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BIRDMAN FROM IO Dreaming Out Loud Produced by: Illustrated Script Productions a subsidiary of AKS Productions Ltd September Revision 2012 Birdman From Io screenplay copyright: C102923 WGA Registration: 1316995WCAUK: Illustrations copyright 2012 AKS Productions Ltd.

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Preface About the designing author and screenplay. Film artist Bruce Edwin James Sinski has been designing, creating, illustrating and story-boarding for the television and motion picture industries for over 35 years. This is his second illustrative coffee table book produced by Illustrated Script Productions a division of his acclaimed design film company AKS Productions Ltd, North Vancouver British Columbia Canada. Are we really the only intelligent beings made in God's Image in a universe containing billions of galaxies holding trillions and trillions of suns? Why would God create so much universe that we humans will never be able to comprehend or appreciate? BIRDMAN FROM IO offers an alternative cosmic window on Creation...How did we get here and why?

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Prologue Birdman From Io is a continuing compelling love story surrounded by alien dreams and UFO anomalies. Adrian Rorvik is our 'Bird'+'Man' flying perilously on the back of his virtual dream giant Merlin Falcon 'Horus' guardian god of the Pharaohs into the AfterWorld. There seems to be no end to where his dreams will take him next. Noteworthy: Bird's DNA begins around 65 million years ago as dinosaurs witnessing any alien visitations to our planet then and now. Prehistoric birds about 3 million years ago also witnessed the birth of mankind! Jupiter's moon Io like it's sister aqueous moon Europa may have been at minimum the birth of our solar system's first micro-intelligent life forms around 800 centuries before the recorded erection of homo-sapiens on planet Earth. Birdman From Io seeks the Universal Truth.

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD About this script illustrated draft: Writing an unsolicited screenplay is almost impossible to sell to studio production houses as they typically give priority to their own promising projects. Whether or not Sinski's screenplay gets to camera is still up in the air. Regardless 'The Birdman' has already begun writing and illustrating his next coffee table ebook in his mini- series Birdman From Io - Dreaming Out Loud.

The Birdman From Io mini-series episode #003 Dreaming Out Loud starts now.



Adrian Rorvik's latest dream continues in full view over an out of focus 2088 television newscast image just witnessed from the last page of Birdman From Io > "Horizons Take 6".



Adrian jerks up in his black leather hide-a-bed couch gasping for air. He frantically leans over the side of his bed searching for his smart phone deep inside his black denim jeans and turns it on. He takes a deep breath...his smart phone's LCD screen tells him he is back in the present, Tuesday 5:20 am, October 19th 2011. Wanting to be more than sure he jumps out of bed and heads nakedly over to his barber's chair side leather pouch retrieving his media centre remote control and points it at his widescreen HD television. A news anchor woman is reporting on the latest in local morning news. 5

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Relieved, he saunters back under his comforter and stares up at the cresting sunrise emitting through the overhead skylight.

Adrian continues staring through the skylight when he hears... NEWS ANCHOR WOMAN In other news, our Space Agency is keeping a watchful eye on constellation Orion's upper left shoulder's red dying star. Some experts believe Betelgeuse is in the final stages in becoming a spectacular supernova. Predicting exactly when this celestial event over 600 light years from Earth will take place has many astronomers working overtime. The Hubble Space Telescope has also turned its high powered lens towards the Orion red giant looking for any clues as to when we might expect a winter sky second sun...City Hall is taking steps to Adrian turns off his television in total disbelief.

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN This is getting to be a bit too much. Autgraf was right, but how did he know. It's like my dreams have a mind of their own, like I am dreaming out loud. There has to be a logical explanation somewhere. He looks over his shoulder at his bookcase and lets the contours of shadow and light lead him to his bookcase. He gingerly pulls out his Norse Viking Ancestry leather bound strapped book given to him by his grandfather. He moves over to his kitchen nook table and carefully begins turning over the linen faded semi-embossed like pages...

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Maybe the answers to my dreams lie somewhere in these ancestral pages...let me see here.

Our camera moves in on a double page in which we see Norse warriors in a fierce yet strange looking battle scene.

He turns to a double page spread illustrating Vikings attacking in front of an unfamiliar strange looking background. ADRIAN Holy shit...That's you isn't Horus hovering above warning my Viking forefathers of the coming alien attack. And is that you Autgraf leading the 8

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN CONT'D charge...Wait a minute the design on your belt shield, where have I seen that before, yes it looks a lot like the Io alien spaceship logo ID in my dreams piloting one of their space. It can't be can it...but how and why. What is going on?

He pans over to the other half of the double page and can't believe his eyes.

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN What a minute, this is no ordinary battle scene. I know this background. Yes, that's an Io alien spacecraft attacking against my Auckland New Zealand background. But wait a minute this alien invasion isn't suppose to take place until 2088, maybe my dreams are just that dreams.



Sarah sits at the kitchen table nibbling at her hardboiled egg reading the morning paper while her 72 year old Aunt Norah prepares oatmeal porridge for her 6 year old twin boys. AUNT NORAH I know it is none of my business, but still as a family member who only has your best interest at heart, don't you think it is about time to call your Birdman, see how he is doing. SARAH I have been thinking a lot about Adrian lately, about us and how much my boys enjoy his company. But losing both my parents in such a short time is something I wouldn't wish on even my "ex".


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD AUNT NORAH Love is not about who blinks first, rather who knows when to blink last. SARAH You have always known how to get inside my head. As does my Birdman, I know it is my turn to blink. Thanks auntie, I am so glad God hasn't also taken you from us, you are truly one of His best gems. AUNT NORAH Nonsense, we all have inside us the ability to change, to put others first. That is why I think God gave us a free will, to freely make choices in how we want to live and who we want to share our lives with. Thus we can only blame ourselves for making bad decisions or no decisions at all. SARAH Do you think my parents and your parents have found each other in heaven? AUNT NORAH What is really going on inside your head child. Do you now doubt the word of God, heaven forbid. SARAH No it's not that, it's there is so much universe out there that our religious leaders don't seem to want us to know about. Maybe heaven is really on another planet in a galaxy we can't see from earth, or maybe, I just don't know anymore. 11

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD AUNT NORAH Enough of this crazy talk, perhaps you should sit down with our minister and let him give you a good dose of faith and hope. SARAH There is a doctor Adrian and I recently met, Dr. Arthur Winslow Crater. He has a doctorate in astrophysicist and he believes we are not WHEN Sarah's twin boys Jason and Jordan come barreling down the hallway stairs waving their latest alien drawings. JORDAN Mommy look at my new spaceship, I made it look like a big soccer ball and gave it wings see. JASON Mine has more spaceships, Jordan cheated he copied one of mine and made it look bigger. JORDAN No I didn't, this is how I saw it in my dream. SARAH What do these numbers mean, 2-0-2-9? JORDAN I don't know, my dream told me to. OUR CAMERA MOVES IN ON SARAH HOLDING A SAMPLE OF EACH OF THEIR RECENT DRAWINGS. 12


SARAH You're absolutely right Auntie Norah, it's time to call on my dream expert. JORDAN/JASON Yeah, I want to talk to him first, no me first. SARAH I'm sure he is hard at it finishing up his video. I'll wait till he is done with his production. JORDAN/JASON A-a-aw.




