Jude Verse 10

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Thoughts and Questions: 05/19/2012

The Epistle of Jude

1. Curious letter a. Doesnt seem to get much attention or mention in todays sermons b. Not a popular source for memory verses c. Makes reference to some apocryphal Jewish writings and traditions which some find difficult to fit into their understanding of Holy Scripture d. Probably the most recognized verses of the letter are the last two which constitutes a benediction many have incorporated into their worship liturgy (Jude 24-25, Now to him who is able to keep you from

stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. ESV
2. Basically the letter was sent to Christian believers as an appeal to them to contend for the faith (vs. 3) a. The faith which is defined as our common salvation b. The faith which was once for all delivered to the saints 3. Primary to contending for the true faith is the Christians ability to recognize and defend against the teachings of the false teachers within the Church. 4. Of these false teachers it is said that they: a. Have crept in unnoticed (vs. 4) b. Were long ago designated for condemnation i. False teachers are not new to the NT church or to OT Israel ii. Their condemnation is sure iii. Their hearts are hardened c. Are ungodly people i. Pervert the grace of our God into sensuality ii. Deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ d. Did not believe even after having personally experienced a supernatural deliverance by Gods power and thus were subsequently destroyed (vs. 5-7) e. Rely on their dreams (vs. 8) f. Defile the flesh g. Reject authority

h. Blaspheme the glorious ones i. They speak evil of, denigrate, or ridicule unjustly true Christian believers ii. The glorious ones (the ones of whom the world was not worthy, Heb. 11:38) iii. Even the angels are fearful to engage in this kind of blasphemy when referring to Satan

i. These people blaspheme all that they do not understand (vs. 10) j. These people are destroyed by all that they instinctively do understand

a. What do the false teachers not understand? b. How do the false teachers blaspheme what they do not understand? c. What do false teacher instinctively (naturally, unquestioningly and presumptively) understand that is destroying them?

d. How will what the false teachers instinctive understand destroy them?

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