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Teach Me How To Love. Chapter 1 Sophias P.O.V.

Restlessly tapping my feet on the floor, I checked the watch on my wrist; he should be here any minute now. Whoever he was; the tutor. The guy who Id been literally forced on by my parents to help me with my French. I never considered myself as being a total loser at languages, in fact I was very good with words; but the never ending grammar, exceptions and pronunciation of French just wouldnt get in my head. No matter what I did and tried, it just wouldnt stick. So now, here I was. Waiting in the local Starbucks for the son of my fathers friend to arrive; the twentysomething Uni student who was supposed to be my tutor. Of course I was glad to be having someone who could help me improve my French, to help me not to completely fail my exams. But on the other hand, I was genuinely pissed off that it had to be someone who supposedly had gone to the same school as me and graduated with topnotch grades. So naturally, I was expecting some geek with bad skin and 10 cm thick glasses, who smells and has never been near a girl. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I pulled the hair rubber off my wrist and put my long, dark brown hair into a messy updo; not caring a bit about how I looked for that freak. Maybe my prejudices and thoughts about that guy were harsh, seeing as I hadnt even met him and didnt know one thing about him - except that he was a law student and a few years older than me. That was it; thats all I needed and frankly, all I wanted to know about him. Harrys P.O.V. I rubbed my hands together fiercely as I stepped into the coffee shop from the harsh spring air and immediately scoured the busy room. I knew exactly what I was looking for; some orange bimbo caked in make-up that had fallen behind with her studies by focusing most of her efforts on to boys and climbing the social ladder; probably wearing something equally as obvious. I was old enough to know not to pre-judge, but Id come across these types before, so I felt justified in my otherwise unfair expectations. Id made an agreement with my dad - at a price, of course - that Id help this daughter of a family friend catch up with her French, a subject that I happened to excel in at A Level. All I had to do was meet her for an hour a week, tweak her grammar and pronunciation skills, and Id have an extra few nights out in my pocket. I didnt have to be friendly; nor did I have to really make any conversation with her at all, apart from the occasional small talk before each meeting I guess. So all in all, I had landed myself a pretty fair deal.

Failing to locate this tutee of mine, I walked to the counter and grabbed myself a coffee. She was probably using these meetings as an excuse to meet whichever boy was starring in her weekly whore conquest, something Id had quite a bit of experience in during my teen years. Either way, I needed the caffeine boost, and 20 minutes sitting in the warmth whether she showed up or not would be no skin off of my back. I thanked the cashier and took a seat at the small table in the corner of the cafe, setting my old notes upon the table in the small chance that she might show. I flicked my gaze up from my mug every time the bell rang at the opening of the door, analysing each person as they entered. I was pretty sure she wasnt a sixty year old man or expectant mother with two children, so I pulled my blackberry from my pocket and called my dad. How do you know shell be wearing a green coat? I laughed in response to my dads poor attempt at a description of her, subconsciously rolling my eyes around the circumference of the room, only to pinpoint said item. Bingo. Sophias P.O.V. Hey. My stomach lurched as a deep voice broke my concentration; my shoulders instantly tensing as I snapped my attention to my left. Sophia, right? He rested his hand on the nape of his neck as we took a few moments to awkwardly analyse one another, both forcing a nervous half smile as we did so. My preconceptions were spot on; minus the glasses, spots and bad dress sense; and plus the light green eyes, wild curls and incredible jawline. Uh, yeah. And you must be Harry. he finished my sentence, pulling the chair out from the other side of the table as he slumped his bag down on to the floor below. I was completely gobsmacked as I blinked a few times, trying to assure myself I hadnt been daydreaming. I watched him gather up the sheets he was holding, then shuffle them together and tap them on the table between us, trying to get them in order. I quickly used this short moment of his unawareness to pull my hair out of its updo, ruffling my fingers through it to try and look presentable. Clearing his throat, Harry looked back up at me, his left mouth end curling up as he raised his eyebrows expectantly. Where do you wanna start? Chapter 2

Sophias P.O.V. Painting the dark red colour of my nail varnish on my nails, I nibbled the inside of my cheek as I tried to hold back a grin. I had tutoring in less than an hour; which meant that Harry would be here pretty soon. It seemed somewhat surreal that he was the complete opposite to what Id expected. He was extremely good looking, funny, nice, smart but not geeky. Basically, he was everything I couldve ever wished for in a guy; too bad he was my tutor and would never ever be interested in me. That didnt stop me from fantasizing about him at all, though. It was nice to finally have someone to fancy again, seeing as the lack of decent boys in this town was drastic. Harry, however, was different. He was older, wiser, smarter and, not to mention, way better looking than any of those gooseheads would ever be. His deep chuckle still echoed in my head when I thought back to the time wed met. Hed been so witty and open about helping me with my French; I literally could not wait for this next lesson. Finishing off my nails, I started blowing on them to get them to dry faster; walking over to my wardrobe I looked at myself in the large mirror attached to it. I thought about changing my outfit, somehow wanting to impress Harry; but then I decided my dark skinny jeans, a striped top and cardigan would just have to do. I had to look casual and normal, I was at home for gods sake. The sound of a knock on the door made me jump; running my fingers through my hair and smacking my lips, I hurried downstairs. Harrys P.O.V. I knocked firmly on the tall oak door as I watched my hot breath hit the chilled hair, moving briskly on the balls of my feet to keep warm. Surprisingly, the meeting with Sophia hadnt been half as bad as Id anticipated. She was more mature than even the girls in my lectures, and much more intelligent than her parents gave her credit for. Much to my relief, I hadnt found myself staring at three layers of foundation, a bad orange tan, and an ignorant and unwilling girl. Maybe this whole tutoring thing wouldnt so bad after all. Hey. Her soft voice snapped my mind back to reality as I met her gaze, my eyes involuntarily scanning her deep green eyes and slender frame as she stood awkwardly before me. Come in then. she laughed, stepping to the side as she beckoned me in. The dining rooms just down the hall and to the left. Give me a second whilst I get my notes.

Sure. I smiled at her before following the direction of her gesture. I sat myself down and spread my folders across the large mahogany surface of the table, drumming my fingers habitually as I waited for her. Her house was how Id pictured it; modern, yet classy. It wasnt a mansion, but it wasnt small by all means. I gazed out of the conservatory window to a huge stretch of frosted green grass that looked out on to the expanse of countryside; shrouded by a gentle spring mist. It was a complete contrast to my- what I liked to callcosyuniversity accommodation. Sorry about that! she sighed breathlessly, bursting through the door as she scattered her notes across the table. No bother. I smiled, waiting for her to sort herself out. How are you anyway? I knew I wasnt getting paid to make small talk, and I knew Id initially said to myself that I didnt have to, but it was harmless. Plus, she was sweet; why shouldnt I take an interest in her life? Oh you know, bar college and work and the general strife of being a teen, Im fine. she laughed, running her fingers through her brown hair as she finally settled. It was fascinating how much it glistened in the light of her house, the long waves flowing down her shoulders and back undulatingly. And you? Her voice warped me back to reality; only now had I realized Id stared at her. Smooth, Harry, I thought to myself, real smooth. Dickhead. Im alright Uni, work and life are just exhausting. Smiling at her, I glanced at the notes shed placed on the table. I cant wait to go to Uni., Sophia said, taking a seat next to me. You should just enjoy your teen-years as long as you can. Life gets complicated enough later on. Returning my gaze to the notes in front of me, I grabbed them. Sophias P.O.V. Maybe it was foolish of me, but I just couldnt fight the urge to sit next to him and not opposite him. I tried to act as normal as possible, his strong scent flowing up my nostrils making me somewhat nervous. God, behave yourself. You act like youre so old., I laughed, hitting his arm playfully. Well Im 22. Thats quite a bit older than you are. His voice seemed distracted as he gazed at the notes in front of him. Not a lot, though., I shrugged. He lifted his gaze from the papers in front of him, an amused look on his face; a few of his chocolate curls hanging in his face. It was only now I actually realised how mesmerizing the colours of his eyes were; the mix of green and blue hypnotizing. The banter in our conversation was hilarious, both of teasing each other in every other sentence. It was crazy how comfortable I seemed to be around him; and how

oblivious he seemed to be to my pathetic ways of flirting with him. After what felt like forever, he glanced at the watch on his wrist, his eyes widening. Fuck, weve done nothing and its been over 30 minutes. Sitting up straight, he ran his fingers through the front of his hair, taking the notes, that hadnt even been looked at for the past half hour, in his hands. Okay, lets just-, he started off, but I interrupted him, placing my hand on his forearm. Relax, Harry., I chuckled. Sighing, he gave me a lopsided smile. Good.. now lets get started. Harrys P.O.V. I was surprised at how eager Sophia was to really improve her language skills, her enthusiasm making this whole thing even more enjoyable and easier than I had thought. After the hour, or half an hour, had passed, I packed my notes back into my bag. Sophia stood leant against the staircase as I slipped my coat on, her arms loosely crossed in front of her chest. Alright., I said, Til next week, I guess. The lock clicked as her mum stood flustered at the door; bundles of shopping under each arm. Oh hi Harry. she grinned, bustling through the door and planting a small kiss on Sophias cheek as she walked throug to the kitchen. Hey Mrs Manza. I called after her, laughing under my breath as her hectic lifestyle clearly didnt stop at the workplace. She peered her head from the kichen door just as I grabbed the handle. You will stay for dinner, wont you darling? she beamed at me. I looked at Sophia, whose face had flushed a deep shade of pink as she tried to cover her cheeks beneath her long dark hair. Oh its fine, I dont want to put you to any bother. I smiled, pulling the door to as a rush of cold stole the warm air of the hall. Nonsense. Its getting late and theres plenty to go around. Bolognese okay with you? She was confident and charming, and I could see where Sophia got a lot of her traits from. I smiled at Sophia awkwardly as she laughed and shrugged her shoulders. I guess youd better stay then. Chapter 3 Harrys P.O.V. Thanking Sophias mum for the piece of cake and cup of tea she placed in front of me, I took a sip. My eyes subconsciously darted to my front, Sophias deep green

eyes meeting mine casually. Her mouthends curled up into a smile and I retaliated it, giving her a friendly nod. The actual dinner had gone by pretty well; the food tasting, if I may say so, fucking amazing. That woman sure knew how to cook. The conversation had been flowing the entire time, all different kinds of questions being asked. Sophias cheeks had turned a dozen shades of red whenever her mother and father started telling me some stories about her and her childhood. I just smiled and chuckled along, enjoying this free dinner; and the people werent half that bad either. I had originally thought that the only subject we would be talking about would be the tutoring; but in fact, it only got mentioned once. Sophias mother shook her head in disappointment at her daughters lack of talent in French, mainly because she had graduated school with an A* in this subject; but then again, according to parents, everyone graduated with nothing but A*s back in the day. Shaking my head and smiling, I told them she was actually not that bad and just needed a bit of help; which she got from me willingly. As long as I was paid; which, of course, I didnt say out loud. A loud chuckle warped me back to reality, Sophias mother shaking her dark brown hair from side to side as she laughed. Its so exciting, the engagement and all. I remember Sophias cousin and that boy from her class getting together when they were about Sophias age. And now theyre getting married! How time flies. I nodded as I took a bite of the cake; practically experiencing an orgasm at the taste of the chocolate. Fuck, that was good. Sophia for example has never had a boyfriend., her mum continued talking as I continued eating this masterpiece of a chocolate cake. Its such a shame, though, shes such a beautiful girl, isnt she? Nodding as I chewed, I said, Yeah, yeah, she is., then finished the last bits off. I leant back in my chair and held my stomache; full and satisfied. My eyes wandered around the room and then, again, landed on Sophia. She was staring at me, her cheeks a shade of magenta she nibbled the inside of her cheek. Giving her an amused, yet questioning look, she just shrugged her shoulders, then lowered her eyes to her coffee again. Sophias P.O.V. My stomach churned as I registered what Harry had just said. Okay, so he didnt exactly say I was beautiful, but he responded, without a doubt. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as Harrys gaze landed on me; smirking as he raised his eyebrows slightly. There was something about him that I couldnt resist. He was older than any boy id ever known, thus instantly more attractive. Not to mention his intelligence and humour that accompanied his incredible looks. I was hurled back to reality as my dad cleared his throat, repeating my name as he tried to gain my attention. Huh? I jumped, suddenly extremely aware that my mouth was slightly agape and eyes fixed in Harrys direction once more.

Why dont you show Harry to the door. I think youve got some work to be doing, dont you? I rolled my eyes as my Fathers authority dampened the relaxed atmosphere of the room, sighing as I gathered the plates and took them to the kitchen. Let me help Harrys voice shot across the room, smiling as he jumped from his seat and accompanied me to the kitchen. My heart pounded as I felt his presence behind me; his lingering scent teasing my senses as he brushed past me. We both mirrored each others steps as we tried to pass each other once more, lauging awkwardly as we shifted from foot to foot until one of us eventually gave way. Right, id better be off then. I think ive outstayed my welcome Harry laughed, flashing me a cheeky grin that made his dimples even more prominent than usual, and jawline even more so cutting. Dont be silly, its been nice I smiled, running my fingers through my hair as I chewed on my cheeks.His grin persisted as we locked eyes once more; my cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink for the hundredth time that night. Pull yourself together, Sophia. Ill see you on Wednesday, babe.Babe? Yeah cool. See you then. I smiled as he left; my heart and head rushing into a frenzy as soon as the door closed behind him. God, I wanted him. Harrys P.O.V. Twisting the key, I pushed my door open; relieved to finally be home again. I already saw the shoes of my two roommates scattered across the floor; Louis and Niall. Welcome home, baby!, I heard the ever so familiar Irish accent of Niall echo through the entire apartment, his spiky, blonde hair peering through the ajar living room door. Hey., I replied somewhat monotonously; suddenly feeling very tired. Where you been, man?, Louis asked as he strolled back into the living room in his boxers, coke in his hand. I was at Sophias. Sophia? Who the fuck is Sophia?, he asked, looking at me in pure confusion. The girl Im tutoring. Oh, right! The student., Niall laughed. You were tutoring her that late? After hours, huh? His eyebrows rose, wiggling them smugly. Hitting the back of his head as I slumped myself onto the space beside him, I shook my head. Nah, her mother made me stay for dinner. Right, already meeting the parents, huh? Showing him my middlefinger in all its glory, I squinted my eyes together in annoyance. Fuck off, man, shes like 17. Theres nothing going on. Well is she hot?, Louis asked, placing his feet on my lap. Pushing them off, I shrugged my shoulders. Dont know.

Ohhh, does Styles have a little crush on his tutee? Cheeky Niall mocked, patting me on the back as he walked past. Seriously guys drop it I laughed, slumping myself to the sofa below and kicking my feet up. Louis flicked the TV on and joined me on the armchair opposite. So, you would fuck her then? he smirked as he broke the silence, leaning forward attentively as he raised his eyebrows at me. Lou! Ill take that as a yes then he mumbled smugly, averting his eyes back to the TV. Whatever I huffed, defeated. I furrowed my brow; I was exhausted. Im going to bed I murmured, grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen as I dragged my feet along the floor. Ok, night. Louis kept his eyes to the TV as I left the room. Sweet dreams about banging your tutee! He called out as an afterthought. I could hear the smirk in the tone of his amused voice, and couldnt help but reciprocate. Night Lou. I dismissed his comments and shook my head, not even giving them a second thought. Chapter 4 Sophias P.O.V. Thanking the cashier, I grabbed the popcorn from the counter and handed my friend Alice her drink. So he called you babe?, she asked for the fiftieth time, a huge grin on her face. Blushing, I nodded, Just out of the blue, I didnt expect it at all. And he said I was beautiful.. well not exactly, but technically he did. Shoving some popcorn into my mouth, I happily chewed on them as we walked into the theatre. Gosh, Soph, he so likes you!, Alice giggled nudging me in the side with her elbow. Rolling my eyes, I guided the way to our seats, No, he doesnt. Nibbling the inside of my cheek, I tried to hold back the childish giggles that were about to emerge. Alices words made my heart beat faster with excitement, the thought of Harry maybe liking me back making my all giddy. Okay, maybe I had interpreted more into every single thing hed ever said, but I was pretty sure that there was something. At least I hoped there was. The dimming of the lights, brought me back to reality and taking my coat off, I prepared myself for the film we were about to watch. And I couldnt help but imagine it being Harry and me in all those romantic scenes. Maybe it was all just pubescent, wishful thinking; but I was pretty sure that one day, it could actually be us. One day.

Harrys P.O.V. Come on, just 10 more minutes she whined, grabbing my wrists as she pulled me down back on top of her. Her warm mouth worked the skin of my neck delicately as she ran her hands up my torso, my lips responding instinctively. I wish I could babe, but I really have to leave. I mumbled between kisses, pressing my lips to hers one final time before I prised myself from her eager grasp. She huffed playfully, biting her lip as she watched me pull my t-shirt over my head. I smirked at her, letting my eyes wonder over her almost completely exposed body. Ill see you later, yeah? I grinned as I grabbed my bag. Oh you will she smirked, rasing her eyebrows. Now off you go to your little school girl! She tilted her head towards the door as she spoke; my steps soon following her gesture. I met Lisa when I was in halls, and lets just say, it wasnt long before the undeniable sexual chemistry between us was explored. She was incredible; tall, blonde and amazing in bed, not to mention absolutely hilarious. But we were just friends with benefits; nothing more, nothing less. And thats just the way I liked it. I arrived at Sophias 15 minutes late, slightly breathless as I knocked on the door. Sorry Im late I blurted out, running my fingers through my matted curls. I was just finishing some work. I flashed her a cheeky grin as she stepped to the side. Oh youre late? I didnt even notice Sophias P.O.V. I smiled casually as he apologised, suppressing the fluttering feeling within my stomach. Its not as if I had been checking my phone for the time every 30 seconds, or constantly glancing in the mirror to check that my hair and make-up were still in place. As we approached the dining room, I couldnt help but notice something not quite right about Harrys outfit as he removed his hoodie. Erm, Harry I began, examining him from head to toe as he turned to face me. Your t-shirts back to front He tilted his chin to his chest as he pulled the hem from his body, eyes widening as he noticed the label poking out from his chest. I laughed awkwardly as he flushed a slight shade of pink. No idea how that happened excuse me one second. He turned his back to face me as he hauled the tight grey material over his head; his curls falling heavily as he removed it completely. I couldnt help but stare in awe as the muscles of his shoulders moved prominently beneath his tanned skin; his back broad and physique defined. Once he had correctly pulled his shirt on, he flashed me a grin as he took a seat next to me; the feeling of having his knee brush against mine making me even more nervous. Alright, have you gone over those attributes and stuff?, Harry asked, running his hands through his locks to get them in the right place. Biting on my bottom lip, I nodded as he glanced at me; his aquatic eyes making my insides flutter.

Good., he murmured, returning his attention to the notes in front of him. I let my gaze wonder over the side of his face, down his jawline to his neck; wait, was that a lovebite?! My eyes widened and I couldnt help but feel a tad of disappointment wash over me. But then again, why was I surprised? How are you?, I heard him ask me as his hand disappeared in his bag: fishing firstly his phone, then some pens out. Im Nodding, he shrugged his shoulders, smiling one of his trademark smiles Yeah, Im alright. Okay, before we start off, would you mind if I go to the loo first? Giving me an absolutely adorable, apologising smile, I couldnt help but nod dreamily and point him in the right direction. Giving me a quick thumbs-up and a wink, he rushed off. Doing nothing but looking in the direction hed walked off, my thoughts wondered to the girl that had given him this lovebite. Surely, she must be beautiful, I thought to myself. Otherwise Harry wouldnt have even gone near her. He probably was the most good looking guy in his Uni; all of the girls were probably after him. How in the hell would a girl like me have a chance with him? My train of thoughts was interrupted by the buzzing of his phone on the table, the flashing on his phone indicating hed just received a message. Peeking at the screen, I saw the name Louis stare back at me. Nibbling the inside of my cheek, I considered catching a quick glimpse at the message. No, I told myself, pinching my thigh, dont be stupid Sophia. Tapping my foot against the wooden floor, I cracked my knuckles. Oh fuck it., I whispered and grabbed his phone, pressing Open message and quickly scanning over the words. Hope you havent forgotten the party tonight - 10 richmond road! Youre bringing the Vodka, mate! xx Hearing the bathroom door open, I quickly placed his phone back on the table. My breathing was quick and erratic, the adrenaline strangely rushing through my veins. Pulling my long brown hair into a bun, I tapped the pen in my hand against the table; trying to smile as casual as I could as Harry appeared again. Okay, then, Im done., he chuckled, taking his seat next to me again. You look good with your hair back., Harry suddenly said, my eyes shooting up to meet his. W-what?, I laughed nervously. I mean, you look good with your hair open, but it looks good back as well. Grimacing at his own words, he shook his head and playfully pulled at my bun. Thanks you look good, too., I whispered back at him; feeling my cheeks turn a dozen shades of red. Well, I do try., he joked, nudging my arm with his elbow. Now, enough with the compliments! Lets get some work done! Laughing again, he started babbling on about something in French, which I didnt get and frankly; didnt want to get. All I could focus on were the movements of his lips as he spoke, the slight pouting of them making my insides warm up. The way his eyelashes fluttered like a little babys whenever he blinked, the dimples dotting his cheeks.

This moment was all I needed as a confirmation of the thoughts that had been wirring around in my mind ever since Id read that message; I was going to that party. I grabbed my phone as soon as the door closed, a surge of adrenaline buzzing through me as I tapped my foot restlessly. After a few seconds, the dialling tone broke and Alices voice answered. Alice, you need to come round here asap I blurted out, releasing my hair from its position as I watched it fall down upon my shoulders in the mirror. Why, whats happened? Nothing. Well, thats if you call an invite to a uni party nothing I pouted at my reflection and squinted my eyes seductively, ruffling my hair from my scalp. What? Seriously? Yeah. Well, it wasnt actually an invitation, but whatever, we have to go, okay? She laughed nervously on the other end of the phone. Not actually an invite? I - Shh! I hissed hastily, laughing. Just be here at 7 and wear something hot. My mum has some wine in the fridge. She paused for a moment and I could hear her mind debating the situation. After a few moments, she sighed as she gave in to my irrefusible offer. Okay then. See you later. I grinned as I hung up the phone. Tonight would be the night that Id show Harry that I wasnt just some silly little school girl. Chapter 5 Sophias P.O.V. I want to look older, Alice, not like a slut., I groaned as she added another brush of eyeshadow. Psht, youre going to look awesome., she retaliated casually, Now open your eyes. Doing as she told me, I opened them slowly; literally gobsmacked at my sight. I thought it was me that was staring back with wide eyes, but I wouldnt have bet on it. I usually wasnt the person to compliment theirself, but right now, I had to admit; I looked pretty good. My eyeshadow was dark grey and black, my eyelashes looking longer than ever; my cheeks blushed nicely and my lips sparkling with lipgloss. Oh my fucking God, Alice!, I squealed, jumping up from my seat and flinging my arms around her. Its not done yet, silly. Go put on your outfit and Ill do your hair. Winking, my friend plugged the curling iron in. Giggling, I grabbed the previously selected outfit and pulled it on. Firstly my dark blue skinny jeans, followed by the strapless black, babydoll top Id gotten not too long ago. Slippin in my black ankle boots, I struggled to stand straight; the high heels affecting my ability to keep my balance. Sorry, have you seen my best friend? Alices voice from behind snapped me back to reality from my trance as I had looked in the mirror; in awe at my reflection. Letting out a huge laugh, I just waved it off, Shes transformed into a hooker. Rolling her

eyes, she just patted the seat in front of her. Shut up, you look gorgeous. Sit and Ill do your hair., she said, pulling the hem of her black, bodycon skirt lower and the neckline of her floral top higher; her blonde hair straightened. The curling didnt take as long as I thought it would; the auburn waves flowing down my shoulders and back loosely. Smiling, I couldnt take my eyes off myself in the mirror as I sprayed some perfume on my neck and wrists. And I just hoped to God that Harry wouldnt either. ~ We giggled as we stumbled out of the door; bottles of wine in hand. So where is this place? Alice slurred slightly, linking her arm with mine as she shuddered into the cool night air. Hmm, I think its about 10 minutes that way. I pointed, as I got my bearings. I checked my phone as we neared the final turning into Richmond Avenue; 11.03 pm. I wasnt entirely sure what time you were meant to turn upto these things, but I could hear a steady thud of the bassline pumping down the road, and a drone of chatter and laughter as we approached. I grabbed Alice as we paused, a couple of houses from our destination. Ready? I grinned. She took a large swig from her bottle of wine and ran her fingers through her hair. Ready. she beamed back, pulling my wrist as we reached the gate. The garden was heaving with people drinking, smoking, talking and laughing, and the music drummed through my entire body as we walked up the steps to the open door; no one even batting an eyelid at us as we casually made our way into the house. Do I know you? A deep voice slurred as a tall figure emerged from the kitchen. Erm, I think im in one of your lectures I lied, smiling at the boy who was now squinting at me as he tried to focus his gaze. Oh, well drinks and glasses are in the kitchen. Go get fucked! he laughed, traipsing off outside with a cigarette in hand. I glanced back at Alice and smirked, pulling her with me to the direction of the kitchen. I searced my eyes around the room and out into the back garden as I quickly scanned for any sign of Harry; no such luck. We grabbed a couple of glasses from the side and filled them with the remainder of our wine, maknig sure we would be suitably tipsy for the night ahead. After all, things could get awkward An hour or so passed and I still hadnt seen Harry, and my head was now spinning and vision blurring as the alcohol took control. Sophia, that guy is totally checking you out. Alice nudged me, giggling as she whispered into my ear. Where? I squinted my eyes as I tried to focus, stumbling slightly as I lost my footing. There. she tilted her head towards the corner of the kitchen where a group of boys were sure enough, unsubtley running their eyes over Alice and I.

I smiled nervously at one of them, who took a swig from his beer before making his way over to us. Hi. he grinned, bringing his body uncomfortably close to mine. Hey Louis. He interrupted, taking another sip from his beer. Sophia. I laughed awkwardly, squeezing Alices hand as he bore his eyes into mine. Harrys P.O.V. Thanks for that, gorgeous., I whispered in her ear as I zipped my pants up and slipped my blazer on again. Call me. Biting her lip sensually, she winked and walked past me and out the door. Shamelessly watching her bottom sway from side to side as she did so, I couldnt wipe the grin off my face. Getting lucky twice in one day with two different girls wasnt my high score, but an accomplishment nonetheless. Running my hands through my slightly damp curls, I nodded smugly at my reflection; brushing my dark grey shirt down, I left the bathroom. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit me like a brick wall as I entered the living room of my mates house. Grabbing a bottle of beer from the table, I gulped it down like water. Tonight I just didnt want to give a fuck; the studying, tutoring and working really had gotten into me. Tonight, I just wanted to let go, not care about anything or anyone at all. I stumbled from room to room in search for Louis and Niall; both, though, were nowhere to be seen. As I entered the kitchen, I instantly spotted Louis; his striped shirt tipping him off wherever. He wasnt alone though; opposite him, with their back to me, was some girl. They both flung their heads back as they took a shot, her hair flowing from side to side as she shook her head; most probably in disgust. I wasnt going to lie; whoever that girl was and however Louis had managed to land her, he was one lucky guy. She looked insanely hot; long, brown hair, nice bum and long legs. Now all that mattered was her face not to look like Susan Boyles. But knowing Louis, she probably had the face of an angel. He caught my eye as his hand moved down her back to rest on the very low of it, pulling the girl closer to him. Winking to me, he whispered something in her ear; before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the other direction; both stumbling as they walked away. I couldnt help but chuckle at his accomplishment and gulped the rest of my beer down, now continuin my search for Niall. I felt my feet drag against the floor, the alcohol mixed with the heavy air in the house slowly getting to me. My chuckling continued as I found Niall; his hands running up and down some blondes back, pulling on the hem of her black skirt. As her mouth started working on the skin of his neck and his eyes slowly opened, he caught mine in an instant. Giving him a thumbs-up, he just winked, before pulling the girl closer to him.

Shaking my head in amusement, I felt myself getting a bit dizzy. Fresh air was definitely needed. ~ I took a deep breath as I tilted my head up to the clear starlit sky; the rabble of people around me drowned out by the incessant rush of alcohol throughout my mind. Peering through a crowd of people, my eyes landed upon Louis and the hot girl hed been working on earlier; clearly successful as his tongue was now exercising itself commfortably in her mouth. I smirked over at them as I watched his hands slide up the think black material of her top; his mouth now tending to her jaw. Get in there, Lou! I shouted across to him, both coming to a halt as they looked at me startled. Shit. What the fuck? I spoke out loud, marching over to Louis who still had his hands roaming aimlessly over Sophias body. Harryyy! she slurred, giggling as she stumbled against the wall; her eyes practically closed as she pulled Louis hips close into her. Louis turned to face me, a completely bewildered look on his face. You know her? He questioned, furrowing his brow as he removed his hands from her. Louis, this is Sophia, my tutee. Louis shot me a slightly amused expression before returning his eyes to her and looking her up and down. Fuck me, she is way too hot to be your tutee! he laughed, lacing his fingers with hers. My stomach twisted as he pressed his body up against her helpless frame; her mind too overcome by the alcohol to even register what was going on. Come on Sophia I said as I grabbed her wrists and pulled her from Louis grasp. Lets get you some water or something I squinted my eyes scornfully at Louis as I put my arm around her waist to support her limp body, shaking my head at him as I turned away. Even though she was mature for her age, she was still only a school girl, and Louis had no right to take advantage of her in this state. I walked her up to the spare room on the top floor, away from most of the noise and people. Pushing the door to, I walked her into the spare room, sitting her down carefully on the bed as she lifted her heavy eyes up to me. Harry Styles she giggled. Anyone would think youre trying to take advantage of me right now! She crawled across the bed to where I was sitting; her hair still in perfect curls as it draped over her bare shoulders, her top hanging slighty from her chest as she leant forward. Youre drunk, Sophia. I laughed. I couldnt help but meet her gaze as she sat before me; my heart thudding inside my chest as our thighs grazed. She smirked at me as she noticed my breath hitch as her fingers fell upon my knee, tracing light circles over my jean-clad skin. Her breath was warm against my skin; lips unbearably close as I felt myself drawn to her; my hand rest subconsciously on her knee as I bit my lip. Her nose grazed mine;

my lips buzzing as she tilted her chin up towards me. Ill go get you some water I blurted out, pulling back as I jumped from the bed and rushed from the room. Shit. What had just happened? Running down the stairs, I noticed Niall and the same blonde girl leaving; he flashed me a cheeky wink as he led her away; her arm tightly around his waist. I grabbed a glass of water and composed myself, a million excuses for what had just happened running through my mind. Sophia- I began as I entered the room. There she was; asleep on the bed, her breathing light as she lay curled up on her side. I couldnt help but smile to myself as I noticed that her shoes were still on. Making sure I was as quiet as possible, I crept to the end of the bed and slid them from her feet, drawing the blanket from the end of the bed over her afterwards. Night Sophia I whispered, brushing a stray of hair out of her face. I had been right earlier; she really did have the face of an angel. Getting up, I walked to the door. Dont go. Her soft, almost melodic voice stopped me mid-track. Tilting my head over my shoulder, I looked back at her; her eyes still closed, once hand reaching out to me. Sighing - and smiling - I returned to sit on the edge of the bed, taking her small hand in mine. Stroking the back of it, I didnt want to imagine what would happen in the morning. Chapter 6 Sophias P.O.V. I felt myself drift back to consciousness, an instant pounding in my head making me groan. Stretching my legs a bit, I yawned loudly; running my fingers through my hair, I noticed I hadnt showered last night. Turning to my side, I noticed I was still wearing my jeans. What the fuck had happened last night? Why was I still in the same clothes I wore? And how the fuck had I made it home? Already feeling the soft rays of sunshine shine on my face through my still closed eyelids, I groaned once again; I wouldnt be surprised if it was in the middle of the afternoon and Id spent the entire day sleeping. Deciding it was probably time to open my eyes and get up, take a shower and them make my mum cook me some bacon, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. My head was still bowed as I opened my eyes, my hair falling in my face and shielding it from the bright daylight. Pulling the hair band I always had with me from my wrist, I brushed my hair from my face and pulled it up into a messy bun. Glancing to my front, I frowned; staring back at me wasnt my face in the mirror that was attached to my wardrobe, but a rather small television. What? Tilting my head to the left, I let my glance run around the room; my surroundings

unfamiliar. Jumping up from the bed, I instantly regretted this sudden move; my head turning and pounding, my stomache hurting and the need to vomit creeping in the back of my throat. Swallowing, I noticed how dry my mouth was. Shit., I whispered as I rubbed my temples with my index fingers, Where the fuck am I? Looking down at myself, I noticed the hem of my top had risen up and my stomach was on show, my jeans had lowered themselves a bit, my underwear visible. Knitting my eyebrows together, I tried to remember what happened; but nothing came flooding back to me. The door abruptly flung open, my hands pulling the waistband of my jeans higher, and the hem of my top lower. I wondered who would come in, but when I saw the ever so familiar mop of curls bouncing atop the reason I had gone to the party last nights head, I sighed. Oh youre up!, he said happily, handing me one of the cups he was holding. Thanks., I murmured. UrmHarry? Smiling, he looked at me questioningly. Where am I? A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he nodded in the direction of the bed; indicating for me to follow him as he took a seat at the edge of it. Sitting down beside him, I tilted my head to face him; his expression amused, but somewhat thoughtful. You were pretty drunk last night and fell asleep up here. Oh god, this doesnt sound good I laughed, taking a sip of coffee as I sat back down onto the bed. Its fine babe, everyone was drunk. You were just He paused and grinned at my make-up smeared face. Really drunk. I groaned and lowered my eyes to the mug in my hands, completely mortified that Harry had seen me in such a state. I just took you up here and He paused again, trying to suppress a smirk as he did so. And what? I urged him; my stomach fluttering as an uneasy feeling overcame me suddenly. We didnt? Oh god no! he laughed nervously; my brow furrowing as I struggled to piece together fragments from the night before. Im not some sort of paedo! I raised my eyebrows as I shot my gaze up to him. Paedo? Whats that supposed to mean? Im not a child, Harry. I couldnt work out if I was furious at him, or crushed at the knowledge of him viewing me as a child. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as my heart pounded inside of my chest; tears fast pricking my eyes. I never said- Well you didnt have to, you clearly think it. I spat back, my voice shaking as my anger increased. And the fact youre reacting like this sort of contradicts the point youre trying to make, dont you think? he retaliated, raising his eyebrows as he crossed his arms defensively across his chest. My eyes widened; shocked at his harsh retaliation. Whys it so important for you that I dont view you as I child anyway? he continued, his tone agitated and jaw clenced. Whatever Harry. The room fell silent; eye contact tense.

