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2009 OSAIACP 2009

Simple and Flexible NRZ-DQPSK Demodulation Scheme
Yu Yu, Xinliang Zhang, Lun Wei, Fei Wang and Dexiu Huang
Wuhan National Laboratoryfor Optoelectronics & School ofOptoelectronic Science and Engineering, HuazhongUniversity ofScience and
Technology, Wuhan, 430074, P.R.China, xlzhang@mail.hllst.edll.cll
Abstract: We propose and demonstrate a simple and flexible all-optical NRZ-DQPSK receiver
based on optical detuned filtering. By adjusting the detuning of two given filters, the in-phase and
quadrature data can be demodulated from 20-to-80Gb/s NRZ-DQPSK signals.
2009 Optical Society ofAmerica
OCIS codes: (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (070.4560) Data processing by optical means .
Larger bandwidth
20Gb/s 40Gb/s 80Gb/s
Flexible bit rates\ " - ,., , r-r-.1\1
- .::.. . - .
Fixed bit rate
Output: NRZ
Small detuning
Xarrow -----.J
1. Introduction
Advanced multilevel modulation and detection techniques are recervmg more and more interests recently. In
particular, differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) has received considerable attention because of its
high robustness to propagation nonlinearities. Typically, a pair of delay interferometers (DIs) are chosen for
demodulating each quadrature data [I] . However, the DI suffers from some significant issues, one of which is the
fabrication difficulty at ultra-high bit-rate. Recently, an alternative solution was demonstrated using two specially
designed ultra-narrow bandwidth filters with optimal detuning for non-return-to-zero DQPSK (NRZ-DQPSK)
signals [2]. This scheme is simple but requires ultra-narrow filters with accurate bandwidth and detuning according
to the given bit rate, which restricts the application flexibility.
In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a simple and flexible NRZ-DQPSK demodulation scheme, using two
optical band-pass filters to perform detuned filtering and thus demodulations for the in-phase and quadrature data,
respectively. Be different from Ref. [2], the detuning values in our system are larger, and the demodulated signals
are in RZ format, while the output signals in Ref. [2] are in NRZ format. Another important advantage is that our
proposed demodulator is quite flexible to input bit rates, which means it can be used for different bit rates without
any change. With two given optical band-pass filters, simulation and comparison show that NRZ-DQPSK signals at
20,40 and 80Gb/s (10, 20 and 40G symbol rate) can be demodulated to in-phase and quadrature data successfully.
Furthermore, a better performance for our scheme can be observed while the input optical signal to noise ratio
(OSNR) increases. Preliminary experimental results at 20Gb/s demonstrate the practicality of the proposed system.
2. Comparison for Three NRZ-DQPSK Receivers
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 1 Schematic diagrams for three NRZ-DQPSK receivers (a) conventional Dis with balanced detection , (b) filtering approach in Ref. 2, (c)
proposed filtering approach
Fig. 1 shows the detailed for three NRZ-DQPSK receivers. Fig. I(a) is the conventional DIs with balanced detection.
The two DIs have a same delay of a symbol period, but different phase shifts to decode the two quadratures
respectively. The phase shifts are equivalent to two opposite frequency detuning. The filtering approach in Ref. [2] is
shown in Fig. I(b), instead of the DIs, two Gaussian-shaped band-pass filter are used as frequency discriminators to
recover the two quadratures. The filter detuning and bandwidth are specifically chosen to simulate one lobe of the
periodic DI [2]. The demodulated signals are directly detected with single photodiode (PD). Our proposed filtering
approach is shown in Fig. I(c), where two Gaussian-shaped band-pass filters followed by direct detection are also
used to demodulate and decode the two quadratures. However, the filter detuning and the bandwidth here are quite
different from (b), due to different operation principle. The proposed idea is derived from our previous results of
NRZ-DPSK demodulation [3]. We here extend it to DQPSK operation.
2009 OSA/ACP 2009
The principle can be explained as optical differential for signal phase variety [4]. Due to the different phases of
the NRZ-DQPSK waveforms, the center frequency of every NRZ-DQPSK pulse is shifted toward an opposite
direction relative to the unmodulated carrier. The overall spectral envelope is given by a superposition of the
downshifted and the upshifted spectra [5]. A detuned filter thus can extract these shifted parts, resulting in RZ pulses
at corresponding phase transitions. The filter bandwidth is with large tolerance and not so strict, the detuning is
determined by its bandwidth and the operation bit-rate, as analyzed in [6]. For scheme (a), it is well known, we can
get the bits of original data before differential encoding in NRZ format, which means the in-phase (U) and
quadrature (V) data can be recovered exactly. For scheme (b), bit streams of U and V in NRZ format can be
obtained. For the proposed scheme (c), IT and V can be achieved, but they are in RZ format. Although the three
schemes result in different formats and polarities, original bit information before differential encoding can be
demodulated and recovered. Using the parameters in Table I, the simulated outputs for the three schemes at 20Gb/s
operation are shown in Fig. I, indicating same output information though different formats and polarities.
30 ,------ - - - - - - - ----,
Pr opo sed filt eri ng sche me
-+- 01 scheme
- ___. Filt ering seheme i n Ref.2 ----1
:!!. 20 1---------- --
0 10 - -
................. .......
5 , ,'---
Fig. 2 Q factor as a function of input OSNR

