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No. 5514 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) www.thesundaily.






MAY 9, 2012

China probes toxic cabbage claims

SHANGHAI: China is investigating claims that vegetable sellers are spraying cabbage with harmful formaldehyde to keep it fresh, an official said yesterday, in yet another food safety scare to hit the country. Dozens of vegetable dealers in the eastern province of Shandong, a major vegetable supplier, are using the chemical to keep produce fresh on the way to the market, media and Internet reports said this week. Formaldehyde commonly used as a preservative for laboratory specimens and embalming can be fatal if ingested and is also a cancercausing substance. A local government official confirmed the practice and said authorities had started an investigation. We are investigating this matter, an official from Dongxia town where the practice was originally uncovered told AFP. He declined to give details. The practice is widespread in Shandong and neighbouring Hebei province, especially in warmer months, the official Xinhua news agency has reported. Its a common practice to keep the cabbage fresh. Otherwise, the vegetables stacked tightly in the trucks, would rot in two to three days, a farmer in Dongxia was quoted as saying. Cabbage is a staple of the Chinese dining table, especially in the countrys north. Chinese media say formaldehyde is used on other products, such as seafood and mushrooms. Officials say some sellers do not use costly refrigerated trucks for vegetable transport. Chinas government has repeatedly vowed to improve food safety, as people grow increasingly alarmed about the quality of what they eat, but scandals still occur due to weak enforcement and unscrupulous business practices. Milk was at the centre of one of Chinas biggest food safety scandals in 2008 when the industrial chemical melamine was found to have been illegally added to dairy products to give the appearance of higher protein content. Last year, authorities arrested more than 30 people over the sale of cooking oil made from leftovers taken from gutters. More recently, employees of a leading Chinese poultry company sold diseased ducks to consumers, while a major dairy producer sold milk with high levels of a cancer-causing toxin, caused by cows eating mouldy feed. AFP

Felda settlers clap and cheer after Najib announced the windfall yesterday.


The Black Widow returns

Scarlett Johansson talks about her role as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Natasha Romanoff


Exemption wont come easy

Competition Act to remove monopoly

Sunbiz page 13

ERANTUT: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak yesterday announced a whopping RM1.689 billion windfall not only for Felda settlers but also their wives and children. The payment of RM15,000 each is to be distributed to 112,635 settler families throughout the country in conjunction with the proposed listing of Felda Global Ventures Holdings (FGVH) on the stock exchange. It will be paid out in three phases of RM5,000 each first to the settlers, then their wives, and to their children in the final phase, he said when making the announcement before a crowd of about 50,000 people at Felda Jengka 8 near here. Payment will be made in cash, and the first phase will be disbursed within two to three weeks, he said. The second phase will be disbursed as soon as the first phase has been paid out, said Najib, who also declared a bonus of two-and-a-half months salary for all Felda staff. Najib also announced three other incentives which will benefit the settlers: a trust fund in conjunction with the listing of FGVH;

windfall J
blue forms which every settler will receive to get FGVH shares; the setting up of a Felda foundation to assist in repairing old and traditional villages in Felda areas. On the trust fund, Najib said if FGVH makes profits, a dividend will be paid out to every settler. Next year, we are expecting a profit of RM1.5 billion and if the quantum is maintained like last year, each settler will receive more than RM1,300, he said. If the profit is higher, the settlers will get even more, said Najib, adding that Felda is now entering a new transformation with the listing of FGVH. Expressing the hope that the settlers will not sell off their FGVH shares, he also lashed out at detractors of the listing, which besides a small section of the settlers, included the opposition, whom he accused of trying to confuse the people. Najib said the windfall is very meaningful to the settlers who had sacrificed much to develop the land schemes which were originally jungles, since the first Felda scheme started in the Bilut Valley in 1956. This aid is not like the 1Malaysia Aid (BR1M), merely RM500. This is not BR1M, but


> RM1.689 billion for 112,635 settler families nationwide

BROOM, he quipped. Present were his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob and Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad. Meanwhile, Isa dismissed claims by PKR that the government was short changing settlers of profits to be made from the proposed listing of FGVH. The balance (of funds from the listing) belongs to Felda. What is the problem? he told theSun. PKR central committee member Wong Chen had claimed at a press conference that Felda settlers should be earning RM50,000 each from the proposed listing of FGVH, instead of just the RM15,000 announced by Najib. This is based on its calculations that Felda stands to make RM5.6 billion from the exercise, at an estimated listing price of RM4.65 per share, said Wong. Saying the RM15,000 to be paid to the settlers amounts to only 30% of the total projected income for Felda, Wong said the government must detail how the remainder of RM3.942 billion will be spent.



theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

RCI on illegals in Sabah


> Comprehensive terms of reference for the commission, says Nazri

Nazri explained that in order to frame the terms of reference, the federal government will seek feedback and views from the Sabah government and other relevant stakeholders. An online news portal reported that according to replies provided in Parliament last year, Sabahs population numbered 651,304 in 1970 and grew to 929,299 a decade later. However, in the two decades following 1980, the states population rose by a staggering 1.5 million, bringing the total to 2,468,246 by 2000. Media reports said that as of 2010, this number has grown further to 3.12 million, with foreigners making up a sizeable 27 % or 889,799 of the population.

KUALA LUMPUR: The cabinet has agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) in an effort to find a lasting solution to the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah, Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said. He said the terms of reference will be comprehensive and not confined only to investigations as the government wants to resolve the issue conclusively. The de facto law minister confirmed that the decision to form the RCI was made in a cabinet

meeting on Feb 8 this year. Following that, the government had started a process in framing the terms of reference for the commission, said Nazri. He added that the terms of reference will be comprehensive and not confined only to investigations and shall include security, social, economic and environmental aspects. This is in order to ensure that the RCI can provide a lasting solution, said Nazri in a written reply to Datuk Paul Kong Sing Chu in the Dewan Negara on Monday. Kong had asked the ministry to state the status of the much-anticipated RCI on the fake MyKads and problem of illegal

immigrants in Sabah. Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok had in Feb 19 reportedly said that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak would make the announcement on the RCI soon. The proposed RCI is one of the hotly debated issues in Sabah for leaders of both the state Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties and the Opposition. State leaders had then expected Najib to formally announce the panels formation during his two-day working visit in February, and again last month, but he made no such announcement.

Hisham: No order to assault Bersih protesters



HOME Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has flatly denied having directed or ordered the police to assault participants of the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28. Neither I, nor Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar or any other senior police officer had issued such an order, he told Sin Chew Daily in an interview published yesterday. He described any such accusation as utterly baseless. Hishammuddin was interviewed by the media for the first time after the rally, in which some participants and media personnel were arrested or assaulted, including having their equipment taken away or ordered to delete pictures in their cameras. The use of force by the police prompted talk that they were acting on the directive of high-ups. Hishammuddin said Bukit Aman has set up two committees, one to investigate those who caused the rioting, and the other to probe allegations that police had assaulted public members and journalists as well as claims that police personnel had removed their numbers and name tags. We have gathered all video clips on the rally which were posted online. I also welcome the public to furnish us with

pictures and video clips they have taken. I am very clear that there were three groups of participants at the 428 sit-down rally. The first group comprised people, particularly young people including friends of my children, who were in pursuit of a better tomorrow; the second group comprised members of political parties including Parti Keadilan Rakyat, DAP and PAS, and the third group was made up of people who were out to create chaos. Hishammuddin also said he was very clear that the majority of the participants at the rally were peace-loving people and were not out to cause disturbances. As such, he said, the government had suggested that the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) 2.0, organisers of the Bersih 3.0 rally, hold their gathering at an alternative venue such as Merdeka Stadium, Titiwangsa Stadium, Cheras Stadium or Bukit Jalil National Stadium so that it could be carried out peacefully and smoothly. He hoped that the public would be more patient as the independent panel to be set up at the directive of the cabinet will reveal the truth on the April 28 rally. He said he will submit the names of the candidates for the independent panel to the cabinet today for approval and an announcement on the line-up would be made in due course. He said he was relieved that there was no loss of life at the rally.


Standing a mere 61cm, Kama Mirezzanial Kama Rezmie, aged six, poses with the rst Chinese edition of The Malaysia Book Of Records at the launch yesterday. Kama Mirezzanial holds a record of sort as the shortest child in Malaysia.

Social media the way forward, says Ng


KUALA LUMPUR: Social media and bloggers must be given all the space they need to progress as they are agents of change especially in the tourism industry, Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said yesterday. Soon the days of a structured tourism industry, with its traditional marketing and advertising, will be over. The 21st century has been completely transformed by social media, and we need to ensure we use it to bring the tourism industry forward, she said in opening the first

International Tourism Bloggers Conference and Awards 2012 yesterday. More than 10,000 people voted online for the 342 nominees in 16 categories. Ng said many Malaysians were quickly becoming tech-savvy, with 12 million people connected to the internet, compared with 20,000 in 1995. The aim is to have 75% of the population connected and using new media by 2015. With democratisation of information and speed of communication today, we need to ensure people are connected and that bloggers are talking about us if we want to continue doing well as a tourist destination. Last year, the ministry spent US$600,000 (RM1.8 million) on digital marketing and

branding for six tourism event campaigns, drawing flak from various quarters, who said the expenses were unnecessarily high. Ng, however, said the decision to turn to social media had yielded positive results. The public need to understand that advertising in social media, such as on Facebook and Google, costs money, and even then Malaysia spent much less on social media advertising than other countries did. The Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia Facebook page now has nearly 500,000 fans with 90% of them aged below 35 years, indicating its success in branding Malaysia as a tourist destination, she told the press after the opening ceremony.

No decision yet on Lynas petition


PETALING JAYA: Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili has yet to decide on the appeal by three petitioners last month to revoke the temporary operating licence (TOL) for the Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP). In a text message to theSun, Ongkilis press secretary Jane Ritikos said the minister is still studying the details (of the petition). On April 17, Ongkili heard submission from the petitioners and said he would study

the documents tendered and consult related experts and authorities on the matter. The three are Ismail Abu Bakar, Tan Ah Meng and Abujavalli V Raman all residents who claimed to be affected by the decision of the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) in approving the TOL to Lynas Corporation to operate the LAMP in Gebeng, Kuantan, Pahang. Ongkili said he would make a decision on the petition as soon as possible. It was reported that the AELB had in February granted Lynas Corporation Sdn Bhd a TOL to operate the rare-earth processing plant.

On Feb 26, thousands of anti-Lynas protesters took part in a rally dubbed Himpunan Hijau 2.0 to protest against the building of the plant, which has stoked fears of environmental pollution. The Australian miner maintains that waste from the Gebeng plant will not be hazardous and can be easily recycled for commercial applications. The Parliament approved a select committee on Lynas on March 20, which was boycotted by Pakatan Rakyat. The opposition coalition had claimed the nine-man panel would be used to whitewash the issue.

theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012




theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


Pit bull kills jogger

> Victim suffered bites to neck, face and ear

... Hairdresser Leong Sook Cheng with a photo of her daughter Winnie Neoh, 17, who went missing in Penang on April 10. Leong and her husband Neoh Khoon Chong are praying for their daughters safe return by Mothers Day on Sunday. Neoh said his daughter, who works as a salesgirl at a shopping mall, went to work as usual on April 10 but did not return home.


PETALING JAYA: A 74-year-old man was killed by a pit bull terrier while jogging near his housing area in Subang Jaya early yesterday. Yip Sun Wah, who lived in Jalan SS19/5E, was jogging along Jalan SS19/5B at about 10am when he was attacked by the house dog. Yip died at the scene, after the dog bit him on the neck and face. His right ear was almost ripped off. According to the police the pit bull terrier rushed out through an unlatched rubbish compartment door of its owners house and pounced on the victim. As Yip struggled and screamed to break free from the dog, a

passing car salesman grabbed an umbrella from his car and went to the aid of the victim. Although the salesman hit the dog with the umbrella until it broke, the animal kept its jaw locked on Yips neck. A 56-year-old woman, who is a resident in the area, also joined in to help by hitting the dog with a stick.

The dog only released its grip after Yip lay motionless. The dog ran back into its owners house soon after. Subang Jaya police chief ACP Yahaya Ramli said police learnt that Yip, who has lived in the housing estate for more than 20 years, was a regular jogger in the area.

He said checks showed that the dog was obtained by its owner three months ago and he has a valid licence for it. He said police are investigating the case as causing death by negligence under Section 304a of the Penal Code. Police have recorded a statement from the dog owner. We will decide later if there is a need to detain him, he told theSun. Police initially sent Yips body to the University Malaya Medical Centre mortuary but it was later transferred to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for post mortem. Officers from the Department of Veterinary Services took away the dog after tranquillising it. It is learnt the department will keep the dog for two weeks to determine the cause of it turning hostile before handing it over to police.

Caretaker jailed 6 years for death of autistic youth

SHAH ALAM: Two years ago, a welfare home caretaker slapped, punched and hurled an autistic youth to the floor for refusing to eat his breakfast. The youth died. The former caretaker S. Tirupathi, 28, pleaded guilty yesterday in the High Court to committing the act on Brian Goh Kah Heng, 19. He escaped the death penalty for murder after the prosecution offered him an alternative charge of manslaughter. He committed the crime at No. 38, Jalan 18/19, Taman Kanagapuram, Petaling Jaya, between 10.30am and 11.30am on Oct 24, 2010. Justice Datuk Akhtar Tahir ordered him to serve the sentence from the date of his arrest on Oct 24, 2010. The alternative charge under Section 304 (b) of the Penal Code provides for a maximum 10 years jail or fine, or both, upon conviction. According to the facts of the case, Gohs body was found on the floor of the welfare home, with bruises on his chest and stomach. Goh, who is mentally and physically handicapped, was cared for by the home, which has about 30 inmates, on a RM500 monthly payment. The post mortem found the victim died of shock and severe bleeding due to a smashed spleen. The prosecution was conducted by Deputy Public Prosecutor Norhani Mohamad Adzhar while the accused was represented by lawyer R.S. Seelan. Bernama


KUALA LUMPUR: A car wash employee was sentenced to three years jail by a sessions court yesterday for causing hurt to a waiter during a robbery four years ago. Judge Azwarnida Affandi handed down the sentence on M. Samy Nathan, 30, after he changed his plea to guilty. Samy Nathan was charged with committing the offence on C.S. Puvanes Waran, 25, at a motorcycle parking area of the Sri Selangor Flats, Jalan San Peng, at about 6.30am on Dec 28, 2008. Bernama


SHAH ALAM: A sessions court yesterday set three days from Sept 25 to hear the case of former political secretary Hasbie Satar, who is facing 28 counts of money laundering. Judge Mohd Fadhir Harun set the date when the case came up for mention. On March 20 this year, Hasbie, 39, the former political secretary to Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, pleaded not guilty to money laundering involving RM935,000. Bernama

... Kedah Customs director Datuk Abd Aziz Abdul Latif (right) examines a bundle of syabu worth about RM1.2 million seized from a 43-year-old woman in Alor Star yesterday. The 4.5kg of drugs is believed to have been intended for a syndicate in the Klang Valley.


Cops intimidated me, claims student



KUANTAN: A Myanmar national suspected to be a drug trafficker was nabbed by police in Jalan Tun Ismail Monday. Pahang Narcotics Crime Investigation Department chief Supt Yap Toon Khuan said a police team trailed the 25-year-old suspect upon receiving information from the public. He said police found the drugs in the suspects pocket estimated to be worth RM2,000. Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Student activist Khalid Ismath, who was detained over the Bersih 3.0 rally, has claimed that police used intimidation tactics while interrogating him over the weekend. Khalid, who is also Kumpulan Aktivis Mahasiswa Independen (Kami) deputy president, was reportedly detained at about 10am on Saturday after surrendering himself at the Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters. The first-year law undergraduate at a local university was among 49 people wanted by the police to assist in investigations over the Bersih 3.0 rally. As soon as he arrived at the police station, he was arrested and

given a form to sign, without being informed that its contents would allow police to proceed with investigations without legal representation, lawyer Latheefa Koya, who is representing Khalid, said at a press conference yesterday. Latheefa said she was shocked over the manner in which the 21year-old was treated by the police. Not only was Khalid subjected to intensive interrogation for more than 20 hours at several police stations, she claimed the questions asked were also irrelevant to the grounds of arrest.


Khalid was, among other things, repeatedly asked whether he liked to masturbate and whether he knew Bersih 3.0 was a movement which supports the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community. Khalid was interrogated throughout the night at IPD Dang Wangi and he was only fed one small piece of bread the entire time. The next morning, at about 9am, he was brought to the Jinjang police station to process his remand, Latheefa said, adding that the magistrate denied police request for a four-day remand order. Latheefa claimed that instead of releasing him, police continued to PAGE 6 question Khalid until about 3.30pm on Sunday.

On the published photographs of 49 individuals wanted by the police, PKR vice-president N. Surendran, who was also present at the press conference, said they should be immediately withdrawn as their publication was tantamount to defamation. Police have admitted they have obtained addresses of most of the wanted individuals. So they must instead issue a notice under Section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Code and request their presence at the police station to give a statement, he said. Some are contemplating taking civil action, he added Khalid, who was also present at the press conference, said he was not the individual depicted as beating up a traffic policeman, but rather, had surrendered to assist in the investigations.

theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012




theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


Why 2.5m Msians stay single

> Money, lack of suitable candidates top reasons
FINANCIAL considerations and the lack of suitable candidates were the top two reasons why over 2.5 million Malaysian men and women over the age of 25 choose to remain single. These reasons are followed by career and family commitments, and being comfortable as a single person. Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Heng Saei Kee said that based on the 2010 Malaysia Population and Housing Census, 60.4% of the single people were men. She said the census also found that the average age for first-time marriages for men in 2010 dropped to 28 compared with 28.6 in 2000, while for women, it rose from 25.1 to 25.7 years during the same period. The 4th Malaysian Population and Family Survey conducted in 2004 also found that 32.1% of the respondents were never married, Heng said. Of that total, 55.6% were men, she


THE new edition of coins, including those in the denominations of 20 and 50 sen, are lighter and smaller compared with the previous series for the comfort and convenience of the people. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim said that the new specifications are in line with research done by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) between January and April 2009. He explained that focus group discussions with the public, traders and other relevant parties such as banking and cash machine operators found that people preferred using coins that were smaller and lighter than the older edition. The trend to reduce the size and weight of coins is among strategies being adopted by central banks worldwide in an attempt to improve the technical specifications of new coin series in their respective countries. yesterday. The bill, which was aimed at setting up a special body to carry out road safety research and development, was passed after being debated by 10 senators. Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri, in winding up the debate on the bill, said its tabling had created history as Miros could now play a role similar to the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Authority. Bernama


ABOUT 76,200 graduates are still unemployed because they do not possess job-hunting skills and are too dependent on others to convey information about job opportunities. Deputy Human Resource Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan said based on a study by the Labour Department, which was done through the JobStreet Malaysia website on 1,994 respondents, 77.14% said they needed a mentor or coach to help them find jobs. This clearly shows that a lack of job-hunting skills contributed to this problem, she said in response to a question by Senator Khoo Soo Seang in Dewan Negara.

