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Moorish Musings on Noble Drew Alis Divine Plan of the Age

A compilation of writings by Sharif A. Bey


INTRODUCTION MAGNUM OPUS: The Great Work, a phrase commonly used to describe a masterpiece, crowning work, or in some cases, labor to bring about the pinnacle of perfection of

a thing. In medieval alchemical lore, the term is used to describe the process of transmuting base metals into gold; a metaphor for the transformation of the personality (or the literal transformation of metallic gold into non-metallic, orbitally-rearranged monoatomic elements/ORMES). In the context of this book, the phrase describes the ongoing labor to transform a group of people in America commonly called African Americans from their present rude and rough state, alchemically described as a complete and perfect dissolution (death), to clean and pure nation ready and able to take its place in the affairs of men. This small book will focus on one particular mans work in this regard; Noble Drew Ali, founder of the Moorish Movement via the organization called the Moorish Science Temple of America. His accomplishments towards the end goal of transforming the aforementioned people is, quite simply, mind boggling, and yet at the date of this writing his original and complete framework has been largely forgotten, hidden, and neglected, hence what he did in three short years has not been even partially duplicated in 84 years, and what little is known has been obscured by the dross of speculation, urban legend, and outright fabrication. We will explore in this book, in a clean and unbiased way-and quite possibly for the first time in public-kernels of the Original Framework for Noble Drew Alis spectacular success, and also why what he accomplished from 1925-1929 was to serve as a framework to duplicate and make lasting his work in the present time. In the Lords Prayer, Jesus instructs his disciples to pray in a particular way; one of the specifics of that prayer is translated into the English as on earth as it is in heaven In similar vein Drew Ali taught that we have an earthly and a Divine salvation. In the Aramaic the terms heaven and earth are kether and malkuth, respectively. Understanding that these spheres are realms of experience, we can see the prayer calls for a unification

of real-time events in 3-dimensional space in accordance with occurrences from on high; in short a prayer for the uniting of science and religion, of (dare I say it) spirituality and politics, of Divinity and Matter, of God and Man. Noble Drew Ali referred to this Magnum Opus as the Divine Plan of the Age/Gods Kingdom on earth, and this small book aims to clearly reveal the key points of this plan. The language in this compilation is familiar to all Moorish Americans; contact me directly at for needed explanations and clarification.



EARTHLY SALVATION I am glad to know that I have a few faithful Moors among you all, and I desire for them to know the Truth, and the Divine Truth. There is a host of Jealousy, about Me, and the Movement now by the same people of our side of the Nation that claim that I was only a joke and unreal; But now since they have found out from the Government Officials and the Nations of the Earth, that this is the only Soul Foundation, that all Asiatics must depend upon, for their Earthly Salvation as American Citizens, They are working every scheme that they can, to disqualify Me, so they may take charge of the situation. -Prophet Noble Drew Ali A prophet is sent to a people with a two-fold mission; to first stand them back up as a respectable people via a culturallyspecific social remedy for their peculiar social/cultural ills, secondly, to return them back to the true spiritual path that deviation led them into their present social degradation. The spiritual instruction is always the same; only the expression and cultural correction differs from prophet to prophet. The descriptor negro is very apt; it describes accurately the

dissolved condition of a once-nation of people into scattered and unorganized individuals. Coupled with the absence of any real knowledge of any socio-political cohesiveness prior to slavery, the end result is a perpetual state of social, economic and civic death. The Latin term civiler mortus, or dead in the eyes of the law describes a people with no political representation, and this, also, describes accurately the condition of the African-American; the inability/refusal to participate in the affairs of men for their own good first and foremost renders them (among other things) victims of legal taxation without representation by their own consent. This was definitely not the case in post-Civil War reconstruction era times. In Mississippi, South Carolina and Louisiana, African Americans were the clear majority, and represented over 40% of the population in at least four other former Confederate states. As a result a literal legislative onslaught ensued to disenfranchise African Americans, including literacy/understanding tests, poll taxes, residency requirements, etc. Finally in 1866 the organized vigilante movement known as the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan formed specifically to eliminate the threat of an African American political power through intimidation, kidnappings, and lynchings. Although the most well-known, they were far from the only ones. Paramilitary groups like the White Shirts and the Red Shirts and various rifle clubs described themselves as the military wing of the Democratic Party. Through intimidation they worked to ensure a white takeover at the polls in the South. We can readily see from this brief recounting of post-Civil War political struggles that the singular greatest fear was an organized, unified African-American political machine, and yet this is exactly what Noble Drew Alis civic agenda did, as we shall explore in this section. Yet he did much more than just organize African-Americans politically; he crafted a unique cultural and political identity, one that simultaneously corrected the errors of a false history designed to confine the African-American to perpetual socio-economic death;

accurately and properly rooted the African-American in antiquity, yet afforded a platform for limitless growth and expression as a new creation in the present time.


FREE. Not subject to legal constraint of another. Having the power to follow the dictates of his own will. Not subject to the dominion of another.

NATIONAL. Pertaining or relating to a nation as a whole; commonly applied in American Law to institutions, laws or affairs of the United States or its government, as opposed to the several states.

STANDARD. A type, model, or combination of elements accepted as correct or perfect.

Free National Standards, therefore, can be defined as a set of elements of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for a specific political community/jural society/nation/state, that are not subject to the legal constraint, nor subject to the dominion of another political community/jural society/nation/ state.

As the term foreign does not always imply distance, and due to the historically-proven doctrine of Diffusionism (the fact that, different nations and tribes have enjoyed cross-cultural pollination and interaction spanning over thousands of years), the principle of Internationalism has been well developed. Since the beginning of recorded history, and well into modern world history, there have been nationals of one political community domiciled within the territorial borders of another, and have come together into communities within said borders. Likewise, the host nations have developed laws to accommodate the guest national community which would allow the guest to live by the laws of their forefathers in an unobstructed manner (see Pennsylvanias House Joint Resolution #75, 1933; MoorishAmerican Society and Use of Their Names).

The same is no less true for the government of the European United States of America, arguably the greatest example

of diversity on the face of the planet in modern times. As Prophet Drew Ali taught us, since the free national constitution of 1774 declared all men free and equal, and that law has not been changed, then there is no need for any special amendments for the salvation of our people. This statement directly implies the existence of legal provisions for the Asiatics pursuit of real freedom and unobstructed self-determination within the territorial jurisdiction of the European United States. We will now examine this subject intelligently, from the Prophets platform. With us all members must proclaim their nationality, and we are teaching our people their nationality and their divine creed, that they may know they are a part and partial to this said government, and they are not negroes, colored folks, black people or Ethiopians -Act 6, Divine Constitution and By-Laws by Prophet Drew Ali

The term member in this case means one of the persons constituting the group, association, corporation, or in this case, the body politic and political community known as the Moorish Science Temple of America. To proclaim their nationality is requisite in being recognized, not only by the government in which you live, move and have your being (this said government, i.e. the one we obtain representation and protection of rights and immunities from), but the other nations on the earthland, for the proclamation rebuts any presumption that the member is anything else but what has been proclaimed. The phrase ...and we are teaching our people their nationality and divine creed describes the process of completing the repatriation of the member, educating them not only on what it is to be Moorish, but most importantly, how to be themselves, which is a Moslem.

16. How did the Prophet begin to uplift the Moorish Americans? By teaching them to be themselves. 17. What is our religion? Islamism. 18. Is that a new, or the Old-Time religion? religion. Old-Time

-Koran Questionnaire for Moorish Americans by Prophet Drew Ali

I do hereby declare that you are a Moslem under the divine Laws of the Holy Koran of Mecca, Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. -Moorish Nationality Card by Prophet Drew Ali

Moslem in this instant case being the proper, identifying noun, and Moorish American being the adjective, describing the type of Moslem being identified. Our legal identification is, therefore, MOSLEM. We will now briefly examine how this designation allows us to answer up to and apply to the free national constitution.

As stated previously, provisions are made in the laws of the European United States to accommodate communities of foreign nationals.

MOHAMMEDAN LAW. A system of native law prevailing among the Mohammedans in India, and administered there by the British government.

MOSLEM LAW. One of the two great systems of customary law which the English found in India. It regulated the life and relations of all Moslems, and parts of it, especially its penal provisions, were applied to both Moslems and Hindus.

The Europeans American legal system was founded on a then-radical experiment; that of separation of Church and State. This was the defining foundation stone of their Masonic-influenced idea and desire for separation from the English Crown. While their system of government recognizes no national religion, their constitution of 1789 (commonly called the Constitution of the United States) guarantees the right of freedom of religion.

Islamic Jurisprudence, conversely, knows no such separation. Religion IS the law. Islamism is the permeation of the principle of Islam in the very fabric of human activity for the Moslem. Ideally, every act for the Moslem is a remembrance of his/her relationship to Allah and His Prophet, and ideally, every act of the Moslem should be guided by remembrance of that relation.

