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Why Your Workouts Suck

(And What You Can Do About it!)
A Special Report By Will Brink

These complaints:

- My workouts suck, Will! - Im not making any progress in strength or muscle mass, Will. - My lifts have not changed in months, Will. - I was making great progress for the rst year, and now my progress has stalled, Will. are among the most common ones I see, day in and day out, via my email, blog, and forums.

If any of the above applies to you and I know it does for a large percentage of you reading this then continue reading I am going to give you the possible reasons for it.

Back in the day, we had nothing to go on but some of the muscle mags - which were generally full of training articles written by genetically-gifted, drug-assisted bodybuilders - and the advice

of other clueless people in the gym. It was more or less the blind leading the blind. There really was no solid science at the time, and all the great Eastern bloc training info that eventually ooded the world was still hidden in the Eastern bloc. Even worse, there was no internet!

Hard as that is to imagine, yes, there was a time when no internet existed. Thus, we really had nothing but trial and error and a few magazines to go on. Today, theres an amazing amount of solid, science-based training information out there, and yet, I see the same mistakes happening in the gyms that I saw 20-plus years ago! All the great training information now available out there by the worlds best coaches and others, and yet, little has changed. The average guy in the gym is still doing it all wrong.

More perplexing are the endless threads on the forums with people discussing workouts that are no better thought out or designed then the junk we were stuck with all those years ago. Its almost as if

theyre ignoring all the proven training methods out there today. They have no understanding of the basic concepts such as volume, intensity, TUT, periodization, muscle ber types, etc. (Ill explain these terms later so dont worry if youre not sure what the heck Im talking about at the moment).

You dont have to be a rocket scientist to make progress in strength and muscle mass in the gym, but you do need to understand the basics. So why do people continue to make up their own (usually awful) workout programs that set them years behind (read, spinning their wheels!), vs. simply following the programs of people who have spent their entire lives guring this stuff out? Why re-invent the wheel here? Everyone seems to think theyre an expert when it comes to designing a workout program, and they are not. In a nutshell, the majority of peoples programs suck because:

They are using linear program designs (lack of Periodization!) They lack de-training/de loading periods Theres no planned progression They lack specic goals They fail to match training to goals They fail to track specic goals

Short of any medical issues (e.g., hormonal disturbances such as low testosterone, etc) or a poorly-designed nutrition plan, these are the primary reasons why people fail to make the progress they desire. If your program has one or more of these aws, then Im not surprised youre failing to increase your strength, muscle mass, or reach other physique/performance goals.

Backing Up for a Moment...

Lets back up for a moment and discuss some of the essential basics people often miss.

For starters, many people are confused about what it takes to set up an effective program in the gym. Im often asked: whats the best routine? or whats the most effective program? and so on. Problem is, theres no right answer. There is no one perfect routine. The best routine will depend on their goals, experience levels, and other factors. There are, however, best practices that will greatly assist them in achieving their goals.

Regarding Goals.

Strength, endurance, muscle mass, explosive strength, etc, etc. are different goals. This section assumes general goals of improvements

in strength and muscle mass for beginner to intermediate level people. If you are truly an advanced strength athlete, you probably dont need this report as you already avoid making the mistakes outlined in the list above.

Is There a Best Way To Train ?

Has there been research that looked to nd the optimal program, for gaining size and strength? Sort ofI will attempt to address some of the controversies and issues surrounding resistance training (weight lifting) and the best ways to set up a program, based on the actual research that exists, and add a few thoughts and comments where the real world supports them.

There are so many theories, schools of thought, and crazy programs out there, its a wonder that anyone actually gets to the gym to workout! Its enough to make anyone give up out of sheer confusion

over what constitutes an optimal routine or program to make steady, predictable improvements in muscle mass and/or strength.

Research Vs . The real world .

There has been a fair amount of research over the years, but many earlier studies were contradictory or simply not applicable to real world situations.

