Human Resource Management

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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Definition:- HRM is concerned with the people who work on the organization to achieve the objectives of the organization. It concern with acquisition of more appropriate HRs developing their skills and competencies, motivating them for best performance and ensuring their continued commitment to the organization to achieve the organizational objectives. HRM is a management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and develops members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the peoples dimensions in the organization.


The HRM contains all HR activities like recruitment and selection. Training and development, performance appraisal and feedback, pay and benefits & labour relation. When these activities are discharged effectively, they will result in a competent and willing workforce who will help realize organizational goals. It may be stated that the HR function does not operate in vacuum. Several external and internal forces like economical, technological, political, legal, organizational and professional conditions influence it.

HRM components: Recruitment: - It is a process through which the organization develops a pool of quality applicants. Selection: - It determines relative qualification and potential for a job. Training and Development: - It is an ongoing to develop workers abilities and skills. Performance appraisal and feedback: a) It provides information about how to train, motivate and reward workers. b) Managers can evaluate and then give feedback to enhance workers performance. Pay and benefits: a) High performing employees should be rewarded with bonuses. b) Increased pay provides additional incentives. c) Benefits such as health insurance, reward membership in firm. Labour relations: - Managers need to develop relationship with labour union that represents workers for running the organization smoothly and effectively without any also help establish fair remuneration and good working conditions. To measure the differential changes in output due to training.


The study has been undertaken to find out the employees perception regarding Training and Development at THE SIRPUR PAPER MILLS LIMITED and what changes they would like to have.


The scope of the study is restricted to THE SIRPUR PAPER MILLS LIMITED only. The sample data is 50 covering top, middle and lower level management.


The present study is limited to many aspects. Providing information about training and development is the outcomes of various variables. a) It is not possible to take in to consideration each and every criteria in this study. b) Some of information given by the respondents may be bias. c) Could not able to collect the information from all the employees of the organization. d) The questions that are asked being personal, some of them hesitated to answer it. e) Due to the limitation of time the research could not be made more detailed.




Primary Data: The primary data was collected from the respondents by administering a

structured questionnaire and also through observations, interviews and discussion with management team.

Secondary data: Apart from primary data, the secondary data is being collected through textbook, records of Sirpur paper mills limited, from library, annual reports, and internet is used for the study.

SMAPLING Sample population: There are about 4000 employees working in the organization. Sample size: Out of total population, the sample taken among workers.i.e, 50 respondents. Sample Area: The research was conducted at The Sirpur Paper Mills Limited. Sample Method: The research was made by the survey in accordance to the convenience of the employees. So the sample type is random sampling.

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