I guess it really was childish of me to think you might actually like me. I mumbled as I grabbed my phone and marched from the room, rushing down the stairs as quickly as my legs could carry me. I didnt want to hear his reply; I felt humiliated enough, without having him emotionally reject me. I could feel my tears rolling down my cheeks as soon as the cool air hit my face; my stomach sick. Of course he saw me as a child. Why did I even think he could like me? He was funny, charming, and unbelievably good looking. I was just me. Little, immature, average Sophia. Nothing more, nothing less. I needed to call Alice. Where even was she? The last thing I remember is going to the bathroom with her after those shots and thats it - nothing whatsoever after that. I stopped in my tracks as I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to vomit surge through me; my gaze instantly scouting for some sort of bush. Rushing across the road, I immediately threw up everything from last night; my body shaking as I held my stomach in pain. Jesus, I must have drunk a lot, I thought to myself, groaning as the after-effects of last night progressed mercilessly. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled Alices number: voicemail. Typical. There were only two things that I needed right now: tea, and my bed. Oh, and to grow up. ~ I gulped the remainder of the water down as I snuggled back into bed, fully pulling the duvet until over my head. The pounding in my head hadnt de-, but increased; as well as the pain in my chest. I didnt know what emotions I felt, other than the need to vomit; anger, sadness or just pure rejection. Whatever Harrys problem was, he was determined he was in the right; when clearly, he was in the wrong. His strange opinion about not even daring to think in a romantic way about someone younger than him, had bored itself into his brain and wouldnt leave. Or maybe, he didnt actually believe in this so much; maybe, he just wasnt interested in me. This thought, however, was even worse than his reluctance towards someone younger. Just as Id decided to get some sleep, I suddenly heard the buzzing of my phone from my bedside table. Reaching to grab it, I answered the call as I heard Alices name flash on the screen. Hello? Soph! Oh my god, where did you get off to last night? Her high pitched voice made me cringe and hold the phone away from my ear for a few seconds, my hangover not seeming very receptive to any loud noises. Nowhere.., I muttered, not even in the slightest mood to talk about what had happened; even if I didnt remember most of it.

Well I got talking to one of your guys friends, Niall. And oh my gosh, Soph, hes so hot! And so nice, as well! My guy?, I asked, utterly confused, Who the hell is my guy? A little chuckle escaped her lips, Your guy! Louis, I think was his name? You two were all over each other! My eyes widened, Really? Well.. was he hot at least? Chuckling lightly, I shook my head at myself. He was pretty hot, yeah. But the next thing I knew was Harry dragging you away from him.. you were like a bloody leech! Alice let out a loud laugh and I instantly distanced my phone from my ear, squinting my eyes as I processed her words. Me and some guy had been all over each other; and Harry had to drag me away from him? Why in the hell would he do that? Opening my mouth to ask if she knew why he had done that, I was interrupted by her chirpy voice going on and on about that Niall shed met. She told me they had made out like maniacs at first and when he invited her back to his place, she thought they were going to sleep with each other. But apparently, they didnt; they just talked and got on really well. And how old is he?, I asked. Hes 21. Why? And he didnt care about the age difference? My voice was sarcastic as I remembered Harrys face from earlier; the almost disgusted expression. No!, she laughed, Why would he? Its only four years and its not like were children anymore.. Thank you!, I cried out, sitting up straight. I heard Alice say something about why I was acting this weird, but I just told her Id call her later and hung up. The anger was now pumping through my veins again as I was assured Harry was wrong. Tapping away on my phone, I wrote a text to Harry; I knew exactly what I wanted and needed to say. I think you shouldnt bother coming round to mine for our tutoring lesson on monday. Ill find someone else to help me. - Sophia Hitting the send button, I flung myself back onto the pillows. That chapter of my life was done; I didnt need someone who didnt need me. No matter how much I wished he would. Harrys P.O.V. So did you fuck her then? Louis smirked as I entered the lounge; Nialls cheeky grin flashing my way as he laughed. Oh give it a rest will you.. I frowned, slumping down on the sofa next to Niall. Ooooh someone didnt get much sleep Louis teased, raising his eyebrows at Niall from across the room. Come on guys, Im bored of this. Like I said the other day; shes too young. I enunciated the last two words as if they were mere school

children. I really wasnt in the mood for their banter right now. I was tired, hungover and pissed off. Yeah but shes fit man Louis laughed as he squinted his eyes; clearly reliving his almost successful conquest from the night before. Hmm.. I mumbled, running my fingers though my hair as the argument that Sophia and I had had just an hour or so ago ran restlessly through my mind. Anyway, what happened to you, Niall? I snapped back to reality, averting my distant gaze to him. Get lucky with that blonde? That blonde, is called Alice. Ooo, Alice Louis and I mocked in sync, grinning as Niall flushed a slight shade of pink. And nah, we just talked and stuff it was nice. Louis raised his eyebrows in surprise. Sorry, who are you and what have you done with Niall Horan? He was right; this was completely out of character for Niall, who was renowned within our group for being a bit of a slut. So how old is she? I asked curiously. 17. Well, 17 and a half he laughed. Shes pretty mature though. Andso hot. Niall, you do realise that means shes still at school I frowned. Yeah, with your tuteeAnd? And.. I paused as I racked my brain for a reason as to why it was wrong. Why was I so preoccupied with age? And its just weird. I responded hurriedly. Even I wasnt convinced by my reasoning. Whats weird about it? We clicked. End of. Theres nothing weird about it, Harry. Nialls tone was completely matter of fact as he spoke, and I found myself dumbstruck for a valid response to him or justification for my feelings. I shifted my eyes back to the TV, Louis teasings towards Niall washing over me as my mind wandered. I was stubborn, but as much as I hated to admit it, Niall was right. Whether its 4 months or 4 years between you; if you click, you click. And I couldnt help but wonder had Sophia and I clicked? Chapter 7 Sophias P.O.V. I watched the rubber ball hit the wooden door of my wardrobe, before bouncing back to me. I was unsure of how long Id been sitting here, doing nothing but throwing the ball back and forth, the sound of it hit whatever I aimed at somehow soothing my confused mind. All these thoughts were swimming around in my brain, and they wouldnt leave me alone. Frankly, they were all about Harry; about how much he

annoyed me, about how much I hated him for thinking the way he did, about how much of a coward he was. Mainly, though, they were about how much I missed him. His sheer presence had always brightened my mood; his twinkling bright eyes, his bouncy curls, his scent. I missed his oblique sense of humour, I missed his sassy remarks; and most importantly, I missed his smile. It still amazed me how someones smile could make a person feel so many, confusing things at a time. But all of that didnt matter now. I wouldnt be seeing Harry anymore and he wouldnt be tutoring me anymore; how the hell I would pass my exams, I didnt know. Squeezing my eyes shut, I forbid myself to even shed one more tear for that guy; I guess he just wasnt worth it, not the right guy for me. One thing, however, still needed to be done: I had to tell my parents that Harry wouldnt be helping me anymore. I would have to find a reason, an excuse they would buy and not question; something that wouldnt make them make me call him and try and persuade him to coming back. I didnt want him to come back, I didnt want to contact him and honestly, I didnt even want to think about him anymore. All I wanted was for him to leave my mind, just how hed left my world. Throwing the ball against my wardrobe once again, I didnt aim to catch it and just let it roll on the floor. Lying back down on my bed, I sighed. Poof., I whispered, Gone.. just like that. Harrys P.O.V. I wasnt sure why I was here, but I needed to see her; just one last time, even if it was just to clear the air and awkwardness lingering from our argument. Id felt terrible sicne she left so abruptly; and even more awful that the out of hand argument had ultimately jepardised her studies. I shifted nervously on my feet as the door swung open. Harry Sophias mum looked surprised as she forced a welcoming smile. I didnt think wed be seeing you any more. Sophia said you were too busy with uni work to tutor her Err, yeah. I rested my hand on the back of my neck as I stood there awkwardly; feeling a slight guilt wash over me as I lied through my teeth. Its a shame. You two worked well together. In a professional manner, so to speak she quickly corrected herself through a slight chuckle. Yeah I laughed awkwardly. I just have some notes that I thought might help. Oh, well shes in her room. Im just off out to yoga so go on up she smiled, holding the door open as I slid past her. Second room on the left she instructed, gesturing the direction with her hands, before giving me one last grin and shutting the door behind her.

I placed my restless hands in my pockets, not quite sure why my heart was racing and stomach churning as I made my way up the stairs. I rapped my knuckles on the white wooden door, a soft Come in responding from within. Sophia stood there directly in front of me as I pushed the door to; her brow furrowing as I stood in the doorframe. Her hair was loose and draped over her shoulders and down the front of her torso, clad in just a white tank top and baby pink pyjama shorts. My heart pounded and head span as an irrespressible rush of adrenaline shot through me. Ha- Dont talk I whispered hastily, my hands quickly finding her waist as I crashed my lips onto hers. Her lips felt incredible against my own as I let my fingers explore the small band of exposed skin above her shorts. Her lips remained motionless against mine, but at the same time she wasnt denying my advances. I pulled away briefly, both breathless as I searched for any uncertainty in the deep pools of her green eyes. I dont know what had just come over me, but something just then felt so right; so natural. Her eyes dropped to my lips as I pulled my lower lip between my teeth nervously and waited for her to decide the next move. Rolling onto the balls of her feet, she tilted her chin up towards me and pressed her soft full lips to mine, wrapping her fingers round my wrists as she walked me back into her room and kicked the door shut. Her hands ran eagerly up the front of my torso as we stumbled to the bed behind; lips failing to break contact. The backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed as I pushed her backwards, her shiny hair bodering her head like a halo as it hit the pillow. Our lips continued working rythmically, smoothly as my hands just wouldnt let go of her. Wandering from her hips, up her sides to the side of her face. Cupping her cheek with one hand, I supported my weight above her with the other resting on the side of her head. Her skin almost felt like a little babys against the palm of my hand and fingers; smooth and soft, flawless. Which Sophia undoubtedly was. My mouth trailed down her jawline to her neck, her hands slipping underneath my shirt by my collar and running down my shoulderblades; goosebumps arising on my entire body. My mind was buzzing, my pulse throbbing; as well as some other areas. I didnt know if I was imagining things, but either way, Sophias skin tasted just like it smelt; fruity and fresh, the hints of floral making my senses go wild. Sophia hitched one leg up and rested her heel on the back of my knee, her fingers carressing the back of my neck and playing with a few curls on the nape of my neck as I tended to her sweetspots. It was as if every little thing she did, every inch of my body she touched, shot an electric buzz throughout my body; my pores and senses perceptive and attentive to Sophia.

Slowly pulling my lips away from her neck, I hovered my face over hers once again. Her deep green eyes burned into mine as I brushed my thumb over her cheekbone, then her jaw; she most probably the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever seen. But her beauty was different than any other; it was a beauty that struck you, made your jaw drop and heart pound like crazy. And I didnt know why I had never noticed before; how blind could I have been? Her full, supple lips; her big, meaningful eyes; every single one of her features mesmerising. Hooking her thumbs into the loops of my chinos, she subtly bit down on her bottom lip; glancing away, before looking back at me. I thought I saw the heat rushing to her cheeks as she smiled warmly at me; my insides feeling like they were boiling, my heart thudding inside my chest. Returning my hands on her hips, my fingertips carressed her skin; before taking the material of her top. Slowly sliding it up, I revealed more and more of her lightly bronzed skin. Gulping, I stopped at her ribcage; hesitant, yet simultaneously far too eager to explore every inch of her. Gazing back up at Sophia, she squinted her eyes a bit as she looked at me; running her fingers through my dishevelled curls, then her thumb along my jaw. Reaching in between us, she placed her hand atop of mine, still keeping my gaze as we both pulled her top off her; her long hair flowing down her shoulder once it was removed. A dark red lace bra was left to cover what, in my opinion, was the perfect bust any woman could have. Not too big, not too small; just perfect. My breathing was getting heavier and faster with each passing second; Sophias fingers now toying with the hem of my shirt, before slipping her fingers beneath it. Her palms brushed over my stomach; my muscles tensing as I shuddered under her touch. A melodic chuckle that belonged to no other than Sophia filled my eardrums, making me smile instantly; my shirt being removed in just a few seconds. Her eyes twinkled slightly as she took in my torso; her long eyelashes fluttering as she pulled my lips back onto hers. It was as if this was the first day of my life and Sophia was the earth; I had to explore everything, carefully and slowly. I had to touch every bit of her; feelher. I trailed my mouth along her jaw, planting soft wet kisses down her neck as her fingertips traced light patterns on my shoulder. She moaned lightly as I concentrated my efforts upon her collarbones; her fingers pressing my skin more firmly as I playfully worked her sweet skin. I snaked my hands around her waist and up her back as I fiddled with the hook of of her bra; keeping her eye contact as I made sure she was comfortable. I kissed her neck as I slipped the straps slowly from her arms, flitting my tongue across each of her nipples as I carressed her breasts in the palms of my hands. Continuing my exploration, I travelled down her torso; past her breasts, and down the light crevice down the centre of her toned stomach, until my mouth hovered cautiously just above her pubic bone. She brought her hand to my hair; tangling her fingers through my curls as she indicated that I go on. Carefully hooking my thumbs beneath the elastic of her shorts, I slid them down from her hips, until they eventually passed her knees and ankles and were strewn to the floor below. Her

perfect body lay completely exposed before me; my heart drumming wildly against my ribcage as the blood rushed instantaneously to my crotch. I glanced up and met her eyes; her features relaxed and mouthends curled upwards as she looked down at me. The vulnerability in her eyes was equally matched with an air of confidence about her, and this turned me on more than I thought possible. I kissed my way back up her thighs, spurred on by her soft moans and firm grip as I flicked my tongue across her warm skin; nearing where I desperately wanted to be. I let my hot breath wash over her, before grazing my tongue over her clit as I carressed the outsides of her thighs with my fingers. Her back arched sharply at the new contact; her breathing stilted as she raised her hips towaards my touch. I was gentle as I slid my body back up hers until our lips met once more and tongues entwined. She reached her hands between us as she fiddled with the buttons of my chinos, slowly unzipping my confines as our mouths worked in perfect sync with one another. I groaned softly into the kiss as she slid her hand beneath my boxers; dancing her delicate fingers along my shaft as she teased my bottom lip. My hips bucked towards her brush of a touch, my throbbing manhood stiffening even further with each passing second of excitement. Taking the waistband of my boxers in between her fingers, she shoved them down to my thighs, before I pulled them off and threw them over my shoulder. This was it; both of us were exposed as could be. My biceps tensed as I hovered above her after undergoing all safety precautions; the tip of my length brushing over her most private area. I tried calming myself down a bit, the adrenaline and excitement pulsating through my body. I was hesitant; somewhat scared. Squinting my eyes and furrowing my brow, I glanced at Sophia; looking her deep in the eyes. The digging of her fingertips into my lower back increased as she subtly nodded; giving me admission to proceed. She spread her legs a bit farther as I slowly rolled my hips towards her, nudging the very tip of my shaft inside her. A gasp left both our mouths as our faces were barely an inch apart; me slowly and carefully sliding my entire length into her. I watched her as she sucked on her bottom lip with her eyes shut; her fingers trailing up and down my back, still digging them into my skin. Leaning forward, I placed my lips on hers; her hands instantly finding their way on my neck as I started to slowly rock my hips back and forth. However exhausting it was, I wanted everything to be perfect; my movements were deep, yet gentle as I slid myself entirely in, then withdrew almost completely. Sophias moans of pleasure only spurred me on even further, reassured me that I was doing everything right. She felt incredible. Everything about this right now was sending my head and heart into a frenzy id never experienced before. I bowed my head to her lips as she tilted her chin upwards towards me; our lips locking tightly as as I picked up my pace. I kept my movements deep and deliberate; breaking our kiss every now and again to

capture her exhilerated eyes; my fingers finding hers to the side of her head as I intertwined them. She threw her head back with her eyes shut tight as she squeezed my hand; her body writhing restlessly beneath mine as she moaned my name. Taking advantage of her extended neck, I lapped my tongue across her clammy skin; doing my best to make make her feel as good as possible. She tightened her legs around my waist as her breathing quickened; breathless moans escaping her lips as she dug her fingertips into the sweaty skin of my back. My arms trembled and I bit on my bottom lip; furrowing my brow as I felt myself nearing the end. I couldnt finish yet; not until shed reached her high. Sliding my hand beneath us, I brushed small but firm circular movements over her clit with my thumb, beads of sweat forming on my brow as our bodies continued to collide effortlessly. With a final deep thrust, her back arched and chest pushed upwards into mine; her lips parting and body trembling uncontrollably beneath me as her orgasm ensued. Satisfied that she was done, I finally let myself go; crashing my lips down on to hers as I hit my release. Spent and exhausted, I rolled off her and lay down beside her, snaking my arm behind Sophias neck. Both our chests rose and fell rapidly as our sweaty bodies lay next to one another, nothing but our breathing filling the heavy, silent air. I felt Sophia move beside me, her body turning to face me. Reciprocating her actions, I rolled to my side as well; her deep irises finding mine in an instant. Trailing my fingers over her cheekbone, I smiled. I didnt find the need to say anything and I was sure neither did Sophia. Whatever this silence meant, I was sure it meant a lot; and I could feel this was the beginning of something amazing. Chapter 8. Sophias P.O.V. The spring rays of sunshine shone delicately on my skin as I walked down the roads, earphones in and music blasting. Swinging my arms by my side, I felt like I was in a music video as I passed streets and cars, people and houses; my destination nearing with each step I took. I was on my way to see Harrys flat for the first time, meet his roommates and best friends properly this time. Having to see Louis made me somewhat nervous, but I would just have to deal. If Harry could, I would too. Harry. Just the thought of him made me want to scream out in happiness and hug every person walking by. Things between us had taken such a sudden U-turn and were now, as far as I was concerned, going in the right direction. Everything about him made me all giddy and excited; butterflies in my tummy, buzzing in my head. When I thought about how infatuated Id been with him before anything had happened, it was now safe to say I was completely and utterly fascinated by everything about him and the things he did. His smell, the softness of his skin and lips, his taste, his voice, his eyes; and of course,

everything else. Shoving my iPod into my brown leather bag as I reached the address Harry had texted me, I rang the doorbell; a loud roaring noise erupting, indicating I could open the door. Taking the lift rather than walking up the stairs, I finally reached the door. Knocking twice, I brushed my fingers through my hair and smacked my lips together; anticipation pumping through me. The door suddenly swung open; only to reveal the one person I now called my boyfriend. Harrys P.O.V. I flung the door open with such excitement, I nearly knocked myself over. There she was. Her fingers wound themselves in my hair as she threw her arms round my neck in an instant, pressing her lips hungrily to my own. I pulled her hips into mine; our tongues quick to explore one another. It was overwhelming how fast Id been falling for her once I let my feelings go; she was incredible. Everything about her, from her laugh to her constantly restless foot had me enchanted. Even though it ad only been a week, it felt as if wed been together for so much longer. She made me feel exhilerated. Howre you? I mumbled into the kiss, sliding my hands up her back. Good. she grinned, pressing her lips quickly against mine before sliding from my grasp and tugging my hand from the doorway. What film are we watching then? I shrugged. Some film that Lou and Niall chose probably with a lot of fast cars and naked girls. She raised her eyebrow and her cheeks raised; eyes gleaming. Cool. she responded chirpily as she kicked her shoes off and made her way inside. Sophias P.O.V. Harry entwined his fingers with mine as he caught up with me, his other hand on my hip as he guided me inside. The flat was just how Id imagined it to be; simple, practical and a total mess. But what else was to suspect from three men in one apartment? Guys., Harry said once we reached the living room. Two faces I vaguely remembered stared back at me; smiles on both their faces. Im Niall, but you already know that., the blonde one said; his grin cheeky and bright blue eyes sparkling. Yes, I do. Hows Alice?, I winked. Im Louiswe met at the, uh, party already.., the other said; his deep blue eyes meeting with the deep green of mine. Feeling my cheeks flush a dozen shades of red, I nodded, giggling nervously, Yeah, I, uh..remember.

I felt Harrys grip on my hip tighten as I shook Louis hand, both of us laughing awkwardly at the entire situation. So, the film!, Niall sang, flinging himself onto the little sofa stool. Harry, go get the popcorn! I heard Harry groan beside me as he pulled me into the kitchen; lifting me up and placing me on the counter unsuspectedly. You look really nice today., he said, smiling lopsidedly as he stood in between my legs, his hands on my thighs. Thanks, so do you. Grinning uncontrollably as he neared his face and planted a single, yet passionate kiss on my lips, I sighed as I watched him put the popcorn in the microwave. He was too good to be true. Harrys P.O.V. There was something about Sophia today that I couldnt quite pinpoint; something about her that made dirty things constantly swamp my mind. Not that that was much different to any other day; but today in particular made me aroused. I didnt know whether it was the way she looked today, or the way she smelt; the way her lips looked so deliciously red or if it was something else. Either way, I just couldnt help myself. I chewed on the insides of my cheeks as my body became restless beneath hers; her head resting lightly on my chest and knees curled up towards mine as our eyes lay fixed upon the screen in front. I flicked my eyes towards my right; Louis and Niall heavily engrossed in the film that I was supposedly watching. My mind, however, was on other things; my eyes hungrily tracing the outline of Sophias breasts through her white tank top and fingers gently grazing the sensitive skin behind her ear as I wound a strand of her hair between them. Her natural sweet scent lingered in the air around us, and this just made me crave her even more; my heart now drumming profusely in my chest as I felt my jeans begin to tighten uncontrollably around my crotch. Taking my fingers from behind her ear, I trailed them slowly down her neck; eventually resting them just below her collar bone. With light strokes from my fingertips, I smirked to myself as her breathing deepened and chest rose and fell exaggeratedly beneath my fingers; hers becoming restless across my stomach. Shifting her hand down slightly, she let her thumb trace the outline of my erection; my body shuddering slightly at her delicate touch. I slipped the tips of my fingers beneath the lace of her bra; her palm now pressed firmly against my crotch as we teased each other silently. Bowing my head to hers, I hovered my lips close to her neck, letting my hot breath wash over her as I whispered in her ear. Pourquoi je vous prends ltage ds maintenant?

I lapped my tongue across her warm skin slowly; a little sigh slipping from her lips as she nodded eagerly. Guys, were gonna head up now Louis grunted half-ackowledgingly at me, his eyes still glued to the TV screen as I shuffled from my seat; Sophias hand toying with the skin just beneath my t-shirt. Engulfing her small hand in mine, I fiercely pulled her behind me and pushed her into my room. Closing the door shut and locking it, I grabbed Sophia by her shoulders, flung her around and pressed her back against the door. Placing the palms of my hands against the wall each side of her head, I pressed the lower half of my body into her; I wanted her to feel how hard I was. Leaning my head forward, I brushed my nose against her ear; inhaling her scent deeply. Vous sentez si bon. Whats with the French?, she giggled as I nibbled on her earlobe. I just thought we could try some new learning techniques I purred into her ear, pressing my fingers eagerly into the skin just above the waist of her jeans. She looked at me; her brow furrowed with confusion, contrasting to her lustful gaze. Ill do whatever you want me to do I began, sliding the hem of her vest up past her ribs as I let my palm graze across her warm skin. on one condition I quickly continued, hauling the material over her head and taking a step back as I admired her perfect frame. Her body remained pressed against the wall as she bit down on her lip; her breasts rising and falling heavily as she awaited my compromise. I smirked at her, before taking a few small steps towards her still body and hovering my lips just inches from hers. You tell me what you want in Franaise. She looked at me from beneath her long lashes; her breating heavy as she tilted her chin up towards me, before swiftly spinning around me. I turned to face her as she took small careful steps backwards, unclasping her bra in one swift motion as she let it drop to the floor. Viens ici.. she smirked as she leaned on to the bed behind; her body now clad in only a tight pair of dark denim jeans. Faire quelquechose tu veux. I spoke softly, keeping her eye contact as I walked towards her, doing exactly as she told me. Non non.. she held up her hand to me as I reached the foot of the bed. Lenlever. she smiled, signalling to my shirt. I obeyed, swiftly briging it over my head and shaking my curls as they fell free, before climbing on top of her and crashing my lips to hers desperately. I kissed my way down her jaw and sucked softly on the skin just above her collar bone; lingering my lips there as I paused and smirked into her skin. She sighed at I brought my lips from her chest, awaiting her instruction.

Continuez, sil vous plat.. she whined, pushing at my shoulders as she spoke. I ran my tongue down the curvature of her breasts; quickly flicking my tongue over her hard nipples. I kissed my way down her abdomen painfully slowly, enjoying her writhing torso beneath my mouth. Her skin tasted of sweet coconut body butter, and that combined with her olive skin was driving my senses into a frenzy; my jeans now extremely uncomfortable around me. Quoi maintenant? I mumbled into the skin over her hipobone as her hands wound deep into my curls, awaiting her guidance. Take them off. she breathed heavily, twitching her hips upwards towards me. Excusez-moi? I flickered my eyes up to meet hers, toying teasingly with the button of her jeans. Les enlever. she groaned, raising her hips from the matress as I fumbled with the button and slipped them down her slender thighs. I kissed my way back up from her knees, alongside her inner thighs until my hot breath washed over the crotch of her dark red lace underwear. She wrapped her ankles around my neck as she desperately tried to pull me towards her. Laughing softly, I bit down on my lip, finding her eye-contact once more. Dit sil te plat She frowned at me; squinting her eyes frustratedly. Sil vous plat. Obeying her plea, I lapped my tongue over her centre; dipping it in and out of where I most desired to be. Sophias hips bucked upwards towards me as she arched her back, pressing herself against me. Smirking as her beathing unevened, I sucked on her clit; feeling prouder than ever as she dug her fingers into my scalp. Fuck., she groaned, tightening the wrap of her legs around my neck. Que?, I murmured against her; blowing a hot breeze against her most private area; sending her over the edge. Holy f-ughh! Sophias loud moans echoed through the sweaty air around us. Vous si bon got.., I groaned as I continued licking like there was no tomorrow; tasting her as much as I could. It was just too good. Get up here., she whimpered, pulling on my hair. Ah, wrong language!, I teased, kissing her with such intensity it almost hurt. Quoi maintenant? Trailing the tip of my index finger down the front of her body; starting from her throat, down to her abdomen. I felt her shudder beneath my touch as I looked at her questioningly; eager to find out what she wanted me to do next. Sophias P.O.V. The sound of Harry talking French had made me excited ever since the first time; but now, in bed it was even more amazing. Pantalons., I ordered; pointing at his chinos. Getting up to his knees, Harry shoved them down quickly, leaving him in his strained boxers; teasing me with what I desired the most.

Ces aussi. Pulling his boxers down like I told him to, he quickly came back to hovering above me; his stiff length rubbing against me as he ground his hips into me. Arrter de me faire languir, Harry I groaned. I couldnt stand his teasing any longer. Pushing him back by his shoulders, I flung my hair to one side of my neck as I eyed his shaft up and down. Licking my lips, I glanced at him; propped up on his elbows, eyes squinted as he watched me carefully. Pouting my lips, I brushed them over the very tip of him; parting them slowly as I let him slide in my mouth. Hearing Harry hiss only encouraged me further; my mouth and tongue working the best they could. And obviously, it worked. Giving small thrusts, he indicated for me to take more and more of him. The occasional gag seemed to turn him on to where he couldnt take it anymore; gripping me and flinging us around. Jai besoin de toi., he whispered against my mouth; supporting his bodyweight with his arms on each side of my head. I needed him too; more than I had ever before. Harry pursed his lips tightly together as he guided himself in smoothly; mine parting as he filled me. I linked my fingers behind his neck as his hips rocked back and forth slowly; soft moans caught on the edge of each thrust. Est-ce que taime sa? he mumbled breathlessly into my lips; lapping his tongue softly against mine. Good was an understatement right now. He felt absolutely incredible inside of me. Cest vraiment bon.. I moaned breathlessly, digging my fingertips roughly into his shoulderblades as he gave a particularly deep thrust. Sliding a hand down my side and past my waist, he brought my thigh to my chest; leaning his whole weight into me as he hit my g-spot relentlessly. Plus fort. I whispered, willing him to go harder; his hips responding almost immediately to my command. I ran my hands down the contours of his back, gripping on to his hips as I urged him on; my moans now echoing irrepressibly throughout the room. He bowed his head to mine, pulling my lip back between my teeth as he entwined his fingers with mine above my head. Es-tu proches? he smirked, feeling my body tense up uncontrollably beneath him as my orgasm fast approached. So close. I moaned, my head unable to process anything right now, let alone another language. He slid his hand beneath us as he rubbed firm circles over my clit. His name fell repeatedly from my lips as he pushed me to the edge; my back arching sharply up towards him and thighs tensing tightly around his waist as I lost myself completely. Our hips continued to collide relentlessly as I rode my orgasm out; his soon overcoming him as his breathless groans ran alongside mine, the veins beneath the

skin of his neck protruding and biceps tensing. I tilted my chin up towards his parted lips, both breathless. His damp curls hung loosely from his forehead and rested upon mine as our tongues worked sensually against one another. I continued to tremble beneath him, despite the comforting weight of his body upon mine. I still felt in complete ecstasy as our hands continued to explore each others clammy skin. He broke the kiss; shifting his hazy green eyes over my flushed face, whilst my fingers traced delicate lines upon his spine. Tu es belle. he spoke softly, and I couldnt help but smile as he pressed his lips to mine once more. Chapter 9. Sophias P.O.V. Tapping my fingers along the banister as I slowly walked down the stairs, I checked the time; anticipating the moment the doorbell would ring and Harry would arrive. Sighing as I realised he wouldnt be here for another fifteen minutes, I skipped the last two steps and headed into the living room. My mum lay spread on our sofa, holding a book up in front of her face as she seemed to be lost in the world of the story she was reading. Sneaking up behind her, I quickly covered her eyes with the palms of my hands. Sophia., she sighed the second her eyesight had been restricted. Scoffing, I sat down on the floor beside her. Im bored. Well Harrys supposed to be here any second now, why dont you start revising until he gets here?, she asked, stroking the top of my head as she turned a page over. Whats the point?, I sighed, Were gonna be studying non-stop anyway. I tried holding back a chuckle as I finished my sentence; fully aware that we wouldnt be. Just then the doorbell rang, my body jumping up from the floor in an instant. Brushing my fingers through my hair and over my clothes as I stood before the door, I took a deep breath before clicking it open. My breath hitched in my throat the second I saw the twinkle in those jade eyes. Hi., he grinned, his dimples prominent in both his cheeks. Hey. Blushing instantly, I stepped to the side and beckoned him inside. Wheres your mum?, he whispered as he kicked his shoes off. In the living room, why ar- Cutting me off mid-sentence by pressing his lips to mine, he pulled my body into his. Grinning into my mouth, I couldnt help but reciprocate it, before pushing him backwards; slightly out of breath and flustered. Harry! I giggled as he pressed his lips to mine once more; his hands resting firmly on the back of my hips as he pulled him into me. Hi Harry! my mum shouted from the living room, her voice echoing melodically throughout the hallway. Hey Mrs Manza.. he smirked into my lips, pulling away just far enough as to not muffle his words. With that, I pulled myself from his grasp and turned my back to him; swaying my hips

exaggeratedly as I walked, twisting my head over my shoulders and smirking at him as his eyes watched my every move. Come on then I laughed, signalling him to follow. I couldnt help but stare as I watched him remove his mac; his biceps flexing beneath his tight navy polo as he hung it on the bannister. I could tell hed been working out. His shoulders were more defined than before, and his pecs stood taut beneath his shirt; not to mention his rippling abs that drew my eyes downwards to his restricting chinos. He never failed to get me going; sending my heart into a frenzy and body into a heated mess, like no other person had ever managed to do. What? he grinned, eyeing himself up and down as I pursed my balmed lips. Nothing I gushed, clearing my throat before continuing my intended journey to the living room. How are you, my dear?, my mother laughed as she got up from the sofa, throwing her arms round Harry and giving him a tight squeeze. I didnt know whether I should think it a good or a bad thing my parents liked Harry so much: Good, because maybe then they wouldnt be so pissed when Id tell them we were together; Bad, because then theyd hate him even more than if they hadnt developed any kinds of feelings towards him before. Very well, thanks, and you?, he asked exaggeratedly friendly and enthusiastic. I am quite good, darling, how was that exam you had the other day? I let out a groan as Harry was just about to answer and thus, start a boring conversation, I pulled him by his arm and shook my mum off. Weve got a lot of studying to do, mum, no time to waste!, I called, only receiving a laugh and an Okay! as I hurried up the stairs with Harry behind me. Giggling as he groped my bottom, I turned around on the stop and opened the door to my room with my back to it. Doing nothing but rolling his eyes, Harry reached his arm out and flicked my nose with his index finger. So, I was thinking we should go through those texts your teacher assigned you a couple weeks ago?, he suggested as I took a seat on my bed. Sitting down on the end of the bed with my books and worksheets in between us, he leant onto the side and rested his weight on his elbow. Yeah, sure, whatever., I muttered, anything but enthusiastic to do any work. Stop sulking and start working, babe., Harry smiled, You might just get a reward if you do well in your exams. Laughing, I eyed him playfully. Way to treat me like a child, Styles. Shrugging, he lowered his gaze, before glancing up at me from below his lashes; licking his lips as he caught my eyes. I promise the reward wont be anywhere near PG-13. Feeling my cheeks flush incessantly, I grinned; brushing a strand of hair out of my face as Harry kept on staring at me. Well in that case; where are those books? Chuckling, he nodded, Thats my girl. Approximately thirty minutes of our lesson had passed and already I was bored out of my mind. Sighing, I took a glance out the window, before adverting my gaze to Harry,

who was busy reading through a text. Subconsciously smiling to myself as I watched him twitch his eyes and nibble the inside of his cheek in concentration, I felt my insides warm up; still finding it obscure how someone like him would want someone like me. Harrys P.O.V. I knew her mind was anywhere but the books in front; as was mine. I could feel her deep orbs watching my every move, and I could see her becoming restless in the corner of my eye. Right, so how about we translate this.. I muttered, my eyes still subverted towards the page below. She sighed softly into the air, shuffling towards the text I pushed in front of her. For a brief moment, our eyes met; hungrily devouring one anothers features as the room fell into a deadly silence. I gulped involuntarily as her chest moved raggedly beneath her tee. Page. French. Now. I laughed, directing my gaze to the work. But Harry she whined, looking at me from beneath her dark lashes. But nothing, Sophia. I said sternly, tapping my finger on the page. Her hand crept towards mine; fingers tracing the light veins across the top of my palm, goosebumps exploding over my body. She caught her lower lip between her teeth; smirking smugly as my breath hitched in my throat. But Harry, I want you to feel me. Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke; her fingers lacing with mine as she pulled my hand along the top of her jean-clad thigh until my palm rested firmly over her crotch. I could feel my heart drumming and crotch tightening; my senses tuning in to the entirety of hers. Her sweet scent; her warm skin; the soft lull of air moving between her parted lips. And as much as Id love to fuck you senseless right now.. I growled lustfully, snapping my hand back from her, ..we have work to be doing and grades to be working towards. Okay, okay.., she sulked, leaning forward to read the text Id told her to. My gaze involuntarily dropped to her cleavage that was now rather exposed, her hair draped over one shoulder as she pouted her lips from side to side; eyebrows raised as she read the words that both of us really werent interested in at the moment - at all. Gulping, I couldnt help but give in to my weakness that was her and reached my fingers out to touch her neck. Trailing the very tips of my fingers down her collarbones, down her chest; finally reaching her so very well formed breasts. I felt her chest rising and falling exaggeratedly heavy underneath my touch, her eyes now fluttering shut. Groaning, I heaved myself forward and pushed Sophia back into the cushions; simultaneously crushing my lips onto hers. A soft moan escaped her lips as I did so,

her hands instantly crawling onto the fabric of my polo shirt. One of my hands supported my weight on top of her as I pushed my hips into hers; the other found its place on the line of bare skin where her shirt had risen up, rubbing circles. I trailed my kisses down her jawline to her neck; sucking and nibbling. Letting my tongue flicker out, I inhaled deeply as I burried my face in the crook of her neck. God, you smell so good. Harry.. she whimpered as I ground my hips onto hers; her legs instinctively parting either side of my waist, allowing my crotch to work heavily against hers. Her hands slipped up the back of my shirt; nails clawing against my skin as she pulled my torso into her; writhing fervently beneath me. I could feel the heavy pounding of her heart against my own; soft moans caught on the end of each breath as I kissed my way around her neck and clavicle, tasting every inch of her. Harry, I want you to fuck me she moaned breathlessly; my lips catching hers as I pulled her lower lip between my teeth. Her usually delicate hands worked the buttons of my chinos hurriedly; the palm of her hand quickly slipping beneath them and across my clothed erection. My hips rolled forwards towards her; my member growing harder by the second. All of a sudden, the door swung open; my body launching instinctively back to the wall behind with a thud. Only me, just thought Id bring you some drinks! Sophias mum said softly; her back towards us as she pushed the rest of the door open. I fumbled hurriedly with my buttons; my hardness aching as I tried to restrain it back in its confines. Mum, dont you ever knock?! Sophia screeched; her cheeks rosier than usual as she ruffled her hair. Sorry darling, I didnt think. Hows studying going? She turned to face us with a warm smile upon her face; holding two glasses of squash and a bowl of crisps on a tablet. Fine, Sophias getting the hang of things! I forced a smile; my eyes darting to the scattered notes across the bed and floor. I noticed her mums brow furrow at the mess; a questioning look arising on her face. Although, she just had a bit of a tantrum, didnt you? I quickly intervened, widening my eyes at Sophia as I hinted to the bomb-site of notes. Oh, erm, yeah. Sophia blushed. Its just every single word sounds the same!, she whined, throwing her arms in the air. I watched her mums face intently, hoping she wouldnt suspect anything; and when her mouthends curled up into a smile and she threw her head back in laughter, I sighed internally. Oh darling., she sang, placing the tablet on Sophias bedside table, No need to freak out about something like that! Thanks for the refreshments., I smiled at her, taking a big sip from the glass shed handed me. Youre welcome, Harry! Thank you for helping my little girl.