Hence the separation of Church and State creates the necessary provision and accommodation for Moslems of Moorish national origin, for in this system, religious societies in their proper context are governed by the Theocratic principle and not secular authority, and thus constitute a wheel-within-a-wheel, or independent ecclesiastical government.

ECCLESIASTICAL. Pertaining to anything belonging to or set apart for the church, as distinguished from civil or secular, with regard to the world.

Therefore the MSTA; a DIVINE and NATIONAL movement, treats of the very heart of jurisprudence, or the science and philosophy of positive law:

JURISPRUDNTIA EST DIVINARUM ATQUE HUMANARUM RERUM NOTITIA, JUSTI ATQUE INUSTI SCIENTIA. Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of what is right and what is wrong. Lastly, we will examine the direct connection to ourselves and our free national standards via uniting in Allahs MSTA.

In the Europeans American legal system, the 14th Amendment is called the incorporation doctrine...that which makes an Anglo-American scheme of justice applicable to the states. Our Authority, in conjunction with other works of the Prophet Drew Ali in the (re) construction of Islamic practice and function for Moorish Americans in this age, constitutes a Moorish Incorporation doctrine, making a Moorish American scheme of justice applicable to the Asiatic Nation in the states of North America.

The phrase states of North America is in no way limited to the 52 European states, as the term states of North America would also imply the nations of Mexico, Cuba, those nations mentioned in Ch. 45:5-6, etc., as the term state is analogous to nation. The term North America directly speaks to domicile (land mass) as opposed to a particular political community (nation).

As will be covered in a subsequent lesson (the International

Complexion of the MSTA), The MSTA meets all the requirements of a political community/jural society/state in International Law, specifically with the power to make law and enforce laws, specifically, the power to

...apply its own law for the determination of the nationality of origin of any individual or juristic person and of its acquisition, loss and recuperation thereafter, either within or without its territory, whenever one of the nationalities in controversy is that of the said State -Resolution of the Convention on Private International Law (Bustamante Code), Ch. 1, Art. 9

As Code sets the foundation for Laws enacted, in closing we offer a brief analysis of other parts of the Code of Dr. Bustamante in comparison to Laws of Prophet Drew Ali in conjunction to the said Code:

Questions concerning individual acquisition of a new nationality shall be determined in accordance with the law of the nationality which is supposed to be acquired. Resumption of nationality is controlled by the law of the nationality which is resumed. With us, all members must proclaim their nationality, and we are teaching our people their nationality and divine creed In the case of loss of nationality, the law of the lost nationality should be applied. What your ancient forefathers were, you are today without a doubt or contradiction. Unincorporated civil, commercial, or industrial societies

or companies shall have the nationality provided by their articles of association, or, in an applicable case, that of the place where its principal management or governing body is habitually located. See Our Authority. ON EXPATRIATION AND REPATRIATION

On July 28, 1868, under the new military government, and through the orders of its Congress, their Secretary of State proclaimed the 14th Amendment ratified. Although forced ratified under the new and sweeping military governing powers, many refuse to admit its legality, for to do so is to admit that all governmental action pursued since March 27, 1861 was and is done under emergency military authority. The pronouncement that this 14th Amendment was ratified made it binding upon those under the military

jurisdiction of the newly-established military government (Negroes, Europeans, anyone claiming/enjoying the benefits deriving from the 14th Amendment and/or any other Reconstruction legislative action). It in effect set up a trust for the new United States citizen, this trust being under the care of Congress and the Attorney-General of the United States. One day prior to the announcement of the ratification of the 14th Amendment, that Congress passed the Expatriation Act which was to make official Congress view that every individual on earth has the absolute right to expatriate himself from one government/political jurisdiction to another if he so desires. This Act (15 Statute 223, 8 U.S.C.A. Sect. 1482, 1483; 22) was in reality an attempt to cover up an error in the 13th Amendment, which states:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime whereon the part shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Congress had no international authority whatsoever to place upon the nation of Asiatic people of Moorish descent here in North America, who by virtue of their ancient government here falling into disarray, became subjects to the government ruling the land at that time (U.S.), a political status created and established by that Congressthat is, not as a nation of people. But Congress does have the power to regulate and police its own legislative creatures, and this is where the current legal status of fallen Asiatics of North America comes into play, for the loss of nationality/ national identity is loss of national status, and indeed loss of humanity, and the acceptance on the part of the Negro of the benefits (the newly-created status for him) of the military regulatory legislation of the post-Lincoln Congress rendered the Negro the legislative property of Congress, and could therefore be legally regulated, herded, stamped and

labeled. Congress gave itself a legal backdoor with the Expatriation Act, which was basically their offer to the disenfranchised Asiatics to expatriate themselves from the U.S. if they so chose, and therefore absolve Congress responsibility for its actions. Congress knew full well that the Asiatics, now called Negroes, knew nothing of their past and national heritage, and therefore had no clue as to what nation they would repatriate to, or how. The vast majority of our people in America did the only thing they knew to doNOTHING. Their inaction made their future servitude voluntary, in legal conformity to the 13th Amendment. The 13th Amendment, like the Emancipation Proclamation, did not serve to free slaves, but in effect removed them from private hands to the Federal Government under martial rule; that state of affairs (martial rule and Asiatics as Federal wards) exists today.

Thus ANY acceptance of ANY provision, benefit, etc., a military government under emergency rule is also an acceptance of the military government as well, with all the implications. So when the South came back to the Union, it was not the same Union, but a military-conscripted government with the same name. So when the Federal Government force-ratified the 13th and 14th Amendment on the Southern States, quartering troops in many of them to reinforce the decision, those Southern States were powerless, and are now legally powerless, to oppose it, unless they are willing to secede from this Union once again. And under military rule, the force ratification of the 13th and 14th Amendments, and the ignoring of the 13th Amendment with 20 sections is perfectly legal. Even if the 13th Amendment with 20 sections was ratified and enforced, it was/is part of Lincoln's executive/military measure.

The Freedmans Bureau was set up as a military relief measure for victims of the war (Asiatic and European), and

was a military benefit under military rule. The Freedmans Bureau is the direct forerunner of workmens compensation, welfare, unemployment insurance, Section 8 Housing, etc. THESE ARE ALL MILITARY BENEFITS UNDER THE EMERGENCY RULE AUTHORITY COMMONLY CALLED THE POLICE POWER.

Our Prophet brought to us our own Divine Constitution; we need no amendments from anyone else's to place us somewhere we don't belong in the first place. We need no benefits from others that have the strings and cords of voluntary slavery/servitude attached. All we need to do is to "get to thinking for our own good."

UNITED STATES: A LEGAL METAPHOR As per the 1945 Supreme Court ruling of Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt (324 U.S. 652), the term "United States" is a legal metaphor, and could mean three different things. The following is a commentary and extrapolation of the decision: "...I may be merely the name of a sovereign (nation/state) occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations..."

This is the "United States" as viewed from abroad, and the one on our Nationality Card. For the MSTA is an independent, self-governed national body politic; an independent government on American soil, occupying a position analogous to that of other independent governments (sovereigns) on American soil, united by contract or compact (Pan American Union, 1928), though subject (with some limitations) to the territoriality of the two United States defined below:

"...It may designate the territory over which the sovereignty of the United States extends..."

Here reference is made to the U.S. Federal Government only, it's territories include the 10-by-10 mile square of the District of Columbia, military bases, federal buildings/ courthouses, enclaves (U.S. Post Offices), and it's possessions. Since the military takeover during the Lincoln

era (March 1861) the possessions would not only include the above, but whatever it has commandeered as a result of the state of emergency, which would not only include the European states, but the possessions of those states (negro property); property that they confiscated legally under the military provision and created a certain status for said property (14th Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation, etc.). The above statement demonstrates one of the main methods of the Federal military rule extending past the 10-by-10 mile square of the District of Columbia, into the territories occupied by the European states, for wherever the Federal wards were (14th Amendment Emancipation Proclamation benefit recipients; NEGROES), so was the Federal Jurisdiction. "...or it may be the collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution of the United States."

This would be the 50 European states of the Union. Congress referred to them in Title 28 USC 297 (a) & (b) as "the freely associated compact states" and "countries." Each of the 50 states of the Union is a separate and distinct country, and the united states of America, from the domestic (50 states Union and their Federal Government) and international (the Pan American Union of 1928) point of view is actually a nation made up of nations. In reading documents using the term "United States" it is imperative that you read the material with the above in mind in order to determine exactly the context in which "United States" is being discussed, as there is an exact science in writing these types of documents, done so to deliberately obscure the issue. An example of having to determine the context of the use of the term can be found in the very same case that ruled on the definitions: "It is no longer doubted that the United States may acquire territory by conquest or by treaty, and may govern it through the exercise of the power of Congress...In exercising this

power, Congress is not subject to the same constitutional limitations as when it is legislating for the United States."