Iran, China students top applicants

STUDENTS from Iran, China, Indonesia, Yemen and Nigeria are among the top five applicants to higher learning institutions in Malaysia. Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung said that Malaysia receives international students from more than 150 countries but the most number of students are from Iran (11,823), China (10,214), Indonesia (9,888), Yemen (5,866) and Nigeria (5,817). All international students applying for admission into private higher education institutions in the country must go through a review process, and must receive support from the Higher Education Ministry before their student visa is approved by the Immigration Department, said Hou in reply to a question from Datuk Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman. Abdul Rahim had asked for the number of foreign students in the country according to the country of origin, and the criteria set that enables them to get student visas. He questioned the actions taken towards foreign students who abused their visas. Hou said that there are six conditions set by the ministry before any support is given. Among these are requirements for an offer letter for the programme, or course at the higher education institution of their choice, copies of certificates or transcripts that fulfil entry requirements, the programme applied must have accreditation from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency, copies of the students passport, medical examination reports, and if the students are from sub-Saharan countries (such as Africa), they must submit a copy of No Objection Certificate. On actions taken against students who abuse their student visas, Hou said this falls under the purview of the Immigration Departement, and the police when it comes to criminal cases. The ministry also urges universities to carry out proceedings which can lead to disciplinary actions against students that abuse their visas, he said. The ministry also requires each institution to submit periodic reports on the status of international students, including academic performance and class attendance. At the same time, the ministry will also examine the international student recruitment facilities of selected institutions. If there is a breach by the institution then their license to recruit international students may be cancelled, said Hou adding that this year, the license to recruit international students for seven private learning institutions were withdrawn by the ministry.

... A 26-foot tall statue of Marilyn Monroe is separated for disassembly in Chicago, yesterday. The sculpture Forever Marilyn by artist Seward Johnson and based on a scene from the movie Seven Year Itch, was taken down after being on display since last July.


Kedah urged to solve Kolej Universiti Insaniah crisis


THE Kedah government has been urged to resolve the financial troubles faced by Kolej Universiti Insaniah (Kuin) that has burdened its students and staff for the past four months. State opposition leader Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said the Pakatan Rakyat-led government must bear the responsibility for this. Among the problems faced, he said, was the increase of study fees from RM60 per credit hour to RM200. This is contrary to the Pakatan Rakyats promise to offer free

education for the people, he was reported as saying in Berita Harian yesterday. He also claimed the college management had failed to remit Employees Provident Fund and Socso contributions, zakat deductions and housing and car loan instalments from the staff although deductions were made from their monthly salaries. He alleged that Kuins Medical Faculty incurred about RM355,000 monthly for the costs of facilities and salaries of teaching staff although there were only eight students in the faculty as at May 2. The Mentri Besar has said some 300 students were interested to take up medicine in Kuin and 50 new students will be taken. But in reality, only 45 students were offered the course and of this, only eight turned

up for registration, Utusan Malaysia quoted Mahdzir as saying. On the fee hike, Mahdzir claimed Kuins board of directors decided in its 15th meeting recently for the new rate to take effect from July because the previous rate was too low, especially for courses like Syariah, Usuludin and Arabic Language. Most of the students taking these courses are Malays from the rural areas who come from low income background. Their family members would be troubled by this, he said. Mahdzir said the financial problem faced by Kuin was believed to have been caused by the setting up of too many subsidiaries and the fact that certain individuals within the management were paid high salaries.

He said Kuin was set up during the Barisan Nasional administration and there had been no problems before as the state government allocated RM23 million a year for it at that time. Bernama reported yesterday that Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak confirmed that Kuins study fee will be increased beginning July but he did not know by how much. He also said the new rate will only be applicable to new students. Kuin had been advised by the Higher Education Ministry to raise its fee, as it was told that its low charge will affect the college administration. I held it back because at that time we still did not have enough facilities. But now, our new campus, equipped with modern facilities, will be ready by year-end, he said.


said in reply to a question from Datuk Boon Som Inong. Boon had asked the ministry to state the number of women and men who are unmarried and if the ministry intends to set up online dating or matchmaking services to help them get hitched. Heng said the study found that 54% of the respondents who were never married were employed, 10.4% were unemployed, 33.8% were students and the remaining 1.9% consist of retirees and homemakers. The study also indicated that among the main factors men chose to remain single were financial

considerations (44.7%); not being able to find suitable candidates (19.3%); commitment to their careers (12.8%) and priority to family commitments (6.3%). As for women, the main reasons for remaining single were the lack of suitable candidates (40%); financial problems (14%), priority to career advancement (8.4%), comfortable living a single life (8.4%) and family commitments (7.4%), said Heng. The ministry has no plan to set up matchmaking or online dating services as these are being provided by the private sector and non-governmental organisations.


THE Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) Bill 2012, which will assist in the systematic development and administration of road safety, was passed

theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012




theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

MCA candidate list in a ux, says Chua


KUALA LUMPUR: MCAs candidate list for the 13th general election (GE) is in a state of flux, party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said yesterday. Speaking at a press conference, he said although the party has the list, candidates who are good now

may not be several months later. Speaking after chairing a presidential council meeting at the party headquarters yesterday, Chua said the list could change if the situation warrants it. MCA is ready for the elections. Barisan Nasional has not called for the list yet. To questions about former MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat,

Chua said Ong, who is Pandan MP, will be fielded if he is a winnable candidate. He is the past president and we respect him a lot. A winnable candidate may not be a presidents candidate; but he has to be the rakyats candidate, said Chua. Asked if he has plans to contest in his home state of Johor, Chua said he is not prepared to serve for

another five years considering his age. However, he did not rule out contesting if the situation warrants it. On the April 28 Bersih 3.0 rally, Chua urged the police to take action against its personnel who were aggressive to reporters. Police should also track and make sure that the protesters who

were violent and had damaged public property face justice. He said MCA did not oppose all public demonstrations, only those which destroy property and lives. We are upset that what was purported to be peaceful, became one that was violent. If you look at YouTube, it looked like an attempt to overthrow the government by using force.


PUTRAJAYA: The number of dubious voters on the electoral roll has been reduced to 40,558 as of yesterday, said Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam. He in a statement said the figure was derived after the Election Commissions latest update of its database, following a four-month display period of the original list of 42,054 voters. A total of 1,496 voters records were updated either via verification of death certificates or confirmation that the voters have converted their old identification cards to the MyKad, said Mahmood. He said the electoral roll technical coordination committee has decided to gazette the list of remaining 40,558 voters, as their records still exist with the National Registration Department. system will accurately reflect on the cost of sewerage treatment and take IWK out of the red. He said IWK is operating at a loss, but being a wholly-owned company of the Minister of Finance Inc, it is compensated by the government.

5 held over Nayati kidnapping


> Ransom money not recovered as yet; police to give details today


PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) yesterday urged the government to reduce its dependency on foreign workers in light of the high cost involved in employing them. MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said in a statement that the introduction of the minimum wage and high levy cost being paid by employers, which amounts to RM4 billion a year, make it expensive to employ foreign workers. Responding to a statement and accusations by Tenaganita executive director Irene Fernandez, Shamsuddin said, foreign workers enjoy the same benefits and protection as the local workers under Malaysias labour laws, and they are also covered by the Workmens Compensation Act where they are paid a lump sum for any workrelated injury or in the case of fatality.


KUALA LUMPUR: The effort to combine water and sewerage charges in a single bill in all states is viewed by Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) as an opportunity to become self-sustainable. Its chief executive officer Datuk Abdul Kadir Mohd Din said IWK hopes the new billing

KUALA LUMPUR: Police have arrested five men yesterday in connection with the kidnapping of 12year-old Nayati Shamelin Moodliar. Police have been on the trail of the suspects since Nayati was released by his kidnappers a week ago after being held for six days. Sources revealed that the five suspects were picked up in raids at different locations in the Klang Valley yesterday. It is learnt that the RM300,000 ransom money has not been recovered yet. Kuala Lumpur police chief DCP Datuk Mohmad Salleh declined to divulge details of the arrests but said a press conference will be held today at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters. Nayati, who is of Indian and Dutch parentage, was walking to school near his house at MontKiara when he was abducted by two men on April 27. He was released on May 3 at the Sungai Buloh rest and recreation stop at the North South Expressway after his parents paid a ransom at an undisclosed location in Cheras. On a separate case, Mohmad said police detained another

two persons yesterday over their participation and alleged offences committed during the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28. He said following the release of 116 photos of individuals sought over their involvement in the rally, police received detailed information from the public on 15 of them. He said police are working on gathering more information before launching an operation to nab those who have failed to give themselves up. He said since the photos were published, police have arrested seven of them.

Shipping lines to pay RM10 depot gate charge


PETALING JAYA: The Port Klang Authority (PKA) has directed all shipping lines, shipping agents and non vessel-owning common carriers (NVOCCs) to pay depot gate

charge (DGC) of RM10 directly to depot operators for containers picked up or dropped off by the hauliers at their nominated depots for one month from today. This follows a breakdown in talks with hauliers who are not members of the Association of Malaysian Hauliers (AMH) yesterday. Last Friday, following a joint announcement by the Transport Ministry, the International Trade and Industry Ministry, PKA, AMH and depot operators, the haulier drivers who were protesting over the rise in DGC agreed to call off the protest and returned to work, said PKA in a statement. The solution worked out by AMH and depot operators refers to individual agreements to be

signed by each haulage company with depot operators, which will enable depots to receive DGC payment by credit or other terms so that payment of cash by drivers is avoided completely, it said. The initiative between AMH and depot operators is expected to be formalised within days. PKA said however, non-AMH members had in a meeting yesterday objected to this arrangement, saying other parties should be responsible for the payment of the DGC. During this period, PKA would like to appeal to all shipping lines, shipping agents and NVOCCs to cooperate with the port authority to prevent further disruptions to the cargo delivery system and port operations, it said.

Felda settlers suit reinstated

PUTRAJAYA: Two hundred and seventy-three settlers of Felda Kemahang 3 in Kelantan yesterday succeeded in having the Court of Appeal reinstate a civil suit against their former lawyers in respect of RM11.23 million which they won in a settlement against Felda. A three-man panel headed by Justice Datuk K.N. Segara unanimously allowed their appeal to set aside a Kota Baru High Court decision allowing the respondents application to have the suit struck out. Sitting with Segara were Datuk Azhar Maah and Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim. The matter will now be remitted to the Kota Baru High Court for trial. Segara ordered lawyers Wan Rohimi Wan Daud and Asmadi Abu Bakar to file a statement of defence within two weeks, and to pay the appellants RM10,000 in costs. The appellants were among 354 settlers who won a civil suit against Felda when the Federal Court in 2010 rejected its bid to have reviewed a High Court decision ordering it to pay the settlers RM7.8 million in damages. The sum increased to RM11.23 million with accumulated interest. The suit was brought over payment for oil palm fruit, in respect of which the settlers alleged grading manipulation between 1996 and 2002 which they said caused them to suffer losses. The appellants are seeking an order to compel Wan Rohimi and Asmadis legal firm disclose the sum of their legal fees, costs and the actual sum to be paid to them. Bernama

The driver and the attendant of a trailer, laden with coconut and fertiliser, were trapped for two hours under the vehicle before they were rescued in an accident at Km76 Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Jerteh, Kampung Air Sejuk yesterday morning. Nurame Abdul Rahman, 35, and the attendant, whose identity has yet to be conrmed, received outpatient treatment at the Setiu Hospital. The trailer is believed to have skidded after a front wheel burst. It ran into an electric pole near a brick factory before overturning.


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012




theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

Travolta sued for sexual battery by masseur

LOS ANGELES: John Travolta dismissed as a baseless lie on Monday a lawsuit seeking US$2 million (RM6.5 million) for alleged assault and sexual battery of a masseur during a massage session at a Beverly Hills hotel. The lawsuit filed in Los Angeles claims Travolta tried to have sex with the male masseur, whom he had allegedly hired for a US$200-an-hour massage in January. Travoltas statement said the actor was not even in Los Angeles. The Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction star met the masseur, who was only anonymously identified as John Doe, in his black Lexus SUV on Jan 16, according to the legal document published by celebrity news website TMZ. The actor took the masseur to a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, and was given a normal one-hour massage but then Travolta offered to give a reverse massage. The masseur told Travolta he did not have sex with clients. The 58-yearold actor called him a loser, but paid him double the hourly rate and left, the document claimed. This lawsuit is a complete fiction and fabrication. None of the events claimed in the suit ever occurred, Travoltas publicist said in a statement. The plaintiff, who refuses to give their name, knows that the suit is a baseless lie. It is for that reason that the plaintiff hasnt been identified with a name even though it is required to do so. The publicist said Travolta was on the US East Coast when the masseur claims the encounter took place. AFP

Al Qaeda bomb plot foiled

> US says group planned to blow up plane on anniversary of Osamas death
WASHINGTON: The United States has foiled a plot by Al Qaedas branch in Yemen to blow up a USbound passenger jet with a new take on the underwear bomb near the first anniversary of Osama bin Ladens death, officials said on Monday. The FBI said investigators were examining the explosive that appeared to be a revamped model of the bomb used in the Christmas Day plot of 2009, in which a plastic explosive hidden in a Nigerian mans underwear failed to detonate on a plane headed for Detroit. The plot hatched by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) was uncovered at an early stage and at no point was the public in danger, according to the White House and government agencies. The device was for use by a suicide bomber on an airliner, a US counterterrorism official told AFP on condition of anonymity. At no point were any airlines at risk. Officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the plot was suspected to be targeting a passenger plane bound for the United States. News of the plot was revealed just days after the one-year anniversary of the raid by US Navy commandos that killed Al Qaeda chief Osama at his Pakistan hideout. I congratulate the CIA for thwarting this reported plot by AQAP to destroy a US-bound airliner using a specific type of bomb that is of new design and very difficult to detect by magnetometer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement. The FBI said the improvised explosive device was seized abroad and was very similar to IEDs that have been used previously by AlQaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in attempted terrorist attacks, including against aircraft and for targeted assassinations. Like previous attempted AQAP attacks, the explosive was nonmetallic to avoid detection, officials said. While similar, a ... Britains Prince Harry receives the Distinguished preliminary Humanitarian Leadership Award presented by former US secretary of state Colin Powell review of this during the Atlantic Council 2012 Annual Awards Dinner at a hotel in Washington, DC, on device shows Monday. Prince Harry joined a black-tie dinner in Washington to accept the humanitarian that it has some prize for his work supporting charities that help injured British and US military personnel. significant differences from the device used in the Christmas Day attack. It is clear that AQAP is revamping its bomb techniques to try to avoid the causes of the failure of the 2009 device, the counterterrorism official said. President Barack Obama was briefed about the plot in April and was told by his deputies that lives were never in danger, said Caitlin Hayden, deputy spokeswoman for the National Security Council. While the president was assured that the device did not pose a threat to the public, he directed the Department of Homeland Security and law enforcement and intelligence agencies to take whatever steps necessary to guard against this type of attack, she said in a statement. AFP


Greece eyes repeat elections

ATHENS: Greece faced the prospect of repeat elections after an anti-austerity protest vote in weekend elections fragmented the countrys political scene, leaving no single group strong enough to take power. The conservative New Democracy partys sharply reduced score of 18.85% made it the largest party, but Mondays meetings between party chief Antonis Samaras and other party leaders failed to break the stalemate. The nationalist Independent Greeks and the Communist party refused even to meet with him, while Samaras himself had already ruled out dealing with the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, newly arrived in parliament. I did whatever I could to secure a result but it was impossible, Samaras said in a televised address after a day of separate meetings with other leaders. I informed (head of state President Carolos Papoulias) and returned the mandate, the 60-year-old leader said. The task of a forming a new government now falls to the leftist Syriza party, led by Alexis Tsipras. The leftist parties have said they will try to form their own coalition, after an electorate fed up with two years of tough austerity measures boosted their parliamentary presence. Syriza is expected to be summoned by Papoulias and given three days to form a government. We will exhaust all possibilities to reach an understanding, primarily with the forces of the left, said Tsipras. But the parliamentary arithmetic is complicated by ideological differences among the anti-austerity parties. Tsipras has said he would seek a leftwing coalition to reject the barbaric measures of the loan agreement that saved Greece from fiscal collapse. The parties opposing Greeces loan agreement with the EU and the IMF, the socalled memorandum, can muster a narrow 151deputy majority in the 300-seat parliament. The problem is they are from the far-left and the far-right: their own differences preclude a deal. The smaller parties that ran an agenda that was anti-memorandum ... are not going to join the two bigger parties so the problem is, were probably going back to elections, said Spiros Rizopoulos, head of the Athensbased PR company Spin Communications. If no party can form a government by May 17 new elections will be called. AFP

Author Maurice Sendak dies

NEW YORK: American writer and illustrator Maurice Sendak, whose childrens book Where the Wild Things Are has been a standard bedtime story for at least three generations, has died at the age of 83. Sendak died during the night at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut from complications from a recent stroke, a hospital spokesman said on Tuesday. He lived in nearby Ridgefield, Connecticut. Sendak, who was born in Brooklyn in 1928 and was dubbed by one critic as the Picasso of childrens books, illustrated more than 50 books during his long career and won a number of prizes for his drawings. The Swedish government awarded him the Hans Christian Andersen Award for childrens book illustration in 1970. The Kane Funeral Home in Ridgefield confirmed it had been contacted by the family to handle funeral services. Sendak, who was a sickly child, spent much of his time indoors. He enjoyed books and drew throughout high school. He became a professional illustrator after working briefly as a window dresser at the F.A.O. Schwarz toy store in New York and taking classes at the New York Art Students League. He illustrated his first book The Wonderful Farm in 1951 and won international acclaim in 1963 with Where the Wild Things Are about a boy who imagines a world of toothy monsters. The following year the American Library Association awarded him the prestigious Caldecott Medal for his illustration in the book. Dozens of other childrens book following including In the Night Kitchen in 1970, which is dedicated to his parents, and Outside Over There in 1981. Reuters

theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012



theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

Managing Editor Freddie Ng Consultant Editor Zainon Ahmad Senior General Manager, Advertising and Marketing Chandran Ravi Senior Manager, Production Thomas Kang Head, Distribution Channels Gurunatham Gopal Tel (Editorial) 03-7784 6688 Fax 03-7785 2624/5 Email Tel (Advertising) 03-7784 8888 Fax 03-7784 4424 Email

In the public eye


E allowed a group of people use of his official residence for a Christmas party. His wife was then invited to fly to Barbados to speak at the groups annual convention. Anything wrong? Nothing if you are Mr Nobody in the United Kingdom, which means she is Mrs Nobody too. In this instance, he happens to be the Speaker of the House of Commons and she happens to be his wife. John Bercows wife is Sally and the official residence is an apartment adjoining the House of Commons. Sally has had enough run-ins with officialdom and the media. She has posed naked except for a bedsheet on the cover of a weekly pullout of the Evening Standard with the Parliament as her backdrop. She has also taken part in Celebrity Big Brother, and even admitted to being a former binge-drinker who had a string

of one-night stands, which is perfectly acceptable by UK standards. If that has caused enough embarrassment to John, shes caused another ruckus with her public speaking engagement where she was given first-class travel and hotel and a fee of 2,000. The Institute of Travel and Tourism offered her the trip weeks after John allowed the group to host a cocktail party in his apartment. But Sally does not accept that such actions are out of the ordinary. That sum of money, she argued, is not a fortune and admitted she leapt at the chance to address delegates at the five-star Barbados Hilton. Sally said there was nothing dodgy about the offer of what she admits was a dream job. Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the TaxPayers Alliance campaign group, was quoted by The Daily Mail as saying: It is good that the speaker uses his position to encourage the British tourist industry, but he and his wife need to be very careful not to put themselves in a position where the appearance is given that they are getting an advantage for helping this

organisation. This brings us to the globe-trotting efforts of officials from local councils whose trips have been chronicled in this column over the years. From the toilets of Mauritius and South Africa and the canals of Amsterdam and Venice, our officials have inspected them all. Their catchphrase lawatan sambil belajar has been the stock reply when questioned about using public funds for sightseeing expeditions. Although there has been a substantial drop in such outings after the last general election when they realised that their follies have cost them dearly, there have been pockets of such trips. There are two fundamental issues when it comes to comparing the UK case to our councillors. In the case of the former, was it a case of returning a favour a trip for using the official residence? Was the payment for the speaking engagement a roundabout way of paying rental for the use? In the case of lawatan sambil belajar, many questions need to be asked, especially if the touring party runs into a couple of dozens and

their spouses. Why do we need the entire council to look at traffic management and is the sending of all 24 councillors justified? Then, theres the question of funding, especially when most councils put out their hands to the state and federal government for money to implement projects. But what is the common trait that links both these cases? Their actions are being scrutinised by the people and the media. They can no longer act, behave and conduct themselves in a manner they deem fit. As people in public positions and holding office of influence, they are expected to lead by example. The views of the TaxPayers Alliance says it all public perception. If actions are seen as rewards or incentives for favours done, then, it is no-go. R. Nadeswaran says people in position and their spouses must live up to the expectations of the offices they hold. He is editor (special and investigative reporting) at theSun and can be reached at:

One clear policy, one clear strategy


BERSIH 3.0 has come and gone. We all know what happened. Large numbers of Malaysians attended the rally. Since they were not allowed to do their sit-in at Dataran Merdeka, they gathered around it instead. Then, the inevitable happened. Some

protesters tried to breach the barriers. And all hell broke loose. Water cannons were used. Tear gas everywhere. And people beaten up. The authorities blame the protesters. The protesters blame the authorities. But both sides need to do some serious soul searching and decide how to handle the situation the next time around. The government needs to decide whether it wants to be hardline and conservative or whether it wants to be liberal and progressive. Trying to be both is a classic case of being

neither here nor there. And that wins over no one. The hardliners will feel you are not tough enough. The critics will feel your reforms are window dressing. Take the authorities decision to allow people to gather around Dataran Merdeka but not to step foot in it. If securitys the issue, how is it more secure to have people crowding the streets around the square than sitting inside it? What is that but an obvious attempt to show everyone whos boss? In other words, yes, we are progressive. We allow you to assemble. But we will dictate where you can gather. You dont get to decide on that. Hardliners will say you should not have even allowed them to gather around the square in the first place. Protesters will say you are violating their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. You dont score brownie points with anyone this way. That said, the Bersih people also have to decide whether they are going to stick to obeying the law, even when they believe its illegitimate; or whether they are going to disobey what they believe are unjust laws. Currently, the stance of the Bersih leadership seems to be that the law needs to be obeyed even if it is flawed. Lets look at the blockade at Dataran Merdeka as an example. They clearly believed the government had no right to deny citizens access to a public space like that. Yet, its leaders all called for protesters to march right up to the blockade and no more. Some of the more militant (for want of a better word) protesters obviously didnt agree

with that line of thinking. There is a school of thought among Bersih supporters that it is a moral duty to disobey unjust laws. And they could argue that they are in good company. People often think of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr as peaceniks. What they often forget is that both men served jail time for defying what they considered unjust laws. The other day, at a post-Bersih talk, I bumped into a prominent social-political activist who said something that was spot on. Since it was a private conversation and not an on-the-record interview, I shall not mention his name. But what he said is something both Bersih leaders and supporters need to think about should they decide to organise a Bersih 4.0. Since its clear, in the aftermath of Bersih 3.0, that the authorities are not going to give in to their demands, there is no point holding a similar event where some people go with the intention of obeying government restrictions while others want to defy it, he said. Bersih has to decide on one clear strategy and to go all out with it. It cant do both. Like I said, both sides have a lot of soul searching to do. Its a fact of life that you cant have your cake and eat it too. You cant be both conservative and liberal at the same time. And you cant be passive and aggressive at the same time either. You have to choose. Oon Yeoh is a new media consultant. Comments:


YESTERDAY our management corporation got the biggest shock of our lives when we received the Syabas monthly water bill. The charges had escalated from RM2,700 to nearly RM5,000 without any notice. Upon making a phone call we were informed by Syabas that we are now classified under Code 17 for medium-cost apartments and condo units. Our apartments do not have any swimming pools or sufficient parking lots and yet we are now put on par with condos. Our tariff has been increased from 80 sen to RM1.38 an increase of 58 sen without any notice. The answer given by Syabas that the gazet-

Water bill shock

ting by the Selangor government of two categories (low-cost and non-low-cost) is mind-boggling. We have been lumped together with high-rise condos due to no fault of ours. The proper thing would be to classify under three categories of low, medium and high-rise or condos. We have no avenues for appeal. If tomorrow Syabas increases its rates again what do we do? Secretary Management Corporation Pangsapuri Bangsar Utama Block 4 Kuala Lumpur

KTM targets punctuality

I REFER to the complaint in Space out Komuter trains (Letters, May 2). First, I would like to thank Steven Tan for writing to improve our service. We are aware of the problems commuters are facing and we apologise for all the inconvenience caused. We plan to implement new measures soon to ensure punctuality. Mohd Fazil Ismail Senior Manager Corporate Communications Unit KTM Berhad

MAY 9, 2012
KLCI STI 1,590.60 2,931.98 5.73 7.03 Hang Seng 20,484.75 SCI 2,448.88 51.90 3.06

Business Editor Toh Lye Huat Tel (Editorial) 03-7784 6688 Fax 03-7785 2624/5 Email Tel (Advertising) 03-7784 8888 Fax 03-7784 4424 Email

Nikkei TSEC

9,181.65 7,545.71

62.51 7.63



10.57 13

S&P/ASX200 4,314.30

Exemption will not come easily


> Otherwise, it will defeat purpose of the Competition Act to remove monopoly: Rohani
groups, including major consumer product suppliers like Nestle Products Sdn Bhd, have applied to MyCC for exemption from the Act. Meanwhile, Rohani called on small businesses to expand into franchising given the low risks involved. The government with the cooperation of MFA will continue to increase awareness among businesses on the benefits of franchises and how to expand them, she said. To date, a total of 607 franchise brands have successfully registered an increase of 65% in the last two years. From the total, 417 (69%) are local franchise brands, while 190 are foreign brands, Rohani said, adding that 46 companies in various sectors of the local franchise industry have managed to expand their brands to 50 countries.

MAY 8, 2012 STOCK AGLOBAL NICORP COMPUGT SANBUMI TMS HARVEST PERMAJU JCY MTRONIC TMS-WA VOL 76,746,200 61,626,200 54,444,000 49,712,700 44,820,000 36,985,200 34,644,100 29,715,300 19,644,500 18,403,000 CLSG (sen) 24.5 49 10 38 9.5 71 87.5 145 18 5 +/- (sen) -0.5 +1.5 +1 +4.5 +0.5 +13 +14.5 -8 Unch Unch

KUALA LUMPUR: Retail groups seeking exemption from complying with Malaysian Competition Act 2010 will not have it easy. Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Deputy Minister Datuk Rohani Abd Karim said: We understand that several retail groups, including major consumer product suppliers, have applied to MyCC for exemption from the Act. But the commission would not easily grant exemption without considering the concerns of all stakeholders like the hypermarket chains and small traders, she told reporters after launching the Malaysian Franchise Association (MFA) AGM yesterday. Agreeing that granting one company an exemption would invite all the others as

well, Rohani said the objective of the Act to remove monopoly and encourage competition would be rendered pointless. She said although the Act had been gazetted in 2010, the commission has been given about a year to be fully set up and look into matters concerning retails and consumers. Retailers and consumers should have faith in MyCC. It is still in the application stage. The commission would not make decisions without taking into account all aspects of the issue, she said. Rohani added that the commissions main role is to protect the competitive process for the benefit of businesses, consumers and the economy. Thus granting exemption may not (be)very good, she said. A Bernama commentary, published by SunBiz on Monday, said several retail

MAY 8, 2012 INDICES FBM EMAS FBM KLCI INDUSTRIAL CONSUMER INDUSTRIAL PROD CONSTRUCTION TRADING/SERVICES FINANCE PROPERTY PLANTATION MINING FBMSHA FBMACE TECHNOLOGY TURNOVER 1.274bil CHANGE 10,907.43 1,590.60 2,822.23 517.57 119.76 249.98 199.81 14,288.55 994.78 8,710.16 368.81 10,842.41 4,534.63 18.39 VALUE RM1.235bil +40.23 +5.73 +5.34 +1.73 +0.42 +2.09 +0.90 +45.81 +0.02 +49.16 Unch +41.42 +2.35 -0.32

CIMB pays RM881m for 60% in BoC


Share-swap not in vain: Nazir

KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Group Holdings Bhd group CEO Datuk Seri Nazir Razak is disappointed with the decision to unwind the share-swap deal between Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and AirAsia, saying it had succeeded in establishing better cooperation between the two airlines during the eight months since the signing last August. The period of cross-holding (of shares) has not been in vain because out of that, you certainly got better cooperation between MAS and AirAsia. It has laid the foundation for a stronger collaboration framework between the two companies and I dont think that could have been done without this period of cross-holding, rather ironically, he told reporters after announcing CIMBs acquisition of a 59.98% stake in the Philippines Bank of Commerce. CIMB Group was the deals adviser. I am a little bit disappointed that the cross-holding cannot hold on. But that is the decision. So, we move on. We hope that the new framework for collaboration (between MAS, AirAsia and AirAsia X) gives rise to good cost savings for both MAS and AirAsia and is helpful to MAS in its main priority, which is its turnaround plan, he added. by KANG SIEW LI

Higher on technical rebound

SHARE prices on Bursa Malaysia finished better yesterday on technical rebound in line with the recovery in regional riskier assets from Mondays losses, dealers said. At 5pm, the FBM KLCI was 5.73 points higher at 1,590.60. Affin Investment Bank head of retail research, Dr Nazri Khan, said persistent worries about the eurozone debt crisis as well as weaker-than-expected US job data have dented investors appetite to take any major position. However, sustainable liquidity inflow from the corporate side, especially from the construction sector, has pushed up the local bourse and will likely sustain to a support level of 1,550 near-term. He added that Felda Global Ventures Holdings listing and Astros possible relisting could provide some stimulus for Bursa. Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Group Holdings Bhd will pay 12.2 billion peso (RM881 million) to acquire a 59.98% stake in the Philippines Bank of Commerce (BoC) from San Miguel Corp (SMC) and various minority shareholders, as Malaysias second-largest lender by assets looks to grow its reach in Asean. The price tag values BoC at a price to book of 1.14 times. BoC is the 16th largest bank by assets in the Philippines out of 38 lenders, and operates 122 branches and 300 ATMs there. CIMB Group CEO Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said: BoC is valued at a price to book of 1.14 times as at Dec 31, 2011; but upon full alignment with CIMB Groups accounting and provisioning policies, the effective price to book is expected to increase to about 1.30 times. The acquisition, via the groups unit CIMB Bank Bhd, will be settled with internal funds and expected to be completed in August. CIMB Bank has also entered into a collaboration agreement with SMC for the continued

support of the SMC ecosystem to BoC. Post-acquisition, the San Miguel Corp Retirement Plan will hold 26.93% in BoC, Caritas Health Shield Inc 9.77%, San Miguel Properties 1.14% and other minority shareholders 2.18%. The Philippines has been our missing link in our Asean footprint... With this acquisition, our retail network will increase to 1,239 full branches, reaffirming our credential of having Aseans largest branch footprint, Nazir told a news conference to announce the deal here yesterday Thus, the only missing country with no presence is Laos and that is a work in progress, he added. On the groups business plans in BoC, he said: On the wholesale side, we see the immediate potential of delivering banking and capital markets solutions to corporates. The consumer segment will take us a little more time and investment overall but we can get our remittance proposition up and running quickly. The most exciting part, though, is the access to the SMC ecosystem which is a huge community of SMC entities as well as suppliers and partners.


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

MPHB has strong cashow generating ability: Kenanga

PETALING JAYA: Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd (MPHB) has been given an outperform call at RM2.88 with a target price of RM3.72 by Kenanga Research given its strong cashflow generating ability that will enable the company to substantially pay out its earnings to shareholders. With its sub-par valuations compared with Berjaya Sports Toto Bhd (BToto), we expect the stock to play catch up, especially if the company disposes of its non-gaming assets. Investors would also probably be rewarded with an attractive one-off special dividend of 56 sen from the disposal exercise, said Kenanga in a report when initiating cover on the stock yesterday. Its change into a pure numbers forecast operator (NFO) business player in the future also means that its future dividends could be as high as a 100% payout as a NFO business typically requires fairly minimum annual capital expenditure. Kenanga is projecting MPHBs earnings for the financial year ending Dec 31, 2012 to jump 31% to RM369.6 million from RM282.4 million in FY11, mainly due to a full-year earnings impact after MPHB gained 100% control of Magnum from 51% previously, in June 2011. We expect its FY13-14 earnings to grow 6-7% on the back of a 3% hike in revenue, it said. Kenanga sees three near-term catalysts in MPHB. They are its cheap valuation of 11.2 times for CY12 PER, its transformation into a clean-cut NFO play and a possible one-off special dividend payment of 56 sen. MPHB is now in the middle of an asset rationalisation exercise to dispose of non-gaming assets. The proceeds should be enough to raise its already attractive dividend payout as well as a one-off special dividend payment of 56 sen. More importantly, with the disposal, it will become a pure NFO play, which will force the market to push its valuation probably up to par with current favourite BTotos valuation, it said.

Asias nance industry set to grow

KUALA LUMPUR: The financial industry in Asia is well-positioned to benefit from continued favourable growth prospects, supported by productive economic activity, strong regulatory and supervisory systems, financial inclusion agenda and broader mandate by central banks and regulatory authorities. Bank Negara Malaysia governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz (pix) said new initiatives are being pursued to enhance surveillance with crisis management tools in place to enable swift responses to emerging risks and vulnerabilities in the financial system, including those within the traditionally unregulated segments of the system. Authorities in Asia are also continuing to refine and sharpen the efficacy of macroprudential instruments to manage excesses and imbalances in the financial system. Asia already has considerable experience with these instruments during periods of escalating asset prices and excessive financial market volatility, she said when opening the Asia-Pacific Association of Banking Institutes Conference yesterday. Zeti said an inclusive growth process, which draws marginalised segments into the formal financial system and that empowers small businesses and consumers already in the financial system to better use financial services, will enhance the contribution of this segment of the population to the economic growth process. Within the Asean region, measures are currently being pursued to promote greater consistency in the adoption of regulatory and supervisory standards in anticipation of a larger role for Asean banks in driving regional integration as part of the broader agenda to realise an Asean Economic Community by 2015.

MMC to sell at least 25% of Malakoff

> Relisting expected to happen next year
KUALA LUMPUR: MMC Corp Bhd could divest at least 25% of its 51% stake in Malakoff Corp Bhd under its relisting plan, earmarked for next year, said group managing director Datuk Hasni Harun. It will be appointing advisers and underwriters for the exercise soon. MMC took its power producer subsidiary Malakoff private in 2007 when its value was RM9 billion. Hasni said: We are starting the process. We are appointing advisers and underwriters to advise the board of Malakoff. According to him, the process to relist Malakoff will begin next month and take six to 12 months. We have to do two things for the listing. One is to pare down our existing shareholding in Malakoff. There will be some dilution because the minimum requirement from Bursa Malaysia is to divest at least 25%, Hasni told reporters after MMCs AGM yesterday. He said the company could divest at least 25% of its stake in Malakoff and the board was discussing the comfortable level to have in the power plant unit. The key for us is we must have the leadership in Malakoff, he said. We want to raise new capital at Malakoff for us to bring the company to greater heights and for existing shareholders to offer some of their shares for sale. Other shareholders of Malakoff are the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), with a 30% stake, Retirement Fund Incorporated (KWAP) 10%, and private equity funds, 9%. We believe there will be improvement in valuation, as the new growth strategy that we locked in, like the recently secured 1,000 megawatt project, future bidding and foray overseas will be the catalysts to improve the valuation, he said. Hasni said the bulk of the proceeds from the proposed relisting of Malakoff and Gas Malaysia Bhd, which is scheduled for this year, as well as that of other subsidiaries will be used to reduce MMCs debt, which stood at RM3.3 billion. The units which could see a listing include those in the transport and logistics sector, such as Port of Tanjung Pelepas, Johor Port, Tanjung Bin Land and Stormwater Manage PAGE 16 ment and Road Tunnel (SMART).

Bank Islam to open 12 branches by year-end

KUALA LUMPUR: BIMB Holdings Bhd, which owns 51% of Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd, plans to open 12 new Bank Islam branches by year-end. The first three branches will be opened by June in Bukit Jelutong, Cyberjaya and Ipoh, group managing director and chief executive officer Johan Abdullah told a press conference after the groups AGM yesterday. Bank Islam managing director Datuk Seri Zukri Samat said the group eyes a bigger market share and stronger local presence by widening its network. Our focus is to garner more current accounts and savings accounts by expanding our branches to places we have not been to, he said. Last year, Bank Islams assets and deposits were the third largest among the Islamic banking institutions, and it ranked fifth in terms of financing. On Bank Islams potential expansion to Indonesia, Johan said the group favours the country because of its robust market although the plan is still at an early discussion stage. Indonesia already has the infrastructure, which widens the possibility of penetration compared with China, because we need to find a similar equitable institution for our syariah banking operations, he added. Johan said the group expects Bank Islams loan growth to be between 13% and 15%. However, if we manage to secure a couple of mandates in the infrastructure projects under the 10th Malaysia Plan and the Economic Transformation Plan, it has the potential to be higher, he said. Bernama


TM mulls data centre in Spore


KUALA LUMPUR: Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM), which has a network infrastructure in Singapore, plans to have a data centre there in line with its ICT and business process outsourcing (BPO) footprint expansion outside Malaysia. Singapore is a natural choice due to its location with many multinationals congregating in the area, group CEO Datuk Seri Zamzamzairani Mohd told a

press conference after the companys AGM and EGM yesterday. TM recently launched its first regional data centre facility in Hong Kong through its ICT arm, VADS Bhd, and will continue to leverage on its infrastructure, collective expertise and reach to improve the companys presence in ICT and BPO services for the business/enterprise segment. The move is also in line with TMs transformation into a regional ICT and BPO

powerhouse and towards becoming an information exchange, as well as in supporting Malaysia as a regional data centre hub by 2015. Were also positioning TM to be the regional IP hub of choice by leveraging on our global network infrastructure and assets to meet the increasingly sophisticated demand of global carriers and enterprise customers, Zamzamzairani said, adding that TM has 15 data centres in Malaysia.

