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Extemporaneous Dispensing Record

Date of manufacture Patients Name Age (if under twelve) Patients Address

To-days Date
Mr Ronald Young

Product Number Prescribers Name

BN ????? Dr H Hughes

7 Summer Street Insch

Prescribers Address

Schoolhill Aberdeen

Extemporaneous preparation of: Prescribed instructions: Are instructions appropriate? Calculations

Zinc Ointment BP x 50g To be applied to affected area when required two to three times a day YES NO

Zinc Oxide 15% in Simple Ointment BP For 50g Zinc Oxide 15% 7. 5g Simple Ointment to 50g to 50g Simple Ointment Wool fat 5% Hard paraffin 5% Cetostearyl alcohol 5% Soft paraffin 85% Check melting points. Wool fat Hard paraffin Cetostearyl alcohol White soft paraffin References Martindale 28

For 55g (10% excess) 8.25g to 55g (46.75g)

50g (sufficient excess) 2.5g 2.5g 2.5g 42.5g 36-44 degrees 50-57degrees 43-53 degrees 38-56 degrees

Checked by: ??????????? Name (Block Capitals) Signature: ??????????


Extemporaneous Dispensing Record

Name of ingredient and manufacturer Hard Paraffin
Check label for manufacturer
Quantity Batch Number Check stock label Check stock label Check stock label Check stock label Expiry date Check stock label Check stock label Check stock label Check stock label Prep by Check by

2.5g 2.5g 2.5g 42.5g

?.?. ?.?. ?.?. ?.?.

?.?. ?.?. ?.?. ?.?.

Cetostearyl alcohol
Check label for manufacturer

Wool Fat
Check label for manufacturer

Soft paraffin (state white or yellow)

Check label for manufacturer

Zinc Oxide
Check label for manufacturer

8.25g 46.75g

Check stock label

Check stock label

?.?. ?.?.

?.?. ?.?..

Simple Ointment

Product prepared by: Copy of Label: ?.?.

Checked and Inspected by:

?.?. (Pharmacist)

50g Zinc Ointment BP To be applied to the affected area when required TWO to THREE times a day BN ????? DO NOT USE AFTER XX/XX/XX (4 WEEKS) For External Use Only Mr Ronald Young Date of disp KEEP OUT OF CHILDRENS REACH Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen. AB10 1FR


Extemporaneous Dispensing Record

Method of Preparation
Calculate quantities for Zinc Ointment BP.

Calculate quantities for Simple Ointment. Weighed 2.5g of Hard paraffin on a class B balance, transferred to an evaporating basin. Heat this over water bath until melted. Weighed 2.5g of Cetostearyl Alcohol on a class B balance, transferred to the evaporating basin.

Weighed 2.5g of Wool Fat on a class B balance, firstly placing greaseproof paper on both side of the balance. Transferred to the evaporating basin. Weighed 42.5g of White Soft Paraffin on a class B balance, firstly placing greaseproof paper on both side of the balance. Transferred to the evaporating basin. Removed from heat and kept stirring with stirring rod until all ingredients are melted. Kept stirring until cool. Placed approximately 10g Zinc Oxide in mortar and ground with pestle to remove any lumps. Weighed 8.25g on a class B balance and transferred to a glass slab. Weighed 46.75g of Simple ointment from evaporating basin on a class B balance on greaseproof paper ensuring counterbalance greaseproof paper is used and then transferred to the opposite corner of the glass slab. Using a small amount of Simple Ointment rubbed this into the Zinc Oxide using the large spatula until a smooth paste was obtained. Ensured no lumps The Simple ointment was added in equal portions (doubling up method) mixing well between each addition until it was all evenly mixed in. Again ensured no lumps Then tared a 60g ointment jar on a Class C balance by placing jar minus lid on left hand side and used weights on beam until balanced ie the needle was in the centre. The correct weight (50g) was placed on the right hand side of balance. Filled jar using small spatula, firstly round the inside of the jar then filling in the centre. Smoothed off the top and cleaned round edge of jar ensuring still had required weight. The jar was then cleaned and polished. The product was given a four week expiry - ointment and no other guidance given.

Extemporaneous Dispensing Record

A label was attached to the jar containing the Zinc Ointment BP.


Extemporaneous Dispensing Record

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