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School centre Velenje, Higher Professional School Trg mladosti 3 Velenje


Student: Marko Dobovinik Program: Environmental protection and public utility Mentor: mag. Nataa Makovecki School year: 2009/10 Celje; 12.01.2010

1 Sustainable use of water ......................................................................................................... 3 2 Sewerage system ..................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 The sewerage system and the inflow area of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Celje ... 4 2.2 Location of the plant ........................................................................................................ 4 3 Tehnological characteristic of the WWTP Celje ...................................................................... 4 3.1 Evaluating the wastewater ............................................................................................... 4 3.2 Physical parameters ......................................................................................................... 5 The colour........................................................................................................................... 5 The smell ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.3 Chemical composition ...................................................................................................... 5 pH ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Suspended solids ................................................................................................................ 5 Biochemical oxygen demand ............................................................................................. 6 COD ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Nitrogen.............................................................................................................................. 6 4 TREATMENT PROCESS ............................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Mechanical step ............................................................................................................... 7 Grit chamber ...................................................................................................................... 7 Inlet pumping station ......................................................................................................... 7 Screen ................................................................................................................................. 7 On-line measurement station ............................................................................................ 7 Aerated grit and grease chamber ...................................................................................... 8 4.2 Biological step .................................................................................................................. 8 4.3 Outflow from the wastewater treatment plant ............................................................... 8 Outlet flow meter ............................................................................................................... 8 On-line outflow control ...................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Sludge treatment.............................................................................................................. 9 4.5 Auxiliary objects ............................................................................................................... 9 4.6 Sludge removal ................................................................................................................. 9 4.7 Automatic control of the WWTP Celje ............................................................................. 9 5 The WWTP Celje's impact on the recipient Savinja river ...................................................... 10

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Water is a source of life. Life was created and can exist only with it! The recognition that we do not have an infinite source of drinking water and that by careless water management we are sawing of the very branch we are sitting on, guides us to changed values and practice co-natural and sustainable. Sustainable water use is based on long-term protection of available water sources. It is not only the quantity, but also the quality of surface and underground water which is important. This demands a concerted approach to the entire cycle: from supply and consumption of drinking water, to wastewater treatment and disposal. The Municipality of Celje wishes, of course within the Iimits of its authorisations, to follow the goals of the National Environmental Protection Programme relating to water protection. It supports the measures aimed at achieving a high quality of water and preserving and managing the water sources. For this reason the wastewater treatment plant was one of the most important projects of the Municipality of Celje in recent years. The Municipality of Celje had assigned the entire project - from preparation to realisation to the public company Vodovod-kanalizacija Celje, which is already engaged in supplying healthy drinking water and in disposal and treatment of communal and precipitation water.

The existing sewerage system in Celje comprises about 160 km of sewer canals with adjoining revision shafts, outlets, retention tanks, traps and pumping stations. Wastewater collection and disposal is done through individual district collectors [RZ], which are connected to the main collectors GZ-1 and GZ-2. After merging the two main collectors on the plateau near the confluence of the Savinja and Voglajna rivers the wastewater is conducted to the wastewater treatment plant via the main collector GZ-O. Through a secondary sewerage system the district collectors collect mainly mixed wastewater. As separate sewerage system is being constructed at new developments and in industrial areas where the sewerage system is still under construction.

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2.1 The sewerage system and the inflow area of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Celje
ln the inflow area of the WWTP Celje the major part of the sewerage system is already constructed. The inflow area includes the city of Celje and the surrounding areas Ostrono, Lopata, Medlog, Lokrovec, Dobrova, marjeta, the southern part of Zadobrova and Ljubena, Leskovec, Trnovlje, a part of Prekorje, a part of kofja vas, Bukovlak, epina, tore, Kompole, Proinska vas, Peovnik, Slance, Teharje, Levec, Dreinja vas, Polule, Zagrad, Konica and Tremerje. The sewerage system collects communal wastewater, technological wastewater and precipitation water.

2.2 Location of the plant

The location of the WWTP is north-west of the village of Tremerje, 450 m from the settlement. Its area is 26,000 m2 and it is positioned immediately before the junction of the Zidani Most - Celje railway line and the local road on the left bank of the Savinja river at the bottom of the Vipota hill. The lowest above sea level of the WWTP plateau is 232.50 m. All the buildings are relatively low and a part is below the surface, so that the WWTP Celje does not impose on its environment due to its low profile. lts size and the proximity of the railway line are adjusted to the environment.