Adrian proudly walks over to a covered storyboard easel and flips over the protective card cover revealing his LEMEN BABES COSMIC MERCURY TOUR POSTER. Huddled around him for the reveal is his RB-ONE Agency senior partner-in-charge JOHN NEUHART, client Tag Thirst Agency Reps CHRISTINE HOWES and JUDY TAYLOR, and Lemen Babes manager INDEX FENDER. Off screen we can hear the transgender LEMEN BABES - ROSIE ASH, FATE STAR, ECHO and ICY CHUTES once again fighting over the chocolate clairs at the Craft Service table.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD JOHN NEUHART The Lemen Babes Cosmic Tour wow, unbelievable. Once again Adrian you and your art department have out done yourselves, amazingly over the top. ADRIAN My go-to assistant Becky desires most of the credit. She is the one who gelled together our poster's layout and wow factor. JUDY TAYLOR Yes indeed capturing the essence of where we wanted to go with the Babes branding, I agree John amazing. CHRISTINE HOWES I love how you have combined a frame shot from their last video with our Mercury spacecar. It all ties in nicely with our Tag Thirst slogan feel the energy. INDEX FENDER I have never seen the Babes look this good. Hey Babes enough with the clairs already; come see your mind blowing fucking cosmic touring poster. ROSIE ASH This is fucking a-aw-some, you nailed it Birdman. ICY CHUTES Wow, I like how my tongue looks like it is going to give Echo a good ass licking.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD FATE STAR You wish bitch, love the colour theme, hot, hot, fucking sick. ECHO Wow, we have never looked so good. Betcha this will look good on the side of our touring bus. CHRISTINE HOWES My thoughts exactly, Adrian is this ADRIAN Already on it, Becky is putting the final touches on the bus wrap poster theme. It should be ready for sign-off by mid-day tomorrow. The 1st AD checks his watch and strolls over next to Adrian. 1st AD Nice job, but we really need to get the Babes back on set for shot 21. ADRIAN OK everybody we need to get back to work, poster viewing is now closed, thanks everybody. 1st AD Places everybody for frame 21, final touches.




RB-ONE senior partners DAVID ROSS and BRIAN ODELL stand over a Metrek Fashion poster for a generic shopping mall backlit Kiosk sign positioned on the 16 foot long oak and smoked engraved glass boardroom table. Their critiquing is interrupted by JIMMIE LEAKES senior account executive for the Metrek Fashion account and the agency's art department creator KAITLYN PARKER a.k.a. Adrian's ex-girlfriend. DAVID ROSS Ms. Kaitlyn, Jimmie we were just reviewing the Metrek Fashion Campaign Fall Season kiosk layout, I must say very impressive.

KAITLYN Thank you, I am really glad to be back and to have this opportunity, 17

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD KAITLYN CONT'D this chance to prove to you that I very much want to be part of this great agency. JIMMIE LEAKES (leaning over Kaitlyn's shoulder) Go easy on the smooch, they weren't born yesterday. BRIAN ODELL Jimmie's right, your design talents don't need an massaging. We do believe you're serious in wanting to come back and work for our agency. What I see in front of me is certainly a step in that direction. JIMMIE LEAKES And Metrek Fashions also are enjoying your attitude and design talents. DAVID ROSS But we all need to get along with each other, especially those we work directly with on a daily basis. How are you and Adrian getting along this go-round? KAITLYN Uh, OK, he really hasn't been around much. He pretty much has his head wrapped around his music video at our production warehouse. DAVID ROSS And how are you and Becky getting along? BEAT 18

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD KAITLYN Okay I think, she is very good, so am I - I have really missed working here. BRIAN ODELL When you say missing work, do you mean just work or does this include missing Adrian. KAITLYN Work, Adrian and I had something special once, but he has, we have both moved on. JIMMIE LEAKES I sure hope so for your job sake. DAVID ROSS Thanks Kaitlyn you can go now. Kaitlyn head high walks out through the boardroom door feeling even better about her chances in continuing to work at RB-ONE Agency. DAVID ROSS Jimmie have you anything to add in support to Ms. Kaitlyn's new found demeanor and work attitude. How is Adrian taking all this? JIMMIE LEAKES Like she says, Adrian has spent very little time in the art department since her return. Becky seems to be holding her own, but until we get both Adrian and Kaitlyn back inside the same arena 10, 12 hours a day, five days a week...perhaps a little too soon to pass judgment. 19

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD BRIAN ODELL We are going to need both their talents if we are to stay ahead of the pack.


Sarah sits alone in the kitchen looking over more recent blue orb drawings her twins have created. Her smart phone lies near one of the drawings, it catches her eye. She grabs the smart phone goes to her phone director, clicks on Adrian's number and immediately turns if off. She reaches for the morning newspaper on the kitchen counter. She flips through the pages until she comes across... SARAH That's it, this is where I have seen these numbers before. What is going on?




Dr. Crater is fast asleep on his guest area black leather couch when his older sister Helen disrupts his snoring - digging him gently under his left rib cage. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Uh? Are the aliens attacking. HELEN Not to worry, you have been sleeping for some time and it is time to take your pills and medicine. DR. WINSLOW CRATER What time is it? 21

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD HELEN About a quarter past noon. DR. WINSLOW CRATER My medicine can wait. I have to check my messages from NASA. I am expecting some incredible imagery for Adrian and Sarah. HELEN Not so fast brother, now here take your heart pills and open wide for your medicine. Dr. Winslow lets his sister have her way, knowing she has his best interest at heart. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Happy, now I must get to my computer. Dr. Winslow Crater swings behind his reception desk area still wiping off the cobwebs of his dreaming. He scans down his email inbox entries...NASA X8_unlock/asteroids// DR. WINSLOW CRATER Uh-uh, finally. He opens up the NASA email file - 2 images stream onto his HD flatbed monitor. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Thank you professor, these will go a long way towards proving my theory on alien visitation over the millennia. Sarah's blue orb motherships are nearby! Our camera moves in full frame over his MONITOR. Insert CGI BLUE ASTEROID IMAGES. 22




Adrian locks his Harley Davidson Special onto its' floor kick stand mount. He drags his tired limbs over to the fridge, grabs an apple and drops his black leather tote bag onto the kitchen table. He spreads his next day shot list across the table. He looks over his shoulder at the wall clock - 2:23am. He plants himself into a kitchen chair and begins reviewing his boards chopping hard on his Granny Smith apple. BEAT His eyes grow weary, his boards go in and out of focus...He tries to re-focus by turning his attention towards one of his upcoming prairie painting One Man Show canvases. No luck, his eyes are fading fast... 23




Adrian is already well into his next Norse dreamscape. Not knowing where he is going to land riding high on the back of his Merlin Falcon Horus and what challenges face him.

So far so good as Adrian and his Merlin Falcon Horus soar between Jupiter and it's erupting moon Io. There are no signs of alien intervention. 24


WHEN out of nowhere an ominous looking ring engulfs their flight - drawing them deep inside its portal funnel - there is no escape!

