The Way

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..::The Way::..

The Way is a code of body, a set of guidelines to act as a direction towards achieving a total conditioned body allowing one to tackle anything that flows your way. As the Creed of Yulaw is a set of guidelines refined from the Book of Yulaw for a conditioned mind The Way can be seen as the physical version for a conditioned body. The Creed delivers the idea of what it is, where 'it' being an unknowable warm light that forever sits right in front of any moment. As it is unknowable it can not be explained, instead it can only be felt through action. For this reason it is not what it is that is important but what to do with it. From the Creed all that is necessary to know in order to do is to keep your perception positive, keep your perspective objective and to go with the internal Flow that manifests into your reality rather than try go against the grain which is always futile. Flow is also known as chi or prana, the flowing life force found in all things. This book will often reference them depending on where the information comes from. Buddhism is Prana, China knows it as Chi and Yulaw knows it as Flow, though they are three different words they all mean the same thing. The information in this book is a refined idea of what the body needs in order to survive, where the research itself pre-dates the recording of history. A conditioned mind and body are necessary elements to achieving what it is you set your mind to, most people only achieve a partial conditioning, to be Yulian is to achieve and maintain a full conditioning of body and mind. As everything is a cycle of Flow, your daily routine, also known as your religion, should also be a continual cycle regardless of which day in the week it is. As the below shows the body goes through the same states day in, day out, no matter the circumstances. Create your own routine using the basics of what is needed and adapt it to the specific life you want to lead. The Way is just one subjective perspective or interpretation from what is needed for a successful objective daily routine. Regardless of what it is one does, one always needs to eat, move and sleep, finding balance with these things allows you to be who or what you want to be.

-----PART V----~Diet & Nutrition~

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin

Diet is an integral part to survival and the most important factor when it comes to your health. As well as exercise and rest, the human body requires nourishment to keep the physical body in a good balanced condition. Where the mind requires stimulation from the outside world to keep it active, the body requires food. The correct diet can mean the difference between feeling energetic and refreshed to drained and depressed, your diet can either keep you well and in health or it can deteriorate your body and push you into illness. The human body is a complex organism and so to nourish it a wide variety of foods are needed, balance is key, the types of food are not too important so long as balance is maintained. All illness comes from imbalance within the body, if not corrected the condition you find yourself in can result in death. Illness is the effect, the cause starts with an imbalance in any of the basic foods needed. When the bodys overall pH level falls into acidity you stray onto the path for disease (dis-ease) within the body. Everything you do to your body, including choices in thoughts, words, actions, foods, drinks, effects your state, even what you put on you that is absorbed through the skin including toilettries, sun screens, toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, effects you. Every choice you make has an effect on your state and the internal controlling factor of your state is your genes. It is a common misconception that one can inherit bad genes, when you are created everything is new and fresh, working, but the moment you are concevied your state immediately starts to be affected by its environment. If your baby is born deformed it is more than likely that whatever you were putting in or on your body during pregnancy has affected the babys development. Everything you do effects your genes, you are changing them hourly as they adapt to the current model environment they and therefore you find yourself in. The food you eat, air you breathe and even the thoughts you think transform your genes. They are influenced physically and emotionally and although your genome does not change, your epigenome does so dramatically. For the most part you do not manifest disease merely by a defective gene, but by the regulation or expression of your gene by epigenetic influences. Your epigenome becomes dysfunctional easily but it is also easily fixed. You want to be leading a healthy lifestyle, eating right, exercising and managing stress, if youre not it is never too late to start. You can remind your cells to express themselves in a healthful way, long before you manifest a disease. By encouraging your genes to express themselves positively you encourage disease-fighting behaviours instead of disease-suseptible behaviours. This is achieved through a healthy lifestyle across the entire spectrum of your being. To get started it is recommended you determine which nutritional type you are, this book focuses on a carb type as its found to ward off most disease just by following this type alone. Even if youre eating healthy, organic foods, it might not be enough for you to rrach your highest level of wellness and optimal genetic expression. You can actually be eating an all-organic diet yet still be missing the mark of peak wellness.

When it comes to epigenetic expression, keep in mind that diet is only part of the equation. You can also turn your genes on and off with your emotions. Most people have emotional traumas that can adversely affect their health, by using techniques like energy psychology you can go in and correct trauma and actually regulate the expression of your genes. Remember its never too late to start training your genes to express themselves in positive ways. Whether you have hereditary health problems youre trying to circumvent or not, everyones genes can benefit from good nutrition and attention to stress management.

~Needs of the Human Body~

The human body requires a number of nourishment which can all be found from Gaia. She looks after her children well and provides everything a human can need. Ill health always arrises from her children not looking after themselves. There is no need of the human body that cant be found naturally at little to no cost in money, time or effort. Though there are a lot of substances needed it isnt any one of these that is most important, instead it is the balance of intake of these foods that is the most important factor. A mix of water, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats are needed by the body daily, regardless of dietry preferance, all these things are needed. Water The human body contains anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size. Your body depends on clean water to perform its daily functions, such as digestion, temperature and blood regulation, respiration, and detoxification. In particular, your bodys ability to flush out toxins and properly assimilate nutrients depends heavily on an abundant intake of clean, chemical free water. The more stress, toxins, and pollutants your body battles with each day, the more water it needs. The quantity and quality of the water you use largely determines your bodys ability to shed excess fat and properly maintain your bodys largest organ, your skin.

While your entire body is 72% water, your skin is 80% water. Plentiful water is needed to maintain your skins elasticity and moisture barrier. Your blood is over 90% water and uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies throughout your body. To function properly, the body requires between 1-7 litres of water per day to avoid dehydration; the precise amount depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity and other factors. Most of this is ingested through foods or beverages other than drinking straight water. Around 67 glasses of water (approximately 2 litres) daily is the minimum to maintain proper hydration. Symptoms of dehydration are commonly recognised as thirst, dry skin, dark coloured urine and fatigue, these are the short term effects to a lack of water inside the body. Long term effects also exist from what is known as chronic dehydration, these are recognised as: - Digestive disturbances such as heartburn and constipation - Urinary tract infections - Autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis - Premature aging - High cholesterol - Weight gain To avoid all these symptoms maintaining a steady flow of water intake is vital. It should be drunk with every meal as this can aid digestion, 500ml at every meal time will see that dont go thirsty between meals. Should you engage in exercise then more should be drunk to accommodate. A glass of water should also be drunk before bed so as to keep you hydrated during the night. If four glasses are drunk in a day then the average level of 2 litres will be met. Creating routine means you wont forget to drink or how much youve had or not had as the case maybe. Plain old tap water: It's easy. It's convenient and it comes right out of your kitchen faucet. However, most tap water is contaminated with a host of pollutants that increase your risk of serious health problems. Arsenic - This poisonous element is a powerful carcinogenic, which has been linked to an increased risk of the development of several types of cancer. Aluminium This metal can cause a host of diseases such as; Alzheimers, hyperactivity, learning impairment, gastrointestinal disease, skin problems, Parkinsons and liver disease. Fluoride - A well-known toxin that actually leads to an increased risk of cavities and can cause a wide range of health problems, including weakening your immune system and accelerating aging due to cellular damage. Prescription and OTC Drugs - Human cells do not grow normally when exposed to even minute amounts of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Some drugs that were never meant to be combined are mixed together in the drinking water you consume every day. Millions of people have drug allergies. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) - Disinfection byproducts are the result of disinfecting water with chlorine. It is important to note that while consuming chlorine is certainly not healthy, DBPs are far more dangerous. In addition to being a powerful carcinogenic, DPBs have also been linked to liver, kidney and nervous system problems. Drinking pure water is the only way to make sure you arent ingesting anything else. It also offers many health benefits over any other type of water including:

- Maintaining a healthy body weight - Properly digesting food and absorbing nutrients from food - Healthy glowing skin - Decrease muscle and joint inflammation - Better circulation - Detoxify your body naturally In choosing the right type of water you want to aim for pH balance. Distilled water is too acidic and alkaline water is too alkaline. The ideal pH of your water should be between 6.5 to 7.5, which is neutral. Mountain spring water is in this ideal range. It is some of the healthiest water on the planet because it is "living water". Living water, like "living food is in its raw, natural state the way nature intended. Living foods contain biophotons, small units of light stored by all organic organisms, including you. Gravity-fed spring water is alive in much the same way. When you take this vital energy into your body, you are re-charging it with health and encouraging it to return to a whole and balanced state. This can only come from natural springs, using you can find a natural springs in your area. The best part is that most of these spring water sources are free! The most economical and environmentally sound choice for pure water is to install a water filter for your home. A Reverse Osmosis filter removes chlorine, inorganic, and organic contaminants from your water, it also removes about 80% of the fluoride and most DPBs. If you are out and about bottled water is probably your safest bet. Know that 86% of plastic bottles will never be recycled and go straight to landfill and that a lot of products on the shelves today are just tap water! Make sure you choose a certified brand as well as carrying your own cantina of water whenever possible. To maintain balance for water intake drink 500ml with every meal and before bed, drink more if your bodys temperature rises, either through exercise or environmental temperature. Use the colour of your urine as an indicator as to how hydrated you are.

Minerals Minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms to survive other than the four base elements for life; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. A healthy, balanced diet can meet all the body's mineral requirements as they are found in all the food we eat. The following are necessary for the human body to function: - Potassium - Chloride - Sodium - Calcium - Phosphorus - Magnesium - Zinc - Iron - Manganese - Copper - Iodine - Selenium - Molybdenum

Vitamins A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. In other words, an organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Some have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism (e.g., vitamin D), or regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (e.g., some forms of vitamin A). Others function as antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C). The largest number of vitamins (e.g., B complex vitamins) function as precursors for enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. Thirteen vitamins are universally recognised at present and all must be included in diet.

Carbohydrates The term carbohydrate often means any food that is particularly rich in the complex carbohydrate starch (such as cereals, bread, and pasta) or simple carbohydrates, such as sugar (found in candy, jams, and desserts). The most recent dietary guidelines suggest that about half of your daily calories come from carbohydrates. A person who eats approximately 2,000 calories per day should take in about about 250 grams of carbohydrates. While keeping track of the amount of carbohydrates you need every day is important, choosing the right carbohydrate-rich foods is equally important. Your carbohydrates should come from whole grain bread, cereals and pastas, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy carbohydrate-rich foods, such as sugary snacks, pastries, sugar-sweetened soft drinks, candy, cookies, greasy chips and most processed, packaged snack foods. These foods contain too many calories while offering little or no nutritional value. Some of these foods also contain saturated and trans-fats that are bad for your heart. The average person should eat between 250 - 375 grams depending on activity level during the day, 428 grams if extremely active. This should come solely from whole grain bread, oats, rice, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Protein Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the human body, being about 16 percent of our total body weight. Muscle, hair, skin, and connective tissue are mainly made up of protein. However, protein plays a major role in all of the cells and most of the fluids in our bodies. In addition, many of our bodies' important chemicals; enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and even our DNA, are at least partially made up of protein. Although our bodies are good at recycling protein, we use up protein constantly, so it is important to continually replace it. Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. Our bodies cannot manufacture certain amino acids, so it is important to include all these amino acids in our diets. Animal proteins such as meat, eggs, and dairy products have all the amino acids, and many plants have some of them. Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level. The standard method used by nutritionists to estimate our minimum daily protein requirement is to multiply the body weight in kilograms by .8, or weight in pounds by .37. This is the number of grams of protein that should be the daily minimum. According to this method, a person weighing 150 lbs. should eat 55 grams of protein per day, a 200-pound person should get 74 grams, and a 250-pound person, 92 grams. 154 pounds - at least 56 grams of protein per day. Stick to seeds, nuts, fish, eggs, raw cheese and white meat for protein intake, red meat is often linked to a number of cancers and conditions so avoid this as much as possible.

Fat Is generally figured as a percentage of your daily caloric intake, which varies with your age, sex, and activity level. Additionally, you should pay attention to the type of fat, avoiding saturated fats, and getting your allotment mostly in unsaturated (mostly vegetable) fats and fish oils. Sometimes saturated fats cant be avoided, the body is constantly in need of fats and removing this from your diet will not make you lose weight, instead it may even make you put on weight and definitely will cause ill health effects. You should have no more then 44 - 65 grams of unsaturated fats depending on activity level, although saturated fats should be avoided all together as they are nothing but detrimental to your physical health, sometimes it cant be avoided and if so no more then 14 - 22 grams of saturated fats depending on activity level. You should aim to get these fats purely from vegetable fats and oils.

~What Not to Eat~

In the past we didnt have enough knowledge or choice to make informed decisions in our dietary choices which always cost us our health. Today we have so much choice that it is costing us our health. The market is absolutely saturated with too much crap in the intrest of making the most money from the least manufacturing costs. This has since fueled an epic boom in products completely void of vital nutrient in exchange for great taste at fast paced convenience. On top of that the food industry and health administrations have constantly provided conflicting messages over what is good and what isnt, in some cases they have completely given false information as the truth. This can always be followed back to the interests of making money and unfortunately that means to them your health is second rate and not as important. The basics mentioned above are necessary for every and all diets but the way in which you get these things is your choice. After this section on what not to eat, what to eat will be covered. Processed Foods Some processed foods you think could be reasonable but most if not all manufacturers have the goal of making the most money at the lowest cost, this also covers long shelf life and amazing flavour as they make sure the product does what it is designed to and creates a cash return. Chemical food additives are added to foods to preserve flavour as well as to improve taste and appearance of processed foods. They are found in foods which require long shelf lives, and are used widely in "diet" foods which need the flavour boost. Some additives come from natural sources, but some are highly process substances derived from unhealthy sources such as coal, tar and peroxide. Processed foods contain a lot of unsavory ingredients, many capable of wreaking havoc on your metabolism, hormones, and other physiological processes and some are outright carcinogenic. The worst are as follows: 1. Food dyes: used to colour food they have been connected to a variety of health problems, including allergic reactions, hyperactivity, decreased IQ in children, and numerous forms of cancer. The FDA banned the use of Red Dye #3 in cosmetics, but still allows the dye to be used in food products. 2. BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole): a preservative used in cereals, potato chips and chewing gum to stop them from becoming rancid. It accumulates in the body fat and it is known to disrupt the body's hormone balance. This widely used food additive has been shown to cause cancer in mice, rats and hamsters. 3. Sodium Benzoate, Benzoic Acid: a preservative added to fruit juice, carbonated drinks, and pickles. Problems occurs when sodium benzoate is used in beverages that also contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The two substances, in an acidic solution, can react together to form small amounts of benzene, a chemical that causes leukemia and other cancers. 4. Acetone peroxide: a bleach and conditioner used in milling flour and maturing dough. It is basically acetone (nail polish remover) with an oxygen compound added. It is also extremely unstable and explosive. It is strongly oxidizing and can damage the skin and eyes. 5. Diacetyl: a chemical that imparts the buttery flavour in microwave popcorn. It has a disease named after it because many microwave popcorn factory workers exposed to it have developed a lung condition called Diacetyl Induced Bronchiolitis Obliterans or "Popcorn Worker's Lung". There is no official ban in the EU, and U.S. companies are starting to voluntarily replace this ingredient in the microwave popcorn.

6. Polysorbate: a stabilizer used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications. This food additive has been linked to nonimmunologic allergic reactions, and one study has linked it to infertility. 7. Potassium Bromate: a chemical added to flour to make bread rise better and give it a uniform consistency. Most of what is added to flour breaks down during the cooking process into bromide. An excess intake of bromide has been associated with the inhibition of iodine enzyme metabolism, which weakens the thyroid and kidneys. The potassium bromate that isn't broken down remains in the baked good and is a known carcinogen. 8. Sucralose: an artificial sweetener such as Splenda, is associated with respiratory difficulties, migraines, seizures, gastrointestinal problems, heart palpitations, and weight gain. The list of reported problems is growing by the day.

