Corporate Services Plan 2012 - Final Draft (2) 1

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Corporate Services Plan 2011 - 12

Corporate Services Plan 2011-12


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction by Chief Officer Achievements and Proposals for the future Overview of Services and Contribution to the Corporate Plan Budget Action Plan in detail

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I am pleased to present the Corporate Services Service Plan for 2011/12 which sets out how we intend to develop, review and deploy our resources to help meet the outcomes in the Councils Corporate Plan, its portfolio of change and new ways of working. Through these actions we will improve service delivery to our internal and external customers and will contribute to the aim of making Cardiff Council the best European Council by 2015. This is the first Service Plan for the recently restructured Service Area and it will build on the positive progress and achievements of our predecessor areas and focus on the key issues that face us and the Council in the future. My new management team comprises of myself as the Chief Corporate Services & Section 151 Officer, the Head of Service, Scrutiny, Performance & Improvement, the Chief Legal and Democratic Services Officer, together with senior Operational Managers for Procurement, Accountancy, Risk & Audit and Strategic Estates. This team will be responsible for taking forward the key council wide functions as well as some of the most challenging agendas facing the Council at this time. The key services provided by the new team are:Corporate Services & Section 151 Officer Carrying out all statutory financial responsibilities Facilitating and managing an evolving capital portfolio. Ensuring effective financial control over a wide range of disciplines including accounts payable and receivable; payroll; management and administration of Pension Fund; collection of Council Tax and NNDR and budgetary control. Managing and providing strategy, advice and solutions for the corporate procurement of goods, works and services. Ensuring robust risk management arrangements are in place across the council services Securing sustainable and cost efficient energy management and carbon reduction. Assuring a robust approach to the management of the Transformation Portfolio

Head of Service, Scrutiny Performance & Improvement Delivering robust Scrutiny arrangements Spearheading the delivery of the Councils Corporate Plan through effective performance management and business intelligence Developing and delivering a robust approach to the management of information across the Council including Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Providing health and safety advice across the council while providing effective, proactive management of health and safety.

Chief Legal and Democratic Services Officer Monitoring Corporate Governance and probity. Delivering legal advice on all major projects and procurements. Supporting Service Areas by providing general Legal Advice and direct services to the Public e.g. organising and servicing Education appeals panels. Provision of administrative support to the Council, Executive, Committees and Corporate Management Board. Delivering Democratic Support and implementing the Member Development Strategy. Delivering Electoral Services.

It is recognised that by pulling together these functions we are best placed to support the Council to deliver its ambitious agenda for change and I look forward to working with you as we establish our new Service Area and develop and implement the Plan.

CHRISTINE SALTER Chief Corporate Services & Section 151 Officer

Achievements and Proposals for the Future

Achievements Services provided by the former Corporate Services were delivered in 2010/11 against a back drop of changing legislation, shrinking resources and an ambitious transformational change agenda within the Council Some notable achievements in the last twelve months include: Implementing the Centralisation of the Accounts Payable function as part of the Transformation Programme which will realise savings of 237,000 in 2011/12. Delivering the first stage of the Print Smart project by putting in place new, innovative methods to enable an improved process for printing, copying and scanning across the authority Re-energising and refocusing the performance reporting of the council Adopting a Property Disposals Procedural policy and introducing a structured approach to asset management policy which has put in place the foundations for the future development of a sound co-ordinated approach. Proactively tackling Housing and Council Tax benefits Fraud which resulted in some 63 prosecutions taking place in respect of 400,000 of overpayments.

A summary of the objectives of the predecessor Service Area and performance against them in 2010/2011 is available on CIS.