Adrian and Horus are pulled deeper and deeper inside the time warp portal. They begin to see the other end of the quantum wormhole at warping speeds...


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Adrian and Horus are thrust through the other side into another world...But where are they? They see a Norse fortress straight ahead. Horus flies unnerved towards the Viking fortress. Adrian senses Horus has been here before. * INSERT VFX MATTE PAINTING NOTE:

They see Autgraf motioning them towards him. Adrian slides off Horus staying well back from his ancient Norse grandfather - not sure if this is really happening, even if only in a dream.

They see Autgraf motioning them towards him. Adrian slides off Horus staying well back from his ancient Norse grandfather - not sure if this is really happening, even if only in a dream.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Our camera closes in on Adrian's ancient Viking grandfather standing at the temple's entrance. AUTGRAF Welcome Adrian to your ancient Viking ancestry home on Io. Yes Io, our forefathers first colonized Io and the watery moon Europa while waiting for the extinction of the dinosaurs and the shrinking of the ice pack on planet Earth. ADRIAN You're telling me I am thousands of years back in time standing on the moon Io, home to my Norse ancestry. This is crazy. AUTGRAF I thought to at first. My people were the first to habitat earth along with those from Europa you call Asian's and African's. In fact Europaians were the very first to colonize earth not wanting to wait for the North American continent to thaw.

Adrian shrugs his shoulders pondering...


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN So God is an alien and we didn't evolve from apes. Wait till I tell Dr. Crater about this...and Sarah. Autgraf perceptively stares down. AUTGRAF Sarah will be back in your arms shortly. It is your destiny's. Karma is on your side my son as is Fate. ADRIAN Karma, fate, all I care about is Sarah and her twin boys. I even dedicated my upcoming one man gallery show in her dad's honour...I am still going to have my gallery showing next week right? AUTGRAF That is totally up to you not your forefathers or Creators. ADRIAN Good to know I guess...Hey where are those sphere winged spacecraft I run into all the time in my dreams. AUTGRAF Our Creator's have chosen not to reveal themselves to you at this time. ADRIAN Something I the ancient Viking book handed down to me it looked like these sphere-winged 28

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN CONT'D spacecraft were battling against you and your fellow Viking warriors and I could have sworn Horus was So I am one of the chosen ones, great but for what purpose and to what end. I am no techno wizard geek. I'm just an artist.

AUTGRAF It is your creative insight that we need. Think of this challenge as a mosaic puzzle, what came first and what came after depends on you.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN That makes no sense at all! AUTGRAF Your dreams hold more reality than reality itself. This is where your cognitive abilities should give us that much needed advantage over our alien makers. WHEN...As if right on queue his dream turns to static, another image is running interference.

ADRIAN I thought God made man not aliens. AUTGRAF Yes and no. ADRIAN Meaning what, we are made only in God's image but not by God? AUTGRAF You must be patient, THEY will find you as I have. They are buried deep inside your dreams.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Just what I wanted to hear. AUTGRAF Your dreams are leading you to the Universal Truth, how you got here and why. In the meantime be patient with your dreams, Horus is your guardian and protector. He will help lead you to your waiting answers and to final victory! Autgraf appears to be receding deep into space.

Adrian looks back at his good buddy Horus.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Calling you Horus was no accident was it. And that was you wasn't it drawn over the battle field in my ancient Viking ancestry book. AUTGRAF Watch out for one known as ANU, he will challenge you as he did me. You can do it, trust your instincts.



We hear the familiar sound of Adrian's freight elevator ring chime. We stay tight on Adrian's shadowed face as he brings his smart phone up to his ear.

ADRIAN Hello...Sarah, I am so glad you called! 32

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD He can't hold back his excitement jumping high into the air - thinking he is standing on top of his black leather hide-a-bed in his studio loft. WHEN Our camera pulls out revealing he is in fact in the middle of a morning video production shot - making a spectacle of himself in front of the Tag Thirst client reps, Neuhart, crew and of course the Lemen Babes and their manager Index Fender. NEUHART Adrian, everything alright, why would you take a call halfway through the shot? Adrian looks around at his surroundings - how did he get here? He smart phone signal goes dead. ADRIAN What's going on with me?... Autgraf? NEUHART Who in the hell is Awk-graph! You have been acting very strange since arriving The Tag Thirst reps move in looking quite concerned. Rosie Ash dashes for the craft service table - pours a coffee and heads back in Adrian's direction. The remaining Lemen Babes slowly move in behind Rosie and her split coffee. ROSIE ASH Sometimes are minds play tricks on us, mine does all the time. Perhaps this, uh half cup of coffee will help 33

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ROSIE ASH CONT'D bring you back to your senses, black just the way you like it.

ICY CHUTES Sometimes I like mine black. FATE STAR You are one sicko pervert. ADRIAN Thanks Rosie, I just had a weird blackout of some kind. I'm OK now. JUDY TAYLOR You don't look that okay to me. INDEX FENDER Okay Babes, that's enough, let's give Adrian some air. Let's wonder over to craft service and see where they are hiding the rest of chocolate clairs. CHRISTINE HOWES I agree Judy, should we call a doctor, maybe this Sarah, is this someone close to you.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN I'm fine, just give me a minute to review where we are in this shot. 1st AD Chooch, playback that last take for us. He grabs his storyboards from his director's chair side sleeve. His eyes gradually find focus. He remembers exactly where he was before his time warp illusion. He leans forward into the playback monitor now setup in front of him by Chooch. ADRIAN Got it, I'm back, let's do it. 1st AD Places everybody, Babes on your marks please. Neuhart leans into Adrian while everyone moves back to their last positions. JOHN NEUHART Back in the sixties I did some stupid things, I sure hope whatever you are on won't have any further effect on us getting through our last day of shooting. I need you on top of your game, both our asses are on the line. ADRIAN I'm clean, honest, had a rough sleep last night that's it...This time Echo I want you to hug and only hug the rear tail light got it...Great. Adrian shaken by his surroundings leans back deep into his director's chair. 35

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN John I honestly don't know. Our camera pulls back revealing the Lemen Babes posing around their 1949 Mercury Spacecar in front of the green cyc. A power surge shuts down the entire studio lighting grid. The '49 Merc headlights silhouette The Babes.

ROSIE ASH Cool, but nobody is going to be able to see my hot ass. ADRIAN (under his breath) So maybe my destiny is Fate after all. Our screen surges, gradually turning to jet black. Adrian slowly feels his way back to his director's chair ADRIAN What is going on? Adrian is more shaken up than we thought. His eyes are glazed over. 36

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD JOHN NEUHART Are you sure you're not on something. This isn't the first we have lost power in this old warehouse wreck. ADRIAN (under his breath) Maybe I did take something and I'm not supposed to remember... Am I still dreaming. Our frame gradually comes back to life.



