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Im not a particularly good orator, in fact a lot of people say I mumble when I speak, so I was surprised, honoured, but

surprised when I was asked to asked to make a speech for grad. Must be the swag. Then I became a bit nervous, this is my first speech ever, I did not really know what to do. Was I supposed to try and be funny, be serious and inspiring or what.? My biggest question was how am I supposed to represent or to put into words the entire LPC experience of all a hundred and something of us? So of in typical LPC style I put it off a while and did some thorough procrastination. When I eventually got back to it, I came to the conclusion, that I couldnt do it. The LPC experience depends on the things we get involved in and so as each student gets involved with different things interacting with different people and issues their LPC experience becomes unique to them. My experience of LPC would be different from say a theatre student, theirs possibly different from someone who is involved in teen aiders or Model United Nations or even someone who went on a particular China week or project week group.

What I can say is that, here at LPC, I have been challenged. And despite those different experiences I think this holds true for each and every student here, and even for the teachers and other staff. I think everybody who has been a part of the LPC community has been challenged in one way or another and as a result been changed. I often hear from fellow students how they used to be the best in their previous schools and then they came here and were just average or even below. Others have told me of how they have been offended by others ideas, behaviour , values and even clothing. A lot of students have felt they could not be themselves because they couldnt speak English. A lot of us were not used to such a heavy workload. And some of us just missed home and were not used to being away for so long. There is a lot more I could mention but the point is, we have all been challenged, it has not been easy for a lot of us. But then again we knew this before we came, we knew we would have to challenge ourselves. And I feel it was all worth it. The change, growth, the transformation Ive seen in you all my friends and in myself is truly remarkable. From the time I came here on that obscenely humid September

afternoon till now Ive been privileged to see the development of the worlds future leaders. As generic or clich as that sounds I really do see, here , in front of me future leaders in all aspects of life. And as I end off, Id like to say that: No matter what you feel you achieved, didnt achieve, whatever you wished you could have done or done differently, whatever you felt you did well or messed up your successes, your regrets, All that you have gone through here has made you that person you will be from now on. The LPC experience is a transformative experience. Cherish it because Im sure you will never have one quite like it ever again. To all the teachers and staff thank you for everything you have done for us these past two years, we really do appreciate it. And to the second years all the best for the IB exams, add oil! Thank you

Bheki Mhlanga, graduation speech

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