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Welcome to Chem 321


A key course to your future success


Dr. X. Nancy Xu

Alfriend Chemistry Building Room 201

Office Hours: MW 7:10-8:00 PM (OCNPS 200) Right after the class

Teaching Assistant: Dr. Tao Huang and Jill Lowman


Class Time & Place MW 5:45 7:00 PM OCNPS Room 200


MATH 102 or equivalent CHEM 115, 116.

Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 7th edition, D. Harris, Freeman, 2007.

Reference Book
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7th Ed. Skoog/West/Holler, Saunders Publishing, 1996
One copy of the book is placed in the reserved desk of the library.

About Textbook
Preface Chapter 1-16 (Chem 321) Summary Questions and Problems Answers to the problems: in the reserved desk in the library Glossary G-1 on the back of the book Chapters heavily associated with Chem 322

Course Website
Class notes, assigned problems and announcements are posted at em321.htm
Visit this site as frequently as possible, especially before and after every class You will need Acrobat Reader to download large documents

Honor Code
Students registered for CHEM 321 are expected to obey the ODU Honor Code!!!

Attendance at class meeting is compulsory. Regular and punctual class attendance is required of all students. If you are absent, you will be responsible for everything covered in class including any handouts (e.g., problem sets, answers, sample tests, etc).

Absence from Exams

Missed exams may be made up only with a medical excuse (written by physician or health center), death or hospitalization in the family. Without these reasons, one will earn a zero grade on that test. No exceptions will be made. Please contact me prior to the exam if you must be absent.

Assigned homework is mandatory. Working on these assignments in a timely manner is the best way to learn the material and get good grades. I may check your assignments and sample your homework on the due date even though it may not be graded. The brief answers to assigned problems are available in the solution book, which is placed in the reserved desk in the library .

Exams 4 unit tests and a comprehensive final examination

Average cumulated grade = unit tests (70%) and final exam (30%) 100-93 = A 89-87 = B+ 79-77 = C+ 69-67 = D+ <60 = F 92-90 = A86-83 = B 76-73 = C 66-63 = D 82-80 = B72-70 = C62-60 = D-

Tentative Timeline
Date 01/08 01/10 01/15 01/17, 22 01/24 01/29, 31 02/5, 7 02/12, 14, 19 Chapter 1 3 Topic Homework Measurement 1-12, 17, 22, 28, 31, 32, 34 Experimental Error 3-1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22 Martin Luther King Holiday- No classes 4 Statistics 4-A, E, F, 11, 14, 17, 20 1st Unit Test (Chapter 1, 3, 4) 6 Chemical Equilibrium 6-4, 15, 16, 19, 22, 25, 30, 37, 47, 48, 53 7 Let the Titrations Begin 7-B, F, 7, 22, 23, 28, 36 8 Activities and Systematic Treatment 8-A, B, C, E, F, G, 2, 4, 11, 12, 18, 20, of Equilibrium 24, 26 02/21 9, 11 Monoprotic Acid-Base Equilibrium 9-B, D, E, 2, 5, 6, 22, 23, 27, 28, 33 02/26 6-9 Recitation and help session 02/28 2nd Unit Test (Chapter 6-9) 03/05-10 Spring Break- No classes 03/12, 14 10, 11 Polyprotic acid-Base Equilibrium 10-A, B, D, 4, 11, 17, 18, 23 03/19, 23 11 Acid-Base Titration 11-A, B, F, 3, 6, 14, 19, 23 03/26,28 12 EDTA Titration 12-C, D, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 24, 34 04/02 3rd Unit Test (Chapter 10-12) 04/04, 09 14 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry 14-B, C, D, 2, 10, 25 04/11,16 15 Electrodes and Potentiometry 15-4, 8, 9, 21, 26 04/18 16 Redox Titration 16-A, 1, 2, 6, 13 04/23 4th Unit Test (Chapter 14-16) 04/30 3:45-6:45 PM Comprehensive Final Examination (Chapter 1-16, except 2, 5 and 13)

Note to the class

Welcome to Chem 321, a key course to your future success in analytical data analysis and experimental design of any chemical related problems in every scientific disciplinary including chemistry, biology, biotechnology, forensic science, food science, material science, medicine, environmental science, etc. Whether you aim to be a brilliant scientist, a medical doctoral, a technician or a good cook, you will find this course essential and helpful for your future career.

