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Credit Risk Assessment Model of Commercial Banks Based on Support Vector Machines

Xin_ying Zhang
Department of Management Science and Engineering School of Economy and Management in Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, P.R.China alpha3068@sina.com

Chong Wu
Department of Management Science and Engineering School of Economy and Management in Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, P.R.China wuchong@hit.edu.cn

Avv_ Federico Ferretti

Brunel Law School of Brunel University West London, Uxbridge, United Kingdom federico.ferretti@brunel.ac.uk

AbstractScope: Commercial banks, as the key of the nations economy and the center of financial credit, play a multiple irreplaceable role in the financial system. Credit risks threaten the economic system as a whole. Therefore, predicting bank financial credit risks is crucial to prevent and lessen the incoming negative effects on the economic system. Objective: This study aims to apply a credit risk assessment model based on support vector machines (SVMs) in a Chinese case, after analyzing the credit risk rules and building a credit risk system. After the modeling, it presents a comprehensive computational comparison of the classification performances of the techniques tested, including Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN) and SVMs. Method: In this empirical study, we utilize statistical product and service solutions (SPSS) for the factor analysis on the financial data from the 157 companies and Matlab and Libsvm toolbox for the experimental analysis. Conclusion: We compare the assessment results of SVMs and BPN and get the indication that SVMs are very suitable for the credit risk assessment of commercial banks. Empirical results show that SVMs are effective and more advantageous than BPN. SVMs, with the features of simple classification hyperplane, good generalization ability, accurate goodness of fit, and strong robustness, have a better developing prospect although there are still some problems with them, such as the space mapping of the kernels, the optimizing scale, and so on. They are worthy of our further exploration and research.
Keywords-credit risk assessment; commercial bank; support vector machine

I. INTRODUCTION As one of the most important parts of the national financial system, commercial banks play an irreplaceable role in economy development and currency stabilization, like fund collection, fund flow guidance and the regulation of the social supply and demand [1].However commercial banks often encounter a lot of risks. Of these, credit risk has commonly been identified as the key risk in terms of its influence on bank performance [2] and bank failure. So, credit risk management and controlling have great effects on commercial banks. The exploration of credit risk assessment methods can be traced back to the 1930s and in the 1960s, it becomes hot. Roughly, it
Sponsored by Heilongjiang Youth Science Fund QC04C25

has experienced three developing stages -- the proportion analysis, statistical analysis and artificial intelligence. After the traditional proportion analysis, the introduction of statistical analysis overcomes the shortcomings of traditional proportional analysis, such as poor comprehensive analysis and the lack of quantitative analysis. But it also has many problems. Since the 1980s, the artificial intelligence technologies have been introduced into the credit risk assessment and they overcome the shortcoming that statistical methods request strong assumptions and static risks reflection. Especially NN, a non - parametric method, has self-organizing, self-adaptive, self-learning characteristics. It has not only the nonlinear mapping capabilities and generalization ability, but also the strong robustness and high prediction accuracy [3, 4]. But BPN has its own unavoidable shortcomings: (1) it is difficult to determine the network structure; (2) when training, it is easy to be at the local extreme vulnerability, with low training efficiency. According to the domestic status quo for the credit assessment like less accumulation of data, ineffective statistical methods, and neural networks with poorly learning capacity, this study introduces a generic learning algorithm ,support vector machines(SVMs), which is based on learning theory of small samples, and is used it in commercial bank credit risk assessment with achieved better results[5,6]. The main difference between BPN and SVMs is the principle of risk minimization. While BPN implements empirical risk minimization to minimize the error on the training data, SVMs implement the principle of Structural Risk Minimization by constructing an optimal separating hyperplane in the hidden feature space, using quadratic programming (QP) to find a unique solution. Recently SVMs, developed by Vapnik [7] receive increasing attention with remarkable results. In financial applications, time series prediction such as stock price indexing, and classification such as credit rating, and bankruptcy are main areas with SVMs [8].

