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Blind Courage

Unit 3 Project: Crossing the Threshold

Dawn Poirier Kaplan University CM107

Blind Courage

Blind Courage

An act of valor, displaying bravery, finding strength, navigating the storms of ones life, taking a risk - these are all common examples of courage. They, along with many other notable feats, helped to shape and define courage as we understand it today. However, Justin Poirier demonstrated courage in a manner that truly dares to re-define courage. A decision made in such a way that it begins to change the nature or basic qualities of courage, in positive way, no less, is a rarity. Justin is that rarity and his courage holds inspirational power that will stimulate the core of even the greatest of muses. If you were to turn on the Virginia local news on the evening of February 4th, 2001, chances are you would hear the tragic story of a high speed car crash involving two young men, both active duty Navy. Aired statewide, the news reporter stated that the driver sustained minor injuries and that the passenger, Justin Poirier, was touch and go after resuscitation, requiring life support and was not expected to survive beyond the short life flight to the hospital. Justin was thrown through the windshield at 120mph and his lifeless body (minus his right tibia, which was found 20 foot feet away on the highway) was found mangled and wrapped around the guardrail. Fast forward 4 months and Justin has just awoken from his coma. His family is by his side and they try to inform him of what has happened and where he is, although to him, the words sound like babble, the faces are unfamiliar and his mind isempty. He has no memories except for a few faint ones from when he was a child. After a few days of working with a language specialist, his vocabulary and comprehension has improved to the level of second grader at most. He is then
Comment [b1]: Excellent introduction.

Blind Courage

able to understand what happened, somewhat. He has suffered a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of the impact from the wreck and the brief time he was without oxygen to his brain. He also underwent 40 hours of reconstructive orthopedic surgery to try and to repair as much as possible. He vaguely starts to remember his mother and father, although he is not able to recognize their faces just yet. It is at this point that the Doctors doctors inform both Justin and his family that he may never recover his memories, nor the cognitive function and abilities needed for independent living. His lower extremities were so severely injured that this, along with the effects of his TBI, may also prevent him from being able to regain full functionality of his legs. He will remain in the hospital for approximately a year, during which he will be undergoing complete rehabilitation, mentally and physically, as well as emotionally. This was Justins threshold. His critical decision to acknowledge it, accept the challenge and to cross the threshold with diligence and determination to do his best is a courageous act. However, what happened next is the stuff that heroic tales are made of. During his year of recovery, Justin defeated and conquered one obstacle after another. For every doubt the doctors had, he gave them proof. For every No he was told, he responded with Yes, I can.. The man that doctors assumed would not walk again, would be limited to the cognitive level of a teen at most, would be incapable of independent living, would not be able to continue his college course and would surely never marry and reproduce, that man, persevered. He eventually recovered most of his memories, regained FULL use of his legs, eventually earned his Bachelors degree in Industrial Safety Management from one of the most respected universities in Texas and he married. He is currently raising two beautiful children with his wife, Dawn. He is teaching her each and every day the value of life, patience and hope and testifying to the strength one person can have when they rely on God to guide them. Justin fought. He
Comment [b3]: Great transition. Comment [b2]: I see what youre trying to do by staying in the present tense, but it gets awkward around here. It might be easier to tell the whole story in past tense.

Blind Courage

battled in the face of impossible odds and put forth every ounce of strength he could muster. He somehow managed to find a grain of hope buried within the hopelessness of his circumstances and he drew courage from it. The courage to walk, blind folded, into the unknown darkness lying ahead of him. Unwavering, he stood at the pit of probable failure and chose still to leap from the precipice and across the gap to a place of safety, where you will find him thriving today. Through all of this, Justin has begun to mold, form and breathe life into a new kind of courage. Excellent work, Dawn! This is a riveting essay. Good sentence structure variation and word choice. My only critique is to pay attention to verb tense. It gets a little awkward when you try to stay in the present tense throughout but at times must use a different tense to really describe what youre talking about. 70/70

A (63-70 points)

Project has a clear appropriate main point or thesis. Definition of courage is specific and the example demonstrating courage is wellchosen. Analysis of how the threshold is crossed is clear and thoughtful. Paragraphs are well-developed and use appropriate details that are relevant to the thesis. The Project is clearly organized, with a beginning, middle and end, along with effective transition devices. Grammar and mechanics are correct overall, with minor errors. Sentence structure is effective, including sentence variety and complexity. Project demonstrates original thought.

Formatted: Highlight

Blind Courage Project meets length requirements. Project is in correct APA format. B (56-62.99 points) Project has a clear main point or thesis.

Definition of courage is clear and the example demonstrating courage is effective. Analysis of how the threshold is crossed is clear and effective. Paragraphs are general well developed and details are appropriate. Project is organized with a clear beginning, middle and end, along with appropriate transitions. Includes some errors in grammar and mechanics that do not interfere with meaning. Sentence structure is clear and includes some sentence variety. Project demonstrates original thought. Project meets length requirements. Project is appropriately formatted, although some minor errors in APA format may be present. C (49-55.99 points) Project includes a main point or thesis that may need clarification. Courage is defined, but it may be general or the analysis of how the threshold is crossed is not effectively addressed. Paragraphs have some development, but more specific details may be needed or many details not relevant to the thesis may be included. May be missing some transitions. Includes an accumulation of errors, including some that may affect meaning. Sentence structure is adequate but may not demonstrate sentence variety or complexity.

Blind Courage Project demonstrates some original thought. Project may only be two paragraphs be short of the length requirement. An attempt at APA formatting is made, but several formatting errors are present. D (42-48.99 points) Project main point or thesis is unclear or missing.

Courage may not be defined or analysis of how threshold is crossed is missing or unclear. Project is inadequately developed or includes mostly irrelevant biographical information. Organization is weak, with no clear beginning or end, and few if any transitions. Sentence structure is ineffective or unclear. Multiple grammar and mechanical errors are present and affect clarity and meaning. Project may be only one paragraph or may be less than 200 words. Project lacks originality and may instead rely on sources. Very little attempt at APA formatting is demonstrated. F (0-41.99) Project may have no clear main point or thesis or may be a general biography with irrelevant details. Project may lack development or not define courage or analyze how the threshold is crossed at all. Project is lacking in organization or is illogically organized. Sentence structure is consistently confusing or the project includes numerous major grammar errors that affect meaning or create incoherence. Project may be plagiarized (an automatic zero grade will be assigned)

Blind Courage

7 No attempt at APA formatting is demonstrated.

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