The Future The key aim of the Corporate Plan is to build a prosperous city supported by a vibrant and dynamic culture and a healthy, safe city with a rich and sustainable environmental heritage. Over the next three years at a strategic level within the Council, Corporate Services will take the lead and support the change in the organisational culture, adapt to a range of policy and legislative reforms on both local and national levels. This goal needs to be underpinned by a modern, responsive Corporate Services Area we have set ourselves an ambitious reform agenda to enable us to achieve this. Our aims are therefore to: Deliver a more accessible and responsive service which provides clarity and certainty for internal and external stakeholders about the future development of Cardiff Council. 5

Encourage stronger collaborative working with our partners, internal and external stakeholders which ensures an effective match of resources and processes to priorities.

Overview of Services & Contribution to the Corporate Plan

Our role is to consistently work in partnership with the Executive, Members, Service Areas, partners and other bodies to support the development of Council plans and strategies to ensure policy across the council is routinely practiced and measured. As the majority of the Service Areas functions are enabling ones, providing both direct and indirect support to all of the Councils services we have an integral part to play in contributing to the delivery of each outcome set out in the Corporate Plan. Specifically Corporate Services greatest focus is on leading and supporting the following outcomes and objectives:Outcomes: The Council Delivers improved outcomes for the City and its Citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working Cardiff is a fair, just and inclusive society People in Cardiff are healthy People in Cardiff achieve their full potential Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy

Details of the specific activities we will undertake to support these and other corporate objectives are outlined in the Service Action Plan.

CORPORATE SERVICES REVENUE ESTIMATE 2011/12 SERVICE ANALYSIS BUDGET HEADING EXPENDITURE Employees Premises Repairs & Maintenance Other Premises Costs Transport Running Costs of Vehicles Other Transport Costs Supplies & Services Equipment Furniture & Materials Communications & Computing Other Supplies & Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Support Services Less Internal Recharges Transfer to reserve Capital Financing GROSS EXPENDITURE INCOME Government Grants Other Grants Sales Fees and Charges Rents Interest Other Income GROSS INCOME NET EXPENDITURE FINANCE 000 PROCUREMENT 000 PROPERTY 000 LEGAL SERVICES 000 DEMOCRATIC SERVICES 000 SCRUTINY, PERFORMANCE & IMPROVEMENT 000 SERVICE TOTAL 000

9,801 0 18 0 51 13 893 873 17 0 1,003 (1,972) 0 8 10,705

1,208 17 140 0 3 1,409 26 6 10 0 12 (1,588) 0 0 1,243

1,361 347 659 0 13 5 9 128 0 0 821 (393) 0 6 2,956

2,012 0 2 0 2 81 31 179 0 0 243 (411) 0 3 2,142

1,083 0 0 0 7 11 201 1,502 0 0 206 0 52 3 3,065

2,068 0 0 0 17 8 26 282 293 0 170 (6) 0 0 2,858

17,533 364 819 0 93 1,527 1,186 2,970 320 0 2,455 (4,370) 52 20 22,969

0 0 0 (1,293) 0 0 (1,973) (3,266) 7,439

0 0 (635) (270) 0 0 (71) (976) 267

0 0 (48) (3,597) (2) (124) (3,771) (815)

0 0 0 (663) 0 (34) (222) (919) 1,223

0 0 (8) 0 0 0 (16) (24) 3,041

(17) 0 0 0 0 0 (156) (173) 2,685

(17) 0 (643) (2,274) (3,597) (36) (2,562) (9,129) 13,840

Corporate Services Business Plan 2011 -12 Corporate Outcome

Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure that all citizens eligible to vote are able and encouraged to do so