What are we going to do in the class ??

We will introduce basic analytical concepts and theories and focus on data analysis and interpretation.

Six tips for success in this class

actively attending every class and take good notes improving your math (good math is absolutely essential) completing all homework and study textbook, class notes and slides asking questions coming to Dr. Xus office hours visiting course website frequently.

Good-luck to you!!

---Dr. Nancy Xu

Chapter 1: Introduction & Measurements

What is Analytical Chemistry?

Analytical Chemistry is what analytical chemists do.

--- C. N. Reilley

Roles of Analytical Chemistry

Play a vital roles in all sciences, just to name of a few: chemistry, biology, biotechnology, forensic science, food science, material science, medicine, environmental science, etc. Examples of achievement of Analytical chemistry: Breakthrough of the century: Sequence of Human Genome, Analytical chemists-capillary electrophoresis.

Classification of Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
determination of chemical identity of the species in the sample.

Quantitative Analysis determination of the amount of species or analytes, in numerical terms. Hence, Math is heavily involved. In order to perform quantitative analysis, typically one needs to complete qualitative analysis. One needs to know what it is and then select the means to determine the amount

Classification of Quantitative Methods of Analysis

Gravimetric Method: mass is measured. Volumetric Method: volume is measured or used to determine amount of sample via concentration. Instrumental Method: use an instrumental technique to assay the amount of sample:
Such as: Electroanalytical based upon electron-transfer

Spectroscopy including mass spectrometry (***hot) (proteomic)

Steps in a Typical Quantitative Analysis


SI Units

1 mL = 1x10-3 L 1 L = 1x103 mL 1 L = 1x10-6 L 1 L = 1x106 L 1 attoliter = 1x10-18 L 1 L = 1x1018 attoliter

Weight & Mass

Weight is the force of gravitational attraction between that matter and the earth. Location dependence Mass is an invariant measurement of the amount of matter. Location independence W = mg

I. Review of Stoichiometry - please refer to your freshman chemistry text to review this concept. A. Empirical vs molecular or structural formulas: 1. Empirical formulas give information only about the simplest ratio between the different elements composing the molecule. Example: HO, H2CO 2. Molecular formulas give information about the numbers of atoms of each element found in the molecule. Example: H2O2, H4C2O2, C2H5OH, C2H4O2, C3H6O3, C6H12O6 3. Structural formulas give information about the structure of the molecule as well as the numbers of atoms of each element Example: HOOH, (CH3)3COH, CH3CH2OCH2CH3,

B. The Mole (mol): A unit which defines the number of units of a chemical species (molecules, atoms, ions, etc.) and from which we can calculate the weight of the species if we have a knowledge of the chemical formula of that species. Avogadro Number: 6.022 x 1023 particles is one mole.

Example I-1
Calculate molecular weight (molar mass) of CH2O (Formaldehyde) and C6H12O6 (glucose) 1 mole of C = 12.0 g 1 mole of H = 1.0 g 1 mole of O = 16.0 MW of CH2O =12.0 + 2x1.0 + 16.0 =30.0 g/mole
MW of C6H12O6=6x12.0+12x1.0+6x16.0=180.0 g/mole

Example I-2
How many moles and millimoles are contained in 2.00 g of pure benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) (MW = 122.1 g/mol) Moles of benzoic acid =

Weight 2.00 = = 0.0164mol MW 122.1

mmoles of benzoic acid = moles x1000 =16.4 mmol

Solute: a minor species in a solution

Solvent: a major species in a solution (e.g., water is a solvent for aqueous solution)

Chemical Concentrations
Molar Concentrations: Molarity (M) = solute/solution (mol/L) Molality (m) = solute/solvent (mol/kg) Percent Composition Weight percent Parts per million (ppm) Parts per billion (ppb) Volume percent

