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LESSON 1 TALK ABOUT THE PAST Vocabulary: Yesterday Last week Last month Last year Last Tuesday Two days ago Two weeks ago Two months ago Two years ago Grammar: The past tense of be I was You were He, She, It was We were You were They were How to say years: 1998 Nineteen ninety-eight 1900 Nineteen hundred 1901 Nineteen oh one 2000 Two thousand 2001 Two thousand and one 2010 Two thousand teen 2011 Two thousand eleven 1(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Ontem ltima semana ltimo ms ltimo ano ltima tera-feira Dois dias atrs Duas semanas atrs Dois meses atrs Dois anos atrs

1980-1989 1901-2000 2000-2100

The (nineteen) eighties The twentieth century The twenty-first century

Os anos oitenta O sculo XX O sculo XXI

Complete the sentences. Write was or were: (Page 93) ________ she a student in 1995? What ____________ their address last year? Where ________Peter and Jen last week? _________ there a party last night? My parents ________________ students in the seventies. _____________ his brothers at the park yesterday? There _____________ a lot of closets in her first house. When _______________ your father in Thailand?

Conversation (Page 93) Where were you last night? When? At about 8:00 I was at home. Why? There was a great party at the Pike Museum. There was? Too bad I wasnt there! Onde voc esteve na noite passada? Quando? Por volta das 8 horas Eu estava em casa. Por que? Houve uma grande festa no Museu Pike. Houve? Pena que eu no estava l.

LESSON 2 DISCUSS PAST ACTIVITIES: Regular verbs: Add ed to form the simple past tense. If the verb ends in s just add d Call Called Chamar Exercise Exercised Exercitar Like Liked Gostar Listen Listened Ouvir Need Needed Precisar Play Played Jogar Shop Shopped Comprar Want Wanted Querer Wash Washed Lavar Irregular verbs: Come Do Drive Eat Get Go Have Make Put Read Ride See Take Wake Wear Write Came Did Drove Ate Got Went Had Made Put Read Rode Saw Took Woke Wore Wrote Vir Fazer Dirijir Comer Obter Ir Ter Fazer Por Ler Cavalgar Ver Tomar Vestir Escrever

Complete the postcard with the simple past tense form of the verbs: Dear Sally, Greetings from San Francisco. I __________ (have) a great time yesterday in the morning. I __________ (go) to the Museum of Modern Art. It _________________ (be) really great and I ____________ (like) the art a lot. For lunch, I _______________ (eat) at a nice Italian restaurant called Little City. In the afternoon, I _____________ (take) the cable car to Ghirardelli Square. I ____________ (watch) them make chocolate there. I ______________ (walk) all over Fishermans Wharf, and I _________ (see) a lot of interesting people. Thinking of you! (Pensando em voc!) George

Writing: Write three things you did yesterday. Write three things you didnt do. Then tell your partner about your day. Three things you did yesterday: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Write three things you didnt do yesterday: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary: (Weekend activities) Go to the beach Go running Go bike riding Go for a walk Go swimming Go for a drive Go horseback riding Go sailing Play golf Go rollerblading Go snorkeling Go rock climbing Go ice skating Go windsurfing

Ir praia Correr Andar de bicicleta Caminhar Nadar Dirigir Andar a cavalo Velejar Jogar golfe Patinar Mergulhar Escalar Patinar no gelo Praticar windsurf

CONVERSATION (Page 95) Hi, Saul. Hows it going? Pretty good, thanks. What did you do last weekend? Not much. I went running in the park on Saturday. What about you? About the same. I played soccer and went to a movie. Ol Saul. Como voce est? Muito bem, obrigada. O que voc fez no fim de semana passada? Nada demais. Eu fui correr no parque no sbado. E voc? O mesmo. Eu joguei futebol e fui para o cinema.

