joyously lifts the baby goat to show us. The cute little brown baby goat looks around curiously at us. We all smile in awe. The baby goat moves it's cute little legs around. My dark brown eyes sparkle as I happily say, O wow, father! The baby goat baas as my father smiles back at me. Then he returns the baby to it's mother's side. Lamech and Gibbor happily listen my mother's story. Gibbor happily claps his over-sized hands as he says, Babies come from goats.. Lemech says with a laugh, No Gibbor, babies come from their mothers... Human p. 237

babies come from human mothers and goat babies come from goat mothers... Gibbor crosses his large flabby arms as he says puzzled, Ah-ah, H-h-m-, babies.. Mehetabel says as she points to her rather large belly, Gibbor, you came from your mother's belly... Gibbor pats his own belly as he says happily, Belly.. Then they hear Tubal's voice shouting, Gibbor we're back... Time to go... Gibbor waves, and begins to leave saying, Bye. Lamech waves at them as Gibbor craws out on his hand and knees. Then his large arm reaches back in our igloo, grabs his really big fur bag of nuts and pulls it out. A little later, Enoch is still sleeping. Lamech sits next to his grandma. He smears a little mud on her dark face. She has a stone bowl in her lap, filled with watery mud. Her dark wrinkled face smiles as Lamech draws hearts and stars on her forehead and cheeks. Mehetabel asks frailly, Grandson, are you making me look pretty? Lamech says with a little laugh, Sure Grandma..., you're pretty. Mehetabel sticks her finger in the muddy bowl and raises it to his brightly smiling face as she says, Lamech, your eyes are like sunshine to me... I love you! She draws circles around his eyes and puts lines like sun rays around them. Lamech says as he looks deeply into her warm dark brown eyes, Oh grandma, you're so good to me... Then a very disturbing sound of the fur curtain being quickly pushed opened. They watch in utter horror as mother Qoph instantly enters and stares at them furiously shocked. My poor mother and Lamech hug each other tightly, being horrified by this sudden intrusion. Mother Qoph breathes very heavily, increasingly angrily, as I enter though the curtain next to my wife. I stare at my muddy mother and son as I shout shocked, Mother!!! My mad wife, Seven screams furiously angry, You filthy animal, take your hands off my son!!! I trusted you, you filthy animal and you betrayed me! You're making my clean son into a filthy, filthy, animal like you and your filthy, filthy family! I am shocked into silence. Mehetabel and Lamech are shivering. My poor frail mother and my scared son stare helplessly at me. There's a horrible pause, then Mehetabel says somewhat angry, Calm down, creepy girl! Everything is fine... Mother Qoph, we'll clean up!!! I promise! My father suddenly wakes up, very disturbed by what he hears. Not really awake, Enoch asks, What p. 238

happening? Waving her arms angrily, Seven screams madly with tears pouring from her light green eyes, yelling, I want my son to be clean, you filthy animal!!! I will never let you see my son again! Lamech, get away from that sick, filthy animal! My father quickly shakes his head and sits up aching. Enoch says desperately, Forgive us, mother Qoph! God forgives... Mehetabel looks so guilty as she pleads, saying, Forgive us, mother Qoph.... Seven rushes forcefully towards our son, yelling angrily, Lamech, away from these damn filthy animals! I try to stop my mad wife by grabbing her from behind but she strongly pushes me out of the way. Our son reaches into the small muddy bowl and throws a big glob of mud right at his mother, screaming, No, I love grandma! I hate you, mother Qoph! The big glop of mud hits Seven's reddening pink face between her burning eyes. Seven screams furiously, Lam-ech!!! I grab my furious wife, trying to hold her back yelling, Seven, stop! She growls, pushes me away with great force, then grabs Lamech by his long white and brown hair with one hand, picks him off the icy floor and throws our poor son hard against the icy wall. Seven leaps like a fat rabid animal at Mehetabel and furiously slaps my poor mother's frail face hard many times with her tense hand. Mehetabel tries to protect herself by putting her flabby arms in front of her face as she cries desperately, Ouch! Enoch, help! A-aaagh... Ouch! Enoch, help me! Lamech yells hatefully, Stop hurting grandma! I hate you! I hate you mother Qoph! Enoch grabs his staff, and shouts angrily as he hits Seven's head once with his staff, Enough! As Seven screams and growls again, she runs out of the igloo holding her head where Enoch hit her. I grabs my screaming son and forcefully drags him away as Lamech cries, yelling Grand-ma! Grandma! Grand-ma-aaa!!! I am greatly sicken and ashamed by what my furious wife just did as we leave in total disgrace! Three new moons latter, mother Qoph and our son are in our small igloo, reclining by our roaring fire. I sadly watch my son's bloodshot brown eyes full of tears, weeping. Lamech angrily, crosses his arms, his youthful brown face frowns, he sobs, cries, shouting, I want to see grandma! I want to see grandma... Seven and me stand up near our fire pit, warming ourselves. I nervously pull at my long gray beard as I plead with her, saying very sadly, p. 239

Come on, mother Qoph, it's time to forgive my mother and father... You were so hateful, like Lord Bad... Her pale whitish face reddens as Seven says bitterly, But, but she was turning my little boy into a filthy animal, like her... Enoch even hit me! Why should I ever forgive them? Seven rubs the sore place on the top of her head where my father hit her. I look strait at her sternly as I say, Because we are family!!! When you were a stranger, my parents welcome you in, even as a daughter... Look how our son is suffering! Our son with his head bowed low, is crying his eyes out. Seven softens her expression as she looks down at him. Seven says still angry, It's so hard to forgive this! I lean over her shoulder and whisper into her ear, saying very softly, My mother is not well... Do you want the last words you say to her to be.. Lamech, get away from this sick, filthy animal.. Seven bows her head in shame. I put my arm lovingly around her slumped shoulders, as Seven says, O--true Lord... Help me to forgive... But why does Mehetabel have to be so filthy? Lamech is still crying as he says, Mother Qoph, I want my grandma! I pull on my long gray beard as I stares angrily at her. Seven bows her head humbly and says, O-true Lord God, forgive me! Help me to forgive her... Me and Lamech humbly smile at her. Soon after this, me and my family are standing just outside my parent's igloo in a another freezing blizzard. Me and my wife are dressed in our thick gray hooded furs. Our wooden sandals are cover by more heavy furs than normal which are strapped to our aching numb feet. We're all covering our faces with our furs. It's that cold. Shivering as I lower the fur around my chapped lips. I asks loudly with very frosted breath, Father, mother, it's me... May I bring my family in? It's really cold out here! We hear Enoch's loud voice shouts forcefully, Son, me protect wife! Mother Qoph must be good or??? Mehetabel's sickly voice asks loudly, Do you really want to visit a sick, filthy animal like me? Shivering a lot in his thick brown furs, our son looks like a big fur ball. Lamech shouts sadly, Grandma, I really want to see you!! I love you! Shivering, Seven lowers the fur around her numb mouth and shouts regretfully with frosted breath, Mehetabel, forgive me! You're not an animal... Mehetabel, I beg you, let us enter... It's so cold out here! Mehetabel shouts to us with mixed emotions, Methuselah, p. 240

Lamech, ......and mother Qoph, come in before you all freeze... I open their fur curtain and hold it open, as a strong freezing wind and a some heavy snow chillingly blows in. Lamech runs to his fat but sickly grandma who is reclining on some thick furs. She is dressed in her thick orangish brown furs but her head is uncovered. Then my very nervous wife, guiltily walks in. Finally, I enter and close the fur curtain behind me. We all pull back our thick hoods. The blessed roaring fire in their fire pit slowly warms us up with it's wonderful, wonderful, warmth. I put my right arm around Seven's shoulder as I fearfully ask, Mother, how are you??? I love you! I miss you, mother! My tearful son hugs Mehetabel so tightly that she gasps. She hugs Lamech tightly back. Mehetabel looks around at us, and says sickly, Son, now that you're all here, I'm fine... I walk over to my father. His almost bald head is uncovered. I spread my arms wide open and I says comfortingly, Father, I love you! We briefly hug. Enoch says with his squeaky goofy voice, Son, me love you too! Then Enoch sits down next to Mehetabel. My son is already sitting by her, happily staring deeply into her dark sunken eyes. Enoch silently watches us. Lamech says with tears streaming down his warm brown eyes, Grandma, I was so afraid I'd never see you again... Mother Qoph, made you sick! I was afraid, you die! Mehetabel holds him close as she says tenderly to him, No Lamech, mother Qoph didn't make me sick... Don't ever blame her for that! I've been sick for a very long time... I stand next to my wife as Seven sincerely says with her head bowed, Mehetabel, forgive me for striking you.. Mehetabel says out of breath, You're forgiven... Mother Qoph, forgive me for, well all that filthy muddy stuff... Seven pauses and thinks about it for a while. I looks at her as I say irritated, Come on! She looks at Mehetabel holding our son lovingly. Seven says slowly, I---forgive--you... Enoch grumpily smiles at her. Lamech hugs my very frail mother as he asks very sadly, Grandma, are you going to die? Enoch sadly closes his aging eyes and bows his very wrinkled forehead head in silent prayer. Mehetabel says sickly out of breath to my son, Lamech, people die... I will die too.. Life is a gift from God---to celebrate having, ---not be bitter about losing... Have faith in God! Lamech holds her close saying bitterly, Grandma, I don't want you to die! It's not fair... Mehetabel rubs her aging fingers through his odd long hair as she p. 241

says, I have lived a good long life... Long enough to see you ---and I'm still alive... They hug, trying to smile. Me and my wife watch them fondly in humbled silence. A few days latter, a sledge is being pulled by some of Tubal's wolf dogs. It gently snows. One of Tubal's servants is pulling the straps of animal hides that the wolf dogs are tied to, to control them. The dire wolves are howling in the distance. Behind his servant, Raaman is riding in the sledge with her husband Chokmah. Her brother Letaah and his wife Zemorah are sitting behind them. Zemorah is dressed in her long hooded black furs. Raaman looks over at Chokmah as she says fearfully, I dream that mother was going to die.... I hope we get there in time! Chokmah looks comfortingly at her as he says confidently, We will... Behind them, Letaah, trying to hold back his tears, asks angrily, O God, why do good people ever have to die? Zemorah's dark face frowns as she says nervously, Because we sinned against God... The dire wolves continue to howl as they arrive at Enoch's igloo. Chokmah says loudly, Enoch, I Chokmah, along with Raaman, Letaah, and Zemorah humbly request to see Mehetabel? Enoch has his head bowed in silent prayer. A wineskin and a stone cup is next to him. He looks up slowly and shouts, Come in, everyone! Me, Seven, Lamech, Chayah, and Mala are already inside, reclining on furs, visiting my parents. We watch Chokmah dressed in his thick white furs and his turban opens the fur curtain to the side as his lovely wife Raanan walks in wearing her gray hooded furs. She pulls her hood back and spreads her arms wide open. Me, Seven, Lamech, and Chayah wave at her. Her somewhat wrinkled yellowish tan face smiles excitedly. She walks around the warm fire pit as she walks towards my mother. Mehetabel's dark eyes are bloodshot and swollen. Raanan intently, tearfully looks down at her and says, fearfully, Mother, I love you! I had a dream that... Raanan falls down on her knees before her. Mehetabel says happily with some difficulty, Raanan, I love you too! I'm glad you came... Letaah walks in dress in his spotted gray furs with no hood over his long gray hair. Chokmah politely holds the curtain open for him, letting the chilling winds enter. They rub their painfully cold hands together to warm them. Letaah looks down at his adoptive mother, rubs his primitive glove p. 242

covered hands over his rugged yellowish tan face and his long stringy gray beard. Mehetabel is moaning, having a hard time breathing as she sadly looks up at him and says, Letaah, my son... Don't be angry at...God. Letaah falls on his knees as his wife Zemorah walks up behind him. Letaah cries out, saying, O-God, why Mehetabel? Zemorah sits down beside him and says comfortingly, Letaah, I'm here for you... The fire in their fire pit's flickering light shines all around us as Chokmah enters and sits down. Enoch begins praying sorrowfully over my sick mother. Enoch says as he sobs, OLord God, heal Mehetabel! Me need her! O-God... O-God heal my wife! Enoch has a big wineskin by his side and a small wooden cup. Lamech craws over on his knees next to his grandma. Lamech sobs, praying, God, don't let my grandma die! Seven grabs and hold our son tight as he cries. Reclining next to him is me and Seven, sadly looking at our son. Reclining by her on other side is Chayah with her young husband Mala. I looks tearfully down at my mother as I say, Mother, ---I'm here! I love you Lamech weeps. Mehetabel looks gently up at me as she says with painful difficulty, Son, I love you too. Don't cry... I--had a---good life! I closes my tearful eyes very tightly as Seven puts her arm tightly around my aching shoulders. Lamech is still crying, hugging his mother Qoph who she hugs him back. Chayah and Mala are reclining next to Mehetabel on her other side. Mala sadly stares, trying to smile, saying kindly, We love you! Chayah leans over her mother, she says distressed, Mother don't talk like that! God will heal you again.. God must! Then Chayah grabs her frail mother and hugs her very tightly as they both cry. Mehetabel moans painfully, then she says frailly, O Chayah, it's alright... Trust---the Lord! Enoch picks up his wineskin and pours some wine into the wood cup. He helps my mother sit up a bit, puts one arm loving around her shoulders as he picks up the cup. Enoch gives her a drink, tearfully saying, Drink wine, love... She slowly drinks the wine from his hand. Then he gently kisses her once and holds her for a long time. Then we all hear Uriel's voice saying loudly, Enoch, please come outside... We need to talk to you. Enoch frowns, asking angrily, Why Uriel and Remiel, not come in? We hear Remiel's voice says, It's crowded in there... Mehetabel looks over at him as she says with difficulty, It's alright... Go, talk to them... Enoch gently lays his wife's head down on their furs. He p. 243

puts on his silly fur cap, grabs his staff, and slowly stands up with some difficulty. As Enoch slowly walks out into the freezing cold, holding his wooden staff, he sees Uriel and Remiel floating on their softly rumbling discs in front of him.. The dire wolves are still howling and the howling wind chills him to the bone. The wolf dogs are howling too. They are tied to a near-by tree trunk. Shivering a little, Enoch asks fearfully with frosted breath, Uriel, Remiel, God make wife well? Uriel pauses, stares at him with his dark red eyes and then says sadly, Enoch, I'm sorry, her time is almost here... Enoch cries, as he yells with frosted breath, No!!! Remiel's rugged reddish tan face tries to smile as he says comfortingly, Enoch, God blessed you with Mehetabel for many years... Enoch screams with much frosted breath, No! No... How me live without Mehetabel? Remiel looks sadly at him as he says sternly, Enoch, you must be strong! How have you lived? My father weeps. Enoch sorrowfully says as he shivers, Me trusted God... Uriel sadly smiles with his big dark cheeks as he says, Keep trusting God! As the heavy snow falls and the ice cold wind blows, my father feels greatly depressed. Enoch with tears rolling down his tan wrinkled cheeks, pleads desperately with his squeaky voice, Uriel, Remiel, couldn't one of you heal her? Remiel sadly looks over at Uriel as the numbing cold wind wildly blows through his long brown hair. Remiel says as he almost cries himself, We're not healers... I'm so sorry. Frustrated, Enoch turns away from them and begins hitting his igloo with his old wooden staff. Then he turns around. Enoch sorrowfully, desperately asks with frosted breath, Could King Semjaza, ---great healer, heal Mehetabel? Uriel's dark red eyes stare at him as he says very disturbed, He could... Enoch looks nervously around at them. They pause silently. Then Remiel asks angrily, But would you trust Semjaza more than God? After a short pause, Uriel says sincerely, Trust God's will... Enoch shivers a lot as he thinks hard about it. Enoch's big wrinkled cheeks droop as he says insecurely, Me not know... Uriel and Remiel fly up and away on their fiery, softly rumbling discs. Enoch opens his fur curtain as he feels the most blessed warmth within. He limps in the very warm and crowded igloo using his staff. He limps around the roaring fire pit and he falls down on his knees before his beloved wife. She is moaning painfully. She stares up at him with her swollen eyes as Mehetabel p. 244

asks him curiously, What did Uriel --and Remiel say? Enoch says utterly distressed, Mehetabel, you dying... But Semjaza could heal you! He leans over her. Mehetabel sadly frowns as she asks painfully, Ah, I don't want to---die! Are you going ---to get Semjaza for me? Enoch weeps as he says, Me not know... Me not want to serve Semjaza instead of God! Mehetabel frowns intensely, closes her dark swollen eyes tightly, then opens them wide, and shakes her head as she says out of breath with very mixed emotions, Enoch, you must get-Semj... No, then serve God... Enoch says as he weeps profoundly, But you die! Mehetabel frailly says trying hard to be cheerful, Silly, don't you know---that nothing---devoted to God---is ever really lost... Everyone in the igloo is weeping. Lamech gets up and runs over to my father, and grabs him tightly. Lamech looks deeply into his aging eyes as he yells in forceful agony, No, grandma... Grandfather, get Semjaza, save my grandma! Enoch sadly shakes his head as Lamech slaps him. A few mornings latter. My father is sleeping next to my mother under some heavy brown and gray furs. Enoch is snoring. He slowly wakes up, sits up and looks around very nervously. He stares over at his wife, looking for some movement. He gently kisses Mehetabel on her cool cheeks. Then he notices that she's cold, and that she is not breathing anymore. Enoch panics, knowing that she's dead. He lifts the heavy gray fur off her shoulders, looks down at Mehetabel's lifeless, strangely grayish face and screams loudly, Mehetabel! Come back, O-God help.. Mehetabel.. Come back to me, Mehetabel! O-God, bring her back!!! He weeps uncontrollably, grabs her tightly and holds her close to him for the very last time. He holds her for a the longest time as Enoch weeps and screams, shouting in agony, O-God bring her back! O-Me-het-a-bel! OMeh-et-abel! Mehetabel!!!