MSG Mono Sodium Glutamate Perhaps the worst addition to food is MSG, used in countless foods in your supermarket, local restaurants, school cafeterias, and more. Everything from soup to crackers to meats may contain it because MSG, as dangerous as it is, makes food taste good and it is dirt cheap. Incredibly, its even been found in infant formulas and baby food, even though babies and infants are four times more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of this chemical. There are two main reasons why MSG is one of the worst food additives on the market. First, MSG is an excitotoxin, which means that it overexcites your cells to the point of damage and death, it can not be broken down effeciently acting as a poison that gets stored in the body. The second part of the equation is that MSG is hidden in food labels, under names like broth, casein, hydrolyzed, autolyzed, and more, making it extremely difficult to identify. MSG is also the biggest probable cause contributing to the obesity epidemic. As the FDA continues to vouch for its safety, scientists have known that MSG causes obesity since the 1960s! It is clearly not worth a few bites of tasty junk food to give your body the green light to produce visceral fat, the most dangerous type that surrounds your organs and increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, insomnia, type 2 diabetes, and more. MSG is hidden within a number of ingredient names to continue to fool people into thinking what they are eating tastes amazing, different names are used so as to hide it from a knowledgable eye as well as to protect the reputation and integrity of the company itself. Sometimes not even the company itself realises MSG is in its own products for although they may not actively add the ingredient, their supplies can and do. If any of these following ingredients show up on a label it is MSG MSG, Gelatin, Calcium Caseinate, Monosodium glutamate, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP), Textured Protein, Monopotassium glutamate, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP), Yeast Extract, Glutamate, Autolyzed Plant Protein, Yeast food or nutrient, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Caseinate, Autolyzed Yeast, Vegetable Protein Extract, Senomyx, Artificial flavour The following ingredients are known to contain MSG Malted Barley (flavour), Natural Flavours, Flavours, Flavouring, Modified food starch, Barley Malt, Reaction Flavours, Rice syrup or brown rice syrup, Malt Extract or Flavouring, Natural Chicken, Beef or Pork Flavouring, Seasonings, Lipolyzed butter fat, Maltodectrin, dextrose, dextrates, Soy Sauce or Extract,

Caramel Flavouring or Colouring, Soy Protein, Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Stock, Citric Acid, Broth, Cornstarch fructose, Milk Powdeer, Bouillon, Flowering Agents, Dry Milk Solids, Carrageenan, Wheat Rice Corn or Oat Protein, Protein Fortified Milk, Whey Protein or Whey, Anything enriched or Vitamin enriched, Annatto, Isolates or Concentrates, Spice, Pectin, Enzyme Modified Protein, Gums (Guar and Vegetable), Protease, Ultra-pasteurised dairy products, Protease Enzymes, Fermented Proteins, Yeast Nutrients, Lecithin, Gluten, Gluten Flour, Amino acids The following E Numbers are MSG 620, 625, 621, 627, 622, 631, 623, 635, 624

Processed Meats Processed meats, such as hot dogs, deli meats, bacon, and pepperoni contain dangerous compounds, which put them squarely on the list of foods to avoid or eliminate entirely. These compounds include: Heterocyclic amines (HCAs): a potent carcinogen, which is created when processed meat or fish is cooked at high temperatures. Sodium nitrite: a commonly used preservative and antimicrobial agent that also adds color and flavour to processed and cured meats. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Many processed meats are smoked as part of the curing process, which causes PAHs to form. Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): When food is cooked at high temperatures, including when it is pasteurized or sterilized, it increases the formation of AGEs in your food. AGEs build up in your body over time leading to oxidative stress, inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease. Processed meats increase your risk of cancer, especially bowel cancer, and no amount of processed meat is "safe". Just one sausage a day raises your risk of developing bowel cancer by 20%, and other studies have found that processed meats increase your risk of: Colon cancer by 50% Bladder cancer by 59% Stomach cancer by 38% Pancreatic cancer by 67% Processed meats may also increase your risk of diabetes by up to 50%, lower your lung function and increase your risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Organic, free range, uncured varieties of protein is definitely way more beneficial for you as these dont include preservatives, artificial flavour or artificial colour.

Genetically Modified Foods Make no mistake about it; genetically modified (GM) foods may be one of the absolute most dangerous aspects of our food supply today. It is strongly recommend avoiding all GM foods. Even if you don't want to eat genetically engineered foods, you most likely are already doing so. Corn and soy are two of the most common food ingredients, especially in processed foods, and over 90% of

commercially grown soy and corn crops are now from GM seeds. This means that EVERY processed food you encounter at your local supermarket that does not bare an Organic" label likely contains one or more GM components. Government officials around the globe have been coerced, infiltrated, and paid off by the agricultural biotech giants, as GM crops are the most lucrative of foods. It comes from the money saved in the production process and the amount of good crop produced. Engineering the crop so that for example it doesnt need pesticides as theyre already genetically spliced in with the crop. Cutting corners like this saves huge amounts of money but is equally as big when it comes to health detriment of the consumers. The following are commonly GM: Avoid all products that list corn, soy, canola, and any of their derivatives as an ingredient, unless it's labeled Organic. Unless you're buying all organic food, grow your own foods, raise your own livestock and cook everything from scratch, chances are you're consuming GM foods every single day! The long term impact these GM foods will have on your health is still unknown, but increased disease, infertility and birth defects appear to be on the top of the list of most likely side effects.

Diet Foods Diet anything is bad for your health, your diet is a focus on what good nutrients you choose to eat and drink for the benefit of your health. Instead diet food is a focus on temporary replacements for the food you know is detrimental to your health, usually found in the ever-popular low fat alternative. These foods usually contain the exact same obesity causing content but hugely watered down so that the bad fat stuff is now something like 10% of the overall content, hence where you get your 99.9% fat free, Now only 10% fat etc. The worst culprit for diet food however has to be the diet waters. Plain, pure water is by far the most healthful beverage you can intake. You need water in order to survive. However, slick marketing campaigns have managed to turn an essential part of your diet into a pure disaster - flavoured water. "Zero calorie" water, and so-called "enhanced" or "functional" water products have become such an accepted alternative to sodas and other drinks while being full of harmful chemicals. For example, the latest water enhancement product to hit the market is called MiO, which is a mixture of two artificial sweeteners, three dyes, one preservative, and propylene glycol; a solvent that can potentially result in cell mutations and skin, liver, and kidney damage, if ingested in high enough amounts. If you aren't already an avid label reader, it's time you became one, lest you fall prey to these clever marketing ploys. Enhanced waters have become an enormously lucrative business as people have begun to abandon soda for what they believe are better alternatives. In addition to artificial sweeteners and dyes, these enhanced water products can also contain enormous amounts of sugar and fructose, adding to the numerous health problems caused by excessive fructose consumption. For example, Glaceau VitaminWater (Coca-Cola owned) has 33 grams of sugar per 20-ounce bottle, which is only 6 grams less than a can of Coke. Clearly, the only type of water you need is the original plain pure water, its what practically everything in the Universe comes from, how can we as humans have the insight to enhance something as amazing as that? Every mass produced beverage should be avoided entirely as water is all you need.

Fructose Additional exceedingly health-harming ingredients that you're bound to get in excess if you consume processed foods, soda, and other sweetened beverages, is fructose. Excess sugar of any kind with fructose in particular, is the primary factor causing not just obesity, but also chronic and lethal disease. Fructose is one of the leading causes of a great deal of needless suffering from poor health and premature death. It is now used in virtually all processed foods, whether you'd suspect the food would contain a sweetener or not, in the attempt to make the product seem to taste better! If you're able to keep your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day then it's not going to cause any major health issues. It can actually be good for you should you be getting it from the correct sources; fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately, while this is possible, precious few people are actually doing it; cutting out a few desserts will not make a big difference if you're still eating a standard diet. Because of the prevalence of sugar in foods and beverages, the average person now consumes 1/3 of a pound of sugar EVERY DAY, which is five ounces or 150 grams, half of which is fructose. That's 300 percent more than the amount that will trigger biochemical havoc. This is the average; many actually consume more than twice that amount. The key is to cut back on the foods that contain high amounts of sugar, removing processed foods completely and to intake more foods with lower sugar content. Below shows just how much sugar is in natural fruits and this is widely known as good sugar:

Fruit juice typically contains very high concentrations of fructose, which will cause your insulin to spike and may counter the benefits of the antioxidants. Previous studies have already clearly demonstrated that drinking large amounts of juice dramatically increases your risk of obesity. Children are at particular risk here, since so many children are given juice whenever theyre thirsty instead of plain water. Even freshly squeezed fruit juice can contain about eight full teaspoons of fructose per eightounce glass. Eating fruit is definitely something one should do but eating too much of it is bad for you, instead focusing on vegetables which have next to no sugar content is preferable and adding a teaspoon of cinnamon daily to your diet will help rebalance your blood sugar levels.

Insulin Resistance Insulin performs multiple functions in your body, one of the more commonly known functions is to control your blood sugar level from getting too out of hand. Its main purpose however is to store excess nutrients from the blood, this includes sugar which is exactly how obesity happens too much sugar, insulin stores it and you put on weight. Now this is all well and fine and for young people this works perfectly but for those who are diabetic or for those who have had a lifetime of exposing the blood to sugar they become what is known as insulin resistant. Any time your cell is exposed to insulin it is going to become more insulin resistant. That is inevitable; we cannot stop that, but the rate we can control. An inevitable sign of aging is an increase in insulin resistance. The rate is the variable. If you can slow down that rate, you can become a centenarian, a healthy one. You can slow the rate of aging. Not even just the rate of disease, but the actual rate of aging itself can be modulated by insulin. We talked about some of the lower animals and there is some pretty good evidence that even in humans we still retain the capacity to control lifespan at least partially. We should be living to be 130 to 140 years old routinely. Everything is about balance; insulin sensitivity can be restored through many ways, the most prominent being the reduction of sugar in the diet while increasing the intake of omega 3 oils. Sugar is toxic to the body and is in fact the beginning factor or cause to all illnesses and diseases, simply because sugar pushes the body into an acidic state and disrupts the immune system. This is where all ailments humanity faces begin and that includes the ailment of aging. Change this simple fact, remove sugar from your diet while lowering the intake of natural sugars to 25 grams and you start on a path to curing everything.

Artificial Sweeteners Once you've made the decision to drastically cut down on sugar and fructose, please do NOT make the mistake of replacing it with artificially sweetened foods and beverages. It's important to understand that these are toxic substances that can wreak havoc in your body. Artificial sweeteners, just like fructose, are also extremely prevalent in processed foods. Aspartame, for example, can be found in more than 6,000 products. Not only have studies shown that "diet" foods and drinks ruin your body's ability to count calories, boosting your risk of weight gain, but they've also been associated with a slew of negative health effects, such as intestinal damage, diabetes, brain damage, pre-term delivery and cancer, just to name a few of the more serious ramifications. Acesulfame potassium (or Acesulfame-K) is yet another artificial sweetener, which has been linked to kidney tumors. All artificial sweeteners are bad news, avoid them at all costs.

Gluten Grains are the staple diet for the majority of humanity, the far west to the far east all use grains as their staple. The Americas and part of Europe eat bread, most of Europe eats pasta and the rest eat rice. Although these foods are easily and readily available, too much causes the following symptoms: Excess weight Fatigue and frequent sleepiness Depression Brain fogginess Bloating High blood pressure High triglycerides We all need a certain amount of carbohydrates, of course, but, through our addiction to grains, potatoes, sweets and other starchy and sugary foods, we are consuming far too many. The body's storage capacity for carbohydrates is quite limited, so here's what happens to all the excess; they are converted, via insulin, into fat and stored in the adipose, or fatty, tissue. Any meal or snack high in carbohydrates generates a rapid rise in blood glucose. To adjust for this rise, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream, which lowers the glucose. Insulin is essentially a storage hormone, evolved over those millions of years of humans prior to the agricultural age, to store the excess calories from carbohydrates in the form of fat in case of famine. Insulin, stimulated by the excess carbohydrates in our overabundant consumption of grains, starches and sweets, is responsible for all those bulging stomachs and fat rolls in thighs and chins. Even worse, high insulin levels suppress two other important hormones -- glucagons and growth hormones -- that are responsible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle development, respectively. So insulin from excess carbohydrates promotes fat, and then wards off the body's ability to lose that fat. Excess weight and obesity lead to heart disease and a wide variety of other diseases. But the ill effect of grains and sugars does not end there. They suppress the immune system, contributing to allergies, and they are responsible for a host of digestive disorders. They contribute to depression and their excess consumption is, in fact, associated with many of the chronic diseases in our nation, such as cancer and diabetes. If you are going to continue to eat grains make sure they are whole grain but if you realise the detriments of grains remove them from your diet. You can get all the carbohydrates you need from vegetables alone, the rest, even whole grains, slow your digestion, raise your blood sugar and so contribute to insulin resistance. Wheat especially as well as barley, rice, cereals and pasta are the main culprits. A gluten free diet focuses on the removal of these ingredients, oats are the only ingredient that is acceptable in a gluten free diet and to which you can still make cereals and bread.

Skin Care Products Your skin is your largest organ, less than 1/10th of an inch separates your body from potential toxins. Worse yet, your skin is highly permeable. Most items you rub on your skin will end up in your bloodstream, and will be distributed throughout your body. This is why it is important to remember "don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't eat" and a petrochemical is certainly not something you would eat! Putting chemicals on your skin is worse than eating them. When you eat something, the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help to break it down and flush it out of your body. However, when you put these chemicals on your skin, they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream without filtering of any kind, going directly to your delicate organs. Once these chemicals find their way into your body, they tend to accumulate over time because you typically lack the necessary enzymes to break them down. When you add up daily exposure over the course of a lifetime, it really adds up!

Tanning Oils & Sun Screen The sun is not deadly! In fact, the sun is healthy for you. Your ancestors survived outdoors, working outside under the sun's rays far more often than they were indoors and out of the sun. How on earth would it be possible for your body to end up being configured in such a way that the sun is now a deadly threat to you, me, and the entire human race? It cant and it simply isn't true. That's not to say sunlight can't be harmful. Long-term, excessive exposure to sunlight can increase the risk of certain types of skin cancer. There's a great deal of evidence that sun exposure without sunburn significantly decreases the risk of melanoma, so safe sun exposure is key. Safe sunlight exposure has also been shown to protect against as many as sixteen different types of cancer, including breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, bladder, gallbladder, gastric, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, and renal cancers, as well as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Your body needs a bit of unprotected sun exposure. If you can't avoid the following three scenarios: You're forced to be in the direct rays of the sun for a longer time than is safe... You must go into intense sunlight without having the opportunity to gradually build up to it... You're in a situation where blocking the sun with strategic clothing or sunshades is impractical... ...use a sunscreen to help guard against sunburn, but, don't just slap on any of the standard commercial brands you find on store shelves. Studies have found a link between melanoma and the use of commercial sunscreen! Additionally, potentially harmful chemicals such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man. In light of that, its imperative to avoid too much exposure to the sun and failing that use a natural sunscreen with safe, non-toxic ingredients.

Ingredients you want to avoid: Octinoxate (Octyl Methoxycinnamate) - The most widely used sunscreen ingredient, known for its low potential to sensitize skin or act as a phototallergen. Estrogenic effects are noted in laboratory animals as well as disruption of thyroid hormone and brain signaling. Has been found to kill mouse cells even at low doses when exposed to sunlight! Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3) - Associated with photoallergic reactions. This chemical absorbs through your skin in significant amounts. Health concerns include hormone disruption and cancer. Octisalate - A weak UVB absorber with a generally good safety profile among sunscreen ingredients. It is a penetration enhancer, which may increase the amount of other ingredients passing through skin. Avobenzone (Parsol 1789) - Primarily a UVA-absorbing agent, sunlight causes this unstable ingredient to break down into unknown chemicals, especially in the presence of another active, Octinoxate. Octocrylene - Produces oxygen radicals when exposed to UV light. Ensulizole (Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid) - Known to produce free radicals when exposed to sunlight, leading to damage of DNA, this UVB protector may have the potential to cause cancer. Padimate O (Octyl Dimethyl PABA / PABA Ester) - A derivative of the once-popular PABA sunscreen ingredient, research shows this chemical releases free radicals, damages DNA, has estrogenic activity, and causes allergic reactions in some people. Menthyl Anthranilate - Produces damaging reactive oxygen species when exposed to sunlight. Sulisobenzone (Benzophenone-4) - Can cause skin and eye irritation. Does not penetrate your skin to a large degree, but enhances the ability of other chemicals to penetrate.

