Aaron - Abortion Response

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Aaron Mitchell Kohout- 3rd period

Ethics Responses- Abortion

Since Abortion is such a strong topic, and one of the few topics I have actually thought about in ethics, it holds high regards to my ethical issues in life. Though I may not be a woman and therefore will never be pregnant, I still hold strong feelings when it comes to abortion and what is actually defined as pro-choice. I am 100%, without-a-doubt, against abortion during all stages of pregnancy. Why? First off you have to clearly define what you feel IS or IS NOT a baby in the womb. To me, regardless of the opinions of pro-choice advocates, I feel that at the point of conception, a life is born. Many pro-choice supporters define the baby as a fetus, and therefore separating it from having life as a human being. This is total garbage. As we talked about throughout Ethics class, you can call it a fetus, an embryo, or just an egg; regardless you cant deny that what is in the mother is LIFE. It has its very own, unique genetic makeup and It is growing everyday inside her. At just 5 weeks the babys heart starts to beat, and even so abortion still occurs after this stage. The way I was raised, abortion was not an option, regardless of ANY circumstance. Like the video we watched about how abortion is the same as the Holocaust, and how it is still cold-blooded murder, I too believe that abortion is ending the life of a child. People say well what if it is going to ruin the life of the mother, and she cant support the child?- I say What about the life of the child? This is the problem with abortion. You are not even giving the baby a chance to grow up; you are completely stripping him/her of their rights as a human being. Also, there is always the option of putting them up for adoption. At least this way they have a fighting chance to grow up and live their life. And someone out there will want them, even if you dont. Another strong position I agree with is the misleading idea of pro-choice. Women say they want to have a right to choose; it is their life and they should be in control. The only thing is, when most women are asked why they went through with abortion, the common answer is I didnt have a choice. Most women feel that they had no control of whether they went through with abortion. They were either forced by the father, or coerced and pressured by unsupporting family members with threatening remarks like what are you doing? This baby is going to RUIN your life and your future. The problem is not the ability to choose, it is the inability to support and take responsibility. I believe that abortion is completely wrong because it is taking the undeniable life of a child, and it strips the god-given rights of that child for which us as Americans have no right to govern or control.

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