The first "United States" is the federal government, and the second one refers to the 50 states of the Union. Notice that even the Supreme Court justices themselves, while just finishing ruling on the three definitions of "United States," don't even define which "United States" they are referring to. Take due note of this. CIVICS AND EARTHLY SALVATION FOR MOORISH AMERICANS

CIVICS: The branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens. Prophet Drew Ali stated the mission statement of the Moorish Temple of Science was/is to uplift fallen humanity,

and to teach those things that will make better citizens out of men and women. In the final phase of development of the Divine Plan of the Age, that of the religious society called the Moorish Science Temple of America, the mission statement was modified (without eliminating the former) to to propagate the faith and extend the learning and truth of the Great Prophet of ALI in America. To anoint, appoint and consecrate missionaries of the Prophet and to establish the faith of Mohammed in America. In the Moorish Holy Koran/MHK, last chapter, verse 8, Prophet Drew Ali informs us that the Moorish Americans have an earthly and divine salvation. While it is obvious that the foundation of our total salvation is addressed in our embracing of Islamism, and our proclaiming of nationality lays the groundwork for our earthly salvation. Our Prophet spoke on these matters thusly: In a general sense our problems are social and economic (lack of nationality/political status), and in a profound sense moral and spiritual (lack of our religion Islamism) but since they heard from the government officials and the nations of the earth that this (the MSTA/MDNM) is the only sole foundation that all Asiatics must depend upon for their earthly salvation as American citizens What is not so obvious is the strategy our Prophet employed, first organizing in 1925 and incorporating in 1926 as a civic incorporation called the Moorish Temple of Science, educating our people about the political process, and hence political power through functional Unity. This almost immediately raised the social and economic viability of the Asiatic community on a nation-wide basis in the short span of 3 years, attracting the attention and respect (and alarming) the nations of the earth. It was not until after our Prophet received international acclaim for his civic efforts on behalf of the Asiatic nation on American soil (6th PanAmerican Conference on Private International Law, February 1928), that he changed/modified the organization from a civic incorporation to a Religious Society, July 20, 1928,

drawing a Divine protective band around us in the process. Our Prophet, in Act 6 of the Divine Constitution and ByLaws, briefly spells out the strategy: With us all members must proclaim their nationality (pledge allegiance), and we are teaching our people their nationality (every Wednesday during that time the temples held meetings where Asiatics learned the National Language, ie., our political agenda) and their Divine Creed (Koran Classes every Holy Day) Key 16-How did the Prophet begin to uplift the Moorish Americans (ie., they already had proclaimed their nationality)? By teaching them to be themselves. I do hereby declare that you are a Moslem under the divine Laws of the Holy Koran of Mecca, Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Moslem used in this context is the defining article (noun) and Moorish American being the descriptive term for the person so defined (adjective). As worldwide free people are defined in terms of national identity, loss of nationality equates to loss of humanity, and the returning of nationality to our people first is what qualified us to then learn how to be ourselves through the practice of Islam from the culturally-correct Moorish American perspective. In conclusion to the first part of the assignment, Prophet Drew Alis program emphasized nationality (unification along cultural practice and unified political agenda); nationality determines POLITICAL STATUS and translates to social and economic power. Civics for us demands we learn of and assume our RESPONSIBILITIES to each other as a nation and to humanity as a whole for our mutual benefit; with resultant rights and liberties stemming from said PARTICIPATION in these affairs.

NATIONALITY AND TERRITORIALITY DEFINED NATIONALITY: That quality or character that arises out of the fact that a person belongs to a nation or state. Nationality determines ones political status, specifically with reference to allegiance, while domicile determines ones civil status. TERRITORIALITY: Territorial status. The jurisdiction of a sovereign state over matters within the limits of its territory, especially as exercisable apart from the minimum contacts standard for personal jurisdiction over nonresidents. Key 28, Moorish Koran Questionnaire: Why did ALLAH send Jesus to this earth? To save the Israelites from the ironhand oppression of the pale-skin nation of Europe, who were governing a portion of Palestine at that time. Chapter XLVII; Holy Koran: Egypt, the Capitol Empire of the Dominion of Africa (verses 6 and 8) Nationality is the cultural and political lime that unites us as individuals into one body with one aim and one destiny (ie., nation/state). Divine Creed unites us in faith and fuels our will and ability to create as our Father God-Allah does, within our abilities and limits, manifestations of His Will on Earth (on Earth AS it is in Heaven). As per the rules of nationhood, possession of physical territory, and even independence are not necessary qualifications (see Rights of Political Independence, Columbia Law Library, International Law Section). Territoriality is defined as claim and control over a defined physical area. In our present state, as in history, we find that the two terms are not mutually exclusive. Key 28 of the Moorish Koran Questionnaire informs us that the inhabitants of a portion of Palestine (Jerusalem) were under Roman rule in the time of Jesus, yet the Palestinian nationals enjoyed a large measure of self-rule (see FREE NATIONAL STANDARDS DEFINED). Our Prophet informs us that in

an even more ancient time our ancestors were inhabitants of territories governed by the Egyptian Empire, and sought/ received permission from the Pharaohs to settle within dominions governed by them, yet they too enjoyed a large degree of political and cultural autonomy. We learn from the above definition of Nationality that domicile determines ones civil status; ie., where he exerts his cultural/political influence. Being that the Moorish Americans are descendants of Moroccans (politically and ethnically) and born in America (on American soil), along with other nationalities on territory governed at present by a European power, we can see the beautiful wisdom in Allahs Divine Plan of the Age for us AND the strategy of His Prophet Drew Ali in the implementation of said plan. Our Prophets incorporation of the movement within the government satisfies the requirements of territoriality, without compromising our right to nationality and social, cultural and political autonomy and the resultant benefits. The MSTA is NOT a separatist movement with respect to the U.S. Our Prophet stressed the fact that his laws for us will not put us at variance with the laws of the local, state or national territorial authorities.

OPERATION PROCLAMATION: A Proposal to the Moorish Science Temple of America "...with us all members must proclaim their nationality..." -Divine Constitution and By-Laws, Act 6 "...nationality determines one's political status, specifically with reference to allegiance..." -Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd Ed.; definition of "Nationality" " is Free National Standards and Power that make a man and a nation..." -Prophet Drew Ali I believe a year or so ago I appeared on Bro. Hopkins Bey's radio show (, and on it I spoke about the topic in the subject header of this email. At the time the immediate issue regarding the topic was the US Census. My recent studies and experiences, in addition to calling to remembrance a phone conversation I had with Bro. Edwards El, have informed me that we need not wait for another 10 years to act on the Operation Proclamation idea. OPERATION PROCLAMATION is an aggressive grassroots mobilizing action plan to, quite simply, obey Act 6. Nationality, as we know and was quoted above, determines political status, locally, regionally and nationally. If we look briefly at our Prophet's work once landing in Chicago in 1925...alone, to convention time in 1928, we can see his spectacular rise to national and international prominence...without the aid of mass media or any of the benefits of the electrified age that we now enjoy. How did he amass so much power in so short a time? Prophet Drew Ali consistently key to POWER was/is UNITY NATIONAL STANDARDS, the NATIONALITY. We know that by IN FUNCTION=POLITICAL stated to us that the under our own FREE foundation of which is definition, NATIONALITY STATUS=POLITICAL

POWER. Political Power easily translates into social and economic power, and now we can see the means by which the Prophet gained the attention of local, regional, national and yes, WORLD leaders. But how did he do it so fast? As an example, if we were to organize a drive to acquire signatures in, say, the State of New York, for the purpose of a "new political party", we would only need 15,000 of them to guarantee a spot on the ballot and the literal birth of said "new political party." 50,000 actual votes confirms the party. In the State of New York, and with the right people, such a task is ridiculously easy, with just MSTA members/ sympathizers of the Moorish Movement ALONE. Keep in mind that a spot on the state ballot/statewide delegation affects all important state races (Governor, US Congress, US Senate), and the acquisition of such makes our "new" political party the brand new "belle of the ball", with ALL local and regional, and even national political players clamoring for our attention. Remember, control of 15,000 votes can turn and sometimes OWN an election (please reference our Prophet's/MSTA very public political campaign for our own Oscar DePriest)...and we're only talking about ONE STATE. With this process duplicated in at least one more state, our party has national status. Duplicated in the manner that our Prophet did with the establishment of "Moorish States" (Branch Temples), and you can see how the simple act of "keeping the doors open" now has powerful significance, as the organizing infrastructure for such an endeavor ALREADY EXISTS. The NEW ERA PARTY will ideally organize teams in the following states:

ILLINOIS (Chicago) MICHIGAN (Detroit) MISSOURI (St. Louis) PENNSYLVANIA (Philadelphia) OHIO (Cleveland)

NEW YORK (New York) MASSACHUSETTS (Boston) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA/MARYLAND (Baltimore) VIRGINIA As a pilot to the program, we are prepared to move forward with NY state, with the upcoming race for the Governor's Seat will commence sometime around December 2013, giving us a deadline of August 2013 to acquire the necessary number of signatures. I have already identified a potential team of organizers for New York State, but I have not and will not inform them or move forward until I hear from you all on this endeavor. As ALLAH is leading on and victory is sure, ALIS MEN is confident that if we act on this in an aggressive and orderly fashion we can literally seize the moment and secure a very powerful position and benefit for ourselves (MSTA/Moorish Movement) and our people (unconscious Asiatic) in a very short period of time.