Molar Concentration
The number of moles of species (x) dissolved in 1 L of solution

Number of Moles of Solute (mole) Cx = Volume of Solution (L)

mol/L = M
Number of Moles of Solute (mole) = Weight of Solute (g) MW of solute (g/mol)

Analytical Molarity:
The total number moles of a solute (regardless its chemical state) in one liter of solution Example-I-3: 117.0 g of NaCl dissolved in 1.00 L of water has an analytical concentration of _____ mol /L MW of NaCl = 58.5 g/mol

WNaCl 117.0 Mole of NaCl = = = 2.00mole MWNaCl 58.5

C NaCl Mole NaCl 2.00moles = = = 2.00mole/L = 2.00M V (L) 1.00L

Example I-4:
294.0 g of H2SO4 dissolved in 1.00 L of water has an analytical concentration of ____ mol/L MW of H2SO4 = 98.0 g/mol

Mole of H 2SO 4 =

WH 2SO 4 MWH 2SO 4

294.0g = = 3.00moles 98.0g/mol

C H 2SO 4 =

Mole H 2SO 4l V (L)

3.00moles = = 3.00mole/L = 3.00M 1.00L


C weight

Number of moles of Solute (mole) = Weight of solvent (kg)

Expresses the mass of a substance per unit volume. In SI Units: density unit --- g /mL or kg/L Example: Density of water is approximately 1.00 g/mL at 40C. Weight = Volume x density

Practice at Home
Assume density of solution in Examples I-3 and I-4 = 1 g/ml3,
what is the molality of the solution in Examples I-3 and I-4, respectively?

Percent Concentration
mass of solute 1. Weigh percent (w/w) = x100% mass of solution

volume of solute 2. Volume percent (v/v) = x100% volume of solution


weight/volume percent (w/v) mass of solute (g) x100% = volume of solution (mL)

Example I-5: What is the w/w % of an aqueous ammonia (NH3) solution at 14.3 M, with density = 0.900 g/mL (900 g/L)? Solute : NH3 1) MW of NH3 = 17.0 (g/mol) 2) Mole of NH3 at 14.3 M in 1.00 L=14.3 (mol/L) x 1.00 L=14.3 mol 3) Weight of NH3 at14.3 M in 1.00 L = Mole of NH3 x MW of NH3 = 14.3 mol x 17.0 (g/mol) = 243 g 4) Weight of 1.00 L solution = volume x density = 1.00 (L) x 900 (g/L) = 900 g
Weigh percent (w/w) = mass of solute mass of solution x100% = 243 900 x100% = 27.0%

Example I-6: What is the molar concentration of an aqueous ammonia (NH3) solution with density = 0.900 g/mL (900 g/L) and 27.0% (w/w)? Solute : NH3 MW of NH3 = 17.0 (g/mol) Weight of NH3 = Mole of NH3 x MW of NH3 =CNH3VNH3 x MW of NH3 Weight of 1.00 L solution = volume x density = 1.00 (L) x 900 (g/L) = 900 g WNH mass of solute 3 Weigh percent (w/w) = x100% = x100% = 27.0% mass of solution 900 W NH3 = CNH3VNH3 x MW of NH3 = 243 g CNH3 = 14.3 mol/L = 14.3 M

Example I-7: What is the v/v% of ethanol in a solution prepared by mixing 5.00 mLof ethanol with enough water to give 1.00 L of solution? Solute: ethanol 1) 2) 3) Volume of solute (ethanol) = 5.00 mL = 5.00 x10-3 L Volume of solution = 1.00 L

volume of solute Volume percent (v/v) = x100% volume of solution 3 5.00 x10 L = x100% = 0.500% 1.00L

parts per hundred (pph) & parts per thousand (ppt)

C pph

mass of solute (w/w) = x 10 2 pph mass of solution mass of solute (w/w) = x 103 ppt mass of solution