Cardiff is a fair, just and inclusive society

To promote equality of opportunity and participation in decision making
Tasks Manage the delivery of community council, local council, regional, national elections and other polls for Cardiff Responsibility Democratic Services Manager Timescale 5 May 2011 31 Dec 2011 31 Mar 2012 Milestones & Measures 30 Sept 2011 31 Mar 2012 NAW Elections and AV Referendum held Canvass for 2012 Register of Electors completed Statutory four-yearly review of all polling districts and polling places in Cardiff completed Review completed of areas of Cardiff where electoral registration is low and measures to help increase democratic engagement implemented Preparations for Council Elections in 2012 in place Updated information on the Councils website relating to changes to Executive and Committees Annual Meeting of Council in May 2011 Revised process and forms for registering and publishing hospitality & conference approvals Approved Member Engagement, Consultation and Correspondence Protocol in place Improved access to a more user friendly Constitution Agreed corporate Member correspondence system in line with the Councils Reference Architecture Process of regular auditing of registers and Members information in place Review of potential costs for webcasting Executive and Planning Committee meetings completed and decision taken on whether to proceed or not Completed Implementation Plan setting out changes required Revised Constitution to reflect the changes outlined in the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011

To ensure that the Councils democratic processes support open and transparent decision making and provide easy access to key Council information

Review and develop the provision of public information on the Councils website and in Council publications to improve citizen engagement Plan for the transition of Members following the council elections in May 2012

Democratic Services Manager

30 June 2011

To ensure that the Councils democratic processes support open and transparent decision making and provide easy access to key Council information

Review the provisions of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and develop a plan for implementing relevant changes in accordance with WAG guidance

Chief Officer Legal & Democratic Services

31 Mar 2012

Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To develop a more citizen focused scrutiny function in Cardiff

Cardiff is a fair, just and inclusive society

To promote equality of opportunity and participation in decision making
Tasks Review Scrutiny Services in line with the outcomes of the Green Paper consultation, recommendations from the Policy Review and Performance Scrutiny Committee and the relevant provisions of the Local Government Measures 2011 Work with partners to establish effective scrutiny arrangements for the LSB Develop and deliver a development programme for Scrutiny members Responsibility OM Scrutiny Timescale 30 Sept 2011 Milestones & Measures Review complete and recommendations for change approved Awareness sessions held for members and council staff Revised arrangements completed Arrangements in place Induction and ongoing development programme for members in place

31 Mar 2011

To develop a more citizen focused scrutiny function in Cardiff To ensure that the Members have the necessary skills and support required to undertake their roles effectively

OM Scrutiny

30 Sept 2011

OM Scrutiny

31 Mar 2011

Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To maximise local gains from public service procurement arrangements by progressing the Source Cardiff initiative to improve access for local companies

Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy

Supporting local business
Tasks Implement policy and procedural changes to improve access to procurement opportunities both directly with the Council and through our supply chain Responsibility OM Commissioning & Procurement Timescale 31 Mar 2012 Milestones & Measures Source Cardiff recommendations in respect of advertising, use of approved lists and supplier selection and pre-qualification implemented Tender process reviewed to ensure it is as simple as possible and proportionate to the requirement in order to reduce the costs of compliance to suppliers Work with prime contractors at tender stage to Annual establish the contribution that small firms, ethnic reviews minority businesses, social enterprises and third sector suppliers can play in the supply chain Review the contribution of small firms etc during the Annually life of the contract based on No/% of prime contractors who sign up to making a contract dates positive contribution Ongoing No/% of prime contractors who positively contribute Ongoing Set up indicators in contracts. For example, a social clause may require the contractor to take on a number of apprentices or recruit a number of longterm unemployed people

To work with prime contractors and partners to maximise opportunities for community benefits, in particular to: - match citizens with emerging employment opportunities in the city, - help offenders, ethnic minority populations and NEET young people participate in the labour market

Include social clauses, where appropriate, as special conditions in terms of the performance of a contract, to assist in delivery of community benefits

OM Commissioning & Procurement

Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective
To ensure that the Council's City Wide Regeneration programme is financially robust and financial implications are fully understood

Becoming a world-class business/ visitor destination

Provide financial advice and support to the City Wide Regeneration programme and individual financial support as required for the programmes and projects within the scheme

OM Project & Technical Accounts


Milestones & Measures

Individual projects to be monitored via specific project /programme governance mechanisms Regular updates on key issues / projects


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To contribute to the effective and efficient management of the Council