Soaps & Shampoos No matter what soap or shampoo product you buy off the shelf the active main ingredient is always the same. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a surfactant, detergent and emulsifier used in thousands of cosmetic products, as well as in industrial cleaners. It is present in nearly all shampoos, scalp treatments, hair colour and bleaching agents, toothpastes, body washes and cleansers, make-up foundations, liquid hand soaps, laundry detergents and bath oils/bath salts. Similar to sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is sodium laureth sulfate (short for sodium lauryl ether sulfate, or SLES), a yellow detergent with higher foaming ability. SLES is considered to be slightly less irritating than SLS. Ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS) is another surfactant variation commonly put into cosmetics and cleansers to make them foam. ALS is similar to SLS, with similar risks. The real problem with SLS is that the manufacturing process (ethoxylation) results in SLS being contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a carcinogenic by-product. This means that practically every cleaning product out there is carcinogenic. To combat this you need to understand what dirt is exactly and why you believe you need these products in order to clean yourself. Dirt itself isnt actually dirty, what harms you from dirt is viruses, bugs, bad bacteria and germs which can all cause you to become unhealthy, diseased or ill. The real kick is that soap does not stop these things, only an effective immune system can. It does not matter how much you do or dont wash

yourself against dirt, if its going to get in your body its going to get in. Only the immune system can defend you and that is definitely not strengthened by soap or shampoo, in fact the ingredients above will do the opposite. The truth is your body and your hair actually clean themselves, washing dirt from yourself only serves to prevent the distribution of the germs that you are carrying to other surfaces. For example it is always recommended to clean your hands before preparing food or eating. This can be done literally by rubbing your hands on anything. Only boiling water will successfully disinfect surfaces from all forms of bacteria and viruses. Now Im not saying stop cleaning yourself, this is something you will want to do at least once a day, what I am trying to get across is the idea that you dont need soap to clean yourself, especially not the commercial stuff. Before eating or preparing food it is a must that you disinfect not just the preparation area but your hands as well. The best way to do this is by using a natural soap where you can be sure you are still getting all the benefits you believe to be getting from everyday soap but without carcinogenic substances entering your body. Somewhere along the way the public began to believe that regular soap wasn't good enough; they needed antibacterial soap. Well, antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Triclosan, an antibacterial compound that acts as the active ingredient in most antibacterial soap, not only kills bacteria, it also has been shown to kill human cells. Antibacterial compounds are in nearly half of all soaps sold in the United States, which is likely contributing to the spread of antibioticresistant bacteria. Many traditional medical circles now accept the hygiene hypothesis, which centres on the idea that children need to be exposed to some bacteria in early childhood in order to strengthen their immune systems. Children who are not exposed to common bacteria, which are wiped out by antibacterial soap, will be more prone to allergies and asthma. This is not to say that you shouldn't wash your hands, only that you shouldn't wash them with antibacterial soap. It would be wise to identify a simple chemical-free soap. For washing your hair its the same deal, your hair will clean itself. You will want to wash it daily but the truth is water is all you need, with rainwater being especially good for your hair. The funny thing about selling shampoo to the general public it is always two factors that make the sale. The first is that the shampoo cleans your hair, makes it feel soft and silky, gives it that shine and the second is that it smells nice and gives you the impression your hair will smell nice to. What they dont tell you is that these things are achievable just by washing your hair daily with only water. The natural shine that all these products promise you is in fact truly achievable by not using commercial shampoo at all! To get your hair smelling nice and to soothe scalp irritations etc use extra virgin olive oil, everyday, just a tiny amount after showering. This will keep your hair soft, well nourished, shiny and dandruff free without any harsh chemicals.

Deodorant & Moisturisers Both deodorants and moisturisers are probably the most fraudulant products on the market, neither of these items do what you believe they do and for the reason you buy them. Deodorant and especially antipersperant not only floods your system with the toxic metal aluminium but will also make you sweat more! Sweating is the bodys way of getting rid of heat by pushing water to the surface to then evaporate taking some of the bodys heat with it. If you spray either of these things on you, you clog up your pores removing the bodys ability of releasing water. This will only lead to your body needing to sweat more. Aluminium also causes breast cancer as well as leading to Alzhiemers disease in later life. The best alternative to deodorants and antipersperants is simply water and soap. Keeping clean after exerciseing will mean when you arent exercising you will stay smelling fresh. If this doesnt surfice then

either look for an aluminium free deodorant or use a small amount of backing soda mixed with water which can act as an effective all-day deodorant. Many skin lotions, creams and oils contain mineral oil, as do many tanning products. Mineral oil may sound safe enough, but it's not. Mineral oil is actually a derivative of petroleum, the same stuff you put in your car's engine. Because it's very viscous, many products use mineral oil as the main ingredient, as it allows the lotion to be spread easily across your skin, despite the fact that it's a known carcinogen that leads to the formation of tumours! It's also comedogenic which means it blocks your pores and your skin's natural respiration process. Blocked pores can lead to blackheads and pimples. And, because mineral oil can create an impenetrable film on your skin, it may also block the absorption of any beneficial ingredients that might exist in the product. The best and only thing to use as an effective moisturiser is extra virgin olive oil. Used sparingly olive oil feeds your skin, softens your skin and acts as a good protection from dirt and grime which can cause black heads, spots etc. At the same time it is not comedogenic and by nourishing your skin effectively allows it to fight against any dirt that causes spots. Commercial moisturisers and soaps de-nourish the skin destroying its ability to attack and remove dirt and grime that cause spots. So your spot fighting soap not only will be full of dangerous possibly carcinogenic ingredients but also remove the skins ability to fight spots! The reason why is simple, if there was a cream that cured you of spots youd buy it once and be done with it. IF however there was a cream that looked like it might be removing spots but in the long run just gave you more spots you would have to buy more and more. All about the money, your health is second to that fact.

Toothpaste Toothpaste is another product that we have been swindled into believing we need and without it we would lose all our teeth to tooth decay. It is almost like its inevitable that we will lose our teeth, but have you ever noticed how no other species in existence uses toothpaste yet never lose their teeth. Why are we so different? We must be so weak if we need to invent a chemical cocktail to stop our teeth falling out! The real truth about cleaning and strengthening your teeth while fighting decay comes from, unsurprisingly, your diet. The bottom line is that using a toothbrush regularly is one way to help reduce plaque and tooth decay, but it is your diet that really can make or break the cleanliness of your teeth and mouth as a whole. It is common knowledge that sugar causes tooth decay, yet we either pour sugar into practically all our commercial products or for those that are health conscious theres the artificial sweetener, which can still cause tooth decay as well as being a nice and dangerous neurotoxin. The food you eat is really the way your teeth are cleaned, eating food either mineralises or demineralises your teeth; its as simple as that. Food that fortifies your teeth and that can reverse tooth decay includes practically all fruits and vegetables as well as some meat specifically liver. They nourish the bacteria that sit around your teeth protecting the enamel fortifying the tooth as a whole. Sugar dries out and kills the bacteria that surround your teeth allowing the enamel to become exposed to elements that will dissolve the tooth as a whole. The worst foods to eat and drink include crisps, as they sit in your teeth and carbonated drinks such as Coca Cola that contains around about 12 teaspoons of sugar in one can! The one ingredient in toothpaste that is by far the worst included yet for some reason is widely regarded as the most important and active ingredient is fluoride. Fluoride is highly toxic! Despite what youve been led to believe by conventional health and dental agencies, fluoride is not an essential nutrient and does NOT prevent tooth decay. Ingesting fluoride, both from dental products and fluoridated water, lead to the following symptoms -

Increased lead absorption, hyperactivity and/or lethargy, brain damage and lower IQ, dementia, lowered thyroid function, genetic damage and cell death, immune system disruption, bone fractures and arthritis, bone cancer (osteosarcoma), increased tumour and cancer rates and fertility abnormalities.

Heavy Metals There are plenty of metals we ingest daily which we arent ment to ingest. These lead to all sorts of complications both short and long term. They are the undisclosed cause of so many illnesses and diseases in the human race yet we are either naively unaware of them or there is possibly a far more sinister plot at play. Regardless one should avoid at all costs the following three heavy metals: Aluminium Fluoride Mercury

Both Aluminium and Fluoride have been dicussed including their symptoms but the most damaging and easily the most hidden ingredient we are force fed is Mercury. Though there are many natural sources of mercury emissions such as volcanoes, geothermal springs, geologic deposits and the ocean, human activities have tripled natural amounts of mercury in the atmosphere within the past 150 years. In the modern era, mercury became a common ingredient in the following products: Paints, pesticides, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, skin creams, vaccines and fillings. It is important to understand that mercury is an incredibly toxic and dangerous substance; a single drop in a large lake could make all the fish in it unsafe for consumption. Coal-fired plants pump tons of mercury into the air each year: Mercury from such emissions falls out of the sky and into oceans, lakes, rivers and streams, contaminating the flesh of fish, shellfish, seals and whales. If you are one of the unfortunate people that wind up eating these fish then you are setting the stage for future health problems. The health risk factors are severe including strong links to heart disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and the escalating rate of autism. Short-term effects include fatigue, irritability and feeling foggy headed, as well as other minor symptoms. All is not lost though as there are natural ingredients that bind to heavy metals within the body and effectively remove them. There are a number of different natural ingredients such as garlic, burdock and bentonite, but the most efficient and abundant ingredient is called chlorella, it is found in algae and is the most widely used supplement in Japan. Chlorella is a whole food meaning it contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, minerals and vitamins. By binding and removing heavy metals in the body chlorella promotes all round greater health as well as cleansing the gut and colon, protecting the liver and cleaning the blood as a result. This truly is the greatest supplement one could use.

~What to Eat~
After reading the list of what not to eat it all may seem a bit confusing as to what foods out there are actually good for you. For the majority of people cutting out all the ingredients in the previous section is going to be next to impossible as were all brought up on the ideas and customs of a free democratic society. Even doctors and dentists are taught information and principles that are misguided. They work day in and day out blissfully and ignorantly unaware that they no longer serve public health, instead only aiding massive pharmecutical companies maximise their profits at the expense of our health. It can be a huge challenge even accepting that what you are given is not good for you when you are told otherwise by official sources. But fear not as there is an inexpensive and easy solution to all this, the hardest part is letting go of the need for certain products your body was never ment to have.

Nutritional Typing Nutritional Typing is designed to provide you with a painless way to regain control of your health, your weight, your diet, and everything that contributes to 'Command Central' of your personal wellbeing. And that means personal wellbeing all the way down to your mission-critical cellular level. There are a few varieties of nutritional typing, this one is focused on whats known as the Veggie Type, this is because in reality what your body needs is pretty simple. Besides from organic untampered food, all you body needs is raw vegetables, protein and water. Anything else beyond that will only be an extension to this or a supplement because of the contamination of your body from crap that you cant escape such as mercury found in practically all fish. There are a few ideas one must understand before successfully learning what it is you should be eating. These are as follows: Timing of Your Food It is not only the food you eat but the actual order that you eat your food that can have a major impact on how you respond to any meal. Food Quality One of the most important aspects of Nutritional Typing relates to food quality. It advocates the urgency of consuming the highest quality food available. Two important points are advised: - Eat fresh, locally grown, organic food whenever possible. - Eat as much of your food raw as possible, as it helps in preserving the nutrient's vital energy, so your body can use it. If you do cook your food use a low-temperature as much as possible to minimize heat damage to your food. If you are familiar with the differences between raw and pasteurized milk, you will appreciate the similarity with cooking your food. Supplementation Nutritional Typing focuses primarily on using food for your cellular fuel, and only using supplements when indicated for specialized conditions. Focusing heavily on supplements to improve your health hardly ever helps make big or lasting wellness improvements, you want to make long-term and permanent advances to your health and wellbeing, which means relying on supplements as little as possible. Nutritional Typing is a simple nutritional plan and a very effective way at improving your digestive and nutritional efficiency. There is no need to determine food choices based on numerous concerns like

blood, endocrine and metabolic type. Not to mention percentages, ratios, or supplements. Diet just isnt that complicated, it never has been for our ancestors and why should it be now? When you begin eating right for your Nutritional Type your metabolism will move toward balance, as you do that, your body will be producing energy more efficiently from the foods that you depend on for your body's fuel. When you are metabolically balanced, you will finally have more energy than you ever believed possible and you will have created an inner cellular environment that is conducive to experiencing your highest levels of being you. Eating correctly is one third of the actions needed by you to stop yourself getting ill. Unfortunately, much of what our culture promotes as a medical system is based on treating symptoms and not addressing the underlying cause of those symptoms. Therefore, conventional medicine really has a limited ability to resolve most if not all chronic illnesses, although our medicine is effective for many acute health challenges. Unfortunately addressing the acute issues on a regular basis can and normally does lead to more serious long-term health defects. The industry loves the idea that ill health is the stuff of magic, theyre not too sure how it happens but its good that it does as it allows them to sell products and procedures to combat the symptoms. There is a huge sum of information that has been hidden, changed and completely falsified in order to get us to our current zeitgeist and all for profit first. On the other hand, following your nutritional type and resolving your personal biochemical imbalances that are the underlying cause of disease has the unique ability to: Balance your total body chemistry Address disease processes at their causative level Prevent illness Rebuild your health Provide you with uniquely long-lasting health benefits

Tip number 1 Always chew your food thoroughly. Get in the practice of putting your fork down until you have swallowed your previous bite of food. This will aid in the absorption and assimilation of your foods as well as increasing the transition time through the colon. This is one factor that is a substantial advantage to all Nutritional Types. Tip number 2 Increase your consumption of vegetables. Eat them at every meal. It is also best to consume vegetables that grow above ground with more regularity than those that grow below ground. It would also be an advantage to consume these vegetables at the beginning of your meal to enjoy optimal results. Tip number 3 Reduce consumption of red meat and fats but do not eliminate fat as you should still be achieving approximately 10 - 15% of your meal from fat. Consuming leaner meats, seafood, and fowl is a definite advantage. Please remember that you still need to consume protein and fat but simply in lower amounts. Tip number 4 Use a protein source such as eggs, cheese, yogurt, or natto at breakfast. Also quality steel cut oatmeal is

an adequate source of protein as this is the highest protein content grain available. Typically speaking this Nutritional Type does not respond well to a flesh protein for breakfast. It would be best to avoid this at that particular meal time. Tip number 5 Always include a fat and protein along with your vegetables, but keep your vegetable consumption at approximately 60% of your meal. Remember that regardless of your Nutritional Type it is important to consume protein, fat, and carbohydrates at every meal. The ratios and types of these macronutrients will vary. Tip number 6 Always start your meal with vegetable juice or by eating a vegetable. Vegetable juice creates the best outcome based on your assessed nutritional type. Please be sure to consume vegetable juice and not fruit juice since fruit juice creates blood sugar instability that can create health challenges. However, you can use a small amount of fruit to add flavor to your vegetable juice. Tip number 7 Focus on chicken and turkey breast as opposed to dark meat (legs & thighs) since this is preferred for this Nutritional Type. Lighter meat is better since it has a lower fat content as well as an over-all balancing effect for you. Remember not to over-consume flesh protein even at lunch or dinner. Tip number 8 Since vegetable consumption is so important for this Nutritional Type, it would be advantageous to incorporate two salads per day with your meals. Be sure to vary the ingredients within your salads to keep your nutritional choices interesting. Variety even within your nutritional type is the spice of life. Tip number 9 To the best of your ability purchase your vegetables from an organic source or from a local farmers market (seasonal). Remember that it is not only the types of foods and ratios but also the quality of the foods that is important. While it is known that better quality generally means higher cost, it is important to remember that consuming higher quality foods generally leads to a need for less food. Our bodies are not starving for quantity, they are starving for quality. Tip number 10 Incorporate lighter fish such as cod, flounder, halibut, orange roughy, tilapia and light tuna in your meal plan. These seafood choices are not only lighter in fat content but they also have a balancing affect for this Nutritional Type. Remember that it is always important to use wild caught seafood as opposed to farm raised. Tip number 11 Eliminate all high purine foods such as organ meats, liver pate, liver sausage, herring, sardines, anchovies, mussels, and caviar. These foods typically create imbalances. Generally speaking, veggie types are not drawn towards these foods anyway. Tip number 12 One of the best additions for this Nutritional Type is the use of fresh vegetable juice. If you want to reach your highest potential it is recommended you purchase a juicer to incorporate this into your meal planning. This will provide you with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and enzyme activity that will aid in

your health goals. Tip number 13 Your fresh juice should consist of less than 1/3 fruit juice and a high percentage of vegetables that grow above ground. It is best, however, to focus only on vegetables and possibly one lemon or lime added to the juice. This will aid in not only creating balance within your body but will also lead to a strong balance within blood sugar regulation. Tip number 14 If you want to lose weight, you should reduce or eliminate higher glycemic foods such as fruit, grains, potatoes, and rice. If you do choose to incorporate these foods, have them in very small amounts and at the end of the meal. This will aid in your bodys regulation of blood sugar. Always remember that the biggest challenge that leads to weight gain and the raising of triglycerides are high glycemic carbohydrates which drive up glucose levels and insulin. The above is for the veggie nutritional type, there are others and it would be best if you were to find out yours. This type however, going by known diseases and the foods that help to cause them, is the best most well rounded type. Although it says veggie it doesnt mean vegetarian, just an emphasis on raw vegetables as these foods are key to health and longevity.