Glancing at Sophia, I instantly saw her screwing up her face as she face-palmed herself. Its my pleasure.., I said, still keeping my eyes on Sophia; her eyes meeting mine as she smiled warmly. It really is. Chapter 10. Harrys P.O.V. Hurry the fuck up, man!, I heard Nialls from the chips he was eating muffled voice echoing throughout our apartment, making me roll my eyes as I buttoned shirt nr. 3 up. Taking a step back, I ran my fingers through the front of my curls, swishing them to the side as I posed and took a look at myself. Groaning, I squinted my eyes; would a dress shirt be too much? Should I just go casual and wear a simple t-shirt? Thought after thought ran through my head as I tried to finally get ready for the little gathering Sophia had invited me to. Invited was probably not the right word to use, however; forced me with shameless methods, would be more accurate. How in the world was I supposed to say no to anything she asked me, while she tended to my weaknessesall while being half-naked?! The only positive thing about all of this was that Alice had invited Niall as well. Harry, Im serious. Nialls voice sounded nearer as I heard footsteps along with it. Slipping the shirt off, I threw myself onto my bed. Whats wrong, mate?, he asked in between crunches. Lifting my face from the pillow, I glanced at him sideways as he licked his salty fingers while looking intently into the chips bag in his hands. What does Alice even see in you? Shaking my head, I sat upright. Were gonna be late, man, why are you not dressed? Taking a seat beside me, he offered me the bag; slipping my hand inside it, I stuffed my mouth; the ever so loved taste of baked and salted potato chips calming my nerves. I dont know what to wear to high school things anymore. Chuckling, Niall looked at me amused. You really worry too much, mate. Just throw on something comfortable. Signalling to his white polo shirt, he nodded at me enthusiastically. And what are we even going to do there with all those 17-yearolds? Hang out with our fit girlfriends, for example., he laughed, Whats wrong with that, eh? I guess I groaned, hauling myself from the bed and rummaging through my wardrobe for the hundredth time that evening. Finally coming across a casual plaid shirt, I pulled it from its hanger. What about this? I asked Niall, keeping my squinted gaze on the wardrobe in front as I continued to doubt my decision. Yeah, cool Niall mumbled, rusting his hand back in his bag of chips. I glanced over my shoulder to face him; his eyes focused intently on the food in his

lap. Oi, are you even listening to me?! I laughed; his eyes immediately darting up to my agitated tone. Harry mate, they probably wont even be looking at your clothes, lets not lie. Theyre 17 year old girls. Theyll be more excited by the fact that one of their friends has an older boyfriend. So will you just put that shirt on now before I drag you down the stairs by those curls of yours! I rolled my eyes, smirking at his naturally calm nature. He was right. Why was I even this bothered? Id been in worse situations before- way worse, for that matter. Nonetheless, I couldnt stop my heart from pounding and palms sweating. I hadnt felt this enchanted by a girl before, an I guess I just didnt want to mess things up. Things were too good right now- perfect, in fact. Leaving the top two buttons of my shirt undone, I took a deep breath. Okay, lets go, before I change my mind again! I joked, grabbing my keys and wallet from the side. Niall laughed at me, his mouth brimming with the last of his chips as he waltzed towards the door. Harry Styles, you baffle me sometimes. ~ The lively atmosphere of the pub instantly lightened up my mood as Niall and I stepped inside the pub, people everywhere. Opening the buttons of my mac, I let my gaze wander over the crowd of people, sarching for only one person. I want a beer, man., Niall said, giving me a nudge with his elbow, nodding in the direction of the bar. Shrugging a shoulder in agreement, we made our way towards the bar. Niall gave the bartender a signal with his hand, receiving a nod in exchange, before he turned around and swiftly grabbed two glasses from a shelf. Frowning at not having spotted Sophia yet, I slipped my hand into the pocket of my jeans, just about to pull my phone out when I glanced to my front and thats when I saw her. Her hair swayed behind her as she hurried towards me, almost knocking me over as she jumped and wrapped her legs round my hips, arms round my neck; lips covering mine instantly. I tumbled as I held her by the backs of her thighs, uncontrollably grinning into the kiss. Our lips parted with a smack; only for me to pull hers close again by pushing the back of her head towards me. Giggling into my mouth, she inhaled deeply. As our lips gradually parted, Sophia rested her forehead against mine. I could get used to being greeted like that., I whispered loudly, grinning. Rolling her forest green eyes, she loosened the wrap of her legs round my hips and grabbed my hand as I placed her feet back on the floor. Hi Niall., she smiled, making me turn my head

round; seeing Niall being greeted by Alice as well. You look nice. I told her as I glanced at her floral dress and leather jacket, placing a kiss on her temple. Thanks babe, you too. Smiling, she gave my hand a squeeze. Let me introduce you to everyone. ~ After numerous generic greetings of nice to meet yous, my heart finally rested at a steady pace. It was clear from the giggling and whispering going on around me that Sophia was much more mature than most of her friends, despite their grown-up looks. But nonetheless, she seemed to have a good set of friends that clearly cared a lot for her. Shuffling my seat closer to Sophia, I took a sip of my beer; her hand instantly giving my knee a quick squeeze. Told you it would be fine she smiled, pressing her lips softly to my cheek. Yeah I reciprocated her reassuring look, brushing my lips quickly to hers. Oh get a room! one of her friends joked from the other side of the table; my cheeks instantly flushing a subtle shade of pink as I laughed nervously at her bold remark. Shut up Emma! Sophia laughed, sliding her hand further up my thigh as she kept her attention in front. My heart began pounding again; blood rushing instantly towards the careful touch of her hand. Oh god. Not now. I could feel myself losing control as she let her fingers graze lightly over my jean-clad crotch beneath the table; the entire room oblivious. Babe, not now I whispered into her ear, clasping my palm over her delicate fingers and pushing them away. She raised her eyes at my persistance, clearly amused by my flushed cheeks and restless body. Im going to get a drink she chirped, lifting herself from the seat. I couldnt help but watch her hips and the soft curvature of her arse beneath her dress as she stepped over me; her perfect body swaying subtly as she walked over to the bar. I took a quick swig of my beer, attempting to draw all focus away from my aching crotch. Out of nowhere, a man propped himself at the bar next to Sophia, instantly whispering something in her ear. I squinted my eyes and furrowed my brow, narrowing all of my senses to the situation in front. She seemed to giggle as he leant in closer once more; a sudden pang of jealousy lurking in the very pit of my stomach. I watched in almost slow-motion as his hand dropped to her waist, giving it a quick squeeze, before resting just below her hip. She seemed to flinch as his hand rested there comfortably- too comfortably for my liking.

Oi, mate I bellowed across the room, something instantaneously snapping inside of me. I stood from my seat; jaw tense and adrenaline pumping as I walked over to them. Problem? he smirked. He cant have been older than 25, and was admittedly not unattractive. But his unshaven face and the smarmy glare in his eyes tainted his looks with a lecherous edge. Yeah, thats my girlfriend youre touching I growled, squaring my shoulders up to his as I forced his back to the bar. What the fuck is your problem, I didnt do nothing, the guy asked, his voice raised in tone and aggression as he pushed me backwards a tad. Youre my problem!, I shouted, reciprocating his actions as I hit the palms of my hands against his chest, making him tumble backwards. You dont fucking touch my girlfriend, understand? I felt my pulse pumping like crazy, adrenaline and anger rushing through me as I puffed my breaths out. You really shouldnt have done that., he said, smiling mockingly as he took a step towards me. Woah woah!, Sophia suddenly shouted, stepping before me. Thats enough, you guys. Harry, why dont you go outside for a bit and calm down, yeah? Yeah mate, Ill handle this Nialls voice surprised me as I hadnt even noticed him beside me, one of his hands patting my shoulder. Come on, man. He pulled me to the side by my arm, pushing me towards the door as I kept my gaze sternly fixed on the other guy. Okay, okay Raising my hands above my head in defeat, I shrugged Nialls hand off my shoulder, kicking the doors open as I stepped outside. The cool air made the goosebumps rise on my body, not concerning me a bit. I hadnt at all intended to get this pissed off; never before had I gotten into any kind of fight for any kind of girl. But with Sophia, it was somehow different; I wouldve been ready to kick the guys brains out if it had been necessary. The only thing I didnt know, however, was the reason why. Was I falling for her? Sophias P.O.V. Hey, what was that all about? I panted, my footsteps thumping quickly along the stone floor as I tried to catch up with Harry. I reached out to his shoulder, gripping it and pulling him to face me. Hey I said softly, slightly concerned. I dont know, I just- he shrugged, taking a deep breath before finally meeting my eyes. His jaw was clenched, and the veins beneath the surface of his neck were pulsing furiously; breathing deep and eyes dark. I massaged his shoulder gently, trying to relieve some tension. I just didnt like the way he was looking at you. Hes a creep Harry hissed

agitatedly. I couldnt help but smirk at him. I was taken aback by this new side to Harry; the protective and slightly jealous side. It made me feel secure; like I really meant something to him. What? he puffed; my mouthends continuing to curl upwards as I studied his face. I bit down on my lip, resting my hands on his hips as I did so. You just look so hot when youre pissed off I laughed, snaking my hands round to his backside. Its not funny! he protested; his cheeks tense as he tried to keep his stern expression, yet failing miserably. It is. I pulled him closer, tilting my chin up towards him and brushing my lips against his; the pink skin soft and sweet. Now how about we relieve some of that tension and carry on where we stopped earlier? I mumbled into his lips, rubbing the palm of my hand gently over his crotch; letting my fingers trace the outline beneath his jeans. He sighed into my lips in appreciation; his hands quickly finding my waist and pulling me close.

I slowly yet surely increased the pressure of my palm, backing Harry into the wall behind. One of his hands was lost somewhere in my hair, keeping my head in place as our tongues explored the others mouth; the other hand resting on my bum, pulling me closer every so often. Pop., I mumbled teasingly into the kiss as I popped his button open, smiling and nibbling his bottom lip as I slowly pulled the zip of his jeans down. Harrys mouth was still open a gap, lips brushing over mine as his slow, heavy breaths fanned them. Tapping my fingers over his slight snail trail, I gently took hold of his stiff member. I felt Harry shiver as my hands touched his skin, leaning his head back against the wall as my fingertips started to slowly dance up and down his length. Brushing small circles over his very tip, I felt the flesh in my hand pulsate; Harry leaning forward and oppressing his lips on mine, kissing me desperately. Now having a firm grip around him, my hand started pumping up and down. Harry let out ragged breaths through his nose as he continued kissing me. As he groaned into my mouth and gave a slight thrust into my hand, he cupped my neck and kept me close. Fuck, Im gonna.., he breathed. Immediately shimmying myself down his body, I knelt before him, taking him in my mouth. Swirling my tongue over his tip, I felt him push my head towards him; his hot liquid filling my mouth as his breathless moans instantaneously filled the silent air. Oh mywow.., he panted, pulling me upwards again. Soph- Ioh my god. A lazy grin appeared on his face as he kissed my lips, then placed a peck on my forehead. I smiled warmly at him as he tucked himself back in, wrapping his arms round my neck

as he pulled me into his chest. His fingers played with my hair as my thumbs hooked into the belt loops of his pants. We should do this more often. He suddenly said, a chuckle in his voice. Jokingly nudging him in the stomache, I tilted my head back to look at him. You do know youre gonna have to make it up to me?, I challenged, cocking an eyebrow. You bet I will!, he laughed, pressing his lips to mine once more, before we headed back inside. We got curios and questioning looks from my friends as we arrived back at the table. I gave them all a smile as we took a seat. Yalright mate?, Niall asked, giving Harry an enthusiastic smile. Yeah..great actually. Smirking, he gave me a subtle wink as he squeezed my hand. Youve got a bit of.. uh, lipgloss on your lips., Niall chuckled, raising his eyebrows. I felt my cheeks heat up to a few dozen different shades of red as sniggers erupted from around me. Rolling my eyes, I leant my head on Harrys shoulders as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand. After a few hours drinks later, I felt Harry pull me closer into him. His breath hit my skin as he whispered in my ear. Wanna get out of here? Its still early though.., I complained, pouting my lips at him. I was actually thinking you could stay at mine tonight. Smiling that little half-smile he knew I loved to death, he trailed the very tips of his fingers over my knee. Biting my bottom lip, I looked up at him from beneath my lashes and nodded slowly. Grinning, he placed a kiss on my forehead, grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the booth after him. Guys, were gonna leave now. Im shattered. Harry anounced, wrapping his arm round my waist. Yeah, sorry. Smiling apologizingly, I was pulled into the other direction. Looking over my shoulder, I gave a little wave, before Harry suddenly threw the doors open and we stepped outside. Whats the hurry?, I laughed as he walked briskly before me. I just cant wait to have you naked and moaning out my name..thats all.

Chapter 11. Harrys P.O.V. I fumbled with my keys as I turned them in the lock; the darkness of the hallway soon enshrouding Sophia and I.Lou? I called up the stairs, pressing my finger to Sophias warm lips as I listened intently.Exhaling deeply, I couldnt help but grin at the almost eerie silence, clasping my hands around Sophias and pulling them around my waist.Home alone I mumbled into her lips; her hot breath washing over my face as

our parted lips brushed against one another gently.Oh? she smirked, nipping on my lower lip and drawing my body closer towards hers; her chest rising and falling heavily as our crotches touched.We kissed for what felt like hours; tongues working in perfect sync, fingers entwining, bodies pressed close, soft moans falling from her lips. It was moments like this that got my heart racing; the anticipation of her body soon belonging to mine, and vice versa. Give me one minute I muttered, reluctantly pulling my lips from hers and letting her hand slide from mine as I made my way hurriedly up the stairs. Bursting into my room, I took a deep breath; my eyes scanning furiously over the bombsite in front. Lunging towards the bed, I practically scooped everything that was on there into my arms and carried it quickly over to the chair in the corner; various socks and pieces of paper with half-finished notes on falling to the floor during their transition. I shook my sheets quickly and straightened out the creased navy duvet, giving the room once final glance.Soph- I began to call, but my voice hitched in my throat as soon as her unmistakable figure emerged, silhouetted between my door frame; her lip between her teeth and right arm above her head, making her breasts look even more pert than usual.Sit she instructed; my body following her soft command instantaneously. I grinned as she took small steps towards me; swaying her hips exaggeratedly as she did so. Now Harry she began, lifting her dress over her head as she spoke; revealing her perfect body to my hungry eyes in seconds. Lets make the most of this free house, shall we? Nodding enthusiastically, I reached my hands towards her, only for her to raise a finger as she shook her head. You can look, but not touchyet. Winking, she brushed her fingers through her hair, lifting it from her shoulders and exposing more of her olive skin, before letting it slowly tumble right down again. I felt myself hardening by the second as she closed her eyes and started swaying her hips from side to side, along to the music that wasnt playing; slow and sensual movements. My hands quickly found the buckle of my belt, yanking the button open and ripping the zip down. My eyes were intently fixed on Sophias as she gazed at me from over her shoulder, her backside round and very much revealed to my hungry eyes. Stripping my jeans down my legs, I slipped my hand inside my boxers; taking hold of my stiff length as the fabric rode down. I instantly noticed Sophias eyes dropping down to my hand, eyes clouding with darkness as she watched it ride up and down. Taking a step forwards, she leaned down towards me. Her hands disappeared behind her back, before her breasts were suddenly whipped free from the fabric of her bra, tangling straight in front of my face. Lapping my tongue over it, I was just about to suck on it, when she stepped back again. Quickly unbuttoning my shirt, I slipped it off and threw it over my shoulder. Fuck, youre so beautiful., I stared at her in awe as she hooked her thumbs through the waistline of her knickers, letting them fall right off her hips; revealing every inch of her skin I lusted for. My length ached unbearably, and my hand instinctively picked up its pace as I kept my eyes on her. Slinking her hips over towards me, she sat on the bed, sliding her

body along it until she was propped up on her elbow. I followed her every move; my eyes fixed to her hand as it travelled down her front, eventually slipping between her thighs. She bit down on her lip, moaning softly as she kept my gaze; my fist working my length even harder than before, in retaliation to her worked up body lying before me.Resting my body to the side, I levelled my face with hers, taking her hand in mine and placing it on my stiff length. My fingers quickly found their place between her thighs, continuing where hers had left off. She tilted her head back and parted her lips as I slipped a finger inside of her; her fingers dancing over the tip of my length delicately. Harry, I need you she panted softly, tugging on my hip.Pressing my lips to hers, I brought my body on top of her, placing a knee either side of her small waist, which was emphasised by the sculpted curvature of her hips and breasts.Bowing my head to hers, I captured her lips with mine. I kissed her gently, yet the need for the other that was boiling up inside us, instantly intensified our movements. My tongue explored the depths of her mouth, dancing with hers as my fingers travelled over her legs. My senses felt as alive as ever as I touched the velvet like skin. Lifting her legs to wrap around my waist, I placed a single kiss on the inside of her knees; supporting my weight with my hands either side of her head. I looked her deep in the eyes as the very tip of my length pressed against her; seeing them fluttering shut as I eased myself inside. The feeling of getting lost in her, being engulfed and as close as possible sent my head and heart into a frenzy. Her delicate fingers slowly dug into my biceps, silently urging me to move. Arching my hips away from her, before rocking them against her, I tried to go in as deep as possible; to make this the time of our lives. I invested the majority of my weight into each thrust; her back arching uncontrollably as I watched myself disappear inside of her repeatedly. The heels of her feet rested firmly on the curvature of my arse, digging in every now and then as she urged me deeper. Keeping my face as close to hers as possible, I picked up my pace; her breathing immediately hitching in her throat as she let out a strangled moan. Her hot breath washed over my lips; hers dangerously close to mine. My hips ground against hers; chests clammy and hair damp. I pushed a strand from her face, her hands linking behind my neck as she pulled my lips to hers. We kissed; intensely, sensually, delicately, lustfully. I withdrew completely, before slamming myself back in; her body convulsing beneath me as she moaned my name. I slid one of my hands along the back of her thigh until it clasped the back of her knee. Sucking on her lower lip, I pushed her knee to her chest, allowing me the angle that I needed to push her to her climax.Her hands grabbed handfuls of the sheets either side of her; panting and writhing beneath me. I could feel beads of swear rolling down my temples; my fingers and toes tingling as she began to tighten around me.She bucked her hips upwards to meet my thrusts, moaned my name out loud; and as her face contorted when she reached her high, I couldve sworn it was the most beautiful thing Id ever witnessed. Her eyes continued to flutter as the last remnants of her orgasm ensued; mine reaching me like a tsunami tide as my release exploded inside her. My body felt unbearably heavy to still be supported by my lifeless arms when I collapsed on top of

sophia. I felt her heart race beneath her chest, similar to mine as my breathing just wouldnt slow. This are I struggled to find the words to describe this more than perfect moment, my brain failing me greatly. Shh Sophia hummed, drawing invisible shapes on my damp skin as wed switched positions; both soon falling asleep in the aftermath of our sex haze. ~ You gonna call me later? Sophia asked as she looked at herself in the mirror, pulling her long waves up into a messy bun. I most certainly will., I grinned, taking a sip of my coffee. Sure you dont want me to take you home? Shaking her head, she stood up on her tiptoes and placed a sweet kiss upon my lips, before stepping out. I stood in the doorway as I watched her walk down the corridor; smirking shamelessly as I just couldnt keep my thoughts off last night. Everything about it- from the way her body had worked beneath me, to the glistening in her eyes and moaning of my name. One last glance over shoulder and a smile was all I got, before she disappeared round the corner. ~ Sophias P.O.V. And where the hell have you been? My mum screamed as I walked through the door, plummeting from my day-dream haze.I snapped my eyes up to meet hers; her face flushed and eyes sharp, causing my stomach to lurch.I- ermYou do realise your father and I have been trying to call you since last night! Thank God we managed to get hold of Alice.Oh GodWhat did Alice say? I quickly retorted, praying that shes covered for me.That you were staying at Emmas, and your phone battery must have died or something. But thats irrelevant, Sophia. Your father is furious. Youre still a child. You had us worried sick!Sorry I mumbled, lowering my eyes to the floor like a scorned puppy. I should think so too. If you cant stick to the rules in this house, we see no other option but to ground you for the next 3 weeks, until your work is back on target.What?! Mum!- Save it, Sophia. You need to focus on your exams, and im not having you staying up until God knows what hour.My heart raced inside of my chest as I suppressed the tears that were fast building up in my eyes.What about Harr- tutoring I choked, quickly correcting myself. Harry will still come and tutor you, of course. But no trips to coffee shops to do your work. It all happens here. Got it?I took a deep breath inwards, digging my nails into the palms of my hands frustratedly.

Whatever I mumbled, twisting on the balls of my feet and stomping up the stairs, making sure that my door slammed as loudly as possible. Chapter 12 Sophias P.O.V. But Mum! I screeched in protest, shooting her daggers from across the room. No buts Sophia. You will have your lesson with Harry in the dining room, where I can see and hear you. End of. Youre being ridiculous I sulked, scooping my notes up from my bedroom desk and cradling them hastily out of the room and down the stairs. I rolled my eyes as my Mum called after me, reeling off some generic spiel about it being for my own good, and that its what I get for breaking rules. I slammed my folder down on the mahogany table; making sure my frustration was evident. I hadnt seen Harry in five days, and the one time I could was to be supervised by my overly-annoying and protective mother. Stop sulking, Sophia! my Mum called down the stairs patronisingly; her tone making my heart race and fists clench. Just as I was about to retort with some not-so-planned sarcasm, the doorbell rang; echoing throughout the house. I jolted from my spot, practically hurling myself at the door before wrenching it open, to be greeted by Harrys typical cheeky grin and glistening eyes. Hey- I quickly cut off his soft greeting with the oppression of my lips upon his. I kissed him desperately, savouring his taste that Id been deprived of for what felt like months. Our fingers entwined tightly as our lips refused to part; neither wanting to let go first. God Ive missed you Harry breathed heavily, resting his chilled forehead against my own. You too I grinned, placing a quick kiss on his deep pink lips before prising my body from his reassuring hold. I shifted my eyes frantically over him from head to toe: masses of chocolate brown curls; slightly flushed cheeks; navy jumper revealing a slight expanse of tanned chest; silver chain draped over his jutting collar bones; beige chinos clinging in all the right places He looked incredible, as he always did. Harry cleared his throat as he averted his eyes over my shoulder. I followed his gaze, tilting my chin over my shoulder to be greeted by my Mum, tapping her foot restlessly. Harry, apologies for the slight change of lesson conduct from now on she began. But I guess you remember what it was like to be an irresponsible teen Harry chuckled awkwardly; catching my agitated expression as he did so. Its no bother he smiled, shifting his warm glance to me as if to try and calm me down. Well then come in, Harry, and you guys can get started right away. No time to lose, exams are getting closer!, She chirped happily, turning around and heading into the kitchen. I swear to God, if she werent my mother, I mumbled aggressively, an amused chuckle leaving Harrys lips. And whats so funny?, I asked, sarcastically cocking an eyebrow at him. Nothing., he grinned, Come on, no

time to lose! I laughed as he mocked my mothers expression, butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach as he subtly brushed his fingers against mine as we headed into the dining room. Out of habit, we sat right next toeach other; however forced to leave some extra space so no one would get suspicious. I already went through those texts you told me to, so I guess we can move on to something else., I shrugged. Good, thats great. Just be sure to go over them every once in a while so you dont forget everything. Yes, Sophia, do go over them! You always forget things so easily! my mothers voice suddenly echoed from the kitchen. Widening my eyes in anger, I opened my mouth to retaliate loudly, when I suddenly felt Harrys fingers on my lips. Dont. he whispered. Well to be honest, Mrs. Manza, as far as I remember, Sophias never forgotten anything we did. Shes doing Pretty good, actually. Winking, he gave my knee a squeeze and peeked into the kitchen, before capturing my lips for a quick kiss. I sighed at the sudden loss of contact; keeping my eyes closed as his lips left mine. Concentrate he whispered, sliding his fingers back and forth slowly along the inside of my thigh. Harry, stop I breathed, pushing his teasing hands from my tingling skin. My heart was racing, and body becoming restless in his presence. I was having to muster every ounce of energy to avoid jumping on him right there and then. I cant hear much French going on, Sophia! my mum called from the opposite room. I rolled my eyes, before locking them with Harrys; his frosty emerald orbs laden with lust. I couldnt bring myself to break our gaze, and I could tell by the heavy moving of his chest beneath his jumper that he was undressing me in his mind, just like I was him. Je te veux I mumbled, pulling my lower lip between my teeth. I wanted him, and I wanted him now. He groaned softly, inhaling deeply and squeezing his eyes shut. My eyes traced his sharp jaw as he stretched his neck; parading two prominent veins pulsing beneath the taut skin. I envisaged my tongue grazing them; tasting his warm skin; sliding my hands beneath his jumper and running them over his defined abs; his large hands massaging my thighs My fantasy was unmercifully interrupted as my mum poked her head around the door. Gotta make an urgent call. Im sure I can trust you two alone for 10 minutes or so? she laughed. Yeah, we just have a few grammar things to finish off Harry smiled, before she withdrew her head from our presence. The front door slammed, and it was only then that we realised we were left alone. Our eyes met once more; dark; exhilarated.

Harrys lips smacked against my own; hands clawing desperately at each others clothes as I stood up and pulled him backwards with me. We waltzed clumsily across the hall; lips and hands refusing to break contact, before my back hit the downstairs bathroom door and forced it open. I instantly reached for him, cupping him through his pants; he seemed to be just as ready as I was. Fiddling with the button and zip, I pushed his chinos down his thighs, pulling his tight, grey and black striped boxers with them. HIs stiff member sprung from the fabric, my eyes clouding with heat as I eyed him lustfully, fingers grazing the tip. Before I knew it, I was suddenly pushed back against the wall, Harrys hands grabbing my breasts and massaging them. I reached down to undo my pants, leaving them open for Harry to pull down. A groan erupted from his lips as he got down to his knees, ripping jeans and panties down. Forcing my legs apart as a Id stepped out of them, it was within a second that Harry ran his rough tongue along my center before leveling his body back up to mine. Abruptly grabbing my hips, he lifted me up, pressed me against the wall with his weight and pushed himself into me as my legs wrapped around him. My hips slammed relentlessly against the wall behind; lips instantly connecting with Harrys neck to stifle any noise. His fingers dug into my hips as he thrust upwards repeatedly, almost as if he had no control over his actions at this present moment in time. I sunk my teeth into the skin of his neck, trying desperately to keep quiet as he moved within me. I couldnt get enough of his touch; his hot body pressed desperately against my own. Not gonna last much longer he panted, maintaining his urgent rhythm. I threw my head back, revelling in the overwhelming pleasure that was currently pulsing to the very tip of each nerve-end; fingers and toes curling involuntarily. Ill make it up to you, I promise he whispered, bowing his head to mine; his damp curls sticking to my forehead. We both knew that I wasnt going to come this time, but he felt too good inside of me right now for me to care. His eyes met mine for his final few thrusts; his brow furrowing almost apologetically as he reached his climax. Ugh God, Sophia he groaned breathlessly as his body shuddered against my own; arse cheeks tensing beneath my heels as he released himself inside of me. I dropped my lips to his shoulder and sucked gently on his clammy skin as his movements came to a gradual halt. My body remained pressed between the wall and his; both struggling to catch our breaths. I was gently placed back on the floor, Harrys loosely opened eyes staring at me as we got fully dressed again. Youre so fucking amazing., he suddenly moaned, attacking my lips once more. Grinning profusely into his lips, I stood up on my tiptoes as I kissed him back hungrily before we realized we had to get back. We both giggled as we quietly hurried back into the dining room, sighing in relief as there was no sign of my motheryet. Almost as if shed sensed that we were back, the front door opened and in rushed my mum. I have to go to the loo real quick., she informed us, turning round the corner. The second she disappeared behind the doors, Harry and I burst out into fits of laughter, clinging onto the others arm.