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks Responsibility Timescale Ongoing Milestones & Measures Production, implementation and monitoring of plans and policies as required Ensure compliance with corporate Chief Corporate arrangements for cross cutting issues Services & Section such as equalities, sustainable 151 Officer development, business continuity, health and safety and risk management Support service areas and the City & OM Service County Treasurer in preparing the Accountancy Councils annual revenue budget and provide a range of budget monitoring information and advice to service areas and the Executive

To ensure that the Council sets a balanced budget and effectively monitors performance against the budget during the year

Jul Feb

Support provided to service areas in preparing budget submissions and preparation of detailed service area budgets Service area monitoring information for months 3 10 months and EBM reports for months 3, 6 and 8

31Mar 2011 28 Feb 2012

Budget Book compiled and service area budgets input onto the financial ledger Budget approved by full Council

To ensure that revenue and capital resources are allocated to the Council's services in order to deliver the Corporate Plan

Budget Strategy and Budget preparation for revenue and capital

OM Projects & Technical Accounts

To deliver unqualified accounts within Effective closure of the Councils statutory timeframe to be done for revenue accounts within the required the first time on the basis of IFRS timescales including reconciliation of service area balances To deliver unqualified accounts within Production of Statutory Statement of statutory timeframe to be done for accounts including Pension Fund the first time on the basis of IFRS Statement of Accounts / Annual Report and Whole of Government Accounts To ensure that the Council has effective management of its Treasury Strategy in line with Council Treasury Policy To ensure that there is effective risk and performance management and that this is reported to members and the Audit Panel

OM Service Accountancy

May 2011 30 June 2011

Closure of the Councils revenue accounts and completion of final service area reports Final Outturn report presented to the Executive Accounts signed by Chief Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer Whole of Government Accounts produced Audited Accounts approved by Council & published on website by due date Counterparty assessments Reports to Executive Audit Panel and Council as per requirements

OM Projects & Technical Accounts

30 June 2011 31 July 2011 22 Sept 2011

OM Capital & Treasury



Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure the effective management and successful delivery of the Councils Capital Programme and major capital projects To ensure that the Council manages the assets and liabilities of the Pension Fund and pays an appropriate level of employer contributions To ensure that the Councils decision making processes, including the Transformation Programme, are underpinned by robust financial management and monitoring To ensure that Council is adequately covered for all reasonable risks and the claims awarded against the Council are minimised To ensure that the Council minimises the risks associated with commissioning and procurement activities

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks Provision of Capital Finance advice and information including Capital monitoring and performance information for member reporting Pension liabilities are closely monitored, investment assets are properly managed and reported, pensions are calculated and paid correctly Provision of effective financial advice to officers and members, including support for the Councils Transformation Programme, on new policies and initiatives and benchmarking To provide an effective Insurance service for all reasonable risks Responsibility OM Capital & Treasury Timescale On-going Milestones & Measures Quarterly Executive budget monitoring reports Regular updates on key projects/issues

OM Pensions


Quarterly Investment Panel meetings Publication of the annual report and accounts Triennial Fund valuation

OM Service Accountancy


Regular updates on key issues

OM Exchequer & Development


Number of Claims Number and value of claims defended % of claims successfully defended?

Implement governance, policy and procedural changes to ensure our commissioning and procurement activity meets our statutory and regulatory duties, reflects best practice and manages risk commensurate with business requirements

OM Commissioning & Procurement

31 Mar 2012

Revised internal Contract Standing Orders and Procurement Rules to ensure enforcement of corporate contracts and procurement policy in place Audit reporting to monitor and review compliance with corporate contracts and procurement policy updated

31 Mar 2013 In accordance with PPDR timetable

Training to ensure staff have the appropriate competencies, skills and knowledge to fulfil their roles delivered Skills and knowledge reviewed through PP&DR process


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure that the Councils Tax Collection processes are compliant with changes in legislation To maximise income and cash flow for the Council