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Enoch and the sons of God Chapter 12. Goat

Special Warning-This story is radically different from the traditional story that before Adam and Eve sinned, Satan convinced a third of the angels to join him in a war in heaven against God. The Bible mentions war in heaven only in Revelation 12. The following story may be completely wrong. Introduction My teary greenish brown eyes look up very sadly at my sad grandpa. Distressed, I ask, Mehetabel didn't really die, did she? Grandpa's brown wrinkled face frowns sadly, trying to hold back his tears. Grandma Qoph's bloated, wrinkled, whitish pink face frowns angrily, as she stares at grandpa. Grandpa nervously rubs his long thick whitish beard and he looks down at me as he says sorrowfully, Yes, grandson, my mother died... Of all the great sorrows my father Enoch faced, Mehetabel dying was the worst! For most of my father's life, he had been the dreamer, the believer and my mother was the solid ground beneath his feet... Together they were whole... As I sit in front of my grandparents who are reclining uncomfortably on some of their furs, I look over at my grandma. I asks puzzled, Grandma Qoph, why do you look so mad? Grandma Qoph frowns at me as she says to me, Grandpa, made it out like I was a monster, viciously attacking his mother!!! She forced me to attack her by being so very filthy! Grandson, I wasn't that bad! Grandpa's deep brown eyes angrily look over at her. I look around nervously upset. Grandpa says sternly as he stares strait at her, Grandma Qoph, you were that bad! Grandma Qoph angrily insists, saying, No, I wasn't! Grandpa just p. 246

stares at her. There's a pause. I tearfully stares at my grandma as I ask, Grandma Qoph, did you slap Mehetabel when she was very sick? Grandpa continues to stare at her. Grandma Qoph looks nervously guilty as she slowly closes her light green eyes. Her eyes fill with tears as she opens them sadly. Grandma Qoph says quietly, Ah-ah, ah, well---grandson, I---... I did slap her... Forgive me... I says as I hug her, Grandma Qoph, I forgive you... Then I looks up at grandpa sadly distressed as I ask, Grandpa, what happened to Enoch? Did he die too? Grandma Qoph says with a sad wrinkled smile, Go ahead grandpa, tell him the rest of the story... Just don't say anything about, you know... Grandpa looks briefly at her a little embarrassed. I am somewhat disturbed. Grandpa looks back at me and joyously smiles as he excitedly says, After my mother died, Uriel and Remiel revealed great things to us... And with God's help, my father Enoch confronted the greatest enemy, the curruptor himself, the Goat! But first we all attended my mother's funeral.... Enoch stands by a freshly dug grave in the deep snow. A lot of heavy gray stones are piled on top of her grave. The wind howls as the snow lightly falls. Uriel and Remiel are standing right behind Enoch with their glowing jewels and trim. I, Seven, Lamech, Chayah, and Mala are standing to Enoch's right. Raanan, Chokmah, Letaah, and Zemorah are standing to his left. Standing around Mehetabel's grave is Qadash, One, Ya'al, Na'vah, Partam, Batach, Megan and Tiqvah along with their husbands and children. Enoch's silly fur cap mostly covers his almost bald head. We are all dressed in our heaviest hooded furs. We're very cold and our toes hurt from the bitter cold. Tubal and 'Aqqow are sitting in his sledge, harness on Gibbor instead of his wolf dogs. Tubal is dressed in his heavy purple robes with his purple turban on top of his long white hair. Next to his sledge is Vashti with her husband Asbeel. Vashti is dressed in her long ankle length silver gown and her heavy gray fur coat. She's wearing her long pointed cone cap. Next to them is Kasdeja, his wife Yerach, his fierce pet Chashaq and Yerach's older sister Bosmath. Yerach is dressed in her metallic green gown, along with her heavy brown fur coat. She's also wearing her metallic green long cone cap over her very long braided gray hair. Bosmath is dressed in her fancy brown p. 247

hooded ankle length fur. My son stares hatefully at Enoch. Weeping, my father looks sorrowfully up at the cloudy sky and covers his face with his aged spotted hands and glides his hands down his tear filled face and his long white beard. Enoch painfully asks with frosted breath, whining, O-God, why take her from me? Me need Mehetabel! What me do? Lamech begins hitting him with his fists hard as he yells shivering, Enoch, you let grandma die! It's all your fault grandma's dead! My father looks sadly at him but says nothing. I hold Seven tightly to warm myself. I frown at my son and say, Lamech, respect your grandpa's grief. Chayah shivers, and cries as her much younger husband tries to warm her up by holding her close. Raanan shakes her head as Chokmah looks sad. Their arms are crossed. They are shivering. Next to her, Letaah acts tough as Zemorah weeps on his shoulder. She is dress in her long black hooded furs. Tubal, 'Aqqow, and Gibbor look sad with their heads bowed. Gibbor sobs loudly, his over sized hands cover his very large cheeks, saying with frosted breath, She's gone... Qadash, One, Yaal, and Nav'ah stand solemnly with their heads bowed low. Navah looks upward, her pale wrinkled face barely smiles as her family sadly looks at her. Nav'ah says sadly with a little shiver, Mehetabel was a good woman... Partam, Batach, Megan, Tiv'ah, with their husbands and children snuggling together for warmth as the howling wind chills them. Asbeel and Vashti walk over to Enoch. Asbeel's kind light brown face looks somber as he says respectfully, Enoch, I'm so sorry about Mehetabel... You did know that King Semjaza would of healed her if only you had agreed to not to speak out against him.. My father covers his aging wrinkled face with his hands and weeps. He uncovers his face as his tears stream down to his long white beard. He looks at them. Enoch sobs and shivers as he quietly says, Me knew... But me obeyed God... Vashti's squints her brown eyes as she asks a little angry, Enoch, Is it really worth it? He crosses his arms as Enoch says to her harshly, Asbeel must return to God! Vashti's lovely yellowish tan face tearfully frowns as she says with frosted breath, You mean Asbeel must leave me... I'd.... Her voice is drown out by Algae worshipers loudly screaming as they walk towards us, yelling, Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Over a dozen angry chanting Algae worshipers dressed in their green hooded robes surround my mother's funeral. We are all sickened p. 248

by this godless intrusion. They are led by the same angry man we saw at the Children's festival when Calach got her granddaughter Yelalah back. He now has a long black beard. He angrily waves his algae covered stick. He arrogantly walks up towards us with Algae worshipers on both sides of him. The dark Algae priest screams and yells at us with clearly frosted breath, Enoch, the demon worshiper, friend of murders and child molesters, the Algae punishes you! The demons of the infinite sea have taken your wife's soul to torment her for all time!!! Algae worshipers throw snowballs! My son looks up at me and cries, asking, Grandma not with demons! Is she? Chayah shouts as a snowball hits her still girlish face, Lamech, Mehetabel is with God now! Letaah screams back at them, Leave us alone! Get out of here, you freaks or I'll... He shakes his fists as several snowballs hit him. Raaman cries out bitterly as Chokmah sheilds her from their icy attack. Me, my father, my son, and my wife are all being hit repeatedly with more icy snowballs. I grab my son and hold him tight as his mother tries to comfort him. I very angrily shout, How dare you disrupt my mother's funeral! I'm hit by another snowball. Enoch cries out bitterly as he faints. The Algae worshipers chant as they throw more snowballs, yelling, screaming, The Algae punishes Enoch! The Algae punishes Enoch! The Algae punishes Enoch!!! The demons shall torment your dead wife's soul for all time! May you hear her pitiful screams! May the demons torment you and your family forever! Gibbor gets hit in one of his eyes by a big snowball. He rubs the splatted snow off his face as well as his very thin, very stringy black beard. He wobbles, quickly pulling the sledge that Tubal and 'Aqqow are sitting on towards a couple Algae worshipers. Gibbor frowns angrily, tightly squinting his big hazel eyes and angrily sobs, whining, They mean! Gibbor throw them! The Algae priest screams hatefully, O Alga, save your followers from that monster! They continue to throw snowballs at Gibbor who easily grabs up two of them, one with each of his over sized hands. Gibbor's massive shoulders holds up these Algae worshipers who are trapped in his mighty grip. They scream shouting, Algae, help us! Algae, help us! 'Aqqow stands up shivering on the sledge, screaming as the wind howls, shouting, Gibbor, don't hurt them! Just put them down... Gibbor lifts them high up and angrily shakes them. He is hit by several more snowballs but he p. 249

ignores them. Gibbor whines, asking, Mother, do I have to? Tubal is still angrily sitting as 'Aqqow looks up at her son, smiles sadly and says, Gibbor, you have to... Gibbor gently puts the two Algae worshipers down. Tubal looks around utterly disgusted and violently shakes his copper walking stick as he shouts angrily, O I hate them! O-Lord God help me to be kind before I kill them! They make me so angry! Let's just go! Gibbor pulls the sledge away from the funeral as they leave. The Algae worshipers chant, The Algae punishes Enoch! The Algae punishes Enoch! Your wife shall be tortured for all time! Hear her pitiful screams! Raanan angrily weeps as Chokmah sheilds her. Bruised, Chokmah shouts, Demons are more honorable! Chashaq's six dark yellow eyes are staring murderously around at them. Chashaq growls fiercely. Standing near Yerach and Kasdeja, a snowball hits Bomath's dark face hard. Her white hair is balding under her fur's hood. Her face is very wrinkled and she looks very old. Bomath is furious, shaking her fists in the harsh freezing air as she says with heavily frosted breath, These cultist have no shame! Nothing is more despicable than disrupting a funeral! Yerach cries uncontrollably. Kasdeja's dark narrow face frowns as he looks over at her with his coal black eyes. Kasdeja asks her chillingly, Shall fools die? Yerach cries as she shakes her head. Kasdeja says frustrated, Chashaq sleep! Chashaq's three purple collars blink brightly as it fall down asleep. Shivering, Bosmath yells angrily at him, Kasdeja, what's wrong with you? That's how this all started! He crosses his thin but powerful arms and bows his head as a snowball hits him. He growls. Uriel and Remiel walk over to the dark Algae priest. Uriel pleads with him, saying, Algae priest, stop this! Just leave them alone! The dark Algae priest hatefully shouts, I don't listen to demons! Algae become greater! Algae becomes greater! Remiel's rugged reddish tan face frowns intensely as he says forcefully, We are not demons! We are of God... The dark Algae priest's bitter face frowns at them as he angrily yells with frosted breath, You claim you're not demons! You claim you serve some ridiculous God... Then tell me true! Is Asbeel a demon? Asbeel and Vashti look very disturbed. Remiel looks disturbed too. The dark Alga priest angrily, loudly asks, Is Kasdeja a demon? Kasdeja clinches his fists as Yerach nods her head in agreement and angrily shouts, Yes! Uriel looks very disturbed. p. 250

The dark Algae priest holds up and shakes his algae stick as he asks very loudly in a very hateful, mocking tone, Is Pemunue a demon? Is Azazel a demon? How about the corrupt King Semjaza? Uriel and Remiel silently stand together, looking embarrassed. Remiel crosses his muscular arms and bows his head in shame. Uriel's dark red eyes fill with bitter tears as he says with great sadness, They are demons! But they were of God... The dark Algae priest says mockingly, I almost believe you.. Since you admitted that your brothers are demons, we will leave you for now! Algae worshipers, follow me! Asbeel and Vashti stare angrily. Uriel stares back at them. The Algae worshipers leave the funeral, chanting, Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Algae becomes greater! Me, Seven, Chokmah, Raanan, Chayah and Mala help my father up as he sorrowfully wakes up. We try our best to comfort him but he is in misery. Chayah lovingly hugs her father, saying tearfully, Father, I love you! I believe in you... Enoch looks back at her and weeps uncontrollably, crying, O Chay-ah! Latter that night when it becomes really cold, Uriel and Remiel float down towards Enoch's igloo as Gibbor pulls Tubal and 'Aqqow on their sledge that has a very large fur bag of food riding in it towards my parent's igloo. Tubal and 'Aqqow are covered in heavy furs except for their eyes. Even Gibbor is wearing his heavy furs with his hood covering his bald head. Inside, our family is visiting my still grieving father. Me, Seven and our son sit to his right. Chayah and Mala are sitting on his left. We all sit close together at the back of the igloo, dressed in our good furs. Enoch is weeping as Lamech sadly frowns at Enoch with his arms crossed. Seven says irritated, Lamech, stop staring at grandpa! The big fire in the fire pit provides warmth and light. The fur curtain opens. Uriel and Remiel steps inside. Uriel says to Enoch, Fear not, Enoch... The time has come to tell you and the eight other chosen ones how the rebellion against God started! Mala, Chayah, Enoch, Lamech, me, and Seven are sitting tightly together on a bunch of large furs. Enoch says sadly curious with his squeaky silly voice, Nine chosen but only six here... Then we hear Tubal shout, Enoch, may we come in! Seven whitish pink face frowns bitterly. She looks down angrily and crosses her arms. Enoch puts his aged, spotted hands over his wrinkled face briefly, then p. 251

he turns towards Uriel. Enoch says bitterly with tears of agony running down his aging dark brown eyes, Me not want to know... Tell God, me want wife back! Remiel's sad brown eyes stare down at Enoch as he says firmly, God knows you do... But you must have faith and be strong! Believe me, God loves you! Enoch bows his almost bald head, pauses for a moment, then looks up as he says loudly, Tubal, come on in! Uriel and Remiel walk to the left side of the fire pit. Tubal opens the curtain as 'Aqqow helps him limps in. He is leaning on his dire wolf headed copper walking stick. They take off their heavy furs. Underneath, he is dressed in shiny purple robes with a silver colored turban over his head. 'Aqqow is dress in her metallic blue long sleeved gown. She wears a blue bonnet on top of her graying hair. Gibbor's huge right arm pushes a big fur sack of food through the curtain. Then Gibbor craws in on his flabby hands and knees. He is so big and fat that he can barely squeeze in. He's wearing some hooded off white furs. He grabs the big sack as he sits down with Tubal and 'Aqqow. The whole igloo is crowded tight with everyone sitting against it's icy walls all the way around. I shake my head as I asks irritated, Tubal, why are you here? Chayah's dark face frowns as she says a little angry, Brother, you're being rude.. Tubal, 'Aqqow and Gibbor are sitting tightly together. Tubal's scarred face smiles as he says, Chayah, it's alright... I dreamed that Uriel and Remiel told us to come here... 'Aqqow's hazel eyes look over at Uriel and Remiel as she says, I had the same dream... Gibbor opens the sack and starts eating some nuts. Then Gibbor says in a low goofy voice, I dream too....'' Remiel points to us as his rugged reddish tan face solemnly look around at us. Remiel says seriously, You nine have been chosen to learn about the secret origins of wickedness. Seven shakes her white hair head angrily as she says, You made a mistake! There is no way Tubal-Cain, 'Aqqow and Gibbor should be here... Gibbor can't understand this stuff.. 'Aqqow is an adulteress and Tubal-Cain is worse! 'Aqqow's graceful tan face frowns as she angrily and mockingly shouts, Hey Seven, at least we had parents! You may of been created by dark magic... Remiel loudly claps his hands once and says forcefully, Enough! You nine are chosen! Just accept it! Me, Seven, and our son looks at him puzzled. Lamech's boyish face looks doubtful as he asks, Why am I here? I am just a boy.. Uriel's big p. 252