~Liberte Diet~
First avoid the following at all costs Processed Foods and drink - Industrialised chemical cocktails created for profit and ease of preparation not health and longevity GM Foods - Genetically altered and industrialised, a crime to even call it food. Diet Foods - contain a whole load of ingredients that are toxic and carcinogenic under the pretense of helping you lose weight. Processed Meats - Majorly carcinogenic, made for profit while at the same time being the main culprit in the rise of 4 major cancers. MSG - Excitotoxin hidden in food to artificially improve taste while being the main reason behind the obesity epidemic. Fructose/Glucose - Sugar, no matter its form is toxic and causes insulin resistance, which is the basis for all diseases. Limit to 25g per day. Artificial Sweeteners - Neurotoxic and tumorigenic. Gluten (wheat/barley etc.) - More detriments than benefits can lead to insulin resistance, excess weight and high blood pressure. All skin care products that you would not ingest (Shampoo, tanning oils, sunscreen, deodorants, antiperspirants, moisturisers and anti-bacterial soaps) - carcinogenic and generally destroys human cells, heavy in metals such as aluminium. Fluoridated Toothpaste and water - Fluoride is toxic and does not have any health benefits what so ever. Instead of the above focus on the food that was here already, that we evolved to live off of, this is nothing more than raw, fresh foods that are slightly unripe. Growing your own is the best way to avoid pesticides etc. Failing this then make sure you seek out organic growers, butchers, farmers and fisherman.

Preparation Steaming helps retain the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables. Avoid microwaves as well as frying foods. Limit ALL sources of fructose to less than 25 grams per day, and that includes fruit. Instead of gluten eat oats and brown rice. Eat carbohydrates, protein and fats with every meal. Snack on nuts and seeds only. Breakfast Carbohydrate focused through oats such as porridge as well as a mixture of berries to boost health. Lunch All round focused, mainly some from of salad with a variety of vegetables, protein and fats in the form of oils.

Dinner Protein focused through either fish or poultry with vegetables. Eat at least four hours before sleeping. Drink Pure water through reverse osmosis or spring water. If you have to travel bottle it in a BPA free plastic canteen. Have one glass per meal and one before bed. Supplements Use natural soap, toothpaste and sunscreen. Learn to not need deodorant or antiperspirant. For a powerful moisturiser use extra virgin olive oil as there is nothing better out there for your skin. One teaspoon of chlorella or another heavy metal absorber to remove toxins and heavy metals. One teaspoon of local honey everyday to help boost your immune system. If you are unable to eat a variety of fish take one teaspoon of cod liver oil daily. Drink a mouthful of Aloe Vera to act as a mouthwash, swirl round your mouth after brushing. Get at least one hour of sunshine on your skin to boost your vitamin D levels.

Stick to this diet and you will attain optimum health, be aware that this is only one third of the health wheel and wont do too much without the other parts exercise and sleep.

-----PART VI----~Exercise & Well Being~

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it." - Plato

Exercise is amazingly important and effects every aspect of ones life. Exercise keeps you fit, healthy, young, toned, refreshed, it promotes repair in ligaments and tendons, it relieves built up stress in the body and the mind, it can even help to cure cancer but most importantly the more you exercise the further and faster you can go increasing stamina in all areas of ones life including extending your life. Exercise is key to positive well being as they go hand in hand, the more your exercise the better you will feel and the longer you will feel it for. The Way of Liberte like everything else is refined down to only the necessities of exercise, allowing continual honed conditioning of the body to keep it on form no matter what flows your way. Exercise comes in many forms and variations but no exercise is more efficient than the type the releases the growth hormone into your body. This generally can be honed from short burst exercise such as plyometrics. These exercises can benefit you hugely when compared to say running long distance. Growth hormone will do the following to you Lowers your body fat Dramatically improves muscle tone Firms your skin and reduces wrinkles Boosts your energy and sexual desire Improves athletic speed and performance Allows you to achieve your fitness goals much faster To maximize your growth hormone release you need to: Get a good night's sleep Avoid a high fat meal prior to exercising Drink plenty of water Eat healthy carbs (think vegetables) and high quality protein Optimize your vitamin D levels Avoid sugar, especially fructose The last part is absolutely crucial. If you consume sugar or fructose, especially within two hours postexercise, you will increase somatostatin which will in turn obliterate the production of growth hormone!

This is yet another example of why gulping down sports drinks that are chockfull of high fructose corn syrup can do your body more harm than good, and will just shut down your body's production of HGH and negate many of the benefits from your exercise.

Movement - Flowing the body along life's current All physical movement begins in the Manipura as an intention from the observer, this is your centre of gravity and the centre of your body. The Manipura is important in every single sport or activity and because of this you should always lead from your core. This means that all actions you do as a life form should initiate from your Solar Plexus, for example; when your stood up straight with the correct posture your core becomes the lead part of your body that is out in front of the rest. Your spine curves in the correct place and allows all chakras to align and Chi to Flow unhindered around your body. When you initiate an output of force; push, pull, rotate - it should always start from your core and ripple outwards across your body. If the body does this the push, pull or rotation will be far stronger then any other place of initiation, for example throwing a punch from the shoulder. When you talk you should talk from your diaphragm, deep in your chest, just above the Solar Plexus, this will give you clarity and purpose in your voice. When you breathe you should breathe from your diaphragm, instead of imaging that as air fills your lungs from the top to bottom it expands, expand your lungs from the bottom upwards. This is the basis for meditation and will make the intake from each breath far more efficient. Initiating all action from your core is never thought about, instead it is felt, when an action becomes a known feeling it is extremely easy to repeat. With patience and practice all things are achievable as the feeling of carrying out a set of movements becomes second nature. This allows focus to be fully on foresight in turn allowing new actions to come with ease. When movements come and go with ease this is known as Flowing ones path along the current of life in an effortless manner. No matter whether walking, running or any type of physical movement it is always about feeling the movement happen and going with it rather than disrupting Flow, for example focusing on thinking about it rather than doing it. The word thought gets redefined as a process of intention followed by action, where hindsight becomes foresight and the observer is focused on the moment being a few steps ahead in anticipation. As opinions are made up of perceptions on a certain subjective perspective they are never right or wrong but instead either part or completely true. The majority of the perception exists out in the Ether and is made from presuppositions, one should let go of what is not known and stick to what is known and remember to stay autonomous to any one else's perception - it is theirs, they are entitled to it, if you wish the same treatment then let them have it. It is only in Flowing moments will perceptions and presumptions be realised. Flowing with it in harmony allows one to see the truth of the matter and to better prepare a suitable perception and perspective as more knowledge is acquired. Going with what is felt allows one to see the ever present truth that surrounds us, all that Flows is. It is both everything and nothing at the same time, unknowable and ever changing - a state in any given moment that is untouched by assumptions, right or wrong, what ifs, worrys, hindsight and any other type of internal dialogue that can go on within oneself. All these things follow a moment and by the time they have worked out the moment, it is already passed. They tend to block out the frequency of the Universe and one begins to tune out of reality following Flow, instead of leading it. Being composed is tuning into reality with the full attention and focus of the mind, listening to what is coming, acting on what is happening and learning from what has happened. All the while being composed in a positive objective manner. One goes on what is known, knowing that the majority of the Flow is unknown and that the only thing one is 100% sure of is oneself, the feelings felt and the actions already taken. The future is a mystery and will never be known, if it was it would make going into it incredibly boring. As the majority of Flow lives under the forever changing shroud of darkness it means

that when attention is focused in a certain place one understands what is going on as they begin to know and become the moments that have just happened in that part of Flow. As soon as attention is focused elsewhere the moments in that particular area are no longer known as they continue to Flow on with or without your focus. They can become something completely unexpected until once again attention is focused back there. This means a lot of things can happen because the Flow forever Flows. Remaining autonomous, one realises innocence to ones own current and allows oneself to keep Flowing without hindrance. To Flow is to be, to be is to Flow, connected through feeling and directed by intention; the Universe Flows naturally so to you should naturally Flow with it.

Waking - Starting the body Waking the body comes in short timed windows, the more one goes back to sleep the shorter each window of opportunity for the body to wake up. It is then imperative that you action the body as soon as the body wakes naturally, if it is woken unnaturally then depending on the time slept it is probably wise to go back to sleep. The body has an internal clock which knows how much sleep is needed, generally this will be between 6-8 hours depending on the amounts of food, exercise and sleep from the day before. It is also wise to try wake up with the sunrise or more specifically around 7am. To wake the body then the best thing to do is to put it into action as soon as your eyes open, this allows blood to pump around the body and activates the body's waking state. The best way to do this is known as the super stretch and can be done while still in bed. All you have to do is literally stretch outwards in all directions for a good few seconds before furthering the waking state with more action ie sitting up or getting out of bed. Once this is practised enough it will become second nature to get up when you wake up as going back to sleep is something you really won't want to do. You must also avoid lie ins as these train the body to go back to sleep and the more you go back to sleep the less energy you will have. Exceeding 8 hours of sleep is highly unrecommended other then on rare extraordinary occasions for example a major lack of sleep. In conclusion to wake the body practice the super stretch as soon as you wake up and get up, use an alarm to get you up around 7am and for lie ins remember the more you lie in the harder it will be to get up, the more time you waste and the harder it will be to sleep later that night. The more you get up, the more time you have and the easier sleeping later on will be. Eventually you will condition the body to get up automatically.

Surya Namaskar - Warming up the body Physical stress builds up in the body from the effects of daily actions from pushing, pulling and twisting to doing anything strenuous your not used to doing. Even incorrect postures like sleeping awkwardly will eventually leave your body feeling fatigued. Tension stops the flow of Prana and builds up stress as a result. If there is enough tension things can break, muscles and ligaments can rip and bones can fracture. To protect yourself from the effects of a build up of stress in the body it is important to allow the body to become subtle and flexible. This opens up your channels to allow Prana to flow successfully unhindered even when the body is put through unplanned stressful situations. Just like how meditation releases all thought to clear the mind, the same must be done to the body to relieve stress. Surya Namaskar known as the Sun Salutation should be practised on waking as the first action the observer does. Along with releasing stress it is a salute to the the rising of the Sun, an ancient respect for the fact the day wouldn't begin without the light of Amen Ra and of the mind. It is made up of 18 flowing postures repeated twice, this creates a state in the body which closely resembles the meditative state performed just before as all channels open. The alternate inhales and exhales on certain moves creates a

meditative state of mind as the two states of Flow merge both mentally and physically. Breath is controlled like focus is controlled in meditation, breathing through your diaphragm bringing Prana to the Manipura. This practice should always be done facing east.

Visualisation & Appreciation - Starting the mind This is where you should start your mind into he correct mind set each day for everything in your life. After the final pose of Surya Namaskar you should assume the corpse position. As the name suggests you lay there, on your back, feet together and palms up for a few minutes until everything has settled down. Just feel, it is important not to think, but to let the mind only visualise what it is you want to achieve. Once your heart beat and breath have returned to normal and while still laying in the position feel all the opportunities coming that day and be appreciative for the steps that have led to that. This helps you get into the attitude of gratitude early in the day to help force this mindset for the rest of the day. It also allows you to recognise your goals for the day as you remember the objectives you are currently working towards. You should spend a few minutes feeling appreciation through visualisation - not thinking it. That feeling you have when someone gets you that thing you really wanted, that is what you should feel every time you visualise or appreciate something you really want in your mind, hold the item or idea in your mind until you feel that feeling then move on.

Praying Stretch Warming up the core The core is where all movement comes from in the body, regardless if its only a part of your body that you are moving, for example throwing a punch, it will always initiate from your core. For this reason it is good to stretch the core muscles by holding four different positions. This follows on straight from the corpse posture as this posture is the first position to stretch core muscles. From there move into the touching toes stretch. Use only the core muscles to pull your upper body into a seated position and then by placing your fingers around your toes pull the upper body into your legs and hold for at least 16 seconds. Next move to a kneeling position and collapse facing towards Gaia with arms straight out towards Amen Ra, hold this position for at least 16 seconds then using only the core pull the body up to a kneeling position again. From there finally move into the last posture by doing the opposite of before; while keeping the legs in the same place collapse backwards away from Amen Ra and hold again for 16 seconds. Again using only your core, pull your body up to the kneeling position again.

Meditation - Warming up the mind The next step in the waking process is to bring the mind to its full ready state, this is achieved easily through meditation. Although the super stretch and Surya Namaskar gets blood pumping around the body to push it into a fully wake state, your mind can stay asleep and when that happens your priorities can become misplaced breaking the conditioning of the mind from the Creed. The mind needs to be as awake as it was the night before when everything was clear as to what needs doing and when and in what order. Meditation allows one to connect with the Flow that is found behind all the noisy bright effects of thought that it creates which sometimes makes it hard to tune into. Experiencing the joy of the Flow has been called enlightenment, nirvana, or even rebirth, and reflects a deep understanding within us. The Flow is not something that we create through meditation. It is already there, deep within, behind all the barriers, patiently waiting for us to recognise it. Anyone who has explored meditation knows that it is simply a path that leads to a new, more expansive way of seeing

the world around us. Learning how to meditate is the essential foundation to peace of mind, happiness and a fulfilled outer life. When we become the master of our mind, we also master our life. By quieting the mind we can control it, and eventually tame it completely. Meditation enables us to hold our focus on what we want and attract that experience into our lives, this is the state that your mind should always be in without fail. The greatest secrets in learning how to meditate are very simple and easy. In fact, there's nothing you do to actually "meditate" you simply sit being unfocused and experience your own presence. However the mind tends to wander and may need more of a structure if it cannot stay in being unfocused. The following can be done anywhere in any place at any time. #1 - Relax your entire body Sit comfortably and release any tension in your body from head to toe. Imagine your body is filled with relaxing healing energy that releases any tension being held inside. Keep your spine vertical yet relaxed, as if your spine were a gently balanced stack of golden coins. Let you hands rest comfortably wherever they are. When you breathe do it through your diaphragm, this means a deep almost raspy breath you can feel in your stomach. This should be the way you breathe all the time so its good practice to fully use your lungs. #2 - Stay still and be very quiet inside Do not move, yet do not try not to move. Simply be quiet, solitary and still. It may help to pretend you are a statue that just happens to breathe on its own. Don't do anything. If you have to do something, focus on being unfocused and experience your own presence. Learning how to meditate happens when all your attention is resting inside. Pull yourself within yourself, in your centre and allow your mind to relax in here. Eventually it will slow down and stop the mental chatter. When thoughts arises, just watch and release them as they come. Notice thoughts without getting caught in them. Whatever distractions that arise, just let them, and return to being unfocused pure presence. Simply practice being completely empty, quiet and free. The state of pure unbounded consciousness is your natural state, one that should be maintained at all times. #3 - Experience your own Presence Just experiencing your own presence is a way to transcend the mind. Be patient with taming your mind. Any results from meditation practice may take from 3 days to 3 months to notice any shifts at all. If you have been "meditating" for years and feel you're not getting any benefit from it, your mind is still focusing and wandering. Try just being present to stillness. Down the road, your meditation practice will have great rewards, you'll be more centred in times of chaos, more able to manifest what you want physically, and more healthy emotionally, mentally and physically. The devotion to yourself and constant self-love will be well worth it for years to come. Through meditation you effectively restart your mind which has been running learning seminars for itself in the form of dreams to be better prepared for the next day. Meditation is something that can be done to pass the time and is extremely effective, the more you practice the more this state of mind and control of focus becomes second nature. This only needs to be done for a few minutes. If it's practiced regularly in times of waiting during the course of the day consider the following:
Sit for a moment and breathe with awareness. Remember that every person is breathing. Let your mind think and know that every person is thinking. Rather than expect your meditation to be motionless, just allow yourself to sit in comfort and let these natural movements of life remind you that you are a part of a whole humanity. Every movement and every thought can be a reminder to you that you and every other person is able to perceive life like this. Remember that we all share this wonderful power of awareness. This power of awareness is our most essential being.