Malaysia-EU trade continues to grow

KUALA LUMPUR: Bilateral trade between Malaysia and the European Union (EU) is expected to continue growing from a record RM131.068 billion last year. Vincent Piket, EU ambassador and head of delegation to Malaysia, said the grouping saw vast potential for trade to grow. We see more potential to be created after Malaysia and the EU sign the free trade agreement, slated to be before end of this year. We will then focus more on the small and medium enterprises and high valueadded technologies segments, thus increasing trade and investment even more, he told reporters at a luncheon held in conjunction with 55th Euro Day here yesterday. In 2011, EU exports to Malaysia stood at RM59.735 billion while Malaysia exported goods and services worth RM71.685 billion. With a share of about 11%, the EU was Malaysias fourth-largest trading partner. Bernama

AYS Ventures to replace NV Multi

KUALA LUMPUR: AYS Ventures Bhd will be listed on Bursa Securities from June 9 in place of NV Multi Corporation Bhd, a PN17 company, which has been removed from the exchange. The change came following a restructuring scheme. In an announcement yesterday, Bursa Securities said AYS Ventures will be listed on the Main Market under the trading/services sector.

theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


New major owner for Microlink

> Formis to have more than 33% stake in Microlink after injecting four units
PETALING JAYA: Formis Resources Bhd (FRB) is set to emerge as the major shareholder of Microlink Solutions Bhd following the sale of four of its subsidiaries to the latter for a total indicative price of RM102 million via a share swap. ACE Market-listed Microlink will issue 436.64 million shares to FRB at 22 sen each, which will result in the latter owning more than 33% of Microlink and will be obliged to undertake a general offer. Microlink has an issued capital of 127.41 million shares of 10 sen each. The four subsidiaries are Applied Business Systems Sdn Bhd, Formis Computer Services Sdn Bhd, Formis Systems & Technology Sdn Bhd and First Solution Sdn Bhd, which are involved in the distribution and maintenance of computer hardware and software, and the provision of computer technology to the financial services industry. In a statement yesterday, FRB said the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Formis Holdings Bhd have entered into a head of agreement for the divestment. FRB has also provided a guarantee that the aggregate pre-tax profit of the four units for the financial years ending March 31, 2013 and 2014 shall not be less than RM24 million. The company said the proposed disposal is part of a plan that is currently being finalised to restructure Formis and to regroup its subsidiaries with similar activities.

Perisai bags RM636m rig job

KUALA LUMPUR: Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd, through its subsidiary Perisai (L) Inc, has secured a US$208 million (RM636 million) rig construction contract with PPL Shipyard Pte Ltd of Singapore to construct a Pacific Class 400 jack-up drilling rig. The rig is expected to be completed and delivered by the end of July 2014. Perisai (L) has been granted an option by PPL Shipyard, a Sembcorp Marine subsidiary, to construct an additional unit of a similar specification jack-up rig for delivery in the second quarter of 2015. The option rig job is for US$210 million. Perisai Petroleum managing director Izzet Ishak said: The construction of the jack-up drilling rig represents our entry into the offshore drilling segment, specifically in Malaysia and broadly in the Asia-Pacific region. This construction will provide our customers with access to a technologically advanced latest generation drilling rig. The Pacific Class 400 jack-up drilling rig can operate in water depths of 400 feet and drill to depths of 30,000ft. Its maximum drill centre is cantilevered at 75 feet aft and it has a derrick hook load capacity of 1,500,000lbs. The rig is equipped with full hotel services for a complement of 150 men on board in oneand two-man cabins.

PIDM sees lower premiums for 2012


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corp (PIDM) has forecast a marginally lower premium income of RM199.3 million for 2012 compared with last year on the expectation of improved ratings for banks and moderate growth in total insured deposits. Of the premiums, RM115.1 million will come from banks and RM84.2 million from insurance companies, according to PIDMs Corporate Plan 2012-14 released yesterday. For 2011, PIDM is expected to achieve a total premium income of RM201.15 million, lower than the RM242.7 million target. Last year, the premiums from banks amounted to RM120.2 million or 25% lower than the RM160.8 million forecast because of improvement in the overall risk ratings of the banks and lower growth of total insured deposits. It collected RM80.7 million from insurers, 1% short of its target, because of a decline in business by general insurers. PIDM also expects a higher investment income of RM49.4 million for 2012 compared with the estimated RM22.39 million for last year, based on an average 3.3% return on investment.

On the successful implementation of some key initiatives in 2011, PIDMs CEO Jean Pierre Sabourin told a press briefing that it has expanded its role as an integrated financial consumer protection authority. We also enhanced our infrastructure, systems, policies and practices to effectively administer TIPS (Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System), including the development of a risk assessment framework for TIPS and public awareness initiatives aimed at educating owners of insurance policies and takaful certificates, he said. For FY11, PIDM also saw the transfer of assets of Insurance Guarantee Scheme Funds (IGSF) with a fair value of RM922.4 million to the corporation. As a result, PIDMs net surplus for the year totalled RM1.1 billion. As at end-2011, PIDMs total deposit insurance funds stood at RM518.5 million. Sabourin said PIDMs corporate plan for 2012-14 is to mainly enhance the corporations capacity and capability by focusing on employee competencies. We are also looking into strengthening the corporations operational readiness and promoting public awareness and enhancing policies and processes.

Permanis to supply to Revenue Valley

KUALA LUMPUR: Permanis Sdn Bhd, the official bottler for PepsiCo in Malaysia, has signed an exclusive multi-million dollar agreement to supply beverages to Revenue Valley Sdn Bhd, which owns and operates food outlets Manhattan Fish Market (MFM), Tony Romas and Popeyes, the company said in a statement yesterday. The five-year deal sees Permanis supplying Pepsi, 7Up, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, Lipton, Revive, Tropicana Twister and Bleu mineral water to all 18 MFMs, six Tony Romas and five Popeyes outlets in the country. This is a huge milestone for us in many ways, said Permanis CEO Erwin Selvarajah at the signing ceremony. These outlets are some of the best-known food names in Malaysia and the United States and synonymous with highquality meals, and were delighted that Revenue Valley has selected Permanis to be their beverage partner of choice. He said Permanis would look to forge other innovative business partnerships in the future to introduce its world-class products to a wider consumer base. Revenue Valley managing director George Ang, whose company owns over 50 restaurants in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand with an annual turnover exceeding RM150 million, said: Revenue Valley and Permanis share similar business strategies and ideals, and were sure that this win-win partnership will continue to pay dividends for both parties well into the future.


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

Marubeni close to buying Gavilon

> Deal for US$5.2b, including debt of US$1.7 billion
TOKYO: Marubeni Corp is in advanced talks to buy US grain and energy trader Gavilon for about US$5.2 billion (RM15.89 billion) including debt after beating out competition from rival domestic trading firms, a source close to the deal said yesterday. The board of Japans fifth-largest trading firm will meet as early as this week to discuss the offer, the person said, adding that Marubeni also needs to talk to its creditors to finance the transaction. Privately held Gavilon had debt of US$1.7 billion at the end of December, the source said last week. Marubeni President Teruo Asada told reporters on Monday that his company was interested in Gavilon because of its strong presence as a grains trader in the United States. Concerns about China grabbing more of the worlds food supply have increased the urgency among Japanese grain companies to expand in the United States and Canada to ensure security of supply. The two countries account for more than a third of the worlds wheat and corn exports. Japan was the worlds sixth largest importer of wheat in the 2011/12 marketing year, taking 6.1 million tonnes, the most since 1996/97. It was the worlds largest importer of corn, with purchases of 16.1 million tonnes, the most since 2008/09 and more than 50% more than second-largest importer Mexico. A Marubeni spokeswoman yesterday said that no decisions had been made and declined to comment further. The Nikkei newspaper reported earlier that the trading house will pay about US$3.8 billion for Gavilon. Several people familiar with the matter said last week that Marubeni, Mitsui & Co and Mitsubishi Corp were evaluating bids for all or part of Gavilon, even though they considered the valuation of more than US$5 billion from the companys owners expensive. Mitsui and Mitsubishi said on Monday they were not in negotiations to buy Gavilon, which began exploring a sale in January. Industry sources had in recent months also identified Swiss commodities trader Glencore, US-based Bunge Ltd and Singapore-based Noble Group as potential bidders. Gavilon, whose owners include George Soros and hedge fund manager Dwight Anderson, has a sizeable presence in key US agricultural markets, boasting the third largest US grains marketing network behind Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill. It also has a large footprint in the US fertiliser market, an energy operation that includes 7 million barrels of crude oil storage and a large oil, grain and ethanol trading unit. Reuters

Facebook launches IPO roadshow, but Buffets not buying

NEW YORK: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg launched the social networking companys investment roadshow Monday to snag buyers for the firms US$10.6billion (RM32.39 billion) initial public offering of stock. Zuckerberg was joined by chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg and chief financial officer David Ebersman in a presentation to 400 investors who packed a Manhattan hotel ballroom. The unusual aspect of Facebooks launch was highlighted by Zuckerbergs attire. The young billionaire, 28, eschewed the usual Wall Street attire of a suit and tie in favour of a dark hoodie and sneakers. One investor who wont be clamouring for shares is legendary Berkshire Hathaway boss Warren Buffet, who told his shareholders over the weekend that he would let the eagerly anticipated IPO on May 18 pass him by. We never buy into an offering, said Buffett, 81. The idea that something ... being offered with significant commissions, all kinds of publicity, the seller electing the time to sell, is going to be the best single investment that I can make in the world among thousands of choices is mathematically impossible. dpa

Foreign currency

MAY 8, 2012

Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy TT/OD TT OD 1 US DOLLAR 3.0845 3.0215 3.0115 1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 3.1530 3.0730 3.0570 1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 2.4760 2.4220 2.4140 1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1070 3.0400 3.0280 1 EURO 4.0330 3.9340 3.9140 1 NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR 2.4710 2.3850 2.3690 1 PAPUA N GUINEA KINA 1.6690 1.3640 1.3480 1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.4755 2.4220 2.4140 1 STERLING POUND 4.9890 4.8900 4.8700 1 SWISS FRANC 3.3510 3.2800 3.2650 100 ARAB EMIRATES DIRHAM 85.2500 80.9900 80.7900 100 BANGLADESH TAKA 3.8320 3.6190 3.4190 100 CHINESE RENMINBI N/A N/A N/A 100 DANISH KRONE 55.7500 51.3900 51.1900 100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 40.3300 38.3300 38.1300 100 INDIAN RUPEE 5.9290 5.6300 5.4300 100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 0.0341 0.0323 0.0273 100 JAPANESE YEN 3.8590 3.7790 3.7690 100 NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR N/A N/A N/A 100 NORWEGIAN KRONE 54.8100 50.4800 50.2800 100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 3.4700 3.2600 3.0600 100 PHILIPPINE PESO 7.3900 7.0200 6.8200 100 QATAR RIYAL 85.9500 81.7500 81.5500 100 SAUDI RIYAL 83.5200 79.2900 79.0900 100 SOUTH AFRICAN RAND 40.7400 37.5600 37.3600 100 SRI LANKA RUPEE 2.5000 2.3000 2.1000 100 SWEDISH KRONA 46.7700 42.6600 42.4600 100 THAI BAHT 10.6500 9.0500 8.6500
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama

media & marketing

theSun on WEDnESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


Sharing airtime earns housewife a windfall

CelCom Axiata Berhad has made a housewifes dream come true when she was crowned the grand prize winner of the recent Celcom Airtime Share Campaign. Sarawak-born Afiza Binti Azmi, 21 who hails from Kampung Debak Laut was rewarded with a Proton Saga Standard 1.3 FLX. She has been a Celcom customer for over three years and was surprised at her windfall. The grand prize was presented by Celcom Axiata Berhad Advanced Data chief operations Afizulazha Abdullah and Sedania group founder/group CEO Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor. Also present at the ceremony to celebrate the winners pleasant surprise were Celcom & IDOTTVs management. Celcom takes every opportunity to reward its customers and this is one such instance. Our customers are not only rewarded with attractive prizes for their participation but at the same time, we offer them the convenience of sharing airtime with their family and friends who are on prepaid lines anytime, anywhere. Customers can also look forward to similar campaigns being held throughout this year for more excitement said Afizulazha who gave away the grand prize to the lucky customer. The five week campaign which ended early this year, had awarded 35 Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus daily, to customers who shared airtime via their mobile phones with friends at least once a day. The campaign offered many exciting prizes and was open to both Celcom postpaid and prepaid customers.

(From left) Horleys sales executive Ryan Low, senior customer development manager Jonathan Fu, LOreal Men Expert representative Ivan Franco, Sunsilk brand manager Chong Yen Nee, merchandising and planogram director Caryn Loh, marketing and development director Jessica Ng, Ginvera senior marketing manager Corina Lee, LOreal Paris Skin Care representative Melissa Wee, Maybelline representative Pink Fong, Gatsby general manager Tomohiro Shibuya.

Its all about YoU

> Health, wellness and beauty awards

he Watsons YOU Awards is back with its 5th season. The popular awards celebrate anything and everything that makes the consumer special and unique from ones qualities, physique, hair, eyes or even just a friendly amiable face! The YOU Awards was an idea first conceived to not only award its customers and search for the freshest talents and faces in Malaysia, but to be involved in their lives and create a unique platform that allows the everyday Malaysian to showcase their special features and qualities. This one-of-a-kind search stands apart from the usual beauty or talent contest as it celebrates not just beauty or excellence, but instead encourages self acceptance. In a nutshell, Watsons wants to reward their loyal customers for just simply being themselves! With an average of 3,000 to 3,500 participants during the previous seasons 1 to 3, last years Season 4 or You Awards 2011 upped the ante by garnering over 4,880 entries. Season 5 in 2012 promises to be even more exciting thrilling with a total of 8 distinctive categories and up to RM24,000 in cash scholarships to be won! Participants will have the opportunity to vie for a lucrative cash scholarship prize of RM 3,000 and the prestigious distinction of being a Watsons YOU Awards Ambassador for the rest of the year. Winners will be selected based on a combination of judges choices, activities participation, voting and many others. The competition also encourages active CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) community outreach, where participants have to reach out and engage young less privileged children from selected

homes, with grooming and healthcare. The campaign this year also extensively engages Social Media (Facebook, Youtube) as a communication tool for participants to creatively represent Watsons brand partners and communicate the message of grooming & healthcare to their peers. This year, the recruitment campaign will hit campuses in Klang Valley targeting colleges and universities throughout the months of April and May. Registration forms can also be found online at Participation is opened to all Malaysians aged 18 and above, with a maximum of two categories per participant. The short-listing process will be conducted in the month of June after a series of interviews by qualified judges in the specific categories, and the finalists will be announced by the end of June. Each finalist will then be provided free professional training in terms of modelling workshops, makeovers, motivational self-confidence tips and many others. They will also be given the opportunity to play their part in society by visiting charity homes as well as other charitable organizations as part of Watsons CSR campaign for 2012. Each finalist will also be judged by their participation on their individual Facebook campaigns where they not only share their journey, but also their experience with their respective brands and products in order to garner as many fans as possible.

Cheers! Afiza, grand prize winner feeling jubilant after receiving her prize from Afizulazha (left) and Azrin.

(Left pix) Jessica Ng, marketing & development director and Ryan Low, Horleys sales executive (Right Pix) Caryn Loh (right), merchandising and planogram director and Chong Yen Nee, Sunsilk brand manager.

Perodua offers relief for flood victims

Perodua is offering assistance to all Perodua vehicle owners who were impacted by the flood in Klang Valley recently. They will be providing assistance in the form of discounts on selected parts and free inspections to determine the amount of damage done to the vehicles. Our customers matter most to us and these value added services are provided to help relieve some of the burden our customers have to deal with during this disaster, Perodua managing director Datuk Aminar Rashid said. Perodua customers are asked to send their Perodua vehicle to the 60 nearest Perodua

service outlets in the greater Kuala Lumpur area. In total, there are 171 Perodua service outlets nationwide. Under this initiative Perodua is offering 20% off selected parts to Perodua owners whose vehicles are damaged by the floods. The parts include all electronic items, carpet, vehicle seats, door trims and engine overhaul gasket. Owners whose vehicles suffered flood related damages recently, are encouraged to call Peroduas toll free customer care line at 1-800-88-5555 for towing assistance (Do note that terms and conditions apply).

MAY 9, 2012

Every second Wednesday of the month

Editor Irene Leong Tel(Editorial) 03-77846688 To advertise email

Helping kids to lose weight

> If your child is overweight, its important to get involved

ORLDWIDE obesity has more than doubled since 1980 and nearly 43 million children under the age of ve were overweight in 2010, according to the World Health Organisation. With todays afuent lifestyle and fast food culture, parents face an uphill battle in ensuring their children keep a health weight and become happier individuals. But there are steps they can take in managing their kids weight, experts say. New studies have shown how it is most crucial for parents to adopt the right attitude. One of the studies indicates how parents can help an obese child lose weight by losing

weight themselves. The other shows how critical it is for parents to be supportive of their overweight kids by, for instance, not triggering low self-esteem and encouraging them to participate in positive activities. In the rst study published recently in the journal Obesity, the number one way parents can help an obese child lose weight is by shedding weight themselves, rather than restocking the fridge or merely advising. Researchers from California found that a parents own weight is the most inuential factor and key contributor to the successful weight loss of an obese child. Parents are the most signicant people in a childs environment,

Aim to help your child by encouraging physical activity, serving nutritious meals, and seeking out activities where your child can gain social support. serving as the rst and most important teachers, says study co-author Kerri Boutelle of the University of California, San Diego in a statement. They play a signicant role in any weight-loss programme for children, and this study conrms the importance of their example in establishing healthy eating and exercise behaviours for their kids. For their study, researchers examined the effectiveness of three types of parenting skills among 142 families. Kids ranged between the ages of eight and 12, and were either overweight or obese. Their conclusion? Parents serving as role models and shedding weight themselves proved to be the most inspiring and motivational method for their own childrenmore than making changes to the home food environment or enrolling kids in physical activities, researchers say. But the latest parent-child obesity study runs counter to another analysis published in 2010 in which researchers concluded that parental inuence on their childs eating behaviour is limited. In their meta-analysis of worldwide studies from 1980, US researchers said the family environment only plays a partial role and that young people are inuenced by a set of broad and complex factors that includes everything from school, peer inuence, government policies, food production, and advertising. Another study by the University of Sydney examined what is known as the obesogenic potential of households by looking at factors such as soda consumption, television habits, and exercise. The researchers polled 1,685 school-aged children and their parents to generate data about how household habits and parental controls effected obesity risk. In the study, factors that reduced a childs chances of becoming obese were: parents who closely watched their childs intake of soft drinks while ensuring their kids drink water with meals. These parents also inspire exercise and set clear rules about television watching. And, they ensure their kids eat breakfast. Factors that increase the risks of obesity in children, on the other hand are: soft drinks being available at home and regular dining on fast food and dining in front of the television. Such families often take short car trips (of less than a mile), and there is a television in the childs room! Parents can also help their children cope with their weight problems by discussing with them in the right manner. For instance, whats the best way to talk to an overweight child about his or her weight problem without triggering low self-esteem? New research advises steering clear of words such

as chubby, heavy and obese while opting for a neutral phase: unhealthy weight. The study published in the journal Pediatrics surveyed 445 parents about their feelings on 10 words or phrases doctors might use to talk to them about their childs weight. Obese and fat rated low on the scale while unhealthy weight seemed to assign less blame. Other better choices include phrases such as high BMI, weight problem and overweight. I think (we need to be) really sensitive to the fact that for many parents and children who are overweight, they have experienced weight stigma, they are sensitive to the language used, Dr Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, a professor of epidemiology and community health at the University of Minnesota in the US, says. We really want them to feel comfortable in the heathcare providers ofce so they will return and they will be open to getting advice. While childhood obesity looms large, so do stigmas against kids who struggle with their weight. A recent Australian study found that obesity increases the risk that young children will become socially isolated by their grade-school years. If your child is overweight or obese, its important to get involved, said American child psychiatrist Paul Ballas in an interview with health website WebMD. Aim to help your child by encouraging physical activity, serving nutritious meals, and seeking out community activities where your child can bond with his or her peers and gain social support. While physical activity is crucial, competitive sports may leave your overweight child feeling stigmatised and with a sense of failure, adds Ballas. Focus instead on other interests, such as music and academics. Those are things that can be encouraged that may provide positive social benets that they may not be able to get from sports, he says. AFPRelaxnews

Learning condence and positivity

WITH the right guidance and positive inuence, a shy teenager would learn to step out with condence and enthusiasm. Ask Cyndy Kee Sin Yin, once a shy and sensitive 16-year-old who wasnt sure how to go about making friends. In contrast she today exudes condence, and she believes she has a better personality and attitude. I feel much better about myself and I have more friends. This means a lot, it improves my life, she says, adding that she has more condence in socialising and in her studies. Whats Cyndys secret to opening up and shining as an individual? It all started with her aunt, Janice Kee, who was worried that her niece was facing what she thought was negative peer inuence. She then searched for a self-development programme for Cyndyher search ending the day she visited WynKids Centre. What caught my eyes was the holistic programme offered, Janice says. After discussing with my friends, and of course, reaching mutual understanding with Cyndy, I enrolled her in the programme, says Janice, adding that she took a leap of faith by making the decision. Cyndy was enrolled under the Wynners Senior programme that is

The holistic training offered by WynKids has helped her niece become a more condent and enthusiastic person, says Janice.
tailor-made for students aged between 13 and 18. Within six monthsthe duration of the programmeJanice says she could see the improvement in her niece. She has more concentration in her studies, and her results have really improved She used to study last minute, but nowadays she has more self-discipline and drive to score better results. Janice adds, I should give credit to the holistic programme for Cyndys improvement. The curriculum, especially games and activities truly worked for her. Coaches encouragement played a big role, too. Synergistically, all these nurture her into a better individual. Cyndy, for her part, says, I dreaded the thought of giving presentations and making new friends at rst; however, the activities we had here were really engaging. I enjoyed the lessons taught by coaches, as they were easily understood, she says, adding that she learned many techniques she was able to apply to her studies, such as speed reading and mind-mapping. There are three intakes a year and the WynKids programmes (aged 7 to 18) is currently open for registration. Register before May 13 to enjoy the early bird promotion of RM700 cash discount on a rst-come-rst-serve basis.


the Sun Urban Parenting ON WEDNESDAY, May 9, 2012


Horse riding and the age of anxiety

> Genetic predisposition or not, we can help by creating a positive environment for our child

A progressive form of therapy Bottreau (centre) at the riding facility in Bukit Tinggi.