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks Implement legislative changes to empty property and small business relief for NNDR and pensioner reduction scheme for Council Tax Responsibility OM Revenue Services Timescale On-going Milestones & Measures Regular updates on key issues

Develop a sustainable process for the OM Revenue procurement of bailiffs to compliment Services the work of the Councils internal team Accurate and timely submissions of monthly VAT returns Accurate and timely billing of Council Tax and NNDR and timely collection OM Revenue Services OM Revenue Services

31 Mar 2011

New procurement process in place

To maximise income and cash flow for the Council and to minimise the risk of penalties in relation to VAT To maximise the amount of Council Tax and NNDR collected by the Council which is due to it


Monthly monitoring of VAT claims Accuracy of VAT claims


% of bills issued accurately The percentage of council tax due for the financial year which was received by the authority The amount of non-domestic rates received during the year, net of refunds

To maximise the efficiency of distribution of Exchequer outputs To ensure the Council complies with WAO requirements with respect to grant claims and other statutory returns

Extending use of existing and OM Exchequer & implementing new electronic methods Development for distributing Exchequer outputs Submission of grant claims and statutory returns within the required timescales, ensuring that all monies due to the Council are properly received and liaising with the Wales Audit Office on grant certification OM Service Accountancy

31Mar 2012

Increased use of existing methods Introduction of new arrangements/methods

Grant claims normally qtrly throughout the year Specific deadlines for statutory returns Ongoing

Accurate claims submitted as required

Meeting deadlines Level of qualification Additional benefits identified Satisfaction of end users with availability and functionality of SAP

To ensure the Councils SAP system supports effective budget monitoring and supports continual improvement in budget management processes

To maintain access and use of SAP and identify opportunities for benefits that could be gained from additional functionality

OM Projects & Technical Accounts


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure the Councils SAP system supports effective budget monitoring and supports continual improvement in budget management processes

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks To maintain control of the accounting aspects of the SAP system including monthly bank account reconciliation, updating and maintaining coding hierarchies, ensuring timely and accurate coding of income transactions, monitoring and reconciling key suspense accounts and supporting future developments of SAP Manage Energy use in the Councils Estate and comply with the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Responsibility OM Schools & Budget Control Timescale On-going throughout the year but with monthly reviews and reporting Milestones & Measures Meeting deadlines No. of working days income not in ledger No. of suspense codes un-cleared by end of financial year

To deliver a 60% reduction in the Councils Carbon emissions

OM Estates & Land Strategy

31 Mar 2012

Continued delivery of Council Carbon Management Programme Milestone target for 2011/12 to be a 5% reduction in carbon emissions over previous year

31 July 2011 To ensure the effective and efficient delivery of the requirements of Information Management data protection (DP) and Freedom of Information (FOI) Review the effectiveness of existing processes for DP and FOI, including a resourcing plan as part of the Performance and Information Project above Head of Service Scrutiny, Performance & Improvement

CRC Core Team & Working Group to submit Footprint report as required by scheme legislation

As per the Programme governance through Transformation Shared Service Programme Transformation Delivery of the savings as set out in the Programme Transformation Programme timescales 31 Dec 2011 31 Jan 2012 Review completed Commence implementation of recommendations of the review

To ensure that Records Management Review existing delivery of the Head of Service is delivered efficiently and effectively records management and the records Scrutiny, management centre Performance & Improvement


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To secure a step change in corporate Performance Management

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks Lead the Corporate Performance Management and Information Transformation Project Responsibility Head of Service Scrutiny, Performance and Information Timescale 31 May 2011 30 June 2011 31 Aug 2011 31 Oct 2011 Milestones & Measures Council-wide performance management framework New council-wide PM/FOI staffing proposal Revised quarterly performance reports implemented Process for developing the Corporate Plan agreed by Leader and CMB Corporate Improvement Plan published Preferred corporate performance management software selected 28 Feb 2012 31 Mar 2012 Corporate Plan approved by Full Council 100k savings from FTE reduction New corporate performance management software solution implemented Ongoing Lexcel accreditation Completed annual review of all documentation held on CIS and in visual files 31 Mar 2012 Assessment of the implications of the recommendations in the Simpson Report relating to Legal Services Member Development Programme in place and available for all Members Review of Executive portfolio responsibilities and support arrangements completed following Annual Meeting of Council in May 2011 Review and audit of current IT provision for Members completed 31 Mar 2012 Updated IT provision for Members in place Member Induction programme developed in readiness for post-May 2012 elections