Squats - Warming up the knees The legs are arguably the most important limbs in the body, for when it comes to movement they are what move the hands around your world. This means the knees will take a lot of strain during the day especially through a lot of strenuous movements. To warm up the knees for the course of the day nothing can beat the result of squats, they alone will provide a full range of movement to the knees. From the kneeling position of the praying stretch and only using your legs move to a squatted position. With legs shoulder width apart begin performing squats, moving the body up and down from the knees. 16 Squats in total is sufficient.

With the finishing of the last squat one will have completed the daily conditioning of the body to waking up into a state of fully awake awareness and readiness the mind and body was in the previous day before sleep. This should be practised daily without fail and should take no more then 10 minutes to complete.

Natural Training - Conditioning the body Conditioning the body is effectively preparing it for planned and unplanned strenuous movements that the body may have to endure through the daily current. When the body is conditioned it is known as physically fit, especially from the result of exercise; prepared for a specific use. It will exhibit a conditioned reflex when called upon, allowing the observer to preform certain tasks with relative ease. Conditioning develops muscle memory and through continuous practice and stimulus of the muscle memory the mind records the feelings of the action to the point where it is unconsciously competent. This means no thoughts are needed to perform the action as the observer knows they can complete it with relative ease. Natural training is one of the most important things to do in the daily cycle as it keeps you physically fit as well as giving you all the other health benefits mentioned at the beginning of this part. As Plato said; exercise preserves the healthy condition of the body, while lack of exercise destroys it. Natural training aims to train everything of the body from muscles, ligaments to tendons as well as general cardio vascular fitness, requiring little to no additional items to complete the routine. There are no weights, bars or benches, the only weight you lift is your own body weight. It then comes down to how many repetitions you want to do which trains certain types of exercise, developing different traits of the muscles. The following shows what each type does and how many reps are needed to train the muscle into that state.

Power - 3 reps Power is the explosive energy build up as a potential in the muscles, it is good for one time movements but these muscles will get fatigued quickly, a strategic one time release of energy can really change the odds in any combat situation. MMA fighters will train certain muscles for power. Strength - 8 reps Strength based muscles are between power and endurance, they endure longer then power based muscles but aren't as strong. Similarly they are more powerful than endurance based muscles but will not endure as long. Strength based muscles are a happy balance between the two. Hypertrophy - 12 reps Hypertrophy is where the muscles grow in size but not necessarily in strength, a lot of body builders will train hypertrophy as to them its how they look that counts. Hypertrophy trains endurance more then power. Most people train hypertrophic muscles. Endurance - 24 reps Endurance based muscles are designed to with stand long exposure to exercise releasing energy in a constant small amount over long periods of time. Long distance runners will want to train their muscles to endure.

Stretching This first step to any exercise is to warm up the body so that injury does not occur and that the muscles, ligaments and tendons already have Chi flowing nicely through them to allow for more to flow through once the actual exercise begins. Stretching is also one of the only ways to protect the ligaments and tendons, for anyone who weight trains and doesn't stretch they are effectively wearing away their joints. All these stretches should be held for at least 16 seconds or repeated for 16 reps, never bounce a stretch, pull it to the braking point and hold it.

Back - Sphinx, Figure 4, Bridge, Erector Spinae, Sky Diver - Sphinx - laying face down on the floor push your upper body upwards making sure to lift everything after your hips off the floor, they must remain touching the floor. - Figure 4 - cross your leg under your body, so that you are almost resting on your hip. Extend your other leg directly behind you, lower your upper body over your leg, placing your forearms on the ground in front of you, then switch sides. - Bridge - from a position laying on your back use your legs and hands to push your body into a bridge and hold. - Erector Spinae - while on hands and knees tuck your head down between your arms tucking it as far as it will go, this will extend the lower back, then swing your head up as high as it will go, this will compress your lower back. - Sky Diver - this is like half a bridge, while keeping your shoulder blades on the floor move your arms to out to the sides, push your hips as high as they can go and hold.

Legs - L Stretch, Sitting Touching Toes, Prone Quadricep, Laying Hamstring, Laying Glute, Seated Glute - L Stretch - Bring one leg sideways against the other while keeping that leg straight, reach down and pull the body towards the knee and hold. Repeat for the other leg. - Sitting Touching Toes - With your legs out together in front of you, hold your feet and move your body down to your knees, hold. - Prone Quadricep - While laying on your front hold one leg fully compressed against your body and hold. Repeat with the other leg. - Laying Hamstring - Lay on your back with one hand wrap your fingers around your toes and stretch your leg out straight in front of you and hold. Repeat for the other leg. - Laying Glute - Lay on your back and then hold one leg fully compressed to your body, hold. Repeat for the other leg. - Seated Glute - Sit down with your legs out in front of you, take one leg, bend it and place the foot on the other side of the opposite leg, then turn your body towards that leg using one arm to support you and the other to push against the bent leg. Hold. Repeat for the other leg.

Chest - Wall Assisted Pectoral - Wall Assisted Pectoral - Using a wall place one forearm at right angles against a wall and turn your body, hold. Repeat for the other arm.

Shoulders - Windmill, Rotator Cuff, Mini Windmill, Rotated Shrugs, Posterior Deltoid - Windmill - Rotate your arms forwards around your body 8x and then backwards 8x. - Rotator Cuff - Holding your arms out away from your body rotate them in a circular motion which twists just your rotator cuffs, do this 16x. - Mini Windmill - Same as windmill but with a radius closer to that of the rotator cuff stretch, 8x forwards and 8x back. - Rotated Shrugs - Rotate your shoulders in a shrugging motion 8x forwards and 8x backwards. - Posterior Deltoid - Holding one arm across your body hold for 16 seconds before repeating with the other arm.

Arms - Clinching, Rotate Wrists, Upside Down Bicep, V Tricep, Standing Bicep - Clinching - Hold out your arms in front of you and clinch your fingers tight and then release, repeat 16x. - Rotate Wrists - Hold out arms in front of you and rotate the wrists, 8x one direction and 8x the other. - Upside Down Bicep - Hold out one arm in front of you with the palm facing up, with the other hand hold that arm and effectively bend it back on itself. Hold and repeat on the other arm. - V Tricep - Take one arm and reach down the centre of your back holding the elbow with the other arm for 16 seconds, repeat on the other arm. - Standing Bicep - Hold both arms out to the side and then as far back as possible, hold for 16 seconds.

Neck - Up & Down, Side to Side, Rotation - Up and Down - Lift the head up and down pivoting from the neck, do this 16x. - Side to Side - Look as far left as possible then look as far right as possible without turning the body, do this 16x. - Rotation - Rotate the head from the neck 8x to the left and 8x to the right.

Face - AEIOU's - AEIOU's - This is to stretch the face, very simple, say A, E, I, O and U as strained as you can, repeating 16x. This concludes the stretching of the body ready for full exercise. If these stretches are all done properly not only will they help protect your joints but your body will also feel ready to be put through strain. You should literally warm up as the feeling of Chi flowing around you is felt. From this point you should not hesitate before starting the next stage of the conditioning.

Cardio - 5 miles of running with circuits between each mile Cardio vascular activity should follow stretching to begin training the muscles, there are many forms of cardio that one can do, any exercise which is movement powered by your own body - running, swimming, cycling, rowing, practically all sport is cardio vascular. The easiest to do is running. Running is tranquil, a form of meditation where your body is so engrossed in doing something rhythmically that your mind doesn't need to focus on anything. It allows you to clear you mind and work things out, it also helps diffuse stress and other ailments that can build up to make you ill. It is really easy to do and if you support your own upper body weight freeing the hips as well as swinging the arms to help move you along the path its dead simple and effective. Going on miles it is best not to over do the distance though it is up to you what you're aiming to train. As long as you train at least half an hour of constant raised heart rate you will receive benefits from the exercise. To start off with aim for 2/3 miles in half an hour but as you get more used to the exercise you may want to push to 5 miles in half an hour. For every mile of cardio one should add a set of full body exercises, these exercises work the whole body and can be a quick break from all the constant work. This is known as circuit training. Every mile do at least 10 reps on each exercise, by the end if you have done 3 miles you will have done at least 30 reps of each.

Full Body - Burpees, Mountain Climbs, Squat Jumps, Star Jumps - Burpees - From standing with arms by your sides and feet together move into a squat position with hands on the floor next to your feet, jump into a press up position by throwing your legs back while keeping hands in the same place. Then jump back to the squatted position before jumping up leading by the arms. This is one rep. - Mountain Climbs - Get onto hands and feet, while pushing one side of your body up, bring the other side down and repeat, it is almost like simulated climbing but on the floor instead of a vertical surface. Getting back to the starting position is one rep. - Squat Jumps - From standing hold your arms out in front of you and squat down, then jump up leading with arms and repeat. - Star Jumps - From standing with arms by your sides and feet together jump into a star position, legs shoulder width apart and hands up in the air off at 45 degree angles before jumping back to the starting position again, this is one rep.

Core - Crunches, Twisted Crunches, Ankle Taps, Dorsal Raises, Leg Climbs, Plank Your core is the most important part of your body to condition, as all movement begins from the core it is vital to make sure that its kept in top form. The following should be performed after a normal heart rate is achieved after the cardio. Do one set of 30 reps for each.

- Crunches - While laying on your back with legs crossed use your stomach to pull your chin to meet your knees. - Twisted Crunches - Same as crunches but your body twists meaning your right ear meets your left knee, then down and then left ear meets your right knee. - Ankle Taps - Laying on the ground with your legs bent so your feet meet your glutes swing from your hips so that you touch your ankle then the other ankle. - Dorsal Raises - These are like reverse sit ups, lay on your front and raise from the stomach keeping hips on the floor and then back down again. - Leg Climbs - While laying on the ground, raise one leg and do a crunch while reaching for your toes, repeat on the other leg. - Plank - Using the press up position hold it there for at least a minute.

Plyometrics Improving the functioning of the body Plyometrics is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. If you play basketball, you will be able to jump higher, if you run you will be able to run further, if you row you will be able to row harder for longer. Plyometrics works all the micro muscles in stretching and shortening exercises that combine strength and speed to achieve maximum power in functional movements. It is the most efficient form of conditioning for the body. The training is split into two focuses, the upper body and the lower body. Allow yourself to rest and return to a normal heart rate after any previous exercise before beginning plyometrics. There should be at least 2 sets of each focus at one time. Upper Body - Dips - Using a power station or two raised objects hold onto each object and lower your body until your arms are right angles to your body, then back up to being straight. - Wide Grip In front Pull ups - Putting your hands on a wide grip width pull up until your chin touches the bar and back down again. - Wide Grip Behind Pull ups - Putting your hands on a wide grip width pull up until the back of your neck reaches the bar and back down again. - Close Grip Pull ups - These are standard pull ups, hands facing away from you within shoulder width apart pull your chin to the bar and back down again. - Reverse Grip Pull ups - These are the same as standard pullups but your hands are facing towards you, pull your chin up to the bar and back down again. - Bear Paw Push ups - These are standard push ups, arms shoulder width apart keeping your body straight let your body go down to the floor so your nose is touching and back up again. - Clapping Push ups - Exactly the same as standard push ups but on the rise back up push off the ground, clap and replace your hands in the same position before going back down again. - Staggered Push ups - With one hand above where it would normally be placed and the other below, go down, on the push up swap positions so the hand that was higher is now lower and the lower hand is now higher. - Close Grip Push ups - Same as standard push ups but with your hands positioned within shoulder width apart, go down and push back up.

Lower Body - Single Leg Hops 1. Start by standing on one leg with your hands on your waist or at your sides. 2. Proceed to hop while maintaining your balance. 3. Repeat continuously. - Squat Jumps 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position. 2. Arms should be in the ready" position with elbows flexed at approximately 90. 3. Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground and immediately explode upwards vertically and drive arms up. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum. 4. Land on both feet. Rest for 1-2 seconds and repeat Prior to take off extend the ankles to their maximum range to ensure proper mechanics. - Split Squat Jumps 1. Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of back foot. 2. Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position. 3. Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor then immediately explode vertically. 4. Switch feet in the air so that the back foot lands forward and vice versa. Prior to take off extend the ankles to their maximum range ensure proper mechanics. - Tuck Jumps 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides. 2. Jump up bringing knees up to chest. 3. Land on balls of feet and repeat immediately. 4. Remember to reduce ground contact time by landing soft on feet and springing into air. - Single Leg Lateral Hops 1. Start by standing on one leg with your hands on your waist or at your sides. 2. Proceed to hop to the side while maintaining your balance and hop back to the starting position. 3. You can place a rope on the ground or any object on the ground. The object can be small in size and height or large to increase difficulty. 4. Repeat continuously. - Single Leg Tuck Jumps This is the same as the tuck jump exercise above only one leg is used. Upon landing another jump is performed immediately with minimal ground contact time and with the same leg for the desired number of repetitions. This is repeated for the other leg after a rest period. Single leg plyometric exercises are typically more advanced and require greater strength and balance. They are suitable for sports were a take off is completed on one leg.

- Zig-Zag Hops 1. Stand to the left of an agility ladder or similar object approximately 1-2 feet away. 2. Forcefully push off both feet and land the on the other side of the ladder. 3. Repeat and land feet back on the other side, continue repeating and so on down the ladder. 4. Do not "double hop" upon each landing and keep ground contact time to a minimum. - Jump to Box 1.Stand facing box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. 2.Lower body into a semi-squat position and immediately jump up onto box. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum. 3. Feet should land softly on box. Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat. - Lateral Jump to Box 1. Stand side on to box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. 2. Lower body into a semi-squat position and jump up onto box. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum. 3. Feet should land softly on box. Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat. - Lateral Box Push off 1. Stand to side of box and place the left foot on top of box. 2. Push off the box using the left leg only and explode vertically as high as possible. Drive the arms forward and up for maximum height. 3. Land with right foot on the box and left foot on the ground to the other side of the box. 4. Repeat from this side. - Lateral Hurdle Jumps 1. Stand beside object to be cleared. 2. Bring knees up and jump vertically but also laterally off ground and over the barrier. 3. Land on both feet and immediately jump the other direction over barrier. 4. Try not to pause between jumps or sink down into a squat position. - Depth Jumps 1. Stand on box with toes close to edge, feet shoulder width apart. 2. Step off (do not jump off) box and land on both feet. Immediately jump up as high as possible and reach up with both hands towards. The jump should be vertical with no horizontal movement. 3. Ground contact time should be short. Landing should be soft. Note: Start with a box height of 30cm (12in). Intensity can be increased by gradually increasing the box height to a maximum of 107cm (42in) but this is only for experienced athletes with a substantial strength training background.