Sarah is coming out of the lecture hall framed by the hanging sign above. The Singular Theory Forum Special Guest Futurist William Godfeed "Transcendent Man in the Year 2029" 37

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD She is looking a little unnerved, her girlfriend NANCY KELLY just as long and slender walks slowly beside her through the crowded hallway into the main corridor. NANCY That was amazing, to think where technology is going to be in the next 10 years, unbelievable. SARAH It's something isn't it. NANCY You don't sound to convincing, just think in twenty years we could be working for computers. SARAH Not sure if any computer will want to cut my miles of wheat fields over harvest. NANCY You never know, maybe by 2030 you will have your feet up on the ottoman holding a techie remote that is in sync with your farm equipment mowing your wheat just the way you like it. SARAH By then I am hoping that one or both of my twin boys have the keys to the farm, I and Adrian should NANCY Adrian should have been here for this forum, it sounds like something right up his alley, yes...miss him don't you.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD SARAH He is someone who I don't think I could ever stop wanting to be with. NANCY So what is holding you back.

SARAH Wanting him more than he wants me. NANCY There is only one way to find out. SARAH You're right as always girlfriend. They walk arm in arm through the exit doors.






We hear laughter and slurred conversations coming from Adrian's studio loft freight elevator. The double door system flies open revealing Adrian, Neuhart, Fender and the Lemen Babes stumbling over each other. Adrian does his best to steer his Harley Davidson off the freight elevator an onto its kick stand mount. Intoxication is an understatement to say the least. EHCO Wow, will you look at this fucking place. Birdman when can I move in. ICY CHUTES Over my tight ass you will trans-bitch. INDEX FENDER Easy, easy we are here as guests only, got it. Rosie pretends her spilling champagne bottle is a live mike. ROSIE ASH All I want to do is celebrate! We did it, Birdman, oh ya! JOHN NEUHART Yes YOU did. You took scrambled eggs and turned them into a an incredible delicious chocolate clairs fondue. FATE STAR Birdman you rock!


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Rosie Ash, Icy Chutes and Echo drag Adrian over to his couch. A tight awkward fit it is. Rosie Ash leans her head on Adrian's shoulder.

ROSIE ASH Thank you, thank you for putting up with our antics. ADRIAN Antics, what could you possible be inferring, you're welcome. Index Fender hops on Adrian's Anniversary Special Harley Davidson riding it like he on the back of a wild bucking horse. INDEX FENDER My kind of ride - ya-hoo! Neuhart finds comfort sitting in Adrian's barber's chair moving the chair into several recline positions when his phone ring app - "I Know It's Only Rock-nRoll" (but I like it) by the Rolling Stones. (note: clearance needed) JOHN NEUHART Hello ladies...good, then you know how to get here. See you fine 41

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD NEUHART CONT'D ladies shortly...Hey everyone our Tag Thirst account execs will be here momint-momentar-erily. He gets out of the chair, Fate Star wastes no time jumping into the vacant barber's chair. Fate Star moves curiously over to his painting way. Fate Star By the way Birdman those paintings against the wall are fabulous. Can I have one. Adrian manages to free himself from the Babes on the couch and moves over next to Neuhart now also admiring his prairie canvases. JOHN NEUHART She's right these are well done. ADRIAN These paintings are part of my up coming One Man Show next weekend.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD JOHN NEUHART I really like the harvest transition between these two. As a kid I spent many a summer on my uncle Barry's farm, raising cane with his goats and pigs. He always has something good to say about me about everyone. Our camera pans slowly from the spring harvest canvas to the adjacent summer harvest canvas.

WHEN We hear the freight elevator intercom buzzer. CRACKLING FEMALE VOICE Hello...Adrian. ICY CHUTES I'll get it. I owe Judy an apology for spilling my drink down her back. She jumps off the black couch and stumbles over to the other side of the loft, bumping into and fondling Fate Star sitting in the barber's chair. She finally manages to find and hits the intercom open button. She then looks hard at Index Fender. 43

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ICY CHUTES Boss, I sure hope there is room for me on Aid's special Harley. The intercom speaker begins buzzing again. Adrian jumps up realizing the elevator can't go down until the freight elevator doors are shut. He closes the doors and waits to welcome the Tag Thirst account representatives. ROSIE ASH Birdman after you meet and greet our Tag Thirst lassies remember who is keeping your couch warm for you. ECHO My side of the couch is much warmer. ROISE ASH So that's what I smell farty Echo. ECHO Your taste has always been up your ass. Icy Chutes helps Adrian open the double freight elevator doors...And to everyone's surprise especially Adrian he is face to face with none other than his exgirlfriend now fellow art department assistant KAITLYN! ADRIAN What the fuck are you doing here! He moves inside the freight elevator and begins closing the up and down freight doors.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Give me a minute, this won't take long...What are you up to Kate? KAITLYN I know showing up like this at this hour is maybe not one of my better judgment calls, but I am not here to interrupt or ruin your party. I just wanted to come over for a minute and only a minute to say congratulations. And here I brought you this wine, you used to like it. ADRIAN This could have waited till morning. BEAT KAITLYN There is one more thing if you will let me please. I along with Becky decided to stay late tonight and get a head start on tomorrow morning's work load. You see we've cleared your morning's slate, you don't need to come to work till after lunch. So party on. ADRIAN So where is Becky. KAITLYN Uh, she thought I was going straight home from work. And I was, but the wine store was still open so one thing led to another...Don't be mad at me, I would like to think my intentions are honourable though risky at best.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Adrian turns around and opens the freight elevator doors a foot length. Everyone has gathered around the elevator intently listening in on their conversation. He tosses Kaitlyn's wine bottle at Neuhart. ADRIAN I'm going to take Kaitlyn down to the front lobby, I'll be right back. Adrian hits the down to lobby and avoids making contact with Kaitlyn...he never say this coming. JOHN NEUHART Don't be a party pooper. You have a number of babes here who are determined to make this a night you will never forget. The freight elevator door closes on Neuhart's face. 13 EXT. STUDIO LOFT WAREHOUSE - NIGHT

Adrian hurries Kaitlyn through the back lane elevator exit. ADRIAN It's over between us, right.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD KAITLYN I thought it was, but being back at RB-ONE has brought back a lot of good memories, remember. ADRIAN You need to move on, I have, for good. Sarah is going through a rough time right now, losing her father has been very hard on her. I love her and she is all I think about day and night. KAITLYN Sounds like you have found your soul mate, you're both very lucky. She gives Adrian a small peck on her cheek and slowly heads back to her plum coloured Volkswagen Jetta in the back lane guest parking stall. KAITLYN Yes it is over Birdman. ADRIAN Thanks for the time off, pass is it on.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD He remains outside the warehouse main floor entrance door making sure Kaitlyn is safely in her Jetta, then watches her drive off. BEAT His attention moves up to the partying sounds coming from his open loft windows on the sixth floor. ADRIAN Oh boy, ready, set, go.