The WWTP Celje was constructed for a capacity of 85,000 PE. It serves for mechanical and biological treatment of the wastewater from the city of Celje and surrounding settlements. The aim of the treatment is the removal of organic matter and nitrogen and phosphorus compounds with simultaneous aerobic stabilisation of the sludge and sludge dewatering. This adequately protects the surface recipient the Savinja river into which wastewater was disposed before the construction and operation of the treatment plant.

3.1 Evaluating the wastewater

Wastewater can be evaluated on the basis of its physical and biological properties and its chemical structure. Wastewater from households and institutions has a more or less uniform composition, while industrial wastewater changes with changes of the production and
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production plan. Characterising wastewater with regard to the source of pollution gives us general information on the inflow to the wastewater treatment plant, but an analysis of the inflow is necessary in order to control the wastewater treatment process. The results of the individual parameters are an indicator of the presence of pollutants in the wastewater.

3.2 Physical parameters

Temperature Wastewater is conducted via underground canals at which the temperature of the wastewater is close the temperature of the soil. The summer temperatures of the wastewater are higher than its winter temperature. The annual medium temperature is between O and 20 C. A significant temporary rise of the temperature indicates a presence of industrial emission while a significant drop indicates an inflow of precipitation water. The colour depends on the quantities and types of dissolved, suspended or colloid substances in the wastewater. Normally fresh wastewater would be grey. Wastewater which becomes anaerobic due to a lack of oxygen becomes darker. Other colours of wastewater indicate the presence of industrial emission. The smell of fresh wastewater is usually stale. Other smells, like that of oils or solvents or any other unusual smells can be the result of industrial spill.

3.3 Chemical composition

pH is important, since the micro organisms in the biological treatment phase are active at a pH value between 6.5 and 9. Raw wastewater has a pH value of about 8. Suspended solids the solid substances are divided into suspended and dissolved particles. The total content of suspended solids is the mass of matter left on the filter after evaporation of the wastewater at 103C to a constant weight.

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Biochemical oxygen demand the test of biological need for oxygen BOD5 is used to determine the quantity of oxygen necessary for biological degradation. Since the rate of biological activity depends on the temperature and complete degradation takes 20 days, the test is standardised at 20C and 5 days. The test indirectly determines the quantity of organic matter available in the biological system for degradation of the wastewater. COD determining the chemical need for oxygen provides a brief assessment of the total [degradable and nondegradable] organic matter in the wastewater. Nitrogen occurs in four forms: as organic nitrogen, as ammonia, as a nitrite and as a nitrate. The forms of the nitrogen indicate the stabilisation level [mineralisation] of organic matter. Raw wastewater has a higher content of organic nitrogen and ammonia then nitrites or nitrates. The characteristic concentration in raw wastewater is 20 to 85 mg/l of the total nitrogen, 8 to 35 mg/l of organic nitrogen and 12 to 50 mg/l of ammonia.

The line of water at the wastewater treatment plant runs from the inlet of the treatment plant to its outlet. There is only one pumping station on the entire line of water, which Iifts the wastewater to the level of the screen station. From there to its outflow into the Savinja river the water is flowed by gravitation. Within the line of water the wastewater is mechanically and biologically purified. Sludge is formed during the biological treatment of the wastewater, as a result of the growth and reproduction of the microorganisms, to which the degradation of the organic matter is a source of nutrients and energy for development and growth, The sludge line starts in secondary sedimentation tanks where the sludge is separated from the treated water and partially re turned to the anaerobic tanks as return sludge, to maintain the necessary concentration of the active biomass. The remaining sludge is treated as excess sludge at dewatering devices. The end product is dehydrated and if necessary hygienised sludge, which is dropped into containers and transported to the municipal waste land field.