cheeks smile widely as he says, Lamech, you are a part of God's plan... Lamech says with a big smile, Really, I'm a part of God's plan! Remiel's rugged face looks sad as he says, Yes Lamech, and because you are, the Goat plans on destroying you! We all are scared by his words. Mala rubs the end of his long black beard as he turns to his wife. Mala's dark face looks confused as he asks her nervously, Chayah, what's the Goat? Chayah puts her arm around his shoulders as she says fearfully, The Corruptor.. Lamech, my son looks confused as he asks me fearfully, Who's the Goat? Enoch looks at him, put his hand on his shoulder, and says angrily, The Goat is Azazel! Enoch looks up and angrily asks, Uriel, Remiel, why not tell us earlier? Remiel shakes his head. Uriel asks sadly embarrassed, Enoch, would you want to talk about a family member this disgraceful? We all think about it for a moment. Enoch crosses his arms and says thoughtfully, Nope.. Uriel and Remiel kneel down on their knees in front of the fire pit. Uriel places his hands above the fire as the fire takes the form of a sphere, rapidly changing it's colors from orange to blue, to red to green, etc. Uriel's dark red eyes stare as he says intently, Everyone, look into the fire... I will show you what happened long ago... Uriel and Remiel look at us. We all stare into the flames in wonder as the sphere shaped flames changes colors. Behind the fire, Uriel's big cheeks smiles widely as he says, (In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...-Genesis 1:1) The fiery sphere turns black. The igloo darkens. We see their golden halo crowns glow in the darkness. We also see Uriel's orange jewel and trim, and Remiel's green jewel and trim also glow in the darkness. The spherical flame becomes a dark picture of a small dark cloud appearing in the middle. The cloud explosively expands without light. It forms into dark spirals, spirals within spirals within spirals over and over again. Finally the flame's picture settles on one tiny spiral of dark clouds. Uriel's says, (And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was apon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light;-Genesis 1:2,3) A colorful greenish white light flashes so brightly that the dark spiral cloud can't be seen. As it continues to flash, the shadow of the spiral appears and condenses into a molten cloudy ball. The image veers away from the molten ball and dissolves into pure p.253

white light as Uriel says happily, God alone could of organize everything in the heavens but God was lonely so God created an innumerable mighty host of helpers to help bring order to the chaos... The most powerful of these helpers are my brothers. Silhouettes of many, many very strange winged creatures appears in the light. Still in silhouette, they transform into rows after row after endless row of the sons of God. Only their colorful fist sized jewels, glowing trims and glowing crowns are seen. Each son of God has a jewel with a slightly different color. Uriel says with mixed feelings, For a very long time we were the greatest of God's creations. Then..... In a place of very colorful clouds, me, Remiel, Azazel, Asbeel, Penemue, and Kasdeja are floating closely together on our fiery discs. Penemue as always holds his favorite small white glowing tablet. We all look up as we hear Semjaza's voice saying to us, I have some very exciting news! Semjaza flies down on his disc next to his close friend. Azazel's pale face smiles at him as he curiously asks, Semjaza my good friend, what is it? Semjaza's yellowish tan face smiles excitedly as he says, Azazel, God has decided after all this time to create creatures made in God's own image. Azazel acts disturbed as he silently thinks about it. Asbeel turns towards Penumue. Asbeel's friendly light brown face smiles as he says excitedly, Brother Penemue, this is great! God is creating something new... I can't wait to see them. Penumue's pale face looks down at his glowing white tablet, then he looks up as he says, Asbeel, my trusted brother, tis inefficient... Why didst not God just make us in God's image? I, myself feel uneasy about this news. My friend Remiel says to Penumue, Penumue, I trust God's judgment! These creatures will be great.. Kasdeja's coal black eyes stares at him as he says coldly, Remiel, they are not needed! I says sternly to him, Kadeja, you think that you don't need anyone... Kasdeja's dark narrow face smiles as he says, I need only God! As I stand silently on my disc, Remiel's warm brown eyes look deeply into my troubled eyes. Remiel asks me forcefully, Uriel friend, what do you think? I bow my head as I very sadly asks, Remiel, what if they don't love God back? It would break God's heart! Disturbed, Remiel asks me, Uriel, do you think that God is making a mistake? I say very nervously, It's too dangerous! p. 254

God might suffer if? Then Semjaza looks at Azazel worried as he asks him, Azazel my friend, I thought you would be very excited about this! You're always trying something new... Azazel says angrily, Penemue's right, God should of made us in God's image! Semjaza puts his hand on his shoulder as he says, Azazel, God has given us so much! Why not be happy that God continue to create great things? Azazel rubs back his long blond hair as he says, Because Semjaza, it's wrong!!! I'm going to ask God to reconsider! Semjaza puts his hand briefly on his shoulder as he says concerned, No Azazel, that is a mistake! We all listen to them. Azazel asks us as he spreads his arms wide open, Would anyone here like to ask God to reconsider with me? I raise my arm. I say solemnly, Azazel, I would... Remiel briefly grabs my hand as he says worried, No Uriel, God knows best! I say forcefully to my friend, Remiel, I must do what I think is right! Penumue raises his hand and says, I shalt. Floating just behind him, Asbeel says, Brother Penumue, please don't... Penumue silently looks back at him as he floats near Azazel. Then Kasdeja floats near Azazel. Kasdeja says coldly, Yeah! A little latter, we feel God looking down at us as we stand on the gigantic ring of green light floating above an endless glass sea. We feel God's presence though the great colorful flashing lights pulsating from the middle of the gigantic green light ring. A sound like mighty thunders rumbles regularly. There are six little silver thrones on each side of us. The thrones are evenly spaced around the ring, twenty four in all. Sitting on the thrones are glowing abstract figures dressed in white with gold crowns on their heads. Huge fiery serpents with six wings fly around us. Two wings cover the serpent's heads, two wings cover their feet and with two large wings these serpents fly around. Their loud deep voices cry, shouting, (...Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of host: the whole earth is filled with his glory.-*Isaiah 6:3) Azazel, myself, Penemue, and Kasdeja are standing, looking up in great awe. Azazel steps forward to the inter edge of the gigantic ring of green light. He kneels on his hands and knees. The mighty thunders and the loud voices quiet. The pulsating lights reflect in his cold blues eyes as he looks slightly up. Azazel says forcefully, Almighty God, if we your ancient servants are p. 255

not worthy of your image, nothing is! I humbly ask that you, God almighty not to make these creatures in your image.... There's a few moments of silence. Azazel bows his head and says very disappointed, Very well, God almighty... The thunders and the voices become loud again. He continues to bow on his hands and knees. Penemue steps forward to the inter edge, puts his white tablet down next to him and kneels on his hands and knees. The thunders and voices quiet. The pulsating lights color Penemue's pale smug face as he says, Lord God, I beg thee to reconsider! Me and mime brothers art meant to be the greatest of your creations... Making creatures in your image shall upset the natural order! There's a few moments of silence. Penemue bows his head and says, Thy word is law... The thunders and the voices become loud again. Azazel and Penemue are still on their hands and knees, continue to bow their heads. I step forward to the edge and kneels on my hands and knees. The thunders and the voices quiet as the pulsating lights flash all around me. With tears in my dark red eyes, I say sadly, God, if you make these creatures in your image? I fear they might not love you back..... Then Lord, you shall suffer horribly! God, I love you!!! I don't want you to suffer! There is a much longer silence. I bows my head. I say regretfully, God, I love you... I join Azazel and Penemue in silently bowing. Kasdeja steps forward to the edge of the light ring and kneels on his hands and knees. The thunders and voices quiet once again as the bright flashing lights continue to pulsate all around us. Kasdeja says fearfully, Lord, they shall betray you! Do not create them! There's a few more moments of silence. Kasdeja frowns intensely, bows his head and says frustrated, O Lord! The thunders and the voices become loud again. We still are kneeling on our hands and knees, next to each other. Then we slowly stand up and respectfully back away. After God created Adam and Eve, they stand next to each other in the misty garden. They hug each other tightly. Then they step back looking lovingly at each other. Adam says excitedly, (This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman for she was taken out of man.-*Genesis 2:23) God says happily, (Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it...-*Genesis 1:28) Adam and Eve hug p. 256

tightly and kiss. Behind a very large tree, Azazel sneaks a quick peek at them. He stares very hatefully at them as they lie down together in some tall grass. God says loudly, (...and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth apon the earth.-*Genesis 1:28) Azazel frowns intensely. Azazel returns to the gigantic ring of green light. Great colorful flashing lights pulsate from the middle. Sounds of thunder and the voices of the fiery flying serpents crying out loudly, shouting, (Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host: the whole earth is filled with his glory.-*Isaiah 6:3) Azazel steps forward to the ring's inter edge. He kneels on his hands and feet. He looks up arrogantly at the colorful lights pulsating on and around him. The thunders and the voices quiet. Azazel selfishly asks, Almighty God, I humbly request that thou give me a world to dominate as I will... How about Venus? There's a very short pause. The thunders and the voices become loud again. Azazel bows his head and asks very angrily, Why not? Thou gave a world to those stupid monkeys! I hath serve thee perfectly forever and they hast done nothing!!! Later, me and Remiel fly far above the earth's atmosphere, flying together on our fiery discs. Over the horizon we see a huge rock coming our way. I ask with my spirit, without moving my lips, Remiel, are you ready? We have to work together to get that rock safely away from the earth. We project our thoughts to each other with our spirits. Remiel says without moving his lips, Uriel, just make sure to destroy any small pieces that break away when I push that rock away. The really huge rock quickly gets close to us. Remiel flies quickly towards it. It's much, much bigger than him. Remiel shoots his broad green power beams out of his hands. His fiery disc tilts opposite the rock. His disc blasts an incredible amount of bright greenish flames as the force of the rock turning pushes him harshly backward. Remiel's green power beams hits the really huge rock and quickly changes it's course away from the earth. As the rock quickly changes direction several rocks bigger than me crack off the really huge rock. These rocks fragments are still heading for the earth. Remiel continues to shoot his p. 257

wide green power beams out of his hands as his fiery disc continues shooting a huge blinding stream of greenish flames. The really huge rock is now heading away from earth. Remiel's fiery disc greatly reduces the huge stream of greenish flames to normal. I aim my hands at the large incoming rocks fragments. I shoot an explosive streams of orange flames out of my hands. My flames turns bluish and then hot white. My fiery disc shoots out a massive amounts of orange flames as I leans towards the incoming rocks fragments. I shoot streams of white flames at the large rocks fragments, vaporizing one large rock fragment after another. I destroy the last of the rock fragments just before they would of flown past me. Remiel rejoins me. I stop shooting flames and my disc's flames return to normal as we fly together. I says smiling widely, projecting my thoughts to him, Great job, Remiel! You did it.. Remiel says seriously with only his thoughts, Yes friend, the earth is safe... I say with my thoughts, Look Remiel, it's our leader Semjaza. From a distance, Semjaza flies toward us and joins us. Even from a distance we clearly see his glowing yellow jewel and trim. Semjaza says without moving his lips, Good job, Remiel and Uriel, you're a great team! He bows his head and looks depressed. I ask him with my thoughts, Semjaza, what's wrong? Semjaza is pained to say with his thoughts, I'm worried about my closest friend, Azazel... He's change. Remiel's rugged reddish tan face frowns intensely as he says angrily, Semjaza, the love of God has departed from his heart! I'm not sure he's anyone's friend anymore. Semjaza says shocked, I refuse to believe that! Uriel, would you help me talk to him. I says comfortingly, Sure Semjaza... Now Remiel, don't give up on him... He's our brother. Then we fly away from the earth. A huge odd shaped gray rock floats in a yellowish brown cloudy sky. Azazel shoots blue lasers beams out of the palms of his hands that cuts the huge rock into a smooth rectangular stone. He cut off the odd pieces with his laser beams that slowly and smoothly float away out of sight. The huge cut stone then floats towards what looks like a gigantic half way constructed pyramid building made of cut stones just like it. Azazel looks up. His pale face smiles. He sees Semjaza, me, and Remiel, floating down towards him p. 258

on our fiery discs that softly rumble. We float next to him. As we all float near the partially built shiny gray pyramid, Azazel says joyfully, Semjaza, I'm glad thou art here! I see thou hast brought Uriel and Remiel with thee. Azazel looks curiously over at us. Then Semjaza and Azazel briefly hug. Semjaza says worried, Yes, I did... Azazel, how's this little project coming? Azazel says nervously, It could be better.. I've got to work on it some more... Semjaza says slowly, Azazel my friend, we need to talk to you... Azazel asks irritated, Why Semjaza? I'm fine. Semjaza's yellowish tan face frowns slightly as he says, No, you're not... Please listen to Uriel.. Azazel looks angrily at us. My wide cheeks droop as I look seriously at him. I say sadly, Azazel, listen to me... As one who opposed Adam and Eve's creation, I understand that you are upset! But don't forget all that God has given you! God's love, your faithful friend Semjaza, incredible intelligence, vast knowledge and powers far beyond those of Adam and Eve! Semjaza and Azazel smile at each other. Then Azazel says angrily, But Uriel, they have God's image and dominion over a world... I must get God's permission but they art free! Remiel rugged reddish tan face frowns as he says to him, They were not given that world to get away from God but to glorify God with their world. Azazel asks bitterly, Then why can't I glorify God with mime own world? Uriel looks sadly down as Remiel says harshly, Because you no longer love God! Semjaza looks sadly troubled at him as Azazel asks very hatefully, Remiel, doth thou think Adam and Eve loves God? Uriel tis right! They shall hate God and break God's heart! We pause for a moment. Remiel angrily stares at him. Uriel grabs his shoulder as he says fearfully, Azazel, you must overcome your envy and bitterness or you shall destroy everything that God in his love has given you!!! Don't envy Adam and Eve! They have one small world but you get to travel though galaxies... Azazel's blue eyes stare at me angrily as he says bitterly, But tis not fair! Semjaza says to him sadly distressed, Azazel my friend, you're scaring me... Swear to me, that you will not say a word to Adam and Eve! If you bring them harm, God shall punish you severely! Azazel says with great hesitation, Semjaza, I swear, I shall not say the first word to them! We watch as he begins to cut more floating stones to work on his partially built pyramid. p. 259

About eighteen years latter in the very misty garden of Eden, Adam and Eve climb a large tree and sit together on one of it's large leafy branches. They are nude but the thick mist obscures this. Adam and Eve look curiously around. Eve's brownish face smiles as she says joyfully, Behold Adam, at all God hast given us to rule... Adam looks passionately at her with his dark brown eyes as he says, But nothing here tis prettier than thou! She smiles back at him with her lovely brown eyes. She gently touches his long black hair, then his brownish face and finally his long thick black beard. He gently runs his fingers through her pretty long brown hair. They start hugging and kissing each other. On the misty ground, a large fiery colored serpent watches them with his crystal pink eyes. The serpent shrugs, looking annoyed. The serpent craws on it's two little legs and it's two little arms as a hateful mocking voice whispers, asking, Art thou like the other animals who art content to serve these monkeys? The serpent looks back but sees nothing but the misty garden. The serpent's crystal pink eyes fill with envy. The voice whispers mockingly, Look at them! The serpent watches Adam and Eve hugging and kissing up in the tree. The voice very hatefully says, They're disgusting... The serpent angrily wags it's long scaly tail as he stands up nervously on his short back legs. He looks very fearfully about. The serpent asks fearfully hissing, Where art thou? The voice whispers softly, saying, Enter the cave.. The serpent timidly enters the near-by misty cave's entrance, and gets down on his little legs and arms. Behind the large serpent, little golden beams of sunlight shine into the damp cave's misty entrance. A soft bluish light begins to shine on the serpent from deep within the cave. The serpent asks with a hiss, Who art thou? The serpent craws on all fours and curls his scaly tail up. The voice comes from deep inside the cave, saying, Azazel, a mighty one... If thou follows me, we shall rule over them! The serpent hisses, saying, No! God gave Adam and Eve dominion here, not us... Azazel floats forward on his fiery disc. His glowing blue fist sized jewel and the glowing blue trim of his very broad collar dimly lights the dark damp cave. Azazel says boastfully, If Adam and Eve follows me, that makes me the rightful lord of this world... God has commanded them not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Serpent, If thou tempts them and they eat this fruit. Then they have follow thee and rejected God's rule p. 260

over this world. Once separated from God, these stupid monkeys shall do whatever we desire... The serpent asks, very nervously hissing, Then why dost thou need me? Why not do it thyself? Azazel says sadly, I promised mine friend I would not. Suspicious, the serpent asks with a low hiss, No, thy idea is bad! Azazel makes bold gestures with his arms as he says passionately, Follow me and I shall forge a ring for thee, granting ye power over all the spirits that shall follow me! Only I and the one I shall choose shall be excluded... Staring at him with his crystal pink eyes, the serpent asks fearfully hissing, What's a ring??? What's spirits? It matters not.. None shall overthrow God's will... If they didst eat this fruit, God shall kill them and me! God is invulnerable! Azazel's voice says slowly in a low arrogant tone, God is vulnerable... The serpent asks with a hiss, In what way? Azazel's pale face frowns with utter disgust. Azazel says with even more disgust, God loves them far too much! If we succeed, to destroy us, God must destroy them. God shall not do that! The serpent hisses fearfully, saying, God would be very angry! Why should I try? Azazel smiles at him, and says forcefully, Thou shall be worshiped as a god! But only if ye remain loyal! Me and many of my brothers watch this being shown on a huge screen behind the gigantic green ring of light. Kasdeja holds Azazel bound in thick black chains. Me, Remiel, and Semjaza are on their right. Asbeel and Penemue is on their left. Bright colorful lights flash from the center of the ring as the thunders becomes loud. The huge fiery serpents with six wings fly around us, crying, shouting, (Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of host: the whole earth is filled with his glory.-Isaiah 6:3) Many, many sons of God stare at him from all around the gigantic green light ring with the twenty four silver thrones evenly space around. Me, Remiel, Semjaza, Kasdeja holding Azazel by the great chain, Asbeel and Penumue stand close together. Azazel is kneeling on his hands and knees. Me, Semjaza, and Asbeel look very sad while Remiel, Kasdeja, and Penemue stare very angrily at him. The thunders and the voices becomes silent. Kasdeja's dark narrow face frowns as he says loudly, angrily, The fool, Azazel has sinned! I brought him here for God's judgment. Semjaza's yellowish tan face tearfully looks down at Azazel p. 261