14 *OMIT

15 * OMIT



Adrian drags his ass through the openness of his art department overlooking the rotunda. Becky, Kaitlyn and Derek are all taken back by his lack of wellness. ADRIAN Goodmor-afternoon everybody good to be back. I'll be in my office searching for a couple pain killers or is it wake-me-up-one-more-time liquids. 48

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Becky hurriedly gets to her feet and follows Adrian into his office. She closes the door behind her. Kaitlyn chooses to stay put at her workstation, and focuses on her screen. BECKY I'm surprised you made it in at all. Neuhart called in sick, must have been one hell of a wrap party. ADRIAN That it was, Fender and his Babes are still at the loft passed out everywhere. So is Neuhart - or was. How are things between you and Kate? BECKY Kaitlyn has done amazing things with the Matrek account. So well in fact the Partners have decided to let her take the lead on all future Matrek Fashion projects. ADRIAN Bypassing moi, oh by the way everybody and I mean everybody really fell in love with your poster - great job, you are one amazing talent. Glad to know someone always has my back.

BECKY Thanks, and Jimmie wants to see you in his office to talk about ADRIAN To let me know Kate is officially our top employee of the month.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD BECKY The Partners' and account execs have all been very supportive of Kaitlyn. ADRIAN I'm at the point now where if they want me out of the way sobeit. Maybe the writing is already on the wall. Having Kate back could be my ticket to ride, move on. BECKY I always felt there was more to your creative genius that just being cooped up in here all day. Maybe it is time for you to ride out of here. ADRIAN Not so fast, I'm still RB-ONE's Art Director, and if and only if I decide to leave I want to make sure you have a good crack at leading this art department. BECKY I think - if you should leave, that decision has already been made by the Partners. ADRIAN Don't underestimate your Birdman.




The sun is beginning to set over Adrian's sketched board drawings for his upcoming post Lemen Babes production editing compositing. His storyboards suddenly invert reversing from black line to white line. He studies his boards hard and long trying to make sense out of what is going on. It's like someone "else" is controlling his storyboards. ADRIAN I'm not dreaming out loud am I. ROSIE ASH Not if you lust for me in your dreams Birdman. Glad you made it out alive last night. Whew! She leans over at his reverse looking storyboards. Adrian does a double take - Rosie Ash is looking like a well dressed head shaved successful business man.

ROSIE ASH Surprised, don't be the man side of me is Ross Ashton chartered accountant at large - have a card they're free. 51

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Our camera pushes in full frame on his business card.

"ROSS ASHTON" Enough about me, Rosie. Last night after everyone passed out, I ventured over to your bookcase. I see you are really deep into Alien-ogoly, theology, creation and the uncharted frontiers of our universe. Not to mention all those books you have on Jupiter's moons Io. Your astro-cosmic collection is almost on par with Fate Star's. She was most impressed by your cosmic choices. ADRIAN Oh really, I wouldn't have guessed you or Fate Star would share such a cosmic incomprehensible interest with me. "ROSS Incomprehensible believe God made including me, uh ASHTON" indeed. Do you us all in His Image trans-gender types.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN And just where are you going with this precarious train of thought. "ROSS ASHTON" Well I believe in God and since I am like this...maybe God is transgender. After all he did supposedly create BOTH man and woman. Maybe all that I am is not an abomination like religious leaders want you to believe. Perhaps I carry a little more of God's Image in me than most. ADRIAN No argument from me. Our Creator seems to have more sides to Him than any religion dares to know. Adrian diverts eye contact by looking down at his strange looking storyboards


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD BEAT "ROSS ASHTON" Like your Norse aliens on Io. I could not help myself, it was like calling out to me. That is one magnificent ancestral book you have, the artwork is amazing. ADRIAN It has been in our family for many centuries, really don't know exactly how old it is, it seems to go back somehow before mankind on earth. "ROSS ASHTON" That would be something. Not much sunlight left, I'll leave you to your storyboards and daydreams. Can't wait to see your finished Merc-roid Love cut, and thanks for your trans-gender support. "Ross Ashton" walks away holding high his male side dignity.



Sarah comes down the second floor stair case and heads into the living room. She slides into the EZ-Boy chair, grabs the TV Guide out of the side pocket looking for... SARAH Yes, just in time. 54

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD She hears her boys upstairs jumping on their beds and heads back to the bottom of the staircase. SARAH Boys, do you want me to come back upstairs and tuck you back in bed. JASON/JORDON No mommy. Sarah runs back to her EZ-Boy chair not wanting to miss one single minute of...

TELEVISION HOST Welcome to our series Ancient Alien Encounters of the Third Kind...Tonight we begin in the American Southwest home to the Hopi Indian Tribes who believe according to their petroglyphs, having encounters with space visitors and gods known as The Ant People", cast down from the constellation Orion. Why these aliens were referred to as ants may lie in the fact that ants have three distinct body parts, similar to the three distinct stars in Orion's belt. 55




Adrian is putting the final touches to his last prairie canvas for his upcoming one man show. He looks tired and not really focused on the job at hand. He strains to look at the kitchen clock - 12:10 am. He goes back to mixing his next colour on his palette board. ADRIAN This little dab of burnt sienna should all be that is missing for this my final One Man Show entry, oh ya.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD He turns back to face his painting and realizes a strange unexplainable warping has taken place over his prairie canvas!

ADRIAN What the... wake up Birdman, you're dreaming out loud again. He moves over to his barber chair taking deep breaths. His smart phone fills the air. ADRIAN CONT'D Sarah, is this really you.


INT. THOMPSON FARMHOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT "INTERCUT WITH SCENE 19" SARAH Yes, who else would be crazy enough to call you at this hour. I thought it was about time to let my Birdman know I really am sorry for being this way. All the boys do is want to know when you are coming back. I've 57

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD SARAH CONT'D been such an ass, and selfish just for starters. I really miss you and hope I am still invited to your One Man Show. ...You have been so amazing through all this, I have been a fool but losing my dad so suddenly effected me in ways I never thought possible, like hurting you, can you forgive me.


INT ADRIAN RORVIK'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT CONT'D ADRIAN That's easy, you did what you thought you had to do. I would not been able to handle it as well you. I knew you would come around... I have so much to tell you about like my dreams, I think I actually am going crazy. It's like I'm dreaming out loud. And just two my show warped on its own! I am sitting here in my barber's chair staring at a painting I did not paint!


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD 20 INT. THOMPSON FARMHOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT "INTERCUT WITH SCENE 19" - CONT'D SARAH CONT'D I don't know what to say, I'm not there, maybe get some fresh air. Why not get on your Harley and ride the city streets something you like to do late at night. You mentioned once that Danny's Deli doesn't close until 2 am. Maybe drive by and see - just get away from your paintings for a while. I'm sure there is a logical explanation to what is going on. And thank you for understanding.


INT ADRIAN RORVIK'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT CONT'D ADRIAN CONT'D Maybe you're right. The video shoot took a lot out of me, though I can not wait to start editing in post. We shot some incredible video, the Babes were great...I also think the best cure for my sanity can only be you. Perhaps old doc Crater could shed a little quantum light on what's going on with me. Maybe after my show we could make an appointment with our favourite UFO shrink.