978-1-4244-4639-1/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE

II. SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES The basic procedure for applying SVMs to a classification model can be stated briefly as follows. First, map the input vectors into a feature space in a higher dimension. The mapping is either linear or non-linear, depending on the kernel function selected. Then, within the feature space, seek an optimal separation, i.e. construct a hyper-plane that separates two or more classes. Using the structural risk minimization rule, the training of SVMs always seeks a global optimal solution and avoids over-fitting. It, therefore, has the ability to deal with a large number of features. The decision function (or hyper-plane) determined by SVMs is composed of a set of support vectors, which are selected from the training samples. SVMs use a linear model to implement nonlinear class boundaries through some nonlinear mapping input vectors into a high-dimensional feature space. The linear model constructed in the new space can represent a nonlinear decision boundary in the original space. In the new space, an optimal separating hyperplane (OSH) is constructed. Thus, SVMs are known as the algorithm to find a special kind of linear model, the maximum margin hyperplane. The maximum margin hyperplane gives the maximum separation between decision classes. The training examples that are closest to the maximum margin hyperplane are called support vectors. All other training examples are irrelevant for defining the binary class boundaries [9]. As can be seen in figure1, the star points and the circular points stand for two groups of samples. The line in the middle is OSH and H1, H2 respectively stand for the hyperplanes which pass through the closest samples in either group. The two hyper lines are parallel to OSH with the same distances to it. The margin between them is called classification interval. The so-called OSH is the hyperplane which correctly separates the two categories of samples with the greatest optimal spacing. A simple description of the SVMs algorithm is provided as follows. The decision function of hyperplane used to classify is wTx+b=0, where x is the input vector, w is the adjustable weight vector, b is the bias vector and y is the corresponding expectation (target output).Assume that the two class labels which are represented by yi=+1 and yi=-1 are linearly separable. The inequalities (1) and (2) are as follows:

wTxi + b < 0

y i = 1


The linearly separable sample set (xi, yi) meets: (3) That is, the distance between the closest points of two groups equals to minimize

y i [( w T x) + b] - 1 0

2 , so to maximize the margin is equivalent to w

w .The hyperplane that meets the inequalities (3)

1 w 2

and minimizes

is the optimal hyperplane,

and the

input vector when the equality in (3) holds is called the support vector . Lagrange optimization can be used to turn the issue of optimal classification plane into its dual issue [10], with the same optimal value as that of the original issue. Hence, we can get the optimal solution through the Lagrange multipliers. The minimization procedure uses Lagrange multipliers and QP optimization methods to get the only optimal solution. The optimal classification function is n f ( x ) = sgn {(w T x ) + b} = sgn y (x x ) + b (4)
j j j

Where is the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to j every sample, and it can be attested that the corresponding sample is the support vector as long as one part of is not j zero, and b is the classification threshold and can be obtained from any support vector, or through getting the mid-value in any pair of support vectors from the two types. For the linearly no separable cases, a slack variable i, i=1,, n can be introduced with i=0[11] so that (3) can be written as:

y i ( w x i + b) + i 1


and the solution to find a generalized OSH, also called a soft margin hyperplane, can be obtained using the conditions:
1 w 2

wTxi + b 0

y i = +1

w , b , 1 ,...



+ C



i =1

w Txi + b 0

yi = +1


yi (w +b) 1i ,

i =1,..., n


i 0


1 2 w in (9) is same as in the linearly separable case to control 2

w Txi + b < 0 y i = 1

the learning capacity, while C i controls the number of

H1 H2
Fig.1 OSH in Linearly Separable Case

i =1

misclassified errors, and C is chosen by the user as a non-negative parameter, deciding a trade-off between the


training error and the margin[12]. Larger value of C means assigning a higher penalty to errors. The solving procedures are similar to linear cases as long as the constraints should be


Index System and Sample datum processing

a y
i i =1

= 0, , where 0 ai C , i = 1,2,..., n


In nonlinear cases, we can, through the nonlinear transformation, turn them into a linear one in high-dimensional linear space, and get the optimal separating plane in the transformed space. As long as the proper kernel function K ( xi , x j ) [13] is used to take the place of the inner product in the original space, a certain linear separation can be gained after the nonlinear transformation [14]. Thus we avoid a specific nonlinear transformation, and this separating function can be written as: n (9) f ( x ) = sgn i yi K ( x i , x j ) + b i =1 The classification function can be used to classify the credit data so as to determine whether or not to grant loans to enterprises [15]. The whole process of classification based on SVMs can be seen in Fig 2.

In this research, we ultimately select 16 indexes in credit risk assessment of commercial banks and get 4 factors with SPSS as can be seen in Tab.1. Credit risk is separated into two classes in this study. They are normality class and loss class. Normality class indicates the debtors can pay off the loan and interest on time without any risk while loss class indicates the debtors can not pay off the loan and interest on time. We use +1 to represent the normality risk class and -1 to represent the loss class when we use SVMs to assess credit risk. First, we work on the stability of the samples and eliminate the abnormal data, using twice or three times standard deviation testand ultimately obtain 157 sample data. Among these data from 157 enterprises, 80 enterprises' financial conditions are good and the risks for banks loans are small. We refer to these companies as normality class and we call the remaining 77 companies loss class because their financial conditions are bad and the possibility of default is larger. The numbers of the two types of samples are nearly the same, which is suitable for SVM study. Then we use SPSS for the factor analysis on the financial data from the 157 companies. Based on eigenvalue, we can extract 4 interpretation factors from the 16 indexes. They are the operating capacity factors, the refunding capacity factors, profiting capacity factors and loan type factors, as shown in Tab.1.