C ppt

parts per million (ppm) & parts per billion (ppb)

mass of solute C ppm (w/w) = x 106 ppm mass of solution

mass of solute 9 C ppb (w/w) = x 10 ppb mass of solution

parts per trillion (ppt)

C ppt

mass of solute 12 (w/w) = x 10 ppt mass of solution

Stoichiometric Calculations

II. Stoichiometric Calculations: stoichiometric calculations are based on the combining ratios of reactants which result in specific products . They are expressed in terms of moles. when you are given the mass of a reactant or product, you should first convert the mass to moles to determine the amount of reactant that will be consumed or product that will be produced for a given reaction. If the final answer is to be given in a mass unit, then the moles must be converted to grams.

Example I-8 (a) What mass of AgNO3 (MW= 169.9 g/mol) is needed to Convert 2.33 g of Na2CO3 (MW=106.0 g/mol) to Ag2CO3 ? Na2CO3 (aq) + 2AgNO3 (aq)
1 mol 2 mol

Ag2CO3(s) + 2 NaNO3 (aq)

2.33 106.0

W 169.9

2.33 1 106.0 = 2 W 169.9


W 2.33 1x = 2x 169.9 106.0



2.33 = 2x x169.9 = 7.47g 106.0

Example I-9 (b) What mass of Ag2CO3 (MW= 275.7 g/mol) will be formed? Na2CO3 (aq) + 2AgNO3 (aq)
1 mol

Ag2CO3(s) + 2 NaNO3 (aq)

1 mol

2.33 106.0

W 275.7
Ag 2 CO 3

2.33 1 106.0 = 1 W 275.7

Ag 2 CO 3

W 2.33 1x = 1x 275.7 106.0

Ag 2 CO 3

Ag 2 CO 3

2.33 = 1x x 275.7 = 6.06g 106.0

Preparation of Solution
Solute Solvent Total Solution

Example I-10: To prepare a solution with 0.500 M of Cl- from BaCl2 2H2O. How much of the BaCl2 2H2O must be used to prepare 1.00 liter of solution? Assume BaCl2 completely dissociates: BaCl2 -----> Ba+2 + 2 Cl1 mole 2 mole x mole 0.500 (mol/L) x 1.00 (L)

moleBaCl2 1 moleBaCl2 moleBaCl2 = = = 2 moleClC Cl- VCl0.500x1.00

X mole = Mole of BaCl2 (mole) = (0.500/2) = 0.250 (mole) MW of BaCl2 2H2O = 244.2 g/mol W of BaCl2 2H2O = Mole of BaCl2 (mole) x MW of BaCl2 2H2O = 0.250 mol x 244.2 g/mol= 61.1 g

Volumetric Calculations
the number of moles are the same in dilute and concentrated solutions!

moles = CconcentratedVconcentrated = CdiluteVdilute

Units: V: C: either in L and mL M (mol/L) or mM (mmol/L)

Be sure to match units for both dilute and concentrated solutions

Example I-11: An aliquot of a HCL solution (1.00 M) has been diluted with three equal aliquots of H2O to prepare 1:4 aq HCl. In other words, the HCl has been diluted fourfold. The dilute concentration of the HCl is:

moles = CconcentratedVconcentrated = CdiluteVdilute

C HCl, dilute (M) = C HCl, concentrated (M) xVHCl, concentrated VHCl, dilute

1 = 1.00 x = 0.25(M) 4

Example I-12:

How many L of a 50 mol /L solution are required to make 200 mL of a 1 mol L-1 solution? moles = CconcentratedVconcentrated = CdiluteVdilute
50 (mol /L) * Vconc. = 1 (mol/L) * 0.200 L Vconc. (L) = (1 M * 0.200 L) / 50 M = 0.004 (L)

Course Overview: Classification of Analysis : Units: Molecular Weight:

Mole: Concentrations: Stoichiometric Calculations: Preparation of Solution:

Chapter-1: 1-12, 17, 22, 28, 31, 32, 34

Before working on Homework,

Practice with all examples that we discussed in the class and related examples in textbook!!

Any Questions???

The End!

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