Oh God., I laughed, holding my hand in front of my mouth in amused shock. Suddenly, though, Harry leaned back in and gave me one more kiss. His forehead rested against mine as his hand stroked my rosy cheek. I really will make it up to you. I know you will.,I simply smiled; withdrawing as I heard the bathroom door open. A strangely very happy looking mother walked back in, smiling curiosly at us. My god you two already look exhausted! I cannot send you back home like this, Harry. You will have dinner with us, and I wont take no for an answer! Harry smirked in my direction at my mums persistence. Sure, thatd be nice. I reciprocated his smile, biting down on my bottom lip to suppress a full-on grin. Sophia, set the table will you. Youll need three extra plates. Dont you mean one, Mum? I questioned, furrowing my brow. No, your Fathers colleague and his daughter are coming over tonight she smiled. Harry, I reckon youll get on really well with her. Shes studying French at Uni too! she added as an enthusiastic after-thought, throwing a subtle wink in Harrys direction. My stomach lurched as the words echoed throughout my mind, and it was clear from Harrys expression that he could sense my unease. Well, this will be nice I spat sarcastically through gritted teeth, forcing a smile as I turned to my mum. She might do you good too, darling. Someone to look up to. I could feel my blood boiling. Not only was she trying to set my boyfriend up with this girl, but she was embarrassing me in front of him - treating me like the stereotypical child that I so desperately didnt want Harry to see me as. I took a deep breath, before turning on my heels and walking to the dining room. Harrys P.O.V. I forced a smile as I took a sip of my drink, subtly shuffling further to the left and farther away from Melanie, who Id conveniently been seated next to; feeling Sophias glare upon us from the opposite side of the table. So this wasawkward. Sophias mum was nice and all but she could certainly be a stubborn and annoying bit- lady. Trying to set me up with some girl Id never even met - what was she thinking? But knowing her, she probably just had the thought and acted on it; this was a side to her that Id also noticed in Sophia. Little did she know, however that I was with her daughter; who was currently probably having thoughts about how she could get away with murdering her mum. Of course I understood why shed reacted the way shed had; I knew I wouldve as well. But as I thought about it, it was actually quite nice to see her jealous. I knew for a fact that I would never let myself get involved with any other girl while I was still

with Sophia; no matter how attractive I found someone, just like Melanie. She obviously was a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes; you could also tell she was smart end well educated. However, in my opinion, she still had nothing on Sophia; nobody did. That didnt mean that I wouldnt pretend to play along with this whole set up; even if it was just a little and mostly to annoy Sophia. Chapter 13 Harrys POV I couldnt help but flirt back at Melanie; her wit and charm was enchanting. I glanced across the table to Sophia; her eyes set in a concrete glare and lips pursed in aggravation. Despite her undeniable fury, I was quite enjoying myself- enjoying knowing that her feelings towards me were strong enough to cause that sort of reaction. I guess I was indirectly testing her. Male prerogative, you might say. So Harry, tell Melanie about your year in China Sophias mum intervened, grinning enthusiastically in my direction. Oh please do Melanie chirped, running her fingers through her long blonde hair as she set her deep gaze upon me. I love Chinese culture. Me too Sophia quickly interrupted, forcing a frustrated smile in my direction, in addition to the sharp knock upon my shin that her foot gave me. Yes darling, but Melanie used to live there. Im sure her and Harry have a lot they could talk about, eh you two? I could see Sophias jaw trembling as her mother spoke, and it was only then that I realised Id taken it a little too far. I was past playing mind games; I wasnt the immature teen that I once was. However Id now got myself trapped in a conversational sandwich between two empowered women; not to mention the very angry one currently sitting opposite me. I felt uneasy as all eyes rest upon me; my palms fast becoming clammy and mouth dry, no matter how much water I poured down my throat. The tension was all too much. Would you excuse me, I just need to use the bathroom I smiled politely, quickly shifting back in my chair and excusing myself. Thankfully, by the time I got back theyd already moved on to another topic. When I spotted dessert lying on my plate, I grinned immensely: Sophias mum was a master at desserts- probably the Italian genes, I thought. I tried to catch Sophias eye every once in a while, smiling warmly and somewhat reassuringly. Shed pretend to be sulking, but I could tell from the way her lips twitched and eyebrows rose exaggeratedly, that in fact, she wasnt mad at me. Just to be sure, however, I swiftly avoided anymore obvious remarks or questions that were thrown at me; simultaneously brushing my toes against Sophia every once in a while. As dinner finally drew to an end, Melanies dad offered to drive me home; which I happily accepted. We got dressed and were stood in the foyer, when suddenly Mrs. Manza piped up. Oh Harry, I almost forgot! Will you be joining us at the Great Ormond Street Charity Fundraiser this weekend? Your parents must be coming as

well! Since its sponsored by our firm, Im certain they will be, eh?, Sophias dad suddenly joined in, earning a nod from Melanies. I uh..dont know to be honest. Well it would be lovely if you would! Well all be there- including Melanie, wholl keep you company! I rubbed the back of myneck nervously, quickly and subtly adverting my gaze to Sophia. The roast is always very good., she finally said; answering my silent question whether shed be there. But Ill talk to my parents!, I added happily. Everyone laughed enthusiastically and we turned to the door,when all of a sudden I announced Id forgotten some notes in the living room. I know where they are! Sophia said, hurrying back inside behind me. Youre lucky youre so unbelievably hot, or I might be mad at you right now for being such a flirt Sophia purred into my ear, sliding the palms of her hands over my jumper and to my shoulders. My whole body shuddered at the combination of her delicate touch and soft voice in my ear. I turned my cheek towards her, nibbling on my lip as her body remained pressed against my own. I was not flirting I whispered, mouthends curling upwards into a smirk, knowing fullwell that it was just one of my innate characteristics. Oh shush Sophia laughed, pressing her lips to mine, savouring our last moments together. Sophia. Stop. It. Now. I spoke between soft kisses, unable to repress my grin as she refused to part her lips from mine. Finally, I managed to prise myself from her; massaging her fingers between my own as I looked deep into her eyes. Ill text you, okay? I smiled, pushing a stray strand of chocolate brown hair from her face. Text me something fun she winked; the apples of her cheeks rounding as she broke out into a cheeky grin. I raised my eyebrows at her obvious intentions. Fun, eh? I laughed. Im sure that could be arranged I flashed her a quick wink, before grabbing my notes from the table and walking to the ominous drone of business chatter at the front door.

5 days later.

Sophias POV

I handed the woman behind the counter my coat, thanking her. Nervously flipping my loosely curled hair over my shoulder, I brushed my fingers over the fabric of my dress, praying to God I wouldnt trip over my own feet in these heels. I turned to my

parents, both spruced up with a dress and a tux. Ready?, my dad asked, taking a big breath ad we stood round the corner of the main hall. Ready., my mum and I said in unison, before the three of us made our way inside. The thing I hated most about events like these, was the constant hand-shaking and smiling. And what was even worse were usual comments like Oh youve grown up so fast, I remember you being this tall. Theyd always say, gesturing with their hands at the height of their knees - and all I could do was smile and nod. But tonight, my stomach churned with nerves and butterflies at the same time. I couldnt wait to see Harry; the last time I had seen him already a few days past. I wondered what he looked like, all glamoured up; and I wondered if Id be able to keep my hands off him. I was restless, awaiting Harrys arrival, which I knew would be any moment now. His dad had already called mine to let him know that the wife was faffing about with her earrings. Typical. Feeling a sudden sense of unease, I turned my head towards the door, greeted by Harrys tall frame dressed head to toe in the most exquisite suit. I hadnt seen him like this before, but good Lord His usually messy and dishevelled mop of curls were swept ever so slightly off of his forehead; revealing an area of skin that I rarely laid my eyes on. His white dress shirt was buttoned to the top, accompanied with a black velvet bow tie. His suit highlighted his broad shoulders, drawing my eyes down to his matching suit trousers and highlypolished brogues. I snapped my eyes back up to his face, which was now squinting in my direction. I suddenly felt overly self-conscious before him- especially as he looked so insanely good right now, but taking a deep breath, I began taking a few careful steps in his direction. Harrys POV I could have ripped her clothes off right there and then. Her dress fell just above her knees, revealing a teasing band of tanned thigh beneath the deep red silk. My eyes wandered upwards slowly, savouring the figure-hugging material that showed off her incredible curves. A small jewelled embellishment lie just above her waist, drawing upwards along her ribcage, just below her breasts. I paused there; my heart pounding uncontrollably as my eyes shifted over her exposed skin. I could almost feel her breasts in my hands as I marvelled at them. Prising my eyes away, I slid them across her delicate collar bones and up her neck, sliding them along her jaw until a set of glossed lips fell into my view. My heart and head raced as I thought of the countless times id had them running over my skin. Finally, my eyes met hers; dark lashes shaping her glistening orbs. She. looked. breathtaking. Her hips swayed effortlessly as she walked towards me; our eye contact constant. My mouth was dry as she approached me, and my heart drummed heavily against my ribcage. Ah, Sophia! How good to see you! Our contact was quickly broken by the interruption of one of our fathers pompous colleagues, who now had his bristly, unshaven jaw pressed to her cheek and hand resting lightly on her hip. I forgot about the lack of social

decorum amongst middle-aged men that came with these business events. The mans attention was drawn to something over her shoulder; my gaze following. Approaching us swiftly were her parents and it was a matter of a second before I heard my mum call out Sophias mums name as she passed me. Our dads shook hands, before it was my turn to greet everyone. I also shook Sophias dads hand and gave her mum a quick peck on the cheek, before I turned to her. Leaning in, I gently placed a hand upon her hip, letting my mouth hover just by her ear as I whispered quietly. You look beautiful. I thought I heard her take in a sharp breath as I moved back; seeing the heat rush to her already rosy cheeks. So youre Harrys tutee!, my mum suddenly chirped, turning to Sophia who nodded, smiling. Harry, you never told me what a pretty girl she was! she laughed. Cringing beyond belief, I just smiled awkwardly - oh mother, if you only knew. Now Anne, what a sweet thing to say., Mrs. Manza retaliated, hooking her arm with my mums. But tell me, howve you been? The two of them started chatting, soon followed by our fathers as the four of them headed back. Youre at our table. Sophia said as we walked in their direction; my fingers grazing hers for just a split second; shooting a struck of electricity through my body nonetheless. Sophias POV Dinner was a drag, as usual, and I knew the worst was still yet to come. As the clanking of spoons upon plates eventually came to a halt, an old-looking, grey-haired man cleared his throat at the edge of the table. Harry smirked in my direction, rolling his eyes from only a few seats away on the opposite side. The mans voice was enough to send anyone to an early grave; monotonous moral boosting and endless spiel going though one ear and straight out of the other. I felt my eyelids flutter shut for a short moment, before practically jumping in my seat. I slipped my phone from my bag beneath the table, pressing the keys quietly as I scanned my eyes to the screen. Fancy getting out of here for a bit? the text read. My heart raced, before I lifted my eyes from the screen and to Harry; his mouth forming a sly, lop-sided smile. I raised my eyes at him as I watched him quietly shuffle from his seat and whisper something into his mums ear, before tiptoeing from the hall and out of the doublecream wooden doors. I counted to ten slowly in my head, before also excusing myself from one of the many long tables full of formally-dressed men and women I tried to stiffle my giggles when Harry grabbed my hand as soon as the doors closed behind me. He captured my lips for a kiss as I inhaled his scent deeply. Our lips parted with a smack before Harry turned around, briskly heading down the corridor. Slow down!, I told him; feet aching and scared of tripping over. You slow

down you die, Harry laughed, tilting his head to flash me a wink. Yeah, well, you go too fast on these shoes you kind of die also. I replied sarcastically, hearing Harry chuckle. Where are we even going? Umm. Squinting his eyes as he read the words on one of the doors, he smirked. Conference room. Perfect. Turning the handle, he pushed the door open, dragging me inside with him, before kicking it shut behind us. Voila.,he grinned, keeping his eyes on me as I leaned against the huge table in the middle of the room. You look amazing. Now grinning along with him, I toyed with the hem of my dress. So do you. Glancing up at him from underneath my precisely brushed eyelashes, I. Took my bottom lip in between my teeth. I missed you., Harry stated once he was stood eight before me, slightly urging me backwards. He pressed his body against mine, the fabric of his suit rubbing against the silk of my dress. You too I whispered softly, taking his hands in mine and putting them on my waist. We stared at each other for what felt like hours; absorbing familiar features and exchanging familiar glances, both if which were still exhilarating, nonetheless. So.. I continued whilst teasing his buckle; working it between my fingers as I slipped it from its clasp. Sophia he groaned breathlessly, tilting his head back as I pressed my palm flat against his boxers. I felt him growing quickly under my touch; his hips moving involuntarily towards me as I continued my gentle strokes. So. Hard I smirked, increasing the pressure upon him. His head fell forwards, forehead now resting firmly upon mine; breathing ragged as I teased his clothed erection. His hot breath washed fiercely over my face with each sharp exhalation; lips quivering as they met my own. With my free hand, I pushed his trousers from his hips, letting them slip down his legs and to his ankles. I quickly squeezed his bum and pulled him in close I pushed myself up a tad to sit on the edge of the table, heels on the back of Harrys legs. He placed his hands upon my thighs as our tongues explored the others mouth. Riding the fabric further up, he gave a slight thrust if his hips, pressing his clothed erection against my crotch. Sighing shakily, I bucked my hips towered him. Harrys mouth began its journey to my cheeks and down my jaw, gradually reaching my neck; sucking, nibbling, lucking. Breathless moans left my lips as he gave another subtle thrust of his hips, his hardness growing even further. My fingers wound themselves in Harrys hair, his mouth continuing to do great things to my skin. God, how Id missed his touch; his smell; his taste.

I knew I was losing myself in the pleasure of all of this, abruptly demolished as the door suddenly sprung open Chapter 14 Harrys P.O.V. Our heads shot to the door, my eyes finding another pair of familiar ones; staring at us in disbelief. Im so- wow..I dont - wow.. sorry., they muttered, turning around and hurrying off. I felt my heart beating incessantly, adrenaline pumping through my body as I still stood there in shock. Oh my god., Sophia gasped, jumping off the table and re-adjusting her dress. Oh my god, Harry!, she exclaimed, scrunching her hair up in her fists. Were fucking doomed! N-.., I started off, unsure of how to continue. We were doomed. How the fuck did we let this happen?! Sophias voice was full of worry and angst as she paced the room up and down. My parents are gonna have a fit!, she whined, hiding her face behind her hands. Hey., I whispered once Id gotten myself together again and had re-adjusted my clothes as well; my member decreasing in hardness slowly. Grabbing her wrists, I slowly pulled them away from her face, entwining our fingers as they hung at our sides. I dont care if they find out, or if they have a fit.. well talk to them..well-.. itll all turn out fine. As I tried to assure her, I was trying to assure myself as well. I didnt want to make out how her parents would react, how angry they would be - and how disappointed. We had been lying to them all along. Lets just get back inside and see how it goes., I suggested, brushing my thumb over her cheekbone; the flushed skin burning. Doing nothing but nod, Sophia closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply; my lips finding hers for a gentle, slow and short kiss. I held her hand loosely as we walked down the corridor, eventually reaching the big doors again. Okay., I sighed, giving her hand a squeeze, before letting go and opening them. She smiled politely and friendly, yes somewhat cool as she passed me, heading straight towards her parents. I reciprocated her actions, shoving my hands into the pockets of my pants as I strolled across the hall to my mum and stepdad. Oh there you are love!, my mum chirped as I approached. Just had to get some air I lied through a false smile, pressing my hand to her upper arm. How was the speech? I laughed; my mum immediately rolling her eyes and joining in. Oh you know riveting as usual! I grinned at her sarcasm, before I felt a quick tap on my shoulder. Harry, dear- I turned round to be greeted by Sophias mum. Hey I said curiously, wondering what the sly smile on her face was for. Anne, you dont mind if I borrow your son for

a moment do you? she flashed a perfect set of white teeth, before winking and grabbing my hand. I guess half of me was relieved at her warmth; it meant that she hadnt heard about mine and Sophias little rendezvous only moments ago. Now Harry she began, letting go of my arm and stepping out of my eye line. How about you ask Melanie for a dance she nudged me playfully; my heart pounding and face draining as her eyes flicked up and met mine. Wide, panicked eyes stared silently at one another; my body being gently shoved my Sophias mums hands towards Melanie. I- I, erm. I really cant dance I laughed nervously, trying to free myself from the awkwardness that was currently surrounding us. Oh thats fine, Im sure Melanie can show you a few moves. She was a junior tango champion Sophias mum laughed, before leaving my side. Before I had a chance to think of another excuse, the lights dimmed and the music began; people shuffling from the dance floor, whilst couples took their places. I caught Sophias eye from the other side of the room as someone bumped into me; jolting my body towards Melanie. Our hips crashed; my hands landing uncomfortably upon her hips. Well this isnt at all awkward she mumbled beneath a soft, nervous laugh. My mouth ends warmed to her humour, feeling slightly more at ease as we began to move. I- You- Melanie and I laughed as we simultaneously tried to break the awkward, uncomfortable silence; our words crashing. Can I go first?, she smiled, resting her hands on my shoulders. Nibbling the inside of my lip, I nodded. First of all, Im sorry about walking in on you guys. I heard some..well, noises and got slightly worried, so Iand then..well you know the rest., she chuckled lightly, scrunching up her nose as she shook her head, a smile on her face. But I just want you to know that I wont say anything if you dont want me to. I caught her eyes, sincerity displayed across her features. Really?, I asked, slightly dumbfounded. Yeah.., she sighed, looking down at our shoes for a second. If Im being honest, I kind of anticipated you two having a thing Is it that obvious?, I laughed, afraid of her answer. If you worry about it being obvious to her or your parents, then no. But.. I dont know.. I just saw some looks between you guys, the connection, sort of.. and its like youre magnetic or something - she moves a bit, you do as well. I found myself staring at her in disbelief, unsure of what to make of what shed just told me. Its a nice thing, dont look so worried. Oh.., I laughed. Its really nice, actually.. I wish I had something like that.. Sighing, Melanie adverted her gaze from me and glanced to our left into the crowd. Youre a great girl, Mel, Im sure youll find somebody soon.

Smiling, she looked back at me. Thanks, I hope so and for the record, youre a decent guy, as well, Sophias a lucky girl. Well! I began, smiling; appreciative of her discretion. Shall we finish this? I laughed, shuffling my feet non-rhythmically. Only if you let me take the lead. Jesus, you werent lying when you said you couldnt dance, were you? Melanie grinned, shifting one of my hands round her waist and taking the other between her fingers. Nope I laughed, following her feet as she counted softly in my ear. I hate these sorts of things anyway, all this unnecessary formal dancing I continued, bringing my arm up and out to the side as I allowed her to twirl beneath it. Youre not the only one she smiled as her back pressed against my chest; hands around her waist. I couldnt help but feel a natural attraction towards Melanie as she moved against me; her body was most certainly skilled. But at the same time, it was Sophia that I wished I was dancing with; that I wished all eyes were focusing on. The music faded, and we both gave each other a friendly smile and hug, before we parted. Id only met her a couple of times, but I trusted her, and I trusted that she would keep what happened in the conference room a secret. I ran my fingers through my curls, slightly worn out from my dancing efforts. See, that wasnt so bad I jumped as Sophias mum crept up behind me, nudging me on the arm. Smiling back at her, I agreed, before excusing myself and following the gaze of Sophias intense, emerald eyes. Her gaze was worried, confused and questioning at the same time - all I wanted to do was run over, take her in my arms and tell her that everything was fine. And maybe get to fuck her for a few hours later on. But seeing as those things simply werent possibly right now, I smiled warmly and reassuringly at her, hoping shed get the gist. Raising her eyebrows, she seemed to breath a sigh of relief, before the smile I loved so much graced her delicate features. I felt my insides warm up as I kept her gaze for a few more seconds, before reluctantly turning around and carrying on with the evening. Sophias P.O.V.I leaned against the counter as I thought of what drink to get. Seeing as I was here with my parents, I couldnt exactly ask for a nice, cold Vodka Redbull, so diet coke would just have to do. The bartender nodded, before turning around. Examening my nails, I brushed my tongue over my front teeth as I waited for my drink. Here you go., the man said, handing me a glass. Thanking him, I took a sip, before turning around, already seeing my mum approaching me. They still serve coke in fancy wine glasses, mum., I chuckled - laughter instantly fading as I noticed the look of horror on her face. Whats wrong?, I almost exclaimed, placing the glass on the counter, before reaching out to her. Your grandmas been rushed to the hospital., she said, breathing heavily. W-what? What happened? We dont know, the hospital just called us and told us to get there immediately, so your father and I have to go, hes getting the car., she spluttered out, reaching into her bag.

Pulling out her phone, she started pressing some random buttons. What? No, mum, Im coming with you!, I almost shouted, not giving a single damn about the people surrounding us. Without me even noticing, Anne - Harrys mum - suddenly appeared at our side, looking worried. Did something happen?, she asked, placing one hand on my arm, the other on my mums. Richards mum, my mum muttered. My grandma was rushed to the hospital., I stated, Annes eyes widening in shock. Oh gosh, Im so sorry, is there anything we can do? No.., I replied, surprised by my mothers interruption. Yes actually, could you be a sweetheart and let Sophia stay at yours for tonight? That would be such a burden off our shoulders as well be leaving for the hospital in just a minute. My eyes widened as I felt them starting to sting; why in the world was this woman not letting me come along? Mum!, I shrieked, I am coming with you! No you are not., she replied sternly, yet somewhat lovingly, Youll be going home with Anne and get a good nights sleep and if everythings okay, youll come visit your grandma in the morning. End of. I sighed, brushing a fingertip over the underside of my eye as I caught a teardrop. Dont cry, darling, please., my mum choked out, Ill see you tomorrow. Giving me a quick peck on the forehead, she turned around, briskly walking off. My mind was a mess. I couldnt concentrate as Anne rubbed her palm up and down my arm, attempting to comfort me. Its okay sweetheart she said softly. Shes in the best place. Lets get you back to ours, yeah? she smiled, pulling my arm gently. I followed her; eyes fixed on the floor, unable to hold back the tears that were sliding down my cheeks. Mum? Harry said curiously as we approached. Soph- whats wrong? Sophias going to be staying with us tonight- her Grandmas been taken ill. Go and tell your dad to get the car, would you? I kept my eyes to the floor. I knew if I looked at Harry, Id just want to break down into his arms, which would be entirely inappropriate right now. Anne pulled me in close to her body. Her perfume was sweet, and fruity- comforting, almost. I couldnt get my head around things; this night had been eventful, to say the least. Within a few minutes, I was sat in the back of a car, with Harry on the other side. I let my eyes meet his for a split second, and his fingers grazed the top of my palm, letting me know he was there. That one instant of contact sent a reassuring rush through me. Hed had that effect on me since the first time we kissed. Harry, youll be alright setting the spare room up for Sophia, wont you? Anne said, tilting her head back over the front passenger seat towards her son. Course his monotonous voice retorted quickly, making me feel somewhat at ease. I smiled up at him; eyes still glazed with the aftermath of the shocking news. His

mouth ends etched upwards slightly- nothing could be said right now to put my mind at ease, but just him being there was enough. The car came to a gradual halt; tyres crunching the gravel beneath them as we pulled up Harrys drive. I was nervous. This was the first time Id ever been to his house, and I felt like I was somewhat intrudingbecause of the circumstances of my visit. I stepped out of the car; the tall house illuminated subtly by the soft glow of the porch light. There air was cold, and I shuddered as we walked up to the dark red door, crossing my hands over my chest and clasping my hands either side of my upper arm. Come on darling, lets get you a hot drink and something warm to put on! Ann insisted, ushering me inside. So heres a shirt and some joggers., Anne said in thought, handing me the clothes as she rummaged through Harrys sisters closet, trying to find some things she hadnt taken away with her to Uni and that were still wearable. And some socks. Smiling triumphantly, she handed me those as well, before shutting the wardrobe. You want some tea, love? Shaking my head, I forced a smile. Thanks so much, but Id rather just go to bed.. Im knackered. Smiling warmly at me, she stroked the top of my head, before giving me squeeze. Everythingll be alright, love, dont you worry. With one more smile, she pointed me to the room Id be staying in. I opened the door and shut it behind me; smiling when I noticed Harry had already done the bed. Changing into the clothes Anne had given me, I lifted the duvet and slid into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt tears stinging in the back of my eyes again. I was so unbelievably tired, worn off due to the numerous events of that day; but at the same time I just knew I wouldnt be able to fall asleep. The first tear made its way down my cheeks; and now there was no more stopping them now. Tear after tear rolled out of my tired eyes, nose running as I muffled the noises I was unwillingly making in the pillow. I just wanted to know everything was going to be okay. Harrys P.O.V. I moved the brush back and forth along my teeth, squinting my eyes as I glanced at myself in the mirror at the same time. Spitting into the sink, I turned the water on and washed my mouth out. Turning it off, I turned to wipe my hands and face; when suddenly I heard a quiet noise. Stepping out of the bathroom, I stopped mid-track and listened again; realising it was someone crying. And already I knew who it was. It made my heart ache to see Sophia in this state; never before had I really seen her cry or hurt.

Peeking my head round the corner to see the light in my parents room already out, I tiptoed towards the spare room in which Sophia lay in. Her head was face down in the pillow; muffled sobs being absorbed by the soft cotton. My heart ached to see her this way- I wasnt used to her vulnerable side. This wasnt the bubbly, humorous girl that I saw most days. She looked broken. I crept through the door and shut it behind me, tiptoeing to the bed she was lying in. Without saying a word, I pulled the duvet back and got in behind her, wrapping my hands around her waist and pulling her close. I kissed her neck softly, trying my best to soothe her. Her shoulders repeatedly jolted against me as the pillow soaked up her mascara-laden tears, and I quickly laced my fingers with hers, clasping them tightly. I hushed in her ear, nuzzling my head against hers, tucking my knees under her bum. I knew there was nothing I could say- Id experienced the same worry and heartbreak only a couple of years ago when my uncle passed away. I lay awake until her sobs subsided and her breathing steadied, giving her the occasional kiss so she knew I was still there. Only once I was sure shed completely exhausted herself and fallen asleep, did I close my eyes and let myself drift off. Chapter 15. Harrys P.O.V. The soft buzzing of my phone alarm roused me from my sleep. I patted the side of my bed, keeping my eyes shut as I attempted to blindly find my phone. Eventually locating it next to my pillow, I snatched it from its position and brought it to my face, squinting as I looked at the screen. 7.00 am. For a split second, I wondered why Id set it so early for a Saturday morning, but the soft, shallow breaths drifting from my left soon reminded me why I had done. Sophia slept peacefully beside me; duvet clutched up close to her chest; soft waves of chocolate brown falling over her cheek and brow. I pulled her waist close to mine, pressing my lips to her forehead, before carefully pushing the duvet from my body and throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. A quiet groan slipped from her lips as she roused, stretching out her fingertips and rubbing them lightly over the skin of my lower back. Go back to sleep, Sophia. I lulled. Waking her was the last thing Id wanted to do. She needed rest after the exhaustion from the night before. Come back to bed she whined quietly, tugging at the elastic waistband of my boxers. I cant. I cant have my parents knowing I stayed in your bed I laughed, turning to face her. Her eyes instantly found mine; silently pleading with me to get back in. A warm, lopsided smile stretched across my face, amused by her persistence. But Harry she began, running her fingers beneath the baggy hem of the t-shirt shed borrowed last night.

I watched her fingers carefully as they moved beneath the thin cotton; grazing up past her ribcage. A slight band of olive skin around her waist was visible to my eager eyes; teasing my morning glory. Sophia I whispered, somewhat sternly. She knew how frustrated I still was after our interruption last night. My breath soon hitched in my throat as she lifted her t-shirt above her head, before resting herself back down to the mattress below. I raised my eyebrow at her, feeling blood pump mercilessly to my crotch. Pulling the duvet back over me, I rolled myself towards her, quickly capturing her lips as I let my hands explore her breasts. She giggled into the kiss, making me grin involuntarily. Youre unbelievable., I whispered with fake annoyance, slowly brushing my palms over her exposed breasts. Sighing contentedly into my mouth, Sophia pushed her chest further into my hand. Our lips parted with a quiet smack, before she placed another peck upon my lips. Thank you for comforting me last night., she whispered, trailing a finger over the side of my face. You dont need to thank me for anything, babe. Smiling, I rubbed small circles on the skin of her waist. But what if I want to?, Sophia queried, smiling warmly; her finger moving down my stomach and resting just above the waistband of my boxers. Well if you want to, then I guess theres nothing I can do about it. Grinning in amusement, I caught her lips once more; sliding my tongue along her bottom lip, before hers joined mine in a sensual battle. Pushing her to her back gently, I steadied myself above her as the fanned breaths that left her nose hit my face. As she parted her legs, I adjusted my hips in between them; Sophia clearly feeling my excitement as she gave a slight thrust of her hips. We gotta be quiet, though., I reminded her, my voice muffled as my lips sponged along her neck. Mhmm., she almost whimpered, giving another light thrust. Someones in a hurry., I laughed, trailing my tongue down the crevice of her breasts. I just need you to distract me from it all, Harry. Her voice was low and had a hint of desperation in it; her eyes closed and face contorted into a slightly pained one. Hey., I cooed, leveling my face back with hers. I told you, everythings going to be okay I know.., she sighed, her hands finding their usual spot on my neck, before she brushed them down to my shoulder blades. Now just relax., I whispered, placing small kisses down the front of her torso, before reaching the pyjama shorts she was wearing. Her hips left the bed as she helped me slide them, along with her knickers, down and off her slender legs. Lightly kissing her ankle, I varied between wet, deep kisses and soft pecks as I worked my way up her legs; eventually reaching the definition of beauty. Resting my hands on the outside of her thighs, I chuckled as she sent her hips flying off the bed once again as my breath hit her.

Shhh I lulled into her skin, lapping my tongue out to meet her. She flew her hand to her mouth, writhing desperately beneath me as I varied soft, vertical licks with firm, circular motions. Taking her thighs beneath my palms, I pushed her legs towards her chest, before releasing them slightly to rest on my shoulders. The balls of her feet dug into my shoulder blades as I continued to work her into a hot mess; using one hand to massage her breasts as the other occupied her down below. I slid my fingers in and out carefully, applying a great pressure to her g-spot on each stroke. H-Harry she stuttered, tangling her fingers through my hair, raising her hips towards my touch. God, you taste so good, Soph I murmured against her, increasing the speed of my fingers. Satisfied that she was on the verge of climax, I began kissing my way back up her body; paying special attention to her hip bones and breasts on the way. I dragged my tongue along the surface of her skin, leaving a slick, wet trail from her breastbone to her jaw. Do you want me, Sophia? I spoke against her neck, sliding my boxers down swiftly. Do you want me to make you come? I was struggling to keep my composure above her; desperate to feel her around me. Her hand quickly found my shaft; working it back and forth as our lips met once more. Keep doing that, babe I groaned, thrusting my hips forwards into her hand. More like do you want me to make you come, Harry?, she teased, softly taking my bottom lip in between her teeth and nibbling on it; tasting me. Not before Im inside you., I grunted, pushing her hand away. Grabbing her hips with one hand, I looked down in between us, watching myself slowly disappearing in Sophia; inch by inch easing myself inside. A breathless, helpless moan left her lips as her eyes widened; teeth digging into her lip. Hissing as I felt myself being fully engulfed in her wet entrance, I ground my hips against hers, before slowly beginning to slide back and forth. As opposed to the quick sex Id expected, it started off as slow and passionate. Everytime I pushed my hips against hers, a quiet whimper would left her lips; everytime I whispered filth in her ear, she roughly dug her fingers into my backside. When Sophia started bucking her hips upwards towards every stroke, I knew she was slowly, but surely nearing her release. Bringing a hand in between us, my thumb began to roll smooth circles over her clit. A-almost., she breathed as I felt her writhing beneath me. Knowing I was already racing towards my orgasm, my hips started knocking against hers swiftly and fiercely. Furrowing my brow, I watched with an open mouth as Sophias face contorted into the beautiful something I was proud to say I knew well; watching her come had always been out of this world. Pressing my lips on hers, I caught her moans as it hit her; body shaking and thighs tensing. Thats all it took for me to reach my high; buttcheeks tensing and groans from the back of my throat being muffled by Sophias lips.