INITIAL ORGANIZING EFFORTS The initial efforts will begin, ideally, with the membership of every participating temple in the MSTA. The heads of each temple would simply have the members sign the appropriate petitions. The petitions will be supplied by, and submitted to, the organizing officer for the party in that state. The leadership in each local temple will serve as the local task force for the party, responsible for educating, mobilizing and supervising the participating membership in the missionary/recruitment work in their local areas, engaging and educating the unconscious Asiatics in the principles of political power and the immediate positive effects of the same. The membership will be aided in the work with pamphlets and handouts; all that will be required is that they gather signatures. The petitions will be collected and sent to the designated state organizing officer, who will at the appointed time submit the same to secure the ballot spot. Using such methods in the State of NY, for instance, we would approach the minimum number of party members in a very short period of time. Nevertheless we will and must

establish deadlines for every step in the initial process. It is a given that the members and sympathizers of and for the MSTA will readily be a part and partial to, yet the masses of disaffected and apathetic, yet registered, Asiatic voters, once presented with a political agenda that speaks directly to their issues first and foremost, will be compelled to switch political allegiances and side with our party. In addition to growing the party and its political power locally, as this power is felt in the community the value and vitality of the local temple will increase, along with an obvious membership increase. Consequently each local head/organizer will be almost automatically recognized by local government as a person of political power and interest. POLITICAL PLATFORM AND AGENDA The very best part of this is that our Holy Prophet has already firmly established our political position and agenda through his various writings, public statements and literature. In fact nearly EVERY public statement we have asserts our political platform. Simply put, the party position will and must be the political, social and economic aims of the MSTA. Our Prophets emphasis on Unity and economic industriousness is our strategic success for reasons that will be further explored in Strategies, however, noted is the fact that the partys ability to lead the charge in taking control of our own (Asiatics in America) affairs effectively rids our people of the political stranglehold the Democratic Party has on them, while forcing the Republican Party to support us; either way our party draws a significant percentage of support from both sides.

STRATEGIES Generally speaking, a new political party must follow some specific strategic guidelines to be effective. One of those is to take a neutral position on issues. This does NOT mean sacrificing our noble principles, but means avoid extremist leanings on any issue, and avoid excessive passion, as in the eyes of the public equates with radicalism. CHANGE

MUST BE GRADUAL TO ALLOW THE MASSES TO ADAPT; this is a principle of good government, and is the primary reason radicalism and extremism is frowned upon by all world governments. Our initial efforts are to first, build our party membership, starting with MSTA members and Moorish sympathizers. This initial group will immediately and aggressively recruit Asiatics for the party. It is important to note that it should not be a requirement for Asiatics to join the MSTA to become a member of the party, however, as the temple quickly gains local notoriety, respect, and power from the local and regional governmental authorities, the unconscious Asiatics will see for themselves the advantage of becoming a member of the MSTA, for in that time MEMBERSHIP WILL HAVE ITS PRIVILIGES. Secondly, we will begin to educate/ saturate the public on our agenda. This will be done via the Internet, public lectures, planned social events, and literature, with the aim of not only education and proliferation, but also to attract publicity. Lastly and crucial for the initial strategy piece, WE MUST DEMONSTRATE AN ABILITY TO DELIVER ON OUR AGENDA. This is done basically by winning an election. Since engaging in the larger elections for a new 3rd party is equivalent to political suicide, we will go after smaller, local positions. The advantages of this are many, namely, the smaller ones are easier to win and/or influence. Point of information: The United States does NOT elect using proportional representation, except on some local levels. It has district elections, and most of them are single-member (ie, no second place). Three basic rules to follow: 1. A SUCCESSFUL NEW/3RD PARTY MUST BE MODERATE ENOUGH TO WIN SOMEWHEREWe need to appeal to 5%-10% of the population, positioning ourselves at around the 80th percentile (meaning 20% of our members are more radical than our partys position generally). This position will give

us 5%-10% of the voters who are less radical but still closer to our position than to the major partys position. Adding in district variance ensures our party will have a majority position somewhere. 2. WE MUST NOT BE TOO MODERATE. OUR PARTY MUST HAVE SOME PRINCIPLES-Without teeth our party will have absolutely no effectiveness. Fortunately for us our position has BIG TEETH, yet Unity and Self-Determination can NEVER be spoken of as radical, even by those who may be threatened by it. 3. A NEW PARTY MUST HAVE A BASE OF VOTERS/ ACTIVISTS THAT IS INDIFFERENT TO THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS-During the elections of Oscar DePriest, the Moorish Guide published and editorial strongly emphasizing said indifference; stating basically that the Moorish Americans, regardless of party, will swing their support behind the candidate that best addresses issues of Moorish Americans. Our base of voters/activists is the MSTA membership.

Economic Issues Trump Social Issues Our Prophet stated that our problems in a general sense are social and economic, and in a profound sense moral and spiritual. The actual work of forming a functional unity with Nationality being the rallying cry and social binding that brings and keeps us together almost immediately addresses and remedies the social and economic issues, while laying the base for our moral and spiritual development. Our ability as a party to address and educate our own people on how our simple uniting can solve our social and economic problems is crucial to our success. A large part of this education is on the topic of economic gain vs. exchange of time/labor for payment, or more simply put, income vs. net worth, which is a key component to our platform. POLITICAL POSITIONING

Our party should lean towards what is called the upper left:

This is the political sweet spot that first off makes us equally different than Democrats and Republicans, and also provides us with a larger market than either party. The laborious part of this is that we must thoroughly educate the public on the possibilities of the upper left first. The present political system in function is NOT a 2-party system, but a 1.5 party system, due to state legislatures gerrymandering the districts. You have Democrats crowding conservatives into a small number of ultraconservative districts, and Republicans crowding liberals into a small number of ultra-liberal districts. Lopsided districts like this create opportunities for 3rd parties. For instance in 2001 most states lower house races were uncontested by major parties.

STRATEGIC SUMMATION In summary the general strategy, once the preliminary footwork is done, is as follows: FOCUS ON STATE AND LOCAL ISSUES BE WILLING TO DROP OUT OF A 3-WAY RACE INTUIT WHICH DISTRICTS WILL BE UNCONTESTED STAY AWAY FROM RUNNING SERIOUS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS Lastly, triangulate. Find regions that are underserved by either major party, but still politically close enough to center to have a large constituency. Focus on 2-way races, as many state legislatures go uncontested. A 3rd party could become a 2nd party in such instances. ORGANIZING, MEMBERSHIP, FUNDRAISING AND ENDORSEMENTS All meetings should take place at the regular temple meeting location. Party membership dues should follow the standard procedure for the MSTA (so as to not burden anyone), with ALL party dues collected going exclusively towards the expense of party education and marketing materials, basic operations costs, etc. A local party secretary will be appointed and will be responsible for maintaining the local accounting. Weekly scheduled recruiting efforts will be made with the idea of continuous and explosive growth of our party. There should be at least one weekly workshop for the public on the political agenda/platform of the party (local political status and all the attendant benefits). Classes on the importance of net worth over income, district and business zoning, grassroots organizing, discerning consumerism, etc., should be the norm, with active and aggressive community projects being birthed directly from these classes. Examples of Asiatic self-determination, such as Black Wall Street Oklahoma, should be studied intensely and their ideas

examined and duplicated.

