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ide, releasenotes Updated Jun 21, 2011 by

Selenium IDE - Release Notes

This is a minor release with nothing too huge included. But because the last one didn't get pushed to the world, it is important to make a note of a big change introduced in 1.0.11. We have marked the changing of formats as Experimental due to a couple lose-all-your-data bugs. As a result it is disabled in the toolbar by default. To enable it, click the checkbox in the Options menu. And because we really don't want you to lose your data, when you switch formats you will get a big warning box. This too can be disabled in the Options menu. But if you do both of these things and your script gets sent to the abyss, you have been warned. :) Changes in this release include the following: New - Firefox 5 support New - When upgrading Se-IDE, the release notes (these) are shown on first start Bug - some Java format changes Bug - some PHP format changes Bug - the 'Find' button works again Bug - generated CSS is standards compliant New - dropped support for FF 3.5 or older

It has been half a year since our last release of 1.0.10 and we have put a lot of effort to bring you this release. The summary of the contributions to this release is as follows:73% (22) 16%( 5) 6% (2) 3% (1) 3% (1) Samit Badle Adam Goucher Dave Hunt Santiago Suarez Ordoez Simon Stewart

Here is the list of changes excluding some minor fixes and code refactoring.

Main Features:
Firefox 4 support ( Issue 1470 , Simon Stewart and Samit Badle) New CSS locator builder! Selenium IDE will now create locators using CSS when recording (Santiago Suarez Ordoez) Added more power to the plugin developers through the new Util command builders support ( Issue 442 , Samit Badle) New command getCssCount (Adam Goucher)

Usability Improvements:
Selenium IDE is now available from the Web developer menu in Firefox 4 ( Issue 1467 , Samit Badle) Camel Case search in command text box has been improved allowing you to type vTP for verifyTextPresent command (Samit Badle with Dave Hunt) Most actions in Selenium IDE are now accessible through the new Actions menu ( Issue 1266 , Samit Badle and Dave Hunt) Removed help menu items related to Firefox from Selenium IDE help menu ( Issue 1704 , Samit Badle) Less prompting when saving test suite ( Issue 967 , Samit Badle) A method to Reset IDE Window is now available through the Options menu for people having trouble when switching from multiple monitors ( Issue 1249 , Samit Badle) Show the name of the test case in save dialog ( Issue 984 , Samit Badle) The preferences for the current format will be automatically shown in options dialog (Samit Badle) The plugins pane in the Options dialog now has a splitter (Samit Badle) Default Timeout Value field in the Options dialog now mentions a unit ( Issue 896 , Adam Goucher) Introduced experimental features option to hide some unstable features (Samit Badle)

Bug Fixes:
Format changing is now marked as experimental due to possible issues, you can turn it on from the options dialog (Samit Badle) Fixed the header issue on saving test case in another format ( Issue 1164 , Samit Badle) Improved alert on changing the format (Issue 1244, Samit Badle) Find button is back on Macs and uses a new way to highlight ( Issue 1052 , Samit Badle) Recording is possible in the middle of a script again ( Issue 968 , Samit Badle) Fixed the annoying skip over one command when recording in the middle of the script ( Issue 745 , Samit Badle) While recording, "clickAndWait" command becomes "click" is now fixed ( Issue 419 , Samit Badle) Selenium IDE bottom pane folding now works correctly ( Issue 614 , Samit Badle) Changed the ID of Selenium IDE menu from generic name to avoid clashes with other addons. ( Issue 969 , Samit Badle)

Improvements/Fixes Related to Formatters:

Fixed support for stored variables in PHP formatter ( Issue 970 , Samit Badle) Allow formatters to customise how set* is handled (Adam Goucher)

Some bug fixes in PHP formatter ( Issue 1281 , Adam Goucher) Number type fix (Jeremy Herault) New Java formatter: Webdriver backed Junit 4 formatter New PHP formatter: Testing selenium formatter (Adam Goucher)

Known Issues:
Issue 1728 - Firefox 4 eliminated support for the highlight. So the Find button has stopped working under Firefox 4 on Windows. Issue 1729 - The Plugin pane in the Options dialog is not shownig any text in Firefox 4 on Windows 7. Issues have been reported in Selenium IDE on Ubuntu 11, which are not related to Selenium IDE. See comments on issue 1642 .

