Derrida, Learning To Live Finally

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_ Learning to Live Finally dby - le-Anne Brault and Michael Naas [Albright reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission ofthis, publication may be made without written permission. Lunde the terms of any Licence permiting limited copying ised bythe Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London Wi a2, ‘Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publeation may be able t criminal prosecution and cv (aims for damages. “The authors have asserted thee rights tobe identified asthe authors ofthis workin accordance withthe Copyright, Designs fd Patents Act 1988, ‘Cxginally published in France as Apprendre vie enfn:Entretien ‘pec ean Bribaum by Editions Callee/Le Monde, Copyright © Editions Galée 2005. First published inthe United States by Melville House Publishing. ‘Translation by Paseale-Anme Brault and Michael Naas © Melle Houndmils, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS and ‘75 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10070 Companies and representatives throughout the world PALGRAVE MACMILLAN is the global academic imprint ofthe Palgrave acolan vision of St. Martin's Press LLC and of Palgrave Macmilan Lt, Macmillan® is a ogistered trademark inthe United Stats, United Kingdom and other counties. Poerave ls a repstred eraderark i the European Union and other countzes. |SON-13:978-0-230-53785-9 paperback ISBN-10-0-230-53785-5 paperback “Thisbooke printed on paper suitable for recycling and made {rom flly managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes ae expected to conform {othe environmental regulations ofthe country of origin. ‘catalogue record for this book is avalablefrom the Bish brary. ‘Acatalog record for this book avalable from the Library of Congress. woo e876 5 4321 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 0B OF Printed and bound in Great Britain by ‘Antony Rowe Lt, Chippenham and Eastbourne SAN BIRNBAUM: Since summer 2003 you've never en more visible on the public scene. You have wweled around the world to participate in several emnational conferences organized around your <—in London, in Coimbra, here in Patis, and, in ¢ coming days, in Rio de Janeiro. A second film has een made about you (Derrida by Amy Kofinan and by Dirk, after Safaa Fathy’s very beautiful 2000 Derrida’ Elsewhere), and several publications wve devoted special issues to your work, including Le gazine littéraive, the journal Europe, and a volume Cabiers de Herne, which contains a number of published works. That's quite a lot for a single year, d yet you haven't hidden the fact that you are... irnboum and Jacques Derrida

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