I carried on moving inside of her slowly, giving her everything I had until I collapsed on top of her trembling body. Her ribcage moved shakily beneath me; fingers still clinging on to my shoulders. Her legs dropped from my waist, resting either side of mine as we kissed for what seemed like hours. Why cant it always be like this, Harry? she whispered softly into my lips, grazing her nails along the length of my spine. What do you mean? I asked, pushing a damp, wayward strand of hair from her face; still keeping our lips as close as possible. This. Why should we hide it? I dont- She paused, swallowing a lump in her throat as she lowered her lashes, breaking our gaze. Its just difficult I mumbled half-heartedly, not exactly sure what to tell her. Your parents I began. Your parents trusted me with your education, and for them to know that weve well been doing this I dont think it would go down too well. I ran my thumb along her cheek, rubbing her flushed skin back and forth until her eyes satisfied my own once more. I know. But I want people to know. I want to be able to kiss you when I want to be with you when I want. And we can I quickly intervened. But not just yet. I tried to force a smile out, before pressing my lips softly to hers and raising my hips from her body. Do you want to get a shower before I do? Or ~ Would you please get off the fucking sofa and put a shirt on?, I snapped at Louis; his persistence not to listen to a word Ive been saying for the past 30 minutes getting on my nerves beyond belief. Melanies getting here any second, man. So?, Louis asked as he took a swig of the coke he held in his hand. I dont wanna be set up, dude. I am very much capable of finding a girl myself. Tilting his head to face me, he gave me a slightly annoyed smile, before turning his attention back to his phone. I am not setting you up with her, shes just a friend coming over., I lied through a laugh, hoping to sound as sincere as ever when Louis fully knew what was going on. Cmon Lou, just put on a shirt. Any shirt. Groaning, he got up from where he was seated and headed into his room; giving me a fist punch on my arm on his way. Moaning in pain, I couldnt help but grin anyway. Yes, I was trying to set Melanie up with Louis. She was a nice, beautiful girl and he was one of my best friends; so basically, there would be no harm done in a bit of matchmaking. Pulling my phone out of the pocket of my jeans as I threw Lous empty can away, I sighed when I didnt have any new messages. Id texted Sophia last night and told her about my intentions of setting the two up; but she hadnt replied. The last time Id spoken to her was a couple days ago, and frankly, not a lot of talking had been done. Mostly Id been listening to her crying over the phone, telling me about the doctors

worry of if her gran would make it. It pained me to see her like that; fragile and vulnerable, crying and hurt. I knew that all she really needed from me was just to be there, to listen; and thats what I was constantly doing, sometimes even spending most of the night talking to her on the phone. It wasnt annoying me in the slightest, however; it just felt like the right thing to do for someone I felt so strongly about. And even though the famous, scary three words hadnt left either of our mouths yet, theyd lately been popping up in my head every now and again. Interrupting my thoughts all too quickly, the doorbell rang; a huge grin spreading across my face. Opening the door whilst Louis finished tidying himself up, I was taken aback by Melanie standing there at the door with Lisa- my ex friends with benefits, so to speak. I was pretty sure my jaw dropped on the spot- we hadnt spoken since I told her I couldnt see her any more; something that she didnt take too well. In fact, she screamed a lot. And then cried for some unbeknown reason to me. Our intentions had been clear from the start after all. She shot me a warm smile, as if wed never even fallen out. Hey babe, long time no see she chirped, taking her lower lip between her teeth. H-how You two know each other? I stammered unintentionally, feeling somewhat uneasy by her piercing gaze. Us? We go back years, dont we Mel? Lisa smirked, nudging Melanie with her elbow as she kept my gaze and dropped her left eye into a wink. I raised my eyebrow at her, knowing full-well that this was all an act; a game to her right now. And you came along because I said bluntly, directing my attention to Lisa, making sure my lack of amusement was as obvious as could be . To keep you company, silly she smiled with a false pretence. Whilst we let these two get to know one another. I felt a hand on my shoulder as Lou popped his head round the door, greeting the two girls warmly. Not going to let us in then, Harry? Youre not usually one to say no Lisa winked once more, taking Melanies hand as the two of them brushed past me. What the fuck I mumbled to Lou as he shot me an amused look. Guess youd better brace yourself, mate. Good luck, Lisas looking pretty hot he laughed, before following the two girls into the living room. Shooting him a warning look, I shut the door. Woah, dude, so is Sophia!, he chuckled, And you like her a lot so theres nothing for you to worry about, right?, he asked, smiling warmly. Yeahyeah sure. Shaking my head with a smile, I patted him on the back as we went after the girls. So what do you think of Melanie

anyway?, I quickly whispered before we reached the living room. Shes pretty fit, man. And if you dont want Lisa, Ill totally take care of them both. Chuckling, I gave him a slight slap on the back of his head, before asking the girls if they wanted anything to drink or eat. Do you have some white wine and maybe grapes by any chance? We could feed each other., Lisa asked, crossing her legs as she winked at meagain. Ill have whatevers in that fridge of yours., Melanie smiled. And Louis didnt even respond. Uh, Ill have a look.., I replied turning to walk into the kitchen. If Sophia were here right now, shed want a nice cold beer and some cheese nachos. Smiling at the memory of her sitting on that very sofa in sweatpants and a shirt of mine, with the beer in her hand, chips in her mouth and stains of hot sauce on her shirt, I opened the fridge. Man, how I adored that girl. Noticing an almost empty bottle of some red wine, I popped the lid open and pulled two glasses out, filling them. Balancing them and two bottles of beer, along with a bag of chips in my hands, I strolled back into the living room. Flopping myself down next to Louis and unfortunately, next to Lisa, I handed everyone their drinks and shoved some chips into my mouth. So, anyone in the mood for a film?, Louis piped up, grinning. * Ill pop out real quick and get some Vodka then., I announced some time later, pushing myself off the couch. Ill come with., Lisa chirped, following me into the foyer. Leave these two alone., she whispered with a wink, making me turn my head and smile. Louis had his arm on the rest of the sofa behind Melanies head; clearly waiting for the right moment to use the good old stretch-and-sneeze trick. Wordlessly slipping into my shoes and coat, I habitually held the door open for Lisa to step out first, before quietly shutting the door behind me. So Haz, hows it going?, she asked, as we headed down the stairs. Not too bad thanks babe. You? The word slipped out my mouth almost habitually, but I could tell she enjoyed it by the smirk that she gave me before replying. Good, yeah good Her words trailed off as if she were thinking. Ive missed us, yknow she said softly, touching the top of my arm, giving it a light squeeze. I turned to face her; her eyes actually looked sincere for once. It was good while it lasted, but things change, Lisa. Ive changed. I placed my hand over hers and brought it back down from my arm, before carrying on along the street. Oh come on, Harry. We all know what youre like. A leopard never changes its spots. And youre definitely not one to turn down a good fuck she spat into the air, almost laughing.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm; trying to keep my past locked in the far corners of my mind. Im not that person any more, Lisa I said sternly, not giving her the satisfaction of meeting her gaze. I could hear her heels clipping along the floor quickly as she raced to keep up with my stride, until her body had slipped past mine and was standing in front of me, blocking my path. I beg to differ she whispered, before pressing her lips to mine. Her hands found my waist, pulling at the familiar skin. In that split second that our lips connected, countless memories of our times together flooded my mind; like an unstoppable whirlwind in my head. And for a short moment, I found myself kissing her back; letting my senses revel in good memories. Then the image of Sophia in the foreground of my mind hit me like a tonne of bricks, and I pushed Lisas body away; perhaps a little too forcefully as she stumbled backwards and lost her footing slightly. Jesus Lisa, what the fuck are you playing at?! I hissed, squinting my eyes at her in disgust. Oh chill out, Harry she retorted, shooting me an equally evil glare. You enjoyed that as much as I did. I could feel it. Get over yourself, Lisa. Cause I sure have I spat, before pushing myself past her. * Lying on one of the beanbags on the floor of our living room, I nipped at my -nth glass of the night. My eyes were starting to feel heavy, mind hazy and body almost numb. Squinting at the screen of my phone, dialling Sophias number yet again; only to land at her voice-mailyet again. Groaning frustratedly, I threw my phone onto my lap, finishing the remainder of my drink. Getting up, I tumbled at first; before slowly stumbling in the direction of laughter and girlish giggles. The next morning The incessant ringing of the doorbell stirred me from my sleep; head pounding as I drifted back to consciousness. Instantly bringing my hands to my temples, I groaned as I forced my eyes to open. Blinking helplessly to regain sight, I swallowed hard. The ringing continued and after hoping Louis or Niall would open it, I rolled myself off of my bed and slowly stood up. As my eyes fully opened, I frowned; why in the hell had I slept in the living room? Had I really gotten that drunk last night? My steps were lazy and small as I yawned loudly; only now noticing I was just in my boxers and shirt from yesterday. At what point had I taken my pants off? I heard the ringtone of my phone sounding fromsomewhere. Oh fuck off., I grumbled, running a hand through my hair and licking my lips as I slowly twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

Soph- Before I could finish my words, she launched herself into my arms, sobbing uncontrollable. I instinctively cradled her head into my chest, running my fingers through her hair. Shh Sophia, whats happened? I hummed into the top of her head, as her tears began to seep through the thin material of my shirt. Shes gone, Harry she choked, stunning us both into silence. Jesus I whispered, pulling her closer into my chest. Lets get you inside. I slid my hand around her trembling waist; my eyes meeting hers for a short moment as we walked up the stairs. They were glazed and bloodshot; her usual sparkling green orbs were worn and lifeless. It almost scared me to see her like this. Pushing my door to, I let her walk in first, before an ominous silence fell upon the room. W-what Sophia stuttered; both sets of eyes drawn to the half naked blonde asleep on my bed, clad in just her underwear and one of my sports jerseys. What the hell I mumbled, just as surprised as Sophia. I have no idea, Sophia. Its not how it looks. She turned to face me, tears rolling down her cheeks; her eyes boring into my soul with such venom that I felt sick. I swear, she must have crashed here last night when I fell asleep downstairs. Please Soph- Im going to go now she said calmly, turning her back to me. Sophia, listen to me I begged, reaching out desperately for her shoulder as she walked briskly back down the stairs. She looked over her shoulder at me once she reached the bottom; eyes wide and face drained. I cant be near you right now, Harry. Her words were cold, shooting a sharp pain right through the centre of my chest. I couldnt muster the words to speak, and just as I managed to swallow the lump in my throat, Lisa appeared in the doorway to my room, right in front of Sophias broken stare. Morning babe she said softly, tilting her head to one side as she leant her arm against the door frame. Before I had a chance to speak, the front door slammed shut; leaving the whole house shrouded in a painful silence. Get the fuck out of here!, I growled at Lisa; her eyes widening as my voice rose. Now! Turning on the spot, I pulled the door open and hurried down the stairs; still clad in just my boxers, a shirtand no shoes whatsoever. The cold hit me like a brick wall as I was clad in almost nothing, the spring air unyielding. Sophia wait!, I called as I spotted the ever so familiar waves of chocolate flowing in the morning breeze. The concrete was cold beneath my soles but I genuinely didnt give a single fuck at that moment in time. I said wait!, I gasped, reaching her arm

and taking a hold of it. Suddenly Sophia yanked it away from me, as she stopped and turned around. Her face was pale, lifeless; and helpless. What, Harry?, she almost whispered, voice cracking as I saw the sobs shaking through her body. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and lead her back inside; hold her until we fell asleep in each others embrace. You have got to believe me, nothing happened with Lisa and me.. I- So that was Lisa?, Sophia interrupted me; showing no emotion. Nodding in confusion, I furrowed my brows at her. As in the girl you used to fuck? Her choice of words shocked me a bit; and her realisation of something I hadnt ever told her doing even more so. Yes, but how do y- Niall told Alice and Alice told me., she responded, brushing a hand over her moist cheek to wipe away the tears. You know Harry, I really thought these things only happen in movies or cheesy sitcoms. The girl catching the boyfriend with some other girl and all that crap. A sarcastic laugh left her lips as she sniffed. But I never wouldve thought it would ever happen to me especially not with you. Her glistening eyes met mine, and I watched as a single tear left the corner of her eye. Instinctively reaching forward to wipe it away, Sophia took a step back; my chest feeling as though someone had just stabbed a knife into my heart. Soph, please. You have to believe me. You said it yourself, this only happens in movies.. and its always the good guys that get caught in those misunderstandings. And thats all it is.. a misunderstanding. Believe me., I begged with a hopeful, pained smile; my voice hoarse as the goosebumps rose all over my body. I dont, Harry. I dont believe you. Her expression contorted into one of pure hurt as she closed her eyes for a minute; clenching her tiny fists. She didnt give me another glance as she spun around, heading in the opposite direction once more. Come on!, I rose my voice in annoyance as I grabbed her arm yet again. What?!, Sophia yelled, eyes filled with tears and visible anger as she glanced at me almost hatefully. Oh my God, Harry, what do you want me to say? My grandmother just died and now I find out my boyfriend couldnt keep his dick in his pants for even a few days? Her voice broke at the end of her sentence, chest rising and falling irregularly. Now thats unfair, and you know it! I retorted, unintentionally raising my voice. Do I? Do I really, Harry? Well Ill tell you something she choked, struggling to get her words out between jagged breaths. You can have her. You can fuck whichever girl you please from now on. I was taken aback by this cruel, merciless side to Sophia. Shes managed to transform her hurt into pure hate. She shot me one last look of disgust before uttering the two words I never thought Id hear. Were through. And with that, she turned her back on me once more and stormed off- almost running away from me. My heart pounded so hard against my ribcage that I felt sick. I

couldnt process what had just happened; how things had suddenly spiralled so furiously out of control. I stood there silently, watching Sophia as she disappeared into the distance; unable to do anything else. And that was it. Chapter 16 Harrys POV. It was mid-afternoon; I could sense it. And once again, I knew Id missed the majority of my lectures for the day. I groaned at the bright, white light of the sky peeking through my half-shut curtains; hauling my duvet over my head as I tried to suppress each and every one of my thoughts and emotions. But however long I slept, and however much I tried to keep my mind on other things, my mind refused to wander from Sophia and the events that unfolded last week. I was exhausted from restless nights and sluggish days, of which I often forgot to eat through my nausea. Harry, can I come in? Louis knuckles rapped on my bedroom door a few times before I heard him twist the handle. I kept my head beneath the duvet; tucked tightly between my elbows. Harry, youve got post he continued, giving my shoulder a quick shake. Right I mumbled, not overly enthused to resurface and check it. Its from Uni. You should open it. He said slightly worriedly. I will. Later. I grabbed my duvet at turned myself over, hoping that hed get the hint that I wasnt in the mood and leave me alone. But he didnt. Instead, he proceeded to tear the envelope open himself, setting out a small sigh as he read the contents. Harry. This isnt great, mate. I really dont care right now, Lou. I huffed. But despite my protest, I couldnt help but feel a pang of worry and guilt from deep within the pit of my stomach. Harry, you need to go and see your tutor To talk about your attendance- or lack of. I felt sick. Sick with every overwhelming emotion possible. And the worst thing was, I had no idea how to handle any of them. Heat began to rise to my cheeks as I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to continue ignoring everything that was going on around me right now. My fingers were restless; heart pounding beneath my rapidly moving chest. Suddenly, I threw the duvet from me, sitting bolt upright in my bed. Will you just get the fuck out! I yelled, glaring directly into Louis eyes. But- Fuck off! I yelled once more, pointing my finger towards the door. He looked hurt as he looked into my eyes, fingers still clutching at the letter, before turning his back and walking swiftly away. The door shut with a sharp bang, which resonated in my ears for the next few moments. I dropped my head into my palms, massaging my temples softly as I thought about the letter As I resented my heart for ruling my head for the first time in my life. Sophias P.O.V.

So where to next?, Jenna asked as we strolled out of a shop, numerous bags in our hands. Im kind of hungry, to be honest. Anyone up for a KFC?, Connie asked, pulling her hair up into a bun. Im not really hungry., I shrugged. Alices eyes caught mine as she glanced at me; a somewhat worried expression on her face as she furrowed her brows. Well Im super-thirsty, so well just go there for a quickie., Jenna laughed, linking her arm with Connies as they turned to head to the foodcourt. You sure youre not hungry?, I suddenly heard Alice ask as she walked beside me, You look thinner. Is this a disguised way of you asking me if Ive been eating enough? Yes, mum, I have. I told you, Im alright. Forcing a smile, I looked her in the eyes;hoping to look and sound as convincing as possible. You sure?, she asked. You dont really look alright. Gee, thanks. Laughing lightly, I gave her arm a slight nudge with my elbow. I will be alright, Alice, I promise. Its only been a weekIll be okay. Furrowing her brows as she looked at me, she nodded, before slipping an arm round my waist. Youre staying over at mine tonight. Well do a girls night in, with all the clichs - painting our fingernails, watching rom-coms and gossiping. Deal? Smiling, I slipped my arm round her waist as well. Deal. * So youre staying at Alices tonight? My mum questioned once more. Yes mum, I promise I repeated myself for the nth time that day. Im trusting you with this, Sophia. I dont want any repeats of your off-the-handle behaviour. Mum! That was like one time I rolled my eyes, finishing packing my things into an overnight bag. Yes dear, I know. And one too many she pointed her finger, before giving me a warm smile and quick kiss on my temple. I laughed as she left my room. Mothers will be mothers, I thought to myself as I zipped up my bag and picked up my phone, sending a quick text to Alice to let her know I was on my way. I looked how I felt, and I didnt look great. My hair was a straggly mess atop my head; eyes dark and heavy; make up scarce. Of course, I put on a good front; I had to. Id told my parents that Harry had to focus on exams for a few weeks so my lessons would have to be postponed. They bought it pretty easily- much easier than I had first anticipated, in fact. I missed him. Of course I did. But he didnt deserve my time, which was why Id been ignoring his incessant calls and texts. My heart ached every time his name flashed up upon the screen, but it just reminded me how much my heart broke that morning I called round his and saw her standing there in one of his shirts. At the end of the day, this was all his fault. The sooner I moved on, the better. *

You brought food?, Alice laughed loudly as she opened the door and spotted me with bags full of junkfood in my hands. Yes, why?, I giggled, confused. Ushering me to follow her into the livingroom, I joined in with her laughter as I noticed bowl after bowl, filled with sweets and chips; numerous bottles of both beer and some sort of juices. At least weve got the food part covered., I shrugged, dropping myself onto the couch. And heres a selection of movies., Alice grinned, And here I have a selection of latest magazines., she continued, And last but not least, my supercollection of nailvarnish. Youre the best! * So hows things with Niall?, I asked, chewing on yet another piece of marshmallow. Good Alices smile grew as I thought I saw a blush creep upon her cheeks. Really goodhes..hes pretty great. And have youI mean..have you yet..? Raising my eyebrows to make sure she know what I meant, her cheeks flushed even further as she shook her head. No, not yetwe wanna take things slow., she smiled. Hm, thats nice Why, though?, I laughed, earning a light slap on the back of my head. Sex is a very, very nice thing! Oh, just cause we arent at it like rabbits, like you and Harry are? Her laughter echoed through the room; soon subsiding as she noticed the change of expression on my face. Sorry.., she whispered, furrowing her brows. Its okay..:, I smiled. Gulping, I adverted my gaze back to the screen to continue watching the movie that was playing. I felt that exact same feeling again, now that Id heard someone actually mention his name again. It felt as though there was a huge weight resting on my chest, making it harder to breathe; making my heart ache uncontrollably. I suddenly got that same urge again; just to pick up the phone and call him. Make up with him. To revel in the feeling of having his body back as well as his heart. Harrys POV. Pass me another, would you? I slurred, reaching my hand out towards Niall as he rummaged through the crate of beer. The cool glass bottle hit my hand without my eyes even meeting Nialls; pupils fixed on the flicker of the TV in front. I was drunk. Id been drunk most nights for the past week; trying to keep my mind hazy, so I didnt have to focus on reality. Lou told me, man Niall broke the silence, turning his head towards me. Huh? I retorted abruptly, taking a sip from the bottle. About missing seminars and lectures I took another swig, doing my best to ignore the silence that currently loomed over the room. Cmon man, weve never seen you like this over a girl he continued, still not managing to catch my gaze. I didnt say anything. I couldnt get any words past the irrepressible lump in my throat. You need to get over her, Harry. I could have sworn that my heart stopped beating momentarily as those words slipped from his lips. Getting over her was the

last thing on my mind- in fact, it hadnt crossed my thoughts once throughout this turmoil. Cant I mumbled, pressing the bottle to my lips. Well youre fucking Uni up, so you kind of need to But I love her I blurted out, finally turning my head to face him. Beneath his shocked expression, it almost looked as if he wanted to laugh right back in my face. But he didnt. He just sat there, searching my eyes for anything that might suggest this was just a drunken sentiment. Are you sure? he finally spoke, taking a small gulp from his beer. I didnt say anything; just merely let my eyes do the talking. Shit, H he laughed. He was probably in as much disbelief as I was. I hadnt had the best track record with girls, and I most certainly had never been in love before. I know I mumbled, taking my phone out of my pocket and tapping at the keys. The monotonous dialling tone rang out as it had every other time Id tried to call. This was useless. Yknow Niall began, his eyes slightly heavy as the beer surged throughout his blood. Sophias with Alice tonight I head darted up from my screen; eyes wide and heart thumping as my mind raced irrationally. He knew what I was thinking, and before he had a chance to convince me otherwise, I was at the door grabbing my coat. She had to know. Sophias P.O.V. I think its official; Ive never been fuller than I am now. Alice laughed beside me, before groaning as she leaned forward to grab her glass. Struggling to do so, I leaned forward as well, helping her grab it. Thanks., she laughed, Wow were such fattys. Who even cares?!, I chuckled. My toilet does., Alice said, before getting up from the sofa. Thats disgusting!, I laughed, hitting the back of her knees with my foot as she began to walk away. Still chuckling at her absolute silliness, I leaned back into the cushions. Suddenly the sound of the doorbell echoed and I hesitantly turned the volume of the TV down. Alice?, I called, but got no answer. Sighing, I pushed myself off the sofa; brushing all kinds of crumbs off my vest top as I made my way to the door. I opened the door and my entire body froze as I took notice of the two people standing in the doorway. What are you doing here?, I blurted out, crossing my arms in front of my chest, subconsciously defending myself. I didnt dare looking at him, so I constantly kept my gaze fixed on Niall. Is Alice here? She promised I could borrow a CD, he said, chuckling at the end of his sentence. Are you drunk?, I asked with a frown, You didnt drive like this, did you? Nope, took a taxi., he grinned, with his eyebrows raised, before he tilted his head to the left. Didnt we, Harry? Gulping, I closed my eyes for a second or two, before braving myself up to look at him. It was

safe to say he looked like shit; that didnt mean he didnt look beautiful to me. His curls seemed a bit flatter than usual, but as soft as always; his eyes still as meaningful and hypnotizing as always, despite the dark bags beneath them. Yeah, we did., he said; the tone to his voice even huskier than usual. Harrys eyes were fixed on mine. I felt my chest rising and falling unevenly and I had to do everything in my power to stop myself from breaking out into tears. Niall? Alices voice sounded from behind me and it was a matter of a few seconds as I felt her beside me. Theres my baby!, Niall grinned, pushing past me and swooping her into his arms. Frowning as I glanced at them, I walked back into the livingroom; not giving Harry another glance. He hesitated, before following me in, standing awkwardly in the doorway. I couldnt look at him; his exterior was breaking my heart. So he cleared his throat. Howve you been? I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched his thumbs twiddle nervously from beneath my lashes; picking at the skin around his nails. Fine I mumbled, slumping myself into the armchair. You? From the corner of my eye, I saw him reach his hand to the back of his head, rubbing it for a moment before choking his words out. Same. I closed my eyes, wishing that the chair would swallow me up and take me away from this. It was almost unbearable. I need to talk to you, Sophia he muttered, taking a few steps towards me. I flinched as he approached- as his familiar scent crept into the air surrounding me. I really dont want to right now, Harry. I cant do this. I cant pretend that this will go away. His voice was strained, and I could feel tears pricking my eyes in retaliation to his broken voice. W-what will go away? I stammered, lifting my eyes to meet his. His eyes searched mine; flicking back and forth; fingers curled into his palms. My heart drummed against my ribcage and my breath hitched in my throat as I prayed to God he wasnt going to say what his eyes were telling me. I love you. It was as if time slowed down. Every single feeling of resentment that I had towards him dissipated in an instant; as if they had never even existed. I tried to force words out but couldnt get them past the tightness of my throat. He continued looking at me; eyes drunken, but wholly sincere. H- I mean it Sophia. Ive never felt like this before. Ive never felt like my whole world had collapsed, like I did when you walked out of that door. Ive never craved someone as much as I do you.

But wh-, I started, but was cut off once more. Nothing happened with Lisa that night, I swear to God. I just invited Melanie to come over so I could hook her up with Lou, and then suddenly Lisa was there and I tried calling you, but you wouldnt pick up I was in the hospital.., I whispered. I know that now. But please, you have to believe me, Soph. God how Id missed him calling me that. Its just I dont know if I can. Closing my eyes, I gulped; only to tense my entire body as I felt the warmth of his body before me; smelt the ever so loved scent of his perfume. I love you., he repeated and I felt him place his hands on my thighs as he knelt before me. Opening my eyes, I could instantly feel myself getting lost in the jade colour of his orbs; getting lost in the colours of the sea. God., he laughed shaking his head. I love you. And Im not afraid of saying it. I love you, Sophia and I swear to God, I will not screw this up. I need you, please. I felt as though my entire body was shaking as I looked at him; the sincerity in his expression almost frightening. Im scared, I whispered, placing my hands on his, before giving them a squeeze. Im scared of how you make me feel. Im scared of not knowing how broken Ill be when things between us are really over Licking my lips, I furrowed my brows together; still keeping his eyes. But right now, all I know is that I feel so strongly for you, Harry. Ive never felt like this before andI dont know, I doubt I will ever again. Soyeah, dont screw it up., I laughed quietly. His expression softened as his lips slightly curled up into a warm smile. Our eyes were fixed firmly upon one another as my hands found his cheeks; thumbs grazing softly along his cheekbone and over the small mole that lingered at the low left side of his mouth. I really was scared; scared that if I let myself fall now, I might keep on falling until he no longer catches me When things come to an end and hearts break, and memories become more painful than comforting. Despite this, I couldnt repress my desires; the desire to have him hold me; for him to be the last one I speak to at night; the one who tells me everything will be okay No one else made me feel like he did. No one else made me feel so whole. His hot breath washed gently over my skin; hands still on his cheeks. It felt as if his frosty green orbs were penetrating the very heart of my soul; like we were the only ones that existed at this present moment in time. Harry raised his hands from my thighs and placed them on my hips as I slowly skid forward to sit on the edge of the seat; my legs on each side of body. Fluttering my eyelids shut, I let him kiss me. His lips neared mine, barely touching as our noses grazed. Tilting my chin downwards, our lips met; both revelling in the familiar- yet so missed- touch and taste of one another. I could feel my eyes welling up as we expressed our overwhelming emotions towards one another through our lips, working delicatelyand so meaningfully.

And I truly hoped the incessant nagging in the back of my mind would soon subside. Chapter 17. Sophias POV. Even though Harry and I had made up, so to speak, I couldnt help but feel that things werent the same between us. I didnt have the same urge to speak to him the first moment I woke up that I had before, nor did I have the same undeniable lustings to be with him 24/7. I tried to force myself to revert back to how I felt before, but there was something that was physically and emotionally stopping me from doing so; some dull ache in my stomach causing me to distance myself from Harry. I couldnt even bring myself to say those three words back to him. I wanted to, I really did. But I couldnt force the words out of my mouth, which worried me. I thought I loved him, but maybe I was too caught up in the whirlwind romance that Id just fooled myself into thinking that I did I was snapped from my thoughts as my phone buzzed violently on my desk; sending a sharp rattle through the wood. We need to talk.xx Harry. The sole reason for my current emotional turmoil. I guessed hed sensed my distance; it couldnt have been too hard to notice. Okay. Come over at 6. x I quickly replied, glancing at my watch and calculating that I had exactly 43 minutes to prepare what I was going to say to him. To be honest, I didnt even know how to explain these feelings to myself. I guess the trust that I felt so strongly had dwindled since that morning when I doubted him. Despite his adamancy that nothing had happened between him and Lisa, I couldnt get rid of the doubts that were clinging on to my mind. I wanted to trust him. I needed to trust him if we were going to fix this relationship. I guess Id just let my heart do the talking when I was face to face with him. Harrys POV. My fingers drummed against my jean-clad thighs as I stood round the corner of Sophias house. I dreaded the moment when Id step inside, go up the stairs and we would start talking. I dreaded the moment when shed tell me she wanted to end things. I was scared; scared that she might actually dump me. Destroy everything we had. Sophia hadnt been her usual self since wed gotten back together and Id mentioned the L-word to hermultiple times. Id have thought my confession would bring us closer than ever, but it seemed as though it had done the exact opposite. Apart from the fact that we were back together, it didnt really feel like it had before. There was no fire, no passion, no sparks between us anymore or so it seemed to me. Of course Id asked her if something was wrong, or if something was bothering her, but the

question was always no, accompanied with a small smile. Even though I didnt believe her at all, I didnt ask her again. But here I was now, (almost) hiding like a coward, afraid of what would happen. The worst of it all was, that I didnt want to know how Id feel if things would be over again. The first time, there hadnt been a second where Id believed we wouldnt get through it. Now, however, it all seemed different. It seemed over. But I wouldnt give up without at least fighting for her. Because I loved her and I wouldnt just let her walk away without at least trying. Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a second or two, before my feet started moving. It was a matter of moments before I was stood in front of the familiar door, and I almost had to force my arm to lift itself up and for my finger to ring the doorbell. And after a few calming breaths, it opened and revealed a rather confused Mrs. Manza. Harry!, she smiled widely, drying her hands on some sort of cloth. Hello Mrs. Manza., I replied with a smile. She looked at me for a few seconds, before rolling her eyes and stepping aside. Come in, my dear., she ushered, closing the door behind me. I didnt think we were expecting you until tomorrow? she questioned, holding out her hands to me as I slipped my coat off. I- erm- just have some last minute revision tips that I thought might be useful I lied, forcing a smile. Oh you are kind Harry she grinned, hanging my coat up in the cupboard. Shes upstairs. Probably sulking like she has been for the past few days. She laughed breezily as she rolled her eyes, before walking to the kitchen where the delicious smell of herbs and spices was wafting from. I chewed on the insides of my cheeks nervously as I glanced up the stairs, psyching myself up to see Sophia. My heart was pounding and palms were sweaty. In fact, I think I was more anxious than the time I decided to admit my feelings for her. Pushing my curls from my face, I began my journey up the stairs. For some irrational reason, I felt like tiptoeing along the carpet would relieve some of my nerves, but my shaky breath begged to differ. Before Id even knocked on her bedroom door, it swung open before me; Sophia stood there in joggers and a hoodie, looking just as nervous as I was. Heard you coming up the stairs she laughed quietly, twiddling her thumbs. I smiled, before leaning towards her face to kiss her; greeted by her cheek as she turned from me. I lingered my lips there for a few seconds, slightly taken back by her sudden recoil at my advance. I took my lips from her warm cheek, looking her deep in the eyes as I searched them for any clue as to what she was thinking at this exact moment. They flitted over each area of my face, as if she couldnt even look at me.

Sophia- I began, resting my hand on her waist; desperate for her to receive my touch willingly. We need to talk, Harry she blurted out, before turning from me and walking towards her bed. Sophias POV. Yeah., I heard him say as I listened to him closing the door. Whats going on?, Harry asked and as I turned around to face him, I noticed how much distance there was between us; physically, as well as emotionally. I dont know, I whispered, feeling my nose and eyes beginning to burn. Theres just this constantnagging in the back of my head, telling me not to let myself go as much as before, Harry. Im scared. What, you dont think Im scared too?, he replied with an almost annoyed expression. You dont think Im scared of falling even harder for you than I already have, just to lose you in the end? His face and words were shockingly sincere. My heart banged incessantly beneath my chest as I looked at him; his almost pained expression making me gulp the clump in my throat down. I just cant erase that image out of my head of you andher., I whispered, closing my eyes for a second as goosebumps of disgust arose on my skin. I told you, nothing happened.., he stated confidently, before adding a silent, Well, almost nothing What did you just say?, I asked, feeling my body tense up with anger. I said.., he sighed, Almost nothing, before glancing at me with unsure eyes. What does almost nothing mean, Harry?, I asked and I didnt even notice my voice getting louder. Well..she..she sort ofkissed me. Closing my eyes as I let out a shaky breath, I clenched my fists. You kissed her?, I asked. No, she kissed me. Fuck you, Harry., I stated as the anger boiled inside me. I knew itI fucking knew it!, I almost yelled as I frantically ran my hand through my hair. I didnt fucking kiss her! he hissed at me; jaw tense and veins pulsing beneath the surface of his neck. Oh sorry, she kissed you. Same fucking thing, Harry. I could feel the tears filling my eyes, before slipping down my cheeks, bringing the mascara from my lashes with them. Sophia, it meant nothing. She never meant anything to me. Its what she does- she enjoys messing things up. he pleaded with me, walking towards me and leaning his body closer to mine. But I wont let her mess this up. Im not losing you over this. No. he said adamantly; his hot breath fanning over my tear-stained cheeks. His hand found my jaw; thumb grazing the wet skin back and forth as he dipped his head to meet my eyes. I flicked them upwards from beneath my heavy, sodden lashes,

meeting his penetrating gaze. I love you he whispered softly, refusing to let his eyes leave mine. Harry, no I choked, clasping my palm over his and pushing his hand from my face. He looked hurt as I turned my cheek to him, dropping my eyes to the duvet as I swallowed the strained lump in my throat. I cant be with someone that I cant trust. And I dont know if I can trust you anymoreeven if I love you. Harrys POV. What?, I breathed upon hearing those words come out of her mouth. Apart from sniffing her nose, however, Sophia didnt make a sound in reponse to my question. Instead, she kept her gaze down as she looked about just as shocked as I was. Stepping forward again, I stopped right in front of her; hearing her breath unevenly. I said I love you., she finally said; making me feel as though my heart was about to spring out of my chest and make loopings. A grin stretched across my face as I looked at her, my chest rising and falling fast. I dont know if thats enough, though to be able to trust you again., she added before finally looking at me; her eyes red and cheeks damp. But baby., I said, cupping her chin in one of my hands, while placing the other on the very small of her back, pulling her close. You can trust me. Because I love you so much. And you love me. Thats all we need for now. She sniffed, raising her eyes to meet mine. Show me Harry. I need you to show me. I tilted her chin upwards slightly with my thumb, before inching my face towards hers. Our noses brushed ever so slightly; grazing back and forth as our eyes fluttered shut and fingers found one another. Let me show you I whispered, closing the space between us and pressing my lips to hers. They worked against one another delicately; yet full of an intense desire to be as close as possible to each other. I shifted more of my weight towards her, until her back was on the mattress below and my knees were either side of her waist. Her hands found my neck as mine explored every inch of her trembling body; hearts drumming so hard that I swear I could feel hers against my own. God, Ive missed this., I breathed as my mouth sponged away on her skin, heading for her neck. Mmm, me too., Sophia replied as her hips gave a slight upwards thrust. Goosebumps arose on my body as I inhaled her familiar taste; reminiscing in the feeling of being close to her again. Say it again., I whispered, my fingertips massaging her hips beneath her top. Say what again?, she asked, furrowing her brows together. Say you love me again. A small smile played on her lips as she looked at me, before licking her lips. I love you, Harry.

Grinning widely as I captured her lips in mine again, I chuckled as we parted. You sound so sexy when you say that., I said, slowly pushing the hem of her shirt higher; revealing more of her deliciously smooth skin. Do I now?, she laughed lightly as her hands disappeared between us, finding my belt and unbuckling it. Mmmhmm I hummed against her neck as she pushed my jeans from my hips. I love you, Harry she giggled, snaking her hands from my hips and up my back beneath my t-shirt; giggling even more as I groaned in satisfaction of her repeating those words. She ran her nails lightly up and down my spine as we kissed for what felt like forever; my crotch slowly hardening against her she ground her hips upwards towards mine. Take this off I whispered into her lips, tugging at the lower hem of her hoodie. She smirked in retaliation, bringing my lip back between hers as she pulled away and arched her back; allowing for me to slide the material up her body and pull it over her head, revealing the entirety of her torso. I grinned at her, before diving my head back to her neck, dawdling my tongue along her skin and over the deep contours behind her collar bones, whilst my hands held her small waist beneath me. I want you to make love to me, Harry. Her voice was scarcely a whisper as she slipped her hands between our bodies and found my hard length; running her palms over my boxers. And I want you to mean it., she continued, still moving her hands over the stiffening beneath the thin material that covered my manhood. Oh, youll see how much I mean it., I grinned, thrusting into her hand. Our lips collided in another passionate kiss as our hands explored the others body freely. Nothing but thoughts of anticipation and happiness of this moment raced through our minds as we got lost in our embrace; forgetting about the entire world around us. As well as Sophias mother being in the same house, which we got reminded of as the door sprang open and the little bubble that wed been living in for the past 20 minutes or so burst with a massive What the hell is going on?! Chapter 18. Sophias POV I pushed Harry off me with as much force as I could muster up, making him tumble off the edge of my bed. My hands instantly reached for my hoodie that lay on the end of the bed, pulling it over my head. As I regained my sight, I felt my throat closing up as my eyes met those of my mothers. Her mouth was as wide as her eyes as she

glanced from me to Harry who was busy pulling his jeans back on. Mum, I whispered, wrapping my arms round my middle as my heart drummed wildly against my ribcage. Harry, I think it would be best if you left., she said, her voice intimidatingly low as she ignored my words. Please, Mrs. Manza, this isn-, Harry began, shock and also embarrassment evident in his voice. Leave. Now., my mother interrupted him loudly, making both him and me flinch. She turned her head back to look at me and I could honestly say this was the first time I felt afraid of her. Her gaze was cold and piercing as she did nothing but stare at me. Harrys POV I couldnt quite get my head around what was happening as I shot Sophia a quick glance before shuffling myself from the bed. Her mums eyes shot daggers at me as I walked towards the door, which made me heart pound and all the moisture drain instantly from my mouth. Fuck. How could we have let this happen? I twisted my body as I slid between her and the door frame, too cowardice and ashamed to even make eye contact with her. I was actually scared. I quickly made my way down the stairs and to where my coat was hanging, hurriedly tugging the sleeves over my arms. It was only then when I realised how much I was shaking. My heart practically lurched out of my mouth as I found myself faced with Sophias mum; her eyes glaring at my timid frame. M-Mrs Manza I stammered, only to be interrupted by a harsh hiss as she shushed me to silence. I struggled to swallow the lump in my throat, searching her eyes as we stood there in silence. The corners of her mouth were down-turned; brows furrowed sharply; eyes dark. The silence was so unnerving that I could hear the blood rushing in my ears, blocking out what I imagine was heavy and jagged breathing coming from my part. I wanted her to shout at me; to tell me how inappropriate Id been; to tell her how sick I made her feel But instead she just turned the door handle and held it open; her eyes watching me intently until I moved from my spot. I grabbed my bag from the floor and slung if over my shoulder; chills running down my spine as I felt her watch me from behind. The cold air hit me like a harsh slap in the face, freezing my cheeks instantly. Oh Harry I slowly turned on my heels to face Sophias mum, who was stood between the door frame, illuminated almost evilly by the porch light. I couldnt muster any words to speak, so instead I just stood there silently, looking like a wounded puppy. I dont ever want you coming here again. She spoke her words slowly and almost without emotion. But I knew the soft tone of her voice was masking utter disgust and shame towards me right now. What had we gotten ourselves into?

