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Engelsk tentamen

Perspectives magazine

-Mr. Lanton

Perspective magazine gives us a different perspective on what life really is, take our country for example: Norway is practically bathing in wealth, we consume massive amounts of food and items through a year. Reading Dicing with death on SA trains confirms this, young kids living in poverty and ghettos. While kids here in Norway got computers, ipods, cell phones, toys and expensive clothing, kids in Johannesburg have to find other means of fun because they use most of their incomes on what really matters like food and a place to live. That`s what I like about the magazine, it tells us the raw truth. While politicians try to hide the poverty the best they can, there will always be someone who`s interested in the truth. Perspectives magazine tells us about living conditions in different places around the Earth but it does not tell us what`s being done to resolve these problems. It would be interesting to see how Politicians see the situation and what they would do to support, I think it would be more interesting to read if they gave us different views of the situation. As stated above I think it would be nice to see the situation from another view, preferably from a politician. There is too little information on this topic in the News for example, because this is such a important topic the Government should give us more information.

To the Johannesburg Train surfers

Being a adrenaline junkie myself, I kind of understand the kids of Johannesburg. They surf the trains because they got no other means of fun, but it is incredibly dangerous, they wear no safety gear whatsoever. They could easily lose their lives or get seriously injured, and what then? Even just wearing a helmet could improve their chances by a mile, all they want to do is to have fun, I mean who doesnt? But what`s the fun in being crippled for the rest of their lives, if they could just put away the fun for just a little. Kids of Johannesburg train surf because theyve got no other means of fun I said, but what if they could put away the fun and perhaps study instead. If they get a real education they could get a real job and earn enough to live a good life and maybe move to a better country or place to live. If they get a nice job they could use some of their income to have as much fun as they want, they could go parachuting, go diving, buy a racecar, get a motorcycle, I mean the possibilities are endless if you got the cash. Get an education, get a job, earn some cash and the world will be your playground.

Task 3D The story continues

The two men stomped into the house, Where are you hiding them? the Sheriff said. Jeb Brown answered with a calm voice, Hiding who?. The Sheriff pulled his gun out of its holster, Dont be a fool Jeb, we have witnesses. The two girls closed their eyes and tried to hear what was happening inside the house, then they heard a loud click to their left, the window opened slowly. This is it Liza, we`ve got to jump!, Julilly said. Are you crazy?, they heard someone climb up the ladder. Yes I am! Julilly jumped of the roof into the field. Liza had no other choice than to jump. Jeb Brown, had no other choice than to tell the Sheriff where he was hiding them and when he saw the Sheriff climb up the rope ladder he felt as if he had betrayed the two girls. As Liza hit the ground she felt a piercing pain in her left ankle, I broke my ankle! she screamed out loud. The Sheriff and his friend heard the screaming and ran out of the house and into the field where the two girls were, Now I got you two! the Sheriff said. The two girls knew they were caught and started crying, Liza cried mostly because of her broken ankle. They next day Julilly and Liza woke up in a place they didnt know, where are we?, Julilly said when she suddenly remembered what happened the night before. Liza didnt say anything, she just made some weird noises when she looked at her ankle. Youve got to get out of here Julilly! Julilly looked at her and said Not without you!, Yes, youve got to go, and when you`re out you go get help!, Julilly knew Liza was right but she didnt want to do it alone, she remembered that the slave keepers used the same kind of locks that her dad had learned her to pick open with a piece of wire. Julilly`s dad was a locksmith before he got shot down in the street by a robber. Julilly ripped open her mattress and took out one of the springs inside it, she bent it to appropriate size and sneaked over to the door. She managed to get the lock open, opened the door and ran as fast as she could. The slave guards picked up the chase and ran after her, she was fast but the guards were even faster. Luckily for her the camp was right next to the Ohio river, if she could get over the river the guards couldnt get her. The guards got closer and she got more and more exhausted, by the time she got to the river she had no breath left and the guards were right behind her. Thats when she saw a small fishing boat coming towards her, she realized it was someone that had came to help her. She jumped into the water and climbed aboard the boat. The man in the boat asked if

there were anyone else, yes, we`ve got to go get my friend! The man picked up a hunting rifle and shot down the guards that were following Julilly, Lets go get your friend he said. As they were approaching the camp the man shot down 4 more guards, Julilly ran over to Liza and helped her out of her bed, the got out of the camp and the man carried Liza to the boat. As they got over of the boat on the other side of the river, they thanked the man, he said that he would help them to a better life. How did you know? Liza asked, Jeb Brown the man answered. So Jeb Brown signaled you to come get us?, exactly. Now let`s get you two some food he said. Finally the nightmare was over for the two girls.

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