Rio+20 Business Day: Key Theme: Achieving Scale

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Rio+20 Business Day

Key Theme: Achieving Scale

The BASD Business Day will be the headline business event at Rio+20, and will provide a high-profile platform for interaction between business leaders and policy-makers.

Basic Information
Date: Venue: 19 June 2012 (Tuesday) - the day before the Rio+20 Conference begins Windsor Barra Hotel - near the Conference venue in Barra di Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro Pre-registration: More information:

The program and registration details

The BASD Business Day will bring together governments, businesses, and other stakeholders for a day of open and frank discussion, both addressing the themes of the Rio+20 Conference and looking beyond the Conference itself to future opportunities to address the challenges of sustainable development. During the Business Day, we will identify key actions and catalysts to drive scale in sustainable development, as a final input to the Rio+20 Conference from the business community, and with an eye toward collaborative action by Government, business and other stakeholders going forward. The program for the Business Day will feature CEOs, government leaders, and experts from around the globe, addressing a variety of issues in plenary sessions, industry sector discussions, and issue-specific forums. All of these sessions will highlight business solutions being delivered, commitments to action, and the impediments to achieving scale in sustainable development efforts. We will pay particular attention to complex system solutions required to achieve scale in sustainable development, and the roles of different stakeholders in these solutions. Pre-registration for WBCSD member companies is open at from April 24 to May 11, 2012. Please appreciate that due to limited availability we might not be able to accommodate all requests.

The BASD Rio+20 Business Day Agenda (morning)

Session Breakfast (8:00-9:00) Opening Plenary (9:00-10:00) Sub-session Breakfast Opening Plenary Welcome Achieving Scale in Sustainable Development (will introduce mornings sector approaches) Title Lead BASD BASD

Agriculture Cement Chemicals

Best practices in Agriculture - CropLife Feeding 9 billion Launch of CSI Progress Report Chemical Industry - Solution provider for sustainable development Stakeholder engagement: Scaling sustainably to meet power system demand Future Forests Importance of materials to the Green Economy Contribution of Oil & Gas sector to sustainable development Transportation in the Green Economy (tbc) High Level Meeting on Sustainable Development: The Role of Trade and Investment CSI ICCA

Power (Utilities) Sector Breakouts (10:15-12:00)


Forest Solutions Materials


Oil & Gas

Transport Lunch (12:00-14:15) High-level Luncheon


The BASD Rio+20 Business Day Agenda (afternoon)

Session Sub-session Access to Energy Food Security Green Economy Title Business solutions to enable energy access for all Sustainable agriculture and the food value chain Roadmap for the transition towards a green (and inclusive) economy Eradicating poverty through inclusive business solutions Integration of economic, social, and environmental reporting Changing the Pace of Sustainable Development A Vision for Sustainable Consumption Enabling Sustainable Development with ICT Transitioning to Better Living: Urban Infrastructure Why water is fundamental in the green economy Final inputs to Rio+20 Media Event Reception (17:30-18:30) WBDA Awards (18:30-20:00) Award Ceremony Reception World Business and Development Awards ICC Lead WBCSD CropLife ICC

Inclusive Business Corporate Sustainability Reporting Policy frameworks for Sustainable Development Sustainable Consumption Technology in Sustainable Development Urbanization


Thematic Breakouts (14:15-16:15)




Water (cross-sector) Closing Plenary Closing Plenary (16:30-17:30)

Aquafed & WBCSD BASD Steering Committee

About BASD 2012

As a key driver of employment, growth and innovation, business plays an integral role in advancing the sustainable development agenda. Business Action for Sustainable Development 2012 (BASD 2012) is the United Nations coordinator of business and industry at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), to be held in Rio de Janeiro on June 20-22, 2012. As a coalition of business organizations, BASD 2012 will ensure the voice of business is heard both at the Conference and in the preparatory process leading up to Rio. BASD 2012 is convened by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). A number of global business associations and initiatives have joined BASD 2012 as partners. The Business Action for Sustainable Development 2012 (BASD 2012) encourages businesses of all sizes to embrace voluntary sustainability principles such as those embodied in the UN Global Compact. The ultimate objective of BASD 2012 is to strengthen the overall contribution of Rio+20 to sustainable and inclusive markets and promote joint action between stakeholders business, government, civil society and consumers toward green growth.

BASD 2012 Conveners: WBCSD, ICC and UNGC BASD 2012 Partners: Aqua Fed, ATAG, The Business Council for Sustainable Energy, CropLife, Cement Sustainability Initiative, DESC, IAI, ICCA, ICMM, IPIECA, Worldsteel Association. Business Day sponsors:

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