5 days later I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I frowned at the many types of cheese in front of me. My eyes wandered from one to the other, indecisive about which to choose. Dude, what are you doing? Nialls unexpected question made me jump and I let out a manly squeal, earning surprised glances from the other people in the shop. Nothing, just trying to pick out some cheese., I shrugged. But youve been standing here for like five minutes? So?, I asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows. What if I make the wrong decision and choose, lets say, this one., I began, picking a packet up. Right now it looks like a very tasty cheese, but what if it totally sucks when we want to eat it, huh? You are not genuinely asking me this question are you?, Niall said, looking somewhat concerned as he noticed my anxious expression. No, Im not., I sighed, throwing the cheese into the trolley. But is it possible youre comparing this cheesefiasco with your indecisiveness of whether or not to go to Sophias?, the blondehaired asked. Maybe?, I replied. I really dont know what to do man. I havent seen her for almost a week, but Im shitting myself far too much to brave up and go there.. And face her mum. You sound like a 10 year old girl., he laughed, before patting my back. Was it really that bad? You shouldve seen the way she looked at me, man., I retaliated, shaking my head as I remembered her expression. Bur maybe shes calmed down now?, Niall asked. Shrugging a shoulder, I sniffed my nose, I dont know, maybe I just miss Sophia. Her schools not that far away from here, yknow., he said, innovator raising his brows. Ive picked up Alice a couple of times. Its just a 10-minute ride. really?, I asked. You could always hide in the toilets., Niall laughed, pushing the trolley forward. It was as if his obvious joke made something click inside my head as I nibbled the inside of my cheek. Can I borrow your car? I couldnt believe I was actually here at Sophias school in the toilets hiding. I felt like I was doing something illegal; breaking the law by being here. What would someone think if they caught me hiding in here? And in a school, of all places. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind as best I could and focused on the reason why I was slumped against the graffitied cubicle wall: Sophia. Once Niall had had his once in a blue moon brain-wave, I got him to text Alice to ask Sophia to meet me. It took me over 20 minutes of creeping through the corridors to find the destination that wed agreed on, and I was certain that someone was following me. Then again, that was probably just be being insanely paranoid. Id been on edge ever since we got caught. Harry? a small voice whispered, echoing throughout the dingy

white room. Sophia? I retorted; eyes widening as I waited with baited breath. Come out then she laughed. The heels of her boots clipped along to hard floor, followed by a sharp bang as the door swung close, and I slowly slid the lock from its bolt. There she was; right in front of me for the first time since that horrible evening. Our lips crashed against one another quickly; tasting one another; revelling in the long-missed contact. My hands pulled her hips close, desperate to feel as much of her as I could; to savour her. Her hands wound themselves through my hair; mouths upturning as we smiled into the kiss, slowly coming to a halt. Hi she whispered; her nose grazing mine. Hey I grinned, pressing my lips to hers for once small kiss, before stepping back. I dont want to ruin the moment, but what in the hell are you doing here? Im half way through my last lesson, she suddenly asked with a slight laugh. Unable to not chuckle along, I shook my head as I slipped my hands into the back pockets of her jeans, pulling her close. It was Nialls idea to be honestI still think itsridiculously embarrassing, but it was the only way I could see you. Her smile faltered as her gaze dropped to our touching pelvises. I know.., she whispered, Im sorry. Its not your fault, Soph., I said instantly, Its mine. Frowning, she looked at me questioningly, How is it yours? Because I wasnt supposed to fall in love with my tutee., I sighed, But I did, I said in almost a whisper as I dipped my forehead to hers. Sophia tilted her head upwards out of habit, brushing her nose against mine. I fell hard. I love you., I stated, matter-of-factly. Mhmm., she hummed, running her palms up my arms, I love you too. I just really wanna fuck you right now., I said with a laugh and a slight groan. It really wasnt my fault I was frustrated; itd been 5 days for Christs sake. Sophias usual, melodic laugh filled my eardrums. Sadly, you cant. I have to get back in a minute., she said, her equal frustration obvious. Right., I laughed. So hows things at home? Not great, not gonna lie. Despite her laughter, I could tell that things were putting a huge emotional strain on hers and her mums relationship. Yeah, thought you might say that I rubbed my hands along the uppers of her arms reassuringly, trying to comfort her. (And also because I was really aroused right now) I was doing everything I could to stop myself from getting a hard-on there and then. She looked up at me behind glassy eyes; tears threatening to overflow from the small ducts. She wont even speak to me, Harry she choked out, dropping her eyes from my gaze. She will. Just give her time. I pulled her chest towards my own, wrapping my arms

around her and holding her close. Crotches rubbing. Heart pounding. Blood pumping Ive never seen her like this though, like its as if she cant even bear to look at me. I dont understand whats so wrong with us. Her voice raised slightly as she spoke, clearly frustrated by her mothers reaction towards the whole situation. I wasnt quite sure how what we were doing was so bad either, but I assumed it had something to do with their strong family values and culture. I know babe, but like I said, just give her time. She sniffed against my shirt and I could feel the warmth of her breath fanning from her lips, being absorbed by the cotton of my t-shirt. Oh Jesus, not now. Harry are you? Sophia cocked her eyebrow at me as she tilted her chin upwards, before dropping her eyes between us. Oh hey she cooed jokily, smirking as my stiffening length stirred behind the fabric of my jeans. I blushed as I laughed, knowing full-well that relief would have to wait until I was home. If I didnt have to go to History right now she began, closing the small space between us, Id be on my knees. I groaned as she chuckled lightly, clearly amused. Dont tease, Sophia I laughed, instinctively pressing my hips harder against hers. I listened as her breathing shallowed; eyelids fluttering shut and noses grazing as our lips met once more. God I wanted to fuck her senseless right now; hearing my name bounce off the tiled walls as I made her body do things that no one else could Our lips parted with a smack and I sighed sadly as I felt her slowly moving backwards. I gotta go., she said, smiling sadly. Without an answer, I just pulled her close once more, crashing my lips onto hers as my fingers dug into her bum, pressing her against me as our tongues snaked wildly. We were both flushed as we pulled apart and with one more peck on her lips I said, This should be enough for a day or twoor an hour. Sophia chuckled and my gaze involuntarily dropped to her swollen, glistening lips and down to her - very well supported - cleavage. Now get out of herd before I cant hold myself back anymore., I growled with a hint of a laugh. Laughing, she brushed her palm over my cheek, before whispering a Bye and turning around. I jokingly tapped her bum as I watched her body sway; which she mustve been doing on purpose. I swiftly maneuverd my way through school and took in a deep breath as I stepped outside. My hardness had finally disappeared (after numerous unsexy thoughts) and I suddenly felt calm; like everything would fall into place. It was then that my eyes wandered over the a familiar looking range rover parked by the school gates. I ducked as I noticed Sophias mum sat in the car, praying that she hadnt seen me. I heard the car door slam as I crouched as still as I could behind a wall, and I could feel

my cheeks flushing purple as I held my breath; hiding for the second time in lesson than an hour. I counted to 10, before slowly rising from my knees; stomach twisting.


Chapter 19.

Sophias P.O.V I yawned as I pulled the straps of my bag further up my shoulder, the cool morning air hitting my face as I got off the bus. The music blasted through the earphones of my iPod as I began the short walk from the station to my school. Pulling the sleeves of my sweater further over my fists, I yawned once more; out of tiredness because of not having slept well, or enough for that matter. And tiredness because of my life being completely boring. All it consisted of was going to school, coming home and studying. There was no fun anymore, no excitement and most importantly, no Harry. Even though we were still together, Id only seen him once since the big blow-out. It was safe to say I missed him more than words could describe, more than anyone could imagine. I missed everything about him, every little thing. Both my heart and body ached for him to be close to me again. Taking in a deep breath, I looked up as I neared the familiar gates; when suddenly a hand grabbed onto me, pulling me into the bushes. What the f-, I exclaimed, before that very hand covered my mouth. It was only when the persons face and body came into my view, my eyes grew a few sizes. Harry what, I mumbled into his hand, before he removed it. Ive come to pick you up., he grinned, placing his hands onto my hips and gripping them tightly. Pick me up? What are you talking about?, I laughed nervously. Youre skipping school and spending the morning with me. Youll be back here just in time for your mum not to notice a thing. The childish glint in his eyes made me chuckle as I listened to him almost losing his breath half-way through the sentence because of his excitement. Youre naughty, Harry Styles. I grinned as his hand linked with mine and he practically hauled me from my spot. He held the passenger door open for me with a cheeky grin plastering his face.

Where are we going? I asked curiously as butterflies fluttered from the pit of my stomach. No idea he laughed, jumping into the drivers seat. The engine was revving and car moving before I even had a chance to reply; heart pounding with nervous exhilaration. The roadside was a blur as he sped down country lane after country lane aimlessly. Needless to say, I was excited. And surprisingly turned on as I studied his chiselled profile; sunken cheekbones parallel to the most cutting jawline I had ever seen. It was then that my eyes slipped to his plump lips, pouting slightly as he concentrated on the road in front; brow slightly furrowed too. Throwing all caution to the wind, I gave the inside of his thigh a light squeeze; feeling the thick muscle tense up beneath his jeans at the contact. I enjoyed the effect the smallest of touches had on him. I enjoyed watching him squirm as I brushed my palm over his warm bulge. Whats your darkest fantasy? he spoke huskily out of the blue, keeping all attention to the front of him. Tell me Soph, and Ill do it. His voice was deep and laden with a thick lust, which caused my stomach to lurch. I paused for a moment to listen to his soft breaths that were fanning from his nose as I let my thumb and forefinger trace the outline of his bulge. Rough. I mumbled, pressing my palm more firmly over him. His eyes narrowed into small slits as he contemplated my answer, contorting his mouth from side to side. How rough? Suddenly the car veered to the left, heading towards a large expanse of forest. I watched his biceps move beneath the skin covering them as he turned the wheel, and gulped as I thought of their immense strength. You want me to make you scream? Have you begging me to stop? My breath hitched in my throat as a new side to Harry that I hadnt seen before (but one that I welcomed gladly) was unleashed. What looked like a seemingly deserted, a bit run down barn came into view, suddenly appearing in the middle of this nowhere we were at. The tires screeched as the car came to a halt, my body jolting slightly forwards, before the seatbelt pulled me back against my seat. Pushing his door open, I watched Harry as he walked round the front of his car, before swiftly opening the door at my side. Leaning over me, he undid my seatbelt and spun me around so my legs tangled outside. Gripping my hips, Harry pulled me forwards, just so I didnt fall if my seat, but far enough so our crotches could meet. I asked you a question. How. Rough. Harrys voice was almost a growl as he looked somewhat aggressive. I looked at him with wide eyes, unable to get any words out as the beginnings of my secret fantasy came to life. Everything you just said I mumbled feebly.

So you want me to make you scream, huh? he smirked, grinding himself against me. I nodded slowly as his face neared mine until his hot breath washed over my face; lips and noses almost touching. My heart beat accelerated behind my chest; pumping blood mercilessly to my crotch as I felt Harry began to harden against me. Im going to make you come so hard, Sophia. Without warning, my lip was tugged roughly as he clamped his teeth over it, followed by a sharp pain. His fingertips dug into my thighs roughly as he clasped his hands around them and pulled my legs around his waist. Do you want that? So much I exhaled heavily, crossing my ankles behind his back and pulling him close. His lips quickly crashed down on my own; tongues delving into one anothers mouths as he hauled me from my seat, before walking a few steps to the side and slamming me down on the bonnet of his car. I yelped against his lips as my back connected with the hard metal; Harrys hands instantly pinning mine above my head. My hips bucked upwards involuntarily as Harry slid his tongue down my chin and throat, lightly sucking on the sking of my neck. Oh God., I breathed as my lashes fluttered, eyes rolling into the back of my head. My entire body tingled at the simple pleasure of having the man I loved close again - not to mention his new, rough side. Goosebumps arose on my body as he slipped his hands beneath the material of my shirt, fingertips massaging the skin of my stomach. Mhmm, you smell so good., Harry whispered, inhaling deeply as he nuzzled his nose into the dip of my collarbones; before trailing the very tip of his tongue over it. Moving his hands, and with them my shirt, upwards, he dipped his head down, sponging his lips away on what my bra didnt cover. God Ive missed your body. Harry groaned, palming them roughly. Ripping the cup down, he ran the flat of his tongue over my nipple; his eyes fixed on mine as he made sure I watched what he was doing. Drawing small circles with the tip of it, he sucked on my nipple, also taking it in between his teeth for a second or two. I arched my back off the bonnet and towards Harry, which only caused him to grin as he practically assaulted my other nipple as well. The throbbing in my private area was getting more unberable by each passing second. My mind was hazy, my nerve-endings as alive as they had been in a while. Keeping his lips around my nipple, he tackled the top button of my jeans, before hastily ripping them from my hips. I moaned as the roughness of the crotch of his jeans connected with the thin material of mine; his hardness pressing roughly against my centre. I bent my knees upwards so he could remove my jeans completely; the pads of his

fingers massaging the inners of my thighs fervently as his lips attacked my skin. The next few seconds were a blur; my chest quickly brought from the bonnet and chest forced up against the wall. His teeth sunk into my shoulder as my cheek lay flat upon the cool stone; body completely powerless against Harrys dominant frame. The tightness upon my chest released momentarily as he took a step back from me. I could feel his eyes devouring my underwear clad frame. Bend over for me. He ordered; voice deep and commanding. I did as he asked, sliding my hands down the wall as I lowered my back until it was parallel to the floor. I heard him groan as I parted my legs slightly, giving him a better view. I could feel how wet I was, and I was certain that it was visible through my underwear to his lustful eyes. So. Fucking. Hot. He growled, swiping a finger over my underwear-covered centre. My legs buckled at his touch; hips instinctively raising as I parted my legs further for him. I love how wet I can get you. A quiet whimper left my lips as my entire body felt like it was on flames; despite the fresh and cool air surrounding me. Absolutely dripping., Harry whispered, his deep voice suddenly right by my ear as he continued swirling the tip of his finger over the damp fabric; before suddenly pulling it to the side. The touch of his cold finger was nothing but a mere brush as he ran it along my centre, making my entire body shake nonetheless. Youre so ready for my cock., he whispered in a groan as he ever so gently trailed the fingertips of his other hand up my back,. But.., he began softly, unexpectedly gripping the hair at the back of my head and pulling it towards him. Im just not sure you can take it all., he hissed with what almost sounded like pure hatred as he bit my earlobe. I curled my fingers at the sudden, sharp pain; my nails scratching against the stone as my heart raced rapidly beneath my chest. Or can you?, he whispered, his voice back to being as soft and innocent as an angels. I said, can you?, he repeated, more dominantly now as he suddenly pushed an entire finger into me, making me gasp loudly and arch my back. Another one followed, both twisting and turning as he pounded them in and out of me, exploring sensitive corners Id never known existed. The pleasure came in small waves, soon building up, but before I could even notice anything, the fingers were suddenly gone. Whipping my head to look at Harry over my shoulder, I stared at him in pure confusion as he just stood there, a few steps away from me now and tilting his head to the side as he licked his lips while staring at my worked-up body. Ugh Sophia he groaned from behind me, before spreading the palm of his hand on the wall in front of my face so I could see his fingers. To say Id enjoyed that would have been an understatement. His fingers were

covered. Tangling his other hand through my hair, he pulled my head backwards so that it was resting on his shoulder; neck completely extended. On your knees he whispered into my ear, before releasing my hair and pushing me to the floor below. My knees crunched against the hard gravel as I hit the floor; body still shaking from what had just happened. I watched him haul his t-shirt over his head, exposing his toned body to my hungry eyes. He was quick to push his jeans to the floor, revealing his rock hard cock behind the tight elastic of his boxers. Its outline and definition was perfectly visible to my eyes; begging for release; practically pushing the waistband away from his hips. I slowly peeled back the fabric, watching in awe as it sprung to life; its size causing it to lean slightly away from his body. It took its residence between a deep set of v-lines, which led down to his toned and sculpted thighs. He thrust his hips forwards slowly so that the tip brushed my lips; its warmth and taste quickly smothering my lips. His force increased as he rolled his hips further even more so, so that my lips had no other option but to part and take him in. And he didnt stop there. His cock slipped further back into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat; eyes squeezed tightly shut as I focused on my strained breathing. I could feel his length pulse in my mouth as I unintentionally tightened my lips around him, listening to his breathing shallow. My back hit the wall as he began rocking his hips; his hands against the wall as he supported his weight. His right hand slipped down and pushed my head so that my face was tilted upwards towards him, forcing me to look at him. I want you to look at me when you suck my dick. I didnt even care about how aggressive and rough Harry was being. I was thoroughly enjoying every single second of this completely new facet of him. After all this time of not having been with him, an adventure like this was exactly what I needed. Bringing my hands up to rest on his bottom, I dug my fingernails in as I ran them down his thighs. A hiss left Harrys lips as he gave another thrust, obviously enjoying the gagging sound that erupted from the back of my throat. Deliberately moaning out loudly as Harry bit his lip while squinting his eyes at me, I pulled my mouth away from him. I swirled my tongue over the tip of his shaft, sliding it along the underside to its base. Running my hands up his thighs again and to the front, I gently began massaging his balls; only to be earning a satisfied grunting coming from Harry. Fuck, you just cant get enough, can you? Harry smirked somewhat wickedly, holding my hair from my face. It was then that I found myself being dragged up from my knees; one of harrys hands in my hair as the other held on to my arm. I moaned as he span me back around so that my breasts were flat against the wall; harrys body resting heavily behind me with his hot, wet shaft pressed firmly into my back. He placed a hand on each of my bum cheeks before parting them roughly, sliding his

length to rest between my thighs. His tip nudged itself into my wet entrance ever so slightly; his hot breath shaky against the shell of my ear. I reached my hands behind me to grab on to the backs of his thighs so that I could pull him in closer, but soon found my palms slammed against the wall; his biceps bulging fiercly either side of my head. Tut, tut, Sophia. You should know better than that he whispered into my ear. I squealed as he slid the entirety of his length inside of me with ease; both gasping in unison as he filled me to my limits. I took in a deep breath as I felt him stretching me completely. I dont remember you being this big., I whispered breathlessly, slowly arching my back to accustom to his size. Feels good, huh?, he asked huskily, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he held me in place, before giving a hard thrust, then withdrawing completely. Forcing my back down to be parallel to the floor again, Harry placed his hands on my bottom as I spread my legs. Does my cock feel good?, he growled, slowly sliding himself fully back in. Yes., I replied quietly, pressing my palms flat against the stone wall. I swung my hair to one side as I bit my lip while looking back at him over my shoulder. A soft, deep chuckle echoed in my ears as I felt Harry place a small kiss on the back of my neck as he slid his hands to my front, massaging my breasts. All of a sudden he gripped them tightly, his hips beginning to knock fiercely against mine. I want to hear you moan my fucking name., Harry ordered aggressively, Loud and clear. I let out a strangled moan as he forced himself in roughly once more, jolting my hips against the wall. Harry I whimpered, clawing at the wall as his length slipped in and out of me. All of a sudden, his thumb and forefinger clamped around my left nipple, forcing a sharp cry from my mouth. You like that, huh? he growled, before focusing his attention on to the opposite breast. I shrieked once more; a combination of his hands and the way he was moving inside of me sending my body into a hot mess. I panted fast and hard as his pace quickened, mumbling his name on the end of each sharp breath until he fucked me so hard that I had no other option but to scream his name. His hip bones crashed against my lower back as he used his whole length to pleasure me in ways that no one else ever had. Oh fuck, Harry. Harry Oh my GOD I cried out, arching my back as I urged him deeper. As if hed read my mind, he pulled himself from me and spun me round, before quickly grabbing my thighs and sandwiching me between him and the wall.

I want you to come all over my dick, Sophia he growled breathlessly into my ear. Got that? Well in that case youll have to actually make me come first Grinning teasingly at him, I locked my ankles behind his back. An amused, yet challenging expression arose on his face as he cocked an eyebrow at me. My back collided fiercely with the wall as Harry gave an upwards thrust, making me pull on his hair at the unexpected feeling. Just do me hard., I whispered as I closed my eyes and leant my head back, wrapping my arms round his neck. From that on, everything seemed to go by at an incredible speed. Harrys hips collided with mine continuously, each stroke of pleasure more exquisite and overwhelming than the other. Harrys breathless grunts, combined with my whimpers echoed through our otherwise silent surroundings. It was then that the very tips of my fingers and toes began to tingle as the ever so missed warm feeling began spreading from my abdomen, slowly spreading throughout my entire body. God, Harry, Im-, I moaned, tightly wrapping my arms round his neck, seemingly burrying his face in my neck. I bucked my hips towards him repeatedly as my orgasm shook through me, taking over my senses completely. Cries of ecstasy sounded from my lips as my body shook with the intense feeling. Before I even had a chance to regain composure, I found myself slammed back down on to the bonnet of Harrys car with him hovering over me. He rocked his hips backwards slightly so that just the head of his member was still inside of me, smirking as he studied his covered length. You do like it rough, dont you? he laughed softly, before grabbing my ankles and holding them either side of him. His pace was fast and unforgiving, and I could do nothing but lie there and watch him as I let him fuck me. I took in every little detail of his worked up body. The creases in his forehead as he concentrated on each quick thrust; the way his biceps flexed as he made sure my legs couldnt move either side of him; the intense stretching of his vlines as he penetrated me as deep as he could. It was safe to say that he was enjoying this just as much as I was. I squeezed my eyes shot as my body jolted with every thrust Harry gave, hands running over my stomach and massaging my breasts. Open your eyes., he suddenly ordered, giving an especially deep thrust to gain my attention. I want you to look at me when I fuck you. My eyes snapped open, only to be met by Harry staring back at me with squinted eyes as he held me in place. Im gonna come all over your pussy., he groaned, pushing entirely in an leaning forwards, his lips sponging on the alley between my breasts. His thrust slowed down to a feverish grinding as he did nothing but buck his hips against mine over and over again. Hoping to kick him off the edge as well, I slowly raised my hips to meet his, gently rotating them.

Harrys breathing became shallow as I felt him tensing his buttcheeks, before he pulled himself from me. Taking his length in his hand he pumped up and down erratically, a heavy groan slipping from his lips as he shot his juices all over my my most private, and also swollen, area. He hissed as he watched it running along my centre, his hand slowly sliding up and down his shaft. The hot liquid hitting my skin made me bite my lip as I watched it intently, before bringing my attention back to Harrys face. His eyes were clouded with pleasure as he licked his lips, revelling in the last moments of his orgasm. He eventually came to a halt and collapsed onto my body; both hot, trembling and completely spent. His heart drummed heavily against my own; breathing heavy and laden as his lips placed a few gently kisses over the swell of my breasts. His length rested between our stomachs, slowly softening as we lay there breathless. He laughed as his eyes met mine, looking slightly surprised at what had just happened. Soph Harry began, unable to suppress that grin that was smouldering his flushed face. That was I Fuck. Yeah. Wow. I laughed, twirling a damp curl around my finger. We lay there for a few moments before Harry lifted himself from me, taking his hand in mine as he pulled me from the bonnet. It was then that I realised exactly how intense the aftermath of my orgasm was. Harry, wait I smiled, holding on to his arm as my trembling feet hit the floor. I was certain that my legs were going to buckle there and then. Did I do that to you? he smirked, letting me use his torso for support. Mmmm I laughed, taking a deep breath before moving a few steps to the passenger door of the car. Leaning against the door, I rested my head back onto it. Harry stood in front of me, shaking his hands through his curls, before swishing them to the side. I extended my arm towards him, resting it on his hip as I pulled him to me. All I did for the next few moments was just look at him, scan his features and take everything in; burn it into my mind in case I wouldnt get to see him again for a while. His mouthends curled up into a small, closed-lip smile as he leaned forward, supporting his weight by resting a hand on the window next to my head. I brought a hand up to stroke his cheek, before sliding it down to his chest and resting it there. Ive never done this before, I mumbled abstenmindedly, toying with the pendant of his necklace. I havent either, not like this, he laughed lightly, combing his fingers through my hair. No..I mean yeahbut.., I began, glancing up into his eyes. Ive never felt so comfortable and safe with anyone to be able to open up like that, I whispered, before shaking my head with an embarrassed smile. Nevermind., I laughed, reaching forward to place a peck on his cheek.

Unexpectedly, Harrys lips caught mine as he turned his head. His lips were gentlycareful almost- as they pressed against mine, sending my heart into a racing frenzy. I smiled against his soft lips before pulling away slowly, keeping my eyes shut as I savoured the moment. I want you to feel safe around me, Sophia. I mean, that was great Fucking incredible, in fact. he grinned. But I want you to know that I would never hurt you. Harry smiled at me as he looked deep into my eyes, grazing his thumb across my cheek. I really did feel safe with him. More safe than I had ever felt before- like no one could touch me. No matter how much shit or drama was going on, I knew hed be there. And that was something I felt so very grateful and lucky for. I love you., Harry said, shaking his head as he looked at me with a genuine smile. I really, really do. I love you too., I replied seriously, yet with a content smile. Leaning forward, I pressed a kiss to his chest, before resting my forehead against it. Soph?, Harry asked after a few moments of just happily standing there with each other. Hmm? Can we get dressed now? Cause I feel kind of weird being butt-naked in some kind of deserted forest. Feels like the beginning of a bad horror movie. Chuckling, I nodded, before we gathered out clothing. I had completely forgotten the fact we were still nude, but thankfully the air had turned warmer, so I couldnt have caught pneumonia or something. I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled myself on to the passenger seat. The slam of Harrys door followed and soon we were back on the road. I wound down my window and held my fingers out to the breeze, letting it wash over my skin. It was hard to believe that only moments ago Harry had me pinned to the bonnet of his car whilst fucking me senseless. Everything was calm. We were comfortable. I started giggling to myself as a memory crept back into the forefront of my mind. What? Harry said curiously; looking at me for a split second before returning his concentration to the road. Im still cracking up at your carpark incident, Harry I said laughing. That was not funny! he protested, scrunching his face up as he reminisced. I actually thought your mum was about to kill me. Well youre lucky it wasnt! Trust there to be a freaking club meeting the day Im at your school. I almost had a heart-attack when I saw her., he half laughed and half complained. Doing nothing but giggle, I shook my head as I glanced back out the window. So whatd you tell the woman anyway?, I asked. Just told her I was picking a friend up from school. She didnt really ask anymore than that, just told me to tell my mum she said hi., Harry replied with a shrug.

Well, we were lucky, I added quietly. We arrived back at school just in time for me to get inside and walk out again as if it were a day like any other. Illsee you soon then?, Harry said with a sad expression on his beautiful face. Yeah, soon, I retaliated with a weak smile. Come here., he whispered, leaning his body towards me before he oppressed his lips onto mine once more. The kiss was slow and gentle, ending with a few pecks, before I had to pull myself together and get out of that car before Ix start weeping. Bye., I breathed, stroking my fingers over his lips, cheek and over his hair, before grabbing my bearings and hopping out of the car. I glanced back at Harry once more over my shoulder and as I looked into his eyes, I inhaled deeply and just knew that things couldnt continue this way. Chapter 20 Sophias POV. I tapped away at my laptop keyboard as I finished the final paragraph of my History essay. It was pretty good even if I did say so myself. Probably to do with the fact that Id had no distractions from my wonderful mother who still wasnt talking to me. It had been almost a week since that fateful and awfully embarrassing day- when she caught Harry with his trousers down and on top of me in an obviously uncompromising position. The initial shock I could understand Shed expected to find us studying away, not rampantly hauling clothes off of one another. But almost a week of silent treatment and stone cold glances? This, I did not expect. Id tried talking to her dont get me wrong, but she wasnt interested in anything Id had to say. I guess the only thing I was grateful for was that she hadnt told my dad. Lord, if he knew, Im pretty sure Harry and I wouldnt have had our kinky rendezvous in the countryside a couple of days ago. I dont think Ive ever felt as exhilarated as I did then, not to mention turned on. He did things to me that I didnt even think were possible. Even thinking about it was getting me hot and bothered. I laughed to myself as I finished my essay, amused by my intelligent wit. Mr Moscow will fucking love that, I thought to myself, before clicking save and closing the screen. Enough glare for tonight. It was then, amidst the silence of my own bedroom that my ears were drawn to the clattering of cutlery coming from the kitchen. I must have been too engrossed with my essay to notice my mum get home- not to mention the absence of her usual warm greeting up the stairs to me. I signed to myself, feeling somewhat nostalgic as I travelled back to family dinner times only weeks ago when everyone was talking and laughing- no uneasiness or tension filling the air. Im surprised my dad hadnt picked up on mine and my

mothers current broken relationship, but I guess he was too tired from his long days at work to notice. Getting to my feet, I grabbed the hoodie from the back of my chair and pulled it over my head. I needed to sort this, and it needed to be now. My fingers nervously toyed with the sleeves as I slowly took step after step, before landing downstairs. Taking a soothing intake of breath, I brushed my hair out of my face and headed for the kitchen. The smell of Lasagna made its way up my nostrils as I stopped in the doorway. My mums back was turned towards me as she chopped away on whatever vegetables that were going to be thrown together as a salad. I coughed quietly, hoping to get her attention; but I didnt. Frowning I took a few steps forward, sitting down on one of the chairs - being extra loud as I pulled it out for me. No reaction. Hey, mum?, I asked, only to be earning an absent humming as a response. Dinner smells great. When do you think itll be ready? I kept my voice as innocent and casual as ever as I spoke my words. Soon., she replied abruptly; emotionless. I talked to Melissa today about the buffet for prom, she said her mum will give you a call, I uttered after another few moments of silence. Okay., my mother replied. Sighing, I pushed myself off of my seat, planting my hands on my hips. Alright, mum can you please talk to me? She continued chopping away; keeping her head down and mind distracted from the obvious elephant in the room. Mu- What Sophia?! What do you possibly expect me to say? Oh dont worry darling, you carry on dating- or God only knows what you two were doing- and dont mind me. Its fine. The fact that youre a child and hes an adult doesnt even matter. Is that what you want? Cause thats not what youre getting from me, Sophia. No. No way. I sat there with wide eyes. I had no idea what Id expected her to say, but it certainly wasnt any of the cold and spiteful words that had just left her mouth. I blinked a few times; the silence soon filled with the harsh sound of the knife hitting the chopping board once more. Thats not fair I choked out, pushing a limp strand of hair from my face. Theres 8 years between you and dad Oh dont try that with me, Sophia. I was 25 when I met your father. Not 18! Youre still at school, for Gods sake. Im not a child, mum I spat back frustratedly, getting to my feet. Im 18 years old,

and I can see and date whoever I like. Not whilst youre underneath this roof, Im afraid not. She retorted with a wicked laugh. Ive had words with Harrys mum and she agrees. In fact, she thought it was pretty disgusting- the thought of you two God, I cant even think about this right now Sophia. I clenched my fists together as I felt my blood boil; entire body shaking with fury. Stop being such a bitch! I yelled, slamming my fist on the wooden table. The room fell silent; nothing but my shaky breaths filling the air. I love Harry, and he loves me I whispered almost inaudibly, wishing he were here right now. Love?, my mother spat, making it sound like one of the ugliest words in the world. You dont know what love is dear, youre still a child. No, I am no-, I began, tears of anger threatening to emerge out of the corners of my eyes. You know what the worst part is, though?, she said, shaking her head. The fact you lied to meto us. Gulping, I took a step back while wiping the back of my hand over my cheek, catching a stray tear. Without giving anything a second thought, I spun around and left the kitchen. Stepping into my shoes, I just about caught my mum calling after me furiously. Sophia, where are you going?! OUT., I yelled, slamming the door shut behind me. Wrapping my arms round my middle, I took quick, big steps towards the only place I could think of where Id feel safe and wanted. Harrys P.O.V. I wrapped a towel round my hips as I stepped out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. Sighing, I ran a hand through my wet curls as I took a seat on the bed. I rubbed my palm over my face as I just sat there, only occupied by my own thoughts. I was lonely. Even though Sophia and I had had that amazing adventure in the middle of nowhere, that didnt mean I didnt miss just being with her, spending time with her. Id missed hearing her laugh over silly things such as me bumping my toe, or watching her yawn as we watched yet another dumb movie. But she wasnt here now and she hadnt been in a while. I didnt blame her or her parents, mostly I blamed myself. I shouldnt have let things develop as far as they had, especially while being - kind of - professionally linked with her. I was snapped from my thoughts instantly by a hard pummelling at the front door. Now really was not the time, and I was half tempted to ignore it and continue

wallowing in my own self pity But there was something about this knock that had me intrigued- something urgent that I couldnt ignore. I gripped the towel tightly as I made my way downstairs; the silhouette of the crown of a head peeking just over the centre glass-piece in the door. I furrowed my brow as sniffles amidst whimpers met my ears; the banging still persistent. It was then that I was greeted with her tiny, cowering frame; shoulders hunched into her body as her hands held her waist for warmth; eyes looking up at me from beneath dark, wet lashes. Sophia What She launched herself against my damp, half-naked frame, gripping on to me so tightly that I struggled for breath. Sophia, whats wrong? I whispered against her ear, wrapping my arms around her woollen-clad torso. Shes a bitch Harry she choked; her tears merging with my wet skin. Who is? My mum. I hate her. I fucking hate her. Her lips pressed against my skin, muffling her words each time she spoke. I could feel my towel slipping from my waist, but she had me in such a tight grip that I darent move. Now Im sure you dont mean that I spoke softly, slowly pulling my chest from hers so that I could look her in the eyes. I guess now would be a bad time to make a joke about her hair and make-up I do mean it., she sniffed angrily, flopping herself onto the sofa. She just treats me like a child, telling me all this stuff, she whispered, closing her eyes as her brest rose and fell rapidly. Pouting my lips to the side as I sat down beside her, I rested my arm on the rest of the sofa behind her head. What kind of stuff?, I asked, wrapping a strand of her hair round my finger. Juststuff., she shrugged, avoiding eyecontact. Harry., Sophia said after a few minutes of silence, her head resting on my shoulder as her tears slowly subsided, fingers playing with the pendant of my necklace. Hm?, I asked, still toying with her hair. Do you think Im still a child? Be honest. My eyebrows shot upwards upon her question, eyes falling down to the neckline of her shirt that ever so delicately surrounded her well-supported breasts. Thoughts of her bending over in front of me as Id thrusted away, the way her body had welcomed me, I shook my head. No, definitely not., I laughed, planting a kiss on the side of her head.