who's blue eyes looks sadly up at his friend. Semjaza asks upset, Friend, how could you? You ruined everything! You promised me! Azazel says sorrowfully guilty, Semjaza, I promised thee that I would not say the first word to them... I didst not say a word to them. Semjaza says very disappointed, Azazel, you still deceive me.. Beg God for forgiveness! I say angrily but very sad, Do you know how much you have hurt God? Listen to me, Azazel! God is merciful and gracious... If you repent, God may still forgive you. Remiel's brown eyes just stare angrily at Azazel. Asbeel and Penemue stand together. Penemue lowers his tablet and looks sadly at Asbeel. Asbeel sadly says to Azazel, Brother, return to God's love... Do no more harm! Kasdeja harshly holds Azazel down. Azazel asks mockingly, Does God holdeth me responsible for what the serpent did? For what Adam and Eve did? Asbeel looks depressed as he bows his head. Penemue looks down at his white tablet. Then he looks at Asbeel and lifts his head up. Penemue says stiffly, God holdest all responsible... The serpent lost his legs and tis cursed... Adam and Eve art condemn to sorrow and eventual death... Azazel, thou art not punished alone! Azazel wrestles with the very heavy black chains that bound him. Azazel says mockingly bitter, God said let Adam and Eve rule the earth... If they rule the earth and they follow me, then I am their rightful Lord! Kasdeja shouts down at him angrily, Silence, fool! Remiel says forcefully, Azazel, there's nothing rightful about what you did! Azazel struggles to stand up bound in his black chains as he looks around at many of his brothers. Then he arrogantly looks up as the colorful lights flash all around him. Azazel shouts very hatefully, mockingly, Listen to me, mime brothers... God knoweth that Adam and Eve would sin and even hate God even if I had done nothing! I'm just a scapegoat! As we listen to Uriel, he has his hands still above the sphere shaped flames. The flames become bright orange reflecting off our sad faces. Kneeling next to Uriel, Remiel says harshly, Heavy holy shackles were fasten on Azazel's wrists... The sphere shaped fire becomes black again. Then it becomes a picture of Kasdeja's dark hands fastening heavy black shackles onto Azazel's pale wrists. Remiel says sternly, These holy shackles p. 262

took away all his powers and prevented him from sharing his great forbidden knowledge with anyone... Azazel's flying disc was forcefully taken away from him. We watch Kasdeja forcefully removes Azazel's disc from his back. Remiel says angrily, He was banished from the heavens and cast down to the earth! We see Azazel falls down from space toward the earth's surface and hits the ground hard with a great thump. Kasdeja floats near-by on his fiery disc. Azazel stands up as his holy shackles drags him screaming to a large cave and down into a huge filthy pit. Kasdeja follows him down. Azazel screams painfully as he falls into the pit's muddy bottom, Filthy mud, filthy mud, God why art thou so cruel to me??? Kasdeja, get this filthy, filthy mud off me now or I swear I'll clean this place perfectly and trap you here!!! Floating just a little above him, Kasdeja says coldly, Fool, ye art trapped in this pit until a human summons thee! Azazel yells in a rage as he tries to wipe the ugly mud off his face, God, tis unfair! Tis so filthy here, so filthy, filthy, filthy... O God, the filth!!! Wait, how can the humans summon me??? They don't even know mime name! Kasdeja looks down at him with his coal black eyes. Kasdeja smiles cruelly and says chillingly, They need not know thy name... If they make a selfish wish with all their heart, it shall summon thee! Remiel's rugged reddish tan face sadly frowns as he says to us, Several years after Adam and Eve separated, Eve paces back and forth in the cave she lived in.... We stare into the flame where we see Eve wearing an old faded sheepskin. Eve says very hurt and angry, So Adam cometh back only to blame me again! I hate him so, more than the serpent.. She stops pacing, then she turns forward, crosses her arms tightly, and frowns sorrowfully. She cries out with bitter tears in her pretty brown eyes, saying, But o--I so desireth to bare a baby! I so desire to bear a child but not with Adam... OGod, I wish there wast someone else that I could bear a child with! Behind her, deep into the cave, a soft blue light begins to gently shine and Azazel slowly walks up behind her. He's pale but handsome. His glowing golden halo crown is on top of his long blond hair. He's bare-chested wearing only his whitish pearl colored ankle length sheer skirt and his cape-like very broad collar with glowing blue trim. In the lower front of his collar is his fist sized p. 263

glowing blue jewel. The heavy black shackles on his wrists cover most of his forearms. Eve quickly turns around, startled, with the cave's misty entrance behind her. Eve stares at him and asks fearfully, Who art thou? Azazel opens his arms wide, his pale face smiling kindly at her as he says to her, Eve...... Thou may call me the Lord! Eve asks confused, The Lord? I thought only God shall be called the Lord. He gently puts his hands on her well toned shoulders. Azazel says sweetly, Fear not, calling me the Lord tis proper since I am God's special messenger... God sent me to help thee bare a child since Adam is unworthy to be the father of thine child. Eve asks excitedly, Lord, art thou to be mine new husband? Azazel looks lustfully at her as he says passionately, Eve, my love... Tis true... Then she stares curiously at his thick black shackles. Eve asks nervously, Lord, what art those heavy things on thy wrists? Azazel says calmly, Eve, my love, they art merely ornaments... She gets a strong chill down the back of her neck as Eve asks troubled, Is that so, Lord? Thou art handsome but something feels wrong about thee... Azazel gently, slowly rubs his hands down her back as he asks, Would God senteth me to thee if God didst not approve? Eve slowly hugs him tight as she says, Lord, thou art true.. Shall I bare thy child soon? He gently kisses her once on the lips. She longingly stares into his light blue eyes. Azazel says sadly, Eve, my love... Baring mine child may take many years... But fear not, thou shall bear me a son and thou shall call his name Cain... As Uriel and Remiel kneel behind the small sphere shaped flame, it turns black. Uriel moves his hands away from the flame which becomes normal again. Remiel says sadly disturbed, The longer Eve knew him, the more wicked she found him to be but she so deeply longed for a child, she ignored it... But when she finally conceive, she ordered Azazel to leave! As 'Aqqow and Gibbor look sadly at him, Tubal says feeling great shame, So he is Cain's father.. Still, I don't get it... If he succeeded in having a child with Eve way back in those very ancient times, why has no other son of God conceived a child until my boy Gibbor? Gibbor happily shakes his flabby arms and says proudly, I his boy. Tubal and 'Aqqow look up and smile at p. 264

him. Uriel says sadly, Tubal, it's because Eve's life code was almost perfect... After Eve, people's life codes degenerated a lot, making it almost impossible to combine them with our perfect spirit codes. Remiel says disgusted, But there is another... Me, Seven, and Lamech are huddled together. I ask curiously, Remiel, tell me about that one? Uriel says sternly as he shakes his head, No Remiel... I promised the father we would not tell anyone... Anyway, right after Azazel left, God sent me to Eve and Adam to show them that they were truly meant to be together and to love each other.. Chayah listens intently as Mala frowns in disbelief and stiffly crosses his arms. Chayah says in cheerful wonder, Wow Uriel, that was you! If it wasn't for you, Cain might of have been the only child ever born... You saved us from extinction! Uriel looks embarrassed as he says nervously, God saved you! Give God the glory.. Mala mockingly blurts out, saying, That's ridiculous, you couldn't of met Adam and Eve! We don't even know how long ago they live except it was many, many generations ago... You can't possibly be that old!!! Chayah frowns at her much younger husband. Uriel's big cheeks droop as he says with a shrug, We are that old... We live forever to serve God! Lamech speaks up and asks angrily with tears in his sad brown eyes, Why do you and Remiel get to live forever and yet my grandma died? Uriel bows his head as Remiel says forcefully, Lamech, Adam and Eve sin and sin brings death to all flesh... Lamech angrily shakes his little fists, as he asks tearfully, Then why doesn't Azazel die? He sinned a lot badder than my grandma! Remiel shakes his head, and his long dark brown hair swings wildly. Remiel says forcefully, Sin brings death to flesh and blood but we are of spirit... Truth is, Azazel is dead... His love of God, dead! His brotherhood with us, dead! His love of life, dead!!! Me and Seven look down sadly at our unhappy son. Lamech frowns as he bows his head. Enoch rubs his long white beard curiously and asks, Ah, Uriel, how he get back with sons of God? Uriel puts his hands over the flickering flames. The flames become white and sphere shaped. We all stare deeply into the white flame as Uriel says, Enoch, for many, many generations, Azazel ruled over and hated the many annoying people who summoned him... God allowed his close friend Semjaza, me and some others to visit him once a year... Many, many times we begged him to repent... p. 265

In the flame, we see an image of Semjaza and Uriel flying on theirs fiery discs down to the cave's misty entrance. They float inside the dark damp cave to a huge very deep pit. Some white light is coming up from the pit below. As they float very far down to the pit's bottom. We see that the lower sides and the bottom of the pit have been carved perfectly smooth and cleansed and coated with some kind of glowing white stuff.. The bottom has been arrange like a weird garden with wide paths to lots of little transparent enclosures with lots of mushrooms, fungus, bugs, and creeping things trapped in them. Uriel looks nervously around at all of the little enclosures. Uriel and Semjaza float just above the smooth perfectly clean white bottom of the pit. Azazel is kneeling down by one small enclosure. He carefully studies some rather large pinkish mushrooms. Azazel looks up smiling as he says, Semjaza mine friend, Uriel, I'm so glad to see thee but where's Remiel? Uriel says embarrassed, Remiel refused to come with us this year.. He says you have lost all honor... Azazel looks up at Semjaza who is looking sadly down at him, asking sorrowfully, Azazel, have you departed from God and me forever? Will you never repent? Uriel asks tearfully angry, Azazel, why haven't you repented after all these many generations? God gave you so very much... Then you steal and curse God's prized creations! And for what? To be the prince of this little world? Azazel bows and shakes his head, acting sorrowfully, covering his eyes with his pale hands and moaning. Azazel slowly gets up and says angrily, Uriel, I felt God wast horribly unfair to us! I wast absolutely determined to take the earth for myself and repent not for all eternity! Semjaza squinted brown eyes look down angrily at him. Semjaza says mockingly, Well friend, I guess you succeeded? These savages abandoned God, and God suffers horribly! Hope you're happy... Azazel breaks down and cries. Azazel, sorrowfully asks, O God, Semjaza, dost thou truly believe I desire to be the monkey king? O-Semjaza, I so strongly desire to return to thee and mine brothers! Uriel's dark red eyes stare angrily at him as Uriel says, It sure seems like you want to be their king! Azazel says tearfully, Semjaza, Uriel, ye both art right! I hath been such a fool... I gave up the heavens to rule over creatures I don't even like... O-God, forgive me!!! Semjaza hugs him tight as he says happily, Friend, do you really mean it, after all this time? Azazel says as Semjaza lets go of p. 266

him, Yea Semjaza! Uriel says hopefully, Azazel, if you be true, you need to give God a sign that you mean it! Azazel asks humbly, What sign shall I give God? Uriel thinks about it for a moment and says, How about you agree to leave the savages alone for one thousand years and stay alone in your pit! Azazel pauses and thinks hard about it. Semjaza says encouragingly, Friend if you will do it, I will plead with God to give you another chance! Azazel says tearfully, Semjaza, I shall! If only I could lead people back to God? Uriel says with a small sad smile, Azazel, I sincerely wish you could but the savages only seem to get worse! Azazel asks excitedly, What if ye live among them and teach them the ways of God? Perhaps then, they would repent? Perhaps, I could help? Semjaza hugs him as he says very much impressed, My friend, that's a great idea! We watch Uriel's dark red eyes tear up as he says, One thousand years latter, Semjaza stands on the gigantic green ring of light above the endless glass sea... He stands before God!!! In the flame, we see the huge fiery serpents fly around as great colorful lights pulsate from the middle. Sounds of thunder and the voices of the huge flying fiery serpents crying, shouting, (...Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host, the whole earth is filled with his glory.-*Isaiah 6:3) Semjaza kneels down on his hands and knees at the inter edge of the green light ring. The thunders and the voices quiet. Semjaza bows his head as he humbly says, Gracious God, Azazel has kept his word... For one thousand years, he has left your beloved people alone but they are just as wicked as ever... Maybe if some of us lived among them, we can teach them your ways and they will repent... There's a long pause. Then the thunders and the voices become loud again. Semjaza pleads with God as the thunders and the voices become quiet again. Semjaza lifts his sad squinted eyes up a little as he emotionally says, Forgive me gracious God but Azazel is my closest friend... I humbly request that you release him into my custody... I will take full responsibility for everything he does... If he helps leads your beloved people back to you, would you allow him to return to the heavens with me? There's another long pause. The thunders and the voices become loud again. Then we see Azazel's black shackles being removed by Kasdeja's dark bonny hands. Kasdeja hands him back his disc. We see p. 267

Semjaza, Uriel, Remiel, Kasdeja, Asbeel, and Penemue in Azazel's perfectly clean glowing white pit. Semjaza hugs him briefly as the rest of us stare at him uneasily. Azazel drops his disc in front of him. The disc floats just off the bottom of the perfectly clean pit as he slowly steps up onto it. He smiles. Together, they float up out of the very deep pit. They fly out of the cave's entrance. Then they fly up high into the sunny sky. The sphere shape flame turns black again. Then as Uriel moves his hands away from it, the flames become normal, highlighting Uriel's dark stout face and his long braided black hair as his tears stream down onto his very wide cheeks. Uriel says sorrowfully, I really thought Azazel had repented... Semjaza and him went to the earth for eighty years to study the earth's many savage tribes. When they came back, they asks for volunteers to go to earth to help bring people back to God... Remiel says trembling, Semjaza's love of God was overcame by his lust for savage woman... I felt it myself... Was it part of Azazel's wicked plan or did the savage woman just seduce Semjaza? Either way, Semjaza lead us into terrible temptations and many of us fell! We all look around at each other as Gibbor finishes eating the last of the food from his huge empty fur bag. Gibbor asks nervously, What Gibbor do? Uriel says concerned, Pray for and protect Lamech! 'Aqqow says emotionally to her son, Son, I love you! Protect Gibbor! Tubal looks up and nods in agreement as Gibbor says embarrassed, Yes, mother... Me and Seven holds our son close. Lamech nervously pushes back his long white and brown hair as he says fearfully, I'm scared! Everybody protect me... Over ten years latter, my son has grown up. I see him kissing a beautiful girl out in a not so cold snow storm. They are standing next to a large tree. She's beautiful, with smooth brown skin, long curly black hair, and dark brown eyes. She is dressed in a long reddish brown hooded fur and thick furs covering her feet. My son is wearing his heavy gray hooded furs but his hood is pulled back revealing his long white hair on top with his longer brown hair on his sides. Lamech stops kissing her. He looks deep into her dark brown eyes, as she asks him, Lamech, how much do you love me? Do you love me more than all the other girls? Lamech says with a sly smile, p. 268

