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Summary of protests by country

Country Date started Status of protests Outcome Death toll Situation

Overthrow of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali; Ben Ali flees into exile in Saudi Arabia Government overthrown on 14 January 2011

Resignation of Prime Minister Ghannouchi Dissolution of the political police[54] Dissolution of the RCD, the former ruling party of Tunisia and liquidation of its assets[55] 338[58] Government overthrown


18 December 2010

Ended in March 2011

Algeria Lebanon 28 December 2010 27 February 2011 Subdued since April 2011 Limited

Release of political prisoners[56] Elections to a Constituent Assembly on 23 October 2011[57] Lifting of the 19-year-old state of emergency[59][60] A 40% increase in wages[62] King Abdullah II dismisses Prime Minister Rifai and his cabinet[63] Months later, Abdullah dismisses Prime Minister Bakhit and his cabinet after complaints of slow progress on promised reforms[64] 4[65][66] Protests and governmental changes 8[61] 5 Major protests Major protests


14 January 2011


Mauritania Sudan

17 January 2011 17 January 2011

Ongoing Subdued since April 2011


Minor protests Minor protests

President Bashir announces he will not seek another term in 2015[68] Economic concessions by Sultan Qaboos[70][71] Dismissal of ministers[72][73] Granting of lawmaking powers to Oman's elected legislature[74] Economic concessions by King Abdullah[78][79] Male-only municipal elections held 29 September 2011



17 January 2011

Ended in May 2011


Protests and governmental changes

Saudi Arabia

21 January 2011

Eastern Province protests ongoing, women's rights campaigns ongoing


Minor protests

King Abdullah announces women's approval to vote and be elected in 2015 municipal elections and to be nominated to the Shura Council[82]

Overthrow of Hosni Mubarak; Mubarak charged for killing protesters

25 January 2011 Government overthrown on 11 February 2011 Protests ongoing

Resignation of Prime Minister(s) Nazif and Shafik[88] Assumption of power by the Armed Forces[89] Suspension of the Constitution, dissolution of the Parliament[90] Disbanding of State Security Investigations Service[91] Dissolution of the NDP, the former ruling party of Egypt and transfer of its assets to the state[92] 846[96][97] Government overthrown


Prosecution of Mubarak, his family and his former ministers[93][94][95]

Overthrow of Ali Abdullah Saleh; Saleh granted immunity from prosecution


27 January 2011

Government overthrown on 27 February 2012 Protests ongoing

Resignation of Prime Minister Mujawar Resignation of MPs from the ruling party[98] Approval of President's immunity from prosecution by Yemeni legislators[99] Al-Qaeda linked militants takes control of several cities in southern Yemen Presidential election held to replace Saleh as the new president of Yemen;Abd Rabbuh Mansur Al-Hadi elected and inaugurated 2,000[100] Government overthrown


10 February 2011

Ended in December 2011

Prime Minister Maliki announces that he will not run for a 3rd term;[101] Resignation of provincial governors and local authorities Economic concessions by King Hamad[104] Release of political prisoners[105] Negotiations with Shia representatives[106] GCC intervention at the request of the Government of Bahrain Head of the National Security Apparatus removed from post[107]


Major protests


14 February 2011



Sustained civil disorder and government changes

Formation of a committee to implement BICI report recommendations[108]

Overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi; Gaddafi killed by rebel forces Government overthrown on 23 August 2011 War ended on 23 October 2011

UN-mandated military intervention ended with NATO withdrawal[110] Opposition forces takes control of all Libyan cities Assumption of interim control by National Transitional Council International recognition of NTC as the sole governing authority for Libya Beginning of sporadic low-level fighting and clashes[111] Resignation of Prime Minister Nasser Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah[114] Dissolution of the Parliament[115] Political concessions by King Mohammed VI;[117] Referendum on constitutional reforms; Respect to civil rights and an end to corruption[118] 0 Minor protests 1[119] Protests and governmental changes 0[116] Protests and governmental changes 30,000[112] 35,000[113] Government overthrown


17 February 2011


18 February 2011

Ended in December 2011


20 February 2011

Ended in November 2011

Western Sahara

26 February 2011

Subdued since May 2011

Syria 15 March 2011 Ongoing

Release of some political prisoners[120][121] End of Emergency Law Dismissal of Provincial Governors[122][123] Military action in Hama, Daraa, Idlib, Homs and other areas[124] Battles between the Syrian government's army and the Free Syrian Army in many governorates such as Homs, Idlib, Daraa and others. 14,501[129]-[130] Sustained civil disorder and government changes

Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo. Resignations from Parliament[125] Resignation of the Government[126] Large defections from the Syrian army and clashes between soldiers and defectors[127]

Israeli border areas 15 May 2011 Ended on 5 June 2011

Formation of the Free Syrian Army Formation of the Syrian National Council[128] Syria suspended from the Arab League Support by 15 countries for a new Syrian government in exile 3040[131][132] Major protests


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