But people still treat me like one Sophia, youre definitely not a child. Youre smart, grounded, witty Not to mention how you are when the lights go out I laughed, giving her a playful squeeze. Harry! She tried not to laugh as she slapped me on the arm, clearly amused by my cheek. I smiled back at her, getting lost in her eyes for a moment; mesmerised by the deep, green sparkling pools. I wish my mum thought that she sighed, dropping her lashes so that she broke our eye contact. I mean, I always thought we had a good relationship. I thought that she respected me, but I guess not. I just- She broke off her sentence suddenly. Go on I encouraged. Harry, Im trying to have a serious conversation with you and youve got a fucking boner. She raised her eyebrow as she met my eyes once more; my cheeks instantaneously flushing a deep shade of pink. Oh yeah, been there for a while. Just ignore it I laughed, looking down at the risen area beneath my towel. Harry I cannot continue this whilst your dick is practically poking me in the eye! she laughed, glancing at it once more. Way to interrupt me., she stated, obviously aiming her words at my growing length. Just ignore it., I laughed, a tad embarrassed, Go on. Sighing, she leant her head back onto my arm. I dont know I just dont understand why shes making such a bug deal out of it. Shell cool down and the shock will blow over soon., I said comfortingly; hoping to reassure her, as well as myself. I hope so Im actually glad she hasnt told my Dad otherwise I wouldnt be alive right now., she laughed, watching me roll my eyes. Id be the one dead. And Id be homeless., she chuckled. Sophia closed her eyes for a second or two and all I could do was feel more and more blood rushing to my private area; it seemed to have a mind of its own. My front teeth came bucking down onto my bottom lip as I watched Sophia cocking am eyebrow at me, before glancing to my crotch. Someones come to say hello. My gaze fell down as well, cheeks reddening further as my hard member had somehow managed to part the towel, peeking out from underneath.

I heard Sophia gulp as her eyes studied my glistening head, which twitched in response to her burning gaze. I was slightly embarrassed, yes, but Jesus Christ I was

fucking horny. There was something about her presence right here right now; sat there in her sweats with her messy hair and flushed cheeks It was inappropriate timing, but I couldnt help it. Id been able to ignore it thus far, but her awareness of my arousal was just encouraging the blood flow even more so. I took one side of the towel, ready to cover myself once more, hissing as my palm grazed the very tip. It was then that I paused; lifting my eyes to Sophia who was breathing heavily as she studied my hard shaft in detail. Her eyes shifted hungrily back and forth, exploring each delicate ridge and vein, and I couldnt help but run my thumb over the slit; brushing a bead of pre-come from it. Her eyes met mine; staring intently at one another as we sat there in a tense silence. I slipped my hand down the length of my cock and then back to the top, desperate for some well-needed friction against my pulsating shaft. A soft whimper tumbled from her lips as she watched my hand give the head of my cock a tight squeeze, before pausing once more. Go on she whispered, waiting for me to make the next move. Both our glances fell down to my hand that was tightly wrapped around my pulsating shaft. We watched as I rolled my hand down to its base, before slowly trailing it to the tip again. Unexpectedly Sophias hand planted itself atop mine, giving it a light squeeze. Let me., she whispered, eyes still fixed upon my hard member as she slid her tongue along her lips. Replacing my hand, she trailed the very tips of her fingers over every ridge and bump; slowly and carefully. A breathless sigh escaped my lips as she now tightened her grip; however still keeping it delicate. Fisting the hair at the back if her neck, I slightly pulled on it as she began to stroke me up and down. Soph, I whispered, furrowing my brows. She increased her grip slightly, giving the head a quick brush with her thumb every now and then. Does that feel okay? she mumbled, closing the gap between us. Mm yeah, perfect I breathed heavily, softly grazing my plump lips against hers. Shaky breaths slipped from my mouth amidst fiery kisses; my hips instinctively raising as I begged her for more. She increased the pace of her strokes, turning me into a hot groaning mess; one hand gripping tightly on to the cushion whilst the other wound itself fervently in her hair, tugging as she satisfied my cock. Her lips fell from mine to my neck, nipping and sucking at the protruding vein that ran down the side; sliding her hot tongue over my damp skin. I shuddered as her other hand squeezed lightly at my balls, grazing them softly with her small fingers.

Ugh, gonna come in a minute I grunted huskily, lolling my head back so that my face was parallel to the ceiling. The more my hips began to buck towards her touch, the more did Sophias fingers concentrate on my tip and the underside of my shaft, pumping mercilessly. My prejuices came out in small droplets, being quickly rubbed into my skin. I jolted my head forwards, burying my face in the crook of Sophias neck, my breathless cussing mumbled by her skin as I felt the ever so familiar tightening in my balls, before I pushed myself into her hand. Groaning loudly as my orgasm exploded, my hips thrusted upwards as I tensed my buttcheeks. My warm liquid shot itself right into her palm; one, two and three times. I chuckled breathlessly, slightly shocked by my own mess as she looked at me with wide eyes, still slowly stroking her hand over my spent cock. You can use the towel I laughed, letting her wipe her hand on the towel that had fallen either side of my hips. Sometimes I swear youre not even human she smirked, swiping her hand across the white flannel material. I grinned, before pulling the towel back around my waist. Thank you I muttered, pressing my lips softly to hers as I did so. Anyway she began, snapping me out of my post-orgasm haze. Mums and boners aside, I wanted to ask you something Oh? I replied curiously. We have the end of school dance coming up and I was wondering well. I know its a bit inappropriate nall right now. But. Erm. Well- Id like that I smiled, saving her from her cheeks flushing an ever deeper shade of red than they already were. Is it fancy though?, I asked, leaning back to look at her. Wellits kind of a prom., she said. Okay, Ill have to buy a new suit then.. No!, Sophia interrupted, You dont have to spend any money, just wear one you already have, and Ill pay for the tickets. Furrowing my brows as I watched her in confusion, I asked, What? No.. Please Harry, its my treat Its kind of an apology for how things have to be right now., Sophia mumbled, eyes falling to glance down at her lap, her long lashes casting a shadow. I dont even know why you still want to be with me after all this drama You could be with someone whos less complicated., she whispered. Bringing my hand up to cup her chin, I tilted her head so she had no choice but to look at me. Youre absolutely ridiculous., I stated, a slight hint of anger in my voice at her accusation. I love you, Sophia. I wont leave you. She stared back at me with those big eyes I adored and without another word, I pulled her face towards me and pressed my lips to hers. Pulling back after a few

seconds, I rested my forehead against hers, fingers still clutching her chin. Got it?, I whispered, my breath fanning her glistening lips. Sophia gave a feeble nod in response, followed by a quiet I love you too. * A second knock of the evening erupted through the house; this one slightly less urgent than the last. And this one was very much expected. Sophia had left only an hour or so ago after Id calmed her down and convinced her to try and reason with her mum. Try being the operative word. I knew shed tried, but I also knew how stubborn her mum could be. Be that as it may, I was sure that shed warm to the idea in time. Harry my mum forced a small smile as I welcomed her in, wrapping my arms around her awkwardly as she entered. Nice to see you, mum I spoke into her ear, before pulling away. Yes, you too. I just wish it wasnt under such circumstances. She frowned at me as she handed me her coat, and I could feel my palms beginning to sweat and hear racing. As much as I loved my mother, I still feared the woman to some extent. Id had a loving, but stern upbringing, and this had clearly had an impact on my feelings towards her to this day. Tea? I offered as we walked into the living room. No, no I shallnt be staying long. Your fathers will be home soon. You know what hes like when he gets home to no plate on the table. She forced a laugh, but I could sense the seriousness in her voice. With working such long hours each day- often well into the evening- my dad saw it as my mums duty to keep the house clean and him a happy man. A typical housewife, you might say. I sat on the armchair opposite my mum, who took up a seat on the sofa. So dare I ask what was going on inside of that head of yours, Harry? she suddenly said bluntly, raising an eyebrow at me. I mean did you even think about your actions at all?, she continued, eyebrows still raised in expectation. If this is about Sophia, I began, but was cut off sharply. Of course it is about Sophia! What, is there another teenage girl youre messing around with? Messing around?, I uttered, confused. I know youve always been popular with the ladiesand youve always liked the attention. But this time youve gone too far. As I listened to my mother talking, I had to stop myself from letting out a sarcastic laugh. Instead, I sat in silence, keeping my eyes on her while I waited for her to finish. Mum. I love her., I stated simply, my voice calm and quiet.

You, she muttered and I couldve sworn I saw one eye twitching, Oh. So have you eaten? Her voice was now somewhat anxious as she sat before me. No, not yet, why?, I replied in utter confusion. Do you really love her?, my mother suddenly blurted out, her voice monotone, with a hint of understanding. Doing nothing but nod, I shrugged a shoulder, Yeah, really. She inhaled deeply and shut her eyes, before fluttering them open and focusing them on me once more. Come home with me, have dinner with us. I dont want to put you out Oh dont be silly, Harry. As if you could put us out she smiled; her usual warm and caring smile gracing her face. Plus, I think your dad would understand, yknow. Hes not as bad as you think It was at that moment that I knew shed accepted what Id had to say. Shed understood that you cant put an age on love - at least with the difference in our case. Id learnt that more than anyone, considering how age-conscious I was at the beginning. Okay then, thatd be nice I smiled back, an intense feeling of relief washing over me as the knot in my stomach began to gradually loosen. I just hoped Sophias parents could be as understanding. I really did. But there was something in the back of my mind, hammering away, telling me that this was only the beginning of a long and difficult struggle. Chapter 21. Harrys POV. I nibbled the inside of my cheek as I clenched my fists, walking down the road by myself. My Ray-Bans sat neatly on the bridge of my nose, shielding my eyes from the glistening sun. Birds fluttered around me, women with little children holding icecream passing me by. The entire town seemed changed in result of the beautiful weather. People had smiles on their faces as they walked around in their shorts and floral dresses. Every single one of those who passed me by were unaware of the storm I was walking towards; otherwise known as Sophias mother. I hadnt done or said a thing to her after the blow-out. Partly because everyone had told me to let it be and to let the situation cool down; but mainly because I was terrified of that woman.

However there was only one reason that I was walking down the familiar street; taking in the familiar surroundings that passed with each timid step. I needed to speak to her myself. Sophia had tried. Fuck, she really had. But her mum was even more stubborn than she was and refused to listen to any sort of reconciliation that came from Sophias tired lips. I had to do this for her- for us. She loved her parents, and I knew that their disapproval was taking its toll on her. Each time she looked at me, I could feel the slightest resentment towards me glazing her soft eyes, and it scared me. It scared me to the point where I felt that I was losing her. And I couldnt lose her- not after the heartache wed already put ourselves through. I wet my dry lips with my tongue as I approached the end of her driveway, scanning my eyes up the red-bricked path and to the tall, daunting door. It was silent all around me, but I could hear the beat of my heart knocking against my chest. I hadnt even been this nervous for my last exam, which was saying something. It looked still inside, and for a moment I almost convinced myself that no one was in and that I should just turn back and go home. But I knew she was in. Sophia had told me how shed been working relentlessly from home recently, trying to tie up the loose ends of her fathers business. Jesus Christ, Harry. Youre an adult. Stop being so ridiculous. But no matter how many times I repeated these words in my head, and how many deep breaths I took whilst standing there looking like a moron, I couldnt manage to stop my palms sweating and mouth drying. I gulped as I stopped in my tracks. How this once so familiar and loved environment now frightened me to no ends, was beyond me. Bringing my hand up to hit the doorbell, I stopped. Breathing heavily, I closed my eyes for a second or two. But then I sucked it up, told myself to be a fucking man and pushed the little button. The all too familiar sounds echoed behind the door and I felt shivers run up my spine at the sheer thought of having to face the mother. Footsteps sounded faintly from the other side and I held my breath for a few moments; before the door swung open swiftly.

Harry she exclaimed in shock; eyes wide as she swiftly looked my up and down. What d- We need to talk. I blurted out slightly more assertively than I anticipated.

She looked taken aback as the bold words left my lips and my eyes failed to fall from her own. I could see her thumbs twiddling anxiously in my periphery, almost in time to the frenzied beating of my heart. And Im not leaving until we do. My lips were so dry that they struggled to part for each word; the usual moist skin now dry and slightly sticky.Make it quick then. she shot back, squinting her eyes spitefully as she turned her back and left me to let myself in. I stood dumbfounded for a second or two, before I took a slow step inside and quietly closed the door behind me. Taking my shoes off and placing them neatly by the others, I tucked my sunglasses in the front of my shirt and headed for the livingroom. Stopping by the doorway, I composed myself, before clearing my throat. Sophias mother was staring at me with -slightly narrowed- eyes as she sat on the sofa, hands folded in her lap. Mrs. Manza.., I began, only to be cut off quite abruptly. I really do not know why you think that I would even listen to anything you have to say.

Her eyes continued their cold pursuit into my own; flicking ever so slights back and forth across the bridge of my nose. My heart was racing a thousand miles per hour as I rocked nervously on the balls of my feet; all composure and self-esteem sinking into the floor beneath me. I mean, you took advantage of my daughter. You used her for your own benefits. I know what boys like you are like, Harry. Her words resonated in my mind for a few moments as I tried to process whether she really had just said that, and just like that, all my nerves and uneasiness converted into a boiling rage that surged through my blood stream; making my fists clench and jaw tense. Im sorry, but thats fucking ridiculous! I spat, watching her eyes widen as I swore blatantly at her in her own home. Boys like me? What, boys who go out of their way to make girls like your daughter feel special That make sure they constantly have a smile on their face That fucking cry and dont eat for a week when they thought theyd lost them? Bollocks. This is bollocks, and I dont know why youre being like this, but its not fair. Her mouth opened, lips moving up and down as she searched for her words, but no sound came out. Instead, she continued to look like a fish on dry land whilst I stood there raging, practically shaking with fury. Im sorry I began, taking the infuriated edge off and lowering my tone, but I dont think you understand that we actually love each other. Im not in it for sex, or whatever you may think. And Im certainly not taking advantage of her- I wouldnt

dream of it.. I love Sophia. A minute of silence hung over us as a pair of eyes, which were very much similar to those of Sophia, stayed fixed upon me. First of all, she then said with a calm voice. You should really watch your language.. A slight smile arose on my face as I listened to her. Her mouth remained in a straight line as she kept her eyes on me, slightly narrowing them; my smile instantly vanishing. Second of all, how dare you raise your voice at me in my own house. And third, you have no idea of how little I think of you right now. To have the cheek to just turn up here My mouth went dry as her reaction was the complete opposite to what Id expected and secretly hoped it to be. I saw you with your pants down, lying on top of my daughter! Her voice resembled to a shriek as I saw her face redden with anger. Before I could register what she was doing, I saw her arm raising itself from her side, hand darting towards my face. My eyes were wide as I watched her, before I clenched them shut, ready for the sharp pain. But it didnt come. After waiting a moment or two, I slowly opened my eyes again, only to be seeing a somewhat desperate looking woman standing in front of me. I cant say it wasnt brave, however, you turning up here. It does say something about yourself and the sincerity of your feelings. A sigh left her lips as she slumped back down into the cushions of the sofa. She buddies her face in her hand, before massaging her temples with her fingers. The way Sophia talks about you Its genuine.

It is I quickly added, voice now soft and low. I just Im just not overly comfortable with someone of your age dating my daughter- who is still at school, may I add. I understand that, but you have to understand where Im coming fromwhere were coming from. I began, taking a small step towards her. Yknow, I havent met anyone as mature, and intelligent, and funny as your daughter. Ever. I sighed involuntarily; memories of Sophia washing through my mind, heart beat gradually slowing. Keeping my eyes upon her, I studied her face as her brows knitted together- presumably still struggling to get her mind around the idea of us. And stubborn I added with a small smile, hoping to provoke a reaction from the woman in front of me. She takes after her mother she laughed softly; a warm glint in her eyes appearing as she lifted her eyes from the floor. She had that right, for sure. But now definitely wasnt the time to be making jokes about the woman I was trying to win over, so to speak.

I laughed in retaliation, hoping to ease the tense atmosphere that had previously been cutting through the room. And not just on the stubborn front. She has a big heart too, Harry she sighed, and I just dont want to see that getting broken. For a moment, the strong, confident exterior of her shrank into something much more vulnerable, and it made me question whether shed been victim to some sort of heartbreak in her past. I twisted my mouth nervously, not quite sure how to respond as I watched her bright green eyes glass over and thumbs twiddle nervously. Sophias POV Youre actually suicidal! I cannot believe you talked to my mother, Harry!, I half exclaimed down the phone as I wandered round the shop, a sea of beautiful dresses of all different colours surrounding me. Right?! The things I do for you.., he replied jokingly, yet still managing to sound somewhat sincere. A small smile tugged on my lips as I held the phone to my ear, fingers grazing the materials as I slowly walked by them. What sort of dresses are you looking at anyway? Shivers floated down my spine as his tone lowered; each word gravelly and laden with a lustful inquisitiveness. I took my lower lip between my teeth as I suppressed a smirk, knowing full-well the thoughts that were racing through his mind as I listened to his shallow breathing on the other end. Hmmm I pondered teasingly, continuing to slide hangers from left to right over the rack that they were hanging on. I was thinking I continued, trying my best not to giggle. Something fitted Yknow. Something that clings in all the right places. A short silence ensued before a soft groan escaped his lips. Sounds good he muttered. And what are you thinking of wearing underneath? I stopped in my tracks for a moment; heart racing and lower half aching in response to his words. Well seeing as the majority of these are silk Probably nothing. I whispered slowly and in my sultriest voice, trying to keep my words quiet as people brushed past me. Another strained groan came from the other end, breathing still heavy. So he continued, I can take you somewhere quiet and fuck you without even having to take it off? Depends if youve been a good boy., I replied huskily. I heard a soft chuckle on the other end and smiled to myself. Always., Harry replied in an amused tone. Well we both know thats not true., I then said, slightly challengingly. As true as you being a

good girl. Pursing my lips to withhold a huge grin, I just let out a slight laugh, before shaking my head. Oh Harry, youre so cheeky. You love it., he retaliated and I could practically hear the grin in his voice. Soph! Alices voice calling out my name yanked me from my Harry-daze. Whipping my head to get a look at her from above all the racks, I saw her waving something around, right in front of her face. I just found the perfect dress!, she exclaimed. Babe, I gotta go, Alice claims she just found the perfect dress., I laughed, rolling my eyes as I hung a golden dress Id just looked at back. Is it silk?, Harry asked and I just brushed his comment off with an I love you and a Text me later!, before disconnecting the call. I walked over to Alice who was holding the most incredible dress Id ever seen in her hands. Her hands were out just in front of her face, having to hold it up so the bottom hem didnt bunch on the floor. The embellished halterneck dropped to a band just beneath the cups, forming an empire line of little diamants that glistened magically under the shop lighting. The dress was a delicate, wine-coloured silk that fell gracefully to the floor, with a long, revealing slit up the left-hand side that would undoubtedly reveal the entirety of my thigh. I gawped in amazement; a huge grin spreading across my face as I clapped my hands together like an excited seal. Perfect, huh? Alice beamed, pushing the dress towards me and instantly measuring it against my height. Oh my God, Soph, youre going to look incredible you bitch. she laughed, brushing her fingers up and down the soft material. Its wow I stuttered, holding it against my body as I took a few steps towards the mirror. I studied the dress against myself for a moment, imagining the silk clinging to and draping effortlessly over all the right places, before eventually landing my eyes on the top half. Alice, my boobs are going to pop out of this! I laughed, a little concerned by the deep plunge of the neckline. And? she shrugged. Youll look hot. And Harry wont be able to keep it in his pants, lets not lie. I burst out laughing as a deep pink blush flooded my cheeks, knowing just how right she was. Harrys POV

I pushed the tall doors open as I received a text. Quickly pulling my phone out of my jeans, I saw it was from Sophia. The perfect dress is perfect! And its silk! xoxoxo Holding in a chuckle, I swiftly typed away a reply, before shoving the phone back into my pocket. The familiar halls were more crowded than usual, stress oozing from everyone passing me by. Final exams were nearing and it was more than obvious. Thankfully I was only here to have the usual, quick chat with my tutor. In and out. Chuckling at my own, childish thoughts, I stopped in front of the door, the words French Department. engraved. Knocking twice, I waited a moment or two, before a Come in sounded from the opposite side. Slowly pushing the door open, I smiled friendly as the ever so familiar grey haired man smiled back at me.

Harry. Long time no see! he laughed, tapping some pieces of paper on his desk before discarding them into a file box to his side. Yeah sorry, been busy with work I smiled, feeling myself heat up as I told a slight white lie. Ah work he cocked an eyebrow, before beckoning me to sit down. I remember what it was like being young. People seem to forget that! he guffawed loudly, taking me slightly by surprise as I pulled the chair outwards from his desk and sat myself down, chuckling awkwardly. He had always been my favourite professor by far; but hed also been the most inappropriate. But Ill save that for another day he winked, making my cheeks redden. Anyway! he continued. I have some news for you, although Im not quite sure how youre going to take it Hopefully well! he added quickly, pushing his thin steel-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. Oh? I furrowed my brow; feelings of confusion, nervousness and excitement all bombarding my mind at once. You see, Harry. Last semester, I may have got in contact with someone I had no idea where he was going with this as he kept my gaze; his eyes brimming with excitement and something else that I couldnt quite put my finger on Perhaps pride? I remained silent, twiddling my thumbs as I waited for him to continue. cole Normale Suprieure have offered you a scholarship, Harry. They want you to study with them in France from this September onwards. What?, I breathed, As in the top ranking French university? The man opposite me nodded feverishly, a smile on his lips. But why would they want me?, I asked, completely perplexed. Dont put yourself down, Harry, your

grades are top-notch! Not to mention how fluent you are in the French language. That school would be lucky to have a student like you! I was overwhelmed by the sudden praise and not to mention the completely unexpected news being thrown at me. Studying in France had always been a secret dream of mine, yet one I hadnt thought of making come true so far. But now, things were different. Sorry, what have you said? This September?, I then blurted out as that little piece of information had quickly left my mind. Yes, thisSeptember. This september meant 3 months from now. 3 months for me to pack up my whole life and go away to France? They do, however, want you to be there by the end of next month already. To get settled in, all the paperwork, etc., the usual. My eyes almost bulged out of my head as I listened to him. The end of next fucking month? Fuck I mean. Sorry I frowned, pressing my thumb and forefingers to my temples and rubbing them agitatedly. Its a big move, I understand. But its an incredible opportunity for you. Do you know how many students from around the world applied for this? I tilted my chin upwards to look at him as he spoke to me, trying to process the whirlwind news that had just been thrown at me. Over 600, Harry. And they wanted you. Jesus I mumbled in awe. I knew I was good at French, but I never thought I was that good, and this had shocked me right to the core. When do they need a reply by? I mumbled, tapping my foot restlessly as I anticipated his answer. Exactly a week today, so you have some time to mull over it. Okay, good. I grumbled, sounding slightly more moody than I intended. I wasnt moody at all- in fact, I wanted to jump up and down and scream my fucking lungs out. But there was something niggling, and I knew exactly what that niggling in the back of my mind was. I dont want you to throw away something that has the potential to open up the world for you, Harry. Whatever it is that seems to be bothering you, you need to decide whether its- shes - important enough for you to turn this down. And that was it. There I was, left on the edge of deciding whether the girl that I loved was worth sacrificing everything Id worked my whole life to achieve. After all wed put ourselves through, whether we could simply just throw it all away just like that. And at this moment in time, I didnt know what to think.

Chapter 22 Twirling a strand of hair round my forefinger, I nibbled the inside of my cheek restlessly. Exams were starting next Monday and the last, desperate attempts at revising were now due. Somehow Id managed to convince my mum that I so very greatly needed Harrys help in those few days, which wasnt a lie at all. Despite the many times wed gotten distracted from the French topics to the French kissing, Harry had really helped me improve my language skills in these past few months. I was far more fluent and safe at speaking and writing, as well as my knowledge of all kinds of exceptions and all that nonsense. When is Harry supposed to be here again?, my mother suddenly asked. Four. Well, then hes already 6 minutes late. I never realized just how tardy he always was., she then said, cocking an eyebrow, obviously unimpressed. Please, mum. Try and be civil., I pleaded, collecting my hair and pulling it up into a bun.

I knew she had every intention of making this awkward for us all, despite the conversation that her and Harry had had a few days ago. I jumped to my feet as a knock erupted from the front door, practically tripping up as I dashed to greet him. Thank GOD youre here I mumbled as I quickly gripped his waist before my mother had a chance to see. Why, whats u- Nice of you to make it, Harry. Its not as if my daughter has exams next week. I bit my tongue as my mums bitterly sarcastic tone cut Harry off. Sorry, I had an essay to hand in he muttered back in retaliation, and I could see anger boiling in his eyes at the way shed spoken to him; trying his best to keep his cool as I widened my eyes at him. Breathe I mouthed, before turning from him and walking towards the dining room, where I knew my mother would have her eyes on us at all times. I hope you dont mind, Harry my mum began, but Ill be sitting in on this one. Just to make sure you do actually get some work done. She smiled sarcastically as she glared through dark eyes, and I couldnt help but groan with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment as her words caused Harry to flush a deep shade of pink. We always get work done, Mrs. Manza., he then said as he placed his notes on the table, this time sitting opposite me. The edgy tone to his voice was more than obvious. Well well see about that next week, then, wont we?, my mother replied with a sour smile, before also taking a seat at the table. Yes, yes we will. I was the one to be doing the talking this time, and I returned the smile - just as sourly - before

grabbing a pen. I saw Harry nibbling the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from smiling. Right., he stated, more confidently now, Translate this please, Soph. It was like an instinct as I smiled warmly in retaliation to him calling me by the shortened version of my name he knew I loved hearing; especially from him. My mothers reaction to this, however, was rather surprised as she seemed to whitness just how effortlessly intimate and content Harry and I were when we were around each other. * Okay, so that went well. Harry said with a grin as he stuffed his notes back into his bag. My mother seemed impressed at how much wed actually gotten done in just an hour. Uh, yes, very nice., she replied, with a nod.

I watched Harrys dimples deepen as he smiled with pride- presumably at his own performance, rather than mine. I couldnt help but smile back at his childish grin. So whens prom again? he asked curiously, not even aware of the massive foot hed just put in. The entire room fell silent; my mothers eyes darting towards me as I froze. It may have slipped my mind to actually tell her that Harry would be coming with me It took him a while to notice the tension in the air and he slowly drew his eyes upwards from the satchel between his knees, widening his eyes as he realised that I hadnt said anything about it to my mum yet. You havent told her? he mouthed across the room, furrowing his brow as he anticipated the next few moments with unease. I turned to face my mother who now had her hands folded over her chest; head cocked as she waited for me to speak. Yeah. Ive been meaning to tell you I mumbled nervously, scratching the back of my neck. Oh you have, have you? Mmm And what do you think your father will have to say about this, Sophia? I bit down on my lip as I tried to think of something smart and charming to say. Alas, nothing. Its okay, I promise Ill take care of her Harry smiled from across the table, clearly not aware of the implications that this may have. Well I dont think this is anything to do with you, Harry. Do you? My mother shot

back, making me cringe at her brashness. Mum, please., I uttered with a frown on my face. Dont Mum, please me right now. Do tell me, are you thinking about telling your father about any of this or not?, she asked, eyebrows raised questioningly. Well.., I mumbled, brows meeting in the middle as I glance from my mother to Harry. His expression was just as worried, if not even nervous as he glanced at me with furrowed brows; my mothers expression quite the opposite. Yes, actually., I then stated, sitting upright as a sudden confidence took over me. Yes, Im going to tell him. Tonight, at dinner. Challengingly cocking an eyebrow at my mother, I watched her eyes widen for a short second, before a small smile tugged at her lips. Good luck with that. Thanks, mummy., I replied with an innocent smile. By the way Harry, youre staying for dinner. My mother looked slightly shocked by my blunt request, but kept quiet for once. I smirked to myself in victory; not used to having my way when it came to challenging my mothers authority. Harry looked equally as surprised as I sauntered from the dining room to the living room with an air of confidence that I hadnt felt before; something that I would need to keep up once confronting my father over dinner. If this was going to be successful, I had to show him that I meant every single word that came from my mouth, and make sure that he understood. I knew my father, and it would be the understanding of our feelings and the situation that would lead to his acceptance. Nothing more, nothing less. * Harry, hello! Wasnt expecting to see you here! My father smiled at Harry as he extended his hand for a tight handshake; Harrys immediately receiving him for a manly embrace. Just doing some last minute revision he smiled nervously, before glancing over my dads shoulder and looking at me with anxious pools of green. Well thats great. Hows it going? I hope shes working hard! Yeah Sophs - Sophias doing really well. Harry quickly corrected himself as a habitual part of our relationship slipped from his dry lips. Thankfully, my father didnt seem to notice, and continued chattering away about my exams and other such manly topics of conversation, leaving my mum and I to set the table. Did you see that ManU game the other day then?, my father asked, taking a seat at the table. Yes, of course., Harry smiled, sitting down opposite him; not before asking if he could help with something, though. All I wanted to do was give him a big,

fat kiss at his absolute cuteness, but a smile and shaking of my head had to do for now. That card Rooney got.., my Dad began, shaking his head as he poured himself a glass of soda, Absolute rubbish. Yeah, the ref was totally blind., Harry laughed in response, thanking him as he also poured him one. Smells delicious darling., my father uttered as my mum carried the dish of fish out and placed it on the table, me following closely with a bread basket in hands. Taking a seat beside Harry, I instantly grinned as his hand gave mine a swift brush beneath the table; hidden from wandering eyes. Dig in then., my mum encouraged, and we all did so happily. Everything was going wonderfully; or so it seemed. My father made light, joyous chitchat as he munched away, not noticing the tension that lingered between us others. So Harry, are you still talking to Melanie?, my Dad suddenly asked, my brows furrowing immediately. Great. Yeah, we do every now and then., Harry shrugged in response, a small smile on his lips.

Yeah? my dad continued, making eye contact with Harry as he leant over to grab a slide of break from the basket. And is anything more going on? I swear Harry almost choked as he tried to swallow the food that was in his mouth, coughing and spluttering as my hand quickly smacked him on the back. He grabbed the glass of water at his side and pressed the rim to his lips, swallowing quickly before smiling and shaking his head hastily, waiting for his throat to completely clear. No no, nothing like that. My dad cocked his eyebrow as if to say Come on, there must be something going on; a horrible uneasy feeling settling right in the pit of my stomach as I imagined if Harry as with her doing all the things he did with me with her kissing her The thought actually made me feel physically sick. Shame that. Shes lovely, yknow. You have so much in common. Yeah, but not like that Harry smiled, giving my knee a light squeeze underneath the table as a silent reassurance. Hmm, well are you looking for anyone right now? Anyone you have your eye on? My dad wiggled his eyebrows and I cringed in horror, unsure of when and how to actually tell him that it was his own daughter that Harry had his eyes on and more. Well, uh..actually.., Harry muttered, peeking at me from the corner of his eyes. Well?, my Dad said with a smile, shoving a piece of fish into his mouth. Dad, Harry and I are dating., I suddenly blurted out, eyes widening as I took notice of what Id just done.

Now it was my fathers turn to almost choke on his face. He coughed and my mother tapped him on the back. I dug my fingers into Harrys beneath the table as we all awaited my fathers reaction; whether hed have an outburst of some sort, whether hed attempt to kill Harry, whether hed lock me in my room and never let me out again. He raised his brows as he looked from me, to the boy beside me. Gulping, he placed his fork down by his plate. Oh?, he asked, taking a sip of his soda. I felt Harrys hand squeeze mine; palm sweaty and grip tight. I swear he was more nervous than I was. How long have you been dating for? His eyes raised from his glass to meet mine; his tone calm and casual. Erm er I stuttered. About 5 months now He knitted his brows together for a moment as he thought, mouth twisting from side to side as his stubbly jawline moved in subconscious contemplation. Oh right Well I cant say Im surprised. I studied his face in disbelief and was certain that I saw a smile playing on his lips as he shifted his eyes back and forth between Harry and I. My mother looked just as surprised as I was- if not more. What do you mean, youre not surprised? My mother choked out through pursed lips, evidently not happy with his response to the situation. I mean Harrys a good-looking young man, and they have been spending a lot of time together But hes much older than her, Richard., my mum said, eyebrows meeting in the middle. So what, Im quite a few years older than you also and that never seemed to bother you., my dad said, giving her a suggestive wiggle of his brows. Okay, ew.., I laughed nervously, giving Harrys hand another squeeze. This time however, it was not one of fear, but one of affection. My father actually seemed to approve of our relationship. You could have told me sooner though., he then frowned, almost looking disappointed that we hadnt. Sorry Daddy we were just not sure how youd take it. Putting on my best puppy-dog-look, I held it until a smile broke across his face. So I guess hell be accompanying you to prom, then? Nodding, I let go of Harrys hand and placed mine on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Indeed he is., I smiled widely; happily.