Gazzah, I love you enough to ask your scary mother to give you to me to be my wife... Gazzah says nervously, Woe Lamech, but my mother is scared of your grandfather and your father... They speak out against our great king and queen Ashtoreth. They turn towards each other, put their hands on each other's shoulders, and looks deeply into each other eyes. Gazzah gently touches his long brown beard as Lamech says tenderly, Enoch and my father obey God! Gazzah, are you too scared to become my wife? Gazzah says happily, No Lamech, I love you so... I would die for you! They slowly begin to kiss again. My son latter told me about visiting Gazzah's mother the next day. It was a cold day. She's an old brown skinned woman staring harshly with her very dark eyes. She is rather thin, wearing an ankle length old gray ragged hooded fur with odd white patches. Her long gray hair has dark streaks that protrudes from her gray hood. She holds her ashtoreth pole with her wrinkled right hand. The top third of the pole is a carving of a hooded woman with the face of a serpent about to strike. She's wearing a necklace of large bones around her fur's collar. She frowns at my son as she says irritated, Lamech, cometh ye in... My son is dressed in his thick outer furs with his best brown furs beneath it. Lamech says nervously, Yes Nehamah... She walks in using her ashtoreth pole as a walking stick. They enter her small igloo. Lamech removes his outer furs and sits down in front of her small flickering fire in her fire pit. Several small wooden statues of the sons of God stand on small ice ledges in the icy wall behind him. She slowly sits down on the other side of her fire pit. She lays her ashtoreth pole against the icy wall by her side. Nehamah says tired, Since mine husband died, mine only daughter Gazzah tis all I care about! She thinketh she loves thee but she knoweth not true love... Neither does thou! Lamech pleads with her, saying, Nehamah, I beg you, give your daughter to me as wife! I swear I shall take good care of her... I really love her! Nehamah says uneasily, Lamech, I like thee but thy family tis cursed! They hast spoken against the goddess Ashtoreth and the other gods on earth! Lamech says very nervously, I have not spoken against them... Me and Gazzah's love is all that matters to me. Nehamah says mockingly, Ah love? If Gazzah desires betrothing thee, I shall not p. 269

stand in thy way... Lamech says excitedly, Is that a yes then? She smiles wickedly. Nehamah says in a very creepy manner as she points her bony index finger at him, Yea, but be warned, if ye hurt mine daughter, the pit awaits! Then my son stares happily into the flickering flames in her fire pit. Five new moons latter, we are outside on a bright day as the snow gently falls on this bright warm day. My son is dress in his good gray furs while Gazzah is dressed in a long white hooded fur with a white veil over the lower part of her face. My father stands in front of them, leaning heavily on his long wooden branch. Me and my very plumb wife stand nervously next to our son. Lamech and Gazzah look disappointed. Gazzah's smooth brown face frowns as she says tearfully, Enoch, I thought you would marry us... By now, my father is very old and wrinkled. His silly fur cap covers his bald head and his long thick beard is pure white. He's wearing his best yellowish tan furs. Enoch says very sadly, Me sorry but God not bless this wedding... Gazzah feeling insulted, asks, Why God not bless my wedding? I love your grandson! Enoch asks sternly, What you worship? Me and Seven stare strait at her. Gazzah looks over at Lamech, then strait ahead saying timidly, I worship God.. Enoch says sadly, You worship Lamech and your mother worships the Serpent... Not good! Me and mother Qoph are upset. I blurts out, saying, Son, listen to Enoch! You should at least delay the wedding for a while. My son and Gazzah frowns at me. Lamech says forcefully, Father, stop it! This is the woman I love and I shall marry her! Enoch says with his squeaky silly voice, Lamech, we should leave! Nehamah walks in with her ashtoreth pole being held in her aging hand. She's rather skinny, dressed in her spotted gray hooded furs. She wears many big bones around her skinny neck. She pulls her hood back off her long gray hair with dark streaks. Her brownish wrinkled face frowns at my father who frowns right back at her. They stare each other down. Nehamah's dark eyes stare angrily as she says to him, Enoch, at least I betrayeth not the peacemakers! Enoch points at her and says, They betray us... Nehamah says angrily, Art thou sure? When I wast a little girl, mine aging parents told me bout how horrible our tribal wars wast... And how blessed I wast to live in peace thanks to king Semjaza. Were mine parents wrong? Enoch looks down and says humbly, p. 270

Nehamah, the tribal wars was bad! Semjaza ended the fighting when he obeyed God! Now he doesn't! Nehamah frowns, saying mockingly, Tis thee that starts fights... Enough, the priest approaches... A tall, thin yellowish tan man with very long waist length fluffy gray hair and beard walks over to us, holding a fresh leafy branch as his walking stick. His brownish robe is decorated with lots of colorful flowers, mainly pink, and orange with a few purple flowers too. Nehamah bows her head before the priest saying, Priest, thou honors us... The priest humbly looks at her with his dark peaceful eyes and says, Nehamah, in the name of Good, I bless you! I bless your daughter Gazzah and everyone else... Then Nehamah walks over to her nervous daughter. Enoch looks up at the priest and ask curiously, What kind of priest are you? The kindly priest says, I am a priest of the Good... I'm for love, peace, brotherhood, sisterhood, and virtue... Enoch says boldly, Me believe in obeying true God! Lamech, Gazzah, and Nehamah look embarrassed. The priest looks down at my father with his somewhat squinted eyes as he says calmly, I believe being good is more important than what stories we believe in... Nehamah looks frustrated at them and says, Truly, I felt I findeth a priest all would like... Gazzah crosses her arms as she says very frustrated, Except Enoch! Enoch limps with his staff to stand in front of my son. Enoch says sadly to him, Me go... Gazzah is so angry that she clinches her fists. Lamech says distressed, Please grandfather, at least attend our wedding. Enoch says with a shrug, Me not belong here... Gazzah frowns angrily at him as she says, Enoch, don't leave! Leaving would be a terrible insult to me and everyone here! Lamech sadly smiles as Enoch says cheerfully with his silly squeaky voice, Gazzah, me obey God but me pray for you all! He slowly limps away as Gazzah has a fit. Me and my wife are distressed by all this. Seven's whitish pink face frowns angrily as she says, How rude? Does God really want your father to be that rude? I just looks sadly at my wife as I shrugs my shoulders. Then we look forward. Seven frowns again. We see Gibbor pulling the sledge that Tubal and 'Aqqow are riding in along with three huge fur sacks of food, most likely nuts and roots. A pretty pale young woman with long blond hair is riding on top of one of Gibbor's massive shoulders. She smiles down at him as she gently rubs his large chubby bald head. He p. 271

has a big goofy smile as he looks up at her with his bulging squinted hazel eyes. He's wearing a very large white fur. She's wearing a long blondish fur coat with her hood pulled back. Tubal's aging scarred face smiles as he says, Methuselah, Seven, nice to see you two... 'Aqqow's somewhat wrinkled tan face excitedly smiles as she says mockingly, Wow Seven, how does it feel that your little boy is getting married? Seven says uncertain, I hope Gazzah makes him happy... 'Aqqow, who's that with Gibbor? 'Aqqow says happily, Sob'ah is her name. She's one of the granddaughters of Tubal's brother Jabal... I think my Gibbor may of found his true love. Tubal nods his head in agreement. Gibbor and Sob'ah blush. Gibbor says smiling with his over sized cheeks, Ah mother? Sob'ah says affectionately, Oh Gibbor... Sob'ah gently run her fingers through his thin stringy black beard. Gazzah looks up, looking beautiful, saying, Welcome Gibbor.. Gibbor says in a goofy manner, Gazzah pretty... Sob'ah says angrily jealous, Stop looking at her that way. Gibbor says clueless, Ah, Sob'ah... Then Qadash limps in with One helping her walk over to us. They are both dressed in light hooded furs. One says happily excited, Seven. We're here! Qadash and One's smiling faces are identical to Seven's face except Seven's face is bloated. Qasdash says in awe, Gazzah sure is beautiful. One asks rudely, Yeah, but is she filthy like Methuselah? I frowns silently. Seven says happily, loudly, Qadash and One, thanks for coming... Where's Ya'al and Na'vah? Qadash says sadly, Ya'al is too sick to travel and his devoted wife Na'vah insist on staying by his side! Me and Seven listen intently to them. Seven says sadly, Qophs, I sorry they couldn't make it... She hugs them for a moment. Qadash and One walks over to our son. Lamech's narrow brown face smiles as he says, Qadash, One, I love you both! They hug briefly. Gazzah stares at them and says disturbed, Why do they look just like your mother, if she wasn't fat? It's creepy... Lamech says cheerfully, Lighten up Gazzah, they are just identical sisters. Then Lamech and Gazzah look up at the sky. Lamech says distressed, Kasdeja? Gazzah says excitedly, Wow, is that Naamah? Everyone stares up in the sky. Qadash and One frown as they step back. Nehamah looks up and says joyfully, Praise the Serpent and queen Ashtoreth! Naamah hast come to mine daughter's wedding... Nehamah walks over to Gazzah and Lamech while looking up at the sky. p. 272

Kasdeja and Naamah float down on his softly rumbling disc. Chashaq is floating next to them on it's disc. Naamah is dressed in her tight fitting ankle length gold gown. Her long pointed golden cap is on top of her beautiful shoulder length blond hair. She still looks young and girlish. Gibbor looks forward smiling at her, saying, She pretty. Sob'ah frowns at him, then her. Naamah says arrogantly to us, I've decided to honor your wedding with my presence. Kasdeja's coal black eyes stare at us as he smiles. Nehamah smiles and humbly bows her head. Gazzah bows her head humbly saying, Naamah, favored one of Ashtoreth, thank you! Naamah says coolly, You're welcome. Lamech asks fearfully, Naamah, is your husband coming? Naamah and Kasdeja, and Chashaq floats in front of us. Naamah says angrily, arrogantly, No... He doesn't like weddings... Kasdeja offered to take me here. Lamech says relieved, Good! Gazzah's beautiful smooth brown face stares at him embarrassed. Nehahah shakes her head. Seven's whitish pink face looks worried as she asks loudly, Why is Asbeel, Vashti, and Yerack not here? Naamah says arrogantly, They would of loved to be here but were required to attend to other business... Chashaq howls timidly. Qadash and One cross their arms and shakes their heads in disgust. Latter, at my son's wedding. It's softly snowing. My son, Gazzah, and Nehamah stand on the right side of the priest. Me, my wife, Qadash, and One are in front of them. On the left side of the priest is Kasdeja and Naamah floating on his disc just off the snowy ground. Chashaq is floating on it's disc, then Gibbor with Sob'ah who is still sitting on his massive shoulders and finally Tubal and 'Aqqow. Chashaq's three fierce looking heads regularly looks up fearfully at Gibbor. The priest stands before a wood altar. Resting on the table is a stone cup, and their copper wedding necklace. The priest's yellowish tan face gently smiles as he says, In the name of all Good, we are gathered here today to join into one, Lamech and Gazzah by their love... Me and my very plumb wife hold hands. Mother Qophs light green eyes fill with joyful tears. Qadash and One tearfully smile. The priest says, Love is the greatest virtue... Let us all encourage Lamech's and Gazzah's love... We are very honored by our very special guests, the very beautiful Naamah and the fierce guardian himself Kasdeja along with his loyal p. 273

companion Chashaq. Chashaq growls in response. Naamah has a mischievous smile on her pale girlish face. Kasdeja has his arms nervously crossed like he's waiting for something. Sob'ah is still sitting on Gibbor's shoulders. They look at each other and they both have goofy smiles on their faces. Sob'ah says proudly, Naamah is my great aunt! Naamah frowns briefly at her. Tubal leans on his fancy dire wolf headed walking stick. 'Aqqow helps him stand up as they tenderly smile at each other. Lamech, Gazzah, and Nehamah stand very nervously close together. The priest holds up the stone cup. He walks forward and hands him the cup, saying, Lamech and Gazzah, drink from your cup of love! Lamech nervously takes the cup. The priest steps back to where he was before. Lamech gives Gazzah a sip from their cup. Then she gives him a sip from their cup. All our guests watch uneasily. The priest says with a grin, Gazzah, if you are ready to give yourself wholly to Lamech, circle your beloved seven times. My right arm hold Seven close. We both watch teary eyed. Gazzah joyfully skips around Lamech seven times still holding their cup. The priest picks up their copper wedding necklace with it's fancy chains, leaf, and flower shaped ornaments. The priest walks over to hand the necklace to my son. The priest says, In the name of Good, Lamech take this necklace, place it gently around Gazzah's throat and ask her, shall I tighten this necklace around your throat? Her mother Nehamah is standing a little too close to them. Lamech very nervously takes the necklace, slowly, gently puts the coper necklace around Gazzah's throat. He looks longingly into her dark brown eyes. Lamech asks passionately, Gazzah, shall I tighten your necklace? The priest says, Gazzah, tell Lamech to tighten your necklace only if you are sure your love for each other is true? Gazzah says joyfully, Oh Lamech, go ahead and tighten my necklace! Lamech's hands gently tighten her necklace. They hug. The priest proclaims, In the name of all Good, I declared Lamech and Gazzah, blessed husband and wife! Lamech, you may kiss Gazzah! Lamech says longingly, Gazzah, I love you! Then he passionately kisses her. We all begin to sing and dance. I hold my pleasantly plumb wife tightly. Tubal holds 'Aqqow close. Sob'ah plays with Gibbor's huge ears. Qadash and One are standing close together. They are both teary eyed. One jumps up, waves her arms and says very excitedly, They're married! With p. 274

With Kasdeja standing by her, Naamah says loudly with a wicked smile, I Naamah, congratulate you on your very modest wedding... Lamech and Gazzah, may you both be blessed with everything you deserve.... So mote it be! Then Chashaq howls as it's three purple collars blink and Chashaq falls asleep on it's floating disc next to them. We celebrate with singing and dancing. Then I hear a strange low pitched screech, followed by another, then another screech. Chashaq's three fierce heads nervously wake up. The priest looks up in horror, screaming, That screeching, I know that sound.. No not here! They can't be here! I and mother Qoph look around scared. One runs up to the priest as Qadash slowly limps up behind her. We all stares at the fearful priest as One's pale hands pulls her short white hair back in a panic, fearfully asking, Priest, what's wrong? Qadash limps up behind her. The priest heavily breathing, shouts fearfully, Feather dragons! That horrible screeching... Run, run with me to the shelter! Qadash asks annoyed, Priest, what are you saying? He stares at her, and shouts loudly as the priest begins to run away, Everyone, follow me or die! Feather dragons! Sob'ah is still riding on Gibbor's massive shoulders. Sob'ah tearfully says, Gibbor, I'm scared! His right hand takes her off his shoulders. He lays her on his left arms somewhat like a mother might hold her baby. Gibbor says tenderly, Sob'ah.. Tubal and 'Aqqow rush to and get up on their near-by sledge. Tubal says nervously as he strikes the sledge with his fancy walking stick, Gibbor quick, get on your harness and follow that priest, now! Naamah says calmly to Kasdeja, O-my, take me up to safety... Kasdeja and Chashaq's disc float high up into the sky and hovers above us. Gibbor quickly puts on the harness and begins to pull the sledge in the direction the priest ran. One runs after the priest but Qadash trips when she tries to run so One runs back to helps her up. Qadash asks confused, One, why are we running? One says very fearfully, Qadash, I don't want to find out! We all are scared as we hear another horrible screech. From the sky, we hear Chashaq howling. Me and my wife run quickly after our son, Gazzah, and Nehamah. Gazzah asks in a panic, Mother, what shall we do? Nehamah raises her ashtoreth pole, shakes it and shouts, Gazzah, Lamech, follow thine priest! Seven yells out to her, p. 275

asking nervously, Nehamah, What's this about? Nehamah says frantically, Tis blood birds of slaughter! Lamech asks, shocked What? Nehamah shouts angrily as she lightly hits Lamech with her ashtoreth pole, Ye must run after thine priest!!! Me, Seven, Lamech, Gazzah, and Nehamah run past several snow covered trees. Gibbor pulls the sledge that Tubal and 'Aqqow are riding in. Each of his footsteps makes a loud thump. Tubal points with his walking stick as he shouts, Gibbor run that way, faster! Lamech and Gazzel run past One and Qadash. The priest is running in front of us to a stone shelter in the distance. A feather dragon quickly catches up with Tubal's sledge. They scream as it screeches. Gibbor jumps between them and the feather dragon, making a very loud thump. Gibbor holds Sob'ah close with his left arm as he punches the feather dragon's over-sized rough brown beak with his right fist. Sob'ah screams, O God, help! Gibbor, get us out of here! The ugly gold and orange colored feather dragon is a little taller than Gibbor when it's stretch it's long neck upward. This gigantic flightless bird viciously attacks them. It's bright white eyelids open wide as it's big blood red eyes stare hungrily at them. It's over sized beak snaps repeatedly at them, pecking away Gibbor's bloody right fist. It's head and very long neck are covered with long shiny golden feathers. This horrifying bird flaps it's huge but useless bright orange wings as it screeches. Then it strikes at Gibbor with it's strong scaly brown razor sharp talons. High in the sky, Naamah, Kasdeja and Chashaq calmly look down and watch. Chashaq happily howls. Another feather dragon is quickly chasing down Qadash, One, and Nehamah. Me, Seven, Lamech, and Gazzah are some ways ahead of them, running to the shelter's entrance which the priest has just entered. We rush inside the primitive gray stone shelter. We looks back to see the feather dragon speedily catching up with Nehamah, One, and Qadash. They just don't have enough time to reach the shelter. Seven screams fearfully, Sisters, oh God help! One is practically carrying Qadash to help her limp away as fast as possible. They scream for their lives. Flapping it's bright orange wings, the feather dragon loudly screeches as it's huge rough brown beak viciously strikes at Qadash but a blinding green light beam powerfully knocks this towering monster back away like a mighty club knocking away a small bird. Gibbor is still fighting the other feather dragon. Gibbor shields p. 276

his beloved Sob'ah with his left forearm. This horrifying bird tears bloody holes into the furs around his right forearm with it's sharp talons at the end of it's long ugly scaly brown legs. Then another feather dragon attacks them from behind. Gibbor tries to protect Sob'ah, angrily screaming, Ouch, birds bad! He grabs the sledge with his huge right hand. Tubal and 'Aqqow scream as Gibbor's shadow covers them. The birds screeches horribly. Tubal yells angrily, Gibbor! 'Aqqow asks fearfully, Son, what are you doing? As they fall off the sledge, Gibbor picks up the whole sledge with his bloody left arm. He uses the sledge as a shield against the first feather dragon as the second feather dragon pecks and bites off part of his large right ear. As he turns his back to the giant bird, it viciously claws bloody holes into the fur covering his back. Gibbor moans in agony. He angrily lifts the sledge over his head and mightily swings the sledge down on the first feather dragon several times crushing it down into the snowy ground. It's horrible screeching slowly stops. The sledge is badly bent as Gibbor furiously swings the sledge sideways knocking the other feather dragon back down onto the snow. 'Aqqow helps Tubal to stand up in the snow. Aqqow cries out horrified, Son, you're bleeding so much... Oh my poor baby! Tubal violently shakes his copper walking stick as he yells angrily, Gibbor, kill those monsters!!! 'Aqqow frowns angrily at him. Tubal lowers his walking stick and says nervously embarrassed, And son, be careful... Gibbor throws the heavy broken sledge on top the other feather dragon and with a mighty big jump, he jumps on top of the sledge, making a horrible crushing sound as his legs crushes the sledge on top of this poor feather dragon. It's horrible screeching ends quickly. Sob'ah says in awe, Gibbor you're so brave.. Painfully moaning, Gibbor puts his right hand over his bleeding half eaten ear but he smiles anyway. Four more feathered dragons jump out at them. Tubal shouts fearfully, Gibbor, help us! Gibbor runs back and grabs Tubal and 'Aqqow. He hold them next to Sob'ah in his arms to protects them. Sob'ah points to the shelter as she shouts, Gibbor, run to the shelter! He runs to the shelter and gently puts Sob'ah, Tubal, and 'Aqqow down near the entrance. They rush into the shelter but Gibbor is just too big! The priest looks very scared. We all look scared and are very distressed. The four feather dragons run towards Gibbor on their long scaly brown legs and attack p. 277