We must vigorously promote our party agenda publicly via the Internet (blogging, websites, etc.), printed literature for distribution, and public speaking. Temple heads, doubling as local party representatives, should immediately seek membership/association with their local inter-religious councils and participate actively from our partys ideological perspective. Highly encouraged is the prospect of a party member on every influential board (public and private sector) in their local areas. In these fluid times, our simple willingness to work hard, coupled with our unique and refreshing perspective, will quickly win friends in high places. Such efforts should eventually provide us with a return in social capital, i.e., free advertisement in the form of media interviews, news reports, articles, etc. These, coupled with a demonstrated ability to deliver/win, will then lead to endorsements. Make no mistake, endorsements are extremely helpful, but in the world of politics they ALWAYS have a string attached. We must be wise enough to know which to accept and which not to, and further, in consideration of the politics of the source of the endorsement, how much to acquiesce. Given the current rising trend of Moorish interest in the national Urban Entertainment arena, once the party has been newly established (membership, exposure of the public to our agenda, increasing local/regional political capital, etc.) it should be fairly simple to garner the open support of the growing cadre of Urban Entertainment celebrities, and with that a much greater audience and increased party influence in much less time. Said entertainers may then be approached to do benefit concerts, public appearances, endorsements, etc. for the purpose of party fundraising. Key to the success in this approach is adherence of the party to the avoid extremism and radicalism, remembering a tenet of good government is gradual (not sudden) change, so that

the whole of the people may adapt easily and benefit. As those in the entertainment industry are bound by the public whim, and indeed subsist off of it, we must respect this and not seek to have them take on a public political stance per se. Their power is in their ability to galvanize the hearts and minds of the people via entertainment, and we must plant the seed of our National Language (political agenda) in every area of human activity, including entertainment. Once they understand and accept the National Language they can easily insert it into their craft in a way palatable to their fans and admirers. One can easily see from the above that the proposed dayto-day operations of the party merge seamlessly with those of the temple; in fact, the record reflects that there was almost daily business going on at the temple locations during the time of our Prophet. Further, nationality cards were issued any/every day of the week, not only on Holy Day meetings. This further confirms that the Prophets teaching on Nationality was primarily to organize Asiatics into a powerful political base, and that the MSTA from the civic perspective was the operating mechanism for that agendaeach temple in effect being a literal political organizing office. Prophet Drew Ali did not organize into a political party per se; what he did was organize our people into a singular national political community, which is precisely the definition of a NATION. He did this by bringing a cultural and political education that is exclusively ours (Moorish American), unifying us under this new cultural and socio-political banner (free national standards), then bringing this new political person into the affairs of men on a local, regional and national level. Our political party is not the end; it is merely a means to achieve the same results absent a unified Moorish American movement and in lieu of the fractioned state of the Moorish Science Temple of America. It is NOT an attempt to undermine or replace the MSTA, but merely to create a common ground whereby a functional reuniting of the MSTA can take place for a singular cause;

to obey Prophet Drew Ali and carry out his law by obeying Act 6 of the Divine Constitution and By-Laws. ALIS MEN is dedicated to the uniting of the MSTA, and Operation Proclamation/the New Era Party is an organizing platform to bring Moorish America back together as a singular, unified political community.

PART TWO: DIVINE SALVATION Time never was when Man was not. If life of man at any time began, a time would come when it would end. The thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed. No finite mind can comprehend things infinite. Man himself is not the body nor the soul; he is a spirit and a part of Allah. -Prophet Noble Drew Ali

Lets face it; nowadays Western modernized society cannot totally understand a fully functional spirituality, and when faced with it stands appalled and fearful of it, attaching to it labels such as occult, animist, and similar ostracizing terms. Western culture has succeeded in secularizing religion, has turned the one faith concept into a series of non-congruent, desperate, shallow hopes devoid of much

power to affect change. Yet this is the very condition that a revival of the old time religion is taking place; a return to the transcendental anthropomorphic ideal of God; an operative religion that maintains if you pray for something and do not get it exactly when you need/want it then you did something wrongas long as your will is in tune with the One True Will. This is the keystone of the Faith of Mohammed from the Moorish American perspective; commencement of the process of reprogramming the psyche to first acknowledge that Man is Spirit, then exercising this simple-yet-profound truth in everyday life. For instance, if Mans consciousness while in flesh was entirely on the fact that he is spirit (as it was before the Fall of Man), he would be so oblivious to the flesh that he would not only avoid the pain of death, he would not be conscious of the transition from the flesh at all; indeed even if he was he would not call it death. It is this view of ourselves as individuals and collectively as a community/nation that allows for the ability to see 10, 1000, 10,000, indeed, 50,000 years into the future, for to truly live life in the spirit we would re-acquire the ability to see the world without time, with the power of the Truly Illumined to write history in advance and thus rightly guide humanity through the ages. Religion without real spirituality is an empty shell; spirituality without expression/religion is merely a goodyet-unexpressed idea. Islam from the Moorish American perspective invites us to forget the flesh and climb Jacobs Ladder as Prophet Mohammad did on the Night of Power to the land of fleshless things. This is spirituality; the acknowledgement of the reality of the higher planes of life. Islam from the Moorish perspective then mandates we climb back down the ladder and be a beacon light to our brothers and sisters still groping in spiritual darkness; this is religion. Our method is science; our aim is religion. Science makes our lives useful, religion makes our death happy.

MOSLEM VERSUS NATURAL MAN Prophet Drew Ali declared us to be MOSLEMS of Moorish American Descent; Moslem being the identifying title, Moorish American being the designation describing the type of Moslem. In this sense the term Moorish American acts as an adjective; it does NOT identify, but merely describes the proper noun, which is in this case Moslem. In this era of time we see all sorts of designations hiding under the guise of being Moorish, and so we will get to the heart of the matter with this lesson. From Ballentine's Law Dictionary, 1948 Edition. 'Human Being' is defined as follows: 'See monster' . From the same dictionary, 'monster' is defined: 'A human-being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal.' This is an unusual definition, but like all Law Dictionaries on this subject, a non-definition. It only states that a 'human being' is a higher animal. It is not found anywhere in Scripture that a Moslem, Man or Woman, is an animal or part of the animal kingdom (Keys 90-91). This being the case, then what exactly is a 'human being?' From the Oxford New English Dictionary of 1901, 'human' is defined as, '3. Belonging or relative to man as distinguished from God or superhuman beings; pertaining to the sphere or faculties of man (with implication of limitation or inferiority);

mundane; secular. (Often opposed to divine.)' 'Secular' being the important word here, we look to the multidefinitions in the 1992 Random House Webster's College Dictionary: "Secular' adj. 1. of or pertaining to worldly things or to things not regarded as sacred: temporal. 2. not relating to or concerned with religion (opposed to sacred). 3. concerned with non-religious subjects. 4. not belonging to a religious order: not bound by monastic vows." Could it be that 'human' means un-Godly? From the same dictionary, a look at a combination of the two: 'Secular humanism' n. any set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines." And, "' secularism' n. 1. secular spirit or tendency, esp. a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith or worship. 2. the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the influence of religious beliefs." In conjunction with this, from Collier's New Dictionary of the *English Language, 1928. 'humanitarian' is defined: n. 'a philanthropist: an anti Trinitarian who rejects the doctrine of Christ's divinity; a perfectionist.: From the above Random House Dictionary, "humanitarianism' is defined: n. 'the doctrine that humankind may become perfect without divine aid.' With no definition of 'human being' in Law, Mellinkoff's Dictionary of American Legal Usage, 1992, defines 'Person' as, 1."a human being--without regard to sex, legitimacy, or competence. This person is the central figure in law, as elsewhere, characterized by personal attributes of mind, intention, feelings, weaknesses, morality common to human beings; with rights and duties under the law. This is the person, sometimes called an individual, and often referred to in the law as a natural person, as distinguished from an artificial person (sense 3)." Of course, 'morality common to human beings' is not explained, because that would reveal too much. Again, in Shawmut Bank, N.A. vs. Valley Farms, (610A.2d652,654)

it states, "For purpose of statute protecting certain property from post-judgment remedies, and therefore from prejudgment attachment, 'natural person' means 'human being', not artificial or juristic person". So, if natural person and human being are considered the same in the law, let's take a closer look at what a 'natural person' is. As you may know, all government codes, rules and regulations only attach to corporations, partnerships and natural persons. In American law, it seems that a definition of 'natural person' does not exist. To get any idea of what a natural person is, we have to go to English law. In the 17th Century, Lord Coke differentiated between 'natural persons' and 'moral persons in a community' in the following statement from his Institutes:... "we must observe, that estate is defined by the civilians, the capacity of moral persons; for, as natural persons have a certain space in which their natural existence is placed, and in which they perform their natural actions, so have persons in a community a certain state or capacity, in which they are supposed to exist, to perform their moral acts, and exercise all civil relations,"... (2 Inst. 669). With 'natural man' being the same as 'natural person', we find further evidence of exactly what a 'human being' is. From the above Random House Dictionary, page 901, " 'Natural' adj. 17. natural man: unenlightened or unregenerate." From the same Dictionary, page 1461, " 'unregenerate' 1. not regenerate; unrepentant. 2. unconvinced by or unconverted to a particular religion, sect, or movement. 4. wicked; sinful; dissolute. 5. an unregenerate person."