To deliver high quality, value for money legal services for the Council

Maintain Lexcel accreditation and Chief Officer Legal ensure that all legal processes are up & Democratic to date Services Explore the potential for more collaborative opportunities with other Local Authorities as outlined in the Simpson Report 2011 Chief Officer Legal & Democratic Services Democratic Services Manager

31 Mar 2012

To seek to improve the value for money of legal services through sharing and collaboration with other councils

To ensure that Members have the Provide support services and necessary skills and support required development opportunities for all to undertake their roles effectively Members, including supporting the transition of Members following the council elections in May 2012

30 June 2011


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure that the Council operates effective and embedded risk management arrangements

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks Support the development of risk management and good governance arrangements to ensure that processes are designed so that risk management is intrinsically built into everyday Council practices and procedures Responsibility Audit & Risk Manager Timescale 30 June 2011 30 Sept 2011 31 Mar 2011 Ongoing Milestones & Measures New Corporate Risk Policy and Strategy approved Annual Governance Statement approved Review of contract with Marsh complete New Risk database implemented (if decision taken to proceed) Quarterly review of Corporate Risk Register Regular updating of intranet site for Risk Management % of services with risk registers

To ensure that the Council operates effective and embedded risk management arrangements To ensure that the Council operates effective and embedded risk management arrangements To ensure that the Councils corporate governance arrangements are underpinned by an independent appraisal function which provides authoritative advice and assurance with regards to the adequacy of internal control arrangements To reduce the environmental impact of the activities of the Audit and Risk service

Provide support to service areas develop their own risk registers Facilitate Audit Panel and helping shape their work plan To provide a professional, effective and efficient audit and investigation service, to be undertaken in compliance with professional Codes of Practice and Statute

Audit & Risk Manager Audit & Risk Manager Audit & Risk Manager


In line with Panel timetable 1 May 2011 31 May 2011

Effective Audit Panel meetings

Delivery of the Audit Plan Deliver of the Annual Audit Report Progress reports on audits within 4 weeks of the quarter end for Section 151 Officer and Audit Panel Spend within budget Cost analysis with benchmark group

Continue towards a paperless office by maximising opportunities for greater use of technology

Audit & Risk Manager

Review Introduce hot-desking progress Sept Reduction in paper files 2011


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To target fraud and financial impropriety to reduce the risk of financial loss to the Council

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all our services to deliver value for money
Tasks Promoting prevention and detection through the provision of advice and guidance in relation to risks, controls and effective working and sound guidance on a range of financial matters Responsibility Audit & Risk Manager Timescale 31 Oct 2011 Ongoing Review progress quarterly Milestones & Measures Review of the Anti Fraud and Anti-Corruption Strategy completed Progress reports within 4 weeks of the quarter end for Section 151 Officer and Audit Panel Client interaction measures % client satisfaction % of recommendations agreed / actioned Achieve fraud awareness training targets and satisfaction ratings Quarterly newsletters for Benefit Fraud issued Issue at least four press releases / reports on court cases per annum Progress reports within 4 weeks of the quarter end for Section 151 Officer and Audit Panel Analysis of sanctions Continue working with DWP in preparation for 2013

To target fraud and financial impropriety to reduce the risk of financial loss to the Council

To undertake investigations into suspected fraud in accordance with professional standards