Gibbor as he guards the shelter's entrance. Then he runs wobbling to a nearby medium sized tree. Gibbor yells scared, Ouch, need club! Lamech and Gazzah watch him from the shelter's entrance. Tubal and 'Aqqow watch right behind them. Gazzah says fearfully, Oh God, I hope those dragons don't kill Gibbor... He's badly hurt! Gibbor tries to pull the tree up with his flabby but mighty arms. He struggles intensely as the four feather dragons attack him from behind. Breathing heavily, he very slowly pulls this tree up by it's roots. He swings the tree's truck like it's a club to knock the vicious feather dragons back as they screech horribly. Tubal and 'Aqqow fearfully watch him from inside the shelter. 'Aqqow tearfully screams, Gibbor, my poor baby! A blinding bright green power beam hits one of the feather dragons attacking Gibbor, knocking it back onto the snow unconscious. Uriel and Remiel quickly fly towards Gibbor. Uriel shoots a stream of flames out of his hands badly singing one feather dragon, almost setting the poor nightmarish bird on fire. It runs for it's life, making more horrible screeching sounds. Remiel quickly shouts as he aims his arms at the remaining two feather dragons, Feather dragons, Leave! From the shelter, we look up into the sky at Naamah, Kasdeja, and Chashaq as they quickly fly away on their discs. Gibbor hits one viciously clawing feather dragons with his tree truck as Remiel shoots a blinding green power beam that knocks the other feather dragon back onto the snowy ground, knocking it unconscious. Gibbor takes the tree trunk with both his huge arms and mightily clubs the last poor feather dragon down into the snowy ground until the poor bird dies. Gibbor is bleeding a lot, crying out, shouting, Ouch! Bad birds hurt Gibbor! Then Gibbor sits down with a loud thump as everyone leaves the shelter and walks over to him. 'Aqqow runs to Gibbor crying, My baby's hurt! My poor baby's, ear! We got to stop the bleeding! Sob'ah rushes to him, crying, Gibbor, I love you! You got to live! Gibbor picks her up like she's a small child and puts her back on his shoulders. We all help cover his wounds withs some pieces of our clothing. Tubal and 'Aqqow, hug him. Tubal looks up teary eyed and says trembling, Gibbor, I'm so proud of you! Gibbor smiles, saying, Ouch! Father.. Lamech, Gazzah, and Nehamah walk up close to him. Gazzah waves at Gibbor, saying excitedly, You saved us! Lamech hugs Gibbor as he says, Gibbor, you're my hero! Gibbor smiles down at p. 278

him saying, Lamech, friend! The tall thin priest walks up next to him. Gibbor sitting down is almost as tall as the priest standing up next to him. The priest combs back his long fluffy gray hair with his hands. Then he pulls a light purple flower from his very flowery robe and hands the large flower to Gibbor as the priest says happily, In the name of all Good, I anoint you, Gibbor the mighty! With all his wounds including his right ear cover by our furs, Gibbor claps playfully, saying, Love God! Love others! Seven hugs her two sisters very tightly. Seven says emotionally, Qadash, One, I was so afraid you would... Die.. Qadash says tearfully, Seven, One save me! One says playfully, Hey qophs, actually, Remiel saved us! Thanks Remiel! Uriel and Remiel float on their discs just above the ground. Seven, Qadash, and One happily wave at them. I walk over to them as I ask angrily, Uriel, Remiel, why didn't you help us sooner? Uriel says very embarrassed, We didn't know... This was hidden from us... Remiel also looks embarrassed. I shake my fist as I ask furiously, Are these some of Azazel's monsters? Uriel looks strait at me as he says sternly, No, God made them! The feather dragons suppose to live far away, by the great waters to the far south... Gazzah, my son and Nehamah walk towards us. Gazzah asks angrily in disbelief, Then how did feather dragons get here to ruin my wedding? Remiel crosses his muscular arms. His handsomely rugged reddish tan face frowns as he says angrily, Ashtoreth... Nehamah very angrily shouts, Blasphemy! Ashtoreth sendeth Naamah and Kasdeja to honor mine daughter's wedding... Remiel looks over at her and sternly asks her, And where is Naamah and Kasdeja? Why didn't they protect you? Nehamah looks nervously up into the sky very disturbed. Nehamah shouts angrily, Tis not true! We are all disturbed by Remiel's question. About a year latter, we visit my mother's grave again. My father weeps as he holds onto his wooden branch. His silly fur cap is on his very wrinkled bald head. He wears his best yellowish tan furs. Enoch's gentle dark brown eyes looks sadly down at her grave as he cries with his squeaky voice, saying, Mehetabel... Me and Seven are on his left. The hood on my brown furs is pulled back. My wife is very plump, dressed in her gray hooded furs. Her hood mostly covers her long white hair. Our son and Gazzah are on my p. 279

father's right side. Lamech is dressed his good gray hooded furs. His long white and brown hair is mostly cover by his fur's hood. Gazzah is dressed in her pretty reddish brown furs with her hood pull back behind her long curly black hair. We all are holding onto our wooden staffs. My father bows his head in sorrow as his silly fur cap falls off his wrinkled head. His silly fur cap falls down on top of the shallow snow above his wife's grave. Snow begins to softly fall as the wind begins to blow. We pray silently for a few moments. Then, my father falls on his frail knees. He slowly picks up his silly fur cap. Enoch cries sorrowfully, saying, Me miss you! Sometime me want to join you... God, me want wife back! The sun sets behind us with a soft pinkish glow. The sky becomes increasingly cloudy and gray. I help my aging father slowly stand up. He slowly puts his silly fur cap back on his old wrinkled head. The winds begin to pick up as the sky becomes dark. Enoch weeps. Gazzah begins to chill as her beautiful smooth brown face looks sadly over at him. Gazzah says softly with a slight chill, Enoch, a storm is coming... We should leave soon... Enoch stares teary eyed at her as he slowly says, You go... Me stay... I say somewhat irritated, Gazzah, don't rush my father. Looking over at him, Seven says concerned, Gazzah may be right... I too feel that a big storm is coming. Lamech says tearfully, Gazzah, mother, father, why don't you all walk back now??? I'll bring grandpa back when he's ready. Gazzah crosses her arms to warm herself, as she says, Lamech, it's getting cold... Don't be long... I love you... Seven says harshly, Son, just grab grandpa and let's go! I'm getting cold too.. I say forcefully, No! Lamech stay here with my father... Father, we'll go now! Seven quickly hugs her son as she says sadly, Take care of Enoch... Son, take care of yourself and come back soon! Gazzah stares at Enoch and says forcefully, Enoch, don't let my husband stay out too long! Me, Seven, and Gazzah walk back together to our igloo. The wind picks up and the snow falls harder. My father and my son latter told me what happened to them. Enoch and my son stand together with their hoods wrapped tightly around their reddening faces as a blizzard blows all around them. It's getting dark and very cold. Lamech puts his right hand on my father's shoulders. Enoch looks p. 280

over at him, smiles, and says with frosted breath, It cold!!! We go... Lamech's breath is also clearly frosted as he says sadly, Yeah grandfather, I'm sorry I blamed you for grandma's death... I just didn't understand. Shivering a little, Enoch says distressed, Me miss her... They cover their mouths and noses because it's now far too cold not to. As they are walking back though the forest, the winds howls as a familiar voice seems to quietly whisper, Enoch... Lamech.. They slowly continue to walk though the deepening snow with their long branches held in their painfully cold hands as they hear the echoing soft voice call them again, saying, Enoch... Lamech.. Enoch... Lamech... Enoch trembles and briefly lowers the fur around his mouth as he says with his silly squeaky voice, Me hear Mehetabel... Me mad? Lamech says scared as he lowers the fur around his very cold face, If she's calling our names? Me mad too... Enoch looks around as he says softly, Yeah... The blizzard is blowing so much icy snow around that they can hardly see in front of them. Mehetabel's voice lovingly calls out to them again, saying, Enoch... Lamech... I love you both so much! I love you... I love you... Enoch shivers as he lowers the fur around his smiling mouth and asks with frosted breath, Mehetabel, it you? Lamech lowers the fur around his chapped lips and shouts happily with clearly frosted breath, Gramdma! The ghostly image of Mehetabel slowly appears in the raging storm. She slowly walks up to them without difficulty. She is quite fat, dressed in her orangish brown furs with her hood pulled back. Her curly white hair is blown by the howling wind. As the blizzard calms down, she begins to look less ghostly, more lively. Her plump dark face sadly smiles at them. She opens her arms wide. Her dark brown eyes tear up as Mehetabel says comfortingly, Enoch, I'm here to comfort you, my beloved husband... You were right to let me die... Lamech, my grandson, don't worry about me... I'm fine! Enoch stares lovingly at her as he asks troubled, But you dead... She smiles warmly. She walks to just in front of them. Mehetabel and Enoch looks longingly into each other's eyes. Mehetabel playfully says to him with a little laugh, Silly, don't you know that nothing devoted to God is ever really lost! My father and my son sadly smile at her. Lamech's sad brown face stares deeply into her dark warm eyes as he says emotionally to her, Grandma, I love you! I thought you were gone---forever... Enoch p. 281

suddenly looks up into the dark snowy sky. He can barely see Uriel and Remiel's very fiery discs a great distance behind Lamech as they zoom very fast towards them. Mehetabel smiles a little too much, saying joyfully, Grandson, God has a wonderful plan for your life... Shivering from the cold, Lamech intensely curious, asks her, Grandma, do you know God's plan for me? My son listens to my mother in awe as Enoch limps forward with his walking branch trying to get between them. Mehetabel smiles widely, her dark brown eyes glistening as she says lovingly to my son, I do... If you will obey God? God shall bless your family... Uriel and Remiel zooms towards them at incredible speed as Enoch mightily pulls Lamech back away from her. Mehetabel glows brightly bluish white as her voice changes into Azazel's voice angrily shouting, And kill everyone else! Shielding Lamech, Enoch yells, Lord help me! With a single slap, she knocks Enoch up into the freezing air and he falls down into the heavy snow. Horribly shock, Lamech watches his grandma very quickly transforms into a sparkling white, winged creature dressed like Azazel but with four identical abstractly goat like faces with long curve goatee shaped chins around his head and eight long golden horns surrounding his golden hallo crown. The Goat stares hatefully at my son with it's three pale blue glowing eyes with wide slits pupils just like a goat. The Goat has four muscular arms. It spread open it's four large bird like sparkling white wings with lots of pale blue eyes all over it. My son screams as a blue laser beam burns his left arm. A blinding green power beam strongly blasts my son up and away into the icy air as Uriel speeds by and roughly catches him in midair with one muscular arm, making a big rib bruising thump. Uriel zooms away with him as big orange flames blasts out of his loudly rumbling disc. Ice cold air blows their hair wildly around and pushes the skin of their faces back in waves. Lamech cries loudly as frost begins to form on his aching numb face, he shouts, Ouch! I'm freezing! Uriel says calmly to him, Be warm! Uriel glows softly orange as the frost melts off Lamech's face. Blue laser beams circle around them so Uriel curves hard at the last moment and barely misses the intense laser beams. Remiel quickly flies his disc right behind Enoch and grabs him out of the snow as the Goat shoots blue power blasts spheres at them. Remiel wills a very strong invisible wall that saves Enoch's life when the Goat's blue p. 282

spheres explodes around them, sounding like ear splitting thunder. Enoch desperately holds onto Remiel who uses both of his arms to blast blinding green power beams right above my father's head, quickly blasting the Goat high into the sky. An almost transparent blue sphere appears around the Goat and vanishes The Goat flies with his four large wings as his disc detaches from his back and he lands on his floating fiery disc. Shivering, Enoch cries, being very scared and shouting with heavily frosted breath, asking, Remiel, where's Lamech? Remiel shouts forcefully to him, Away! Warmth shields up... Remiel glows greenish and a greenish semitransparent sphere appears around them. Remiel holds him tight with one arm. As they zoom away, Enoch feels the great force of their movement pull back on his old wrinkled aching body. Meanwhile, Uriel is still glowing orange, still holding Lamech tight as they speeds away. Behind them, the Goat is catching up with them, flying on his fiery rumbling disc, using his large sparkling white wings to help guide his disc as he shoots blue lasers beams and power blasts spheres all around them. One of his laser beams cuts down a large tree while one of his blue spheres hits another tree which explodes into splinters. Uriel's braided black hair wildly whips around his shoulders as the blast of the warmed air continues to stretches their faces back in waves. Uriel's loudly rumbling disc shoots streams of hot flames behind them. Lamech cries out tearfully, painfully asking, Uriel, what happen to grandma? As Uriel's big dark cheeks are being blasted by the harsh air, he says angrily, That wasn't grandma! That's Azazel! Lamech cries out in great pain, saying, Ouch, my arm hurts! The furs around his arm has been burn and his arm is badly injured. The Goat is quickly catching up behind them as he shoots bright lasers out of his clawed hands at them. Uriel holds Lamech with one stout arm and uses his free hand to blast a great stream of hot orange flames at the Goat so he can't see. The almost transparent blue sphere briefly appears again around the Goat and his disc, protecting him from the hot flames. The Goat shoots several more power blasts spheres that fly fast towards them as the little blue spheres explode near them, almost shaking them off Uriel's disc. Then Uriel nosedives down and flies very near by many trees in this icy forest hitting many small and medium tree branches. The Goat furiously chases them with his four wings outspread, shooting his laser beams out p. 283

of his clawed hands at them which cuts down lots of large branches just in front of them that fall hard on Uriel's back. Uriel shoots more hot yellowish white flames behind him, setting lots and lots of snow covered trees behind him on fire as the Goat flies though the flames. The thick black clouds of the burning forest rises up high into the sky as Uriel speeds out of the burning forest and zooms very close above the icy, sharp rock covered hills. The Goat uses his power blasts spheres to put out the fires in front of him as he flies out of the thick black clouds. He shoots his bright lasers and blue spheres out of his hands at them, blasting many large rocks into tiny pebbles. With Enoch held tight, Remiel chases after the Goat from above. Enoch feels sick, battered and bruise by this very rough ride on Remiel's flying disc. Enoch's drooping winkled cheeks are being stretched back in waves by the force of their ever changing movements. Zooming madly, Remiel shoots his blinding green power beams at the Goat but misses several times. Each of Remiel's power beam blasts big craters into the rocky ground below and even knocks over some trees next to them. The Goat flies around very skillfully avoiding the green power beams. The Goat shoots more bright blue lasers and more power blasts spheres out of all four of his clawed hands back at Remiel and Enoch as well as at Uriel and Lamech. Uriel flies very fast, holding a terrified Lamech next to him. The air blasts against Lamech's frighten face with great force, stretching his face back in waves. Uriel flies very close to some large trees and sets them on fire with a stream of flames shooting out of his right hand. The air is blasting against both their faces, pushing their skin back in waves, greatly distorting their faces. The Goat looks up to see Remiel swoops down fast towards him on his fiery disc, still holding Enoch as he shoots a blinding green power beams that hits the Goat hard. An almost transparent blue sphere appears around the Goat as the blindingly bright green power beam blasts him down onto a huge boulder so hard that the boulder explodes beneath him. Remiel slowly stops in midair as Enoch pukes. As Uriel flies next to them, Enoch shouts nervously, Uriel, get Lamech to safe place! Lamech shouts to him fearfully, Grandfather, I don't want to leave you! Enoch shouts tearfully, No, you must go! Uriel nods and quickly speeds away with Lamech into the sky. Enclosed in Remiel's greenish semitransparent sphere, they look down at the smoking p. 284

