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Seychelles Tourism Strategy 2017: Barriers to its Achievement within the Local Workforce Joseph Cesar and Annette

Introduction Research Design & Method Conclusions & Recommendations

In this long term plan for the Seychelles Mr Michel pointed out that, Tourism will continue to be among the main drivers of growth and creators of wealth.this growth will be achieved while generating the maximum level of local participation, enhancing Seychelles human resource capacity It is important to support the idea that the tourism industry is a powerful economic motor for this small country. In view with this fact, this research focuses on the enhancing Seychelles human resource capacity part of the mission statement. The research sample does not include management as it has already been addressed; Seychellois with managerial potential shadows expatriate managers in certain departments. In addition and already en route is a partnership between the public and the private sectors sharing the cost of training potential indigenous for hotel management. This study is to identify barriers that can prevent the local general workforce to be attracted in the hospitality industry and the barriers preventing them to build careers in it. And from that the research question is conceived.

What are the barriers that prevent Tourism Strategy 2017 to be implemented within the local workforce? Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used to answer the research question as the base for our objectives. The four barriers used are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Favouritism for friends and Nepotism. Social issues. Lack of commitment and enthusiasm. No adequate and proper training.

The strategy 2017 therefore is a black and white document or plan that does not really or fully affect the local workforce. It does however, has a good strategy for the economy as a whole. However the basic simple details are ignored. The strategy 2017 should be reviewed through a strong diversified committee including representation from all stakeholders and not just a few top executives from the private sector mostly made up of foreigners, and the public sector represented by bureaucrats. More indigenous managers are needed to educate and constantly encourage or motivate the locals to be more conscious about the tourism significance for the country and about the benefits that can be exploited from it. The Seychellois workers should be more committed and enthusiastic in their duties and responsibilities.

Research Findings

The table shows the survey response analysis:

Questionnaires Analysis 1 80% yes, there is nepotism and favoritism 2 60% no,, the working odd hours in tourism creates problems at home (socially) 3 50% yes, locals shows commitment, 50% no they do not 4 60% no, there are not enough trainings relevant to their positions
The graph shows the tourism constant arrival growth:

Future Research

This research only aimed to investigate the barriers that can challenge the implementation of Tourism Strategy 2017, and investigate the attitudes of the Seychelles local general workforce towards it.
The chart shows tourist arrivals by continents:

There is scope for similar studies to this one

References x 2
1. 2. Michel, J., (2007) Strategy 2017; [online] Available from: Saunders, M., Lewis, P., and Thornhill,A. (2003) Research and Methods for Business Students (3rd Ed.), Prentice Hall, UK

both in Seychelles and other countries where there is anti-service industry attitudes and where tourism plays an important role in the local economies. The Strategy 2017 should be further studied and critically evaluated.

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