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EDRM and Alfresco at Islington

Jeremy Tuck, Chief Information Officer 14 February 2008

Determining an approach business drivers which records? research and pilots criteria usability affordability and open source hardware and scalability architecture records management standards relationship with intranet knowledge management team spaces

Reviewing products

Implementing Alfresco

Richard Blake Head of the Records Management Advisory Service at the National Archives, which supports the development of effective EDRM systems and the MOREQ2 standard. Richard Jeffrey-Cook Managing Director at In-Form Consult who support EDRM implementations and provide records management advice. He was specifically involved in authoring the Local Government Classification Scheme. John Powell President and CEO of Alfresco. Previously, he was responsible for running worldwide operations at Business Objects.

About Islington.

About Islington
Second smallest London borough - just under six square miles Yet more than 179,000 people live and work here. Young - 72% people are under 45 Economically deeply polarised - 6th most deprived borough in country (average property owners earn 50k, council tenants 6k p.a.)

Where we are

Inside the council

Approx 4000 staff Between 50 to 100 key records systems multiple DIP solutions Intranet is well branded and used (HR Online appraisals killer app) Organisation has a move to reduce paper and smart working

Information function
Strategic Customer Services Assistant Director Monika Singh Information Governance Systems Architecture Access and Delivery Contact Islington

Fit for purpose: our business drivers

Responding to the Freedom of Information Act

Many requests for documents

Example request: Example request: All minutes of meetings, reports and other documents All minutes of meetings, reports and other documents relating to parking attendants working in Islington relating to parking attendants working in Islington council area and the number of tickets given out council area and the number of tickets given out annually. annually.

Highlighting inefficiency Highlighting inefficiency It took 419 days to respond to providing 16 contracts It took 419 days to respond to providing 16 contracts as Freedom of Information requests. as Freedom of Information requests.

Our super storage habits

Surely not my docs?

Culture of regarding our work documents as our own Other people may need to access these documents People sometimes leave the organisation Our teams move around we restructure Can we find them when we need them?

Which records?
or (more annoyingly) not another new system, surely?

Existing Doc Image Processing products

The big bucket approach? One system for all documents?


Formally Managed Records

Docs used in Business Applications (e.g. SWIFT) Scanned images

Explicitly Declared Records

Web docs Final docs (MS or PDF) Paper (offsite & Archives) Declared Emails

Un-declared Records
Undeclared Email Paper Working docs (MS / PDF)

Requirements 1. Search 2. Controls / Retention Corporately? Line of business

Within a DM system? Can a Document Management System help to manage these records?

how? Can a Document Management System help to manage these records?

3. Access controls

Line of business

4. Usable 5. Enables collaborative working

Line of business

Emulate Shared drive ?

Emulate Shared drive

If needed

Collaborative tools?

Collaborative tools?

Assembling the right teams.

Assembling a solid internal team

Kit Good records manager Amy Harms knowledge manager Keith Lyas senior technology manager Kelly Harrison web manager Francesca Mars web expert Tracy Phillips information management and data protection Danielle Manston Freedom of Information Ashley Munien technology and networks Danielle Dennett technology and network

Technology and information experts

Alfresco - Mike Farman GoMeta - Oli Sharpe Webteq - Simon Buckle In-Form Consult Ltd - Richard Jeffrey-Cook InfoAxon - Shuhbam Nagar Cognite - Steve Wright

Research, Proof of Concepts and pilots

Two alternate considerations

Search architecture Google APR Smartlogik Autonomy IBM Federated RM Document Management Documentum Xerox Docushare Sharepoint Alfresco

Federated records management

Records Manager
- Single retention -TNA approved - Retrieve records





New repositories

Existing repositories that need RM

APR Smartlogik Connects to multiple repositories Audit trails



IBM Federated RM

IBM OmniFind

Retention reports

Open integration

No massive impact on network

Document management findings





Access controls

Metadata control

Easy folder use

Remote working share drive Simple workflow configuration Manages scanned images Open technology for integration Minimal Disruption





Access controls

Metadata control

Easy folder use

Remote working share drive Simple workflow configuration Manages scanned images Open technology for integration Minimal Disruption Not tested

Usability !

Keep users on a path theyre used to

Around the way we work.


Corporate classification Retention Schedule

Create Store / Retrieve Shared drive Retention Dispose

Common Internet File System (CIFS)

This open source thing..

Challenges experienced
How do you procure an open source solution? Involve your procurement people and educate them Look at total cost of ownership over several years!

Approach to open source

Have the same rigour as a proprietary product Start educating senior management early Create a risk log Myth busting !

Open source benefits

Example of the Calendar application No Per seat licence No Integration overhead We simply could not have afforded to do this within budget


Hardware configuration
Alfresco Test Application Server Alfresco Application Server Alfresco Application Server Cisco CSS Cisco CSS Client PCs


SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005

FC Switch1

FC Switch2

Client PCS hit virtual IP address on Cisco CSS CSS redirects to App servers (load balance) App servers communicate with SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 clustered and attached to SAN


Planning your EDRM thinking

Core ideas for implementation

Collaborative Team spaces Records Library izzi pages

Document flow..

collaborate & upload

Team Spaces

izzi pages

Records Library

Organising Documents around what we DO ?

Authorities organised differently - yet have the same functions We re-organise frequently! It makes sense to organise ourselves around what we do Organising content for the longer term Local Government Classification Scheme

How can we classify docs invisibly?

Setting up classes of documents

CLASS information Retention period: 3 years Disposal action: destroy Who can declare? Information governance team Naming convention: YYYYMMDD-Title Restrict access: Yes Retention start: Declaration date Type: Case file

Naming Conventions
20060131-Records Management Strategy.pdf

Information determined from the filename and folder location Title: Records management strategy Author: Jeremy Tuck Class: Management \ Strategic Planning \ Policies and procedures Date declared: 31 January 2006 Team: Information Governance Retention: 3 years then destroy Disposal: 31 January 2009

Alfresco EDRM Configuration layer

EDRM considerations
Initial idea was to Integrate with 3rd party EDRM (Meridio, IBM, etc) Or modifying Alfrescos US DOD 5015.2 module Building an RM configuration layer in line with UK LA needs

Building a Consistent Records Library

Records Library IG Database

Publish RM Class.js

Records Classes Filing Rule Folders

Drop Folders Team Spaces Incoming Scans

Try To Declare Record.js


Destroy Records Approved for Destruction.js Archive All Archive Action Records.js

Using Alfresco to update the intranet

Where did this leave us?

Too difficult for what we need it to do. Training hard to remember Out of date content on the intranet Internal information not seen as important Izzi not always seen as a reliable source of information No strategic approach to document management

Knowledge Management Team spaces

New ways of managing documents

collaborate & upload

Team Spaces

izzi pages

Records Library

What is a team space?

An area on the intranet available to a specific team Documents are either in one of two states Collaborating DRAFT Declaring a final document - FINAL

Integration of KM and RM
Knowledge management information

Team Spaces
Records management

izzi pages

Records Library

In conclusion

Where are we now?

Migrated the intranet site Key corporate document groups have been archived properly 10,000 documents renamed and declared into Records Library 2000 documents in Team Spaces 70+ izzi content publishers trained Migrating teams to Team Spaces 10 virtual cross-council teams using Team Spaces Data cleansing renaming and preparing docs

To follow up
Live demos and Info Gov team available Feel free to contact me

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