For example, many of these studies were done on people who had never lifted weights before. In addition, they often didnt last long enough; or contained various other shortcomings.

However, there has been a real explosion of research in the past few years that paints a much clearer picture of what constitutes an optimal program.

This research settles debates over issues such as multiple sets

versus single sets, and so on.

What follows is brief examination of some of this newer research . I hope this will help people to make smarter choices about their weight training routines and programs.

Before we go on, however, theres one thing I want to emphasize. At the risk of repeating myself, there is no perfect routine or training schedule that will work for all people all of the time.

Remember, changes in volume, intensity (generally dened as % of 1RM), rep ranges, rep tempo, time between sets, and other variables are the keys to long-term success in weight training. Anyone who claims to have the one and only program that will work for everyone, all the time, forever, is either a damn liar, a fool, or both!

As I have said in the past, one can nd a study to support virtually any statement. Therefore, what we need to look for is what is called

the bulk of the data. Translated, we need to discover what most of the research says, most of the time about a topic, versus individual studies that might have contradictory results or conclusions.


Of course, there are many other important issues when it comes to deciphering research, such as the quality of each study (i.e., sample sizes, length, numbers, controls, etc.) but thats beyond the scope of this little report, and more or less unimportant regarding my larger point.

Let s Talk Meta - Analysis ...

A meta-analysis is what scientists do to see what most studies say about a topic, most of the time. First, they look at all (or most) of the studies on a topic, set up criteria for including studies in the analysis, then look for major trends. The goal is to come to some general conclusions, based on the best data available.

Got all that?! A meta-analysis was done on the resistance training data that exists. This study was called A meta-analysis to determine the dose response for strength development and was done by a Dr. Rhea and co-workers at the Department of Exercise and Wellness at Arizona State University.


They looked at 140 studies that met their criteria for being included in the meta-analysis. As anyone who has ever worked out for any length of time already knows, they found studies showed different responses based on the training status of the participants - that is, whether they were new to weight training or experienced lifters. They concluded:

Training with a average intensity of 60% of one repetition maximum (1RM) elicits the best gains in untrained individuals

Training with 80% of 1RM is most effective in those who are already trained (i.e. are not new to weight training)

Untrained participants experience optimal gains by training each muscle group 3 days per week


Trained individuals get their best responses training each muscle group 2 days per week.

Four sets per muscle group elicited the maximal gains in both trained and untrained individuals.

A side Note on Terminology Used in This Report :

1RM simply means the most you can lift for just 1 rep. From there, its not hard to gure out what 60% or 80% of that is, and doing as many reps as you can with that weight. For example, I can usually get approx. 6 reps give or take a rep - on a given weight with 80% of my 1RM.

Back To The Study ...


The authors of the meta-analysis concluded The dose-response trends identied in this analysis support the theory of progression in resistance program design and can be useful in the development of training programs designed to optimize the effort to benet ratio. So, its clear that different people at different stages of training will benet from different training regimens.

Its also clear that differences in volume and intensity may be needed for trained vs. untrained people. You will notice they concluded four sets per muscle group for trained or untrained people got the greatest effects. However, trained people would be doing a total of 8 sets per week at higher intensity (80% 1RM) vs. untrained who are doing a total of 12 sets per body part per week with lower intensities (60% 1RM).

Again, the above ndings are not written in stone. In the end, people

will get their best results by manipulating variables such as volume, intensity, rep ranges, and so on, (more on that topic in a moment), but this meta-analysis does offer some good insights for setting up an effective program and greatly reducing the amount of confusion out there.


So great, this gives us a template for loading, at least. In other words, it gives us some guidelines for the amount of weight, number of sets, and times per week. This information also sits well with real world experience of intermediate and advanced trainers who typically work with 70-90% of 1RM. 80% 1RM appears to be a possible sweet spot for those looking to increase muscle mass and strength.

So does one just go the gym, warm up, make every set 80% 1RM and grow like a weed? No, and thats where the issues mentioned at the beginning (i.e., no periodization, no de-loading periods, etc.), come in. Well cover these points below.