Audit & Risk Manager

Ongoing Review progress quarterly


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure that the Councils Transformation Programme is effectively managed and supported in order to maximise the likelihood of delivering the expected benefits To deliver more efficient and cost effective Accounts Payable and Payroll Services

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Delivering internal transformational realising cashable savings and improved service delivery
Tasks Responsibility Timescale Ongoing Milestones & Measures TMO posts filled by September 2011 Initial tranche of Shared Delivery Team posts filled by September 2011 Monitored through monthly PMB Portfolio Highlight Reports and quarterly benefit highlight reports 31 Oct 2011 AP 31 Mar 2012 HR/Payroll Ongoing All staff structures/transfers completed Processes fully implemented Pay centre fully operational As per milestones to be identified Establish an effective Transformation OM Transformation Management Office (TMO) able to Management Office support the delivery of Transformation programmes and projects within a compliant governance framework Completion of wave 0 Transformation Centralisation of Accounts Payable and HR/ Payroll/ Training projects OM Exchequer & Development

To deliver a new approach to the way To support and participate in the we procure external goods and proposed Transformation Procure to services that will release cashable Pay project savings To deliver a new approach to the way Develop and publish a we procure external goods and Commissioning and Procurement services that will release cashable Strategy savings To deliver a new approach to the way we procure external goods and services that will release cashable savings

OM Exchequer & Development

OM Commissioning & Procurement

31 July 2011

Strategy approved by EBM

Implement a commissioning OM Commissioning approach which ensures services are & Procurement designed and secured to meet the needs of citizens, communities and customers Implement category management to OM Commissioning deliver improved value for money and & Procurement cashable savings and streamline our core processes to ensure they are efficient and that we are buying as one organisation

31 Mar 2012

Common framework for the creation of service area specific commissioning strategies in place Citizens focused measures to review the impact of the framework in place

31 Mar 2013 As per the transformation programme and project plans

Framework implemented Monitored through Transformation Programme governance and deliverables Savings target of 18.5m met by 2013/14

To deliver a new approach to the way we procure external goods and services that will release cashable savings


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To reduce Council expenditure on Land and Buildings

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Delivering internal transformational realising cashable savings and improved service delivery
Tasks Responsibility Timescale On-going Milestones & Measures Governance through Transformation Programme Delivery of the savings as set out in the Transformation Programme Draft office accommodation strand presented to CMB/CO and EBM end of April 2011 Draft Asset Management strand presented to June EBM Ongoing CRSA reviews / audit reports on Programmes and projects. Attendance at meetings STC programmes, projects Regular updates on key issues / projects Deliver the Land and Buildings OM Estates & Land Programme, focusing on three Strategy strands: - Asset Management - Office Accommodation Rationalisation - Non operational Investment Estate Support the effective risk management of the Transformation Programme and other major projects and programmes To provide financial support and advice to the transformation programme as required including: - the Benefits Framework Board - the Investment Strategy Provide the Transformation Programme and Project with legal advice Audit & Risk Manager

To ensure that the Council operates effective and embedded risk management arrangements To ensure that the Council's transformation programme as a whole, and specific projects are underpinned by and decisions taken based on robust financial information To ensure that the Transformation Programme and its projects are underpinned by reliable legal advice

OM Projects & Technical Accounts


Chief Officer Legal & Democratic Services


Regular updates on key issues / proje


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective

Improved outcomes for the City and its citizens through strong partnerships and innovative new ways of working
Develop the skills, competencies and motivation of our workforce to be at the heart of our improvement
Tasks Responsibility Chief Corporate Services & Section 151 Officer Audit & Risk Manager Timescale

Milestones & Measures

To invest in learning and Ensure compliance with corporate development of staff to improve their PPDR scheme requirements skills and knowledge to be able to perform their duties To ensure that all staff are able to continue to develop the skills they need to deliver an effective service Continue to support development of skills and talents to meet evolving roles

31 May 2011 % of corporate services staff whose objectives have been signed off on DigiGOV 31st Oct 2011 % of staff receiving a six month review Review All PPDs complete by end of June progress Sept Attend SWAG training programme 2011 Compliance with IIP standards

Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure effective financial management and monitoring of the Councils schools

People in Cardiff achieve their full potential

Secure the provision of a high quality and inclusive education system for all ages
Tasks Provide head teachers, governing bodies and community education officers with a range of financial services under the umbrella of a service level agreement and provide support to schools in financial difficulties, including identifying those schools that will need to set a deficit budget and agreeing MTFP and protocol agreements Maintenance of the consolidated financial model and support for attracting funding for 21st Century Schools using business cases Responsibility OM Schools & Budget Control Timescale March April Milestones & Measures Number of schools budgets set Provisional outturn figures for schools provided and balances position established for each school Customer satisfaction Pupil numbers established in order to feed into the formula and 3 year budget plans % of schools achieving the MTFP

30 Sept 2011 March - May

To provide financial advice and support for the School Organisation Programme

OM Project & Technical Accounts

Monthly review of the model to feed into the SOP Programme Panel

Individual projects to be monitored via specific project /programme governance mechanisms Regular updates on key issues / projects


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective To ensure the provision of a competent health and safety service to: a) contribute to the health and well being of employees and safety of others affected by the Councils activities b) to assist in ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice

People in Cardiff are Healthy

Promoting and supporting healthy and active lifestyles
Tasks Ensure relevant Council policies are reviewed and updated as required Responsibility OM Health and Safety Timescale 30 June 2011 Milestones & Measures Amend Violence at Work Policy to reflect use of People to be Aware of Corporate Database system Revised Health and Safety Policy adopted Health and Safety Policy on Contractors to reflect changes in contractor assessment and ensure effective management of contractors is built into operational systems

30 Sept 2011

To ensure the provision of a Health & Safety Inspections competent health and safety service conducted by HS Advisers to: a) contribute to the health and well being of employees and the safety of others affected by the activities of the Council b) to assist in ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice To ensure the provision of a competent health and safety service to: a) contribute to the health and well being of employees and the safety of others affected by the activities of the Council b) to assist in ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice

OM Health and Safety


No of inspections carried out Outcomes of Inspections reported

Provide assistance and support to OM Health and service areas to ensure they Safety effectively deliver their health and safety responsibilities. Including: Provision of advice and assistance in the production of suitable risk assessment Securing provision of appropriate HS training Provisions of advice and guidance for senior managers

Ongoing Ongoing 31 Aug 2011 31 Mar 2012

Numbers of accidents at work? Numbers of incidents of violence at work? Feedback from HS Advisers on quality of risk assessment Tendering exercise for external HS training providers complete and service areas informed of approved providers Redesign of HS website complete HS Self audit for Senior Managers available Codes of Guidance and other HS documentation developed/amended as appropriate


Corporate Outcome
Corporate Objective
Corporate Services Objective

People in Cardiff are Healthy

Promoting and supporting healthy and active lifestyles
Tasks Responsibility OM Health and Safety Timescale Ongoing Milestones & Measures Annual Council Health and Safety Report produced by 31 Dec 2011 Online accident reporting system developed and implemented by 31 Mar 2012 Continuing work on the Corporate Health Standard agenda when possible

To ensure the provision of a Monitoring and reporting of Council competent health and safety service: wide Health and Safety a) contribute to the health and well being of employees and the safety of others affected by the activities of the Council b) to assist in ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice To minimise the risks of e-coli and other food related outbreaks of illheath through continuing to undertake activities with partners and through the internal e-coli Group

Continue to work with Environmental OM Commissioning Health, other internal departments & Procurement and external providers to ensure hygiene standards are maintained Continue to maintain the food complaints process Continue to assess, monitor and control all food and catering suppliers using the 5 star rating system developed by Environmental Health

Rolling programme

Maintain Alito provider database Occurrence of serious food related outbreaks of illhealth? Measures relating to the 5 star rating system?


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