rubble. Out of the smoke, a bright blue laser beam cuts into the sphere and burns a hole into Remiel's left shoulder as the Goat flies out of the rubble unharmed. Remiel loudly moans and angrily blasts more power beams strait down at the Goat who skillfully avoids them, flying on his disc with his four sparkling wings outstretched. Remiel holds Enoch tight as he zooms after the Goat. Enoch feels sick again as his whole aching body is push back in waves. Remiel's green power beams keep blasting more large craters into the icy ground below the Goat as he keeps shooting back with his bright blue lasers and power blasts. Then Semjaza quickly flies in front of the Goat on his fiery disc. Semjaza's yellow jewel and trim glows brightly in the dark stormy sky. He raises his right arm up and shouts angrily as his long black hair is blowing wildly in the icy wind, Azazel, Remiel, stop this! Still holding Enoch, Remiel slows down, turns away and stops in midair. Looking sickly pale, Enoch pukes again. Semjaza's squinted brown eyes open wide as his handsome yellowish tan face frowns at the Goat who quickly stops in front of him. The Goat puts his four arms down and folds his large sparkling white wings as he transforms into Azazel's human like form. He angrily crosses his arms, and frowns frustrated as his pale face bows low. Azazel shouts back to his friend painfully, But king Semjaza... Semjaza points at him as he sternly shouts, But nothing! Go back! Then Azazel flies away on his disc in the other direction. Remiel and Enoch flies towards Semjaza and float next to him. Remiel says, Warm shields down.. The greenish semitransparent sphere around them fades away. Remiel angrily, loudly asks him, What do you want, Semjaza? Semjaza looks annoyed at him and forcefully says, That's King Semjaza, to you!!! I apologize for Azazel's violent actions... Enoch becomes less sickly pale but begins to shiver as the blizzard blows around him.. He stares at him speechless. Remiel says plainly, King Semjaza, Azazel would not of attack us if it was against your will... Enoch stares silently, too scared to speak. Semjaza shouts angrily, Remiel, be silent!!! Enoch, I shall hold a great meeting by my monuments, on the morning after the next new moon! As the icy blizzard continues to blow around them, Semjaza shouts forcefully, Enoch, there, you shall sacrifice a lamb to God and declare that my words are God's words! Enoch says timidly with his silly squeaky voice, King Semjaza, me tell truth! You p. 285

need to repent... Semjaza smiles at him gently, ignoring Enoch's words. Then Semjaza says loudly, Enoch, If you obey me, you shall be greatly honored... I shall give you all you desire! Enoch looks up at him and says fearfully with frosted breath, Me desire God's love! Semjaza shouts at him with increasingly loud fury, Consider how much trouble my friend has just cause you... I am the great healer but I can twist the spines of your whole family into agonizing knots with a thought!!! My father trembles before him with great fear and shakes from the cold. Remiel is scared too as he looks down at my shivering father and says, Warmth shields up... Early morning after the next new moon, me, my father, my wife and Tubal ride in his sledge to go to king Semjaza's great meeting by his monuments. Tubal drives his sledge, pulling animal hide straps attached to eight of his large wolf dogs, to direct their way. It's snowing lightly. Tubal is dressed in his purple robes with his golden turban on top of his very long white hair. My father is sitting behind him dressed in his good yellowish tan furs. His silly fur cap is on top of his wrinkled bald head. Next to him is a young white lamb with a animal hide strap around it's neck. The lamb baas from time to time. I am dressed in my good gray furs and Seven is dressed in her good brown furs. We are sitting behind my father. Tubal's eight fierce wolf dogs pull his sledge though the shallow snow. My father is deep in silent prayer, his head bowed, as he holds the strap attached to the lamb's woolly neck. Seven's light green eyes stare at Tubal as she says with contempt, Tubal, I'm surprised that you didn't take Gibbor with us! I thought you might take him along to protect you if things go bad... Tubal says fearfully, I almost did... If Enoch angers king Semjaza, Gibbor could beg him to spare our lives... King Semjaza might listen to his son. I ask nervously, Why didn't we take Gibbor with us? His scarred pale wrinkled face looks sad as Tubal says, I want my family to be safe! Seven mockingly asks in a bitter tone, 'Aqqow wouldn't let Gibbor come with you, would she? Tubal says nervously, Actually, if I had allowed 'Aqqow to come with us, she would allowed Gibbor to come... Seven says harshly, Tubal-Cain, what a creep! Tubal angrily waves his walking stick, looks fiercely back at her and shouts in a scary way, Shut up, Seven!!! He scares p. 286

us. Tubal whispering angrily, Oh Lord God, please help me to become kind... I want to be kind! God help me to not be so angry... In the distance, we see a huge light purple semitransparent dome floating above Tubal's nine huge steel monuments which have been greatly rearranged. The bronze serpent's monument is behind them in the middle. An orange sun rises above the dome, shinning purplish pink rays though the scattered golden clouds. Several dozen sons of God float above the dome on their fiery discs in this beautiful sky. The dome warms the ground under it so any snow that falls under there melts. A vast crowd stands in front of a pulsating glowing semitransparent yellow fence that is about as tall as a man. The fence is around the monuments which are almost three times as tall as a man. Semjaza and Ashtoreth's monuments stand forward in front of the Serpent's monument with enough space between them so they don't block the Serpent's monument. The other monuments stand back at the sides of the Serpent's monument. On it's right side are the monuments of Asbeel, Vashti, Kasdeja, and Yerach. To the Serpent's left are the monuments of Azazel, Naamah, and Tubal but Tubal's image has been replaced with an image of Hephaestus's squinted eyed face. Hephaestus is the present metalworker for the sons of God. Tubal angrily shakes his copper dire wolf headed walking stick, saying very angrily distressed, My poor monument! Hephaestus, how could you replace my monument's head with your own ugly face? Enoch is still silently praying. The lamb baas. Seven's whitish pink face smiling happily as she says, Tubal, I think Hephaestus improve your idol! Tubal stares tearfully angry at his former monument. Tubal puts his hands over his weeping eyes as he shakes his head. I sadly say, Seven, Leave Tubal alone. He's risking his life taking us here. Seven says angrily, Fine! Tubal's sledge is being pull by his eight wolf dogs as it moves around the vast crowd. We come near the semitransparent yellow pulsating fence that is in front of Semjaza's and Ashtoreth's monuments. A huge circular semitransparent golden platform descends from high in the sky with twelve passengers and the three headed dire wolf Chashaq. They pass down through the dome like it was nothing. They hover above Semjaza's and Ashtoreth's monuments. We all look up at them in awe. Asbeel and Vashti float down p. 287

off the platform towards us standing on his fiery disc. Vashti is dressed in her ankle length, long sleeved, shiny silver colored gown. She's wearing her long pointed silver cap on top of her graying hair. We look upward at them worried. Vashti's yellowish tan wrinkled face smiles, looking a little younger than the last time we saw her. Asbeel says warmly, Welcome Enoch! We are honored to have you here but why is some of your family missing? Enoch says very nervously, Uriel and Remiel protects them... Vashti sadly frowns as she says tensely to him, Enoch, listen to me, they can't protect them... You have served God well... Now just say some good things about king Semjaza! Trust me, God will understand... We all stare at Enoch as he says nervously, Me think... Asbeel's gentle light brown face smiles sadly as he pleads, Enoch, don't be a fool! Listen to my wise wife.... It really is best for everybody. Enoch looking scared, asks softly in prayer, God, what me do? The huge platform floats down, just behind Asbeel and Vashti to about a man's height off the ground. Standing proudly on the semitransparent golden platform is Semjaza, Ashtoreth, Azazel, Naamah, Kasdeja, Yerach, a mature Hephaestus, Penemue, and Lady Mirsha'ath with very young dark skinned girl dress in thin white robe standing between them. Ashtoreth is dress in her ankle length, long sleeved, metallic red gown. Her long metallic red cap is on top of her curly reddish brown hair. Naamah is dressed in her tight fitting, golden, ankle length, sleeveless, strapless, low cut gown. She wears her long pointed golden cap on top of her shoulder length blond hair. Yerach is dress in her metallic green gown. Her long pointed cap is on top of her ankle length gray hair. The hunchback Hephaestus is dressed somewhat like Tubal in blue metallic robes and a metallic white turban on top of his smooth long black hair. Asbeel and Vashti float back onto the platform. They step off his disc which floats up and attaches to his back. Asbeel stands on the edge of the golden platform with his wife. He opens his arms wide to greet the vast crowd. Asbeel says loudly but friendly, All our loyal friends here, welcome! Today, we shall tell you not one but three great joyous announcements! The crowd cheers wildly. Vashti's brown eyes squint playfully as she turns toward him and says playfully, But not yet Asbeel, we don't want to ruin the greatness of what is to come. Asbeel gently smiles as he says with mixed feelings, Yes p. 288

Vashti... Now friends, Penumue and Lady Mirash'ath would like to speak to everyone. Asbeel and Vashti walks back as Penumue, Lady Mirash'ath and the very young girl with adorable short curly black hair walks together to the edge of the platform to address the crowd. Much of the crowd wildly cheers as a few of them boo. Me, my wife, my father and Tubal frown. Penumue, Lady Mirash'ath and the very young girl stand close together. Mirash'ath is dressed in her long black furs. She has a very large black fur cap on top of her short black hair. She puts her arms around the girl's shoulders. Penumue looks down at his glowing white tablet, and then looks over at the adorable girl. He looks out at the crowd. Penumue says happily nervous, Ye noble friends and supporters, behold our new intimate child companion, Rachamah. Mirash'ath bows down, smiles at Rachamah, gently kisses her on the lips, and says, My love, address the crowd... The crowd cheers wildly but there are a few boos. Rachamah seems to sway left and right as she says like she's happily drugged out, I love Lady Mirash'ath... I love Penumue.. She sways back and forth. She spreads out her arms open as she smiles dazed, saying, I love everyone!!! They gently kiss her. Penumue says proudly, Rachanmah, tis time to step back.. They bow before the crowd that mostly loudly, wildly cheers them. My father shakes his head with tears running down his gentle dark brown eyes. Me and Seven are disgusted as the crowd cheers. Tubal yawns. Azazel and Naamah walk to the edge of the platform. They wave and smile widely as the crowd cheers. Azazel looks around pleased with the crowd as he says, Loyal families, my friend king Semjaza shall soon announce the great blessings that God now gives us... But first, my beautiful wife Naamah shall entertain you... Naamah says with mixed emotions, Subjects, this is a time to rejoice! I Naamah, grant you all the beauty of watching me dance! She begins to dance around in a very sexy way. The vast crowd cheers wildly. She dances as the vast crowd cheers her from every direction. Naamah dances wildly as she takes off her long pointed golden cap and lays it gently down. I and my wife watch her for a while. We are shocked by what we see. The crowd cheers become much louder and wilder. My wife looks disgusted, and then looks over at me. I'm blushing. Seven tries to be heard over the crowd's very loud cheers, and shouts angrily at me, Methuselah, stop looking at her! p. 289

Enoch has his eyes tightly close. Tubal stares up lustfully wide eyed at his sister dancing with a wicked smile on his pale scarred wrinkled face. Grandma Qoph angrily frowns at grandpa, saying harshly, Grandpa, don't tell our grandson anything more about Naamah's disgraceful dance! We are reclining together on top of their furs. Grandpa blushes as he says very embarrassed, Sorry grandma Qoph, you're right... That would be bad... I asks very curiously, What about Naamah's dance? Grandma Qoph, grandpa, why don't you want to tell me? Grandma stares angrily at me and shouts, Never mind!!! I am too scared to ask them again. Grandpa comforts me saying, Grandma Qoph, calm down... Grandson, after Naamah's dance, king Semjaza made his great announcements... I look up at the floating dome. I see dozens of sons of God floating above the dome. Then Semjaza, and Ashtoreth, walks to the edge of the semitransparent golden platform. The hunchback Hephaestus limps respectfully behind them. Semjaza's yellowish tan face smiles much as he says, Before I make our joyful announcements... Semjaza and Ashtoreth turn towards and smile at Hephaestus. Semjaza says, I want to honor our royal metalworker Hephaestus, the world's greatest metalworker! Tubal angrily frowns as he shakes his fancy walking stick as we stare at him. Ashtoreth's crystal pinks eyes glance happily over at him as she says kindly, Royal metalworker, we are pleased with your excellent work... Hephaestus, You may speak... Hephaestus's yellowish tan face smiles, his squinted crimson eyes sparkle as he says happily, King Semjaza, Queen Ashtoreth, I deeply appreciate your praise... But I would not be the metalworker I am today if it were not for my great instructor, -----Azazel! Azazel walks up to him next to him and takes a bow. Then he walks back. Tubal angrily shakes his walking stick as he says very angrily, Hephaestus! Hephaestus says happily, Me and my team are now building king Semjaza and Queen Ashtoreth's new monuments twice as tall as than these---old ones... His squinted crimson eyes beam playfully. Hephaestus spreads his arms towards Semjaza as he kneels, and says, God bless our great king Semjaza and the queen of heaven, Ashtoreth! They wave at the crowd as he limps back. As our lamb baas, Seven says mockingly, Did you hear that, Tubal? Your p. 290

monuments are these---old ones... Tubal bows his head and covers his face with his hands. We frown at Seven. The lamb baas again. Semjaza and Ashtoreth smile widely as they hold hands. Semjaza says as his squinted brown eyes open wide, It's time for our glorious announcements... Ashtoreth, the queen of heaven, you have waited a very long time for this... My great queen, make the first announcement! The vast crowd becomes absolutely silent. Me, Seven, Enoch and Tubal stare at them silently. Ashtoreth nervously brushes back her short reddish brown curly hair and straitens her metallic red cone cap. Her magical crystal pink eyes fill with tears as Ashtoreth very emotionally shouts with joy, I'm with child!!! Praise the Serpent, seven new moons from now, I will bear my son, Tammuz! The crowd cheers very loudly. We are shocked, staring with our eyes wide open. Semjaza and Ashtoreth hug and kiss. Semjaza happily shouts, God is finally giving us a child! The crowd cheers even louder. Those on the platform wait for the crowd to calm down. Then Semjaza says loudly excitedly, And we're not alone! My very close friend Azazel has something to announce... Azazel and Naamah walks up next to them. Ashtoreth and Naamah hug each other briefly but tightly. Then she stands by her husband's side. Azazel stands proudly by his wife, shouting proudly, Six new moons from now, my wife shall bear me a daughter... I shall call her Layil... The crowd cheers wildly again. Enoch shakes his aging head as he says fearfully, No, --he has done it... Azazel and Naamah bow and walks back as the cheers continue. Semjaza waves at the crowd until the cheers die down again. Semjaza laughs a little as he says loudly, And Kasdeja and Yerach have an announcement too... Kasdeja, Yerach, and Chashaq walks to the edge of the platform. Chashaq humbly bows it's three fierce heads before Yerach. She acts very distressed. Kasdeja says warmly to her, Yerach, my love, tell them! Yerach shouts trembling with tears in her dark eyes, saying, I'm with child too... Her name is... Shimriyth.. The crowd cheers wildly again. Kasdeja holds her uncomfortably close, trying to comfort her. After the cheering dies down a little, Semjaza says proudly, I king Semjaza have invited our good friend Enoch here to sacrifice a lamb to God and bless our growing royal family... Ashtoreth points to him and says warmly, Enoch, my friend, come forward and sacrifice the lamb at the altar we have provided. Enoch p. 291

