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Jan 2009 MSM 8 marker MSM (AO2) 4 marker One research into the accuracy of EWT 4 marker RM IV and

and DV 4 marker RM experimental design and strength of it 3 marker RM reliability- 2 marker Strategy for memory improvement 4 marker How CI differs from a standard interview 4 marker Ethics 3 marker Strange situation insecure/ resistant/ secure 6 marker RM pilot study categorising behaviour observation 6 marker Daycare and its effect of aggressive 6 marker Cultural variation and criticism of it with Van izendoorn (meh, ignore spelling) 6 marker Explain attachment with research 12 marker A lot of focus on MSM, attachment, strange situation and daycare. Obviously, research methods included. June 2009 Cog Interview 6 marker WMM 4 marker RM 2 marker RM central tendency 2 marker RM sampling 2 marker RM extraneous variables 3 marker Strategy for memory improvement 2m RM experimental designs and operationalised DV and IV (do you know what these are!) 3 marker EWT 12 marker RM correlation 3 marker Quality of daycare 4 marker Daycare and peer relations 4 marker Define attachment 2 marker Bowlby theory 2 marker Negative effects of institutionalisation 4 marker RM strength and limitation of case studies 4 marker Disruption of attachment 4 m Demand characteristics 3 marker Insecure, secure, avoidant4 marker Mainly research methods distributed here and there and fair bit on daycare, CI, disruption of attachment and EWT. Others barely appeared.

Jan 2010

WMM 6 marker MSM 6 marker Ethics 4 marker RM- whats a field experiment and weaknesses/ strengths 4 marker Leading question 2 marker RM - behavioural category (1 marker) content analysis 3 marker Effect of age on EWT 6 marker Strategy for memory improvement -4 marker Define attachment 2 marker (NB this exact question has come up twice) Secure attachment 2 marker RM - Ainsworths way of analysing children 3 marker RM sampling -3 marker Social behaviour 2 marker RM qualitative and quantitative data in questionnaires and weaknesses of questionnaire -6marker Disruption of attachment -4 marker Privation 12 marker So a lot of emphasis on privation, the memory models, effect of age on EWT. Some bits on attachment, but other topics rarely appeared. June 2010 MSM 3 marker Strategies for memory improvement 5 marker RM non directional hypothesis - 2 marker RM experimental design 2 marker RM frequency distribution (wtf, Id shit myself if this came up in the exam, lol, excuse the language) - 3 marker RM analysing graph -2 marker Research into STM 4 marker CI -4 marker Effect of anxiety to EWT 6 marker RM lab experiment or case studyexplain which is better 3 marker Characteristic of insecure attachment 2 marker RM sampling method with weaknesses and strengths 3 marker RM ethical issue 3 marker RM advantage and disadvantage of using questionnaire instead of interview 4 marker RM advantage of observation 2 marker Research into cultural variation 4 marker Type of daycare 2 marker Which type of daycare is better and why 4 marker Institutionalisation 12 marker So, a lot of marks allocated to institutionalisation, EWT, memory (moreso MSM) , daycare. Others had minimal appearance. Jan 2011

RM sampling methods 3 marker Strategy for memory improvement 6 marker (this has come up every past paper, yet, there was nothing in Jan 2012 for itI reckon there definitely will be something on this) RM experimental design and disadvantage 3 marker RM effectiveness of CI from graph provided 2 marker CI -2 marker RM investigator effects 4 marker MSM 4 marker WMM 12 marker Strange situation 5 marker Criticise Ainsworths SS 4 marker Explain difference between privation and disruption of attachment 4 marker How child care has been influenced by attachment research 4 marker (basically, daycare) Contradicting research against learning theory 4 marker Bowlby 5 marker RM natural experiment 2 marker RM measuring behaviour 2 marker RM ethical issues 4 marker Daycare and its effects on peer relations 2 marker Majority of the paper stresses memory (WMM moreso), strange situation, privation and disruption and attachment relating to Bowlby and stuff like Harlow and whatnot. Others, barely made an appearance. June 2011 WMM and one limitation 8 marker RM directional hypothesis (2 marker) Independent groups design (1 marker) strength and limitation of independent groups design 4 marker RM pilot study 3 marker RM standard deviation 2 marks Strategy for memory improvement 4 marker Effect of age on EWT 12 marker Attachment type (insecure etc) 3 marker Strange situation 3 marker Research for cultural variation 4 marker RM ethical issue -2 marker RM how to record results - 2 marker RM limitation for case study 4 marker RM scattergram (1 marker) recording aggression (2 marker) Daycare and aggression 3 marker Research for daycare and peer relations 4 marker Learning theory of attachment 8 marker Ultimately, the main topics were EWT, learning theory, WMM, daycare, and Strange situation again.

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