N HIS book, Worried All the Time: Overparenting in an Age of Anxiety, psychologist David Anderegg highlights how todays parents are taking worrying to an unhealthy extreme. His views are supported by such studies as the one conducted by Public Agenda, a nonprot research group in New York that showed how 78% of those polled thought parenting is much harder today than ever (with only 4% saying its easier, as reported by the website, It is easy to see Andereggs point. Its only natural that as parents we get anxious about our kidsbut, yes, its never healthy when we are overly anxious. However its perfectly understandable that the parent whose teenaged kid is out with friends at night for the rst time ever would worry if the kid would come home safe. And I imagine the parent whose kid is driving on their own for the rst time too would worrywhat with the often hostile environment of Malaysian roads and the number of reckless drivers around! Our anxiety often makes us overprotective, and while I believe its always better to play safe and be a little paranoid, than to be careless, I have come to recognise the need for me to ease up and relax. Its not easy though especially if you are a single parent of an only childand hence the tendency for me to get overprotective with my 18-year-old. Doesnt help too that I am a born worrier, the type who would toss and turn in bed, and lose sleep over everything in life. Psychologists term it generalised anxiety, and although I am acquainted with the concept, I have a long way to go in learning to cope with it. So each time my child gets on a horseback, boy, how I worry. Id worry about what if what happened to ex-Superman Christopher Reeve (becoming paralysed from falling off a horse) were to happen to her; that

shed fall off and break an arm or a leg, or worse. Oh, but how my kid loves horses. Her face would light up each time she was on horseback. Shed pat the horse lovingly and the expression on her face would be, well, priceless and then Id remind myself, yes, its worth it. It is anxiety that I can live with if it means seeing my child beaming with happiness. Its called love and sacriceand every loving parent would know the feeling. And so, Id keep my fears in check and allow my kid to live her lifefor wouldnt you want your loved one to live life to the fullest and all that? But theres more to my concern: according to some experts, children often emulate their parents in the way the latter approach situations, and parents who have a calmer, more condent stance send a positive message than those who display apprehension or fear. There is, it seems, scientic evidence that shows that there may be a genetic component to it: that if we are born anxious, our kids may be anxious all the time too. Now, I wouldnt want my kid to walk around in a regular state of anxiety, for it could be disabling. As it is I do nd her sometimes too much of a loner (perhaps a symptom of social anxiety?), and when she was a toddler, she did suffer from what is termed separation anxiety. I recall how shed bawl and refuse to let go of me when I dropped her off at the childcare centre. Naturally, I found her distress rather upsetting, and you bet those were especially tough years for me psychologically. But nothing we can do about the pastback to the present, how do I help her along at this stage in her life? How do we help our kids cope with anxiety? It seems the answer lies in teaching ourselves how to cope with anxiety rstor so according to some experts. Genetic predisposition or not, we can help by determining a positive environment for our child. And thats because a childs environment inuences

susceptibility to such disorders. In other words, we can teach our kids by not being too anxious and overly protective. Children, says Dr John Piacentini, director of the Child OCD, Anxiety, and Tic Disorders Programme at UCLA, need to face their fears if theyre to overcome anxiety. They need to confront anxiety-provoking situations, and learn how to manage and tolerate their distress, he says. And where do horses come into play in all these? Horses and humans, it seems, share the same physiology of stress. Dr Kerry Mack in Equestrian Life, says anxiety, when well managed, is the ally of great performance (in horse riding), because all the physical changes of anxiety help us function better at times of stress. For her part, Lorraine Bottreau, equestrian manager of Berjaya Hills Horse Trails in Bukit Tinggi, says horseback riding burns calories, and is stress-busting and condenceboosting. It is a progressive form of therapy. The ability to control a horse as well as ones own body inspires self-condence, responsibility, and teamwork, Bottreau says. Riders develop emotional, social, and psychological benets. Riding helps to interact with others. Building a relationship with an animal is very rewarding in many aspects; horses help people feel in control of their situation because there is a direct correlation between action and reaction. Bottreau adds, To learn to care for and ride a horse, a student must also be able to communicate efciently with the horse and the instructor. This way, riding is a very social activity, but not something that is daunting to people who are uncomfortable in social situations. The sometimes unpredictable nature of animals and situations also creates a real-life environment in which students will be able to confront fears and make adjustments to situations beyond their control. My daughter, of course, doesnt need to hear all this positive talk about horse riding to love the sport. There were many weekends during our time living in Brisbane

that Id willingly drive her to Mt Tamborine, Gold Coast for a horse riding session at the Thunderbird Park. Theres nothing like riding in the hills or mountains, with the crisp cool air and refreshing greenery. Id watch and commune with nature while my daughter rode off into the wilda smile plastered on her face the whole time, I imagine. Back in the Klang Valley, the Berjaya Hills Horse Trails would hence be the natural choice what with 16,000 acres of scenic hills, valley, and open country as backdrop. Time (and money!) permitting, Id happily drive my daughter to Bottreaus place for her equine therapy. Like in the Oz, Id just soak up nature while waiting for her. No doubt we need such moments to keep us going in this age of anxiety.

Developing extraordinary children

THE Developing Extraordinary Children Conference 2012 is aimed at helping parents develop their childrens learning and leadership potential by using the latest AOL Learning & Leadership Personality Prole (AOL-LLPP). Organised by Lawrence Walter Seminars, the event will be held at Berjaya Times Square Hotel this Sunday. Five geniusesAOL graduates between the ages of 11 and 17, will be speaking at the event to be facilitated by chief master trainer Dr Lawrence Walter Ng and Art of Learning president U2 Kumar. For invitations and tickets, email

A healthy pregnancy
A new study published in the April issue of Diabetes Care found that pregnant women carrying even just a few extra pounds combined with an elevated blood sugar level could pose a health risk to both mother and baby. The study by a team of US researchers that analysed data from more than 23,300 women across nine countries showed such women have a higher risk of experiencing a bad pregnancy than those who were simply obese, especially since they were more likely to deliver larger babies. This in turn increases the risks of injury during vaginal delivery and the likelihood of a Caesarean section. Another study published in the Journal of Physiology last year found that women who consume high fat diets during pregnancy may predispose their child towards developing diabetes later in life. Similarly, other studies have found a link between obese pregnant women and obese offspring. Meanwhile, as published in, and based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, women who have a body mass index (BMI) of between 18.5 and 24.9 should gain between 25 and 35lbs (11-16kg). Women who are overweight for their height (dened as having a BMI of 25 to 29.9) are advised to gain less, between 15 and 25lbs (7-11kg). As for shedding the extra pounds gained during pregnancy, Babycenter. com points out that mothers usually lose half of their pregnancy weight gain in the rst six weeks following the delivery. Experts also advise new mothers to avoid cutting back on calories right away, as being a new mom requires a lot of energy. Another crucial new study on pregnancy showed the risk of vaginal

A new study shows how women who had a C-section for their rst childs birth face more health risks if they attempt a vaginal birth with their second.
birth after a C-section. According to Australian researchers, women who had a C-section for their rst childs birth face more health risks if they attempt a vaginal birth with their second. Women who planned a repeat Csection had a signicantly lower rate of complications than women who chose to deliver vaginally the second time2.4% risk of death or serious complication compared to 0.9% in the surgery group. The study, published in openaccess journal PloS ONE, aimed to compare women who were eligible to

try either option and assess the risks of each. Until now there has been a lack of high-quality evidence comparing the benets and harms of the two planned modes of birth after a previous Cesarean, says lead author Caroline Crowther from the Australian Research Centre for the Health of Women and Babies, part of the University of Adelaide. The information from this study will help women, clinicians, and policy makers to develop health advice and make decisions about care for women who have had a previous Cesarean. Cesarean births are on the rise worldwide, and they account for nearly a third of all births in Australia. Most second time mothers, some 83%, in Australia opt for a repeat C-section the second time around. Among women in the study who wanted to try a vaginal birth, only 57% were able to proceed with it while the rest ended up having C-sections for medical reasons. - AFPRelaxnews


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


Wrong to reunite
MATT LEBLANC (pix) is against a Friends reunion. The actor revealed that he would not support the cast getting back together or agree to a movie adaptation of the show. LeBlanc admitted that he had not heard of any plans to record more scenes and suggested that it would be wrong to try to recreate the series on the big screen. Personally, I think that show was all about a finite amount of time in six peoples lives, he said. Once they have moved on from that phase, that family unit has broken down a little bit. Im sure theyd keep in touch a bit, but it wouldnt be the same.


Black Widow


> Scarlett Johansson shows off her ghting form to reprise her role as SHIELD agent Natasha Romanoff
BY ZORIANNA KIT CARLETT JOHANSSON first joined the Marvel comicbook superhero universe when she was introduced as the mysterious Black Widow opposite Robert Downey Jr in the 2010 blockbuster, Iron Man 2. The action-filled movie role marked a big change for the actress, who is known more for low-key performances in films like Sofia Coppolas drama Lost in Translation or Woody Allens sly comedy Vicky Cristina Barcelona. But Johansson is in fighting form to reprise her role as SHIELD agent Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow, in Marvel Studios The Avengers. With her bright red hair and latex suit, the Black Widow teams up with Iron Man, The Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye and Thor to stop the evil Loki from conquering Earth with his army. Johansson sat down with Reuters to talk about the film, the fighting style she learnt for her role and what it was like to master her characters native Russian language. Black Widow was introduced in Iron Man 2 but gets far more exposure in Avengers. How did you expand the character? At the end of Iron Man 2, we know shes a part of SHIELD, but we dont know what SHIELD is. In this film, (director) Joss Whedon and I talked about her past. Who is she? How does she get to be a mercenary? What path do you follow in order to get to that place? We both wanted to see the darker side of her not just that shes someone who is highly skilled, but why did she have to learn those skills? Youre in top form physically on screen. What new fighting skills did you learn? We incorporated this Wushu style (of fighting) when the Widow wields a huge alien gun. That was new and really challenging. I had to learn how to spin it and move it. It was hard because Id hit myself

Happy with looks

ANNA PAQUIN (pix) thinks plastic surgery would limit her as an actress. The True Blood star, who is pregnant with her first child with husband and co-star Stephen Moyer, says she is not always happy with her looks. But she pointed out, she would not change a thing because her physical quirks bring her a greater selection of roles than if she had a generic Hollywood look. She told Zooeymagazine: Interestingly enough, I dont really care about my teeth. I also know as an actress you are more limited if you interfere with your looks. If you have a whole bunch of work done with your teeth and your face and your boobs then youre only going to play modern people. Thats a big choice to make. Very limiting.

(right) Johansson ... she was comfortable working with her male co-stars such as Ruffalo (above, left) and Downey. (below) Scenes from The Avengers.

with it all the time. And its heavy. You learn (by using) a broom handle so youre like, Ah, I got it down, Ive mastered it. Then all of a sudden theyre like, Heres the prop and youre like, What? This thing is 5kg! I was so terribly battered. Id wake up every day in agony but it was a continuous thing, so it became normal (laughs). Black Widow also speaks in her native Russian language, which you seemed to nail. Was it difficult to learn? I had two days, so I had to learn it phonetically. I knew what I was saying but I had to be able to pronounce it and breathe some life into the lines so that it didnt sound like I was repeating some Berlitz tape. We hired this great Russian translator, and she worked with the dialogue coach. She was really expressive, which helped, so my mouth found the words in a way that didnt just sound like I was a parrot. You often play with hair colour in your movie roles. Did you enjoy being a redhead for the duration of the shoot? Its nice because it allows me to go a bit under the radar people dont expect me to have that colour hair. Im always happy when I do it because its the first step of the process of finding the character again. To me more than anything, the hair colour represents a huge piece of work that we dive head first into. Youre the only female Avenger in the

cast. Did your male co-stars treat you any differently because of that? If anything, the guys werent as delicate with me as I thought they would be. They like to play hard and always dragged me along for the ride. Id always come back with battle wounds. But theyre a great group of guys. All of us got on so well. Who did you spend most of your time with on location in New Mexico? Jeremy (Renner, Hawkeye) because (we share scenes) together a lot. We fight together, so we had to do a lot of our stunt training together. We had the same battle wounds! Tom (Hiddleston, Thor), Jeremy and I spent a lot of time in the stunt gym because we fight so much hand to hand, so we ended up hanging out together. But we all equally had a closeness. What was the dynamic like with all of you? Were all fans of each others work. Some of us have worked together in the past. Chris Evans (as Steve Rogers/Captain America) and I have made three movies together. Sam Jackson (Nick Fury) and I made three movies. Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/The Hulk), Ive known for quite some time. Every time Robert (Downey Jr, Tony Stark/Iron Man) was on set, it was like, so alive. Were just lucky that there was no diva on set. It was everybody trying to support one another. It was really nice to have that. Reuters

Crying over haircut

CAMERON DIAZ (pix) cried when she had her hair cut into a short bob style. The 39-year-old actress revealed on the recent The Tonight Show with Jay Leno that she was overcome with emotion when a hairdresser chopped several inches off her signature blonde locks late last year. She told Leno: There was a little misunderstanding. I said, Oh I just want a little bit off ... and it went from here to here. Upon seeing her new style, Cameron was so upset that she burst into tears. The actress revealed that the situation was more awkward because the stylist was a friend. Bang Media

Johansson gets Hollywood star

SCARLETT JOHANSSON (right) was honoured with her own star on Hollywoods storied Walk of Fame last Wednesday, saying it proved she must have made it to the big time. The 27-year-old star, who reprises her role as the Black Widow in the latest Marvel Comics blockbuster The Avengers, was joined by co-star Jeremy Renner at the ceremony. When I was told I was getting this star, I thought to myself, man, I really made it to the big time, said Johansson, dressed in a figurehugging black-and-white ensemble with dizzying geometric patterns. You know, no matter what happens from here on, I made my mark, Im here to stay, and my family for generations to come will always be able to visit me right here, always. What a deeply, deeply touching gift, she added. Johansson, star of The Horse Whisperer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and Lost in Translation, first played the Black Widow in 2010s Iron Man 2. Renner, who co-stars as Hawkeye in The Avengers paid teasing tribute to Johansson. Working with her was tremendous awful, he joked. For six months, she continuously threw me around, beat me, stepped on me. AFP-Relaxnews


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012



Courtesy of MPH Bookstores

(right) Loh at the launch of her book. (clockwise, from far right) Mak and Loh at Malaccas Dutch Square clock tower; the two at the start of their cycling adventure at Padang Besar, Perlis; and at Tanjung Piai, the southern-most tip of Asia, and the second corner of their tour.

1. THE LUCKY ONE Nicholas Sparks 2. THE LITIGATORS John Grisham 3. IVE GOT YOUR NUMBER Sophie Kinsella 4. MICRO Michael Crichton 5. A GAME OF THRONES (A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE) George R.R. Martin 6. THE WEIRD SISTERS Eleanor Brown 7. FIFTY SHADES OF GREY E.L. James 8. FIFTY SHADES FREED E.L. James 9. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS (A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, BOOK 5) George R.R. Martin 10. SWITCHED (TRYLLE TRILOGY #1) Amanda Hocking

A bicycle journey
> Sandra Loh Sook Peng and Mak Shiau Meng cycled their way around the country on their bikes and lived to share their adventures in Pedalling Around Peninsular Malaysia


T WAS a feat that not many would think of doing but a couple accomplished what no Malaysian has ever done going around Peninsular Malaysia on their bicycles. Sandra Loh Sook Peng and her travelling companion, Mak Shiau Meng, hit the road on their bicycles on March 3, 2009. Their plan was to cover all four corners of Peninsular Malaysia in 30 days beginning with the first corner at Padang Besar in Perlis. They reached their final corner (Kota Baru) on Day 29 and on Day 37, Mak ended his trip in his hometown, Sungei Petani in Kedah, while Loh proceeded to Langkawi where she lived. IN all, they had cycled some 2,664km. Loh had wanted to blog while touring but by the time they reached the towns, all she wanted to do was rest as she was so tired. Fortunately, Mak took down notes and sketched out the routes they had braved under rain or shine. He emailed them to Loh after the journey. Based on Maks notes and what she could recall from memory after their adventure, Loh started to write her blog, which took her a month to complete. It took her another one-and-a-half years to finish her book titled Pedalling Around Peninsular Malaysia (MPH; RM39.90). I had to share how beautiful our country was through my book. Writing it was a journey on its own, says Loh at the launch of Pedalling Around Peninsular Malaysia recently. An avid cyclist, Loh also hopes that her book will promote cycling and inspire people to work at achieving their goals. For Loh, touring is like having goals in life; you should take the necessary action until you finish what you set out to accomplish. It was Maks idea to do the cycling trip. When Loh agreed to join him, it was like taking a leap of faith as she had only started cycling in 2005 and had only participated in three interstate tours in large groups. Furthermore, she had only known Mak briefly then and it was going to be her first long distance and self-supported tour. We got along well even though he mainly spoke Chinese and I English. We would encourage and push each other. We had a few tiffs along the way but we always patched things up afterwards, recalls Loh. Loh and Mak never really had the chance to celebrate their accomplishment as they went on their separate ways on the last day of the tour. When asked how the tour has changed her, Loh said it has made her more confident. I now love cycling even more and in completing this adventure, I know that I can go anywhere I want with my bicycle. Nonetheless, this will be Lohs first and last time cycling around Peninsular Malaysia. The cycling enthusiast wants to explore other places

and has Taiwan currently in mind. Lohs book not only divulges the duos trials and tribulations on the road but provides enlightening tips to those looking to embark on a cycling tour. Do your research but leave some out for surprises. Also, keep things simple and bring only what you need on the road. When we were planning, we left a lot of details out and we discovered a lot along the way, says Loh, who later reveals that the most challenging part of the journey was the weather. Loh is currently helping to promote an on-going campaign Share Our Road to raise awareness and educate the public on how to cooperate with cyclists on the road. It takes time for the government to provide dedicated lanes for cyclists so we want to educate the public on how to cope with us, says Loh who has on occasions been stuck by the roadside in bigger towns because the cars just didnt care.