Exercise Routine Now that the basic exercises have been listed it is possible to place all of them into a routine. Below is a table which when printed out becomes easy to remember what exactly needs doing. Stretching
- Sphinx - Figure 4 - Bridge - Erector Spinae - Sky Diver - L Stretch - Butterfly - Sitting Touching Toes - Prone Quadricep - Kneeling Quadricep - Laying Hamstring - Standing Hamstring - Laying Glute - Seated Glute - Wall Assisted Pectoral - Windmill - Rotator Cuff - Mini Windmill - Rotated Shrugs - Posterior Deltoid - Clinching - Rotate Wrists - Upside Down Bicep - V Tricep - Standing Bicep - Up & Downs - Side to Sides - Rotation - AEIOU's

Cardio & Circuit

- Burpees - Mountain Climbs - Squat Jumps - Star Jumps

- Crunches - Twisted Crunches - Ankle Taps - Dorsal Raises - Leg Climbs - Plank

Plyo Upper Focus

- Dips - Wide Grip In front Pull ups - Wide Grip Behind Pull ups - Close Grip Pull ups - Reverse Grip Pull ups - Bear Paw Push ups - Clapping Push ups - Staggered Push ups - Close Grip Push ups

Plyo Lower Focus

- Single Leg Hops - Squat Jumps - Split Squat Jumps - Tuck Jumps - Single Leg Lateral Hops - Single Leg Tuck Jumps - Zig-Zag Hops - Jump to Box - Lateral Jump to Box - Lateral Box Push off - Lateral Hurdle Jumps - Depth Jumps

External Cleanse - Cleaning the body Cleansing the body is a daily need, if the body is not cleansed sufficiently then dirt can build up, warranting unwanted bodily odours, conditions and waste. The body excretes waste through the skin by perspiration or sweating and letting the salts out by opening the pores. A lot of the body's waste comes out during exercise as sweat not only acts as a way to cool the body down but carries unwanted products with it up to the surface. Most of this will not evaporate and so needs removed with the aid of a shower or bath. This should happen at least once a day, before breakfast and definitely after exercise. The external cleanse is the last step in naturally conditioning the body.

Days Off Rebuilding the body Exercising the body is the only way to build muscles and help condition it into peak shape, but unless one takes rest days you could be in danger of burnout, injury and even illness. Too much of anything is bad and too much exercise without adequate rest is also bad. The body needs time after it has been ripped in order to repair itself to be stronger and faster. If you forgo this balancing act then you jeopardise your whole bodily system. Generally a ratio of 3:1 works well for most although through the conditioning explained in this book the ratio is 5:2. This works for most people as on the weekends it isn't just a time of rest from exercise but from work as well. Resting the mind, body and soul on the same days will have huge benefits for your recovery times. If you go back to exercising and you find that you have continual micro injuries or find it harder each day they are signs you are doing too much. The body needs to be trained, one can't just start doing all this exercise without a gradual approach. Each week add more to what you do and start off small, it will at first be a shock to the system that exercise is happening at all if it is used to next to none. Eventually build up and maintain your level of routine but always aim to go bigger and faster in the coming weeks otherwise your body may get used to the exercise and will not longer be improving but plateauing. This for most people is known as the level they want to reach. Physiotherapy Rehabilitating the body Should you acquire injuries to the body, no matter how severe, one should immediately start physiotherapy in place of the normal routine. Generally when things go wrong they require the R.I.C.E. approach. This stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Unless the injury is serious like a broken leg, this should be the start on the course of most people's rehab. As soon as you can you must start training the body to be back to peak fitness, forgo the usual routine and replace it with an intense physio workout of micro movements. Aim to get the damaged part of the body in question first to the range of movement it had prior to injury and then back to where it was in terms of strength or endurance before injury. Sleep - Shutting down both body and mind Sleep is an essential part to living, it is necessary, not only for the body's repair mechanism but for training the mind for future situations. Dreams prepare us for moments of extreme feeling such as fear, they also help the mind work out any problems it has encountered during the day. One needs sleep, if you become sleep deprived through lack of sufficient sleep then you weaken your immune system and impair your mental cognitive abilities. It may also take time before you have caught up. Sleep, exercise and nutrition need to all be kept in balance. If this is achieved it will allow you to sleep anywhere under any condition where both your mind and body switch off simultaneously. If one has trouble sleeping it is because the above is out

of balance, if you force the routine the body will adapt back to a regular schedule. If you have too little sleep one night, force the routine and expect to have more the next night. If you have too much sleep, again force the routine and expect little sleep the next night. Don't eat within 4 hours of sleeping and try wind down your day in that time period to. For example exercise should not be attempted and excretion plus any cleansing should be taken care of. If you still have trouble sleeping the best thing to do is meditate focusing on breath until you fall asleep.

Visualisation - Manifesting for the path ahead This power is the strongest thing you can do - create for the path ahead by focusing on only the goals you want to achieve. Imagine what it would be like to have it already and really feel the feelings as if you do have it already - create a belief structure of believing you have it already and before you know it you will have it. Never focus on the 'how' just on the 'what', run through your head the events you see happening once you've achieved the 'what'. Really feel the feelings you will feel when you have it and you will attract that which you feel into your life. This practice will help manifest the universe in the way you desire and also send you to sleep pretty quickly regardless of circumstances. To help this process it is a good idea to create a visualisation board of the things you would like, cut them out of any and every place you can or where ever you can find an image of what you want. This will help you remember what it is your focusing on and maintain constant manifesting. This power can be used anywhere and everywhere, it is especially powerful before doing anything physical, when you dont focus on the how and instead on the what, you no longer worry about things going wrong. Instead you focus purely on the goal/objective and the Universe will unfold around you to make it happen, this nearly always happens in ways you never expect which makes it extremely fun!

~Well Being Quick List~

Waking - Super stretch - Surya Namaskar - Assume corpse posture - Visualisation & appreciation - Praying stretch - Meditation - 16 squats before officially starting the day Conditioning - Cardio plus circuit exercises - Core exercises - External cleanse Breakfast Lunch - Stretch the required parts of the body - Upper Plyo | Lower Plyo | Sports Specific Training | General Exercise - External cleanse Diner Sleep

- Sphinx - Figure 4 - Bridge - Erector Spinae - Sky Diver - L Stretch - Butterfly - Sitting Touching Toes - Prone Quadricep - Kneeling Quadricep - Laying Hamstring - Standing Hamstring - Laying Glute - Seated Glute - Wall Assisted Pectoral - Windmill - Rotator Cuff - Mini Windmill - Rotated Shrugs - Posterior Deltoid - Clinching - Rotate Wrists - Upside Down Bicep - V Tricep - Standing Bicep - Up & Downs - Side to Sides - Rotation

Cardio & Circuit

- Burpees - Mountain Climbs - Squat Jumps - Star Jumps

- Crunches - Twisted Crunches - Ankle Taps - Dorsal Raises - Leg Climbs - Plank

Plyo Upper Focus

- Dips - Wide Grip In front Pull ups - Wide Grip Behind Pull ups - Close Grip Pull ups - Reverse Grip Pull ups - Bear Paw Push ups - Clapping Push ups - Staggered Push ups - Close Grip Push ups

Plyo Lower Focus

- Single Leg Hops - Squat Jumps - Split Squat Jumps - Tuck Jumps - Single Leg Lateral Hops - Single Leg Tuck Jumps - Zig-Zag Hops - Jump to Box - Lateral Jump to Box - Lateral Box Push off - Lateral Hurdle Jumps - Depth Jumps


Sleep Sleep 6-8 hours solid everyday. Get up when you wake up and dont lie in. Catch up on any sleep missed but never sleep more than 10 hours at one time. Try not to sleep less than 4 hours at a time, this is the minimum. The faster you get up, the faster you fall asleep. Rest from work For every hour working you should have 20 minutes rest so if you work 8 hours you should have 2 hours 40 minutes away from work. This can be done during or after, no matter which you must be in an evironment away from work for example in a staff room away from your work desk. Rest from training For every type of physical activity done in a day you should have the next two days following off from that type of physical activity. Dont do two or more days of the same activity, vary what you do. A routine week can then brake down into; 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off. Physio As soon as the injury happens initiate R.I.C.E. Rest the injury between 1-3 days depending on severity. Repetitive minimal movements working up to 5 sets of 16 up to 3 times a day. Start with own weight before using added weight or a theraband.

-----PART VII----~Ill-Health~
Health is defined as the condition in which a person is free from illness or injury in both mental and physical well being. Ill-health then is any condition where by a person suffers from illness or injury. There are many types of illnesses from the acute to chronic that are rampant in our society today. It is believed by modern medicine that they are all caused by bacteria, germs and viruses. Although bad bacteria, germs and viruses can in fact transmit illness and disease into the body, it is instead the state of the bodys defense system, known as the immune system that is the deciding factor as to whether a person will get ill. In most cases germs and bad bacteria are a result of illness, toxins flushed from the body of an ill person, rather than the cause. Bad immune system is the result of a lack in sleep, exercise or correct diet. When a person lacks one or more of these factors the balance within the body suffers and so the immune system weakens failing to fight off conditions that allow the body to suffer from illness or disease. In any case the conditions for the body to be in a state of Illness or disease is primarily the reduction of strength in the bodys immune system and secondarily is the result of the body suffering from one or more of the following: Build up of Toxic Chemicals Nutritional Deficiencies Electromagnetic Chaos Stress This is true across every disease and illness out there, regardless of how deadly or infecting the disease or illness is. If the body has a strong immune system from a correct balance of exercise, sleep and good diet then the body would not be full of toxins, would not be nutritionally deficient, would not be exposed to electromagnetic chaos and was not stressed then the conditions for disease are not present therefore the body is free from illness and disease. All disease and illness can be avoided through the following: Correcting the balance of food, sleep and exercise Removing toxins that have built up in the body Preventing toxins from entering the body Handling and addressing nutritional deficiencies Neutralizing electromagnetic chaos Reducing stress

Correcting the balance of food, sleep and exercise

Finding balance in the intake of correct food, the amount of sleep and amount of exercise one does is key to maintaining a healthy immune system, allowing the body to stay away from conditions for illness and disease. An example of correct diet and a routine to keep this balance can be found in the last section. The body naturally and subconsciously keeps itself in a state of balance and attempts to do so regardless of how well you as the pilot maintain the balance of food, sleep and exercise. This is known as homeostasis and is the ability of a system or living organism to adjust its internal environment to maintain a stable equilibrium including temperature, chemistry, blood pressure, sleep, alertness, and so on despite variations in the environment. For example, a high level of carbon dioxide in the blood will increase breath rate. When energy gets low, we feel hungry and eat, this brings energy levels back up until our body exhausts that supply, and then we eat again. The regulation of the pH of the Blood at 7.365 and blood glucose with insulin and glucagon are the most important factors when it comes to health. When the bodys pH becomes acidic the conditions for practically every illness can be met and should the Immune system be affected it would not be difficult for the body to become infected with disease. In a condition of alkalinity the conditions for illness and disease cannot be met and therefore the body cannot become infected. Further more if you already have an illness or disease, returning the body to this state is the only way to fight off ill health. This is why an ill person will attempt to get more rest or sleep, eat good food increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals to feel better. Blood glucose is the other key factor for health. When a body becomes insulin deficient or cells become insulin resistant, diabetes occurs which is a forerunner to other illnesses as well as a significant increase in the bodys aging process. In short too much sugar sets the body up with an increase risk in illness as it helps to create an acidic blood pH and therefore an acidic internal environment. Many diseases are a result of disturbance to homeostasis, a condition known as homeostatic imbalance. This gradually results in an unstable acidic environment increasing the risk for illness, for physical changes associated with aging and even death.

Removing toxins that have built up in the body

Toxins are poisonous to the body and have been found to be included in practically everything from vaccines, nonprescription and prescription drugs, the air we breathe, the water we shower, bathe, swim in, drink, and all the chemicals put in the food supply. They also include toxins from carpeting, paint, cosmetics, makeup, soaps, lotions, and sunscreens. They even come from things as simple as nonstick cookware. The bottom line is if you are unaware of the causes of toxic buildup in the body you will have loaded your body with toxins in massive amounts and some of these toxins do not leave the body fully. They stay in the fatty tissues; they stay in the organs; they stay in the colon, intestine and throughout your entire body. They are causing your illness and disease; they are suppressing your immune system. If you want to prevent disease you must clean these toxins out. Correct your diet Eating the right things in the right amount at the right times is the first step to removing toxins in your body as it begins to give the body the ability to nourish itself and fight back against elements and compounds which would otherwise damage the body. Drink eight full glasses of pure water daily. Drinking around eight glasses of water a day helps to flush the system and serves to nourish the body, keeping it hydrated and pH balanced. As the body is 70% water it is a good idea to regulate the replacement of this water. However this water must be clean. Tap water is loaded with chlorine and chlorine by-products that scars the arteries and causes heart disease. Most tap water also has fluoride, which is one of the most poisonous and disease causing agents you can put in your body. Do not drink or use tap water for any reason except for washing your floor. Get a colonic. Right now as you read this there is an excellent chance that you have between three and fifteen pounds of undigested fecal matter stuck in your colon. This waste matter is highly toxic, suppressing your immune system, potentially causing gas, bloating and constipation, dramatically reducing the assimilation of nutrients, and slowing your metabolism. Getting a colonic is one of the most important first steps in cleansing and detoxifying your body. Your hair, skin, and nails begin to radiate and glow with health. Your energy levels can skyrocket, depression, stress, anxiety and fatigue are usually dramatically reduced or eliminated. Food cravings are reduced or vanish completely. Walk one hour a day. People are exercising more than ever before, but the amount of walking has dramatically decreased. The body is designed to walk. Walking outside reduces stress, stimulates the lymphatic system, promotes a thin, lean body, and walking while looking at the world eliminates depression and dramatically reduces stress. Stretch the muscles and tendons in your body. If your body is supple and flexible, energy easily flows and blockages do not occur. When energy flows it is hard for illness and disease to take hold and manifest. Yoga, Pilates or martial arts encourages stretching on a regular basis. Every morning you should stretch, throughout the day you should stretch, doing so feels so good. Practice deep breathing. Your lungs need to be used. Due to stress levels, most people breathe from high up in their chests. If you watch a baby breathe naturally you will notice that they breathe fully and deeply. Their stomach and diaphragm expand as well as their entire chest and back. Deep breathing every day stimulates the

immune system, increases metabolism, reduces stress, and brings vital oxygen into the body. Most people are oxygen deficient. Increasing oxygen to the cells can eliminate a multitude of diseases. Cancer, for example, cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment. Exercise and sweat regularly. Your body is supposed to sweat. It is a very natural way to eliminate toxins. If you don't sweat, toxins build up in the system. A good way to do this is through exercise that has huge health benefits for the body including promoting cell regeneration, optimizing the digestion cycle as well as balancing homeostasis allowing the food you eat and the sleep you have to optimize as well. Give yourself a dry brush massage daily. Doing this exfoliates the skin allowing toxins to come out of the skin at least once a day. This is literally a two-minute job. Get a full-body Swedish deep tissue massage on a regular basis. The benefits of massage are reflected in the circulatory system, digestive system, muscular system, nervous system, respiratory system, lymphatic system, integumentary system and the skeletal system. It improves the body in nearly every way, relieves pain, realigns the joints and allows energy to flow properly around the body. It is recommended you get as many as you can as often as you can. Do tai chi. Tai chi is a series of flowing movements designed to center oneself, relieve stress, increase energy flow, increase flexibility and strength, and promote health and well- being. It is a reset of the body and opens up channels allow energy to flow. Get "specialised treatments" as needed. There are a range of treatments, detoxes and cleansing products and programs out there that a normal doctor would steer you away from as all these things have not been proven to directly cure disease or illness. Instead these things indirectly cure them and are powerful tools in terms of becoming healthy. Should you follow this whole section and you had your homeostasis balanced between right food, right exercise and right sleep then there would be no need for cleanses, detoxes or specialised treatments. To help you get to this point quicker and when it is needed these things should be tried.

