May27th Bulletin

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16 Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383 Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.


Pentecost Sunday May 27th, 2012

The Story of Pentecost

Pentecost commemorates the coming of the Holy spirit to the apostles. After Jesus rose on Easter, he appeared to the apostles over the next 40 days, teaching them the significance of what had happened to him. They listened, but didnt really understand, so Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, who would enlighten them and give them everything they would need to carry the good news to people all over the world. Then Jesus ascended into heaven. They gathered in an upper room with the mother of Jesus to pray. Ten days later they heard a loud noise, and the holt spirit descended upon them in tongue of fire. When that happened, they received spiritual gifts that transformed their lives and gave them power to touch the lives of people. They ran into the streets and began to tell people about Jesus. Each person in the crowd understood the apostles in his or her own language. Thousands became believers that day. Today, we celebrate Pentecost as the birthday of the church.

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Blessing of the Bikes is today!
The Annual bike blessing is today after mass followed by a bike parade in Ladds Addition Neighborhood! The event would be after the 10:30am Mass that day. Bikes would be parked In the garage as in the past. Bike to mass and be blessed!

New Pastoral Council Members!

The following people were elected to two year terms on the Pastoral Council: Mary Kavanaugh and Bill Leathers newly elected; Carla Gonzales and Keith Watson re-elected. Please join us in congratulating them on their election and thank them for their willingness to assist Fr. Charlie in guiding the parish in the coming years. Also thank you to Bob Bennett who volunteered to serve and to all the parishioners who voted. Your participation shows your investment in the parish. Thank you to retiring Council members Bob Palmer and Rose Wolfe for their contributions and dedicated service.

Centennial Chalice
Here is a photo of the Chalice that was used for our Centennial mass yesterday.

2012 Annual Paulist Appeal

The 2012 Annual paulist appeal collection will be weekends of June 9th/10th and the 16th/17th. This years preacher will be Jim Kolb, CSP of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish here in Portland.

Pentecost Sunday May 27th, 2012

This Weeks Calendar and Mass Intentions Monday May 28st Tuesday May 29th Wednesday May 30th Thursday May 31st Friday June 1st Saturday June 2nd Sunday June 3rd 8:00am Mass (Jo Spada) Chapel 8:00am Mass (Jim and Wilma DiFabio) Chapel 8:00am Mass (All Souls) Chapel 8:00am Mass (Margaret DiBlasio) Chapel 12:10pm Mass (Gino Tatti) Chapel 8:00am Mass (Stephen Chang Sup-Oh) Church 4:00pm-Mass (Eulalia Rosetto) Church 8:30am Mass (People of the Parish) Church 10:30am Mass (Doris G. Smolllack) Church 10:00am Deaf Community Mass Chapel

Parish Office Hours

Monday: 9:00 am to 12:00pm Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of the NW Paulist Ctr. Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x.117 Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x.111 Associate Pastor Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x.109 Director of Adult Faith Formation Barbara Harrison, x.107 Business Manager Jeanne McPherson, x. 103 Secretary/Receptionist Angelica Liharik, x. 101 angelical@stphilipneripdx.or Rose Wolfe x. 101 Building & Grounds, Maintenance Edward Danila Must be submitted by 12pm Tuesday before target weekend to Next Sundays Scripture Readings Most Holy trinity (June 3rd)- Dt 4:32, 39-40, Rom8:14-17, Mt 28:16-20(165)

Bulletin Announcements

Let us pray for: Chris Helvey

Pentecost Sunday May 27th, 2012

My, How Weve Grown! One of our big mistakes in our faith journey is to think that we have been struggling along by ourselves. And we are so very aware of how hard it has been to be faithful at times; to love others, as God loves us; to forgive others as God has forgiven us. And we worry that God will judge us for our failures. If this is the way that we think about our journey of faith, then we are missing the one big truth that matters. Our acts of faith do not start with us. As if we had the power to live in Christ, and to live like Christ wants us to live, without the constant sustaining gift of the Holy Spirit. God speaks a language of love that never falters. Gods Spirit encircles us with arms of love when we are ready to give up; run and hide from the struggles of life. The words of life that can flow from a disciple to lift up others, and to heal them through forgiveness, do not begin with us, or end with us. It is God who has begun the good work in us, and it is God who is bringing it to completion by a constant renewal of the Spirit in our hearts. Dont you feel it? When you approach the altar for Holy Communion, hungry to feel the presence of God, and return to your pew feeling a communion with everyone in the congregation that renews your hope of carrying on for another week. Dont you know that you have begun again when you approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and hear the healing words of forgiveness spoken by the priest, in the name of the Holy Trinity. We cannot even speak the name of Jesus except on the wings of the Spirits love, but we do speak his name in prayer and in public every day. What more sure sign do we need to know that the flame of Gods love is burning in our hearts. Imagine for a moment sitting in a room face to face with Jesus. You are nervous, perhaps, that you are going to hear a critique of your life and behavior. You remember that you have been trying to do better, but only your failures come to mind. Then Jesus says, My brother, my sister, how you have grown from the first day I chose you to be my disciple. Oh, I know you are not finished growing yet, but be patient, as I am patient. Forgive yourself, because I have forgiven you. Happy Pentecost! Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP

Baptismal Stoles
Thank you to Carol Helvey for sewing (and hand hemming) the beautiful Baptismal stoles that will be used for Baptisms throughout the coming year. Undoubtedly, these will be keepsakes.

Important Dates for June!

3rd Sunday- Interfaith Panel Discussion How Does this Dialogue Help me? 12:30pm soup will be served 12:45pm will be the discussion 6th Wednesday- B-Catholics meeting in the Rectory hosted by Fr. Michael 10th Sunday- Parish Appreciation Picnic hosted by pastoral council located in the Carvlin Hall area after 10:30am Mass 10th Sunday- Pre school/CLWord Teachers meeting at 11:30 in the CLWord room th Tuesday- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 12 the Paulist Center Chapel 5pm-9pm

Parish Appreciation Picnic

Mark your calendars for June 10th it is our Parish Appreciation Picnic and it is soon approaching!, sponsored by Pastoral Council. Plenty of Volunteers and help is always needed and welcome!!

Parish Cookbook!
Are you interested in having one or two of your recipes in a Parish Cookbook celebrating our Centennial year? Start thinking about which one/two you would like share. We will start collecting them in June. You can either bring them into the parish office or send them to or We would like to have these finished by October.

Over the Years

We would like to create an Over the years bulletin board in the vestibule of the church for the coming year. If you have pictures you would like to share please label the pictures (your name and what the pictures are about) and either leave them in the parish office or give it to Barbara Harrison. They will be returned to you. Good Memories.

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