Study Shows Best Strength Training Program Ever!?


Sort ofGood Strength & Conditioning (S&C) coaches of which there are many have known for decades that linear, non-periodized strength training programs are a terrible way to make progress in strength and/or muscle mass over time.

Unfortunately, thats exactly how the majority of people set up their programs. That is, they go into the gym, do 8-10 reps (as an example) for X number of sets, and repeat that month in and month out, year in and year out.

n fact, its really the classic Western bodybuilding method of training. Its also just about the worst way to make steady progress in the gym beyond the beginner/early intermediate stages.

Beyond say a year or so of steady training, simply going into the gym and doing exactly what you have always done (such as using

80% 1RM for every set, as outlined in the last section) for the same number of sets and reps will lead to stagnation and a plateau, where progress will slow down to a snails pace, then come to a total halt.


Recently, a study examined three groups using three different protocols.

Its essential to note this study, unlike so many, used trained strength athletes. This is an important distinction from other studies and a credit to the researchers. Many other studies that examined this topic made the mistake of using untrained individuals, which made the results worthless for experienced trainees, but I digressthese researchers examined the effects of three different protocols on 27 strength athletes for a period of 12 weeks. In each group, they were instructed to complete as many reps as possible within the assigned rep range.

The men in each group trained their upper bodies and lower bodies

twice per week with 3 sets per exercise so they were in the gym 4 days per week.


Group One: followed the classic/typical program you see most people following (as mentioned above): a linear non-periodized routine (NP). They did sets of 8-10 reps throughout the entire experiment for 12 weeks.

Group Two: followed a linear periodized routine (LP). During the rst four weeks the subjects did sets of 12-15 reps. This was followed by another four weeks of sets with 8-10 reps. The last 4 weeks, they performed sets of 4-5 reps each.

Group Three: was a non-linear, periodized group (NLP). The program looked like so:

Week 1: sets of 12-15 reps

Week 2: 4-5 reps


Week 3: 8-10 reps

Week 4: Repeat week 1

This cycle was repeated 3 times (i.e., 12 weeks).

Only the NLP group made signicant progress in their strength on the exercises tested (leg press and bench press). Interestingly, there were no statistically signicant changes in body composition between groups. The reason is not surprising to me, however: 12 weeks is not long enough for experienced strength athletes to make signicant changes in body comp from a simple change in program (assuming all other factors, such as diet, remain constant), but they can make signicant improvements in strength, which can ultimately lead to changes in body comp, be it an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in body fat, or both

Remember, even the most sensitive methods for testing changes in body comp has its limits of sensitivity, and experienced strength athletes make progress measured in years, vs. months, so 12 weeks is fairly small window of study.


The researchers concluded Our data clearly demonstrated that NLP is more effective than the LP and NP models to increase strength combined with split training routines. Thus, individuals seeking for tness improvement should use NLP when using split routines.

So far so good, and expected really Although the above is interesting from a conrmation perspective, its old news to any of the good S&C coaches out there, and really old news to the Eastern bloc coaches.

This is why you dont see linear non-periodized programs recommended by your top S&C coaches, but (and this is an

important but!) thats not to say linear non-periodized routines are worthless for everyone.


Beginners can benet from these routines, so no one should see the above results as set in stone as the one best way to approach a strength training program. In this particular study, looking at those groups, under those specic set of circumstances, however, the NLP was superior for increasing strength.

The real take home here is, NLP-type programs of which there are many are important to the continued progress of intermediate to advanced athletes. Going beyond the classic Western bodybuildingoriented, linear, non-periodized routines will yield superior results for the majority of strength trainers in the long run.

Charles Staley (who posts on my blog), Charles Poliquin (who wrote the main training chapter in my e-book BodyBuilding Revealed), Lou Simmons, Jim Wendler, Dave Tate, Mark Rippetoe and Ross

Enamait are just a of the few coaches putting out programs worth looking into.