INT. THOMPSON FARMHOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT "INTERCUT WITH SCENE 19" - CONT'D SARAH CONT'D Sounds like a plan to me. Did I mention how great you have been through all this - with me. 59

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD 19 INT. ADRIAN RORVIK'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT CONT'D ADRIAN CONT'D Are you really sure you want to be around an artist who doesn't seem to be in control of his paintings and drawings. And then there are my alien dreams that are leading somewhere but God only knows why. 20 INT. THOMPSON FARMHOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT "INTERCUT WITH SCENE 19" - CONT'D SARAH CONT'D I wouldn't want my Birdman any other way.

21 INT. RO-ONE ART DEPTARTMENT - DAY Adrian strolls into his art department looking and feeling much better about himself. He gives Becky a gleaming thumbs up smile. Kaitlyn does her best to stay focused on her monitor screen's next Matrek Fashion ad. Derek is glad to see his boss feeling good. DEREK Good morning boss, welcome aboard. ADRIAN Thanks Derek, but I am only here for the day. Tomorrow I finally start editing my Babes video footage - can't wait. Seeing Kaitlyn is focused on her work and not him, he gives Becky a 'follow me' look. Adrian's office door closes behind them. 60

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN First off, Sarah and I are getting back together just in time for my One Man Show. BECKY That's great, I am so happy for you both...But you didn't just call me in here to talk about your love life. What else is on your mind Birdman. Adrian moves past Becky cracking open the door a hairs' width. Kaitlyn and Derek are hard at it seemingly unconcerned with them. ADRIAN What I didn't tell you about the wrap party - because I really didn't want to say something I would regret later or worse couldn't live up to. BECKY And that would be. ADRIAN The Lemen Babes and manager Index Finger have asked me to be their video music director for a number of songs for their upcoming album 'Gender Blender'. Great album title don't you think. BECKY Ya, just great, does this mean what I think it means.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Yes of course I will want you to help me design their album cover...But you are going to have to do it as a freelancer after work...It's time for me to move on - source out other creative horizons including video directing for the Babes. BECKY You deserve this Birdman. So Neuhart is fine with all this. ADRIAN Eh, John passed out early on, in my barber's chair after losing a drinking contest with Fate Star. He was no match against Star's lust for alcohol. BECKY So when are you planning to tell the Partners you are leaving. Oh my God I can't believe what I am saying. I am so happy for you and you and Sarah.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN If all goes to plan, shortly after completing the Lemen Babes video post. Everything hinges on my final Merc-roid cut which must surpass everyone's expectations and mine. Becky gives Adrian a hard felt hug, takes a deep breath and heads out the door closing it behind her. Adrian takes out his smart phone and begins texting. ADRIAN - VO Hello Dr. Crater, it's been awhile. Sorry for my tardiness, Sarah is back! After my weekend's One Man Show we BOTH would like to drop by - lots to talk about. Hope you can still make it to my show, here's the location link.





John Neuhart is standing behind his chair admiring one of his favourite Birdman paintings - looking through an old exterior brick warehouse multi-pane glass window into an old artist's studio. Jimmie Leakes positions his chair near the corner of Neuhart's desk leaving one empty chair facing directly in front of Neuhart. Adrian is at the door.



JOHN NEUHART The door is unlocked. ADRIAN John, Jimmie, good to see you man, how's Jeremy. JOHN NEUHART Sit down has come to my attention that somebody is thinking about leaving our Agency, anyone you may know. ADRIAN And who may I ask is pointing the finger at me besides you. JIMMIE LEAKES Apparently at your Babes' wrap party you were approached by Fender to be their new fulltime video music director. JOHN NEHART So say our loyal Tag Thirst Account Executives, you know Judy Taylor, Christine Howes.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD JIMMIE LEAKES Has this anything to do with the fact we went behind your back offering Kaitlyn the Matrek account. ADRIAN Not really, she's good, I would have given it to her anyway in a peace offering kind of way. And you don't remember anything being said about this at the wrap party. JOHN NEUHART Fate Star drank me into oblivion long before I could see the uh, bottom of the second JD bottle.

BEAT ADRIAN Listen guys, I cannot say the idea, the offer isn't appealing. Did not the Tag Thirst ladies also inform you that I could not accept their offer at this time. I mean walking away from here after all these years, man eh 65

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD JOHN NEUHART That they did, I guess for now let's keep this under wraps and I mean under wraps. Not a word more Birdman to anyone under your wing. You know who could have a lot of fun with this at your expense, need I say more.




Adrian Rorvik stands proud in the middle of his crowded One Man Show. Sarah leans on his shoulder glad to be back in his arms. She is amazed at how creatively he has captured the essence of their last harvest. SARAH Dad would be so proud of you, I know I am. Maybe it is time for you to move on. ADRIAN Sh-h, top secret remember. Tonight is about the impact a beautiful farmer's daughter and her late father have had on my life. SARAH You have definitely captured the essence of last year's harvest and my heart. 66


SARAH So which painting didn't you paint. ADRIAN The one over to your right. After I got off the phone with you the painting decided to flip 180 and my falcon was replaced by this distorted bird of prey.

Curiously Sarah examines closer the alien painting. 67

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD SARAH Maybe the bird flew in from Io. I mean I believe you, but if you didn't create this painting then who did. ADRIAN It's like someone is controlling me, pulling my strings.

SARAH I think there may be someone, something influencing my boys drawings to. Lately they have been writing 2029 all over them. ADRIAN my last alien dream I thought I was living in 2088. Now one of my painting's seems to have a mind of its own. Why me why Jason and Jordan. Maybe doc Crater will be able to help us. He emailed me saying he was DR. WINSLOW CRATER Long enough, if you did not paint this canvas then we are all relatively being affected. We 68

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ZDR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D see this painting the same way you do - NOT how you actually painted it. SARAH Oh my God, Adrian maybe you are right after all. We are all dreaming out loud. But how can this possible be. DR. WINSLOW CRATER A possibility, quantum persona could be at play from an unknown energy environment or dimension. ADRIAN As in alien intervention from another universe. Shit you mean ROSIE ASH Hey bitches, I found our Birdman, over here. ADRIAN Tomorrow night say seven. DR. WINSLOW CRATER I'll make a few inquiries in the meantime, better get started. ICY CHUTES So this must be Sarah, hm-m not bad, great looking ass. ROSIE ASH Give it a rest Ice, that's our director's main hook you're talking about. Birdman these are all truly amazing, when do you find the time. 69

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ECHO That's one weird looking bird dude, he gives me the creeps. FATE STAR I don't remember seeing this painting at your loft. JOHN NEUHART Neither do I, Le Babes, Adrian and you must be Sarah, I'm one of the senior partners at RB-ONE, John Neuhart. And this is Jimmie Leakes sales executive. SARAH I have heard so much about you both, all good I promise. JIMMIE LEAKES Sarah I would like you to meet my partner Jeremy Stedmann. SARAH Great to meet you, I hear your deli is where my Birdman goes to fill up when running on empty. JEREMY STEDMANN He does enjoy my double-decker ham on rye. And it looks like I'm in for some competition, I don't mind his ribs could use a little fattening up, if you know what I mean love. Around scans the gallery floor... BEAT


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Don't see any signs yet of your fellow Partners John. It's going to be hard selling all these paintings without company support. JOHN NEUHART Eh, I'm the only one that... There are a couple over there I think would look great in Boardroom do understand why.