Please Look After Mother

Author: Kyung-Sook Shin Translated by: Kim Chi-young Publisher: Orion Books Ltd FIRST published in 2010, this book had sold over two million copies in South Korea alone. Most probably, the sale of tissue paper would have shot up too because it is hard not to shed tears while reading this book. Please Look After Mother tells the story of So-nyo, a mother to five grown-up children, who goes missing one day while travelling to Seoul by train. As her family members desperately search for her, they discover the desires and hopes that So-nyo had kept hidden in her life. Through a series of revelations, they slowly paint a picture of a So-nyo they never knew existed and gradually realised the truth about all mothers and their children that affection, exasperation, hope and guilt all add up to love. Although Kims hard work of translating this novel from Korean to English is commendable, the book is not an easy read in the beginning. It takes a couple of chapters before you realise who is actually narrating the story. The narrators seem to be having an internal dialogue with their conscience, which makes the guilt of their mothers disappearance all the more pronounced because you feel as if you are the son or daughter. Poignant and haunting, Please Look After Mother will stay in your mind for a while. You may want to give your own mother a call as soon as you finish reading it. It may be slow-paced but the hidden details and secrets of So-nyo revealed in the chapters will capture your interest. The last three chapters are especially interesting. Chan Soo Wah

Waiting For Sunrise

Author: William Boyd Publisher: Bloomsbury A YOUNG Englishman in Vienna seeking psychiatric help for an embarrassing ailment ends up falling in love with another patient. So far, nothing to shout about but then if you have the patience, Waiting For Sunrise slowly but surely develops into an interesting and plot-twisting thriller. Young English actor Lysander Riefs encounter with Hettie Bull is destined to change the course of his life but at the time, he can only be mesmerised by her strange, hazel eyes and unusual intense beauty, which leads to a passionate affair that ultimately cures him of his ailment. But all his illusions of love shatter when Hettie turns around and accuses him of rape and he has to escape from the city with the help of some newfound friends. Returning to the theatre, Lysander is soon overcome by the approaches of war, and enlists. Before he knows what has hit him, he is immersed in espionage and war games that threaten to throw all that he knows into chaos. Initially, Lysander comes across as a rather irresponsible fellow and you might be forgiven if you think that he probably deserves all that he got. But then, along the way, he matures somewhat and you start to notice that he is not as spaced-out as he sometimes appears to be. Some of the twists and turns, however, do not really pan out and you get the feeling that something is off, which is somewhat disappointing. Otherwise, Waiting For Sunrise is a readable effort. Sharon Wong


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

Colourful statement
BY SOO WERN JUN YOU no longer have to ship your shoes from a foreign country as Steve Madden is now here in Kuala Lumpur ready to fill up that shoe cupboard of yours. Every fashionistas musthave shoe label, the high street fashion label arrives in Malaysia with its Spring 2012, collection which was unveiled recently. This spring, Steve Madden shoes pound the pavement of New York City in style. Much like Manhattan itself, Steve Madden is a melting pot of eyecatching beauty. This versatile collection will transform any girls wardrobe and attitude and is sure to be captured as every photographers favourite street style. Pick your look from collections such as City Tribe, Turn On The Brights, Shine On! and Weaving Through Spring. Colourful platform and wedges are Steve Maddens front liners while oxfords soles are given a funky twist. Channel your inner Bohemian goddess with the seasons most twisted trend. The SYMON-G and PYRAMIDD woven sandals pair are perfect for a walk at the park or look flashy and sleek with the OBSTCL-S studded pumps, or blind the paparazzi with the STUDLYY sparkling studded flat. Be spoilt for choice and pamper your feet at the new Steve Madden store located on the first floor of Suria KLCC.

Healthy image
> Vogue slaps worldwide ban on under-16 models

HE editors of all 19 editions of Vogue around the world have pledged to use only healthy models no younger than 16 on their editorial pages in an attempt to shift fashions approach to body image. Anna Wintour, editor of Vogues flagship US edition, and Emmanuelle Alt of Paris Vogue, which touched off a furore in 2010 with a photo spread featuring a 10-year-old girl, are among the editors who agreed to the pact. Vogue believes that good health is beautiful, said Jonathan Newhouse, chairman of Conde Nast International and a scion of the New York publishing family that privately owns the worlds most influential fashion title. Vogue editors around the world want the magazines to reflect their commitment to the health of the models who appear on the pages and the well-being of their readers, he said in a statement. The editors said that in a six-point pact to appear in their respective June issues, they would pledge not to knowingly work with models under the age of 16 or with those who appear to have an eating disorder. We will work with models who, in our view, are healthy and help us to promote a healthy body image, they said. The editors will also instruct modelling agencies not to send them underage models, require casting directors to check models ID prior to photo shoots and encourage healthy backstage working conditions, including food options. Fashion designers, meanwhile, will be encouraged - though not obliged - to consider the consequences of unrealistically small sample (dress) sizes ... which encourages the use of extremely thin models. We will be ambassadors for the message of healthy body image, the editors pact concludes.

above: Anna Wintour. left: US Vogue magazine. In an email to AFP, a Conde Nast spokeswoman said the initiative was being implemented locally as is appropriate in each market by the individual editions. The Model Alliance, launched by New York-based fashion models in February to campaign for better working conditions, said it welcomed

Vogues impressive lead and hoped other magazines would follow suit. The use of underaged models is linked to financial exploitation, eating disorders, interrupted schooling, and contributes to models overall lack of empowerment in the workplace, it said in a statement. We simply believe that 14 is too young to be working in this very grown-up industry, and were glad that Conde Nast International is making this commitment. In a recent survey of 241 New York-based models posted on its website (www., the Model Alliance found that 54.7% had started working between the ages of 13 to 16. Sixty-four percent said theyd been asked by their agencies to lose weight. Eating disorders are not uncommon, said the survey. Models report that drug use in the workplace is rampant. And more than two-thirds of models suffer from anxiety or depression. - AFP Relaxnews

No consent
THE estate of Humphrey Bogart is suing British-based clothes company Burberry over use of the Hollywood icons name in what it said was an advertising campaign. But Burberry has filed a countersuit, insisting it did not breach Bogarts rights by using a photo of Bogart wearing one of its trenchcoats in the movie Casablanca, and seeking damages from the actors estate. Both companies filed their legal action in the United States last Wednesday, a couple of weeks after the estate raised the issue with the classic English clothing company. The Bogart Estate filed its action in Los Angeles, saying Burberry used the trench coat picture from the final scene of Oscar-winning 1942 classic Casablanca, on Twitter and Facebook, without its permission. Just as Burberry needed to obtain (Harry Potter actress) Emma Watsons consent before using her name and image to promote Burberrys brand and products, it needed to obtain permission from the Bogart Estate to use Humphrey

A man walks past a Burberry store on New Bond Street in central London. Bogarts name, said lawyer Michael O. Crain. Burberrys business hinges on respect for its own intellectual property rights, so it is quite

surprising to see that it apparently has so little respect for the clear rights of others. But Burberry counter-sued in New York, saying the photo was licensed from photo agency Corbis for editorial use. It said Burberry first contacted it about the issue on April 10. Burberry said the image was used in the context of a historic timeline of the British company, used on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, showing the development of its culture, products and people over the decades. Burberrys use of this photo and description were intended to reflect on the long history, significance and influence of Burberry fashion in society, said the Burberry lawsuit, a copy of which was obtained by AFP. Burberrys use of the image ... was not directly connected to the sale of any merchandise, but rather was a historical positioning of the image within an educational project along with numerous other photographs ... Stephen Bogart, son of the Hollywood legend, said: This is such an incredibly disappointing and disrespectful action by Burberry. - AFP Relaxnews

Fun times
AFTER its recent team-ups with big name labels including Marni and Versace, H&M is taking a different direction with its latest collaboration by joining forces with global style icon Anna Dello Russo. The fashion director at large and creative consultant for Vogue Japan is a fashion week favourite, regularly appearing on best-dressed lists thanks to her extravagant sartorial choices. Her H&M accessories line will hit some 140 stores worldwide and online on Oct 4, comprising jewellery, sunglasses, shoes, bags and a trolley. I wanted to create precious accessories that are impossible to find. As a stylist I know accessorisation is essential: it is the personal touch to any outfit. With these pieces everybody can have fun, turning a simple day into a fantastic fashion day, said Dello Russo. Other eccentric style icons such as Iris Apfel and Daphne Guinness have also been charming the fashion world recently - Jimmy Choo famously designed a tribute stiletto to the former earlier this year, while

Anna Dello Russo has designed an accessories line for H&M. there has also been a string of blogger/designer team-ups. Dello Russo is pleased to play such a key role in the increasing significance of the style icon. I am excited by this collaboration: this is the first time H&M involves a Fashion Director in a special project. This is the sign of an important evolution in fashion, and I am thrilled and humbled to lead it, she enthused. - AFP Relaxnews


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


The end of retouching

> Backlash over Photoshop gathering pace
ITH everyone from top models to aspiring teenage activists joining the protest for unedited fashion photos, it looks as though a revolution in the beauty magazine industry could be on its way. Last week 14-year-old ballet dancer Julia Bluhm caused a media frenzy by delivering a petition to the New York offices of teen publication Seventeen urging it to reduce retouched photo spreads. I want to see regular girls that look like me in a magazine thats supposed to be for me, wrote Bluhm, whose petition on change. org received over 48,000 signatures in a matter of days. Seventeen invited Bluhm to the offices to meet with editor-in-chief Ann Shoket, releasing the following statement afterwards: They had a great discussion, and we believe that Julia left understanding that Seventeen celebrates girls for being their authentic selves, and thats how we present them. We feature real girls in our pages and there is no other magazine that highlights such a diversity of size, shape, skin tone and ethnicity, said the publication. The movement comes a week after high fashion model Coco Rocha took to her Tumblr blog to denounce the use of Photoshop on her picture gracing the cover of Elle Brazils May 2012 edition. For my recent Elle Brazil cover shoot I wore a body suit under a sheer dress which I now find was photoshopped out to give the impression of me showing much more skin than I was, or am comfortable with, wrote Rocha. This was specifically against my expressed verbal and written direction to the entire team that they not do so. Im extremely disappointed that my wishes and contract was ignored. I strongly believe every model has a right to set rules for how she is portrayed and for me these rules were clearly circumvented. Earlier this year Glamour magazine



Ice cool
TIRED of the constant oil and dirt on your face? Fret not for Oxy has just introduced its latest Oxy Icy Cool Wash to end your fight with oily-prone skin. The new cleanser comes with a unique combination of Dual Beads to gently exfoliate skin, thus giving you clearer, brighter and smoother skin. It also helps to remove skin blockages, promote the growth of new skin cells and improve blood circulation. Besides that, the Oxy Icy Cool Wash also contains Vitamin C to combat hyper-pigmentation of the skin and Vitamin E to protect and repair the skin. The cleanser is available at all leading pharmacies and super market in 50g (RM8.50) and 100g (RM13.90).

above: Julia Roberts. left: Christy Turlington. far left: Seventeens US May 2012 issue.

Natural moisturiser
VASELINE Total Moisture is just what you need if you are having trouble keeping your skin soft and silky without turning it greasy. The new lotion blends natural ingredients such as aloe vera, oat, cocoa butter and Stratys-3, an innovative technology that delivers extended moisturisation to the skin without leaving you with that sticky feeling. The Vaseline Total Moisture range features three selections Aloe Fresh, Nourishing, and Cocoa Glow designed for specific skin needs. They are available at major pharmacies, supermarkets and hypermarkets in 120ml, 250ml and 400 ml priced from RM7.50 to RM19.50.

announced that it would ask its photographers to refrain from altering images even when the subject requested it. The US edition of the global magazine published a survey of 1,000 American women that revealed 60% think its okay to alter personal photos, although are sceptical of media outlets who do so - only 43% thought this was acceptable. As your responses [made] clear, retouching has its limits - or should - and Glamour plans to take a stronger role in setting ours. You told us you dont want little things like freckles and scars removed, and we agree; those are the kinds of details that make each woman on the planet unique and beautiful, wrote Glamour s editor-in-chief Cindi Leive on her blog. Meanwhile, beauty brands are also

cottoning on to the Photoshop backlash. Last years commercial for Make Up Forevers High Definition Foundation claimed Youre looking at the first unretouched make up ad. The fight against Photoshop has been going on for some time, and just last year the USs self-regulating watchdog National Advertising Division (NAD) moved to ban misleading photoshopped images in cosmetic ads, hoping to bring the US more in line with destinations such as the UK where there are stricter regulations. In the past 12 months the UKs Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) banned commercials by brands including Maybelline and Lancme, starring Christy Turlington and Julia Roberts respectively, deeming them to feature excessive retouching. - AFP Relaxnews

Zesty lotion
THE new light and fruity-fresh body emulsion from Vitamina is delightedly befitting in this warm season. The inclusion of Vitamin E and essential fatty acids from apricot core oil in the Vitamina Sorbet DEt Lotion Corporelle offers the perfect skin protection. The lotion also contains papaya extract, mango living cells and a concoction of other enriched minerals and enzymes that helps to vitalise and regenerate skin cells.

Melvita opens in Mid Valley

NATURE gives us the plants and fibres we can use to nourish and protect our skin. Beautiful skin from the inside and glowing outward is what you get with organic skincare. Founded in 1983, Melvita, a leading French organic skincare brand, is one of the pioneers in the world to gain the French ECOCERT and BIO certificates for organic products. All Melvitas products are certified by ECOCERT France, and fulfil the standards of COSMEBIO France (Professional Association for Ecological and Organic Cosmetics). Opening its third boutique in Mid Valley Megamall after KLCC and 1 Utama, Melvita aims to provide consumers a natural and safe alternative beauty care products for the entire family. Melvita also recently launched the new Rose Nectar range to quench the thirst of even the most dehydrated skin with exceptional active ingredients from the pure, concentrated roses found in high altitude mountains. This range provides comprehensive, daily moisturising skincare with complete, certified-

Brightening beauty
LOCCITANE has just the solution for you to retain the bedazzling youthful look you have always wanted. Their new Immortelle Brightening range incorporates extracts from the Garden Nasturtium, Immortelle and Bellis Perennis flowers to eliminate dark spots, smooth away wrinkles and subsequently brighten up the complexion. The two must-have products from the range are the Brightening Essence and the Brightening Moisture Cream that work remarkably well together to combat wrinkles, pigmentation and skin dullness. The new Immortelle Brightening range is available at all LOccitane boutiques nationwide. The Brightening Essence retails at RM218 (30ml) and the Brightening Moisture Cream at RM215 (50ml).

(Clockwise from above) Melvita store in Mid Valley, Fresh Micellar Water and Moisturizing Rose Nectar. organic range for dry and dehydrated skin. The products include Hydrating Face Gel, Moisturizing Rose Nectar, Fresh Micellar Water and Fresh Cleansing Milk.


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


Watch UEFA Champion League on big screen

HEINEKEN recently announced the launch of its Legendary Football campaign for the 2011/12 UEFA Champions League. The eagerly-awaited campaign showcases the partnership of UEFA Champions League and Heineken, which combine to create spectacular artistry that fans around the world can enjoy. Bringing to life the Legendary Football campaign, Heineken will be hosting a one-ofa-kind football viewing event for its biggest fans. Football fans will be able to enjoy the grand finale match live at GSC Signature, The Gardens. This unique experience on a big screen aims to highlight the legendary moments that the UEFA Champions League creates, allowing fans to feel as though they are watching it in a football stadium. Loh Ee Lin, brand manager of Heineken Malaysia, said: As a long-term partner of the UEFA Champions League, Heineken understands the passion of football fans and the masterpiece moments captured in every game. Our Legendary Football campaign draws on the excitement of football artistry; thats why its important for Heineken to develop a campaign that delivers unique fan experiences beyond the 90 minutes of the game. Throughout the season, Heineken will initiate various activities to fully engage in its partnership with the UEFA Champions League. As a key partner, Heineken aims to strengthen the bond between football fans worldwide and their favourite premium beer brand. To be part of the Heineken Legendary Football campaign, football fans can simply log on to heineken_ucl_my/ or MY.

Dinosaurs alive
BY ANANSA JACOB NCE dinosaurs ruled the earth. And although these prehistoric giants are now extinct, they still manage to capture the imaginations of children and adults. An exhibition at the National Science Centre at Persiaran Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, is showcasing these creatures and bringing them to life through some cuttingedge animatronics. About 30 life-sized dinosaurs from various period in history, ranging from Jurassic (200 million years ago) to Cretaceous (65 million years ago), will be featured at Dinosaurs Live! allowing visitors to get up close and personal with their favourite dinosaurs like tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops and velociraptor, just to name a few. The Dinosaurs Live! exhibition is jointly organised by Cityneon Holdings, EMS Holdings and the National Science Centre. At the launch of the exhibition, Cityneon Holdings group managing director Ko Chee Wah said: The best part is that visitors will be able to see how these amazing behemoths move in their natural habitats and listen to them roar as they did millions of years ago. National Science Centre director Prof Madya Dr Irmawati Ramli added: Dinosaurs Live! is not just about the animals, but also the educational discoveries that come with them. Here at the National Science Centre, science is learnt in fun and exciting ways, and we hope this exhibition helps make our visitors aware of science and history and appreciate them more. Also present at the launch was Jared Lim, chairman of EMS Holdings. Also there to visit the exhibition were 55 children from two orphanages, Rumah Ozanam and the TiRatana Welfare Society. Besides the familiar ones, visitors will be able to see many more interesting dinosaurs that they rarely hear about, such as the terrifying dinosuchus, which looks just like a

> Get up close with these prehistoric giants brought to life through cutting-edge animatronics at the National Science Centre Kuala Lumpur

(from left) Irmawati, Ko and Lim at the launch of the exhibition. giant crocodile, and the tank-like ankylosaurus, with its spiky, hard shell. Since the exhibition is based on the latest information scientists and archaeologists have on dinosaurs, some of the creatures have been designed in accordance with what the experts think they look like. For instance, the velociraptor, which was once thought to look like a small two-legged lizard, is now more accurately depicted with feathers and a more bird-like appearance. Signs in front of the exhibits give visitors key information on the dinosaurs, such as their characteristics, food patterns, and the period and time they existed. The Dinosaurs Live! exhibition will also feature several interactive exhibits for some of the younger visitors. There is the Outrun a Dinosaur exhibit, a running track with speed measurements to show children how they match up to various dinosaurs; a Dinosaur kiosk where they can colour or sketch their favourite dinosaur; and the Photo with the Dino exhibit, where for RM3 visitors can ride on a stationary dinosaur and take photos with their own camera. Other activities include special prebooked guided tours for groups, educational talks and many more. Dinosaurs Live! runs until July 31. Entry fees are RM15 per adult and RM12 for children aged seven to 12 years and students with ID. Children aged six and below enter for free. For details, visit or