My Hybrid program also addresses the essential variables outlined in this report and feedback from users of my Hybrid program has been universally positive. Note my Hybrid Training program is included in the Deluxe edition of Bodybuilding Revealed (see order page).

Understanding issues of volume, loading, time under tension (TUT), rest periods and other variables will allow one to make continued progress.* I would recommend people search for additional information on the science (and it is a science) of proper strength training for continued progress, with my site, being a good place to start.

= obviously, nutrition, rest, pre existing medical issues, and other factors all play an essential part of the equation as to whether

22 or not a person adds new muscle, increases strength, loses fat, or what ever the goal.

The Take Home -or- What Does an Effective Program Consist Of?

A results-oriented program looks like a wave form where volume and intensity peaks - say - over an 8-10 week period (as an example only, as programs vary widely), with volume and or loading reduced 40-60% for a week or two (the de-loading phase). The trainee can then repeat the cycle or move on to some other program. Some programs will call for taking a week off totally between programs.

Increasing intensity and/or volume improves the response up to a point, but it falls off sharply as you hit overtraining syndromes (OTS), injuries or both. So periods of planned increases in volume and or intensity to reach a personal milestone, followed by a detraining period, are best to optimize your training and avoid OTS. Both the

research and real world experiences of high-level athletes working with good S&C coaches conrm this.


When left to their own devices, athletes will generally follow a more is better linear approach; whereas a good coach will follow the smart is better, wave form approach, which follows a pattern. Within that wave form pattern may be micro-cycles and other tricks of the trade too, but that depends on the program.

There have been some interesting studies where they have taken runners and swimmers, cut their volume in half, and their times improved! Why? Because they were overtraining!

I nd that is often the case with strength athletes also. I hope this report has given the reader some insight into why so many people look the same year after year in the gym, and what they can do to avoid being one of those people!

What is Body building Revealed & Who s It For?


Ok, let me address something rst here, I often get people say to me Im not a bodybuilder Will, I just lift weights, do my cardio and eat well.

Errm, hello, welcome to Bodybuilding .

By denition anybody who does the above is a Bodybuilder, youre building your body with resistance training and good nutrition.

Bodybuilding Revealed is for anybody , male or female, beginner or advanced, age is irrelevant. We have 18 year old guys through to 75 year olds.


It contains a huge range of workouts, some by myself, and some hugely advanced routines by Olympic coach Charles Poliquin .

It contains over 100 supplement reviews in the E-Report, and hundreds more on the private forums which come with it. Youll never need to try and dig out unbiased supplement reviews again, its all at your ngertips .

It contains detailed diet and nutrition information , with meal plans and online calculators for creating diets depending on your body type and immediate needs. Youll have everything you need.

What if I purchase Bodybuilding Revealed But Have Questions?


When you purchase Bodybuilding Revealed, youre not alone, you get access to me and my team of paid professionals on the private members forum.

This isnt a program youll get half way into , come up against a problem and then just leave confused. When you purchase Bodybuilding Revealed you get Lifetime access to my forums, I dont charge you a monthly fee , once you purchase you get access for life.

You can come and ask me anything about the program, Im on my forums every day, along with a team of qualied advisors also there to help you out with the program or general tness questions.

Youll get access to a ton of cool toys , such as the Diet Planner which rocks, and allows you to plot your diet, even get graphs of

your progress , make meals and recipes and much more.


How Can I get hold of Body building Revealed?

you can order here

You can order here, and you may want to consider picking up my deluxe version as well which includes a ton of cool extra stuff. Hope to see you in on the private forums soon! If you have any questions before purchasing you can come and ask me here at All the best , Ill see YOU in the gym. Will

William D . Brink. Trainer of Tactical Law Enforcement/ S.W.A.T Magazine Columnist (Over 50 mags in 9 countries) Contributor to Peer Reviewed Scientic Journals NPC Judge & Expert Trainer. Author: Priming The Anabolic Environment Author Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.


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