ADRIAN I most certainly do John, I most unfortunately do. JIMMIE LEAKES Shit, Adrian don't turn around, we have trouble coming this way 2 o'clock. Through the gallery crowd we see Kaitlyn slowly making her way around the room, avoiding attention to herself - too late. ADRIAN Damnit, the nerve of that woman!


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD KAITLYN Surprise, have you seen Becky, she said to be here for 8:30. This is an interesting piece. From the other side of the gallery Becky moves in blocking Kaitlyn's advancement. BECKY There you are, hi boss, John, Jimmie, you must be Jeremy. Someone is a lucky man Jimmie. ADRIAN Sarah this is Becky and Kaitlyn they are eh JOHN NEUHART The other half of our creative graphic team. Kaitlyn has only been with us a short time and KAITLYN Actually Adrian and I have a little history between us, we worked many years together at RB-ONE creating an unbeatable one two punch right Birdman. The Lemen Babes have been observing the awkwardness Kaitlyn's presence is having on their music video director - they spring into action creating a foursome intervention. ROSIE ASH Hi you must be Becky, who's your friend, love your stiletto shoes.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD FATE STAR Girls you have to come tell us what you think about one of Bird's painting over on this wall. ECHO Yes, we would love your input.

ICY CHUTES We're thinking it would look great hanging in our recording studio. SARAH A working history, and what kind of a working history might that have been, I wonder. ADRIAN A history with no future, a dead end. Didn't you once tell me the father of your twins was a jerk. Well Kate is one hell of a bitch. SARAH Touch, let's start selling your paintings. I promise I will not turn into a hag. Let's do it.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Together. Our camera pulls back revealing Adrian's One Man Show seems to be receiving a lot of favourable nods from his invited guest. Adrian and Sarah begin mingling with potential buyers.




It's late both Adrian and Sarah are exhausted as the rising freight elevator door fills the screen. Sarah takes off her motorcycle helmet letting her long red hair escape into the shadows of Adrian's loft. Our screen focus is still a little fuzzy.

SARAH Bedtime Birdman, we can talk about the success of your one man show over breakfast, game.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN I am always game when it comes to you. And thanks, you were amazing tonight, it was so good to see you at my side this close up. SARAH Yes it does feel good, doesn't it. Sarah tosses her leather strap hand bag towards the kitchen table landing it precariously over the edge...And then she remembers. SARAH CONT'D There is something though you should probably see before I begin ripping off your clothes. ADRIAN Really, something more important than making out with you. See this bulge in my jeans, someone else is also very happy to see you. SARAH You think I am not as horny as you right now. But the fact of the matter is you should see the latest drawings my boys have drawn for you, especially after all that weird stuff that went on tonight at the gallery. She's moves her half-naked body to the kitchen table and removes a number of drawings from her leather zipped pocket. ADRIAN Are you sure this can't wait, you have already told me they are 75

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN CONT'D marking up their drawings in the year 2029. SARAH Yes, but I want to know if any of these drawings look like anything from your alien dreams. ADRIAN What the...holy shit Sarah, these are my Io sphere winged spacecraft. The same one I somehow piloted and crashed landed on Io. What are these?

SARAH Jordan says they are flying rock spaceships. ADRIAN Rock spaceships, what is going on, with me and your boys. Why us, or are we all just someone else's dream, toy. Adrian gets up from the pulled out black leather hidea-bed and heads straight for his book case pulling out his ancient Norse ancestry book. He lays it on top of 76

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD his kitchen nook glass table and wastes no time gingerly scanning its pages. ADRIAN Okay ancient grandfather Autgraf I'm listening, what the hell is going on and why. Sarah leans over Adrian shoulder as he slowly turns each page ever so delicately. SARAH The artwork is incredible, Autgraf was your ancient grandfather. ADRIAN That's what my dreams tell me. He sits down at the table and respectfully turns each page searching for some kind of an answer. Sarah is losing focus. The kitchen clock reads 2:43AM. SARAH I know this is driving you crazy but can it not wait till morning it is almost three. ADRIAN I'm sorry, give me a few more minutes and I will be right there, I promise. Sarah crawls under the comforter tossing her panties in Adrian's direction, they have little effect. Adrian is totally immersed in his ancient grandfather's ancestry book. BEAT


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Our camera begins to slowly pull back, we see the light next to the hide-a-bed go out. Adrian sits alone studying page after page of his ancient grandfather's ancestry book under the city lights emitting overhead from his sky light. ADRIAN If I only understood Futhark.




Dr. Winslow Crater is pulling an all nighter - trying to get to the bottom of "what was really going on" during Adrian's One Man Gallery Show. His HD monitor bounces changing light over his face with each loaded image file. He to is completely immersed in his work, his finger tips deliberately hit each key looking for an answer any answer. WHEN DR. WINSLOW CRATER How can this be? He saves his on screen image and uploads his email software. DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D Dear Adrian, I have equated a quantum theorem that just might hold the enigmatic key to tonight's perplexing events. When you read this email in the morning let me know if we can meet tonight 7pm? 78

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Give my regards to Sarah. Dr. A.W. Crater Astrophysicist 24/7




Adrian is still flipping back and forth through the pages of his ancient great grandfather's Norse ancestry book. BEAT The infamous sound of "incoming mail tone" from his smart phone cuts through the air. He turns his focus to Dr. Crater's email. He immediately begins texting a return message. ADRIAN (texting softly out loud) Why wait, let's do it now. Can't sleep am looking at my Norse ancestry book. A lot of crazy things are going on throughout this book. He looks over at Sarah sound asleep, continues texting. ADRIAN CONT'D Sarah is in Z-land right now, do not want to wake her. Should be at your door in 20 minutes. /Adrian. 79

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Adrian grabs his leather jacket laying near the seemingly sleeping Sarah. SARAH And just where do you think you are going without me.




Adrian turns his Harley Davidson's throttle a little higher not wasting time dodging around what little traffic there is. Sarah holds on tight leaning heavily into his feathered vest. She looks skyward between the city's skyscrapers and notices strange blue lights hovering as if they are following them - or waiting for them. SARAH Adrian look up straight ahead do you see them. 80

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD ADRIAN Shit they are on to us - hold on!

He takes a sharp turn into the next lane and speeds up its shadowy sides. Then a hard left through the next lane circling back to where they last saw the blue lights. The blue light anomalies have vanished. They drive on Sarah keeps a watchful eye overhead.