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4.1 Mechanical step

The first step in the raw wastewater treatment comprises settling, raking and sand traps. These processes are called pre-treatment. In the pre-treatment process various branches, rocks, bottles, metal pieces, rags, cloth and similar contents are removed Grit chamber The wastewater enters the WWTP via the inlet's main collector GZ-O and flaws into the grit chamber, which is the lowest point of the wastewater treatment plant. The grit chamber is a conically excavated tank in which larger and heavier grit particles are separated to protect the pumps at the pumping station. The sedimented particles are periodically removed from the tank with a crane and disposed in a metal container. Inlet pumping station From the grit chamber the water flaws to the inlet pumping station via a concrete overflow. Three submersible pumps are installed at the inlet pumping station. The pumps are controlled by a water level meter and by frequency convector. Each of the pumps is equipped with a separate pressure pipeline. These pumps lift the wastewater to the level of the screen station from where it flaws by gravity to its outflow into the Savinja river. Screen There are two electro motor screens and one manual raked bar screen through which the water flaws in the case of a malfunction of the electro motor screens. The screens remove branches, metal pieces, rags and similar waste. These coarse particicles are mechanically removed from the screens and disposed by a screw press. The screw press dewaters and compacts the waste and the conveyer transports it to a wheeled waste disposal container. The strained water is returned for further treatment. On-line measurement station An automatic sampling stallion for collecting wastewater samples and instruments for online measurement of the pH value, temperature and electric conductivity are positioned between screens and aerated grit and grease chamber. The data is automatically transferred to a central computer in the control room.

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Aerated grit and grease chamber The next step of the pre-treatment is removal of specifically heavier organic and inorganic matter in the wastewater which does not degrade or dissolve and was not removed by the screens. These substances are mainly sand, small gravel, eggshells, coffee residue and other quickly settling organic or inorganic matter.

4.2 Biological step

Biological wastewater treatment with activated sludge is method for wastewater purification with suspended biomass in aerobic conditions. Suspended biomass is preformed as microbiological flock particles that are brought into contact with organic components of the wastewater. The biomass usually contains microorganisms, inert suspended matter and nondegradable suspended matter. ln the biological step the metabolic reactions of the microorganisms are used, which need oxygen for transformation and removal of the dissolved matter, small undissolved particles and colloid organic pollutants in wastewater. Carbon, as the source of energy for cell growth in the organic matter, is transformed into microbial cell tissue, water and oxidised products. The activated sludge process is also used for nitrification and de-nitrification and in a combination of anaerobic and anoxic conditions also for enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Biological purification the treatment plant is performed in two parallel anaerobic tanks and in three parallel aeration tanks.

4.3 Outflow from the wastewater treatment plant

Outlet flow meter A magnetic inductive flow meter is fitted in the deepened part of the outlet pipeline before the outlet from the WWTP. On-line outflow control An automatic sampling station takes samples before the effluent of WWTP flows into the Savinja river and an on-line measurement station measures the pH, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and BOD5. The results are shown on the central computer in the control room.
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4.4 Sludge treatment

Sludge stabilisation is achieved by simultaneous aerobic stabilisation in the aeration tank. The sludge settled in both the secondary sedimentation tanks is pumped through a return sludge pumping station. A part of the sludge is returned to the anaerobic tanks as return sludge. The remaining sludge no longer needed in the treatment system is excess sludge. The excess sludge is first predewatered, than stored in a sludge storage tank and then dewatered in centrifuges.

4.5 Auxiliary objects

Auxiliary objects only indirectly involved in the treatment process have been erected at the WWTP in addition to the buildings and objects in which wafer and sludge treatment takes place. Auxiliary objects consist of the following units: Blower station Electric generator Biofilter Electrical transformer station

4.6 Sludge removal

The sludge produced at the wastewater treatment plant is ready for final disposal. The active sludge is aerobically stabilised. Hygienisation is achieved by adding quick lime.

4.7 Automatic control of the WWTP Celje

The WWTP Celje operates with a minimum number of work posts and employs only 6 employees who manage the operation of all the wastewater treatment plants, and is managed by the public company Vodovod - kanalizacija [WWTP Celje, WWTP kofja vas, WWTP Dobrna, WWTP Nova Cerkev and WWTP tore]. The tasks are performed during normal working period [40 hours per week]. For this reason the Wastewater Treatment Plant Celje is automatically controlled by a programmable logic control [PLC], which automatically controls the entire WWTP. With the help of a SCADA system the operation stations in the control room show the following:

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processes in the wastewater treatment system; condition of the electro motors; condition of the valves; process parameters; information on the current condition of the installed equipment; alarms for cases of malfunction.

Data transfer to the operative centre at the Vodovod - kanalizacija, d.o.o., head office is also ensured, which enables constant control of the treatment plant's operation also outside normal working hours. The system automatically creates daily, monthly and annual reports of the operation parameters of the treatment plant.


The WWTP Celje was constructed with the aim to improve the quality of the Savinja river on the section between Celje and Zidani Most and through this achieve also the resulting improvement of the Sava river below Zidani Most. The Savinja river flows through Celje, and was, prior to the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, loaded by an inflow of communal and technological water.

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