What Is Time

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What is time? One of the biggest delusions we as people carry in life lies in the belief of time.

Even though we can say events happened in the past, and events will happen in the future, we do not recognize the very place in which we are recognizing this past and this future. In order to understand, we need to realize the solitary point in which all matter exists. Unfortunately, our understanding of life is constructed from a conceptual understanding, yet all phenomena lies outside conception. Therefore, it is impossible to awaken to this timeless moment by thinking about it. We can however begin to get an understanding of this timeless moment, without awakening to it. To help us understand this conceptually, we can confer there is only one place in which our hearts ever beat. It is not the past, and it is not the future. The heart is only ever beating now. It will only ever beat now. Likewise, there is only one place in which our imaginations of past and future can be relived, and likewise, we do not relive these imaginations in the past or in the future. We relive them right now. This is the supremely basic fact we overlook when we believe that there was a past and there is going to be a future. We fail to see we are having these thoughts of past and future right now - the only time in which we could possibly have these thoughts. So our conceptions of time occur in this moment. Isnt it easy to see now how there is no time? So you may say, if there is no time. If tomorrow does not exist, why should I have to worry about paying my rent? The answer is, while all that exists is this present moment, and the constituents of this present moment are ceaselessly changing, they will materialize and form the position which calendars will interpret the position of the sun to be the first of the month. However it will still be NOW. So plan to pay your rent, and plan for the future. Realize what has happened in the past, even though it DOES NOT exist. While this discussion may sound like a rational explanation of why time does not exist, it is not. It is an understanding. A visceral understanding. And whats funny, is its not so much that time does not exist, its more of an explanation of how the moment is the only thing that does exist. However this same understanding of this one and only moment is held (or rather lived) by all those who have had the experience of being enlightened to this timeless moment. This is not a philosophy, and it is not a belief. It is merely what exists outside of the conceptual world we live in. Thats why its confusing. Trying to explain it is nearly futile. Furthermore, there is no phenomena that exists apart from this moment. Life is nothing other than energy. Energy itself is timeless. Every amount of energy that has been in existence since trillions of years ago is still here. It exists in the same here that always has been here, and it is in the exact place in which it should be. In fact, it is the only place that it possibly can be. The only difference is the energy has changed. Morphed may be a better word. Scientifically it can be called cause and effect. When I say energy I do not mean some metaphysical kind of energy. I am talking about the energy that comprises atoms, our bodies, the sun, etc. Our mind is constantly beckoning for

illumination. Yet our minds are always busy with parallel processes that ironically are not so parallel with the environment around us. When do we ever fully live in this moment? When we drive to work, we are not driving to work, we are instead scheming and planning about what we will do and what has happened to us. How is that for an appreciation for life? Instead of letting life just be as it is, we instead create a world in which we think there is a self apart from others. There is this body, which is separate from other peoples bodies of course. However, thats not where the problem lies. The problem lies in living in opposition with this moment. We were not born with mirrors surrounding us. We are born and are naturally enveloped in the selfless world around us. Yet somehow we constantly place ourselves in every event that occurs. We reflect back and think that the reason everything happens is because of a personal attack or a personal reason. We are constantly in a defense mode. Whats so so funny, is the world around us is nothing other than ourselves. Our absurd constant reflection of self only has the basis of being a disease that has been passed down from generation to generation. Because of this ridiculous constant thought of me, me, me, we divide our very own lives. Furthermore, our mind is constantly running parallel processes regarding the conceptual bullshit world in which only exists in our delusion. If these parallel processes of ours were to be stopped, the delusion would also disappear and we would see perfectly that this moment is infinite. However it's not that it is only infinite because our mind has stopped, It always is infinite, yet we realize it from this state of mind. True freedom naturally reveals itself because when our processes stop we see the inherent perfection of this only moment. We become 100% intimate with our natural surroundings. And the frustrating part is we are unable to convey this experience to anyone. As the Zen Master Maezumi Roshi said, (in enlightenment) there is nothing to compare, name, or identify. When its the only thing there is, how can we possibly talk about it?

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