Reward mum with new washing machine

SAMSUNG is giving Malaysians a chance to honour their mothers through a fun and rewarding online game related to every mothers inevitable chore laundry. Simple yet highly entertaining, Samsung merges fun with the Mothers Day celebration through the highlyaddictive Eco Bubble game requiring players to swap and group shirts of the same colour to form vertical or horizontal chains of three or more shirts to win points. In addition, players are awarded special bonuses if they successfully form chains of four and five shirts in a row. The top three players with the highest scores by May 23 will each win a brandnew Samsung Eco Bubble washing machine. A mothers job is endless and all the hard work invested in ensuring everything is in perfect order qualifies her to be the queen of our heart, said Kwon Jae Hoon, managing director of Samsung Malaysia Electronics. As Samsung strives towards providing innovative solutions for smarter living, its committed to enhancing the lifestyle of mothers through home and digital appliances that deliver efficiency paired with state-ofthe-art technologies. Samsung also continues to innovate in its range of home appliances based on its proprietary technology, always embracing an in-depth understanding of the consumers demanding lifestyle. The Samsung Eco Bubble washing machine is a smart solution addressing the demands of professional women and stay-at-home mothers. Equipped with a bubble generator, the washer dissolves detergent into water and injects a combination of water, detergent and air to produce a protective bubble foam cushion, which distributes evenly into fabrics and penetrates deeper into clothes up to 40 times faster than conventional washers. This pioneering technology built within the Samsung Eco Bubble provides a cleaner and more efficient wash with clothes free of powder or soap residue. It also achieves the same performance results with cold water that other machines would with water at 40C, thus saving up to 70% on energy. Learn more about Samsung Eco Bubble washing machine and play the exciting Eco Bubble game at ecobubble.

theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


April 19 May 19 USUALLY you can make a decision, base a plan on that decision, then proceed without the fear youll need to reorganise things. However, not only is it likely youll need to make changes, the reasons for those changes will be so exciting you not only wont mind, youll be thrilled theyre taking place. May 20 June 19 THERES a New Moon in your sign every year. But this year there are two, and the first, on the 20th, is an eclipse. This indicates sudden and unexpected changes in your circumstances that lead to a fresh start. Knowing that, ensure whatever arrangements you make now are flexible. June 20 July 21 THIS hardly seems the moment to laugh at problems. Some are persistent and others threaten to reshape elements of your life youve worked hard to organise. Once youre able to adopt a lighter approach to such matters, youll realise these arent problems but good opportunities. July 22 Aug 21 NOW that the communication planet Mercury has reached the crucial midheaven angle of your chart, which involves both your plans and goals, youre finally in a position to discuss such matters. This is superb timing, because certain of those goals will need to change, and swiftly. The sooner you discuss them, the better. Aug 22 Sept 21 FEW things are more aggravating than making a plan then having to alter those arrangements. Still, while the events of the next week or so are bound to be a bit disruptive, its unlikely youll mind making the changes that are needed. On the contrary, most will hold amazing promise and excitement. Sept 22 Oct 22 OBVIOUSLY you would never make a commitment that would influence those closest without discussion. Yet over the next few days, you may have no choice but to do exactly that. Things will be moving so swiftly that you will have to say yes or no right away, then inform all the others what youve done. Oct 23 Nov 20 DONT make the mistake of assuming that just because the facts that are now coming to light are somewhat different from what certain individuals are saying, theyre being economical with the truth. Waste no time puzzling over this. Instead, ask for an explanation. What they have to say will be amazingly illuminating. Nov 21 Dec 20 TRUE, some of the practical matters youre facing are tedious. However, not only do you have no choice but to deal with them, what you learn from the process will more than justify the effort involved. Those insights will be especially important next week, when swift decisions demand exactly such facts. Dec 21 Jan 19 WITH the Sun, Jupiter and now Mercury all accenting those who bring you joy life, the time has come to focus on them. Yes, this could mean certain practical or professional obligations come second. This isnt just about balance, its about ensuring those whore most important know how much you care. Jan 20 Feb 18 THE changes being discussed may be exciting promising. Still, you prefer to know exactly what youre getting involved in before you commit. Be patient and encourage others to be as well. The events triggered by the eclipsed New Moon, on the 20th, will bring things together magically. Feb 19 March 19 ALTHOUGH youre an idealist, its not something you give a great deal of thought to on an everyday basis. Now, with so many pivotal decisions being made, and with those involving others, perhaps you should. This will explain why their approach to making plans and responsibility is so different from yours. March 20 April 18 MUCH as youd like to get plans organised, its a little too early to commit. Actually, at the moment your focus should be more on the past and what should go. Concentrate on decluttering your life now and youll be ready to deal with the extraordinary events promised by next weeks planetary activity.


11.05am 11.30am 12.30pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 4pm 6pm 7pm 9pm 10pm 11.30pm MN

Lambaian Pulau 3 Terhangat Deadliest Catch Rentas Jom Buat Sendiri Magic Tiger Biz Malaysia National Geographic Cinta Shanxi Dialog Dari Parlimen Podium Gemilang


10.30am 11am 1.30pm 4pm 4.35pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 9pm 10pm

The Achievers Lot 9 Siluet Suttri Parpom Vangal Adutha Veedhu White Lie Tales of Twin Cities American Dragon: Jake Long Selayang Pandang Warisan Malaysia Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

Unveiling the Yes Eclipse (from left) YTL Communications Sdn Bhd executive chairman Tan Sri Francis Yeoh; Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim; and YTL Communications executive director Datuk Seri Michael Yeoh.


Say Yes to Eclipse

BY YEEVON ONG TL COMMUNICATIONS recently launched its flagship device the Yes Eclipse, dubbed the worlds smartest 4G phone to date. The Yes Eclipse was built and engineered from scratch to run on the Yes converged 4G network to deliver the fastest mobile internet to its users. It is also one of the smartphones available that delivers advanced 4G telephony while supporting GSM services at the same time. With a single native dialer and SMS module, users will reap the benefits of being able to make and receive calls and SMSes from mobile numbers while enjoying Yes 4G Internet. The Eclipse provides seamless connectivity and were in an age where mobile internet is becoming more and more pervasive. With the blazingly fast mobile internet performance of the Eclipse, our customers will have a full-fidelity mobile internet experience in their hands, said Wing K. Lee, chief executive officer of YTL Communications. He added that Yes is dedicated

> Dubbed the worlds smartest 4G phone, this device delivers the fastest mobile internet to users
processor. However, there are no upgrades to newer versions of Android available for the device currently. Despite running on a rather dated Android platform, Wing assures that the Yes Eclipse is on par with other smartphones. We are launching a 4G converged phone and not an Android phone per se because other models are unable to perform optimally with our network, asserted Wing. He added that the Yes Eclipse offers the best performance with manageable power consumption. Its 1500mAh Li-Polymer battery can last up to 90 hours in standby mode and seven hours of useful time. Yes Eclipse is available at all Yes stores and Yes retail partner outlets and is priced from as low as RM390 with the Eclipse 138 plan. For more, go to

10.30am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 9pm

Begitukah Cinta Wanita Hari Ini (live) Annissa Putri Yang Ditukar Endless Love Kaber Hero Kaber Zero Kampung Kita Seindah Sakura Worlds Wildest Vacation Video 10pm Paan & Paiz 10.30pm Mahabbah

Noon 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.32pm

to providing fast broadband services to keep up with the escalating demands of internet usage. The Eclipse is not only able to optimise the Yes 4G Internet but makes classic telephony more interesting and interactive. You can switch from audio calls to video calls in just a click of a button, explained Wing, who also demonstrated the six-way conference call that the Yes Eclipse is capable of performing. The Yes Eclipse runs on Android 2.2 Froyo, allowing users access to the abundance of applications available on Google Play. It has an inbuilt mobile WiFi router that allows connectivity for up to four devices. In addition, the 4.1-inch WVGA display device is powered by 512MB RAM and 1GHz Snapdragon

Sassy Girl Chun Hyang Neighbourhood The Emperors Harem The Amazing Strategist Liu Bo Wen 4.32pm Taiwan Tornado 6.02pm My Family 7.30pm Inazuma Eleven 8.30pm Ghost Adventures 10pm Laws of Attraction 11pm A Pillow Case of Mystery II 12.30am Incredible Tales


1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8.30pm 9.31pm

Love Guess Guess Guess Just in Singapore Feng Shus Cooking Class Dong Yi Family Harmony In the Eye of the Beholder The Greatest Love Showdown 2012 Top 11 Dance Off (live) 11pm The Dance Scene 11.35pm Overhaulin 1.15am Jukebox Late


12.30pm 1.30pm 2.30pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6.37pm 7.30pm 8.35pm 9.30pm 10.30pm 11.30pm

Nikita Heroman Wonderpets Chalkzone Kappa Mikey SpongeBob SquarePants Upin & Ipin Ekspedisi Takdir Yang Tertunda Remedi Puaka Bunga Tanjung Cinta Fitri

Flying McCoy

Real Life Adventures

CELESTIAL MOVIES, 9PM: When a tycoons daughter is found dead of cocaine overdose after being rescued from abduction, her father will stop at nothing to find her killers and avenge her death. Starring Richie Jen, Anthony Wong, Jun Kung, Janice Man and Maggie Cheung Ho-yee.


theSun | WEDNESDAY MAY 9 2012






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theSun | WEDNESDAY MAY 9 2012

The SunMegazine Wednesday, May 09, 2012


27 27






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theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

Top seeds advance

> Azarenka, Sharapova reach third round of Madrid Open
HE TWO leading women both reached the third round of the Madrid Masters yesterday, with top seed Victoria Azarenka made to struggle by Czech Andrea Hlavackova before emerging 6-3, 7-6 (7/2) winner. The Belarus player was serving for a quick straight-set result but was broken as her opponent pulled level at 5-5 in the second set. The seed had to save a set point in the 12th game to bring on a tiebreaker, which nally saw her through with 32 winners in one and three-quarter hours. The surface is a bit slippery, but its the same for all of us, she said of the blue clay court surface. I dont like to complain it is what it is and it wont change now. Second seed Maria Sharapova (pix) defeated another Czech in Klara Zakopalova 6-4, 6-3, ring 18 winners and breaking ve times. The Russian, whose match was started before 11:00am due to the demands of television, said that a few days of training on the controversial blue clay surface last week paid dividends. Its not so much about the colour. It does look good on television. But it plays a bit different. Its about the amount of clay on the court and the way it bounces, she said. You have to get used to it but I came

here after winning Stuttgart and got in four or ve days on it. I got settled in so its just a matter of adjusting. Its also the same for everyone. On the mens side, veteran Czech Radek Stepanek ended the run of Australian Bernard Tomic in the rst round, with the Queensland youngster

exiting 6-2, 7-5. The 31st ranked Tomic, who reached a career-best rst clay quarternal last weekend in Munich, lost in less than 90 minutes. French ninth seed Gilles Simon fought back over Italys Fabio Fognini 67 (1/7), 6-3, 6-3 while Ukrainian 16th seed Alexandr Dolgopolov opened with a defeat of Spains Pablo Andujar 7-6 (7/5), 6-4. Compatriot Gael Monls, seeded 12th and playing his rst match for a month and a half after an abdominal muscle injury, put out German Philipp Kohlschreiber 7-5, 6-7 (2/7), 6-3. Fernando Verdasco advanced against Denis Istomin 7-5, 6-2. Croatias Marin Cilic beat Spains Albert Montanes 6-3, 6-3 while Federico Delbonis of Argentina stopped another local as he put out Spains Albert Ramos 6-3, 6-2. Italian Andreas Seppi put out Frenchman Michael Llodra 7-5, 6-4. Estoril semi-nalist Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland beat Belgian Olivier Rochus 6-4, 7-6 (7/3) but had plenty to say about the courts. Its not a problem of colour, I dont care what colour they are. But these courts are really terrible. You are skidding a lot and its tough to control the ball.. Its a joke to have such courts at big event like this. -AFP

Bible study gives Pacquiao sharper focus

MANNY PACQUIAO has become a much more disciplined boxer and a happier person since he replaced his gambling and nightclubbing habits with increased bible study and family time, says his trainer Freddie Roach. The Filipino southpaw decided to change his ways after narrowly retaining his WBO welterweight title with a controversial majority decision over Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez in Las Vegas in November. Roach described that bout as the rst bad night Pacquiao (caricature) had experienced in a decade and that his ghters preparation had been adversely distracted by his extravagant interests away from the ring. Basically all those distractions caught up with us in that last ght, the bespectacled Roach told Reuters at the Wild Card Boxing Club yesterday before conducting a sparring session for Pacquiao. In the end, we had a bad night ... our rst bad night in 10 years ... and it was time for a change otherwise his career was going to be over. So he made those choices and to me they are all very good choices. Manny has got rid of a lot of distractions in his life and he has some new distractions that are a lot better than the old ones. Asked to detail the distractions, both old and new, Roach replied: The new ones are a lot of bible study and a lot of praying, and those are not so strenuous a task. He gave his nightclub away, he gave his casino away, he doesnt gamble any more and he doesnt drink any more. He and his wife are together all the time now and they are very happy together. Before, he had a ton of distractions that were mentally very tasking on him. Now he is just praying, hes gone back to the bible and its working out very well for him. He seems like a happier and nicer person. Reuters

THE Westports Malaysia Dragons have conrmed their place in the playoffs this season and will be able to clinch the third seed spot for the playoffs with a win over Singapore Slingers at MABA Stadium tomorrow. They are currently tied on points with the Indonesia Warriors but have the edge in the season series. The Dragons are currently on a four-game winning streak and coach Ariel Vanguardia is still looking for his team to play at their best against the Slingers. Im challenging the team to show our real game. Thats the game before the playoffs and thats the game to give us momentum going into the playoffs. said Coach Vanguardia after Saturdays 94-79 win over the Chang Thailand Slammers. The Tiras Wade-Brian Williams duo has been unstoppable in their last four games. Wade led the Dragons with 33 points in the win while Williams recorded his 14th double-double of the season with 16 points and 11 rebounds. The Wade-Williams duo is averaging 50.75 points per game in their last four games together. Patrick Cahabug has also been a consistent contributor for the Dragons as he scored 22 points on Saturday. Dragons point guard Guganeswaran Batumalai is also a big reason why the Dragons offence have been running very well in their last four games. Guga is averaging 7.5 assists per game during this winning streak. Kyle Jeffers and Louis Graham had a monster game for the Slingers when they defeated the Dragons 81-70 at Singapore Indoor Stadium on April 1. Graham had 24 points while Jeffers nished with 27 points and 20 rebounds. The Dragons were without their WadeWilliams duo in that match-up however. Coach Vanguardia knows that the pressure will be on his team for this game. Its tough playing against a team with nothing to lose. We have all the pressure going in this game. Tip off 8pm local time, MABA Stadium, Kuala Lumpur.


THREE-time Masters champ Phil Mickelson headed a group of ve people who were inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame yesterday. Mickelson was joined in the 2012 class by two-time major champion Sandy Lyle; former player-turned broadcaster Peter Alliss; ex-LPGA star Hollis Stacy, and golf reporter Dan Jenkins. I would just like to say that since I was a kid and rst picked up my golf club, Ive been living my dream, and I want to thank you for this great honor tonight, Mickelson said.


RONNIE OSULLIVAN is considering his future in the game after winning the world snooker championship for a fourth time with an 18-11 victory over Ali Carter yesterday. OSullivan called on the games governing body, World Snooker, to treat players fairly, adding that he could quit due to the pressure to compete in an increasing number of tournaments across the globe. Im quite happy to move on, if I have to, because theres a lot out there for me to do, OSullivan told reporters. I know theres still a bit more in the tank for me in snooker but certain people need to start doing the right thing.

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ARSENAL are keen to make the rst move for Fulham striker Clint Dempsey, 29, who is also wanted by Liverpool. Gunners boss Arsene Wenger is closing in on 17m-rated (RM85m) Rennes midelder Yann MVila, 21. TOTTENHAM target Loic Remy, the 25-year-old Marseille striker, says he wants to remain with the French club but admits that their nancial situation may lead to him being sold. REAL MAD R I D scouts have b e e n watching Newcastle striker Papiss Demba Cisse with a view to making a move for the Senegal international this summer. SPURS could also be set to add to their defensive ranks with a move for Ajax defender Jan Vertonghen, 24. PORTOS 25-year-old 25mrated (RM125m) midelder Joao Moutinho, who has been monitored by Chelsea, has admitted he would consider a move to the Premier League. IF THEY secure their Premier League status next weekend, QPR are planning a 7m (RM35m) move for Wigans 21-year-old winger Victor Moses. FORMER Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola has rejected a second approach from Chelsea, despite the offer of 12m-a-year (RM60m) and a huge transfer budget. MANCHESTER CITYS players have been promised 250,000 (RM1.25m) each if they land the Premier League title. CHELSEA striker Didier Drogba will be given one last chance to sign a new contract. The 34-year-old rejected a one-year deal, but the club are prepared to offer a compromise of an option of a further 12 months if he continues to deliver. WOLVES have denied reports that Darren Ferguson will become the clubs new manager, after some bookmakers stopped taking bets on the Peterborough boss taking over at Molineux. LIVERPOOL midelder Maxi Rodriguez is considering cancelling his contract. The Argentine is desperate to get more game time and has grown increasingly frustrated by his role on the periphery of Kenny Dalglishs rst team. THE Brazilian government will hand out free tickets to the countrys poor and indigenous people for the 2014 World Cup nals and expect to do the same for the 2016 Olympics in Rio.


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


Time to walk away?

> No chance Fergie is up for his toughest ght

MANCHESTER CITY have identied the Montpellier midelder Younes Belhanda (pix) as a back-up target, with their pursuit of Eden Hazard, one of the Continents brightest talents, proving more difcult than the club had rst anticipated. The Moroccan Belhanda, 22, is a key cog of the Montpellier side which, against all expectations, is in position to ruin the title hopes of the Qataris who have invested heavily in Paris St-Germain. City are beginning to apply themselves to the possible acquisition of the 7m-rated (RM35m) Morocco international because, after two months hard pursuit of the 21-year-old Hazard, which has included a property tour of the Cheshire commuter belt, the demands of the players representatives are becoming a source of severe concern. Hazard, for whom Tottenham Hotspur made the early running, with Sir Alex Ferguson another self-professed enthusiast, was always likely to be an expensive acquisition, with a price tag of around 30m (RM150m). But it is understood that his agent is demanding that Hazard be placed among the clubs highest earners something the club cannot and will not accede to.

T IS THE question that some say Sir Alex Ferguson, aged 70, will never face, let alone answer. Yet perhaps it has never carried a sharper edge than in these last few days when the 13th Premier League title he seemed to have conjured from, if not thin air, then extremely unpromising odds, has almost certainly been taken away. When does he stop to hold up his hands and say it is time for the smelling of the owers? When does he acknowledge, as did his great predecessor at Manchester United, Sir Matt Busby, who also made three great teams, that it is time to put down the challenge? Busby was a mere 60 when he said farewell to the day-to-day cares of managing a club which carried monstrous expectations and of course Barcelonas Pep Guardiola is just 41 as he insists that he desperately needs his year break after a total of just four years in

ambition is an insulting irrelevance. Sometimes I joke about recognising peoples natures in their choice of ideal holidays. Some want to go to Blackpool, others to Spain and some want to go to the moon. I tell myself I identify with that last group. Then I remember the people I was raised among. The great holiday adventures of my childhood was to go to Saltcoats on the Ayrshire coast for the Glasgow Family Fortnight but some families in Govan couldnt afford even that and would go to the local parks to be surrounded by a little greenery. For the men it was respite enough to be spared the noise and the grime of the shipyards for a couple of weeks, to escape the hammer of the Clyde. Ambition had nothing to do with their lives. Survival was the essence. Yet there was an incredible warmth of fellow feeling among them, a loyalty that was deep as the marrow. I wish I could re-visit, however briey, the sense of community that


BOLTON manager, Owen Coyle (pix), is convinced his side can win at Stoke on Sunday and bank on other results to secure their Premier League survival and has told the clubs fans that they have a vital part to play. Boltons capitulation against West Bromwich on Sunday, when they led 2-0 only to be dragged back to 2-2 at the death, means they must win at the Britannia Stadium to stand any chance of staying up. Coyle is convinced his side can pull off a great escape, given their form on their travels this season, with six wins only two sides outside the top ve can claim more. Coyle said yesterday: We were always going to have to go to Stoke and get a result. We have to make sure we are on top of our game when we go to the Britannia Stadium next Sunday. Given the way we have played on our travels this year and the results that we have picked up, we are more than capable. Football is a game of high drama and things can change very quickly. We really appreciate the backing our fans continue to give. We are taking a sell-out allocation to Stoke and we will need every single fan behind us.


