True Beauty

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Caroline Covell

Bay Rd. 66 Lombardy ON K0G 1L0 Canada

T. 613.283.1852 Cell: 613.485.1852 Email: or

True Beauty

The Psalmist says; let the beauty of our God be upon us.

That sounds conservative. Yet, conservatism determines the success of the society, says

Harry Boyte in his Everyday Politics.

Unfortunately, many have misunderstood the true values, norms, and meaning of


Some people perceive conservative as being liberal, have higher degree of freedom, taking

on risky decision, and being obsessive and coercive.

My new bank manager, who is just completed his undergraduate degree and financial

course in mutual fund investment and without banking experience says, the greater the risk of

investing in money market or stocks and bonds means more conservative. His senior colleague,

who has twenty-five years of banking experience, on the contrary, explains that the more

conservative approach to financial management is not to be involved in risky investment.

How could two individuals of the same office and engage in the same line of work advise

the customers differently?

The age and experience do make a difference in the way a person perceives conservatism.

Others view that through religious radicalism the values, norms, standards, and disciplines

of conservatism can be preserved. Yet, that makes the person to act coercively. Coercive behavior

often produces negative result, a backlash that would cause more harm to the society, and

endanger individual’s safety.

Conservatism in itself means holding true to the norms, values, disciplines, and standards.

It is the true beauty of characters.

If you understand the true meaning of conservatism, you will not feel threatened by what

people do with their religion, what people do with their life style, or by whatever else other

people do with their life.

With massive bankruptcy and layoffs, families are experiencing financial and economic

difficulties. However, despite financial and economic difficulties, it is important that parents to

direct, educate, and train the minds of their children to love truth, duty, and self-denial. They

need to be educated and trained to choose to be right even though majority choose to be wrong.

We are living in a competitive era. From the governments to private sector, the nonprofit

organizations, the community groups, the society, sports and entertainment, and all the way

through the education years of the children. Yet, in this competitiveness, people often use gossip

in order to become the winner.

Unfortunately, gossip is a malicious talk. It undermines others and elevates the

individuality and the traits or achievements of the gossiper. Children should be taught to refrain

from malicious talk. When they get entangle in gossip, they would become the new hot topic of

conversation, not in their presence of course, but among the grapevines. Too often, gossip is full

of lies and fabrication that swirl their every step. Gossip in itself betrays confidence, but a trust

worthy man keeps a secret, proclaims the Proverbs.

Character building is the most important role entrusted to human beings. The true character

of the children, the beauty of their character is of value to God and to the society. Such beauty of

character will attract and not mislead. They are charms, which will never fade away.

Children who were never taught of embracing the beauty of character often grow up and

adorn themselves with artificial. They learn to use their charms to manipulate.

Says the Bible, train up your children in the way they should go and they would never

depart from it.

There is much information that serves to persuade in subtle deceitfulness. Therefore, it is

essential that parents learn not to be misguided and judgmental. If you were judgmental, your

children would also be judgmental. Never expect your children to have the beauty of character if

you are judgmental, fast to anger, and have negative attributes. Generally, people are judgmental

to justify their misdeeds or to cover their lackness.

Regardless of the argument among gay population, who are longing to adopt children and

claims that they can bring up their children to grow up and be normal individuals, parents are

still the role models. They imprint and implant their children way of life – how they act, their

perception, their views, their character, and how they live their lives.

At times of gala events, culture of celebrity, and personal glorification, they express the

simplicity of natural beauty. It polishes and refines their nature. It elevates the purity of their

character and illuminates the artificial and false.

True beauty is an ornament that will never perish. It promotes happiness and will shine

with undimmed luster in the immortal future, approves Ellen White.

Finally, Ellen White suggests, let parents keep their children to preserve sounds disciplines,

constitutions, and pleasant manners. They will possess true beauty, which complement divine

grace. They do not need to adorn themselves with artificial make up of character. Their true

character will be expressed in the absence of self-consciousness. At a time where morality is

being trumped by self- and sexual gratification, their true beauty is adorned with moral worth.

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