Lecture 5 RMT

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BBA 04 Bahria University

Research Process Onion

Research philosophy Research approach Research strategies Research choices Time horizons Data collection methods

Purpose of Research
Exploratory studies
What is happening; to seek new insights; to ask questions to access phenomena in a new light

Descriptive studies
To portray an accurate profile of persons, events or situations

Explanatory studies
Causal relationships

Research Process Onion

Research Approach
Inductive Deductive

Deductive Approach
Its history is in natural sciences Testing theory The key stages are:
Developing propositions about the relationship between two or more variables/event Operationalising the variables (how will they be measured) Testing the operational propositions/hypothesis Examining the outcome (support the hypothesis or not) Modifying the theory in light of findings

Deductive approach can be generalisable (in which case sampling issues are critical).

Inductive Approach
Its history is in social sciences Building theory The key characteristics are:
Gaining an understanding of the meaning humans attach to events (smaller sample sizes) Understanding the research context Qualitative data collection (NOT just interviews) Alternatives are possible once the fieldwork has started Researcher is a part of the research process Modifying the theory in light of findings Less concern with the need to generalize

Comparing the Two

The two approaches are complementary one is not better than the other Inductive approach provides a deeper insight into why something is happening Deductive can be quicker (usually surveys, but can be structured interviews) Deductive can be low risk strategy Good quality inductive work is difficult Selling inductive research is difficult researchers have own preferences dont let this change the essence of the research question)

Research Process Onion

Research Strategies
Experiment Survey Case-study Grounded theory Ethnography Action research

Can be used in management Attractive changed packaging of a product increases its sales
Six large stores, three selling the newly packed product, (three old one) Past sales record of the product New sales record

T&Ds impact on worker productivity

Past/present or comparing groups

They follow the deductive approach Can collect large amount of data from sizeable population in an economical fashion Data is standardized and easily comparable Perceived to be authoritative by people More control and independence by the researcher But data is not as wide-ranging Structured observations and structured interviews are a part of the survey method

Case Study
Empirical investigation of a phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence Methods of data collection:
Questionnaires Interviews Observations Documentary analysis

Single versus multiple cases; holistic versus embedded cases

Grounded Theory
An inductive/deductive approach Data collection starts without formulating an initial theoretical framework Observations are analyzed to form a theory Theory is tested in further observations Theory may be modified or discarded

Inductive approach The idea is to understand the world that the social subjects inhabit in the way they interpret it For business, usually participant observant techniques are used

Action Research
The purpose of action research is not just to describe, understand and explain the world, but also to change it. Initial idea
Fact finding, action plan, implementation, monitoring, evaluation

Revised plan
Amend plan, implementation, monitoring, evaluation

Revised plan

Action Research
Three key characteristics Purpose of the research: most commonly, change management Requires partnership between the practitioner and researcher It should have implications beyond the immediate research project
Academicians: development of theory Consultants: Using knowledge in subsequent projects

Action Research Spiral

Research Process Onion

Research Choices
Mono method Mixed method Multi method

Research Choices

Time Horizons
Cross Sectional
Study of a particular phenomenon at a particular time A survey of the IT skills possessed by managers in one organization at a given point in time Relationship between expenditure on customer care training for sales assistants and sales revenue

Study of change and development Television series Seven Up

3 Checks at all stages

Reliability Validity Generalisability

Will the measures yield the same results on other occasions? Will similar observations be reached by other observers? Is there transparency in how sense was made from raw data?

Threats to Reliability
Subject or participant error (circumstances influencing response) Subject or participant bias (saying what others want you to say) Observer error (particularly in less structured methods of data collection) Observer bias (interpreting answers in different ways)

Are the findings really about what they appear to be about? The extent to which data collection method or methods accurately measure what they intent to measure
Subtraction exam to assess mathematical abilities Education level as a proxy for social status Causal relationship through cross-sectional data Opinions about job security (recent redundancies)

Whether your findings are equally applicable to other research settings
Generalisabilty of survey findings Generalisabitliy from case studies

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