Another packaging problem broke the various things that used getText(). Which of course is one of the most commonly used bits of the API. BUG - properly including se-core atoms

As a result, we've started to rebuild the test suite for things. It's going to take awhile to get the coverage we're hoping for, but it'll be worth it if we can go at least 2 days after a release before becoming embarrassed. Upgrade Notes: Due to the atoms being included properly, some of the behaviour around accessing boolean attributes has changed. See for details.

What started out as a pretty major change in terms of packaging ended up including two significant bug fixes as well. Hopefully we avoid that sort of thing with the release. Not that I don't expect it. :) BUG - Sizzle CSS library not included BUG - Recording works with FF 4.0b7

What 1.0.9 was supposed to only have was... NEW - Formatters are all plugins. This effectively separates the development of an individual format from the development of the editor. Now, this means that when you install things for the first time you get a tonne of addons. That is ok. Don't panic. Oh, and it also means if you don't want them you have the option to. Not only does this mean fixes to formats get distributed sooner (PHP, I'm looking at you) but 3rd parties will be able to make better packaging choices by having the editor plus their formatters.

Other stuff BUG - the JUnit 4 formatter doesn't try to use a string as the port number BUG - the window when creating new formats properly closes now BUG - removed the 'find' button if on OSX since it doesn't do anything on this platform (its a FF bug) BUG - some hard coded strings have been internationalized NEW - autocomplete has been enhanced somewhat - see BUG - when switching build systems, the icons for menus and such got left out of the package BUG - commands are trimmed of whitespace before executing which was sometimes a source of great confusion BUG - now preserves whitespace when displaying diffs in the log

This release is primarily to get FF4 support out into the wild since it is getting to the advanced beta phase, but there is also a fair bit of other bug fixes in there as well. About 75% of the fixes in the release are directly the work of Samit Badle and the vast remainder by Jrmy Hrault. BUG - There was an annoying bug where 'clickAndWait' would be saved as click, but has been fixed. see NEW -This could arguably be considered a bug fix, but if you changed format from HTML to something else then made an edit and switched back again to HTML your script contents would be lost. At its heart, the HTML -> something conversion is one way and so there is now a warning about possibly losing your code. The warning only happens the first time though so you can still shoot yourself in the foot; its just harder BUG - element locator works for table rows. see BUG - the default timeout setting of se-ide is now actually used. see NEW - the 'run in the selenium testrunner' option has been removed. The supported methods in se-ide are the play single, play suite and if you need more there is always se-rc with a language binding or -htmlSuite BUG - the base url wouldn't change on occasion, much to the frustration of many NEW - a JUnit 4 formatter was added BUG - the RSpec formatter had some additional tweaks BUG - test suite html can now have tests from different folders BUG - test suite saving triggers got a bit of attention so add/delete/modify is a little more robust NEW - if you resize your se-ide and/or move it around your screen, the size and position are saved between sessions BUG - the logic around when to prompt for saving wasn't really that nice, but its been fixed NEW - uses 'browser atoms' like the rest of Selenium NEW - CSS locator execution is handled through Sizzle NEW - can now add multiple test cases to a suite at once

NEW - addition to the se-ide plugin api to add se-ide extensions to manipulate how recording is done - NEW - the case of the missing log messages is now solved NEW - Firefox 4 support

Only a couple of things of note in this release to end-users which is somewhat silly since it is a month overdue, but that was due to some build changes that took a bit of work to get the kinks worked out. Should be ok now though. NEW - you can now drag-and-drop command around instead of the cut-insert-paste dance that you used to have to do (Jrmy Hrault) NEW - same thing with tests in the test suite panel (Jrmy Hrault) NEW - an new optional parameter when registering you se-ide plugin to allow for command exporting. see for details (Adam Goucher) NEW - Swedish locale sv-SE now has translations (Olle Jonsson) BUG - Some people were reporting an annoying popup when starting se-ide without any plugins installed (Adam oucher)