Table 1
1550.0 1549.0 1549.5
Wa""length (nml

1548.5 1560.0 1549.0 1549.5
wave length Inml
Taking one quadrature data for example, the demodulated eye diagrams from the three schemes are also shown
on the top of Fig. I. For schemes (a) and (b), operations at different bit rates need devices with different parameters,
such as DI delay time and filter bandwidth. For the proposed approach (c), one filter with fixed bandwidth can be
suitable for different bit-rates, by slightly adjusting the filter detuning. Thus, we further simulate the corresponding
results for 40 and 80Gb/s NRZ-DQPSK signals, based on the same receiver in scheme (c).
We further change the input OSNR and compare the demodulated BER-equivalent Q factors at 40Gb/s. As
shown in Fig. 2, the proposed scheme shows a better performance when the input OSNR is larger than 24dB. We
thought the main reason is the receive sensitivities are different for RZ and NRZ format, while the output is RZ in
scheme (c) and the Q factors are calculated under a same input average power.
3. Experimental Results and Discussion
In a preliminary experimental demonstration, we generate NRZ-DQPSK at 20Gb/s (lOGsymbol/s). A receiver,
consisting of two optical Gaussian filters with O.3nm bandwidth, two Bessel electrical filters with IOGHzbandwidth
and two PDs, is used to demodulate the input data. The word length is PRBS 2
_1. The measured optical spectra are
shown in Fig. 3(a) to (c), and the corresponding two demodulated eye diagrams after the PDs and the electrical
filters are shown in Fig. 3(d), for demodulated in-phase (upper) and quadrature data (lower) respectively.

40 Co .&I
'a -60
0 -60 a
a 70
[4] 1. Xu et ai, Opt. Lett . 32, 1872-1874 (2007) .
[5] P. J. Winzer et ai, PTL, 13 (12),1298-1230.
[6] Y. Yu et ai, OFC2009, paper OThF.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 3 The measured results for (a) DQPSK spectrum (b) demodulated in-phase spectrum (c) demodulated quadrature spectrum (d) eye diagrams
4. Conclusion
We have proposed and demonstrated a simple and flexible approach to demodulate and detect NRZ-DQPSK signal.
By using two optical detuned filters with O.3nm bandwidth and optimal detuning, the in-phase and quadrature data
can be recovered from 20, 40 and 80Gb/s NRZ-DQPSK signals respectively. Experimental demonstration at 20Gb/s
shows the practicality of the proposed system.
5. References
[I] RA.Griffin et ai, OFC2002, paper WX6 .
[2] I. Lyubomirsky et ai, PTL, 20 (7) , 511-513 (2008) .
[3] Y. Yu et ai, CLEO 2008, paper JWAI03.

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