In conjunction with this, from The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1933, 'naturalism' is defined as: 'a system of morality or religion having a purely natural basis; a view of the world, and of man's relationship to it, in which only the

operation of natural, as opposed to supernatural or spiritual, laws and forces is assumed.' and 'naturalist' is defined as: 'One who follows the light of nature, as contrasted with revelation.' And, of course, the Scriptures being the final authority, confirms all of the above, at 1 Corinthians 3:14, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Prophet Drew Ali declared us to be MOSLEMS. The word "moslem" and the word "Islam" carry the same Aramaic root (s-l-m). It is a common misconception that the term "moslem" means "one who submits to the will of Allah" but a serious inquiry into the topic shows different. As the late Prof. Helmer Ringgren demonstrated in his study, "Islam, Aslama and Muslim (1949)":

"If we now sum up our results and try to find what is common for the various words that are formed out of the root [s-lm], it appears that the common idea is wholeness, entirety, or totality. The words in question express that something is whole, unbroken and undivided and therefore healthy, or peaceful and harmonious...The stress lies on totality, not on submission. Allah indeed is Islam."

Indeed, a Moslem is one who enters into "the Peace" and is one with it, and therefore one with his Creator. Prophet Drew Ali, knowing and acknowledging the true meaning of the word, and desiring for us to be the embodiment of the true definition (being one with our Creator while we live and breathe), declared us to be Moslems. Therefore, when a Man calls him or herself a 'human being', they are saying, "I'm an animal; I'm non-religious; I'm unrepentant:

I'm wicked, sinful and dissolute; I'm subject to the carnal natures law, rather than Allahs Law."

BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD: An Explanation From THE MATRIX RELOADED: Neo: If you knew what I was going to do, then wheres choice? Oracle: But youve already made the choice, youre here to understand why The above section of dialogue aptly underscores the crux of the topic; for in dealing with the assignment we must first identify a number of things:



To address the first question with the answer Allah (Key 1, Moorish Questionnaire/MQ), while right and exact, overlysimplifies the issue, and therefore must be further explained in the next few keys (2-4). Could it be that the Almighty

Eternal and Incomprehensible actually occupies a space within our very selves? My rhetorical question obviously answers the 2nd question via Key 4(in the heart), and Ch XXXVI verse 10 of Holy Koran of the MSTA/MHK: Know thyself and the pride of His creation; the lime uniting Divinity and Matter; behold a part of Allah Himself within thee Now we move onto the 3rd question; whom is being spoken to if Allah is IN Man? We find in Chapter II of the MHK that Allah and Man are one, but through carnal thoughts and words and deeds man tore himself away from Allah, debased himself. We also find in the following chapter that within the flesh of man there are two selves; higher self and lower self. One of the misunderstandings some have is that the flesh is the lower self, but remember the MHK Ch.XXXVI v.5: It is not in flesh to think, nor bones to reason We further see in Ch. I that it was not the flesh that caused the fall; Mans lost heritage as spoken of in Ch.XI v.36 is a condition of the returning Mans full consciousness to his native plane of Soul, while still in the physical body (MHK Ch.XIX v.16; Act 2, Divine Constitution and By-Laws/ DCBL). It was in fact the carnal nature that sprang forth from the incarnation of Divinity into matter (not flesh itself) that became the foe that Man must fight, but Man made a choice to succumb to the temptation of carnal sensation. The fall was complete when Man began to think that he is flesh as opposed to inhabiting flesh. This facilitated the tearing away from Allah, in that Mans consciousness was altered by the murky ethers of the flesh. The part of Allah in Man that never fell became silent/dormant, and Man, in comparison to his Original State, was truly dead. So we can see here that the One Being Spoken To is an

original part of The Speaker, distorted by the carnal natures admixture. The One Being Spoken To wanders to and fro, confused, helpless (seemingly) like a caged animal, knowing that there is something missing, frantically searching for the thing that will make him whole again, yet almost always choosing the wrong thing. He does not understand the circumstances of his own condition, and worships/emulates everything but the One that should be emulated/worshipped; his Father. As was once said by a wise man, he is easily led in the wrong direction and hard to be led in the right direction. This frantic searching is aptly described by our Prophet in the MHK Ch.XXXIX v.28: Is it not a scene of delusion, a series of misadventures; a pursuit of evils linked on all sides together? In the beginning it is ignorance, pain is in its middle; and the end is sorrow. When the Speaker-Allah speaks from within the bosom of Man, in the crucible of the Heart-the fusion place of both wills, it is in a still small voice, and if the One Being Spoken to is to hear it, he must quiet his carnal wanting (MHK Ch.VIII v.7). To move onto the last question, the type of knowledge gained from silence is what we can call gnosis. Derived from the Greek word gnostikos, or cognitive, it described aptitude and a sort of higher intelligence and ability analogous to talent. It directly implies an acquisition of knowledge directly, where the Knower becomes one with the Thing To Be Known (MHK Ch. XI v.13). The Asiatic celebration of Carnival (literally, farewell to the flesh) aptly describes the admonishment of Jesus let us forget the flesh.(MHK Ch. XI v.16) and describes the process by which Man can shed/throw off the carnal imprint on his consciousness. In closing, we are told in Ch.I, MHK that Allah and Man are ONE; that while Allah lives Man cannot die, and that Allah is leading on and victory is SURE. Allah-in-Man has already made the decision, it is up to our fallen consciousness to

understand why.

MATRIARCHY AND THE MOORISH AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE PRELIMINARY HISTORICAL ANALYSIS The resurgence of the Moorish Movement over the past 15 years has not come without a plethora of misconceptions and deviations from the original doctrine and agenda of the founder of the movement, Prophet Noble Drew Ali; with one of the most prevalent being the belief that the Moorish Movement supports the idea of matriarchy. A review of the original doctrine of the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) reveals no trace of this view during the heyday of the movement by its founder, the leaders, or the membership; nevertheless at present there is a large contingency of the movement that supports this notion. What is matriarchy, where did this idea come from, when did it find its way into the movement, and how did such a radical idea gain such acceptance?

In 1947 a former member of Temple #7 of the MSTA by the name of Charles Mosely Bey wrote two small books, and based on the information in said books formed a group called the Clock of Destiny Culture Club. His use of the name Clock of Destiny coupled with his focus on a working

knowledge of Astrology as the tool for social and economic reform strongly implies a Rosicrucian connection (see Clock of Destiny by Max Heindel). Charles Mosely Bey, or C.M. Bey, also a Freemason, wrote these books specifically as a means of recruiting black members of the Masonic organizations into his own group, and as such his approach, contrary to that of the MSTA, was much more discreet. This means of approach, besides being more in line with secret order tactics, also paid cautious respect to the very volatile atmosphere surrounding the Moorish situation from the 1930s through the late 50s. Besides the violence between the various groups and continued harassment from local law enforcement, the MSTA had come under investigation by the FBI for alleged collusion with the Japanese.

Clock of Destiny books I and II, make no mention of Prophet Drew Ali or the MSTA for a number of reasons. First, one of the major problems of the day with regards to the Moorish Movement after the death of Prophet Drew Ali and the subsequent splintering of the movement was distinguishing one group from another. The lack of mention of the Prophet Drew Ali and the MSTA worked to create such a distinction, while the discreetness of the approach also served to pique the curiosity of MSTA members. Secondly, the books contain outright condemnations of core tenets of the MSTA teachings, specifically on the matters of religion and the origins of Man. The major points of contention touted by C.M. Beys Clock of Destiny were:

That all religions are for ignorant people who cant read That Freemasonry, Astrology and Mathematics alone are the master keys to civilization That the Asiatic (black) Woman is Allah That the Asiatic (black) Man is the Son of Allah, ie, the Masonic Son of a Widow

It was the position taken by C.M. Bey that the Asiatic woman is Allah, and that all men regardless of race are Sons of God/Sons of a Widow, that ultimately and directly gave rise to the Moorish matriarchal ideal, but at this point in time there was clear distinction between that ideal and the prominent one-that of the MSTA. Further, despite the violent splintering of the Moorish Movement, that movement was the predominant one during the period of 1929-1956, and Prophet Drew Alis doctrine was the backbone of said movement, while the clandestine nature of C.M. Beys Clock of Destiny Culture Club gave his teachings an arcane and unorthodox color to those that became aware of them during that time period. Given the stark differences in doctrine, and the extreme volatility of the Moorish movement, C.M. Beys clandestine stance, designed to avoid unsavory entanglements with the Moorish movement proper, was logical, although it wasnt long until temple members in Cleveland became aware of it.

