Restaurant Industry Statistics 2012

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Restaurant Industry Statistics 2012

Email Marketing Statistics: - The increase in purchase value of email subscribers versus non-subscribers is 17%. That means, on average, the email subscriber bought 17% more (Forrester Research) - 87% of consumers say email marketing has impact on their purchasing decisions. (Forrester Research) -According to Forrester Research, 79% of consumers have signed up to receive email at least from one company, and two out of three people surveyed said they read email every day of the week. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing delivers a $51.45 return on investment (ROI) for every marketing dollar spent. A survey by Decision Direct Research of 55,000 consumers revealed that the number of respondents that visited a web site when they received an email promotion increased from 45 percent to 62 percent in 2007. - 61% of consumers said they like to receive email marketing messages, with 36% indicating that food specials were preferred. (AIS Media) - Email marketing returns $57.25 for every dollar spent, more than 150% greater than the ROI for traditional types of online marketing. (Direct Marketing Association, 2007) - 64% of restaurant owners polled nationwide are using Internet marketing because of its increased exposure and profitability. (AIS Media, 2007)

- 7-10 restaurants said they are actively looking to establish some kind of email database (National Restaurant News) - 40% of businesses feel that the impact of email marketing is increasingly significant to their bottom line

Web site stats -89%-- Percent of consumers who say they have researched a restaurant online before dining there. Using the Internet to check out menus and other information about a restaurant is most prevalent among consumers age 25 to 45 and those in the Northeast and on the Pacific Coast. (AIS Media) -Of those 89% of consumers, 57% indicated that prior to selecting a restaurant they view the restaurant's Web site. And 33% view other consumer's reviews online prior to dining. (AIS Media) -13%-- Percent of consumers who used the Internet to order food from a restaurant in 2006. (National Restaurant Association) -While traveling, 43% of consumers used a search engine to find restaurants. (AIS Media) -While searching for a restaurant while traveling: -32% of consumers would like directions on Web site -28% wanted menu selections with pricing on Web site -23% wanted an online rating/review system on a restaurant's Web site (AIS Media)

Restaurant Statistics -The nations 935,000 restaurants should hit $537 billion in sales in 2007, according to the NRAs 2007 Restaurant Industry Forecast. (National Restaurant Association) -The restaurant industry is one the nations largest private-sector employers. Restaurants employ 12.8 million people today. (National Restaurant Association) -2661 locations of eating-and-drinking places in Rhode Island. (National Restaurant Association) -$1.8 billion dollars in 2007 restaurant sales in Rhode Island (National Restaurant Association) -More than 7 out of 10 eating-and-drinking places are single-out operations (National Restaurant Association) -$1.5 billionRestaurant-industry sales on a typical day in 2007 (National Restaurant Association) -While restaurants continue to grow in popularity, the average American consumes 76% of meals at home. (National Restaurant Association) -The U.S. food marketing system is the second largest advertiser in the American economy, and a leading supporter of network, spot and cable television, magazines, billboards and commercial radio. (Food Advertising) -60% of consumers feel more loyal to a restaurant when in their email club. (BizGrader consumer survey) - 79% of consumers are very likely to frequent the restaurant when they receive coupons or specials. (BizGrader consumer survey) - 62% of consumers have used coupons from restaurants in the past 6 months (BizGrader consumer survey)

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