SPAIN defender Carles Puyol will probably miss Euro 2012 after he sustained an injury to his right knee that his club Barcelona said requires arthroscopic surgery and will sideline him for around six weeks. The shaggy-haired centreback damaged the knee in Saturdays La Liga match at home to Espanyol and will have the operation on May 12, Barca said in a statement on their website ( yesterday. The estimated time he will be out of action is around six weeks, the statement said, adding that he would be unavailable for the Kings Cup nal against Athletic Bilbao on May 25. The loss of Puyol would be a major blow to the world and European champions, who begin the defence of their continental title against Italy on June 10. His absence would likely mean that Real Madrids Sergio Ramos partners Puyols Barca teammate Gerard Pique in central defence at Euro 2012.

charge of world footballs most sublimely gifted team. But then what do we get from Ferguson but an airy wave of his arm and the cryptic assurance that he will go when he deems the time to be right, which it plainly wasnt a decade or so ago when he stepped back from what he quickly realised would have been a step into the abyss. In fact he has probably told us as much as we will ever need to know about his astonishing appetite for the action and the reality that he is no more likely to retreat in the face of his current crisis and palpable need to make still another team to compete at the highest level than if he had headed off the threat of Manchester City at the Etihad Stadium last week. It was, after all, at the highest point of his career, when he had landed in 1999 an historic treble of League, Cup and Champions League and had at least 12 more major titles to win that he put the imperatives of his life into a erce perspective. The Ferguson credo was spelled out on the nal page of his autobiography, Managing My Life, where he said: I relate to ambitious individuals but I appreciate that in millions of lives talk of

existed in the Govan of my childhood. It could be a rough world but there were wonderful values at the heart of it. Loyalty has been the anchor of my life and it is something that I learned in Govan. It is an anchor that will no doubt be beset by some extremely stormy weather in the next year or two but if Ferguson has some bad moments contemplating the power that has been assembled across the city at the Etihad Stadium, if he must wince at the advantage City currently enjoy in terms of squad resources and players of the now-proven competitiveness of Yaya Toure, Vincent Kompany and Sergio Aguero, he might also re-assure himself that his own ability to motivate has team has not dwindled conspicuously. Indeed some might say that of all his achievements at Old Trafford, last seasons title and the fact that United, with just one game left, still have an atleast theoretical interest in the current race, are among the most astonishing. What he has to do now, it is reasonable to presume, is engage in the toughest battle of his life. However, everything in life is relative. He might tell you that it beats the hell out of the hammer of the Clyde. The Independent



theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012

Ibrahimovic taken aback by rare failure

AC MILAN striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic has spoken of his disappointment after missing out on the feeling of winning a league title for the rst time since 2003. Juventus claimed the Serie A crown on Sunday as they beat Cagliari 2-0 and Milan crashed 4-2 to Inter in their city derby. And not since failing to win the Eredivisie title with Ajax in 2003 has Ibrahimovic experienced a fruitless year. Im not used to winning nothing its the rst time its happened to me, he said, perhaps forgetting some of his earlier years in the game, when he won nothing with Swedish side Malmo. Im disappointed. Its a failure. Technically, 2006 was the last time he failed to win the title as Juventus were stripped of their 2005 and 2006 scudetto crowns due to match-xing. However, at the time, Ibrahimovic experienced the thrill of winning as those two titles were only revoked later on. He feels Milan could have won the title this year had it not been for their well-documented injury problems. If wed had a full squad, wed have had a better chance of winning, he said. AFP

Best EPL season ever?

HERE IS only one set of games left in this Premier League season of restorative excitement. English football has been shown up in Europe, unfortunately, but for the 369-game body of the season, the thrills and entertainment have been better than they have been for quite some time. A new shade to the title race, some daring attacking football and a quantity and quality of goals far outstripping what we had grown used to.

Persie, having conquered injuries, has been brilliant all season. He has scored 30 goals, dragging Arsenal back to competence, winning games on his own. Wayne Rooney, who has 26, has done almost as well for United, keeping a fairly at team in the title race. Sergio Aguero has better teammates, but his return of 22, for a debut Premier League season, is quite something. Once settled he could well outscore the others next year. The quality of competition is so good that it feels churlish to choose some goals over others. And the range has been so broad that it caters for all preferences. There have been audacious volleys from distance by Peter Crouch and Papiss



Kuantan OCC

Titles races are not often as rich as this. To have the two competing teams play each other in the nal weeks of the season, in an effective playoff for the trophy, is a rare treat. Then there is the local rivalry between the top two, a





333 183 180 9333 1183 9180

5188 7425 5842 2785 1992 5369 3553 2951 3867 8027 0287 5818 1563 2786 6384 3621 3128 6408 2790 8291
0092 9329 3451 4162 3133 2697 2945 1385 3273 9398

3812 4407 3571

6589 4114 7770 9292 9378 9473 7771 3638 4802 2272

relative rarity, not seen since Arsenal and Chelseas duels almost 10 years ago. And, of course, the ckle nature of it: City were ve points clear in December, United eight ahead at Easter, and now City lead on goal difference. There might be a complaint over quality; these are not two all-time best teams, but for drama it has been one of the very best. In a sense it is a shame that the race for third and fourth is so important, but it is, and this has been a good one. The two established names of Chelsea and Arsenal have had poor league seasons, and until Sunday afternoon looked as if they might be outanked by exciting Tottenham Hotspur and Newcastle United sides. Spurs were the form team of the autumn, but faded, while Newcastle started well, dipped, then came back. Trying to squeeze four teams into two places will always be exciting, and so it has proved, with the places still competitive. No one would argue that the worlds best players play in England. But we have been treated to arguably the three nest centreforwards in Europe. Robin van Cisse, which shocked Manchester City and Chelsea respectively. There was a perfect 40-yard chip from Liverpools Luis Suarez at Carrow Road. For technical perfection, Van Persies rst-time strikes out of the sky against Everton and Liverpool were very special. And for those who enjoy build-up, Hatem Ben Arfas runs before his Blackburn and Bolton goals are just as mesmerising to the fan as they were to the defences. The time of the grinding tactical chess match is over. This season, games between the top sides have not been characterised by caution, containment and swamped midelds but the opposite. No more mutual respect: big teams have attacked other big teams, and the results have been thrilling. Manchester United mauled Arsenal 8-2 at Old Trafford, before losing 6-1 there to Manchester City, creating a goal difference decit which still haunts them. City also won 5-1 at Tottenham, while Arsenal won 5-3 at Chelsea, and overturned a two-goal decit to beat Spurs 5-2, redirecting both of their seasons. It could be an outlier, but it has certainly been fun. Having two relegation berths still gaping in the penultimate weekend is a good sign. Too many teams this season have been bad enough to go down, and so some will inevitably stay up by default. While Wolverhampton Wanderers have fallen away since Mick McCarthys dismissal, the rest have kept their heads near the surface. Wigan Athletics stirring burst of form has sent them towards safety, while Queens Park Rangers run of home wins has kept them competitive. Blackburn looked down, then safe, now down again, while Bolton have also surged and then faded. They look to be the two on whom the wheel will stop, but who knows? The Independent

3812 3812 4407

4407 3571 3571

4407 3571 3571

3812 3812 4407


583/11 921/12

09/06/2011 08/05/2012


5 2 6 8 5
2 0 2 5 7 9 5 9 2 1 2 6 8 5 6 8 5 8 5

4395 2045 3311 7679 7866 3741 8983 2069 8195 1014 6446 7388 8162 0357 4361 9469 2988 5909 2901 0828 8879 0532 7996


0 0 9 6 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 9 6 1 0 9 6 0 9 0 0 9 6 1 1 9 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 1


16 22 23 26 31 58

RM 3,909,623.22


4395 2045 4395 3311 2045 3311

2045 4395 3311 4395 3311 2045

RM 104,169.23

ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE Blackburn 1 (Alcaraz 87) Wigan 0. LIGUE 1 Auxerre 2 (Kapo 67, 80) Bordeaux 4 (Gouffran 1, 5, Sane 9, Plasil 47), Sochaux 1 (Roudet 85) Nancy 0, Saint-Etienne 0 Marseille 0, Lille 3 (De Melo 26-pen, 36, Payet 60) Caen 0, Toulouse 0 Nice 0, Lorient 0 Dijon 0, Rennes 0 Montpellier 2 (Camara 26, Costil 52-og). SCOTTISH PREMIER LEAGUE Hibernian 4 (Doherty 5, Doyle 11, OConnor 15-pen, Hanlon 81) Dunfermline 0.

9 10 32 33 53 55

5 17 33 36 39 46


theSun ON WEDNESDAY | MAY 9, 2012


ARDIFF CITY manager Malky Mackay (right) has begun to plot next seasons assault on promotion to the Premier League after the disappointment of playoff defeat. The Bluebirds hopes were shattered by West Hams 5-0 aggregate win, losing 3-0 in the second leg at Upton Park, and Mackay said: The more ruthless team won, but I am very proud of my players at the end of a long, hard season. We looked a tired team and my job now is to make sure we have far more strength in depth next season. This morning I will meet with my backroom staff and we will step up our plans to make sure that happens. We have to kick on quickly and bring in the players we need. Look at West Hams squad and the strength they have through their squad. We cant match West Ham nancially, but we can make sure we have similar competition for places. Everybody in our dressing room was bitterly disappointed after the nal whistle, but we were in the playoff seminals with Birmingham City, Blackpool and West Ham, three teams who have come down from the Premier League and had the benet of parachute payments. The second leg of our seminal was played nine months to the day since our opening game of the season when we won 1-0 against West Ham. I am proud of the way this football club is beginning to run in all areas. Everybody has played their part from the chief executive (Alan Whiteley), club directors and our investors from Malaysia led by (Tan Sri) Vincent Tan and chairman TG (Datuk Chan Tien Ghee).

Back to the future


> Proud Cardiff boss Malky Mackay looks to next season after playoff exit

When I came in the remit was to rebuild and we did that, bringing in 10 players plus qualifying for the Carling Cup nal and the playoffs. We were always playing catch-up from the start, but we gave it everything we had. The players could not have given any more in getting us to this point over the season and now we have to work hard over the summer to make sure our progress continues. Everybody at our club badly wanted to go back to Wembley, but it wasnt possible this time. Now we know its Championship football again in 2012-13 and we will work at out to make sure we bring in the right players. Mackay will want to bring in a fair number of new signings, again a mix of experience and youth. Agencies West Ham players celebrate their victory over Cardiff in the second leg of the Championship playoff seminal yesterday.

Kean vows to revive Rovers as Venky's get the bird

BLACKBURN ROVERS manager Steve Kean insisted he had no intention of quitting the club following their relegation from the Premier League and vowed to stay at Ewood Park in a bid to help them return to the top ight. Yesterdays 1-0 home defeat by north-west rivals Wigan - who stayed up in the process in a match Rovers had to win to maintain their bid for Premier League survival, ended Blackburns 11year stay among English footballs elite. Kean, who replaced former manager Sam Allardyce in December 2010, has faced consistent criticism from supporters throughout this season as have Blackburn owners Venkys, an Indian-based poultry rm. A local newspaper called for Kean to be sacked six months ago and the Scot faced verbal abuse throughout the Wigan defeat, Blackburns seventh loss in eight matches, as did Venkys. But Kean was adamant he would be around to guide Blackburn in their quest for an immediate return from the secondtier Championship. I will sit down with the owners and well discuss a plan on how to assemble a squad to bounce back straight away, he said. Weve lost a lot of experience over the last six months and weve got to try to keep the squad together. If we can do that and if we can add experienced players to the squad we can bounce back and thats what well try to do. Kean has been the target for sustained abuse from supporters in recent months but he said his self-belief remained intact. Im a big believer in my own ability and the guys that Ive got in the dressing room. Each one is devastated but I cant fault the commitment. If we can keep them and add quality Im convinced we can move forward again, Kean said. I believe in them because I work with them every day. Weve got the youngest team in the league and some of them are making their way in the Premier League. Its a massive set-back but theyve got good careers ahead of them. AFP


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Rover over
A fan runs on the pitch after the match between Blackburn Rovers and Wigan Athletic at Ewood Park.

A chicken walks on the pitch after being placed there by Blackburn fans in protest of the Venky's ownership of the club.

& out

> Chickens come home to roost for sorry Blackburn

End and wandered around the Wigan penalty area as aimlessly as some of the home sides strikers before Ali AlHabsi got his gloves to it and an assistant steward carried the bird off. For Venkys, Indias biggest poultry producer, this is probably the only positive publicity their products have had since they bought out the Walker Trust. At a stroke it provided Wigans keeper with more work than Blackburn had given Brad Friedel when, desperately needing victory at Tottenham, they had somehow failed to muster a shot of any description on goal. In contrast, Martinezs side were slick, positive and relaxed, which, given they had just beaten Liverpool, Manchester United, Arsenal and Newcastle, they were entitled to be. Just after the interval, a rather portly fan ran on to the pitch and threw his season ticket at the improbable gure of Martinez before being wearily arrested by a lone policeman. This begged the question that the protester either did not know who managed his club or that he was attempting to parody some of Blackburns shooting. Frankly, it would have been better to have put the chicken back on. Eventually, Blackburn managed to work the opposition goalkeeper as Yakubu, who had been voted the clubs player of a dreadful season, saw his shot blocked on the line. It was not saved by the keeper but it still represented Blackburns rst shot on target in 142 minutes of sometimes desperate football. Then came what seemed to be the critical moment as, with the ball bobbling around the Wigan area, Emmerson Boyce fouled Junior Hoilett. The referee, Mark Clattenburg, waited an age before waving play on.It looked a penalty but Kean will have looked up to the sodden skies and seen only pagan gods. The Independent

ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE P W D L F Man City 37 27 5 5 90 Man Utd 37 27 5 5 88 Arsenal 37 20 7 10 71 Tottenham 37 19 9 9 64 Newcastle 37 19 8 10 55 Chelsea 36 17 10 9 62 Everton 37 14 11 12 47 Fulham 37 14 10 13 48 Liverpool 36 13 10 13 43 West Brom 37 13 8 16 43 Sunderland 37 11 12 14 45 Swansea 37 11 11 15 43 Norwich 37 11 11 15 50 Stoke 37 11 11 15 34 Wigan 37 10 10 17 39 Aston Villa 37 7 17 13 37 QPR 37 10 7 20 41 Bolton 37 10 5 22 44 Blackburn 37 8 7 22 47 Wolves 37 5 10 22 38 A 27 33 47 41 48 41 39 49 38 49 45 51 66 51 60 51 63 75 76 79 Pts 86 86 67 66 65 61 53 52 49 47 45 44 44 44 40 38 37 35 31 25


HE skies were black and forbidding, the rain incessant. It was a night for a reckoning. The mood as Blackburn went down was as sullen as the weather. Here in December after a defeat by Bolton, Ewood Park had directed every shred of venom at the gure of Steve Kean. Now, when the relegation Keans critics had all predicted for him came calling, they did not appear to have the energy to hound him until Antolin Alcarazs header from Jean Beausejours corner squeezed past Paul Robinson. Then, suddenly, the stadium appeared ready for a lynching. Alcarazs header ensured that Wigan, a little club wonderfully managed by Roberto Martinez, will spend an eighth season in the Premier League. Their ability as escapologists marks them out as the Southampton of the 21st century and Martinez as one of the managers of the year. The feelings of his chairman, Dave Whelan, who played for Blackburn in the 1960 FA Cup nal, will however have been mixed. It is hard to imagine any club that would employ Kean again in a hurry. His responsibility for the disasters that have overtaken Blackburn runs very deep. It says something that the footballers on whom he had spent 20m (RM100m) were mostly on the bench. Bar one urry midway through the second half, Blackburn made little attempt to win what should have been the game of their lives. The night required the kitchen sink to be thrown at Wigan; Blackburn managed a couple of spatulas. Kean, sooner or later will lose his job. However, once his contract is settled, he will walk away a millionaire. The same cannot be said of the people in the ticket ofce, in corporate


Wigan Athletic's defender Antoln Alcaraz (3rdright) heads the only goal of the game during their English Premier League football match against Blackburn Rovers at Ewood Park, Blackburn yesterday. hospitality and who have to sell a ruined, relegated club to advertisers. They will have no parachute payments and Blackburn in 2012 is an awful place to nd yourself without work. There had been plenty of predictions that this would be the night when all of the home teams chickens came home to roost but few expected one on the pitch. Seven minutes into the game, one, wrapped in a Blackburn ag, was released from the Darwen

Two cities, two styles, two passions, two Argentines

BILBAO VERSUS MADRID, vertigo versus rigour, Marcelo Bielsa versus Diego Simeone: the Europa League nal on Thursday promises a fascinating football night. Madrid and Bilbao are to send more than 20,000 fans to Bucharest, as the Romanian capital prepares to host the all-Spanish nal. The city is set to be ooded in red and white, the colours that both teams share. The teams and many fans ew into Bucharest Monday, in more than 60 charter planes from Bilbao and Madrid. Several additional planes were to follow. At Bucharest airport, one oor was reserved for ights from Bilbao and a different one for those from Madrid. Besides, the so-called fan zones (ofcially designated meeting points) are to be separate, as are routes to the stadium. Athletic Bilbao are returning to a European nal after 35 years, while Atletico Madrid seek a repeat of their 2010 success. However, while Athletic have two shots at a title this season (they are also set to play the Kings Cup nal), Atletico have to win in Bucarest if they want to redeem themselves in a season that would otherwise be mediocre, in the words of midelder Gabi. Bilbao want to settle their score with the past, while Atletico seek healing for the present. Our rivals are there on their own merit. They are a Spanish team, which also makes this whole league proud and shows the level we are both showing in this edition of La Liga, Gabi said Monday. We are going to be ghting a rival who has been doing things very well and who has found a philosophy that everybody likes, because they play very well. We know what is at stake for us. Two very different philosophies are set to be on the pitch. Athletic Bilbao remain loyal to their history and sign only players with ties to the Basque Country, Atletico have consolidated their latest project with huge investment in talent like that of Colombias Radamel Falcao or Turkeys Arda Turan, among others. And then there is the playing philosophy, in which both teams share the Argentine origin but have different ways. Bielsa managed to make many admire Bilbao for their style, for their unbreakable commitment to taking the initiative in every match. They never cared who they were playing, and they always took a step forward. On the way, they delivered memorable performances against Manchester United, Schalke and Sporting Lisbon. Atletico do not mind giving up possession of the ball or control of the match. They also make no big deal out of indulging in long passes, and they are keen on slow play. Up front, they know they can count on the dynamite of Falcao, Adrian, Diego or Turan. However, one thing does dene both teams equally: they feel condent near the oppositions goal, and they suffer when the ball is close to their own. All this foretells a spectacular match in Bucharest, an unpredictable clash in which goals are likely. For a few hours, the Romanian city is to be the centre of the football world with two very different ways of looking at the sport. dpa

> Time to walk away?


> Best EPL ever?


> Back to the future


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