In the 1960s a student of C.M. Bey named C. Porter El began to mix C.M. Beys teachings with radical Black Nationalism, and was ejected from C.M. Beys group. Forming his own group called Web of Destiny, he began recruiting not from the Masonic organizations, but members from Temple #7 of the MSTA in Cleveland OH for the purpose of training a team of public lecturers for monetary gain. When one of his recruits refused to continue the endeavor and returned to the MSTA, Porter Bey murdered him on the steps of the temple. Shortly thereafter Porter El met his demise when his house was firebombed. The current head of Temple #77, Bro. Marcus Bey, was a member of Temple #7 and a student of C.M. Bey; he was one of the few that studied under C.M. Bey yet remained in the temple. However, during C.M. Beys time at Temple #7 the leaders of that temple were instructed to keep him out

of the Adept Chamber until he mended his ways. Those Moors knew the connection between Marcus Bey and C.M. Bey, and resultantly Marcus Bey would have to wait until those old Moors died off, and was not allowed into the Adept Chamber until 22 years after his joining the temple.

In mid 1970s, students of Porter El made contacts in New York City, by repeating Porter Els recruiting tactics at Temple #21 in Brooklyn NY, and by 1982 the Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs emerged, consisting of former MSTA members. By 1984 the name and reputation of the group overshadowed even the MSTAs New York presence, and members and officials from both Temple 21 in Brooklyn and Temple 54 in the Bronx sought affiliation with the Great Seal, greatly due to a feeling of doctrinal inadequacy and passivity in the temples, coupled with the time-honored tactics employed years earlier by Porter El (ie., the promise of higher degrees of knowledge available through affiliation through the association). This point marked the beginning of the rise of C.M. Beys doctrine over the orthodox Moorish doctrine of the MSTA. It must be noted that, while C.M. Beys literary works were in existence in 1951, they had to undergo a 30 year wait and a transplanting to New York City before beginning to enjoy prominence. A series of circumstances shortly thereafter facilitated a rapid proliferation of his doctrine.

In 1989, a small contingency from Upstate New York, with ties to Cleveland OH, traveled out there to take up a course of study offered by long-time student of C.M. Bey, J. Johnson Bey, through his group called The Moorish Circle of Mothers and Sons. This small contingency completed their studies and returned to New York, where they passed on, at the request of J. Johnson Bey, their contact information for the purpose of establishing a longdistance correspondence course.

This information found its way into the hands of an exNation of Islam member and street vendor in Harlem NY. This vendor, Hakim Bey, sent for and received the Circle of Mothers and Sons study course, whereby he added corroborating information to it and began to hold his own classes and lectures in New York City, later offering the Mothers and Sons course material online through his site Mu-Atlantis. It was through his efforts, fueled by the increased interest in things Moorish in New York, and the relative lack of public presence of the MSTA since the late 60s-early 70s which led to widespread public ignorance of Noble Drew Alis doctrine, that caused the explosion of C.M. Beys material and thereby establishing it as the predominant Moorish viewpoint in the minds of the newer generation of those curious about the Moorish movement. Hakim Beys efforts spawned a myriad of separate groups, all claiming to be Moorish.

Contrary to the current (mis)understanding of adherents of C.M.Beys doctrine, his ideology did not accurately fit into the framework of what could be called matriarchy. As stated previously, C.M.Bey was a Freemason, and his literary work was tailored specifically and exclusively for Freemasons. With the exception of Co-Masonry, Freemasonry does not accept women, but formed the Order of Eastern Stars as a womens auxiliary.

MATRIARCHY DEFINED? It is of note that the present matriarchal ideal espoused by many that claim connection to the Moorish Movement isnt properly matriarchal at all. While defined it its most simple capacity, the term denotes a family, community or society governed by women, the practice of the same historically is

better defined as matrilinear, with access to social power positions being mediated through the maternal line of kin, regardless of the gender of the leader in question. However, even in Asia and Africa, where this type of social structure was more prevalent than most, the eldest male was still the head of the household, and the lead voice in power negotiations (See M. Z. Rosaldo and L. Lamphere, ed., Woman, Culture, and Society (1974); R. Reiter, ed., Toward an Anthropology of Women (1975); C. Eller, The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory (2000). Austrian writer Bertha Diener, also known by her American pseudonym as Helen Diner, wrote Mothers and Amazons (1930), which was the first work to focus on women's cultural history. She is regarded as a classic of feminist matriarchal study. Her view is that in the past all human societies were matriarchal, then, at some point, most shifted to patriarchal and degenerated, and this is the origin of the present, misguided ideal of historical matriarchy. The controversy was reinforced further by the publication of The White Goddess by Robert Graves (1948) and his later analysis of classical Greek mythology and the vestiges of earlier myths that had been rewritten after a profound change in the religion of Greek civilization that occurred within its very early historical times. From the 1950s, Marija Gimbutas developed a theory of an Old European culture in neolithic Europe which had matriarchal traits, replaced by the patriarchal system of the Proto-Indo-Europeans with the spread of Indo-European languages beginning in the Bronze Age. From the 1970s these ideas were taken up by popular writers of secondwave feminism and, expanded with the speculations of Margaret Murray on witchcraft, by the Goddess movement, feminist Wicca, as well as work by Elizabeth Gould Davis, Riane Eisler, and Merlin Stone. The concept of an ancient matriarchal golden age has been denounced as feminist propaganda in The Inevitability of Patriarchy, Why Men Rule, and more recently by

Philip G. Davis Goddess Unmasked, 1998, and Cynthia Eller, professor at Montclair State University The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory, 2000. According to Eller, Gimbutas had a large part in constructing a myth of historical matriarchy by examining Eastern Europe cultures that she asserts, by and large, never really bore any resemblance in character to the alleged universal matriarchal suggested by Gimbutas and Graves. She asserts that in "actually documented primitive societies" of recent (historical) times, paternity is never ignored and that the sacred status of goddesses does not automatically increase female social status, and believes that this affirms that Utopian matriarchy is simply an inversion of anti-feminism. The feminist scenarios of Neolithic matriarchy have been called into question and are not emphasized in third-wave feminism. The original evidence recognized by Gimbutas, however, of Neolithic societies being more egalitarian than the Bronze Age Indo-European and Semitic patriarchies remains valid. Gimbutas herself has not described these societies as "matriarchal", preferring the term "woman-centered" or "matristic". Del Giorgio in The Oldest Europeans (2006) insists on a matrifocal, matrilocal, matrilineal Paleolithic society. Kurt Derungs is a non-academic author advocating an "anthropology of landscape" based on alleged matriarchal traces in toponymy and folklore. It is interesting to note that feminist authors adhering to the Modern Matriarchal Studies school of thought consider any non-patriarchic form of society as falling within their field, including all examples of matrilineality, matrilocality and avunculism, regardless of discussions on the extent of "matrifocality.

HUMANITYS TRUE NATURE Finally, we will identify, analyze and explore the viewpoint of Noble Drew Ali through the doctrine he formulated for the MSTA.

Chapter 1 of the Holy Koran of the MSTA (MHK), entitled Creation and Fall of Man, completely nullifies the argument of whether man or woman came first, as it places the origin of Humanity as a collective, in a non-physical realm. The doctrine of the MSTA asserts that the true Man is spirit, and that the spirit that is Man descended from the spirit realm/plane into a lower vibration or a substantive darkness slightly coarser than that of spirit (the plane of soul). There Man took on a garb assembled from the ethers, or native material of that plane or vibration, and this garb became mans body beautiful or glorious body. Later this composite of spirit man in a soul body repeated the same process by descending further down into an even lower vibration that we equate to the physical 3-dimensional realm (the plane of things made manifest). There this composite of spirit and soul took on a final garb, and this garb is what we call the physical body. Prior to this event we are informed by Drew Ali that the primordial matrix of expression (matter, from the most rarefied to the most coarse) was weaved via seven emanations from GodAllah called Elohim (Ch. 11, MHK). We are later informed by Drew Ali that, although through Mans forgetfulness of his origins caused the fall, this event did not negate the laws of physics on the higher planes of experience, when he states, in yonder kingdom of the soul this carnal evolution is not known

We can see here that the doctrine of the MSTA places Mans origin firmly in the most rarefied of realms-the Plane of Spirit, and further fixes the time and location of Mans acquisition of self-awareness:

so Allah the husbandman of everything that is, threw forth this human seed into the soil of soul; it grew apace, and

man became a living soul and he became the Lord of all the kingdom of the soul.

We are further given specifics of the laws of physics on both planes, and therefore are informed of the rules of engagement and interaction between individuals on those planes. Because of the construction and nature of those planes, there was not, is not, and cannot be any confusion of the issue of gender as anything other than polarity.