LESSON 3 ASK ABOUT A VACATION: Vocabulary: SEASONS Spring Summer Fall/Autumn Winter ESTAES Primavera Vero Outono Inverno

Grammar: The simple past tense: Questions. To ask questions about the past, use did and the base form of a verb. Yes/No questions Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did OR No, I didnt. Information questions: What did you do last summer? ____________________________________________________ Where did she go last winter? _____________________________________________________ Who did they see yesterday?______________________________________________________ When did he come home last night? ________________________________________________ How many eggs did you eat this morning? ___________________________________________ How often did you go swimming last week? __________________________________________ Complete the questions in the simple past tense: A: _________ she ________ to the beach last summer? B: No, she went to her parents house. A: Where _________ they _____________dinner? B: They ate dinner at the Spring Street Caf. A: Who ___________ she ____________ last weekend? B: She saw her new classmate, Paul. A: How often ___________ he _____________ bike riding? B: He went every day. A: How many books ___________ you ___________? B: I read about three. A: __________ you ___________ the new restaurant? B: Yes, I really liked it.

CONVERSATION (page 97) You look great. Were you on vacation? Yes, I was. I just got back last week. Where did you do? I went to London for two weeks. No kidding. How was it? Really nice. Well, its great to see you. Welcome back. Thanks.
Voc est tima. Voc estava de frias? Sim, eu estava. Acabei de voltar na semana passada. Onde voce estava? Eu fui para Londres por duas semanas. No me digas. Como foi? Muito bom. Bom, timo ver voce. Bem vinda de volta. Obrigada.


(1) Complete the conversation with the simple past tense. Type the correct word(s) in each blank. Then check your answers.

(2) Match the sentence parts that go together. Drag the first part to the correct place. (1) Kate and I were classmates ( ) go on vacation? (2) Where did you ( ) beach twice last week. (3) Dan wasnt in class ( ) in 1988. (4) I went to the ( ) watch on TV? (5) What movie did you ( ) yesterday. (6) My parents went bike ( ) riding this morning. (3) Drag the correct words into each question. A: _______ did they go yesterday at midnight? B: To the convenience store. Options: How many When Who Where - How often What A: __________ did you drive to the airport so early this morning? B: My sister Options: When What How often How many Where Who A: __________________ movies did you see last month? B: Four Options: When What How often How many Where Who A: _____ did Eric go bike riding in the park? B: Yesterday Options: When What How often How many Where Who A: ____________ did you go to the beach last summer? B: Every day. Options: When What How often How many Where Who A: ________ did they eat at the restaurant? B: Pasta Options: When What How often How many Where Who

(4) Make a question. Drag each word to the correct number: (a) Running go you often last month? did How __________________________________________________________________________________ (b) put Where the did- you- tomatoes? __________________________________________________________________________________ (c) on vacation? you did - do What your ______________________________________________________________

(d) night? Last go bed you to - When - did


(e) shirts mall? How the buy at many did Paul


(5) Click on the correct response: (a) When did you eat dinner yesterday? ( ) On Friday ( ) At 7:00 ( ) At home ( ) In 1987. (b) Where you on vacation? ( ) Wonderful ( ) Yes, I was. ( ) To Romania. ( ) Welcome back. (c) What did you do last weekend? ( ) Terrible ( ) He just got back ( ) I didnt go. ( ) I went bike riding.

(d) Where were you this morning? ( ) When? ( ) Not much ( ) I am eating breakfast. ( ) There was? (e) How many people came to the party? ( ) We saw a movie. ( ) About thirty ( ) It was really nice. ( ) The party was in a restaurant. (f) How often did you exercise last week? ( ) Yes, I did. ( ) At the stadium. ( ) Not bad. ( ) Three times.

Exercise 1 Page 5:

Exercise 2 Page 6: (1) Kate and I were classmates (2) Where did you (3) Dan wasnt in class (4) I went to the (5) What movie did you (6) My parents went bike

( 2) go on vacation? ( 4) beach twice last week. ( 1) in 1988. ( 5) watch on TV? ( 3) yesterday. ( 6) riding this morning.

Exercise 3 Page 6: A: WHERE did they go yesterday at midnight? A: WHO did you drive to the airport so early this morning? A: HOW MANY movies did you see last month? A: WHEN did Eric go bike riding in the park? A: HOW OFTEN did you go to the beach last summer? A: WHAT did they eat at the restaurant?


Exercise 4 Page 7: (a) How often did you go running last month? (b) Where did you put the tomatoes? (c) What did you do on your vacation? (d) When did you go to bed last night? (e) How many shirts did Paul buy at the mall? Exercise 5 - Page 7: (a) At 7:00 (b) Yes, I was. (c) I went bike riding. (d) When? (e) About thirty ( f) Three times.

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