The big thing in this release is that the scary log message that was showing up on 'open' is fixed. The other big things are: BUG - The scary log message that was happening when you used 'open' has had its underlying cause fixed (Adam Goucher, Jrmy Hrault) BUG - fixed a build issue with FF 3.6 and type-ahead for commands (Jrmy Hrault) BUG - fixed some PHP export issues - see and (Adam Goucher) BUG - there was a packaging issue around user-extensions (Adam Goucher) BUG - ide won't put 'name=' as the Target when recording a selectWindow (David Burns) BUG - to avoid confusion, when viewing formatter source, if it is read-only the button says 'ok' and if it is editable then it is 'save' (Jrmy Hrault) NEW - you can now set a preference on whether you want record to be on or off when you start ide (Adam Goucher) NEW - se-ide plugin information is read from the plugin's install.rdf (most people won't care about this, but its pretty cool from a geek perspective)

One thing that does not really fit the BUG or NEW label is that the code for Se-IDE is now in the main repo rather than tucked away in a somewhat hidden location.

BUG - user formats were not appearing in the list (Adam Goucher) BUG - constrained how iframes were loaded; which is why AMO was unhappy (Adam Goucher) BUG - a whole bunch of tweaks to the existing formats (Dave Hunt) BUG - a bunch of French translation fixes / additions (Jrmy Hrault) BUG - the reload user extensions button only shows up if you have the developer tool checkbox checked (Jrmy Hrault) BUG - labelling access keys on test runner (Olle Jonsson) BUG - cleaned up a bunch of references from OpenQA to SeleniumHQ (Olle Jonsson) BUG - had an = instead of == (Olle Jonsson) BUG - adding a bunch of ;'s to make jslint shut up (Olle Jonsson) BUG - getting rid of the 'setting something that only has a getter' message in Firefox 3.6 (Dan Fabulich) NEW - self hosting of updates to avoid delays at AMO (Adam Goucher) NEW - the version of se-ide is now in the title bar (Adam Goucher) NEW - added some Se-IDE specific icons here and there (Adam Goucher, Dave Hunt) NEW - preferences can now be Bool's as well (Adam Goucher) NEW - added addPlugin(id) to the plugin API (Adam Goucher) NEW - added a new panel to the Options screen around plugins. It doesn't do much now other than list the plugins that registered themselves through addPlugin, but should do more for 1.0.6 (Adam Goucher)

Selenium IDE 1.0.4 marks a resurgence in the project with releases planned for the middle of each month. Here are the changes that have happened between versions 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 of Selenium IDE. (Don't ask what happened to version 1.0.3) BUG - Supported Firefox version increased to include the 3.6 series (Santiago Suarez Ordoez) BUG - Removed the Ruby formatter that was flagged as 'deprecated' (Adam Goucher) NEW - Ruby formatter updated to use the selenium-client gem ( ) (Adam Goucher) NEW - Ability to add custom user-extensions to extend the Selenium API through plugins to Selenium IDE (Adam Goucher) NEW - Ability to add custom formatters to extend which languages are available to users through plugins to Selenium IDE (Adam Goucher) NEW - Can now load changes to user extensions without having to restart Selenium IDE (Jrmy Hrault) NEW - RSpec formatter

Version 1.0.4 would not have happened without the following assistance Sauce Labs' sponsoring of Adam Goucher to work on it Jrmy Hrault and the SERLI team for their Helium plugin (which was the proof an API could / should be developed for Se-IDE)

Dave Hunt for his feedback on pre-release versions

For issues with this release or features you would like to see in future releases, please log them in the Google Code Issue tracker ( using the ide label so they don't get lost. -adam

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