slowly stands up in the sledge. I help my father step down and then I pick up our small lamb. We walk towards the pulsating glowing semitransparent yellow fence. A space opens up for us in the fence by the monuments of Semjaza and Ashtoreth. A small gray stone altar floats down on a fiery disc. The crowd cheers. Tubal and Seven pray silently together. Enoch, the lamb, and me take a stand by the small fiery stone altar, that is just big enough to burn a lamb on. We hold our long branches in our hands. I pick up the baaing lamb. My father holds up his sharp stone knife above his silly fur cap. The lamb struggles but can't do anything. The crowd becomes deathly silent as my father looks more scared than the little white lamb struggling before him. Enoch cuts the poor lamb's throat as it screams horribly, almost like a person dying. The poor little white lamb quickly dies as it's blood gushes out of it's throat. Then I carefully place the lamb's dead body on top of the fiery altar. Enoch fearfully trembles, saying loudly, Lord God, give us good hearts to follow you! Me ask you bless us.... Enoch says with his silly squeaky voice as he holds up his bloody stone knife, God will punish the wicked... And God will reward the righteous... So be righteous! The vast crowd cheers very loudly as the lamb's body burns on the altar. Then my father uses his staff to limp towards the Serpent's monument which has very long wings. I fearfully watch my father but I stand very still. The crowd becomes very quiet. My father points to the head of the Serpent's bronze monument as I stare at it's pink jeweled eyes. Enoch frowns and shouts disgusted, Look, a monument to the Serpent, who led us to sin and death! The Lord God told the serpent, (...And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.-Genesis 3:15) A woman shall bear a child who shall bruise the serpent's head... The vast crowd jeers. I fearfully walks over to my father. We both tremble. Enoch shouts intensely and points his staff at Azazel, The serpent not act alone... He just followed orders from his chosen lord, the one who corrupted him... The serpent's head that the promise child shall bruise is the Goat, ---Azazel!!! I'm so scared that I faint behind my father. Azazel looks nervously around. He's both shocked and furious. The crowd jeers very loudly and hatefully. Tubal and Seven are p. 292

shocked too. Standing nervously next to Semjaza, Azazel clinches his fists as he self righteously shouts, Enoch, how dare you tell such lies about me! Your lies betrayed God by attacking one of God's loyal servants! Semjaza grabs Azazel by his shoulder and says, Azazel quiet!!! Enoch, enough of this! Now behave! The vast crowd jeers wildly. My father bows down and helps me sit up. Enoch asks disturbed, Son, you ill? I say somewhat dazed, Father, me fine... He helps me stand up slowly. Enoch asks very concerned, Son, you sure? I nod. We walk back to the little stone altar between Semjaza's and Ashtoreth's monuments. Enoch spreads out his arms and looks nervously out into the vast crowd, saying very loudly with his silly squeaky voice, Listen, King Semjaza came here to help us get back to God!!! He ended bloody tribal wars, fed our hungry, and heal our sick!!! King Semjaza made earth much better place! The crowd loudly, wildly cheers him. Many, mostly women loudly chant over and over, shouting, We love King Semjaza! We love King Semjaza! We love King Semjaza! Semjaza's handsome yellowish tan face proudly smiles as his squinted brown eyes just sparkle. All those on the golden platform look very pleased with themselves. I stand nervously behind my father. Enoch shouts with his silly squeaky voice, Remember what King Semjaza told our leaders... He points his staff at all the monuments. Enoch smiling happily, baring his large brownish teeth as he shouts, Stop worshiping vain idols! Stop slaughtering other tribes! Feed the hungry! Be faithful to your wives!!! The crowd cheers wildly. Standing by Semjaza's side Ashtoreth bows her head and begins to cry. This greatly upsets Semjaza. Enoch's very wrinkled chubby cheeks are mostly covered by his long white beard. Enoch frowns very sadly, tearfully as he shouts very loudly, Me very sad King Semjaza not stay faithful to his wife and ---God... Semjaza, repent now!!! The vast crowd jeers very hatefully. Semjaza is standing in between Ashtoreth and Azazel. Ashtoreth cries uncontrollably as Azazel crosses his arms and smiles wickedly. Semjaza's yellow fist sized jewel glows brighter as he angrily shouts to all, Azazel is right!!! Enoch has betrayed God!!! For this, Enoch and his family must die! My father and me scream in agony as our spines begin twisting, making awful cracking sounds. We fall down helplessly to the warm moist ground. Tormented beyond words, our twisting spines feels p. 293

like they are going to break as the vast crowd cheers mightily. Tubal and Seven are also screaming, feeling the same intense agony as their twisting spines make awful cracking sounds. Tubal's wolf dogs even howl painfully. Asbeel and Vashti walk in front of and bow before king Semjaza. Asbeel passionely pleads for our lives, saying, King Semjaza, I beg you.. Don't kill them! Vashti's yellowish tan face frowns painfully as she says tearfully, King Semjaza, have mercy... Our agony continues as our twisting spines keep making those awful cracking sounds. We scream uncontrollably, our backs feel like they are going to snap in pieces. We helplessly roll around on the ground in horrible pain for what felt like an eternity. Those awful cracking sounds. Semjaza's yellow jewel glows even brighter as he frowns at Asbeel and Vashti. They bend over and scream in agony as they fall down onto the platform. They roll around in a fetal position. Finally, Uriel and Remiel zooms towards us. They fly to just in front of Semjaza and the semitransparent golden floating platform. The crowd become deathly silent. Remiel angrily shouts at him, King Semjaza, leave Enoch and his family alone! As our tightly twisting spines make those awful cracking sounds, my father and me, roll around on the warm moist ground, screaming out in horrible spine twisting agony. In his sledge, Tubal and Seven are also screaming out in agony as their spines also make those awful cracking sounds. His wolf dogs howl loudly. King Semjaza arrogantly points at Uriel as he mockingly asks, Uriel, Remiel, what can either of you do? The vast crowd cheers wildly. Asbeel and Vashti continue to roll around on the platform, screaming in very painful spine twisting agony. Uriel's dark chubby face frowns sadly as he shouts loudly with great frustration, King Semjaza, against your might, we can do nothing.... The sky around them quickly, greatly darkens as Remiel's handsomely rugged reddish tan face smiles. Remiel joyfully shouts to him, But God can!!! The sky blackens but has a strange ember glow as a mighty wind begins to blow. Semjaza's glowing yellow jewel dims as he almost faints. Azazel, Asbeel, Kasdeja, and Penemue's colored jewels all dim and they become faint. Chashaq's three fierce heads fearfully howl. Suddenly, the awful cracking sounds stop as our spines stop twisting. Our spines straitens out as our intense agony quickly fades away. My father and me slowly stands up, freed from our truly p. 294

horrible, horrible pain. Tubal and Seven are freed from their agonizing pain too. Asbeel and Vashti recover. Tubal's wolf dogs stop howling. An ember glow fills the whole land and becomes somewhat brighter. The winds pick up and blows some snow under the very warm dome. Many in the vast crowd begins to scream in fear as infinitely long streaks of greenish white lightening shoots down from the troubled sky and rips the floating light purple dome in half. The greenish white lightening seems to grabs the halves of the dome like gigantic fingers that throws each huge half of the dome far away in opposite directions. The semitransparent yellow fence begins to flash wildly. The vast crowd screams and begins to run away as more cool snow blows on top of them.. Then high in the sky, a bright green beam of light shines down on my father and me. We try to walk outside the colorful light beam but it's like we are trapped inside a solid wall. The mighty winds blow snow from the surrounding area all over the monuments. Then a giant ball of fire falls down from the sky and utterly destroys the Serpent's bronze monument, turning it into a fiery, smoky crater. The very loud sounds of the fiery impact is painful to our ears and rattles everything around us. The huge semitransparent golden platform with it's guests quickly floats up and away from the monuments. Chashaq howls and whimpers as the platform begins to descend almost to the ground. The mighty winds almost blows some of those on the platform off of it. Hephaestus falls down on his knees but manages to stays on the floating platform. Penemue yells to Semjaza, Thy platform, tis lost power! The women on the platform and Hephaestus screams as the platform suddenly drops to the ground with a mighty thump. The semitransparent yellow fence around the monuments flashes and then fades away. The whole crowd is wildly screaming as they run away as fast as they can. The snow from the surrounding area is being blown all over them. Tubal pulls on his straps of animal hides and fearfully shouts, Woe! Wolf dogs retreat! As lots of snow is being blown into his sledge, Seven fearfully grabs his shoulders asking, Tubal, what's happening? He ignores her. The wolf dogs turn around and pull the sledge quickly away from the monuments. My father and me look up scared, into the very bright green light beam. Then we look over and watch two more blazing fire balls fall from the dark but amber glowing sky that crashes into Semjaza's and Ashtoreth's monuments p. 295

near us, making horribly loud crashing sounds that rattles the whole land. Glowing molten metal flies all around us but the bright green light beam around us seems to protect us from all harm. Semjaza and Ashtoreth's monuments are crushed and melted, leaving only smoking craters and twisted metal where they once stood. Tubal looks back at them shocked and dismayed. Then we see seven more giant fire balls descend from the dark amber glowing sky that crashes into the rest of the monuments, utterly destroying them. Painful crashing thunder sounds blast into our ears. Everything shakes as the thick black clouds of smoke rises from all their molten craters. Inside the light beam, me and my father are apparently safe from all the molten metal and black smoke around us. Tubal's sledge retreats away and then comes to a stop. Tubal looks back at the smoking ruins as he cries bitterly, saying, My beautiful monuments are ruin! O-God, you destroyed them all! Seven says comfortingly as she puts her hand on his tense shoulders, Tubal, it's very hard to give up our idols... But now, you have God! Tubal says still weeping, Mother Qoph, you're right... They look back as the last of the screaming crowd runs away. A mighty winds continues to blow lots of snow around. Those on the fallen platform look around dismayed. Chashaq's six dark yellow eyes close tight as it whimpers painfully, lying on it's belly with it's front paws raise over it's two outer heads. Semjaza looks horrified around, and loudly pleads, shouting, Oh gracious God, forgive me! Azazel looks over at him and screams fearfully, Semjaza! Azazel leaps in front of Semjaza as an infinitely long streak of blindingly bright greenish white lightening strikes Azazel off the platform and down onto the ground, then it hits and grabs Semjaza by his muscular chest but unlike any other lightening, it doesn't flash and disappear. It pulsates and it's thunder screams so loudly that we all put our hands over our ears. This thick greenish white lightening blasts a shower of bright golden sparks behind Semjaza as it quickly, mightily rams him up into the sky and out of our sight. This screaming thunder fades as Ashtoreth falls down on her knees and bows her frighten face down on the platform. Asbeel, Vashti, Yerach, Hephaestus, Naamah and even Lady Mirash'ath and the young girl Rachamah fall to their knees and bow their heads. Azazel jumps up and furiously waves his fists at the sky, screaming furiously, Semjaza!!! God, p. 296

you cheated! O-God, You cheated!!! You..., as pulsating, blindingly bright greenish white lightening grabs him by his chest. It's thunder screams as bright golden sparks explode behind him catapulting him high in the dark sky and mightily thrusts him out of our sight. The thunder fades. Then Penemue is hit by the infinite lightening as it's thunder screams again. He drops his glowing white tablet as he too is blasted high into the sky with great force as bright golden sparks shoot out of his back. Penumue's small glowing white tablet falls down and hits the golden platform. Kasdeja tries to protect Yerach who still bowing on her knees. Kasdeja screams as he rushes towards his wife, shouting, Yerach! He too is hit and grabbed by an infinitely long pulsating greenish white lightening bolt that's blinding golden sparks lights him up like the sun. It's painful thunder screams as it mightily rams him very high into the sky and out of our sight. As the screaming thunder continues loudly my father and me watch lots of infinitely long, blindly bright whitish green lightening bolts grab all the sons of God in the dark amber glowing sky except for Uriel and Remiel. The lightening bolts violently thrusts them all away with bright golden sparks shooting out their backs, blasting them out of our sight. Then these horrible screaming thunderings fade away into silence. My father and me float a little off the ground in the bright green light beam that surrounds us. The beam safely moves us away from the monument's intensely hot, molten smoking ruins. We land back on our feet. I walks out of the light beam but Enoch just looks up into it, saying joyfully, Lord, you saved my son! Seven runs over and hugs me passionately, panting as she says, Methuselah, you're alive!!! Wow, God made the worst mess I've ever seen! I says longingly, Seven, I love you! We hug tightly. We look up behind us at the bright green light beam shinning out of the dark amber glowing sky. Uriel and Remiel float down on their softly rumbling discs right behind us. I look back in awe and ask breathlessly, Uriel, did I see God? Uriel smiles at me and says joyfully, You saw but the tip of God's little finger... Behind them, my father tries to walk out of the green light beam but he can't. He very slowly begins to float up. Enoch asks curiously, Uriel, Remiel, what's happening? Uriel smiles at him and he says happily, God is taking you... Enoch asks worried, What will happen to my son? He and Remiel floats up on their discs right next to the great light beam that p. 297

my father is in. Uriel's dark chubby face smiles as he says very happily, Enoch, do not be afraid! I promise you that Methuselah will have a good life and shall live to be a very old man. I runs over near my father but I can't enter the bright green light beam. As Enoch rises up slightly faster, he asks very concerned, What about my grandson, Lamech? Remiel looks over at him and says rather nervously, Ah---we'll do the best we can... Uriel looks over at him worried. I look up at my father slowly floating higher as I shout, Father, don't go! Enoch looks down at us, sadly smiles and shouts down at us, Son, me love you but me go! Here son, take my cap... Enoch takes off his silly fur cap and drops it. I see his silly cap fall down inside the green light beam as I shout, I love you father! Seven and Tubal stare up in the sky, seeing Enoch float even higher. Tubal tearfully shouts up to him, So long Enoch, my friend... Seven curiously shouts up at him, asking, But Enoch, where are you going? As Enoch begins rising faster and faster in the bright green light beam, he looks down and shouts joyfully to us, Only God knows..... Me and Seven watch my father speed upward into the dark amber glowing sky until he's disappears from view. The green light beam vanishes, along with the sky's ember glow. I tearfully walk over and pick up my father's silly fur cap, pull back my hood and put his silly fur cap on top my head. Seven sadly smiles at me, and laughs, as we look up in wonder into the sky as the darkness vanishes. The sun gently shines on us as snow begins to lightly fall on us. It's a beautiful day for me and my wife. We loving but tearfully hold hands and gently kiss each other. Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Back at my grandparent's house, I smile uneasily. Grandpa, grandma Qoph and me are reclining together on a stack of their furs. I stare very intently at them with my greenish brown eyes. I asks with serious doubt, Wow, good story grandpa, but is that what really happened? We all look at each other for a moment and pause. Grandpa says confidently, Sure! Me, grandma Qoph, and Tubal were all there... When God took Enoch... I stare strongly at my grandma as I asks her very seriously, Well grandma Qoph, is p. 298

that true? There's a pause as both grandpa and grandma Qoph smile and laugh softly. Grandma Qoph says as her light green eyes sparkle, Grandpa told the truth this time! I was there when God threw the sons of God around like you might throw little stones... I ask angrily, still doubting, But grandma Qoph, that can't be true! The sons of God still rule earth! King Semjaza stole my only sister Yownah long after Enoch left... God did not destroy them all like in grandpa's story! Grandpa is about to answer but grandma Qoph says lovingly to me, Grandson, grandpa never said that God destroyed them... God humbled them! The sons of God may seem like gods to us but to God they are like little snowflakes that the gentle wind blows so easily away... I says tearfully angry, Then God should of killed them! Then Yownah would be safe with us... Grandpa's brown wrinkled face frowns sadly as he says, Or Yownah and us would never of been born, if God had not had mercy on Adam and Eve! God was merciful to the sons of God too.. I say angrily, not really convinced, Ah, maybe..... Grandpa, do you think I shall ever get to see Uriel and Remiel? Grandpa says happily, I believe you will see them someday. I smile widely as I ask, Grandma Qoph, do you think that maybe I could grow up to be a great man like Enoch? Grandma Qoph says with a little laugh, Woe... You're asking a lot! Maybe if you devote your life to God, maybe you can? Then there is a sound at the fur curtain by their entrance. My mother, Takkiy enters through their fur curtain, as she calls out to me, saying, Noah, it's time to go... My mother is wearing her long thick dark brown hooded furs. I say excitedly, Hi, mother! Grandma Qoph rushes up and walks quickly towards Takkiy. I pull a little on grandpa's long grayish white beard as I say excitedly, Mother, grandpa's been telling me stories. Then I look at grandma Qoph's rear as she and my mother hug tightly. Something seems to move oddly under grandma Qoph's furs about where her rear is. I get a funny look on my young face. Takkiy's looks worried as she asks frailly, Grandma Qoph, which stories did grandpa tell? Grandma Qoph says nervously, Takkiy, grandpa told him most of his stories... Takkiy shakes her head as she says, Ono! I turn to my grandpa, looking very puzzled as I whisper, softly asking him, Grandpa, does grandma Qoph have a tail? Grandpa puts his hand briefly over my mouth and whispers very softly, Sh-h-h-h, don't say p. 299

anything... She's really sensitive about that. Now, many years latter, as a somewhat old man, I say tearfully to old Tubal, Grandma Qoph's words that someday I could be a man of God like Enoch greatly encourages me, despite all the bad things that have happened... Oh Yownah!!! Sometimes, I blame my father but he does so loved my mother Takkiy. Unlike him, I have yet to get a wife to love... Old Tubal, I have mixed feelings about you helping your brothers build the two giant columns with all these stories and all the knowledge that you have collected... I pray to God that people will still repent and the great disaster will be avoided... But if not, I hope that your columns will be helpful to anyone left who someday may find them...

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