1 y1
K ( x1 , x)

2 y2
K ( x2 , x)

n yn

K ( xn , x)

Factor No. Name Operating capacity factor No. X1 X2 X3 I X4 X5 X6

Index Description Sales income/total assets Turnover of total assets Turnover of fixed assets Turnover of mobile assets Inventory turnover Turnover of account receivable Working capital/total assets Current ratio Liquidity ratio Super liquid ratio Assets liability ratio Net profit ratio Return on equity Rate of the cost-profit Yield rate on assets Types of loans




Figure2. Classification Process Based on SVMs

III. AN EMPIRICAL STUDY The research data used in this study are obtained from Harbin Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank in China. While collecting data, we pay much attention to sample features in different industries. As enterprises of different industries have various business environments and ranges, the enterprises' financial and non-financial indexes are not comparable. So, we choose the short-term loan sample data in same the industry for the model. The whole process is described as the following: (1) establish the index system and select the samples including the normality class companies and the loss class companies. (2) construct the SVM model, and choose the final training set. (3) classify the testing data and make the comparison.

X7 Refunding capacity factor X8 X9 X10 X11 Profiting capacity factor X12 X13 X14 X15 IV Loan type factor X16


On this basis, we divide the sample set into a training sample set and a testing sample set. In order to reflectin a better way, the learning ability of SVMs for small sample

data and the generalization ability of the modelwe randomly choose 35% (56 companies) as a training sample set to construct the SVM model, and the remaining 65% (101 companies) as the testing sample set to test the generalization ability of the model. The numbers of two types of samples in each set are approximately equal. B. SVM modeling

IV. SUMMARY AND CONLUSION The SVMs are machine learning algorithms based on statistical learning theory. In this study, an experiment is performed to evaluate the comparative performances of this algorithm and another popular classifierBPN in credit risk assessment of a commercial bank. Results from this experiment reveal the features of SVMs, like simple classification plane, good generalization ability, accurate goodness of fit, strong robustness and so on. It has a better developing prospect. However, due to the short study time in this field, there are still some problems, such as the space mapping of the kernels, the optimizing scale, and so on. They are worthy of our continuous exploration and research. REFERENCES
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Based on the analysis above, we can construct the sample set (x, y), where the dimension of x is 4 and y is the categorical attribute of the samplesFor the normality class, y = 1, and for the loss class, y =- 1. For the choice of the function of kernel, empirical researches show that SVMs can obtain the results with similar properties from three different kernels---polynomial kernel, RBF and Sigmoid function [35], and the distribution of support vectors is of little difference. The kernel used to construct the SVM model in this study is the most common function, RBF. Considering fewest misclassified samples and the maximum classification margin, we construct a soft plane in the high-dimensional space. We can get 2 =225C=105 in cross-validation. Then we use Matlab and Libsvm toolbox for the experimental analysis. C. Empirical Analysis

In Tab.2, the assessment results of SVM and Neural Network (NN) are compared. BPN uses BP algorithm and gets the numbers of the errors and hidden layers in the cross-validation. (The target error is 0.1 and the number of hide layers is 12). We call it an error when a sample in the normality class is discriminated as one from the loss class and vice versa. We can get the error rate when the total error number is divided by the total sample number.
TABLE 2. DISCRIMINATION RESULTS Model types BP neural network model Support vector machine model Training sample set (56) Accuracy Rate of errors 17.86% 82.14% a (10) (46 ) 85.71% 14.29% (48) (8) Testing sample set (101) Accuracy Rate of errors 79.2% 20.8% (80) (21) 83.17% 16.83% (84) (17)

a. The number in the brackets in the table is the number of samples. From Tab.2, we can see that the accuracy of SVMs in the testing sample set is 83.78% which is significantly better than that of BP Neural Network Model--77.38%. We also compare the robustness of the two models and we can see that for the training sample set, the accuracy of neural network is 82.14%, while SVM 85.71%, and in the testing sample set, the accuracies both drop to varying degrees. Neural network drops by 3.6% and SVMs [(82.14% 79.2%) / 82.41 %] 2.9% [(85.71% 83.17%) / 85.71%] . Obviously, the robustness of SVMs is better and can meet the requirements of the application.

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