Preventing Toxins from Entering the Body

Removing toxins from the body is the best way to become healthy but it is futile unless you prevent toxins from reentering the body and filling your system again. Toxins come from many areas of our lives and from things we least expect, stopping these toxins from entering the body will stop the cause of symptoms and diseases. They also have a profound affect at changing your body's pH from acidic to alkaline. Doing these things can in fact cure your illness and disease because doing these recommendations actually stop what is causing your disease. Making these changes can cause your symptoms to vanish. You must keep in mind that it has taken you years and years to develop your symptoms and disease. They didn't develop overnight, and if you stop putting the toxins in the symptoms are not going to vanish necessarily overnight, although in some cases they do. Generally, it takes weeks or months for the symptoms to slowly diminish and vanish. Do not eat any food produced or sold by a publicly traded corporation. If it comes in any massed produced packaging, which means it came from a mass production processing plant. There are over 15,000 chemicals that are routinely put into the food in the processing cycle that do not have to be listed on the label. Even if you read the ingredient list on the package, there is an excellent chance that the food itself has been produced with chemicals and chemicals have been added leading to toxicity. If you buy something in a box, jar, can, or package, buy something that was produced by hand in a small facility, look for the words "100% organic" and read the ingredient list. Do not be deceived by the words all-natural," "fat free," "sugar free," "low in carbs," "light," "healthy," etc. Get all metal out of your dental work. It is vitally important that you do this for two reasons, firstly any metal work is a long term poison on the body and secondly your teeth link to the rest of your body, damaging your teeth can lead to referred pain in other parts of your body. Removing dental work can sometimes have immediate effects on illness and disease. Stop smoking. Smoking is a horrible practice that leads to and causes all kinds of health disorders. So many harmful chemicals go into cigarettes including substances such as cadmium, benzene, ammonia, acetone and arsenic to name a few. They are highly addictive and a huge health hazard, worst of all they are legal making it very difficult to quit. The key is to tell yourself you dont need them and fight every cigarette, one at a time. Don't drink tap water. All tap water is poisonous. Virtually all tap water is loaded with contaminants, toxins, poisons, and known cancer causing agents including deadly fluoride and chlorine. Drinking tap water causes illness and disease. You must drink water. However, the water must be pure. Bottled spring water (some bottled spring waters are purer than others), water filtered using reverse-osmosis, and water purified through steam distillation, are all better options than tap water.

Buy and use a shower filter. You absorb more toxins by taking one shower than by drinking eight glasses of water. Your skin absorbs the water from your shower or bath. A hot shower produces steam and that turns many of the chemicals in the water into poisonous gases. These gases are inhaled or absorbed through the skin. A good shower filter removes most of the toxins in the water. Eat only 100% organic food. You want to eat food that has not been grown with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Organic food has no chemical poison residue and has much higher amounts of nutrients. This is the food our ancestors evolved on, it should be no difference for us. Do not eat in fast-food restaurants. Fast food is some of the most nutritionally deficient and chemically loaded "food" on the planet. If you eat fifteen meals per week in a fast-food restaurant, you have a 90 percent chance of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, acid reflux, obesity, and potentially dozens of other diseases. Avoid fast food at all costs. Do not eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven. When you microwave anything it becomes energetically toxic to the body. Eating microwaved food on a regular basis (this includes food that is being reheated in the microwave) weakens your immune system and causes depression and anxiety. Eliminate aspartame and monosodium glutamate. Aspartame goes by NutraSweet(r). Both aspartame and MSG are classified as excitotoxins. Aspartame is responsible for many distressing medical problems, ranging from headaches and memory loss to hyperactivity in children and seizure disorders. Monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and similar substances cause harm to the brain and nervous system, and can cause Alzheimer's, Lou Gherig's disease, depression, MS, and more. MSG is a major cause of treatable and preventable illnesses such as headaches, asthma, epilepsy, heart irregularities, depression, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Do not eat artificial sweeteners (including Splenda). Artificial sweeteners are man-made chemicals. They are poisons and should never be consumed. They cause all kinds of health problems. Use raw organic honey, organic raw evaporated sugarcane juice, or the herb stevia. Do not drink diet sodas. Diet sodas are addictive and will actually make you gain weight as well as make you depressed, this is due to the artificial sweeteners used, such as aspartame. If you want a soda, ideally, get an organic soda from your health food store. The idea that diet sodas have fewer calories, thus are good for weight control, is a lie. The exact opposite is true. All carbonated drinks block calcium absorption. Do not eat hydrogenated oil. This is classified as a trans fat. Hydrogenated oils are man-made products. They are toxic poisons. More importantly, they attack the artery walls and cause heart disease. They also attack the liver, spleen, intestine, kidneys, and gallbladder, causing the internal organs to operate much less efficiently. The bad news is that hydrogenated oil is in virtually every product you buy. The good news is that if you shop at a health food or whole food store, and if you read the labels, you can find many of the products you buy now without hydrogenated oil. Stay away from hydrogenated oils and trans fats at all costs.

Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products. Today's milk, cheeses and other dairy products are radically different in nutritional value and chemical composition than they were fifty years ago. Raw milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized, that came from a cow that was organically raised, was free-roaming, grass fed, and not given antibiotic or growth hormone injections, will affect the body much differently than milk coming from a genetically modified cow that has been given antibiotic and growth hormone injections, never allowed to roam, is fed chemically laced growth enhancing feed, and has been pasteurized and homogenized. The standard supermarket variety of milk and dairy products are very unhealthy. Homogenization makes the dairy products scar the arteries in your body and is a leading cause of heart disease. Organic raw, unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk, cheese and dairy products are incredibly healthy. Use only toothpaste with no fluoride. Fluoride suppresses the immune system and slows down response around the body specifically in mental activity and muscular activity. It is added to water and other products to slow down the population reducing the ability to stand up and fight back change when it is imposed without agreement. As proof of this it is forbidden for fighter pilots to ingest fluoride before flying purely because of the reduction of reactions. Do not use nonstick cookware. When nonstick cookware is heated to a high temperature it emits toxic fumes that can kill a small animal such as a bird! These toxic fumes, when inhaled by humans, lead to respiratory disease, weakening of the immune system, cancer, depression, asthma, headaches, and a multitude of other health problems. Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry. Any meat or poultry that is not organic and kosher is incredibly toxic. Many conventional meat and poultry products are sprayed with dangerous chemicals to kill bacteria. Some are irradiated, wiping out the natural life force energy and most are injected with growth hormones and other products during the animals lifetime that results in toxic meat, being highly toxic to humans. Chicken, duck, lamb, beef, and goat are all fine as long as it is organic and kosher. Do not eat farm raised fish. Companies produce farm raised fish to make a profit. Farm raised fish are given unnatural feed and can be highly toxic compared to their natural wild counterparts. Stay away from any fish that has been farm raised. Do not eat pork. Remember, you are what you eat. Pork is a highly toxic diseased food. A pig eats anything in its path, including its own feces. Whatever it eats turns to meat on its bones in a few hours. All pork products are laced with disease and viruses. It is toxic and unhealthy. The human body virtually goes into toxic shock by consuming pork. Massive amounts of blood and energy go to the stomach and intestines to help breakdown and digest this toxic material. Pork is never fully digested in the human body; however, the human digestive system works nonstop in overdrive for up to eighteen hours attempting to neutralize and digest pork. Eliminating pork, or at least reducing it dramatically, can have a profound impact on your health and sense of well-being. Do not eat shellfish. More people are allergic to shellfish than any other food on the planet. More people get sick from eating shellfish than any other food. More people die from eating shellfish than any other food. Any fish that does not have scales and fins should be avoided. This includes clams, mussels, shrimp, lobster,

crab, squid, eel, catfish, shark, etc. The fish must have scales and fins. fish with scales and fins do not absorb the toxins in the water as readily as sea creatures that do not have both scales and fins. All sea creatures that do not have scales and fins are loaded with toxins and should be avoided. If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin. Your skin is the largest organ in the body. Whatever you put on your skin goes into the body. Many of the things we put on our skin from antiperspirants, moisturizing lotions, cosmetics, insect repellents, sunscreens, and perfumes are so poisonous that if you put them in your mouth you would die within minutes. If you can't eliminate everything at least reduce the amount of poison you put on your skin. Get an air purifier. The air in your house is most assuredly not pure and clean. You live, work, and sleep in an environment where the air is flat-out unhealthy. It is recommended you place an air purifier in your home, your work space, and most importantly, your bedroom. Since you are breathing all night long, it would be a good idea to be breathing the cleanest, purest air you can. There are hundreds of various types of air filters and air purifiers on the market. Some are so good that they can also eliminate all the black mold that is causing illness in many homes today. A quick inexpensive way to replace the air in the home is to open all windows for an hour or so around the home. Use only nontoxic 100-percent organic cleaning supplies. Cleaning products used in the home have been proven to be a leading cause of cancer in children. The cleaning products you use do, in fact, suppress the immune system and cause disease. This occurs by inhaling the fumes or through contact with the skin. Do not drink canned or bottled juice. All canned or bottled juice you buy in the store has been pasteurized causing it to be toxic to the body. The filtering and processing used in the manufacturing of juice increases and concentrates the amount of toxic chemicals in the product. Drink only fresh juice made with 100-percent organic ingredients. Do not use sun block. This is one of the greatest frauds in history. The sun does not cause cancer. Sun block has been shown to cause cancer. The ingredients in sun block are now strongly believed to be the number one cause of skin cancer. You don't want to get sunburnt, so wear a hat or cover your body with light clothing. The sun is healthy for you and the sun should be on your skin. Do not take vitamins. Many companies selling vitamins are only doing so to make money. There are many grades of individual vitamins. Most companies use the cheapest grades available. These inexpensive "vitamins" in many cases are chemically produced and are not natural. If you were eating the correct diet your body would be packed with the vitamins you are trying to supplement. Do not use antiperspirants or deodorants. Antiperspirants and deodorants contain deadly poisons, most notably aluminum. These poisons are being put on the skin close to the lymph nodes. Anything absorbed in the skin from the armpit gets picked up by the lymph system and first travels to the breasts. A major cause of breast cancer in women is the use of these poisonous products. A healthy person should not have an offending odor. Do not eat white processed sugar. Table sugar, is grown with dangerous chemicals, processed, stripped of all its nutritional value and heated, destroying any living vitality that it had. White sugar is a product that has such powerful

adverse affects on the body it could be classified as a drug. Real, unprocessed, raw, evaporated cane juice, which is real sugar, is good for you. White sugar is poison. Do not eat white processed flour. White processed flour is similar to white sugar. It comes from grain that has been chemically treated in the growing process, stripped of all its natural fiber and nutrients, and chemically bleached to make it a pretty white. White flour mixed with water makes paste. You use it to make paper-mache. It turns hard as a rock. That's what happens when you eat it. It is an unnatural product that the body does not know how to digest. It has little nutritional value, no life force, spikes your insulin, and causes constipation. Use organic whole grain flour that has been minimally processed, or buy organic grains and grind them yourself. Eat nothing that says " fat free" or sugar free on the label. Food companies want you to buy their products. "Fat free" does not mean "healthy." When you see "fat free" on the label, be assured that the company is trying to deceive you. Sugar free means the product is laced with artificial sweeteners. Do not eat " food bars." Food bars are man-made products filled with chemicals to provide, first and foremost, good taste. They are highly processed and should be avoided. Do not eat diet or protein shakes. Like food bars, these are produced by companies whose goal is to make them taste great using the cheapest ingredients possible. With rare exception they should be avoided at all costs. Stay away from hot tubs, steam rooms and swimming pools. Swimming pools and hot tubs are filled with water that is loaded to excess with chlorine. Chlorine is a deadly poisonous chemical. People think swimming in a pool or relaxing in a hot tub is healthy. The exact opposite is true. It suppresses your immune system, dries your skin, and loads your body with high amounts of chlorine, scarring the arteries and leading to heart disease. The steam pouring into the steam room is from regular tap water that is loaded with toxic poisons and contaminants. A steam room is, in fact, a poisonous gas chamber and incredibly unhealthy. However swimming is excellent for you in the ocean or a lake. Eliminate air fresheners. Ideally, don't spray anything in the air; don't use solid air fresheners or the plug-in variety. All you are doing is putting toxic chemicals in the air. Use 100% organic essential oils or air purification systems to eliminate offensive odors. Alternatively open a window. Eliminate fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lighting makes you tired and weakens your immune system. Get rid of all florescent lighting and replace it with full spectrum lighting. Full spectrum lighting is very similar to natural sunlight, and can have incredible health benefits, the most notable being increased energy and alleviation of depression. Reduce or eliminate air conditioning. Most general air conditioning is simply not healthy. Air conditioning units as a general rule make the air unnatural, thus unhealthy. Use air conditioning less and you will see a decrease in the amount of colds and flus you come down with.

Avoid dry cleaning. The chemicals in dry cleaning are toxic poisons. Putting them on your skin increases risk of dozens of diseases. Avoid alcohol. If you are going to drink beer and wine, make it yourself with pure organic ingredients. Beer and wine are not unhealthy; however, the chemicals on the grapes, the hops, and other ingredients get into the final product. The heat used in processing kills the beneficial living enzymes. It is much better, however, to drink beer or wine than sodas or canned or bottled juice.

Handling and addressing nutritional deficiencies

Removing toxicities from the body is the first step to steering away from ill health but it is only half the work to moving the body into an alkalinic state. The other side of the coin is to address the nutritional deficiencies of the compounds the body relies on to function at an optimal level. The main reason you are nutrient deficient is because of the way food is grown and processed as well as prepared, striping much of the nutritional value in the food. It is vitally important that you understand that many, if not all diseases are caused at least in part by nutritional deficiencies that stand to upset the bodys homeostasis. Becoming nutrionally deficient causes an acidic environment within the body, this paths the way for all illness and disease to take a hold of the body. Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables. You don't have to be a vegetarian to be healthy. There is no real, convincing evidence that vegetarians are healthier or live longer than people who eat animal products. However, the healthiest people absolutely eat a large amount of fresh, organic, raw, uncooked fruits and vegetables. If you were to do just one thing, I would tell you to eat four pieces of fresh fruit per day and two big raw salads full of vegetables. If you changed nothing else in your diet, but just added those two things, many medical conditions would disappear. Ideally, the fruits and vegetables should be organic and uncooked, but cooked non-organic fruits and vegetables are better than none at all. Buy a juice machine and use it. Drinking three to four glasses of fresh juice gives your body a huge amount of living enzymes, as well as vitamins and minerals in the natural state and in the proportion that nature intended. Eat raw organic nuts and seeds. Raw means uncooked. Stay away from roasted and salted nuts and seeds. Ideally, buy them in the shell, they retain more nutrients. There is tremendous life force in nuts and seeds. They are great to snack on throughout the day. Get natural sunlight. Go for a walk in the sun! Your body needs sunlight. Do not use sunglasses or sun screens. The sun enters through the eyes and stimulates energy in the entire body. Thirty minutes a day, minimum, in the sun promotes incredible health benefits. Solar energy from sun can be very alkalising to the body; it reduces depression and strengthens your immune system. Eat an organic apple a day. It's true, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, this is a "natural cure" for dozens of various diseases. It is in fact a super-food. Take coral calcium. Coral Calcium is a naturally occurring source of calcium and other trace minerals. Calcium helps maintain healthy bones and teeth as well as improve muscle and nerve function. Take all-natural Vitamin E. Taking all-natural Vitamin E can prevent heart disease, eliminate varicose veins, improve sexual performance, reduce or alleviate depression, and a whole host of other disorders. Drink the "magic juices."