CAUSE AND EFFECT In Chapters 2 and 7 MHK, Drew Ali teaches extensively on the fundamental principle of cause and effect, through a discussion of the terms aught/naught, and truth/ falsehood. Aught/truth, as he taught it, is cause; the pure essence of a thing; the principle. Naught/falsehood is the expression or manifestation of the principle, and therefore effect. In Drew Alis theology, soul is a manifest of spirit, and the physical body is a manifest of the spirit/soul composite. It is necessary to point out that each plane of existence has its own laws of physics, for instance, on the 3-dimensional world/plane of things made manifest, it is a known fact that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time, however, on the plane of soul the matter is more rarefied, and very much like odors, sounds, scents, etc., can occupy the same space at the same time. A apt example of this truth is the commonplace occurrence of two or more scents combining within the same space, ie, occupying the same space at the same time. Understanding this fundamental principle allows us to fully embrace Prophet Drew Alis teaching that Man is not and cannot be the body or the soul; his true objective identity is spirit. According to Drew Ali, the present misguided ideas about the physical part of Man find their origin in the Fall of

Man, or properly, Man losing the true Knowledge of Himself. The vast majority of humanity identifies so intimately with their flesh bodies, that they see themselves as the flesh body and not themselves as in the flesh body. Following the progression of this type of thinking leads directly to further erroneous identification of people as polarities, or gender. This is akin to calling a penny a heads or a tails depending on which side is facing the viewer. While this topic begs a more comprehensive study, the notion that the Moorish Movement broadly advocates matriarchy in any of its forms is a recent development, coming from a source outside of the origins of the movement; the Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of America. While the matriarchal ideal within Moorish circles is wholly social and materialistic, Noble Drew Ali as a prophet brought a religious/spiritual doctrine and his social and economic agendas were firmly rooted in it.

SPECULATIVE THEOLOGY: A personal research paper NOTE: this paper represents my personal views, based on personal studies, travels, experiences and understanding at

the time of writing (2007), in conjunction with my studies of Moorish Science. I make no claim to this paper as being the official Moorish American view of the subject; please read with this in mind. The development of the principle of the ontic sphere has been understood previously from the viewpoint of metapsychology. Now, we will understand it from the view of a spiritual Adept of the Moorish gnosis in the true Moorish Islamic tradition. The Moorish Ontic sphere does possess an esoteric aspect, because the ontic sphere is, in the language of the Moorish Adept, the manifestation of the activity of the Logos, or the Word of God-Allah. Whenever we find references in Gnostic literature to the notion of spiritual or esoteric logic, we have come upon a direct reference to the presence of the Logos. The idea of the Logos is defined as follows:

The Logos is the indwelling personhood of God-Allah the Absolute. In Chapters 17-18 HKCS, this is the Divine aspect of the personhood of Jesus; the Divine Godheads speaking through the person of Jesus. This demonstrated that at that point Jesus possessed two natures; the nature of God-Allah and that of physical man. The Logos idea is to be found in many cultures and systems, times and climes, and refers to the intelligible and intelligent personality of the Godhead, as that aspect of the Divine is immanent in all things. The principle of the Logos, therefore, for the Moorish Sufi, is the fundamental rule underlying the idea of the Moorish Ontic Sphere, or the domain of inspired imagination. In this sense the Moorish Ontic Sphere is the ever-growing egregore and collection of thoughts and memories awakened by the contact of the Moorish psychology with the Asiatic psyche. We see that through a scientific understanding of Act 1, there exists, or should exist, a very important link between the higher levels of Moorish spiritual and civil leadership of the Temple and the presence of the

Logos in the rites of raising Adepts, raising and lowering of meetings, etc., of the Temple. When this link is maintained by the those placed in authority, they possess the spiritual powers to carry out the work of the Temple. Their powers are rooted in the Logos. Ministers, Imams, Grand Governors, Governors and Grand Sheiks have the spiritual responsibility for the care of their membership. This comes from their possession of the sacred rites and because of their own initiation into the theology of the pure light. However, in order to hold the power, they must enter more and more deeply into the life of the light, or commune more and more in the spirit of the Logos.

Periodically the powers of the Logos are manifested through the presence of the Aeons. In contemporary gnostic theology, the presence of the Aeon is an indicator of the presence of the Logos. There are many Aeons but there is only one Logos. The Aeons are the ways in which the Logos-idea is revealed. The Aeons are spiritual beings of the gnosis, whose function it is to show forth the light and revelations of the Logos.

When we reach a certain point in the spiritual teachings, we see how the esoteric aspects of the ontic sphere bring us directly to the Logos by means of the Aeon. The idea of the structure of the ontic sphere is entirely determined by the logical system of the Aeon. Thus it should not surprise us that, in accordance with a certain detail in the emblem of the symbol and number of Perfect Man, that at the present time there are four Aeons working as the representatives or messengers of the Logos. In gnostic theology, these Aeons express themselves through the time-stations or gnostic patriarchates of the higher spaces/ether planes. Through continuous immersion into the light of the Logos, Divine Ministers, Grand Governors, Governors, Grand Sheiks, Sheiks/Sheikesses, etc. are connected to these time-stations

and hence they are connected to Aeons.

Other spiritual beings of the light and the gnosis are the Archons and the Daemons. These beings are related to the Aeons in a very important way. The Daemons are the unconscious and subconscious aspects of the Aeons. Consequently, the Aeons are the conscious and superconscious aspects of the Daemons. Such beings may be viewed as dynamic archetypes, or as spiritual beings operating within the psyche of the higher Adept. For it is at the time of initiation that these beings come into the psyche by becoming active in that psyche.

The Archons are also dynamic beings. They arise out of the operation and interaction of the archetypes of lifethe Aeons and the Daemons, in the direction of human experience. They are the rulers of everyday situations. Nothing happens in existence without there being the presence of the influence of the Archons. The activity of the Archons in everyday life is called their synchronicity. When things happen, they happen because of the laws of time which are in concert, or in harmonious unity. Archons express the energies of the Aeons and Daemons in the direction of human experience on the plane of manifest. Syzygies express this same energy in the direction of the Logos. However, there are Greater and Lesser Syzygies. These spiritual beings are embodiments of divine life and the truth and can be found everywhere by the spiritually adeptly qualified. However, there are four Greater Syzygies and these beings of light are the principles behind the manifestation of gnosis/direct knowledge in on the plane of manifest.

Therefore, work in the field of Speculative Moorish Theology

should consist of the exploration of the roles of the Logos, the Syzygies, the Aeons, the Daemons, the Archons, and all other forms of spiritual being. Speculative theology is also concerned with the continuum of these beings, which can be called the Pleroma, or the Full, which describes the totality of realms or ether planes (three major, seven specific) as one whole. It is important at this point to point out that the reality of these planes exist not merely in the 3-dimensional outer space of the lower plane, but the far more vast inner space of Mind, where emotions, ideas, thoughts and feelings are things and beings, and give rise to what we see on the plane of things manifest. In fact it can be said that what we see on the plane of things manifest are merely the murky 3dimensional shadows of the higher planes.

For the Moorish spiritual leader, the subject of aeons is important because it shows the ways whereby the beings of the higher spaces/ether planes act upon and influence mundane humanity. Close to this is the field of theography, which is the theological mapping of these higher spaces, or the locating and situating of the beings of light and darkness in these spaces.

To begin with, the Pleroma is made up of both positive and negative beings. The best way to understand this is to think of all seven planes as a continuum of numbers, such as 1,2,3,4,5, etc. In such a continuum, there are both positive and negative numbers, or odd and even numbers. The numbers are together but there are areas of harmony and disharmony amongst them. For example, 2 is harmonious with 4 and 8, but not 7 and 9, unless we divide into fractions. So we can say that one group of numbers in relation to the other group represents a positive and negative difference of energies. It is positive among itself but negative among outsiders.

However, the numbers are still related to each other and form a series. You could not have 2 and 4 without 3 and 5. For us, we cannot have the positive without the negative. Allah does not give good without its admixture of evil, and you will never find one without the other.

The tensions within the Pleroma are reflected in the tensions among humanity on the plane of manifest, since humanity is connected by their souls to the beings of the Pleroma. So if the positive aeons have a conflict with the negative aeons, this is reflected in the conflicts between human beings, some of whom are allied (knowingly or unknowingly) to the positive and some to the negative aeons. This is especially true if people are mediumistic and prone to emotional problems, such as extremes of temperament. By calming the emotions one is able to avoid being possessed by the negative aeons and one lives in perfect harmony with the positive; such is a way of throwing the evil off the good.


Sharif Anael Bey is a founding member of ALIS MEN; a non-partisan body of Moorish American researchers from various bodies of the Moorish Science Temple of America, dedicated to the unification of the Moorish Movement in America. Involved actively in the Moorish Movement since 1991, Sharif A Bey is a Past Grand Sheik, organizing temples in Syracuse NY and New York City, and serves on the board of directors for Interfaith Works, the largest inter-religious council in Central New York. Mr. Bey is a highly-sought after lecturer on Moorish American History and Theology. Twitter: @SharifABey

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