Dr. Crater is behind his reception workstation focused on his HD screen...He hears a door knock. His aging small frame scurries past his workstation around the guest leather couch and opens the door with great anticipation. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Come in, thank you for coming at this late hour. Sarah I wasn't expecting 81

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD SARAH I wouldn't miss this for the world right Birdman. ADRIAN Eh yes, your text sounded imperatively urgent so I, we decided that sleep would have to wait till morning. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Late indeed, but what I am about to say and show you will require a very open mind regarding how mankind may have got here. SARAH Before you start showing me something I may not want to see or hear. You should know blue orb alien craft were hovering above us on our way here though we seemed to have lost them. Our camera moves in on Dr. Winslow Crater's screen.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD DR. WINSLOW CRATER Please sit down, Sarah what you just told me is a fantastic lead-in to what I am about to show you. Dr. Winslow Crater's takes a pause from his keyboard. BEAT

DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D at the root of your canvas warping and your twins' alien drawings. It leads me to believe there is a lot more going on than meets the eye. ADRIAN Really and just what are our eyes not seeing. DR. WINSLOW CRATER There is actual evidence of these asteroids warping near the Mothership. Here, see for yourself. This is a classified Hubble Telescope image a fellow collaborative astrophysicist forwarded earlier this evening. I will require more time to further equate its algorithmic variants.



SARAH What does this all mean, are my boys mankind in danger? ADRIAN And why isn't this image on the front page of every damn newspaper in the country. Our world governments must know about this. Why the cover up? DR. WINSLOW CRATER We are simply not prepared, we do not know who or why they have been hovering in the Kuiper Belt for so long. ADRIAN Do you think there is any connection between this asteroid Mothership and the alien spaceship you found near Jupiter's moon Io. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Don't know, but my fellow colleagues do believe this alien Kuiper Mothership has been hovering in the asteroid belt for a couple thousand years. The Io Mothership 84

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D I would guess is a more recent visitation maybe by other aliens. ADRIAN Great, so what are they, we waiting for - certainly not the end of time! DR. WINSLOW CRATER Have you ever heard about the Singular Theory, The Transcendent Man. They just recently Our frame becomes erratic as another image tries to break through.

ADRIAN Does anyone feel that. SARAH Feel what, I attended their lecture last week. Oh my God, these Singular Theory advocates believe by the year 2029 man and machine will begin to live 85

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD SARAH CONT'D as one. Nanos will be inserted into our bodies immunizing us from all illness; allowing mankind to live for generations. Are these aliens behind this, is this what they are waiting for? DR. WINSLOW CRATER Perhaps, maybe this is why their activity has picked up lately. Even singling out certain chosen individuals like yourself Adrian who offer an incredible capacity to dream. While also preparing your sons and future generations for the inevitable communion between man, machine and aliens. ADRIAN Wait a minute, what you are saying is my dreams, Sarah's boy's drawings are part of a grand alien scheme - preparing us for an alien intervention invasion from two different directions! DR. WINSLOW CRATER If their intentions were to invade destroy mankind they certainly have had centuries of time to do just that. Why is wonder? SARAH Hold me Birdman, this is all too much for a farmer's daughter who has never looked to God or heaven as an alien asteroid spaceship.



Adrian and Sarah come through the freight elevator wooden cage double door system. Exhausted and drained from their visit at Dr. Crater's Office - Adrian kickstands his Harley Davidson Special and drops next to Sarah who just in the neck of time has pulled out the hide-a-bed via the remote. SARAH I don't know what or who to believe anymore. Tonight was something literally out of this world. My God there are aliens out there and nobody is wanting to do anything about it. They have even invaded your dreams.

Note: this close-up illustration of Sarah is similar in technique to Adrian's recent storyboard sketches in the city park on page 60. (What's going on?) SARAH I don't know what or who to believe anymore. Tonight was something literally out of this world. My God there are aliens out there and nobody is wanting 87

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD SARAH CONT'D to do anything about it. They have even invaded your dreams. She digs her smart phone from her jeans and notices the time 6:09 AM. SARAH I'm calling Aunt Norah, I have to check on my boys...Adrian. Adrian is fast asleep. His eyelids are already twitching...



Adrian's virtual alien dreamscape is beginning like no other... There seems to be another galaxy invading his dream...and where is Horus?




His dreamscape is slowly taking him deeper into a cosmic state. The galaxy is evolving into a definitive rotating universe is also beginning to look awfully familiar...


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Adrian's ancestral Viking book comes alive! Pages from its interior begin streaming through the Flight of Viking Colonization leather bound cover!

WHEN The ghosted image of Horus comes into view as we move tighter in on the familiar battle scene.

Horus comes to life on the Viking page and squawks at Adrian as if to say "Hop on - let's go!" 90


Adrian senses something behind them and sees a familiar portal hole chasing them down.

ADRIAN Horus we need to put your wings into overdrive. There is an approaching warp hole and this one doesn't look very friendly. Horus realizes the danger and soars as fast as he can away from the jaws of the portal. ADRIAN Are my eyes deceiving me, how can this possible be. Horus what the hell is going on. A holograph looking image begins taking shape before them...but why. 91


As one of his paintings Show is being suspended There is no escape...An tosses them through his

we've seen from his One Man in a warping grid before them. energy force engulfs them and painting to the other side...

ADRIAN Horus ever been here before. Horus give a resounding squawk for yes. ADRIAN Since you seemingly have been this way before I'll leave the driving to you good buddy...Hey that planet over there sure looks a lot like eh Jupiter's moon Io. Shall we go in for a closer look.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Horus navigates his wings in the direction of the planet "Io?"... in an alternate universe! They swoop down over the cloudless and barren crater filled terrain. A cityscape appears on the horizon...wait a minute what is Arizona's Monument Valley doing here?

ADRIAN This is so surreal, what is Arizona's Monument Valley doing here. Is this possibly what Earth looked like before the dinosaurs. But we are not on Earth, right Horus... His good buddy remains silent as they approach the city. ADRIAN The older part of the city looks like it has been deliberately left in ruins but why. Not much here, what do you say we fly over to the newer part of the city, maybe we might find somebody or clues to just what is going on...I'm still dreaming right.



As they turn overhead to the futuristic towers our screen once again begins breaking up.

ADRIAN It appears this part of the city doesn't want an visitors. The interference seems to be generating from the city's featured obelisk. Any thoughts Horus. Horus gives a resounding screech. Adrian and Horus are now blinded by the interference...He hears a familiar voice.



AUTGRAF Horus has lead you to ANU's alien domain in another dimension in time. ANU wants you to think you are still dreaming on Earth. He is too strong for you right now. You must find a dream portal that will take you back to your time. Take control! ADRIAN And just where am I going to find this portal. Can't Horus lead me to this portal?...Autgraf are you still there. Adrian takes a deep breath... And looks deep within himself for a way out.


BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD 33 INT ADRIAN'S ART STUDIO LOFT - DAY Gradually Adrian hears the sound of static emitting from his television set...He sits up in his bed gasping for air, sweat pours down his face...He senses he is back, but is he back to the present...He jumps out of bed and heads straight for his static HD widescreen television...He can't make heads or tails what is ghosting in and out...are these the aliens?

ADRIAN Sarah, wake up I need you to see this...Sarah? Our camera moves past Adrian's naked body zooming through the static television screen.

Our screen turns deathly dark. END

Birdman From Io Dreaming Out Loud 96

BIRDMAN FROM IO > DREAMING OUT LOUD Thank you for purchasing the third in my Birdman From Io mini-series Dreaming Out Loud

Stay tuned for Birdman From Io illustrated screenplay episode #004 BEYOND DREAMS






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