Harrys POV I stood underneath the porch light at Sophias door; her hands around my waist as mine rested on her hips. That went surprisingly well she beamed, pulling me an inch or so closer as my tall frame hung over her. Yeah, thank fuck. I thought I was gonna get beaten into next year! I laughed jokingly, sliding my hands around her hips so that they were resting on her bum. She looked up at me beneath dark, thick lashes; her big eyes glistening under the artificial lighting. I wanted to tell her about my internship to France so much right now. I could feel the words locking in my throat as my mind jumbled up everything Id planned to say. She looked so effortlessly happy and unworried for the first time in weeks. It would kill her if I ruined this now, and it would kill me to see her face break. Taking a deep breath, I pushed what Id intended to say right to the back of my mind and landed my lips upon her own; the softness and closeness immediately making me feel as if everything were okay again. Her hands slid up to my shoulder blades, massaging the muscles beneath them over my blazer. Without words or intention, our kiss deepened dramatically; tongues battling one another and hands squeezing parts of each others bodies that only we were allowed to. I knew she was getting frisky; it had been almost two weeks since wed last had sex, and I wanted it just as much as she did. Soph- I whispered breathlessly against her lips, pushing a stray strand of hair from her face as I looked her in the eyes. Harry, please. I need you to touch me I quickly glanced over her shoulder, before reaching my arm out and pulling the door to so that we were hidden from the inside of her house. My lips crashed back down upon her own- desperate to taste every inch of her. I groaned softly as her hand slipped up the inside of my thigh and began rubbing my semi-hard length over the top of my jeans; hips bucking towards her involuntarily. I returned the favour, rubbing my palm over the crotch of her shorts; loving every little whimper that left her lips that was quiet enough for only me to hear.

Harry.., she breathed heavily into the air as I added a bit more pressure to my hand, working it back and forth. We stumbled to the side of her house; away from any light or witnesses. My fingers found the button of her shorts as I pushed her back against a wall. Pulling the zip down, I ran my forefinger along the front of the waistline of her underwear. A shudder ran through her body at the coolness of my finger. Are you wet for me

already?, I whispered huskily into her ear, taking a handful of her breast and giving it a squeeze. You might want to check for yourself., she replied with a calm voice; but I knew she wasnt calm in the slightest. I could feel her heart and pulse racing, breathing cut short. Whatever you say., I then mumbled in a low tone. Slipping two fingers into her underwear, I smiled wickedly as I felt the smooth skin against my palms. Sophia parted her legs instinctively as I dipped it lower and lower slowly. Sophia, people are going to hear you if youre not careful I smirked cockily, before pressing my lips desperately to her own as I stifled her shaky breathing; soft, throaty moans vibrating against my lips. I slowly pushed the very tip of my middle finger inside of her, getting a small taste of what Id managed to do to her in only a matter of minutes. One hand wound itself in my hair whilst the other gripped my wrist tightly, trying to pull my finger deeper. Want something? I mumbled smugly against her lips, before sliding the length of my finger inside of her. Her lips fell open as she gasped against my own; hot breaths washing over one another. I slipped my finger back out, before sliding another one in alongside it, loving how she felt around my digits. I made sure that my wrist was tilted at the right angle so that my palm pressed a considerable about of pressure on her clit as I worked my fingers; sliding it back and forth over the overly sensitive nerve-endings. Her hips thrusted into my hand as I twisted and turned my fingers, exploring each and every sensitive corner. Dont stop, she begged, gripping onto me even tighter than before. God, youre soaking, I groaned quietly, voice hushed by my lips on her neck. Continuing to buck my fingers in and out of her, my thumb slid over her centre; eventually concentrating its pressure onto her swollen clit. You almost there?, I asked.

She hummed against my neck in affirmation, begging me to go faster and give her more. I made sure that the pads of my fingers curved upwards and pulled against her g-spot, desperately slamming my lips on to hers as she went to cry out. Yes. There she panted breathlessly, thighs beginning to shake around my hand. I grabbed her waist with my spare hand and locked my arm tightly, giving her some support for when her orgasm hit her and her legs would buckle, as they always did. And tonight, it wasnt any different. I felt her entire body tense as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, lashes fluttering as ecstasy took over. Her fingers dug roughly into my arms as little whimpers began to leave her lips. Bringing my free hand up to

cover her mouth, I hissed as she bit down on my skin. Sophia arched her back from the wall, chests crushing together. She continued to shake for a bit, not saying a word as she leant her head back and licked her lips, obviously enjoying the last waves of pleasure. Good girl, I whispered, pulling my hand away from down under. Even in the dim light I saw my fingers glistening with her juices. A euphoric grin plastered her face as I buttoned her shorts back up; breathing still deep and laboured. Her grip from my arms loosened as I kissed her softly, enjoying every sensation that her plump lips gave my own. Ive gotta go I finally said, parting my lips from hers. She hummed lightly, nodding in agreement. Ill call you tomorrow, okay? I rested my forehead against hers, before pressing my lips on to her warm, flushed cheeks and turning from her, walking away with the biggest grin on my face, but also the biggest weight on my heart, niggling away incessantly at the back of my mind. Chapter 23 Harrys POV Id been pacing back and forth in my mind for the past few days; unable to put my thoughts to rest. Sophias dads approval of our relationship had made it ten times harder for me to tell her about my proposed scholarship, and one hundred times harder for me to actually reach my final decision. Dont get me wrong, Id tried to tell her. I really had. But each time it came down to it, Id recoil back into a nervous mess and the words would end up getting locked deep in the back of my throat, to which shed laugh and Id hurriedly change the subject. Perhaps the worst thing, though, was that Id been intentionally distancing myself from hernot replying to text messages straight away, not calling her each night before we went to sleep You know, the little things that come hand in hand with being in love. Writing down the final proposal in my draft essay, I was knocked from my thoughts with a sharp vibration ringing across the table. I flicked my eyes up from the page to see her name dancing across the screen of my phone, and my heart practically lurched into my mouth. I reached over to it and opened the message. Hey you,Hope youre okay. Cant wait to see you tomorrow! I hope youve got your suit ready! Love you x Shit. With everything going on right now, Id completely forgotten to get a suit.

Without replying, I quickly opened up a new message and immediately started tapping away desperately. Niall. Urgent. Meet me in 30 minutes in town for some suiting and booting. He was the one person I knew would drop what he was doing in my somewhat panicked and trivial time of need, and as if right on cue, I received a message back from him with a set location and some typically humorous Niall-esque comment. *

You are actually so stupid., Niall laughed as we strolled into the shop, hundreds of possible suits, ties, shirts and even socks welcoming us. How could you forget getting a suit? I have stuff on my mind, okay?, I retaliated, the edge Id been on lately obvious in my voice as I shot my words at my blonde friend. Other than thinking about which shampoo makes your hair the fluffiest? Yes. Like what?, he asked as he looked through a few shirts on a hanger. Well, I began, nervous about putting the facts into words. If I couldnt even tell my best friend, how the hell was I supposed to tell Sophia? Suck it up, I told myself. And so I did. I got a scholarship. Wow, man, thats amazing! Which Uni?, Niall said, patting my shoulders. cole Normale Suprieure, I replied. What?, he laughed, Where the hell is that? In France., I muttered back, suddenly taking a large interest in one of the cufflinks. What? Yeah, the scholarship is in France I glanced up at him as the words left my lips, hoping for some reassurance or words of comfort. Instead, he stood there staring in front of him at the rail of shirts in complete silence. Say something then I urged, feeling more and more uneasy as the seconds dragged past. I dont really know what to say, mate. he mumbled, clearing his throat as his words almost choked out with disbelief. Congratulations. Is that it? I laughed, cocking my head as I tried to get his attention from the rail in front. He turned to face me, eyes still wide with shock and mouthends horizontally spread across his face, conveying little emotion. No, I mean it. Congratulations. You deserve it. The corners of his mouth flicked upwards ever so slightly as he held out his hand to

shake mine and pulled me into an awkward manly embrace, patting his palm firmly on my shoulder blade. Its just a bit of a shock! he laughed, pulling away to face me. I sighed heavily; relieved. Yeah, I know. I still havent really gotten my head around it. Im assuming youve already told Sophia. What did she have to say? Bet shes devastated. I gulped as I averted my eyes from his and focused on the shirts in front; nervously shifting the hangers from left to right across the metal rail, not even paying attention. You have told her, havent you? Nialls tone was stern and serious, making my heart pound and stomach churn even more so than it had been. I havent really found the right moment I mumbled feebly, somewhat pathetically. Theres never a right moment, man., he sighed, obviously disappointed Id been acting like a five-year-old girl, afraid of telling Sophia about this great opportunity. You have to tell her, Harry. I know.., I replied weakly. When are you leaving?, Niall asked. Gulping down the sudden lump in my throat, I pursed my lips. 3 weeks. There was another silence, yet this one seemed even more serious. It was dark and I knew Niall was busy trying to comprehend the two words Id just said. Hell, I was still trying to wrap my head around it. Fuck., he then murmured, a frown on his usually so happy face. Fuck, H. I know, I replied in a quiet voice. Now that Id actually put it all into words and told someone, it all seemed much more real. And youre definitely taking it? He continued. I paused for a moment, scrunching my brows together as I cleared the lump in my throat that was preventing me from answering. This was it. This was the moment that I was forced to actually voice my final decision; one that had been lurking in my gut since my Professor first told me of the news. I couldnt put it off any longer. This was all suddenly very real. I guess I am, yeah I muttered, trying desperately not to let my emotions get the better of me. Niall sighed heavily, frowning as he processed my answer. You need to suck it up and tell her, H. Nialls voice was no longer calm and comforting, but more so serious and frustrated at my cowardice. I know. Well its no use saying I know. That doesnt change anything, does it?

I huffed sulkily, feeling slightly sorry for myself as my peer scolded my lack of honesty. I know., I then replied, a slight laugh in my voice as I genuinely couldnt think of anything else to say. I knew I had to tell her; Id known since the second Id been told. Knowing I had to do such an incredibly hard, complicated, yet at the same time ridiculously simple thing, however, had me absolutely confused and prevented me from thinking straight at all. Just as Niall opened his mouth, a man suddenly appeared beside us. Can I help you?, he asked with a wide smile. Yes actually, Im looking for a suit. * Thank you., I told the cashier as he handed me back my credit card and a large bag containing my new suit. Have a nice day! So what are you doing tonight?, I asked Niall as we stepped outside, the sunlight blinding me for a short second. * Sophias POV. My heart pounded against my ribcage as I pulled the final hot-roller from my hair; the thick strand bouncing upwards into a perfectly smooth curl. I was nervous; fucking terrified, in fact. I had no idea why I guess it was just the ultimate moment to the massive build-up of leavers prom that had been talked about since the very first year that I started secondary school. Girls had been planning their dates, dresses and transport arrangements for the past six months; some had even purchased their dresses at the beginning of the school year. This was the one event that every single girl wanted to run perfectly, and having Harry on my arm would be the thing to make my experience as perfect as could be. I would even sacrifice my dress and turn up in rags, just to have him accompany me. Once my hair and make-up was complete- eyes soft and lips coated with a thin layer of baby pink gloss- I took my dress from its hanger; holding it out in front of me as I grinned to myself. The silk felt amazing against my lotioned skin as I stepped into it, sliding it effortlessly up my body. Harry is going to love this, I thought to myself as I stretched a leg out, revealing my tanned skin from beneath the slit. I glanced at myself in the mirror, unable to prevent my grin from growing wider as the seconds passed by. Everything was good for once. There was no drama, no more stress and no more fights. Things were alright.

Sighing happily, I grabbed the little bottle from my dresser and spritzed the sweet smelling perfume onto my neck and wrists. Done. Just then I heard the door clicking open and saw my mum stepping in. Oh my goodness, you look amazing!, she exclaimed, holding her camera out and pressing the little button numerous times. Mum, enough with the pictures already!, I laughed, thinking back to how shed even caught me on camera while I was busy brushing my teeth earlier. She only rolled her eyes and lowered the camera, before taking another quick shot. Enough!, I laughed, reaching to take it away from her. The sound of a car horn coming from outside made me jump. I felt my palms instantly beginning to sweat as I realized who it was. Harry. Oh good God, do men never learn? my mum laughed, peering out of the window to see him sat in the drivers seat of his large, black range rover. Your father did exactly the same to me until my dad practically marched him to meet me at the door! I laughed as my eyes wandered over his face in the distance. He looked almost as nervous as I did, and I couldnt help but wonder what was going through his mind at this very moment in time. All of a sudden, his window rolled down and I could see his mouth moving, unable to hear his words. He looked flustered for a moment as his brows furrowed, before he rolled the window back up and opened his car door. Looks like my dad taught yours well my mum winked, before slipping from the room and leaving me to compose myself. I took a few deep breaths as I ran the flats of my palms down the material over my hips, straightening out the already perfectly flat silk. You get your shoes and purse and Ill get the door!, she said, hurrying out of my room and jogging down the stairs. I tried to even my breathing, to keep me calm so I wouldnt have a heart-attack. Even though it was absolutely nerve-wracking, it was also nice to be nervous for such a trivial reason; and not because I was scared to get caught with my boyfriend my parents hadnt known about. This was a nice nervous, one I actually didnt mind that much. I heard my mothers and Harrys voices coming from downstairs, soon followed by my fathers. Cringing beyond belief at the typical teen rom-com situation I was in as I left my room and slowly headed for the stairs, the look on Harrys face made it all worthwhile. His gaze wandered to meet mine as I stood at the top of the stairs. His eyes widened for a split second, before his jaw literally dropped. I bit the inside of my lip as we both hungrily took the others appearance in.

He looked incredible; breathtaking, in fact, which was weird seeing as it was usually the other way round. My breath literally hitched in my throat as I absorbed his sheer pale blue suit with a crisp white shirt tucked into his trousers, with the top two buttons undone. A matching white handkerchief took residence in the thin left-hand pocket, folded neatly into a small square. He wasnt wearing a tie or bow-tie, but this made no difference to the formality of his suit; he looked smart and sexy as hell right now. Wow he grinned, looking me up and down once more. His eyes sparkled as the hall-light reflected off of his bright green orbs, and I took the following silence as my cue to make my way down the stairs. Darling, wheres the camera?! my mum squealed at my dad, flustered. Its round your neck, dear my dad laughed, rolling his eyes, to which I couldnt help but giggle. She flushed a subtle shade of red as she looked downwards and located the device that had been on her all along, before holding it in her hands and raising it towards me. A blinding flash caught me in motion on the stairs before I even had a chance to protest, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as a feeling of utter embarrassment washed over me. I couldnt stand it when my parents were like this; it reminded me of times when I was just learning to walk, or performing in my first school production. As I reached the final stair, Harry held his hand out to me, assisting me on the final step. I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning like an idiot at his old-fashioned ways, which my dad had clearly hinted him on as he was waiting for me. Can you all look here for a second please?, my mum urged, practically on here knees as she did some ridiculous pose as she pressed the button on the camera numerous times. I smiled into the lens, holding Harrys hand tightly in mine as happiness surged through me. I think thats enough pictures, mum., I laughed. I felt Harry leaning into me, before his mouth hovered by my ear. And I think you look phenomenal., he whispered, a shiver running up my spine as his warm breath hit my skin. A girlish giggle left my lips upon his words and I turned my face towards his as another flash left the camera. You two better get going, then., my dad suddenly interrupted, obviously also annoyed at my mother. Right., Harry chuckled, stepping forward to open the door. Have fun. And take care of my daughter, will you?, my father said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek - as did my mum. Of course I will., Harry assured, holding my hand as he helped me out of the door. Bye!, I called as we walked down the path to Harrys car. Sorry for my mum., I whispered to him.

Shes just excited, nothing to be sorry about., he replied sweetly, holding the door to his car open for me. I could get used to all of this., I laughed as he took my hand and helped me up into my seat. You really shouldnt. Tomorrow its back to joggers, beer and Chinese take-out on the sofa. Charming. I laughed, grinning as Harrys eyes caught mine in the rear view mirror, dropping the right into a quick wink. After a few moments of listening to nothing but the cool breeze rushing by and the rev of the engine, Harry finally broke the silence. Excited then? I turned to look at him; a small dimple embedded on his left cheek as his mouthends curled upwards. Of course. Im excited to show you off! He chuckled as he turned a corner which led to the gateway of the hotel where the ball was being held. Thick, black metal poles towered tall before the grand hotel entrance; decorated with large bouquets of flowers, amidst an array of faces that Id come to know so well over the years. A man dressed in a smart suit and appropriate hat- I assumed he was the hotel guard- was stood on the outside of the gate, and signalled for Harry to roll his windows down. Names please. Sophia. Sophia Manza I replied, leaning over Harry do that he could hear me properly. He glanced down a list that he had in front of him, flicking through pages until his eyes widened and he nodded, peering up to us and smiling warmly. Thats great. Ill just open the gate for you. The large gates whirred as the man pressed a button and they slowly began parting. He signalled to the left to which we saw the car park, and Harry carefully drove his way across the gravel. Well this is fancy he laughed, giving my thigh a quick squeeze as the engine came to a halt. I dont think my school has ever done things by half You should have seen our Year Seven introductory ball I laughed, reminiscing back to the drapes and balloons that filled the hall of our dinner hall, having each and every one of us completely and utterly mesmerised. I took a deep breath before reaching the door handle and pulling it towards me, ready to begin the night. Sophia.

Yes, Harry? I smiled, turning to face him as I paused with the door half open. His eyes shifted nervously over my face and his Adams apple bobbed up and down a few times in his throat as a gulping sound emitted from him. He looked uneasy, and I didnt like the feeling that had suddenly overcome me. His hand found mine and he clasped it tightly; keeping direct eye-contact with me as I kept silent with baited breath. I need to tell you something. Chapter 24 I, I stuttered, gulping as her big eyes stared at me. There was a slight smile on her face as she waited for me to finally voice my question, yet her brows furrowed closer together. What is it, Harry? Youre making me nervous here., she laughed lightly. Well you know I told you..about, I began, nervously running my fingers through my hair. Nibbling the inside of my cheek, I wondered what would happen if I told her. I knew she would be happy for me and also incredibly proud. And I also knew she wouldnt let the anger or sadness upon hearing my words show; shed try and hide them, yet would fail greatly. Harry, is something wrong?, Sophia asked, the smile now vanishing from her face as her hand reached to my cheek, cupping it lightly. Its just that, I mumbled, glancing into her glistening eyes. Sighing, I then voiced my next words, I just love you so much, you know? Her brows rose in surprise at my statement and I couldve kicked the shit out of myself for chickening out again. Oh Harry, she giggled, heaving a sigh of relief. No seriously, I love you so much it sometimes even hurts. She looked at me in silence for a moment; eyes glistening and cheeks and smile relaxed. Just dont go leaving me any time soon she grinned, placing her hand on my knee, before leaning in and placing her lips on my cheek. I felt sick. Physically sick; unable to do anything but shut my eyes and swallow the tight lump that had formed in my throat. I inhaled her scent; eyes still closed as her lips found my own. I could feel them trembling as she kissed me, and at that moment in time, I dont think Id ever felt more guilty. Youre shaking, are you cold? she whispered, pressing her forehead to mine. I shook my head lightly, taking a deep breath before I finally opened my eyes. Im

fine I choked out, quickly pressing my lips to hers once more to avoid the excruciating guilt that was resting right in the very pit of my stomach. She smiled. Lets go inside. Her eyes gleamed as we entered the appropriately decorated hotel entrance. It looked incredible- like something out of a novel. The staircase was bigger than any Id seen; dark red carpet and mahogany woodwork leading up to an endless upper landing of old paintings of people that I assumed were once Ladies and Lords of the manor. Woah, this place is sick., I breathed in awe, helping Sophia as she tried to walk up the stairs, holding the hem of her floor length dress in one hand, gripping onto my arm with the other. A lift wouldve been a good idea though., she muttered sarcastically, making me chuckle. Almost made it., I encouraged her during the last few steps. Puffing out a breath as we made it to the top, she shook her hair. It looked like a wave of water in the sea, flowing down her back effortlessly. The sound of music and people chattering already echoed through the walls as we made our way to the main hall. This is it, then., Sophia said, taking in a deep breath as she brushed her hands over the delicate fabric of her dress. Are we sure we want to be here? We could go and grab some burgers instead., she suggested, anxiety obvious in her voice. Unconsciously fixing my tie as well, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. Its gonna be great, I promise. With a hesitant smile, Sophia nodded and squeezed my hand back. With that, we began making our way inside. My throat was dry and my palms were sweaty; a combination of my prior cowardice, as well as the pressure of accompanying Sophia to one of her most important schooling events. My heart raced as we stepped through the door to be greeted by a sea of people dressed in their best suits and dresses; a drone of murmuring voices filling the large room. Sophia was immediately greeted by one of her school friends and pulled into a tight hug, both squealing at an abnormally high pitch which set the hairs on the back of my neck on end. I never understood why girls did that, or how they could even *reach* those sorts of pitches. I stood there twiddling my thumbs awkwardly until an introduction was given, to which I nodded and smiled to the blushing wide-eyed girl. Do I have something on my face? I whispered secretively into Sophias ear, swiping my thumb and forefinger across the corners of my mouth instinctively. My question was received with an amused giggle, before Sophia got on to her tiptoes

to speak into my ear. I think she just thinks youre hot. I felt myself flush a hundred shades of red as Sophia poked a quick kiss on my cheek. Which you are, of course. I had to try not to laugh as her friend giggled nervously, twiddling her hair around her finger like a giddy teen. Hey, isnt that Alice with Niall over there?, I then asked as I let my gaze wander over the crowds of people. Yes, it is! See you later Kate., Sophia said politely, placing her hand on arm as we attempted to walk in their direction. Giving the girl a nod, I placed my hand on Sophias lower back. Weird, weird girl., I chuckled while shaking my head in humour. I know, right?, she laughed in response, So weird. Oi, blondie!, I bellowed across the room, both Alices and Nialls attention shooting in our direction. Smiles grew on their faces as they acknowledged us. Alice looked stunning in her dark green dress, and Niall complemented her looks with a smart looking suit, a similarly green tissue sticking out of his breast pocket. Girlish squeals then echoed through my ears once more as the girls flung their arms round each other, all the while keeping a distance so their hair and make-up wouldnt get smudged. Ridiculous. Hey man, I grinned, giving Niall a manly pat on his back. We continued chatting away with them, and I was introduced to other people from Sophias world I hadnt met yet; friends, classmates and teachers. It was when we were chatting to her French teacher, when the voice of the DJ suddenly erupted from the speakers. So for the next song I would like to invite all the couples that are here tonight to the dance floor for a nice soppy dance., the man joked, making people laugh. The familiar sounds of a Bryan Adams song suddenly sounded and as if on cue, both Sophia and me instantly caught the others eye. Rolling my eyes, I extended my hand for her to take. Excusing ourselves from her teacher, I led her to the dance floor. Never knew you were a fan of soppy., she joked as I placed my arms round her hips. What can I say, I began with a smile, unconsciously rubbing small circles onto the small of her back. Oh Harry, you old softie. Chuckling as I playfully grimaced at her words, I shook my head and pushed my chest out. I am excessively manly, thank you very much., I then said, intentionally making my voice even lower than it already was. That I know., Sophia then said with a sly smile, a cheeky glint in her eyes. Grinning down at her, I placed a kiss upon her forehead, before she rested her head on my chest, fingers playing with my hair at the nape of my neck. I savoured every little touch and feel of her body against mine; letting her sweet flow up my nostrils as I rested my chin on the crown of her head. The fact that I knew Id

be telling her about my intentions at the end of the night and that she currently had no clue, made her feel even more delicate and vulnerable in my arms. I didnt want to let her go, and even once the song had ended, I kept her close; holding on to her for as long as possible until every other couple had scattered from the dance floor and we were the last ones left. You do know I love you, right? I uttered into her ear as she slowly unclasped her fingers from around my neck. I know she smiled. She laced her small fingers with my own before we walked over to where Alice and Niall were; drinks in hand and a large tray of minute pastries at Nialls side. Food is great he mumbled; flakes of pastry unintentionally flying from his mouth. Will you stop talking with your mouth full! Alice laughed, hitting him playfully on the arm. He looked at her with his mouth still full, spraying her dress as he apologised. Typical Niall, I thought, amused by his care-free ways. * The evening rolled by slowly; mainly because my mind was elsewhere. Id been sipping the same glass of wine for the past hour. I couldnt physically stomach anything right now, and there were times when Id had to do a quick scan of the room for the nearest exit point, for fear of vomiting. Hey, are you okay? Huh? Youve been quiet all evening. Sophia looked up at me with furrowed brows as I blinked a few times and snapped myself from my preoccupied mind. Yeah Im fine. Promise. Even I wasnt convinced by my poor attempt at covering up, and Sophia was wise. It was silly of me to think that shed ignore my words and move on. Seriously Harry, if somethings up, I want to know. She placed her hand on the top of my arm, rubbing her palm comfortingly over my suit jacket, which was feeling tighter by the second. You know you can tell me anything. She looked me straight in the eye, and something inside of me snapped. I couldnt put this off any longer. Can we I began, cocking my head towards the door, ..Step outside for a moment? Her warm smile disappeared quickly; brows knitting together as she looked at me questioningly. Why cant you just tell me here? I cant, Sophia. The frown in her brow deepened and soft crease-lines formed across

her forehead. Sophia? Harry tell me now. Outside. No, you only ever use that name if youre serious. Tell me. Lets just step outside. I grabbed her hand to pull her towards the door but she snatched it away; eyes glaring at me. No Harry, I want to know now! Youre scaring me. Tell me what the fuck is going o- Im leaving. Silence. A confused laugh left Sophias lips after a few seconds, before her expression turned serious again. What do you mean youre leaving? Im, I began, scratching the back of my neck nervously. God, just come on., I groaned, gripping onto her hand tightly as I pulled her behind me, down the stairs and out the door. Ouch., she mumbled as I let go of her hand, rubbing it with her other. Im leaving as in leaving the UK., I said, after vigorously running my hands through my hair. For the summer, or, Sophia asked, brows furrowed in confusion. Urm, I stuttered, refusing to look her in the eyes. No for good. What? Im leaving the UK for good.., I repeated. I heard what you said, Harry!, Sophia suddenly blurted out angrily. I just dont understand this. Why? I got offered a scholarship at this Uni in France, I responded quietly. My heart hammered against my chest as I looked back into her eyes, seeing the confusion, anger and hurt boiling inside her. Oh., she then said. Congratulations, I guess Thanks I mumbled, struggling to look her directly in the eyes. When are you going? Her voice was cold as it shook through what I could only imagine was an unforgiving knot in her throat, most likely similar to my own. I kept silent, swallowing harshly. Well? Next week. I need to be there by Tuesday. Her watery eyes widened, before she took a deep breath and turned on her feet, heading towards the staircase. Sophia, you cant just leave it like that I called frustratedly, immediately striding after her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face me; her eyes narrow and cheeks flushed.

Thats a bit rich coming from you, seeing as youre the one leaving. My mind went blank. Completely numb. And you didnt think to tell me sooner? No? I tried I choked out, feeling my own eyes begin to sting. You tried? Bullshit. She continued her advance towards the stairs, before snapping her head over her shoulder. Youre a coward, Harry. A selfish coward. To think Ive wasted the past year with someone as pathetic as you. You dont mean that, I urged, feeling the pain throbbing inside my chest as I reached for her arm, yet she pulled away. Dont touch me., she stated coolly, stopping in her tracks. I saw her shoulders rising and falling quickly, before she turned around to face me, bottom lip quivering. You should have told me sooner., she said in a feeble tone. I know and Im sorry., I whispered hastily, taking a step further, yet she hurried past me and back out the door. She walked briskly down whatever road this was, her dress and hair fluttering behind her in the warm evening wind. Where are you going?, I asked breathlessly as I jogged to keep up with her. I dont fucking know., she exclaimed, swiftly running the back of her hand over her cheek to catch the first tear. Suddenly stopping, she crossed her arms in front of her chest as she sniffed. Do you really have to go?, Sophia asked in a whisper, refusing to raise her eyes to meet mine. What am I saying, of course you have to., she then said, shaking her head with what looked like a small, sad smile. How could you do this to me? Youre leaving in less than a week, Harry I watched as her face contorted into a mixture of pain and anger as the tears now spilled from the corners of her eyes, running freely down her rosy cheeks. I gulped harshly at the sight, knowing I was the one causing the hurt made me want to punch myself. Its just something that I have to do I get that Harry. I do. But thats not the point. The point is that youve left it until now to tell me. When did you even find out? In that split moment, I considered lying once more, but it clearly hadnt done me any favours so far. I shut my eyes tightly and inhaled deeply, letting the cool air fill my lungs as I prayed that honesty really would be the best policy. About 5 weeks ago I looked at her once more; I could barely breathe as I waited in silence for her to speak. Time seemed to slow down completely; the seconds feeling like hours as they ticked by.

Soph- Right okay. Im going to go now Harry she said calmly, holding her hands out in front of her as I took a step forwards. I dont want you to follow me. Im not letting you leave I insisted desperately, taking another step towards her. Harry if you love me as much as you say you do, youll let me walk away right now. I cant. I want you to. I can barely even look at you right now. With nothing more than a sniff, she turned on her feet again, hurriedly walking down the pavement. Clenching my fists, I exhaled sharply, before shaking my head and heading in her direction. Sophia, wait., I called. I told you not to follow me., she growled aggressively, hands rubbing up and down her arms. I furrowed my brows, instinctively shimmying out of my jacket and attempting to place it round her shoulders, but she refused to. Leave me alone., she whispered with a croaky voice, wiping away on her cheeks. But I cant just leave you alone! Once again, Sophia stopped abruptly, before turning to face me. I watched as her breaths left her nose in sharp puffs. What do you want from me?, she exclaimed desperately, shoving her hands into my shoulders and pushing me backwards. Huh?, she asked, repeating her actions. Do you want me to tell you that everythings okay and that Ill be waiting for you to come back? If you ever will? Tears were streaming down her delicate features, glistening into the dim light of the streetlights. I hate you., she cried, pounding her little fists against my chest. All I could do was watch her lose it all while simultaneously trying to calm her down. Helplessly gripping onto her elbows to stop her from continuing to hit me, I couldnt muster up the courage to say anything else. Id fucked everything up. It was all my fault. I kept my grip, trying to steady her arms as she exerted every last drop of energy into her fists; pounding them over and over again on my chest, slowly weakening. With one final hit, she collapsed against my chest; her mascara staining my white shirt as I held her tightly. Her hands reluctantly slid around my waist before sliding upwards to my shoulders; holding on to me as if silently pleading for me to stay. I held her close to my chest as her entire body shook. The least I could do was be there for her whilst I could. I knew it was useless, but I couldnt help but whisper in her ear, telling her itd be okay and that relationships like ours didnt just fade away into nothingness. I told her how much I loved her; how I was so unbelievably grateful that shed come

into my life. And never had I meant anything more than the words that I was saying at this moment in time. Part of me wanted to ask her to come with me; to fuck everything and just pack her bags and leave. But I knew she couldnt. She had a life here, and it would be selfish of me to tear her away from it. As if she had heard my thoughts, Sophia tilted her head to look at me. Cant I come with you?, she mumbled, her big puppy eyes staring back at me. Smiling sadly, I shook my head as my thumb reached for her cheek, slowly wiping away the black stains. I could never ask you to leave everything behind. But we could be together., she whispered, gripping onto my waist tightly. You and me. You have no idea how much Ive thought about taking you with me. I cant though, Soph. You have your entire life here, your future. But, she began, eyes full of hope as she stared at me. No buts. It just cant happen, Sophia You know that deep down. I didnt mean to come across so bluntly, but it was the only way to fight the tears that were desperate to burst from their ducts. For once in my life, I felt something that Id never felt before; heartbroken. I felt sick to the core as she looked at me with such hopelessness, and I could do nothing but watch as something changed in Sophias eyes. For the first time ever they actually looked dull; lifeless even. I furrowed my brows together as she loosened her grip from around me, before taking a step backwards. I cant do this she choked out, swiping the back of her hand across her wet cheek. Closing her eyes tightly for a second or two, those deep green orbs caught mine once more. Im proud of you. You deserve it, Harry. And with that, she turned around and left. *** Okay, this is it then., I announced with a sigh after Id said my goodbyes to everyone that had come to see me off at the airport. My parents, my sister, Louis, Niall and even Alice had tagged along. Only one person was missing. The most important person. You call me the minute you land, okay?, my mother ordered as she placed yet another kiss on my cheek. Yes mother., I laughed. Were really gonna miss you, man., Niall said with a sad smile and I watched as Alice rubbed his back affectionately. I need another hug., he stated, opening his arms for me. I laughed as I engulfed him in a tight hug, before patting his back. Hey Alice., I then quietly said. Yeah?, she asked and as I looked down at my shoes

insecurely, I was sure she knew what I was going to say. Why didnt she come?, I whispered. With a sad expression and a feeble sigh she replied, She told me she didnt think she could take watching you leave. OhI understand., I then responded, smiling weakly. You better get going then, your flights soon., Louis said. Yeah, of course. Clearing my throat, I shoved one hand into the pocket of my jeans. Au revoir., I smiled, giving them all a wave. ~ Boarding passes please the man smiled, waiting for me as I scrambled through my bag. I rummaged through the endless things that were in there- most of them completely unnecessary and useless, until I came across something that made my heart stop. I froze for a moment, smiling to myself as I pulled out a small keyring that Sophia had bought me a few months ago. I studied the small, plastic thing in my hand as I searched for the memory in my mind. Wed had this joke about me having an alter-ego called Pierre (because of my French talent, as she called it), so she bought me a keyring with that exact name on. It was silly, but sentimental; and I kept it with me. Sir? The attendants voice interrupted my content thoughts and I jumped back into reality in a fluster. Sorry, one second. I have to make a call. With that, I hurried past the queue of people, pulling my phone from my pocket before coming to a halt. Dialling the number I knew by heart, I brought the phone to my ear. With every beep that sounded, my anxiety grew. Gulping the lump in my throat down, I shut my eyes tightly. My heart skipped a beat or two when that ever so loved melodic voice echoed in my ear. My entire face fell and I felt an ache in my chest as I realised it was simply her voicemail. Hey this is Sophias phone, Im not available right now, but leave me a message and Ill get back to you. Bye! A few beeps proceeded, before it fell silent. I didnt know what came over me, but I couldnt get any words out; it was as if there was a metal clamp around my throat, strangling me as I tried to gasp for air. My heart was pounding and my mouth was as dry as anything as I thought of her and how wed left it As I thought of how much I was going to miss her and how I wished it didnt have to end this way. Hastily, I slammed my thumb down on the end call key, staring at my phone as her

name disappeared from the screen. Sir? Youre the last one. I turned on the balls of my feet to be greeted by the same attendant that Id met earlier; his warm smile completely contrasting to the sharp pain that was stabbing me in the stomach. He fluttered his hands at me as he beckoned me towards the gate, and slipping my phone back in my pocket, I took one last look behind me and made my way towards my new life. The End.

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