The juices are noni, goji, mangosteen, aloe vera, and acai berry. These juices are convenient and provide you with super nutrition as well as help detoxify and cleanse the body. Take a whole food supplement daily. Whole food supplements are not synthetic vitamins and minerals. They are "concentrated real food". They contain nutrients, living enzymes, life force energy, in the exact proportion that nature intended. Whole food supplements include chorella, blue-green algae, spirulina, royal jelly, and other types of concentrated whole herbs, plants, dehydrated juices, and/or sprouts. Nutritional deficiencies cause disease. Having the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and cofactors allows your body to operate as it was designed and can prevent and cure almost all disease including cancer. Eat raw organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen. Raw organic bee products and honey are super nutritious foods. Royal jelly, for example, has the highest percentage of components that defy chemical analysis. What this means is there are nutrients in royal jelly that have not been discovered by science. This is why eating food in its most natural raw state is so important. These foods are some of the most nutritious and healing on the planet. Eating local honey will cure hay fever. Get an oxygen water cooler. For a variety of reasons, your body is deficient in oxygen. Increasing the amount of oxygen in the body to the level where it should be alkalises the body and creates an environment where disease cannot exist. One of the best ways to add oxygen into the body is through water. A water cooler that adds oxygen when the water is dispensed will give you an immediate rush of energy and increased vitality. Use organic sea salt. Regular table salt is poison. Sea salt is infinitely better for you. This one small change can also make you lose between five and ten pounds in the first thirty days. Take an omega-3 supplement. Lack of omega-3s has been specifically linked to a host of illnesses and diseases including depression. Eat snacks. Don't go hungry, eat snacks in between meals if you are hungry. However, the definition of a healthy snack is organic apples, pears, or other type of organic fruit, organic raw nuts and seeds, organic raw celery, carrots, cucumbers or other vegetables, some organic chicken salad, tuna salad, or other organic beef or poultry.

Neutralize electromagnetic chaos

Electromagnetic chaos causes your body to develop disease. Cell phones cause cancer, laptop computers cause cancer, high-definition TVs cause cancer, irradiating food causes cancer, microwaving food causes cancer. As a matter of fact, all of these things not only cause cancer, but also suppress the body's immune system and make us susceptible to all kinds of diseases. The key then is to reduce if not neutralize daily exposure to these devices. Use electronic and wireless devices less. It appears that some of the most negative effects of electromagnetic energy comes from wireless devices such as cell phones, laptop computers, as well as high-definition TVs. In todays world it is impossible to eliminate the use of these devices but you can limit their use as best you can. Stand in the wind. Our energy fields get damaged due to traumas in our life, all the unnatural man-made electromagnetic frequencies that are bombarding us, and toxic material we put in our body. This energy field needs to be repaired and balanced, and then maintained on a regular basis. Standing in the wind on a daily basis helps to harmonise our energy field by allowing the Earths energy field to influence and correct our own. Reduce TV time. The television produces unhealthy electromagnetic energy, images on TV are negative/stress invoking and most importantly TVs omit hypnotic alpha waves designed to keep you glued to the TV. Dont spend your life watching TV, go outside and do something. Get a magnetic mattress pad. The earth, at one time, had a magnetic level of 4.0. Today the earth's gauss is .04. Sleeping on a mattress pad filled with magnets stimulates energy flowing through the body as nature intended. It has been said to alleviate pain, slow the aging process, increase energy, and helps alkalise the body. Use magnetic bangles and rings. These are inexpensive and easy to use. Simply wear this specially designed magnetic ring on the small finger of each hand, and if you want even more benefit, wear the toe brace on each foot. These are worn when you sleep. The health benefits seem to be almost unbelievable. This device appears to radically slow the aging process and, in most cases, appears to reverse the aging process; people report looking and feeling younger as time goes on. Stay away from electric tumble dryers. These devices produce massive amounts of positive ions. Positive ions suppress the immune system, make you fatigued, and can cause depression and anxiety. The clothes that come out of the tumble dryer are also charged with these ions that have negative effects on your emotions and physiology. You will actually feel better if you wear clothes that have been line dried in fresh air.

Add living plants in your home. Real living plants add oxygen to the air, balance the energy in the space, produce life-enhancing negative ions, and are incredibly beneficial to the health of human beings. Fill your house with living plants and flowers. You will feel the difference the moment you do it.

Wear white. Colours affect energy. The closer you get to white, the more positive energy you bring into your energetic field. This may not be practical in everyday situations; however, having some white or light colored clothing as your general around-the-house attire can make you feel much better. Use Feng Shui in your home and office. This ancient Oriental method of arranging things allows energy to flow better, reducing stress, increasing prosperity, and generating vibrant health.

Reduce stress
Stress is the silent killer. Mental and emotional stress affects every cell in the body. The mind can turn the body's pH from acidic to alkaline in a matter of minutes. Stress can adversely affect the genetic makeup in your body; the mind can positively or negatively affect DNA. What you say and how you think can absolutely give you disease and it can absolutely cure you of disease. If you want to prevent disease, be happy, eliminate depression and fatigue, and cure any disease you have, you absolutely categorically must reduce stress that is in your body. It is impossible to eliminate all stress, as it is a part of adapting but you certainly can reduce stress. You need to reduce stress in your life to live a long, happy, healthy, disease-free life. Laugh. Laughing is one of the most powerfully beneficial things you can do. Children laugh, on average, 10,000 times per week. Adults laugh, on average, five times per week. Laughing stimulates the entire immune system, elevates depression and alkalizes the body. Laugh every day as often as you can even if you have nothing to laugh about. You will feel better and be healthier. Smile. There are more muscles concentrated in your face than in any other part of the body. The physical act of smiling strengthens the immune system and releases endorphins from the brain, making you feel better. The act of smiling also changes your energetic field, make a habit to notice if you are smiling or not. Smile for no reason and do it often. Get and give hugs. Human contact is necessary for life. Our immune systems are strengthened when we physically hug another human being. Ask yourself how many hugs you gave and got yesterday. You should be hugging every day as often as possible. Speak powerful words. Words create. What you say is what you get! Most people get hung by their own tongue. When you say something you energetically put the wheels in motion that will manifest it into reality. Speak positively and use words as a tool to make what you desire come to pass. Sleep eight hours. Ideally, get a full eight hours of solid, deep, restful sleep every night. Rest from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Each week the moon cycles are in position to promote healing and rejuvenation in the body. Resting during this time promotes the optimal rejuvenation of your cells. Go to bed at approximately 10:00 p.m. and arise at approximately 6:00 a.m. Going to bed at 10:00 p.m. and arising at 6:00 a.m. appears to allow the body to rest the deepest, rejuvenate the most, and gives the person the most energy throughout the day. Hormones that heal the body are released only between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., and are only released when the body is in deep sleep.

Take an afternoon break. Most people wake up to an alarm clock, rush to work, stress, worry and work all day, rush to get home,

eat a meal, and sit in front of the television; then they go to bed and prepare to repeat the process again the next day. No matter what it is you do take a break from it, do something that doesnt require much mental or physical effort, even if its a walk or 20-minute power nap, you will feel rejuvenated. Don't read the newspaper. You can't fill your mind with negative thoughts and believe that your body's pH will stay alkaline. The newspaper is filled with negativity, creating worry and stress. The news printed is almost always misleading, slanted, or in some cases, completely untrue. You simply cannot trust the newspaper, especially when negativity drives sales. Don't watch the news. Watching the news fills your mind with negative pictures. The news is a broadcasted newspaper, it comes from the same companies and tv ratings are driven in the exact same way newspaper sales are driven. Have sex. Sex promotes health. Commit reckless acts of kindness. Every day make it a habit to be kind to everyone you meet. The act of showing kindness has been shown to stimulate the body's immune system and give us a greater sense of peace and centeredness. Remember, what goes around comes around. Listen to nice music. Music penetrates the conscious level of our brain straight into the sub conscious, the vibrations of the notes reflect a vibration from within us. Positive vibrations create positive feelings creating an alkaline state, negative ones create an acidic state. Get out of debt. Financial pressure causes a massive increase in stress, which leads to disease. There are several organizations that can assist you in managing, reducing, and eliminating your debt. When you free yourself from financial worry you are more likely to be happier and healthier. Drive less. Driving causes massive amounts of stress. The less you drive, the healthier you could be. Be thankful and appreciative. Thoughts are things. Thoughts are powerful. When you wake up in the morning, take a moment and be thankful for the day. Before you eat a meal, take a moment and be thankful for the food. Before you go to bed, reflect and be thankful for the people and experiences you have. Living a life of thankfulness creates happiness, peace, and promotes general health.

Hang upside down. Machines are available online and in fitness equipment stores that allow you to tilt your body into an inverted position or hang completely upside down. This process is believed to decompress the spine, relieve back pain, increase blood and oxygen to the brain, and potentially slow the aging process. It only takes three minutes and you feel absolutely fantastic. Relieves stress as well.

Be lighthearted. There are tens of thousands of people around the world who live into their hundreds. Research has been conducted on these centenarians and has found that the major common denominator is that they take life very lightly. A good motto to live by is "You have to care, but not that much." Instead of being demanding, you would be better off if you had mild preferences. Stay away from psychiatrists and psychologists. Psychiatrists and psychologists do not help the people they treat. Statistics show that the majority of people who are treated by psychiatrists and psychologists actually get worse! Psychiatrists almost always prescribe drugs to their patients. These drugs are some of the most dangerous and deadly pharmaceuticals available today. Do not use an alarm clock. Most people wake to the sound of a loud alarm clock. This shocks the system and starts the body in a stress mode for the day. It is important to awaken slowly and gently. There are alarm clocks that wake you with lovely gentle tones that start off very low in volume and slowly begin to increase in volume. There are also clocks that wake you up with a light that gently increases in brightness. This little change in the way you awaken can have profound effects on your emotions and your body's pH. Use aromatherapy. Smells have a powerful effect on our body. Certain smells evoke chemical reactions in the body. Essential oils have many health benefits besides giving a wonderfully pleasant aroma. Get a pet. Having a pet leads to longer life and less disease. Pets give unconditional love and allow us a nonjudgmental being to give love to. The process of being loved and giving love strengthens our immune system, reduces stress, and has a variety of emotional and physical benefits. Write down goals. Use white paper and a pen with blue ink. Write down what you want. Something magical occurs when you physically write down the things in life you want. This is one of the most powerful secrets used by the super wealthy. Plant a garden. Being in the physical universe, working with living things and creating things with our hands is incredibly beneficial. Working in a garden provides an outdoor environment, exercise, stress reduction, and many more mental, emotional, and physical benefits. It provides your food, aroma and oxygen. Cook. When we create something with our hands we benefit emotionally and physically. When you cook food from scratch you take a much needed mental break, and you can create great tasting, incredibly healthy meals. The loving creative energy we put in we will get back when the food is eaten. Don't eat late. It is best to stop eating at 7:00 p.m. Dance and sing. Dancing and singing are great ways to release stress in the body, they are fun, and have a positive impact on our emotions and our physiology.

Find your life purpose. This is something unique to everyone, finding it is also a unique experience for every single person. It isnt something you have no control over but it is also not something you have complete control over. You and your life work together to head towards what your purpose is. How you find out what exactly that is, the journey you undergo is the reason for your purpose.

Being healthy is a way of living, you can either be self preservative or self destructive, alkaline or acidic, healthy or diseased. Society will tell you that illness is something that cant be stopped, something that is a hit or miss lottery as to whether you get it. This couldnt be father from the truth. Take this example - you won't ever have a headache because of an aspirin deficiency, so why take it to get rid of it? You are only attacking the symptoms and not the cause. If the cause remains the symptoms no matter how well they are suppressed or removed will always return. If you have a headache it is because of either toxins in your body, a nutritional deficiency, exposure to electromagnetic chaos, or mental and emotional stress. The headache that you have is caused by one, or a combination of, these four things, it is not caused by an aspirin or drug deficiency. This idea can be attributed to every disease and illness out there, remedying the cause will ultimately remove the disease. For many people the reason that they have symptoms, disease, fatigue, and illness is not one specific thing but a combination of things. That is why it is important to do as many of these above points as you can and understand your disease did not develop overnight, your condition did not magically appear, but your condition was developing for years and years before you noticed any symptoms. It is important for you to know that your condition is not going to reverse, in most cases, overnight, but it absolutely can be cured without drugs and without surgery, with the exception being of course if you are past that point of no return. There is also another misconception with your health that society imposes on you and thats that you inherit your genes, that if you inherit bad genes you will inherit the diseases and illnesses that come with it and that if you make bad choices and create duff genes in the process you will then pass them on. Nothing can be further from the truth. Yes it is true that you can create duff genes through bad choices but you can also create good genes through good choices. You control your genes. Every choice you make in every moment in life adapts your genes to your new way of living, they learn and grow almost hourly. So even if you have made bad choices it is never too late to change.

~Health Quick List~

Your health is based around the choices you make in your life. If you make bad choices and compromise your immune system your body will be in a state of acidity and be prone to all diseases and illnesses. Alternatively balancing your homeostasis exercise, sleep and diet creates an alkalinic body state where the immune system is strengthened and disease cannot flourish. To create the strongest immune system your body is capable of the following must be followed Removing toxins that have built up in the body - Correct your diet - Drink eight full glasses of pure water daily. - Get a colonic. - Walk one hour a day. - Stretch the muscles and tendons in your body. - Practice deep breathing. - Exercise and sweat regularly. - Give yourself a dry brush massage daily. - Get a full-body Swedish deep tissue massage on a regular basis. - Do tai chi. - Get "specialised treatments" as needed. Preventing toxins from entering the body - Do not eat any food produced or sold by a publicly traded corporation. - Get all metal out of your dental work. - Stop smoking. - Don't drink tap water. - Buy and use a shower filter. - Eat only 100% organic food. - Do not eat in fast-food restaurants. - Do not eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven. - Eliminate aspartame and monosodium glutamate. - Do not eat artificial sweeteners. - Do not drink diet sodas. - Do not eat hydrogenated oil. - Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products. - Use only toothpaste with no fluoride. - Do not use nonstick cookware. - Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry. - Do not eat farm raised fish. - Do not eat pork. - Do not eat shellfish. - If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin. - Get an air purifier. - Use only nontoxic 100-percent organic cleaning supplies. - Do not drink canned or bottled juice. - Do not use sun block. - Do not take vitamins. - Do not use antiperspirants or deodorants. - Do not eat white processed sugar.

- Do not eat white processed flour. - Eat nothing that says "fat free" or sugar free on the label. - Do not eat "food bars." - Do not eat diet or protein shakes. - Stay away from hot tubs, steam rooms and swimming pools. - Eliminate air fresheners. - Eliminate fluorescent lighting. - Reduce or eliminate air conditioning. - Avoid dry cleaning. - Avoid alcohol. Handling and addressing nutritional deficiencies - Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables. - Buy a juice machine and use it. - Eat raw organic nuts and seeds. - Get natural sunlight. - Eat an organic apple a day. - Take coral calcium. - Take all-natural Vitamin E. - Drink the "magic juices." - Take a whole food supplement daily. - Eat raw organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen. - Get an oxygen water cooler. - Use organic sea salt. - Take an omega-3 supplement. - Eat snacks. Neutralizing electromagnetic chaos - Use electronic and wireless devices less. - Stand in the wind. - Reduce TV time. - Get a magnetic mattress pad. - Use magnetic bangles and rings. - Stay away from electric tumble dryers. - Add living plants in your home. - Wear white. - Use Feng Shui in your home and office. Reducing stress - Laugh. - Smile. - Get and give hugs. - Speak powerful words. - Sleep eight hours. - Rest from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. - Go to bed at approximately 10:00 p.m. and arise at approximately 6:00 a.m. - Take an afternoon break. - Don't read the newspaper. - Don't watch the news. - Have sex.

- Commit reckless acts of kindness. - Listen to nice music. - Get out of debt. - Drive less. - Be thankful and appreciative. - Hang upside down. - Be lighthearted. - Stay away from psychiatrists and psychologists. - Do not use an alarm clock. - Use aromatherapy. - Get a pet. - Write down goals. - Plant a garden. - Cook. - Don't eat late. - Dance and sing. - Find your life purpose.

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